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The Magpie

Sunday, September 17th, 2023   |   147 comments

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do, When They Come For You: Alan Joyce Has Company In Corporate Comeuppance

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse than the Poisoned Leprechaun, it just did on Thursday, in the form of a real scumbag from Melbourne. Tim Gurner gives Joyce a run for his money as the ‘unacceptable face of capitalism.’

Lots of hand wringing down in the Walker Street Hermit Kingdom over what appears to be a fairly simple planning decision on The Strand. But it’s what hasn’t been said that this relatively minor matter makes for the brewing of a perfect political storm.

The new Bulletin iditor inadvertently reveals she is mightily upset at the severe peckings she has been receiving from The Magpie over glamorising juvenile crims,  but doubles down, saying it is official policy … and proves it in Friday’s edition.

Townsville Chamber on the hunt for new CEO.

And on the American scene, age shall not weary them, nor their wallets dim … age is now the hot button issue in Washington,  where clinging on to power is almost an Olympic sport.

The Magpie knows that things are pretty grim all round, but if you can spare a few bucks to help with the costs of your weekly missive , be a great help, the button to donate is at the end of the blog.

Albo’s Starting To Wish The Voice Would Get Laryngitis

The PM is no doubt yearning for the good old days of … say … last month – way back then,  his only concern was a few whingers still asking pesky questions about the Voice – he’d soon sort them out. But if a week is a long time politics, a month must seem like an eternity for the embattled champion of the battlers. His whole scenario has imploded in tried and true Labor fashion, his only solace being that at this stage, The Libs still haven’t got an electable leader and really haven’t landed an effective blow on him. It kinda seems that the Opposition is  following Napoleon’s dictum of never  to interrupting your enemy while they’re making a mistake. But why would they try too hard, as Bentley points out,  Albo’s on continuous loop with his version of truth telling.

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The ‘Pie has just about chucked in the towel trying to keep up with this dangerous national farce, all brought about by the hubris, grandstanding and lack of leadership of one man. But the old bird has contented himself with annoying some dullards on Twitter who keep up their Greek chorus of the Yes camp’s own disinformation. A sample of the week’s work in birdland.voice twitter Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 9.01.07 am

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And then there was this example of the Fallacy of Transferred Authority, where a celeb’s unexplained opinions are given more weigh simply through exposure rather than veracity.

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A harmless, mildly amusing quiz show host’s endorsement of anything, from breakfast cereal, toilet paper or a destructive divisive wedge in our social fabric is not a stance that would persuade many, including The ‘Pie to buy the argument.  Silly, silly stuff.

But Labor Had A Couple Of Boosts During The Week

The first was the High Court decision confirming that Alan Joyce is what everyone unofficially knew … that’s he’s a gold standard arch arsehole of the corporate world.

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Now under normal circumstances, that would be a great PR story for Labor, a genuine win for social justice BUT that was tarnished by Albo’s chummy association with the Poisoned Leprechaun Alan Joyce, archival pics all over the place about their bromance. And Albanese’s unbelievable (literally) claim that he knew nothing of the rejection of Qatar Airways applications for more flights in the country … that a PM and a former Transport Minister at that, wouldn’t be dialled in on such a decision that would cost millions in tourism and keep Qantas fares artificially high, is exactly that … simply unbelievable. And the Prime Minister’s suspected insider horse trading with  Joyce has been exacerbated with the reputed $24million ‘bonus’ the departing Qantas CEO was getting for his bastardry. Albo has been reviled almost as much as Joyce, but the PM might be sweating a bit more, but he keeps returning to Voice as a hidey hole.

And the often vile and not to be condoned abuse heaped on Joyce’s head makes The ‘Pie think that this nasty piece of work might be near a breakdown, continually sobbing about the loss of love, adoration and respect. But there will be some small consolations.


But that bonus may yet be under threat because the outrage and likely backlash against the airline and the board. Here’s hoping.

But Joyce’s Top Spot In The Hall Of Corporate Infamy Has Been Unexpectedly Challenged.

This brave little Richie Rich reckons we need to fix the Aussie economy by purposely engineering a 50% rise in unemployment, so he can show workers just who is boss.

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Now don’t want to go out on a limb here,  but The ‘Pie reckons this is one bloke unlikely to be a guest speaker at an ACTU fundraiser for a destitute family. But tell you what, the old bird would pay quids to be there if this obnoxious morally braindead slimeball every got tricked into such a gig. One could only hope there were lots of Painters And Dockers in the audience.

Gurner has issued an apology, of sorts but only because his business partners were livid with his remarks and there threats of business repercussions. Writer Val Badham in Guardian really nailed his hide to the wall, when she wrote:

Gurner is engaging in that ancient neoliberal habit of dehumanising working people as some kind of acceptably expendable other. These people inflict the pain of unemployment on the rest of us as one might torture a rat with an overcharged electrode – except they don’t even oblige themselves to drop the body in a bin if the rat happens to die. For rich-listers like Gurner, the desire of working people to live lives of dignity and comfort is “arrogant”. By comparison, their multimillion-dollar lifestyle is a state of nature, something akin to the divine right of kings.

Anyone up for a bit of regicide?

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The word gurning is the ‘sport’ of pulling grotesque and ugly faces. Perhaps this is another great case of nominative determinism, where people tend to gravitate towards areas of work that fit their names, like our state Treasurer. Tim Gurner definitely qualifies.

But even if true, the myth of tradies ‘getting a lot to do little’ wouldn’t be the base cause of property market problem. The Brickworks company’s CEO Lindsay Partridge sees the problem lies more with the shiny bums of this world.

When he was quoted in The Australian during the week, Partridge says the housing crisis and affordability issue is made worse by state bureaucracies that are incredibly slow in approving land and housing developments. He points out In New Zealand, it takes about 21 days to get a use approved. In Australia, it can take six to nine months, all going well. Land can take 10 years to get approved, and someone has to pay that holding cost for 10 years while the bureaucracy “mucks around Partridge reckons that NSW has the.worst delay bureaucracies in the country. But Queensland and Victoria are just as active in deepening their rental crisis. Both states introduced tenant rights that forced out vast numbers of investors with houses to rent. Victoria lost about a quarter of its rental stock as a result of that government blunder.

From The Magpie’s view, sounds about right. And sounds like a grain of truth on the local scene.

And Speaking Of Approvals …This Is Going To Be Interesting

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The latest barney over building regs on the Strand reminds The ‘Pie yet again of the old joke about the Jewish dilemma: pork chops at half price.  The Townsville council and Mayor Mullet are playing ‘gosh a little ol;’ council to do’ game over development requirements about car parking.  On the one hand, Walker Street craves the extra ratings income – which would be considerable – but on the other hand, in an election cycle, don’t want to upset the local vote (North Ward division councillor Ma Greaney must be close to soiling her dainties over this one.)

But hidden in all this is another consideration for Mayor Mullet and her planning poohbahs.

In a nutshell, the 9-storey 18 unit development includes a restaurant underneath, but no provision has been made for car parking for patrons, just 32 places for residents.  The planning guidelines might be as rubbery on the height issue, but parking generally not much wriggle room. A general rule of thumb by many Australian councils is every table of 4 equals one car park, and some councils … certainly places like Sydney … accept a cash alternative, each phantom parking spot sometimes costing a once-only, up-front fee of  thousands of dollars. How this helps the perceived problem is a triumph of greed over guts. Not sure if this is even allowed by the TCC, but it wouldn’t fly anyway, it would be unsustainable by any developer, and he’d be sure to walk.

But wait … this goes much further than just this development and this area. For a start, the newcomer’s next door neighbour, the Watermark, was forced to provide underground car parking for its restaurant and pub, so they may well reasonably  challenge any leniency for their new competitor.  Locals in the back streets near the Strand will also be understandably furious.  But the ‘Pie detects another unspoken reason for all the mealy-mouthed hand wringing by the council. Perhaps they’ve twigged that the council itself might be in the developer’s firing line if knocked back on the parking score.  Accusations of favoritism and unfair inconsistency might be asked they may ask some very uncomfortable questions about the yet-to-materialise Double Cross Hotel next to the stadium. The council has been super generous is waiving the need for the regular numbers of car parks for that development, if it ever happens.  It might even prompt the Strand developer to ask questions about possible cronyism, since the main proponent of the Double Cross Hotel is a former business partner and still good mate with mayoral whisperer Dolan Hayes.

Like The ‘Pie says, this is going to be interesting, the conflicting cost benefit in political terms is almost a perfect political storm. Because it is now firmly in the political court … the planning poobahs have approved the application which now goes to the next full council meeting. Be interesting to watch that vote … both the mayor and Fran O’Callaghan may surprisingly disagree on the right course.

And A Nice Little Bit Of Verbal Foam From Frothy

Mark Molachino

The Man Who Would Be King (of Walker Street) Frothy Molachino has been allowed to stick his bib in here – Mayor Mullet doesn’t want to wear this on her own whatever the outcome. as The Astonisher reported, frothy went all Captain Obvious on this one.

Deputy Mayor Mark Molachino echoed concerns, saying he wanted to alleviate pressure on traffic and parking availability. “This will help us with the 18 units going into there, so it will provide a bit of relief on the housing front … but it’s the overflow from the commercial side that we really need to address,” Cr Molachino said.

Err, mate, don’t press your luck with your witterings. These 18 units will do exactly SFA for the housing and rental crisis … they will all be million dollar plus investments for rich residents who will always have a roof over their heads or holiday lettings. One really does wonder what we’ll be getting if you actually take over as mayor when Mayor Mullet retires mid-term after what she expects to be a comfortable return to office.

New Bum Needed For The Chamber Pot

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Departing CofC CEO Michael Kern

Seems the holidaying Townsville Chamber of Commerce boss Michael Kern will return to work only long enough to clean out his desk. The Chamber is already advertising for a new CEO, which is a bit of a surprise, since Kern took up the role only 11 months ago.

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The Magpie is in the dark as to why Mr Kern is leaving and no rumblings of a problem have reached the Nest. One commenter has suggested Mr Kern may be heading for politics, but his considerable qualifications and track record with his previous employer in the Ag sector make it seem unlikely – the financial sacrifice, not to mention peace mind, would be considerable.

Should The Magpie Be Flattered, Or Furious? Or Both?

The Magpie has good reasons to be careful about getting up himself, he is small potatoes in the media scene, but occasionally, he feels his views are not always ignored even if they are not acknowledged or agreed with. The ‘Pie has worked had more gigs in more newsrooms than the current Bulletin editor has had touch ups in the stationery cupboard, so feels entitled to at least an opinion. So here’s one.

Bulletin iditor Cas Garvey seems to be a sensitive and defensive soul. On the face of it, it would appear that the frequent blasts from The Nest about the hypocritical policy on showing criminal activity posted on social media by juvenile fuckwits – and at the same time maintaining a lofty virtue by suggesting media platforms should ban such posts – seem to have made Ms Garvey jumpy. Perhaps, when she feels compelled to be duped into publishing such stuff – very much to the kiddies delight and admiration of their peers, – she may have even  developed an involuntary eye twitch like Inspector Clouseau’s boss in The Pink Panther.

The ‘Pie surmises this, because she was at it again this week, but with a difference.

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But then Ms Garvey, all flushed with indignation, took to the editorial keyboard with a vengeance, which seemed suspiciously like a pre-emptive defence, when she huffed in her iditorial:

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And if it makes another young thug determined to get similar publicity for law breaking, is that a win, too? But you’re all over the place with this homily of self-justification – you tell us you blur the thugs faces IMMEDIATELY AFTER TELLING US YOU HOPE PEOPLE RECOGNISE THEM AND DOB THEM IN TO POLICE.  You just don’t seem to get it that those who watch this stuff on social media are of a like mind to the perpetrators, and won’t be dobbing anybody anytime soon. The only way you could do that is by unblurring their faces for the general reader, but then, of course. the bragging amongst the turds would increase to fever pitch.

And if you are seriously suggesting these kids will have any empathy for their victims, you are clearly in the wrong job, perhaps even on the wrong planet. Of course you have to report these things, but no one is better informed by actual video of the law breaking, and the crims love it.

It is a major encouragement to these juveniles, a sort of official recognition,  and mealy mouthed, wildly contradictory idiocy like this Ms Garvey clearly betrays that you have a sneaking suspicion that The ‘Pie may be right and you may be wrong.

The idiotic inconsistency of whatever dingbat policy you have, m’dear, is highlighted by the fact that you are the titular boss of a news outlet that one day can have a headline about a dead indigenous woman being eaten by dogs, yet just this week we see this …

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Blurring a bit of a leg wound!?! Oh, FFS.

Just what snowflake profile image you have of the Astonisher’s dwindling readership seems pretty blurred, too … but then, why wouldn’t it be, it is supplied to you by the click rate of various subjects. An asylum being run by the inmates, indeed.

Twitter Twerpery

Once or twice, The ‘Pie has bumped into the wacky officialdom of Twitter – exonerated on both occasions when challenged – but this one had the old bird stumped. The ‘Pie had replied to a post joking about those who don’t like Trump should take pills that were depicted, with the label suggesting they would maintain the right level of Trump Derangement Syndrome. But when he fired off this merry jape, a rap over the knuckles was swift in return … from the Twitter admin machines. But the old bird couldn’t work out what he’d said to justify this action taken.

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Then the penny dropped after about the fifth re-read …  can you spot the apparent problem?  The Twitter monitoring machines obviously couldn’t care less about political opinions of any stripe, and much, much worse including abusive and foul language are mainly ignored. And The ‘Pie was sure he hadn’t transgressed any of the 10 listed matters that makes up their idea of ‘hate speech’.

SO The Magpie’s can only conclude that one single word, taken totally out of context, alerted the automatic response … and that word was ‘chink’. These automatic set-ups simply see the word and then rush to make fools of their programmers by issuing schoolmarmish notice like this.. Like they care.

Not sure I could be bothered pointing this out to them … might upset their delicate sensitivities. What jerk-offs.

In The USA, Is There A DIalling Down Of The Din?

There seems to be a modicum of calm, of important matters being put on hold in America just now, while the whole country waits for the trials of Donald Trump. While the man-child himself spews out more incriminating material in his panic, the rest of the place just seems to holding its breath. But there is some vapid activity, the argument about age in politics, and some sort of half-hearted wacky attempt of ‘impeachment imitation’ of President Biden. It is so transparently childish as to be amusing,  with our first cartoon in this week’s gallery even calling on popular music to highlight the tomfoolery … hum along to the tune of 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover.

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That’s the week, comments run 24/7, put on the cricketer’s box and dive in. The donate button to help with blog costs is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Inspector Clouseau says:

    Thanks for the mention this week Pie. Now, back to work!

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Aaron Harper continuing to divide the community promoting then posting from the Yes Campaign Rally in the Ville attended by 300 . 80 + % of people who replied to his fb post are voting no and many explained why . Did Aaron really talk up New Zealand Waitangi agreement at the rally ? . Aaron cant find time to attend crime rallies that effect the whole community . He didn’t listen to Yumba Metas voice for 3 yrs for funding for the First Nations accommodation that sat idle until the Bully highlighted it even though it was just down from his electoral office . Phil Thompson meanwhile , stood up in Parliament fighting for more cost of living support also Small business which is more intune with Townsvilles issues .

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      Most unusual that Harpic allowed comments disagreeing with him to be displayed. He generally deletes them immediately before permanently blocking the authors. Those of us banned take it as a badge of honour.

  3. Capricorn says:

    With the Australian Opera and Ballet offering discounted tickets to the indigenous community – I hope they are given boxed seats and front row seats at these events. Also – I think a smoking ceremony should be mandatory before each performance.

    • NQ Gal says:

      And like most things, you don’t actually have to prove any indigenous ancestry – tick the box and the discount is yours.

    • Critical says:

      You forgot one of those incredibly long boring Welcome to Country lectures has to proceed anything so that we all feel guilty about living in Australia.

  4. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Just imagine if that drooling dunce Molachino did become Mayor of this town, what a clusterfuck the place would be, I would rather the Mullet stay if Townsville votes back in a Labor council.

    • The Magpie says:

      And what is the basis of your antipathy towards Molachino, Cankers? C’mon, a bit of bean spill, please.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Just a lightweight Pie, Aaron Harper light but at least Harper was a paramedic and made some contributions to the world in some capacity, but this guy nothing, just the ability to grovel and crawl his way into positions well above his standard. Someone on here once described him as a cuck, perfect description, if people think the Mullet is easily conned by business wannabes and grifters this guy would screw the place.

        • old tradesman says:

          Cankers there is a connection here, the developer is an Ingham born person as is your idol Frothy.

          • The Magpie says:

            Best be a bit careful with that logic … the man who will go down as Ingham’s most favourite and famous son is about to be the next Premier ofb Queensland.

        • Jeff, Condon says:

          He was expecting to be tossed out last election, so he upgraded his qualifications and displayed it FB.

        • Bagwhan says:

          Hey Cankers, BLUF I’m no fan politically of Hill or her team. The simple fact is that Frothy by far is the best of a bad bunch. Your comparison of him to Harpic is flawed. Frothy has served in the RAAF (finished up as SQNLDR …. I think) and served on ops in Iraq and Timor Leste. He is also a commercial helo pilot and instructor, and a graduate of AICD… so think before you go gobbing off too much, on the personal attacks lest you also piss off the 20% of the Townsville population who have served, or are serving or belong to a family of the former. Attack away on performance, policy etc but you overstepped on your vitriol here me thinks. Regards, a 30 year regular Army Officer and veteran.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Bagwhan, never presume anything, like presuming someone else has not served, and second thinking anyone who has deserves to be given some special consideration in life, they don’t, that’s what DFRDB, MSBS is for, to make you feel special. .

  5. Regular Reader says:

    Regarding the Chamber of Commerce CEO, maybe they finally discovered his form at JCU.
    As for the grandstanding by Jenny Hill and Frothy about the lack of parking for the development on The Strand, it will be very interesting to hear the excuse they come up with when they inevitably approve it.

  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    Gas Carvery is a touchy little petal isn’t she Malcom? She seems fairly stupid also. The reason being is that nobody has an issue with the underage crooks and their activities being reported publicly. It’s the WAY it is reported, fluffed up into puff pieces that are designed to entertain and enthral the reader. These little shits are almost glorified. That’s the issue. If Ms/Miss/Mrs Carvery could put her emotions aside for one minute and actually listen to what the Magpie is actually saying, the penny may actually drop.

    • Bentley says:

      I wonder whether giving back the legal right to defend oneself and one’s property by any means available might give the perpetrators pause for thought.

      • The Magpie says:

        Could be wrong here (it’s been known … once, I think, but it was an amicable divorce heh heh heh) but you do have rights in your own home , certainly to protect yourself and others, particularly family. But there are distinctions and restrictions, apparently. Long ago in Sydney, a detective investigating a break-in at my brothers house told him that it was OK to forcefully deter someone, up to shooting them, if they were in the act of entering the premises. BUT it was not OK if they were fleeing., even if they had some loot. Not sure how that stands now. But The ‘Pie always has a few ‘equalisers’ around the flat, and in the car, always carry a can of Baygon in the door pocket. It’s amazing how a spray in the face tends to discourage arseholes. Used it once in Sydney eons back, but don’t know the outcome, beyond the fact that I just drove out of the car park unhindered.. And a paintball gun filled with indelible colouring would be handy, that would definitely keep someone voluntarily off the streets for a week or so.

        • bzzzzt says:

          wasp spray is apparently the go to. Your retaliation needs to be commensurate with the force of the attack – not sure how you measure that in the heat of the moment.

          If you have a baseball bat at the ready, make sure you have a glove and ball close by.

          • The Magpie says:

            Good point, but if you spray someone who is standing by your bed in a threatening manner in the early hours, reckon your OK unless it’s the missus on the warpath after your night out with mates.

      • Bullshit says:

        There is a right to defend yourself and your property already.

        • The Magpie says:

          Yes, with limits. Got a link we can have a look at?

          • Bentley says:

            If you ask a friendly policeman you will probably get two answers. The official one and a more down to earth one that enters dangerous territory which may involve litigation.

          • The Magpie says:

            The coppers have always joked about ‘summary justice’ when an intruder or wrongdoers gets done in by another citizen, or by them. But the laughing has stopped nowadays with all the killings by cops, sometimes totally unjustified, which in some cases amounts to a sanctioned death penalty. Thought Tasers were meant to avoid this. (And police investigating police is another argument fo another time.)

            But before you reach for your quick-draw keyboard, let The ‘Pie be clear … he doesn’t believe police officers get up in the morning determined to bump someone off … they have a difficult, confronting job and do it well for the most, apart from the occasional little Hitler arsehole (witness the recent occasions of unnecessary ‘leg sweeps’ on already cuffed prisoners). But perhaps the fault lies with the training that perhaps does not include sufficient psychological bolstering and mental training – they are simply trained to go by the book, and since Fitzgerald, discouraged under threat of professional sanction not to exercise commonsense discretion for fear they’ll get a free donut. The ‘Pie for one has never bought the argument that for officers safety they have to shoot to kill … The Magpie has always believed the real reason behind this dictum has been dictated up the chain as high as government. Because if you wound someone taking them into custody, the weak willed laws of just about every Australian state in 2023, nowadays everyone gets rights and responsibility mixed up … will certainly mean an expensive and drawn out, compensation claims for any number of woke reasons – particularly excessive force – even if the person is found guilty. These will feed into a media circus which politicians loath unless there’s votes in it from the FRW Goths.

            But The ‘Pie will never believe that a disturbed person with, for whatever reason, a kitchen knife, deserves the death penalty.

          • Jeff, Condon says:

            The pie has got his feathers twisted on police shootings. Have you ever tried taking a quick shot with a side arm at a frothing, armed lunatic who is jumping all over the place? In attempting to shoot a limb, you will probably miss and he will kill you, before going on to kill or maim someone else.

            In the fraction of a second, when all else has failed, shoot at the largest part of the attacker and hope to put him down. It’s not all clean and neat like the movies.

            Keep the tasers for rampaging 90 year old woman with walking frames, brandishing butter knives.

          • The Magpie says:

            Nice tailored scenario there, Jeff, ‘frothing armed lunatic who is jumping all over the place’. Which is not always the case from evidence The ‘Pie has read … ‘brandishing a knife’ is the ambiguous phrase most encountered, which can mean anything. Certainly, if a firearm is involved, deadly force is more than reasonable, but someone with a knife up against usually more than one officer who is wearing protective gear and carries both a Taser and capsicum spray could surely be subdued without being killed.

  7. Terry Who says:

    A few years back when involved in building industry all Darwin unit developments required one car parking space per bedroom plus a % for visitors. All development started either dug a hole for underground carparking or flattened the site for carparking. The ground floor of unit complexes only had a foyer, a set of stairs and maybe a life if was going high enough.

    This would be a fine planning requirement for Townsville especially on the Strand and around the city centre.

    • Scientician79 says:

      Council many years ago had a rule of 2 spaces per bedroom in unit developments.

      Developers complained because that was making developments less viable/profitable so they changed the rule and with a straight face told people not to worry less spaces would encourage the use of public transport.

      Found an old Bulletin Article that covered it, wasn’t behind a pay wall for me apologies if it is for others.


      • jatzcrackers says:

        Scientist 69, your figures are way out. Never been 2 car spaces per ‘bedroom’ in unit development (6 car spaces for a 3 brm unit is what Alan Jones has in his waterfront penthouse)
        Used to be two car bays per unit then the 1.5 spaces per unit came in about the same time the powers that be decided developers had to provide visitor parking on site in new builds.
        The developers got them back by making the parking bays skinnier. Same in shopping centres where it’s almost impossible to get out of your car, without bashing the one parked next to you especially if you been up in the top paddock for a few months.

        • Bullshit says:

          Cars are getting a wider is probable more of the problem, a lot more SUVs and trucks.

          • NQ Gal says:

            BS – also add on the seemingly mandatory tow bar, bull bar and recovery winch and there are a lot of cars well outside the lines.

          • The Magpie says:

            The spin involved in the sizing is nothing knew to the fabulists of the real estate industry. The ‘Pie well remember seeing an ad in the SMH in the 1980s in Sydney for a flat more than a mile from the water that featured ‘harbour glimpses’.

        • Scientician79 says:

          Sorry, I meant per unit not bedroom.

          Although my observation from living in a large complex is one car space per bedroom is the correct ratio!

          Most units have a single allocated space, but minium of 2 cars, some add in a trailer and motorbike as well.

          Luckily we have ample visitor spaces.

  8. Achilles says:

    To test your theory about the PC automatic filter on X (twitter) maybe send it in again sans chink or with a substitute word.

  9. Dave of Kelso says:

    Why is it that these days, when there is a bad bastard on the loose, there is never an accurate description given.

    Some time back, (well half a century actually) when delivering the Telegraph, an afternoon Brisbane paper, things were clear and unambiguous so people could keep a lookout.

    Suspect white, 5ft 5, light build, red hair, surgical scar across forehead, missing right eye, left ear deformed, withered right arm, club left foot. Cannot pronounce the letter C.

    Known as Lucky Bluey.

    Perhaps, just perhaps, given the, now 15 year crime spree in Townsville, and most of Northen Australia, an accurate description of the criminal snot might help in giving the victims a Voice.

  10. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    The Townsville Bulletin editor has stooped to a new low with her latest ploy to protect Mayor Jenny Hill from criticism, thus assisting her re-election chances.
    Readers are apparently no longer allowed to comment on stories that are in any way negative towards Hill and her Labor puppets.
    Latest example is today’s story on the council’s Pallarenda/Rowes Bay bridge debacle.
    You have to wait till the last paragraph of the story to get the council’s reaction to the story – silence.
    “Townsville City council was contacted for comment” doesn’t pass the pub test Cas.
    Surely this story could have been held over until the council spin doctors had time to work out an excuse, or is that not part of your arrangement?

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, having read the sloppily written story, The ‘Pie nevertheless cannot agree.

      The paper is doing the mayor no favours by not waiting for her usual prim, pursed lip lies in response, dictated by some spinmeister. A media outlet leaving the other side of a story until the next day or two can be more damaging than an inadequate response.

      But you seem to have missed the confusion in the story, which turns out to be the fault of reporter Daniel Shirkie. There are two photographs correctly captioned recognising the bridge as Three Mile Creek.

      But in an act of spontaneous generosity, Mr Shirkie has inexplicably added a couple of miles to get a bit more distance out of the story.

      The ‘Pie says inexplicably but it is really just lazy checking which used to be caught by the now extinct sub editors. And please, Mr Shirkie, don’t splutter that you were accurately quoting the professor … even if he did get it wrong, you NEVER. deliberately print a mistake like that.

      Again, as the old dictum has it, if you can’t get the little things right, who’s going to believe you on the big things. On both those scores, The Townsville Bulletin has zero cred.

  11. Watch Dog says:

    (Comment via Magpie email.)

    Regarding Councillor O’Callaghan and her important stand against the constant flouting council responsibilities and legal/ethical requirements.

    The work Fran is trying to do for her constituents, in providing them with accurate information – which is often blocked or frustrated by the mayor and her legal/campaign advisor(s) – complies with what is expected of any Councillor.

    The issue here is that the Council is either not complying with the ACT or are putting a totally different spin on the role of a Councillor.

    From the outside looking in I think Fran is doing exactly what she was elected to do , I only hope she takes the advice you and other nest members have suggested and for her to obtain the services of a good experienced campaign manager.

    FYI: Councillors must comply with legislated requirements including:

    *acting in the public interest for the entire community
    *attending council meetings
    *ensuring their conduct is lawful, ethical, and appropriate for an elected representative
    *not misusing information acquired as a councillor and keeping private and other information confidential where required
    *complying with the Code of conduct for councillors in Queensland ( 262.2 KB).
    Local government roles | State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government …



    The legislation is founded on five local government principles with which Councillors must comply while performing their roles as elected representatives.

    These principles are listed below:

    1. Transparent and effective processes, and decision- making in the public interest

    2. Sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure, and delivery of effective services

    3. Democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement.

    4. Good governance of, and by, local government

    5. Ethical and legal behaviour of Councillors and local government employees.

    This Code of Conduct provides a set of values that describe the types of conduct Councillors should demonstrate to ensure their compliance with the local government principles.

    These values are listed below:

    In exercising good governance, Councillors are committed to:

    • the development of open and transparent processes and procedures

    • keeping clear, concise and accessible records of decisions

    I wonder how the mayor, the CEO and her puppet councillors would stand up to scrutiny against these principles. No wonder she’s a standover bully, living in fear of being found out.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Watch dog, you said “I wonder how the mayor, the CEO and her puppet councillors would stand up to scrutiny against these principles”. If you use the ‘pub test’ methodology and look at the governance protocols that you mentioned and compare that to TCC’s actions you get a massive failure of governance. TCC use hollow words. They don’t ‘act’ in harmony with what they preach.

      10 years of rulership under the thumb of a vindictive, spiteful, narcissistic incompetent Mayor is what we have. Our city is a decade behind equivalent cities. Investors have been bullied away from entering our town. Local enterprises have suffered equal treatment. Unless you come knocking with a proposal to have V8 cars or entertainment that a bogus Mayor enjoys, forget it. As for state government support, you can forget that too. We have 3 but less eunuch’s who are as talented as Joe Biden walking across a stage.


  12. Doug K says:

    Couldn’t agree more Watchdog.
    The rorts and cover-ups have been going on so long now that voters appear to have been conned into believing the lack of transparency from Hill and her disciples is acceptable.
    It has taken a genuine councilor like Fran to show how it could and should be done.
    Hopefully the electorate will take note, although I can’t see her getting too much help from the local media, who seem to be ignoring the fact that Hill has a challenger.

    • The Magpie says:

      Agree Doug, but the campaign is nowhere near the critical stages yet – you will see an increase in dirty tricks by the likes of old mate Dolan when that time is reached but he has no reason to do anything at this time. Simply because Fran isn’t doing anything.

      That’s likely – hopefully – about to change.

  13. Prickster says:

    Nice to see Aaron Harper lead a herd of virtue signalers for a walk down the strand when they would have been better off walking down Flinders St or even Hanran Park to offer their platitudes to the homeless and the vagrants.

    • The Magpie says:

      Even better if the march was held by torchlight around the Willows car park so the good folks could get a glimpse of the noble warriors they are championing.

      • The Wulguru Wonder says:

        What your saying Magpie? “When you’re being run out of town it’s better to be in front of the mob and pretend it’s a parade…”

  14. Osama bin Chicken says:

    Phil Thompson has fallen for a parody account on Twitter, that’s a problem with the new paid verification system


    • The Magpie says:

      Maybe, maybe not. As someone who saw first hand the horrors of the Taliban, maybe Phil took the opportunity to show that Afghanistan under these demented religious thugs is no laughing matter.

      But then again …

  15. Prince Rollmop says:

    There are two high level issues pertaining to the Qantas fiasco – Management and Board. Both play a different role, with the Board being accountable for Management decisions. Joyce was untamed and allowed to exercise poor decision making (illegally sacking 1,700 staff), selling tickets for flights which didn’t exist, with the end result being breaches of numerous regulatory, statutory and legal requirements. Joyce is gone. We know that. Spineless toad jumping ship. But the board of directors is really in a tonne of strife with penalties and fines likely costing Qantas a half billion dollars. This makes the Board complicit. There is nowhere for them to run and hide. The lines between management and the Board became blurred under Joyce and now the pain is being felt. The current Board positions are untenable. They all must go. Goyder, who was already known as a weak leader who fucked up Wesfarmers, will go down in Australian history as being Board Chair who presided over the largest illegal sacking of a workforce in Australian corporate history. Let’s see if any of the shareholders have half a brain and make the right decision to spill the Board.

    • The Magpie says:

      The Poisoned Leprechaun didn’t so much jump ship as get the treatment usually reserved for cane toads, delivered by a 7-iron – gold plated in Joyce’s case. But Goyder’s trying to hang in there as Leak points out in today’s Oz.

      • old tradesman says:

        Catherine King the Transport Minister and Airbus Albo are in this right up to their belly buttons by virtue of the facts in relation to the Qatar decision and the Yes Stickers on the fuselage. They are now going to throw Qantas under the airbus to protect their arses.

        • Prickster says:

          The Federal Government via Commonwealth Superannuation Corp. (Investment Management) is one of the largest shareholders in QANTAS, if they wanted to take action they could.

          • The Magpie says:

            Then they’d have to be doubly careful of the likely results of any action, since it would be to the detriment of those in the fund.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Not a real surprise, Qantas has plenty of form in this regard, remember when Geoff Dixon and Margaret Jackson celebrating flogging it off to private equity years ago and lining their pockets at the same time, luckily the deal shit itself or Qantas wouldn’t exist today.

  16. The Magpie says:

    A bucket list is that roll call of things you want to do before you die. One wonders what sort of of benighted life someone has led to have never visited a KFC store but desperately want to before they cark it. KFC probably hope that the two events are sufficiently far apart not to be linked and to absolve them of any blame.

    • Prickster says:

      A sad reflection on things to aspire to in Townsville, or is it a true reflection on what the city has become?

    • Ma Kelly says:

      As Stevie and I will testify, KFC restaurants are very important. Often people leave the restaurants with change in their pockets which they then spend at the laundromat. It’s a cosy relationship but one that is important.

  17. The Magpie says:

    (Comment via Magpie email).

    It was my recollection that Riverway Drive Duplication Stage 2 was to have commenced at the start of 2021. Nothing all that year and last year. At the start of this year the objectionable Aaron (Who) Harper bill board is changed to this. As the year progresses A(W)H’s time is running out.

    I went searching for early Transport Main Roads Dept (tmr) information on the project to confirm my recollections but could find none, all sites updated with no archrival information, so to speak. This means that my recollections are unconfirmed therefore unreliable.

    What I did find, from the link below, that actual roadworks now will not start until 2024, contrary to Harper’s billboard, that daily offends the senses, proclaiming 2023. The tmr site does advise that:

    Detailed design is now complete, with some early works, such as utility relocations, to start late 2023.

    Road upgrades on Riverway Drive will start in 2024 following Townsville City Counci’s construction of the Ross River Dam to Douglas Water Treatment Plante Pipeline Renewal project.

    The question is, will Harper quietly change the billboard, or try to spin utility relocations as roadworks?

    I suspect there are other Nesters in the Upper Ross. Perhaps they may have reliable records of the original project dates that may confirm how badly the timings for this overdue project have slipped, or not.


    • Jeff, Condon says:

      So, all the projects touted four years ago for Townsville, will either start, or will/should finish about the same time as the local and state Govt elections come up. Who’d a thunk it.

  18. Jatzcrackers says:

    Magpie, I know you’re a great follower of AFL and the news of the passing of the great Ron Barassi would have stirred up one or two memories of the man in his prime playing/coaching days.
    Care to share any memorable moments that you have in your filing cabinet drawer of this wonderful footy player/coach ?

  19. Mike Douglas says:

    Aaron , Scott , Les keeping quiet on their support of Queensland State Government rolling out National building codes October 1 st which Master Builders say will add $20,000- $30,000 per dwelling build . All 3 supported rental legislation changes which saw thousands Queensland landlords sell up pushing up rental prices . Queensland valuer general land value increases giving T.C.C. the opportunity to increase rates the highest in Queensland further pushing up rents putting pressure on cost of living .

  20. The Magpie says:

    MAGPIE NOTE: Power outage (a-bloody-gain) in The Nest area 8.30 to 2.30. Comment published when power returns.)

  21. Hondaman says:

    Since there is no doubt which way the new Editor of the Bulletin is leaning, no I’ll rephrase that – EMBRACING the Yes vote, I have had no joy at all with my texts to the Editor wherein I made comments of pure fact which happily support the NO argument. I have mostly avoided sharing on f/b the plethora of posts detailing what a total con job the Yes mob are due to violent backlash from the yes believers, but cometh the day, I and everyone I know will be hopefully supporting me in consigning lying Albo’s scam into the rubbish bin! VOTE NO!!!

    • ABS says:

      You know the Voice wasn’t proposed by Albanese, right? It came from the Indigenous consultation process?

      • Hondaman says:

        ABS, it doesn’t alter the fact that Albo is not telling the whole story, and as I’ve always said there is no doubt that the Torres strait islanders and Australian aborigines were here first, so I’m all for their recognition in the Constitution if that is going to help with Closing the Gap! What I’m not in favour of is the fact that Albo, Burney, Mayo and Person and all the other urgers cannot get ONE story together that we as sensible people can inspect and make a judgement thereon. So for me its the same as issuing a blank cheque to someone I don’t know, and that is a NO, and hopefully many others will join my sentiments on polling day!

        • Jeff, Condon says:

          If that lot were selling a car and you asked them a any questions about it, they would scornfully look at you and say, “All the information is out there if you look for it.” Now, with that attitude, would you buy a car from them?

          • The Magpie says:

            A well made point, and like The Voice, all the answers aren’t anywhere but in the honesty or otherwise of the Yes designers (and not their dupes … how can people be so gullible?) We are being invited to stick our arm into a hollow log and see what we find in there.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Please advise how this indigenous consultation process works and while you are at it, who will be the voice, how will they be appointed/selected/elected, who will appoint/select/elect them, who will fund them and their hangers-on, will the abolition of Australia Day be their first agenda item, and how will the views Billy Muggins from Doomadgee be conveyed to this voice and how will this voice know that Billy is a shit stiring Irishman and not entitled to have a Voice?

      • Smells like BS to me says:

        Dear ABS. From what can be found isn’t it true to say that participants to the Uluru gathering were selected by the organisers presumably because they shared a point of view, that the statement was then developed by this appointed and not representative group of people and now it is being paraded around as something which speaks for all Aboriginal Australians. Smells like self serving bullshit to me.

  22. Prickster says:

    Just in case the Pie or other Nesters are looking for something to do…….

    Advisor to Chief Executive Officer at Townsville Enterprise Limited https://www.seek.com.au/job/69436628?type=promoted#sol=2e3a8c524ca8099a52ff21e2db3e28f043718c6a

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    I love that photo of Tom Gleeson. Well said. The answer “yes” should be also written into everybody’s hearts. Well done Tom.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie has posted this comment for balance with others of a different point of view, but through experience, he doubts this is the writing style or general sentiment of regular poster EB.

    • Achilles says:

      NB, Tom’s show is called Hard Quiz, he may be playing his usual “Devils Advocate” commentary to suck in the gullible EB type audience.

  24. Big John Stud says:

    Pretty funny how Frothy gets trotted out to deliver the uncomfortable Carparking news. Typical spineless Mullet, willing to make somebody else look like shit so that she remains Teflon coated. It’s an old trick anyway, all All Councils pull that stunt.

  25. Jatzcrackers says:

    Joyce get paid $21.4M 22/23 and Qantas chair Goyder pontificating that more than 50% of that could be grabbed back particularly if ACCC drops the sword on Qantas for selling thousands of tickets for flights previously cancelled.

    Goyder (and the rest of the board) is up to to his armpits with the ongoing demise of the airline hand in hand with the poisonous midget and should be given his marching orders by shareholders.

    The fish rots from the head down…bit like TCCC, and a new broom is in order to facilitate any hope of resurrecting some sort of semblance to what was once a proud Australian aviation company.

    Sir Hudson Fysh would be turning in his grave at the goings on of late in a company he pioneered.

  26. Doug K says:

    Full marks to TEL for recruiting an advisor for its buzz word CEO.
    She definitely needs some advice.

    • The Magpie says:

      The’Pie’s suggestion that the advertisement was just required pro forma to cover that the job had already been filled, seems backed up that the job is no longer up on Seek. Given similar hunts to fill positions in local organisations have taken longer than the hunt for Red October, we will soon know the beneficiary of the local power elite’s employment agency. Let’s hope TEL’s due diligence has been improved, so we don’t get another petty crim former cafe owner from some other regional city.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Why does a CEO of a small town advisory body need an advisor, what sort of incompetent dud is this woman, she is simply not up to the task and should be sacked, just another Townsville wannabe.

      • The Magpie says:

        TEL needs to be completely re-thought. The basic idea is right, the execution is a farce, it’s way out of remit and being used as a partisan political tool at ratepayers expense.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Pie, TEL should be able find the obligatory female for the job right here in Townsville. Just open the lift out in the astonisher on a Saturday. There are plenty of so called successful females at different ‘knees up’ for the picking. Talk about ‘the glass ceiling’. Not a male to be found.

  27. Alan’s Boy says:

    Alan Joyce was found to be an acceptable CEO for 15 years. He was remunerated accordingly, and without prejudice, some $15m in total. Both shareholder and Board could’ve dropped the axe on him at any time. They didn’t. So it’s pointless everybody now sooking and whinging about the man when in reality he should’ve been punted years ago if he was such a bad CEO. I think he is a top bloke, a great CEO, and a valuable asset that will be sorry missed.

  28. Doug K says:

    The Townsville Bulletin is claiming an “exclusive” on a story about the mystery disappearance of the Chamber of Commerce CEO.
    They are a constant source of amusement.

  29. Inspector Clouseau says:

    What is ‘vacational training’, Messagebank Walker you absolute TWIT! He was on 7 local news this evening and said the above, when referring to young people coming out. Run out the door in ‘24 you peanut!!

  30. Prince Rollmop says:

    The stinky part-time TCC CEO is down in Gladstone for a couple of days. I saw him fly out. He is attending a two day Gladstone. Ports Corporation Board strategy session. Does TCC still pay him for those days that he is not on the TCC clock? Maybe he can do something worthwhile such as finding out the reasons why Gladstone is so successful while Townsville always comes last in the race? TBH I already know the reason – Gladstone has Mayor Burnett, an engaging, proactive, and communicative Mayor. Townsville has the stained teeth, purple wearing, bully and narcissistic Mayor.

    • Prickster says:

      Maybe the TCC CEO could use the TEL CEO’s advisor as I pretty sure he doesn’t have one, except for Dolan who isn’t really an advisor….

  31. Prince Rollmop says:

    The man who looks like a weathered testicle sac, Rupert Murdoch, has resigned from being Chairman at Fox Crap and News Corpse. In his memo he said this;

    “Self-serving bureaucracies are seeking to silence those who would question their provenance and purpose,” the memo read.
    “Elites have open contempt for those who are not members of their rarefied class. Most of the media is in cahoots with those elites, peddling political narratives rather than pursuing the truth”.

    Can you believe that shit? Coming from the man who has used his power to manipulate election outcomes around the world. Fucking unbelievable! Jimmy Olsen will be gutted that his honest and upright idol is stepping back.

  32. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Albo enjoys having a cry. What a wanker Mr. Pie


    • The Magpie says:

      Wanker indeed … choice quote to start the story:
      “Anthony Albanese isn’t afraid to say he’s in touch with his emotions, revealing he cries “all the time” and how it feels to be attacked for doing his job.”

      So it appears we have an emotionally unstable prime minister from – as he never stops telling us – an impoverished background who has a thin skin when he is criticised. (‘Attacked’? Really, Albo?)

      It’s called democracy, and ‘attacks’ go with the job, Krusty. And of course, you no doubt believe that you never attack anybody, you merely point out the error of their ways and guide them to the truth.

      We’ll see about that on October 14.

      • Midnight Toker says:

        I’m surprised that you fell for those “crocodile tears” Magpie.
        Not surprised that Butterfuck was duped!

        • The Magpie says:

          Maybe someone … somewhere … some time … possibly has a clue what the fuck you’re talking about, but not anyone around here.

          • Midnight Toker says:

            Try and keep up mate. I know it’s hard.

            Crocodile Tears

            “When someone is said to shed crocodile tears, it refers to a show of pretended sorrow usually by someone who has done something cruel.”

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh, gosh, really. But still haven’t got a clue what you’re on about, you patronising prick.

        • Bullshit says:

          They saw what they wanted to see.

  33. Dave of Kelso says:

    Normally I don’t have much time for Allan Jones but this is worth a listen about the so call voice.


    • The Magpie says:

      When his in the groove, he is one of the most powerful and persuasive speakers in Australia. And, like you, The ‘Pie is no uncritical fan, but when he’s right, he explains it in the most straightforward, no nonsense terms. In this instance, The Magpie is in agreement with every single word of this video.

  34. The Magpie says:

    This is a joke, right? Bizarre and cruel, but a joke?

  35. Eric Lindsay says:

    Is it just me, or are you still stuck in a time loop back on 17 Sept?

  36. Mike Douglas says:

    Deputy Premier Steven Miles extends ” perscribed project status to QPM ” Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub ” Tech , $80 mil in 2022/23 Council budget , Mayor Hills signature project and neither the Bully or Council update the readers / ratepayers ? . Council planning in Townsville . The optics arnt good for Team Hill . Didnt they receive election funding from another Strand developer ? .

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