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The Magpie

Sunday, February 19th, 2023   |   203 comments

Mayor Jenny Hill Opens Her Re-Election Campaign With A Threat, Telling An Already Shell Shocked  Population ‘I’m Going To Finish The Job’.

This grim pledge to a city she has already buggered came when The Mullet was forced to declare her hand after Paul ‘The Angry Ant ‘Jacob culminated a letters-to-the-editor campaign with confirmation he will take a shot at top job. So it’s three for the campaign road so far, with Fightin’ Fran O’Callaghan confirming she’s ready and rarin’ for the fight, too.

Cr O’Callaghan has wasted no time letting Mayor Mullet know she’s got her number, with a swift reply to Jenny’s rambling announcement that contained no substance.

With all this going on,a bit of self-help might the answer for our lagging local spirits … what is a working well for Cairns can work just as well for Townsville – and it’s not expensive.

Seems we’ve all misjudged the much put-upon Premier Alphabet … The ‘Pie is among those who had thought Palaszczuk’s abysmal performance has been due to political infighting and just sheer incompetence, but no  …  apparently it’s due to men ganging up on her.

The Voice Campaigns – both yes and no – are of to a limping start, which prompts just two questions from The ‘Pie.

And Bob Katter says KAP is against the Voice, and the Betoota Advocate says what they think Bob said, in one of the funniest but accurate piss-takes of all time.

The Magpie has been experimenting with fonts a bit this week, to see if he can make the blog visually more interesting. Not sure it’s worked, but need to settle a few things before the full upgrade. Happy for feedback. Also happy for any much needed financial support that you can spare, three big Nest related bills have just clunked onto the doorstep. Appropriate button is at the end of the blog.

 Now onward …

Three Candidates And Counting .

With the next mayoral election a little over a year away (March 2024),  the race is officially underway,  with Jenny Hill  saying she’ll make a bid for a fourth term.  She was forced to this declaration when fellow labor member and former councilor Paul Jacob officially announced his candidacy for Walker Street top job. That makes it three, with Fightin’ Ran O’Callaghan emailing The ‘Pie with confirmation that she has responded well to her current chemo regime, and is as eager to enter the fray as she always has been. With a typical two-bob each way, The Astonisher had a few words on the front …

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…. and then we had to plough through 20 pages to get to the one story of interest in the whole mess …

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Fightin’ Fran was copping that sort puffery,  and made her response crystal clear with minutes of the article appearing in the weekend BulletinScreen Shot 2023-02-18 at 9.57.16 am Screen Shot 2023-02-18 at 9.57.35 am

There is a rumour of no substance that another ‘high profile’ candidate will join in the biting and scratching in the next fortnight or so, and we can be assured the usual fancy dress fringe of single issue obsessives will pony up their sacrificial deposit to muddy the electoral waters. It will be interesting if Fatty Palmer, who is said to have received a $50k defamation settlement from Mayor Mullet, will again field some irrelevant and embarrassing  goof.

It’s too early to make any comment of much value, but certain speculations are already staring us in the face. One big question is who will the Queensland Labor Party support? The mayor remains a party member, but for electoral advantage, has loudly declared when it comes to the council, she and her hand picked aerobics class were ‘independents’ at the last election (oh, stoppit, ya killin’ me!!). Now the party may have seen it an advantage to let the rules slide when there was no real political party opposing last time around, BUT here’s the thing. Jacob resigned from council in protest to Mayor Mullet’s refusal to properly discuss with councillors her high-handed plan to gift an Indian billionaire $18.5m of ratepayer money to build him an airstrip near his Carmichael mine – 400kms away. However, Jacob’s timing was convenient, as he suddenly popped up as the labor candidate for Hinchinbrook, only to get soundly trounced by Katter’s Nick Dametto. Not widely popular of well known across the electorate, Jacob’s real threat to Jenny Hill will come if he is endorsed by Labor, instead of her. That poses the problem for her that running against party endorsed candidate or team means mandatory expulsion from the party.

Maybe Labor will just sit this one out and figure they’ll get an influenceable person in the chair either way.  Which in fact might just perpetuate a mistake they’ve been making all along – dismissing the growing popularity of Division 10 councillor Fran O’Callaghan, who has been a constant critic of the mayor’s performance, circumventing of LG regulations and high handed management style. At this stage, O’Callaghan’s straight-shooting, calmly argued and factual critiques of the mayor have slowly been gaining traction on social media. O’Callaghan has created a challenge for herself, though, by deciding not to run a team, just simply run for mayor on a platform of sweeping the secrecy that has been a hallmark of an often disastrous past eight year, a return to transparency and a an emphasis on basic council functions and responsibilities. Without a team, there is an instant problem that no matter how well meaning and honest she is, a councillor bloc – most likely a rump from Team Hill – could make any reforms difficult if not impossible.

Much more to unfold in this local tableaux …  expect a run on popcorn at the local supermarkets.

Kapping It Off

On Friday, Bob Katter has announced his party’s opposition to the indigenous Voice to parliament.

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The ‘Pie couldn’t immediately discover any further comments on the decision, and moved on to other matters. Then, an alert(ish) reader sent in the following, which actually had The ‘Pie, who has dealt with Katter inn person on several occasions, believing it was a transcript of a Katter comment.  You could almost hear the gurgling, the tee heeing, high pitched giggling suddenly dropping down into basso sneering spittle flecked spray … vintage Bob, I thought. Then it turned out to the work of the occasionally funny blokes at the Betoota Advocate … one of the best spoofs on Kattertonic put out in yonks.

The Betoota Advocate Reports:

Katter Says He Is Willing To Back An Indigenous Voice To Parliament But It Would Make More Sense To Have A Black Upper House And A Black Lower House That Operates Within The Current Federal System, We Should Let The Murris And The Torres Strait Islanders Effectively Run A Black Senate Just To Double Check Everything The Southern Mob Puts Forward, Because If I’m Honest, And My Opinions Might Be Heavily Influenced By Rugby League, But Nevertheless, There’s Something To Be Said About The Solutions-Based Approach We See In Queensland Politics, Black And White, And Yes, I’m Well Aware That Our First Nations Brother-Cousins Don’t Necessarily Acknowledge State Borders, And Neither Do I, Really, As Far As I’m Concerned Anywhere South Of Bundaberg Is A Suburb Of Sydney, And The Only Border I’m Ready To Acknowledge Is The Brisbane Line, Which Was By Far The Most Cowardly Defence Proposal In The History Of Modern Military Strategy, Formulated By Those Bastards In Canberra During World War II To Concede The Northern Portion Of The Australian Continent To The Japanese So They Could Prioritise The Blue-Blooded Farming Plains Of New South Wales And Those Victorian One-Horse Brothel Towns That Ran Out Of Gold When Ned Kelly Was In Nappies, I’m Not Here Trying To Complicate Things, But It’s Worth Remembering That They Blew Up Our Inland Bridges And Major Ports And Left Us For Dead In The Face Of An Aggressive Foreign Army Chockablock With Soldiers Willing To Literally Fly Their Fighter Planes Into Defence Targets For Love Of Empire, It Makes Me Sick To Think About That Disgraceful Chapter In Our Country’s History, And This Complacency, Which Borders On Treason, Has Not Been Forgotten, Queenslanders, Black And White, Harbour A Deep Distrust For The Southern Elite To This Very Day, Mind You, The Ngarrindjeri Mob Down There On The Lower Murray River, I Don’t Mind The Cut Of Their Jib, I Spose Maybe We Can Have Them Operating Some Sort Of A Black Cross Bench, Like The Black Teals, Or The Black Katters, That’s Not A Bad Idea At All, I Mean, Really, What I’m Putting Forward Here, It’s Quite Simple When You Think About It.

The Magpie promises that we will think about, Bob, we will – when we stop laughing.  You see, mate, what makes it so funny is that that COULD have been you.

The Voice Campaign Got Off To A Croaky Start This Weekend.

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The tepid Yes campaign by a Prime Minister running dead on an issue that he is only supporting tom be seen to be keeping a campaign promise, made a nonsensical speech about ‘this is our chance’ (to what? Possibly fuck up the country by embedding racial divisions? ) and a whole string of meaningless virtue signalling platitudes, to the tumultuous murmurs of  ‘yeah, bruvver’ etc among the tens-strong crowd. Albo is already looking like a bloke who looks like he’s on a public loser but a private winner. And The Magpie, as one who implacably opposes embedding this nonsense in the constitution, just wishes Dutton would shut up with his negative comments … he’s just the sort of voice that is likely to make people vote ‘yes’ just out of spite towards him.

The ‘Pie’s main objection are pretty close to Katter’s: it is discriminatory. But above all for The ‘Pie, it is totally unnecessary, and the stated ends can be achieved with the risk of a separate group with power to delay and hinder proper governance (not that we’ve had much of that of late).

This malarkey will go on and on for a few months yet, until we spend $50m+ on reaching the bleedin’ obvious result. But two small matters are worth a mention,. The ‘Pie can’t believe he is saying this but Barnaby Beetroot made one of the most cogent suggestion about the Voice, when he said ever since it came into existence, the constitution has been the basis for politicians to eliminate  racial divisions,  and here we are trying to officially insert division into it.

And a tweet that was particularly galling in its insulting false deflection said ‘A Voice to parliament will allow indigenous people to only have a say and influence over legislation that affects them’, no more and no less. It’s that simple.’  And you’d have to be really simple not to see through that one – ALL laws apply to indigenous people because they are Australians, so by that standard, they can have a say in any laws, from air navigation (planes passen over our country, gotta stop, frightens our ancestor spirit animals, the wall-eyed stump-stumbling possums’) to immigration – and let’s not start on that one.

From Cairns With Love

Too many folks around this town who have the position and ability to drive change are sitting around with their thumbs up their bums, always waiting for someone else ‘to do something to fix things’, allowing them to get on with making money.


Over the years, The ‘Pie has made glancing comparisons to Cairns on some issues pertinent to both cities. Can’t always be a yardstick, because each has differing economic drivers and different levels of competent leadership.

But let’s re-visit something broached in a previous Nest a while back, something that Cairns does very well indeed, which we could emulate – it’s this, the Cairns Report. (click for link).

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Written in clear, unambiguous language, the Cairns Report is a monthly on-line publication, dedicated to a warts and all presentation of the facts, and although the news isn’t what one might always want to hear, a quietly positive and sober tone is maintained throughout.

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And it gathers statistics together each month in a rolling progress report, an economic snapshot, but it not aimed at smoothing local anxieties or boosting local spirits, although it may do that, too.

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It is squarely aimed to be a practical advertisement for the city to prospective investors, workers, families, retirees and – of course – tourists from the south. The analysis of the data is well considered, free of adjectives and sensationalism …. and you don’t have to plough through 20 pages of Harvey Norman ads to get your information. And you get all that you would like to be accurately informed about in a five to 10 minute scroll. It is elegantly simple in concept, attractively put together, and is already regarded as a valuable go-to quick reference file. So why can’t Townsville have something similar? In fact, go one better and include subjects the Cairns Report doesn’t have, like for instance, updates on notable project around town.


When The Nest mentioned the Cairns report last year, it was pointed out that the council would not be a proper generator of such a publication, and neither would the highly compromised TEL. Both organisations have proven to be too untrustworthy and politicised is recent years.


No, the ideal group to get behind this fact-based publication should be the Townsville Chamber of Commerce. There are plenty of pluses to do this. And much of this information would be.  a walk in the park for folks such those at PVW partners.


When it comes to dollars, this is no biggy to establish and publish each month, in fact, with suitable advertising by supportive members and others, it could be cost neutral. And the skills no doubt exist amongst current membership.  And even improving on the Cairns model, it could include factual updates on notable projects around town.

Lowe Blow.

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reserve Bank boss Phillip Lowe

The personal attacks on Reserve Bank boss Phillip Lowe are indeed low blows in every sense. Commentators, journalists and some politicians calling for his resignations for the suggested failure to ‘do his job’ are not just wrong, they are the height of empty sloganeering.

Phillip Lowe IS doing his job. He is the spokesman for the Reserve Bank board of nine economists, who collectively reach their decisions – which Lowe announces – based solely on the economic dangers posed by inflation and other factors … decisions that are by law free of political influence.  That means the Reserve Bank board is able to make tough decisions that in the short term would be far too unpalatable for any government of any stripe.

That’s the way the imperfect system is designed and has generally worked out over the longer term. And that means also that the board plays its hand according to the circumstances dealt to it by government – that is successive governments, because the underlying shifts and movements of any national economy tend to take shape with glacial slowness. That is, until the political chickens come home to roost … and then the politicians start looking for scapegoats.

But those calling for Phillip Lowe’s head have failed to do two things: suggest an alternative solution- apart from the populist short term vote-farming ‘stop cash rate rises’, and linked to that, fail to say who under the Reserve Bank charter would do a better job.

Or more pointedly, who would do it differently.


Disenfranchising Fran’s Division 10 Electorate

Having been distracted by other issues, The ‘Pie has been catching up on matters that Fightin’ Fran O’Callaghan has been posting. This one particularly caught The Magpie’s beady eye. In essence, it means that Mayor Hill and her partisan councillors have effectively left  ratepayers of Division 10 without fair and reasonable representation at council on matters affecting them.

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Matter 1 and 3: The Magpie trusts that the residents of Division 10 realise they have effectively been disenfranchised by Mayor Hill and her merry band of toe-touchers. There maybe a loophole that allows this behaviour, but the very least a responsible and inclusive council could do is a polite explanation. Because if they are NOT allowed to act in this high-handed manner, then the issue MUST BE taken further, it is a clear breach.

Anna Seeking Her G Spot.

That would be Gender spot.

Seems the gals want all the power but no responsibility. Take Anna Palaszczuk, for instance.

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Making claims like this when her track record is taken into account does a disservice to those women who have a legitimate beef against the blokes.

Here is a female politician who has fucked up massively on any number of issues including harbouring a crook as her deputy premier, (incidentally also a woman) but hints that any failures are because she was ‘treated differently as a woman’.

Perhaps a few reminders for Agonising Anna would be timely …. Ms Palaszczuk, when you did a deal with the Wagners, gifting them the white elephant Wellcamp fiasco, thus undeserved millions in Qld taxpayer funds to a private company,  that decision came from between your ears, not from between your legs.

‘And that’s just to start the list, which will no doubt include the appointment of a conflict-of-interest compromised, occasionally loopy woman as state GG.  Then you almost unilaterally an d without any great analysis, have cursed us with an Olympic Games, a rort second only to the FIFA world cup.

No doubt others will add to the list, but would really like to know how, even if you were ‘treated differently’ that that can account for your inept and ethically questionable governance of this state.

And Our Weekly Peek Into The Mad House.

That bloody balloon was still the feature of mirth, despite several other more serious issues coming to the fore.

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C‘mon Aussie, C’mon, C’mon, Where The Bloody Hell Is Your Pride?


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Black market in sperm? Overseas donors are filling local voids? Where’s the news there, it’s been happening for years. They’re called backpackers.


But Aussie blokes, some pride please, stop pulling your weight and … err … start pulling your weight, if you get my drift.


Simply put, come on, Aussie come on.

Also Noted Around The Traps

A cunning linguist asked this question.

… and one for our Lycra Lunatics out there … says it all for many of them.


That’s the week, ram raid comments with your views, especially in this new political season.

The donate button to offer some sorely needed support is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Critical says:

    Typo alert or is this wishful thinking, next local government election is in March 2024, not 2023.

  2. Dave of Kelso says:

    Re the Yanks and their shooting down balloons, many would be greatfull if they would come to Canberra and shoot this down.

    • The Magpie says:

      Shoot it down? The MAGA crowd and the Republicans would be putting it up as their next presidential candidate.

    • The Wulguru Wonder says:

      For God’s sake don’t let Mayor Mullet know that the Skywhale monstrosity is for sale…she’ll want to buy it and install it as the next Strand artwork.

      • The Magpie says:

        And put her purple doona in competition? No way.

        • The Wulguru Wonder says:

          She will probably have the brain fart idea of using it to ‘reactivate the city’ by offering return Skywhale rides from an empty Flinders Lane to the shelter shed on Castle Hill….

  3. Mike Douglas says:

    Reading the Cairns report can Townsville afford another Team Hill Term ? . Mayor Hill has already left her legacy on Townsvilles median house prices going nowhere in 10 yrs yet Cairns + 18 % ytd . $700 mil Council debt ratepayers legacy that will take 30 yrs to pay off . Who will be the first Councillor to breakaway from Team Hill ? .

  4. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Couldn’t agree more about Phillip Lowe, absolutely disgraceful treatment by ignorant fuckwits and Labor turds looking for a scapegoat for their own terrible policies and failings to reign in spending. I would like to see Australia adopt the American system where all the members of the board are also vocal in the media and economic publications etc to comment of what the board is thinking, what the different committee chairs within the board are taking into consideration, that way people understand any changes in policy or interest rates are taken by the whole board. Whilst the political affiliations of the board members are also noted it has to be said that the federal reserve has always enjoyed bi partisan support and rarely criticised or influenced except for when Trump was President. Jerome Powell is a Republican serving a Democrat President, yet the issue is never really raised, its one the few things in the US Govt that is serving them well.

    • The Magpie says:

      Agree but think things go a bit deeper if we look hard enough. For a start, letting the previous Coalition regimes off the hook and solely blaming Labor says more about your allegiances tha But making the Reserve Bank boss your personal pinata is no more than political ‘playing to the gallery';, the lowest common denominator of indecent public behaviour.As said in the Nest, replace Lowe with whom …. an to do what?

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Totally agree and in no way is the previous Govt excused from their disregard for spending, it was disgraceful, but I don’t think you would see a concerted campaign from Frydenberg to undermine Lowe as this mob have.

  5. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    The 2024 mayoral election is shaping as a ripper, and one any newspaper editor worth his/her salt would be salivating over.
    The mudslinging between Jenny Hill and Paul Jacob will provide a regular front page story, but will the editor do the right thing and give all candidates a equal chance to plead their case for the job of fixing the mess Hill has left our city in, especially the mounting debt, which I understand is somewhere north of $90 million (don’t bother asking how much we ratepayers are going to have to pay off long after Hill has gone – it will be “commercial-in-confidence”. Also don’t bother asking why the debt figure is commercial-in-confidence, we all know it’s just because Hill says it is).
    If past form is any guide, the editor will stick to the paper’s Most Influential Advertiser policy and let Hill edit everything pertaining to the election. Like taking a policy statement from a rival candidate and instead of running it with Hill’s response at the bottom of the story, turn it upside down and lead with Hill’s dismissal of the policy as nonsense. It has happened many times before, so Mr Editor please note, I WILL be watching, and exposing (carrying placards outside your office, if necessary).
    Given the state this city is in, we need someone determined enough, and without political baggage, to clean up the mess.
    All candidates must be given equal opportunity to show they have what it takes.

  6. Alahazbin says:

    I see by the announcement in the astonisher that the mullet will run for mayor again, that Leighton (Jimmy Olsen) Smith just put the Mike in front of her and let her rave on. Pity he didn’t ask a few questions about past performance.

    • The Magpie says:

      You hopeless dreamer, you.

      The sad thing is that in all Leighton’s stories lacking any reasonable interrogation, he still thinks he’s done a great job. And rather than consider criticism, just automatically becomes defensive.

  7. IL PAPA DUCE says:

    Our prayers have been answered! The Mullet wants to keep shepherding the sheeple through the quagmire.
    Problem is, she created the tangle and thinks only she can guide us through! Oh dear………:)

  8. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Here’s a campaign hint for any aspiring Townsville Mayor candidate.


    I’ll vote for ya!

    • The Magpie says:

      Two questions: is this the sole responsibility of the TCC, or are some major arterial roads the province of the state?

      And while The ‘Pie has seen this occasional complaint, buggered if he’s ever seen any particular ‘disorganisation and chaos’. Having lived and driven around the world, Townsville isn’t any different much to anywhere else, except a bloody site better than Sydney. However, try as he might, The Magpie has never been able to find the optimum legal speed to get a clear run along the Eyre/Bundock street artery.

      • Critical says:

        You’re correct, and from memory, roads such as Abbott Street/Railway Avenue/Saunders Street/Denham Street/Eyre Street (part of)/Bundock Street, Stuart Drive/Bowen Road/Charters Towers Road, University Drive/ Nathan Street and Woolcock Street are Department of Main Roads controlled. There may be other roads too.
        A few years ago Cairns had the same problem of uncoordinated traffic systems between Department of Main Roads and Cairns Regional Council and set up a task force (for the lack of a better name) to better coordinate traffic lights and flows which was largely successful but then you’ll never get a system that will please everyone and you can’t overcome problems such as school crossing traffic light systems.

        • The Magpie says:

          You’ve just about summed it up.

          • Elusive Butterfly says:

            Gee, I suppose it’s a silly idea Mr. Pie, that a new Townsville Mayor actually talks to Main Roads to coordinate the totally fucked traffic light system in this city?
            Slap my wrist!

          • The Magpie says:

            Wrist? Your botty out of bounds, sweetie?

            But you are a sweet dreamer aren’t you, thinking that two levels of government could get together and come up with a problem solution.

  9. Regular reader says:

    In addition to Hill’s unintentional admission that she controls council (well all but one councilor anyway) she made a few other notable admissions in Saturday’s Astonisher.
    The first on her list of priorities was her pet Landsdown project, for which signed, ironclad commitments are yet to be seen. Given her assurances that the Magnis battery factory was going to be the biggest thing to hit Townsville since her Castle Hill cafe, one can only assume that there’s more smoke and mirrors about Landsdown than at a Metallica concert.
    Next in line was the Haughton Pipeline Project. There’s certainly some work left to be done there Jenny. What’s the latest on those shonky pipes?
    Priority number three was “making sure we fix the basics like our road networks”. They definitely need fixing Jenny. One stretch of road that is part of the route to a Magnetic Island ferry terminal has more potholes than bitumen, and has been in that state for years. Tourists must be impressed. The question begs: considering you admit “controlling” the council, why the sudden urgency to repair roads instead of wasting ratepayers money on events like your pet V8 Supercars and the endless string of Townsville Eats pop-ups, which take business away from inner-city pubs and eateries.
    Her quote of the week was a deadheat between:
    “The reality is if the council doesn’t believe in its community and push for its community, nothing gets done”. Plenty of evidence to back that up, hey Jenny.
    “There’s still a lot of work to be done”. I suspect that won’t change until we get a change of mayor.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘FIX’? FUCKING ‘FIX’!?!

      This is why does the basic council task of ‘fixing our road networks’ even exist. This is an inadvertent public admission of one of your most basic failures … my dear ol’dunderhead, because no matter what pipe dreams you have, and what EcoHub In The Scrub visions of world acclaim you may aspire to, Madam Mayor, your ABSOLUTE FIRST PRIORITY is every day maintenance of the city’s basic infrastructure, roads, rubbish, water. It is of any council, before they start haring off on self-glorifying tangents of distant airstrips, disappearing strand pools, cafes on Castle Hill and courting corporate crooks with gifts of council land.

      Think what just a few million of the $18.5m of your Adani airstrip debacle could have done for TCC fleet and workforce for the basics.

      Using the phrase “making sure we fix the basics like our road networks” is a clear and direct admission that you and your council have failed in the most basic of responsibilities of fiscal priorities and community protection. You’re a money-grubbing glory hound, Jenny, and that is why we need a leader whose first priority is a ‘back to basics’ program that is transparent, open and honest (sorry if you need a dictionary.)

      At this time, that person is Clr Fran O’Callaghan.

  10. Achilles says:

    Has NSW mistaken the call from farmers for more fruit pickers, their Mardi Gras seems to have pulled in loads of them.

  11. Prince Rollmop says:

    Top blog this week Magpie, as usual. So much to pick through. Firstly, the Mullet interview in the local presstitute paper. As usual, it’s all about herself. She is nothing short of a selfie centred incompetent. With the angry ant Jacob and Fran laying down the gauntlet the next 13 months will be most interesting. Let’s hope that more pressure is heaped upon the purple doona wearer.

    Secondly, the attack on Philip Lowe. What an absolute waste of time and resources by the senate in their attack on Lowe. Western counties record inflation is due to government policy officials spending years borrowing money and printing money. Printing money increases inflation and record printing has caused record levels of inflation. Giving Lowe a hiding in the senate is nothing short of belting the wrong piñata. Fucking morons.

    Thirdly, Anna Alphabet and her cries of misogyny. What a hypocrite, has Anna forgotten how she directed female police officers be recruited over male recruits. In fact many substandard females were hired and males who interviews with high results weren’t offered positions. Anna has stacked Boards and ministries with females at the expense of hiring males, so it’s a complete sham that she should be the one crying out about misogyny.

  12. Prince Rollmop says:

    Also, regarding the bringing forward of project monies. This is very unusual. Monies are budgeted for certain projects and aligned to particular calendar dates, goals and milestones, and particular years. And there is some legislation that governs this process. I would be interested in knowing what has been shifted around to make way for this money to be brought forward, and why?

    • The Magpie says:

      We would all be interested to know how and why, but it appears mayor Mullet and th shifties don’t want us to know.

      • Critical says:

        Studied a couple of units of politics at QUT a few decades ago and our lecturer told us that politicians will always build capital works projects that are being constructed or have been completed just before an election. This is so that politicans have something physical to demonstrate to gullible electors about what we’ve done for you. Looks like Jenny is just doing this and let’s see what’s in the 2023/24 budget.

        • The Magpie says:

          The irony of that is tht if mayor Mullet expects to coast in on the coattails of the Burdekin pipeline, no one willk recall it was origionally Jane Arlett’s idea and main plank of her platform when running for mayor. Jenny’s reply at the time … there is no water crisis, why do we need an expensive pipeline.

          • old tradesman says:

            I hope Jayne runs again, a very smart woman.

          • The Magpie says:

            Think she’s pretty tied up with JCU nowadays. Not sure she’d bother.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, the difficulty with history is that the victor in an election campaign gets to write it. Jayne Arlett’s mayoral candidate promise was that in the event she could not get government funding she would borrow the money for the Haughton pipeline. Jenny Hill argued at the time that this debt would bankrupt the Council. In the event, seven years later Hill will be borrowing the money, ratepayers will be putting it on the never never and bankruptcy is a state of mind.

            TB 23.1.2016

            “Currently, the council has budgeted $80 million to build the $160 million pipeline in the 2019-20 financial year.

            Ms Arlett said she would ensure work began this year, if elected at the March 19 election, and was confident she could secure further funding from governments.

            But if that was not forthcoming, she said she would borrow the extra $80 million.

            She would structure loan repayments so future residents, the main beneficiaries, would pay for its construction.”

          • The Magpie says:

            Be that as it may, The Magpie’s point is that Jenny Hill publicly stated ‘Water crisis? What water crisis? There isn’t one’. Thus The ‘Pie was pointing out that the pipeline project was Jayne Arlett’s idea, which Mayor Mullet spurned for electoral advantage, only to immediately pick it up as her own.

          • Grumpy says:

            Don’t forget the despicable intervention by the Bulletin with the last-minute “expose” of Jaynes domestic arrangements. Dog whistle to the rednecks.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes. Although it wasn’t the writer’s intention ((Shari Tagliabue) who played it all with a straight bat and simply published what was volunteered, it was a gamble, and The ‘Pie was informed at the time that the moment Jayne saw the article, she realised its damage. Being open and honest often doesn’t play well in politics.

  13. HiBeam says:

    It was interesting to read in Saturdays bulletin that two unfortunate workers had died when they fell into a stope mine. Despite googling for some hours I was unable to find out what stope is used for or why it is mined at all. Perhaps if the bulletin had reported that the fall was into a mine stope it could have saved me all that effort.

    • The Magpie says:

      I’d brush up on googling skills, Low Voltage. Even the Bulletin’s meaning was clear in this case. Took The ‘Pie all of five seconds to discover what a stope is all about (which he’d never come across before – a large underground holding area for the ore that is mined before taken to the surface). Understand your joke, but not much use with a definition of stope.

  14. Dave of Kelso says:

    David Crisafulli has my full support in this matter. The traveling circus that was the Parliamentary Subcommittee on youth crime had no result and was a disappointing waste of time.


  15. Regular reader says:

    It’s official: master spin doctor Dolan has put Jenny Hill in the too hard basket.
    The story in Saturday’s Jenny Hill Bulletin about her wanting to “finish the job” has attracted 21 comments as of 7am today.
    Significantly all of them are negative and some are outright classics. The best is:
    “wants to finish the job??? which one? TCC can’t finish anything except over spending year after year”
    In years gone by Dolan would have rounded up his Dial A Commenter team of Labor lackies and provided some positive views to try to balance the flood of negativity.
    But not this time. He appears to have thrown his hands in the air and given up.
    Watch for the story, and the comments, to suddenly disappear when the editor gets to work this morning and Jenny gets on the blower.
    She might have lost Dolan, but she’s still got the editor under her thumb.
    Now there’s a marriage made in hell.

  16. Palm Sunday says:

    Regarding the Dingo Park Road roadworks, which are supposedly in Cr Fran’s Div10 electorate, aren’t these works being funded jointly by TCC ($2m) and the Federal government ($8m) under a scheme announced by the Morrison government just prior to the last election? If works are currently being carried out as reported by Cr Fran, whose money is being spent? And if the federal money is being spent in Phillip Thompson’s electorate of Herbert, why is it that Bob Katter claims he won the money and it will be spent in his electorate:

    Bob Katter March 2022 update: ” . . success in negotiating a funding proposal for
    $8m for the intersection at Dingo Park Road at Woodstock which services rural residential blocks, a feed lot, and cattle properties.”

    Who is who in this zoo? Don’t ask me, I don’t do Facebook.

  17. Lab Rat says:

    Ms Hill will be reelected as Mayor. She has done a brilliant job in troubling times. Just because you have some axe to grind Magpie, does not mean that you are in the right.
    Best of luck to Councilor O’Callaghan with her health battles.

  18. Dordus says:

    Not only is Townsville being eclipsed by Cairns, but Alice Springs is having a go.
    12 in a stolen car would be hard to beat!

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, mate, have a fuckin’ care!!! Now you’ve issued the challenge,it’ll be on for young and old. And you risk widespread community grief if a packed vehicle rolled at high speed, caught fire and exploded. Do you know how hard it is to get new SUVs nowadays? Very careless, mate.

      • Dorfus says:

        Sorry. Fat-finger syndrome.

        Anyway, Alice’s challenge would have been flashed over electronic bush telegraph well before Auntie got the story.

        • The Magpie says:

          You appear to have taken The ‘Pie’s comment seriously.

          I’ve got a tin of tartan paint going cheap, if your interested.

  19. Russell says:

    Re: Black Market in Sperm.
    The last paragraph of that article goes a long way towards explaining why Australia is slowly going down the gurgler. Sad really.

  20. Achilles says:

    I hope these sensitive petals never read entries to The Nest, they’ll be apoplectic super fast.


    • The Magpie says:

      Yes but today we see the Townsville Bulletin at its conniving, rage-farming best, with this deliberately misleading front page lie..

      This front page – by any measure of English, is a deliberate lie. While giving the false impression all 13 of those released were the subject of the court challenge, the real story is that just TWO of the released juveniles are the subject of police applications to have their bail revoked.

      And in fact the story has now moved on as the ABC has reported, and a muddled on-line mention by the Bulletin. In a nutshell, the police application will not be heard until a decision is made about possible further charges against the two 13-year-olds who have been arrested for further alleged offences committed since they were released in the group of 13.

      And while on the subject, Anna’s limbering up for her bid for Olympic gymnastic gold, with a mighty back flip on the bail issue. It appears Crisafulli has scared the dainties off her.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Hopefully come next election Anna Alphabet will have been kicked out and the Kid will be Premier. Now if he can stay in power for consecutive elections Anna won’t get an overpaid board director role with the Olympic committee.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        It seems that Annie Puddleduck’s tender loving vicarious motherhood to all the little noctonal thieving snots is faltering under the 10 year weight of public outrage as highlighted by D. Crisafulli.

        Sorry ‘Pie, long sentence.

        This reinforces, in my mind, such as it is, my earlier comment a day or so ago.

        • Pile driver says:

          Palasczuk is too busy attending gala events with Dr Strangelove and his technicolored raincoat to be aware of what’s happening in the real world. Miss Piggy isn’t personally affected or impacted by these career child criminals while living in her protected, gated compound, so she therefor doesn’t give a shit. Out of sight, out of mind. She is too busy bobbing for apples in the taxpayer trough and feathering her nest, how could she possibly be aware of the out-of-control crime rate. These politicians are complete scum.

  21. Palm Sunday says:

    Magnis has put itself back in the news today handing a request to the ASX in accordance with Listing Rule 17.1:
    • the Company requests the trading halt a material transaction, the signed agreement for which was received from the counterparty over the weekend;
    • the Company requests that the trading halt applied to its securities continue until the earlier of the making of an announcement in relation to the proposed material transaction and the commencement of trading on 21, February 2023;
    • the Company is not aware of any reason why the requested trading halt should not be granted by ASX; and
    • the Company is not aware of other information necessary to inform the market in relation to the trading halt.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Looks like Frank might have pulled off a big one:

      Magnis Energy Technologies Ltd is pleased to announce that it has entered into a Binding Offtake Agreement with Tesla, Inc. (“Tesla”) for the supply of AAM beginning in February 2025 with fixed pricing.
      Details of the Agreement
      Under the agreement Tesla will purchase a minimum of 17,500tpa starting from February 2025 with a maximum of 35,000tpa for a minimum 3-year term at a fixed price.
      The agreement is conditional on Magnis securing a final location for its commercial AAM facility by 30 June 2023, producing AAM from a pilot plant by 31 March 2024, commencing production from the commercial AAM facility by 1 February 2025, and customer qualification.

      • The Magpie says:

        Given the Poullas track record, he seems to have certainly off something … a man after your own heart, Palmist?

        And the thought of Poullas and Musk doing such a highly qualified deal makes one queasy as well as uneasy.

      • Russell says:

        Dumb question probably, but what’s an AAM?

        • Russell says:

          Yes Pie, I am replying to myself. Just discovered AAM is “active anode material” better known as graphite, which Magnis will most likely source from its Nachu Graphite project in Tanzania. Hope it goes well for them.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Russell, short answer, Active Anode Materials. Slightly longer answer from the Magnis news site:

          Magnis Energy Technologies Ltd operates a [just completed] Gigawatt scale Lithium-ion battery manufacturing plant in Endicott, New York. Magnis has also commenced development plans to set up an Active Anode Materials Project in the US. In conjunction with battery technology partner, C4V LLC, Magnis has produced high-performance active anode materials for lithium-ion batteries utilising high purity graphite concentrate feedstock from Magnis’ Nachu Graphite project in Tanzania.

  22. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    What do Magnis and GotHer Adani have in common?
    They’re both in bed with Jenny Hill -or were until the rorts were exposed.
    Hey Mayor Hill, read this and tell us why you were falling over yourself to give this shyster $18 mill of our money (after a junket trip to India to cook things up):
    And she has the cheek to pretend she’s transparent.
    Bet Leighton will be all over this.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t know much about betting do you, LSR?

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Magpie, serious question. Are editors of newspapers subject to or answerable to any governing body ? Does repeated misquoting of the actual facts and the obvious non mention to the public of shifty deeds by elected government officials draw any reprimand, say as members of the legal community are answerable to the law Society ?

        • The Magpie says:

          To their publisher only, as far as I know … and the publisher is subject to the law of the land, where civil suits are the main threat. Of course, if something illegal or defamatory goes in the paper, it’s the editor who gets killed but the publisher who gets billed.

        • Pile driver says:

          Well typo Gleeson fell on his sword for pinching other peoples work so it would appear that some journalists actions will be dealt with internally, rather than by a corporate body or something similar.

          • The Magpie says:

            You mustn’t know Typo Gleeson. He would’ve tried to garble his ay out of it … which bin fact he did when the first instance was discovered, saying itv was some sort of technical accident … but his bosses were fed up when the several other instances were revealed. The thought of this workplace bully doing anything within cooee of honourable is laughable.

            But the rest of what you say is correct,except remember, word filters down from above with the speed of light if a masthead or brand is threatened, and it is sevefral underlings down who actually do the heave-hoeing.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Long Suffering Ratepayer , Mayor Hill has form in picking the wrong horse 4 CEOs in a few years , all directors departed many with payouts ” CIC ” and I believe there are more departures in Walker street with a cloud over the fact all senior Council managers actually live in the Ville . If you are worried about airstrips / companies not signing leases for Lansdown be more worried about Treasurer Chalmers re-doing Capitalism . Chalmers believes industry members superfund $ should go to funding climate change and housing .

    • The Magpie says:

      Why? Do you burst into tears over fairytales? This is a bunch of boofademics and acadils in an obscure uni trying get a headline or two. The story is all theoretical and patently obvious as workable if it ever happened, which it won’t. The premise is one of those ‘if only’ flights of fancy, this one able to be printed. Among those that can’t be printed although equally true, is if someone would take out just a half dozen selected Republicans – starting with Trump – that country would come back to rights again more quickly. Actually, given the number of guns and killings already undertaken, usually with the gunman ending up dead, it’s a wonder it hasn’t happened.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      FFS it’s the daily mail. Nothing in that should be taken seriously

  23. NQ Gal says:

    The Shovel have provided a biting take on the most important news of the day – Roald Dahl books no longer meeting PC standards – but did they ever?


  24. Achilles says:

    Anyone notice that “sleepy” Joe Biden uses cue cards most of the time and always when addressing foreign dignitaries.

    Ronnie Regan used ‘em too, but only after the assassination attempt when they replaced his entire blood supply 4 times to keep him going.

    Never the same quick-witted quipper after he “forgot to duck”.

    • Poop chute says:

      Biden isn’t a President, he is an old geriatric with declining brain matter. It was an embarrassment that all the Americans could produce for their potential President was grandpa Biden and the orange idiot. That was basically it. What a fucked up country.

  25. irateratepayer says:

    Paul Jacob was fined and admitted to misconduct after he was investigated for leaking confidential information to the press, lest we forget.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, he was a whistleblower. the ‘Pie will leave it to you to remind nus what the information was about, which you snidely forgot to mention.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Magpie, beyond it being preliminary budget information, not even the Tribunal revealed “what the information was [really] about”:

        “The Tribunal has determined, on the balance of probabilities, that:
        The allegation that on 29 April 2019, Councillor Paul Jacob, a councillor of the Townsville City Council, engaged in misconduct as defined in section 150L(c)(iv) of the Local Government Act 2009 in that he contravened section 171(3) of the Act by releasing information to the Townsville Bulletin, namely preliminary budget information, that the councillor knew, or should reasonably have known, was confidential to local government has been sustained.”

        What might be more damning for Jacob is that he was required to admit the error of his judgement before a public meeting of Council and pay $250 to Council as a kind of fine. Not a good look, although compared to wearing a pink doona it might be a matter of personal taste (or fashion).

        • The Magpie says:

          “What the information was really about’?

          Didn’t Jacob himself said what it was in connection with planned gifting of airstrip money to Adani? And if the tribunal determined he’d committed an offence – even on the balance of probabilities – wouldn’t the Bulletin article in question made it clear what the issue was? Can you clear that up with a link or copy and paste of the offending article in the Bulletin? Or any interview with the Bulletin by Jacob? And always good to remember that the complaint against Jacob, proved to be so trivial it cost him just $250 (about half the fine for running a red light) and a sorry to council, was a vindictive referral by The Mullet (through the then CEO if memory served, whoever that was, probably Adele The Impaler Young) for ‘telling mummy on her’ about the secret airstrip scheme. In other words, the mayor used the minutiae of the law in an attempt to enforce Labor Party discipline.No matter how many apologists like you keep popping up out of the wormwood, any close examination of this matter will see The Mullet come out the much bigger villain.

          And BTW it’s ‘purple’, not pink.

  26. Regular reader says:

    Jenny Hill is in panic mode.
    Her mates at Seven Townsville, ever mindful of how much she (sorry, we) spend on advertising, are giving her maximum exposure with cringeworthy coverage tonight of her feeding-the-chooks media opportunity. promising ratepayers there will be a swag of “events” coming to Townsville this year (paid for by us of course, not her).
    No details of course – commercial in confidence. We can’t have ratepayers knowing how much of their money is being donated to southern promoters by our purple doona version of Michael Chugg (apologies to Chuggy).
    She just doesn’t get it. Ratepayers want their roads repaired, their drains unblocked, the Ross River Dam managed and. in the case of those poor souls out at Wulguru, less sewerage in their houses.
    But not to worry, Jenny is busy working on important things like bringing a big name entertainer or two to Townsville to take our minds off the little things that don’t count (according to her).
    I take it back, given the city’s ever increasing debt, be worried – very worried.
    Jenny will be happy to spend millions of our rates in an attempt at being re-elected.
    Do the sums Jenny – you’ll be lucky if you get 8000 people to your events, and the population is over 200,000.
    It would be laughable if it wasn’t our money she was spending.

  27. Banana Peel says:

    I don’t listen to Steve Price on the radio, and I don’t bother reading his “I” column in the paper any more, but my wife who reads the local rag from front to back every morning pointed out his weekly contribution to the Townsville Bulletin this morning saying “have a look at this”.
    Turns out that Pricey was asked to give the eulogy at the funeral of local property man and all round good bloke Jeff Pascoe this week.
    My missus found that surprising considering he spelt the deceased’s name incorrectly as Pasco. Not once but twice so hardly a typing error.
    But the thing she was most alarmed about was according to his own column, he turned the eulogy into a “look at me” performance similar to his appearances at carols by candlelight. I thought a eulogy was supposed to be all about the deceased, not the bloke giving it.

    • Elusive Butterfly says:

      Steve Price was well past his use by date 20 years ago!

      • The Magpie says:

        Disagree. I have known Steve for 30 years, and count him as an occasional friend I see out and about now and then – have never socialised with him beyond a few Saturday beers with others, including the late and truly lamented Jeff Pascoe, but have a friendly relationship.

        ‘Use by’ date for what? He’s a fucking radio babbler FFS, and writes a column for the local mostly unread paper. ‘Use by’ dates in those industries are determined by results and economics, not lofty intellectual opinions. Steve has cultivated and built up a following over the years in a certain niche audience, which may not appeal to all people. But he is a positive and sunny person (sometimes to the point of dopiness in the face of harsh realities) and is a great champion for Townsville in a sort of ‘my mother drunk or sober’ manner – you’d be hard pressed to find a word of criticism from him ever the years. And there’s room for that sort personality in this community, and his use by date is limited only by his listeners choice to stay or go. Don’t like it then don’t listen, simply, no?

        And no matter what, one of Steve’s greatest contributions to local entertainment and education was his brilliant ‘Kids’s Army’ TV show, stupidly dropped for crass commercial reasons way back when.

        Dissing a major positive contributor to community spirit is a sad reflection of one’s personal judgement, prompted possibly through disappointment with the overall state of play in Townsville.

        All that said, there can be no denying that today’s column was what is nowadays politely called ‘a misstep’. The ‘Pie guesses Steve was at a loss as to how to report Jeff’s remembrance – at least in the paper, not sure the eulogy itself was as toe-curling – and today’s column is an embarrassing misjudgement, concentrating as it does more on himself rather than his late mate, and he is probably already having second thoughts about.

        For whatever reason he wrote it – deadline pressure is one thought – it does not reflect the Steve Price I have known for the past three decades, he’s always been for others, including heaps of charities and causes.

        So hold off the axe on this tall poppy for now, if you please, just let it give pleasure to those who like that sort of schtick for as long as it lasts.

  28. GST SHAM says:

    Jenny Hill, Labor and the Bulletin trying to claim any sort of win when it comes to Breach of Bail or action on Youth Crime is laughable. For years Jenny Hill flew the Labor flag high for her Labor mates denying Townsville had any sort of crime problem. For years there were whispers Labor would pressure the local paper from reporting actual crimes/crime statistics behind the scenes arguing it would “talk down” the city. On this blog and other online forums Labor MPs and the Bulletin would get called out for not reporting on certain crimes that were of significant concern to the community or for covering politicians backsides by not asking the right questions or holding them to account! Commending Jenny Hill in the paper for writing a letter with other mayors when Nick Dametto and Phillip Thompson have not taken the foot off the pedal when it comes to Youth crime in this town just shows the paper is still beholden to Jenny Hill! Give credit where it is due! Do better MULLETIN!

  29. Achilles says:

    What a Master-Class display by Vlad Rash-Putin! A performance straight from the Dr. Goebbels handbook.

    Albo should insist that Ukraine return the Bush-Masters forthwith! or if there is any justice; hand them over to Moscow as they have deceived us. They were the aggressors all along. The Russians accidentally entered Ukraine because they were using the WW II manual, and thought they were evicting the occupying Nazi’s from Ukraine.

    We should compensate Russia (read USSR) by sending all of our stock pile of Kleenex tissues printed with an apology.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie is all for the Kleenex idea, but only if they’re used tissues.

      • Achilles says:

        Reminds me of a comment by Hubs on 4TTT, when asked by Justine if he preferred plain or printed toilet paper?

        Hubs replied: “I like plain because I can create my own patterns”!

  30. Jatzcrakers says:

    It’ll be in the Bullsheet tomorrow, or next Saturday given they’re all ways behind in local news events, but old Jenny was all dolled up with a newish looking blue…yes, blue dress with the locks all straightened and the eyebrows freshly whipper snipped at the recent inaugural arrival of Bonza’s flight.
    Must have hired another ‘consultant’ to give her advice on how to improve her tarnished image.

    • Alahazbin says:

      What! Not purple to match Bonza.

      • The Magpie says:

        Expect the logo next outing, the Mullet figuring those who don’t know about the airline will figure its her whose bonza.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Would be interesting to know how many flying to Townsville from the Sunny Coast are visiting family as their main purpose. I can’t imagine coming here purely for tourism when the Coast has it all – including our music festival…

  31. The Magpie says:

    The dead and neglected end of Palmer Street is said to be revitalised shortly.

    Word about town is that the beloved old Metropole Hotel will open its doors again shortly. The pub and the swisho Oaks apartments behind it have just been sold … and you’ll never guess the buyer … the Wagner group. Yup, the one and same who were going to build Jenny an airstrip for a staggering price, and have just been gifted a taxpayer-funded $250m in the form of the Wellcamp white elephant at their private airport in Toowoomba.

    Now they’ll be able to offer unimpeded views of their $6million scam on the local ratepayers, the boardwalk to nowhere on the other side of the creek that they conned Jenny in paying for.

    but good news for Palmer Street. And the excellent restaurant/pub space under the adjacent Solarus apartment tower, formerly the Waterview, which run into the ground by shady smartarse Sydney investors with an arrogant attitude, is due to re-open soon under new ownership and re-badged Bayview.

    Wonder if Jenny will order a drawbridge across the creek to make easier access from Via Vomitorium. Don’t laugh.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      ….. the Wagner group! For a second or so I thought it was to house military mercenaries who have been fighting in Ukraine, Sierra and Africa, on rest and recreation.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      I’d say a (draw)bridge is well and truly on the cards. And the premier might have something else for Wagners since they seem to be buying into the accommodation game. With the youth detention population set to escalate in the coming short term and no appropriate beds available in watch houses or unbuilt detention centres, if they built a big fence around the Wellcamp get-well-camp and used it to house low risk minors on remand (not violent high risk recidivists) they might have a short term fix. And Toowoomba off their back. And the opposition wedged. Don’t you worry about that.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, the Metropole purchase could be seen as strategic by the Wagners, if they have knowledge – which you seem to have , being a Labor insider – that a ‘drawbridge is well and truly on the cards’. But for the council let alone the sgtate government to put that high on the priority list would be political suicide any time in the near future. The project would be no more than a convenience rather than an essential and costly (build and operation) piece of infrastructure. (Heavy vehicles won’t be trundling down Via Vomitorium or The Strand anytime soon.)

        As for Wellcamp, The ‘Pie reckons the Wanker Bros had in mind all along a first stop-off for incoming backpacker workers straight of the plane at their adja\cent airport. Wouldn’t be much of a look for a kiddy holding paddock, although they’d sure be in it if the government, who built it and then handed it back, were then to start renting back again.

        And two things I don’t get: why is the opposition ‘wedged’, and what does ‘Toowoomba off their back’ mean? If you’re referring to Toowoomba’s recent crime spate, that is a minor consideration for the government, and hardly a driver for any such suggested deal. Palaszczuk couldn’t give a spangled fuck about Toowoomba.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Magpie, it doesn’t take insider knowledge or a Wagner conspiracy to know that a pedestrian bridge is proposed to cross the creek at Flinders Street East. TCC published its plan at the time last year when the Flinders East carpark was closed:

          “This project is part of multiple stages of boardwalks proposed in the area that will not only link the Flinders Street and Palmer Street dining and entertainment precincts, but also provide improved connection between the Queensland Country Bank Stadium Precinct and The Strand.

          Future stages in this area will include:

          1. an active transport bridge between Flinders Street and Tomlins Street for pedestrians, cyclists, scooters, etc.”
          2. boardwalk and public realm upgrade along Tomlins Street connecting back to George Roberts Bridge.

          • The Magpie says:

            Hahaha, having such a ready finger on such TCC files does give you away somewhat, sport. But your info is good (although in the late Looney Mooney years, an actual road bridge at the end of the Strand was discussed). But your information makes it even more likely that the Wanker Bros have done a del and have got in early with their Metropole purchase – and may indeed be sitting pretty to tender for the bridge if it ever happens (and they get the necessary qualifications to build it).

            And in what euphoric moment towards the end of the bottle did someone decide it was desirable, almost imperative, to link the stadium with the Strand – parking before the match, with a pleasant 3k stroll to the stadium (all games and events at night btw) and an anxious return back to find if their car is intact or even there? Oh, forgot, that';s where they’ll no doubt be catching The Mullet Ferry up the creek to the stadium and back, once the necessary work has been done on the bridge (a service only available when the tide is in).

            None of this should be anywhere near the top of anyone’s priority list, although Jenny will argue that building a concert hall in Dean Park makes it more viable (which it doesn’t, the cost is the cost.)

          • Palm Sunday says:

            FFS Magpie, if you google ‘flinders street boardwalk’ it all comes tumbling out. Any mug can do it. Most of the docs just jump onto your screen.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, a mug did it for us. Thanks.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            We are just lucky that no one who has a boat of any size moored in Ross Creek upstream of Tomlins Street has any money or clout around town. Here is the problem with a bridge there. Too far upstream and it is right next to the existing Denham St bridge. Every meter downstream removes more mooring and navigation space on the creek.

  32. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Good old Labor, they never learn, they think peoples own money is theirs, just suck the fuck out of peoples pocket, then wonder why the economy shits itself and investment tanks. The key to the success of superannuation system was the confidence and trust people have in it, but once big changes are implemented, trust and confidence is eroded, people will look at other options, contributions decrease, outflows increase and returns fall, what a pack of morons.

    • The Magpie says:

      Cankers, you are clearly more financially literate than The ‘Pie, but the old bird does agree that the Morrison-inspired early withdrawal should be halted. Early super withdrawal simply defeats the entire purpose of the scheme. The other proposed measures are a mystery to The ‘Pie. Care to give an opinion of early withdrawals, and a couple of sentences on what else is proposed, it would be helpful. Not personally being affected by the issue, The ‘Pie has let it swirl by him.

      And to all those grubby other Nesters leaping for the keyboard, The ‘Pie will save you the effort and say that there is many a gal out there who thinks early withdrawal is anything but super.

      • The Magpie says:

        Update: In deference to you, Cankers, I quickly read a story or two, and Albanese is now saying apart from the withdrawal timeslines, there will not be any changes. OR he almost said that.

        This is what he told the National Press Club today.

        “We said that we would not have any major changes in superannuation, and that is certainly our intention,” said Mr Albanese.

        “Not our intention’ – the classic get-out for politicians around the world, meaning a change of mind is still open to them … ‘We had every intention of building hells Gate Dam, but circumstances have changed etc etc’

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Cmon Pie. They never had any intention of building Hells Gate Dam. It just something a few locals got all excited about and talked up.

          • The Magpie says:

            That EXACTLY what The ‘Pie is saying … he was talking about the use of the word ‘intention’. Geez!!

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          The irony of this is Chalmers hero Paul Keating will be squirming at these changes, the great advantage of the super system, it becomes so big it’s almost impervious to the market, and it’s the big balances that add to its volume that give it that advantage. Take that volume away and you impact that leverage, the over the next decade or so you have millions of people taking trillions out of super as they lose confidence in the scheme, leaving the new entrants ( our children) exposed to massive reductions in the superannuation pool, leading to low returns and losses. Jim Chalmers is fast becoming of the most dangerous individuals this country has seen in a long time.

  33. Elusive Butterfly says:


    What? No quotes from Townsville Enterprise?
    Or are they knocking on the door of the Virgin CEO begging for a reversal in the decision to cancel Melbourne to Townsville direct flights?
    I think I’m gonna be sick!

  34. Alahazbin says:

    AECOM have won the tender to do a business case for a proposed concert hall. There are 4 sites linked to its preferred site. The mullet wants Dean Park.
    Given AECOM’s close allegiance with this labour city council, so it will be Dean Park.

    • The Magpie says:

      Think you’ll find that our petty and vindictive walking disaster area actually, more than wanting Dean Park, DOESN’T want it to be The Hive. She’s a run-in with the hard headed and sensible business folk from Gleeson’s who were having none of nonsense demands for free council space etc etc, and now she’s got it in for them. AECOM will certainly have their riding orders, but will now be aware that madam is on shaky ground of the magnitude in Turkey.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        You’ve mentioned Dean Park and the (proposed) Hive. What are the other sites? Does the once touted re-development and expansion around the Civic Theatre rate a mention?

        • The Magpie says:

          Yup, it was reported to be in the mix, but Jenny is known to have opposed that in favour of Dean Park. The Civic Theatre expansion might interfere with her beloved SuperPests.

    • Achilles says:

      What? No pre-feasabilty study funded by TCC. Jenny you’re slipping.

    • The Magpie says:

      That is the usual probing effort by excellent photographer and tough, investigative stenographer Leighton Jimmy Olsen Smith as the peak of his powers. Fist of all, he somehow managed to convince a no doubt reluctant Mayor Mullet into a drive-around tour of three or so of the projects currently on the go. And the resulting piece made it clear that mayor Mullet, ever wanting to be in charge, had a firm grip on Leighton’s gear stick as he drove her around.

      Question abound, but The ‘Pie won’t be too tedious about this time. Just two questions, both afrising from part of Mayor Mullet’s merry witterings.

      Cr Hill said there was a “sweet spot” in the dam level where pumping would be done to minimise evaporation.
      With ratepayers having to foot the bill for pumping up to 364 megalitres per day, she said they were “looking for a more affordable solution at the moment”, with “discussions underway with a third party”.
      “When you look at the timelines for floods and droughts, hopefully we won’t have to pump more than once every seven years,” she said.
      First, the unasked question that suggests jimmy Olsen Smith’s early warning alert system could detect a 3-story Chinese balloon in his back yard. Doesn’t the mention of a ‘third party’ prompt any question, mate? C in C, ya reckon, but surely tenders must have gone out? we’re talking about ratepayer funds here, y’know. C in C or not, junior, the question should’ve still been asked, you don’t ‘not’ ask questions because you ‘think’ you know the answer.

      But all that’s fun and games, Leighton, and here is a question get back to your new BFF and really you must ask.

      Here’s the map you published.

      And here’s what Jenny Hill said: ‘“When you look at the timelines for floods and droughts, hopefully we won’t have to pump more than once every seven years.’

      Apart from the wild weather gamble, here is the question: if we’re only pumping every seven years, where are the new water hungry tenants of Lansdown going to get their water for the other six+ years of not pumping.

      Now there may be a feasible answer to this plausible question, even if it includes a further slug to tenants and/or ratepayers but we’re never going to hear the mayor volunteer an answer, and we’re never going to know while it is left to people like you to ask her.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Perhaps the “third party” is the proposed solar farm tied up with Edify Energy – the hydrogen mob:

        “8th December 2020
        Lansdown utility-scale solar and battery power station

        Queensland Pacific Metals has released a Heads of Agreement (HoA) notice to the ASX.

        We welcome the progress that Queensland Pacific Metals is making with its TECH project in the Landsdown Eco-Industrial Precinct in Townsville to produce battery chemicals for tomorrow’s electric vehicles. We look forward to working with the QPM team to power the plant with clean green electricity from the Majors Creek Solar Power Station.

        To read more about the future of the Lansdown Precinct, head to the website http://ow.ly/syp450CEkiv

        Whether owned by ratepayers (as has been touted in the past) or private enterprise, a solar farm and battery in the area could supply power to industry and the Haughton pipeline on demand and when not required it could sell electricity into the grid. Lansdown seems to have plenty of ifs, buts and maybes but also serious state and federal backing.

        • The Magpie says:

          Reasonable points, BUT WHY ARE WE GUESSING? What’s wrong with this fucking woman being straight for once, and even if she doesn’t name the ‘third party’ (which in fact is fair enough, Jenny ‘negotiations’ are never a guarantee of a successful or good outcome for ratepayers), tell us the idea of pumping for Lansdown will be not become a ratepayer responsibility. If Jimmy Olsen could get off her lap for a moment, where he’s been hearing about her attack on a national radio network that’s got her nose out of joint over a missing music festival, perhaps he could ask the question. (Just joking, Jimmy, don’t pee yourself.)

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Unfortunately, with Lansdown, every level of government and private enterprise reserves the right to change their mind. The larger economic and political environment changes just as fast. No one knew that the state government’s power play over GST payments would cause the Feds to redirect the money they set aside for Haughton2. No one knew when or even if Magnis would show up, or that there would be a federal push for hydrogen in Townsville in 2023. And no one knows when or even if we will need the Haughton pipeline to drought proof the town within our lifetimes but it has to be built regardless – and ratepayers will have to pay for some of it as revealed in the 2016 quote above from the Townsville Bulletin item about Jayne Arlett (“Currently, the council has budgeted $80 million to build the $160 million pipeline in the 2019-20 financial year”). A solar farm would be a terrific investment if there were commercial users ready to sign but maybe not on its own. So it will be a chicken and egg situation re water and power supply to Lansdown until the first commercial mover actually moves.

        • Regular reader says:

          Thanks for the heads-up Dolan.
          Now, can you confirm that Wagners are going to be involved in this latest spending spree by our commercial-in-confidence mayor?

  35. Long suffering ratepayer says:

    According to the Townsville Bulletin website, Jenny Hill took her go-to reporter Leighton “No Questions” Smith on a tour of her major projects.
    Photos were used to demonstrate progress but none of them showed much work going on.
    An artist’s impression was used to show what Jenny hopes Landsdown will eventually look like (in other words, if any companies commit in writing and then actually build something), and the photo for the long overdue pipeline project featured a heap of pipes lying on the ground, not under it.
    Leighton, old mate, Jenny didn’t take you on a tour, she took you for a ride.

  36. Regular reader says:

    I see Jenny Hill, in election campaign mode, has finally started doing something about the new performing arts complex, for which money has been guaranteed for more than a year
    But, you guessed, we’re going to go through another consultation process to find the best location.
    The performing arts community wants it built adjacent to the Civic Theatre but Jenny wants it at Dean Park.
    Hope they consult with the performing arts people before recommending Dean Park, as Jenny will demand.
    Also wonder if Jenny has given thought to what would happen if the Cowboys were playing the Broncos the same night Ed Sheeran was appearing in concert at the new Dean Park venue.
    Another case of Jenny Hill going her own way without consulting ratepayers?

    • The Magpie says:

      It’s her city, not theirs … pull ya head in!!

    • NQ Gal says:

      RR – If Ed Sheeran was coming to town, he would be at the stadium, not a concert hall.

      • The Magpie says:

        But if he were booked at the proposed concert hall, by the time that happened, Ed Sheeran would have long joined Elvis, and Burt Bacharach … maybe Sheeran’s grandson might be booked as the opening act.

      • Regular reader says:

        Ed Sheeran as halftime entertainment at a Cowboys v Broncos game!
        Where can I buy tickets?

    • BinChicken says:

      Good to see Fran speaking up about the missing $700,000 even if mayor mullet needed to review the video to see if she had been caught lying on tape before responding. Seems greeny has been put in charge of calling the point of orders, even if she missed mayor mullets cues. not the greatest performance from greeney there, waiting for the next episode of Drunk with Power to see is mayor mullet will recast that role. Maybe young mooney will be better at that role given his years in the theatre. Bring on the election!

    • BinChicken says:

      AECOM not meeting with community is the complaints I’ve heard.

      The thing is that not everyone agrees with the TPAC Committee about the civic expansion. Not everyone agrees a concert hall is the priority. Everyone agrees dean park is a terrible idea.


No focus on arts infrastructure for decades means we have the visual arts community wanting a gallery, the music community wanting a concert hall, the theatre community wanting the return of the small to medium-sized theatre. It’s a complete shitshow.

      A stadium that has an incredibly poor record of attracting any music entertainment. … And mayor mullet wants to give the job of attracting events (and more moeny) to her good friends at TEL? Nah, mate.

      All a bloody waste of time and money.

      • The Magpie says:

        AECOM will come up with the choice the Labor Party and Mayor Mullet want. Same as gthe TEL managed (ha!) Hells Gate feasibility study contract, which failed to explore several subsequent invalidations of the scheme.

  37. TOWN CRYER says:









  38. The Magpie says:

    One supposes it would be churlish to say that the aboriginal industry’s NQ godfather Noel Pearson has given us yet another reason to vote NO to the Voice proposal, but for many, he has. When Sara Ferguson on 7.30 asked him what he would do if the referendum failed, Pearson replied ‘I would fall silent’.

    Ya promise, Noel?

    But that would be only partly a blessing, because Mr Pearson is the curate’s egg of the indigenous elite, good in parts, not so good in others. He has long advocated much needed tough love policies, although that hasn’t always worked out as wholly altruistic, there always seem to be some public money for Noel and his family in there somewhere. But he has always been willing to make calls that are sensible but sure to meet vociferous opposition from other indigenous groups. Take this from today’s Australia:

    In a nutshell, Pearson is suggesting if parents don’t ensure their kids go to school, their welfare payments will be affected to certain extents. It’s a surprising call from an significant indigenous voice, but unfortunately, not very well thought through – like so many items of the garbled wish list of the aboriginal industry.

    For start, making people already dependent on welfare even poorer will not do anything to lift them or their children out of the dangers of domestic violence, substance abuse and eventually, the possibility of turning to crime to survive.

    But here’s where Pearson’s thinking should have gone one step further: to counter the appalling truancy rates, particularly in regional and remote areas, don’t target the parents – long proved to be pointless and fruitless – target the kid’s own futures in a coercive but constructive way that they will understand. Lectures about ending up as no hopers if they don';t study just doesn’t wash with teenagers.

    So bring in a regulation that if when they reach leaving age, they do not present documentary proof of satisfactory school attendance levels over their high school years, and have attained at least a useable level of literacy, they will not be eligible for welfare – the dole – while they supposedly look for jobs.

    We’d know how that is working after a year or two.

    Is this racist? No, of course not, the regulation will be for all pupils across the board … and state borders don’t matter, because welfare funding is a federal matter. There are plenty of dead beat parents out there who aren’t indigenous.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Magpie, I understand the point you are trying to make but the logical outcome of it is that a slackarse kid who leaves school half illiterate and unskilled will be denied the dole and instead get no support from the state. OK, that’s punishment for being slack (there are a number of other possible reasons but let’s not go there for now). The thing is how does this do anything “to lift them out of the dangers of domestic violence, substance abuse and eventually, the possibility of turning to crime to survive”?

      • The Magpie says:

        First the comment about home situations was aimed at the parents who have been docked the dole. But The ‘Pie can’t let you get away with that mimsy whimsy of truants just ‘being slack’. If it is spelled out forcefully enough so even the most obdurate kid of the rules, then they have the chance to benefit from a ‘tough love;’ regulation. But by not getting a minimum of required education, these children are setting themselves up to be lifelong dependents on taxpayer money.

        Somewhere, somehow, sometime – which should be about now – the kids, their parents and their apologists really have to face responsibility and the unpleasant reality of not doing so, and stop being bludgers blaming ‘whitey who stole their land’. At least that last is an aspect that Noel pearson recognises and preaches.

        • Non Aligned Worker says:

          Magpie, Perhaps when the kids go into Juvy they can be coerced / forced into attending classes. Maybe they should be made to achieve a certain educational level before they are released from detention. Tough love is if they don’t reach a certain standard, it means an extended stay. Not racist and benefits the child in the long run. Hard love boarding school.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sensible thought. The ‘Pie suggested exactly that a few months ago, after reading a very thoughtful article by a former corrections boss along exactly those lines. And no, of course it’s not racist, the regulation would apply to any kid going into juvvie … plenty of non-indigenous in there too. Same rule applies as the ‘Pie’s suggested carrot and stick school attendance suggestion, which immediately appalled all the luvvies out there.

          • Alahazbin says:

            NAW, Down. at CYDC they do go to classes. In the mechanical class, all they want to do is damage things and run pneumatic tools with attachments on up the wall. And for every student (snot) in there, there are about two minders for each snot.

          • The Magpie says:

            Silly kids, could learn some useful skills with power tools, to continue their outside vocation.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      This is the one of the dumbest suggestions you’ve made to date Magpie.
      Teenagers, who traditionally suffer from depression, cannot be coerced into attending school.
      Additionally coercive control is a disgusting suggestion.
      Truancy isn’t because they don’t want to be there. It’s often because they can’t. It’s also because there are other influences in their lives. Sort that out instead of putting more pressure on them.

  39. Achilles says:

    Yesterday, Comrade/Herr Vlad Put-(the boot)-in broadcast his Great Lie speech, wherein he continually refereed to everything Ukrainian using Nazi German tags.

    Today he followed suite with an assembly that placed the Nazi Nuremberg rallies into the pale.

    What’s next Sieg Heil Comrade Vlad???

  40. Long suffering ratepayer says:

    There IS a footbridge planned for Ross Creek but it won’t be up near the Metropole Hotel because the yachts moored at the Townsville Yacht club wouldn’t be able to get out. Some of them have huge masts. Then there’s Jenny’s ferry from the casino to the Cowboys stadium – that boat she has found that can sail over mudflats.
    The footbridge, I am reliably informed, will go from the back (city side) of the Yacht Club across to Flinders Street East, thus linking the Palmer Street restaurant strip to Via Vomitorium.
    Maybe that’s why the Wagners are building Jenny’s boardwalk from nowhere to nowhere,.
    No prizes for guessing who will build the footbridge, at exorbitant cost of course.

    • The Magpie says:

      All that makes sense, but how the hell would we know, the Hermit kingdom of Kim Il Jen could teach those North Korean squinters a thing or two.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure about that … as far as The ‘Pie has read, Ark Energy is more than just five (now apparently redundant) hydrogen trucks … it is more about Ark’s associated company Korea Zinc – who are no business dills – eventually making ‘green’ copper for the general market. As far as I an see, the trucks were a worthy sidelight to Ark operations centred on making KZ energy self-reliant through its solar farm, and it seems your connecting it to TEL is based on the fact that Kathy Danaher, Executive Vice Chairwoman Ark Energy Corporation, is also on the TEL board. Bi oif a stretch or have I missed something.

      Anyway, rest easy, with the TEL board involved, we have no worries, when we take comfort in the knowledge that those two cut-through, incisive financial and business brains, ex-Airport’s Kevin Gill and Magnis muppet Mayor Jenny Hill are in charge.

  41. HiBeam says:

    My Theory to cure the out of control youth Problem
    As the saying goes ‘’You catch more fly with Honey than Vinegar ‘’
    Therefore these kids need rewards for attending school not punishment for not going.
    These might be some ideas that MIGHT work.
    A big breakfast when they arrive every day.
    A visit from a sporting hero or some such every Friday for those who attend every day.
    Trips to sporting fixtures for constant school attendances.
    Holidays ‘’On Country’’ when school is out for white and Aboriginal kids.
    Work experience on properties.
    Extra help and encouragement for those showing a scholastic bent including subsidised tuition fees.
    I don’t think this will be the beall and end all, but it may be a step in the right direction .

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      HiBeam you are mostly on the right track. School has to have positive associations for kids to be there. Particularly kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. Otherwise they’ll just find other things to do.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Townsville City Council used to partner with NQ Food Relief to deliver a school breakfast program. There was a dedicated officer at council who helped raise funding foe programs like this. But after Adele came along programs like this were killed off. NQ Food Relief still has a program, but I doubt Council contributes any more or helps to raise money for it.

  42. Mike Douglas says:

    Pie , Belcarra was bought in by the Crime Corruption Commission to stop donations from developers to Councillors and State Government MP,s, Ministers . Will that ensure Team Hill doesn’t receive any funding for next years Council election from developers to avoid standing down on some building approvals ? . Surely it would be a breach of Belcarra if a Councillor were to confirm to an out of Town Company close to a political party a footbridge was going ahead so they could cash in on hotel / motels that would benefit from increased traffic .

    • The Magpie says:

      Sorry, Mike, you just don’t get it,do you? You are clearly under the misapprehension that the law applies to jenny Hill and her mates, political and otherwise.

  43. Long suffering ratepayer says:

    Fran O’Callaghan hasn’t even committed to standing against Jenny Hill in next year’s mayoral election but she’s making a big impression. Yesterday’s Bully online story about the stoush between Fran and Jenny at this week’s council meeting has attracted some interesting comments.
    For the many bloggers who don’t have a newspaper subscription, read and rejoice:
    There is an old saying that in an argument, the first one to raise their voice is usually the one in the wrong.
    Pedro the elder
    14 hours ago
    You can remain professional while being conflictual. No excuse for lowering the tone of council meetings. This applies to all parties.
    15 hours ago
    we were going to retire in Townsville, but due to how rundown the city looks, the negativity of the current council, crime and costs we have relocated elsewhere and leave our windows unlocked at night. Townsville should be a boom town but council don’t appear to do anything unless another tier of govt or industry pay for it. Sad.
    16 hours ago
    You’ve got our vote Fran
    Curious George
    18 hours ago
    Expect Jenny Hill to do her best to get rid of Fran before next year’s mayoral election. That’s the way she operates. Surely a councilor is entitled to ask questions about council matters, in particular those involving ratepayers money. This is especially important at a time when the city’s debt is understood to be close to $90 million. Here’s another question for Jenny Hill: just what is the current city debt? – and don’t tell us that is commercial-in-confidence. Our grandchildren will have to pay it off.
    19 hours ago
    Don’t dare ask questions as we don’t like being accountable
    19 hours ago
    With Fran as Mayor we might get open and accountable governance of our city.
    19 hours ago
    Keep up the good work on behalf of Townsville ratepayers Cr O’Callaghan.
    20 hours ago
    Councillor O’Callaghan, a much needed voice in the wilderness of Madam Mayors secret hermit queendom. I hope the Cr keeps the pressure on this Mayor regardless of the autocrat constantly warning and threatening Cr O’Callaghan with vindictive punishments, simply because she will not fit into Madams mould of subservience from ALL Coucillors, not just the sychophant “team” of Yes Jenny group. Honest and transparent is Cr O’Callaghan. Not a trait we currently see in Walker St. Time to get rid of “teams” in Council.
    20 hours ago
    Good onya Fran.
    20 hours ago
    Fran for Mayor finally someone who says it like it is. Townsville is going no where under the Over The Hill. This Council are like leeches, they suck rate payers dry. So the Mayor has ‘advisors, costing a million. No wonder we are going down the tube.
    19 hours ago
    Timothy. The advisors certainly are not earning their expensive rate payer funded keep if the current train wreck that is Townsville City Council is a result of their advice. Fancy trying to advise a Mayor who knows everything .

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Long sufferer, not sure how you think a mayor can “get rid of” an elected councillor but at the next election, if Cr O’Callaghan runs for mayor then she won’t be running for Division 10 (there are separate elections, you can’t run in both). If Cr Fran loses the mayoral race then she will have taken herself out of council. And let someone else into Div10. Big decision.

      • The Magpie says:

        Correct. However, suggest you read this week’s blog on Sunday – after you’ve washed your palms – to learn how this vindictive, amoral mayor plans to get rid of Fran through major but legal harassment on an unexpected front.

        • Achilles says:

          There’s a typo there Pie, it should read plans to get rid of Fran through magic. She just needs 2 others to boil the cauldron.

          There’s more than a couple of her tame consigliere who fit the bill..

          • The Magpie says:

            Margie Ryder’s too busy at photo ops just now. Wonder if she’s positioning for a go at mayor sometime.

            BTW no shortage of toady bits to throw into the cauldron.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Palm Sunday, you must be taking the piss, right? Because a Mayor can easily get rid of a Councillor through vindictive bullying over an extended period of time. The constant harassment of said Councillor to the point that the Councillor either quits, gets booted out at the next election due to having their reputation destroyed, or the Mayor finally lands some mud that sticks, is not a new thing. It’s happened locally and elsewhere before. And don’t forget the old adage that there is strength in numbers. Our Mayor has all of the Councillors (except Fran) by their small balls. They are neutered and they follow each step that the purple doona lover walks. The Mullet is a nasty spiteful piece of work.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Rollmop, if it was that easy she’d be gone. Instead Cr. Fran is quoted in the ‘Nest “as eager to enter the fray as she always has been.” So if she runs for mayor and gets knocked off by the voting public that will be her decision entirely. She probably has a good chance of holding her division but a shot at the big chair is another thing altogether. It would be a good start if she would clarify which federal electorate Dingo Park Rd is located in. She doesn’t have to ask anyone in Council to find out. But if she can’t or won’t find out it will say heaps about her abilities and those who advise her. Cr Fran needs to get on the front foot and pronto. The road is in her electorate, it’s connected to federal government funding (or was, once, maybe? and that might be an issue in itself?) and cries out for some recognition and acknowledgement.

          • The Magpie says:

            FMD is that best you’ve got, Wanker? Really. What a garbled esperate attempt to support your beloved Leader. A minor road in the outskirts of the city is hardly top priority for voters increasingly fed up with being scammed, lied to, treated like dog shit on her shoe, voters really pissed off about inane brain farts that cost money like boardwalks, shelter sheds on Castle Hill and Eat Street or whatever the fuck its called destroying in situ rate paying businesses. While the rot seaps further through the city.

  44. Achilles says:

    Interesting how politics and self interest at the UN gravy train trumps rule of law, sanctity or sovereignty.

    The stance by Thailand is an example.


  45. Prince Rollmop says:

    It’s fascinating how a construction mob from Toowoomba could be so highly sort after by local the Labor government in Townsville and by the state Labor government in Brisbane. I don’t know, I guess they must just offer really competitive concrete rates hey?

    • The Magpie says:

      In fact woukdn';t surprise if they did offer competitive concrete rates … to help labor get rid of competitors. (They can’t make them sleep with the fish, that would be against the party';s enviromentally sound non-pollution policy.)

  46. Regular reader says:

    Palm Sunday, of course Fran would no longer be Div 10 councillor if she ran for mayor and won. It goes without saying that she could do much more to clean up the council – and the city – as mayor. If I had a choice between the two jobs I know which one I’d take.
    As for Jenny Hill trying to get rid of Fran before the election, she’s already started, warning Fran about her behaviour after what was just a good old fashioned heated council debate.
    Strange though that the story on the council stouch was on the Townsville Bulletin website on Thursday, and still there this morning, but not a word in the print edition today. Jenny must be still trying to find that $700,000 of ratepayer money she appears to have misplaced.
    Any chance of a follow up, Jimmy Olsen aka fearful reporter Leighton Smith.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Fearful’ hahahaha even if a typo, accurate-ish. He seems to be coming good a bit with the help of his friends here in the Nest.

      • Regular reader says:

        Not a typo – he’s definitely fearful – of Jenny pulling all her council ads.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Pulling all her council adds? The Astonisher is the only paper in town. If the Mulett council needs to advertise its the Astonisher or not advertise at all. What has the Astonisher got to fear. They have her bare assed over a barrel.

          Soliloquy: It’s the They, that are the problem. Insecure nervous irritable little men that ashamed of their own selves who’s swimming outfits contain more fabric than the lounge room curtains. Gone are the days of confident men and boys, aided by the Speedo togs company, showing what they were made of with such confidence transferring to great careers.

          I expect Astonisher staff to swim in neck to knee togs to conceal embasseremant, incompetence, and impotence’.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not correct …. the TCC can advertise in the Courier, because it can claim circulation here in Townsville. But Rupert still wins … and doesn’t care.

  47. Critical says:

    I’m certain that Jenny parading the ageing purple doona on the catwalk could be a feature in this events recycled things section. Certain to win first prize.


  48. TerryTowelling says:

    Mullet gets 3 advisors? bit excessive when federal independents are only granted 1!!! Not buying the whole ‘one of them is focused on crime policy’ schtick when crime is a state responsibility. Next minute she’s gonna be trying to spin us that they are focused on groovin the mooooo / boycott the triple j policy. So what is she really up to?

  49. Officer Spoontan says:

    Queensland Police are undertaking a large recruitment drive. I wonder if Anna Alphabet and footstool Katarina Carroll will ignore male applicants and favour female candidates just as has been done previously?


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