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The Magpie

Sunday, September 11th, 2022   |   104 comments

The Word From Cricket’s Cow Corner: Mayor Mullet’s Field Of Dreams Tomfoolery

Our perfumed purveyor of porkies is at it again … and she now gives us the choice of deciding either she is dopey,  or whether she just thinks we are. Same goes for the Townsville Bulletin when it gave prominence to her demented gurgling’s about Townsville’s Riverway Stadium becoming Cricket Queensland ‘s premier ground during the Gabba ‘s renovations. This raises the question: has she  finally gone totally gaga, or does she actually think we have? The Magpie looks at this latest inanity from our ninny-in-chief.

And the Daily Astonisher, which took this drivel seriously – not a single oh-so-obvious question asked – two days later delivered a monumental finger to the community on another issue.

Ever thought that the tautology of Townsville is a bit silly, and you’d consider a name change? How about Thul Garrie Waja then? You might not like it, but you might have to get used to it.

Why the death of Queen Elizabeth may be bad news for the Australian Republican movement.

And from the Nanny State files: someone better dig  Sleeping Beauty in the ribs, that’s the only way she’ll ever wake, yawn, stretch and fart if the latest bit of foaming lunacy of the  the Woke Wigwam is adopted … a  push for a warning ‘sexual lack of consent’ ‘C’ classification for TV shows  and movies. Including cartoons, animated shows and fairy tales. Surprisingly, The Magpie has a view.

Plus a leading economist startling ‘tough love’ solution to the growing perfect storm of fiscal and social hard times.

The Magpie’s Nest runs on the fumes of reader generosity, and if you’d care to do some heavy breathing to help the old bird with this weekly labour of love – which doesn’t accept advertising, like who would dare? – it will lower stress levels for everyone except those who catch The ‘Pie’s beady eye. The blog rebuild has progressed more slowly than anticipated, but it’s being worked on. If you can lend a hand, the donate button is at the end of the blog.

Now onward …

Vale, Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Elizabeth Windsor, Queen Elizabeth 11

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No matter what your geo-political view, if you are an Australian of advancing years like The Magpie, or even younger, you will be aware that one of the few constants in your life is no more. It doesn’t matter what your views were and are of the monarchy – views morph, change shape and coalesce into various opinions and outcomes, that’s life.

But the views of Queen Elizabeth did not, and while there are those who see that as inflexibility, others see it as honourable and admirable. Perhaps it was both. That didn’t always sit well with some in an age where constant change is mistaken for progress and a new moral order that is sometimes elevated by decrying previous values. The woman unfailingly stayed true to her coronation promise of always doing what she believed best served her subjects, and promised to do it until the day she died.

And she did.

This sentiment from a Vogue America headline best sums it up.

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The Vital Question That Nobody Asked Our Mayor Last Week

Jenny, luvvie, RUOK?

In case you weren’t aware, last week was RUOK Week, where everyone was urged to check on friends‘ and colleagues’  emotional well being. Ironic then that no one apparently asked Mayor Mullet if she was OK when she exhibited the confusion one could associate with the early symptoms of a stroke. And there should’ve been equal concern for the putative iditor of the Bulletin when this nonsense was splashed on the front page.

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It was followed up by the unquestioning piece of beat-up puffery and reasoning that certainly invited an RUOK inquiry.

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Quoting the exceedingly modest overall 6000 spectators attracted to the three one day matches between Australia and Zimbabwe, Clr Hill said Townsville was now positioned to host more big international cricket matches while the Gabba was closed for Olympic renovations.  She gushed on: ‘(The three matches) showed we can draw a good crowd locally (Christ, woman, 2000 a day – what would be a bad crowd?) and the standard of the wicket was so good.’

Now she was really hitting her straps: “I doubt anywhere outside Brisbane is the same standard as our field is in. It gives us the edge.’

The Mayor’s interest and knowledge of cricket would be most welcome had it not been the latest product of the  from the Walker Street Whimsey mine. The Magpie imagined the reaction from Cricket Australia.

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But then she revealed the real purpose of her bombast, when she tried a touch of political coercion about the long mooted question of the installation of TV standard lighting at Riverway… a must for any southern interest here. She said she would need guaranteed matches on a future schedules to justify the ‘enormous’ expense of putting in such lighting. Her usual whacky ‘build it and they will come’ philosophy she applies to distant industrial parks and pointless creek-side  boardwalks apparently here becomes a chicken or egg proposition … which comes first, TCC investment in lighting or Cricket Australia making conditional bookings before that happens.

Of course, the Bulletin did its usual unquestioning job of barely muted hysteria with a juvenile cartoon cartoon promoting Riverway over the Gabba  ….

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… and an iditorial which completely ignored the central issue of stadium lighting. Which meant the current iditor was totally unaware of this story previously in his own paper…

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… which contained these lines.

“The lighting at Riverway Stadium has been a thorn in the side of cricket and AFL in the region for more than a decade, with the upgrades first mooted in the mid-2000s. The Townsville Bulletin campaigned for the lighting to be upgraded back in 2018 and Queensland Cricket CEO Terry Svenson held wide-ranging talks with Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill on the issue in 2019 but still there has been a lack of movement.”

This paper can’t even remember what it stands for when being ‘All For You’.

Actually, Yes, It Does Know What It Stands For … And It Ain’t Us

Proof of this came with Friday’s issue.

FGrom comments.

The Magpie

September 9, 2022 at 1:50 pm  (Edit)

The Townsville Bulletin gives is the finger again, the paper’s counting house gnomes strike again.

The good old Astonisher ($2.50 fanks, guvnor) has found a startling way to emphasis its policy priorities, with today’s early morning message to subscribers ($24 bucks a month, thanks, sport). Like all other News mastheads across the country, the Bulletin’s new iditor has been directed to send out a morning email ‘exclusively to subscribers’, showing the front and back pages of the day’s paper. The notion is that this will entice further reading of news and sport, and OK, sensible as far as it goes. But today, it went too far. This arrived this morning, just to make the old bird feel a special chosen one

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Front page:

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Back Page:

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First thought was, HA! Another digital cock-up, a Coles ad instead of the back page. But how wrong can a bird be, when he checked the actual digital edition.

Yup. There it was, the Coles ad. And just to underline this finger to the buying public, the scannable cover price code for the paper was over-printed onto the Coles ad.

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In fact, digitally, that wasn’t the end of it, there then followed 20 pages of Good Guys ads.

When this traditional area for all-important sport can so easily be offered to an advertiser at a premium price, it’s not hard to realise that step’n’fetchit iditor Craig Herbert is a timid underling to the advertising manager. And it’s even easier to see why a major local advertiser – let’s say, The Ville, or maybe the Townsville City Council – can lean on the advertising manager to suppress any adverse stories Mr Herbert might mistakenly think of running about them.

Click Bait Story Of The Week (Must Be That Time Of Year Again)

This one is trotted out regularly when there’s not much else around.

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Our regular reader The Wulguru Wonder ask how long before the Bulletin gets on to this and beats it up worse than a red headed step-child. Changing some place names is sensible, considerate and long overdue – a local one down near Home Hill manages the double derogatory of Yellow Gin Creek, reputedly named for the relationship between an aboriginal woman and a ‘chinaman’. And of course, there can be no argument that such names be changed, they are a standing rebuke to our early rampant racism, but we get to more contentious territory when the names of early explorers and settlers are targeted.  And as always, Townsville will be brought into, because of the egregious activities of the black-birding Captain Towns. So get set to be raged farmed with suggestions that we become Thul Garrie Waja, which we are told is what the local indigenous folks, the Bindal tribe,  called Townsville before it was Townsville.

Actually, it would handy if the shorter and more understandable Bindal was considered if we must muck around with more politically correct names.

And no, Jenny, your idea of calling it Hillsborough isn’t acceptable on several grounds.

Another Reason We Are Getting ‘Woke Weary’

This story got a gallop across most media during the week.

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The basic idea is that seeing movies and TV shows where someone is kissed or worse without explicitly giving their consent is instilling in viewers the idea that such behaviour is normal. The idea comes from one of the many research organisation peopled by the permanently jumpy, in this case, something called Consent Labs. In a sweetly insulting statement, Consent Labs chief shadow flincher, Angelique Wan (real, name, I didn’t make that up) says unless we have her guidance, we might mistake normal human behaviour as …well, normal human behaviour – even when it is in unreal acted situation, often far from any every – ay reality.and shame on us for that. Her flummery goes so far as to demand that shows like Shrek and even that charming accidental kiss moment in Ratatouille be slapped with such a warning.

Needless to say, the frog world is aghast at losing the chance of becoming a handsome prince – how do you  croak ‘yes, you may kiss me’? – and Sleeping Beauty will have to stay roofied out – how is a comely chick going to acquiescence to Prince Charming giving her a good tonguing if she can’t give consent, because until he does, she’s asleep and so …. christ, it’s like an Escher stairway to nowhere..

All this raises interesting flights of fancy about many a standard cartoon character. The ‘Pie has always been suspicious about Peter Pan’s behaviour towards Wendy – one gets the distinct impression he was always trying to up-skirt her., the dirty little sod.  And the old bird admits that as a fledgling, he himself had a thing for Tinkerbell.

But as for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, well, C classification should abound.  If we’re going to be serious about the possible consequences on young minds, scenes should be added in, realistically depicting life in dwarf Cottage after lights out.

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And as for The Ghost Who Walks and that Diana hussey  … the very thought makes one go wan.

These folks themselves need a C classification … and it doesn’t stand for consent.

Some Of You Serious Types Might Need A Trigger Warning For The Following

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The ‘Pie has often wondered how Alan Kohler would perform as Australia’s Treasurer. He would probably be brilliant, his clearly delivered analysis and projected possibilities have always impressed, occasionally leavened with a touch of restrained humour  to tap rather than bang home his points. But brilliance has no place in the political landscape where courage is perpetually in short supply ever since Keating left office. So sadly Kohler would probably be a dud, overruled at every turn – possibly by a PM who had secretly made Treasury a dual role.

But here is his excellent, sensibly argued ‘outside the envelope’ article at his explanatory best. There will be instant partisan howls from various areas, but perhaps that is just the echoes of political cohorts that avoid courage at every turn.

In The Unhinged States Of America, Voters Are Wrestling With A Dilemma – Again

The crucial mid-term elections are just days away, as the electorate – well, those allowed to vote in the Land of the Free – do so against a background of a former president who is now clearly a traitor. The situation ain’t funny, but there’s some grim laughter around, even at the stark choice facing those in the voting booth. And also the reprehensible decision of a Trump appointed judge to order a ‘special master’ to interfere in the investigation of the treasonous Trump.

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Why Queen Elizabeth’s Death Could Be Bad News For The Australian Republican Movement …

… and why Guy Rundle is one of the best analytical/political writers in Australia today.

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Guy Rundle

Both these contentions are contained in this excellent piece from, of all the unlikely places,  Crikey.

Just in case the link doesn’t work, here are a few salient lines from the article.

“But what has died too is republican hopes that the passing of a monarch — one who fulfilled her role unimpeachably — to a man put together by the same history of enthusiasms, foolishnesses and failed obsessions constituting the lives of most of us would provide the opportunity to put the question of monarchy at issue, especially in Australia. Too late! They don’t muck around, these royal families; they know their business. King Charles III is already a thing, and the fact of the office has asserted itself massively.”

And he sees a crucial if cynical political dimension blocking any move towards a republic, when he writes:

“Any move towards Australian republicanism will have to work on the pure fact of monarchy as its object against. Since Australian republicanism has no social base whatsoever, being, from its ’90s revival, a shy creature of the elites, it will most likely get nowhere. The Albanese government, I would guess, is not going to give the Coalition a culture war they rebuild around.”

“The left has been unable able to provide an attractive alternative to a society whose grounded meaning has been utterly undermined by the nihilism of capitalism, the market, and the asociality of new technologies. So, bizarrely, it is pre-modern institutions that now offer a limit to that steady annihilation. Any republican relying on a generational uprising against monarchy, or a non-Anglo one, may be in for a rude shock. The snarling and snarking that might be directed at her will simply prove the point. Such attacks are always grounded in envy and defeat, the radicalism of fools.”

You may not agreed with Rundle’s clearly laid out assessment, but if you wish to refute it, you will need more than slogans, placards and the hots for Lisa Wilkinson to make your case.


That’s the week done and dusted, join in comments throughout the week. The donate button to help keep the blog aloft is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Cowboys deliver a home preliminary final weekend 23rd-24th September playing the winner of Canberra vs Eeels game with a rush to get tickets and accommodation . Back to the Calamity in the Ville . Ratepayers have to fork out the highest rates in Queensland this week to support the $80 mil Lansdown project in this years Council budget . The Project the Mayor says the City must have to future proof it but no update given in last Council meeting . Yes Minister when it comes to Councillor O’Callaghan being reported multiple times to the independent assessor for apparently painting Council in a poor light and updating her divisions on whats happening or not happening with the Council . Everytime social media has comments from the Mayor the amount of negative comments re Council and the Mayor far outweighs any alleged negativity by Fran . It seems Aaron , Scott , Les are so on the nose that other State MP,s and Ministers tax payer staff are congratulating them because their electorates arnt .

  2. Litewait says:

    How is Trump a traitor you delusional prick????

  3. Footy Fan says:

    What a game last night!
    With the loser destined to back up next weekend against the Roosters or Rabbitohs and then, if they somehow survived, face the Panthers for a spot in the grand final, the whole season was on the line. It was riveting viewing (even my kids were allowed to stay up late to watch) and certainly not without controversy, especially the disallowed Sharks try, which featured an Olympic gold medal standard dive by Valentine Holmes.
    The pros and cons of the Bunker decision were debated at length by the Ch9 commentators.
    Quotes of the year came from the Cowboys (former) favourite son Johnathan Thurston who quipped “I think the Sharkies were really hard done by there. Yes he runs to the outside shoulder, I think Valentine Holmes needs an Academy Award for that.”
    And (former) Queensland Origin favourite Fatty Vautin who added “Maybe a Logie”.
    They had better put an armed guard on that statue of Thurston outside the Townsville stadium.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Thems the rules. Exaggerated or not, it’s legal.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie, who for his sins was for several years a sports reporter on Sydney TV, follows all codes, and channel switched throughout a weekend that featured more nail biters than he can remember. Both codes seem to be in fine health, with bumper crowds, stellar performances and outcomes that went down to the wire …cf the Cowboys, and in the AFL Brisbane’s literal last second win over Richmond (grandson heartbroken). But for The ‘Pie, one major difference from most viewers; watched all channels without sound. Commentators are sometimes well informed, but they talk over each other and over the ref when he’s talking to players or the bunker … and some are truly annoying and detract from the experience.

  4. Regular reader says:

    With the NQ Cowboys set to host a Preliminary Final at Total Tools Stadium in 2 weeks, can Jenny Hill please advise where fans can buy tickets for her ferry from The Ville Casino to the stadium? You know, the one that she thinks can somehow sail over mudflats.
    Makes her claims about Townsville becoming an international cricket hub look like a plausible think fart.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t bother her just now, she’s busy trying to work out out how her Fairytale Ferry service will negotiate weirs to get punters to the new Queensland HQ of cricket at Riverway.

      • Achilles says:

        P’raps she’ll buy us a hovercraft, problem solved QED……………..bloody hell she may actually do just that, watch the mud fly.

  5. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, I wonder who is going take the credit for a Cowboys’ home preliminary final at the “Crab Pot?”
    The Maltese Mayor, the three local, mindless State MPs, surely TEL’s “CEO” Ms. BS, or, what about our resident, infallible accountant “Dunderhead” Dwyer?
    One thing’s for sure, Todd Payten and his band of merry men won’t be in the equation!!

  6. Critical says:

    Now let’s see what Nanna Anna will do with the Queens Birthday public holiday on October 3. Elbow greaser Albanese calls September 22 as a National Day of Mourning public holiday so Nanna Anna can’t celebrate our late gracious Queen Elizabeth II birthday after the day of mourning. Unlike NSW, ACT and SA she can’t call it Labour Day. She can’t call it the Kings Birthday Public Holiday as his birthday isn’t until November 14. I have an easy solution Nanna, cancel the public holiday that celebrated our late Queens Birthday on October 3. This would still enable people who work public holidays to be paid their penalties but let business recoup their takings after having an additional public holiday imposed on them on September 22.

    • The Magpie says:

      See where your coming from, and it will be fun to watch the convulsions. However, worth noting the Queens birthday generally hasn’t been celebrated on her actual birthday anyway (April 21), so Anna Alphabet could maybe try for some mileage of making Oct 3 the King’s birthday, although King Chuck was born on November 16. But agree we have way too many public holidays.

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      I think business can wear a once in 70 year extra public holiday.

      • Ma Kelly says:

        Stevie, the laundromat will never close for an additional day, never! No hurry up and come over and remove the lint filters and ice cream sticks that are jammed in the coin slots.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Add Small Business expertise to the growing list of credentials for Steve from Belgian gardens . Many businesses dont open the other public holidays so are you suggesting they should open and run at a loss this one off . Elective surgery in many Queensland hospitals has blown out to 12 mths waitlist . Doubt the PM , or Premiers would go public .

    • NQ Gal says:

      Crits – I’m sure that everyone who has booked a long weekend away will disagree with dropping the October public holiday.

      • Critical says:

        That’s the problem with Australia, people are obsessed with public holidays and dodging work. We could easily get rid of Australia Day, Labor Day and Kings Birthday(?). Let’s be honest about it, shops etc already open on most public holidays now and it’s white collar workers like office workers who get the public holidays so level the playing field for everyone and get rid of public holidays. Big savings for the economy with reducing penalties payments.

  7. Tropical cyclone says:

    On the issue of a republic, can someone please point the way to a system that will work in australia and be an improvement on the one we have? I can not find any republican system in a country of mixed immigrants that will give us the stability we enjoy today. Glad to listen if you find one. I would like to see the people gather to gether and force all the politicians to act in our interests and not their own. it would be great if instead of issues that are only brought up to divide us and keep us form tackling things like (homeless numbers, house prices, public housing, negative gearing, HECs debt, education,wage rates, allen Joyce, CEO wages, the health system, crime and punishment and tax cuts for rich people) would ignore the made up issues and force action on the real problems form our leaders .JMO

    • Palm Sunday says:

      If the principal priority is to make an Australian the head of state (rather than the British monarch), then the simplest method is to adjust the constitution so as to re-name the Governor General the President – still selected the same way, still having the same powers, still living in the same joint/s, still acting exactly the same way as the GG. Sure, there are juicy questions about the future of state governors, about whether to elect or appoint the president etc. but they can be settled afterwards.

  8. Footy Fan says:

    Unless the NRL draws a line in the sand and rubs out the thuggery and the fake injury claims we saw in todays elimination final between the Roosters and the Rabbitohs, rugby league is doomed.
    What happened to playing football? The Roosters (and Australia’s) best fullback was hit with a head high tackle and goes off with concussion, never to return. Meanwhile the culprit serves 10 minutes in the sin bin, then returns to do the same again to another opposition player.
    I’m not a Roosters fan but how can that be accepted as par for the course.
    The way things are going the grand final will be decided on which team has the biggest thugs, or the best at taking a dive to milk a penalty or disallow a try.
    New rules: Any player who causes an opponent to have to leave the field as a result of attacking the head, stays off the field for the same period of time as the victim.
    And any player who deliberately takes a dive spends 10 minutes in the bin.

  9. Prickster says:

    Looking forward to the Australian version of reparation payments and an apology.


  10. Achilles says:

    Not too often that I agree with Pauline Hanson but on this she’s spot on and even endorsed by Jacqui Lambie. Berating here for disavowing her oath of allegiance when she was granted citizenship.

    When the sanctimonious Pakistani migrant Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi uttered. “Condolences to those who knew the Queen. I cannot mourn the leader of a racist empire built on stolen lives, land and wealth of colonised peoples,

    Ms Faruqi, “Your attitude appalls and disgusts me”.

    “You took citizenship, bought multiple homes, and a job in a parliament. It’s clear you’re not happy, so pack your bags and piss off back to Pakistan,”


    • Palm Sunday says:

      Achilles, you’d better update yourself quick smart because Lambie has changed her mind. She now doesn’t agree with everything Hansen said. Where do you stand?

  11. Queens Cohort says:

    Allegedly, Queen Elizabeth is leaving over $100m worth of jewellery to Kate Middleton in her will, and leaving nothing to Meghan Markle or that old slapper Camilla! If that’s true, it’s fucking hilarious. And it also proves that the Queen really was a nasty and vindictive old bitch.

    • The Magpie says:

      … or not.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      I have no affinity for the monarchy, but this is a really stretched point. As I read it on the weekend (there was fuckall else in the papers) QE!! has somewhere around $100m in jewelery which is not part of the crown jewels. It passes to Charles who has to pay death duties on it and is likely to be passed down. Charles has two sons, one of which has renounced his position and pissed off overseas, leaving one son in the family business who’s wife will ultimately become a Queen/Consort (that bit is beyond me) and wear the jewels.

      There are a few steps in that so you might have trouble working through it Cohort – perhaps draw a picture?

  12. Royal Dross says:

    I must say, who cares that Queenie is dead? I mean, these royal inbreds do nothing but suck off of the taxpayer teat while strutting around looking and acting posh. It’s all window dressing as beneath the veneer is nothing but shit. Why do we need ‘kings and queens’ in 2022? Piss them all off, get rid of these class dividing grubs. Talk about racism and the dividing of people based upon their wealth and socio economical backgrounds. Why hasn’t the ‘woke’ movement jumped on this one?

  13. Prickster says:

    Albo the King of Contradictions locks in laws to force Australia to cut greenhouse gas emission then next week unnecessarily increases greenhouse gas emissions by choosing to take Royal Australian Air Force’s VIP jet to London for the Queen’s funeral. While other leaders around the world use commercial flights to keep costs low and limit emissions. Nice one comrade.

    • The Magpie says:

      A pointless cheap shot of parroting partisan politics. Let’s have a look at your sweaty claims, Prick.
      First, don’t jump the gun and suggest that world leaders will use commercial flights to see old girl off … in the carefully planned global choreography of the high ranking dignitaries poncing about the planet, this amounts to a last minute event. Frankly, it is a cheek by King Chuck, having an early shot at his faux green credentials, to tell people how to travel to his mother’s funeral. What they do when they get there is up to. him and his planners, how they get there is none of his business, it is impertinence of a royal level. Why not put the old girl on ice for a couple of months so she doesn’t get on the whiffer too much, so everybody can arrive by sailboat? (Wonder if Chuck has invited Greta Thunberg, the Queen of Sullen.) It’s a wonder Chuck hasn’t stipulated what sort of environmentally-friendly clothing and ethically mined jewellery was allowable.
      Then there’s the fact that if Albo were to travel commercially, it would have to be with Qantas, and he’s seen first hand what a mess the Qantas Fairy has got our flag carrier into, might end up in in Anywhereastan and his luggage in Wherethephuckareweastan – and if they accidentally made to Old Blighty, probably be a week or so after she’d been planted. And his return flight might be delayed or even cancelled several times, although that would suit you for the country to be without him for a week or to …. it would give Dutton a chance to land a blow or two that he’s been unable to do so far.

      But from your point of view, what a field day of scorn and drivel you would have if instead he travelled with Emirates.

      Now zip up Potatohead’s pants, go home and brush your tooth.

      • Prickster says:

        Sorry Pie I forgot that you were on Jenny’s I hate QANTAS bandwagon.

        There is no partisan politics here, just calling out political bullshit of “do as I say not do as I do”.

        Let’s see if the other Australian’s invited to the funeral travel on the RAAF Private jet too.

        • The Magpie says:

          So you love Qantas? We all love what Qantas used to be – same as we feel about the Bulletin – but just to be clear, The ‘Pie as NEVER called for a boycott of Qantas, and has NEVER opposed it buying up the rest of Alliance, which, if anyone bothered read beyond the knee-jerk, ill informed, financially ignorant spindrift of our mayor, is more a good thing than a bad thing. And the ‘Pie has NEVER been ‘one of Jenny’s’ anything.

          And other Australians invited to the funeral are not the Prime Minister of the country.

      • Wingnut says:

        Maybe Chuck will encourage the royal douche bags to stop flying by helicopter between estates and stop jumping on private planes every few days, in an effort to save the environment? Hypocritical fucktards.

      • The Dentist says:

        Oh, very, very good Pie! ‘………and brush your tooth’! I wonder if Prick will get it???

        Reminds me of the day old mate plopped down in my chair and wanted me to make him look like a Collingwood supporter. I raised an eyebrow and asked if he was sure and he was. So, I knocked him out with the gas and took the front lot out of his mouth. When he came round he was horrified- he thought I was going to alternate each of the top and bottom front teeth with black and white colours!!! OUCH!!

  14. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Oh dear, Mr. Pie, is this ominous?
    Headline in today’s Bulletin online mess about Cowboys “pre-sale” tickets.

    “Time revealed for members-only presage”

    “Presage” meaning … “be a sign or warning of (an imminent event, typically an unwelcome one).”
    Solomon Island sub-editors at it again??

  15. Old Tradesman says:

    Happened to drive past the Aitkenvale State School today, flags are not at half mast, I believe a lot of ethnic children go to this school. This woke bullshit has to stop.

  16. The Magpie says:

    Perhaps the name Jack Charles wasn’t all that familiar, but the face … the eyes … the presence … was unforgettable.

    The actor has gone to the Dreamtime, the victim of a stroke.

    Charles’ works included touring his one-man show Jack Charles v The Crown, which was based on his life, ABC’s Cleverman and Preppers. Last year, he appeared in SBS’s Who Do You Think You Are?, discovering the identity of his father and his family’s ties to more Aboriginal nations across Victoria and Tasmania.


  17. Ratepayer says:

    I see in today’s rag Jenny Hill is singing the praises of the Cowboys stadium and having a crack at those who opposed it.
    Well Jenny, the jury on the success of the stadium will continue to be out until you or your 3 State labor mates come clean on just how much it is costing the taxpayer to operate.
    Details of income and expenses would be a good start.
    If the eye watering figures I’ve heard are true, it is a very expensive “success”.

    • The Magpie says:

      And did you note the Purple Doona got another airing for the occasion?

      • The Magpie says:

        And The Magpie is humbled and gratified to be acknowledged by our mayor for the sterling efforts made here by the old bird and his readers … although it was probably more ‘shoot from the lip’ before she realised what she said.
        Clr Hill said Queensland Country Bank stadium was well and truly showing its worth, with the preliminary final to mark an important milestone for the venue. “Now that we have the new stadium and it’s in the city, I never seem to hear anyone criticising the fact that the stadium is here – we used to cop a lot of criticism with the idea,” she said.

        Ahem … the ONLY place you ever saw any criticism of the project, madam, was HERE in the Magpie’s Nest. Other, both in the media and organisations, who didn’t agree simply kept silent, while the Nesters continually argued about priorities, cost and secret financial dealings. And still do., especially about the closely guarded secrets of the on-going costs to ratepayers.

        And yes, while it is fact of life now, and it must be admitted, it is a handsome looking beast on those three or four occasions it has had a good crowd, ‘proving its worth’ is a moveable feast when no parameters or KPIs are publicly set and met – it will never be known while you’re around, m’dear … your Hermit Kingdom smoke and mirrors policy on your financial sleight of hand will never allow that to happen – just like your disgraceful pet indulgence, the V8 Superpests. Trust you? Having to take your word for anything should come with an official warning.

        But it was nice to be mentioned by you, madam mayor, even if inadvertently.

    • Hagar says:

      And I see in todays paper that they managed to print the story about William Tyrell on 2 different pages.
      Just think they could have kept the comics in if they only printed each story once – horrible

  18. Papa Giuseppi says:

    Does anyone know who is the Chief Legal Officer for the Townsville City Council.

    • The Magpie says:

      Dunno, but you’d think it the job would be filled by now … apps closed three months ago.

      Wonder if Fat Tony will put his hand up again … passed over three times so far, but he’s hangin’ in there, probably insecure about his chances in the real world.

      • Papa Giuseppi says:

        I note in the job description the chief legal officer would be responsible for internal and external legal teams.
        Now I wasn’t aware they engaged external advice.
        I would be very interested to know which legal firm or firms are providing advice to the TCC and for what reasons, given they already have their own lawyers.
        I wonder if a law firm would provide the CORRECT advice to the TCC on a particular matter if their own interest would be negatively impacted.
        No, that would never happen, surely!

        • The Magpie says:

          Don’t think that’s the way it works … the TCC legal team such as it i is mainly there for donkey work … hauling ratepayers of dastardly deeds into court, advising executive and the mayor on sneaky ways to use LG regulations against people who make complaints (and against councillors, The ‘Pie imagines Fran has copped in the neck more than once from these drones). When the council actually needs advice about serious legal matters, it would not be unusual to outside expert opinion in any given field.

          And the example has been set by Mayor Mullet, who engaged a Brisbane legal firm (at council cost) when she cleaned up that motorcyclist. despite the council’s insurance footing the bill, as The ‘Pie understands it. And just as well for her, if she’d depended on the TCC legal department, she’d probably be languishing elsewhere by now.

          • Papa Giuseppi says:

            The Right To Information Office at the TCC are controlled by the legal department. I suspect the Chief Legal Officer would have trouble sleeping at night knowing he is has the responsibility to comply with the RTI Act and protect the integrity of the TCC, should any employees or councillors make decisions outside their powers.
            I guess it’s just one of the many situations in this democratic country where conflict of interests exist.

  19. Critical says:

    Heard a comment today that the new building associated with the $530 million expansion at the Townsville University Hospital is to be built on the site of the public car park. Surely this can’t be right.
    Has anyone heard anything about the location of this building. If this comment is right, whete are patients and visitors going to park.

    The below media release refers to the relocation of the helicopter pad to the top of the building associated with the $530 million expansion to allow for a clinical services building so I’m assuming that is a future expansion and surely they wouldn’t close the current busy helicopter pad while a building is being built. Where will the helicopters land during construction.


    • The Magpie says:

      Surely we will shortly see a grand ‘visual conceptualisation’ by some optimistic illustrator who works only with rose coloured glasses, and we will learn such details. Also be interesting to see where they’ll find the extra staff, they haven’t got enough even now. but a mere detail, dear boy, a memere detail.

      But don’cha just love the way they put these releases out …. they write the honeyed words start to finish, then have a confab about where they’ll allocate various paragraphs to be attributed to the names of all three local goofball with a to a few pars each. Quite funny when you think about it.

  20. Regular reader says:

    Our fearless leader Jenny is now complaining about the cost of airfares for people wanting to visit Townsville.
    Forget about the problems getting a taxi from the airport, or the lack of tourist attractions (apart from Maggie Island), the roads full of potholes, and the CBD wasteland, Townsville is a tourist mecca, according to Jovial Jenny and her TEL wishing well coin tossers.
    There’s a simple solution for the airline prices Jenny – start your own airline.
    It couldn’t cost any more than your other lame duck ideas like Landsdown, and I’m sure all your friends at Qantas will happily give you some tips.
    If you’re looking for a name for your new airline, Wreck Air would be an obvious choice, given your track record.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Perhaps Gill from TEL, with all his so-called aviation experience, along with BS should try negotiating with the airlines, offer incentives, actually put some muscle in to trying to collaborate more closely with the airlines to agree on a better fair price? That would be a start. Even those these two are idiots, they are at least not so vicious and confronting as the inept bully of a Mayor.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Clearly Mayor Hill hasn’t paid for her airfares for a long time as airfares to Cairns – Townsville – Mackay have been high for months . Didnt hear her complain that there were no rent a cars between Broncos game and the V8,s in Townsville or that rent a car companies don’t like you taking a car from Cairns to Townsville . In fact sounds like our Mayor has no idea on travel / accomodation / taxi + Uber issues in the City .

      • Critical says:

        TCC staff book her air travel, accommodation and so on and then directly costed to her office budget so she wouldn’t have a clue on costs but the poor bloody ratepayers foot her travel bills.

  21. Footy Fan says:

    The shit is about to hit the fan with ticket allocations for next weeks Cowboys home preliminary final.
    Every season ticket holder is entitled to buy 8 seats and according to the Cowboys website, there were 10,000 in February this year.
    Do the maths – 8 x 10,000 = 80,000 seats.
    But the stadium only holds 25,000 and surely a chunk of those have to be saved for the opposition supporters.
    Heated questions are being asked as to why season ticket holders are allowed to buy 8 seats and not just the same number of seats they originally bought.
    Perhaps someone from the Cowboys can explain how all this is supposed to work, and be fair.

  22. The Magpie says:


    Donald Putin has a bitch about that raid on Vladimir Trump.

  23. The Magpie says:

    Albo the Unafraid.

    The Prime Minister hits the bimbo/bozo media for six over the future of the fiver.

    The name of the reporter who asked the question … and future idiots asking similar inane, inappropriately-timed questions … should be named. If these show ponies want to be public figures, then they too can face the name and shame spotlight.

    Meantime, Albo will make sure there’ll be plenty more where this came from.

  24. Prince Rollmop says:

    Cr Hill, or her majesty, has an endless bucket of money to spend on herself for all sorts of things such as LGAQ conferences and other unnecessary folly. Her staff don’t look for ‘cheapest flights’ or for hotel accomodation discounts or even 3 star accomodation, it’s all ‘spend whatever you want’. The same applies for CEO Ralston, who loves the finer things in life and is very happy spending up big on himself, courtesy of the ratepayer. TCC is a breeding ground for shills, shysters, and snake oil salesmen (and women).

  25. Townsville City, Counselled says:

    On the issue of name change of our city, this is long overdue. Towns was a prick, pure and simple, anything would be better. Perhaps the only Queensland city named after a bigger monster was Logan. Unfortunately Towns did not meet the natural and poetic justice that Logan himself did.

    • The Magpie says:

      If that is the criteria, we’d better not look too closely at the origins of Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne and Hobart … their crimes were no less than Towns and Logan – indeed far greater by any measure – but neither were able to hide behind titles and the unremitting cruelty of British colonial law.

      And as for Queensland, well, where to start with the woman known by radicals as ‘the old brute’. (That would be Queen Victoria, who got to hog two state names.)

      • Achilles says:

        It makes no sense to simply change the names, they were relevant at the time, but sanitising will only bury the past.

        Surely educating everyone as to how these were once the norm, will highlight the progress we have made.

        Just closing our eyes like a child who has been spooked will not make it go away.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie has argued in the space before that many of the disapproved names should remain, as should statues and plaques that some find offensive, as a standing rebuke and disagreement with the policies of those who came before us. Explanatory, warts and all, inscriptions should be posted at these places too, neither condemning or denying, just stating facts. It is more than tiresome that the over-zealous virtue signallers have the bombast to endlessly tell decent people how they should feel not just about past actions others, but about themselves as a consequence of those long ago actions. This arrogant insistence on guilt does great damage to any progress in healing divisions and in some cases, continued injustices, because I for one will never feel any guilt for what some heinous bastard or government did long before I was born.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, I don’t think individual people are being asked to feel guilt and governments, as entities, are not able to ‘feel’ guilty. But a government of today is able to take responsibility for the actions of a previous government such as one that promoted a racist policy of exclusion as happened in Moree in the mid -1950s and was uncovered in the 1965 students Freedom Ride:

            “The pattern of racial discrimination and segregation in Moree was similar to that found in Walgett with some firms refusing to employ Aboriginals, and most hotels refusing to serve them. The students’ attention, however, focused on the swimming pool where a council by-law prevented Aboriginal people’s entry. This was an example of discrimination enforceable under local ordinance so it was seen to be similar to officially sanctioned apartheid in South Africa and segregation in the United States. In addition, a local councillor, alderman Bob Brown, had repeatedly tried to get the council to allow Aborigines to use the baths, but to no avail – he could not even get a seconder for his motion.” (from Wikipedia)

            Can you imagine the townspeople of Moree agreeing that a plaque saying something like this should be placed beside the original plaque celebrating the official opening of the local swimming pool in the recent past? I doubt it.

          • The Magpie says:

            Why do you doubt it? Can’t see why not a plaque marking a turning point not just in the town’s but indeed the nation’s social progress would not be tolerated, in fact, why it might not be welcomed in the 22nd century … presented in the right manner and wording, such a plaque could be seen as a positive for the town. Or are you more familiar with the sentiments of the Moree-ians than Nest readers generally?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            “. . . . presented in the right manner and wording, such a plaque could be seen as a positive for the town.”
            I was hoping to hear that the town had already generated such a motivation of its own accord rather than responding to an external suggestion or ‘nudge’. Perhaps it has; I’ve never been there. But when loud, powerful media voices megaphone the message that ‘Australia is NOT a racist country’, and leave out the phrase ‘any more’, I do have my doubts.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, where did The ‘Pie say that the plaque and its wording should be dictated by outside groups? It would be meaningless if imposed on the community. As the old couplet has it:
            ‘He who is persuaded against will, Will hold the same opinion still.’

          • Grumpy says:

            Sabbath. You need not cross the border to find evidence of effective apartheid. A hotel in Murgon banned Aborigines up until the late 80s. The owner, who happened to be the local mayor and a member of the Country Party, escaped any form of sanction despite numerous complaints but the legal aid authorities. In a sad, but ironic, postscript, the hotel owner was bashed to death in 1993 outside his pub by a drunken 16yo Aboriginal lad.

  26. Edvard Munch says:

    Rates due this week, it’s like the brakes were put on as you can feel a slow down .

    Palaszczuk Govt and Townsville Council have a had a dream run but the wheels are starting to fall off because they dropped the ball on housing and so many other areas including hospitals , Bruce highway a mess , public transport , police + hospital staff numbers .

    Mayors Hills committees like Taskforce NQ shovel ready projects have resulted in nothing . Lancini , Honeycombes , Mark Adams , Daryl Holmes and most of the resi owners who got out mostly at a loss hundreds of millions $ has left Townsville and our Council too dumb to know . Cost of living , Albo and the $10 bil reinsurance pool the pressure will be on our 3 State hapless MP,s and Council .

  27. David Donohue says:

    Hi Malcolm, I’m a regular reader (love your work) but don’t post much.

    Other nesters who read the opinion pages of the Townsville Bulletin might have been entertained by an exchange between Barry Davies and myself over a letter I wrote a few weeks ago about community engagement. Barry had a couple of cracks at me in the texts and a letter, but for whatever reason, the editor has not seen fit to publish my note in reply (and hopefully closure).

    I thought that Barry, as another well read local, probably visits your blog, so thought you might let me respond to him and others interested just to close this out?

    “Hi Barry,
    Sorry to have triggered such a reaction from you, it was certainly not my intent to cause offence. So, trying to answer your queries in texts and LTTE:

    I’m not working for any political party or government, but over the years I’ve successfully consulted to all levels and governments of every major political stripe.

    I can only guess how hard it must be to talk about process when everything is solely viewed through a partisan political lens, but process is what I’m about. If we go through the right process the right way and we must get the correct answer.

    Happy to be contracted to facilitate any community consultation so just contact my office, I’m not hard to find. But I’m not interested in doing a political hatchet job on anyone as I’ve discovered that the best way to effect change is to engage, educate and advocate rather than just “play the man” from the sidelines.

    It’s not you Barry, it’s me – and this is over between us. I doubt you’ll ever change your viewpoint, so I won’t fuel your fires further.

    David Donohue”

    • The Magpie says:

      My pleasure, David. I’m not aware of the details of your stoush with Mr Davies, but the Bulletin from top to bottom is a clinical study in journalistic ADS, with a generous dash of ignorance of local history, even when recorded in their paper, a general lack of interest and no gumption. That they are not aware of the contributions you have made to the community or the posts you have and do hold comes as no surprise, given News Ltd’s FIFO policy for iditors who tend to regard the editor’s chair at the Bulletin as a speed bump in an otherwise rocketing career path. Few have had any real interest in the town, and arrive already looking at possibilities elsewhere.

      Will be happy to publish any response Mr Davies may offer, but unlike the Astonisher, if the exchange gets too tedious for the general interest of Nesters, The ‘Pie will advise you of it … no one dies wondering around The Magpie heh heh heh.

    • Ratepayer says:

      Congrats – you have just refuelled the fire.

  28. Palm Sunday says:

    I noticed this little headline in today’s Bulletin:

    “Townsville City Council has bought land to help create a new residential, commercial and cultural precinct near the stadium.”

    What’s that all about?

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, if it’s headline, what did the story say? (sigh).

      • Palm Sunday says:

        I am not a subscriber so I can only see the headline. And out of town so I can’t see the paper. Actually thought you would be warbling about it anyway. Why does Council have to be the developer of inner city residential and commercial land? Will no one else touch it or was the vendor some favourite needing a leg up?

        • The Magpie says:

          This is a serious not flippant comment … The ‘Pie spends hours every day reading all sorts of stuff, concentrating on the local scene, but during the week, generally allows readers to set the pace in comments. Well aware of this story (which in fact is a non-story in terms of the treatment it has received from the Daily Mulletin) and will be looking at some aspects in tomorrow’s Nest. And in fact, despite the impression from the scant look you’ve seen, the TCC in this case isn’t planning to be the developer if it can help it … but whatever happens, it’s generally agreed that if the very blurry project concept goes ahead, it won’t be for five years, according to sensible comment.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            So the Council buys land it doesn’t want, for a project it doesn’t need, with money it doesn’t have. Sounds like Lansdown without Magnis. Oh, what a feeling!

          • Critical says:

            Looks like the land in question is the old Dooley’s Used Car card yard. Council already owns the old Railway Yards and can’t get anyone to develop them so who knows where this dream will take us, except costing the ratepayers megabucks. There is a possibility that she may try to get $$$ from Nanna Anna to build a pile of social housing so look out adjacent business and unit owners, the inner city high density slums are coming to you so sell up and get out now.

          • The Magpie says:

            Peter Tapiolas puts paid to that in the story, pointing to the prohibitive cost of soil remediation because of alleged contamination that the nanny state insists is a no-no to build on. The story is a beat up and looks like a quid pro quo for a two page $7000 spread by the TCC which amounts to campaigning for the current council.

  29. Jatzcrackers says:

    Well, the Cats didn’t take any prisoners sorting out the Lions !

  30. Achilles says:

    Just when we thought that the USA had bottomed out, they are now using illegal Immigrants as propaganda fodder.

    In the 19th century, Americans dumped poor migrants overseas. Now some governors are shipping them off to other states.


    • The Magpie says:

      That is, Republican governors and bussing and flying them – unannounced – to Democratic controlled states.

      • Achilles says:

        Taking people from where they were, to where they don’t want to be, sounds a bit like slavery.
        History inevitably repeating itself……..
        Yes masa………….?

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