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The Magpie

Saturday, October 7th, 2023   |   149 comments

Speaking In Tonges: Developer Mark Tonge’s Claims For His Hive Plans Don’t Make Much Sense

Mr Tonge got a free kick from gullible Bulletin reporter Leighton Smith during the week,  but Tonge, head of Global Centurion, made some claims that would have the front bar of any pub rolling around holding their sides.  And Smith was so proud of his cut and paste story, he boastfully challenged The Magpie to say what he thought of it. So The Magpie tells him.

Talk about adding insult to injury.  Jenny Hill trashes Townsville and her own credibility of national television, all for a petty and pointless political pointscore.  That was the injury …

…. the insult was ‘Jamie Drury redux ‘… the laughable conclusions of the Mayoral-ordered ‘safety audit’ of the city by an ex-cop.  The risible outcomes have added  urgency to questions being asked about the integrity of the expensive appointment.

And with Premier Palaszczuk tottering perilously close to the electoral cliff-edge, perhaps it’s time to ask Premier-in-waiting  David Crisafulli about some of as yet undeclared LNP policies.  He needs to be crystal clear on one in particular – and it’s not juvenile crime.

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Like An Exhausted Long Distance Runner, The Voice Referendum Campaign Staggers Down The Home Stretch

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Looking like marathon runners trying to find a final reserve of energy,  this woebegone campaign weaves and totters painfully towards next Saturday’s finish line.  The whole nation, those on all sides of the argument, can hardly wait to get a bloody rest from the bruising and brutally divisive lying and spite of a wholly unnecessary division in our society.

Claims by our vain glorious Prime Minister that there will be no division in the Australian community if the Yes vote prevails are weasel words driven solely by political opportunism that will go down in our history as his legacy. Because, too late,  no matter what the outcome, Anthony Albanese has been the egotistical architect of an already deep division that will endure long after the ballots are counted.  It is simply inane of our national leader to claim that for a Yes campaign of hidden agendas and lofty arrogance to win we will suddenly have peace and harmony across the land , as we trip merrily hand in hand to the sunlit uplands of racial goodwill and understanding.

Realistically, with the Yes team making some claimed gains, the outcome is possibly closer than polls suggest, let’s say best/worst case scenario, 52%/48%. In what Lala land does this prime minister think the losers – whichever side they are –  will just go away and be quiet.

Bentley at his brilliant best sums up in a single telling image the story of sleazy Albanese and Aussie society.


The ‘Pie’s final view on his vote: after a year of being reviled as a racist for asking questions, seeking clarification and intention …  with many matters that the Voice to Parliament is now admitted to be only the first of three steps … The ‘Pie is unwilling to accept the invitation of honeyed siren voices inviting him to stick his arm in this particular hollow log and be delighted with what he finds. Because the next thing he will find is the unknown territory of an undefined ‘treaty’,  and then ‘truth telling’ which is clearly code for reparations.

Now, the merits of all that are what will be decided, but the underhand, sneaky way in which the indigenous elite and this Prime Minister went about trying to hoodwink the nation, it will be largely responsible for the greater share of No votes. Which will include The ‘Pie, because an unchangeable  Voice in the constitution is a divisive, racially-based, undemocratic, and regressive measure. And will achieve exactly nothing except greater infighting and corruption with in the fractured, tribalised indigenous section of Australian society, and greater resentment for those footing an unreasonable and disproportionate  bill … the other 97% of Australians.

Mayor Jenny Hill Disgraces Us On National Television

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In one of the nastiest ‘playing to the gallery’ efforts yet from this disgraceful bloody woman, Jenny Hill has trashed Townsville’s image when she appeared on national morning TV during the week.  The jaw dropping bogan redneck brainlessness starts at 1.50 when host Natalie Barr asks what the mayor thinks is causing all the juvenile crime.  Watch Natalie Barr’s face as this splatter gun of racist and false political insults starts, and note Barr’s closing remark.  There is no point those supporting the mayor’s view saying they don’t care what an urbanite like Barr thinks, if we are to believe other statements from our bogan mayor about growth and the city’s popularity, she has just set back her own cause … and Townsville’s progress.  Again.

The Magpie sees no point in detailing the fallacy and political agenda in this ignorant spray, because he well knows he will have to explain it to some of his developmentally delayed commenters in the coming week. (sigh).

But Mayor Mullet Has Your Back, Crime Victims

It is somehow karma-like that crime has prompted our mayor to invest a criminal amount of money in a faux safety audit, which in effect is using ratepayer funds to pay for her re-election campaign … coming late to the party, she’s suddenly realised that she needs to be seen to be doing something about the lawless little snots. You’ll remember a while back that she appointed retired walloper Clint Drew to do a bullshit ‘safety audit’ to see what the council could do in its limited capacity in fighting crime.  Asking an cop how to handle a thoughtful community safety plan is like asking a hammer how to handle a nail.

The ‘audit’ has been completed, and will be presented to the next council meeting. Full details won’t be available until then, and that’s probably to keep people like Magpie readers from savaging the whole fucking waste of money. (Mr Drew is being paid as a six month contractor, but you’ll never guess why those who pay him – i.e. the ratepayers, – are not allowed to know how much … it’s – altogether now – Commercial in Confidence.) A completely unconfirmed  email reached the Nest during the week, claiming that Mr Drew actually now lives in WA, and council has been footing a FIFO bill of flights and accommodation for him. Anyone know about this?  Happy to quash or confirm.

However, Mayor Mullet has allowed herself to leak a few of the findings in a TCC media release, to let you know what you paid for.  But there is some mystery about what so far has been hailed as the major finding.

“One of the recommendations was to expand the Adopt A Cop program to local sporting clubs and community groups.

“By connecting our local sporting clubs and community groups with a member of the QPS, we can effectively bridge the gap between our hard-working law enforcement officers and the many volunteers and community associations who activate and use our public spaces.

“This level of partnership will become a highly-effective two-way communication and engagement initiative that will benefit both the community and QPS.”

Now the mystery about this is twofold with a strong lack of awareness about youth generally and indigenous youth in particular. First, what in fuck’s name has Adopt A Cop got to do with the Townsville City Council.  That is surely the call of the QPS, and there can be no genuine role for council or councillors. And there is a strong undercurrent that what this recommendation is advocating is recruiting sporting overseers to become ‘snitches’.  Reporting crime is a duty, but trying recruit kids off the street into organisations where coppers will be watching every little move is a strategic idiocy.  What else could the phrase ‘two-way communication’ be interpreted? Now that’s almost certainly not what is intended and  would not be feasible,  but it’s what the kids think and perceive that is important. Therefore this is a stupid suggestion or at best, just badly worded – and yet again, another waste of ratepayers money by a campaigning mayor.

Fran O’Callaghan Has Some Different Concerns 

She spelt them out in a letter to the Bulletin, since the paper is notoriously  gun shy of real political reporting.

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Is Mark Tonge The Latest Entrant In Townsville’s Infamous Carpetbaggers’ Hall Of Ill Fame?

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Mark Tonge, CEO of Centurion Global

This dude with the winning smile can certainly talk the talk, but will be able to walk the walk? A sort of twaddle versus waddle question. One doubts it, because so much of what he says and claims seems to be twaddle. Let’s take a look, starting with this fronter on Monday’s Daily Astonisher.

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You will note that the headline is definite – says it’s going to happen – while the opening par includes a hopeful ‘could’. Then the story.

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It seems the only buzz was between reporter Light-On Smith’s ears,  so flattered to receive the Tonge wisdom he probably did himself an excited  ‘naughty puppy’ mischief in the middle of a startled newsroom. But if nothing else,  Leighton Smith likes leading with his chin, so after getting some sniping from commenters during the week which tended to suggest that Walkey glory remain but a distant dream, he was unwise enough to post this comment under his Magpie-bestowed name Jimmy Olsen.

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OK, mate, let’s ‘notice’ it, starting at the very beginning.

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As any lady of the night, astute businessman or worthwhile reporter knows,  verbal agreements are not worth the paper they’re written on.  But still, what the hell, they said, we’ll give a front page a burl.  Then there’s the carefully worded ‘reached an agreement … to purchase the 1.7ha site’.  But 6 months on, there does not appear to be any settlement of said sale – and more to the point, sale of what exactly? More on that in a sec.

But then the ‘bombshell’.

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‘Shortly’? ‘Probably’? This immediately raises the question as to why Mr Tonge would be talking about something that hasn’t happened, and on the face of it, is highly unlikely to.  But no question cut through all that buzz, Light-On?  Like, the 8-story, 132- room Ardo  cost $88m, yet your man is going to provide a 20 storey tower block (one of two, no less ) and convince an unnamed ‘top level international brand hotel’ to whack in a 200 bedroom hotel somewhere in there? Estimated cost somewhere north of $200m.  Way north probably.

C’mon, pull the other one,  it yodels The Impossible Dream.

But still nothing, Light-On? No lights on, so as to speak, pumpkin? So let’s get to this.

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That’s a bigger giveaway than an Oprah Show audience surprise.  That last line gives the game away, it is the classic come-on from someone who wants to flip a property, complete with tenants, approvals and deals seemingly in place without doing the hard yards of actual construction.  The ‘Pie thinks that Mr Tonge is unlikely to find buyers as gullible or lazy an Leighton Smith.

Harsh? Well,  The Magpie beaked around this a bit and spoke with some contacts in the property market, both here and on the Gold Coast. As Mr Smith could well have done. This is the distillation of their info.

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The site:

Total site appears to be aprox 18,000 m2 (1.8Ha)…includes Cri Pub plus carpark, Queens Hotel, vacant site behind Cri (King/Flinders St) and several odd buildings behind Queens Hotel.

DOES NOT include Molly Malones Irish Pub which is owned by Zeller Properties Pty Ltd.

Local contact says Gleesons have carved off a 2867 rectangular corner site they’re holding, which includes Cri pub, plus some car park.  It is advertised for sale  with Colliers (Angelo Castorina – who is also handling land sales for Tonge’s  ‘somewhat interesting’ Magnetic Views development at Pallarenda).  It was placed under contract April 2023 and doesn’t appear to have settled. Still under contract September 2023. None of the other Gleeson stuff advertised for sale or sold, which leaves 15,000 + sq Mts.

Not sure who the eventual buyer will turn out to be, unknown until it settles which may be subject to a lot of stuff being approved.

One contact told The ‘Pie: “Bottom line, my guess….wonder boy is spruiking it all big time with future Townsville developments but he’s looking to have a bigger buyer party come out of the woodwork to ‘buy out’ his dream development.  And while it’s a free country, why would you leave the Gold Coast (Australia biggest and most sought after location with an Olympic frenzy coming up) to go to humble Townsville with all of these beads and blankets ? Yes, he’s done a couple of land developments in the ‘ville,  but two towers at Aitkenvale (for fucks sake) and the billion $$$ Hive Hub is a different animal. Time will tell but there’s definitely red flags for this bloke.”

Two other contacts said they had spoken to some high profile mates in property, both here and on the Gold Coast, and they’ve never heard of him.

So who would lend this fella a few lazy billion or so? Well, it’s unlikely to be one particular financial institution. Suncorp have certainly heard of Mr Tonge. they were introduced in a court room 14 years ago. It would seem he has been off Suncorp’s Christmas card list for a while now.

Still nothing, Leighton? Oh, well, back you go to an exclusive reveal about the next fast food outlet opening in the Upper Ross.

Talk About Burying The Lede.

For those at the Astonisher who are scratching their heads, ‘burying the lede’ is a traditional newspaper term for an activity for which the Bulletin is a world champion … it means to put the most important point of a story well down if not last in the story. The word ‘lede’, coined in 1950s, was a deliberate misspelling of ‘lead’ as in lead story or lead paragraph, used as an instruction to printers but deliberately spelt incorrectly so it was seen as a direction not to be printed. All those printers could read – ah, them was the days, eh? But the Bulletin has gone one further and not mentioned the main point AT ALL.

So on Wednesday, we got this …

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Reporter Blair Jackson did a sterling job of stenography which actually amounted to a well-planned if fruitless campaign boost for Knuckles Walker, who is fighting for his political survival. As mentioned, this has been around for seven years, but seems now is a handy time to announce that a $96m tender (to two contractors from outside Townsville) for an upgrade to four lanes for the stretch of Stuart drive between University Road and the Bowen Bridge.

Ah, yes, the Bowen Bridge, glad you mentioned that, Blair. That would be the ‘two lane’ Bowen Bridge, which is not included or even mentioned in this unquestioned ‘good news’ story which you have so loudly ballyhooed (blared maybe?).  This contract in effect means – stay with us here, Blair – that the four lanes of Bowen Road will be connected to the new Four lanes of Stuart drive by -ta da – a two lane bridge. Now, blair, mate, does a question occur to yet? Perhaps a little inquiry about possible bottlenecks, frustration and broad questions about fuckwittery?

Three months ago, Blair, your colleague Caitlin Charles reported that this announcement was in the wings, and ended her report with this:

State Roads Minister Mark Bailey said about 24,000 vehicles travel through the area every day, and it was important to make that trip safe.

“These upgrades will mean the road can handle a much larger volume of cars, increasing the traffic flow and helping with congestion,” he said.

“The Palaszczuk Government has also committed $70 million to deliver a new bridge over Townsville’s Ross River, next to the existing Bowen Road bridge.”

FFS you even included a file pic of the bridge, with Bailey and Mayor Mullet looking at the damage she helped cause in 2019. No question sprang to mind, eh?

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So, mate, you don’t think it worth the question about where’s the money for the bridge, so vital to the success of the expanded road?  This is not a the chicken or the egg conundrum … it is surely obvious that the bridge expansion to four lanes must come either first or simultaneously. So will it? The ‘Pie will give you a hint … the $70m for the bridge is separate and yet to be approved … but don’t take my word for it, mate , that would be irresponsible.

How about fucking asking for yourself!!!  Believe it or not, people are intreested in the answer, for a variety of reasons.

Geezuz, Blair, don’t tell me it’s a race between you and Light-On Smith for the Astonisher’s Dumb and Dumber Trophy.

Quick Question For Our Next Premier, Kid Crisafulli

Something many of us want to know, Mr Crisafulli … when you take over as Premier, will you make it a priority to order an inquiry … a Royal Commission would be best …. into the debacle that was the state’s covid management by the present government? With PM Albanese’s cowardly refusal to extend the federal inquiry to the states, Queensland stands in danger of the same incompetence, chaos and unnecessary disruption to everyday life that was inflicted on Queensland citizens – particularly families. If lessons aren’t learned, mistakes identified and sane and clear guidelines for pandemics are put in place, will we be faced with again with an ad hoc, policy-on-the-run debacle as before?

Just askin’.

Abe Was On The Money All Those Years Ago – And Sadly, Still Is

In recent times, Nostradamus-like quotes have come from verified historical figures. And with chilling echoes down the generations, Abraham Lincoln  – addressing the still distant but inevitable Civil War to end slavery – said in a 1838 speech: At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

Week after week, the Republicans, Trump  and the discombobulated MAGA crowd  show that Lincoln’s words ring as true to today as they did 185 years ago. Open conflict’s precursor of chaos is being increasingly seen, and many are now asking if the unrest and division can again only be solved by another civil war. The events of the week give no comfort.

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But Might As Well End With Laugh Rather Than A Cry

The Shovel crew are on to two prats, one by name the other by nature.

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Another week gone, another starts … join comments for a final say on the Voice, if you want, see you next Sunday. The donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Mayor Hills protection racket for Queensland Labors inadequate Youth Justice system for so many years has resulted in a Community under attack . Her Channel 7 Sunrise interview was redneck cringe worthy and painted Townsville very poorly on the National stage . Over in Thuringowa one of the comments from two days of Aaron Harper attacking Phil Thompson ” Aaron you have let Phil Thompson get into your head ” . First Aaron was on about Phil’s branded marquee at the polling booths . Then it was the full page article from 38 Herbert constituents who allegedly have ties to local Aboriginal and Torres straight islander groups who have emailed Phil’s office their details . Full page $ and the contributors don’t disclose who they are ? .

  2. Jeff, Condon says:

    Yes, we need a Royal Commission into QLD’s mishandling of the COVID issue. This should include our disheveled Governor’s appearance.

    She recommended school closures and then, incredibly, admitted in an interview a couple of months later that the closures were nothing to do with health, but to make people realise we were dealing with a serious matter. WTF?

    Then, we have a second problem. To whom would the final report be presented? It could hardly be the Governor because she was of the leading directors of the debacle.

    • The Magpie says:

      You missed Jeanette Young’s crowning piece of addled idiocy, when she banned the traditional Anzac Day fly-by by three vintage single-seater fighters, on the premise that if people saw the planes fly over, they might be tempted to take a drive. WTF!!! No kidding, that’s what she said, you can look it up.

      As to your last point, The ‘Pie disagrees … Jeanette Young is exactly the person into whose hands should be delivered an assuredly damning report. It’s called karma.

      • Jeff, Condon says:

        I remember that. She and Anna were carried away with the power.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Pie, I see where she and her wine connoisseur husband have purchased all the non Queensland wine from government house cellar as she won’t serve it at government house official functions.
        At rock Bottom price too.
        I bet there were some nice vintages amongst that lot.

  3. Bentley says:

    An extreme example of division by race and culture is now being demonstrated in the Middle East.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Bentley, that’ dispute is about whose God is the best, who owns a miserable piece of dirt, and who is swinging the biggest dick. It’s not really about race or culture. They all originate from the same race and culture, and the same piece of dirt.

      I’m going to place my bets on Israel for being biggest dicks. They could act like the developed nation and civilised country they are, but they won’t, they’d rather commit war crimes and human rights abuses. Palestine isn’t in the same league, they aren’t a developed country, and Hamas will do stupid shit out of desperation.

      • The Magpie says:

        So basically what Hamas did and is doing in this terrorist attack can be dismissed as just the latest skirmish in the on-going conflict?

  4. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Flicking around the TV last night and couldn’t help notice the absolute joy of the people at CNN, MSNBC and the BBC as Israel was getting peppered by rockets and people dragged from tanks and homes and taken hostage, I think their smirks might disappear in the next day or two.

    • The Magpie says:

      Gaza will also disappear once attempts to rescue Israeli hostages have succeeded or failed. They’ll hold back for a bit for that, but then …. Property prices, rather than plunge, will be at a premium because of extremely limited supply of stock left standing, but lots of greenfielded sites up for grabs.

      Sick joke, you say? The whole middle east without exception is a sick joke, and the greatest example of where relgio-fairytales can take humanity. All so bloody pointless.

    • Bentley says:

      A friend who was working in Saudi Arabia was appalled by the cheers and whoops of joy when the TV news program they were watching showed the aircraft hitting the twin towers on 9/11. (She was out of the country on the next available flight.)

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    Love the Magpie’s comment about Light-on Smith getting a lipstick over his ‘scoop’ about Mr Tongue’s development proposal. Light-on also gets a lipstick every time he is within the Mullets magnificent presence.

    • Spelcheka says:

      Is this the same Mark Tongue who’s tied up with Contractor for the remnant stage of Yarrawonga? Paying $3m on land, $6m on civil works, for 30lots? Do things work differently on the GC?
      How many of those Pallarenda lots are real sales?

  6. Dave of Kelso says:

    Adopt-A-Cop to achieve highly effective communication.

    I have an idea. How about,

    Adopt a State Government Politician.

    Maybe not. There would be more highly effective communication by,

    Adopt a Tree Stump!

  7. Dave of Kelso says:

    I remember the Baby Bonus.

    It was at that time that I learnt that, in many sosocio-economicly disadvantaged families, very early childhood development can be matierally assisted with the purchase of a wide screen television, which were just becoming available at the time.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Nah, that was the handout after the cyclone. Even the full time homeless folk lined up for the $1,000 per adult and $350 for each kid.
      Norqeb made a killing on colour TV’s as its store at Stockland was right opposite Social Security.

  8. Polly says:

    Magpie can any of your contacts provide any insight on the goings on at the Water Department? I was told last week all the useful senior staff who know anything about anything have left or are leaving. And recently the operations managers of water and wastewater have been stood down.

    • Achilles says:

      A watershed moment, maybe?

    • Clever P Accountant says:

      To watch over the years how the Townsville Water Business went from a political plaything with Citiwater to a stage when some average people tried to run it, keeping a low profile from the politicians until they needed a pipeline and no money to deliver it.

      It was so funny to see them in never land. Never going to get the funds for infrastructure, even to fix sewers that flood the maternity ward unless it gets them a vote. Never going to get funds for a pipeline until it’s an electoral issue. Never mention that the pipeline project cost was estimated at $245 million (read the task force report and council minutes) when the state only gives us $200+million.

      They brought in some good guys that actually seemed to know what they were doing and trying to get through the politics to some reality. The Covid paranoia and executive ineptness then came with the smiling assassin and her safety lackey taking control. It was hilarious to watch the power play and ridiculous decisions like not filling electrical positions because some poor labourer might be able to fill it. Any good decision was being stalled or delayed because the smiling assassin was in control. She pulled the trigger on a few of them.

      When talking to the others that moved on, the word was that they found it untenable when the new Prince didn’t like the answers and he could do better than any of them. Jenny and he could draw a line on the map and hey presto there is water. I just laughed when the $45million, which is now $75 million,suprised everybody when it miraculously appeared. But Jenny and the Prince will save us with their map drawing. They will make it disappear. They didn’t like it when the state made them put it the budget.

      No wonder no one with any calibre or experience wants to stay. Those that have stay are just survivors and wont lift their head above t

      But then I have the best job in the world and get paid to go to the circus every day. At budget time it’s a three ring extravaganza with lots of smoke and mirrors

      • Polly says:

        Well that is all lovely but it doesn’t answer my question as to why we are going into the wet season with no one with any operational knowledge in charge of water or wastewater.
        Travis Richards isn’t operational.
        Seren McKenzie and the other guy don’t associate with the staff or get their hands dirty. And if there’s no knowledgeable staff left what happens when we run out of water? Have a major pipeline burst? Have a sewage pump station fail. Have a cyclone? Have a major weather event?

  9. Echochamber says:

    Jesus. A photo on Aaron Harper’s Facebook page of him, Jenny and Frothy and the “We’re shit out of ideas on youth crime so least we can do is bring all the home security companies together for you to protect yourself” expo. Jenny dead set looks like she’s wearing a Hessian bag.

  10. Woodduck says:

    I wonder how successful the TCC crime expo was? I’ve never heard of any other places having one, maybe the Mullets way to combat crime is to teach ratepayers to live with it.

    • The Magpie says:

      Right idea, wrong doorstep … crime is wholly and solely Palaszczuk’s bastard baby. But the muddled Mullet decided for electoral reasons to demonstrate how powerless she is on this issue.

  11. Achilles says:

    Lydia Thorpe is an ELECTED Aboriginal VOICE in Parliament, her voice is not very coherent.

  12. Prickster says:

    Before we get all excited about the Hive Development let’s check a few things;
    – traffic in that part of the city is horrible, and even worse after events,
    – what’s the Hive next too, nothing
    – ever tried to get a taxi or uber from the airport?

    Remember this much more realistic proposal – https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/business/construction-on-townsvilles-mantra-hotel-expected-by-end-of-year/news-story/656c124973b75d0baada3bbaee7c122d

    A much better location, a better brand for the city, and might actually fix a horrible eyesore.

    • The Magpie says:

      Developer Mark Adams faced a barrage of what can be fairly called anti-development barriers. Not the least being, unless The Magpie is mistaken – dealing with not just the TCC but also the Port Authority – aka the Palaszczuk Government – which has the ultimate say in developments on the banks of Ross Creek. Be interesting to know what the situation is now, if progressive idea for a prime site is still in the works and just delayed, or scrapped. If the latter, why would be an interesting question.

      • Prickster says:

        Another fine example how the TCC, Port Authority and the Palaszczuk Government chase investment away from the city.

        I would have thought they would have got behind Mark Adams because unlike lots of shit talkers in Townsville he got stuff done like redeveloping the T&G building, and if it wasn’t for the Mad Cow the Vomitorium wouldn’t exist.

  13. Doug K says:

    What’s with all these so-called celebrities trying to tell us how to vote in the referendum?
    Surely Australians are capable of making up their mind without any help from tv stars, sportspeople, and indigenous luminaries.
    As for Albo, I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, and these days I’d be flat out just lifting him up.

    • The Magpie says:

      Doug, you are touching on an aspect of this campaign which could perhaps be called ‘Suicide by Celebrity’ … the juvenile notion that people will instantly adopt the attitude ‘well, if it’s good enough for him/her/them, then it’s good enough for me.’ Nothing could be more insulting or be further from the truth.

      With very few exceptions, Australians resent the people they admire and watch for a particular skill or attainment … sport, singing, acting, wealth through business … who presumptuously shift out of their defined arena, and assume our admiration will translate into slavering, unquestioning agreement with their opinion on totally unrelated social issues. This has been one of the Yes campaign managers’ … and Prime Minister Albanese’s … greatest misunderstanding of the very people they wish to persuade – the resentment caused by being lectured by people famous in an area that carries no particular insight, weight of wisdom or analysis than anyone else. It is immediately seen as insulting.

      And further, it instantly raises suspicions about bandwagon-jumping, about lots of teeth and shining insincerity, for wider publicity. Many of the big names – especially those late on the scene – will have agonised over the best way to jump, so as to be seen in a favourable light with the general public. Some have stayed wisely silent, others have chosen rashly to overwhelmingly support the Yes camp.

      Not many names in popular culture have come out for NO, but all that tells us is that MANY big names have stayed out of the fray altogether, and have declined, as they should, to falsely use their celebrity to push either barrow.

      When the Yes marionettes jump and jig in glee with every big new name that hops up on the bandwagon, that celebrity has probably lost as many followers as gained.


      • Jeff, Condon says:

        How could they, they haven’t read the statement in full. And when the whole thing falls in a heap on Sat they will be shown for the shallow bits of work that they are.

        • The Magpie says:

          Be careful, Jeff, never underestimate the gullibility of the Australian electorate …. why, just look at what they have installed in the mayoral cubbyhole in Walker Street three – yes, three!! – times … and then have a look around the city. Fair warning, mate.

          • Jeff, Condon says:

            When I moved here in ’92, long time residents told me that a sitting mayor had never been voted out. That changed with the amalgamation when His Radiance (you’ll remember him) was unseated by Les Tyrell. Well, one mayor had to go.

            But I take your point, look at Harpic and Scottykins.

  14. Bumble Bee says:

    What a disgraceful display of leadership by the leader of this city. If Townsville was seen as city of bogans before this interview, it surely has been cemented in the minds of everyone who saw her twisted opinion. The channel 7 interviewer was obviously shocked by what she heard, god help us if she is voted in for another term.

    Magpie, great read about the bulletin article relating to the ‘possible/could be/verbal agreement’ redevelopment of the Hive project. Journalist, Leighton Smith knows how to get a scoop.

    Maybe he should ask Mr Tonge how his towers in Aitkenvale are progressing?I’ve heard the contract was terminated by the owners after multple requests from the buyer to delay settlement of the agreement?

    • The Magpie says:

      Regarding Mr Tonge’s foray into our property market, The ‘Pie has had a beak around that snake-infested, rocky little armpit of land down at Pallarenda, encouragingly named Magnetic Views, and is completely mystified. Sale lots that are reputely going, or have gone, for between $800k and a cool mill+ also seems to be fairy floss sales … almost all these sites have barely any level ground, and some saw are virtual cliff faces. Anyone building there would need deep pockets indeed, the construction requirements would be horrendous. There is only one block where there is any activity, and that has heavy equipment in a partially gouged hole in one of the more accessible rock faces. Be interesting to see if any of the buyers – ‘mostly locals’ in the agent’s words – have gone beyond expressions of interest, with maybe a returnable deposit.

      • Bumble Bee says:

        Will have a sneaky look at the Pallarenda subdivision on the weekend ride, thanks Magpie.

        Sounds like he’s a bit of a Showbag, literally full of shit.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Pie, you’re a 100% correct ! There is a huge difference between collecting expressions of interest as apposed to collection signed contracts that will actually settle.
        The battlefields of property development are littered with failed projects everywhere in Australia, regardless of the property climate. You would think that there would be plenty of experienced, credible developers with solid track records who could provide attractive projects in a NQ tropical paradise. The reality is, its a bloody hard slog with local bylaws, Councils, objections, initial outlays with no guarantee of return and funding of a project from start to finish, all exposed to the follies of world markets and pitfalls.
        I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall as Tonge the developer met with Jenny as he laid out his plans to save Townsvilles struggling economy with grand art work, income projections and promises. Sounds like there might be a few dogs barking around town.
        Surely Jenny couldn’t be that gullible….Nah, surely not…well, maybe !!

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      I loved the expression on the Channel 7 anchor. Fixed with bulging eyes at the rambling waffle by the mayor. I’ll bet the entire studio collapsed in hysterics when they cut to commercial.

  15. Regular Reader says:

    If you wondered why Jimmy Olsen and Astonisher editor Cas Garvey are supporting Jenny Hill in her quest to drive ratepayers into even more debt for another 4 years, the proof was there last week with a full page ad telling readers what’s on in Townsville. That used to be a feature the paper provided for free in the past, but for some reason Hill has decided it needs to be paid for, not by her but but by us. Same thing is happening on Channel 7, who last week thought viewers would be interested in whether the mayor was prepared to ride a bucking bull. Dolan must be laughing all the way to the bank. Meanwhile the only other mayoral candidate Fearless Fran has to write letters to the editor to get any exposure. Someone should put up signs in front of the Townsville Bulletin and Seven offices saying JENNY HILL ELECTION CAMPAIGN OFFICE.
    Wait a minute, that’s not a bad idea!

    • The Magpie says:

      Off you go! Don’t forget to get some pix. But be quick, won’t last long.

      PS Read the bull story and was considering a call to the RSPCA … the mayor said she couldn’t imagine anything as scary . The bull agreed.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Light-on Smith and Gas Carvery have indeed shown by their reporting bias that they have been captured by Hill and her Labor machine. Neither reporter has the guts to take on the heavy issues with Jenny Hill for fear of losing advertising revenue. They’re afraid to rub Jenny the wrong way, so to speak, and they fear being run out of town if they print any story that doesn’t paint Jenny in glowing colours. Shame shame shame.

      • The Magpie says:

        Hear what you’re saying, Royal Herring, but think you’re a bit wide of the mark there.

        The Bulletin’s editorial policy is driven by two things: analysis of clicks that various subjects get on the website and FB … and the policy is shaped and dictated by the Advertising Department. So it’s not so much fear … it would be Jenny soiling herself if the Murdoch machine went against her. But for the moment, it’s a ‘don’t rock the financial boat’ policy, because the paper is also guided by recent history …. it looks at Jenny’s electoral success and margins and decides that’s the safest and most financially prudent way for the paper to go.

  16. Prickster says:

    I’m wondering why Lansdown is not a permanent agenda item for all full council meetings or relevant committee meetings?

    After all Lansdown will propel Townsville to the next level by securing long-term jobs, supplier opportunities and flow-on benefits for local businesses, and position Townsville as a leader in advanced manufacturing and as a hydrogen and renewable energy hub. As well as offer exciting new job, career, and upskilling and reskilling opportunities in emerging industries, to inspire all generations, and expand port + airport throughput by increasing the volume and diversity of products moving from Townsville each year. Well at least that’s what the Council’s website says – townsville.qld.gov.au/lansdown

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie understands that Jenny Hill is in talks with the Pope to built a branch of the Vatican in a corner of Lansdown. Well, she’s not actually talking to the Pope himself, but a papal representative to negotiate on his behalf.

      The mayor says she cannot believe the city’s luck, ‘the sun is certainly shining on Townsville’. “How fortunate is it that part-time papal envoy father Ignatius Francis O’Rort was holidaying in Townsville, and after touring the Lansdown site, rang the Pope, who was all enthusiasm for the Vatican branch plan. The Pope is set to spend up to $4billion on the project. Father O’Rort and I will be signing a contract shortly, which provides for the council to provide the Vatican (Father O’Rort has the bank number) $5million for a pre-feasibility study.’
      The mayor said those of other faiths should be just as proud as the local Catholic community at the international, world class recognition the city will receive. ” I am confident this wonderful job creation scheme, which will also attract pilgrims from around the world, will soon have local followers of all religions – indeed all ratepayers – having tears in their eyes and crying aloud Jesus Christ, oh Jesus Effing Christ.’

      Questioned about why pilgrims would come to Townsville, the mayor said it would be her legacy that when she passes to her well deserved heavenly reward, Father O’Rort has assured her that the Pope will instantly canonise her, conferring immediate sainthood.

      ‘Modesty should prevent me,’ she told glistening-eyed reporter Leighton Smith, “but I will be for all time known as Saint Jennifer The Devious, patron saint of the gullible. Any questions, Leighton?”

      “Nope, none occur, Madam Mayor, got all I need for a front page.”

    • Spielcheque says:

      Date published: 4 October 2023

      Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct – Enabling Infrastructure

      EPBC 2022/09383


      The following notice is published pursuant to section 95A(3) of the EPBC Act.

      Townsville City Council proposes to construct enabling infrastructure for the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct (LEIP), an advanced manufacturing, technology and processing hub at Woodstock, 40km south of Townsville. The enabling infrastructure includes:

      construction and operation of a raw water network that includes:
      900mm diameter buried pipeline and associated infrastructure from Haberecht Road, Majors Creek to LEIP
      Raw water storage reservoir, pump station and internal raw water reticulation network within the LEIP
      creation of easements, new road reserve and roadworks construction that includes:
      upgrades and modifications of Flinders Highway, Glenn Road, Old Flinders Highway, Woodstock Avenue, Jones Road at Woodstock
      new road construction of No Name Road and Unnamed Road within the LEIP
      construction of a temporary site laydown area for construction site offices and storage of materials, near the intersection of Flinders Highway and Woodstock-Giru Road.

      • The Magpie says:

        Key words in all that are ‘Townsville City Council proposes …’

      • Spielcheque says:

        We already knew about the proposed pipeline connecting Lansdown to the Haughton pipeline but we didn’t really know, until this EPBC referral, about the king size raw water storage dam inside the Lansdown development: Storage Dam
        The purpose of the raw water storage dam is to facilitate an uninterrupted supply of raw water to all industrial proponents within the LEIP development. The dam will be created with a 437 ML capacity to provide for the 14 days’ supply., allowing Sunwater to undertake maintenance on their canals and waterways that provide the water supply to LEIP. This dam is being designed in accordance with the requirements for Queensland referable structures. The raw water storage dam is proposed immediately south of Bidwilli Road at the termination of the external pipeline, occupying a site area of approximately 26 ha (64 acres). The dam will be excavated to provide a finished level approximately 6 m below the natural surface and an embankment of around 8 m above the natural surface level. The embankments are intended to be constructed using the excavated spoil (as far as practicable).
        The storage dam will be of earth construction and will contain appropriate internal liners to prevent seepage. The design includes a geosynthetic liner system (i.e., a floating cover overlying a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) primary liner which then overlies a conductive geotextile and cushion). The proposed design also incorporates a groundwater depressurization system and a spillway with greater than 100-year average rainfall recurrence interval capacity.
        The external pipeline will fill the dam, with the pipeline discharging at a high level near the crest of the dam. Service vehicles will be able to travel around the complete perimeter of the dam at the crest, accessible by a ramp. The external
        batters of the embankments will be topsoiled and grassed. The storage dam includes a security fence around the perimeter of the dam with the internal pump station within the same compound. Access to the storage dam will be via Bidwilli Road. Design is currently at 50% detailed design status.

        • The Magpie says:

          The upside of all that is that there is no mention of spillway gates for The Mullet open and flood her pet project.

          BTW, don’t ratepayers pay for water taken from BFD? If so, who’s paying for the contents of this little pond?

          And 50% detailed design so far … from when? Two nor there years ago? A projected finish date would be interesting.

          • Spielcheque says:

            There is a mention of a spillway, with greater than 100-year average rainfall recurrence interval, capacity – like Fairfield Waters? So anything is possible. The overflow though, would be straight into the back of the RRDam.
            But who is paying? I think the mayor is spending City Deal money from the Morrison government for “enabling infrastructure”. Funny eh? They supply the (taxpayer) money, she gets the political credit. Na, it’s Townsville!

          • Hondaman says:

            Because I was curious to see if access to Drive It’s complex in Lansdown was in the documents available at libraries for perusal, I was indeed surprised to find 5 very large and very comprehensive binder books available for perusal. I failed to see where any access was planned, but the work that has been done to produce the books is amazing, most deals with the pipelines from Majors Ck to the proposed dam/ reservoir, but also the amount of detail re the enviro. impact would make any Greenie’s heart sing with joy! I realize that the environment is important, what with the endangered bird species etc. but this report must have cost a motza! If access to Drive It was to come off Jones road, there does not seem to be any sign of an intention?

  17. L. Ron Hubbard says:

    I would love to see more Catholic Churches in Townsville. This town is full of sinners who need to repent, otherwise they will burn forever in a firey hell.

  18. Sergeant Gunny Highway says:

    The issue at the Gaza Strip is going to turn very ugly. International people were also taken hostage, so as a result of that I would imagine the whole world is going to become involved. Might be a nice handy distraction for Biden and his mess at home. The military industrial complex will be running their hands with glee, and so will the American politicians/congressmen who have links to construction companies who will rebuild the place from the ashes.

  19. Prince Rollmop says:

    Does anybody know much about Kid Crisafulli pick for Mundingburra, Janelle Poole? She is an ex cop who still does some community work. She seems to have a fair amount of experience within youth crime and crime prevention. Certainly a more worthy candidate for Mundingburra than Labor’s chief idiot Les ‘knock out’ Walker. It will be interesting to learn more about her over the coming 12 months.

    “Show Hill and Anna (and Les) the door in 24”

    • The Magpie says:

      She has previously shown interest in furthering her community work by running for council in …2026 was it? She was handily beaten by Cook, but frankly that might have ultimately turned out for the best, because had she been elected, she might not be making a winning run against Les. (But best remember, Les is very strong in his own area, so it will be a matter of just how many voters have had enough of his multiple denigrating and embarrassing clown acts.

      But Janelle certainly has a big chance to put him down for the count.

    • Sam1 says:

      Janelle Poole is a serving Police Officer.

  20. The Magpie says:

    Pretty demeaning headline, really. Pleading?

    JT no doubt means well, regulaly witnessing first hand the deprivation in some indigenous communities – he has admirably involved himself in the cause of indigenous youth and gives freely of time and funds to back his words with actions.

    But again it has to be pointed out that his view on the Voice is both unsurprising and uninformative beyond expressing his opinion. And his ‘plea’ is nonsensical, when we read this …

    No, Jonathan, what they would be compelled to do is ask exactly how a constitutionally-recognised Voice to Parliament would achieve any needed outcomes for these communities.

    When such a Voice would undoubtedly be influenced by the likes of multi-millionaire and Noosa resident Noel Pearson (known in some areas as Noosa Noel), it is highly doubtful anything would be achieved . Because this grifter, whose entire fortune has come from Government money for various entities he has thought up and controls for the sole benefit of him and his family, is not a mangy tiger about to change its spots.

    • old tradesman says:

      The story has been pulled by the Astonisher, as there were 98 comments telling JT to stick to rugby league a subject he is familiar with. There was no mention of the $4million grant that Albo handed him. I thought that a bribe was illegal.

      • The Magpie says:

        You thought that bribes were illegal in this arena? Tradie, you haven’t been paying attention, mate.

        • Prickster says:

          After Saturday when the numbers come in corporates, celebrities, and sports stars will have data to show how disconnected they are to their audience, customers and market. Good luck retaining your earning potential when you see data that says two thirds of people disagree with you.

          I feel for JT and all that oppression he suffered playing a colonisers game.

  21. White Mouse says:

    Only need to look to the NT to see what happens when Federal Funds aren’t spent where it is needed. Their education department manages to spend less than half of the $1B plus budget on schools. The rest is wasted on the grifting bureaucrats that infest Darwin HQ and wouldn’t know a school desk if they fell over it (not that some of the community “schools” actually have desks, or a teacher).

  22. Alahazbin says:

    Here we go again! That inept Puddleduck is going to spend $8 billion for a second desalination plant in the GSE. Fuck me! Still mucking around with BFD with a ‘Mickey Mouse’ plan. She could spend half that amount and supply the rest of Queensland for the next 50 to 100 years.

  23. The Magpie says:

    Oh the horror, the inhumanity, oh, that poor man!!! Will he live, and if so, will he be maimed forever/ Will the Government be forced to act in some way and do something born other?

    Well, perhaps not, to all that. The Astonisher was on the job, breathlessly reporting …

    Paramedics responded to an incident at Billabong Sanctuary in Nome where a 25-year-old man was bitten on the right by a crocodile while feeding it in one of the enclosures about 3.30pm on Monday.
    He was transported to Townsville University Hospital in a stable condition with a finger injury, according to the Queensland Ambulance Service.
    Acting Senior Operations Supervisor David Cole said the man was in “quite good spirits” despite what happened to him.
    “He was provided with some analgesia as he described himself to be in a significant amount of pain,” he said.

    Phew, we can sleep tonight, but a close call. But oh, the poor pumpkin.

    But even the paper seemed to be a bit shamed faced about this bit of clownish story promotion, changing the clickbait to this less childish and less earth shattering promo.

  24. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    Welcome to the wonderful future of renewable energy.

    Probably helps to explain why upgrading 2km of Bowen Road costs $96m.


  25. Mike Douglas says:

    Labor Federal Members disassociating from the Yes campaign due to poor polling . House of reps receive $161,000 and Senators $130,000 communications budget and promised to use $ for the yes campaign but now reneged . So that’s $230 mil for the campaign , $20 mil for yes campaign , travel costs for Albos front bench as well as MP,s expense expenditure including other parties + independents . Locally Aaron Harper has misread his electorate again as well as backlash on his weekend attacks Phil Thompson on facebook . Will Thuringowa Branch Labor Party risk losing the seat and stick with Aaron ? .

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      The purported bill for the ‘yes’ campaign is $500m. What a fucking waste of money, money that could’ve been spent on health care, schools, pensioners, hospitals etc. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum. Albo can wipe away his tears and fuck off. Labor will regret promulgating this divisive folly.

      • The Magpie says:

        Are you sure about that? It stuck in The ‘Pie’s memory that when first proposed, the referendum was to cost $50m? Won’t be surprised if it blew out, but by a factor of ten sounds questionable. Or maybe not given the shower we have in charge. Got a link or a cut and paste from an authoritative source?

      • ABS says:

        The bill could have been a lot less if the opposition hadn’t decided to cynically and opportunistically oppose such a harmless measure.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your muttered maunderings are like the Black Knight’s ’tis but a flesh wound’. The words ‘cynically and opportunistically’ apply equally to a vainglorious Prime Minister with was not elected on such divisive mandate as an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, and refusing to accept the truth – that he came to the high office for no other reason than the fact that he wasn’t Scott Morrison.

          Hasn’t taken long for him to be found on a whole raft of issues.

          • ABS says:

            The Voice was part of the Labor Party platform, and again, need not have been divisive except for the cynical and opportunistic Dutton.

          • The Magpie says:

            So you don’t agree with the vast majority from all sides who now admit that the campaign was inept, poorly thought out and by the nature of its very promotion, was divisive?

          • ABS says:

            That’s your personal interpretation

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s no answer, but then it is difficult to argue with indisputable facts, isn’t it? But your reply is welcome to the assertion that the campaign … not necessarily the purpose, but the campaign itself … was a shambles.

          • ABS says:

            But you didn’t provide indisputable facts, you provided an opinion without evidence.

          • The Magpie says:

            It is NOT an opinion it is an indisputable fact that many people are decrying the management of the Yes campaign – like just about every political reporter in the country plus many others, including many from the Yes camp. And you know it, you lame duck.

            And listen sport, as a Yes supporter, you are in NO position to lecture others about providing evidence (meaning hard facts) about anything. That you didn’t is why the No vote seems likely to get up.

          • ABS says:

            Repeating an opinion without evidence does not make your claim any more valid. Do you not comprehend that?

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie fully understands that you are a bloviator of no substance except attempts at time wasting mischief. If you say you don’t know of the widespread criticism of the strategy of the Yes campaign – criticism, right or wrong, is actual and therefore a fact – you are either lying, being pointlessly argumentative or have been asleep.

            No more on this, mate, end of thread.

        • Al says:

          Harmless measure?? Who ties your shoe laces for you ABS?

  26. Jatzcrackers says:

    So according to ABC news this morning, Qantas chair Richard Goyder will ‘retire’ in the next twelve months. What an absolute joke that this guy gets to dictate when he’s going to pack up his marbles and ride off into the sunset (with Millions $$$) after he, his board along with the poisonous Irish midget wrecked one of Australia’s most recognised aviation brands.
    Why didn’t some over ruling authority punt him and the whole board for there yet to be finally determined criminal corporate activities ?
    Raises another question….Are the ‘authorities’ involved with investigating these corporate parasites, complicit?

    • The Magpie says:

      Strange, Salty Biscuit, you’re not usually given to asking silly, naive questions. FYI
      Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
      involved with others in an activity that is unlawful or morally wrong.

      Q E fucking D, mate.
      And on that particular outstanding citizen, did The ‘Pie glimpse the Goyder name on Four Corners on Monday night regarding Woodside and protestors? Wasn’t watching closely but thought I saw his name in connection with some corporation as chairman or director, might not have been Woodside. Whichever, further proof of your query.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Yeah, fair point Pie ! I may have been reading too much ABC Sports stuff the last few months and morphed into clickbait journalism.
        Bit of an elephant in the room though with the Qantas goings on and the tardiness of authorities in investigating the last few years of the management.
        My Walkley award nomination has me prone to exaggeration occasionally !

      • HiBeam says:

        Here you go, he’s a busy bloke, probably works from home rather than living in an aeroplane.
        What does Richard Goyder do?
        Goyder is currently the chairman of the Australian Football League, Woodside Petroleum and Qantas.

        • The Magpie says:

          Goodo, thanks. Bit surprised to see advertising man Todd Sampson (of Gruen fame on the ABC) is a board member as well.

    • White Mouse says:

      Why was the old Irish currency called the Punt?
      Because it rhymed with Bank Manager.

      The punts that infest the Qantas board should all be punted.

    • Red rat says:

      It is obscene and amoral that a board chair earns $750k for a part time job. Then again, our TCC CEO gets over $500k and only dedicates part of each work day to council matters. And to earn $750k and retain that job after all the stuff ups, illegal activities and downright incompetence is mind boggling. Sack the entire board and the new CEO who has spent 29 years at Qantas and has been part and parcel of this current mess.

  27. Dave of Kelso says:

    This morning about 9.45 drove past the pre-polling center on Thuringowa Drive. Car park full to overflowing. Tried to see the queue but parked cars obstructing view and the need to keep my eyes mostly on the road prevented assessment. Either pre-polling very popular or there was a second activity at that building.

    • Inspector Clouseau says:

      Hmmm, found a new interest Kelso? Moved off reporting about the movements of rubbish trucks? Just wondering………:)

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      You should try focusing on the road while you’re driving Dave. You could have run up the back of a garbage truck and put yet another one out of action.

  28. Prince Rollmop says:

    Here we go again, serial crybaby Albanese having another emotional episode. FFS man, grow a set.


    • The Magpie says:

      But understandable, because he just realised that he’s made the biggest political blunder possible about public sentiment on a unnecessary political issue … which he says isn’t a political issue.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Maybe. But all current polling is showing support for Labor is not declining, and neither is support for Albanese. However support for Dutton and the LNP has dropped. I’d hate to see Dutton kicked out of the LNP leadership position, after all he’s so personable, but when you gotta go you gotta go.

    • Achilles says:

      The crying is bad enough, there is also his patronising intro’s, but his inability to eh join ah two uh words to uh gether is by eh and away his ugh most um! iritating ah trait.

      Anyway this nonsense will be over this weekend and uh em we er won’t be er seeing as ah much of er him.

    • Achilles says:

      The PM’s crocodile tears will pale into insignificance on Sunday morning (oh! mourning indeed), after the ABC places an order for truck loads of tissues.

  29. Mike Douglas says:

    New Zealand election tomorrow . The Country is a basket case economically / crime / homelessness after two terms woke Jacinda Ardern . Rumour Albo will be in the Ville for the Kangaroos vs Samoa . Hope he bought plenty of tissues for referendum and Labor N.Z. .

  30. Dave of Kelso says:

    Ducks Nuts, you truly are an idiot. My taking notice of garbage collection issues is because the current failures are indicative of deeper problems within Council. So pull your head in mate.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Dear ‘Pie, this is not me. Interestingly I can see it while waiting your moderation. I have not made a comment since 11 Oct at 1.41PM. Regards.

  31. Doug K says:

    Applied for a postal vote more than two weeks ago and it still hasn’t arrived. A mate who voted yesterday also expressed concern that AEC staff were handing out pencils to use when writing YES or NO. He suggests people take a biro with them to prevent their vote being changed.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t think it has come to that here in Oz, Doug … besides, scrutineering on this referendum will be double strength, one would think. Frankly, The ‘Pie trusts the AEC.

    • Alacan says:

      Sounds like something may have gone astray .. I applied, received the forms, posted them at garbutt in the big red letter box at the newsagent come post office and received notification that it had been received .. job done .. and I used a biro

    • Dave of Kelso says:


      My experience is limited to being a scrutineer at a council election on one occasion.

      Given the open space of polling booths, where the votes are counted by those present by day, plus the presence of scrutineers representing every candidate, where everyone can see everything that is happening, it would need the willing collaboration and corruption of all present for vote changing to take place.

      It is all but impossible.

      With a little knowledge, in this case learned from my experience, you can filter out the bullshit being spread by your mate.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Doug, when you vote, be sure to wear your tin foil hat. It will compliment your outfit, and your theories.

  32. The Magpie says:

    Sorry readers, The ‘Pie must momentarily absent himself from the keyboard while he goes out to vote to save Australia’s democracy. He knows his vote will brand him a racist, and, in the eye’s of Noosa resident and grifting aboriginal millionaire (courtesy government money) Noel Pearson, my vote will make me immoral. Or so he said during the week … gosh, he really knows how to sweet talk a voter, don’t he?

    And here’s one of the furphys going around for some time now … the mythical undecided voter … The ‘Pie will bet his tail feathers 99% of people know and have known for some time, exactly how they’ll vote.
    But even if The ‘Pie had no opinion, he’d still vote just to also to get his money’s worth.

    With a bit of luck, might be entertained by a punch up or two

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Maggie, earlier I mentioned the cost was around $500m. You said I was wrong and it was probably closer to $50m. Seems we were both wrong. However, almost $400m on this bullshit referendum is a disgrace when you consider how many homeless, financially crippled, struggling pensioners and low income people could do with that money. A true disgrace..

      • The Magpie says:

        Nothing turns on this, but The ‘Pie only queried you, against figures he vaguely remembered (and which may have been an accurate quote at the time) – he didn’t say you were wrong.

  33. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, I read it but I still don’t believe it!!
    Obviously, this is why we’re getting thrashed?

    “Australian cricketers offered access to counselling should the Indigenous Voice to Parliament get voted down
    Australian cricketers have been told they have access to counselling services should the Indigenous Voice to Parliament get voted down.”

    Daniel Cherny
    2 min read
    October 14, 2023 – 7:30AM

    “Australian cricketers have been told they have access to counselling services to deal with any disappointment they may feel should the Indigenous Voice to Parliament get voted down.

    Both Cricket Australia’s board and the Australian Cricketers’ Association have publicly supported the Voice, whose enactment hinges on Saturday’s referendum.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Both CA and the Player Association have supported the Voice, but this nanny state twaddle suggests the players at the World Cup support it as well, to the point of emotional instability. Surely this absolute crap has to absolutely stop if we are to survive.

      And what about some counselling for Aussie cricket fans … not to handle disappointment but for anger management at this lot of butter-fingered non-performers.

  34. Alacan says:

    This referendum has exposed an underbelly in our Australian society of elitist, bigots, racists and haters and for the most that seems to have come from the government, those in entertainment and arts and the elite of the Indigenous politicians and opportunistic corporates .. that have been pushing the Yes campaign

    For the last few days I have been attending a state championships sporting event in Rockhampton and the good will, fun and decency from all attending .. various cultural backgrounds , regional and urban types, various ages .. spectators and players alike has been bloody nice

    The distinction just exemplifies that yes there is a divide ( about the only time that yes applies) I actually suspect that there are two lines bordering middle decent Australia .. a band of decent folk flanked by the elites and the dregs we saw celebrating acts of terror

    I have come to the conclusion that we are divided in mindset and decency and fair mindedness but it is not in two .. it is at the very least a 3 tiered society relative to ethics and decency ..and again I’m not talking economically and access to opportunity.

    We live in a democratic society and should never feel guilty or be made to feel guilty about the way we vote .. it is those that hypocritically poison the well that should hang their head in shame

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Yes we live in a democratic society. We are allowed to vote freely and should never feel that we are being forced to vote, or are ashamed of how we vote.

      Generally in our society when it comes to sport, Australians all pretend to mix well. In reality, when you dig into it, we don’t. There’s underlying racism in sport, bad blood, and poor behaviour. And when it comes to matters of equity in society, that’s where it all falls apart. Us whiteys like to think we are better, more equal and therefore more deserving than people from other cultures, particularly aboriginals and immigrants. And you can deny it all you like, it’s deeply ingrained in our society. And it comes from a place of fear. We don’t want someone to take away what we have. As a nation we are risk averse. A scared weird little people not prepared to risk change.

      And while you personally may not have been racist in your decision to vote no, it was behind a lot of decisions, and others voted no simply because they didn’t know, didn’t find out, and were scared.

      The saddest thing about this whole situation is that when Peter Dutton said his party would vote No, it gave the bigots and racists a green light to be publicly racistto aboriginal people. Since he did this, there has been a spike in aboriginal people seeking mental health support. An issue that was already at concerning levels.

      • The Magpie says:

        So it’s all Dutton’s fault, eh? The scoundrel.

        Listen, numb nuts, Dutton is a far right authoritarian cunt and I would NEVER vote for him, no matter what, but you’re airey analysis that everybody listened to Potatohead and therefore this deeply stupid, ill-conceived glory seeking money sinkhole of a failed referendum was not the sole responsibility of our kegacy-seeking the prime. minister is just the judgement of a scared weird little man.

        And you’re not right in the head to suggest that people shouldn’t resist having taken away what is theirs. But VERY interesting that you suggest that we should both be willing to do so, and that it likely – by inference – to be the eventual demand.

        You’re deeply damaged, mate.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Interesting that you dealt out abuse to a comment that raised concerns about people’s mental health. I think this probably says everything it needs to.

        • Hondaman says:

          I think Duck’s could be right at home in Palestine about now, he’d perhaps have something worth complaining about! The people have voted, read tomorrow’s paper and get on with it, we, including the poorest living in OZ still have rights ( even better, the dole) and priviliges unheard of in places like the Middle East, look outside, this is still a beautiful place and it will survive this fiasco!

      • old tradesman says:

        Whities, I thought you were a black duck.

  35. The Magpie says:

    And that is that, NSW, Tas and SA vote No, …. and the biggest loser and the person who must bear the greatest responsibility for this ruinously expensive folly, our Prime Minister.

    Labor seats have so far overwhelmingly voted NO, across the country.

    • Alacan says:

      The biggest miss in reading and understanding the constituents since Shorten was done and then Morrison was cooked to a crisp

      These fuckers are just hopeless in reading the room

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      So will we see old Albo fess up and say ‘I stuffed up’…Will the rank and file Labor headhunters tap him on the shoulder….This next week will be interesting as the spin is wheeled out (been sitting in the file for some weeks now as the discussions of what if it’s a No gets up are confirmed)…Anyway, at least the kid from a housing commission upbringing can get back to running the country ! Heads up…. he’ll be on a plane to somewhere in the world…things to do, people to see !!

  36. Hondaman says:

    The sensible people have spoken! Now can Albo get on with a decent audit of all the hundreds of poor performing Aboriginal and Islander self help committees and maybe, just maybe, sort this total mess out! We all know just pouring money into the Black Industry has failed to work for all kinds of Governments, so let’s just try something different this time, and it won’t need a multi million dollar referendum to see a definite improvement for those who TRULY need it! Albo has made a fatal mistake, this one won’t be going away soon, and to blame Dutton is just stupid, all intelligent people ( listening? Steve from Jimmy’s lookout?) were awake to the lies and deliberate omissions about the Treaty and Truth, so let the blame for the failure land where it belongs, right at the top, and sadly we have to endure this rabble for years yet!

    • The Magpie says:

      Wadda ya mean, ‘pouring government – failed to work’. Did fine – to the tune of personal millions – for Noosa Noel Pearson.

  37. Strand Ghost says:

    Please if anybody can relay to the Australian cricket side, i am available for private sessions of Counselling at a cheaper price !!

  38. A Voter says:

    Thanks Albo — I’ve finally got the vibe and I’m feeling really good about myself and on Sunday I’ll be celebrating knowing I did the right thing. ????

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