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The Magpie

Sunday, March 26th, 2023   |   101 comments

‘When The Cat’s Away, The Councillors Will Play: In Mayor Mullet’s Absence, Council Gives Fran O’Callaghan A Resounding Victory….’

… and Mayor Mullet a resounding kick in the coit. The Magpie can exclusively reveal a letter that spells out the deceitful strategy Jenny Hill and her cut price B grade lawyer Tony Bligh(t) employed to try to nobble her mayoral opponent.

Front page fuckwittery: the Bulletin again shows it thinks spelling is for witches and grammar is something Nana make pies out of. And was that a blatant fat shaming joke on their website? The ‘Pie investigates.

Are there some big choices coming up for TCC CEO Prins Ralston? Will we be graced with his occasional presence much longer?  The Magpie tells why it’s a reasonable question.

Albo chokes up when announcing the wording of Voice referendum question, but tells us nothing …. And why wouldn’t he have a blub, he knows full well most Australians aren’t that stupid.

All that and lotsa larfs, including the US politician pranked into reading bout a very interesting roll call.

Any support to help with the costs of producing this weekly alternative voice for Townsville will be greatly appreciated. There’s a donate button on the right of screen, and one at the bottom of the blog.

Now onward.

How Jenny Hill HasWasted Ratepayer Money On A Personal Political Vendetta. And She’s Probably Not Finished Yet.

Jenny HillThe Magpie looks behind Mayor Mullet’s demented pursuit of an underdog rival and outspoken critic. And you can bet she hasn’t given up yet, as she tries to protect the lucrative $400k pa income from the mayoralty and external board membership of the LGAQ … $91K, for doing fuck all except being mayor.

But her first foray in her spiteful pursuit of outspoken division 10 councillor and rival mayoral candidate Fran O’Callaghan has backfired spectacularly …. while Hill was away ‘topping the toff’ in Canberra, the council,under the chair of deputy mayor Mark Molachino, delivered the lightest of taps to the wrist for Jenny’s perceived horror at some Facebook peccadillos by Clr O’Callaghan. Was this evidence that some councillors, while no chums of O’Callaghan, are getting a tad fed up with the mayor’s dictatorial ways? Remember, Molachino is the man who would be mayor one day,  so one wonders if …. hmmm.

Here’s a potted snapshot o how things went down.

Fran O'Callaghanf 49b5578191dcad266865ec428c6dca6

In the middle of last year, Clr O’Callaghan – maintaining her role as thorn in the mayor’s side – made several mentions on her council FB page of matters technically against regulations.  Jenny Hill seized on these piddling peccadillos, and its certain she no doubt prevailed on a Labor footsoldier to make the necessary but publicly anonymous complaint. Council sent this on to the Office of the Independent Assessor, hoping for draconian reaction, but they looked at it and said ‘Pffft, this is crap’, and told the council to make its own decision.

But instead of quietly letting it die, the mayor decided to spend an unknown amount of ratepayers money on an ‘independent’ assessment’of whether Clr O’Callaghan had behaved inappropriately. But get this: any assessment of this nature would normally go to a legal firm with the expertise to make an informed judgement but in this case, it was mysteriously given to a firm of accountants. (Don’t ask The ’Pie, he has no idea.)

Anyway, they came back with a report late last year, saying indeed, while she fell short of the devil incarnate, Clr O’Callaghan was in breach of minor infarctions.

Jenny sat on this report until a week or two ago, and then listed it for Clr O’Callaghan to face the mighty wrath of the wronged council at last Wednesday’s meeting. BUT what an oversight!!! … Jenny was suddenly booked in for a jolly to Canberra on some spurious context, and wouldn’t be in the chamber to lower the axe. That was left to deputy doo-dah Mark Molachino, who discussed it with council while Fran waited outside. Fran, who is in the middle of a difficult chemotherapy regime and as bad luck would have it, had broken her ankle a few days previously, limped back in to be told that she was a naughty girl, not to do it again, and along with ALL other councillors had to do some media training (at no cost to her).

Observers at the meeting said councillors had looked uncomfortable with the whole process (how could one tell? Margie Ryder snapping her elastic, sounding like a stock whip?) and they certainly showed it by deciding on the least possible penalty which was hardly a penalty at all, and had a group share feel about it.

Perhaps Jenny made sure she wasn’t present for the outcome, it had probably become clear that this whole thing was a non-event, and she would lose even more face if she presided over such a farce.

But If It All Ended Well, It Was More By Good Luck Than Good Management.

magpie peering copy

The Magpie has come into possession of a letter than spells out the lengths to which Jenny Hill and the bargain basement B grade house lawyer bully-in-chief Tony Bligh tried to railroad Fran when the assessment didn’t reach the desired scope of retaliation.

The ’Pie made what inquiries he could, and is satisfied that the letter is authentic and is what it claims to be. It sent to the relevant officers, including Bligh, by O’Callaghan’s solicitor when only a day or so notice was given of the agenda item at the monthly meeting. It speaks for itself.

“”This correspondence is forwarded on behalf of our client, Councillor O’Callaghan.

Thank you for providing us a copy of the investigation report. We note it is dated 9 December 2022, some three and a half-months ago. It is not clear why the report was not previously provided, especially in circumstances where Council proposes to vote on this matter tomorrow.

The report includes conclusions, allegations and imputations that were never put to Councillor O’Callaghan. We made repeated requests to the investigator that he put questions to Councillor O’Callaghan in writing, which were repeatedly refused. We were never provided the majority of the material relied upon by the investigator, including the summaries of interviews with Councillors Molachino, Mooney and Hill. Once again, our client was not given an opportunity to respond to or contradict their comments which were subsequently relied upon to reach conclusions adverse to our client.

The investigator says that “to satisfy principals of natural justice, BDO provided Cr O’Callaghan, via Mr Barker, with a summary of the allegations (as outline in the S150AA Notice)” (see page 6). To be clear, the summary is extracted from the Notice verbatim. The report omits the basis upon which our request for questions in writing was made. It also omits the basis upon which the investigator refused our requests. In the circumstances, it is difficult to see how natural justice was afforded to our client.

Our client’s response of 2 December 2022 could only address the summary of the allegations. Detailed questions in writing, as sought by Councillor O’Callaghan, would undoubtably have allowed her to provide a fully informed and detailed response.

We respectfully suggest Council could not rely on the report, in particular the conclusions set out on page 15, in determining whether Councillor O’Callaghan engaged in inappropriate conduct.

Sent the day before judgement was passed, it’s reasonable to assume no response was made. But the clear evidence of the slipshod and biased manner in which the BDO and the council officers behaved in this disgraceful manner may well have backfired with the more reasonable of the councillors.

We now await the mayor’s next episode in her obsessive hate campaign.

The Cult of Kim Jen Un

Jenny and de jersey Screen Shot 2023-03-25 at 11.06.51 pm

Jenny Hill’s love of hobnobbing with her betters on Citizenship days is well known and well established. lesser mortals need not bother.

So when she popped her head out of the Walker Street Hermit Kingdom long enough to bar federal MP for Herbert Phil Thompson from handing out Australian flags at a recent citizenship ceremony, no one was really surprised – least of the Bulletin which has not said a single word on the matter or allowed a single text or letter to be published on it. Ditto Channel Jenny … er, sorry, Channel 7. They didn’t think It worth mentioning that the mayor flat-out lied to a federal local MP about the reason for the arbitrary action, saying it was for protocol reasons, a claim promptly denied by the Labor Minister in Canberra responsible for such events. Bentley thinks it might have been a language misunderstanding.

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But it’s come to light she’s got form for using her position for self-promotion. The Magpie recently discovered that item such as these ….

Jenny campaigning Jenny campaigningIMG-0191

…. are prominently displayed at any and all council sponsored events, the TCC brochures goodies, including a Mayor Jenny Hill notebook, and monogrammed pen are hand delivered to sites by by mayor Mullet’s personal chief-of-staff. That in itself raises the question why such material,is delivered by Mayor Mullet’s personal assistant rather than a council employee. It would be interesting to hear the excuse to ratepayers funds being used in what amounts to a personal campaign material thinly disguised as council information material.

But those bloody notebooks and gimcrack pens? She’s kidding, surely.

Wither The Prince … And His Princess?

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You may notice The ‘Pie didn’t mention TCC CEO Prins Ralston much in the reprehensible bullying of Fran O’Callaghan, and not just for the reason that he’s hardly around town long enough to play much of an active role in such skulduggery.

The Prince seems to facing a couple of major decisions soon, possibly caused by an alleged bit of his own extracurricular skulduggery.  The recent sale of the Ralston Sinnamon Park home in Brisbane is about to be settled, and although no price is listed on RP Data yet, it seems it went for around $1.45m in February. This has been lubrication to the local rumour mill – especially around the Walker Street water cooler – that a major decision or two is imminent from our FIFO CEO.

You see, it is understood that his missus isn’t all that keen on Townsville life, and spent most of her time in Brisbane, in the house that was in both their names. But when The Prince occasionally graced us with his presence (gotta make the odd appearance for the $600K + pay packet), he stayed in the Yarrawonga home he bought here a while back … and it is in his name alone. And to use that phrase again, when the cat’s away ….

]So several scenarios arise, some professional, some personal. The Yarrawonga pile is not the market yet, but speculation is out there that our man may be eying of Olympic gold in them thar southern hills.

And on the personal front, that scenario is supported by the widespread belief that The Prince has been slipping a length to a recently sacked senior TCC executive. Now if this is true love – none of the ‘Pie’s business except that it may affect the governance of this city – it would seem that if his domestic arrangements make a quantum shift, his new squeeze is unlikely to want to stick around in a city where she was embarrassingly sacked. Whether perceptions that she tupping the boss had anything to do with her departure from Walker Street is unknown, but certainly no way to make yourself popular with colleagues. Which she wasn’t.

So it could be an interesting personal/professional. double for The Prince … getting the money AND the box.

We Now What We’re To Be Asked, But We STILL Don’t Know What It Involves.

That’s a fact noted by more than just The ‘Pie.

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But The Magpie has an idea, what’s going down and remains both opposed and insulted. As an Australian.

In one of the worst B grade movie performances in the Voice issue to date, PM Albanese all but blubbered when he released the wording of the referendum question on the Voice.

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Putting aside his presumptuous suggestion that anyone voting no is an ‘unprincipled person’ – bit rich coming from a politician – the alarm comes in the amendment to be debated in parliament next month.

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There are two show stoppers in there.

In (2) that the Voice can ‘make representations to the Executive Government of the Commonwealth’ has a big red flag hanging over vit. It means that a government – a cabinet – that decides not to heed whatever the Voice offers on an issue could then be challenged in court. Endless delay by self-intrested and malicious grouping of the un elected Voice could cause economic and social disruption, a right that an unelected body representing 3% of the population has no right to able to do.

And (3) means politically motivated and manipulated factions could pass laws giving the Voice powers never intended by those who voted yes.

Here is one of the better and balanced summaries of the Voice issue to date from the BRisbane Times. usually paywalled and may not open for some (sorry).

Lot more shouting is guaranteed before the Voice matter is settled.

Another Stellar Week For Connoisseurs Of The Daily Astonisher.


The Magpy thiks todays Buletin front page story is reely schocking … these kids who fite in skoolyards should do more clas werk and lern to spel beter … how else can thy hope to get a job on the Buletin.

Screen Shot 2023-03-25 at 9.23.27 am Screen Shot 2023-03-25 at 9.57.36 amI mean, front page … and a sub head. Reallk, Bulletin. Really?

The schoolyard fighting story is from Charters Towers, 112kms from Townsville and therefore of marginal if any to 98% of readers …. while the secondary front page story about the mayoral manoeuvrings delaying the DriveIt centre at Lansdown would perhaps be of more interest to motoring-mad Townsville? But The ‘Pie should not whinge … it’s not their falt they dunno beter.

And from the same front page. There was only one of them.

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And Wednesday’s Astonisher, tells us that works start today on the Becks Rd / Gouldian Avenue intersection. Works actually were programmed and started on 6 March. Talk about Yesterdays news tomorrow – they’ve set a new record.

Also Page 6 has a great picture of a person labelled as Scott Stewart. Boy has he changed – for the worse.

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Then from the Bulletin website, a Nest reader asks: Are they taking the piss, being cruel, trying to be funny or just no fucking idea?

The latter is, as always, The ‘Pie’s guess.

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Certainly is,  now it’s mostly slipped down amidships.

And Just returning To Our Other Pudgy Friend

How long before the Labor backroom boys ban Harpic from using FB. He is a certifiably thought-disordered idiot.


h’s talking bto the ‘publicly’?  The last two sentences make absolutely no sense at all. And by making this boast, a government MP is praising a raise in unemployment in another city. Every time he just proves his a not very funny imbecile.  A lot of folks would like to drive around and thump him …. only their cars have been stolen.

When Anti-Gender Troll Meets Bikie’s Mole

For those who believed they would never see a greater public embarrassment than pommy pot stirrer and anti-trans shouter Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull aka Posie Parker, watch this.

Classy stuff from Lidia Thorpe, the senator and former bikie’s mole who has called for all out war on white Australia. Drunken bimbo’s after the sixth race at Flemington on Melbourne Cup Day demonstrate more decorum.

But while Posie Parker and her hate message is to be reviled, spare a compassionate thought for this woman.

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That is – no joke – the unfortunately named American actress Parker Posey, who looks a better proposition all round than the pommy Posie. But then, who wouldn’t?

Pauline Hanson

Even Posie sympathiser Pauline Hanson has been known to stir the odd bib and braces banjo players. But don’t let’s not be too smug … if Pauline could speak English, didn’t have a voice like a squeaky Bunnings trolley and a permanent expression usually only seen on chronic haemorrhoid suffers, those currently held back by fear of association might not be so shy.

There’s Gotta Be A Disney Stick Movie In It: The Lady And The Trump.

As the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal continues to rain on Donald Trump’s parade, he has one comforting thought. By telling just one more outrageous lie which was not supported by a single fact, he made more money from the gullible in 48 hours than he ever had to pay the porn star for their infamous roll in the hay while his missus was home with their newborn. At last count, aided by an equally gullible media, Trump received more than $2million in donations. Meanwhile his self-appointed arrest date came and went without anything of note happening, a fact that New Yorker satirist Andy Borowitz nailed in his usual style, That heads up this week’s US gallery.

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And Finally … Whale Oil Beef Hooked

… we stay in the States for one of the better pranks played on a public figures. This Florida senator perhaps has never seen the Simpsons,  or he would know how barkeep Moe felt when Bart made his famous phone calls for interestly named customers (most famous: Amanda Hugenkiss).  But then, Anita Dick and Holden Hiscock never featured on the show.

And that started a tsunami of name jokes, most of which have been trotted out in playgrounds and around water coolers for years.  but some people revel in the sheer unforgettableness of their names.  Obviously got this bloke elected at least once.


So here’s one for you to work on.  this bird’s first name is Drew.

Peacock FsAIfasWABEOmnR……..

That’s the week that gone for forever, but we’ve survived to do it all again next week. Now here’s something different …. Because The Magpie loathes bullies, if you would like to help Fran O’Callaghan in her bid for the mayoralty, you can donate directly to her campaign here

BSB 514179
A/c No 1797079
Name: Frances O’Callaghan

If you wish to remain anonymous, keep it under the legal non-disclosure limit of $499.

And just so you know, The Magpie doesn’t believe in limits on donations to The Nest heh heh heh ….

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Critical says:

    Another Bulletin stuff-up, the Veterans Legal Service has been operating at the Oasis since last October 2022. Oh well, I suppose the ALP had to have a launch 6 months after the Service started. Sounds like the ALP just had to do something to sweeten up the Veterans in Townsville, Cairns and Mackay with an election looming.
    Some people are questioning why is the Qld government funding this service when veterans services are usually funded by the Federal government.

  2. Prince Rollmop says:

    Wording below from Fighting Frans Facebook page yesterday, her response to the allegations levelled against her. Fran isn’t going to roll over or be belted into submission like other Councillors have allowed themselves to be. As Doug has mentioned previously in the Nest, Fran will require donations and support to assist her in her run at the Mayoral position. 12 months to go and hopefully the Mullet will be gone. Then with any luck, TCC can be rebuilt and reshaped starting with the severing of the part-time CEO Prince Ralston’s executive contract.

    Inappropriate conduct matter against me dealt with at Ordinary Meeting on Wednesday 22 March 2023.

    For the information of the Townsville ratepayer and resident, here is the content of a letter sent to Council the day before the Ordinary Meeting above, by the solicitor representing me in the matter, Mr Barker. Although I was not in the meeting due to the matter being about me and me declaring a prescribed conflict of interest and leaving the meeting whilst the matter was dealt with, I was assured by the legal officer at the meeting that the letter would be brought to Councils attention after I left the room, so it was therefore brought into the public domain before me publishing it below. I have deleted the names of the three councillors who provided witness statements against me out respect for them although I am regularly not afforded the same courtesy.

    “This correspondence is forwarded on behalf of our client, Councillor O’Callaghan.

    Thank you for providing us a copy of the investigation report. We note it is dated 9 December 2022, some three and a half-months ago. It is not clear why the report was not previously provided, especially in circumstances where Council proposes to vote on this matter tomorrow.

    The report includes conclusions, allegations and imputations that were never put to Councillor O’Callaghan. We made repeated requests to the investigator that he put questions to Councillor O’Callaghan in writing, which were repeatedly refused. We were never provided the majority of the material relied upon by the investigator, including the summaries of interviews with Councillors X, Y and Z. Once again, our client was not given an opportunity to respond to or contradict their comments which were subsequently relied upon to reach conclusions adverse to our client.

    The investigator says that “to satisfy principals of natural justice, BDO provided Cr O’Callaghan, via Mr Barker, with a summary of the allegations (as outlined in the S150AA Notice)” (see page 6). To be clear, the summary is extracted from the Notice verbatim. The report omits the basis upon which our request for questions in writing was made. It also omits the basis upon which the investigator refused our requests. In the circumstances, it is difficult to see how natural justice was afforded to our client.

    Our client’s response of 2 December 2022 could only address the summary of the allegations. Detailed questions in writing, as sought by Councillor O’Callaghan, would undoubtably have allowed her to provide a fully informed and detailed response.

    We respectfully suggest Council could not rely on the report, in particular the conclusions set out on page 15, in determining whether Councillor O’Callaghan engaged in inappropriate conduct.”

    Since I believe I have been treated unfairly in this matter I am currently exploring any avenues of appeal available to me.

  3. Mike Douglas says:

    Publish a list of all the entities and board positions Mayor Hill has created and appointed herself to and you will see why ratepayers are picking up the cost of a full time diary manager + two advisors . Then theres the $89,000 + super from LGAQ . Here’s another entity NQROC ” North Queensland Region Organization Council ” partly funded by Council . Surely much is overlapped in many of the other entities ? . Natalie Marr announced as the Liberal Candidate for Thuringowa . How long will it take Aaron to demean her . Aaron spent some extra $ with facebook highlighting his billboard .He received lots of negative comments from his electorate on his performance for free .

  4. Doug K says:

    At last week’s council meeting, while waiting to be escorted – yes the council has a security guy who leads ratepayers up to the viewing area at council meetings, and stays there to keep the hordes (just 2 of us) in check in case we are planning a January 6 riot – I had a chat with Bully reporter Leighton Smith, asking him why the story about Jenny Hill’s rant at the citizenship ceremony hadn’t seen the light of day in his newspaper.
    I had earlier sent both he and the editor copies of the two letters so they couldn’t claim they didn’t know about it, so was keen to know why a story hadn’t been published.
    I won’t put his reply in quotations because I don’t have it word-for-word (it was only a casual conversation) but he replied that he had sent the letter up the line (to the editor) but had been told the paper wouldn’t be covering it because Jenny Hill and Phil Thompson had fights all the time and they weren’t covering them anymore.
    “What?’ I exclaimed, you’ve GOT to be kidding.”
    He replied with words to the effect that he didn’t control what stories were covered or published.
    So I think that maybe we’ve been a bit hard on Leighton, who is obviously the scapegoat carrying the can for editor Craig Herbert.
    Which raises the question: What does Jenny Hill have over the editor that allows her such protection, apart from the huge amounts of ratepayers money she pays the paper for ads that seem to be meaningless and unnecessary?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Doug, she is a politician and member of the Australian Labor Party. Pollies are virtually untouchable. The ALP as a collective, and as with any political party, wields and exerts power, money and corruption. Jenny Shrill may be only a small cog in a large wheel, but it’s a wheel that has much power. The newspaper ‘not touching her’ isn’t so much a testimony to HER political clout, it is a testimony to the broader political party’s power. Remember the accident in which a motorcyclist was killed? The whole event was obsfucates from day 1, including the police backing off her case and the entire episode being squashed from day 1 of the investigation to her day in court where she was found not guilty. That’s political clout.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        There is also a personal and petty vindictiveness in the way the ALP plays its politics. Everything is personal and they only play the man not the ball. Anyone who puts their head over the wall to comment on anything risks having it cut off and put on a pole as a lesson to others who dare speak. The Council and state public service have become terrible for it and the federal public service will go the same way as the ALP cancer spreads through it. You know it never thought i was political except for a bit of a left lean but these pricks have pushed me far to the other side.

  5. Exclusive Butterflog says:

    Another stellar blog this week Magpie. Once again, Cr Hill is shown up for the complete flog that she is.

  6. Council mole says:

    Here’s a bit of inside info from the council water coolers. Mayor Hill wanted to throw the book at Fran O’Callaghan over her Facebook posts but her team members did the right thing and bucked her for once and refused to be part of what would have been a kangaroo court. So instead of having to chair a meeting and suffer the embarrassment of being rolled by her own team, Hill included the matter on the agenda of a meeting she wouldn’t be attending. There is growing concern by Hill’s team members that they could go down with the sinking ship. Don’t be surprised if some of them run as independents at next year’s election. From what I’m hearing, one may even join the mayoral race. We live in interesting times.

    • The Magpie says:

      There are one or two that are constantly mentioned as pretenders … Margie Ryder has ambitions although with her, we’d likely end up with Mullet Lite. Frothy is no secret pretender, but he wouldn’t have ton have a pretty strong peg to hang his candidacy on. A-M Greany may have some wistful moments of ascending bto the mayoral plush and scarlet robes, but best she just remains wistful (although The ‘Pie is led to believe she has some support in the business community). A couple of others are eying higher office opportunities at state level.

  7. The Magpie says:

    (The Magpie received this comment via email).

    Good morning, Mr Weatherup,

    Just to correct todays content: I was not informed of the outcome when I came back into meeting and I still not have been informed. The meeting carried on to next agenda item when I came back. The only information I have is from the media reports!
    This is exactly what happened. Nothing at all said. I found out afterwards via media report and have still not received any advice re the outcome from council. I still have not watched video recording of meeting, but I would find it strange that this was the required method for me to inform myself of what was decided in my absence.

    Fran O’Callaghan
    TCC Clr Div 10 and mayoral candidate.

    • Prickster says:

      Grow up Fran, you made a mistake and deal with it.

      Everyone can watch the meeting and hear what happened word for word https://townsville.civicclerk.com.au/web/Player.aspx?id=1350&key=-1&mod=-1&mk=-1&nov=0

      You played it too cute and got caught out, you’re lucky BDO investigated the matter and it was not a litigation motivated firm. Trying to obfuscating things for your own benefit proves you’re more similar to the Mullet than you think, maybe you are a good fit for the office after all.

      • The Magpie says:

        That is one of the most densely stupid and self-defeating comments straight out of the Trump Book Of Alternative Facts. None of what you said is neither fact or accurate. Lot of claims but not a shred of proof offered.

        Why are we not surprised?

        • Prickster says:

          Have you watched and listened to the meeting?

          • The Magpie says:

            Of course. Well, just the relevant stuff at the start.
            The ‘Pie’s original response stands.

            And if Jenny had to say those words ‘(the regulations) require all councillors to at all times strive to maintain and strengthen the public’s trust confidence and integrity of council, and avoid any action that may diminish it’s standing, authority and dignity’, she would choke on them – being the mayor who called for an unpopular and unheeded call to boycott Qantas because they wouldn’t agree with a tax on passengers she wanted, or have to pay an alleged $50k to mpalmer for defamation for statements uttered as the mayor. And banned our federal MP from harmlessly handing out Australian flags to new citizens. Yet she, for purely political reasons, went after Clr O’Callaghan for the merest of matters no one but she could give a toss about, that became the subject of the Streisand Effect … a complaint that amplifies a matter that rebounds on the originator.

            But tell you what, Molachino did a good, brisk workman like job on this matter, clearly as fed up as all the other councillors who managed to stay awake, and the councillors seemed to respond positively to his conduct in the chair. He seemed quite chummy with The Prince, too. Jenny better watch her back.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Wouldn’t be surprised at that, Molachino is one of the great grovellers of the world and gets on with everyone.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, that’s a big step up from what we’ve got … the exact opposite actually.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Hey Prick. Even the local police give you a ticket that says what you did wrong and the penalty you have to pay. You might be thinking of the Stasi or a Starchamber which is more in line with the ALP playbook. Clown.

  8. Viva La Townsville says:

    12 months and counting! Things are really going to heat up soon as the Mullet is placed under pressure by other Councillors, the business community, some political persuasions and her own mistakes. Hill is more toxic than one of Fatty Palmers turds. It’s time for Townsville to hit the flush button.

  9. Interested observer says:

    I can support Fran’s story about her not being told of the outcome of the Facebook matter when she returned to the meeting. I watched the meeting by livestream and was shocked when they just moved on to the next agenda item. Cr Sue Blom also wouldn’t have known what happened until after the meeting closed because she also declared a conflict of interest in that she is a friend of Cr O’Callaghan, so she also had to leave the meeting. Disgraceful!

  10. Hugh Jarse says:

    A great win for the Cowboys and the NSW gambling lobby last night

    • The Magpie says:

      At least the Cowboys had to overcome some strong opposition – a gritty performance, Boys – which the gambling lobby in NSW did not.

      The ‘Pie has said it before but worth saying again … the most socially irresponsible and damaging decision of recent Australian history was Bob Carr allowing pokies into pubs. When the tax stream from the move was seen by other states, most followed suit asap …. none looking at the misery, social dislocation and increased expenditure needed on support organisations this crass and venal law created.

      It is no exaggeration to say that the move changed the whole fabric of Australian society, creating a class of glassy eyed zombies, a majority of whom started frittering away the pittance given them by the government – the very definition of a vicious circle. And it signalled the day the vibrant pub music scene died. And jobs … machine maintenance and supervision is minimal.

      But there is an easy answer that does not necessitate draconian measures like bans and cashless machines and so on, it is so simple and obvious. Poker machines are calibrated to return between 7% and 14% of money invested (at least that was the allowable alteration allowed in NSW when The ‘Pie last concerned himself with this issue). The way to restore some decency to Aussie social life is to REVERSE the percentages, and make machines pay out 85% to 93% of money invested. Although greatly reduced, there would still be unearned profit for the pubs and considerable tax for governments. And a great deal less hardship if any to punters. Indeed, turnover would go through the roof, increasing the take all round.

      Tell The Magpie why he’s wrong.

  11. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Goodness me, Mr. Pie, you have a way with words!

    “And on the personal front, that scenario is supported by the widespread belief that The Prince has been slipping a length to a recently sacked senior TCC executive. Now if this is true love – none of the ‘Pie’s business except that it may affect the governance of this city”

    Does this mean that we. the ratepayers, are affected by the Prince’s length, or, more likely lack of length, given the stature of the man?
    Heaven forbid!

    • The Magpie says:

      No, Flutterby, but by extrapolation it means – like most blokes – his cock is his compass and he will go wherever it points.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      There are widespread rumours that Prins was ordered to sack Stacey by Jenny. Jenny has been told repeatedly by different people since Stacey started in HR, of Stacey’s bullying and intimidation.

  12. The Magpie says:

    Hey Aaron Harper, you awake, Goofy?
    Let The Magpie introduce you to your successor next year.
    From today’s Sunday Mail.

    And since you are dense and arrogant enough to airily wave away the challenge, let’s have a look at history, shall we? Last time around, where 63.61% of voters didn’t want you … you scraped home by rusted on Labor and spoiling smaller parties.

    Natalie Marr was just 6% behind you, which means she only has to pick up that percntage of voters from the 32.78% who didn’t and still don’t want you, not to mention those who DID vote for you but have now had a gutful of your incompetence.

    That’s about just 1500 people will be needed to desert you, the sinking rat, and the other parties to send Ms Marr to Brissy. She’ll win going away … but then, anyone would.

    You’re toast, mate … and burnt toast at that.

    • Townsville Terry says:

      Oh no, a photo of the Kid! That will have Elusive Butterflog reaching for the blood pressure pills.

  13. The Magpie says:

    Oops. Amended, thanks.

  14. Bentley says:

    Interesting critique of Pauline, ‘Pie. If only she was a little bit polished, there would be no talk of The Voice or Treaties.

    • The Magpie says:

      Precisely. Don’t agree with a lot of her guff, but there are some underlying messages that should be considered and not dismissed out of hand. A little more considered eloquence in a reasonable voice, a little less vitriol and an absence of fancy dress stunts would go a long way towards giving a larger section of the population a more acceptable voice. For example, although they may not be your political cup of hemlock, imagine of PH’s message was delivered with the rhetorical style of a Plibersek or Kenneally, a Zoe Daniels or the trained barrister wiles of a Zali Steggall … if they’re principles were to tend towards PH’s policies, a lot more people would listen to the good points amongst the mostly dross.

  15. Council mole says:

    Harpic has all the bases covered to make sure he stays on the public tit after Natalie Marr does us all a favour next year. He’s already eyeing a place on Jenny Hill’s new team. Hear there will be at least 3 vacancies, possibly more. Only puppets need apply.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Mole – the problematic part of your comment is that the local government elections will be held 6 months before state (March/October). Harpic would need to quit his cushy job early and that is not going to happen.

  16. Jatzcrackers says:

    Following on from Prince Rollmops points, I think there’s a much bigger picture here with Mayor Mullet.
    My view is that she saw the writing on the wall the minute Cl Fran threw her hat in the ring for the mayoral position. Bit like the corrupt sheriff in Pale Rider (Clint Eastwood) old Jenny realised the game was up with the appearance of a genuine opposition candidate for the up coming challenge and made a decision to fast forward her career into State politics, or an advisory position to same.

    Follow the easy money has always been Mullets MO and what better opportunity with the 2032 Old State Gov Olympics and the billions of dollars on offer with plenty of positions coming up accompanied by extremely handsome pay packages.
    Even if old Anna gets the political DCM down the track, there’s no way that Brisbane is going to cancel their Olympic juggernaut and there will be more political parasites at that feed trough in the years to come leading up to 2032.

    Mullets eye will be on being part of this State Gov money spinner to increase her $$$ nest egg over the final decade of her political scamming and her constant grandstanding/vindictiveness against Fran is simple because she’s a total scheming bitch who knows her Townsville gig is coming to an end, fast !

  17. Hee Haw says:

    I wonder if Fran has considered the fact that under the TCC standing orders they have 8 weeks to investigate the advice from the OIA and. Present to council. If it is anticipated that it will take longer than this then the Investigator must seek an extension formally by the mayor.

    The investigator must make all reasonable endeavors to complete the investigation and provide a report for inclusion on the agenda of a Council meeting no more than eight weeks after the receipt of the complaint.
    Note: If the investigator believes that it may take longer than eight weeks to complete the investigation and the Mayor is not the investigator, then the investigator must seek an extension of time from the Mayor.

    They took 30 weeks to bring this matter before council

  18. Old fella says:

    Is Aaron Harpic trying to become Clive Palmers clone? Looks like Harpic is catching up in size to Clive.

  19. Afterthought says:

    (Comment send in via Magpie email).

    Another money pit of rate payers $ funded Townsville Council / State Government . Fran could save mil$ shutting these entities down .

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      There is an abundance of these parasite organisations In this town, it never ends, these people are perpetual CEO’s of nothing but shit, achieving absolutely nothing and sucking up public money at the same time.

      • The Magpie says:

        Chief among them TEL?

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Cankers , NQROC another entity paid by ratepayers Townsville / Charters Towers / Hinchinbrook / Burdekin / Palm island . Directors all five Mayors , Member advisors all 5 Councils CEOs + Executive Officer . Duplication of other entities the Councils are already in . Annual report disclosure costs / outcomes ? .

        • The Magpie says:

          And while we’re in this territory of vain glorious TCC featherbedding, hope Fran takes a look at the Sister City’s rort, an occasional jolly which in three decades has resulted in nothing substantive or beneficial whatsoever. Any suggestions of some KPI’s has met with virtue signalling flummery.

        • The Magpie says:

          Mike, that’s another organisation spawned by and doubling up on the LGAQ.

    • The Magpie says:

      Pay range?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I find it interesting.. that the now CEO and former whatever of Smart Precinct, Cazzulino has been promoting her own startup. Seems like a conflict of interest to me.

      • The Magpie says:

        Maybe been finding it too tough in the real world, and opted for a cushy job?

      • Non Aligned Worker says:

        Look at the resignations from their board over the last year (due to governance issues?). Nothing to see here. Jenny is also on the board of this organisaton.
        Would love to see what funds they received this FY.

    • Tenacious D says:

      (She /Her) ?? because unless that was in the profile I would never have guessed, thereby making me trans phobic

    • someone says:

      I have to agree. We looked at using their space for an extended not-for-profit org board meeting. We presumed it would be free given their funding. We where asked for $800 for a 5 hour booking….

    • Artemis says:

      Smart Precinct. The irony, they are given prime real estate and funded by council and as far as I can see produce absolutely nothing. Actual Council staff are moved from pillar to post and housed in offices that are reminiscent of East Berlin decor.

      • The Magpie says:

        Seriously, The ‘Pie believes when public money is used to fund anything, it should be written into nthe Local Government Act that regular KPIs are published. this waste and mismanagement really does have to stop. No wonder Mayor Mullet is so spooked by Fran O’Callaghan, who regularly digs up the tracks of this gravy train.

  20. The Magpie says:

    When our three blind mice get kicked out at the next state election, the least offensive , Scott Stewart, can at least go back to teaching. Not so Aaron Harpic … well certainly not to teach geography.

    Mind you, The Shovel reckons i’s going to be the opposite problem for News Corpse..

    • Mugwump says:

      On earlier mail about Harpic FB post and Michel.K commenting. Harpic asked and he obviously got one he didn’t like as Michels comments is deleted. FB page shows 5 people have commented, but only 3 showing meaning 2 has been deleted.

      Poor form from Mr Glass Jaw. Ask for comments and cannot handle anything showing him and Labor policy up.

  21. The Magpie says:

    Who are the baddest boys in the naughty stakes, basketballers or football players.

    Australia needs a comparison list like this American one – and you can bet the answer would be the same.

  22. Prince Rollmop says:

    I looked through the Precinct NQ 2022 annual report. They are a ‘think tank’ for big ideas. The report was an absolute crock of shit., just a glossy brochure filled with photos, wank words and general fluff. I couldn’t find any information regarding the CEO or board members salaries which is a bit unusual. So you have this mob, TEL, TCC, all supposedly promoting, seeking out and supporting business initiatives in our region, and all doing a shithouse job at it.

    • The Magpie says:

      The likes of Jenny, TCC, TEL et al have no way out, they have to accept one of two things …. they are monumentally incompetent and irresponsible, or they are legal crooks, rorting the system to hand out favours in exchange for votes. Something’s gotta give, and sooner than later one trusts.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Is this the same mob that were to move into the old transit centre? TCC spent a small fortune on initial works there and then abandoned the project.

  23. The Magpie says:

    Townsville Bulletin declares Charters Towers a ‘notorious black spot’ , referring to traffic not the population.

    Nester Mugwump writes:

    More proof that Townsville bulletin is not writing reports locally. No local would call the Flinders Hwy the A6 Hwy. Buggered if I know where the A6 Hwy was or is until googled. Sounds like someone with no local knowledge but big city Sydney or Melbourne who refer to hwy / ring roads / tunnels this way.

    Well, your conclusion of your general comment is correct but perhaps not in the. way you mean.

    Checking the map shows that York Street in Charlies’ Trousers is one of several street names taken by short stretches of the still-designated Flinders Highway through the town. The reporters, certainly Cameron ‘Master’ Bates, know of the Flinders Highway (in fact, like The ‘Pie, he was probably unaware it was the A6) but some distant jackass, in Brisbane, Sydney or Mumbai, or maybe just the local web click baiter (that’s not still you, is it, Chris?) looked at a map and saw there was no immediate reference to the Flinders Highway. (The ‘Pie jests of course, that level of checking hasn’t been a feature of the Bulletin for years) and decided to stick with the technical A6, so everyone could be just as confused as he/she/it/they/them was. And that is worse for the credibility of the paper, an organ supposed write plain English for the punters quick information.

    Another credibility crash.

  24. Dave of Kelso says:

    Clive bloody Palmer is at it again. Trying for 300 billion Australian taxpayer dollars.


  25. The Magpie says:

    Some really nasty low lifes playing footy these days, with all these possibly fatal shoulder charges. I’ve never minded a bit of biff, but attacking an opponent when he can’t defend himself is lowest of the low. And that, friends, is as much sport as you’ll get around here.

    By the way, once commented to a bookish, bespectacled academic friend who would be 70kgs wringing wet that there was the song current at the time, Bring Back The Biff, which he’d never heard of but surprisingly said ‘That’s a great idea, looking forward to it.’ The ‘Pie was stumped until I discovered he thought the song was talking about the abandoned Brisbane International Film Festival.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      About football, I have a very sketchy recollection of Artie Beetson being interviewed, many years ago, on the Sunday after a memorable game the day before. I cannot remember the name of the other player so let us call him Fred Nurk.

      “And so Mr Beetson, what do you think about Fred Nurk repeatedly attacking your fist with his face?”

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      To make my day complete I want to see the Very Stable Genius charged, in double quick time, for his vote rigging in Georgia, and instigating the Jan 6th coup attempt. Overwhelm the prick.

      • The Magpie says:

        Completely mystified as to what is to be investigated in Georgia … the damning phone call has long been made public, and is clear proof of an attempt to coerce someone to commit an illegal act, i.e. falsify a voting outcome. The paraphrase the mobster ex-president, the ‘perfect’ proof.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not yet, this is snakes and ladders, with the snake trying to rig the game.

  26. Alacan says:

    My wife went to the bakery at one of the shopping centres in tville and asked the young sales assistant for a dozen rolls to which the reply was .. yes but how many .. true story hot out of the oven this morning

    • The Magpie says:

      Crikey, hope the missus didn’t ask for a baker’s dozen.

      • Achilles says:

        In fairness I have the same difficulty in reverse, watching the weather forecast and they talk about rain depth in mm’s I have to round it out to cms which is close to 1/2 an inch.

        The imperial measurement system was, and still is a far more efficient and versatile method.

        • The Magpie says:

          Dunno about that, it’s a matter of what you’re brought up with, like times tables and pounds shillings and pence, all Imperial measurements were based on stupid premises like th elength of the king’s cock or the width of a swan’s shit. But like you, The ‘Pie still has to convert … 25mm = one inch for rainfall. The ‘Pie has never been willing or interested to convert any other measurements which traditionally involved inches.

  27. The Magpie says:



    In a run-of-the-mill media release today, detailing some water pipeline works in the ‘burbs, tucked away towards the end was an unheralded change of heart for the council.
    “Water and Waste Committee chairperson Russ Cook said Council was committed to providing clean and safe drinking water to Townsville residents.”

    The new policy will be welcomed by residents who have been beset by smelly, brackish brown water on occasions, and is to be applauded even if long overdue. Mayor Mullet will be breathing a sigh of relief, no longer facing the possibility of again having to skoll a glass of the murky brown stuff for TV cameras, before immediately retiring to her office suite to take suitable precautions involving finger and throat to avoid any possible infection.

    And folks in Aitkenvale can again be invited to dinner parties.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      No one told us. It is hard enough just getting the usual sludge through the system and trying to keep the poop and potable separated. Sorry people for the unrealisticaly raised expectations The offending work experience pr person who wrote this will probably be promoted to lead the water and waste unit.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        I am not sure when that media release came out but that little project has been under way for several weeks and is actually going pretty well with no major fuckups that I have seen. The boys on the ground do a good job.

        • The Magpie says:

          They generally do … the staff on the ground that I have observed (while sipping a mint julep from the comfort of my veranda) are the working heroes of the mediocre management.

      • The Magpie says:

        The reason The ‘Pie makes fun of some many TCC media releases is not the basic content – the info in this particular one is solid stuff letting people know what is going on – but why oh why do people like Russ and most particularly the mayor, use these day-to-day information sheets to promote themselves as going above and beyond their calling when in fact they are doing the very minimum we would expect from an elected council. It would most newsworthy (which means you’d never see it in the AstonisherO) if they announced ‘We don’t give a shit about water quality, take your chances.’

        It’s like a little kid proudly showing mummy the big poo they just did, to which mummy replies ‘Yes dear, very good, that’s what you’re meant to do. You don’t have to tell me every time.’

        • The Wulguru Wonder says:

          Spot on Magpie. One would hope they are “ committed to providing clean and safe drinking water to Townsville residents…..” After all, that’s what we pay them our rates to bloody well do!

          When it comes to assessing the utility of corporate speak PR spin statements such as this TCC example, I find that a good rule of thumb is to ask myself how much sense it makes if you rephrase it substituting the opposite intention (just as you have done).

  28. Prince Rollmop says:

    Not Townsville related, but close by. This grubby Cairns politician is known locally as Warren Stench. A boozing, lazy, grotty member of parliament. He only got re-elected because Scotty from Marketing was so toxic. Anyway, Our GayBC has done some good investigative journalism. It’s easy to connect the dots on how this bloke came to invest in an AirBNB. No wonder politicians are all multi millionaires.


  29. Achilles says:

    It’s NOT an April 1st joke; but proves that the useless faile-polies club is, and a bloody dangerous one at that!



  30. Prince Rollmop says:

    Another Palasczuk fuckup. $1b blowout! Don’t worry, put it on the tab, the ratepayers and taxpayers will cover it along with other increased debt and the billions to be spent on the Olympic folly.


  31. Terry Who says:

    What ever you’re paying Bentley it’s not enough the lad is brilliant.

    • The Magpie says:

      Your comment is published with great trepidation – now he’ll want a raise.

      • Bean Counter says:

        I’d give him a 50% raise – after all 50% of nothing is still nothing :)

        • The Magpie says:

          In that case, a generous Magpie will, make it 100%.

          • Achilles says:

            Blessed are they who expecteth nothing, for verily they shall not be disappointed…..

          • The Magpie says:

            … which is basically the mindset of those who read the weekly Magpie.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Not so. From early posts with spelling and grandma mistakes I quickly learned to expect quick Magpieesk correction. These days I try to do better. So this Nester expects, not nothing, but motivation to improve his monitoring of this bloody predictive text.

  32. The Magpie says:

    At the risk of the Bulletin staff accusing the ‘Pie of unfair discrimination, here’s one exclusively for those who understand English grammar. The Magpie rates it on the Clever Wordsmith scale as top shelf.

    Marina Hyde discussing Donald Trump’s latest word gaffe on social media:

    “These Thugs and Radical Left Monsters have just INDICATED the 45th President of the United States of America”, ran this statement, which you should obviously take with a cup of cold [sic].

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