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The Magpie

Saturday, March 4th, 2023   |   204 comments

A Week Of Superciliousness And of Super Silliness.

Chalmer’s minor changes to super tax breaks is the Seinfeld of political moves … it was about nothing, really. But nobody told a slavering media, which has entirely missed the real purpose of the exercise … justification for a very real slug coming up for Aussie taxpayers, which is why Dutton is soft pedalling the issue.

Townsville’s unhappy link with a crooked businessman who has been exposed as a major figure in strange goings on in PNG … possibly including murder.

An unholy disgrace … in a city with up to 6000 homeless families and individuals, most the victims of interest rates and federal mismanagement, there’s one pocket of existing vacant housing in Townsville that could quickly be made available to ease the pain. But will the owners come to the party, or won’t they budge, leaving it – and the city’s displaced – to deteriorate.

How do we know Townsville’s property market is in the shitter? Because real estate agents are being are getting out of the game , as the market nose dives.

Like a steadily widening sink hole, the Olympic debacle is already taking shape, with massive blow-outs already rising like a movie monster from the deep … the deep south-east, that is.  And it looks like Townsville is about to tumble in.

And The Bulletin publishes a genuine investigative report on a major scam in the CBD … but it’s investigated and written by a bloke on social media…. in Melbourne.

Plus our regular US Gallery, and a TV clip that will have you standing and cheering one of the best interviewer/reporters in the world today.

If you feel like helping out with a donation to assist with the costs of this weekly blog, it will be greatly appreciated. The donate button is at the bottom of the blog

Someone Should Tell The Treasurer What ‘Tinkering’ Actually Means?

Treasuer Jim Chalmers download

Treasuer Jim Chalmers

Well, it might as well be The ‘Pie, who was amused when Chalmers denied he was breaking an election promise that no changes would be made to superannuation. His rationale was that he wasn’t changing super, cutting the concession rate from 30% to 15% for those with $3m plus in the kitty, he was just ‘tinkering’ with it That was an excuse as lame as Alan Jones wrist.

Err, cusa, Jim – this from the dictionary:

verb [no object] attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or desultory way, often to no useful effect

It actually seems to fit the bill of your fucking around on this , but we’re guessing that’s not what you meant. Bentley also has his doubts about all this double talk.


Clearly, Labor has broken its election promise not to make changes to super, proof being the logical grounds that you can’t b a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead, you either are or you’re not. And the media to a person immediately went into ‘thin edge of the wedge’ overdrive, forcing Albanese to deny a raft of other possibilities for change. Of course, we believe him.

The funnymen have had a field day. The ‘Pie ;iked this one the best from The Shovel.

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But The ‘Pie is sticking with his original and pretty obvious assessment. Change the tax-break threshold on super to make it look like you’re soaking the rich, so you can point to it when there is outrage that Labor is keeping the campaign promise to stage 3 tax breaks that greatly favour the already wealthy. Albo maintains he will pass the stage 3 measures, which is sure to get through since it was originally a coalition policy. But now people are asking, since he has in reality broken one promise, what’s to stop him using, say, a ‘we can’t afford it at this time’ argument to ditch stage 3, which in normal times would be anathema to Labor.

Or are we seeing the famous Labor self-destruct mechanism kicking into gear? Cos this one move could cause all sorts of electoral mayhem.

The insidious and widely discredited ‘trickle down economy’ theory – give all economic advantage to the wealthy and corporations, and the economics benefits will trickle down to those below … is a major reason why America has a class of working poor under a class of avaricious cunts, and, Australia will soon too. And statistics over a century have shown that the theory has never worked.

The economic theory was scorned by economist Kenneth Galbraith as the ‘horse-and-sparrow theory’: “If you feed the horse enough oats, some will pass through to the road for the sparrows.”


Others have also illustrated its fallacy.

Trickle down birds Screen Shot 2023-02-25 at 3.15.11 pm trickle down wine Screen Shot 2023-02-25 at 3.08.57 pm Screen Shot 2023-02-25 at 9.53.01 am

For Labor to be considering endorsing this is a betrayal of their own founding principles, but that’s about par for the course in this day and age. As Orwell, said, in the end, you can’t tell the pigs from the humans.

Just BTW

Angus Taylor ownload

One of the biggest bloviators about the super changes is the egregious Angus Taylor, already revealed in water matters as a rorter of the first order.

But at least he shares it around. This turned up during the week.


Once A Crook Always A Crook: Don Matheson’s Up To Ears In It Again 


Don Matheson

The blow-hard former owner of the Willows Golf Club in Townsville, Don Matheson, is at the centre of a multi-million scandal in PNG – but this will not come as a surprise to his partners in the local golf course, whom a court found he had cheated.

(PLEASE NOTE: The golf club is now under completely different and unassociated ownership.)

Owing hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid taxes, Matheson slithered off to PNG, where he set himself up as a development consultant. Using his Singapore-based company, Matheson received an unexplained $4.35million from a Filipino ports company at the same time they were granted lucrative contracts by PNG.

The head of the PNG port authority was murdered last year, and no link has been uncovered to Matheson. Not yet anyway.

This story by the Townsville Bulletin reporter Leighton Smith   …. sorry, hahaha, just joking, The ‘Pie does amuse himself sometimes …

… no the story is by the ABC and OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project) and makes interesting reading for crime and conspiracy buffs.

But Joking Aside, Old Mate Leighton And The Astonisher Did Come Up With A Genuine Scoop Investigation During The Week

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There was just one problem. It wasn’t Leighton’s scoop, it was unearthed and researched by TikTok poster Jordie van den Berg,  a lawyer in Melbourne. It was a good find, where the former Askern Disposal store site was set up with partioned-off bedrooms, areas for cooking on portable equipment, a laundry area and two bathrooms. The 12 rooms were each let out for a reputed $500 a week. The legality of the exposed operation is now under investigation.

Leighton was forced to be upfront about where he got the story from, so he was again reduced to the role of stenographer for someone else’s words and work.

But it was somewhat emblematic that someone thought it better to tip off someone in Melbourne than ring the local paper.

Like Billy Joel sang ‘it’s a matter of trust.’

But Really, What’s Not To Trust …

… the paper regularly revealed things we would other know. Like this …

The Magpie 

March 3, 2023 at 11:20 am  (Edit)

Where have all the subbies gone, long time passing … every day, we get further reassurance that the Bulletin is so worth the extra money they are charging from the start of this month. Today, we learnt of a little-known attraction which will, shall we say, become topical.

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Screen Shot 2023-03-03 at 11.04.07 amOr maybe not so topical, if the picture caption is right.

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Bet they’re as jealous as hell down at the Museum of Tropical Queensland, missing out on such a wonderful exhibition.

The Brutal Truth

An email to the Nest from a respected businessman during the week: Two separate estate agent principals contacted me during the week, one confirming sales of existing properties are down 20 %, the other saying they were down 50 %. Not enough listings, buyers are spooked by interest rates . Both are downsizing agents because the commission dollars aren’t there.

The Magpie checked with another trusted contact in the industry, who emailed:

Yes, usually with changing market conditions (interest rate rises etc) real estate offices will see a dropping off listings as the owners sit on their hands to see what unfolds over the next couple of years. It’s happening Australia wide. Listings are well down across the board and selling agents who are inexperienced in the industry (usually the ones who have jumped in as the market boomed) are the first ones to leave due to no income. It’s one of the great blights on our industry where anyone can suddenly become a real estate agent after a 5 day course. They just take the easy sales that arise in a boom and have done fuck all training to do so. Usually there’s a 25% – 50% dropout of selling agents around Australia in changing times like we are experiencing now.

My experience is that investors now tend to look all around the country for sound investments/returns and Townsville isn’t that attractive given the capital required to be injected in so many cases to bring a much higher rent return for an investor (and the lender) to  make it all viable.

On top of that gloomy summary, there has to be some nimble thinking in light of the news out of Brisbane this week, as reported by a glum commenter:

  1. Achilles

March 3, 2023 at 6:52 pm  (Edit)

And so it begins, the champagne is still chilled and here we go with the Olympic sized blowout starting with the Gabba, which somehow is suddenly too small!

Apparently the whole location is not fit for purpose

Our Mayor Is On Record Wanting To Do Something To Ease The Rental/Dispossessed Crisis …

\Well, here’s one thing you could do, Madam Mayor, instead of spending your time on bullshit out in the bush. The ‘Pie has noticed one prime site ready for quick conversion to house a couple of hundred of those needing urgent accommodation after being forced out by swingeing rentals increases.

The Magpie is talking about the now all but abandoned former old folks home, the Garden Settlement on Pallarenda Road, just down past the Rowes Bay Golf Club. (Sorry, bum pix.)

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Often driving past, The ‘Pie has wondered why it was deactivated in a market crying out for aged care facilities. Turns out the one word answer is asbestos. The buildings are solid brick construction with good roofing, so the problems are clearly internal. The village, with plenty of lawn area and a network of paved roads, is owned by Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust, Blue Care Finance, Morayfield Queensland.

Land area is 5.33 Ha (13.2 acres) and Unimproved Capital Value (UCV) for rateable purposes is $3.5M

About three years ago, the owners were approached with a view to selling but weren’t interested, and as far as The Magpie knows, that’s where the matter now rests. And casual inspection at that time revealed everything was still fairly clean, and definitely liveable then, including large kitchens and laundry facilities. Nothing catastrophic has happened since.

So here we have the asset, at the moment locked away off the market by the Uniting Church. And The Magpie is not suggesting they have any particular obligations – depending of your view of moral obligation given the state of the Australian economy – to do the place up and re-open it.

But here’s The Magpie’s very workable suggestion: the Garden Settlement block offers the council one of the few opportunities where the TCC would be justified in becoming involved with development.

So, why not, with the help of government departments easing the way, purchase the property … even if a reasonable premium was demanded over and above the assessed $3.5million.  The infrastructure could be cleared of asbestos and renovated … in the scheme of things and with the ‘Pie’s idea in mind, the cost would be easily absorbed.

These units could be leased out in any number of ways, directly by a TCC management team on site, at the very least at cost neutral rents – or they could be sold individually on longer leases to investors who would get a guaranteed fixed return but always at a rental determined to be fair by the council. A cooperative effort between the TCC. and the state government would be problematic, with politics hindering at every turn, but perhaps Phil might chuck in a bit from the $195k kitty if there’s anything left, and this certainly sits within the ideal of the City Deal.

There are no doubt other ways that this could work, but, speaking plainly and directly to the current situation, this would not be creating another unruly slum of no hopers and social degenerates, addled by drugs and dead heads. The people who would live here, including one or two-parent families, are decent people who no fault of their own, find themselves in a situation not of their own making, and before were working constructively and paying rent regularly.

And another thing: when the economic cycle in inevitably turns again, the TCC in 10 or 15 or 20 years, has a valuable asset it could market for a worthwhile profit.

This would make sense, with a bonus for Jenny Hill for being seen as the compassionate visionary and caring community leader she would like us to think she is. The money is piddling next to near $20million for a distant airstrip, or $4m  for a shelter shed on Castle Hill or a $6m for 250m of boardwalk to nowhere in particular.

But what, we hear you ask, of the Uniting Church, why would they want change their mind about selling? Well, given the social landscape at the moment, their compassionate calling as outlined by the Bible, and their bountiful tax free status, they would surely see that selling the Garden Settlement for such a worthy cause wouldn’t just be the moral thing to do.

It would be the Christian thing to do.

A Thought That Really Counts

It was kinda uplifting to see this.

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Of course we all mourn the loss of this great Australian sportsman and lively personality, but it says volumes about the man and the great levellers that cricket is when you see who posted the tweet.

This Week’s Gallery From The World’s Biggest Unfunny Farm

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And To Wrap Up …

Left this one to last, so you can choose when you have the time (it’s 8 minutes but you’ll love every second) to watch one of the greatest shredding’s of a gun nut you’ll ever see. The demolition job is done by a man who is rapidly being recognised as one of the best TV interviewers in the world, Jon Stewart

Stewart, better known as a satiric comedian, has of late taken of the funny gloves and has started whacking whackos with the bare fists of fact in his show The Problem.. This bloke puts the ABC’s Sarah Ferguson, and even the late Richard Carlton, in the shade – and that’s saying something. The Magpie stands in stark admiration of Stewart, not just for his stand against the idiocy of US gun laws, but for his forensic journalistic dissection of this carbuncle on the bum of humanity. Unless you’re among the deeply demented (we have a couple here in the Nest – you know who you are, don’t you, Tropical, Gunny?) you’ll be clapping your hands in glee as the bunny is caught in the headlights. Sample: When Oklahoma state senator Nathan Dahm , whose basic argument is that more guns make society safer , tried to deflect by saying more people die of obesity and it’s a serious epidemic, Stewart relied ‘So you’re answer to that is more ice cream’. Game shot and match.

If this doesn’t play for you, try pasting this.



That’s it for this week. Comments are there for you to have your say, it can be a no names no pack drill effort if your of a mind.

The Donate button to help out with blog expenses in below.  Always needed, always appreciated.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Bruce South says:

    I loved the “This is not an anecdote, this actually happened”. It is at least reassuring that lack of understanding of the English language is not the preserve of Australian Facebook contributors!

    • The Magpie says:

      See second definition.
      an·ec·dote | ˈanəkˌdōt |
      a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
      • an account regarded as unreliable or hearsay:

    • Achilles says:

      He metaphorically shot himself in the foot, by shooting off at the mouth!

  2. Hee Haw says:

    Jon Stewart interview is brilliant, watched every second and recommend other nesters do the same.

    Still reminds me though that you cant argue with stupidity

  3. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Real estate agents aren’t exactly free of blame for the low appeal of Townsville as an investment location, management fees in Townsville are well above those down south, add their high fees to high insurance costs, body corporate fees and councils extra tax for rental properties and it’s no surprise Townsville is an investment black hole.

  4. Mike Douglas says:

    Polling must be dire in Townsville with Premier and Cabinet here next week . How many pieces of silver will Mayor Hill be offered to back off telling Townsville people how the City is getting from the Olympics or her support for the Katter Party moving juveniles to remote locations . A board seat at the Port , hospital ? . After your comments on real estate in Townsville I got yesterdays lift out and counted only 8 pages of property for sale . Team Hill future proofing Townsville . Did they think there would be no blow back on the highest rates increase in Queensland then having a further go at investors with a further 10-30 % . Investors are not choosing Townsville to invest in resi and new build numbers embarassing .

    • Little Birdy (sans magazine) says:

      That woman is not ‘connected’, she’s being managed and is too dumb to see it. Palachook is a clever bird. A narcissist enjoys a stroked ego.

  5. Regular reader says:

    OMG, has the Magpie gone across to the other side?
    Using “Jenny Hill” and “compassionate visionary and caring community leader” in the same sentence is akin to saying Don Mathieson is a misjudged saint.
    At first I thought the Magpie was describing mayor in waiting Fran O’Callaghan, but no, it was definitely our purple doonaed mullet.
    While on my favourite subject, Hill came up with a classic on Ch7’s The Jenny Hill Show, aka Seven News last week.
    Wringing her hands and commenting on the kiddy crime pandemic, Jovial Jenny actually said “How did it come to this?”.
    Well Jenny, it came to this because you and your 3 State Labor mates sat on your hands and did nothing for so long, the kids now think it’s normal to steal and burn out cars, and break into houses to terrify old people.
    Your recent calls for action are nothing but window dressing for your coming election campaign.
    The term “too little, too late” springs to mind.

    • The Magpie says:

      Just in case there are others as developmentally delayed in reading comprehension as yourself, RR, The ‘Pie actually as she wishes us to see her. irony ain’t your go, is it?

      But our gal demonstrated the mind of a startled gazelle, wondering how juvvie crime ‘came to this’. It’s been ‘this’ for about five years now, but it seems she’s only just become aware of it.

  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    Magpie, the other potential temporary accomodation option for a few displaced renters is the Wagner Mafia’s Wellcamp COVID quarantine facility and the Queensland governments COVID quarantine facility at Pinkenba.

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s a given and has been mentioned elsewhere, but The ‘Pie’a focus is on Townsville.

      But it’s unlikely the Wagner plutocrats will want the losers of mlife (as they would see them) cheek by jowl with their shiny new airport where they hope to lure direct flight tourists.

  7. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Unpicking the cheap housing and Bluecare situation. The other monster housing parcel sitting and rotting is the so called Aboriginal Reserve which im told was gifted by the state to the local groups to be a place where housing could be put for the growing population coming from Palm Island and inland. It doesn’t seem Bluecare needs the money or cares about the community if the experience of a elderly neighbour is any guide. I help out an old bloke down the street who is a Bluecare client in the home care program and even before they do anything they get paid $220 a week to manage his case even though they are apparently short staffed and he has not had a case manager since December. The neighbours are rallying around to help him out but the bloodsuckers at Bluecare are just taking their $10,000 plus per year for each and every patient for nothing so please don’t talk about them being religion or charity.

  8. A flat minor says:

    Loved Jon Stewart. If only I could be half as eloquent and quick thinking.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hope the Bulletin folks looked at it … and the local TV kids.

    • Russell says:

      Whilst I agree with all the points made by Mr. Stewart, and gun ownership by unstable people is without doubt a major problem in his country, to me he came across as a half-smart, jumped-up twit. I can see, though, that about half the population will find his style hard-hitting and entertaining.

      • The Magpie says:

        When confronted with the likes of this gun nut turkey, Stewart’s persona was totally justified … there comes a time when exasperation with idiots gets the upper hand (take it from The Magpie, he knows, oh, he knows ….)

        Stewart was masterful.

  9. The Magpie says:

    It was with great sadness that I have just learnt that friend and former colleague Terry Butts passed away overnight.

    Terry had been battling with his health for some time.

    Many readers here will remember with delight the cheeky, irreverent Butts On Monday column in the Bulletin that gave great hoots of laughter to readers and migraines to the editors. For years, it was a must-read around town, and Terry’s enthusiasm to tell a story about local business and society often led to stern letters and sometimes court. If memory serves, the column once went under the name ScuttleButt, which perfectly described its irreverent, cheeky and funny tone.

    Terry was also a noted racing journalist and a horse trainer … back in the 1991, he was part-owner of the Townsville Cup winner Giftman. As a journalist, he was fearless in one particular way … he wasn’t frightened to take on the all-powerful Queensland racing establishment, on those occasions it needed taking on.

    Another little bit of Townsville history has slipped away from us.

    My condolences to Terry’s family, and to his best mate of many years, Judge Bob Pack.

    He was great bloke.

    Vale Terry.

    • Airline says:

      Sorry Pie Terry Butts did not train Giftman – it was trained by Ray Caught. Buttsy was one of a syndicate that owned Giftman – G. J. Hallam, A J Mooney, F K Hornby, R D Pack, & D Harrison. But Terry did go on to train in his own right.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thanks, Airline, quite right. Amended.

      • Charlie Wulguru says:

        The horse was Gift Man. Trained by Butts ridden by P Gordy. I had a nice pick-up. (16 / 1 I think)

        • The Magpie says:

          Correct. Part-owner Dave Harrison physically knocked me out of the way rushing to get into the Allen Hotel TAB to put his money on (I later heard but he wouldn’t confirm $800 on the nose). Dave hadn’t been able to make to the track because of radio commitments.

          • Charlie Wulguru says:

            The reason Harro missed getting to Cluden was that he had a bit of a sleep- in after a big night and only woke up not long before the start. He only had time to get to the Allen to back it. Although I wasn’t there I was told by someone who was that as the horse won Harro fainted flat on the floor of the TAB. The faint probably had more to do with the big night before than the horse winning.

  10. Uncle Sam says:

    And we thought that Joe Biden was losing his marbles. The orange idiot wants to build 10 new Freedom ghettos, I mean cities, in the USA. Plus he is proposing flying cars for all American families. I wonder if the construction of such infrastructure would be contracted to Trump businesses? Either way, the bloke is an idiot. But we Australians need to be wary as these ideas could be hijacked by Albo and Chalmers and implemented in Australia!


    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I would argue that Trump is the greatest threat to world stability and security, more than Putin and that Chinese bloke who’s name escapades me at the moment.

      Trump is a stupid narcissist, and does not know it, and that makes him dangerous, given his MAGA base and the deeply flawed US electoral system. The other two are not stupid and capable of manipulating stupid people.

      Had Trump been President (perish the thought) the Russians would be now at the Polish boarder and NATO deeply compromised due to US (Trump) disinterest.

      We here in Australia potentially have a great deal to lose in terms of national security and US cooperation if Trump or a Trump like MAGA individual was ever to be elected to the Oval Office.

      I cannot believe the verbal diorea at the echo chamber that is the CPAC, currently under way. This to me confirms the statement;
      Never underestimate the threat from stupid people in large numbers.

      • The Magpie says:

        Cue Tropical.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Fortunately Australia turfed out ScoMo, who was leading us down the path of God bothering, fuktardinism and intolerance, and who possessed the diplomatic skills of a lump of wood. If we hadn’t we could be fast tracking down the road to our own version of MAGA with Katters riding shotgun.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      You have a limited grasp on what side of politics Republicans sit on don’t you Sam.

  11. Alahazbin says:

    That land at the Garden Settlement is not owned by the Uniting Church. It is Crown land on which they have a 99 year lease back when they got it back in the mid ‘60’s.

    • The Magpie says:

      Same diff.

    • Critical says:

      If this land is indeed Crown land and just being left sit idle by the Uniting Church, then our 3 usless local MP’S should get a backbone and take some action to either end the lease or force the Uniting Church to make use of this land to address community needs. As I understand it, because this is Crown reserve and leased to a Church organisation, the Uniting Church does not pay rates etc on the land and only pays for water and sewerage charges which would be negligible as the place isn’t used.
      Same comment is probably true for the Aitkenvale Aboriginal Reserve but they would probably demand millions of $$$ to develop this land and who knows what Indigenous politics would flare up.

      • The Magpie says:

        Reasonable points, and on the overall subject, from past experience, The Magpie knows of a number of ATSI residences that over the years have been left vacant for long periods. My own investigation for the paper of two such places at Oonoonba more than a decade ago showed that the vacancies were caused by tribal enmities.

    • Donna says:

      So what…it is owned by the Uniting Church Trust. However it was supposedly vacated because it is flood prone and emergency services (State Government) was reported to have threatening to not make any further rescues from the site. That may mean that it is actually not suitable for further human occupation. It was replaced by the aged-care home in Mount Louisa.

      • The Magpie says:

        It would be interesting to find out if the ‘flood prone’ argument stands up, not that one doubts that the current government hasn’t used that as some sort of excuse for some purpose. The ‘Pie for one has never read anystoryb orn heard any report of repeated ‘rescues’ – and you don’t have to be a newsman to understand that old mpeople threatened in this way would be sensationally reported (as in fact it should be). from the village. happy to be corrected if someone with better research skills can prove me wrong.

        Besides, old folk need much greater caution and protection from such events that the general population. Sections of the national park at the rear certainly gets inundated, but recently, when the fairly adjacent golf course was under water, the Garden Settlement did not appear to affected at all. And there were no signs it had been flooded on the couple of times The ‘Pie had look.

        But, look, The Magpie doesn’t have some fixated obsession about the Garden Settlement, but it dos appear to be typical of the lack of exp[loration of how the council’s declarations of concern amount to an off-hand ‘tut tut, isn’t that terrible’. With the local housing and homeless problems sure to become much worse, empty words and spending money on Jenny Hill’s desperate legacy projects stands in stark contrast against Labor’s ‘everyman’s champion’ image. Even if there should be undeniable limits on a council becoming too involved in this area, a meaningful project that would not break the coffers like some of those other projects would be more in keeping with the high-flown rhetoric of the mayor and her ALP.

        Sure beats inane council’s attempted $18.5m involvement in airstrips for Indian billionaires, 400kms away.

        • jatzcrackers says:

          Records indicate that the Garden Settlement site in question is noted as ‘Freehold’ not ‘Leasehold’ as majority of the Whitsunday Islands are (including resorts) on a 99 year tenure. Such leases are granted to parties by authorities usually where the lease area is part of recognised Nation Park for instance.

          I’m reliable informed that the Garden Settlement issue was and remains an asbestos on-site issue however I agree with Pie that TCC could step in and recommend/assist with the possibility of a form of community housing.

          Over zealous red tape Government officials cause more blockage on any forward thinking ideas and you’d think the suggestion would or should have been raised with the church owners given they probably don’t pay council rates or have any running costs !

      • Critical says:

        My recollection is that Garden Settlement Nursing Home did not meet the Commonwealth Government Nursing Home Building Standards so the Uniting Church built a new nursing home at Mount Louisa. These Standards include resident security and safety so the residents couldn’t wander out of the nursing buildings.
        The flooding issue apparently refers to the fact that in the event of a cyclone, the former Garden Settlement Nursing Home is in a red storm surge zone but then the Bolton Clarke Rowe’s Bay Nursing Home and Retirement Village and the Carinity Fairfield Grange Nursing Home at Idalia are also in the red storm surge zone.

        • The Magpie says:

          Good background, and the fact remains, the settlement, with easily repairable, solid brick and well roofed houses on a small network of well paved road is sitting there empty, while people are sleeping in their cars.

          Of course, The ‘Pie understands one group is particularly upset with The ‘Pie’s impertinent comm ents and suggestions about the site …. that is the skateboarders who make extensive use of the roads. And itis noted that one substantial house seems to still be in use.

          • Critical says:

            I was reminded tonight that TCC a few years ago had a Home Services Program which provided home modifications and maintenance services and lawn mowing services to older people and people with disabilities. Majority of funding came from Commonwealth and Queensland government but TCC stopped delivering these services because these services were not core business of TCC. Doubt they’ll touch anything to do with homeless people then.

            I read that roller skating is making a comeback so another group who can safely use the roads of the former Garden Settlement at Pallarenda. Lookout, skateboarders and roller-skates, the Uniting Church will soon be out there charging you a fee.

            Yes, from personal experience, I 100% agree with the Engineers comment about Blue Care ( an arm of the Uniting Church). I’m still waiting to what impact the government’s recent decision on restricting the amount that Blue Care and others can grab from Seniors Home Care Packsges etc for administration fees and if Blue Care will say that some services are no longer financially viable to deliver as has happened with some NDIS services.

          • The Magpie says:

            If looking after a Home Services Program to help older people with disabilities as you describe are deemed not core business of the TCC, what the hell are they doing becoming developers, especially at Lansdown? A council deciding to engage in development of the sort the hub in the scrub has seen is an open invitation to conflict of interest, just for a start. Independent assessment by the land and evironment people or whatever they’re called at council, especially when you have a vindictive bully as mayor, makes a mockery of any required ‘independence’. Can you for one milli-second imagine some flinching shiny bum career bureaucrat telling Jenny things aren’t up to scratch at Lansdown, and matters have to be rectified before the plans can proceed? Yet managing a program that doesn’t cost the council a penny, being funded by state and the Feds isn’t core business/

            That’s rotten to the core. But we know that, but no one – except Fran O’Callaghan – will speak up and call out this morally corrupt behaviour caused by one person’s ego.

  12. TerryWho says:

    Re the former Garden Settlement on Pallarenda Road you’d think the Uniting Church being good Christians they would be keen to help fellow Christians down on their luck.

    • The Magpie says:

      That is not to say they are not, and the Magpie’s comments are more at the TCC being proactive rather than the Uniting Church folk having a light bulb moment. It simply may not have occurred to the church, given they have nationwide holdings and operation, many of which no doubt fulfil a crucial role in some demographics.

  13. Doug K says:

    We lost a great character and a sharp wit with the passing of Terry Butts. I covered the local races back in the 1980s and the banter at Cluden Racecourse at early morning track work was better than Seinfeld (yes TB editor, journalists actually got out of bed at 4am and went to the track in those days). Buttsy was an astute trainer and pulled off many a betting plunge. I recall one memorable trip to the Darwin Cup where he was treated like celebrity and got a win out of a busted up old castoff racehorse from Melbourne. He wasn’t so popular with the bookies that day. You can bet he’ll be cracking jokes at the big racecourse in the sky. Sad days indeed.

  14. Critical says:

    This media release at 7.30am on Saturday 4 March 2023 about the Queensland the Queensland Cabinet meeting in Townsville on Monday 6 March 2023 and providing an contact email address for people wanting to speak to Ministers says it all about this government’s attitude to Townsville. This gives community members and the bureaucracy around 48 hours to make the necessary arrangements for community members to meet with a Minister. WTF, does this government take us for a mob of idiots, it’s just not going to happen particularly over a weekend.


    • The Magpie says:

      ‘does this government take us for a mob of idiots’.

      You have to ask?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I believe there was a flurry of activity today in preparation for a super secret event occurring at the TAFE tomorrow

      • The Magpie says:

        You mean it’s super secret just at the moment, or it will never be revealed? Reasonable question in Townsville.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Well I dunno. Security walk thoughs and the like. I assume it’s the announcement of some fluff piece to selected members of the media to distract from more serious issues that are difficult to deal with.

  15. Doug K says:

    Sorry Airline but I beg to differ. My understanding is that Buttsy trained Gift Man to win the Townsville Cup. No offence to Ray Caught who is a very good trainer and one of many of Terry’s good mates, but perhaps the owners of the horse could clear this up. In any case, why are we even talking about who trained one racehorse – believe me Terry trained plenty – with great success. He trained one to win a race soon after one of the owners, a prominent local doctor who had a share, passed away. That was special to me, even though I was not part of the ownership group.
    To me he was a master at getting old horses to reproduce their best, and I think you’ll find that Ray Caught would agree. I have seen first hand the care and affection Terry had for his horses, talking to them and giving them an affectionate pat. I can testify that he trained five horses for me (and other partners) and he somehow got them all to win a race – even a Cairns Cup – except one that was a nervous wreck when it arrived from a certain Sydney stable (my bad choice, not his). He was a down to earth good bloke and an astute trainer, and I’ll argue with anyone who says otherwise.

  16. Regular reader says:

    Going on today’s paper the “secret” TAFE announcement was that work was starting on a local project. A simple case of don’t worry about juvenile crime and health debacles – nothing to see there, look over here.

    • Russell says:

      And an interesting local project at that. We really are at the same stage now as the Beta vs. VHS stage of video-recording equipment. Hydrogen vs. batteries (and which batteries if that does turn out the way things go?) And as we saw before, the best technology won’t necessarily be the winner.

  17. Prince Rollmop says:

    Mayor Shrill will be following the ‘local government handbook of deception’ and will start priming the deluded and dumb Townsville ratepayers for the next 12 months leading up to the next election. There will be positive announcements, spending on projects and general distractions to keep peoples attention away from her failings and her being a complete failure.

    What we can only hope for is that a few more players pop their heads up above the firing line and go for her jugular by throwing their hand in the ring for the Mayoral position. It’s a big ask as she has the Councillors by the balls (except for Fran), so hopefully there will be a coup and to save their own necks they will fight against her. But seriously, can’t Townsville see that this hopeless Mayor and her pussy-whipped Councillors have allowed a narcissist and bully to preside over a declining Townsville for 10 years?

    • Elusive Butterfly says:

      “Deluded and dumb” eh Princess!
      That must include you?

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Oh Elusive Butterflog, it hurts you to hear anything negative said against your Labor pals. Don’t worry, here is a word that will cause you to implode – Crisafulli.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Rollmop, whilst you are of course entitled to your opinion, I think it is a bit arrogant of you to imply, without actually saying it, that the voters in each division of Townsville are so “deluded, dumb and pussy-whipped” that they can’t help but vote for one of the mayor’s team. I mean really! Would you prefer to and actually vote for a brick-with-ears funded by Clive Palmer or a religious nutter sprouting gobbledegook? I have no idea which division you reside in but do you really think that your neighbours and fellow division residents are that downtrodden, ignorant and naive that they can’t make rational choices? A chorus of voices from the ‘Nest saying that every councillor other than Cr Fran is a nodding clown does not constitute a referendum but an election sure does. Could it be that you simply don’t have a clue?

      • The Magpie says:

        You might need to sit, Palm, because you’ll be shocked to know that The ‘Pie agrees with you … up to a point.

        Townsville’s problem is not that the current full-up clown car of bozos got elected per se, it was that no one, including some of the most loud complainers, stood as a viable and preferable candidate. No one of quality put up their hand for mayor since Sam Cox had a stab but he was so half hearted he lost before he even nominated, and Jayne Arlett before that, who shafted herself through lack of campaign judgement.

        Fran is determined she will simply run for mayor, on a platform from what The ‘Pie can gather, is a one-term cleaning out the stables and getting back to basics. And telling us the financial truth. She is on record saying she will not be organising and vetting a team, which would normally present a major problem in the reality of these sorts of elections. But funnily enough, it actually finally offers an opportunity to give voters a choice of political unencumbered, community minded people to nominate in various divisions, proclaiming only that they back Fran and her stated clean-up policies. If this message could be spread widely enough, it is just possible that those thinking about it might be emboldened enough to step forward.

        It’s pretty sure will have some team helping her in her campaign, and if they are savvy folks with some experience in this area, they may well be available mto offer informal advice to various candidates on local issues on which they could concentrate.

        Palm, we know you won’t welcome or approve the idea of quality candidates confronting your beloved Walker Street Wirth’s Circus, but it’s about the only hope I can see of Townsville ever getting back to its rightful place a as respected regional entity.

        • Tenacious D says:

          Would this require Fran to issue US style of endorsement to each or any candidate?

          • The Magpie says:

            No reason for Fran not to say they think the candidate is a good person. Endorsement would only come if a team was formed and candidates selected from several.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        The evidence is apparent – Hill has received a tick in the box for 10 long years. Yep, Townsville residents are idiots.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      When the trained, armed and prepared professionals go and hide in their office rather than face the criminals I think we can all agree that the Battle of Townsville is lost and this land in now controlled by the kiddy crims. But its ok because we have a new TAFE building. I think I might not feed my dogs this evening just so they are nice and hungry.

  18. Prince Rollmop says:

    I wonder if our impotent Mayor and her 3 Labor puppet mates have a comment to make about last nights activities in which the local grubs targeted police vehicles and rammed them? Anna Alphabet and Katarina Carrol you are both pathetic bullshit artists. Just fix the fucking problem instead of spinning it.


  19. old tradesman says:

    Tomorrow the CopperString announcement will be made to string us along.

    • The Magpie says:

      That will be interesting. The ‘Pie is aware that our man Bentley has some strong views on that … and so do other informed folks. Watching with interest.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      From the Premier. Note to self: buy off the Katter Party in the lead up to the next election. Check!

      • Hee Haw says:

        Five BILLION dollars is one hell of a “look after” don’t you think

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          I’m actually struggling to understand what was actually paid, to who, and for what. Government has paid for all the studies and development so already owns those outputs. Most of the land it is supposed to pass over is crown land under pastoral lease. I do not think they have started building anything. Perhaps Stevie or the Weekend Wanker could provide some inside gossip on what value we taxpayers just received and what we paid.

  20. Cantankerous but happy says:

    So now Labor’s superannuation tax grab is starting to effect more and more people everyday, 10% of people aged 35 today will be hit with the new tax, and 20% of young people entering the workforce today will be slugged with the extra tax, unless they take action to prevent this from happening. Most will take the obvious course of action and avoid making contributions to super wherever they can, this will have consequences for super funds as it will erode the overall pool and deminish returns. Super itself will become a sub class investment and many will just put more and more money into the last tax free investment available of real estate, lifting house values even further, what the fuck are these stupid people thinking, the irony that it is the Labor Party sinking the superannuation system should not be forgotten.

    • The Magpie says:

      Mate, you’ve been around this blog for many years, and are a known and valued entity, but The ‘Pie must ask, are you going through some mental change of life at the moment? The nonsense you’ve been coming up with on this subject particularly is quite alarming. Seems to be driven solely by a deep and abiding hatred of Labor, while ignoring the facts of an issue. The word ‘naive’ can never be applied to you, so we’d really like to know what you’re up to.

      Let’s look at elements of your comment. ‘ … is starting to affect more and more people everyday …’ The measure does not come. into effect until 2025 … and after the next election. Until then, it has affected no one beyond folks like you and your blood pressure.

      Then there’s this vague blather: ‘…10% of people aged 35 today will be hit with the new tax, and 20% of young people entering the workforce today will be slugged with the extra tax’. First of all, ummm, like when will they be hit with the new tax rate? The simple answer would seem to be when they have accrued $3million in their super kitty … and for the dumbos who believe the media twaddle, remember, this increased tax will only be on the voluntary contributions to super, not those mandated by law, which basically aren’t taxed. (Yes, I know there’s an argument there, but indulge us and leave it for the moment.) And it’s a fair bet that if they shovel away that much in jig time, they’re in a much higher tax bracket than 30% anyway, so they may well decide to pour in heaps to take advantage of the relief offered.

      And, look, The ‘Pie has freely and often admitted he’s no financial whiz, but explain this to the poor old bird, Cankers. How does building more houses, therefore increasing housing numbers and increasing the supply of a product – i.e. houses – make the prices go UP. Surely it would bring them down, possibly to over supply, in your fevered and flawed scenario.

      But The ‘Pie still loves ya, mate.

      • Count de Money says:

        My concern is that although Albo and Chalmers are only promulgating changes that will affect 0.5% of the population, it’s just the first wedge. A wedge that could potentially rip open a $3 trillion treasure trove. Maybe not in 2025, maybe in 2030, who knows. Point being, legislation will be introduced to allow for this initial change and that legislation can then be tweaked, massaged or manipulated (a bit like a naked Clive Palmer with a set of nipple clamps and a cock ring).

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Pie, the $3 million is a total of all contributions. The reason I listed the age groups is anyone young on the average wage will blow the $3 million cap before they retire because the cap is not indexed, the dumbest fucken thing I have seen in my life, inflation will erode the system. These changes won’t effect many of us but will fuck the next generations and deny them access to a great scheme we have all enjoyed, supers best days are now gone, it simply didn’t need to be done.

        • The Magpie says:

          Sorry, Cankers, we’re definitely not the same page here … sure, they ‘blow the $3 million cap’ – geez, I wish – and then anything they contribute over and above the mandated amount of their salary paid in by the employer (which is NOT taxed) will then be taxed at 30%. As I said earlier, 30% is probably a lot less than their normal tax rate. And if there’s some sort super bracket creep as you seem to suggest, future governments can act to amerorilate that. I simply cannot see what you and most of the media are getting excited about. $3million will be more than adequate for retirement for a while yet.

          And you haven’t expanded on your housing theory.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Pie , in support of Cankers as you say the policy commences in 2 years so how many above thresehold wouldn’t have moved their $ around to just under $3 mil . First it was 30,000 , then 50,000 and now with no cpi increases built in its 1-10 . Labors valuations are unworkable valuing shares at current value vs when you actually sell and farmers land bought for future planning considered . SMSF have $50 bil in resi investment and more in other property .

          • The Magpie says:

            Maybe Mike, but one point … how would someone be allowed to tinker with their super balance to make it just under $3million? Didn’t think they were allowed to move it about in such a fashion, aren’t there limits on whatever withdrawals are currently allowed? And it would seem both you and Cankers ignore the point that the savings to the government -ergo, taxpayers – goes into Treasury for theoretical benefit of everybody … roads, schools, Grange Hermitage for the parliamentary canteen.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Many will just stop putting money into super and buy a bigger more expensive home, many people have a much larger super balance than what their home is worth, that will change, this move will continue the upward climb of real estate as it becomes the absolute clear option in the low tax saving strategy. You will also find many professional people will now look at contract arrangements rather than salary, that way they can lessen their obligations around super and look at other options, it will just take what is now a fantastic system that works very well and dissolve its value completely.

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh, well, have it your way, woe is us. ‘Dissolve its value completely’? Come off it.

      • Scott Morrison Not says:

        To clarify, the 30% tax is only on EARNINGS from the FRACTION of the balance OVER $3 million. Earnings from the fraction below $3 million would still be taxed at the lower rate.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Christ Cankers… I knew the drug laws were changing but I didn’t realise you’d be affected so quickly. Stop listening to Sky News.

  21. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie was going to keep this for the blog on the weekend, but things have been so serious around here, we need a laugh at the unreality of today’s world …. and laugh you will, although Freddy Mercury will be spinning in his grave.


  22. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    On Seven “Occasionally Local” News last night there was vision of Jenny Hill sitting at the immediate right of the Premier at a meeting in Townsville. My missus remarked that it appeared Jenny was back in the good books with Anna. But seconds later at a media conference the Premier, commenting on Hill’s call to scrap detention as a last report for young offenders, shot Hill down in flames.
    With a stare that would turn milk sour the Premier said: “That’s a UN Convention so she might need to speak to the United Nations about that.”
    Oh dear, it appears Jenny has shot herself in the foot again.
    If you register on the Seven News website, and are prepared to sit through a couple of ads, you can watch the action here: The put-down is about 4 minutes in.
    Will be interesting to see if the Bully editor and hard hitting reporter Leighton Smith are game to publish it tomorrow (Tuesday).

  23. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    As predicted not a word in today’s paper or TB website about Jenny Hill’s latest case of foot in mouth. The editor is obviously no longer even pretending to cover Jenny Hill’s gaffs without bias.
    Can anyone tell me how much do you have to spend on advertising to get this sort of protection from the local paper?
    Editor? Leighton? Anyone?

    • Rupert’s girl says:

      Perhaps if you look at the footage carefully you can see Leighton the stenographer massaging Jenny’s shot foot!

  24. Prickster says:

    So we can only assume the Government will not be investigating The Ville over alleged criminal activities (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-08-29/townsville-casino-ville-resort-illegal-junket-star-inquiry/101381482) with the gushing Media Releases about The Ville’s renewable energy plans.

    How good is renewable energy it even fixes illegal casino operations……..

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s a mildly demented conclusion, if you don’t mind The ‘Pie saying so. One has nothing to do with, or will affect, the other.

  25. Prickster says:

    Are the government’s priorities wrong?

    $5,000,000,000.00 for a powerline or the same money could put an additional 16,000 police on the streets using Anna’s own numbers https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/90885

  26. The Magpie says:

    Here is a question that we need an answer to. No accusation – yet – but an answer would be kinda nice.

    Just who is going to foot the bill for the second highlighted tender? Now, OK, the money already may be allocated, but it seems whatever the case, the TCC is the developer and must bear such headwork costs … so it seems this will be ratepayers money. And how does this affect the timeline for Lansdown’s reputed first tenant, the water-hungry QPR nickel conversion factory? Even if the connection pipeline is delivered on time, will the main pipeline reach that point by then, and the pumping station be up and running. So in reality, seems we can’t expect QPR to be snaffling up surplus jobless about the place for probably three to five years. Or whenever water becomes available.

    The whole problem with Lansdown, which by some miracle may end up working sometime down the track, suddenly bobbed up out of nowhere a few years ago … the nowhere being Jenny Hill’s head. Hardly any meaningful examination or public discourse about the major step of the TCC becoming a developer. Back then, just ballyhoo about Magnis and the oily slickster Frank Poullas.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Magpie, can’t be bothered digging up the media release this time – the most recent Queensland Budget contained a line item (I think $24m) for 13kms of pipeline and a reservoir to connect Haughton2 raw water to Lansdown. So Queensland taxpayers are footing the bill not Townsville ratepayers.

      • The Magpie says:

        Seen any tenders for the reservoir yet?

        • Palm Sunday says:

          No tender for reservoir found. Noticed though that the layout for the QPM plant includes some large ponds which might be something for storage of bulk raw water. In the process I noticed that the largest shareholder in QPM (~12%) is Citicorp Nominees P/L, the same Sydney mob that is the largest shareholder in Magnis ($6.3%). Coincidence I guess.

          A no-name road access through a future industrial site is something else altogether. Especially if it is connected via Jones Road to the Flinders Highway and a rail/road overpass intersection already slated to be funded by the Feds. Like it or not the ducks are lining up. The gas pipeline comes through Lansdown, Copperstring will meet the grid there, the Edify hydrogen plant is being supported by the Commonwealth, the Major Creek pv ‘farm’ will fit with and complement the rest and the millions currently being spent on Dingo Park Road directly benefiting the live cattle export industry will hook the rural/residential vote onside – all in time to look good for local government and state elections next year.

      • old tradesman says:

        Who is paying the pumping costs?

      • Regular reader says:

        Thanks for the heads-up Dolan.

  27. Critical says:

    Landsdown declared a prescribed project by Nana Anna. Definitely elections looming. ALP are desperate on both a local level and state level and need all of the distractions possible to hide the real problems facing Northern Queenslanders.

    We’ll never hear the end of it now from the purple doona and the 3 totally useless local dickhead MP’s.


  28. Critical says:

    And there’s more

    We’ll never hear the end of it from Mayor Idiot and TEL now


  29. The Magpie says:

    It would appear Astonisher Iditor Craig Herbert has a bleeding nose caused by the ferocity of the arse kicking he received over Friday’s botched story (as featured in The Nest) concerning the Museum Topical … err, of Tropical’s ummm, let’s try that again … the Museum of Tropical Queensland. A newspaper re-running a whole story because of a couple of grammatical errors is unheard of … a small apology buried deep in the paper is the usual go, if anything at all. So it’s a fair bet that someone up the government food chain used a bullhorn to have a word in Mr Herbert’s shell-pink … because yesterday bright and early, we got this.

    But to emphasise the level at which the Bulletin had upset some of Anna’s folks, herert even prevailed upon cartoonist Harry to come up with a typical unamusing effort on this most minor of stories.

    It is one thing demanding journos become photographers – every one is one nowadays – but asking a photographer, especially a veteran who is one of the best the paper has ever had, to become a journalist oft times does not work. And there’s no safety net of sub-editors because of Rupert’s penny pinching disregard for his readers.

    Once Hardly Normal’s mega advertising deal evaporates, the Bulletin becoming a three day a week insert in the Courier Mail will be a step closer.

  30. Palm Sunday says:

    (Edited by The Magpie … not the words, which are untouched, just the location within another comment.)

    On the matter of TCC ‘developing’ low rent housing at the old Garden Settlement aged care facility at Pallarenda (abandoned 6-8 years ago), can you even imagine the expense of renovating to some sort of acceptable standard all those solid but worn out buildings?

    The asbestos (if that is really an issue), plumbing, electrics, cyclone standards, storm surge vulnerability – an endless parade of state and Commonwealth-imposed red tape that a council is least able to manoeuvre through let alone avoid. In 2014 it housed 81 people including 59 ‘high care’ places in I don’t know how many buildings – I visited looking for a high care place for a couple I knew. It was pretty shabby then. It would need to be gutted. I really don’t think that would be a good look as a council ‘investment’ any more than an airport 400kms away.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, The ‘Pie has confirmed that asbestos was the basic cause of the abandonment … or anyway, that was the excuse either the Uniting Church or the authorities used.

      But gotta just lervvve your innocent batting of eyelashes there, Palm. If you can’t imagine TCC and Brisbane getting together with a few lazy million for this worthy idea, then you’re in for a shock when you learn that your beloved Anna spend $250 million (that would be roughly 10/15 renovated Garden Settlements) on a purpose built 1000 bed facility out in the sticks for a clientele that evaporated even before it was finished (hosting a couple of hundred guests), and then handing the whole thing over to private enterprise gratis, because they supplied the land … or just donated nicely to the party … or whatever.

      Don’t believe it … google WELLCAMP.

      Then let’s have a chat about priorities of the battlers’ party, shall we?

      • Palm Sunday says:

        No, no Magpie, I DO believe it. For the next 18 months Palaszczuk will take the credit for everything she can lay her hands on. If it’s north of Noosa then it will be an Olympics project – didn’t you notice that she wants to re-name CopperString 2.0 “CopperString 2032″. Smooth eh? Soon there will be Wulguru sewerage 2032, Kirwan Police Campus 2032 and Lansdown 2032 and we will be reminded how North Queensland is benefitting directly from Olympics 2032. Yeah nah, this one’s for the True Believers.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Palm Sunday , all those investors buying and developing cbd properties older than the garden settlement (many heritage listed ) isn’t a mirage . Have you run the numbers on a Greenfield site alternative ? . Finding land with the right zoning , finance costs for 2 yrs whilst your plans lodged and civil works get approved by Council . Tenders for a builder then build costs + 42 % + civil works and higher lender interest .

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Mike, I’ll leave that to the Uniting Church mob. They walked out of Garden Settlement and purchased, among other things, Carlisle Gardens.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Weekend Wanker, The buildings probably have asbestos, but the main reason it didn’t meet current standards for aged care in as much low care residents dad to to share bathroom and toilet facilities between two units.

  31. old tradesman says:

    I would hate to think what the Copper String 2.0 announcement held at the Ville today has cost the taxpayers of Queensland, it was worthy of a royal visit. All that was missing were the real Coppers who were out chasing stolen burnt cars. Mind you this project is a power line after all, if it goes ahead, but strangely there is no mention of a reliable water supply to bring all this mining to fruition. Some would call it a dead cat or should I say Katter.

  32. Dave of Kelso says:

    Dear ‘Pie,
    A couple of weeks ago at the time of the Chinese survalence balloon incident the discussion drifted onto the use of Japanese balloon bombs during WWII to bomb the USA and Canada. Below is a link to a YouTube video on the subject.

  33. The Magpie says:

    Snaps Up, eh?

    snap up
    phrasal verb of snap
    1. quickly and eagerly buy or secure something that is in short supply or being sold cheaply.

    So, like an expert browsing a bric-a-brac shop who spots a lost masterpiece masterpiece going for a song, Anna suddenly comes across CopperString, and in synonyms for ‘snap up’, she snaffles or grabs it.

    This would have to be the longest and protracted ‘snap up’ in history.

    But The ‘Pie shouldn’t be churlish, he is forced to admit that Premier Palaszczuk is a bloody genius – a financial one at that …. $5 billion for this project AND AN OLYMPICS!!!

    How does she do it?

    Sadly, we’re all about to find out.

  34. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    So Jacobs is out of the race. I feel very sad for his wife but I also wonder if if the ALP has come down on the side of the Mullet for some reason.

  35. Astonished says:

    Premier Anna has hit town and there seems to be a lot more going on behind the scenes than the announcement of major projects, which seem to be designed to draw attention away from her health, homeless and juvenile crime trainwrecks.
    First we had Anna directing her once good mate Jenny Hill to the United Nations for a crash course in poorly thought out late attempts to look like she is actually doing something about the current juvenile crime pandemic.
    Then Labor second string mayoral candidate Paul Jacob tells us he is tossing in the towel because of family health issues.
    A good reason of course, but in the same breath he tells us his wife is “fine now”.
    Could it be that Queen Anna has read the riot act to her Labor mayoral wannabe and he has suddenly jumped on the Jenny Hill wagon. He has been critical of Hill recently but not yesterday.
    But wait – there’s more.
    In two separate media conferences with the Premier yesterday , telecast on Seven tv news last night, Les Walker looked like he had lost $10,000 and found $1.
    While his local Labor mates Harpic and Stewart were doing their usual smiling, noddy act behind the Premier, the forlorn, faraway look on the face of Les suggested he either wasn’t welcome, or didn’t want to be there (maybe both).
    So what’s going on with Les? Surely the Premier couldn’t have told him he had lost his party’s endorsement for the next election to allow a female to stand instead, thus boosting her female quota.
    Nah, surely after his impeccable behaviour Les would be the first one picked, maybe even for a cabinet position – Minister for Mad Cows would be a natural fit. Or maybe he’s decided to join the boof head football players on the Donkey Boxing Circuit.
    And to think, this is just the start of the election campaign.
    Strap yourself in, it’s going to be a hell of a ride.

    • The Magpie says:

      A fair analysis, Dropped Jaw. A couple observations.

      Paul Jacob: There can be little doubt you’re right about him being told his place, because it is hard to believe that his wife health issues suddenly bobbed up in the past three or so weeks since he announced his run. Mrs Jacob may well be unwell, and we trust she is OK and wish her well (why being a nurse has added to the problem is a bit of a mystery) but Mr Jacob trotting outy the tried and true ‘family responsibilities’ excuse in this way is simply not believable. So Labor still see Mayor Mullet as their best ticket to hang on to Townsville at LG level. Not sure why they want to, it’s clear from comments the premier doesn’t care for her much anymore.

      Re Les Walker: the look is because of concussion. Aggravated by the realisation, if your very credible scenario is correct, that as a one-termer, all those lovely perks and rorts of a retiring two-timer are don the gurgler. Like that Chinese balloon in America, the fall is from a great height fo our hydrogen Champion.

      Re Scott Stewart: it is disheartening to remember that a man who said the following about a pissant little power scheme in northern Australia once used to teach our children. Surprised he didn’t use the ‘bigly’.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Whatever else she might have said or done, Palaszczuk is making it clear she wants and needs Jenny Hill to win the mayoral election next March to smooth a path for Labor in the state election next October. From Critical’s link yesterday –

        ‘I want to recognise the vision of Townsville City Council Mayor Jenny Hill to make Lansdown a reality working incredibly closely with the Deputy Premier. A great partnership formed for this project.’

        She doesn’t even have to like her. Palaszczuk’s fortunes in NQ will be riding on the back of Lansdown. Whether they are ‘public’ about it or not, Labor will be backing Hill to the hilt.

        • The Magpie says:

          We’ve got to stop this agreeing with each other, Palm, both our credibilities are on the line. But yes, that’s why Jacob was told to pull his head in ( “Use the old family health reasons excuse to pull out, mate, always works, but whatever, just piss off or kiss your party membership goodbye.”) But understand, The Magpie wishes Mrs Jacob no ill, and agrees it unfortunate if she has the stated health concerns, but if she been hospitalised twice in the past couple of years and obviously has on-going care needs, how come this only become apparent to her loyal, loving and virtuous husband just three weeks after announcing a shot at mayor?

          And the rest of your comment is supported by this amusing document, which among other things, features some Bulletin-like maths. Astoundingly amateurish and transparent, raising even more question about our Olympic premier’s seriousness about this project..

          • Palm Sunday says:

            It also makes Cr Fran’s decision to leave Div10 and run for mayor all the more potent. Division10, being the Lansdown division and the Dingo Park Road division, will be the most lavishly funded hotspot in Townsville in history. When the Engineer gets off the toilet, if ever, he should drag his sorry arse out there and familiarise himself with the locale. It’s big and the people there have big hats and big expectations. Division 10 is wide open for a new blood candidate, someone with some nous who knows how to get around and get along. Someone not Palaszczuk or Crisafulli or Katter or Hill, someone just Townsville with half a brain and a bit of pizzazz. Probably not a ‘Nester but you never know. Definitely not you or me, Magpie.

          • The Magpie says:

            Neither of us would be able to find a hat that would fit our heads, mate.

          • Palm Sunday says:


      • Prickster says:

        Not doubting Anna’s ability to deliver mega projects, though we are still waiting for something to happen on the second Bruce Highway promised in 2020


      • Mundingbird says:

        Do you reckon Messageblank reads The Nest?

  36. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Scanning through the newest comments as I do during my daily constitutional at work where I find it helps loosen the bowels. I came to the realisation that we should thank the Mullet and her three blind mice friends for dedicating what must be an almost full time PR resource in the Weekend Wanker to be a channel of inside information from Wanker Street to the magpies nest. Now that little Stevie of wherever the hell he is today has gone quiet the Wanker is our only source or corporate spin. So thanks guys you make it easier to shit every morning with the verbal lubricant you provide.

  37. A reader says:

    There is a picture of Scott Stewart in the Bully today if anyone is interested to know what he looks like.

  38. NQ Gal says:

    Could any of the TCC insiders comment on why the list of Awarded Contracts (above $200k) has not been updated since November?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      You’re asking us? You need to check with the Weekend Wanker or any other of Jenny’s plants in this place.

  39. Prickster says:

    As the CuString hangovers fade, let’s just reflect on how the grifters own story has changed, remembering this is only the 2.0 version

    20/01/2021 $1.7B https://copperstring2.com.au/copperstring-2-0-project-set-to-power-thousands-of-jobs-in-townsville-and-the-nwmp/
    05/07/2021 750 jobs https://copperstring2.com.au/copperstring-2-0-to-be-shovel-ready-in-october/
    14/11/2022 800 jobs & $2.5B https://copperstring2.com.au/canberra-gives-green-light/

    Bit sad when you can’t remember your own bullshit, but well done for convincing Anna its worth $5B.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      I agree completely. The questions I would love to see answered include the following items.
      1 exactly how much real money is being given to the extended Katter family for this fairy castle.
      2 exactly what is being purchased for that amount of money.
      3 would the supposed $50billion in minerals have really stayed in the ground if this miracle wasn’t built. We have seen the centenary of Mount ISA which has done ok without “Coppersting” as have all the other mines in the region.
      4 if the only purpose of the project is to bring power to the west why is it being talked up as some sort of international super investment. Maybe they got the briefing papers for this and the other silly Suncable thing mixed up.

  40. Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

    Premier Palasczuk will be planning contestants for the upcoming LG elections. That’s why she visited. I have no doubt that Mayor Hill will remain in Labor’s favour and the Premier will definitely push for females to be supported in local Labor strong Councils. This will be done at arms length of course, as State politics should not transverse local politics. Love Jenny or hate her, she is a constant. Has been for the good part of over a decade.

    • The Magpie says:

      Indeed, and doesn’t it show!

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      She visited to plan contestants for the local government election? All those announcements were part of an elaborate cover story, eh?

      • The Magpie says:

        No, that certainly wasn’t the game plan, which was clearly to try to boost the stocks of the three local galoots. Palaszczuk knows how much the loss of the Townsville seats would be, but took the opportunity to reluctantly back he favourite UI, and telling Jacob to fuck off or get kicked out of the party, so if the worst happens – which it will – Anna hopes to still have Labor wormed away well into the Townsville woodwork. And Barely old mate, you surprise us, seeming to indicate that various announcements are never cover stories. The ‘Pie would like to see the announcement that ISN’T a cover story for some undeclared motive.

        Anna’s real challenge now ios to try and keep those pesky journalists … the real deal, the serious and smart ones from the ABC, Brisbane Times and occasionally the Courier which is on the Anna warpath, from blowing more secrets about the Olympic disaster-in-waiting. Because much more ‘blowing out’ and you can forget Lansdown, CopperString or improvements to the Bruise Highway. (Not a typo, pinched Bruise Highway from a clever commenter.)

      • I’ll Be Plucked says:

        Perhaps Anna alphabet was in town to give grants to local businesses such as Ma Kelly’s laundromat? Keep locals like Stevie from Belgian Gardens employed.

  41. Chimbu Warrior says:

    Labor never ceases to amaze me. At the election we had Albo and we had the Pentecostal parasite Morrison. Labor rolled it in, the election they couldn’t lose. Then Albo started off strong, making some inroads, giving Potato Head Dutton, and the Australian citizens in general, little to attack Labor with. Then Albo announces ‘the voice’ and a grab on the wealthy peoples superannuation!! Oh how quickly things are changing. These fuckwits have created so much disent, fear and anger amongst Australians in a matter of a few weeks. They never fucking learn do they??

  42. Astonished says:

    Fair dinkum, they are so predictable.
    Les Walker gives the impression he has suffered another knockout by looking, at two media conferences, like he’s been disowned by Anna, and the next day he is trotted out happy and smiling to help in the announcement of a couple of minor State Government subsidised projects – one of which was a NQ rock lobster industry. All good and above board no doubt but the Premier and her 31 hopeless spin doctors must think voters are brain dead.
    Les is still part of the plan?
    Message to Anna – we ain’t buying it.
    As for Les, get some training in for the Donkey Boxing Circuit mate – It’s a knockout.

  43. Achilles says:

    Just saw a news clip from Sydney about yesterday’s rail system IT crash.

    They showed a poster at the entrance to a station which read “No Serivice”. Looks like the train IT system isn’t the only failure.

  44. The Magpie says:

    We have a choice before us, Nesters …. we must decide whether Astonisher iditor Craig Herbert is sitting on the biggest story of the decade … that the Queensland seat of government is soon to shift from Brisbane to Townsville …. or, on the other hand, he’s a blithering idiot.
    His usual maunderings and meandering in the groves of grammar and deep thoughts was on full display in today’s idiotrial.

    But what brought the reader to a screeching halt was this line.

    Full time, eh?
    Would’ve thought that piece of news would’ve been at least worth a few slack-jawed lines from ace reporter Leighton Smith.

    This blather was based on the page 3 story which began:

    The Magpie imagines a typical conversation.
    “Hello, Premier’s office, Townsville, how may I assist you?’
    ” Yeah, g’day, I’m billionaire Barry Bigbucks, and I’d like to invest in this CopperString thing, put me through to the Premier.’
    “I’m sorry, sir, but the Premier isn’t in the Townsville office at the moment, she’s in Sydney attending the premiere of her documentary Tales From The Red Carpet. She is then off to Geneva for an Olympic Committee meeting, before coming home via LA, where she’s going to chat to Hugh Jackman about becoming Queensland ambassador to Hollywood.’
    ‘So I can talk to her then?’
    ‘Well, not immediately, she will be occupied for several days on her return.’
    “Doing what?’
    “She’ll be in parliament,sir, she is the Premier you know’.
    “Where’s parliament, then?’
    “Why, it’s in Brisbane, of course. Sir, where are you ringing from?’
    “Brisbane. Forget it.’

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      There used to be an Office of the premier in NQ until Puddleduck shut it down to concenrtrate on Brisbane. We can only guess what the lease on the empty office has been for all those years. Now there is a whiff or stench of electoral loss in the air she is all big about opening it up again. I think we were better off without it and her in town.

      • old tradesman says:

        The office is situated right behind the security desk on the ground floor, her 31 spin doctors need to come up with a better idea.

      • Achilles says:

        The article says it will be located in the existing Department of Premier and Cabinet offices

      • Non Aligned Worker says:

        Ginger Beer
        There is still an Office of the Premier in Townsville.

        • The Magpie says:

          Then what’s this announcement all abiut then?A personal office for the premier’s use, rather than the official style?

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            We’ve all overlooked what I believe to be the real reason she came to Townsville – she is copping some political and public heat over the crime issue. So from her political playbook she chose item 71 which mentions that when faced with a regional backlash visit the region in question, make promises, pretend to care, then fuck off again hoping that the sheeple have swallowed your bullshit. And to be honest, that will probably work due to most residents of the Ville being as dumb as dogshit.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Here’s a fearsome thought for you, Magpie. Jenny Hill, with discreet (haha) Labor backing, gets re-elected mayor in March next year then, in a shock/horror move, is nominated as the Labor candidate for one of the state seats (she lives in the Mundingburra electorate), which she would win at a canter in October. Then, a ministerial spot including Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland (once Mikey Reynolds, then Corallee O’Rourke), lands her in a big office at the top of the Suncorp building in Sturt Street, surveying her kingdom all the way out to Lansdown for as long as it lasts. And the by-election to fill the vacated mayoral spot goes to . . . . hmmmm.

          • The Magpie says:

            We would have to rename Walker Street vElm street, for our very own nightmare. Not for you of course, it would guarantee sweet dreams.

        • I’ll Be Plucked says:

          And you would know this because you are positioned beneath the desk.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      What a laugh. So ‘she’ can work from Townsville. As if. Townsville doesn’t offer the swanky clubs, social activities and entertainment that Brisbane offers. Can you imagine Anna and her swish pink jacket wearing boyfriend getting all fancied up for a takeaway coffee on Castle Mountain or a BBQ at Dolan’s house? Nah, if anything, these muppets will spend $1m refurbishing an office that she can sit in for 2 or 3 days once per year. She doesn’t want to be away from Brisbane and all those Olympic rewards that await her and some of her family businesses.

    • Achilles says:

      Nah! its Townsville, all you’ll get is an answering machine, at the back of Jenny’s closet informing you that:-

      “This office is not manned, please hold while we redirect your call our Brisbane office, or you may leave a voice message”

      • NQ Gal says:

        Leave a voice message immediately followed by the beep, beep, beep of being hung up on…

      • Way out West says:

        Achillies, are you suggesting Les ‘Messagebank’ Wa?ker was 20 years ahead of his time!!? And all this time I just thought he was just a dumb, lazy parasite.

    • Prickster says:

      Stasia was in Townsville for one reason and one reason only, and that’s Stasia. While she was in Townsville – she was 1345kms away from Brisbane where there are problems with a failing health system, crime, and unions.

      Good people of Townsville have now been blessed with her time and some trinkets now shut the fuck up and let her let get back to swanning around on the global stage.

      • Count de Money says:

        Maybe Anna and her lover boy, the wearer of technicolored dreamcoats, were in town for some kind of higher class event? Was there anything on in the Ville?

  45. Prickster says:

    2 years ago it was fucking ridiculous as police cars block entry to the police station https://youtu.be/pj0py3E_4mU

    Now it is beyond a joke, the little grubs now chase police and block them in the police station https://youtu.be/j5NaJTmNPyo

    They keep this escalation going police officers will get killed. I would support the police going on strike until they laws and resources that support them.

  46. Achilles says:

    Demonstration of how a fool and his money are soon parted. The full instructions are behind a pay-wall at The Oz.

    ’I’ll spend $100m to influence next election’: Palmer

    In a candid interview, Clive Palmer reveals his next ambitious plans and why he’d be ‘attacked’ for acting like other Aussie billionaires.

  47. The Magpie says:

    Gosh, wonder how Leighton got on. to this story? Nothing like a little kick up the arse to get him moving, eh? But whatever can he mean when he writes that speculation has been rife about the site recently. Have any Nesters seen anything about this?

    • Russell says:

      It would be interesting to see the same photos after getting a contractor in to trim the shrubs, mow the lawns, do some whipper-snipping and clean up the paths. Rehabilitation would look much more achievable I reckon. Optimism may even set in.

    • Achilles says:

      You’ve blown your cover Pie, c’mon own up, you are Light-on Smith.

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie could never write that well. But truth is, he did a good job on the story, getting to the facts behind the community questions as only someone who can talk on the telephone can. Good yarn.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Well done Leighton, by reading the Magpies Nest you have been rewarded with another story. If you keep using the Pie to find you stories you just may graduate from stenographer to a copyright infringer like Gleeson. A real step up. Don’t worry, one day your balls will descend and you will create your own breaking front page story. But until then, your newspaper remains good one thing only for bird cage flooring.

    • Jimmy Olsen says:

      It didn’t say “recently”.

      • The Magpie says:

        rife \RYFE\ adjective. 1 : prevalent especially to an increasing degree. 2 : abundant, common. 3 : copiously supplied : abounding

        So the talk hasn’t been recent but has been abundant, common and abounding for what … a few years? If that’s the case, why didn’t you get on to the story sooner, slackarse.

        Take the win of a good story and don’t try and be a clever clogs, Leighton, or you’ll get another clog up your cloaca.

        • The Magpie says:

          Now The ‘Pie thinks about it, L, since you choose to be a twerp about this, are you going to do a story about the side effect of the rental crisis on the not inconsiderable storage unit industry locally, that the ABC did earlier this week and The ‘Pie privately suggested to you three weeks ago?

      • Goldmember says:

        You are hardly in a position to be a smartarse Leighton. Your general reporting is spineless and substandard.

    • Aitkenvalian says:

      While Leighton is researching information in relation to the Garden Settlement Aged Care Facility, perhaps he/she/they could include researching why a large number of military owned houses situated between Leopold Street, Kimball and Kinealy Streets have been left vacant for a number of years. Prime real estate with a river view.

  48. Dave of Kelso says:

    This bloody activist bleeding heart with fuckall concern for the
    security of 97% of the community is the heart of the problem.

    Does this pretty little petal have to keep household doors, front and back locked, day and night? Lock the car doors when walking off to pay for petrol. Consider half a dozen Snots in her house looking for car keys, alcohol, cash, and jewelry. Katherine bloody Haynes has to live as we do.

    Long time nesters will know this, despite the facade, I am a really horrible person.



    • Prickster says:

      Any coincidence that Katherine Hayes and the Youth Advocacy Centre office is at 16 Peel St South Brisbane aka the headquarters of the Qld Council of Unions, I think not.

      They are just an ALP mouthpiece who continue to downplay the severity of crime in Townsville.

  49. Astonished says:

    I responded to the invitation to contact the State Government requesting an interview while cabinet ministers were in town earlier this week. Received a call from a representative of the Minister for Communities and Housing, Leeanne Enoch, inquiring as to what I wanted to discuss. I mentioned transforming the Garden Settlement into affordable housing for the homeless and she didn’t know what I was talking about. I explained the situation and she said the Minister was very busy, but would get back to me to discuss the matter. Haven’t heard a word since, but it’s good to see that Blue Care is going to put it to good use, at last. It is, however, puzzling to read in today’s paper that “In the last year, Uniting Care Queensland has been exploring opportunities to repurpose the buildings with the Department of Housing, Community and Digital Economy to meet the needs of those in need or crisis in the community”. Obviously the Minister’s representative hadn’t heard about this long term planning.
    Today’s Astonisher yet again shows what happens when you don’t care about the product you produce. Went looking for the Garden Settlement story after a strip at the top of the front page said: “REVEALED: PLANS FOR ABANDONED AGED CARE HOME P4″. Finally found the story on page 14.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not everyone can count up to 14.

    • Critical says:

      Now let’s wait and see how many millions of taxpayers $$$ the Uniting Church will demand from government to refurbish their assets at Pallarenda and then $$$ to run the joint, including a large administrative fee. The Uniting Church doesn’t do anything for charity but only for a profit.

      I wonder what the residents at Pallarenda are thinking about this proposal.

  50. from The Bunker says:

    (Send in via Magpie email).

    Only 29 single dwellings approved in Townsville in Feb, so including Jan, that’s 40 so far, vs 84 last year.

    Calendar year 2022 625 single dwelling approvals this year Townsville will be lucky to get 40 % . Cairns 2- 3 times Townsville approvals .

    Builders already doing work out of town and the contractors are following . Team Hill have milked residential owners and investors with largest rates increases in Qld and driven interstate investors elsewhere.

  51. The Magpie says:

    Oh, look, how flattering …. Batman is now reading The Nest.

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