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The Magpie

Sunday, February 5th, 2023   |   251 comments

It’s Been  Week With The News Best Summed Up In Cliches

Top of the list:’ jumped like a scalded cat’ describes the Townsville City Council’s reaction to fixing it’s negligent and dangerous maintenance problem  brought to its attention by The Magpie…

The law of unintended consequences’ fits the progress of the Yes proponents in the Voice debate ……. and ‘unfair suck of the sav’ goes to the a mob of thought disordered offenderatti in Melbourne, who claimed a cartoon was racist – which was in their own racist behaviour. (Bentley has a telling point of view on this one).

Also, will we soon need to get official permission – and pay a tax – to visit Magnetic Island? … a new report seems to suggest we could and should.

Plus our regular American gallery,  a brilliant spray by Bill Maher against what he calls ‘presentism’,  and a few laughs along the way.

Any support you can offer for this alternative voice for Townsville will be greatly appreciated and put to good use – like paying bills associated with the blog. Donate button at the bottom of The Nest. Thanks.

Now, onward

Fair Go Or Black Mark?

First we had the chatterati,  now we have the offenderatti – that group which specialises in being offended – uninvited – on behalf of others   And these self-appointed bullies managed to bluff out a big ‘win’ during the week. The cowardly behaviour of The Age newspaper in Melbourne hit a new low, when its jellied-backed editor Patrick Elligett, decided to withdraw and apologise for a cartoon by regular Joe Benke for being ‘offensive’.

It all started when the producers of the play Seven Methods Of Killing Kylie Jenner, which features an all-black cast, demanded that the Age’s critic for the show ‘be a person of colour’. Unsurprisingly, the demand came from the play’s producers, Amylia Harris and Leila Enright, who are both white. So in effect, these two precious hypocrites have decided that while it’s OK for a white person to produce a black play, their work can only be reviewed by a black critic. The reaction on social media was in that realm of imagined injury usually belonging to soccer players who trip over their shadow. The paper replied to the demand by refusing the agree, and the article was illustrated by Joe Benke’s cartoon, which clearly showed he considered white a colour.

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All well orchestrated hell broke loose on social media,  and While we’re now accustomed to this sort of one-way posturing crap, the real culprit here is editor Elligett. His timid folding to hectoring and bullying does him no credit personally or professionally … while it would make him a good fit for the Townsville Bulletin, it is disgraceful behaviour of someone in charge of a major metropolitan masthead..

Bentley’s reaction was swift, and drawn with a metaphorical two fingers towards nincompoops like this.


Nailed it, Benters!!

The Gentle Art Of Of Persuasion, Magpie Style.

See, all the council needed was a little constructive encouragement to do the right thing …

The Saga of Leichhardt Street unfolded with lightning swiftness during the week, after The ‘Pie exposed the dangerous and negligent practice of the TCC. You’ll remember last week, The ‘Pie showed the dangerous indifference of the council, who removed a steel railing along a little clifftop in Leichhardt Street but didn’t replace it, leaving a dangerous precipice inviting serious injury.

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On Wednesday, this suddenly appeared, after a stealthy visit by council workers just after dawn….

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… which prompted an immediate comment from the old bird in comments of the day, and summary of events to that time.

The Magpie
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Well, well, well, After more than three long dangerous weeks , and four days since the TCC and the public were alerted (here in The Nest), look what appeared just after dawn this morning (Wednesday) along the upper reaches of Leichhardt Street North Ward.

The Townsville City Council, mayor Jenny Hill CEO Prins Ralston, legal officer Tony Bligh(t) and it’s management stand condemned by the own lack of integrity and responsibility. In no way is the council absolved of that responsibility by the gimcrack, cynical and lazy ‘solution’ to a possible fatal accident. A very real possibility that still exists despite some begrudged window-dressing. In fact, it could leave them open to greater culpability.

And Division 3 councillor Ann-Maree Greaney too, if she refuses to stand up for her constituents – or just ordinary Townsville residents – and tell the mayor this just isn’t good enough. And where’s their bargain basement, cut-price legal hack Tony Bligh, even a legal by-the-numbers dunce like him must surely see the massive exposure the council has here?

This type of construction warning fencing is a general warning to pedestrians and cyclists to warn of a danger – usually a pot hole or dodgy footpath – but it offers absolutely no resistance to a couple of tonnes of an out-of-control vehicle. This cynical response after being exposed as negligent in the first instance is insulting towards the safety of the general public. And towards the required duty of elected and PS officers.

And the supervisor of the work crew who showed up out of the darkness to sneak in this hurried piece of window dressing also needs to take responsibility for such a shoddy, unprofessional and one suspects ill-tempered piece of amateur ‘safety’ work.

Of course, the Bulletin will show up, tut-tut and raid their adjective storeroom– but only when and after the worst has happened.

Fuck me, this bloody council, geezus.

As you can see, that was published on Wednesday … on Thursday to The ‘Pie’s astonishment, he was able report this the following.

Early this afternoon (Thursday), here’s what unfolded … around 12.30, three or four council hi-viz blokes strolled up the street, kicked the dust and rubble of the unmade guttering as they chatted about what they had to do.

A few minutes later, up rolled a truck, and a dozen or so empty water barriers were dropped along the street …

They were then wrestled into place by some surprisingly energetic workers …

… then a water truck showed up, and the barriers were filled …

… and voila, in less than 45 minutes, we now have a safety barrier which will stop the most errant vehicle.

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It was a barrier that should have been erected four weeks ago, as the old steel fence was removed.

The work crews clearly know what their doing, and do it swiftly and professionally, but the same can’t necessarily be said for their Walker Street overlords.

The Magpie is yet to receive the expected ‘thank you’ email from Tony Bligh for averting. a potential disaster and its inevitable expense in court, but it will turn up … The Magpie knows he is always in Tony’s thoughts … constantly, in fact, so The ‘Pie is told.

Meanwhile On The State Scene, Aaron Harper Considers The BIG Questions

… and he generously shares his daily policy dilemma on his Facebook page.

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Will We Soon Be Up For A Travel tax To Visit Maggie Island?

When there cosy rort of Hells Gate planning was comprehensively trashed by Federal politicians (like it was ever going to get up anyway),  the busy little pixie’s down at the Dudley Do Nothings were showered with some state government money to create a Tourism Master Plan For Magnetic Island. And in typical fashion, TEL didn’t waste any time getting stuck into the task … immediately, without a moment lost, they  hired some outside consultants to do the job. Screen Shot 2023-02-04 at 11.20.34 pm

A friend who alerted The ‘Pie to this matter pointed out that the time for public consultation and submissions  finished on January  31. Wrote the well informed Magpie mate:

This master plan was largely in response to community concerns that tourism and its impacts on the island’s natural and cultural values needed to be better managed.  On history alone, allotting this task to TEL does not bode well for any useful, workable or timely outcomes.

Public workshops were held on the island last year by the consultants and a draft Tourism Masterplan was prepared and went out for comment and submissions. It is my understanding the report has certainly attracted some submissions which would make interesting reading if they were ever published.

Because the draft Masterplan recognises the island’s World Heritage status, and that it’s natural and cultural values and “village atmosphere” are the foundation for tourism, but it will do little to protect them.

Instead it sets the scene for TEL to take over primary responsibility for tourism development on the island. Most disturbingly the intent of the Masterplan is to grow the tourism industry without addressing current problems, and encourage further tourism investment by relaxing or avoiding proper planning processes and reducing developer obligations.

The report is 82 pages of buzzword bullshit and pointless diagrams of goals and -ugh! – ‘mission statements.

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It’s overwritten and repetitive, no doubt to justify the $80K+++ price tag charged by the writers who claim to be experts in this area. At 82 mind-numbing pages, The ‘Pie will have to return to this truly tedious, obscure writing which in some places goes beyond irritating … and the thought of TEL getting their dizzy, deeply ignorant  silliness involved is too painful to think about.  But a couple of things brought a screeching halt to the initial skim. There was some twaddle about Regenerative Leadership, whatever the fuck that turns out to be,  but here’s an interesting little devil stuck away in the detail.

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And elsewhere, there is talk of restricting the number of people visiting the island … this could be achieved by some sort of rolling head count. There’ll be more on this when word gets out, but on first examination, The Magpie knows which heads he’d like to see rolled first …… the purple gel-haired blow-in fuckwits who wrote this overblown, almost impossible, babbling wish list.

Why impossible? Because before anything of the nature of this report could be implemented, there would have to be a massive financial commitment by the Townsville Council to modernise the whole island’s operating infrastructure.  Now seriously, can you conceive of this Walker Street shower doing any such thing?  And The ‘Pie certainly wants to be around when a visitor tax is imposed … haven’t attended a decent riot for years.

The Yes Mess

That misplaced sense of entitlement seen in the Melbourne cartoon withdrawal is also a lofty hallmark of the Yes proponents in the Voice argument

The expression ‘too clever by half’ springs to mind, as the argument for an indigenous voice to parliament to be embedded in the constitution make as much sense and coherence as a rave party at 3am when the cops have been called. The academics and rent seekers of the aboriginal industry all seem stalled on how best to move forward with an argument to convince people to vote yes. And that seems to be because they are most reluctant to spell out in plain and unchangeable terms what a yes vote will actually entail, and what might be possible eventualities – especially unforeseen outcomes – of a yes vote.

The government is also dodging and weaving on this most basic fuck up of their campaign – refusing to say plainly what we’re voting for, instead with an airy wave of the hand, to say they’ll work that out AFTER they get mandate. Let’s forget about the insulting aspect of. that,but it is hard to imagine a more disastrous line to gain a vote than saying ‘trust us, we’re politicians’. And so far, there’s been a real reluctance to openly debate points of concern, and, boy, are there a few of those – well, we are dealing with two of the most untrustworthy groups in the nation, politicians and the self-interested urban power elite of the aboriginal industry. Scroll down in this Guardian article to the final explainer and you will find this.=

How would disputes be resolved?

The report recommended mediation in the first instance. If that failed, matters would go to an independent review. The report suggested there be an agreed list of people with appropriate experience to conduct such reviews, and at least one of the reviewers should be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person.

What disputes are we talking about here? Disputes between warring indigenous factions – or, more dangerously, disputes with the government when a Voice proposal is rejected in the interests of the wider community? The potential for expensive, time-wasting, progress killing disruption are manifold. And don’t for a minute believe any suggestions that the Voice bloc would not have recourse to court action, that’s arrant bullshit. At the very least, you could put your money on there being a subsequent court action about whether they can take court action. And note in the article that one of the areas the Voice can advise on is ‘heritage issues’.- it doesn’t take much imagination to work out what mischief this offers.

But Why Too Clever By Half?

Because this Voice campaign, years in the making and planning by the urban elites really has run splat into a bog of unintended consequences. Unexpected opposition from within indigenous groups which was taken for granted as their own bailiwick is a big one, and several MPs making negative if not outright opposing comments.

Another matter is the exposure of the biggest faction splitting the indigenous community … the inner city urban power brokers of the aboriginal industry, opposed to those groups in remote communities who need practical help right now, help that in no way will be accelerated nor assisted by a bloviating, squabbling Voice.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price,

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

Leading the indigenous dissidents is Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price …who hasn’t minced her words since becoming a senator when expressing her disdain for the Voice concept. She mentioned these opposing aboriginal groups in a letter believed to be sent to the NT News newspaper. And, unlike the Yes pushers, she argues with cold hard facts and figures. (The Magpie has been unable to verify Senator Price as the author, but the tone and style strongly suggest it is her work, they certainly reflect her position. And there is no doubt about the stats.)

On July 1 my term as Senator for the Northern Territory officially began, and already I’m dealing with the left’s woke nonsense.

Rather than focus on solutions for the REAL issues, our new government is more concerned with its own virtue signalling.

Let me make this one clear for the Adam Bandts and Anthony Albaneses of the world: just because someone is Indigenous does not automatically make them marginalised.

I’m tired of the paternalistic and condescending narrative that says that by virtue of lineage, Indigenous Australians are somehow in need of help and incapable of success without the aid of some privileged inner-city lefty.

Simply having Indigenous heritage doesn’t automatically make someone disadvantaged.

In Australia, we have a growing Indigenous middle class, successful people lucky enough to have the advantage of the generous education system, services and employment opportunities that our great nation has to offer ALL Australians.

They’ve done that WITHOUT a constitutional Indigenous “voice” to parliament, they’ve done it WITHOUT a treaty, and they’ve done it WITHOUT any need for some hero-complex lefty’s virtue signalling.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – a constitutional “voice” to parliament is redundant. The Australian people have freely elected TEN Indigenous Australians to Federal Parliament.

According to the recent census, Indigenous Australians account for 3.2 per cent of the population – they now make up 4.5 per cent of the Australian Federal Parliament.

You don’t need a constitutionally mandated representation for a group overrepresented in Parliament.

Yes, many of the most marginalised in our country are Aboriginal, but the “gap” is not only between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

It lies between successful Aboriginals and marginalised Aboriginals just as much as it does between successful and marginalised people of ALL backgrounds.

It lies in the more remote Indigenous communities where our nation’s most disadvantaged live, not in the big cities. Out there they’re not concerned with virtue signalling or flag waving, they don’t need smoking ceremonies or acknowledgments of country.

In those communities where English is not the primary language is spoken, where education is not adequate, where jobs are limited and welfare is rife, that’s where the gap is the widest.

And you don’t need a new “voice” to parliament to tell you that.

There are plenty of voices telling us that now, and they’re being ignored by the political elite trying to win woke social points.

Instead of making this about race, instead of virtue signalling for political gain, we need to focus our efforts on the REAL problems, with REAL solutions to improve the lives of marginalised Australians – no matter their background.

We should be focussing on ensuring that ALL Australian children can adequately read, write and speak English to gain an education that leads to employment.

I don’t know how many times I need to call on Australian leaders to focus on the REAL problems, but I’ll continue to do so until they listen – because we need them now.

There Is An Old Saying  …

… that everyone brings joy into the lives of others … some by arriving, others by leaving.

Those cynically funnymen  at The Shovel certainly fall into the ‘leaving’ group as disgraced Cardinal George Pell was locked away forever from any responsibility for young children.

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The Latest from America The Mad

There seems little point in saying anything by way of introduction to the cartoonist’s week in the USA … except perhaps to note that the demented madness isn’t new,  just accelerated as these words believable words from George Bernard Shaw last century: The longer I live,  the more convinced I am that this planet is used by all the other planets as a lunatic asylum….


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The ‘Pie thinks GBS was on the money.

And A Few More For The Road

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Bill Maher has been successfully filling the gap in comic social commentary that has been sadly lacking since George Carlin died.  Although nowhere near the mesmerising performer that Carlin was, Maher makes comedic sense of many contemporary issues. Here’s one well worth watching … the stupid idea of imposing modern moral and social values on previous generations and even centuries. He calls it ‘Presentism’, and quite simply, is a brilliant analysis.

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The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Bentley says:

    Whether Jacinta Whatshername Price wrote that inspiring article or not, it makes enlightened reading. It sums up the hypocrisy the corruption etc etc. It also sounds somewhat similar to Pauline Hanson’s maiden speech all those years ago. I hope Jacinta has more success than Pauline did. By the way, has anyone noticed the street names around JCU lately?

    • The Magpie says:

      Price’s antecedents and personal experience carry far more weight and veracity than a white xenophobic, rabble rousing, simply ignorant inner Brisbane self-seeker.

      And do we assume the street name at JCU are now all aboriginal? Haven’t been out there in a while.

      Speaking of such names … and the prohibition on anyone making innocent fun of names, as we can with any other race including ourselves (imagine what’s been done with Weatherup over the years) … The Magpie noted that arch-stirrer Megan Davies names herself as ‘a proud Cobble Cobble woman’. Which leaves us wondering if she came from a farm for turkeys with a speech impediment.

    • The gnome from Nome says:

      Bentley, not sure about the street names around JCU, but the change of names of the campus’ generally certainly enforces the view that the previous vice-chancellor’s goal of turning JCU into an aboriginal enclave. It was said by her that we were honoured by changing the names of the campuses to aboriginal names. If you stroll past the creative arts buildings which housed, inter alia, one of the best computer labs on the campus, you can see aboriginal students resting on the leather couches with feet on the cushions. It has changed to an “indigenous” centre. Thankfully the former vice-chancellor has retired, but definitely left a mark.

  2. Ducks Nuts says:

    I find it interesting that you’re listening to the opinions of Jacinta Price, who says things you like to hear, but isn’t popular and in many cases unwelcome in indigenous communities. Her mothers time in parliament was surrounded in corruption rumours, her white father is never mentioned. She campaigned against Australia Day but now supports it. She has screwed over numerous indigenous groups. And she seems to have a short memory, forgetting that Pauline Hansen is a racist fool and has no empathy for those she claims to represent who are less fortunate than her. She also has a history of throwing public hissy fits, making public accusations and generally behaving badly.

    Perhaps spend some time understanding who and what Jacinta Price is and why she is the darling of the alt right.


    • The Magpie says:

      That’s one point of view, but it doesn’t even dare approach the conclusions and facts she states as quoted in the blog. A classic ad hominem spray to avoid answering difficult and sometime self evident truths.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Jacinta Price’s has a history of no personal credibility and of throwing her own people under the bus for personal gain. Therefore her statement lacks credibility.

        Would a similar statement from Jenny Hill on this issue, who displays similar traits, hold the same level of credibility with you?

        • The Magpie says:

          it is hard for facts – like the excellent representation in parliament beyond statistical norms, and the atrocious conditions and neglect of remote communities – to lack credibility. Play the ball not the woman.

          And boy, given that last demented sentence, The ‘Pie has only one question, Ducky … bit early to be into the Pimms Number One Cup, isn’t it, mate?

          The rules of debating to you mean how to correctly put de worm on de hook.

        • Regular reader says:

          Ok, Ducks, we get it. You don’t like Jacinta.
          Enough already.

        • Alahazbin says:

          DN, So how could you rate that radical green bitch Lidia Thorp. She wants all whites to pay the indigenous rent.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Would not could. Bloody spellcheck.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Well, it looks like she’s no longer “a radical green bitch”.
            And what kind of simple fool labels someone as a “radical green bitch”?
            I don’t agree with her either. But that doesn’t give me the right to call her names like that.

    • Weary Dave says:

      I like the sound of what Jacinta is saying … I’ll be voting NO, cheers Ducks.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        That’s because she’s saying what you want to hear Dave.

        • The Magpie says:

          hahhaha …. therefore logically, that’s because she’s saying what you DON’T want to hear, Daffy Duck. And still haven’t heard any factual argument rebutting the facts.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Haha Magpie, Price doesn’t give you facts either. She just makes statements you agree with.

          • The Magpie says:

            Just for starters do a head count of indigenous MPs, then the math re percentage of population.

            And are you saying the people, particularly the kids, in remote areas are livin’ the dream? And you think a Voice will end the DV, sexual child abuse, raoe, and drug abuse rife in those places, and in some larger areas like Townsville?

            I reckon you’ve got the hots for the senator, and feel spourned … it’s those sort of mpouting arguments that give you away, Daffy.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            How very childish.

          • The Magpie says:

            Around here, you reap what you sow, sport.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            And while I don’t think the Voice will solve all the issues, it’s start and it’s better than the alternative solutions proposed. Which is fucking nothing.

          • The Magpie says:

            Among those alternative is one that suggests indigenous people set up an advisory body like any other lobby group … oh, what’s that, they’ve done it before and on all occasions its collapsed? because warring factions couldn’t agree? But if it’s in the constitution, it can’t collapse, just be there in all its disruptive glory, holding the entire (well the other v97% ) of the country’s progress back. The Voice will not move the cause of fairness for those marginalised indigenous people forward a single inch. Unless ‘the terms of reference’ are pinned down in strict terms before the referendum, it will turn out to be just the same wolf in different clothing. The indigenous elite is not to be trusted, the Davis’s and Birnie’s of the world are dodging and weaving, whipping up unfounded resentment for a stolen land while at the same time doing their best to try a guilt trip on the population generally. Just consider this, Ducky … if there is a big No vote, enough to bring Albo to his senses and not try legislating it as threatened, exactly how will the Australia change, suffer some sort amorphous loss, and ‘set us back generations’. You take a fucking lot on yourself with this sort overblown tripe.

            But wander on, Ducky, down your yellow brick road (oops, did The ‘Pie just make a slur against the Chinese there?)

  3. Tropical says:

    FFS Pell was found not guilty by a margin of 7-0 by the High Court.
    In other words he was found innocent.
    How effing hard is that to understand.
    Oh, hang you only made to lowly court reporter and higher a legal understanding is beyond you.

    • The Magpie says:

      Absolutely correct, he was found -the term is Not Guilty – over a ridiculous and poorly found charge of getting a blow job or some such off to the side of a church service. And no, he was not found ‘innocent’ – your amusing little attempt at sounding legally knowledgeable – the appeals judges found that the jury ‘should have entertained some doubt. Hardly the ringing endorsement that you, a sexual abuse apologist and a defender of a paedophile defender, would make out. But he was never brought forward to answer undeniable proof that he was a paedophile enabler by moving fromm parish to parish kiddy fiddling priests, and supporting the likes of Ridsdale.

      A higher moral understanding, let alone a legal one, is beyond you.

      • Tropical says:

        She seems unaware of the fact that Cardinal Pell’s conviction for historical child sexual abuse was quashed by all seven judges of the High Court in a single unanimous judgment. In other words, according to the law of Australia, there are no victims or survivors of Pell.

        • Tropical says:

          As to the findings of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – they were brought down without the support of any oral or documentary evidence. The Royal Commission’s findings in this regard were a matter of opinion not backed by proof. No one can appeal against the findings of a royal commission which is not a court of law.

          • Tropical says:

            Pell’s conviction for child sexual abuse was overturned in a unanimous decision in the High Court. The Cardinal spent 40 hours in the witness box at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse – and the Royal Commission did not hear any evidence of George Pell abusing children.
            The Royal Commission’s findings against Pell in regard to covering up abuse were not supported by evidence, rather opinion that his testimony was “inconceivable”, “implausible” and so on.

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh, that’s OK then, silly old Royal Commission, what would they know, they just make things up. And the sneaky move to limit the churches exposure to the massive payouts speaks volumes of his moral attitude. And needless to say, all those complainants are publicity seeking show-offs who have lived carefree lives untainted by the hands of rogue priests. George Pell was about as innocent of paedophile cover-ups as O.J. Simpson was of murder. Get a grip on some decency, mate.

          • Grumpy says:

            Tropical, ya dense prick. It’s a very old truism in the legal world that “a verdict of not guilty is not a declaration of innocence”. I have got many a guilty bastard off in my time – for which I have not one iota of.personal regret. However the case against Pell was as weak as piss and politically motivated.

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed. No one ever has been found ‘innocent’ by a jury.

            The case against Pell was professional incompetence by the prosecution, but Pell was as guilty as hell for what he wasn’t charged with … the churrch-sanctioned paedophile protection racket and the shameful ‘Melbourne solution’ paying of with a pittance people making too much noise.

        • The Magpie says:

          Sorry, genuine question. Who is ‘she’?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Fair point. The best lawyers that the biggest corporation on earth could hire managed to convince the politically appointed judges that the allegedly (I will put that in to save your mouth foam) traumatised preteen witnesses from more than 30 years ago could be thought to possibly get confused over details. That’s how the Catholic Church does things by arguing the minute detail and ignoring the cock in the kid.

  4. The Magpie says:

    THE FOOLS !!!

    Don’t they know that balloon is filled with a new strain of COVID from the Wuhan Lab? Although shot down over the Atlantic, the winds will now blow its contents across the entire continent. The new strain of the virus apparently induces hysteria, impairs cognitive functions, makes sufferers deny reality and causes obesity … What a pointless waste of time, China, should’ve done your research better.

    The new COVID strain is programmed to particularly target those wearing red caps.

    • The Magpie says:

      On a more serious view, we’ll no doubt know soon enough, but there seems to be reason to believe the Chinese in this matter for the moment. What possible intelligence would be gathered by an obvious balloon that the Chinese wouldn’t already have from their battalion of satellites?

      • tin foil says:

        It was a 5G transmitter!

        According to the ABC

        “It may also have allowed the Chinese to sense electromagnetic emissions that higher-altitude satellites cannot detect, such as low-power radio frequencies that could help them understand how different US weapons systems communicate.”


      • Achilles says:

        Just saw the usual yank sledge hammer to crack a walnut approach when shooting down a balloon with a missile.

        The missile struck the balloon on the underside adjacent to the electronics stuff.

        Surely a bullet or two into the top of the balloon would have allowed its gas to leak out and allow it to gently drift down and the electronic bits (probably made by Huawie) be scooped up intact?

  5. Maggie May says:

    According to a commercial real estate website, it appears the Picnic Bay Hotel along with the vacant adjacent beachfront land has exchanged hands on the 1st February 2023, the day after the submissions closed for the Magnetic Island Master Plan.

  6. Mike Douglas says:

    Financially Townsville Households are doing it tough with 6,000 under mortgage stress , 4,000 people waiting for public housing , rents + mortgage payment increases , insurance car + home +20-40 % , groceries and just a few months ago our 3 local State MP,s posting on social media the State Government had a $ 4 bil improvement in revenue and Council stating revenue was higher than they planned . Considering $175 cost of living energy savings is the only crumbs that Queenslanders received you could understand what the member for Thuringowa is having for lunch is of little interest . Whats the update on those major projects that Council had to disclose based on questions from Councillor O ‘callaghan and based on how bad the City looks did the Ceo actually relocate here or still FIFO ? .

  7. Astonished says:

    Was on the Bully website this arvo catching up on last week’s news and was confronted with a pop-up asking me to give my opinion on how the paper was going. After rating it “generally disappointing” I started putting my thoughts into words and after complaining about the lack of local stories, and the number of media releases that get printed without challenge, the pop-up suddenly disappeared. Would it be ridiculous to think that they have programmed the survey to only accept positive feedback?

  8. Astonished says:

    Poll from the Courier Mail website today:
    Will you support an Indigenous Voice to Parliament?
    Yes 6 %
    No 85 %
    I’m not sure yet. I need to do more research 9 %
    Hope Albo sees it – and Duck’s Nuts.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Can you advise how big, or small, was the poll?

      • The Magpie says:

        Doesn’t really matter how big the poll, all you have to know is who published it – enuff said. Always selective reporting.

        The Magpie, as any reader knows, is at this stage opposed to a Yes vote, but his greatest regret and torment is that his quest for a clearer understanding of what is involved is released before the referendum mistakenly aligns him with the likes of Dutton and News Ltd.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          And Dear ‘Pie, it seems that many reasonable questions cannot be answered until the Voice gets up, perish the thought, and, by that time it will be all too late, the Aboriginal activists, black and white, will have been unleashed.


          • Echochamber says:

            “we can’t tell you the address or the location of the building of the Voice, or what the business cards will look like.” What sort of nonsense is this? But just to take a punt on those two issues – headquarters at Parliament House with plush offices in the CBDs of every capital city, far away from the people they claim to be giving a voice to. As for the business cards (which nobody is asking about so stop taking the piss) they’ll be printed by a company just set up by in of their mob at a cost of $5 a business card because, you know, reparations. And speaking of money surely the redesign of the $5 note should be left to The Voice to design right?

    • Airline says:

      Check the Poll results Either online or hard copy in “The Australian” Today 6/2/23 …

  9. Villified says:

    Menninger Capital purchasers of island Hotels
    From what is publicly available..
    Current owners of the brewery .
    Aside from its current growth
    From what I’ve heard
    The island is having its best years ever
    New investment .
    Increased visitors
    And within that a lot of first timers.
    Anyone who has experienced it
    It is our jewell.
    Certainly the main reason tourists land in this Town.
    From feedback I’ve heard..
    They luv it..
    Well done to the operators on the Island ..

  10. Longtime Lurker says:

    Not sure about JCU street names, but did anyone else notice the (not so subtle) start of campaign to rename Magnetic Island as Yunbenun? Have a closer look at the top of the triangle in the graphic from the tourism report.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, saw that, usual scrubbing of worthwhile white history (in this case, by a mistaken Captain Cook no less).

      But while we’re on the subject of aboriginal area names, can anyone clear up just where Townsville is in this …. have heard three totally separate names for where the city sits.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        According to the National Native Title Tribunal Ross River is now the boundary between Wulgurukaba lands to the north and Bindal lands to the south.

        • Molly 9 says:

          ‘The Voice’ – yada or nada? Based on local observation of the effectiveness of differing Indigenous Groups to operate together, we only have to look at 2 issues. 1) The total lack of Indigenous input to the ongoing appalling community violence and jail population of youth; and 2) the 50 year lack of progress in doing anything with the very significant block of land on Ross River Rd that was formally used to house people on the way to Palm Island, when it effectively was a place for recalcitrant persons removed from other communities. Apparently, there are 2 groups in the area that have never been able to agree on further use of the site.
          How on earth is any ‘Voice to Parliament’ going to be any different.

          • Molly 9 says:

            Sorry Pie this is meant to be a seperate comment. Don’t know what happened for it to end up as a ‘reply’ statement.

      • NQ Gal says:

        The Festival of Chamber music advertising has the host city as Townsville-Gurambilbarra. Never heard of it before? Neither had I.

        • The Magpie says:

          Wonder if this was voted on anywhere. Specifically, did it come before council, but even if it did, that would only be the start of the process? Surely a name change of any city or town has to go through a rigorous regulatory process, especially if it going to be used arbitrarily by an event that is heavily sponsored by government (i.e. taxpayers’) money.

          And one wonders what the Townsville-Gurambilbarra Bulletin will have to say about this?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, I don’t think there is an attempt to actually change the name of Townsville, rather it is a move to recognise various aspects of local Aboriginal culture including place names. It has been going on for decades – the suburb of Wulguru, the Cootharinga Bowls Club, a recently installed place name (Yunbenun) on the Presto Breakwater at Nelly Bay harbour. And nationally, there’s Uluru and a few other landmarks plus TV stations often identify the ‘country’ of various speakers. I believe this is a response not to Aboriginal demands but to non-Aboriginal demands. This is the dog wagging its own tail, suggesting, among other things, that it might be friendly. Is this a bad thing?

          • The Magpie says:

            No certainly not, and The ‘Pie tends to agree with your sentiments, except it is highly debatable that these changes are ‘non-aboriginal demands’, except by some woke and distant few in the southern latte belt. And TV stations, like all media across the nation, mention country not from perceived noble gesture to the noble warriors of the past but just to stay clear of organised trolling social media attacks by well organized trumpeters for a cause. No, nothing wrong with such renaming, but the point you are -either deliberately or inadvertently – downplaying is linking the accepted ‘Townsville’ … a whole city of almost 200,000 … with it’s claimed aboriginal name. The residents should have a say in how they are known to the rest of the world, or at least be part of a ‘conversation’ about any change. If the FOCM link on their literature was sanctioned by some government funding body, one would have thought such a change would at least be signalled … like an article in our ever alert, deeply community committed newspaper …. but The ‘Pie has been tartly told that it has ‘more important things to do that start another culture war.’ As if …. the Townsville-Gurambilbarra Bulletin doesn’t have enough clout to knock over a pissed member for Mundingburra.

  11. The Magpie says:

    A Magpie mate writes:
    I understand Jeff Pascoe passed away this morning.
    Jeff was the Pascoe of Pascoe Hall and Cole Real Estate Agents back in earlier Townsville days.
    Around mid 80’s he teamed up in partnership with Richard Ferry and Ferry Real Estate.
    He and Ferry (plus couple others) purchased Rocky Springs from liquidators back in 80’s and with then mayor Tony Mooney got a lot of stuff through TCC for the major development it became.
    It was no secret that Mooney’s drive was for Townsville infrastructure development to go toward the south of the city, which jeff wholeheartedly supported, but when Mooney left TCC all development went north (Bushland Beach etc)
    Jeff and Richard devised a huge development plan for Rocky Springs with a 25 year projected sale of $3 billion with 30,000 home site, 7 schools and several shopping centres.

    Jeff was one of the good blokes in Townsville business, never heard a sour word about him.


    • The Magpie says:

      Can someone please confirm this sad news, The Magpie has been unable to do so, and he would be appalled by his error in publishing if it is incorrect?

      I met Jeff on quite a few occasions, and he was the sort of man we used to term ‘a real gentleman’ … never heard him knife anybody or have a bad word for anyone. If he did, he never did in front of me.

      A good bloke and another loss for our community.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        A longstanding mate of mine said he had received phone calls today from several people in that industry confirming Mr Pascoes’ passing. Sad to lose good people who’ve developed longstanding community relationships.
        Is Rocky Springs still going these days ?

  12. Timmy Toejam says:

    Ducks nuts is obsessed with Jacinta and Tropical is obsessed with the Magpie. Both Ducks nuts and Tropical should share a psyche room at Townsville’s special hospital ward for those who are insane. I hope neither of you own guns or have cannabis addictions as you could be quite dangerous to normal people I imagine.

  13. Sergeant Gunnery Highway says:

    G’day retards, I’m back! Did you miss me? I’ve been away on assignment and flew back in over the weekend. I see little has changed in the Nest. Anyway, I’m really happy that Biden finally grew a set and ordered that fucking Chinese balloon to be blown out of the sky. WTF is wrong with him, why the delay? He should’ve ordered its destruction a week ago. What an embarrassment.

    • The Magpie says:

      Flew back in? From Stuart to Townsville? Cheaper getting a cab (don’t they give you vouchers or supthin?)

      • Sergeant Gunnery Highway says:

        You make me laugh Magpie. I’ve been away on an international assignment. Nothing beats coming back home to Strayla, even if it’s Townsville which is actually a paradise compared to where I’ve been. Interesting catching up and seeing how the three locally elected state fuckwits are performing – they aren’t. Nothing has changed ha.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Couple of reasons to wait until it was over the ocean:
      Controlled retrieval of debris
      Hugely reduced chance of debris hitting someone or something
      Less chance of scavengers/people who want the balloon and it’s equipment back getting their hands on it …

  14. Regular reader says:

    I see Leighton finally wrote a story about the mystery disappearance of the Magnis battery factory from the Landsdown precinct. True to form he failed to ask Jenny Hill all the important questions, like what happened to the $3.1 million taxpayers donated to Magnis to do a “pre-feasibility study”, and where we can view a copy of it. Makes you wonder why he even bothered to interview Hill. Obviously she called all the shots, as usual.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Well Leighton did ask the Magpie what stories or items of interest he should raise in his crappy newspaper, so Landsdown is a starting point for our incapable journalist. However you raise a good point RR, why didn’t little Leighton raise the issue of Mayor Hills and TCC’s lack of due diligence over this fiasco? C’mon Leighton, here is the opportunity for you to prove that your balls have descended into a firm, ripe set. C’mon mate, step out of your protected journalistic comfort zone and take that big step into the real journalist world by asking the tough questions. Or will you continue to be the advocate for crickets and tumbleweed, silence on all fronts?

      • Jimmy Olsen says:

        The questions that were asked:

        Is it true that APM’s project was proceeding on part of the land set aside for the IM3TSV battery factory?
        Who made this decision to reallocate the land ? Why?
        How do you respond to Magnis’s statement to the ASX?
        Have you been in contact with Magnis about this situation?
        Did they warn that they were unhappy about the QPM decision?
        Where were you offering an alternative site(s)? Do you know why they rejected them?
        Are you disappointed that they are turning their back on Townsville with this $3b project, that was going to generate 2500 construction jobs and 2000 permanent jobs?
        Do you take responsibility for their abandoning the project?
        Could more have been done to work around their issues?
        Do you believe they were serious about making this project a reality in Townsville?
        Do you agree with their characterisation that Lansdown had changed its focus to hydrogen?
        Did council do enough due diligence on Magnis/ the project?
        Is there anything else you wished to add?

        • The Magpie says:


          Now point me where I can find the story you wrote, containing those questions and the answers you received. Even if those answers were evasions or direct refusal to comment, readers will now you’re looking out for them by at least asking. Good stuff, mate.

          it’s a terrific story, now you’re getting the idea. So where is it?

          • The Magpie says:

            Still waiting Leighton.

            As The ‘Pie said when you first dared to suggest the mayor defended her decision to drop Magis, SHE DID NO SUCH THING. AND SHE DID NOT RETURN SERVE AT ALL.

            The Magpie trusts you are not suggesting that mish mash story on page 9 today – a re-run of the story that appeared on-line 5 days ago – is anything more than a re-write of the Jenny Hill media release. Today’s story did not mention a single one of the questions you so bravely listed here, let alone answer them … a list no doubt emailed to the TCC media mob, there’s no way you had a one-on-one with Mayor Mullet … you’d have shit yourself. And you failed to point out what questions you’d asked that were ignored in the dicated reply you received.

            The mayor and her media spinners have fobbed you off as the timid journalistic disgrace that you are, Leighton.It is quite obvious the mayor has your measure and wouldn’t demean herself by speaking to a puppy dog like you. As long as Holt Street keep appointing third rate goofs like you and your editor Craig Herbert, the Townsville Bulletin will remain as bigger part of problem for Townsville as the current mayor and Townsville Enterprise …. a mini Axis of the evils of self-interest and incompetence.

        • Beaker says:

          FFS… not answering a question or evading a question IS the story.

    • Jimmy Olsen says:

      The state spent the $3.1m and the study was completed. I asked the question of the state what happened to that money and whether it could be clawed back – it couldn’t.
      A similar scenario has played out with Shine Energy and the feasibility study into the Collinsville coal fired power station.
      I’m not hearing many complaints about where that money has gone.

      • The Magpie says:

        Did it ever occur to you to ask to see the feasibility study? And don’t say it would be commercial in confidence – which almost certainly would be claimed – but as journalists, we should often ask questions to which we already know the answer. So we can then report it readers who would be asking the same questions. The journalist’s job is ask questions on their behalf. The sad truth is, Leighton, you really do not have the guts needed to be a journalist.

        And what is that snide last sentence? Your paper, Leighton, is called the Townsville Bulletin, and therefore the concerns of Townsville are your concerns. Not Collinsville. But you are insinuating that because – apparently – there were no question of Shine about the Collinsville study, you – and we here in The Nest – should not be so selective as to ask questions about Magnis and Lansdown. That’s simply disgraceful, and does you and your paper no credit.

        Your disgusting juvenile subtext is clearly that The Magpie and his well informed readers are ‘picking on’ the mayor. We don’t pick n anybody until we are picked on by arrogant secrecy and avoidance of transparency at any costs – the arch enemies of real journalists.

        You really do need to consider if you’re in the right job … I could tell you, but as usual, you wouldn’t believe me.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Magpie, Jimmy Olsen might be prompted to go back to the mayor when he reads the announcement on the Magnis website today. The ASX has been sniffing around and made this demand:

          “When and where to send your response
          This request is made under Listing Rule 18.7. Your response is required as soon as reasonably possible and, in any event, by no later than 9 AM AEDT Tuesday, 7 February 2023. You should note that if the information requested by this letter is information required to be given to ASX under Listing Rule 3.1 and it does not fall within the exceptions mentioned in Listing Rule 3.1A, MNS’s obligation is to disclose the information ‘immediately’.”

          It’s all there on the website.

          • The Magpie says:

            FFS!! Too much trouble for a LINK? C’mon, sounds interesting, but be fair to Nesters and save them the trouble of searching around.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            FFS yourself. Google ‘Magnis’ and press go. Scroll to the bottom and read the media releases.

          • The Magpie says:

            (Sigh) A couple of housekeeping ponts, if The ‘Pie may have the temerity in hisn nown blog.

            A LINK, FFS, ONE THAT NARROWS DOWN THE TIME YOU ARROGANTLY WANT OTHERS TO SPENT FOLLOWING YOUR LOFTY DIRECTIONS. Telling people to waste time just to oprove (in our mind) that you’re correct is the height of buffoonery.

            And just who is that comment replying to, it seems you are talking to yourself … which actually is no surprise.

  15. Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

    I unequivocally support the concept of a voice. We do not live in white mans country, we live in the nation of first people, aboriginal people, and this land belongs exclusively to them.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Then when are you leaving?

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Nice one, expect to see you on the news signing your house over to them Steve, smoking ceremony and all.

    • The Magpie says:

      Please keep spreading that message. Please.

    • white fella says:

      Except they came from South East Asia.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Steve, I take it you will be joining (former Greens) Senator Lidia Thorpe’s black sovereignty movement?

    • Grumpy says:

      Steve – that is race baiting bullshit. Divisive, provocative and downright dangerous. Any violent response from either side is down to gutless gronks like you.

      • The Magpie says:

        A point on that matter … someone claiming to be Steve of Belgian Gardens send in a comment saying it wasn’t him who made the comment under question. And I believe him, Steve may be many things, but that is not his style at all, it just simply is not something he would say. So some dumb cunt is just being a nuisance. The ‘Pie didn’t publish the denial of authorship, I have enough to do looking after comments without starting some inane back and forth which gets no one anywhere and cannot be policed.

        I believe the complaint was from the ‘real’ Steve, because he hasn’t appeared here for a while, and that’s for two reasons, I suspect. He doesn’t like being instantly answered back, and often shown to be a bit of idiot on some of his hobby horses, his rhythm is more attuned to the time lag of a daily paper. The second reason is a false concern he has that The Magpie might expose his real identity, which the old bird has almost always known. I made a humorous comment a while back that gave him a clue that I knew who he was, and he stopped commenting almost immediately. Steve, it would never happen.

        There are only a few Nester’s whose identity I know, and none would ever be deliberately identified here unless they out themselves, or The ‘Pie makes a slip-up (did that once and lost one of our wittiest comments, drat it. Come back, Conan the Grammarian, everyone’s forgotten about it now.)

    • Bentley says:

      Perhaps they could maintain some of their improvements, like the Bruise Highway, Harbour Bridge, Snowy Hydro etc.

  16. The Magpie says:

    The premier comes to Townsville for urgent talks with Aaron Harper.

  17. The Magpie says:

    Full points to the jovial pro shop folks at the Rowes Bay Golf Club for a finding a laugh for the bad news.

  18. Echochamber says:

    And over the barrel goes Albo because if she doesn’t get everything she thinks she’s entitled to he’ll be branded the biggest racist in the land. https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/politics/lidia-thorpe-set-to-secure-1-million-after-splitting-from-greens/news-story/85e95346d21de8f8b8bb3578c335a2b9

    • The Magpie says:

      n either side has much time for this trollop.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      It pretty well sums up the fact that Lydia is just another politician with her snout in the trough. There is no other field of work in which you continue to get paid, rewarded,
      and/or receive a benefit for actually doing nothing. Oink oink

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Prince, the banking royal commission revealed a few things about very highly paid people who do virtually nothing. The Inquiry into Crown casinos discovered a whole bunch of highly paid people who do virtually nothing. In fact, looking around there are lots of non-politicians who do fuck-all for their pay-packet, and lots who work right in the heart of corporations who pay no tax, who pollute the environment, who gouge workers and who couldn’t give a fuck about the community they live in. Politicians are fairly representative of the communities from which they come.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      The greens are probably grateful she left. And this is the best thing that could happen for Albo. It means the Greens can now support the Voice.

  19. Culture Vulture says:

    So Leighton, sorry Jimmy, if you sighted the pre-feasibility study it obviously can’t be commercial-in-confidence, so why haven’t you published it, or made it available for viewing on the Townsville Bulletin website. I suppose we should be grateful that you at least interviewed Jenny Hill, even if you let her pull the wool over your eyes. Now that’s done (well, half done), when are you going to tackle the story I gave you about Jenny Hill being patron of the Choral Society while at the same time sitting on her hands about the new performing arts centre, turning Riverway Theatre into a library, and failing to complete repairs to the old courthouse theatre for 3 years? If you’re pushed for time let me know and I’ll write the story for you.
    And here’s another tip – if Jenny won’t talk to you, try Ann Maree Greaney. She loves a bit of media exposure, although her wings appear to have been clipped since she acted like a mayor in waiting while Jenny was out of town last year.

  20. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, I think this continued bagging of News Corp. journalists is totally unwarranted!
    Take this story, for example?


    It proves they are on the ball, or, should that be balls??

  21. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Sad news with confirmation that Manager of Townsville Waste Services Matt McCarthy has upped stumps and moved to Brisbane to join BCC. He was one of the good ones at TCC who did his job to the best of his ability and didn’t shitcan others for political gain.

    • Ex garbo says:

      Sorry civil but you never worked there with him. The dumb decisions he was involved in is why waste services is fucked now and probably heading down the private contractor service. He had every opportunity to fix the waste collection in this city but failed miserably. To this day the waste department still runs an old Thuringowa and TCC waste collection. Amalgamation was a long time ago but there’s still 2 seperate collection teams. Staff are leaving in droves and the vehicles are not replaced in good time with some trucks over 10 years old. Can’t get staff because nobody wants to work the long hours because there’s no business plan. Good riddance to him. I’m glad I moved on. Just wait until you all have to buy the FOGO bins and go to a fortnight waste service to save the environment. Only reason they’re doing that is because they fucked up the Stuart landfill.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Agree with you Ex Garbo. He’s been there since amalgamation and had plenty of opportunities to fix issues but just sat there and did nothing. He’s on every waste committee in the state, and was running a department that was falling down around him. He is not one of the good ones at all.

        • Weary Dave says:

          I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually agree with Ducks … just this one time though … maybe … we’ll see :-)

        • Achilles says:

          So he’s been dumped?

        • Ex garbo says:

          Yeah well the people who he had underneath him on the ladder arnt much better if not worse. Constant bullying and threats. I don’t think there would be enough willpower in the workforce to try what happened in Sydney today. 40000 bins left out and went on strike. If only ratepayers took more attention to what is going on. He’s not the only problem out there. Maybe a job for your mate tony “blind” Bligh to look into for the prince wanker hey magpie?

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Sad to hear that Ex Garbo. My dealings with him were always good and he listened to and took advice much better than a lot of the other woodducks. All perspective I guess.

  22. Mike Douglas says:

    Well nesters , rates notices have landed . Rates levied + 10 % , standard water plan + 9 % , local waste management levy + 39 % . Mayor Hill used land value increases and the ability to raise rates under Local Government legislation yet other Queensland Councils didnt raise their rates as high as Townsville . To fund the Mayor + Deputy Mayor ” future proofing Townsville ” Team Hill Councillors voted in support of high rates which will put more pressure on household cost of living and lift rents .

    • The Magpie says:

      Not out at Mullet Manor in Douglas.

    • NQ Gal says:


      The rates are the same as what were paid for 2nd half last year.

      What will be interesting will be whether Council try and push through any rise more than CPI in this year’s budget and what excuse they come up with for it. Mayor Mullet won’t be able to blame increased land valuations this time.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        NQ Gal , your right re rates but even the Premier stepped in on Treasurer Dicks land tax and national cabinet pushed back Qld stamp duty for doctors clinics by over 2 years . There has been more interest rate increases since last rates as well as energy increases , insurance renewals cars , houses . I would have thought standard of living would be an important consideration for any Council . Isnt another of Councils slogans a mentally healthy City ? .

        • The Magpie says:

          What sort of oblique admission is that, with the touchy feely woke slogan? It is self-evident that the mayor, the paper and TEL nare driving us crazy.

        • NQ Gal says:

          I know I feel ill every time it comes to paying rates, and I’m sure I’m not the only one!

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            NQ G,
            While it does not sweeten the bitter pill I pay my rates by fortnightly installments. Less ‘bill shock’ to the bank account when the rates notice arrives.

  23. Ralph says:

    I’ve got no time for real estate agents as they sell what doesn’t belong to them and charge unbelievable commissions, even the car dealerships have to buy what they sell, this real estate lot don’t have to do that, snake oil sellers still exists.

  24. Ralph says:

    I just watched the news tonight and one of the reports was on how much the speed camera’s had made in revenue , an increase of revenue which in plain language is big heaps, the death rate has in plain words again increased big heaps, so the revenue raising system that’s in place at the moment is clearly not working, if it was working the death and fine rate would be lowered and the flogged to death responses of we only have to save one life and all is justified, is total rubbish, fines don’t work if they did no one would get fined a second time however our fining system has increased the amount of people being finded, it is money for the Government and the coppers get the blame.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      The recent speeding fine I received, let’s not go into particulars, but it was on the Bruce Highway. Says that revenue raised from traffic infringements goes to improving our roads.
      Farrrkk ooorrfff…
      Not in north Queensland it doesn’t. I nearly lost a wheel in the potholes.

  25. Prince Rollmop says:

    Lots of news to report regarding the Ville so far this week – more violent crimes and car stealing, Magnis under greater scrutiny, Queenslands most prolific pedo has been arrested, and it’s only Tuesday! Imagine how busy Leighton could be as a journalist if he bothered to actually take on the role of a Journo???

  26. Elusive Butterfly says:


    What’s going on, Mr. Pie?

    “The man and woman are described as being First Nations in appearance and aged in their early 20s.”

    New editorial policy??

    • The Magpie says:

      Sadly no … apart from lazy and ignorant journalism. Have read the story and it is, start to finish, pure copper-speak i.e. who the fuck ever says ‘are still outstanding’ when they they mean offenders are still, in the usual term, at large. And they left in a ‘small sedan’. And bad mark for reporter stupid enough to accept a byline for this hand-out. The usual Bulletin stenography.

      No doubt the woke word has come down from on high that this is now how the wallopers must refer to our dusky population, which must annoy the shit out of the indigenous crowd. So ironic that the old slur ‘ they all look alike to me’ is suddenly applied to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders … it wasn’t long ago that that description from the cops said ‘of Torres Strait Islander appearance.’ A weird sort of colour blindness has crept in.

    • Tropical says:

      Who the hell are these First Nations imposters.
      First Nations is a term created by Canada.
      There was no Australia Nation when the First Fleet arrived.

      • The Magpie says:

        AH! there you are, Trops, been waiting all day for you to show up. Got a little something for you.

        • Tropical says:

          Biden has also erred in his assertion that his economic program builds “from the bottom up and the middle out, not from the top down.” Much of the good that can be gleaned from even the latest economic data results from the firm foundation established by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by his predecessor.

        • Tropical says:

          TRUMPS tax cuts, the data shows, ended up paying for themselves – meaning the Treasury saw an uptick in revenue greater than what was lost by lowering tax rates and broadening the base. Growth, it seems, really is the cure for the spending problem. The president didn’t mention that, probably because he’s too wrapped up in the politics of envy to give the idea the consideration it deserves.

        • Tropical says:

          Biden in his discussion on inflation which, he bragged, “has fallen every month for the last six months.” That’s true, perhaps, but leaves out that it has surged at or above 5 percent since June of 2021. Additionally, real wages have fallen at the fastest pace in 40 years, real disposable income is lower now than it was when he took office, and 72 percent of Americans say they are falling behind because of inflation.

          • The Magpie says:

            Let’s face it (although you won’t), there’s still a lot of underlying mess to clean up after your hero. And one shudders to think what things would be like nifn he were stillm in office … he has a financial acumen about the same as Jenny Hill.

        • Tropical says:

          Face it Cuie Pie
          You never have been able to handle the truth.
          The two biggest BS artists in the world are you and Biden.

          • The Magpie says:

            That comment was about to go to its deserved end in the trash, but then The ‘Pie thought, no that’s unfair. Knowing your thirst for accurate information, Tropical, and always being open to sweet reason, why should The ‘Pie desert you in his time of dire need. So instead, the old bird found this instructive analysis which will burst upon your questing mind ever thirsting for enlightenment.

            Jared Bernstein, a member of Joe Biden’s council of economic advisers, summarised the evidence against trickle-down economics in a presentation to the joint economic committee of Congress several years ago. Bernstein noted that, if the trickle-down theory was correct, we would expect to see that, when tax rates go down, growth goes up and vice versa. But using data stretching from 1947 to 2015, Bernstein showed in no case was that true.
            Tax cuts not only failed to stimulate gross domestic product growth, they also failed to stimulate employment growth, wage growth, investment growth or productivity growth. And there were plenty of periods when taxes were high, particularly for high earners, and so too was growth.
            Not only has the trickle-down effect failed in the US but it has failed in the UK and 16 other developed countries. A study by researchers at the London School of Economics showed that over the past 50 years, the impact of tax cuts on growth across all these countries is “statistically indistinguishable from zero”.
            Researchers have, however, found one big impact of trickle-down policies: they redistribute income from working people to the wealthy – they lead to trickle-up. A study by the Rand corporation that we were involved with shows decades of trickle-down policies in the US redistributed about $50tn in wage growth from the bottom 90% of earners to the top 1%.

          • The Magpie says:

            BTW Nesters, you may find that analysis interesting when you are learning about Albanese’s plan to go ahead with his campaign promise of stage 3 tax cuts here in Australia. Albo and Chalmers have painted themselves into a corner here, and are now faced with the dilemma … keep a dodgy campaign promise that goes against core Labor beliefs and please maybe 3% of the population, or dump the measure or face mightily pissing off at least 90% of the population.

            Party politics, ya gotta luv it.

  27. Dave of Kelso says:

    Humm? If we cannot refer to aborigines and Torres Strait islanders as aborigines and Torres Strait islanders l take it some taxpayer funded organizations such as this one

    Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Legal Service Queensland

    are in for a name change, with all of the horrendous expense that comes with rebranding.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Perhaps it could become “Legal Service for those who are not F’ing White Cs”? As we are widely known by their target group.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Yes, years ago my bride and I were walking through the mall in Darwin, minding our own business when two of the ‘first nations’ finest came staggering past us in the opposite direction with a spontaneous character assessment of, “Fucking white cunts.” They were, and probably still are, less than charming people.

  28. DAFF says:

    Interesting article today about vehicle import delays Australia wide. The article blames biosecurity issues but the reality is that the responsible federal government department that is charged with performing the inspections, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, has lost control. It doesn’t have nearly enough inspectors, it has a newly introduced computer system that is a complete train wreck, and it the department is filled with managerial fuckwits who are too busy kissing politicians asses. Townsville ranks as one of the worst locations. The main issue is due to the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the First Assistant Secretary Department Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry being arrogant and conceited Canberra based bureaucratic lapdogs. These delays are costing local industries tens of millions of dollars. It might be time for the relevant Ministers to start peeking under the carpet to see where all the skeletons are being kept. There is many.


    • The Magpie says:

      This is a continuation of a Department whistleblower series of appafrenrtly informed comments who has aired several unflattering facts pointing to the systemic dysfunction of this department. Perhaps if Leighton Smith at the Bulletin has time between chasing ‘more important stories’, he could make himself a national superstar if he wanted to investigate this one. (slapping the knee, gasping Oh, The ‘pie does amuse himself sometimes.)

  29. Critical says:

    There you go, Jenny must’ve read Magpie and decided that it was time to feed us some propaganda tit bits and tell us that she is doing something out at Lansdown to spend scarce taxpayers and ratepayers $$$ . Still don’t know what the return on our $$$ will be though.


    • The Magpie says:

      Actually, the wording seems more to be requested/directed by Iplex, who are facing the prospect of massive court action in WA over faulty pipe products. This release may also address the informed Magpie commenter suggesting a whole batch of pipes were the wrong diametre for the main Burdekin pipeline.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      This sounds good until you dive a bit deeper and remember a couple of flies in the ointment. The current 900mm pipeline is not constantly pressurised and only runs when the electric pumps are run at huge expense as some nesters might remember from all the shitstorm some years ago. The other thing is that the water is raw meaning it is not fit for human consumption and someone needs to build a treatment plant in the area or extend the potable reticulation from Oak Valley.

  30. Prickster says:

    Time to move to Hughenden as it might be just outside the Lavarack blast radius if thing keep escalating.


    And this – where the USA has form, and Seymour Hersh an award winning muckrucker who exposed the Nixon administration’s efforts to destabilize Chilean President Salvador Allende in 1973; illegal spying by the CIA in 1974; Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program; gun-running and drug-smuggling by Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega in 1986; Gen. Barry McCaffrey’s alleged war crimes during the Persian Gulf War publishes this…..

  31. Lab Rat says:

    One flew over the Cuckoos Nest is on one of the Streaming Services at the moment. What a terrific Movie it is.
    Nurse Ratshit as I used to call her was the epitome of subtle malignance.

  32. Achilles says:

    Wonderful! so your teacher/lecturer was incompetent (read illiterate, but very socially adjusted and could dance) so we’ll blame it all on you, and graciously allow you to work harder, coz its your fault, that you were in this morons class.

    NAPLAN to dump minimum standards

    Illiterate students will be described as ‘developing’ their reading skills in a politically correct watering down of NAPLAN test reports to remove references to under­performance.

  33. Dave of Kelso says:

    4 million dollars, no result, aboriginal commission shut down. Another one. A prelude to the so called Voice.


    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      There was a result because a whole lot of people in the Aboriginal Industry got $4m in jobs and consulting with another round of the same to come. Its a great job creation project.

  34. Dave of Kelso says:

    From the article all feel good buz words and blame shifting, “It is not their fault, they grew up during the Intervention”

    ‘They’ are the shits house breaking, car stealing, and aggressively dangerously driving.

    In the article no mention of parental responsibility.

    This Voice thing is going to be a hoot if it gets up. FFS


    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Elvis Presley said “a little more action and a little less conversation” and that might be what we need. How much consultation and talk can there be before action gets taken.

      • The Magpie says:

        But exactly what action is going to yet again batted about by a mixture of dedicated but frustrated coppers, unrealistic and confused do-gooders, the ivory tower view of many magistrates, and the political self-interested of this Labor government?

        Well, here’s The Magpie’s answer and he makes no claims to being a social or policing genius – the police themselves have identified a hard core of about 100 repeat offenders and those who in the Aussie vernacular are called ‘urgers’. MAKE A FUCKING LIST, BOYS, AND GRAB THEM. And then, if you’re lucky enough to find a magistrate without a sodden hanky, introduce a regulation that if convicted and sent to chokey, youths and adults alike, serve their time well away from Townsville. Arguments that this will be hard on them and their families are negated by two unalterable facts: most have no family, and most who do have family that do not deserve any convenience between bouts with the bottle, just criminal friends, and therefore making contact more difficult is part of the solution: and the second thing is – surprise – punishment, whether it includes rehab or not – IS MEANT TO BE DIFFICULT. DIFFICULTY IS NOT JUST THE PROVINCE OF HARD WORKING TAXPAYERS WHO HAVE TROUBLE GETTING TO WORK, TAKING THE KIDS TO SCHOOL, GETTING TO A DOCTOR OR HOSPITAL, OR JUST TO THE SHOPS BECAUSE THEIR CARS HAVE BEEN STOLEN AND BURNT OUT.

        At the moment, these ‘core offenders’, the judiciary and the government are making public chumps out of frontline coppers who take all the risks.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Why did Magistrate Viviana not take them home to her place to await their court dates if the were so little threat to community safety. If they are good enough to be on the streets they must be good enough to be her house guests.

  35. Culture Vulture says:

    Hey Leighton/Jimmy, I know you’re busy working on that story about the lack of performing arts venues in town, but here’s a couple of other news tips to get onto –
    Cruise ship stayed overnight in Townsville last night, believed to be a first for cruises (caused by the cyclone out in the Coral Sea?). Bet the passengers are thrilled about spending extra time in Australia’s Shittiest City.
    The restaurant and bar formerly known as the Waterfront down the port end of Palmer Street is about to reopen with a new look, internally at least. Hear it was sold a few weeks ago.
    On a similar subject, the Metropole Hotel, which has been closed since covid, is also rumoured to be reopening soon.
    There you go mate – three scoops in one day.
    Please send all spotter’s fees to the Magpie to help fund this blog.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie has an even better yarn for Superman’s fluffer.

      About 50,000 overseas students – the majority Chinese – are arriving in Australia right now to join the 400,000+ already here for the start of the university year.

      Perhap probing, investigative reporter Leighton Smith will inquire in the appropriate quarters what effect this is likely to have on a rental market that is at it’s tightest it has ever been. How many new students are heading for JCU in Townsville? Could this result in more homelessness for locals struggling in our current economy?

      Sadly, one doubts we’ll ever see the tough ‘we’re for you’ story from Leighton, because he is already on record about his woke sensitivity to stirring up ‘a culture war’. Probably too busy anyway, working on ‘Townsville’s Top Ten Sexiest Pedos’ list.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Bugger all will be headed to JCU as JCU Townsville has a teeny tiny portion of international Chinese students. Most Chinese students that study through JCU do so through the Singapore campus.

        These days, JCU Townsville and Cairns capture a poofteenth of the total international student market. It’s hardly worth worrying about.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, don’t be too hard on the airline, they do not have ANY passengers any more …. just ‘guests’.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Elusive, what’s next is yesterday’s news. Didn’t you receive an invitation to TEL’s exclusive function just last night at Selina (formerly Bungalow Bay) on Maggie Island:

      “Event Details

      Join us to learn about Townsville North Queensland’s new destination tourism brand

      Over the last 12 months, Townsville Enterprise has been working on an in-depth destination rebrand project – specifically informed by consumer research and future travel trends.

      Acknowledging the substantial change in the consumer landscape since the pandemic, the aim has been to develop a new long-term destination brand platform that can grow and evolve, just as our region is growing and evolving, and leverage the immense tourism opportunities on the horizon for Townsville North Queensland.

      The project has been guided by an industry steering committee, and involved a review of over 230,000 individual datapoints, stakeholder surveys to gauge industry and resident perspective, focus group co-creation and creative testing with 2,000 people and 161 in-depth qualitative surveys with consumers from key intra- and interstate markets.

      Launching in February 2023, you’re invited to hear the exciting new direction for our region’s marketing, and how your business can help extend the brand promise to curious travellers from across Australia and abroad.”

      • The Magpie says:

        O, shit … and the Dudley No Nothings are in charge of this? Good luck with that.

        Now watch for the renaming of Maggie to some unpronounceable indigenous word.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Wanker, not all of us are on the ALP mailing list so obviously did not get an invite. How was it?

    • Regular reader says:

      Since “Jetstar Jane” took over as Virgin CEO she has set about downgrading the airline to a no frills/no service operation.
      No more free snacks in economy, cheap and nasty wines in the Virgin Lounge, flights cancelled on a daily basis, using smaller airlines to cover some routes, including Townsville to Brisbane (often substituted without notification)……..
      Qantas must be delighted.

    • The Magpie says:

      Palm, serious question: are you just being droll about the Astonisher? The ‘Pie certainly didn’t see this story in the the Townsville-Gurambilbarra Bulletin. Or did you mean ‘is not onto’?

      • Prickster says:

        who’s the magistrate?

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Magpie, I read the story in the Guardian and went straight to the TBully and there it was.

        • The Magpie says:

          date and page – maybe had the wrong day. It’s not in today’s that I can see, or have I missed it?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Looked it up at 5.23pm (“updated”):

            “‘Media stunt’: Deputy Premier fumes over mass release of 13 young offenders
            Poor behaviour by some youths and an attempted break in forced the PCYC Mareeba Pulse cafe drop in centre to close. Picture: file photo.
            Deputy Premier Steven Miles slammed the release of 13 alleged youth offenders from a Townsville watch-house as a “media stunt”, claiming the magistrate’s decision could jeopardise the safety of the community.”

          • The Magpie says:

            He should fuckin’ talk … it’s his government’s laws that have led to the situation.

        • The Magpie says:

          Maybe that was on the website, can’t find in the print edition.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      We hear time and time again that the judges just inforce the laws of the land are not able to take independent action but this makes a bleeding lie of all that. While I wish hard to no person it would be fitting if a few more magistrates were robbed or bashed to help them see the light of day.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        As a result of the snots being released the police are seeking more legal advice and have increased patrolling in an attempt to maintain community safety. I sincerely hope that it is found that the magistrate has erred and the decision reversed. I wish the police every success.


        • The Magpie says:

          it is clear that everyone knows the public attitude to this ruling, which is why no media outlet has named the magistrate. The ‘Pie has possible candidate, a female known as the softest touch since Sorbent, but might being unfair … they all have their inexplicable quirks, like the otherwise reliable Ross Mack you in the one sentence, declared that Jenny Hill had been driving without proper attention but still she was not guilty of contributing to the death of a motorcyclist.

          One of the big problems that isn’t widely mentioned but a has been commented on for years now is the disparity in rulings between the ‘systems’ magistrate … a public servant who works his way up through the judicial labyrinth to finally sit on the bench … rather than a qualified lawyer who chooses the magisterial path. (Not a bad path either, they get close on – or maybe by now, more than – $400,000 per annum.)

          • Palm Sunday says:

            It might help if you played the ball and not the man.

          • The Magpie says:

            That does not make any sense … but just to help you out, although there are several possibilities in the comment for which you upbraiding The ‘Pie … it’s called holding people in power to account. By your inane man/ball rules, we would never have been allowed to say anything about, Scomo, Tudge, Jenny Hill, Pell etc and that bastard who wrote ‘Achy Breaky Heart.’ Get some WD40 for your knees, luvvie, and have a little thinkette before attacking the keyboard.

          • Echochamber says:

            The magistrate has been named as Viviana Keegan. Meanwhile Steve Miles has labelled it a “media stunt”. Well if anyone was to know what one looked like it’d be him.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie is surprised, he had a friendly court relationship with Ms Keegan when she was a prosecutor, before she went into private chambers (which she shared with the late Janice Mayes, Capt Snooze’s wife). I found from the out her performance when going to the bench more thoughtful than most. Being a mum may have played a part in her decision in this matter, which had to balance the fairness to kids by a government that doesn’t provide enough of the proper facilities to accommodate them, and the rights of the general community to be kept safe. We’ll see how it plays out.

          • Grumpy says:

            Palm Sunday. As usual your attempt at a cutting and edgy comment falls flat. Sometimes the man (or not-man in this particular case) IS the focus of the discussion. After all, the ball never finds itself before the disciplinary committee, does it? In my dealings with VK, I found her pleasant and competent, if a little disinclined to change her mind once made up. Not a gal for compromise.

          • The Magpie says:

            Don’t tax him too much, Grumps.

          • Prickster says:

            O’Gorman right on the money, a gutless Queensland Government

            They appointed the Magistrate, they are the ones who pass the laws, they are the ones accountable.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie and Grumpy, the ‘ball’ I was referring to was the reason behind the magistrate’s decision – which no one here seems willing to ponder. It would seem to have nothing to do with what sort of chick the magistrate is, what she wears or who she is seen with in public. There is some information out there:

            “In response to questions about children being detained in watch houses last year, the Department of Youth Justice said “young people can be held in a watch house for one to two days as part of normal processing, which includes arranging transport to a youth detention centre and awaiting court appearances.”

            “One to two days”.


            “The Queensland police service on Tuesday revealed more than 25 children had spent more than three weeks in watch houses so far this year. In one reported case, a girl with intellectual disabilities was detained for more than 30 days.
            That represents a dramatic increase compared with data from September 2021 to September 2022, which indicates that one child was detained in a watch house for 14.8 days – the longest stint during the period.”

            If something happened to one of these children – a bashing, a sexual assault or heaven forbid, a death in custody having been in a police watchhouse for weeks on end, there would be actual rather than confected outrage. According to those stats, something has happened to the “normal processing” system in the last few months. Perhaps the magistrate was saying ‘enough is enough’.

          • The Magpie says:

            ‘… what sort of chick the magistrate is, what she wears or who she is seen with in public ….’etc. The completely unsupported inference here towards Nest readers, characterising them as tabloid droolers, is a cheap shot from cheap shit … a desperate dopey deflection that instantly negates any debatable points.

            And remember this: magistrates are by law not allowed to make personal comment on their decisions or accountability for same. Basically, they cannot talk on the record outside the courtroom. This lack of public accountability for contentious rulings leave magistrates open for commentary in the forum of public interest.

            And at no stage, Wanker, have you considered the other side of the coin, the safety and well being of the public emotionally battered and bashed by our wave of juvenile crime.

            And let The ‘Pie tell you what else you haven’t considered … 30 days in the city watch house conditions might be just what some of these child criminals needed to curb their enthusiasm for their nocturnal activities. There is surely a boofademic or acadil out there who can tell the ‘punishment ratio’ …. 30 days in the police lock-up equals about nine months in juvenile summer camp (called ‘detention’). Clearly the mentally injured or retarded should not even spend one night in such conditions, but it would be a short, sharp lesson for the smartarses.

            Of course, the coppers would justly hate the unfairness of such a system, and it would never happen, so the answer is to purpose-build facilities that replicate lock-ups. Shorter sentences, but more uncomfortable conditions. These kids have to fear punishment.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            The kids are being held in watch house’s for far too long, being exposed to adult prisoners, because the juvenile detention system is FULL.
            Qld has an appalling record, and apparently we want to make that record worse by locking up more kids where they go to finishing school for criminals. And then, when they come out, we’ll have a harder, more skilled breed of criminal who hate the system even more.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            “These kids have to fear punishment.”

            Magpie, these kids are in the watchhouse awaiting a bail hearing. They have not been convicted of anything, they are (supposedly) not being punished. Apparently, there is room for them in the juvenile detention centre where they could be held pending a bail hearing. So why are they in the watchhouse beyond the ‘one or two days’? Please don’t tell me the police are being encouraged to give them a little touch of the Don Dale for a couple of weeks before they go to their bail hearing.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie understood there was no room in the detention centre. If there was, then Vivian a Keegan was 100% right to release them.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            And while we’re on the subject; “And let The ‘Pie tell you what else you haven’t considered … 30 days in the city watch house conditions might be just what some of these child criminals needed to curb their enthusiasm for their nocturnal activities.”

            This is now such a deeply political situation with the ex-leader of the Opposition, Deb Frecklington, coming out (in the Guardian right now) swinging against long term holding of children in watch houses – where is the current leader of the Opposition? I’ll bet my bottom dollar he isn’t backing the police position. How could he? These children are not, as you baselessly claim, “criminals”. They have not been convicted, they are awaiting bail hearings which even you know about. Find a politician backing weeks long watchhouse detention of children and I’ll show you someone with no political future.

          • The Magpie says:

            Once again, unless he is asked, he doesn’t have to volunteer anything … remember, never interrupt your enemy when she’s making a mistake.

  36. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Guinness Book of Records stuff, Mr. Pie!
    The word “allegedly” used 82 times.
    Apparently none of this stuff actually happened!
    Just hearsay??


  37. The Magpie says:

    Something that has just snuck on us that it’s taken a devastating earthquake to reveal. The ‘Pie thought the ABC TV news people were just being PC woke luvvies when they started referring to Turkey, in word and print, as Turkiye. After a week of what The ‘Pie mistakenly thought twee affectation, he looked it up and -gasp! – was wrong.


    Turkey has been pushing for name change for some time now, but timing can be a bitch, can’t it?

    Quote: ‘The country’s English language public broadcaster TRT World said, the move would help to disassociate the country’s image from the large bird of the same name. “Flip through the Cambridge Dictionary and Turkey is defined as something that fails badly or a stupid or silly person.’

    Right now, it emerging that jerry built apartment blocks which required earthquake proofing design was required hadn’t happened because of corrupt or just plain lazy officials and a greedy government that knew about the by-pass by charging a fee for doing so. It’s not every day you see ‘fail badly, or be stupid and silly ‘ on a deadly scale like this. Corrupt as all shit. Criminal turkeys one and all.

  38. DAFF says:

    This is one of the Ministers that oversights the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Minister ‘mincing Murray’. The other minister is Tanya Plibersek. They are the Department who has royally fucked up import and inspection activities nationwide with poor resource allocation and general incompetence. Seems like Murray is now the ‘Minister for golden showers’ as well (article below). What a clusterfuck.


    • The Magpie says:

      A variation on how politicians piss us off.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I was at a function recently with some very senior heads of non government agricultural organisations who all said in general conversation that they were impressed with Murray Watts and his approach and responsiveness to industry. Particularly in comparison to the previous Agricultural ministers we’ve had. Coming from the ag industry, in regards to a Labor minister, I thought that was pretty impressive.

      • Grumpy says:

        Ducky – that never happened, did it?

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          It actually did Grumps. One was saying how impressed he was at the handling of FMD. And how Watts has engaged with industry leaders really well. Another was saying how its nice to have someone in charge of agriculture who is prepared to come and talk to them and not just grandstand. And that Watts had been impressive so far.

          Barnarby didn’t actually advance agriculture in Australia all that much. Despite the performances he put on. And during the election campaign, he was turning up drunk and hungover to press conferences. There was one in central Queensland where his PR guy had to go into overdrive to correct the incorrect announcements.

  39. The Magpie says:

    Team Hill are financially reckless .

    A developer would not be able to secure funding unless they had 60 % signed leases but $mils is being spent on Lansdown and no commitment . Flinders Lane with one tenant wouldn’t have got funding. And now NQ Spark . If Council can blow out a $5mil library relocation by $2.5 mil , $74.7 mil blow out Haughton stage 2, is this shaping up as Jenny’s latest a train wreck .

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Toot toot, the Mullet Train coming through.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Theres an idea for Bentley the Mullet driving a train towards a broken bridge with each of her brain fart doomed projects painted on its own carriage.

        • The Magpie says:

          Damn, that’s good, but Bentley is his own man, up to him.

          BTW Benters is on a couple weeks break at the moment.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            I like Bentleys style. However he could do with adding a little Larry Pickering to his repertoire and draw a few dongers on the subjects of his cartoons in the Nest!

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            At the mention of Larry Pickering I went looking for his work. Plenty on the web. Damn he was good and much of his cartoon comment is as relevant today as when it was first published.
            Thanks PR.

          • Bill says:

            Bentley is doing just fine, we don’t want him leaking too much :P

  40. The Magpie says:

    Ducks nuts, paywalled. Pointless to publish.

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