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The Magpie

Saturday, December 16th, 2023   |   116 comments

NEWSFLASH: Qld Unions Appoint A New Lobbyist – Steven Miles.

Don’t be too dazzled by the blinding smile, his teeth are gritted, Premier Smiley is in the Christmas Hold of one man, union heavyweight Gary Bullock,  the man who tipped the balance Smiley’s way for the top job. While it will be much a case of same circus, different ringmaster, there are a couple of urgent reforms that have bitten the dust. The Magpie allows himself a little rant.

]And in the local sideshow alley in Walker Street,  an urgently needed reform now has no hope of getting up, with the mayor outsourcing a vital role to the clown car garage of Townsville Enterprise.

A running outburst from KAP candidates explains why the party is known in some circles as the Katteronics.

And with the year coming to a close, The Magpie looks back on some of the fun and events of times that have flitted by.

The donate button to offer material support to the Nest is at the end of the blog. Thanks.

Meet Queensland’s New Shot Caller

Gary BullockScreen Shot 2023-12-16 at 7.40.30 pm

Gary Bullock state secretary and national political director of the United Workers Union.

It seems new premier Steven Miles was well prepared for the departure of Anna Alphabet, giving the lie to the simpering assurances of the outgoing Premier that it was a sudden personal decision. Bringing almost a dozen new faces to Labor cabinet, ministers and assistant ministers, is an exercise in back room factional bloodletting that often take weeks if not months.   So it is indicative of the clout that UWU kingpin Gary Bullock that such sweeping changes were announced lickety split. And make no mistake, Bullock has his hand firmly up Miles paper mache back, he is undoubtedly Queensland most powerful man.

Bentley hasn’t missed the significance.


And David ‘The Kid’ Crisafulli is as happy as a dog with two dicks (whereas Miles only has one, his deputy premier).  Although staggering under the burden of political ammunition,  The Kid has the bonus of a Bullock appointment as his opponent. Queenslanders have never been keen on unelected leadership, even unions having more power than they really need to fulfil their roles,. This new situation now has the bonus for the LNP that there can be no Miles move to clean up Deadwood City, as the overflowing public service is known. Given the slippery avoidance of responsibility in this area by the shiny bums, perhaps Dodge City might be a better metaphor. Crisafulli has been playing it cool, restricting himself to the expected and obvious view that its the same players in the same play, just minus one central character … in other words,  the drama of ambulance ramping, education cock-ups, and rampant crime etc remains the same, and offers fertile ground for multiple surprise attacks.  The Kid’s only worry is that Smiley might actually do something effective in several areas, then it will be a real race next October.

Miles has been handed the poisoned chalice but his decisions over the next few weeks will show if he’s drunk from it, or tried to pour it down the sink. So far so good, with car rego frozen the next year, ditto public transport fares, and his smartest move was shuffling off much of the Olympic debacle to an external ‘independent’ body.

And here in Townsville, we’re told we’re going to get the long-mooted police helicopter. One imagines Smiley will be under pressure to deliver same before the next election, otherwise it’s will be just the latest in seven years of empty promises.

Demented Dametto Plays To The Cheap Seats

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Hot on the heels of goofy local KAP wannabee candidates calling for householders to be allowed to be indiscriminately ‘gunned up’, to bump of intruders,  KAP’s  Hinchinbrook MP went one step loopier, firing a Kattergun of a policy during the week, when he called for the Army to be brought in to stop Townsville’s wave of juvenile crime. Predictably, this brought a welter of crazies out from under rocks. This really is populism at its most cynical lowest. Dametto knows full well that this is never   going to happen … although if he doesn’t know that, then that raises other scary questions about him. Such a call-up  would be a federal matter, and would have much chance of getting up as we would of hearing Peter Dutton sing Keep The Red Flag Flying’ in Question Time.

The suggestion was so silly that even the Bulletin iditor  Gas Carvy thought it was a bad idea, although strangely, the paper’s prominent coverage of Mr Dametto’s inane babble didn’t include one single reporter’s question,  of all the obvious ones available. Stenography at it’s finest … as usual.

Something Else Just As Stupid That Didn’t Make The Paper At All

Apparently, our mayor unilaterally decided that events management, hitherto done in house by the council, was to be outsourced … to Townsville Enterprise. No word on the dollars involved, and seemingly ‘order by fiat’, but it’s a disastrous decision no matter how Walker Street tries to rationalise it.

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But even more interesting is some evidence that the Mayor Mullet knows this is on the nose, given TEL’s woeful track record and famous lack of accountability. Or else, why was it announced to council as a fait accompli, not even a tin whistled let alone a fanfare? And at the time of the year known as the silly season, when unpopular or questionable decisions are slipped into the public domain,  while the punters are distracted by other matters.

It occurs to The ‘Pie that while Jenny Hill has been running hard on the campaign trail for some months now, with challenger O’Callaghan yet to go into full campaign mode (early in the New Year is predicted), there seems a strange urgency about her turning up at the merest glint of a camera lens. Jenny has been going harder than she has in past campaigns, despite virtually having the field to herself for the moment. Could this be that she in suddenly anxious of what might be revealed if she loses the mayoralty?

Just An Observation (By A Reader)

The was a jarring note in the Weekend Bulletin pointed out by a Magpie regular.

White Mouse
33 approved
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The Astonisher does it again. Page 6 has a story about Townsville’s “A-listers” quaffing champagne and caviar at the opening of Ardo, while the opposite page features people lining up for food at a community pantry.

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Juxtaposition is probably too big a word for the folks down at the Astonisher, but it is something layout subs have been alert to since papers were invented. Nothing wrong with these two stories individually,  but running them opposite each other raises  a question of taste and sensitivity for the subjects involved.

But things aren’t usually thought through down at the paper. Take this for instance.

Screen Shot 2023-12-16 at 9.04.02 amHousing boost? Leighton, if you wrote that headline, you are not only a ninny, you are a tad callous, too.  Nineteen, probably  million dollar apartments will do absolutely nothing for the housing crisis, and many will probably be investments rented out by people already secure enough to afford an upgrade.  Mate, it’s a good story in itself, why try to up the ante this way?

A Personal Observation On The Latest War The Middle East

This current catastrophe in Gaza is the New Holocaust, a cruel twist on Churchill’s version of the famous saying ‘ Those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it.’ Israel was born out of one of the most heinous acts in history, but it has now been captured and totally ruled by its dark antecedents. In Germany, innocent men women and children were specifically murdered because they were Jews: in Gaza, innocent men women and children are being indiscriminately murdered because they are NOT Jews.

Hamas must be obliterated for its barbaric terrorism, but Israel has descended to its own level of murderous savagery against innocents. Any claim to moral superiority – even to being God’s Chosen people – is now seen for the fairy-tale farce that all religions are exposed as eventually.

In The US, Biden Governs, Trump Gabbles

It seems that the slow grinding wheels of justice are getting close to grinding the mentally failing Trump in its machinery of retribution. The prospect has sent Republicans and the MAGA into the final throes of panic, even to the point of seeking an impeachment of Joe Biden, based on not a single shred of revealed evidence. And Trump has openly outlined how he intends to become a vengeful, lawless dictator if returned to the White House. Fortunately, the way things are pointing, this deeply dangerous arsesole won’t even be allowed to run under constitutioal rules governing eligibility.  And Biden just keeps going from success to success, although, as our first item in the gallery shows, the MAGA twerps are inventing their own morality and own mythology.

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Media Bloopers Happen Everywhere – Even In Wikipedia

Wikipedia is no exception. Beaking around for some arcane cricket question that had cropped up, The ‘Pie got his own chuckle out of this entry.

Screen Shot 2023-12-13 at 7.46.36 amNo Wiki, ‘chuckling’ is Kerry O’Keefe in the commentary box,  or what Dennis Lillee used to do watching a tailender come to the crease. And btw, not sure about the explanation given, either.

A Brief Stroll Down Memory Lane

As the very true saying has it about getting older, the days go slowly but the years fly by.  The ‘Pie was reminded of this when he came across a few items published over time. So he thought it might be fun to revisit some of our favourite moments of frivolity.

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Rainalways makes for gloomy golfers,  but someone in the Rowes Bay pro shop knew how to break the news gently.

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And speaking of such images, this is one The Magpie had some fun with.

Screen Shot 2023-12-04 at 9.41.25 pmBut The Magpie’s favourite bit of writing – he really did enjoy it – came when a passing reference in the blog to the unpleasant Murdoch editor Col Allen lawyered up because The ‘Pie dared to mention that many years ago he had belted his missus. Co, at the time in strife with the #MeToo mob in NY over attempting to taste test an employee,  soiled himself in alarm,   and his wife vehemently denied it – ‘ He wouldn’t dare’, she said. what   The old bird received a ‘concerns notice’ demanding the wording be removed and that Col and the missus cop fifty grand to assuage their wounds.  Much amused , or maybe insulted by the demand – as any person living solely on the age pension would be – The ‘Pie took to the keyboard for this reply:

Ms Imogen Loxton

Senior Associate

Ashurst Australia

5 Martin Place,

Sydney, Australia 


My Dear Ms Loxton,

First of all, what a beautiful name, Imogen Loxton. It conjures up gauzy, dream-like images of an exotic European hair care commercial, with a comely young lass with shiny blonde tresses  streaming in the wind as she runs through a green field, then pausing to ask ‘have you ever imagined shampooing your hair with Imogene … Imogene  Loxton.’ However, I shall refrain  from using the phrase ‘everyone is showering with Imogen Loxton’ as that may lead to a misunderstanding and attract an harassment – even a defamation – suit. But you have to admit ‘Imogen Loxton by Ashurst’ really does have a ring to it. Anyway, a much more sonorous name than, say, that lady lawyer in Melbourne named Magda Kron (it’s true, https://www.linkedin.com/in/magda-kron-3a905629/?originalSubdomain=au) who sounds like she springs, breastplated and be-sworded from the pages of a Marvel comic, saying capital letter words like ZAP!! And KAPOW!!

But, goodness, listen to me prattling on, without a thought for the expensive billable hours you will have to charge your client for reading my whimsy. And as you will see, it will be him you’ll have to charge, not me.

So, to the matter in hand.

On receipt of your first email, I promptly removed the reference and comments your client was so alarmed about … despite the fact that no one but lawyers fruitlessly seeking business back-read issues of The Magpie’s Nest, as it is just a pissy little parish pump blog in NQ mainly about Townsville matters. But I swell with pride when I can claim that it is read by – oh, let’s say,  tens of people.

Please don’t waste your valuable time with a prim lecture about ‘in defamation, it only takes one person to …’ etc etc, have heard about that.

And thank you for your second email acknowledging the deletion.

But here it seems we must part amicable company on a couple of points … but can agree on one crucial one.

The deletion is basically my concession to your client that after 42 years, my accurate recollection of what I was told by a third party and bruising I personally observed, notwithstanding, I am not in a position to ‘bring it up to proof’ that she spoke the truth. Perhaps I was inadvertently swayed by Mr and Mrs Allen themselves, who demonstrated an inclination towards DV behaviour even before they were married.  Col happily admitted he met his future wife when she, angered by a comment he made about a story she had written, threw a full can of beer at him, a person she didn’t even kno at the time. ‘It was love at first throw,’ he chortled merrily in an interview with an American magazine a few years ago. Perhaps knowing that led me into error, and Sharon’s comment to me that ‘he wouldn’t dare’ may have a veneer of truth … Col is famous for getting blind drunk and either pissing in office sinks during editorial meetings or getting into barroom brawls which he inevitably and quickly loses. He’s not known in the business as Canvasback Col without reason. So perhaps after all, Sharon has the speed, reach and footwork to discourage any possible domestic unpleasantness.

And as to the fanciful matter of $50,000, allow me to save you the expensive services of your research assistant.

I am a 76-year-old cancer patient (currently in remission) who has had a tracheotomy (and therefore cannot talk on the phone, or much at all for that matter – a fact that caused a run on celebratory champagne here in Townsville). I live (only just) solely on the age pension, am a renter and have bugger all assets, apart from a 25 year Toyota Corolla, (but sadly no log book, it was lost in the flood ’09). Since it is a week or so before my rent is due, my current bank balance is looking somewhat glossy at $3,339.27. And it may surprise you to know that I don’t have a credit card you could ask me to raid. So you might as well add a few more noughts to the claim, to at least make your client pretend to feel a little more aggrieved and make me feel a bit more important than a piffling fifty grand.

Of course, I realise that Mr and Mrs Allen could seek the satisfaction of at least suing me, which would only result in my bankruptcy, a circumstance which would have just one effect: since it would make not a skerrick of difference to the lavish pensioner lifestyle of my waning years, it would cost your client a tidy sum into your trust account. However, now knowing my financial situation, this may place you in the tricky position, should you urge and recommend Mr Allan proceed to court, it could leave you open to – how do you say it in your professional jargon – ‘open to being found to be seriously derelict’.

HOWEVER, disregarding your interesting claim that my comments were ‘indefensible’ – a standard goading lawyer word challenging one to expensive litigation and handsome remuneration for all those legal folks involved – I will agree to the remaining pleading demand.

I give my word I will not again mention Mr and Mrs Allen in this context of DV again, in my blog or in any public forum, and will leave Mr Allan unhampered to handle other more pressing legal matters elsewhere without any sideline cheerleading from me.  This offer is made with the proviso that you advise me post haste that this is the end of the matter, with no silly futile claim for costs.

Re-reading that promise, I was struck by its redundancy – I find local stories of two headed calves and three fingered banjo players in Townsville’s outer suburbs far more interesting and worthy of my attention than sink-pissing, barroom groping, bedroom bandicoots.

I await your reply with great interest – but Imogen, really, you should think about trademarking your name,

Your Sincerely,

Malcolm Weatherup

Aka The Townsville Magpie.

PS If I am in error in believing this correspondence came from Ms Loxton but it in fact came from the more impressive sounding partner, Robert Todd, I can only add ‘bad luck with such a pedestrian name, Bobby, and I had no intention of adding insult to injury if you happen to be bald.’

Now before you start arcing up, dear reader, and suggesting The Magpie is not a bird of his word and has not kept his promised pledge,  you will note that the promise came with a proviso. Which was not met.  Ms Loxton never replied.

And perhaps I know why. In my wild erratic fancy, visions come to me of … Imogen, lost in the heady world of shampoo commercials, brylcreemed lotharios, off-the-should LBDs and living in a gilded Parisian apartment equipped with hot and cold running gigolos. One imagines Mr Todd is at loss as to why his prize junior fled the office for the wide world of hirsute happiness.

But we know why, don’t we, Imogen?


That’s enough tomfoolery for now, back next week for a bit of Christmas bah-humbug.

That aforementioned donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Ben Rumson says:

    Police Helicopter
    Last week there was some discussion about a police helicopter for Townsville.
    I have some bad news.
    As things stand now a police helicopter for Townsville, in the long run, will make no lasting improvement to the aboriginal youth crime epidemic.
    Until the changes to the youth justice act that Phillip Thompson is calling for, in his letter last week, a police helicopter will only increase the rate, at great financial cost, at which the game of ‘Catch and Release’ is being played.

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Acting Mayor and Councillor for food trucks Greaney was the Councils media spokesperson on the release of ” Community safety audit ” . As antisocial behaviour has gotten worse in the cbd and it’s in her division maybe the Councillor can advise what she is doing to improve safety . Add Councils ” Townsville mentally healthy City ” 350 lining up for food parcels , increased demand on charities , crime , homelessness , + 60 % insurance renewals . It’s not just the State Government that needs a re-set but Team Hill .

    • Inspector Clouseau says:

      Mike, maybe Geaney and Dave of Kelso could get together and talk about trucks – she about food ones and Kelso about garbage trucks. Compare notes etc? :)

  3. bob says:

    Joe Biden is doing a wonderful job !!! Are you fucking delusional or just brain-dead

    • The Magpie says:

      You failed to show who you were replying to. And your statement is ambiguous – do you criticise Biden supporters (and clear statistics) or are you questioning the statement?

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Yep, cant argue with the stats, record illegal immigration, record homelessness, record high taxes fucking over workers, decade high interest rates, decade high personal insolvency at levels not seen since the sub prime crash in 2008 and the country tipped to be in recession by the end of next year, you would think that Biden and Albo must have attended the same school.

  4. MickNQ says:

    You’ve posted Bill Maher videos before. Maybe you should watch this one. Contains a bit of history. Wars start when one side overestimates its own strength and underestimates its opponents. Wars end when the loser is eradicated (the nazis) or realise they can’t win. (The Japanese). https://youtu.be/KP-CRXROorw Like the Germans in 1933, Gazans voted for this…

    • The Magpie says:

      This Maher clip should be mandatory viewing for Anthony Albanese and all the Voice/Treaty/Reparation Yes supporters. It would also be a fair primer for young people curious about what the bastardry is all about.

      And given a couple of private emails I’ve received, I want to make it clear that my comments about the Gaza conflict were solely against the way the Israelis are indiscriminately killing innocents, and those comments WERE NOT in support of either Hamas or the ‘River to The Sea’ Palestinian pipedream. Being against a gross and murderous Israeli overreaction does not equate to being anti-Israeli everything, and definitely not anti-semitic … those who say criticism of Israel is anti-semitic are doing the religious equivalent of pulling the race card to silence reasonable dissent and opinion. Israel is not a theocracy.

      One emailer has protested (very colorfully) the description of the Israeli action as the New Holocaust. Comparing number (holocaust) against number(Gaza) of innocent lives lost is no argument. Manner, motivation and morality aren’t interested in maths. The Jewish community has hijacked the word Holocaust as exclusively their own, and there would be an almighty outcry if it were applied to Mao’s 6 million who were deliberately starved to death, or to Stalin’s unspeakable pogroms, or Rwanda (but they were black primitives, so don’t really count next to the enlightened and learned Chosen Ones, eh?)

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        There is an essay by Masha Gessen (a Russian American Jewish journalist) in the New Yorker that is well worth reading
        “In the Shadow of the Holocaust”.
        Quite challenging to long held views. And important.

        Discussion on it here

        Link to the full essay here.. you may need to open in an incognito Web browser page to read it.

      • To be fair says:

        The term Holocaust does specifically refer to the extermination of Jews during the Second World War.

        • The Magpie says:

          No it does not, it is not exclusive to that era, and has been a word for hundreds of years: it refers to the large scale destruction of people and places by fire. It is commonly and accurately accepted now as the word to describe the Nazi extermination program, which also included more than 500,000 (non-Jewish) gypsies (Romanis). Admittedly throughout history it has often referred to Jewish victims because they have always been targeted, but the word is available to be used in a universal way.

          a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire.

          a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering.

        • Grumpy says:

          Mention “the holocaust” to any Jew and they will know exactly what you are talking about. Usage, inference and meaning develop. If you call Adam Bandt “gay”, it does not mean that he is “light-hearted and carefree”. Even if he is.

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed, that’s right, in fact mention holocaust to anyone, jew or otherwise, and everyone knows what you mean.

            But just like the word ‘gay’ still retains its original meaning (although few would use it that way and a whole generation wouldn’t know any other meaning, so does holocaust … no one can officially appropriate a word, just let it gather a specific meaning for a terrible single event.

      • Spielcheque says:

        The problem with the Bill Maher position (Palestinians should just suck it up because they are going to lose) is that it assumes that when the extermination of every last Hamas member in the vicinity of Gaza is complete the ‘war’ will end and everyone will go back to their corners. Including the thousands of Israeli civilians who have been ordered out of harms way near Gaza, the West Bank and the Lebanese border. And thousands more who were so convinced that peace was now theirs to enjoy that they could organise and then lay about at a music festival right next to the occupied territory where their Palestinian neighbours are living under poverty-stricken military occupation that even the US describes as ‘illegal’.
        The much-hailed democratic government of Israel is lately depicted in most mainstream western media as badly needing to get rid of its leader Netanyahu – although no one is suggesting regime change. If he stays put (and he’s giving no indication of anything else) and continues to spar with his increasingly hostile neighbours, and if Donald Trump wins the US presidency again in a year or so, the powder keg of Israel may well go off. Then we will all have to suck it up. We could say ‘no more’ to Israel but we are promoting ‘a bit more’ when we urge Bill Maher on to our leaders. There’s a vortex forming and Australia is being asked to pull our weight, to step up to the plate, to defend one lot of religious fundamentalists against another. In our own interests we shouldn’t egg them on.

        • The Magpie says:

          As world shattering as concurring with you it is, The ‘Pie could not agree more with your final sentiment, similar his sentiment a couple of blogs ago. In Australia’s unique position, we should not be choosing sides, just calling out wrong doing whoever is doing it.

  5. Doxie says:

    1. How Come the Unions are calling the shots about who is/will be our Premier? Well, that’s a sort of rhetorical query, but I don’t remember voting for any Union members/cabal.

    2. “handing out food parcels” – I am on the ‘handing-out’ side of this exercise, and I can tell you that many of those standing in line are there just because it’s free! We are also aware that many of them do the rounds each week, so that their own grocery bill is almost non-existent.

    Both of the above give me the tom-tits………..parasites!

    • The Magpie says:

      On point 2: they are ALL there because it’s free. But their motivation, their circumstances is hardly a matter you know about, and how you have the knowledge that some are undeserving is at best guesswork. Of course they ‘do the rounds’ weekly, unless your handing out a month’s worth every time.

      If you really do do the admirable work of helping those who are needy mostly through no fault of their own, your comment shames you in a way you apparently didn’t consider …. it suggests anyone in a food line can be seen as a bludger, so if you’re view is widely publicised, you’ve added a new level of shame and anger to already emotionally suffering people.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Doxie is obviously a church house worker from Oliver Twist. Where asking for more gets you treated like a criminal

  6. The Magpie says:

    This is simply one of the best political ads ever screened … Trump’s bastardry bullet-pointed in a devastating ‘indictment by fact.’

  7. Prince Rollmop says:

    The fact that Sharon Fentanyl backed down in less than 24 hours of throwing her hat in the ring, and the fact that Smiley has his ministry picked already (all that is left to do is visit Jeanette Dung and have them sworn in) is proof that his nuts sit firmly inside the unions vice. It’s these faceless men and women that call the shots, stack the branches, and buy votes. Politics is a game. It’s a very serious game, but just a game.

    • Alahazbin says:

      PR, How about Smiles retort when added if he would be a ‘puppet’ to Blocker Bullock., saying he counted Mr Bullock as a mentor. To me, the answer is yes.

  8. Doug K says:

    No grenades were thrown but my council spy told me Jenny Hill had a heated row with one of her former pet puppets a few weeks ago. Could her “team” be finally starting to rebel?
    And another 4+ pages of council ads in the Bully on Sat. Methinks the Pie is right – the Mullet is already in panic mode.
    Wonder how many pages of Jenny ads we’ll be paying for when Fran cranks up her campaign early next year.

  9. J jones says:

    Not much to be thankful about in Cairns at the moment apart from not having purple doonah as your disaster chief

  10. The Magpie says:

    Hey, Cantakerous, this is the guy you want back in the White House? Get help, mate.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Good advice, might want to seek a bit for yourself as well, your blog is turning into an unhinged rant lacking any perspective and balance, just venting shit towards people and races and religions you don’t like and not in the satirical or clever way you used to. Yes it’s your blog and you can do whatever you like and if I don’t like it then I should just fuck off and not read it, that’s also good advice.

      • The Magpie says:

        We will all miss your perspective and balance, it was always amusing. Thank you for your service.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        Bye bye Cankers. Don’t bang the door on your way out.

        • Grumpy says:

          So clever and original, EB. You really nailed him with that rapier-like wit.

        • Mike Douglas says:

          Elusive Butterfly not a lot of Christmas Cheer with your Cankers comments . Cankers has access to building and construction applications and approvals which provide a real picture vs the Fairy dust Council and our 3 local Labor MP,s try and sell . The advantage of working for international companies ( I assume based on his comments ) is the data / information you have access to . U.S. jobs / inflation does have an impact on our ASX . Wishing the Pie and all commenters a Merry Christmas .

          • The Magpie says:

            Right back at ya, Mike, with thanks for your always positive and informative comments throughout the year.

      • Zorro says:

        This is great, we got rid of Barely Civil and Cantankerous in the same year.

        • The Magpie says:

          Maybe but don’t be too sure. They both banished themselves in a fit of pique, which occasionally happens, and they’ll probably return when the moment takes them., The ‘Pie never prohibits anyone, even deeply deluded Trump supports, although some comments will not be published for a variety of reasons (mindless abuse and legal reasons are the main ones).

  11. Jeff, Condon says:

    Pie, you cry foul on the Jews in their destruction in Gaza and the killing of thousands of people. Yes, I feel for the innocents too. However, in a fairly solid bloc, 40% supported Hamas.

    I’m not anti semite, far from it and agree that the scourge Hamas has to obliterated because they can’t be negotiated with. However, it isn’t the first time that the Jews have performed a task like this.

    About 1400 BC, in the old testament book of Joshua, 7 – 12, God orders that every single Canaanite is to be killed. Historians believe it took about 100 years to commit the first recorded genocide. But it’s okay because God ordered it.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Only the methodology changes.

    • The Magpie says:

      I’m sure the ‘innocents’ thank you for your thoughts and prayers … only they can’t hear you, they’re dead.

      That’s a disgraceful comment, Jeff, saying as it does that it is OK to kill, on suspicion only, people, particularly children, not bearing arms or taking part in the fighting. That is exactly what Hamas did on a smaller scale to start all this (this time), yet while Israel claims a moral superiority over Hamas, they employ their morals and methods.

      And be interesting to what source you got your 40% figure from … Hamas has ruled Gaza through the terrorising of their own people, and silence or non-resistance does not equal support. What Palestinian doesn’t resent Israel who keep them in poverty and restrictions? But resentment does not equal an armed threat or armed resistance.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I do like when someone tries to quote the old testament as if it was factual.

  12. Prince Rollmop says:

    Smiley has appointed an old ‘mate’ to be the head of the public service, Mike Kaiser.
    The games begin..

    • The Magpie says:

      One of the dyed in the blue backroom boys from way back, and ethically on the honker big time.

    • Inspector Clouseau says:

      Mopsy, Kaiser by name, Kaiser by nature! This is a very bad ‘joke’ on Queenslanders and probably part of the deal that got Miles the Premiers hat!

  13. Dead dogs donger says:

    The Cairns Mayor is doing a great job with the current disaster. Cool, calm and collected. Our local bogan, Mayor Mullet, could learn a few things from him. Then again, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

    • Alahazbin says:

      3D, The mullet had an exercise a couple of weeks ago. The scenario was three times the amount that was released (by her) in the 2019 man made flood.
      She should get up there to control it.

  14. PRfilter says:

    Three years from ETU Organizer to Minister must be a record.

    Well done young Lance McCallum – that Masters Degree in Climate Change must have been the clincher.

  15. Jeff, Condon says:

    That is a despicable assertion. Nowhere did I say, imply, suggest, consider or even think that it is okay to kill on suspicion only. I find it hideous that innocent people, all of them are caught up and are being slaughtered ultimately because the whim of bloodthirsty leaders living in Qatar.

    You seem to be excusing Hamas for starting the whole thing “a smaller scale” and that is okay. I will never, and neither will any right-thinking person, agree with you on that.

    You were correct, I may have been wrong with my 40% support claim. Yay! A (small) victory to you. I heard the statement on the radio or TV and the person was making a generalised comment. Depending where you read, the Hamas Govt was elected in 2006 in the last election held with a solid block of 44% – 53%.

    Every time this recognised terrorist group has made an attack on Israel, they have responded militarily and with more sanctions. What would you do, ignore it? Even Egypt, whose territory it was until the 1967 war, no longer supports the Palestinians.

    I would love to see the end of this wanton slaughter and it could occur if Hamas surrendered and left the area for good. Unfortunately, every truce negotiated with this hateful lot has ended with Hamas killing more Israelis. It is difficult to negotiate with someone whose only stance is to kill you. It is difficult to negotiate with leaders who do not care if their own people are martyred.

    What is your solution, not just a cease fire, but a real solution for a better outcome for both sides.

    Just because you disagree with your readers on some issues, particularly this one, it is unfair of you from your position, to attempt to humiliate us.

    There’s a bit of reading for you from a variety of sources:


    • The Magpie says:

      Your original comment can be fairly interpreted as The Magpie read it. Especially since your crocodile tears for the innocent being killed was immediately qualified in the very next sentence indicating – and yes, clearly inferring – that many would be Hamas supporters.

      I stand by the comment, but apologise for the distress your have suffered in being humiliated by The ‘Pie’s response. Perhaps you and Grumpy could exchange views.

  16. Save the Trees says:

    I’m not a “Greenie” as such – I’m Just someone who loves my community and the people in it. I am concerned about the DMR digging up the beautiful old trees near the Precinct in Idalia. I’ve made a few phone calls – but am getting no where. They cut down these trees and more are earmarked for the same fate. Is there a group out there where we can get together and do something about this? Does anyone have any suggestions on who I should call? I’ve tried the council – no luck.

    • Spielcheque says:

      Call your local member of (state) parliament. See if you can arrange to meet them face to face. If not, go to their office and let their staff know about your problem. That is exactly their job.

    • Spielcheque says:

      Treehugger, no idea where you live but the Precinct site in Idalia is located in the state electorate of Burdekin. If you live around there you local member is Dale Last who was once the deputy mayor of Townsville but he’s now located in Ayr.
      Shop 30, Centrepoint Arcade
      102 Queen Street,
      Ayr, Qld 4807

      Phone (07) 4767 0500
      Freecall 1800 817 594
      Email email hidden; JavaScript is required

      If that seems too far removed and especially if you actually live in a different state electorate then pay a visit to your local member’s office or send an email. Transport and Main Roads is definitely state government business.

    • Spielcheque says:

      Treehugger, there is a Townsville Tree Advocacy Group attached to the North Queensland Conservation Council (NQCC) – a long-established local conservation mob. Look up their website for details of their tree campaign. Maybe they can help.

    • Spielcheque says:

      Someone has pointed out that my information about the electorate is incorrect – in fact Idalia is currently in Mundingburra electorate. Why not take a photo of the tree issue and have the Magpie splash it around the ‘Nest. Then we can all see what you are on about.

      • The Magpie says:

        Good idea. Just email to email hidden; JavaScript is required

  17. Prince Rollmop says:

    Yes Magpie, an interesting development with Kaiser. A hand picked job (or a hand job, who knows) and he walks straight into the new role. Kaiser is a major player behind the scenes and wields a lot of power amongst the back room brawlers. Beware the man who sounds like Yoda.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Going by TEL Fraulein BS piece in today’s Astonisher, looks like she may be looking at taking Les or Harpic’s seat. What a cheerleader.

  18. Woodduck says:

    I hope someone has checked in on Harpic, all the arse kissing done on Anna Alphabet was for nothing. He must be devastated to realise his chances of a portfolio just went out the window. The joker will not be to interested in entertaining him I would think.

    • The Hollowman says:

      It makes interesting reading, Miles ‘captain picks’. The three drongo’s in Townsville are like ball boys at the tennis – close enough to see the real action but only get to play a shit kicker role. Ho Ho Ho Harpic, Messagebank, and Cupcake you useless waste of space. Steven boy has left you on the outer. I guess nothing has changed really has it? This shit is hilarious!

      • Ben Rumson says:

        The good news is that they are unencumbered by matters ministerial and are free to devote all of their time and energy representing the needs of their electorate.

        Oh look, a pink elephant just flew by.

      • Spielcheque says:

        Hollowman, it’s embarrassing the way YOU are close enough to see the real action but only get to play a shit kicker role. The Miles Labor government Member for the state seat of Townsville is Scott Stewart who is continuing in his Cabinet role as Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals. Talk about an own-goal.

        • Charlie Wulguru says:

          Spielch…. (Used checker). You sure know all about own goals. The Precinct in question is actually in the State seat of Mundingburra.

          • The Hollowman says:

            I guess Bouncedcheque has gotten confused as to whom it is that is handing him bags of political money?

          • Spielcheque says:

            My bad. When I looked up the electorate maps for Mundingburra and Burdekin I did not notice that the dates on the maps were 2017 or 2015. Traps for young players.

          • Spielcheque says:

            Charlie, thanks for the heads up on the dates of various maps – it hadn’t occurred to me that the top map in a search might be the out of date one. In fact I just discovered that the 2017 redistribution did away with the electorate of Dalrymple and created a new electorate of Hill – up the way a bit from here.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yeah, we’ve got our own problems with a Hill electorate. (Sorry, a bit obvious, eh?)

          • Spielcheque says:

            Charlie, a tiny error that you just needed to find fault with didn’t you? Anyway, our local elected representatives piss all over Crisafulli and Co. Decent people really trying to do the right thing. Let’s see you, Magpie, Hollowman and other whingers around here try their hand at politics.

          • The Magpie says:

            Bar brawling, police insulting, foul mouthed facebook sook, and all blatant liars eh? And you reckon LNP candidates … anybody at all … could be worse?and

          • Spielcheque says:

            Magpie, the comment sent December 19, 2023 at 3:33 pm is not from me.

          • The Magpie says:


        • Prickster says:

          Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals….. yawn, he’s got one of the biggest resource processing and critical minerals projects on his doorstep and continues to drag his feet. Zero understanding that minerals is a highly competitive industry where you snooze you lose. Zero understanding of the history of the city he apparently represents where big new industries that transformed Townsville like the Copper Refinery, Nickel Refinery, Zinc Refinery had road, ports, railways and power networks built for free by the state government with special acts of parliament passed to get stuff done quickly.

        • PR filter says:

          Looks like you might be standing in your own goal with your balls in hand SpeilChucker


  19. Achilles says:

    The ABC hasn’t got over its excessive baying at the moon for the Voice Mob.
    The whole of FNQ has been inundated with a never before flood.

    BUT the ABC is front and foremost focusing almost all of its reporting on the Wujal-Wujal population of less than 300, who have done nothing for the last 60,000 years, and have spent the last few decades doing nothing except complaining.

    I’m currently in Cairns and experienced it first hand, there are so many real news worthy events that should be shared, BUT the ABC focuses on the traditional complainers.

  20. The Magpie says:

    Christ!!! No one tell Harpic, he’ll void himself.

  21. Kenny Kennett says:

    Tony Raggatt taking on Mundingburra?? Or his wife Leslie?? Both Labor staunchies…
    Steve Price moving into local politics??

  22. Spielcheque says:

    Magnis can’t keep itself out of the news. Its creditors have taken control of the company. They announced on the 18th:

    “Shareholders should note that Magnis is not able to predict whether its efforts to procure a resolution to the alleged breaches under the Credit Facility will be successful. However, if Magnis’ efforts are unsuccessful, it is possible that Magnis’ economic interest in the Battery Facility will be diluted, the Battery Facility will be sold by the Lender and/or the Battery Facility will cease to operate.”

  23. The Magpie says:

    Hey, Cantankerous But Happy and Grumpy, here’s one especially for you. Get better soon.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hey you two, hop a jet and sort out those damned judges in America … what would they know? Let ‘em in on the truth about your saviour. Explain why that silly old Constitution is all nonesense and the Trump-owned SCOTUS will chuck out this dopey ruling.

  24. The Magpie says:

    Every sub editor, every headline writer has a mental little black book, filing away possible award winning headlines for future use, if circumstances fall their way. Forty three years ago this week, Dec 18, 1979, a longed-for dream came true for these scribes in the Perth test, when a certain wicket fell to the Poms – Lillee was bowled Dilly, caught Willy. The ‘Pie was put in mind of this when he came across a headline from of all places the NT News today. You can bet someone at the paper had been – as the song says – ‘waitin’ and hopin’ and prayin’ for this to happen. Worth the wait, great front page.

    Not just a clever pun, it actually tells the story. Luv it!

    For those not across this story, her name is Natasha Fyles.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      It’s been an interesting read over the past few weeks. She was rolled because she received $6k worth of resource industry shares from Granny. It’s a tough gig, but in the world of politics you live and die by the sword. Great story line though, very clever. Can you imagine lightweight Leighton coming up with such headline? No, I didn’t think so either.

    • Pedant says:

      A story from Scotland made it into almost every newspaper in the English-speaking world simply because of its headline. I think it was back in the eighties.

      The story was that at a little village fete, the local school held a fish-eating competition using the local freshwater delicacy, smoked tench. It was conducted in rounds throughout the day and came down to a face-off (scoff-off, perhaps?) between Sven Jonsson, a Swedish backbacker and a local from nearby Fife, Angus Hicks. The starter’s gun fired and on the first bite, Hicks snapped off a front tooth, effectively handing the race to the visitor who scoffed nine of the things before officials called time.

      The heading on this otherwise mundane little story?


      But it wouldn’t happen now. That was back in the day when the reporters wrote stories, and their copy was reviewed and checked by sub-editors and proof-readers.

      • The Magpie says:

        More recent than that apparently, said to be August 4, 2013.

        And while the headline and story did appear widely, The Magpie does not believe for a moment that is is/was factual – it was just the sort of thing that journos dream up on a slow news day (Benny Vernon at the Bulletin was a master of this arcane art). And contrived though it may be, the tench story was too good to pass up by those in the business of idle wordplay. So the headline is real enough, but the yarn reeks of wet shaggy dog.

        Fife has long been the subject of such word play. In a spooky twist of fate, one imagined soccer headline – talked about for at least 50 years in Britain (I first heard it when working in London in the early 1970s) and originated as a tongue twister by the late comedian Eric Morecambe actually came about relatively recently, July 2018. In the Scottish league, the result was East Fife Four Forfar Five.

        • Pedant says:


          I guess that demonstrates two things:

          1. My naivete in believing it to be based on a real event.

          2. The degree to which the authority and credibility newspapers have been washed down the drain trying to garner resilience with a beancounter’s razor in the face of the internet threat.

          I sometimes wonder what the landscape would look like now if the industry generally had retreated to the high ground, retaining talent and experience and chopping away the frivolous parts of their publications, rather than trying to get a headstart in the race to the bottom.

          But that’s probably just me being naive again…

  25. Doug K says:

    Strewth Kenny K, are you trying to scare people.

  26. Prince Rollmop says:

    So the water around Cairns hasn’t yet fully receded and the grubby insurance council is saying that there will be more insurance rises above the board so as to content with the expected $10b cleanup/repair bill. Of course those fuckers are chomping at the bit to jack up prices. Just pile it on the list of mortgage/rent rises, fuel costs, energy costs, food costs, inflation etc etc

    • Achilles says:

      Looking at the items that people are throwing out, I can see why the Insurance companies choose to increase their premiums.

      I just walked down a street in Holloways Beach to check out on a couple of mates and there were perfectly undamaged goods (ie blast with a hose and wipe). Solid wood and plastic furniture tossed out, even steel utensils and tools tossed out.

      I can understand being reluctant to risk drying out and using electrical items, but stuff going to the tip should at least be offered to various charities and caring groups.

  27. Save the Trees says:

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions and contacts. I will follow up on these and let you know what happens. I will get some photos and post them shortly.

  28. Prickster says:

    No Albo in Cairns?

  29. The Magpie says:

    And looks like another regular candidate has just received an unwelcome boost for his inevitable council campaign.

    The ‘elderly man’ is Harry Patel, he of the perennial nuisance value in the local polls … usually stands for division 7 (not sure but think he once had a shot at the mayoralty) … and regularly goes down faster than a Mundingburra MP in a bar at midnight.

    he certainly has the credentials to run on a law and order campaign … his house was broken into last April.

    Certainly civic minded enough to run, so good on him.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Does he live in Cranbrook or Aitkenvale? Photo says Aitkenvale, article says Cranbrook. I know these suburbs are close but ….

      • Kenny Kennett says:

        Harry was the owner of the house where Stockland wanted to expand. He sat on it waiting for more money when everyone else took a highly exaggerated offer. So Stockies ended up building around him and cancelled their offer. So then he was living in Aitkenvale. Perhaps he took whatever he could get in the end and moved to Cranbrook. I reckon he’ll nominate for local and state elections.

  30. Prince Rollmop says:

    The pathetic Bulletin is at it again with a headline of ‘the hunt is on for Townsville’ hottest tradie’. Once again this poor excuse for a newspaper resorts to click bait antics to tantalise the locals with a meaningless news article. Someone please shut this newspaper down and put us out of our misery. Extreme lameness.

    • Spielcheque says:

      Tantalise? Do you really mean the Bulletin torments or teases you with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable? Shit man, you need to unsubscribe before you come down with infantilosis. Just stop reading it!

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      The way the Labor party are dishing out incentives where almost anybody can set up a trade business, perhaps Harry Patel can nominate for it. I hear he makes a really hot curry.

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