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The Magpie

Sunday, June 11th, 2023   |   248 comments

No Diplomatic Diploma For Mayor Mullet – But An A For Idiocy

Jenny Hill really has become unmoored from any sense of reality in her latest grandstanding pant for publicity. And she obviously and obstinately refuses to learn from her mistakes, telling the NRL that they’re idiots – while asking them a big favour.

The ever generous Magpie again revisits his previous advice to TEL about how best to do their job. No, no, don’t say thanks, just do it.

Serial plagiarist and former Bulletin iditor Peter Gleeson rescued from plagiarist purgatory with a new gig to expose his talents.

The new editor for the Astonisher yet to be announced, in an appointment that may give a clue to the paper’s future in print.

And forget the popcorn and beer, break out the Moet … mobster ex-president Trump indicted on federal charges related to espionage.

If you appreciate your regular Sunday morning Magpie’s Nest enough, you can help support the on-going costs of the blog with a donation. The appropriate link at the end of this edition. And if you don’t appreciate The Nest, make an offer over five figures for the ‘Pie to stop doing it. Offers in Maltese currency will be welcome and considered … after next March..

A Tale Of Strawberries, Swine And Misfiring Synapses.

Jenny Hill Screen Shot 2022-08-07 at 11.48.38 am

Some hereabouts have long wondered about mental contortions that result in the long list of Jenny Hill brain effluviums. The Magpie puts it down to lead paint in her nursery as a baby.

Whatever has knocked her off kilter shows no sign of being rectified, despite regular proof that something is amiss.

From the Jeanius of Walker Street, we have enjoyed – well, unless you’re a ratepayer –: trying to gift a crooked Indian billionaire $18mill to build an airfield 400kms away, which the council would not own mor operate and would have to pay to use,

  • spending over five years canoodling with another corporate crook and parting with a few million before said crook pulled the pin with a cackling laugh,
  • hiring beefcake and butthead Jamie Drury for around half a mill to tell how to turn off our taps in dry spells,
  • hiring an ex-army officer at ruinous consultant fees to tell us how to deal with crime (lock up your cars and hide your keys and not much else)
  • tip in a couple of mill of ratepayers hrd earned for a glorified shelter shed on Castle Hill instead of the promised and much anticipated café.
  • Then there was the damaging call to boycott Qantas, because they refused to back the mayor’s airport passenger tax and resulted in the airline’s payback of cancelling 2 weekly scheduled flights.

Now, you’d hope with this track record, someone would get an inkling that a rethink of tactics and approach might be in order.

Hope in vain folks. This from Mayor Mullet’s FB post during the week.

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This is truly disordered brain functioning on a Trumpian scale. Let’s have a look at a few points.

  1. The SOO in Adelaide attracted 48,613 punters, 5000 shy of a full house. Total Tools Stadium in Townsville holds 25000, so whether the issue of a sell out is even relevant, Townsville could only get half the Adelaide number through the gate – something the NRL would be well aware of. They, unlike some, understand finance.
  2. One of the best stadiums in the nation? What hurts about that statement is that exposes to the world what we locally already know … you’re a d dimwit of the first water to make such public statement of utter rubbish.You obviously haven’t been to your home town Melbourne lately … the Marvel stadium in Docklands and the of course the MCG knock our Total Tools stadium into a cocked hat – a fact which is generally known to those with an IQ above their shoe size. The new Parramatta stadium, Optus in Perth, Lang Park in Brissy and in fact Adelaide are also up there. This is such dishonest boosterism worthy of a drunken front bar, boor not a statement from a supposedly sane mayor.
  3. We got lucky with the SOS … courtesy of COVID and for no other reason. It proved nothing about Townsville’s on-going status.
  4. You want the NRL to look favourably on your very tenuous suggestion about a permanent home for the Women’s SOO, so your tactic is to tell them they’re stupid because they tried a (failed) experiment to spread the game was ‘feeding strawberries to pigs’?An interesting approach to negotiation to say the least.

And just an observation which might be a bit of puzzler for you, Madam Mayor. Despite the fact that you fancy yourself as a feminist champion, making Newcastle and Townsville the permanent home to Women’s’ SOO might face strident opposition … not the least from the players, clubs and gender equality Brunhildas. They may well see it as male patriarchy delegating them to second rate status in the boondock’s and denying them the opportunity to show off their considerable entertainment and athletic skills (genuine comment) to where the real rugby league heartland is. And the money, too, btw.

Anyway, Jen luvvie,  The ‘Pie hopes and reckons there’ll be a bumper crowd for the ladies game at Total Tools on Thursday week (June 22, KO 7.45.)

But tell you what, dearie, it won’t be 48,613.

Brittany Higgins: It’s Gone From A Case Of He Said/She Said To A Matter Of She Said/She Said.

We now have an extra dimension added to the cornucopia of cock-ups (pun intended) and real life conspiracies, now that a couple perfumed purveyors of political porkies are involved.

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This has now become a political polka, with fancy footwork everywhere, drawing in the Albanese Government, with – and if The ‘Pie is inaccurate here, it’s because concentration is soooo difficult with something that’s become all soooo predictable and boring – Finance Minister Katy Gallagher is supposed to have known something about rape allegations ahead of time which she said she didn’t know but former minister Linda Reynolds said she did, to which Katy replied ‘How dare you’ then  someone else found communications from somewhere that proved otherwise so this weekend Katy told a three minute press conference ‘Oh, that, right, well yes I knew but I actually didn’t lie’  and Albo trying the Scomo Approach of ‘nothing to see here and I don’t comment on on-troubled-waters matters, let’s move on,’  and then, … and … zzzzz.

See how stream of consciousness writing can result in welcome unconsciousness not writing?

Anyway, Bentley is an unbeliever and seems to think everyone in this whole matter is being – as they say in Canberra – economical with the truth.

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Peter The Plagiarist Gets A New Gig

There was movement at the station … the station in question being Brisbane’s 4BC, who has made the bold if unwise move of hiring serial plagiarist Peter Typo Gleeson s a temporary presenter in their afternoon slot. The former Sky waffler and workplace bully, who suffered a personal ‘rapid unscheduled disassembly’ at Sky (fired for revelations of multiple columns of plagiarism in News Ltd papers) Gleeson will take over from the retiring Neil Breen later this month. It’s a temporary fill-in until a permanent gas bag is found but plenty of time for Typo to air his creativity. The ‘Pie imagines his first day.

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Well, Pete, old chum, all The ‘Pie can say you’ve had some rough passages at Sky, indeed, it was the was the best of times, it was the worst of times but the past is a foreign country, they do things differently there. The ‘Pie remembers you telling him that in your younger and more vulnerable years your father gave you some advice that you’ve been turning over in your mind ever since. “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told you, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’

It is clear you took your father’s advice but as you yourself wrote to The ‘Pie, you appear to bear anxiety and uncertainty when you said  ‘Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.’

But mate, I am disturbed by your latest fond letter to me

‘Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again. It seemed to me I stood by the iron gate leading to the drive, and for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me.

Mate, the only advice I can give you , in my own words, is happy days are here again, so get happy.

But unfortunately, Sky’s not the limit any longer.

With apologies to

Charles Dickens Tale of Two Cities

L.P. Hartley The Go-Between

F Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby

Charles Dickens David Copperfield

Daphne du Maurier Rebecca

Jack Yellen Happy Days Are Here Again

And The WD40 Is Out Again For The Editor’s Turnstile at the Bully


After a totally undistinguished year or two infesting Townsville, current Bulletin iditor Craig Herbert is heading south, treading what is now a well worn News Ltd track down to the Hobart Mercury (previous Astonisher editors Craig Warhurst and Jenna Cairney went the same path).

The ’Pie understands Herbert won’t be missed, his lack of leadership was a morale crusher and he was generally disliked for his manner. It showed in the paper.

No word yet on who is about to foisted on us next, but the goodish news is that Warhurst, easily the best of the bunch over the past decade, is returning to an executive overview position in News Queensland.

The Flaw At The Core Of Townsville Enterprise’s Tourism Strategy

Well, let’s pretend they have a strategy, given their piecemeal silliness over the years and particularly recently (Nah, mate, it’s just Townsville … Enterprise.)

stadium latest

But The Magpie now realises where the problem lies. Those responsible for promoting tourism are suffering the misconception that once the stadium was built, job over, the end. But in fact, it was only the start, and needs imagination to be fully utilised,  and simply clinging to an outdated notion – ‘build it and they will come’ – is a lazy approach doomed to be a massive waste.

It is apparent this is how TEL and Jenny Hill have lazily decided all they need, a field of dreams to automatically attract people to the city, initially for events but with a flow on to general visitation. Even putting expensive efforts into getting major events here while some were superficially successful, the real opportunity was lost.

It just doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone in charge tha building the stadium was the start, not the finality. Townsville was presented with a hook, or more a core around which can be built imaginative and attractive ‘packages’. Events at the stadium are not the end product in themselves, they are just the core for an imaginative marketing program.

Here’s how it could and should work.

Packages which include air fares, game tickets and discounted accommodation at genuine discount prices. This initiative should be based on the idea that ‘hey, you’ve come all this way, why not stay for short winter holiday in the sun’.  Marketed initially through League clubs, they could be expanded to the general public. Because packages should also include a number of options to suit a cross section of interests, all below the regular rates …trips to Billabong Sanctuary, Maggie Island, the Underwater Museum, Crystal Creek and Paluma, an art tour taking in our excellent mural trail and galleries, (and convince someone to re-start a Red Baron flight attraction, it was a winner – and so was the parachute crowd, where’s that gone?), whatever can add variety and prick the interest beyond a single sporting event.  Stadium events will  be the hook but the financial advantages will be available only for those who come here for one whole week. TEL members can add a host of small goodies for takers … a free bottle of wine with a restaurant meal, that sort of thing, all spelled out in a glossy brochure with redeemable coupons for the ‘freebies’ or discounts on offer.

Winter is our most attractive season, Starting right now, a small professional marketing team should be at the door of the NRL and the airlines, to secure the central elements of one week ‘visitor packages’. A trial of block booking airline seats at well discounted prices, leaving it up to the marketing team to make sure they’re filled. Find out the quietest days for the airline when they’d be most likely to entertain a discount deal  – or approach Bonza for a charter deal. The packages do not have to run Friday to Friday or Saturday to Saturday, in fact, many might find it attractive have a post flight relax without having to rush off to some event. Wednesday sounds a good all round choice.   Also, and significantly,  seek the cooperation of the NRL – refraining from talking about strawberries and pigs – to assist with marketing the idea to clubs, and well ahead to individual clubs scheduled to play here.

So what would the risk be to TEL, TCC and so ultimately the ratepayer? The cost of the marketing team of two or three professionals -definitely distinct from ‘consultants’ – would not be inexpensive,  but could be eased by performance based remuneration. The aircraft seats should be a limited experiment of say four months, and any shortfall in bums on seats will fall to the TEL/TCC to make good.

Not worth the risk, you think? Then just remember, this will be a hell of a lot cheaper than investing ratepayer money in failed development ventures like deserted CBD arcades, disruptive ‘eat street’ non events that add nothing to the economy,   or millions given to crooks for an imaginary battery plant in the bush.

These suggestions are more by way of thought starters, some might be unworkable (The ‘Pie is used to the usual Townsville negative way of finding ways why things WON’T  work) but it’s sure something needs to be done, or we are missing the best opportunity to revitalise our visitor sector in ages.

The Hunt Is Over, Donald, They’ve Found Their Witch …

… and it’s you, chum. It’s looking kinda likely you will be found to be traitor to your country. The mobster president his to be indicted on charges relating to top secret documents,  some of the charges to be made under the espionage Act.  It’s a slow burn, with more charges to be added in the coming days.

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Amused to hear one news report mention that your appointment with de judge next Tuesday is the day before your 77th birthday, June 14, but that you may face decades in jail. Very optimistic view, not sure how long you’ll last in chokey, given your severely restricted and involuntary choice of sexual activity … can you just imagine the conga line of tatts and bald heads waiting their turn to do to you what you did to your country. Bentley envisions a last private moment for Donny with the secret documents in the shower where he stored them.

Shwer trump SMALL

But hey, thoughts and prayers, Donny, thoughts and prayers.

Plenty of other issues for the yank cartoonists.

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A Timely New Drug Hits The Market … Shame It’s Imaginary, It Could Make Someone A Billionaire Overnight

One of the many odd things one bumps into strolling around the net.

copium (Internet slang, neologism, derogatory, humorous) A fictional or metaphorical opiate taken in order to cope when one is faced with loss or disillusionment. The humorous implication is that copium gives energy to denial in those that consume it. 

And This Week’s Picture Worth A Thousand Words



Another week done and dusted, but comments are a 24/7 forum of forthright exchanges of views, feel free to join in. And the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Dave of Kelso says:

    In this day and age when a nail can no longer be called a nail lest some professionally thin skinned virtuous activist call you a word ending in ‘ist’ or ‘phobe’ I will put it this way;

    Prior to 9am Saturday 17 June I learn that Townsville citizens are asked to assemble on the corner of Dalrymple Rd. and Duckworth St. to celebrate the finest First Nations Junior Ambassadors in their tireless (mostly) nocturnal efforts at private property reallocation.

    Also to celebrate the effortless work of the No Evil triplets, Harper, Stewart, and Messageblank.

    Now is the time to visit Bunniungs to get that large cardboard box from which to make your sign of celebration. Not too many words, large font, such that your sign of celebration can be read and understood by a passing motorist at 30 metres distance. And don’t forget the sunscreen, hat and sensible shoes :-)

    • The Magpie says:

      Meanwhile, the objects of this indignant rally will be out scouting the suburbs for unoccupied houses, their residents absent, them being at a rally to rightly complain about crime.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        In the very early days of my training I learned from my less scrupulous peers, that, for those intent on housebreaking, the funeral notices were a compulsory read. On occasion there was enough information to learn the address of the deceased, the time of the funeral and frequently the house would be in slight disarray with relatives visiting. Some people are not very nice.

        • Damn tailings says:

          There’s fakebook for that now. Some seem intent on posting their whole lives info on there.

          A few months back, a Townsville school received a call from a man impersonating a students father. He asked the office to have the boy meet him down the road from the school.
          Students have to be signed out by the parent/guardian so after some arguing that he was in fact the boys father the man hung up. He used several family member names and info to try to “prove” who he was, during the call. Luckily the office staff stuck to policy and insisted that he would have to come in to the office.

          In the wash up it was assumed that the man had gleaned a lot of info from FB. (separated parents, extended family info/addresses etc etc)

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Dave, not positive about this but I think you’ve got the crime ‘rally’ address incorrect. Not that anyone here will be attending.

      • The Magpie says:

        Is there any reason apart from the school marm in you that in the case of you being correct, that you didn’t give us the right address? FFS, man (I think).

        • Palm Sunday says:

          It was written up in the ‘Nest a week or two ago and I simply couldn’t be bothered looking it up. I think it’s the corner of Woolcock and Dalrymple but hey, look for the mayor’s car. She’ll be there soaking up carping, blathering voters like the gravy off leftover Townsville Eats rissoles. Looks like JHill had KAP working for her now.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            You are correct and I got the address wrong. Thank-you and I apologize to all for any confusion I may have caused.
            The celebration of the work of the First Nations Junior Ambassadors is at the CORNER OF DALRYMPLE RD. AND WOOLCOCK ST..

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            In a predictable move, Bob Katter has accepted the offer to turn up to the crime rally. I wonder if crocs and poofs will get a mention?

            I’m tempted to turn up with popcorn just to watch the Bob and Jen show. Bogans and bush pigs unite!

          • Dave of Kelso says:


          • Dave of Kelso says:

            I will look for someone eating popcorn.

            You should look for a poorly dressed hunchback with a club foot and halitosis.

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Senior Council appointments ex project director moved to Sunshine Coast , ex LGAQ employee appointed external grants and partnerships . Councillors have no idea whether the jobs were even advertised and Council too woke to ask if they live in the Ville or FIFO . Can someone explain what ” Our Townsville ” 9 am – 4 pm today at Anderson Gardens seems like a motza Council funded event is about ? . Have the two Mayoral advisers told Jenny ” don’t worry about the 44 stolen cars , home invasions , robberies of bottle shops and fast food resturants homelessness , cost of living ” . Just put on some food trucks , free events , advertise it so it looks like Council is doing something . Aaron , Scott , Les not attending next weekends crime rally choosing their party over their electorates again . Show them the door in 24 .

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Ex LQAQ person was more recently Manager of Master Builders Townsville. And probably a good,well connected appointment.

      I also notice Crisafulli, Demetto, Last, Katter, and Thompson not attending the KAP organised crime rally.

      • The Magpie says:

        Agree about the appointment, although there is a background question about her connection to the LGAQ Local Buy scam. We’ll see.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          If you check LGAQ was a small part of her work history. We all make mistakes in employers that doesn’t mean we are inherently bad. Anyway, LGAQ has a reputation of treating former employees with suspicion.

          • The Magpie says:

            A predictable apologia, couched in incomprehensibly pompous terms – love your fridge magnet philosophy about making mistakes.

            Anyway, your bloviating aside, The ‘Pie is reliably told that the LGAQ is where Ms Peters met Mayor Mullet and that her appointment to council was done without tender. This is in no way a reflection on Ms Peters herself, who seems admirably qualified for the position. It is again the suspicion of Mullet machinations in the background here tha raise a question or two … further stacking of the council executive staff with those who would be compliant on other issues not directly related to their positions.

            And what evidence do you have regarding the ‘LGAQ’ attitude towards former staff? The ‘Pie reckons you just made that up to bolster your Jenny credentials. Logic would suggest the LGAQ hierarchy and strategists would take exactly the OPPOSITE attitude.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Ms Peters met the Mayor before LGAQ. She was the manager of Master Builders Townsville before and after her short stint at LGAQ so your informant is a bit lacking.
            I also don’t give a rats about Jenny or LGAQ, but I’ll let your special trusted informants find that information for you, since you’ll be more inclined to believe what they tell you.

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Emma has a masters degree in getting her photo taken and posted online, she will for in well at this council.

          • Beaker says:

            The relationship goes back further than that – Emma’s Local Buy office was located within the executive and councillor’s suites at Walker St

      • Contributor cousin says:

        Phil Thompson isn’t going next weekend because he’s in parliament, I know for a fact crisafulli is attending a meeting to do with health workers next weekend. So by all means duckhead you can critique the LNP for actually going to work on a weekend. You didn’t mention why 3 state MPs arnt going or our miscarriage of justice premier? What other sob stories will she make public to turn the attention away from her?

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          So let me get this right… the only actual person who has been elected who will attend is Jenny. And she cant actually do anything anyway.

          Natalie Marr is a wannabe and so is the guy organising it. All other elected politicians from both sides are treating this like a stinking pile of shit and staying far away from it (valid reasons or not). If it was that important to them, they’d be there.

          • Russell says:

            This is a State issue and here in Townsville all our State politicians are Labor. Totally agree with your last sentence by the way. Sad, isn’t it.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Be reasonable please.
            The Mullet would be attending because she cares deeply about ………… getting re-elected Mayor.
            A chance to advance her agenda and not necessarily advance community safety or the rehabilitation of our First Nations finest Junior Ambassadors (and good luck with that).

          • Pollywaffle says:

            Really?? Is that the best you have as an answer? What a waste of a life you must have. It’s pretty clear any lnp or conservative politician not turning up to one problem city in a whole state of many cities with the same problem that they are busy. The other comment stated that David is at a health meeting of some kind. That problem your labor government has also created is just as important. Maybe David is trying to sort out the health problems because the kid’s stealing cars are making sure the hospital is busy with dead and maimed bodies everyday.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I get why the Mullet is attending, I know you want the current state members there, but we all know they are useless. They have limited time left in their elected tenure and they would have to know their number is up.

            So isn’t it reasonable to expect those you would prefer to represent you attend?
            As it stands you have Nat Marr, who in my experience is not much more use than Sue Blom, and some bloke who has already run for KAP.

            So if the other potential, willing and waiting representatives aren’t coming, including their leader. Do they really care any more about this issue than the incumbents?

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh, Ducky, you are sooooo transparent.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Because I expect the people who want to be elected to have an interest in the issues affecting the community, be accountable and show up with solutions? Because the incompetent incumbents don’t and its fucking disgraceful. That kind of transparency Magpie?

          • The Magpie says:

            Now you’re seeing the light. well done, Ducky Fucky.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Lol you’re funny Magpie

    • Sam J says:

      I attended the ratepayer funded councillor parade at Anderson Gardens… only to spot Jen Jen’s chief of staff off in the corner having a suck on a vape… Can anyone confirm what the laws are about smoking in outdoor public spaces? Naughty Naughty Bedie boy!

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Sam, I didn’t particularly notice the councillors tent but I did notice the thousands (yes, actual thousands) of regular ratepayers and their families who attended this incredibly successful gig. None of those people would be surprised to see today that JHill has been handed an AO for her service to the Townsville community.

        • The Magpie says:

          Jenny Hill receiving this award for services to Townsville is akin to Ivan Milat getting one for Recreational Innovation and Population Control.

          And her service to the Townsville community?

          You know, anyone can nominate anyone for an Order of Australia medal, so the most interesting reading which we will never see, would be the initial submission to the awards’ adjudicators about Mayor Mullet’s achievements. And who submitted it – we’re looking for someone who is a cruel comedian, or a wholly demented foamer or – most likely – just someone who removed their lips from the mayor’s delightfully expanding posterior long enough to scribble out a short myth. It would no doubt put Trump’s ‘alternative facts’ in the shade.

          This just goes to show that beyond the worthy and genuinely deserving real everyday heros and community minded recipients, the honours system is a form of PPM – Political Participation Medal – equivalent to the Participation Ribbon and Rosette (‘We’re All Winners Here”)> handed out to ALL school kids for just turning up.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Pretty sure the AM in this case stands for Another Mess.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            I’m pretty sure you can click on the name and see a short summary o the award nomination but a better guide is actually found in your last sentence ie. just for turning up. Jenny Hill will attend a bottle opening if there’s a chance there might be a voter in the audience – the crime rally is a case in point. She will get credit from a few people just for turning up and facing whatever dubious music might be thrown her way. She’s got nothing to lose and a possible tv appearance on a slow news day. Dumb luck eh?

          • The Magpie says:

            Wonder if Fran will be there?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            No chance of Cr Fran turning up. In that big hat she would be afraid of being mistaken for one of the mad Katters or worse, a politician.

          • Bagwhan says:

            Hi Pie, you are both right and wrong. Correctly AM is the third ranked honour of the Order of Australia. The OAM is the lowest, OAM is the Order of Australia Medal. In order of seniority with the most senior first is the AC (Companion), the AO (Officer), the AM (Member) and finally the OAM (Medal).

          • The Magpie says:

            Thanks, will be suitably amended.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Have you now reduced yourself to hat shaming. It is the courage, fortitude, honest of the individual, not their sensible sun aware head dress that counts.
            Regardless, the Mullet AM (Abominationis Maximums) may attend, (good grief, do I want to be within a mile of the woman?)
            I sincerely hope that Fran O’Callagan attends that I can stand by her side.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Oh yes, the link above is a knock out blow to the Mullet’s reelection hopes. Who would have thought a NEW Direction for the TCC.

  3. Contributor cousin says:

    Mayor mullet hill has announced, again, that kiddy crims will clean up the parks as punishment. Hard words from the mayor and getting tough with words and promises. Only trouble is this is the same thing she said in December 2018 before the last local government election. Nothing like making the voters feel safe after they forget what she said 4 years ago hey?? The only miscarriage in this labor state is miscarriage of justice.

    • The Magpie says:

      So who will guard and oversee these chain gangs? Will the parks be closed to the public because of the dangers posed? Will we have a rifle toting horseman with aviator sunnies menacingly telling the kids ‘What we have here is a failure to communicate’?

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    By hiring somebody from the LGAQ you are employing somebody who already knows how the system is gamed. You are getting somebody who knows where and how to hide the skeletons, somebody who knows how to skirt the fringes of governance without getting their fingers burnt. When it comes to her own self preservation it is actually a smart move by Hill. But it doesn’t change the fact that TCC is a dysfunctional clusterfuck that is steered by a bully who has increased debt and stymied progress for the past 10 years.


    • The Magpie says:

      seems a sound theory, but let’s not assume this will be Ms Peter’s MO … it’s not if she knows these tricks of the trade, it is whether she employs them that matters. How about we all take a little dose of innocent until proven guilty.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Point of order Herr Herring. My team is not dysfunctional. We are a functional clusterfuck if anything.

  5. Doug K says:

    Loved your suggestions, Pie, about how to lure southerners to Townsville.
    Way back when I hadn’t destroyed half my brain cells drinking red wine -mostly paid for on my News Ltd Diners Club card (gee I miss it) – I worked as a volunteer for Ron McLean and his NQ Cowboys group, trying to get a team into the Winfield Cup (now the NRL).
    After it was announced we had been granted entry to the big league I came up with a suggestion about how to get footy fans from other clubs to come to Townsville for games, in the hope that they would stay longer for a holiday, or at least make a long weekend of it.
    Similar to the Pie’s idea, I suggested putting together packages including discounted flights and accommodation, tickets to the game, and discounts at local restaurants and tourist attractions such as ferry trips to Maggie Island, Billabong sanctuary, the Mad Cow, and of course free entry to Townsville jewel in the crown, The Strand.
    Back then it was considered too hard, and I suspect the masterminds at TEL will put the Pie’s suggestions in the same basket.
    Another obstacle to overcome will be the fact that the suggestion is not coming from Jenny Hill. You know, the numbskull who gave us the ferry – over the mudflats and under the low bridges – from the casino to the Cowboys stadium.
    Until we rid TEL of Kevin “Rhymes With” Gill and Jenny Hill, brain farts will always get preference over good ideas.

    • The Magpie says:

      At the risk of sounding up himself, The ‘Pie will guarantee that TEL will just airily dismiss the ideas suggested simply because of the source, and all have a laugh around the water cooler (probably filled the Chardonnay) about the silly old coot.

      Knowing this, The ‘Pie is devastated … devastated, I say!!

  6. Jabba the Hutt says:

    I endorse and LGAQ person who gets a job with any local Council.

  7. Achilles says:

    That cartoon of Ben R/S is the epitome of a combination of how to shoot yourself in the foot, while at the same time putting your foot in your mouth!

  8. Ducks Nuts says:

    P.s And I couldn’t care less if you like my comments or not Magpie. I stick by what I say.

  9. J jones says:

    AM G Councillor Jennifer Lorraine Hill QLD For significant service to local government, and to the community of Townsville.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Didn’t realise sinking the economy of an entire city and putting its residents into the poor house was held in such high regard, it will be party time at Labor Nuts house today.

    • NQ Gal says:

      My breakfast cuppa may have reappeared via my nose, when I read that Mayor Mullet can now add an AM after her name. Significant service to the community of Townsville – hahahaha.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      The Pol Pot Award for community development.

      • I.P Nightly says:

        The Ferdinand Marcos Award for Democratic Authoritarianism.

      • old tradesman says:

        The word on the street is that the chief person to nominate the much loved mayor was a Malcolm Magpie, a person who holds her with such esteem for causing the flooding of the city by letting the dam gates open at high tide.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      You have to wonder if this whole AM thing is not just a swipe at Phil OAM so the Rotten Mullet can say that hers is bigger than his. It would be about right for the ALP to trash the honours system just for political points.

  10. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    The editor may have left for Hobart but the Townsville Bulletin has come up with yet another gaff today with a story about the curious Our Townsville 2023 Expo.
    The story tells of thousands who flocked to Anderson Park for Jenny Hill’s latest ratepayer funded bid for re-election but the photos published with the story tell an entirely different story. Bit like the claim of thousands attending the expensive Townsville Eats flops. Has Jenny Hill adopted the Rabieh Crayon method for estimating crowds – count the heads and multiply by 4.
    Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought using ratepayers money to fund an election campaign activity was a no-no.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Ratepayer, did you visit Anderson Park on Sunday? The place was packed. If you think locals don’t want this kind of function laid on for them by the Council then try to stop them going. You’ll be trampled in the rush. Obviously you haven’t got a clue. This is exactly how politicians get elected and re-elected. Suck it up.

      • The Magpie says:

        Generally agree with the reality of your one-sided comment as far as it goes. But certain ‘beads and blankets’ frolics on the public purse have their limits, and when used to excess as disguised re-election campaigning, is likely to be seen as such by ratepayers who see their stolen cars being driven away on pot-holed roads bordered by for lease signs. Kids love the parent that gives them lollies but hates the one that tells them to brush their teeth. That’s what Fran O’Callaghan is up against … she has no civic war chest, so buckle up Townsville, more bright shiny trinkets for you over the next nine months. You might as well enjoy them, you paid for them.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Come on Wanker – were you at the same event I was? Considering the amount of promotion the event got there were bugger all people there. Definitely not enough to justify the amount of money and resources put in to it. If you remember back to the early days of Ecofiesta when the grounds were chockers this looked really bad.

        • The Magpie says:

          If Mayor Mullet gets a medal for this sort of attraction, then Chris Condon at the Showgrounds should get an OAM.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Engineer, Ecofiesta was held at Queens Gardens in North Ward, about a fifth the size of Anderson Park. Oh wait, were you at Queens Gardens on Sunday? That would explain a few things.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Oh you are a muppet Wanker. No one is talking about the size of the venue, just the size of the crowd.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Hey Wanker, did you happen to see the 7 Local News story (available online) about this family farce day? Not being employed by TCC their cameras recorded just how many people were not there.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Engineer, save me the time and trouble: tell me how many of Townsville’s 195,000 people were “not there”. I was there from 2pm to 4pm and the crowd went from ‘packed’ to ‘empty’ over that period. It was officially closed at 4pm.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Wanker the simple answer to your question is “the vast majority” of the population were not there. If you took away the regular market crowd and those who came to see the wet dogs there would have been just you and the other sycophants. My wife dragged me to the markets as she usually does.

          • The Magpie says:

            Did she get any takers for you?

  11. Lab Rat says:

    Well done to our Mayor for making the Honors List. She has been a wonderful servant for our community over 2 Decades. Long may she continue as Mayor.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Now do we call her Damn Jenny Hill? I’ve been calling her that for years along with a number of other colourful names for services to the destruction of previous great cities. On a side note, if she ever did get elevated to a Dame level, no need to lift the sword from one side to the other, just slice it straight through from shoulder to shoulder – sharpen the sword first.

    • I.P Nightly says:

      She has certainly left an indelible mark upon the City. Pity they are skid marks; the ones at the corner or Nathan & Alfred Streets and the ones in the undies of the finance team trying to justify the fiscal waste since Jenny Hill AM got unfettered control of the Council.

  12. Dave of Kelso says:

    Dear ‘Pie,
    Some enthusiasts may want to see the Miami Trump Show live on TV or elsewhere. Below is, hopefully, a link to a Sydney/Miami time converter that may be useful. Under the circumstances very early morning beers with pie, peas, and tomato sauce would be appropriate. Happy viewing.


    • The Magpie says:

      This could’ve been a much shorter story, so let The ‘Pie write it for you, won’t take but a sentence or so.

      “The ratepayers of Townsville have been the victims of an failed extortion attempt by regularly disgraced lawyer Barry Taylor, who demanded an untenable compensation claim to allow the Ross Creek boardwalk to sensibly extend to the George Roberts Bridge. The original plans would not have involved the resumption of Taylor Ross Creek offices and Monsoons restaurant which Taylor also owns, and only involved above water rights. Mayor Jenny Hill and her planning team gave the green light to builders Wagners without first tying up a deal with Taylor, well known for his avarice and contempt for the Townsville community. The council and state government, forced by this legal grub into changing horses mid-creek, will now slug ratepayers and taxpayers for an expensive and pointless alternative scheme.’

      • Achilles says:

        The blame for this debacle lays squarely at TCC, the usual lack of due diligence in contracts management.

        It also shows a lack of attention to detail by Wagners PM’s for not spotting the incomplete profile in the tender documents. That is of course if there were never any processes published and it was just gifted by TCC to do a design, build P.O.,

        An all too common occurrence at TCC, same as the pipeline contract, where land acquisition or leasing fees are still not complete.

        This negligence has handed Taylor 4 aces and he’s playing the hand that he should never have been dealt.

        • The Magpie says:

          A reasonable deductions except for one aspect … Wagner’s probably scrambled their private jet to get here in double quick time to sign the deal before anyone at the council noticed the problem . They’ll still get the $6m +++ the approved part of the plan.

      • NQ Gal says:

        So it remains the boardwalk from no where to no where.

        • The Magpie says:

          It was a simple enough project, the limitations and obstacles could have been clearly delineated and identified beforehand. But we end up with another Jenny fucktangle. This does not bode well for the proposed Performing Arts Centre, due to be opened by the mayor (Liam Mooney’s grandson) in 2072.

        • Damn tailings says:

          It will go to Palmer St once the bridge is built across to the yacht club. Yacht club is going to boom from this upgrade and maybe Palmer St will too (hopeuflly)

          • The Magpie says:

            A bit-by-bit project taking years, is it? Tripling the cost? Anyway, why was not the overall project explained in a simple language which didn’t leave ambiguity?

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Poor old Lighton “Jimmy Olsen” Smith. Take a breath, pull your head out of TCC Media’s arse and think mate. Why would a walkway extend TO the bridge and end, rather than going under the bridge and emerging into the pedestrian zone from Denham to Stanley where it would link to up ped access to Palmer St, the Stadium, “Mall”, and the glorius bus interchange extravaganza? The Magpie is dead right and Enema Legal strikes again. I miss the good old days of putting troubling people like him into the foundations of new builds.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Taylor has lodged his own development application for the site, a 4 storey mixed development of ground floor offices and restaurants with units above it, it has its own deck area that extends out from the restaurant and overhangs the river and line up with the new boardwalk, you can’t tell me he wasn’t aware of what the council was planning and has taken advantage of it.

        • The Magpie says:

          Well, no surprise really, but will be a surprise is to how the application is treated by council, given that his manipulations and greed will cost the rate and taxpayer dearly. As Jenny’s ace fundraiser, usually assisted by a baseball bat threat of retaliation if they didn’t cough up, Taylor was a darling of Walker Street. One wonders if these disgraceful shenanigans have changed the attitude.

      • Echochamber says:

        It seems the whole story has now been pulled from the Bully website. But an interesting admission to make in saying the bridge isn’t safe for a lot of people to cross given I’d wager a large number use it after Cowboys games and the supposedly 100s of drunks they were trying to keep off Flinders St probably use it on a Friday and Saturday night as well. Be interesting if someone got hurt and that comment from the Council found it’s way into court.

        • The Magpie says:

          Oh, dear, is Leighton in the shit?

          • Jimmy Olsen says:

            The story needed a slight rewrite for accuracy. The boardwalk was never going to connect with the George Roberts Bridge. The lawyer opposition theory is wrong and also irrelevant now that the error has been confirmed with the original map.


          • The Magpie says:

            Got your arse kicked, did you, Jimmy? So suddenly, a bridge materialised ouyt of nowehere, or if it was there all the time, you didn’t bother mentioning as a comprehensive component.

            Here now is where you see your problem (and the paper’s). So often transparent one-sided bullshit has been printed and posted, riddled with schoolboy (sorry, schoolperson) errors, so many have given up on itn in exasperation. Another perhaps even bigger factor that has driven people away is what you DON’T REPORT. You yourself have not been seen to be a competent inquiring journalist (your explanation as to why Jenny Hill barring Phil Thompson a harmless flag handout at a citizenship ceremony was not cover at all was both pissweak and pathetic.) So even with this comment on this story, no doubt directed by management, few would believe you. Why should they?

            The Magpie certainly doesn’t.

            The ‘Pie has said it before and will continue to say it: The Townsville is now part of the problem, whereas a real Rupert-free newspaper should be part of the solution.

            BTW have you watched Succession?

          • The Magpie says:

            By the way, just how do you KNOW that what you call ‘the lawyer opposition theory’ is wrong? Barry Taylor knows well there is little point in suing The ‘Pie (never sue anyone who hasn’t got any money) for telling the truth about him, but the next best thing is his call to Jenny followed one to Harebrained Herbert the iditor. And it’s an odds on bet you ‘amended’ story was either written. for you, or was fine tooth combed before the scrambled ‘correction’.

            But seriously – really seriously – how do you know the lawyer theory is wrong.

            This is all so pathetic, Townsville deserves better.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Oh Lighton you poor sweet innocent thing. Did the bad lady at Council be mean to you and tell your boss? You are really going with the line “it is a walkway from the museum to the exact edge of Enema Legal’s property because that’s where the foot traffic is”. According to the paperwork, when the property was owned by Hales Ferries it was granted over water rights to allow for mooring pontoons. When the Magpies mate Barry bought it the rights transferred to him and he has refused to play nice and demands a stupid amount of money to give up the rights and let the public use it. Thats the crux of the situation and just because the spin doctors tell you a different bedtime story just means you are being lied to.

            It is unfair for people to call you Jimmy Olsen because he at least tried to be a reporter.


  13. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Hey Palm, photos don’t lie – but humans like you obviously do.
    Take a look at the photos on the TB website then tell me where your hordes of people disappeared to.
    Next thing you’ll be telling us that the V8 Superpests had a record crowd last year and the Townsville Eats flops are worth the millions we’re paying for them.
    Are you one of Jenny Hill’s team of advisers employed by ratepayers to help try and get her re-elected?

  14. A bloke called Bazza says:

    Oh c’mon you sooks, stop your bleating. The changes have been brought about due to some identified safety risks. Remember, it’s always ‘safety first’.

  15. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Heres an emblem of all that is right with the Rotten Mullet and her administration of the city. Cambridge St Vincent and at least five patch jobs along the length of the pavement over as many years on top of a crappy initial road formation. Staff not allowed to ping the original contractor for a dodgy job because they were mates of the Mayor and no money in the budget any year to fix it properly. Heres to hoping we get a huge monsoon event and might get some disaster recovery funding.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Under Jenny’s stewardship Townsville has become Flint, Michigan. Half patched roads, empty dilapidated shop fronts, fucked (or missing) footpaths, graffiti and overgrown weed riddled parks, and an assortment of houseo’s, hoons and hillbillies. And for this they give this bogan woman an AM! What…the…actual…fuck?

      “Show Hill AM the door in 24’

      • Palm Sunday says:

        So, Prince, through which category of humanity do you make your valued contribution to our town? Are you a houseo, a hoon or a hillbilly? Come on out and show yourself.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Palmed One Off, I don’t identify as any of those groups. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, one can only assume that you and your family identify as one of those groups though. It sucks to be you!

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      This street is being used as an extended wooboy to slow down the stolen cars on their way to the vacant lot in Cambridge Street where they are burnt out on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. We should give appropriate recognition for this little piece of genius in crime prevention implemented by council. If only all streets were like this there would be no speeding stolen cars.

      • The Magpie says:

        What isa wooboy?

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Macquarie dictionary: whoa-boy: (pronounced woo-boy) a drain and embankment dug diagonally across a steep farm track designed to divert water “.

        • Damn tailings says:

          A whoaboy is just another name for a speedbump

          • The Magpie says:

            A touch of racist American argot in there … especially the ‘boy’ bit. Or maybe just a US rural term for the purpose built runnels across a steep track, so maybe the boy referred to a horse pulling a wagon.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Standard definition is “Whoa boys (sometimes called check, cross, or roll over banks) are trafficable diversion banks. They are constructed to divert water off the track with out causing erosion and allowing vehicles or people to cross over them. Banks of different shapes and heights are used depending on the situation and the water diversion requirement. ”

    • NQ Gal says:

      CE – I drive down Cambridge Street 5 days a week. You forgot to mention the particular nasty pot hole that opens up on the round about near the dog park every time in rains.

    • Molly 9 says:

      Remember when Cambridge St and Anne St, Cranbrook was separated by an actual watercourse that flooded when it rained. Is part of the problem the covered over waterway?

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        I believe that’s been diverted into the Illich Park Swamp. Go there after decent rain and you can see ducks, ibis, water fowl, shopping trollys, and foul water

  16. Regular Reader says:

    Jenny Hill has pulled off the coup of the century with her undeserved gong.
    Name one other politician who has had a King (or Queen) of England working on their re-election team.
    I know a bloke who also has an AM and he’s now starting to think that being granted it was an insult.
    I’m told that everyone at the council has to refer to Jenny Hill as “Madam Mayor” when addressing her.
    What will they have to call her now after this dubious honour, “Your Royal Highness”?

    • The Magpie says:

      Fair amount of bullshit in that comment, RR. But believable, nonetheless.

    • The Wulguru Wonder says:

      I can confirm the use of ‘Madam Mayor’’ as the form of address to required to be used by staff.
      Perhaps that will now have to change to ‘Madam Mayor AM’.

      This required form of address is half correct…..she just ain’t no Mayor.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Elusive Butterflog goes one step further and bows down to Queen Jenny when she strolls past his/her/he/she’s office.

      • C. Howett Fields says:

        Actually, and not at all in defence of our present office-holder, but at least she doesn’t insist on the even grander “Your Worship”, as was the case with a previous Head Of City. Back in the mid-2000s, the then-incumbent was referred to by council staff (although I’m not sure if this was at his insistence) as “His Worship The Mayor.” This was often irreverently shortened in memos and such to “HWTM,” and the joke was whether the TM stood for The Mayor or Tony Mooney. Either way, happy to see that that ridiculous bit of foppery has been retired, at least.

  17. Alahazbin says:

    A paid elected council mayor gets an ‘AM’ for doing her job (and not that well). Disgraceful
    Absolute Moron.

  18. Kenny Kennett says:

    Jeesh, just spent an hour of my life that I’ll never get back, watching question time and there were insults going back and forth about the Higgins/Lehrmann matter. What gets me is the ‘he said/she said’ with neither proving anything. Personally Lehrmann looks like a sleeze bag, but that doesn’t qualify him as a rapist. To date nobody has been proven innocent or guilty and just because Miss Higgins said it did happen (weeks after) doesn’t make Lehrmann guilty. It looks like it’ll never see the courts so we can only say that he is innocent until someone proves otherwise. And Higgins got an apology in Parliament and an alleged couple of million dollars pay out. Lehrmann looks like he has lost more.

    • Grumpy says:

      Kenny, I agree that Lehrmann is unimpressive (but not necessarily implausible), but how about his look-alike Sharaz? A vainglorious slug intent on becoming famous by association and using the alleged rape of his girlfriend for political gain. He even looks the part. If my girlfriend told me she had been raped by a little toad from her office, my first port of call would not have been Lisa Wilkinson.

  19. Critical says:

    To save having to read through the bullshit that likely to be said over the coming days by TEL, the Townsville Bullshit, the 3 local dickhead State members and others this is the link to the Queensland Budget papers. Follow the links through to the Townsville region
    and you’ll get the information not printed in the mass media


    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks, appreciated.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Thanks Critical , Grab the popcorn and watch Aaron , Scott , Les , Palm Sunday , Council and State funded entities try and sell the Qld state budget . Take into consideration the 28% increase in electricity how do you sell energy rebates that just cover the increase . No support for renters and the Mundingburra public housing had to be the slowest build in the City . Its like a boardwalk to nowhere .

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        (It looks like this comment isn’t from Prince Rollmop, just some Rollmuppet. The Magpie)
        Mike, the impotent Townsville leaders will also have to come up with a pretty good brain fart to explain how they will offset further rising energy prices over the coming 12 months. Inflation isn’t slowing, electricity, gas and rental costs are increasing. Where’s my popcorn.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Just had a quick look at the Townsville area map – what the 3 blinds mice are not talking about is how the money is going to be drip fed. Headline is $10m for Bowen road bridge replication – small print is only $2m of that is in this year’s budget.

  20. Prickster says:

    Townsville misses out big time in the budget.

    Zero dollars for the region’s biggest job creation project at Lansdown.

    Zero dollars for the Mayor’s concert hall

    Reduced dollars and spending on police, ports, roads, housing and re-announced hospital projects compared to prior years

    Great work from our 3 state members and the wishing well. Townsville now firmly in the Far Queue.

    • The Magpie says:

      Xlt summary.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Prickster, as a matter of interest, what was your expectation about further government funding for Lansdown? The state has already contributed over $400m for the Haughton pipeline 1+2 plus something for a connector and reservoir for Lansdown and, along with the Commonwealth, something else for road/rail issues. Now TCC has to put up the rest for the water supply and finish that unnamed road access it is building. Aren’t we now waiting for the corporations to finalise their plans?

      • Afterthought says:

        This comment via Magpie email.

        Recently left TCC and was curious to see if State were continuing to support Houghton pipeline.
        Just had a quick look at Qld budget and the $$$ for nth Qld- couldn’t find any mention in the text or the graphics of staged payment for 23’24 work on mayor’s favourite infrastructure project- the Houghton Pipline- has the flow of funds dried up? (Sorry……I dunno where that came from)
        Lots of stockpiles of pipe around the city at Bohle and Stuart- but is anything happening on the work front? Didn’t TCC award $274m to couple of companies in May to start work? Seems very quiet from CEO and TCC – is there a budget issue? Or still haven’t got all their approvals from BSC and others? Surely they wouldn’t have engaged contractors without being ready to work and risk delay penalties?
        Bit strange the water security message is now build a bigger Burdekin dam- that doesn’t get water to Townsvillle
        Maybe someone have some insight into the Mayor’s strategy?

        • The Magpie says:

          AT, you may rest assured that Palm Sunday is already in the mayor’s office, getting his riding orders for a suitably scathing reply.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, you are weeks behind the 8- ball. On 1 May 2023 there was a comprehensive statement on contractors, timing and funding of Haughton2. If any reader wants to see it they (and you) can find it for themselves. And before 2025 TCC has to find the millions it has committed to finish the project.

          • The Magpie says:

            Last chance, Wanker. If you have seen the ‘comprehensive statement’ you speak of, you were obviously on that site and know where it is. A copy and paste takes a couple of seconds, so arrogantly refusing to back up your statement with the relevant link is giving the finger to all Nesters. Next time, comments like that won’t see the light of day, that sort of pomposity is solely reserved around here for The Magpie.

  21. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Doesn’t the term Madam also apply to a woman running a brothel?
    And regarding the boardwalk from nowhere to nowhere, this could be the piece of cunning that finally brings down Jenny Hill.
    She owes Barry Taylor big time and you can bet he will be asking for, if not demanding, all sorts of favours regarding his property which is the missing link between the boardwalk and the bridge.
    If any special treatment is given to Bazza, either in the form of a ridiculous purchase price for his land or any development approval, the Crime and Corruption Commission should be all over it.

  22. Strand Ghost says:

    Thank God the Walkway to nowhere is nearly finished! The rumour going around the Ville is Jenny is now ready to move onto the next TCC project of putting a rope ladder from the top of Castle Hill down to Sturt St for people to climb down but it’ not fully funded yet so their only going put it half way down in the first tender and hope they can Rope Anna into funding the rest at sometime.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, believe it will eventually link up with those steps at the end of Walker Street near TAFE. Stairs which The ‘Pie is yet to see ANYONE using.

      • Selection Bias says:

        That says more about you than the stairs.

        • The Magpie says:


          • Ducks Nuts says:

            How much of your day is spent stair watching Magpie?

          • The Magpie says:

            Was going to trash your lame sooky little attempt at savage cutting humour, but to avoid you requiring counselling and days of work to recover from the rejection, The ‘Pie drives past the stairs two or three times a week on the way to Castletown, the car wash or First Choice boozarium. At various hours.

            And how many hours for you, Fucky Ducky?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Best you focus on the road when you’re out driving and not the stairs. We don’t need any accidents on that corner, you could get stuck on a high ropes course.

          • Just Saying says:

            So he’s never around at times when people are actually walking up and down Castle Hill, I.e. not in the middle of the day

          • The Magpie says:

            So The Magpie stands corrected for incomplete anecdotal evidence – just how you are aware of the old bird’s daily movements timewise remains a mystery – and concedes that there are hordes of lycra clad loonies surging up the stairs in the early morning and evenings. To complete the ‘Pie’s humiliation, he will contritely publish three or four photographs, taken at different times over a week, of the ‘hordes’, which will confirm his perfidy, and the wisdom of the state government, under the advice of Mayor Jenny Hill, to site this stairway to heaven at the most enticing spot for nuse.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Stair watching? The correct would be ‘stair gazing’ I think.

          • Just Saying says:

            It’s not rocket science to figure out that a retiree is not going to be driving to Castletown, the bottle shop or car wash during commuting hours or after dark.

          • The Magpie says:

            Do you seriously want to have this inane conversation?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            I’m enjoying watching youse guys have this inane conversation.

          • The Magpie says:

            We’re not any more … as you yourself know, Tosser, The ‘Pie knocks it on the head when it becomes just too tedious. This ain’t Facebook.

          • Alfred E Neuman says:

            I was there. Following the comments I looked for someone eating popcorn and a hunchback with a club foot. Saw none. I did see a couple handsome, statuesque individuals with clear eyes, good skin, fine hair and imacatually dressed. Clearly not regulars at this blog.

          • The Magpie says:

            Bet thay culd spel immaculately two.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Maybe the Mullet has been to California and seen how boardwalks and piers have been taken over by the homeless, tents everywhere, it’s a fucking pig sty. The boardwalk could be part of Townsvilles answer to social housing, Bazza would love a tent city of homeless next door as he tries to sell million dollar units off the plan.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Geez, there’s a good idea! Old Bazza would have a coronary if hordes of less fortunate individuals decide to set up random tent/cardboard box accomodation on the boardwalk next to his site. Actually not a bad view over the water for the ‘residents’ of tent city not to mention the benefits of being able to throw the odd hand line in for some random mullet (not Jenny, but there’s another option)!!

        • The Magpie says:

          Not sure why anyone would concentrate on Ross creek anyway, at low tide it an unattractive wall of slime covered rock and on the other side of the bridge, a mangrove mudflat, a delight to greenies but a turn-off for anyone else. And bugger all water traffic to speak of past the yacht club car park (except Jenny’s the yet to be realised ferries to the stadium.) .

  23. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    To celebrate the release of the budget next week, Jenny Hill has announced that a new floral emblem has been adopted for Townsville City Council.

    Mayor Hill says “ratepayers will be able to easily identify with the new floral emblem, as it’s a tree shaped to reflect the position that all ratepayer’s are used to adopting after every Council budget announcement” .

    • The Magpie says:

      Once again proves that a single picture is worth a thousand buzz swords of bullshit.

      Never suspected it before, but you are surely indigenous, TWW. This is the most inspired piece of truth telling … truth telling being the sole preserve of our indigenous friends. Oh, and Donald Trump, of course.

  24. Afterthought says:

    Qld budget item. Why would we need a different network for First Nations people?

  25. Critical says:

    Scratching my head on this one. Just noticed a sign on some barricading around the brolga statue on the Annandale side of the Bowen Rd Bridge letting us know that restoration works are about to be undertaken on the brolga.
    From what I’ve read and been told, it is on that side of the existing road that the new road and duplicate bridge are going to be built. This makes sense because the cricket club are apparently going to lose their club house and the line if fine trees are to be cut down.
    Maybe the restoration works mean rhe removal of the brolga which will never be seen again.
    Does anyone know what the floral and fauna emblems of Townsville are these days.

  26. Mike Douglas says:

    South East cnr Councils are announcing cost of living ( Council March 2024 elections ) budgets with Brisbane + 3.45 % average $75 a year . Other Councils are promising no increases in bins and other Council fees . Townsville City Council average 9 % last year ( highest in Qld ) $80 mil loaded in for Lansdown . Townsville as a City is looking tired , unkept and no matter how many Mayoral advisers / Food truck events ratepayers deserve better .

  27. Mug Punter says:

    Today’s Townsville Bulletin has put me in a punting quandary.
    I found a horse to back at Wyong in the race fields on page 41, then turned the page and found the same horse in the same race in the fields for Wyong on page 42.
    Now I can’t decide which horse to back – the one on page 41 or the one on page 42, and if I back the one on page 41 and it wins, do I also get paid out for the one on page 42?
    According to the Bully there are also two identical race meetings at Moe today – the one on page 41 and the other on page 42.

  28. The Magpie says:

    It seems we now have ill educated children writing even the iditorials for the Bulletin.

    This straight forward story was on p7 of today’s Astonisher.

    But in the usual imitation of social media posts, the paper’s editorial just couldn’t allow the self-evident newsworthiness of the incident speak for itself. The iditor – presumably still Craig Herbert, unlocked the paper’s adjective storeroom but went to the wrong filing cabinet.

    ‘Arms length’? ‘Hyper-realistic’?

    For a start, it’s ‘arm’s length’, an understandable oversight because someone had taken home the keys to the apostrophe store, and it is here simply because it sounds trendy and clever … it is neither, it is just plain wrong.

    And ‘hyper’?

    Calling a weapon ‘hyper’ is just a dopey ignorance, seeking a ‘social media-worthy’ punchy phrase … but it turns out to be a sucker punch, making the writer look like a prize chump. If this is the standard of the unhurried, carefully deliberated editorial by the newsroom leader, it explains why the rest of the paper is so often a shit show of grammar, especially syntax, and ‘alternative half facts’.

    One hopes iditor Herbert freezes his dangling participles off in Hobart … and soon.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Ignoring the poor writing for a moment can we ponder how a gunshop only a few blocks from the main regional police station can be robbed so easily with no timely response. Perhaps the same coppers were on duty who couldn’t turn their vehicle around to chase the crims who knocked over the sugar mill then couldn’t stop them as they drove through Ingham or even manage to find them as they spent an hour driving down the highway to Townsville loaded with hundreds of kgs of stolen copper and brass.

      • The Magpie says:

        If someone chooses to make a living out of selling geegaws to developmentally delayed adults to play cowboys and indians, they should be subject one simple regulation to keep the public safe from incidents like this. All glass … all entry doors, windows, floor and wall display cabinets should be bullet-proof glass with special locks. Display cabinets should be anchored to the floor or wall. And indeed, any other regulation regarding real firearm shops.

        And thenm there is the – presumably lefgal – possession of said paint guns, but what should be made available is that indelible blue dye used in to booby trap bank robbers and the like. make the coppers job a bit easier to nab them. HEY, we could even colour code the special ammo by suburbs, blue for Yarrawonga, North Ward and Belgian Gardens, red for Garbutt, green for Douglas, and so on. No colour should be allocated to the CBD … nothing worth robbing in there just now.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Gingerbeer the coppers were obviously busy elsewhere responding to calls for more important things. Like DV, stolen cars, speeding, traffic incidents, children missing in the river, suspicious packages and the like. They don’t have time to follow up on stolen gel blasters.

        • The Magpie says:

          never know, if they manage to collar of the youthful batards, they might solve all the above crimes in one hit. By the way, how to they know from the video that both grubs were men? They look a bit androgynous. Perhaps just two chaps who’ve got in touch with their feminine side.

    • Achilles says:

      I suspect he was attempting clever humor, as weapons are also called arms, no apostrophe. The danger of mixed metaphors!

  29. Prince Rollmop says:

    The tight fisted state government has amended its patient travel subsidy scheme (PTSS). It currently barely contributes to patients costs. Overnight accomodation increases from $60 to $70 per night and kilometre rates increases from $0.30 per kilometre to $0.34 per kilometre. The original rates were already third world rates that date back to 2012. The governments, both state and local, love to increase fees and charges that we the taxpayer and rate payer pay. And they bleat about inflation and other such contributors as being the cause. Yet, when it comes to the governments reaching into their pockets they are happy to cry poor and dodge the subject. You can’t get accomodation under a park bench for $70 per night, and fuel was around $1.30 per litre back in 2012. Nanna Anna putting an additional $70m into the kitty is mere window dressing. A pathetic, out of touch, token effort by a double chinned fool with the Olympics in her eyes.

    Mayor Doona and the part-time Prince are misrepresenting us locally and providing very little value for money to the community. Change the Council in 2024 and get rid of the Prince and we may be able to start catching up with the world finally.

    ‘Show the Mullet the door in 24’

  30. The Magpie says:

    As the cliche has it, many a truth spoken in jest. it should be the catch cry for the clever folks at The Shovel.

  31. The Magpie says:

    The Bikie’s Mole Has Spoken … from Coward’s castle.

    She has since withdrawn the comments in the senate, then expanded on them, and then again modified them …and it basically boiled down to the fact that Senator Van ‘ made her feel uncomfortable because he followed her into the Chamber’. There seems to be the bizarre allegation that he may have ‘touched her belly’.

    This is the incoherent rabble rousing woman demanding ‘war on whitey’ who herself is guilty of criminal behaviour – as a member of a parliamentary committee, she was on a panel investigating the criminal activity of a bikie gang’s leader while sleeping with him. And never declaring the relationship or recusing herself because of it.

    There are two major social groupings in Australia who would love to shut this woman up more than everyone else … the aboriginal lobby for The Voice, because although she opposes it, Thorpe will automatically be lumped into the ‘untrustworthy abo’ basket. The other group are women generally and certainly feminists … this latest outburst of what is essentially a grandstanding attempt for attention through a deeply serious issue currently being widely debated, follows her antics on the streets and parks at rallies, puts many a worthy and hard won efforts to stabilise gender relations at risk. And it certainly hasn’t done Brittany Higgins any favours.

    • Achilles says:

      If Senator Van did any of those things he should be drummed out of Parliament as not having the competence to tell shit from cheese.

    • Dreamweaver says:

      Sexually harassed? in ya dreams girly.

    • Scuba Steve says:

      Lidia is a foul mouthed angry grub. She is hardly a woman, more like a rabid dog.

      P. S – which one of her bellies was allegedly touched??

    • Damn Tailings says:

      Note that Sr Amanda Stoker has come out to air a previous complaint.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Seems Senator Van has a form in groping women. Despite Lydia Thorpe being deranged, it seems she wasnt alone in being harrassed by Senator Van. Well done to Dutton for doing at least one thing that shows integrity while leader of the coalition.

      • The Magpie says:

        Seems‘, Numb Nuts?

        It ‘seems‘ this whole thing devolves down to the definition of ‘sexual harassment’ and context … following behind a woman into the Senate is now harassment? Thorpe’s overall behaviour is verging on the hysterical and Amanda Stoker is a born-in-the-womb political chancer. Neither of these women advance the legitimate cause of curbing excessive egotistical male behaviour involving things that REALLY are inappropriate. Nowadays, and especially in the rarified poisoned air of politics, what sane society would regard as flirtatious banter or a friendly gesture – a touch on the arm, a pat on the shoulder – is now overblown into ‘groping’ and ‘grossly inappropriate behaviour’. And women who feel uncomfortable because men look at them? Plenty feel miffed if blokes DON’T look at them.

        Meanwhile, the decent and emotionally adjusted of the world get on with a normal social existence. And these are the people … men and women … who know when something crosses a line and generally say so. Contrary to what certain groups would have us believe, we do not live a cesspit of sexual predation, and ‘weaponising’ that legitimate concern of male chauvinism and self-entitlement for political gain diminishes the plight of those who have genuinely suffered abuse and assault.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Yes. You rant on about that Magpie. In the mean time, Peter Dutton has said he’s been made aware of a third allegation against Mr Van.

          • The Magpie says:

            Never fear, they’ll be piling on in great foaming heaps.

            Thorpe’s public behaviour makes it easy to dismiss her claims as gross exaggerations or even outright lies for political purposes, but Stoker’s stance is even more politically sinister. At a meeting with several others two years ago, Van had the poor judgement (in every way) to pinch her bum – twice. He was immediately confronted about his actions, which he equally immediately admitted was wrong, and sincerely apologised – repeatedly according to Stoker who accepted the apologies, promised it would all remain a confidential matter, and no such incident has ever happened again in the intervening period. In fact, Stoker and Van had been on good terms ever since. So why has she decided now to bring up a fully resolved matter which had not been kept secret from the political parties … and in the wash up, ended being a storm in a teacup?

            Stoker is now an ex-polly, and is probably still smarting from being cucked off the gravy train, so needs a bit more exposure to add spice to her new career at Sky. There’s a lot more to all this that doesn’t suit your narrative, Numb Nuts. Stay posted and watch closely … if Van is forced out of parliament, let’s see who his replacement in the Lib ranks are. Bet it’ll wear a skirt but won’t be a crossdresser.

        • Get with the times says:

          Don’t touch women without their consent.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s just plain silly. For a start, you use ‘touch’ in a blanket manner that makes it absurd in the sense of human interaction. Strangers, certainly – absolutely, ditto those one knows don’t like you, and women are now legally protected, as they should be, of such actions the gross unjustified ‘bottom pinching’ – let alone the criminal Trump grope – and confrontational propositions in a scenario of power imbalance.

            This sort of deeply disturbed and arbitrary statement denies all parties the benefit of acceptable social interaction.

            What next? ‘Mummy, can I touch you?’ ‘Why do you ask?’ ‘Cos wild eyed teacher lady told me I had to ask.’ ‘So why do you want to touch me?’ ‘I just wanted a hug.’ ‘Well OK, but remember, no touching the titties, your nine now.’ ‘Forget it Mum, can I go out and play.’

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        (This comment did not come from The (barely) Civil Engineer.)

        How can I get in on this? No one has inappropriately rubbed against me for a long time. It is degrading and sexcist to be excluded from all of this!

  32. Pat Coleman says:

    Seen from Black River Rd going towards Herveys Range Rd about 330 this arve, large plume of smoke coming up from the army land back of high range. They’ve done it again ! Don’t know if they have reported it. Before it jumped last time they kept it quiet.

  33. Pat Coleman says:

    I just got a letter from from people using council envelopes purporting to be representing the fuckhead V8s. Giving 2 working days notice. Thursday and Friday.

    It says I’m in a V8 regulated parking area and can’t park on the street where I live from Monday without a permit. It has a WebLink and a QR scanny thing.

    I thought it was a scam so went on the council site and to get a digital permit, it gives an online payment link. That can’t be right, someone has fucked up. Residents don’t have to pay to park in their own street. All you should give is rego, address, name and phone number. If it’s a lie it’s easy . Demanding money from people who have nothing to with the v8s is a mafia standover tactic. It can’t be right. Someone has fucked up.

    I went to the link on the letter and it wants you to to sign up and give all your info just to look at the free permit a resident is supposed to get. It’s a private company. That looks like a scam. Residents live here. We don’t have to pay so corrupt Labor pollies get V8 bullshit PR.

    If either one of these things is true, Fuck the V8s, fuck v8supporters, fuck your dog, your cat and budgie. Fuck your grandma’s talking pet rock . Fuck you ! I’m not paying. I’m not doing business with you. I don’t have to. I fucken live here. Fuck all of you. How dare you drag me into your corrupt sports via blackmail. Cunts.

    • The Magpie says:

      OK we get the gist. And you’re right that that can’t be right. But the big question you haven’t addressed is if you can’t park in your own street, who can? Why is it restricted and for whom?

      The ‘whom’ should not whinge if there is a wave slashed tyres, smashed windscreens and rolled up copies of the Astonisher shoved up their tailpipes.

    • What’s the charge says:

      How much do the permits cost?

      It’s not true that residents don’t have to pay to park in their own street. Most of us are lucky that we don’t have to but it’s not a rule.

    • Auntie says:

      The ABC didn’t need a political editor from 1923 to 2015, I’m sure they can manage without this particular sinecure.

      • The Magpie says:

        Care to expand on that theory? All news organisations have sensibly appointed editors to oversee specific areas of news, politics, business, art, technology and so on. The ‘Pie found Probyn informed, reliable and presented well. No raging bias was apparent.

        • Auntie says:

          The ABC’s political coverage for its first eighty years seemed pretty good without a political editor, what did it add during the period 2015-23 apart from a seniority pay bump?

          • The Magpie says:

            Think you’ll find they always had what is now openly acknowledged as a political editor – even if it was the newsroom editor …. but there is no way any newsroom The ‘Pie knows of that would just toss political stories to the general reporters desk. Perhaps the word editor is being misinterpreted … maybe roundsman expertis too clumsy?

    • ABC watcher says:

      Jo O’Brien looked like someone walked over his grave the other night. It’s getting square before she gets the boot?

  34. Afterthought says:

    Comment via Magpie email.

    $98 million cost + $2 mil business case now Federal Govt $100 million , State $50 million, subject to T..C.C. $50 mil . $102 mil blow out ? .

    Of course Hill, Harper and Stewart tells us Council should do it . All three will be on their public service super stipend whilst ratepayers are picking up debt 30 years.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Interesting post. And I love this comment; “Of course Hill, Harper and Stewart tells us Council should do it . All three will be on their public service super stipend whilst ratepayers are picking up debt 30 years”.

      This is the problem with politics – inept politicians who commit ludicrous amounts of taxpayer or ratepayer money to grandiose projects for the sole purpsoe of garnishing votes. We will be paying this crap off for decades while the imbeciles who sanctioned the debt sail off to the Bahamas or Malta with their fat superannuation and post-government perks. Fuckwits.

      • The Magpie says:

        And you know the interesting aspect of your accurate post, Pickled Herring, we may see the fabled chicken flapping in to roost in the Palaszczuk henhouse before too long. Because she has made the biggest commitment of all, the Olympic Games – but has made the misjudgement in these straitened times of allowing enough time before the event to expose the economic disaster and chaos this totally unjustified grab for glory will reveal.

        It may well turn out that what she believed would be her great political legacy for posterity will be exactly that – but not the way she planned it.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      A proper performing arts complex will actually make money compared to shining white elephants like the stadium or Reid Park. The stadium might be in use 30 days a year so empty and not making money for 330 days. Reid Park complex might be used 15 or 20 days a year and just costing for the rest of the time. A performing arts complex would be in paying use almost every day of the year and if the Civic Theatre is any guide probably booked out years in advance. This would be one of the best investments by any Townsville council in decades which is probably why it wont see the light of day.

      • The Magpie says:

        Seems today’s The ‘Pie’s day to be confused. By Reid Park do you mean where the Civic Theatre in now? Or have we missed something?

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Reid Park Pit Complex
          Home to the iconic Townsville Supercars, Reid Park which was built in 2009 is a multi-purpose precinct that has a diverse range of uses including large concerts/festivals, school and outdoor expos, business forums, driver training programs, car and truck shows and private and commercial social functions.

          Reid Park Complex, a venue in the heart of the action located just outside the CBD, offers a range of meeting rooms and break-out function areas. This includes a 15-bay pit-lane garage complex offering a unique setting for your next business event.

    • NQ Gal says:

      “Contingent on the business case”. If they are relying on the Festival of Chamber Music for 2 weeks a year and the occasional Barrier Reef Orchestra performance, the business case isn’t going to stack up. Theatre productions won’t be able to use a concert hall and I would think that any band that wants their fans up and dancing will bypass a seated only venue for the aging convention centre.

      • The Magpie says:

        Sadly, you’re going to have a lot of time … many years you can bet …. before you have to fret about such things. Certainly up to the Olympics and the 20 subsequent years to recover. Super taxes on coal will all be needed to rectify this destructive piece of personal self aggrandisement.

  35. Lab Rat says:

    Chrisafulli’s Budget Reply described in Courier
    Editor’s view: Budget reply is a missed opportunity for David Crisafulli
    It is hard to see Opposition Leader David Crisafulli’s budget reply speech as anything but a missed opportunity – a timid tinkering around the edges of what needs to be done, writes the editor. What Queenslanders need is real leadership.
    We don’t need a Kid. We need and Adult. Newman’s Sock Puppet is never going to make a good Premier. He hasn’t the stones for it.

  36. Afterthought says:

    Comment via magpie email.

    Crime rally this morning.

  37. Achilles says:

    JT has signed up for a $5mil position to join the queue of failed predecessors to combat “youth” crime in the North of QLD beginning with a handful of “disadvantaged” youths in Cairns.

    So we’re still in the Dream-time!!!!! What was it Einstein described people who repeat the same experiment and expect a different result?


    • The Magpie says:

      Well, dunno, he might just be the sort of person they might listen to. maybe.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        For a lazy $5 million I would give it a go as well. You have to admire how these grassroots community heroes step up when there is huge money on offer.

    • Charlie Wulguru says:

      Re- Achilles. He has been paid for the last several years to fly all around the State to try and encourage them to go to school. That was money well spent wasn’t it. This is going to be another couple of houses and units for him and nothing will change.

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