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The Magpie

Sunday, September 4th, 2022   |   105 comments

Complete Disconnect: The Bulletin Drops All Pretence Of Connection With The Community … And With Journalism.

The paper’s coverage of three major stories this week offer irrefutable proof that the Townsville Bulletin is now just painting by numbers. They are either so compromised or so incompetent as to be totally irrelevant to this community (unless you are into sick kids, dead accident victims, and cute animals.).

Mayor Mullet versus the Flying Kangaroo round two – Jenny Hill’s latest amusing tilt at the Qantas Leprechaun .  The timing was hilariously club footed, and so obviously pointless to be oafish . The ‘Pie has solid information she’s definitely seeking a spot on Labor’s senate ticket, but this cack-handed effort is unlikely to further her cause.

And just what our mayor DIDN’T do during the week is just as noticeable … and it wasn’t missed by the city’s business bigwigs.

Clr Fran O’Callaghan again asks simple question about information the community is entitled to know from our secretive council … and gets ignored again. Ergo, so do we.

And digging the hole deeper … resources Council boss Ian ‘the poisoned dwarf ‘ Mcfarlane ‘s breathtakingly hypocritical take on coal and the climate.


While The Magpie is always appreciative of the crucial support many afford this blog, this time, rather than seeking money, he wants to buy something.

After 25 years, The ‘Pie’s faithful old Corolla has turned up it toes … well, tyres, succumbing to terminal cancer of the crankshaft. So RIP Connie Corolla … but the old bird is fortunate to have some wonderful friends elsewhere who have agreed to help him out finding new wheels, because they realise how difficult it would be for him to live here without transport. And there’s not much point having a blog if one isn’t going to put the word out so … if anyone has, or knows of someone who has,  a small, reliable vehicle for sale … we’re talking mid-four figures here … let’s have a chat, in confidence, of course.  Contact is email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Now. onward.

Jenny Hill Is Definitely Seeking Endorsement For A Spot On Labor’s Senate Ticket Next Election

The ‘Pie’s information is solid that our mayor is talking within her local mob about the prospect,  but The ‘Pie has also been reliably told it by no means a done deal.

Apart from those reliable hoarse whisperers on the MagpieFone, Mayor Mullet’s clunky efforts of edging onto the national stage to bolster her claims made an amusing appearance last Thursday.

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At first blush, one groaned and thought ‘Christ, she’s at it again’, when we read her latest front page broadside against Qantas.

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Yes, that would be the airline that our mayor wanted us to boycott a few years back, a totally ignored call which nevertheless  that resulted in some not-so-subtle service paybacks in the following months.

But here she is again, exhorting the populace to express their displeasure at the possibility of higher fares and ‘a distorted market’ if Qantas is allowed to takeover Alliance, quote: “I would encourage passengers and communities across regional Queensland to make a submission against the takeover to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.”

Well, OK, she’s entitled to her opinion, but there was one small snag when we read at the end of the storyThe ACCC has published a Statement of Issues outlining preliminary competition concerns with the closing date for submissions on that statement closing on September 1.

Ummm, Jen, luvvie, – this story was published on September 1st. So this was merely grandstanding, with superbly cocked-up timing.

An initial reaction her entry into the fight over the Qantas fairy’s bid to take over Alliance was, what business is it of hers in her role as mayor, but on consideration, she has every right – indeed, perhaps an obligation – to have a say this matter that could affect us, albeit a political flea bite as far as the players are concerned.

But one wonders that if Jenny Hill thinks it appropriate to barge into this basically Federal stoush, then she must surely by the same token think that she would have the right and again perhaps obligation to have her say on our behalf in other matters that ostensibly should concern a regional mayor. Question: where have you been, Clr Hill, on the issue of juvenile crime in our city? Why have you not been beating down the door of your BFF and Labor pal Anna Palaszczuk about taking some REAL action to rid Townsville this scourge of these little mongrels – sorry, that should read, deprived, misunderstood little darlings who just need a cuddle?

The answer to that question sticks out like parts of Dolly Parton on a cold day: because you prioritise your personal political ambition to remain in Labor’s good books above speaking up for your city on this burning issue (pun intended).

That’s the real unholy alliance.

Those kids aren’t the only scourge this city needs to be rid of.

It Was A Confusing Week For Those Few Who Still Read The Daily Astonisher.

And astonish it did, right from Monday morning., when they reluctantly had to cover the fact that one of the best advertisers, the Ville Casino, was in the poo the regulators over high roller inducements. The Bulletin didn’t catch with other media (including The Nest) regarding this story, but when it did, this is what we got.

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That was the most predictable reaction that casino could come up with, but as self-serving self-assessments go, it went totally unchallenged. But plaster over the front page, it was made to read like this was sort of official finding, which it most definitely was not.

And the headline on the small inside story was a big chuckle, too.

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Resisting the opportunity for a couple of fart jokes, ‘Break Silence’ makes it sound like the casino had been hounded by the paper until it relented and made a statement. But the real reason it had remained silent was because the paper hadn’t a clue about the story under its nose until the read about it here in last week’s blog, and therefore, no questions had been asked to remain silent about. Having even the possibility of crims and drug dealers attracted to Townsville to launder money at the casino was somehow not a matter the paper that’s  ’All For Us’ thought had much merit as a story.

But Wait, There’s More …

The Bulletin’s interesting take on modern journalism took another baffling turn the following day, when they lifted a story they’d stumbled across on Faceboook or perhaps even here in the Nest’s comments  on Monday afternoon. Clr Liam Mooney the junior moonbeam of Mooney clan, was caught low-range (.068) driving and will have to face court. Well, no question, that would be spread across the front page, for sure.

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Well, nope, that space was taken up with an unpleasant looking little snot representing a total nothing story about children fucking around about something or other,  and yet another mind numbing medical story. A councillor being caught out this way would be a pretty big deal for a sensationalist newspaper like the Astonisher right. Front page stuff and all that. Wrong. That apparently deserved a very sober little yarn shoved to one side on page 5.

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Now The ‘Pie isn’t being partisan here, and never one to visit the sins of the father etc etc (who did a runner from his own hit and run, forcibly brought back by a witness, to be told to disappear by a bent copper, money to the injured aboriginal youth and whole thing was buried). No,  certainly no axe to grind with Mooney Junior, but a councillor being pinged like this IS a big story, anywhere, anytime. Except in the Townsville Bulletin.

One is forced to wonder what the treatment would’ve been if it had been Clr Fran O’Callaghan … it’s a safe bet it would’ve been a front page screamer and inside a double-page spread, plus an iditorial calling for her resignation.

Given the treatment of these two stories, and the inexplicable prominence of the mayor’s Qantas self-stroking, it’s not called the Daily Mulletin for no reason. You know, back in the day, News Ltd journalists were all issued with this handy book in-house publication.

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How times have changed … it seems that nowadays, aspiring journos arriving at the Bulletin get this on joining.

ew style book pg Fightin’ Fran’s Still In There, Fearlessly Swingin’ Away.

The Division 10 councillor, bullied by the mayor and executive and legal staff so insiders tell The ‘Pie, won’t be deflected from her pursuit of council transparency on our behalf. Her latest question, basically unanswered in any meaningful way, points to a scandal in waiting.


As a reader says: Based on Frans comments there doesn’t seem to be reports for Councillors to understand how the Council is performing on projects and how
much of the budget for 2021/22 is unspent  . How do they gauge how the CEO and Directors of Departments are performing ? .

Oh you old silly … they just ask Jenny. She wouldn’t fib, would she?

The day must surely be coming for the twisters and secret squirrels of Walker St to be found out… like they say, you don’t know whose swimming naked until the tide goes out – but it seems there’s a whole nudist colony cavorting around in the council chambers.

And While We’re In That Neck Of The Woods ….

… you’ll be pleased to know that our rates money is finding nice warm homes … in the pockets of our best and brightest.

 TCC Clrs expensises 0 

 The Magpie is buggered if he can see how these amounts is even remotely justified, or even if they’re honestly claimed. Who checks the checkers, eh? .

But Non-Answers Are Just One Tactic – Non-Appearance Is Another Favourite With Our Elected

On Friday night, the Townsville Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards dinner, honouring the big local achievers over eight categories. The dinner held extra significance, being the organisation’s 140th anniversary, and was rightly regarded as an important show piece for the city.


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It was attended by a bumper crowd of 300 members and guests., but who was there was nowhere near as interesting as who wasn’t.

This from someone who attended.

Apparently, only Nick Dametto , Senator Susan Mcdonald and Phil Thompson among politicians understand that business drives Townsville – they attended the Chamber event, but notable by their absence were Mayor Jenny Hill, Prins Ralston, the  CEO of what is laughingly called ‘our business friendly council’  and not one of our three local state members, Harper, Stewart or Walker were there either. This didn’t go unnoticed by the business leaders. This event would normally attract all of those people, to ‘press the flesh’ and show support after two of the most difficult years in the Chamber’s history. I didn’t hear any apologies made for their absence, as is the normal polite protocol if one can’t make it. Not impressed.

No comment is needed, that speaks for itself and says everything you need to know about the problems of sincerity and governance of this city.

A Brave Experiment Is Over

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Sad to report that the popular news start-up, Burdekin Local News, published its last issue on Thursday.  Scott and Stacey Morrison, known previously for the excellent DUO magazine, put two years hard slog in BLN – and it was super popular, a good mix of social and topical news, and local sports results and the like, every issue sold out and the website was popular.

Scott told The Magpie he was disappointed they hadn’t made their 100th edition – missed out narrowly apparently. In his usual fashion, forthright in explaining why he pulled the plug.

Simply no advertising revenue, mate. Everyone loved the paper and in fact every edition was sold out. Problem is, just about every retail business here in Ayr and the Burdekin has a monopoly. They either don’t have to, can’t afford to, or just don’t want to advertise.”

Over the next few days we’ll contact subscribers, clients who have paid in advance, and make sure everyone is paid.

Wonder if Scott and Stacey, now armed with good experience on day-to-day running of a news site, might consider returning to Townsville, where they might be better received by advertisers as well as readers? The ‘Pie did ask but hasn’t received a reply yet.

Why Lachlan Murdoch Has Already Lost

When a person is powerful, they are dangerous. When a person is dumbly arrogantly and powerful, they are really dangerous – often to themselves. (cf D Trump, S Morrison, B Johnson).

It now seems inevitable that Lachlan Murdoch will – if he hasn’t already – be joining their ranks. And it doesn’t turn on the outcome of the much anticipated court case against publishing minnow Crikey, in which both parties have debatable points of claim in their favour. This explainer, mentioned in passing in a previous blog, is from an article in the Brisbane Times, goes to the heart of how Murdoch seems to have shot himself in the foot, win, lose or draw.

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In 2003, environmental activist Kenneth Adelman posted an aerial photograph on the website of the California Coastal Records Project showing erosion along a spectacular part of the Californian coastline. Visible on the photo – one of more than 12,000 that had been posted to the site – was an impressive house that happened to belong to the singer and actress Barbra Streisand.

Streisand sued for an invasion of privacy, seeking to have the photo removed and damages of $10 million. Streisand lost, and not only in the courtroom. Her legal action drew attention to what had been, until then, an obscure photo downloaded only a handful of times. As a result of the lawsuit, it was reportedly viewed by more than half a million people. “The Streisand effect” now refers to Streisand’s own goal – bringing litigation that achieves the opposite of its intended effect.

In the end, Fairfax chief reporter Chip Le Grand’s headline best summed up the situation.

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Ian McFarlane’s Moral Low Ground

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One of the more astounding and outrageous comments on the climate debate was made during the week by former politician and CEO of the Queensland Resources Council Ian Macfarlane.

This single-minded weasel borrowed the far right National Rifle Association’s excuse favouring  unregulated guns in America –‘Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.’ As obviously specious and self-serving as this skewed reasoning is, it has been adopted by McFarlane to argue the case for coal … ‘coal miners don’t cause climate change, people who use coal cause climate change.’

No matter the merits of a complex argument which we won’t canvass here, this is insulting codswallop. The last line is cringeworthy.Here’s some of Mcfarlane’s loopy and nasty drivel what he had to say last week:

“The Queensland Resources Council says the anti-coal lobby is barking up the wrong tree trying to influence decarbonisation debate by criticising coal mining.

The activity should be aimed at the end-user, chief executive officer Ian Macfarlane said.

The green lobby refused to accept the industry was demand-driven and coal was filling demand driven by lifestyle, Mr Macfarlane said.

Coal miners were not the cause of global warming, he said.

“Oh, look, we’ve got to get over this stereotype that we’re the cause of global warming because we’re not,” Mr Macfarlane said. 

“It’s not us that uses the coal to generate the electricity to charge the iPads and the iPhones that Generation Y and Z use to spread myths about us. 

“It’s not us who burn the oil and gas. We produce it, and we produce it under the strictest environmental conditions in the world, the strictest safety conditions in the world, and the strictest rehabilitation of mine sites in the world.

“And so people should stop blaming this industry and be part of this industry to provide the solutions to other countries that actually burn or use our products.

It was a matter of educating the next generation to appreciate the role and contribution of the mining industry, Mr Macfarlane said.

“I don’t want to call it ignorance,” he said. “I want to call it a lack of knowledge.”

The Magpie wants to call it demented bullshit from this little poisoned dwarf. That is an expansion on the same line Hi-Vis ninny Matt Canavan has been running ‘We only export the stuff, we don’t burn it, which causes the pollution’.

Insulting at best, and certainly does nothing sensible to the debatable points about what Macfarlane so prissily calls ‘decarbonisation’.

In The US This Week, We Have Been Treated To The Unedifying Spectacle Of ….

… Donald Trump disappearing up his own arse, as he tries to gabble and contradict himself out of more and more obvious treason. Seriously this bloke is sinking deeper in to some strange lunacy, that seems to have large chunks of Americas mesmerised. It hasn’t helped his sanity that Biden’s poll numbers have started to climb, although his student loan forgiveness isn’t universally popular.

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A Final Couple Of Things …

Absolutely the best one word reply to a tweet EVER. The ‘Pie hasn’t stopped laughing all week.

 Lewinsky Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 5.56.00 pm

And here’s something for you to practice if you’ve got a couple hundred hours to spare. (Clue: note the level of liquid in the bottle.)

And a benefit of certain generations explained.

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That’s the week gone, never to return, but The ‘Pie intends to again next week. In the meantime, feel free to make comment, just press the link and away you ago. You can also press the big Donate button below if you’re of a mind to support The Magpie’s Nest with a donation. Always needed. Cheers.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    The Mayor , Councillors and our 3 local State Government MP,s rarely attend any business event unless its ratepayers / tax payers projects they are funding so they have a passive and appreciative audience or free corporate boxes . Even though in the media they all quote ” business is the lifeblood of this City -Community ” business has the temerity to question them on rates , new mining + land tax , Council tendering processes , crime and the general decline of the City . Notice the Mayors “modus operandi ” arriving at functions late and leaving early . Mining Minister Scott Stewart had mining companies no show at the launch of the States resources plan and did Treasurer Dick even engage with Scott on the new mining royalties and land tax which is starting to effect investment in Central and North Queensland .

  2. Ratepayer says:

    Jenny Hill has ensured that her secretive Labor council will continue to evade publicity for shonky deals, bad news and criticism.
    Council ads in Saturday’s cocky cage liner took them to 4th place on the paper’s Most Influential Advertisers list behind only heavyweights Harvey Norman, Joyce Mayne and The Good Guys.
    The Ville Casino has been relegated to 5th, at a time when they need as much good publicity as they can get.
    One full page council ad contained nothing but happy snaps from Jenny’s annual seniors lunch – something that is normally included in the paper as a freebie.
    Why we ratepayers paid for it will obviously remain concealed behind Jenny’s Commercial In Confidence iron curtain.
    The stench is worse than the sewerage at Wulguru.

  3. Prince Rollmop says:

    So here’s the thing regarding Qantas; they are already part owners of Alliance. Did the airfares increase when they made this initial partial purchase a few years ago? Did Jenny research the matter back then? And why didn’t we hear a big kerfuffle from her when Qantas made this partial purchase? And how does Jenny know that fares will go through the roof if Qantas purchases Alliance? Has Jenny not heard of the term ‘economies of scale’? For example, Qantas would end up with pilots on a lower wage who could potentially be used within its mainline fleet, saving it money. Has Jenny considered that such a purchase could actually see a reduction in fares which would benefit our region?

    My point being, this regional uneducated daft hick Mayor has publicly asked the ratepayers to complain about this Qantas purchase to the ACCC without her even knowing what benefits could be gained by Qantas and those who fly with them. She has shot from the mouth without thinking as usual, and she has potentially caused bad blood (again) between a very large business (Qantas) and the citizens of Townsville. Not surprising really, as she has bullied, blocked and harassed potential and established businesses from setting up or expanding in Townsville in the past. She really is an unhinged and incompetent muppet whose reign of economical terror has been a disservice to Townsville for well over a decade. And a word to Labor, if you endorse this bogan to become mighty within the Labor ranks you will be endorsing a loose cannon who will cause damage on a much greater scale. Buyer beware.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      100% correct Prince R’Mop !
      Qantas’s securing of 20% of Alliance solved a lot of problems for both parties. Alliance’s major clients are the Australian mining companies for FIFO as well as Fed Gov contracts to fly refugee/illegals back home at Aust taxpayers expense.
      When any airline in Australia want to operate as a carrier Australia wide, they are obligated to take on 20% of the routes to regional destinations as well as the gravy ports Syd/Bris/Melb etc.
      Alliance already was well established in the regional sectors and the Qantas purchase resolved the issue !
      Alliance have been extremely activity employing pilots from all over the world, many with good hours in larger jets, but not being employed due to the worldwide Covid debacle.
      Alliance use the Ansett Training facility sims in Brisbane and have also been training up the Fokker 100 and other small jets trainers to train the pilots they’ve been employing. Part of the deal for the planned Qantas takeover that was agreed on back in 2019.
      Jenny has zero fucking idea about corporate aviation, amongst other matters and Townsville suffers as a result !

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Jatz, leaving Jenny Hill out of the debate for a split second, you make it sound as though if it’s good for Qantas it’s ALWAYS good for you. I wonder if you have heard of the ACCC or if you saw Four Corners last night? The ACCC reckons:

        “This merger would combine two of the top three operators of air transport services in Queensland and Western Australia”.

        “Industry participants have expressed strong concerns about the impact of this proposed acquisition on air transport services, particularly to regional and remote areas,”

        The proposed acquisition would remove Alliance as the only competitor to Qantas on the Brisbane-Moranbah regional passenger transport route.

        The ACCC is considering the level of competition provided by airlines such as Virgin and Cobham’s regional services arm, which was recently purchased by Rex.

        The ACCC is also considering how the removal of Alliance’s aircraft leasing services would impact the ability of current and new entrants to compete against Qantas on regional routes.”

        Does any of this mean anything to you or is it simply irrelevant?

        • Jatzcrackers says:

          Palm, The ACCC will jump up and down because that’s what they’re paid to do and they have an agenda of being seen to keep everything in the real corporate world fair whilst wielding a big stick.
          The reality is aviation is an extremely delicate industry with multiple facets. Fleet leasing, pilot shortages (that’s been getting worse every year) landing fees and competitive road transport costs, make it a total nightmare for the aviation bean counters.
          Better that everyone starts listening to CASA who have the real big hammer as to weather any fleet or pilot gets off the ground.
          I’ll guarantee that Alliance major reason for selling to Qantas wasn’t because that the money being offered was so massive it couldn’t be refused.
          Alliance know all to well the hurdles that need to be jumped every day and Qantas will still has to comply with the % of regional ports/destinations as part of their purchase takeover.

  4. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Lockdown: Deodarants to go inside security cabinets at Woolworths stores
    An expanded trial of new security measures to combat chroming will make deodarants harder to get at in Woolworths. Here’s how it works.

    Daniel Shirkie
    2 min read
    September 3, 2022 – 7:00PM
    Townsville Bulletin

    Five years since two young lives were killed by ‘chroming’, shoppers at some of the region’s largest chain stores will see their deodarant cans locked away.

    Is this a new, Bulletin quiz Mr. Pie?
    Pick the obvious mistake…three times??

  5. J jones says:

    Compromised and incompetent
    Just young inexperienced journos with no proper leadership or guidance whose work is dictated by clicks

    • The Magpie says:

      Some middle aged inexperienced ones too, who should and possibly do know better but haven’t the guts to confront the damage Murdoch and News Ltd are doing across the country in communities like ours.

  6. Sam1 says:

    There is a story in the Astonisher online re a local female doctor who has joined the Army Reserve. Instead of going to the Medical “Core” she has joined the Transport “Core.”

  7. The Magpie says:


    Some yanks are masters of the art of protest humour. Well, it is New York.


  8. Elusive Butterfly says:


    Mr. Pie, the stupidity of this woman knows no bounds!
    One one hand she says:

    “The big crowds and quality cricket pitch on show at Riverway Stadium during the One Day International (ODI) series will give Townsville an edge drawing more games here while the Gabba is out of action, says Mayor Jenny Hill.”

    “Big crowds” indeed…6000 over three days and, from what I saw, that’s being very generous.
    And then, on the other hand:

    “Ms Hill said she needed to be assured more “content” was coming to Townsville before she could confidently justify funding the installation of broadcast-quality lighting at Riverway Stadium.”

    A little tip Ms. Mayor…”content” won’t even be considered for Townsville until you install the lighting.
    Cricket ODIs and T20s and AFL matches thrive under lights, but then, I suppose boardwalks to nowhere and a Castle Hill cafe, plus other useless enterprises, are more important.
    And then, of course, TEL’s marketing director (it hurts to even write that title) Lisa Woolfe, capped the whole, mindless thought bubble off with:

    ““We know that events of this scale draw visitors from across the nation and the globe and that these visitors support our local economy through our accommodation, dining, retail, tourism offerings,” she said.

    The “globe”…do we really deserve these morons??

    • The Magpie says:

      Damn your eyes, Flutterby she/he/it/them, that was almost EXACTLY what The ‘Pie was going to post until he was called away on other matters this afternoon.

      But yes, spot on. Two things worth noting: Mayor Mullet changes her tune when it it suits her. She has now got the lights issue back-to-front, seeking assurances which she will never get before thinking of spending the relative piddling amount (actually $10 to $14m by previous estimates, unless she gives the job to the Wagners, then it’ll be $60 million or thereabouts). so Jenny what happened to your Total Tools stadium mantra of ‘build it and they will come’? Which they do. Occasionally.

      And poor old Lisa Woolfe, all at sea with her job and public pronouncements – the obvious one in this story being, even if your polly-want-a-cracker drivel were remotely true (which it is not, it is utter tripe), prove what you say, Lisa, where are the studies, the data and so on …. AND where are the public KPIs that would allow justification for TEL’s existence to the people who pay the salary of you and your fellow Dudleys i.e TEL members. and the ratepayers of Townsville? What do we get for our hard-earned?

      BTW how many out-of-towners came for the cricket … and for that matter, for the Cowboys fantastic game on Saturday night? Actually, no, don’t even try to find out because you know you have absolutely NO mechanism to accurately gather vital info like that … you just make two or three phone calls to accomodation folks (like the Ville) who will tell you whatever they think will be good for them, whether it is true or not.

      This all just nuts. And as any Coles shopper knows, nuts cost a helluva lot of money for very little value..

    • Non Aligned Worker says:

      Flutterby, I wonder what is happening to the lights at the old Smiles Stadium. They might need some adjustment but moving them to the Roy Stadium would be a good start.

  9. Way out West says:

    The KISS concert was moved to the Gold Coast because the Cowboys were looking like playing a home semi-final.
    And now Townsville has neither. Who comes up with this stuff!!?

  10. Hugh Jars says:

    I’m reasonably certain that all of the politicians that didn’t front, had to pay for their own tickets, like everyone else, hence why none of the Labor bludgers fronted.

  11. Prickster says:

    Breath-taking hypocrisy by the Green’s Senator Nick McKim.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the journo asked him if his comments were motivated by his two investment property loans.



    Don’t worry Nick, Albo banned Ministers from owning shares, but they can own properties. So you can expect tax deductions for investment properties to hang around for a long time, and property prices to increase thanks to good old self interest.

  12. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Just worked out that changes to the Dicks land tax in Qld will result in an extra $5000 in taxes to the Qld Govt. So the tenants will have to pay an extra $120 a week from 1 July next year, or they can move out and I will sell the place. How fucking stupid and ignorant are these Labor people, the amount of rentals in Qld will fall, house prices will rise as demand lifts as buying will be cheaper than renting, homelessness will increase and they will actually get less revenue in taxes in the long run. Watch out for the rise of American style trailer parks in Qld, because they are exempt from the legislation, at least the porn industry should do well.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      But it will stimulate the need for more social housing so the government will get the rent and not the capitalist landlords.

  13. Ducks Nuts says:

    The Courier Mail has a Qld top 100 Most Powerful people list.
    The Mullet made it in at number 77. Still waiting for the 50 -1. Be a shame if Phil Thompson made it in higher than her.

    • The Magpie says:

      Headline: “Lab Assistant Makes Good.’

      But if in fact she actually was a ‘scientist’, it demonstrates the danger of having academics in charge of social structures.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        There is always danger in putting academics in charge. Particularly those with no real world or managerial experience. However it’s no more dangerous than putting ex army people into management roles in civilian organisations when they have no real world experience. Or technically brilliant engineers with no people skills into management roles. Or putting ex Union Officials in HR management roles. Or consultants into senior management roles. Or putting outrageously inappropriate and sleazy solicitors in charge of HR. But then TCC has done all of those things over and over again.

    • Grumpy says:

      ‘Right”??? Someone who wants to confiscate private property and redistribute to the poor? Someone who interferes with private commerce? You gotta be fucking joking!

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      I missed this entry in the “100 most influential crims” list – I am still working my way through “100 sexiest drug dealers” from last week.

  14. The Magpie says:


    Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said in today’s Daily Astonisher that our Riverway Stadium will take over from the ‘Gabba as Queensland’s cricket HQ when the Gabba is closed for Olympic renovations (Daily Astonisher, front page, page 5, editorial, cartoon).

    The Magpie got this EXCLUSIVE reaction from Dr Lachlan Henderson, chairman of Cricket Australia.

    • Elusive Butterfly says:

      Hardly an editorial of any credence Mr. Pie?
      Not one mention of the lighting issue that is preventing the AFL and ACB in even considering the Riverway Stadium for more games and matches.
      It is a laydown misère that if broadcast, quality lighting is installed, Riverway will pick up further “content.”
      And I am very confused about the Bulletin’s editor in not mentioning the lack of lighting being THE major issue, when this was run in the Bulletin 12 months ago


      You will note the fifth paragraph Mr. Pie.

      “The Townsville Bulletin campaigned for the lighting to be upgraded back in 2018 and Queensland Cricket CEO Terry Svenson held wide-ranging talks with Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill on the issue in 2019 but still there has been a lack of movement.”

      The Bulletin and its editorial staff are a disgrace!!

    • NQ Gal says:

      Ah – if only someone had the foresight to have made Total Tools Stadium a round ground that was suitable for cricket in the long football offseason. Well, okay, someone did, but Lozza & Co weren’t going to have any of that.

      • The Magpie says:

        The story was that retractable seating would cost too much … frankly if Total Tools could host cricket, Mayor Mullet’s idiotic notion about Townsville might not be quite so silly.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      A bumper crowd of 2000. Wow, there are probably that many people in the dunnies of the Gabba at any one time during a big game. Yes the Riverway Stadium is a pretty place but is it a real international standard stadium – there isn’t enough drugs in the world to make me see that.

  15. Prince Rollmop says:

    What a joke, top 100 powerful people.
    Maybe it should say ‘Top 100 Fucktards’. If it did, she would make it into the top 10.

  16. The Magpie says:

    Meanwhile, in another place that’s not Townsville … check the CV, then compare with TEL’s aptly-named Ms B-S.

    Story courtesy of the IQ Industry Queensland news site.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      What I find appalling and nonsensical is the amount of people on the TEL payroll. The organisation is overfilled with non-performers and simply too many staff. Remember, all they do is plagiarise other peoples ideas (including copying and pasting) and all they do is attend industry functions and speaketh much shit. Another enterprise that the incompetent Hill has allowed ratepayer money to be fed into as if it were a slot machine. And yes, it produces no wins. There should be a robust review of TEL’s output by way of total costs versus benefits. The place should be gutted and have fresh blood brought in. B.S and Gill are punching above their weight.

    • Achilles says:

      She got the job on merit? bloody hell, not fair; the TEL board would never have thought of that…… the caption (pictured below left) was edited in later to help TEL find the pic!

    • Critical says:

      TEL wouldn’t have the guts to appoint a person with the credentials and experience of Jacinta Redden.


      Within days of commencing work she’d probably just be throwing her arms in the air after realising what a useless organisation TEL is and the the low intelligence levels of its Board and leadership Team. Although any reputable applicants for TEL positions would run the other way from applying for any position as soon as they undertook any evidence based research into TEL.

      • Prickster says:

        The next test for the TEL Board is the selectin of the Chair. Kevin’s tenure has expired so they either need to renew his term or select a new person. It gets complicated as Kevin is no longer employed at QAL (a TEL member).

        Let’s hope TEL can spell the name of JCU VC correctly on the name blocks at the meeting table, as the TEL website is still wrong. Very insulting to a person who could contribute to change and growth of the city.

  17. DAFF says:

    The Department of agriculture, fisheries and forestry (used to be AQIS) continues on its merry way to achieving nothing tangible in Townsville. Their Inspectors spend most of their time attending irrelevant training courses and diversity events rather than inspecting imports so that the country can keep running. Multiple staff issues are happening including disgruntled inspectors, staff shortages, staff resignations, all led by an incompetent local manager who spends his days chain smoking and trying to make a name for himself. There are many many pissed off importers and exporters in our town who are sick of being on the end of having inspection delays due to a crumbling department. Idiots. Lots of dollars are being lost.

  18. Just asking says:

    Heard on tv last night that Peter Parr was given life membership of the North Queensland Cowboys.
    Is he the same bloke who was involved in this?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      No, different Parr. Different team. This never really happened, remember. This is football and what didn’t happen last week still didn’t happen this week and next week we will cheer on the people who stuck their dick into someone else’s wife, tried to cover it up, and handed out drugs like lollies.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yeah, but why give a team of (reputedly) high performing, enthusiastic athletes the sleep-inducing drug Valium. Was Mr Parr’s aim to induce brewer’s droop in some of his more hyper-active, restroom rooters and lavatory Lotharios heading home? Surely the WAGs would be wondering what’s going on when loverboy gets home, pecks her on the cheek and is snoring before his head hits the pillow. Valium also stops restless leg syndrome, exactly the main attribute one would surely want from a footy team. Holmes, Dearden and Drinkwater sure don’t take it … thank god. Go, you restless legs!!

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Just asking, you take a 4 years old non-event and try to turn it into some sort of moral outrage. You sound like some spoilt teenage brat.

      “Parr, according to a letter sent by the husband’s lawyer to the integrity unit, allegedly gave the husband valium “to help him cope with the shock” of discovering the affair on Father’s Day.”

      The poor bastard must have taken the pill/s. Did the valium help? Does it really matter where it came from? It’s a bit crowded on the ‘Nest’s moral high ground today.

  19. Lab Rat says:

    Ms Hill would be a brilliant Senator. She would make up for the vacant eyed dross that is our current Lower House member.

  20. The Magpie says:

    Is this good news or bad news? Gotta luv the world of statistics.

    Read the full confusion here.


    • Critical says:

      Quite confusing statistics. I’m left wondering what the differences are in the mythologies and definitions used by Roy Morgan and the ABS to measure unemployment and under-employment statistics. Until we know this information, it is impossible to determine the accuracy of the figures from Roy Morgan and the ABS or to undertake any real analysis of the situation.

  21. Dave of Kelso says:

    Solomon Islands on the way to a dictatorship as their government cosiez up to the Chinese Communist Party.


    • Zoolander says:

      Fuck the Solomons. Give them nothing, no help whatsoever, no more money, no more handouts. Let them cosy up to China and when China puts a foot in our doorway we will have the backing of the USA and take the needed action,. Either way, the Solomons will become collateral damage, which will be their own fault. Cyclone season is just around the corner, and you never know when an earthquake or tsunami will hit, and if it does happen then they can get fucked a second time, deal with it themselves.

      • The Magpie says:

        Flattered to have you reading our humble little blog, Mr Dutton.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Leave Spud alone. It’s not his fault he was born without a humanity gene. He is disabled, just ask him.

          • Zoolander says:

            That is correct. I was born with a deep, black hole right through the centre of me. I also have no tolerance whatsoever for any nation we have assisted financially, for many years, and who go and shit all over us. So call that heartless or mean, it doesn’t change the fact that a measure of loyalty is required and we aren’t receiving that from the dipshit PM of the Solomons. Pox on him.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, yes, but perhaps the Solomons has seen what we have and are doing to Timor Leste over gas and oil, so let’s not be too sanctimonious about our halo as saviour of certain islands. And it’s fair to say we’ve done over Naura a treat in some ways. Money gave them went straight into corrupt p[ockets, and we did nothing about it. But The ‘Pie tends to agree with your colourfully worded analysis in a general sense.

            PS Timor Leste is threatening to ditch their gas deal infrastructure and go it with chinese backing. Perhaps we should bring back The Man In Net Stockings to sweet talk them … Downer did such a great job with them before.

          • Old Tradesman says:

            Actually it was Gareth Evans who screwed them over.

          • The Magpie says:

            Dolly Downer was in the background, and very vocal in the defence of bugging the gas and oil talks. No wonder they wanted to scapegoat the whistle blower.

          • Zoolander says:

            Aagh yes, fishnet Downer. Just like the honorable Christopher Pyne – no sir, absolutely not, we are not homosexuals cough..cough!

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s pretty thin evidence of those fellas’ sexual lifestyle …. let’s apply your deep analysis to say, footballers on end of year trips, or maybe Fatty Vautin who started it all, dressing up in a tutu at one stage, in the mistaken belief it was somehow funny. When our heroes of the hard game suddenly become cocks-in-frocks, how does your analysis stand up? You want to front ‘em and tell their gay – which they wish they were but they won’t be discussing it with you.

          • Jose says:

            Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good rant

            You may want to recall who was in government when Indonesia invaded….

          • The Magpie says:

            Nice try at a deflection, but you have to be brighter than you are to get away with that. … move those lips again as you read The ‘Pie comments, and then perhaps break your own record for continuous train of thought and read the article again. Especially this bit, you dunderhead.
            While Woodside and Timor-Leste have an agreement about how royalties for the deposits will be divided, Timor-Leste is unlikely to be able to pay for the multi-million-dollar investment required to build a processing facility.

            While his statement that he would not allow any Chinese base in his country will reassure Australian foreign affairs policymakers who are nervous about growing Chinese influence in the region, Mr Ramos-Horta’s comments about other options if Woodside walks away from Greater Sunrise will cause concern in Canberra.

            He said: “We will work with Indonesia, we will work with South Korea or with China, if necessary.”

            The Magpie nowhere said anything about a military base, and neither did Ramos Horta – an admirable man by any measure – until asked directly about and unlike our politicians, gave an unequivocal direct reply. And he has been very careful in his comments about Woodside, Australia and the greedy corporates who won’t consider the assisting in the economic making of this country which Australia helped fight its way to independence. Why did we do that? For cynical corporate gain?

            If what The ‘Pie said is a rant, there’s plenty more where that came from.

          • Achilles says:

            Or maybe Zheng He? ……………………

      • Achilles says:

        Zooey Your proposal is exactly what China wants, then then can cozy up to other corrupt/desperate regional “leaders” with a propaganda bonanza “See how Australia has abandoned The Solomon’s when they were in need, How much do you want?”.

        China will probably send a thank you card to Marise Payne.

  22. Just asking says:

    So Weekend Tugger a football manager goes to the team doctor and gets a prescription drug (vallum) without the doctor seeing or even talking to the patient, and then gives the drug to the husband of a team employee (who was caught in an airport toilet tryst on the way home from a game) in a failed attempt to cover up the scandal, and you call it a “non event”.
    Do you work for the Cowboys, the council, or both?

    • Palm Sunday says:

      That’s correct, Just asking, although your use of the expression “prescription drug”, whilst technically correct, is struggling to keep you on the high ground. Valium can be found in leftover scripts in about a quarter of all domestic bathrooms and I note that in this particular story the doctor involved did not actually “prescribe” the medicine – he just gave it away. But go ahead, beat it up as hard as you like. It won’t make a scrap of difference to the bent up marriage.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Wow Wanker, you must live in an amazing world where you wander around peoples bathrooms picking up what are prescription only drugs, and your doctor mates give you freebies. The benefits of being an ALP troll hey?

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Funnily enough, Engineer, I live in the same amazing world as you. Unlike sophisticated, omnipresent you, I have no idea what an “ALP troll” is. Would that be animal, vegetable or mineral? How do you even know this stuff?

  23. The Magpie says:

    Those buggers up there will do anything to steal our limelight. Here we were here in Townsville getting some national recognition for a top-of-category civic reputation and now they’re trying to steal it. But wouldn’t it be interesting if the comparison was between us and them … The ‘Pie says bring it on, we’d win hands down. Just ask Aaron Harper, who must be really pissed off with this report.

    • The Magpie says:

      No details in the story for any direct comparision, but maybe here’s a reason Townsville came in behind Cairns …. the stats folk seem to have sp[lit the problem here, and we get two entries. From the story:
      According to police data, there are 18 regions of Queensland with property offences double the state average, including: Mackay, Ipswich, Fortitude Valley, Cairns, Townsville, Surfers Paradise, Logan Central, Mundingburra, Cunnamulla, Palm Island, Woorabinda, Mount Isa, Normanton, Kowanyama, Mornington Island, Cherbourg, Doomadgee.

  24. Mike Douglas says:

    Aaron Harper marching with childcare workers on strike over wages lobbying the Federal Government for a wage increase . Will Aaron march with the workers on crime or cost of living issues ? .

  25. Category 5 says:

    I’ve noticed our friends, the Koel’s, have landed locally as part of their annual migration. Lovely little calls that they make, heralding the beginning of the storm season. These storm birds are highly intelligent. So now that they are here, will the Mullet don her hi-vis vest and start attending the local DDMG meetings in preparation for the storm/cyclone season? Never one to miss a media opportunity in which she pretends to know answers to life’s complex questions, I’m sure she will be mulleting around the place acting important when in fact she is a two-bit hack.

  26. Kenny Kennett says:

    RIP Madge. The new World starts today for the monarchy and many Commonwealth nations; starting with their National anthem, now being God save the King.

    • Russell says:

      Yes Kenny, it will be interesting to watch how Charles gets on with their new Prime Minister who famously said just a day or so ago “England is no place for old white men”. Let the games begin.

  27. Charon says:

    Ho hum, the Queen finally carked it. Who gives a shit. And now jug ears Charles becomes King. Good lord. A family filled with sicko’s and pedo’s being worshipped by the masses. People are so gullible. Now would be the perfect timing to cut off their financial lifeline and abandon the sick practise of having a royal family. Her death is absolutely no loss to humanity.

    • The Magpie says:

      And we have a winner for the Memorial Ivan Milat Human Empathy Award, congrats to you, Charon.

      • The Magpie says:

        Queen Liz has been a part of my consciousness all my life, from when I was a pre-teenager standing up in shorts and bare feet in the Capital Theatre in Tamworth on a Saturday afternoon singing along with the the opening ritual of God Save The Queen, through until now.

        So it is not so easy to immediately make such a callous dismissal.Even the most ardent Republican would surely have more decency than you.

        The ‘Pie compares his emotions at the news to the loss, let’s say, a beloved tree – as happened with The ‘Pie when the monsoon destroyed a much-remembered tree in the first fairway at Rowes Bay … that tree had been always been part of the scenery as had the Queen, and like the Queen, it had received its far share of whacks from The ‘Pie, but he never wanted either destroyed. His feelings for the monarch are no more and no less than the type of regret he felt and still feels for that missing tree. A part of my life leaves with her.

        Vogue America said it best for decent people everywhere.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          I have no strong feelings either way about The monarchy, but she was someone’s mum, grandmother and great grandmother who has been part of everyone’s life for a long time. There is no need to be mean spirited about her death.

        • King Charles the wank. says:

          I hear the republicans calling for a referendum already. Bandt, Fitzsimmons, his idiot wife to name a few. While I personally don’t mind either way if we are part of greater Briton or not I do think now one of the most kindest people I’ve ever seen touch the world has passed, there is a sense of change towards the new king and that’s away. One can’t imagine how these people can sleep at night considering she’s only just gone and immediately there’s a call for a republic. I would love to know if they are so interested in becoming a republic then they would be known as republicans???? But so many have shot down the former US president who was of fact republican. I think it shows just how stupid these people are, you can’t be something that you hate so much. Hypocritical or a conundrum?

  28. Prickster says:

    We’re a rich and happy country compared to many in the world, but plenty of Australian are still happy to have a sook rather than getting off their arses.


  29. The Magpie says:

    The Townsville Bulletin gives is the finger again, the paper’s counting house gnomes strike again.

    The good old Astonisher ($2.50 fanks, guvnor) has found a startling way to emphasis its policy priorities, with today’s early morning message to subscribers ($24 bucks a month, thanks, sport).

    Like all other News mastheads across the country, the Bulletin’s new iditor has been directed to send out a morning email ‘exclusively to subscribers’, showing the front and back pages of the day’s paper. The notion nis that this will entice further reading of news and sport, and OK, sensible as far as it goes. But today, it went too far.

    So this arrived this morning, just to make the old bird feel a special chosen one.

    First thought was, HA! Another digital cock-up, a Coles ad instead of the back page. But how wrong can a bird be, when he checked the actual digital edition.

    Yup. There it was, the Coles ad. And just to underline this finger to the buying public, the scannable cover price code for the paper was over-printed onto the Coles ad.

    In fact, digitally, that wasn’t the end of it, there then followed 20 pages of Good Guys ads.

    When this traditional area for sport can so easily be offered to an advertiser at a premium price, it’s not hard to realise that step’n’fetchit iditor Craig Herbert is a timid underling to the advertising manager. And it’s even easier to see why a major local advertiser – let’s say, The Ville, or maybe the Townsville City Council – can lean on the advertising manager to suppress any adverse stories Mr Herbert might mistakenly think of running about them.

    • Prickster says:

      Is Craig even a real person? Starting to think he’s a Murdoch Ai bot automatically cutting and pasting press releases who publishes advertorials. He’d be an advertising order taker at best, never a manager.

      • The Magpie says:

        One doubts that News Ltd has even the ‘artificial’ variety of intelligence, if their constant technical fuck-ups are anything to go by.

  30. Regular reader says:

    Oh Charon, you are a mean spirited piece of work.
    I’m no royalist but I felt a strong sadness this morning when I heard the news.
    Whether you like someone, or detest them, when they die you either acknowledge their contribution, or stay silent, out of respect for the dead.
    Along with those calling for a republic on the very day of the Queen’s death, you should hang your head in shame.
    Would be very interested to hear just what you, Charon, have achieved in your life, to date.
    Please enlighten us.

    • Charon says:

      My life in general is none of your business Regular Reader. Your affection for the Queen and Monarchy is pathetic and typical of a brainwashed zealot. The old bag and her cohort are irrelevant in todays environment, unless you are one of the weak humans who enjoy waving to a carriage full of fuckwits as they ride by looking down upon the peasants. People
      really need to grow up – royalty is class division and should be outlawed. Considering we now live in a world of ‘equality’ in which homos, women first, and binary people are so widely promoted, surely a seperate class of human called the Monarchy is no longer accepted?

      • The Magpie says:

        Charon, you old charmer you, The ‘Pie is confused to find you choose to use the equality of ‘homos,women and binary people’ to bolster your argument for banning royalty, which are more or less all three. Charlie once even went one further and added to his binary personality a tampon.

      • Regular reader says:


    • Palm Sunday says:

      Thanks Regular for the sermon: “Whether you like someone, or detest them, when they die you either acknowledge their contribution, or stay silent, out of respect for the dead.”
      Have you given yourself, let alone the rest of the world, permission to mention say, Jeffrey Epstein yet? Or must we stay silent out of “respect” until you give the word? Even Adam Bandt spent a few moments acknowledging his respect for QE2 before he went back to the business at hand.

      • Achilles says:

        My maternal Grandfather William Waters was butler to Alfred Lord Tennyson and had little regard for the Royals that visited the poet at his Isle of Wight residence’ Faringford House.

        I do remember when he was about the same age as I am now, advising never to argue with fools and bigots, it lowers you to their level. So I wont rise to the bait of some of the commenters on the Regal system either way.

        • The Magpie says:

          WHAT? ‘My maternal Grandfather William Waters was butler’???

          Surely butlers did not and do not have sex. Anthony Hopkins would be mortified at the very suggestion! Did he bring your maternal grandmother a small vial of something on a silver platter next to the cucumber sandwiches? “For afters, madam, in your own time.’

          • Achilles says:

            Oh! Pie: I was referring to my mothers’ (maternal) father, as opposed to my fathers’ (paternal) father, who incidentally never knew his son (my alleged father), because he was killed in 1917 WW1.

            As regards your assertion that Butler William should have been celibate, he had 4 daughters with his wife Mary. My Mum was the youngest.

      • Regular reader says:

        True to form again, Weekend Tugger.

  31. Mike Douglas says:

    Bog down Councillor O’Callaghan with complaints about her to the independent assessor . How many complaints now ? . Does Townsville have its own Labor Mean Girls ? . Ex Councillor Paul Jacobs letter to the editor on concerns about attempts to close down questions on Councils transparency and accountability . Why and what cost to the democratic process / independent Councillors .

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Fran is the first Councillor in a decade to take it to Madam Hill. The Mullet isn’t used to people disagreeing with her, holding her to account, or exposing the rot. Fran really is a thorn in the Mullets side. TBH, It’s awesome to watch Jenny squirming like she currently is. Fran has done nothing wrong, nothing vexatious, nothing out of spite. She is simply calling into question, and calling out the flaws within Councils processes in an effort to right the wrong. Fran is worth every penny that we pay her.

      • The Magpie says:

        And let’s not forget her enablers who should know better, including the council’s cut-price, natural bully and bargain basement legal shill Tony Bligh. The ‘Pie hears he has been instrumental in orchestrating the bullying and reporting of Fran.

  32. Achilles says:

    An interesting assembly of changes that will be required now that Charles is King.

    But at whose expense?

    Hundreds of popular everyday products found in supermarkets and other stores will soon be forced to make a big change following the death of the Queen.

    Products with the royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom printed on their label will have to remove it and reapply to get permission from King Charles III to use it.


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