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The Magpie

Saturday, October 5th, 2024   |   186 comments

‘Sez You!!!” In Just Two Words, Clr Liam Mooney Sums Up Our Distrust Our Ersatz Mayor

 Did our accidental mayor deliberately lie to last Wednesday’s council meeting,  inviting  a sentence of “three hots and a cot” for a couple of years, courtesy of Queensland Corrections? His panicked backtracking when challenged makes it appear so.  The Magpie puts the case.
The council’s new Nanny Mcphee babysitter has arrived … and we can rest assured he will be operating under her famous credo.
And while all this is great theatre for the disinterested,  it is clearly doing damage to this city.  It is said that comparisons are odious,  but the on-going odour of burning opportunities is unmistakeable.
Labor resorts to a puerile and totally dishonest scare tactic , such is its desperation as the state election looms. And it is all lazy lies, written by a Bulletin reporter who ethically shouldn’t be allowed within cooee of a political campaign story. The ‘Pie offers some unreported context.
All that plus our regular pictorial report from the US,  we pay tribute to one of the great songwriters, and a few other larfs to lighten the mood.
Much to the dismay of those who wish to be regarded as the great and the good, The Magpie’s Nest remains annoyingly independent, but this means no advertising and no hidden sponsors,  so the old bird has to meet all associated costs himself. Which is sometimes an anxious chore. So if you feel you can help out, you can kick the can with a few shekels by using the Donate button at the bottom of the blog. 
The Moving Finger Writes … 
Matters haven’t moved on much from last Wednesday’s council meeting, but contemporaneous reports often give a better impression of events. The Magpie wrote the following on Wednesday at the close of the council meeting.


Liam Mooney 66ed3c19476e1a908865522fae264912

A glimmer of His Radiance’s style this week.

Liam Mooney fired up against a bumbling lying Thompson who insisted he has external legal advice that he has no conflict of interest in the CEO selection process despite the fact that he is still seeking punitive action against Joe McCool. He insisted again and again he had external advice that he can attend any such discussions, and rejected the TCC’s own legal advice that it was a matter for council to decide, not him alone.. BUT he refused to provide the councillors with a copy external legal advice when it was reasonably requested by Ma Greaney

In a quick fire exchange with Mooney, Thompson insists he has the no conflict, but by refusing to supply proof, Mooney summed it up in just two words …’”SAYS YOU.”

Two words that sum up TwoNames and his reputation for dishonesty.

Taking a step back from the situation, the question must be asked that when Thompson knew this matter would be debated, why didn’t he bring his ‘rock solid’ external legal advice to the meeting for sharing? If he’s not lying about it, it would only bolster his argument. That’s what one would normally do if you actually had such advice. The reason he gave that it was not available  – ‘it is on my private computer’ is laughable. In fact, several councillors had to cover scoffing noises. Even The ‘Pie, who lives his life in techno-terror, knew that was hokum,  and couldn’t help but laugh. Insulting stuff.

So now it’s reasonable to believe his huffing and puffing about external legal advice, supreme court challenges and tedious and patronising virtue signalling about democracy – quoting Thomas Jefferson for Christ’s sake !! – is the product manufactured around his  kitchen table by his team of Denis Denutos. And most likely Ai.

Subsequently, for whatever advice given during a brief adjournment, TwoNames absented himself from the closed secret squirrelling about a ‘Human Resources Matter’ – (read: the current situation regarding the permanent CEO position). After a while, they trooped back into our vision to vote that the secret decision they had secretly reached in the secret meeting be passed on to the relevant shiny bum of the Hermit Kingdom for another spell in his/her In Tray.

Now before we move on to the matter of Strand parking, let’s take a closer look at things as they stand from Wednesday’s meeting.

Thompson Has Got His Tits Well And Truly Caught In The Wringer On This

…. and in fact, this could be the most unexpected end to this grifters con job.

Consider the following.

Thompson blundered into this swinging door by repeatedly insisting he had ‘external legal advice’, which directly contradicted the advice of the council’s own Senior Legal Officer.  And strangely,  said external advice miraculously claiming that somehow he no longer had a Conflict of Interest, although previously, he himself had declared he had a COI on exactly same issue, about which no circumstances had changed.

But not a hint of why.

Foolishly, Thompson, sounding like an obstinate child, repeated his lack of COI several times, but not once offering a copy of said legal advice.  Apparently, this poorly advised imposter did not once consider the glaringly obvious fact  that councillors would need to see it before they could debate the issue (well, duh!!). But when challenged, by Mooney, Greaney and Batkovic, he suddenly seemed to realise he’d painted himself into a corner. He unconvincingly started to gabble and bluster on about a barrister in Brisbane having the advice, he have to get in touch with him to get it,  despite having already telling the councillors he’d already said he had it on his private computer. And, boy oh boy, was he ever super quick to agree to, and no doubt was quietly grateful for Clr Batkovic’s suggestion of a 15 minute adjournment to see if Thompson could oblige them.

The next thing we know, on the resumption of the meeting, he meekly acquiesced to the demand that he absent himself from the closed meeting ostensibly seeming to agree that he did in fact have a COI. So matters proceeded to the secret squirrel stage without him. That session undoubtedly included  Joe McCabe’s application for CEO permanency,  the acting CEO playing Joe McCool, with his unruffled aplomb making the traditional cucumber look a sweaty mess.

To The ‘Pie, all that screamed LIAR as loudly as Mooney had yelled ‘Says you!!’ It defies any logic to not bring documented legal advice with you to a meeting where you knew you were going to be challenged. Especially when it would bolster your own argument.


Should the councillors have the wit to make a formal complaint about such lying,  it would be easy to prove. Even if a genuine letterhead containing any advice can be produced, an expert can easily ascertain that timings involved from Thompson’s private computer.  This would reveal any time tampering after the fact,  and any attempt to forge a timeline. The mayor should be requested that when he eventually provides said advice to council (he’s said he will) the copies should be time stamped, that is, contain the date that the email of advice was received.

Any attempted shenanigans by this most untrustworthy person would seem impossible for two reasons: that no such advice actually is possible under the circumstances, and more importantly, it would also depend on the career-wrecking collusion of a real lawyer, which, to put it mildly, is highly unlikely.

The council should now DEMAND to not only see the advice but the time verification of the email.

So is this where we’re heading?


Abuse of office

92 Abuse of office

(1) Any person who, being employed in the public service, does or directs to be done, in abuse of the authority of the person’s office, any arbitrary act prejudicial to the rights of another is guilty of a misdemeanour, and is liable to imprisonment for 2 years.
(2) If the act is done or directed to be done for purposes of gain, the person is liable to imprisonment for 3 years.

And instant dismissal. Of course, in CCC’s parallel universe, ‘instant’ could mean just before or after Christmas, 2025 – or maybe by Easter … year not specified.

The Babysitter Has Arrived ….

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… and although he doesn’t look like. Nanny McPhee,  his tenure will be the same as hers. Mr Oberhardt should email this top all councillors and pin it to his office door.

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A perfect job description for his tenure. And good luck,  John, it is your good fortune to have no hair to turn grey or tear out.

And His First Appearance In The Nursery Will Likely Be This Wednesday …

… because that is when a specially convened meeting  will consider the children’s naughty behaviour over the Strand parking meter issue.

Townsville strand Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 11.06.43 am

At last Wednesday’s meeting, this hot button item proved an anti-climax.

Seems the Strand parking, indeed the whole question of all the areas – Palmer Street and Pimlico around the Mater –  slotted for new parking meters has been shunted forward and will be the sole subject of the special Wednesday meeting.

The reason this can was kicked further down the road was one of the all-time great political hospital passes imaginable. It came in the form of a proposed amendment from Clr Kurt Rehbein.Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 10.39.42 am‘The entirety of the 2024 local government term’?!?

That is an open admission that you are simply not up to the job we pay you $131,000 a year plus perks to do, Kurt.  For all your grandstanding on this issue,  Clr Rehbein, you suddenly have feet of clay and prove you are a man of dust turned into mud.

Kurt, old mate, you were elected to make decisions NOW, at our current behest and benefit, and not make the next administration in 2028 your ‘too hard basket’ Out Tray.  deferring in this way is to suggest that the strand idea may have merit, but not for this council.


This is an unforgivable abrogation of what you were elected to do. Have some ticker mate, stand up and vote on the Strand measure like a man, and stop behaving like a shadow-flinching sniveller.

And The Guilty Silence Said It All …

One another matter that shamed every person in the chamber last Wednesday was a matter of stony silence.

As representatives of the community, the entire council failed in one simple act of traditional decency.  Not a single person, including the mayor who did make a passing mention of the loss, thought to do the usual respectful thing and raise a motion of condolence for their late colleague, councillor Fran O’Callaghan. It is invariable practice to do so in such circumstances, but when the brief window of opportunity arose when the mayor mentioned the matter, all sat in stony silence. Not out of reverence, but perhaps for some, out of guilt and shame – if such emotions are possible amongst this lot.  Disgraceful behaviour.

Neighbourhood Jealousy

Townsville’s predicament over the mayor and the intransigence of council generally to listen to the community is a handbrake on so many areas of progress. And people are noticing.

Prince Rollmop
1,146 approved
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And don’t forget Gladstone Regional Council is smashing runs and hitting the ball out of the park. Excellent Mayoral leadership and a good CEO. And Cairns has gone ahead in leaps and bounds since the bludger Bob Manning resigned as Mayor. Townsville has had 10 years of Hill incompetence and has a neutered TEL supposedly driving the economy. Townsville’s leadership is what has, and is, letting us down. Just look at other Queensland council success stories and you will see a huge difference when compared to Townsville.

Mike Douglas
862 approved
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As the Pie says look at other Regional Councils . Cairns is running rings around T.C.C. . Open day + Council business key projects 2024/25 .Biggest public and affordable 490 housing project funded by the Queensland Government . Resi building approvals +15 % with a new Mayor . Townsville has 5 labor Councillors are they even engaging with Scott Stewart on funding . Mackay proactively seeking investors whilst Townsville Councillors look for reasons to knock back projects like Hilton Garden inn and Douglas 15 apartments + medical . Councillors and Mayor don’t do all of this, they are supported by an executive team . Townsville couldn’t attract good experienced executives under Team Hill .

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Sure these projects  can’t all come our way, and in normal times, we get our share.  But these aren’t normal times. instead of a positive, can-do visionary outlook, we get this. FFS.

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TwoNames thinks he will be getting public approval by posting this on his FB page,  one wonders about his populist campaign promise to reform Townsville Enterprise.  Ms B-S loves a camera of late, and Kevin ‘Rhymes With’ Gill looks his usual discombobulated, mansplaing self.

God help us all.

And While We’re With Happy Snaps …

There’s a lot of talk here and elsewhere using the term ‘cookers’.  But there’s been very little visual on the subject. So here, a happy snap of a chefs’ day out at the beach..

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Pic presumably taken by one of their minders, before loading them back on to the bus to return to the facility,  and their pills and their computers, where they can flood the Magpie’s Nest with demented comments about Lord Troy being the best thing to sliced bread …  which is as close as he’ll ever get to being TipTop.

The Magpie has noted with interest that one of the twoNames most gushing enablers is old mate Merle Trembath, she of the technicolor hairdos and pink clown cars. For years, Merle had hitherto been regarded as a ‘ local character ‘, a slightly bizarre, sometimes amusing eccentric and real estate dabbler. The trouble with eccentrics has always been when they start taking themselves so seriously as to translate their kookiness into attempts to foist their looniness onto others. Sadly, it appears Our Merle was ripe for the picking by Thompson and the MyPlace mob.

Labor’s Scare The Pants Off “Em Campaign About Sun Metals Is Hokum Of The First Order

So silly, it’s embarrassing. You have noticed this story in the Astonisher recently, authored by old mate Leighton Smith, hubby of wannabee local Labor hopeful Edina Andrew.

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It is beyond conjecture why a newspaper desperate to regain some credibility in the community would allow Lighton Smith anywhere near a political story during an election campaign. First,  declaring who he is married to a labor candidate at the foot of the story does not in any way avert inevitable suspicion of bias.  Add that to the fact that this is just desperate Labor bullshit – Mediscare stuff on a local level –  and the Astonisher suddenly becomes irrelevant again.

Running true to form,  Lighton, either through laziness or loyalty or both, was  determined to skim the surface of the story with practiced ignorance of any salient fact in this matter.

The ‘Pie’s sources and own research show that the jobs of the 400 sun Metal workers are far from endangered, and the outcome is most unlikely to have the slightest affect on the Townsville operation. While some in the boardroom are cooling on the wind and solar part of the business (ARK Energy),  Sun Metals will almost certainly remain untouched and isn’t even part of a specific target.

One economic analyst told The ‘Pie there is he believed there’s the simplest of reasons why the company will continue: ‘it is making so much fucking money,  there’s no way it will be adversely affected by the takeover bid, no matter what the outcome. of the boardroom battle. This  takeover bid is just the latest chapter is a long running boardroom war for control between the two controlling family dynasties, the Changs and the Choi’s.

And just like the Murdoch’s, it’s a generational changing of the guard at the heart of the latest ruction over a takeover bid. This brief background from SE Asian economic news site Nikkei.

Korea Zinc traces its roots back to another metals producer, Young Poong, founded in 1949 by two friends, Chang Byung-hee and Choi Ki-ho, according to the latter company’s website. The Choi family has controlled Korea Zinc since its founding in 1974, while the Chang family has managed Young Poong.

The two sides, however, have similar size stakes in Korea Zinc. Chairman Choi Yun-birm and supporters control 33.99% of the company, while North Asia-focused private equity investor MBK Partners and Young Poong have a combined 33.13% of shares as of Sept. 4, according to Meritz Research.

How the deal plays out will be significant, considering Korea Zinc’s position as a key supplier in the semiconductor and automaking industries, two pillars of South Korean industry. The company supplies pure sulfuric acid, which is used to clean semiconductor wafers, to Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix, the country’s two biggest chipmakers. Korea Zinc can produce 280,000 tonnes of the material per year. It is also an up-and-coming player in electric vehicle battery supply chains, processing nickel sulfate, a key input for batteries.

And it will be mega bucks that win the day, last week Korea Zinc shares were in the stratosphere of $752 a share., rising over 10% since hostilities were declared.  And this corporate shin kicking will all take place in South Korea and New York,  and has absolutely nothing to do with Federal Labor, Anthony Albanese or the Foreign Investment review Board (FIRB).  And as if corporate players whacking these sort of stakes on the table would if a flying fuck what Canberra thinks (not that it has anything to think about) let alone obscure Labor loser Messagebank Walker and the day before yesterday’s woman Jenny Hill

You may well ask what the dickens has this got to do with ex-Mayor Mullet.  The ‘Pie laughed heartily when she simpered into Lighton’s eagerly receptive lug: ” I was contacted by Sun Metals owners because they had no relationship with the ‘inwardly focused’ Townsville City council.’

You’re -uckin’-jokin’,-darlin’ …. first up, you were not contacted by Sun Metals owners, they in Korea fighting battles well above your pay grade, and secondly, why would  even a senior Sun Metals executive contact you unless to reassure you there was no danger to the workforce, and not to worry?  Do you want us to believe tghat he asked your advice on matters that even he would limited input? Madam, you’re a worse liar than Troy Thompson, who was obviously the target of your vengeful spite.

You are all so desperate, knowing that the LNP tsunami is rolling on down towards you. That also goes for that peanut, Harpic, whose best effort during the week was this.

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This too is a lie, and was adequately debunked years ago, but Harpic thinks it will get everyone talking about the dishonesty of politicians. Which one would think would not be the smartest plan for the soon not-to-be member for Thuringowa.

Meanwhile in America, All Manner Of Felines Are Under Increasing Risk 

Trump disowning previous policy platforms across a number of issues is seen as too little too late,  but he’s been particularly spooked by the abortion issue, which he so proudly claimed to have axed the operative Roe v Wade ruling.  He has been headlined by proclaiming he will be the protector of women. Which has led to some veryt pointed disbelief and hilarity

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Safety First
The sergeant on the duty desk got a call from an young constable.
‘We’ve got an unusual one, here, Sarge, it’s a murder … a woman just shot her husband because he walked on the floor she’d just mopped.’
‘Yeah, like you say, unusual. So you’ve arrested her?’
‘Err, not yet?’
‘Why not?’
‘The floor isn’t dry yet,’
The Man Who Made Unforgettable Poetry Out Of A Hangover Leaves Us
Woke up Sunday morning, no way to hold my head it didn’t hurt’ …. the man who wrote that legendary and unforgettable line, Kris Kristofferson, died peacefully during the week The singer/songwriter/actor (and incidentally) military helicopter pilot was 88.
While Kristofferson was many things, and different folks will remember for different reasons, The Magpie has been delighted and lost in admiration for his poetry from the moment he first heard Sunday Morning Coming Down.  in 1969. The lyrics weren’t just clever wordsmithing, like so much of country music, but it really was poetry that captured generational moments experienced by just about everyone in that era.  The Magpie was at a certain time in his young life when he strongly identified with the sentiments.
A year later, KK released his best known song, the open-road free spirited anthem Me and Bobby McGee.  It was originally written for and first performed by Roger Miller, and Kristofferson did his own version in 1970, but when his fleeting lover, Janis Joplin got hold of it, she belted out the most enduring version. Recorded just five days before she died in October 1970 of that year, it is said she commented after the studio session ‘Just wait until that fucker Chris hears what I’ve done to his song.”  
The ‘Pie knows and loves every song Kristofferson wrote,  plaiting the angst of the times into verbal strands of wistful accuracy (Help Me Make It Through The Night)and often playful humour (Silver Tongue Devil).   But perhaps it was The Pilgrim,  part of which The ‘Pie takes as his own reflective anthem,  that speaks most to the vibrant life that was lived by a great poetic adventurer.
Sing along a bit as you play it, if you like.
He’s a poet and he’s a pickerhe’s a prophet and he’s a pusher
He’s a pilgrim and a preacher and a problem when he’s stoned
He’s a walkin’ contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction
Takin’ every wrong direction on his lonely way back home[Verse 2]
He has tasted good and evil in your bedrooms and your bars
And he’s traded in tomorrow for today
Runnin’ from his devils, Lord, and reachin’ for the stars
And losin’ all he’s loved along the way
But if this world keeps right on turnin’ for the better or the worse
And all he ever gets is older and around
From the rockin’ of the cradle to the rollin’ of the hearse
The goin’ up was worth the comin’ down

RIP KK, thanks the soundtrack of a lifetime.
All done for another week, but next Wednesday’s meeting should be a corker, stick around comments to see what goes down. The donate button to help out with Nest costs is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. wollo says:

    Pie , front page of Sunday Mail today .. Sunshine Coast Mayor Rosanna Natoli and her councillor husband referred to Electoral Commission for taking donations from Indian property developer.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hah!! property developer, indeed (sneer) … we had a mayor who took gifts from an Indian mining gadzillionaire.(sniff)

      • wollo says:

        Pie, good background story on Korea Zinc today I also smelt a rat there it’s just election scare-mongering. As if state or federal politicians can interfere with billion dollar companies decisions. They must be kidding.

        • The Magpie says:

          wheeling out Jenny Hill was a last straw giveaway … how Messagebank and co could possibly see that as a vote winner is beyond The ‘Pie’s ken.

  2. John Wilkes Booth says:

    Two matters;

    I ask that those Nesters with the right contacts introduce John Oberhardt to The Townsville Magpie Blog, starting with this one, and

    I have just contacted the CCC via their on line contact form and included a link to this week’s blog, for their consideration. I could not help myself. I encourage other Nesters to do the same. You will feel so much better. I know I do.

  3. BobsYourUncle says:

    Please, for the love of God, how long until we see the back end of Thompson? – most of Townsville has had a gutfull!

  4. On Two Wheels says:

    Great tribute to Kris K.
    I love the story doing the rounds about him supporting Sinead O’ Connor when she was booed on stage at a Bob Dylan concert. Apparently she had torn up a photo of the pope on some chat show to highlight child abuse within the church.
    Dylan didn’t offer any support.

  5. Mike lewis says:

    It was good to see twonames openly lie in public and on live stream. This guy can’t even lie straight in bed. Also funny to see food truck greaney has jumped ship ,was it getting a little hot for you was it. As well as the fun dad Brady ellis and his side kick Brodie Philips. These 2 fools are trying to run the council. How about shutting up and do your work.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, fair dos, Mike, they have been convinced they made a mistake – and that’s embarrassment enough for councillors to do – and will (hopefully) put things to rights. Jeering at them for doing the right thing is poor sport indeed, school yard stuff.

      Now if only the mayor too would bow to overall community sentiment and fuck off, life would be sweeter and we could start a road to recovery in Walker Street.

  6. Burnt Brows says:

    That photo of Birnbrauer, B-S and Gill is a classic. My take is B-S is doing her best Birnbrauer smile impersonation and Gill’s body language suggests he is very pro Birnbrauer.

  7. mike douglas says:

    Self preservation seems the priority of Councillors with the new State Government appointed bureaucrat starting 7 th October for 6 mths to try and get Councillors and the Mayor to do what they were elected to do and thats to serve the community . Councillor Greaney admits Councils hardline approach ignoring the community / business was the wrong approach . Councillor Greaney has Mirra and Scott Stewart calling out the failures in the cbd and island . Another Councillor has changed his position on paid parking saying acting Ceo has found savings in the budget to offset the revenue from paid parking . If so why not disclose it as Council could do with a good news story . Many Townsville businesses have operations in Cairns / Mackay / Gladstone and finding those Councils chasing investment and prepared to work to get projects like new housing moving . Big gap in Townsville Council executives (Team Hill couldnt attract good qualified experienced professionals ) leaving the other Councils announcing innovative startegies working with State Government on funding / business for positive outcomes .

    • The Magpie says:

      Since the council’s Nanny McPhee has no power to influence or direct a legal vote by council, he can only monitor procedure; as far as The ‘Pie knows, he does not have any of the powers of an administrator. And the councillors are well within their rights in the LG Act to vote no confidence in the mayor, and do what they’ve been doing, just getting on with business. Even with the Strand matter, Thompson has been mainly irrelevant, and the councillors have been forced by the community to rethink a decision. This bad initial judgement is not them ‘not doing their job’, it was just a decision made without enough thought, and appears ready to be democratically resolved. As a hypothetical litmus test, imagine if that decision had been taken by Mayor Mullet … even with her iron grip on councillors’ delicates, she would’ve had second thoughts about Strand parking meters in the face of such rare disapproval of her saintliness.

      BTW since every man and his pet monkey has been quizzed on their opinion of the issue, has ex-Mayor Mullet been asked and made comment? Highly unlikely, since the measure was in the early budget formulation when she was still infesting Walker Street. May well have been her idea and she intended to brazen it through.

      • The Magpie says:

        This is the right way to handle this situation.

        There is no point in saying Clr Greaney had no choice, because she did, with three and a half years left before the next election, she could have arrogantly brazened it out with others of a like mind (the stiff necked boofhead Robertson for one who may still go down that path) , but would’ve been forced to watch the slow motion anti-social train wreck of their own devising.

  8. Molly9 says:

    Just read the headlines in the Bully, and AnnMarie Greaney has finally said that TCC has made a mistake re Strand parking – ya think?
    One thing that hasn’t been covered at all, how much is the costing and how much goes to the probable 3rd party provider that will manage the meters. Doubt TCC has the infrastructure to deal with this technology at all, so a 3rd party is most probable. The end point, just how much money would actually supposedly flow on? Very little and a lot of bad feeling is my guess.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t think that’s correct, Molly, Matt The Major did list broad costings in the initial meeting where the matter came up. You can check back on the streamed meetings.

  9. Peter says:

    There seems to be no argument, Thompson said he was exercising his private conflict of interest reasoning after the adjournment of the paid parking amendments. Therefore, he has no obligation to bring forward anything, he was always going to be voted out as a conflict, he’d never get the numbers, so the ‘advisor’ content has no bearing.

  10. Jeff, Condon says:

    What are the odds that Twonames will have a complete meltdown at one of these meetings and the men in white coats will come to take him away to the funny farm.

  11. Sam1 says:

    I saw Kris Kristofferson at the Great Western in Rockhampton nearly twenty years ago. Magnificent performance. There are some great videos on YouTube.

  12. John Wilkes Booth says:

    Further to my earlier comment above about refering Mayor Twonames to the CCC for lying, please find below a link to the Qld CCC to make things eaiser for you.

    Give it your best shot.


  13. Sam1 says:

    This morning I wanted to fix a leaking tap inside my residence but was unable to turn the water of at the meter. I sent an online request to the council and as it was Sunday followed by a public holiday I thought it would be much later in the week before it was attended to.

    Within thirty minutes of me sending the request two guys from the water dept were at my house and had the repairs to the meter done in about ten minutes.

    If the elected Mayor and councillors were half as competent as these two guys Townsville would be a lot better place. A big shout out to the two guys.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Make sure to call or email and send your compliments through the customer service centre. The operations staff are bloody amazing.

  14. The Magpie says:

    Not sure whether to be delighted or alarmed to have confirmation that Margy ‘Potty Mouth’ Ryder is a Magpie reader.

    This is a suggestion that to The Magpie imperfect knowledge, has never been floated anywhere else – ever – except The Magpie’s Nest.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Won’t happen ever Pie, the MI rates revenue stream is far too attractive to the TCC ! Has as much chance as a separate North Qld State that the Kappers are still madly pushing……….

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, maybe, you’d have to balance the outlay for maintenance let alone the occasional project against rates loss … guessing there’s probably fewer than 1000 to 1500 rateable properties.

    • Achilles says:

      Didn’t King Billy Coke-Bottle suggest it and Morton should run for Mayor? Something to do with a hint of disapproval of Mayor Les on Palm.

  15. The 5th Highwayman says:

    Compulsive tellers of untruths just can’t help themselves. The CEO issue could have been easily handled. 1. A conflict of interest arises, 2. Birnbrauer says he doesn’t agree but accepts at very least a perceived conflict, 3. Birnbrauer records conflict in Risk / Conflicts Register, and 4. Offers to step aside from any matters involving CEO appointment etc…. Simplified I know, but at least telling the truth has always kept me in employment.

    • The Magpie says:

      So obviously you’re not a lawyer … or a politician. But TwoNames’ pivotal agenda is to stack his office with not just advisors but senior executives, especially the CEO, of his choice. He fancies himself a Mayor Mullet lite … what he doesn’t realise is she got into that position after years of gnashing, slashing, stabbing and occasionally sweet talking Labor colleagues and sections of the community … in other words long, hard effort. Thompson got the office by sheer luck, being the wrong man in the right place at the right time.

  16. Old Tradesman says:

    The story by Memory Loss Walker and The Mullet about Korea Zinc shedding all those jobs is one reason why Townsville is in dire straits, as you stated Pie nobody in Australia can influence the Korean Market, the whole rubbish story is to tell us that Walker is the Hydrogen Champion and Kim Jen Hill is now on the Powerlink Board, someone should tell them that “Twiggy Forrest” and Origin Energy have decided that Hydrogen is uneconomical as it costs $1.50 to produce a $1 worth of Hydrogen. These shysters need to do a truth telling course and then go on a flight in a new Hindenburg.

  17. Kenny Kennett says:

    So a LNP candidate gets voted onto Logan Council in March this year and now is a candidate in the State election against the current Health Minister Fentiman. Sounds like he’s as big a cockhead as his opponent. I hope neither of them get in.

  18. Alahazbin says:

    Reading an article is Saturday’s CM on the CCC on how they helped solve murder investigations. I know, I know! Completely different to two names case, but a couple of statements by the CCC. “can compel witnesses to answer questions or produce documents”. “People who refuse to answer – of lie – face mandatory prison time”. Doubt that would be applicable to Thompson on the second one. But as I said before with knowledge of people that have gone before the CCC, it is not a pleasant experience.
    So Troy start clenching those sphincter muscles.

    • John Wilkes Booth says:

      From what I read from you, are a good man, well, perhaps, good enough.
      Have you referred Twonames Thompson to the CCC using the abundant links I have provided?
      Go for it, you will be all the more calm and reasoned for it. I know I am.

      On a serious note, via direct email, my real self will keep our ‘Pie briefed on any CCC interactions, if any.

  19. Prince Rollmop says:

    Pie, in regards to your small section on Harpic. If that fuckwit spent the same amount of time on local issues as he does posting anti-Crissafulli memes, Townsville would be a better place. Often his comments are here 8:30am, so he must go to sleep dreaming of Crissafulli and wake up dreaming of Crisafulli. I can’t wait for this complete wanker to be voted out in a few weeks time. It will be farewell and good riddance to the buccular boy.

    • Ben Rumson says:

      Have I got a nightmare for you. Sorry about this.
      You write;

      can’t wait for this complete wanker to be voted out in a few weeks time. It will be farewell and good riddance to the buccular boy.

      Arron ‘Who’ has in the past claimed that he has maintained his paramedic qualifications and currency. Hmmmm?

      Picture this: Paramedic Aaron, seething that he is no longer Aaron of Thuringowa, with lights and sirens arrives at a love one’s address. On the fence is an old Natalie Marr, now the member, election poster. Immediately Paramedic Aaron is triggered to that afternoon, at the Total Tools Stadium carpark, in the presence of hundreds of victims of youth crime, including one grievously injured, arriving by ambulance.


      And as Paramedic Aaron, no longer Aaron of Thuringowa, enters the house of your love one, with the vision of the Natalie Marr poster upper most in his tormented mind he ……..

      “And stay tuned, same day same time, same station, for the continuing tragic story (or maybe not) of the descent of: (que dramatic music in a minor key) The Paramedic Clean Around the Bend..

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Ben, in this scenario, I’d be more relieved to see a former paramedic, than a former real estate agent.
        Perhaps try another scenario to make your point.

  20. Old Tradesman says:

    When we look at the disaster that Two Names is, consider this, the current KAP candidate for Mundingburra, Michael Pugh, had to openly admit that he has a criminal record as he was caught collecting drug debts with a bayonet, so imagine if Pug were to get up, that would be the end of Townsville, we might as well set up camp in Lebanon.

    • The 5th Highwayman says:

      I tend to agree. While I give him 10/10 for honesty, and I truly believe in second chances after doing your time, I don’t believe that being elected a Parliamentary Minister should be allowed. I recall he was given a lesser charge / sentence because the bayonet was sheathed, but really???

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Just a poor misguided lad who accidentally was in the wrong place at the wrong time, with a military weapon, breaking into someone’s home, with armed associates, to collect on a drug debt for other criminals. Surely it can happen to anyone?

        Now he has seen the lure of a bigger payday with less risk of going to jail and being a bum buddy for Bubba.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Every time I see one of his corflutes I want to add an S as a prefix

  21. Motorist says:

    Right, Food Trucks Greaney states the Strand parking meters was the worst decision the TCC has made since the decision to gift $18.5 million to Mr Adani for his airfield in the bush in 2017.


    My ancient history is poor, but as I recollect only one member of the then Council voted against this corruption being Paul Jacob. (Happy to be corrected.) If I am correct FT Greaney was all the way with Dear Leader Haar Hill. Why now would she consider that decision, that she voted for, ‘poor’. If it is poor now, it was poor then, and why did FT Greaney not vote against it.

    In my estimation FT Greaney is in Council for FT Greaney.
    In 2017 her best chance of political survival was to be inseparable from Dear Leader Hill and to hell with the rate payers interests.
    In 2024 on the road to Damascus, no, no, not Damascus, the Strand FTG had a conversion, well not actually.

    FTG’s first and only priority is her political survival, so she will temporarily muddy herself with ratepayer parking metre outrage, until she can find another Dear Leader to snuggle up to OR

  22. Custard arse says:

    That picture of the 3 dumbarses is nauseating. Brumme-smith looked like she spotted Gills tiny sausage. Gill looks like he just smoked a cone and received a reacharound, while the dopey mayor with the plastic face looks like he just shot his load.

  23. Sandpiper says:

    I think you’re wrong about the KZ takeover. Private equity does not come in to invest long-term, they cut and sell for quick profits. The Chois have been uncommon leaders in trialling the difficult industrial changes needed to transition from fossil fuels, with much of that work being done in Townsville. With Crisafulli and the LNP cookers set to take over, much of this work will be lost, using the folly of nuclear power to delay moves away from fossil fuels.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t think you read the basic message. ARK Enegry may be put on the auction block, but Sun Metals, by product or profitability, does not fit that profile. But it suits Labor to skim the surface of the issue with half truths and outright lies for campaign purposes, and for the Bulletin reporter to be compliantly lazy with the facts.

      You seem to have some privileged access to LNP policy that the rest of us are not yet privy to. Tell us more.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      If Liberal policies for nuclear power gives additional, albeit short term life, to the present fossil fuel sector then I’m all for it. The use of our minerals locally and internationally is integral to our nations economic survival. Australia is a small player in the big scheme of global emissions and pollution. Let the big polluters change their ways first. We need the coal and gas industry to survive.

      • Jenny says:

        Prince, if Adani actually paid royalties for its mining at Carmichael I might see your point. But they are on a royalty holiday and god knows what they pay in tax, if anything. So what exactly is the benefit to Queensland of that particular coal mine – apart from a few hundred jobs? Workers that would be far more beneficial to everyone if they were located in the building and construction industry in Townsville.

        • Mike Douglas says:

          Jenny , making unsupported statements about Companies / people again.

          Bravus statement 19th June 2024: ” we have paid all royalties owed to the State Government on the coal we have exported. We have repeatedly asked the Queensland revenue office to provide a “gross royalty decision ” to prove we have paid every $”.

          Jenny about 1500 jobs actually, $3.4 bil in procurement much of it locally , $1.5 mil to community donations. You are talking about a State Government where the Police Commissioner is paying Korda Mentha $ to audit a 15 year lease valued at $250 mil in Brisbane that State Government signed that he cant get answers on and is concerned on Governance .

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Jenny, it’s not uncommon for large businesses to undergo a period of time in which no royalties or reduced taxes are applied. Yes, that is true with Adani. However it is a short term arrangement and for Adani they will be required to pay the full value of the royalties due at the end of the five year period (next year), but it is unclear what interest may be payable on the deferred royalties. You need to think big picture – how much revenue will be generated over the next 10 to 20 years starting in 2025. Also, the mines workers contribute tax into the taxation system, there are supply chain agreements where small and medium sized businesses benefit, and there are various infrastructure maintenance and repair businesses who benefit from the mines operation. All of these contribute towards Queenslands economy.

        • Grumpy says:

          Jenny – simplistic, wrong-headed nonsense. How many mining skills can be transported to house construction? This is the type of logic Troy has made famous – ie: populist bullshit.

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, you should know better. Down at Carmichael there’s ‘housing’ for 400-500 people, big buildings like you might find at a shopping complex, earthmovers like at any number of large scale subdivisions and if Adani would only get their shit together, as promised, there would be road making and bridge building people upgrading the 150kms of road to Clermont so locals could drive to work. But you don’t know better.

          • Grumpy says:

            Jenny – nonsense. Have you been down there? All the accomodation work has been done. Only miners left.

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, yes I have been down there and I know several people who are working there now. The vast majority of people working for Adani at Carmichael, the rail line and the Abbot Point loader are not ‘miners’, though many are happy to be categorised as such. So many tradies, cooks, process workers, machine operators, cleaners etc will never go near the mine and would easily slot into the construction and building workforce anywhere in the state – if they could find somewhere to live. Instead, the nation is falling over itself to import exactly this workforce from overseas as we watch the world’s weather run amok because of CO2 pollution from Adani’s 10m tonnes a year of thermal coal being burned throughout Asia.

      • Dave D says:

        ^ Yes. This comment.

  24. wollo says:

    The bulletin online has an announcement from LNP a $375,000 grant to Hermit Park AFL Club for clubhouse renos etc which is sorely needed but wouldn’t it be great if they could chip in for new lights as Riverway AFL ground so they can have night footy and also day/night cricket. You never know cricket may be included in the Bris. Olympics so some games could be played there…better than bloody stupid break dancing.!!

  25. Townsville Cooker Watch says:

    Took a bit of digging to get that photo

    • Jenny says:

      TCW, since you seem to be some kind of private eye, I’m interested in the photo you claim to have been digging for. Is it the one from last week’s ‘Nest showing the local developer Brad Webb on site at the derelict North Rail Yards? Are you thinking he might be a ‘cooker’ in cahoots with the mayor? That might once have been rich grist for the ‘Nest’s mill but lately the Magpie is a convert to a softer, more nuanced position:

      “And if a deal has been done on rates and fees, how does your informant know this if it is actually true? That sort of arrangement is often commercial in confidence, and subject to one of Walker streets famed closed door votes, but The ‘Pie can’t find any closed meeting agenda items that could match such a subject. (Gasp!!) This is not another leak by a civic minded whistleblower, is it?
      But even if it turns out to be true, so what, sounds like a good deal between local government, state and private enterprise to get this Labor inspired mess cleaned up once and for all. And a rates break to get much needed accomodation built sound OK to The ‘Pie.”

      Here we have a (so far) $70m opaque private/public development on scoffed-at Council-owned land with scoffed-at ‘heritage’ values, run by a scoffed-at Council-owned private offshoot on a 15 year rates holiday with (seemingly) zero public consultation or, because it is no longer Council’s public business (they ‘privatised’ it remember), any viewpoint or oversight by elected councillors. Will we hear from someone in the State government who have put up $35m? Will we hear from the potential new premier on the LNP’s attitude? Or will the council and state just give themselves permission to do whatever they like with public land and public money because, . . . . well because they’ve found someone they can talk to privately and spare themselves the hassle of transparency, consultation and all that ‘taking the public with you’ shit? So come on TCW, show your hand. What have you found out?

      • Jenny says:

        Sorry, double that. It’s a thirty (30) year rates holiday on an inner city acreage property comprising (according to “Andrea”) 4 lots, a museum, an office tower, social housing and accommodation tower. We ratepayers get the ‘heritage’ museum (grounds maintained at huge expense by a dedicated Council team) and the ‘social housing'(ditto+), Brad gets the commercial office tower and upmarket high-rise unit block rates free until 2055! Would we like fries with that?

        • The Magpie says:

          What’s your point? is this somehow deeply wrong in the modern business world, not because there will be any harm to the public good or ratepayers (quite the opposite) or can you not shake off your persistent malady of the politics of envy.

          • Jenny says:

            Nothing to do with envy. In the absence of any other information (whatsoever) I can’t see why any high value commercial/residential real estate development should be given a thirty (30) years rates holiday straight off the bat. Just recently in this forum we have debated why various small time not-for-profit community and business development groups should be given ratepayer subsidised rent relief in Council-owned commercial property. Parts of that debate subsided into the trivial and venal. But in the case of the North Yards, with no information about who will own which land, how much government support is already committed or how much more might be forthcoming, who will pay for demolition, remediation of land or renovation of heritage buildings etc. let alone the actual number of units in a tower or the floor areas of commercial office space, it just looks like ratepayers are being softened up to accept that a 30 year rates holiday is ‘normal’, regular and appropriate. To whom? What happened to the arts precinct, the concert hall and the link to the Civic Theatre campus across the creek? Where is a skerrick of public consultation before we agree to hand out a thirty year free ride – at Townsville ratepayers expense?

          • The Magpie says:

            Your claims, if correct, are all matters that will still have to go before council for development approvals among other things. A rates holiday would almost certainly be a matter for the whole council to approve. (The ‘Pie understands the site remains the property of the council, and the council-controlled company is there only to facilitate whatever deal is eventually put before council for approval.)

            And the Astonisher story makes it clear that Webb is putting up substantial matching $35m ONLY to clear the reputedly highly contaminated site (the extent of which The ‘Pie believes is over-hyped bullshit talked up for political purposes, mainly in Brisbane. Ditto heritage values). So some sort of quid pro quo is right and reasonable. What actually goes on the site is right now an eventual distant realisation subject to (no doubt tedious and seemingly endless) debate in Walker Street, by both the shiny bums and the elected elite.

            The one danger The ‘Pie can imagine is once the site is all ticketyboo for construction is what deal Webb may seek with other companies, he said himself he’s not in the construction business per se. That’s where the eventual configuration becomes paramount for a fair deal for ratepayers and the private sector.

            You’re hyperventilating long before there’s any hay fever in the air.

            And your denigrating use of the word ‘venal’ regarding council free rentals is interesting, considering your entire overview is undeniably ‘venal’.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, I agree that some sort of quid pro quo is appropriate. And maybe a rates holiday is such a thing. But thirty years upfront before TCC even gets a peep at it? Sort of puts the Council in a bind doesn’t it? And it’s not as if the TCC is dealing with just any old building site on Flinders Street. This one has the special hand of the (Campbell Newman) State government right up its underwear:

            “The Economic Development Act 2012 (the Act) establishes the Minister for Economic Development Queensland (MEDQ) as a corporation sole to exercise the functions and delegations of the Act.
            The main purpose of the Act is to facilitate economic development and development for community purposes in the State. The Act seeks to achieve this by establishing the MEDQ and providing for a streamlined planning and development framework for particular parts of the State declared as Priority Development Areas (PDAs).
            1.2 Priority Development Area
            The Townsville City Waterfront Priority Development Area (the PDA) was declared by regulation on 5 September 2014.”

            Do you really think that this council, led by this mayor (or any mayor for that matter), is going to call the shots on this development? Do you think the Minister for Resources, Scott Stewart, looking for re-election in a few weeks, has put himself in the North Yards development picture as as some sort of vassal of TCC to do its bidding? I don’t think so. We only paid $20,000 (+ another $1m for that car yard) to have our ratepayer hand in the development of this site. As part of the “streamlining”, we are going to pay, or forego by generous rates holiday long after we are dead and gone, a lot more yet.

          • The Magpie says:

            Gawd, you don’t half like the sound of your own voice, Jenny.

            What twaddle you go on with sometimes.

          • Grumpy says:

            Jenny – come clean. Who employs you? How many research assistants do you have? Who pays them?

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, self employed, read a fair bit in my spare time, do my own research, pay independent contractors when I need a hand. It’s not that hard.

          • Grumpy says:

            Sez you

      • CookerWatch says:

        I have NFI what you are talking about.

  26. Andrew says:

    The mayor came back in after the adjournment and declared a personal conflict of interest, he does not need to provide anything further. CCC won’t do a thing, there is no lie, he was advised to take the COI during the adjournment, as it was clear he would be challenged and defeated by the councillors should he attempt to remain. Pretty simple looking result at the feed. There’ll be no cause.

    • The Magpie says:

      Getting jumpy, Troy? There was no lie? So you will have no problem complying with the councillors subsequent request that you produce to them a date verified copy of the ‘legal advice’ you received? Because any subsequent decision of yours on the Wednesday does not alter the fact that you claimed to have such advice, and the councillors – and The ‘Pie and the rest of the community – DO NOT BELIEVE YOU HAD ANY SUCH THING. At least not from any registered legal practitioner. So either you lied, or you can provide the evidence that you didn’t. And in law, the councillors have every right to demand to see it, because YOU brought it up in defiance of an opposing view.

      So … now lets take this slowly, my developmentally delayed friend …
      1. the mayor says he has no conflict of interest, according to private legal advice at odds with the council’s own legal officer,
      2. but says that councillors cannot see the said legal advice because, in his first protestation, ‘it’s private’, then ‘it’s on my private computer’ (which he infers strangely that he leaves at home) and then suddenly switches to suggesting a Brisbane barrister would need to send it to him, or give him permission to release it, …. or anyway, something, gabble, gabble …
      3. … and therefore the council cannot debate the COI matter.
      4. Clr Batkovic shows mercy and calls for an adjournment to discuss what next, during which the mayor miraculously has had a road to Damascus moment, and on return, says now he realises he DOES have a conflict of interest, and leaves to allow the closed meeting discussion about the CEO appointment.

      And, remember, mate, during preceding exchanges, YOU HAD AGREED TO PROVIDE COUNCILLORS WITH A COPY OF THE SAID ADVICE.

      You’re toast, old son … and badly burnt toast at that.

      • Andrew says:

        Wrong not Troy, but good try Pie. I call it as I see it. At the end of the day, he adjourned and took a personal COI. The argument is nullified. Sounds like an agenda with our mayor. I’d suggest the goose is cooked for others before him. But if they all were dissolved, and administrators were appointed, all the better.

    • Mr Macphisto says:

      Troy, step away from the keyboard before you do yourself a serious miss justice!

      • The Magpie says:

        Yes, and why not use the down-time to check with a specialist for Multiple Personality Disorder.

      • Andrew says:

        Good try, but no prize

        • Mr Macphisto says:

          Troy, how does it feel to be the most hated person in Townsville? You have gone through your entire life as a compulsive liar. You undermined the democratic process that saw you elected with nothing more than lies and miss truths. You have miss represented yourself on so many levels and on so many occasions during your election campaign and since you have been in office. I have never seen a person like you. You are seriously deranged and I am confident you have a personality disorder that not only makes you a danger to society but also to yourself. Your interview on ACA was straight out of Prince Andrew’s playbook. The clock is ticking on your impending suspension and my advice to you is simple, don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out!

  27. Doxie says:

    The “My Place” advert on the Panthers jersey……is that the My Place Cookers Club mob, by any chance????!!!!

  28. Alahazbin says:

    Pie, I see your mate ‘Typo Gleeson has been appointed “the inaugural CEO of the Greater Brisbane Greyhound Racing Club”
    CM City Beat. 8/10.
    How do you reckon he will go?

    • The Magpie says:

      Yeah, previously reported in comments recently. His mother is a keen dishlicker owner, and he always attended the meetings while infesting Townsville. Not sure a sometimes troubled industry needs the shady likes of him to be involved. But that’s their problem if hemakes a dog’s dinner of the job. Yukety yuk yuk.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      A big step for him. He’s finally learnt to lick his balls.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      I wonder how Gleeson will go as CEO. Who will he ‘copy and paste’ from when writing executive reports etc? He is too dumb and lazy to come up with his own work.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yep, Michael Choi was bound to raise alarmist possibilities, he’s on one side of this family feud. The family that backs the takeover bid does not favour renewables, and the ARK energy arm of the company might be off-loaded, but The ‘Pie’s information remains that no matter what suitably strategic comments Mr Choi makes, Sun metals is in no danger of either down sizing ora ny absurd suggestion that it would close down.

      • Prickster says:

        Don’t be so certain about SMC’s future. Glencore is just about finished the upgrade of their CEZinc refinery located in Quebec. Canada outperforms Australia with better mining legislation, better zinc reserves and low costs. It is also closer to China.

        The only reason SMC survives is Yun loves the place. Yun goes, so does SMC.

  29. Mike Douglas says:

    Jenny , 10 yrs late to the party on the PDA and questioning what deals a private company received on committing $35 mil to restore an under-utilised eyesore rail yard . Are you factoring in the improvement value ? . You say your self employed and get lots of time to read . How about you do us a favour and read more before you post . Your claim about Bravus not paying royalties + contributing was wrong . When you mention 10 mil tonnes into the atmosphere do you deduct Bravus 247,000 solar panels in Moranbah 80 % energy generation sold back into the grid . Worlds largest clean energy build 4 times size of Paris in the Provence of Gujarat India .

    • Thespian says:

      Jenny thinks he knows everything but he knows fuck all. He is just an idiot, don’t bother engaging with him.

  30. The Magpie says:

    An earlier suggestion from The Magpie that today’s meeting might not be live streamed was incorrect. It appears that The ‘Pie jumped the gun, and tried to log on too early. The live streaming button shoukd be up shortly if not already.

    And thanks to the TCC for the amazingly prompt and efficient response to The ‘Pie’s inquiry from Allison (if that’s her real name, but whatever) … just took a couple of minutes for her to clarify the situation. At least someone is on the ball in Walker Street, well done, Allison.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      Ok, this piqued my interest. Pie, did you contact TCC and get connected to Allison? Or was Allison reading the Nest and jumped on your post to clarify?

      I’m just wondering if the Nest has become such an integral part of the TCC process (we all know that certain Councillors, and other “insiders” are active participants or lurkers here **cough** TwoNames **cough**)?

      In which case, I’m just curious how much the TCC Conscience gets paid? Or is it in Coles master chef vouchers?

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie contacted the council, and one supposes it is a sad commentary on the general perception of public servants that the old bird was so pleasantly surprised at the swiftness of resolving the question. Took all of two or three minutes. As previously said, it was well done.

        • Southern Comfort says:

          Given the disastrous run this Council is having, its great to hear “Good News” stories/anecdotes of how the staff are performing so well. This, and the account earlier in the week about the guy who fixed the water valve on the weekend need a little bit more praise. As whilst most attention falls on the shenanigans of the Council elected, there are still good people, doing a good job, on the front line. So kudos to Allison and the water guy.

  31. Prince Rollmop says:

    One interesting comment that Twonames made was that he blames Councils current financial predicament on a lack of state and federal grants. This is ridiculous. Councils cannot rely on grant money for survival. It doesn’t work. There are many councils around Australia who survive in their own right without solely relying upon state and federal grants. On the other hand there are Councils that are insolvent due to relying solely on grant money for survival, and that funding has either ended or not been renewed.

    I agree that each Council has its own individual challenges depending on its operational environment, but if a Council relies solely on grant money for survival then it is doomed to fail at some point. 10 years of Jenny Hill’s mismanagement of Councils finances has created a huge mess that the current Council is struggling to get on top of.

  32. The Magpie says:

    Paid parking on the Strand will not go ahead as planned …


    This unfortunate smack in the face to overwhelming public opposition came about because this councillors cannot see the forest for the trees. … not one entertained the clear truth that the Strand parking issue is a matter totally separate from paid parking per se, especially separate from Palmer street and around the Mater in Pimlico. All three areas are driven by separate dynamics, and to make informed decisions on the matter, these must be recognised, but theis central issue was delicately skirted around like dainty old ladies lifting their hems to tip toe through the mud.

    There should have been a a simple motion knocking the Strand part of the new parking regime on the head. Permanently.

    But now, businesses, residents and general Strand users can live with the anxiety that this busted arse, dense headed council may again make an ill-conceived money grab that will unfairly affect the amenity of the general population.

    And just a personal observation.

    The ‘Pie has come to the view that Clr Andrew Robinson should be nowhere near a place on a council that is supposed to be guided by the wishes of the community, that makes decision on social cohesion, and considers more than just the bottom line in deciding on matters of amenity, fairness and reasonable flexibility.
    This droning, discombobulated galoot is a soulless, number crunching automaton who ignores everything except a bottom line he reaches through his beloved American studies on various matters. Today, these included his recommendation for consideration of a nightmarish Californian scheme of sliding scales of fees depending on not just time of day but also percentages of use indicating ‘peak’ times. A dystopian dog’s breakfast he would be happy to foist on this city. He is in grave danger of disappearing up his own arse at any moment, and he really is of a mindset that has no business in governing this city. We already have enough trouble in this style of thinking with fellow military cast-off Matt Richardson.

    Robinson has been shown to be a disgrace on this and other issues. Go back to the army, mate, where you’re overall outlook would be more appreciated.

    The ‘Pie is not saying the devil has stolen Clr Robinson’s heart … because when Old Nick came looking for it, it found there was nothing to loot.

    • wollo says:

      You are right about that idiot CR. Robinson wasting everyone’s time reading out parking surveys done in San-Francisco in the U.S. which has a population of 7.6 million people compared to our 200,00?? Their car parking situation is totally irrelevant to Townsville’s so it was all a load of shit .

    • White Mouse says:

      Sounds like he wants to introduce surge pricing to parking. The system is loathed by those using Uber and even more so by punters chasing tickets to popular concerts.

      • Bob Roberts says:

        Surge pricing is loathed but it actually makes sense for Uber – encouraging drivers to work in peak times. For parking spaces it wouldn’t add to supply and would likely piss a lot of people off when they turn up and there’s an unexpectedly busy day.

        • The Magpie says:

          It will never be on the table around here … not by any council which wants to stay in office.

        • The Magpie says:

          It could be said that there is some acceptable surge pricing, such as seasonal rates at resorts and hotels which is fair enough, since off-season are cheaper and high season are the right profitable rates. Service stations surge price on the sly when long weekends or school holidays roll around, and that’s hardly acceptable. But suggesting the daft, life-complicating set surge pricing withi9n a 24 hour period is pernicious in the extreme. especially with parking meters, parking stations and the like.

          Thoughtless pricks like Robinson would love to double the parking price and extend it to night time when there is an event on at Total Tools Stadium or … of course … the Strand.

    • Jenny says:

      Hooray! We found out a fact, just one but still – paid parking in the CBD raises $2m revenue per annum. With a bit of luck and some persistence from Cr Robinson we may find out what the original report into paid parking on the Strand said about revenue and any other matters. Clearly, there are business interests on the Palmer Street eating strip that continue to lobby Cr Greaney for meters and Cr Mooney is still speaking up for his Pimlico electorate around the Mater. So the issue won’t go away. Will all this mean that TCC is prepared to run up a new report covering all the issues before putting the facts on the table for ratepayers to see for themselves – before they are polled for their opinions?

      • The Magpie says:

        Hang on, maybe The ‘Pie missed it but didn’t hear anything from Ma Greaney about business interests or restaurants wanting parking meters.

        • Jenny says:

          Listen again. From memory, when you hear the words “Grill’d” (on Palmer) and “15 minutes” you are getting warm.
          BTW, why are you so upset about Cr Robinson? He is the only one to put up his hand and account for his vote on Strand paid parking. He is the only one to look for facts and figures (relevant or otherwise) and the only one to stick to his guns. Why not hear him out? He’s only one out of eleven. He may well be the one to supply you/us with all the ammo to throw out paid parking. At the moment we’re just hooked on a feeling.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie heard him out and reached his published conclusion and stands by it.

            And The ‘Pie stands by his previous opinion that you’re a fucking idiot who just likes the sound of its own voice.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            Jenny, you say facts and figures. It sounds like he is steering clear of facts and constituents. He is a representative of his constituents NOT representing himself.
            As for Ma Greaney, is Grill’d the only business asking for Parking meters?

      • Alahazbin says:

        Jenny, Wasn’t it released at budget time and paid parking for the Strand, Pimlico and Palmer st plus the increase in the hourly fee would raise about $3.3 million.

    • Polly says:

      As resident in Robinson’s division, and a parent of a student at St Patrick’s College, I wrote to him about paid parking asking, among other things, if there would be permits available to purchase.

      His response was a long winded pompous rant, lacking clarity, any logical flow, or an understanding of the business of council. I didn’t bother responding.

      Robinson insisted that council would not be providing more free car parks, additional bus services or weekly parking permits. In fact, all businesses could go fend for themselves, it wasn’t his or council’s problem.

      He then referred me to TJCU Hospital parking as an example of parking fees. It was clear at this point he had no idea what he was talking about as TJCU offer weekly permits for $10.

      I believe in todays meeting Robinson was trying to explain pricing elasticity of demand for parking. There are a number of international studies. However:
      1. Parking fees are a methodology for managing parking congestion, we don’t have congestion.
      2. It doesn’t work as a revenue raising methodology if there is an ability for people to park elsewhere for free, as they will cruise to find alternative parking. There are also international studies on this.

      • The Magpie says:

        Your point 1 is well made and the fact that Matt Richardson (unfortunately at that stage supported by Ma Greaney) used the argument of freeing up space and in effect stop parking hogs shows that they were just blowing smoke, because there is no congestion. They were quickly forced to drop that convenient lie.

        The ‘Pie is well aware that he gets up others for anecdotal evidence, but he makes a point of regularly driving along the Strand from the Rockpool to Tobruk, sometimes just as far as Gregory street, and on every occasion (at least a dozen, all weekdays) there are at least 150 spaces available. Mostly midafternoon. Gregory Street is certainly well used and there is frequent short term turnover on Eyre Street opposite the old Hospital, now units. Meters there would simply be theft.

      • Jenny says:

        Polly, regarding your point 1, isn’t the problem in the CBD actually ‘congestion’? ie. that if there is no regulation, workers will simply park all day in the main street and no one will be able to access businesses. I think that Cr Greaney made the same point that SOME Palmer Street businesses do not want that stretch of street filled with CBD workers cars all day. Some (Grill’d I think was the example) also want regulation to improve access for food delivery drivers/riders. Regarding your point 2, if at least part of the interest of TCC is to raise revenue, not just regulate, isn’t your point about that being a methodology that “doesn’t work” somewhat negated by the recently disclosed fact that paid parking in the CBD raises $2m a year?

        • The Magpie says:

          Last point first: Yes, $2m in revenue, but at what cost to businesses already paying whopping rates through lost custom? And parking meters should never be installed solely as a revenue raising measure because of unrelated council costs , as was tried on Thbe Strand.

          And regarding the problem of workers hogging spots, you really must be new to this blog, Jenny, The Magpie and other have been pointing out the dilemma for at least a decade now. The ‘Pie has floated one or two apparently unworkable solutions … like dedicating the Dean Park car park to CBD workers with a sticker system, which also acts as an alert that the vehicle should not be parked in CBD streets. A condition of employment is to use the system. Not really an onerous ask, staff at the TUH have to walk a similar distance to their dedicated car parks. Even a subsidised deal on scooters for those using Dean Street is a possibility.

          Perhaps not entirely feasible but also not impossible, but the real point is, in that decade of talking about this problem, The ‘Pie and a couple of readers have been the only ones to offer ANY attempted solution, everybody else seems to be going around in endless circles, whingeing but not even attempting to find a solution.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, you yourself last week described paid parking in the CBD as “a legitimate, established and more or less accepted income stream when the council is in such dire financial straits.” That scheme both regulates (for congestion, turnover, indiscipline) and provides an income stream ($2m p.a.) which is pretty much what parking meters around the world set out to do.
            Palmer Street has an identified ‘congestion’ issue – CBD workers parking there for free, taking spaces that apparently affect some of the restaurant traders there.
            Pimlico, around the Mater, has a problem with ‘indiscipline’ – hospital workers or visitors parking for free in residential streets blocking driveways, wheelie bins and bus stops when there is an available user-pays multi-storey parking station nearby.
            Paid parking in Palmer Street and Pimlico would provide publicly called-for regulation AND a modest income stream without having to invent and implement some other unproven scheme. Aren’t our elected councillors expected to acquire or be provided with, relevant information from stakeholders (businesses, residents, technology providers etc) so that they can make informed choices about regulation, revenue raising and social impacts of paid parking – and share that information with ratepayers? The same “relevant information” about paid parking on the Strand (and Mitchell and other local streets) would surely suggest an appropriate ‘informed choice’ rather than relying on social media messaging, anecdotal evidence and occasional political posturing?

          • The Magpie says:

            A curate’s egg comment, i.e very good in parts.

            The Magpie stands by his comments regarding the role of parking in the CBD in the absence of any possible alternative scheme, BUT he does not do so for revenue raising reasons, just the ones stated about flow and fairness. The ‘Pie must admit he was not aware there was such a problem in Palmer Street, but one supposes it was inevitable. (Interesting point about that is how it relates to The ‘Pie’s suggestion in a separate comment about the Dean Street car park, just 100 or so metres away.)

            Troy Thompson’s populist ‘wipe out all parking meters’ agenda comes without a single idea, hint or suggestion of alternative ways to handle the shortfall, in the short or long term … and his completely loopy suggestion that the council should get more state and federal money for to that end, stated as some sort of inarguable done deal, demonstrates his complete unfitness for office.

            And regarding councillors informed decision making. Asalways, The ‘Pie stands to be corrected, but he recalls that one of Fran O’Callaghan’s suggestions if she became mayor was to call on all councillors to hold dedicated weekend stall meetings, all advertised in advance, to hear what people had to say. This is a far more honest mandated requirement than councillors picking and choosing the ‘friendliest’ events to attend and deluding themselves into believing they have a handle on public sentiment.

            This is the Troy Thompson self-deluding MO.

          • Jenny says:

            Actually, it was Troy Thompson who suggested (not sure whether before or after election) that divisional councillors hold monthly meetings in their divisions to meet with locals – like the MIRRA meetings he and Cr Greaney attend on Maggie Island. Apparently there’s another active group in the upper Ross.
            On the CBD paid parking, although you say now that you do not support it “for revenue raising reasons, just the ones stated about flow and fairness”, in your previous comment you specifically accepted revenue raising as an “income stream when the council is in such dire financial straits.”
            Every day that councillors prevaricate about REGULATING parking in Palmer St and Pimlico – as requested if not actually demanded by business and resident interests – the Council drifts into worse financial straits. Council should not be ashamed to raise revenue FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING FOR THE REGULATION MECHANISM (the parking meters). If there is ever cream on top well so be it.

          • The Magpie says:

            As usual, (sigh) somewhat off the mark.
            Troy Thompson ‘borrowed’ – read pinched – the idea from Fran – according to her when we chatted when she was still in the race, he and she had discussed this very matter – which she was happy with, because whoever won between them, that would be a policy. It was another idea the TwoNames picked up and ran with … God knows who suggested scrapping parking meters altogether, but Thompson was obviously dimly aware in his populist dodging and weaving that he would not be wise to make that an election issue (among the many things he put in that covered basket).

            The ‘Pie’s comment about parking meters specifically addressed the short term issue, obviously (well, to anyone but the witless) in that Thompson had not a single idea to offer about how to cover for the lost revenue. Please read more carefully, Jenny, perhaps a little more generously in your prune-puckered enmity, you can get SOOOO tedious. The ‘Pie is going to cease replying to such argumentative but gum flapping trivia in future.

            And your last point is a mind boggler … so you approve of the installation of parking meters to recover the cost of the parking meters!?! How about they don’t pay for the parking meters in the first place and anyone ongoing costs of operating them instead? No cream, sure, but that would only be a piddling amount anyway, eh?

            Why do you always seem to let yourself down so badly with illogical crap like that? It’s a shame.

        • Polly says:


          I think it was pretty clear that my interest was not in Palmer Street or the CBD. My interest was The Strand and only The Strand. I don’t see congestion as an issue there. I drive it regularly. There is no congestion. No people are parking boats and trailers there for days, despite Andrew Robinsons delusional claims. And delivery drivers have no issue with parking.

          For all I care you can have paid parking in Palmer St. The parking there is appalling. CBD parking has been stuffed ever since the high rise carpark was sold off to Honeycombes who turned it into Metro Keyes.

          So please, my comment was only about The Strand. Keep on topic.

    • The Magpie says:

      And it is quickly becoming apparent that Troy Thompson has no self awareness at all … not a skerrick.

      During his exile from the secret squirrel CEO selection meeting, Thompson spoke on several matters with journalists, repeating lies and saying nonsensical things like his lying on national television ‘was taken out of context’. The man is demented. (But such is our media they didn’t think to ask how it was taken out of context, which is just word salad nonsense. Chris Burns can’t do everything on his own, you amateur posturers.

      But the real lack of self-awareness and his own absurdity mixed with a colossal misplaced ego, was this reported conversation with Astonisher reporter Chris burns.

      Mr Thompson said that being an interim CEO did not automatically qualify someone for the permanent role, and that Mr McCabe had been in his position seven months.

      “That concerns me even greatly because a $1bn budget, $8bn worth of assets is not something I want to hand over to a seven month old CEO,” Mr Thompson said.

      “But if that’s what the councillors deem going forward and that’s what they want, then I’m one vote in 11.”

      You ‘hand over’? It’s not yours, Jocko, you pretentious fuckwit, you’re a proven incompetent who hasn’t been in the wrong job yourself more than seven months, having never held an elected position in your entire cheating, lying life. And without a higher degree of education yourself, you definitely do not give anyone any confidence in YOUR ability to handle the $1b budget and $8billion in assets that was accidentally handed over to YOU because you were the wrong man in the right place at the right time in circumstances that gave you totally unmerited luck. But you simply refuse to acknowledge that undeniable truth.

      No care for Townsville, no responsibility to listen to the overwhelming majority who want you gone, no acceptance of the damage you’re doing. You are either a callous con man or a demented damaged person … the Magpie suspects both.

      • Zerosumgame says:

        There is no logic to that statement. What is the alternative to appointing the existing CEO who has only served 7 (5) months in the job? Appoint someone who has served 0 months in the job?

        • The Magpie says:

          Yes, and one who is probably just as qualified if not even more so, than any other applicant.

          The wheels are falling of TwoNames grand plan, to be Jenny Lite.

          • Cherry jam says:

            Thompson is desperate to get one of his mates into the CEO role, that’s why he has been pushing so hard to be the sole approver of who will be the next CEO. Well he lucked out this time and was overridden on the decision making process. Thank Christ for that. It’s a pity Joe McCool isn’t going to stay on permanently as he has been doing a great job of trying to stabilise the listing ship. I just hope the next CEO is also willing to stand up to Thompson, the way Joe McCool has.

          • The Magpie says:

            The Magpie has been elsewhere this afternoon … has Joe announced it won’t be him? On what did you bzse your comment?

          • Jenny says:

            Joe McCabe got the job.

            “Announcing his appointment today, Deputy Mayor Paul Jacob said Mr McCabe would bring a wealth of experience in leading and managing local governments, delivery of major projects and a well-demonstrated approach to values-based leadership which will shape the organisation’s culture, engagement, financial sustainability and service delivery.
            “I am delighted Council has been able to secure someone of Mr McCabe’s calibre to lead our organisation,” Cr Jacob said.”

          • The Magpie says:

            Hear, hear … so far.

            Hindered by no known political affiliations, nor chosen for them like Adele the Impaler Young, or the cynical power playing and LG inexperienced wide boy Prins Ralston, Joe McCabe has shown he is a professional and always his own man in the face schemers and rorters. he won’t always make decisions we like, in as far as he can, but it’s likely they will be driven by a balance between regulation and community sentiment.

            But the buck will always stop with the council itself. So with Thompson’s imminent departure, it will be interesting to see what rises from the mayoral ashes.

          • Jenny says:

            “Thompson’s imminent departure”? Wouldn’t bet on it. If he simply ignores the ‘show cause’ demand from the Minister and that minister ends up no longer in government, what happens next? It’s unlikely the current government can or will make any order in the caretaker period and if there is a change of government I would have thought the new guys would be very cautious about making any move until the CCC reports.

          • The Magpie says:

            Dream on.

            The deadline is to ‘show cause’, as in why he shouldn’t be punted, either by suspension or dismissed for lying. If he doesn’t even attempt to show cause, how can even you in your wild-eyed, spittle flecked imagining conceive that a minister or even more importantly the premier – caretaker or not – could risk the electoral iceberg of accepting the upstart insult from an out and out shyster. Doing nothing would be seized upon with glee as a lack of leadership and political will by the LNP. By the way – this is as The ‘Pie understands it – since it being a caretaker period, The LNP would have to agree to Thompson’s removal. Crisafulli has already said this con man has to go, so one can only imagine you are getting your legal perspective from the likes of Shady. Or TwoNames himself.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            Now that Joe is in the seat, will he investigate the past happenings of the previous Council under the Mullet or is it a condition of his appointment that it remains well and truly swept under the rug forever?

          • The Magpie says:

            Of course he will, but not in the way your heavy breathing would suggest. He’s not, nor should be, a financial forensic ‘policeman’ concerned with rounding up past baddies. He will be smart enough to on-pass any matter worthy of investigation to the right people and avoid at all costs distractions like doing the job of other authorities.

            McCabe has made it clear that his priority is to put the council back on a financially even keel, and to understand the mess he has inherited, of course he will try to unravel what led to the current situation. But he will be wise enough to just report any anomalies that he feels need the attention of other authorities, and get on with advising staff and council the best path ahead.

  33. Grumpy says:

    Less than one week to go, Troy.

  34. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    I watched the special meeting today, up to the closed session. Twonames Thompson seems to no longer wed to his Brisbane based independent COI legal advice.
    I dearly would like to know who whispered what into his shell pink, which desks were thumped and by who before Twonames’ synapses fired and he realised his unsubstantiated barefaced lying was evident for all to see. I mean ALL to see. It is on the WWW.

  35. Sez me, bitch says:

    I think Twonames was shot down on multiple occasions. He has created an internal shitstorm by advocating for all parking fees to be halted. He got the councillors by the balls. I’ve no doubt there will be payback. Food trucks Greaney was getting quite firey towards the democratic mayor and a few of the other councillors chimed in. This was a nice welcome to Townsville for the new government advisor.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      A nice welcome for the new advisor this week but a shameful lack of respect in failing to farewell a truly honest champion in Fran O’Callaghan last week.
      Every one of those so called Councillors should hang their heads in shame.

      • Chris says:

        I know that the Mayor did say a special message in relation to the passing of Fran. I believe this was in his Mayoral Minute. He also posted a message on his social media.

    • Grumpy says:

      SMB – in what alternative reality do you see that puppet-headed retard coming out of this looking like anything other than a lying, clumsy, oafish fool? Or are you one of Jenny’s Cooker “outside contractors “?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      The only balls he has had hold of are the ones he’s been throwing out of his cot. He hasn’t even got a hold of his own.

  36. Peter says:

    $1.75M spent so far on parking meters!
    Proposed Loss of New Parking revenue: $2M (2025)
    Proposed Loss of New Parking revenue: $4M (2026)

    Rates will go up 2%.

    Is it time to bring the administrators in yet. I’m told along with the $380M debt (2024), increased to $450M debt (2025).

    Outstanding capital works projects (2024-2028) a deficit of: $1.8B, no one sees this as a problem, and the list is growing. Sack the lot! Bring in administrators, time to cut the fat cats.

    • Mike says:

      Heard similar.
      Also heard the old CFO & CEO signed a commitment for $156M over 40 years with Queensland Treasury. This is going to break us, Jennys Lansdown.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        QLD treasury provide a rate lower than bank interest rates. However if bank interest rates drop rapidly, below treasury’s rate, you end up paying through the nose as treasury do not amend their rates, you end up paying at a higher rate. And you can’t cancel the loan and seek out a cheaper option from a bank. Once you have committed to treasury they have you by the balls. . $156m over 40 years is a horrible deal, no wonder the stinky CEO and his lap poodle headed for the door. The ghosts of Hill and Ralston will be haunting TCC’s corridors for years to come.

    • The Magpie says:

      Which front bar do you usually bore other slack jaws with mindless drivel about ‘fat cats’? What do you actually mean by that? There is/was basically just one person responsible for brow beating and bullying council into this position. All very well to chest thump about cowards and so on, but we’re a long way yet on getting the administrator in. If it takes this long to get rid of one criminal arsesole, how long to you reckon it would take to sack the council, if it was ever proved to be dysfunctional … which it isn’t at the moment but for one major disruptive elements.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      In one paragraph you’re complaining about $450M debt.

      The next complaining $1.8B of capital works projects have not been delivered.

      Why do you think those projects have not been delivered?

  37. Jeff, Condon says:

    Good thing that Mayor Mullet has gone, otherwise we would have had that airship thing being mooted for Townsville. She would have been prepared to throw a few million of ratepayers readies into it. I haven’t taken the time to trawl through the company’s bona fides, but I smell a scam.

  38. Ducks Nuts says:

    Today’s missive from the idiot who claims he’s at the helm of council. Second last paragraph. The irony is so thick you need a chainsaw to cut it.


    This morning provided a great opportunity to listen to many of the State Election Candidates.

    Hosted by Townsville Chamber of Commerce at The Ville Resort-Casino discussions were heavily based around crime prevention and housing.

    The question was asked “What are your key considerations when deciding on who to vote for?” With some great answers provided by the audience.

    State Government responsibilities include schools, hospitals, conservation and environment, roads, railways and public transport, public works, agriculture and fishing, industrial relations, community services, sport and recreation, consumer affairs, police, prisons and emergency services.

    I must admit I was a little bit concerned that some candidates don’t understand what State Government responsibilities are and confused them with Local Government responsibilities.

    I want to hear from you. What is your main focus this election?”

    • The Magpie says:

      Look, this has got to the stage of a necessary serious intervention for several reasons. But one of the main ones is (and if you laugh, who haven’t been paying attention) that when the inevitable meltdown does come, after recovery, Troy Thompson will likely sue the council, the state government and even the ECQ for not stopping him earlier and giving him the help he so urgently needed.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Nope. I believe you have misjudged this. When the melt down comes, Troy, our Lord and Saviour, will not be suing anyone. Like all delusional cult leaders, he believes his own bullshit and he has an adoring fan base. They will all walk into the sea holding hands, singing hail Troy’s until they all disappear under the coral spawn and seaweed.

  39. Jenny says:

    Troy ‘democracy’ Thompson’s latest missive below. A pathetic sales pitch seeking $1.45b for projects. He is also having a sook because when in Brisbane recently the current QLD government ministers didn’t want to meet with him! Can’t blame them Troy, nobody wants to shake the hand of sociopathic conman.


    Since being elected, I have spoken to, visited and or emailed the state & federal government elected ministers and party leadership, including, but not limited to, the Premiers, Ministers, Opposition Leader, Opposition cabinet, KAP members, state independents, federal government and opposition MPs.

    I continue to work with and support our 2 major advocacy bodies in the Chamber of Commerce & Townsville Enterprise. I am not interested in political promises, Townsville needs funding for:

    • Haughton Pipeline
    • Lansdown Development
    • Northern Rail Yards
    • Marine Precinct
    • Port expansion
    • Major infrastructure
    • Tropic IQ
    • Hospital & Health
    • Housing
    • New Convention and Arts Precinct
    • Museum of Tropical Qld refurb.
    • Public Realm works
    • Magnetic Island Koala / Animal Hospital
    • Magnetic Island Hospital / Hub
    • NQ Spark
    • Reef HQ
    • Tourism funding

    TOTAL required – $1.45 Billion

    When in Brisbane recently, as part of the TEL delegation, I was informed, after I had arrived, that the premier, treasurer and his ministers would not meet with me, though they did meet with TEL and other mayors present, so any rumours of me being unwilling to work with government, is WRONG and simply party politics. I did appreciate meeting with the KAP, opposition, and independents, recently presented to the entire opposition cabinet.

    Townsville desperately needs state and federal funding, it’s time for the elected members and candidates to deliver if they really are invested in this city, we do not need feel good photo moments, we need funding, for our city, talk is just that, talk.

    Anyone that says they cannot work with me, has not tried, is not truely invested in this city. As mayor I know what we need, my doors have always been open, no matter one’s political persuasions.

    $1.45 Billion, Townsville is the largest regional city north of the Sunshine Coast, if you want our vote, invest in Townsville!

    • The Magpie says:

      That is simply the most pathetic admission of failure, and total disconnect from reality. For God’s dsake … and our’s …. just go, man, GO. Have a shot at some last dignity.

    • Lab Rat says:

      Sums the whole lot of the Christofacists that lurk on the right. Stale, male and pale.

      • Mad Jack says:

        This State election is the LNP’s to lose and they now seem to be trying, or at least the balance of power.

        I don’t like the idea of abortion, but it is a complicated emotional distressing matter for those directly affected, and, none of my damn business!

        Why do some politicians and most religions have an unhealthy interest in what goes on in the privacy of people’s own bedrooms?

        • The Magpie says:

          If the LNP choose to make this an unnecessary battleground, repeal of the current laws should come to a conscience vote only … that way, those who seek to have the government and the clergy in the bedroom and the doctors office will have to do so openly, and bear the consequences. But why the LNP would entertain this issue is a question in itself, there is no popular groundswell of discontent reflected in Queensland society on the matter (apart from the usual suspects). But there may well be if repeal is threatened.

          • Achilles says:

            Kerist!!!!! what was The Kid thinking, If it were written by anyone else then I’d employ Sun Tzu’s advise about “never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake”.

            A subject that is so divisive and emotive, when all he had to do was point out the parlous state of our economy and the wet nursing of out of control juveniles ruining our existence. Should take a look at the stance of the newly elected mob in the NT on this long overdue subject.

          • The Magpie says:

            Which is what?

          • Rotten Luck Willie says:

            Lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 10.
            Remember Benazir Bhutto was asasinated by a 14yo with a gun.
            Understand clearly, a violent dangerous criminality motivated ‘child’ is not child-like. Remember the midweek daylight violent carjacking of a mother and young daughter on the roof car park at the Willows some time back.
            The woke vortious do-gooder bleeding hearts are a bigger threat to public safety than the thieving 10 year old snots on the roads right now.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Believe that’s about to go very bad for the NT

    • Headmistress says:

      I can’t believe the direction the KAP are trying to drive this election. I read the Beetoota piece straight after watching Margie Ryder on facebook speaking to camera waving a jug cord around and in her best ocker drawl announce that under KAP we will be allowed to beat our kids with said jug cords, fists, boots and various other household items.
      It’ll be our right as parents apparently and “didn’t do us any harm”..all the while sounding seriously demented. Have they always been this bad and I’ve just not been paying attention?

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Oh, I suspect KAP resonate with a particular type of voter, and this is a master move.

        Margie has always been this demented and she is an excellent fit with KAP. Have you not seen Bob’s thousand blossoms bloom interview? It’s a classic.

      • Skippy says:

        Margie’s always had a few roos loose in the top paddock

  40. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    There are fuckwits and they walk amongst us. They are allowed to vote. Hopefully the Darwin principal will apply and their genes will not infest the next generation.


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