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The Magpie

Saturday, August 26th, 2023   |   136 comments

Gullible’s Travels: The More He Treks Around The Country, The More The PM Finds The ‘Little People’ Are Angry.

… and bewildered. And like the Lilliputians, they are ticked off  and are about to tie him down over his reckless adventure into the Land of the No.

The ghosts of boasts past come to haunt Jenny Hill,  but a move this week shows she’s learnt nothing. More bad money after bad money,  but hey, not to worry, it’s not hers. But mayoral candidate Fran O’Callaghan stays on her case …

A jumpy Clr Sue Blom warns that a storming of the barricades is on the cards, but barricades are the last thing Clr Ma Greaney’s mind.  Aware of the danger of an unbarricaded roadside cliff in her division, she has sprung into action like a sloth on roofies.

America takes baby steps towards returning the decency, one mug shot at a time …

… and The ‘Pie offers some handy shortcuts to ‘relative’ wealth,  and why Target deserves an advertising award.

The Magpie’s Nest blog keeps attracting bills like Trump attracts indictments, and in truth, it’s getting hard to keep up. If you can support this weekly effort, it will be as appreciated as it is needed. The donate button is at the end of the blog. Thanks.

Charm Offensive … Or Offensive Charm?

There’s something amiss with someone who paints a truly dystopian picture of Australia’s future, but maintains a rictus of a smile throughout most of his address to the National Press Club. Treasurer Jim Chalmers presented something called the Intergenerational Report, the latest in a line of academic navel gazing designed to scare the pants off everyone and provide excuses for political moves that no one would normally get away with.  Jimbo is clearly trying to recover Labor ground lost by his boss who is busy pushing the Indigenous Voice to Parliament poppycock. The report projects many a version of the sky is falling, and has some meek suggestions about how to prop it up, but there was one matter missing that failed to impress Bentley.  Having had professional experience in the energy sector, he was indignant about the complete lack of any mention about problems with renewable, and offered his opinion with a pen dipped in indignation.

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“In my view, the two most  damaging bits of Labor policy are 1. The divisive Voice ( divide and conquer), and 2. And the compromised energy system, ” Benters opined.

Albo Goes Anal On The Voice

No, no, he’s not seeking the pink vote, ‘anal’ as in the psychological meaning of ‘compulsive tidiness’. He wants the Yes vote all wrapped up in a nice compartmentalised box and presented to him a by a grateful and virtuous electorate of mugs. But it sorta hasn’t gone to plan, as the little people, according to polls,  have tied him down in a political bind. The No vote will be personal political poison for him.

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PM Anal says he’s hearing nothing but support for the Voice, but doesn’t seem to realise that that is maybe because of the places his minders send him.  A stroll down any Australian street would afford him a variety of colourfully expressed opinions which might fog up his rose coloured glasses.

There was a further problem in the week when the Australian Electoral Commission revealed the design of the actual referendum ballot paper. The directive is voters must write in English either yes or no to the Voice question. Pretty simple, but to the spooked No camp, the temple veins started throbbing when it was revealed that a tick could be taken to mean ‘Yes’ but a X would not mean No. All referendums in Australia in recent times have all been a written yes or no proposition, and there’s been less than one percent which have resorted to ticks and crosses historically. Why a tick is accepted as yes, but a cross not as a no is a good question in itself,  and just why the AEC made this ruling – instead of invalidating all ballots that did not contain a written word – is current conjecture du jour.  Maybe the authorities have noted the Naplan results from recent years and are worried the required level of literacy may not be within reach of many.

Worth noting that the 1967 referendum that overwhelmingly decided aborigines were human beings instead of non-existent ectoplasma  was also a written word directive.

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The result of that referendum effectively outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, so why are we now are being asked to enshrine it in our constitution.?Funny old world, eh?

Our Mayor Thinks Stable Economics Is Something To Do With Owning A Horse.

Fresh from handing Deputy Mayor Frothy Molacino the poisoned chalice of the latest idiocy regarding the North Rail Yards,  Mayor Mullet has come up with a cunning Baldrick-like plan to send more ratepayers’ hard earned spiralling down the Walker Street plughole. Her latest council appointment is a jaw dropper. Seen on Seek this week:

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… and so on.

So after three long years – well past the period to drag out the lame covid excuse – the ratepayers are told they are now going to have to cough up a handsome salary for someone to try and find some mugs to use the mayor’s personal disaster area which has been vacant since it opened. This in effect means the Townsville City Council is going into competition with private (rate-paying) establishments to try and convince punters to make use of what is essentially a shortcut from a bus stop (hub? ha!!) to an underpopulated Flinders Street. You can imagine the joy and open arms welcome this will receive from the still-recovering sector in the same business vying for custom in and around the CBD. But no one will say anything, everyone knows what happens if you cross Jenny.

This is a stark object lesson as to why council’s have no business becoming developers.

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Full house of freeloaders at Flinders Lane opening … since then, zilch.

This ill-starred, poorly researched venture, along with the North Rail Yards and Lansdown, are speculative ventures that should be nowhere near public money.

Some of the unreality disseminated by Walker Street and TEL – and poor old Martin Locke, who allowed himself to be seduced into this folly with Jenny – is on display on the video shot during the opening of the completed arcade in 2020. Some key quotes:

Jenny Hill Screen Shot 2023-08-26 at 8.35.07 pm

A proud Bogannattanatta woman

Jenny Hill: (A proud Bogannattanatta woman)Townsville Council has a reputation of trying to work with entrepreneurs to make things happen. We did so with Flinders Lane, to create what I think is one of the best laneways I’ve seen anywhere in Australia. There’ll be more events at the stadium, who want to be a part of this?

The answer to that m’dear, hasbeen painfully obvious for three years – no one. And you presumably haven’t been to Melbourne (you know, where the real Flinders Lane is.)

Martin Locke Screen Shot 2023-08-26 at 8.35.34 pm

Martin Locke: (A proud Aussie bloke) To see a council public asset like this, everyone’s pretty blown away.

Many folks, The ‘Pie among them, sincerely hope you don’t get too burnt – or blown away – by this unfortunate venture, Martin. You are well liked and respected around town, and at least tried to do something, stumping up your own dough to have a shot. Poor choice of partner, though.

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A proud Torkatorkatorka woman

Patricia O’Callaghan: ( A proud Torkatorkatorka woman) Flinders Lane is a new step change force, not just for Townsville but for North Queensland. It shows how bold and exciting our developers can be. What we are seeing is the economic potential coming through at the moment. We’re going and entering (sic) a new phase, a new era, for Townsville, and if there is investment potential, it’s now and it’s right here.

With that sort of schoolgirl guff,  Lil Patty, you are testament to how far someone get if they have the gift of the gab and nothing to back it up. The fact that you are now head of Qld tourism must have a few operators nervous, especially in light of the latest tourism stats..

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But back to Flinders Lane, the situation couldn’t get worse for ratepayers , could it? Well yes, maybe it could. Another version of the of the Seek ad had this to say.
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While ‘ability to work from home’ should raise some red flags in this city (remember we had a personal Prins appointment of a Procurement Officer who worked from home – in Melbourne),  the real kick in the pants is that promise of a mentor – on the Gold Coast. The sort of person required for this council job is not going to be someone happy to pop down to the Goldie for a couple of weeks unpaid internship, so the deal is obviously a fee for Ms Milikins (yet another fucking consultant!) while nothing is happening.  Wouldn’t mind betting Ms Milikins is a mate of Lil Patty’s, and probably a member of the ALP.

Ya just gotta love this dear old moonlight state.

Speaking Of Council Gigs

TCC offices sign MG_0538

From comments:

13,397 approved

The turnstiles keep turning at Townsville Council with Ryan Hall, Head of Planning who bought the planning approvals at Council from the 80s to what other Councils do, provided free pre lodgement meetings and gave the local property industry some hope has resigned ( 3 sources ).
Emma Peters, ex-local boss of Master Builders, lasted 4 weeks in Council in her role as Principal external Grants & Partnerships .

The non collection of bins across Townsville ( core job ) is becoming widespread with sickies drivers/trucks off the road. Screaming Midget Prins has been abusive and unprofessional in meetings reminding people how important he is and how valuable his time is .

This should be low hanging fruit for Fran

 Maybe, But Fightin’ Fran Is Choosing Her Battles … Although Perhaps Not Wisely Enough

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Mayoral hopeful Clr Fran O’Callaghan is, in a constructive way, anti-political, or certainly anti-political parties. And she has made some telling points in her FB posts, and the rare story in or letter to the Bulletin. But supporters are starting to wonder what her game plan can be,  since she continues to choose only a narrow band of issues, and declines myriad opportunities to engage the mayor on specific matters outside those she raises in council.

In the general run of day-to-day news, she has become a somewhat invisible woman. She is yet to engage with the electorate on issues concerning them, which she could champion as part of her platform, instead of just depending on reactive campaigning, simply responding to matters raised in council which finds she finds negative.

Many supporters, and this includes The ‘Pie, believes she is squandering valuable political and campaigning capital by appearing to remain aloof to many matters in the community (if she wants to be mayor, sooner or later she will have to talk about juvenile crime and social housing)  and to the concerns of the electorate. In truth, as far as The ‘Pie can tell, nobody really knows who Fran is beyond wanting some financial, transparency and procedural council issues exposed and changed.

The Magpie has met Fran on a number of occasions, and knows without a doubt she is an honest, upright person of principle … and a brave one who faced down the debilitating effects of a major health scare, but those qualities alone have never won any election.  And she remains adamant … one might say stubborn … on basic accepted  campaigning tactics and procedures, matters for her that are making this a fight with one arm tied behind her back. The frustrating thing is that is she is the one who is tying it there.

But Fran has ardent supporters out there, so here’s something for those who want to engage with her. Because of LG regulations, and the spiteful bullying behaviour of the Mayor, certain councillors and legal B grader Tony Blight,  Fran is rightly very mindful of what she says on her council FB page. But she also has created another page for her campaign, where she has more latitude to express herself in campaigning terms . If you are interested, you can pay a visit to https://www.facebook.com/fran.ocallaghan.92/, and let her know what you’re thinking or ask a question.

But to reinforce Fran’s approach to subjects she does broach, this is a good example from her FB campaign page … but it was done in May and no follow-up from her in the past week or so about the appointment of a Board Chairman of a new company set up to entice development of the North Rail Yards.

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Independent councillor Sue Blom is a worried woman, fearful of an insurrection of nature lovers and pantheists , possibly leading to a fatality. And right here in the middle of town!!

The threat of this mayhem was first revealed in this story.

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Local councillor Ma Greany said the 100 year old tree had been storm damaged and had to get the chop, after all considerable efforts to save it had failed. Clr Greaney said the possibility (The ‘Pie reckons about about 10000 to 1)  of it falling on some passing innocent could no be tolerated by the council. (Although the good councillor isn’t fussed about an unfenced roadside cliff in her division which could end in tragedy.)

But then, officialdom provided it’s usual dose of idiocy when, a few days after that story,  the milky pine’s fate was stayed – for a community consultation about its fate, that would have no effect on the outcome, but procedures had to be followed. And that set Clr Blom’s nerves all a jangle. The Bulletin, who had lopped 10 years of the now 90 year old tree, had moved it within concerning distance of a playground, told us  ‘it can’t be chopped down until community consultation is carried out, as per the council’s significant tree policy.’ Although everyone agreed that was a waste time, because it was coming down anyway. But that was too alarming for Clr Blom, who apparently has a more heightened sense of danger that Ma Greaney. The Bulletin again:

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Cr Sue Blom said her concern was with the public who had to walk past the tree for another month.

“I know it’s barricaded but people climb the barricades”.

Know what you mean councillor, but not the right barricades, or for the right reasons like local nanny state regulations. But The ‘Pie will miss the pine … many a moment of reverie has he spent there, gazing back into his youth because the tree reminded him of the halcyon days of high school and sneaking a look through the gym window at the gorgeous Diane Bluett doing headstands in PE class.

Those Bloody American Police
What a cruel bunch, making PO 1135809 pose painfully for a mug shot … it is clear that he was agony from his bone spurs.
Trump mug shot Screen Shot 2023-08-26 at 10.59.33 pm
It’s one for the history book, and as usual, Donny has no idea how this going to be regarded decades down the track when he is but an unpleasant footnote in the world pantheon.But his new notoriety was the main game in town this week, although climate change and that Russian Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly  of a Putin critics private jet also got the attention of US cartoonists.

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And With All That Going On, The Future Looks Dim

… and for other generational reasons, too

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Want A Hand With Your Finances?

Are you in the will of a pesky old relative who just won’t cark it in time for you to enjoy the goodies?

Then, problem solved if you just slip a few of this into their home overnight. heart failure guaranteed.

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Watch here to see your short cut to great grandma’s riches in action.

An ‘Armless Joke



That’s The ‘Pie’s week, but have your say in comments, lots of fun in there … if you’ve got a thick skin. The donate button to help out with Nest costs is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. tropical cyclone says:

    Another TUH scandal “A senior surgeon from Townsville University Hospital has been suspended in mystery circumstances amid claims of mismanagement that could potentially put patients at risk.”

    Will teflon Tony final find have his slippery hide feel some friction?
    Will non stick Kiran find him self like a fly on sticky tape?
    Will “can’t touch this” Shannon finally put an end to this dastardly duo.

    Stay tuned for more reports, investigations, internal reviews and staff surveys same time same bat station.

    • The Old Fella from West End says:

      Seems another one has left the fold in complete secrecy. Former board member, hip pocket buddy of the CEO, now working out of the Mater only. I would suggest a major fallout between Tones and ex best pal but silence is golden.

      • Critical says:

        Something better happen soon to sort out the TUH and the number of investigations and incidents that we are hearing about publicly. Recently heard a couple of older people who regularly go to appointments at TUH say that TUH means Townsville UNSAFE Hospital although that’s probably a bit of an exaggeration and there’s plenty of great staff there but once these comments start they spread.

  2. ABS says:

    “something called the Intergenerational Report”

    Published regularly since 2002 and widely reported on every time.

    “Her latest council appointment is a jaw dropper.”

    Are you sure this is a council appointment?

    • The Magpie says:

      In order: So what? Each builds on the previous one, noting changes brought about by new developments and data. Concentrate a bit, will you, please?

      And … yes. If the TCC is part owner of Flinders Lane, then yes, it will be at the very least in part be a council job. The ‘Pie hasn’t checked but there is surely a company arrangement about Flinders Lane between Martin Locke’s interests and the TCC. And that would be a company – its outgoings and more importantly, its losses – for which the council will be jointly responsible for.

  3. Villified says:

    Off topic.. strand curtin figs
    The strands curtin figs a great asset of Townsville we’re organised by what I believe to be a councillor back in the day.. and at great cost..they were known as.. Malcolm’s folly..
    I remember reading about in the history piece the bulletin used too run .
    I would like to know when they were actually planted and who was behind it..

    • The Magpie says:

      Wasn’t me.

    • Lab Rat says:

      They were known as “Willmetts Folly” after the then Mayor Thankful Willmett. The community were against them being planted. Willmett did it anyway. I guess he was right. These were the ones south of the pool and into Anzac Park.

      • The Magpie says:

        Any idea what the objection was? Relentless water seekers, something like that? Visually spectacular and well worth it anyway.

        And BTW, let it slide at first mention, but if we vere need to change the name of The Nest, Malcolm’s Folly would be a frontrunner.

        • Lab Rat says:

          It was 120 years ago. Ask Grumpy. He was a youngster then.

        • Achilles says:

          A few possibilities – roots, cyclone susceptibility, leaf dropping.

          • The Magpie says:

            In more than 30 years, The ‘Pie hasn’t seen any evidence that those figs trees have much suffered from cyclones. An overwatered one mahve shrivelled roots that would make it topple in a cyclone. What is the more common name for thos figs that have been described as curtain figs?

    • Alahazbin says:

      At least they were a better choice than Mooney’s African Mahogany..

      • The Magpie says:

        Yep … a couple huge once came an uprooted cropper over in West End a few years ago in a stiffish breeze called Yasi.

  4. Mike Douglas says:

    Annus Horribilis week for Premier Palaszczuk $2.4 bil blow out on trains Maryborough , train wreck interview Karl Stefanovic . The Premier looked like she had already clocked off on her Europe Trip for two weeks with her partner . Using Police lock ups as mini prisons even shocked leader of the left and deputy Premier Stephen Miles . Aarons Harpers Facebook posts will come back to haunt him especially his 2017 post saying ” we can’t have another year of crime as bad as 2016 ” . Cbd businesses should support an independent Councillor . If successful , push back on Council closing access for their customers , plant a Christmas tree blocking an access road to the City Centre , seek details of Council spending including research and mentoring .

  5. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Jenny Hill is so predictable, and as cunning as a shithouse rat.
    With the election looming she is starting to panic about all of the white elephants she has created at ratepayers expense.
    Flinders Lane is the most obvious, although it fades into insignificance compared to the money being wasted on her pet Landsdown project. (Anyone actually signed up yet Jenny or are you still hoping for the battery factory to come good?)
    Piss poor attempts to breathe some life into Flinders Lane, such as concerts by third rate country singers, have failed miserably. There were more resident drunks and derros at that “event” than punters, so in a desperate bid to create some activity down there (other than the sole tenant – a coffee shop!) she hires an events expert, who really doesn’t need to be an expert at all, considering the appointee needs to be provided with “mentoring”.
    And don’t ask how much this expert is going to cost ratepayers – that’s commercial-in-confidence.
    Meanwhile new editor Cas “We’re For You” Garvey pretends none of this is actually happening.
    Like the $50 million Hill got from the State Government for the mysterious Concert Hall – without asking for it.
    Or the fact that the cost of said Concert Hall has doubled to $200 million, without explanation.
    So don’t expect to read anything in the Astonisher about the Flinders Lane fiasco.
    Garvey may as well be Hill’s campaign manager.
    Hold on a sec, maybe she is.

  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    That’s a great caricature of Chalmers, well done Bentley! As for the intergenerational report, I recall Keating doing the same thing. Although a different personality to Keating, I think Jimbo is trying to imitate the former PM. Not sure that it is working.

    • Bentley says:

      I believe Chalmers is a self-professed fan and student of ‘the recession we had to have’ Keating. That in itself should ring alarm bells.

      • Arte et Marte says:

        Chalmers got his doctorate for his thesis on Keating.
        Just like that Miles idiot who got his, for his unions thesis.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I’d be interested to know more of your recollections of Keating’s Intergenerational Report. Particularly since the first Intergenerational Report was delivered by Costello in 2002.

      • (Maybe Not) Prince Rollmop says:

        Costello did the first ‘official’ report named the Intergenerational Report back in 2002, however Keating did a similar report when he was in power, however it wasn’t named the Intergenerational Report, as it is labelled today. Smartarse.

  7. The Magpie says:

    Sorry, Vlad, you can’t fool those boys from The Shovel.

    • Embraer pilot says:

      I’m glad this fuckwit was turned into ashes. He is a despicable human being who killed and murdered other people for decades. Let’s hope somebody finally assassinates Putin as well. Slowly would be ideal, perhaps with some Novichok or polonium.

  8. A flat minor says:

    Re 1967 referendum ballot paper instructions-
    If HE approves / If HE does not approve.
    Perhaps this time round SHE will get a look in as well as THEY, THEM, IT and whatever else …

  9. Prince Rollmop says:

    Are the ALP sharpening the knives for Nanna Anna? While she is off holidaying overseas with her beau – the freak that wears technicolored dreamcoats, the media has been questioning smiley Miles about his future ambitions and whether Anna might depart before the next election. It seems like there are some uncomfortable shiny bums in the party who are now growing worried about the 2024 election, and rightly so. The Chook has run her race, had her time in the spotlight. It’s time for change. I reckon she will bail and take up a new plum gig with someone she has favoured. Wagner’s or the Olympic committee are a bit too obvious, but it will be interesting to see where her parachute lands her.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Nanna Anna’s future is entirely dependent on her own stubbornness. If she goes sooner rather than later, there would likely be all sorts of Government board appointments offered to her. Current gossip is that she will not quit before May 2024, so she can overtake Peter Beattie as longest serving labor premier. 5 months won’t give a replacement a lot of clear air before the election in October. Show Labor the door in 24.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Peter Beattie, the quintessential media tart, spent too long in power and he left a mess behind. Palasczuk is worse than Beattie and probably half as bad as that idiot Can’t-do-Campbell. So many choices to pick from when it comes to the ‘who is the biggest dickhead’ contest.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        Every time I see a photo of The Chook with that obvious slime bag Reza Adib, I wanna throw up!
        As we used to say in my publican days in Carlton, “there’s not enough beer in the lines!”

      • Jeff, Condon says:

        She’ll step down prior to the election to spend more time with family. Then, reluctantly, she’ll accept a lucrative contract for 10 years as a CEO of the Olympics no one else wanted.
        I always found it interesting that her current squeeze is is a proctologist, so he recognises her for what she is.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          If we’re using that logic, Peter Duttons wife runs childcare centres. So does Tony Abbott’s wife.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Educating future generations v sticking your finger in peoples arses. Good comparison.

          • The Magpie says:

            And Rudd’s missus became a multimillionaire running wholly government-funded employment schemes.

  10. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Only after three jugs have been poured, Mr. Pie!

  11. Strand Ghost says:

    The old water in the lines trick happened here in Tville too, Legendary local Publican many yrs ago on the Southside Butch Mcrohon used to hook up 6 kegs of beer to one keg of water( True Story) until one old barfly caught him out by putting a raw prawn in his glass after Butch served him, Clary the barfly called Butch back and said in front of everybody heh Butch we all know your watering down the beer but prawns are growing in it, didn’t worry Butch just gave a smart arse answer and kept serving,
    Another old trick of Butch’s was to give Friday night after work patrons free cheerio’s and sausage rolls but didn’t tell them the tomato sauce bowls on bar were laced with chilli, i reckon that every bloke in that bar that had sauce drank 3 more beers after eating, ah the good old days.

  12. Regular Reader says:

    Online New Ltd poll:
    Should Annastacia Palaszczuk stand down as Queensland’s Premier?
    80 %
    20 %
    4663 votes
    On a similar subject, what’s happened to Jenny Hill’s face?
    In photos on the Astonisher website and vision on tv news, either one eye has shrunk, or the other has grown larger.
    Before anyone accuses me of body shaming, I’m just concerned for her health.
    If I were her I’d be seeing a doctor.

  13. Hondaman says:

    As a subscriber to the Astonisher now for 45 years or so ( maybe I should get out a bit more?) and with the new Editor ensconced, I thought I might ask the obvious question of the most recent Mayoral hope Brady Ellis, – exactly who is he batting for? The obvious is he’s another Labor plant and along with the other declared competitor they will be making Fran’s chance of a win impossible when preferences are taken into account. This I put into a text to the Editor, but amazingly it never saw the light of day! I would have thought that you, Malcolm might have sussed this bloke out and if you did and I missed it I’m sorry and will re read the back issues if directed. I also sent one in about some dear lady who wants to know if Fran will re-instate free dump days, which I’m sure will not be high on Fran’s agenda- she will be flat out with a forensic accountant trying to understand the trickery and perhaps missing money trail left by the displaced Mayor Hill. I doubt that will be printed also, but I live in hope!

    • The Magpie says:

      Think your a bit out of focus on Ellis … he is running in Division 10, which in terms of next election nis a a vacant seat on council, since Fran is running for mayor (can’t do both). So The ‘Pie isn’t too fussed about getting on the Ellis case quite yet(just what the town needs, a radio babbler, and from the sounds of it, a minor and failed one at that). Anyway, he’s moved on to a very competitive and uncertain business, so he probably figures a nice steady lurk of $125k+ would keep the bub in Pampers for a while.

      Regarding the lady you mention re dump days, you will note that The ‘Pie supplied Fran’s campaign FB contact, so why not ask her yourself? In fact, The ‘Pie urges anyone wishing to know where Fran stands on any issue to do exactly that, and if they send the replies in here to comments, we might get a more comprehensive of Fran’s platform beyond revealing the true extent of council finances.

      • Hondaman says:

        Yes, you are correct and I realized the moment I pressed the button for send that I was on about two things at once! It was late and my alcoholic medications had kicked in! The problem for Fran with multiple combatants in the next election is as I said the preferences, and I see Pedro has picked up on the same in the Astonisher today. I did get my reply to the lady in as well, but I doubt they would print a short note telling all how to access Fran’s ambitions, she should be making that very public herself as you have already said. Fran, if bundled out of her division at the next elections surely cannot be the Mayor or can she??

        • Hondaman says:

          Magpie, can u edit the bottom bit out about the inability to be Mayor id beaten in her division, I now understand she will not contest division 10, I should have spotted that in your reply and I’m sober now!!

          • The Magpie says:

            Mate, take it from one more experienced than you, a survival tip if you live in Townsville: NEVER sober up.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Riceburner, free dump days and dump vouchers are actually a cost effective way of reducing urban waste where people take their own junk to the dump rather than the expensive and very inefficient current process where peopl can contact TCC and we send someone out to their place to pick up the putrid shit off their footpath. The Rotten Mullet continues to reject the voucher idea because it is not hers an therefore must be no good.

      • NQ Gal says:

        Civil – while I haven’t used the pickup service (yet), I can see it as being very handy to those who don’t have access to a ute or trailer to remove unwanted larger items. The free vouchers were a great idea and no queuing on the highway to turn into the dump (sorry Resource Recycling Facility) which happens on the free dump weekends.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie agrees that the pick-up service is exactly how this issue should’ve been handled by the council at the outset. It is a sensible policy that requires residents to be self starters and more disciplined and responsible, rather than just hurling stuff onto a footpath for an eventual pick-up. The booking date is clear and set and the parameters for putting stuff out is laid out. All in all, a good policy if we must subsidise people who over consume in this disposable society.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            You hit the nail on the head. When people use the kerbside system properly it works but mostly people just pile their crap on the footpath whenever they want and assume that someone will take it away sometime.

          • Ralph says:

            I reckon the dump system works well, there’s not a lot you have to pay for when dumping, most is free, from what I’ve experienced it’s great and I go a couple of times a month with green waste and other things, never had to pay a thing, I hope it stays as it is.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Civil, if I remember rightly, Crisafulli got rid of the dump vouchers. That was one of his initiatives. When rates ran the numbers at the time it was deemed more cost effective.

        • The Magpie says:

          When was Crisafulli in a position to do such a thing?

          Getting nervous about the upcoming election, sweety?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Actually you are right Magpie. He didn’t. He would never have do something he thought the popular vote wouldn’t like.
            However, we certainly ran all the number for him when he was the Deputy Mayor. And I remember the conversations that occurred and the pressure put on staff about it.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            I could be mistaken but I thought Crisafulli fought for dump vouchers when in the minority in the council and was ignored. When his Council got in, they brought the vouchers in much to the disgust of The Mullet.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Yes Kenny he did. Because it was popular. Not because it was financially sound. However at the time we did run all the numbers on it. More than once.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Nuts you remember wrongly.

  14. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville Bully today Les Walker and Aaron Harper co chairs North and North West Queensland Regional Community Forum meeting in Mt isa . Both have failed their electorates on public safety , public transport , housing . Most of their time lately has been booking agents for Pink , avoiding any meetings business community , head nodding during Ministers media . Extra $ being co chairs ? . Recent poll 4,000 + 80 % said Annastacia should step down .

  15. Achilles says:

    Maybe I’m out of touch, but isn’t all this rage about a bloke in the heat of the moment spontaneously plonking a kiss on a footy player, a bit over the top.

    Its not as if he gave her an Australian kiss, it was only a French one!!!!

    Reminds me of this poster from the USA days of prohibition. These gal’s are deluding themselves.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Grabbing his dick in front of the Queen of Spain was probably also a career limiting move and one which gives more context to his character.

      • The Magpie says:

        While at first The ‘Pie thought a moment of exuberance was just a storm in a sangria jug, subsequent evidence shows that this bloke’s cock is his compass and is not to be trusted in any position of power.

    • Bullshit says:

      Did he ever spontaneously in the heat of the moment kiss a male soccer player?

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      Enough to drive a man to drink.

  16. Doug K says:

    I’m confused.
    Well more confused than usual.
    When I call up the Townsville Bulletin webpage and scroll down reading stories, I eventually find a section called My News.
    Now I’ve never been asked what sort of news I’m interested in, and I don’t follow the AFL apart from supporting any team that’s playing Collingwood, but every day all eight stories in My News are about the AFL.
    Then when I get to Sport, not a single news story about the NQ Cowboys or the NRL, which I follow religiously, except for a preview of last weekend’s game against the Dolphins.
    Anyone else experiencing this?

  17. Way out West says:

    From an ABC article:
    Government shortlists own properties
    The state government has shortlisted 17 Queensland-government-owned sites as possible affordable housing locations following a land audit.

    A Department of State Development spokesperson said those 17 sites were on the Gold Coast (four), Brisbane (six), Fraser Coast (two) as well as locations in Townsville, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Moreton, and Logan.

    The spokesperson said details on these sites “may be released publicly after detailed due diligence and feasibility studies are completed”.

    I wonder where the Townsville ones are?

    • The Magpie says:

      Uh oh … wonder if this government, whose largesse extends to gifting $50m to the TCC for a concert hall, will see. them list the North Rail Yards and bear the cost of expensive remediation.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        I noticed this morning that the QLD Gov response to kiddie crims setting fire to stolen cars on a parcel of their land on Cambridge Street, Vincent has been to fence the block. Now the crims have to set fire to cars next door on QLD Gov land. It is like watching a retarded monkey trying to swat flies.

        • NQ Gal says:

          They will just ram the not so sturdy looking gates! What’s a bit of front end damage if you are going to set fire to the car anyway?

  18. The Magpie says:

    Nice little glaring lie gracing today’s Daily Astonisher front page … and astonish it does. See if you can spot it.

    No? Look closer.

    Surely, you jest, Ms Hill – nd guess it has to be asked … any relation, Daneka?

    Mayor Mullet, after 10 years wearing the scarlet robe trimmed with mangy possum fur, suddenly discovered there seemed to be a juvenile crime problem in some of her suburbs. She made this alarming discovery about 6 months ago … by coincidence about a year out from the mayoral election. Before that, left it up to Brisbane to worry about that non-council matter, without a single word of support for local citizens … that was left up to federal member Phillip Thompson, who forcibly dragged her into the issue by shaming her inaction and lack of stance.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Hill hired ex-cop Clint Drew for a 6-month stint as a Consultant to advise TCC on all matters relating to safety and security and crime. How is his tenure going? What goals has he kicked thus far? What are his recommendations to Council regarding crime management? I’m very eager to see where my ratepayer money has gone, and how much bang I will receive for my buck.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        (Magpie note: Apparently not from Barely, but reasonable comment.)

        He is still looking pleased with himself when I last saw him. Outcomes? Silly person Rollmop we don’t need no stinking outcomes. Remember the two QPS Assistant Commissioners who were going to lead task forces to rid us of these kiddie crims and who now have drifted off only to be replaced with new and improved version. This is the new reality of government in the moonlight state where you just keep throwing out announcements and hope no one notices nothing happening behind the spin.

        By the way where are our little ALP drones this week? Are they all doing their makeup for the ALP conference love in or jostling for position as everyone moves one bung hole up the ladder in preparation for Anna taking the long holiday?

        Me enriched with red wine.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Pie, Did you see ‘frothy’s’ letter in todays astonisher?
      I reckon Jenny got him to submit it under his name and if there are any ramifications from the labor party, she’ll be ok and he gets the boot from the party.

  19. The Magpie says:

    Well, at least now we know he’s still alive and wasn’t killed in the inexplicable jet crash.

  20. Prince Rollmop says:

    The trough that keeps on giving just got a little bit deeper for our Pollywafflers to bury their noses in – Federal politicians receive a 4 % payrise. Obviously the ‘independent’ salary tribunal is so in touch with reality!

    Big salaries, free vehicles and drivers, close to 16% superannuation, free internet and phone use, stationary, corporate credit card, and so the list goes on. It’s a fucking disgrace.


    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie would have no problem with that at all if our MPs were the best and brightest … instead, we get Hanson, Roberts, Dutton, Albanese, conman Scomo, union backstabbers and a bikie’s moll … and the list is just starting.

    • Jeff, Condon says:

      And the states policies will be licking their lips as their money train comes into their station.

  21. Villified says:

    Thanks Lab Rat..
    I think they are an absolute asset to both Townsville and the strand..

  22. Irate Passanger says:

    Setting the scene. S8 of the Police Service Admin Reg say Cops have familiarise themselves with their regs and admin act https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2016-0044#sec.8

    The oaths and affirmations say they gotta prosecute all offences and do it impartially see s4-6 of that reg https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2016-0044

    A serving officer is legally bound by the oath https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1990-004#sec.6.4

    A refusal to perform duty is criminal offence under s200 and 204 of the Qld code

    It’s an offence to smoke at or near public transport areas https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1998-001#pt.2C-div.3

    There are cameras at these places manned by cops. There are no smoking signs which is another offence.

    Cops aren’t stopping /fining people that they can get a history of from the cameras . This can lead to a fight starting which must be the plan.

    If the cops don’t start enforcing fresh air , I will offer a $100 bounty to anyone who can attach a paintball gun to a camera drone and shoot the smokers with bank robber dye and drive them off. They will have to put the video of the drone shooting them in front of the cop cameras on YouTube. They shoot polar bears with paint ball guns to scare them off to release them. Thats where I got the idea from.

    Given the evidence will be obtained by the cops illegal conduct in not prosecuting, it should be excluded in any trial against the drone operator for the Qld offence. Not the built up area offence which is federal and just a fine.

    I deem the smokers to be LNP stooges protected by the LNP cops.

    This isn’t trivial. Tourists report back on our filthy places. Doesn’t hurt to hose that filth off every couple of days either

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Townsville’s Seniors of the Year have been announced, and, guess what Mr. Pie, not a mention in the Bulletin… unless I missed it!


    “Old John”, as we call him, is an amazing man.
    He has been turning up at the West End Cemetery every Tuesday and Thursday morning , hail, rain or shine, for the past 20 years or so to carry out repairs and maintenance.
    He’s 88 FFS!
    He now walks with a pronounced limp, but continues his work, (with others) turning the Heritage Listed cemetery, which was badly vandalised some years ago, (by guess who?) into quite a showpiece.
    Worth a visit if you haven’t been there!

  24. NQ Gal says:

    State MPs will also be due for another pay rise any day now. Let’s see if it mirrors the 4% that the Feds gave themselves.

    • The Magpie says:

      Won’t hear much about it, one imagines. Nothing unites both sides of the aisle like financial gouging self interest.

    • The Magpie says:

      More like Karma la Vasta … how this emotionally stunted intellectual cripple is still anywhere near the law at any level, let alone the bench, is another stain on the Moonlight State, Queensland.

  25. Ducks Nuts says:

    The Conversation has published an analysis on the yes and no cases to the Voice by the UNSW.


    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Nuts they forgot the words “carefully selected” in the title. Would have been more realistic to say “radical left wing wanktank cobbles together the vibe and Mabo to try and make the Yes case sound academically rigorous”. Six weeks of this!

  26. Regular Reader says:

    If we are expected to cast our vote on The Voice honestly and according to what we believe is best for our country, why do we need to be bombarded from all sides of Australian politics with why we should vote one way or the other?
    Do they assume we are so brainless we can’t form our own opinion?
    I, for one, will be adopting the policy of “it there’s any doubt, leave out”.
    I don’t trust Albo, nor Dutton, so I’ll be erring on the side of caution.
    There’s too much at stake for ordinary Australians who don’t “identify” as indigenous, but were born in this country.

  27. Mike Douglas says:

    Letter to the editor today deputy mayor Molachino supports KAP relocation for recidivist youth offenders . The Mayor supports the same as well as mandatory sentencing along with the LNP . Aaron , Scott , Les whilst pushing the Voice referendum arnt listening to the voice of their electorates on crime so ” show them the door in 24 ” .

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Mike unfortunately KAP ideas are usually poorly thought out. Where is he relocating offenders to? Has he thought about how he will enhmgage the neighbours?

      This option has already been trialed, badly, and neighbouring properties to the “remote approved properties ” reported numerous issues that noone listened to because these people were not from cities.
      Unless this option gets a serious overhaul where people in the area of the “remote approved property ” are engaged in the process, can contribute feedback that is taken on board and are listened to, it will fail yet again. But Bob does like to bang a can.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      I was considering this when i was driving around today. it is a huge pity that the Deputy Mayor doesn’t care as much about core Council business. It has become so routine that it is hard even to remember that potholes and collapsing road formation, broken roundabouts, weeds growing through pavement, clogged drains, illkept parks, rubbish strewn streets, empty buildings and grafitti everywhere you look is not the way it should be. The Rotten Mullet and her team of happy clappers are desperately trying to get us to look anywhere else instead of their areas of responsibility. Think of the impact on youth crime of a vibrant and pleasant cityscape.

  28. Kenny Kennett says:

    Is the Mullet in Florida, coz there’s a lot of water in Idalia?

  29. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Magpie – the comment above is not from me. What is scary is that it has shown up on my feed as awaiting moderation, so it must have been sent by someone clever. Again, not from me – I suspect the ALP drones setting up an argument or trying to make the nest look more reactive that really is.

    • The Magpie says:

      Think the only thing you have to worry about is that only those comments from you that are published are the ones The ‘Pie can verify in the manner we have established. I have already deleted four or five today, clearly not from you, and even if they were, they wouldn’t be published because they are just simply childishly abusive. And while you flatter the old bird, he is not yet far enough up himself to imagine anyone thinks The Nest important enough to bother. If they are as you say, then the ALP has obviously lowered its age eligibility for membership … most appear to be written by a 10-year-old cockhead.

  30. Doug K says:

    I see old mate Leighton is still working his magic with the facts.
    Apparently the flooding of Idalia (Townsville) and other areas not usually flood prone when the dam gates were opened on high tide is a “myth”.
    The poor suffering residents who had to clean the mud and slush out of their homes will be interested to hear that.
    Hey Leighton, ask Jenny what instructions she gave the dam operators when the timing of the massive water release was discussed.
    Or aren’t you allowed?

      • The Magpie says:


        Been over this report before in The Nest, but for the moment The ‘Pie notes just a couple of things. First this:
        The review has relied upon an extensive amount of data and information provided by IGEM, SunWater, DNRM, the Bureau of Meteorology and Townsville City Council. The accuracy of our report is limited to the accuracy and completeness of this data and information.

        Then there was this which to the non-expert Magpie, seems a strange matter to include, since the question of the dam’s existence and construct was not in question. Surely irrelevant in the face of existing facts. It seems a truly strange historical hypothetical offering an excuse for authorities who authorised and supervised construction of the RRD all those years ago.

        If the dam was not in existence, the discharge in the Lower Ross River would have been more than double what was actually experienced in the event. This would have caused higher flood levels by more than 0.5m and much broader flood extents, inundating areas that were not affected during the flood, including breakout into the Bohle River.

        But since they have included it, could not the fact that experts found it appropriate to make an historic revisit of the origins of the RRD, would not also be appropriate that TCC policies from the past – which continue to this day – of allowing ground level residential construction on known floodplains be examined and building standards rectified?

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          As you mention Magpie this muddy ground has been covered before and the report still has the same failings. It’s terms of reference were so skinny they skirted around any sensible investigation and as you say the data was gathered only from the organisations in the frame for being found guilty of negligence or incompetence. The report covered up the failings just like mud and debris covered up Townsville.

        • Spielcheque says:

          Report suggests the rainfall and flood in 2019 was near enough to a one in a thousand year event. Might be more practical to let insurance do its job.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Here are the key bits to read. It is loudly called an “INDEPENDENT” report which is the first sign there is something to hide. Then read pages 78 to 81 which cover the arse covering and riding instructions. The rest is meaningless rubbish.

        • Spielcheque says:

          T(b)CE the report uses simple and straightforward language, lots of graphs and diagrams so that laymen like me, the Magpie, DougK and Leighton can inform ourselves. I can’t see how uncontested rain gauge, dam level and river height readings and the conclusions drawn from them, even with a couple of well-explained caveats, can be considered meaningless rubbish in the absence of any contrary information. What is clear is that it is worthwhile having a dam (compared to no dam) which, even when operated on ‘auto’ does stirling work for the city up until it is completely overwhelmed as in a 1:1000 year event.

  31. Apollo Dog says:

    As a follow up to the Magpie’s story of 6 August regarding property spruiker Dominique Grubisa, it has come to my attention that the contract between the State and the company through which Grubisa has been accessing personal information has been terminated. Thank you to the Magpie for shining a light on the predatory conduct. A win for protecting the privacy of vulnerable people.

  32. Not Prince Rollmop says:

    Does anybody know how Ms Bullshitter Smith from TEL and her minions are going on their North West Road Trip? Perhaps heading back to Townsville today? I wonder if while visiting other Mayors, Katter, and mine sites she asks for some reports that she can take away with her and then pass them off as TEL’s work.

  33. The Magpie says:

    Sometimes, silence is the loudest answer.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Palaszczuk is toast. Those who want her gone have started their campaign. Targeting her while she is out of the country on holidays is very strategic and it speaks volumes. It’s a gentle nudge towards the door. The regional areas are not happy about the Olympic spend, the health system is in crisis, and youth crime is out of control. Palaszczuk can’t steer the heat away over these issues. Watch the opposition and those within her party start ramping up the pressure.

      “Show Palaszczuk and Hill the door in 24”

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      To be fair it’s understandable why unions would respond no comment to any inquiry from a Murdoch paper.

  34. Elusive Butterfly says:

    A monumental fuckup in the Bulletin today, Mr. Pie…again!
    We have this headline.

    Full story Page 3.

    And this is Page 3.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks, Flutterby, saves The ‘Pie the trouble …

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Harpic the halfwit was on local news last night blabbering on about the vaping industry. He was acting all serious and responsible like. He is a complete tool. The man has no idea about local issues, no solution, no spine, and no brain.

        “Show the 3 stooges the door in 24”

      • Anna says:

        I found it on page 5 under “Crims mean hard Labor”, but its all bullshit.

        • The Magpie says:

          Yup, thanks for that, that’s why The ‘Pie asked for assistance … fooled by the headline which was yet again a weak and misleading pun suggesting a different subject, but yes, The ‘Pie should’ve known better … and the ‘page 3′ on the front page was still a cock-up.

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