In fact, they actively argue against their members’ interests, ignoring legitimate concerns about possible council malpractice. Senior TEL executives (ha!) refuse to engage with serious data-driven concerns over the processes during the past seven years that the Hilton project has been mooted. And just as disgracefully, the Bulletin has taken the same actively hostile attitude. And to top it off, the council refused to even say if the gift of ratepayer land to the Hilton proponents was discussed at last Wednesday’s secret squirrel meeting behind closed doors.
Troy Thompson decides to conjure up some alternative facts about his misdemeanours of social media … the bloke just can’t stop lying. And a senior Queensland legal eagle gives a blunt and brief verdict on Thompson’s pre-election behaviour.
Taking his lead from overseas, The Magpie reckons he has come up with the ideal use for one of the old sheds at the North Railway Yards.
And the latest bizarro week in the good ol’ U S of A in our regular cartoon gallery.
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Could Townsville Enterprise Be Facing A Membership Revolt?
Given the organisation’s bizarre performance in relation to the mystery-shrouded Hilton C-class hotel project next to the stadium, it is reasonable to ask why anyone would pay membership fees to a crowd that then argues against your interests … and more importantly, against stark data that needs to be addressed.
And that is what one major hotel, one of the big players in the city’s accommodation scene, is asking, and is on the brink of resigning its Townsville Enterprise membership, fed up with TEL’s inaction on the one hand and active opposition to the sector’s interests on the other. The hotel does not wish to be identified until a final decision is reached, which may involve input from an out-of-town head office, but The ‘Pie vouches for the information.
A summary of events that have led up to this possibility.
In last week’s Nest, we published an open letter to the Townsville council from a group of accommodation industry figures concerned about the secrecy-shrouded dealings involving the gift of community-held land to the company promoting the continually downgraded Hilton Group hotel next to the stadium. The letter outlined concerns about the lack of transparency (including the lack of tenders) and the continual closed-door secrecy as the project lurched from one proposal to another variation, every time the the level of accommodation proposed being downgraded. There have been three changes in all, from Jenny Hill’s initial boast of a five star establishment to the current proposal for a Garden Inn, one of the lowest levels in the Hilton stable.
The authors of the letter, all manager/owners of significant hotel/resort businesses in Townsville, posed a series of highly relevant questions which they have been asking since the start of the proposal seven years ago,.The group’s spokesman, Brendan Carter told The Magpie for those seven years, they have been fobbed off, ignored or told there were legitimate commercial reasons for secrecy.
Mr Carter told The Nest, “This is not an anti-competitive issue, it involves land that belongs to the community. And while we do have some concerns about an unfair advantage in our sector, this whole issue is something that affects the whole community who are entitled to know exactly what has been agreed in our name. We cannot understand what possible commercial reason there is for withholding details of the deal. If there is, we ask that the council indicate what they are.”
Coming late again to a Magpie story, Astonisher editor Gas Carvey had her pants around her ankles (again) and suddenly realised this was a story she couldn’t avoid because it was likely to be discussed behind closed doors at Wednesday’s meeting. But she waited until Wednesday to stake the paper’s biased claim. This from Magpie comments on the day.
And Finally …
There are dog people and there are cat people. One view.
Another week down, and another unearned thousand bucks in Conman the Barbarians pocket. have your say about that or anything else that buzzing in your bonnet – its easy. free and available 24/7, much like the Friday night doxies down in Via Vomitorium. And if you are in a generous mood, the donate button is below to accept your support for the Nest.
The Bulletin and reporter Chris Burns are bloody well at it again!
The paper has unmistakably nailed its colours to the mast with today’s story about the looming Hilton fiasco. It’s an old journalist trick across all media, that is, being very selective about the order of reporting both sides a matter, and very selective about use of certain words to make your stance clear in a cowardly way.
So the Astonisher is undoubtedly on the Hilton’s side in a matter that could well be detrimental to Townsville ratepayers, a major city business sector and the overall best interests of Townsville.
Probably smarting because yet again they came late to the party, goaded by the lead article in this week’s Nest into reporting a story they would have preferred to ignore , the paper suddenly realised that they might be totally left behind by a decision – either way – in a closed council meeting today.
But rather taking as the news point the concerns of local accommodation operators, and their questions about the history of the project, the paper decided to denigrate them, painting them as uncompetitive whingers. Like this:
“…project at a standstill’, ‘workers idle’ (how come, they haven’t even started yet because there is no council approval?), ‘council in chaos’(now that the fraud mayor isn’t there, no it isn’t’), ‘disgruntled group of hotel managers has accused’ (why not ‘questioned if the council …’?)
This is all the oopening language of unsubtle bias, and making this the news point up front and putting a general summary of the hoteliers’ complaints at the bottom of the story, is dog whistling about as subtle as a grenade in a bowl of porridge.
Perhaps there was another misjudgement by reporter Burns and editor Garvey … maybe they figured the Hilton will get the council’s tick of approval and the ‘whingers’ will be ignored …. Because the councillors would have been complicit in approvals over the years and would not indict themselves.
If that’s what you thought, folks, YOU COULDN’T MORE WRONG – ON THE EVIDENCE OF YOUR OWN PAPER.
In 2019, you ran this story …

… which included the following:
It is understood part of the hold-up included waiting for the State Government to tick off on approvals, which have now been done. In February 2018, Townsville City Councillors declared a perceived ¬conflict of interest in their dealings with Focus Pacific due to a $5000 donation made to Team Jenny Hill during the 2016 election campaign. The councillors went on to consider the matter anyway, closing the meeting to the public.
A Department of Local Government spokesman said Townsville City Council, after declaring a majority conflict of interest, requested an exemption under section 236 of the local government legislation.
“Following an assessment made by the Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs, ¬Minister Hinchliffe approved the exemption on 31 May 2019,” he said.
A Townsville City Council official confirmed the development application assessment was now complete and the council and Focus Pacific had been working towards finalising the ground lease.
“We anticipate the draft conditions (of the DA) to be ¬released in the near future,” she said.
So the approvals were given a by shiny-bum box-ticking public servant, not the mayor and councillors because the Minister has recused them from voting due to their declared conflict of interest. So it seems today, the councillors are free to vote as think best on the matter without any fear of self-incrimination.
And that being the case, the outcome of the current secret meeting – yay or nay – to the Hilton – will cause even further speculation and investigation.
Well, further speculation and investigation from The Magpie at least, but perhaps not by editor Garvey, who has possibly been reminded already in a phone call from Sydney that Hilton is a global company that spends tens of millions annually with Murdoch media around the world. “Of course, it’s up to you,Ms Garvey, we’re just sayin …’
And, gentle readers, if you think that’s a far -fetched conspiracy theory, you really haven’t been paying attention.
Phew!! Felt good to get that of the Magpie’s soggy feathered chest.
And The Upshot Of The Meeting?
Christ, ya really gotta love the skittish shiny bum, puckered-arse Mr Pooter’s and councillors of the TCC. They’re always finding ways to make asses of themselves. And reinforce the Walker Street Hermit Kingdom reputation.
The closed meeting agenda, available to the public, clearly listed that it was about the North Queensland Stadium Precinct. On top of that, three councillors recused themselves from the meeting to conflict of interest … Hilton proponent Focus Pacific had donated money to their Team Hill Campaign way back when. Fair enough. But when the media asked if the Hilton matter had been discussed in the meeting, “councillors and staff would not confirm whether it was part of their discussions’. FFS, why not just a dignified yes, what else could it have been about, the type of grass used the stadium, a statue of Jenny Hill at the main entrance? – a simple yes would have confirmed the bleedin’ obvious, and would not have given away precious secret squirrel stuff. And was it important to ask because it would confirm that the issue was now front and centre of our halo-polishing new council.
However, Ma Greaney – who had recused herself because she was had been a member of the Cowboys Leagues Club board – later let slip that ‘a statement about the stadium precinct’ would be made in a few weeks. So it would seem that councillors may have taken heed of the complaints from a group of Townsville hoteliers, because it was understood, certainly by Focus Pacific – that Wednesday’s meeting was to tick the final box and give the project the go ahead.
There’s not been any indication yet that the council will meet with the group to discuss their legitimate concerns.
But just as delinquent in this matter has been Townsville Enterprise, with CEO Claudia B-S shutting down previous approaches for discussions by the hoteliers. And one of her troops who should know better, just had to gabbleon.
Lisa Woolfe, TEL marketing officer
TEL marketing director Lisa Woolfe went one better on ABC radio, mindlessly parroting her usual line that the city needs more hotel rooms like the Hilton would provide. She went out of her way to go in to bat for the project on Friday morning. Given the timing, it can’t be unrelated, and it was a less than dainty kick in the nuts to the hoteliers who pay their membership and therefore, help to fund Ms Woolfe’s salary. The link to the radio interview is posted here, relevant bit starts around the 2.20 mark BUT if link audio doesn’t work, you’ll have to head to the relevant ABC site for a listen. It seems Ms Woolfe is neither a fast or an independent thinker, and after seven years under the baleful eye of Mayor Mullet in the vice-chairperson of the TEL board, the marketing director is yet to catch up to the new reality.
Ms Woolfe’s comments were the last straw for one hotelier, who does not appear to be one of the signatories to the letter. Their view is simply that membership of TEL offers them nothing to assist their business, or justify the outlay. Many others, and not just hoteliers, may think closely about their TEL membership and follow the lead. Is it really worth an annual ask of between $850 and $42,140 (buys you a board seat) for what amounts to two or three invites to piss ups each year where everyone stands around gossiping and writes it of to tax for ‘networking’.
The Dudley Do Nothings indeed.
‘Straight Out Fraud, Plain And Simple” – A Senior Legal Eagle’s Verdict On Troy Thompson.
A partner of one of Queensland’s leading law firms can’t see what all the argument is about concerning Troy Thompson’s campaign behaviour. The solicitor, who didn’t want to be named because it would identify his southern legal practice, suggested the wording of the relevant section of the Local Government Act made it a clear Thomson was guilty of ‘straight out fraud, pure and simple’.
Seems pretty clear cut, but in legal matters, they rarely are, are they? If they were all that straightforward, legal folk would be sailing smaller yachts.
But Thompson is not going quietly into that good night, he is doing a Dylan Thomas and is raging against the dying of the light. But he just can’t stop lying. His latest rant on his FB page – he makes the clearly false claim he was exonerated by the Office of the Independent Assessor (OIA) in relation to complaints lodged against him (he wasn’t exonerated) and implies the OIA itself was wrong in the first place. On Friday, we were treated to this little bit of sophistry.
Latest update from the Mayor around 0900. 21.6.24:
Recent correspondence from the OIA:
On 19 June 2024 the Mayor has received the outcomes of 3 separate complaints put to the OIA by the Acting CEO about comments and posts made by the Mayor on social media.
All of the complaints resulted in rejections by the Office of the Independent Assessor.
The OIA provided further clarification to the Mayor on what would be advisable to post and how to conduct himself online according to the conduct rules.
The Mayor maintains that he is always in compliance with the rules and that these and all other outcomes by the OIA so far are a clear indication of the Mayor complying at all times.
To which The Magpie immediately replied in comments:
More foam flecked thinking from Stephen Lane, apparently appointed as ‘legal advisor’ to Thompson, writing responses for him while pretending to be legally competent.
And talk about loopy spin … if the OIA, as Thompson/Lane claim ‘provided further clarification to the mayor on what would be advisable to post and how to conduct himself on line according to the conduct lines’ that is clearly a reprimand for some of his posts. So now Thompson/Lane wish to take on the OIA itself by suggesting he’s always compliant with the rules – despite the OIA clearly saying he hasn’t been and has had to remind him.
Seriously, where does this clown show see this all ending up. The councillors don’t want him, CEO doesn’t want him, the Premier and the Opposition leader don’t want him, and the clincher, the people of Townsville don’t want him.
The arrogance is staggering, second only to the derangement.
Seems Thompson’s MyPlace Foamers Have Themselves A New Flag For Protest Matches
Probably borrowed from America’s Republicans.
A Few Random Matters In Passing
Hey, here’s a great idea for the troubled North rail Yards site. We could follow an overseas lead to pull in punters.
It seems the Uruguay’s capital Montevideo has got a unique take on tourist attraction, and one might just be adapted for the our own projectrail yards.
If an Air Crash Museum is a great come-on for tourists, why don’t we adopt the idea here and create a Stolen Car Crash Museum in some suitably ramshackle shed at the North Rail Yards. No expensive search for exhibits, and we’d take only the best of the overnight offerings from the coppers and make an ever changing panorama, so tourists could pop in every day of their stay for something new. Residents could also drop around regularly to see if their much loved vehicle is among the exhibits that day.
It would pull in a bumper crowd when the SuperPests are in town.
It Was All Vertical Smiles With Not A Sausage To Be Seen
There is nothing funny haha about domestic violence, but there was something funny peculiar about the Astonisher’s Weekend Magazine coverage of a worthy event at Brothers Leagues Club. The occasion was the HopeStars Violence Awareness fundraiser. Old Magpie chum Bettina Warburton (hi Bet, how ya doin’?) penned a report, apparently oblivious to the ironies of the event including this quote from organiser Teresa Hope: “‘The mega raffle was a highlight and the guest speakers were wonderful mix of personal experiences and useful information’. One wonders what wonderful experiences would be forthcoming at a DV event, and useful information probably included the advice ‘duck!!.
But it was the gallery of photos that seemed ironic to The ‘Pie.
As already mentioned, not a single sausage among all those vertical smiles. It seems safe to assume that there wasn’t a single bloke there except maybe a gay drinks waiter.
The Magpie has always had reservations about media descriptions of domestic violence being a sudden crisis and a tsunami … research indicates DV has always been roughly the same disgraceful level, in Australia, possibly worse, it is just that a more enlightened society is now doing something about it, calling it out and giving victims the courage and support to extricate themselves from personal hells. Since the part of the anti-DV (why anti, is there anyone in favour of it?) message is to convince the 99% of blokes who don’t belt their partners or anyone else for that matter to call out such criminal behaviour and openly reject old style boasting to mates about ‘showing her who’s boss’.
So here’s the question: why weren’t there any bloke there? There are a great majority of males, particularly those who have daughters as The ‘Pie does, who abhor the very thought of this cowardly side of our society.
So a worthy and no doubt useful meeting, but it comes across as a all-gals-together old style masonry, where certain people weren’t allowed to hear certain things. Seems like a missed opportunity to me. Just sayin’.
Well, Whodda Thoughts It …
Seems our Labor Premier Stephen Miles actually has something in common with our far-right former Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
HEY WHAT? You Can Now Get Charged For Smelling Bad?
Oh sorry, hadn’t read the story. Yeah, he stinks all right … in another way.
Some Folks Go Nuclear Over Nuclear … The Very Word Sets Some Off.
On Saturday, Peter Dutton promised an informed debate on the issue of nuclear power stations, although just at the moment, that doesn’t include costings. The PM and Chris Bowen were quick to scoff and denigrate Dutton and the coalition for their stance … in much the same arrogant ‘we know best’ manner they adopted for the Voice To Parliament matter … and how did that turn out for you, fellas?
Leak in the Australian noted this aspect of the government’s dismissal of the nuclear question.
The hot air this issue will generate may well in itself damage the planet. And so close to the same script as The Voice.
And So To America’s Week
There was an interesting tweet which might make you wonder why no one has thought of it before. The question is often asked, what proof could be taken to court to prove that Trump directed and even helped plan the violent ‘tourist’ invasion of the Capitol on Jan 6 2021? Here’s a very valid view that certainly never occurred to The Magpie – this is the first time he’s seen it.
Given the well documented security measures and instant responses involving the President’s safety, recorded in documentaries and countless movies, that’s a question that could take some answering. But as the nation waits for the next court circus for the mobster ex-president, there were plenty of global matters to occupy the penmen while they wait for the big day. Putin and Netanyahu were prime targets, and so was the growing concern about the dangers of social media.