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The Magpie

Saturday, June 24th, 2023   |   193 comments

They’re At It Again – The Townsville Bulletin Makes Heroes Out of Juvenile Crims

The Townsville Bulletin has form for this sort of thing, but surely even they can recognise their mealy-mouthed hypocrisy this week, publishing two items that should never – would never – been seen in a responsible news organisation.  And all in the name of clicks and sales.

The Queensland Government, the Townsville City Council and the Uniting Church get together to give the finger to the growing band of the city’s homeless, blameless victims of a spirally, out-of-kilter economy.

Two strong contenders for The Magpie’s occasionally award,  The WTF Were They Thinking trophy … you’ll either laugh or cry and perhaps wonder what planet you’re on.

Off and limping … the daft reaction to Parliament passing the most unsurprising bit of legislation of the year … but in case you didn’t know, we are to have a referendum on an indigenous Voice to parliament.  But you’d be bewildered by the carry-on, and the weird hook-ups this debate has forged

Plus our usual bumper American gallery.

If you can step. up and lend a hand with a few bob for The Nest finances, it will be as appreciated as it is needed.  And sincere thanks to those who have already shown their generosity for this weekly alternative take on matters Townsville and beyond. The donate button is at the end of the blog.

Now onward, and given all the unhappy events of the week, let’s start with a chortle or two.

LOLLYGATE AT LONGREACH:  Monty Python Meets Inspector Clouseau 

Talk about the Law of Unintended consequences!!

The following saga gas tio deserve the WTF Were They Thinking Award of the year.

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The light relief story of the week comes from the usually very unfunny place, Longreach, and their gaggle of Keystone Kops.  Long story short, last year, it was detected that someone amongst their number was nicking sweets, icy poles and fizzy drinks from the honour cupboard in the social room, failing to use the honour system and tick of the goodies for payment at the end of the month. This was not to be tolerated, no sirree,  and, by gum, someone was going to pay in more ways than one. The lads and lassies sprung into action, consulting their OPM (Operational Procedures Manual) Longreach edition.

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It was then that the Longreach cop shop became the Pink Panther Police Station. in the town of Fawlty Towers . Determined to nab the Bounty Bar Kid, the whole resources of the Longreach CID were commandeered into action, secretly mounting a surveillance camera guarding over the social club sweeties store. It wasn’t long before the local Sherlocks had their man, in the form of Senior Constable Thomas Patten.

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Senior Constable Thomas Patten


Now, while our culprit looks like he may be partial to the occasional Arnott’s Ginger Nut,  it is a reasonable assumption that SC Patten wasn’t ‘Most Popular Plod’ around the station. Because once rumbled, his heinous criminality was put before the other members of the station to decide on future action … and they voted to reject his request for mediation and decided to throw the whole library at him and prosecute to the full extent of the law … and may God have mercy on his soul!!

While he was awaiting his fate for several months , SC Patten was stood down on full pay and continued to live his Police Service house.

The hoots of derision when all this became public did not deter the indignant social club refusing to drop the matter in one of the great ‘WTF were they thinking’ moments of the year.

Finally, this week,  sanity and a sense of proportion prevailed.

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The side-splitting cackling stopped abruptly when it was discovered this $36 lolly heist, which could’ve remained an unnoticed internal disciplinary kick in the arse, ballooned into a $50,000+ hubristic virtue-signalling waste of taxpayers money.


The Inspector Clouseau who set up the CCTV unit in the station needed a warrant to do so, but he didn’t bother. So now HE is under internal investigation.

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And the shit and derision being heaped on these whacko wallopers hasn’t ended either.

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Driver : ‘Will you forget all about this for a Bounty bar and a Snickers’? Cop: ‘Are you trying to bribe me, sir?’ Driver: ‘OK, OK, I’ll chuck in a Violent Crumble.’ Cop: ‘Throw in a bottle of Fanta and an Icy Pole and we’ve got a deal.’

Ah Queensland coppers, ya gotta love ‘em, when they’re not punching the bejesus out of you for not getting out of a car when told to, or fatally ventilating the odd drug-crazed whacko because he had a knife in his hand, they’re trying to put the boot into one of their own  for stealing sweeties.

But There  Have Always Been Other Reasons Why Coppers Let You Off

From Punch Magazine in the 1920s.


Kids Identifying As Animals, Teachers Identifying With Jackasses

An eye-rolling Pommy friend sent this in during the week … existing half-wits creating new half-wits, and gaslighting kids you are anchored in reality. Talk about WTF were they thinking. And cartoonist Matt has always been one of the best in the business. 

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One supposes there is a refreshing aspect to all this … it makes a change to the normal riding provided to pupils in a religious school.

And it could lead to problem in the farmyard.


But guess not too many in Townsville will be surprised with people identifying as animals, we have our own asses, turkeys, ostriches and boxing kangaroos in public life, not to mention the sloths at TEL.

No Settlement: The ‘Pie Calls Bullshit On Homeless Decision

You’ll recall in an edition of the Nest earlier this year, The ‘Pie asked why the abandoned Uniting Church Aged home at Pallarenda could not be repaired and used for homeless housing, eventually becoming TCC low rent accommodation.  That article led to a strong follow-up in the Bulletin, with all parties involved giving a variety of unconvincing reasons why it hadn’t been utilised.

And that seemed to be that, until this story appeared on the ABC website on Friday afternoon.

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The ABC story revealed that the state government had been prodded by the publicity to hav some of their bum polishers (described as staff, so of uncertain qualifications) from the Department of Housing actually visit the site for a look see. Which led to a very prompt no go

A spokesperson for the Department of Housing said it was important any temporary accommodation sites provided value for money for the government’s investment of public funds.

“In the case of Garden Settlement at Pallarenda, Department of Housing staff inspected the [site] and determined it was unsuitable due to its condition and the level and cost of repair and refurbishment required,” the spokesperson said.

That reeks of convenient bullshit, and really comes down to this government’s priorities.  It certainly does seem so to the non- expert ‘Pie, because he lives in a unit block built in the same architectural period known as Early Brick Shithouse style, circa 1960 or so. Not a breeze block in sight and a rock-solid skeleton –  exterior and interior brick walls.  where the only problems during The ’Pie’s tenancy of 21 years have been of the minor nature of the odd  powerpoint or plumbing replacement … in other words, ageing, sure, but in no way derelict. And the core construction at the Garden Settlement certainly appeared exactly the same when The ‘Pie had a poke around a few months ago. The place appeared plumbed in most of the units he saw, so sewerage infrastructure would still be in place.

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The box-ticking shiny foreheads who put the kibosh on this apparently had no sense of urgency or even social concern let alone sense of responsibility (which would be nice in a Housing Department). There comes a time when higher costs than normal should be borne for the greater good, and this Settlement is sitting there waiting to be unitised to house mortgage and rental victims, who through no fault of the own (just the government’s) find themselves sleeping cars, parks and friend couches.  And just to save the ever present negative nellies who always find reasons why something workable won’t work, don’t dare try to use the old carard about asbestos. The vastly overstated risks of static asbestos – which has been part of The ‘Pie’s life for more than seven decades, does not greatly increase costs or time … it just  has to be removed following some nanny state regulations which does not take any more significant time.

If this mayor and this council find it convenient to spin fairy tales about the heavily contaminated and heritage hindered North Rail yards – and insist of looking only at new developments on unspecified council land – it demonstrates a colossal lack of political will. (Mooney would’ve been in. there at The Settlement already, you can bet … and least he was a doer. But then he had real pull with and respect of the state Labor government of the day.)

Money can’t be the problem, what with amounts in the multi-millions being touted for all sorts of ‘high priority’ matters – like silly unneeded lagoons, industrial developments, unnecessarily sited way out in the bush,  the total waste of a proposed $50m from the council)for a totally unsuitable concert hall , and, of course,  at one stage, suddenly finding $18.5m for that Adani airstrip.

And A Final Question For Our Mayor

If you agree with the general stated rule that conversions can be more costly than new construction, and involve complex re-regulation, has the same team from the Department of Housing advised you of the costs of converting CBD buildings to residential use? From the Garden Settlement decision, the outcome would be pretty obvious. Another brain fart blown away in the fan factory of stupidity.

And Jenny Hill still wonders why owners have shown zero interest in her hair-brained, off-the-cuff financial balderdash, and her eagerness to play fast and loose with their money and their investment.

The Problem Clarified …

…in The Guardian, London.

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Memo Bulletin: Stop It,  Just Fucking Stop It!!

You’d think they’d learn but they don’t.

Having got a rap over the knuckles for their egregious ‘Ten Sexiest Crims’  photo gallery last year, which ended with them getting a well deserved belt around the ear from Media Watch which forced them to take down the grubby anti-social story from their website, we’d hoped their well established habit lauding criminals in various ways was in the past.  This week they proved we’d hoped in vain.

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There simply can be no defence for the tacit approval and promotion of this dangerous and illegal behaviour. There can be no defence that it was a Courier Mail compilation in the first place, as the old legal and publishing dictum has it, no matter where something originates, you print, you wear the consequences. And being a ‘retrospective’ in no way can it be argued it was news. All it did was give gleeful legitimacy to some of the more unsavoury and developmentally delayed young fuckwits that infest our society.

And then the attitude towards a socially responsible policy was again paraded even in this weekend’s Bulletin. Vaping is rapidly being recognised as a major hazard for young people, and it is gradually becoming uncool, so what the hell is the paper thinking when they posted this on their youth orientated Facebook site.

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….and followed up with this in Saturday’s paper.

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The only explanation of what was happening … the eight year old was blowing out vapour after eating a cheeto dipped in liquid nitrogen … was in the small print of the photo caption. And that makes absolutely no difference to the paper’s misjudgement, the impression is clear, and just the sort of wrong message responsible publications are always looking out for. And that creepy-looking prick supervising this ‘fascinating science prank’ one Dr Rob Bell, should have had enough social awareness of the world outside academia to not get children to participate in this sort of thing.  You might be a sterling chap and a wonderful teacher Rob, but this does you no credit, and yes, in the pic, you do look like a creepy prick.

And it’s a damn shame all round, because The Magpie sees the great value of science shows for young people, to get them thinking about different careers. And steer them away from Murdoch-style ‘journalism’.

It’s On: The Seinfeld Referendum About Nothing That Won’t See Any Winners But Lots Of Losers -Either Way

The unpalatable underlying but undeniable question about the Voice referendum is simply this: who’s conning who? 

Are the Yes camp trying to con the general population by claiming a ‘harmless’ constitutional amendment (there is no such thing when it comes to the constitution) when. in fact according to some, it is a naked power grab to allow high court challenges on anything the government decides to do … OR … is it a politically motivated move to grant a seeming advancement of recognition that will be quashed at every turn by future hostile governments, making it an empty gesture of fake power and standing in the overall Australian community?

Although the passage of referendum legislation was a  largely bipartisan certainty,  by the outbreak of prancing, posturing and gushing twaddle,on the day you’d think the bill  was a close-run thing. But now, indisputably  the battle lines have been drawn  for one of the most confused public debates in our history (all 45,000 years of it – I mean, there was an overall representative indigenous parliament of tribes before ‘we’ barged in, wasn’t there?). And already,  we are seeing the the most unlikely alliances which would be unthinkable in other circumstances.

This unexpected cross pollination of topsy turvy ideological blocs supporting a NO vote  is neatly summed by a stroke of pictorial brilliance by Cathy Wilcox.

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Of course, this unholy trinity in other matters could be seen as a distinct disadvantage, with many an average voter shying away from the natural instinct towards NO for fear of unsavoury association.

But conversely, the NO camp has suddenly found the most unlikely and unintentional weapon in their bid to defeat the notion …  this woman.

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Senator linda Burney has been one of the worst tactical errors of the many that the Yes camp has committed. From the outset her words have sounded  by turns shifty, wheedling, bullying, insulting and basically meaningless but always unsupported by factual arguments beyond what is basically her schtick – ‘we deserve it’.  But there is the exact point, Senator … what is ‘it’ that you deserve? And that others not sharing in ‘it’ should be asked to put at risk? It is not up to other people or groups to argue why you may not deserve ‘it’, the proposition was put forward by you and your indigenous group, so the onus is clearly on you to explain what that means.

Burney’s performance on ABC’s 7.30 on the night the legislation passed was was a textbook lesson in prevarication and evasion (how not to)  and the direct questioning, sometimes repeated by an insistent Sarah Ferguson made the senator retreat in befuddled stammering and parroted phrases. And this isn’t the first time. She started her public comments on this issue by simply saying and refusing to expand on her core statement: ‘it is the right thing to do, and you’ll feel better for doing it.” 

Every single thing The Magpie has heard Linda Burney utter on this matter reeks of lies and hidden agendas.

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On the local scene, there was utter confusion from self-promoted local indigenous ‘leader’ Gracelyn Smallwood, who muddied the waters even further.

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Pretty incoherent for a professor, let alone a ‘community leader’,  one would think.

A Classic Protest Song In The Making?

Protest songs have a long history of a pivotal roles in social and political change,  and this one – which the ‘Pie tried to post last week but mucked it up –  could be destined to join the honour board.  It’s done to the tune of Bonnie Tyler classic Total Eclipse Of The Heart (sounds like Tyler, too, but isn’t)… it’s the second item down under the handle ‘David F’.

Two images in our US gallery serve to give the world hope that America is slowly emerging from its years of madness under Trump.

Well start with them before the remainder show there’s a long way to go to heal this severely wounded nation.


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This Resonated With The Techno Klutz Side Of The ‘Pie

Please enter your new password.
Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.
Boiled cabbage
Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.
1 boiled cabbage
Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces
Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character
Sorry the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.
50damnBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon’tGiveMeAccessNow !
WINDOWS:   “Sorry, that password is already in use.”

… and may all readers have a stress-free week.

Finally … Let’s End On An ‘Aww Shucks’ Note

When The Magpie last week vowed there would never be a cat video appearing in The Nest, he meant it … but he didn’t mention dogs. So, after dealing by necessity with many of the world’s arsesoles , enjoy our uplifting ending for this week with some human heroes.


Another edition bites the dust, but The ‘Pie doubts he will have a stress-free week, with comments already hitting re-entry speed on the Voice issue, and he suspects the coming TCC rates wallet walloping will come in for some sweetly reasoned and subdued comment as well. Have your say, it’s free and runs 24/7. You can show your encouragement for The Magpie’s Nest by helping out by clicking the donate button below and doing your generous thing.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Doug K says:

    So our “transparent” mayor has kicked the can down the road on the “concert hall”, saying she can’t get a decision out of the consultants who are doing a business case for at least another 12 months (read after next year’s local government election).
    But Jenny Hill still won’t answer questions about what happened to the $100 million the Federal Government (thanks to Phil Thompson) pledged for the project, nor if the cost has blown out to $200 million, nor whether the request to the State Government for $50 million in funding was ever discussed or voted on (as required) by the full council, nor why it is taking two years to do a business case.
    Hill has pulled off many questionable deals over the years but none as mysterious as this one.
    I would urge people in the local performing arts community to consider whether the mayor is putting off a decision for fear of losing votes.
    Chances are that after the election they’re going to cop a pineapple where it hurts.

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Mayor Hill alluded to the Astonisher her reason for possibly raising rates 10 % in some areas of Townsville was because of land tax increases and capital expenditure . Re land tax excuse . Most Queensland Councils did not leverage that opportunity like Townsville did last year with the biggest rate increase of 9 % . Brisbane which has seen booming property growth and values budget for 2023/24 considers cost of living and only average $75 a year per household increase . Re Mayor Hills capital expenditure excuse $80 mil Lansdown in last years budget where has that gone ? . Team Hill Councillors know how hard Townsville households and business are feeling it so the blame should be on them by not using their voice if we have a large rates increase .

  3. Rate increase says:

    Just want everyone to know that TCC will soon be wanting everyone to have a third wheelie bin. This is called FOGO. What does this mean??

    First the council had a trial in select suburbs, and I mean selected by which they would get a favourable result to force this change on everyone in Townsville. Example being Heatly where a lot of older generations reside and waste is at a minimum as opposed to Kelso where you have housing commission and army housing where waste is alot higher and the obvious where nobody gives a fuck.

    The result? You will be give another bin at 240l to put organic waste and limited other items on a weekly schedule, but the council are going to then replace your current waste bin with a smaller bin collection every fortnight that corresponds with recycling. All in the name of saving the planet. Yes other councils down south do it but it is completely different demographic and geographic area.

    This will cost us all a lot of money. New trucks, new contracts to process the new waste, new bins X2 and that’s not including the contamination costs passed on to council from processing. The amount of rubbish that goes into recycling bins then to the tip is enormous at present so now it will double. This is a bad idea and a cash grab by council. Because they know that there will be households that won’t use a bin regularly like some and you’re paying for a bin to sit in your yard. The first you will hear about this is when you get your bin delivered. Can you seriously believe that after a short period people won’t start putting all waste into the bigger bin instead of the smaller one for waste only? Do you want that smell there during summer for 2 weeks before pickup? Watch the TCC spin this to make you think they are doing something for the environment.

    Remember it’s a cash grab and they will tell you the truck only picks up the one bin. But I know that the same truck will mix the load because of staff shortages and lack of trucks due to not buying enough. Watch this space. Your 9% rate rise is because of bad management of TCC.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I do not need or want this fogo bin. I have a worm farm, a garden mulching machine and a wood burning bbq. The only organic waste from this household of two is a few fat trimmings off the meat. Less than a kg a fortnight on the average. This should be an opt-in scheme (at the users expense) if it is to be introduced at all. And I can forecast how many will opt-in. Fuckall!

      • The Magpie says:

        Are Townsville ratepayers facing a return of the infamous Pot Plant Police, repurposed as Left-overs Lurkers?

        While you’re dead right, Dave, you sweet old innocent, you, that ain’t the way things work, it’s one in all in, no arguments or you’ll be buried in a blizzard of buzz-word bullshit.

        And has the council worked through this bidea (not a typo, The Magpie’s new word for ‘bad idea’ … feel free to use), which on the face of it is theoretically an environmentally responsible scheme. But what happens if people ignore it and continue as they are now? What if they resent a further regulatory intrusion on the life and finances in the name of an shop window showcase of virtue signalling by the council? Which is highly likely in some suburbs where the last concern is eco economics. If any level government wants our compliance on certain matters, it is obligated to provide a economic and social environment to encourage willing cooperation.

        Will an outraged Fraulein Hill appoint – at suitable expense – council inspectors for spot checks and issuing of fines for some left-over casserole in the general waste bin? Don’t laugh … remember the era of the pot plant police before science put paid to most of the dengue/Ross River danger.

    • Captain Planet says:

      You guys know you’re not ancient Greek philosophers inventing elaborate theories about how the world works from first principles? You can just look stuff up?

      Google says that the 2019 national waste policy action plan set a target of 2023 for everyone in Australia to have an organic waste bin.


      • The Magpie says:

        So what?

        And that would captain Planet Jenny @mediawalkerstreet, no?

      • Rate increase says:

        And just like everything that has climate emergency labeling it will be at great cost for zero gain. In other words it won’t work for the money you put into it. Ask yourself Captain Planet, or Jenny, why are banks lending money for housing over the next 40 year term of the loan so close to water if the climate emergency will see water levels rise in the next decade? Seems like the banks know more about climate than scientists do? Just like the waste bin I mentioned it’s a con job and a money grad because of incompetence in government.

        • Captain Planet says:

          Your mortgage isn’t cancelled if your house is underwater.

          • The Magpie says:


            It’s value to the bank holding the deed is diminished, often to zero.

          • Rate increase says:

            Exactly the answer I expected from someone who doesn’t have an answer. You remind me of a defence lawyer for an accused murderer who is stabbing someone right in front of the police. You know you’re wrong but you just have to open your mouth and obey your client ( Jenny) to make a case.

          • Captain Planet says:

            That doesn’t mean you don’t owe them the money.

          • The Magpie says:

            Correct … it means you lose your house.

            You’re under watch for a possible HIA.

          • Captain Planet says:

            That was the answer, Rates, you asked why banks would lend money for beachside property. The answer is because they get paid whatever happens.

          • The Magpie says:

            How? If a property or bloiwn away is damaged and insurance doesn’t come up to the mortgage figure and the owner is now completely rooted, where does the bank get it money?

            Your comments are so inane The ‘Pie has come to the conclusion that you have a bet with a mate about how long you can keep up the idiotic bullshit being published.

            The thread is now ended.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Rate Increase, the term FOGO stands for “Fuck Oh God whatsthat Odour”

    • Vicky Seal says:

      Here in Old Blighty we’ve had Food Waste bins for a couple of years, but they’re not wheelie big: about 18″ high bucket-style with lids. I keep mine in the kitchen, ingeniously (though I say so myself) divided into real rubbish and recyclables.
      We common folk are a bit pushed for space, so wheelie bins line narrow footpaths and those of us who still use shanks pony are obliged to do so in equally narrow roads. We go in for twists and turns to our streets, too, so pedestrians need to listen out for vehicular traffic that might be about to skittle us.
      On that subject, I wonder whether Townsville has motorised bikes and scooters on footpaths as well as roads? They make no noise, so whenever one shoots past from behind I remind myself to keep to a straight line. That put paid to the two-bottle lunches, I can tell you.

  4. Cantankerous but happy says:

    The Pallarenda fiasco highlights the real issue in regards to public housing, that the standard for these houses is now set high that it is well above the normal house and land packages anyone can buy off the street. The level of inclusions and finishes is staggering to the point most social housing is at least 50% per sq metre dearer than normal housing. $380 million for 500 homes recently announced is $760,000 a dwelling, what a joke.

    • The Magpie says:

      Disgraceful. The ‘Pie is no construction expert, but $5m would surely bring this place up to an acceptable standard. One things for sure … the $18.5m for an Adani airstrip would be more than adequate. But the council don’t have to come up with the whole cost, anyway.

      Remember, while people are in need of a dry, safe and plumbed place to live, this sort of public funded accommodation should be seen as just a way-station, with tenants moving on as they recover from the current economic battering instigated largely by the Lib/Scomo years and being exacerbated and continued by newly rebranded Liberals calling themselves Labor.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Couldn’t agree more, a quick $5million refurb for a temporary housing village for women and kids escaping arseholes whilst more permanent accommodation can be found. Perfect spot, secluded, already has office and admin areas, only one road in and out and unless some low life wants to dodge the crocs and snakes in the town common it would provide a fairly secure location.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Cantankerous and Magpie, if the council or state government put out a tender for removal of asbestos and remediation of the Garden Settlement site (nothing else, just the asbestos work), can you imagine the price? Building work in 2023 costs quite enough without the additional impost of meeting national standards (hazardous materials, cyclone, storm surge, flood, fire etc) let alone adding a couple of zeroes because it is government work. I don’t know how government can get around that.

          • The Magpie says:

            The short answer is if that is the world partly of their making, pay it. Or you’re OK with blameless people sleeping in the parks or in their cars? Anyway, specialists are all geared up with suits and all the other nanny state accoutrements now required, along with suitable transport, so a Nike policy is needed … just fucking do it! (Copyrighted and Trademark Applied For.)

          • Alahazbin says:

            Wanker, They wasted millions on Wagner project in Toowoomba. This would be chicken feed compared to that.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Wanker. Most older buildings have asbestos in them or are basically made of it in wall ceiling and roof sheeting, Wanker Street HQ included and many other TCC facilities. It’s quite safe as long as you do not stuff around with it and just leave it in situ so no need to remove all or most of it at the Garden Settlement. If we assume that these rooms are all ensuite already as I believe they are the main upgrade would be in fire compliance with linked alarms and new signage to meet current code. Disability access along with kitchens and care rooms would all ready be there and even if that was all upgraded I would be surprised if it cost as much as Jenny’s Castle Hill Shelter Shed.

            A way to get it done quickly and cheaply might be to offer the site as is where is to the local construction industry and let them do a DCOM contract to design, construct, operate and maintain the facility so they take the deferred cost of building and compliance out of their operating income. Someone like Gabrielli’s would knock the job over quickly and be making cash within months.

          • The Magpie says:

            Better still, rather than being saddled with on-going operational costs. complete the work, hand it over and let the construction company cop a big tax break, in the spirit of the deductions made for charitable contributions.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, if you really think a ratepayer-funded ‘just do it’ rejuvenation of Garden Settlement is a campaign winner why not run it past the genuine challenger Cr. Fran? She’s a proper quantity surveyor apparently and would therefore have a clue. Buckleys and a bargepole I reckon.

          • The Magpie says:

            Why don’t you?

            And it would NOT be ratepayers funded, it would mainly state and federal, but The Magpie’s point … as you well know but daren’t offend Madam lash … one of The ‘Pie two main points is that given all hair-brained fiscally irresponsible shooting starts this financial illiterate spews out, a realignment of priorities would see any TCC contribution well within reasonable bounds.

            The other point is the real problem, the one that you deliberately deflect from and just ignore as a nuisance in your political equation is that PEOPLE THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, ARE SLEEPING ROUGH, IN CARS, TENTS, PARKS AND ON FRIENDLY COUCHES.

            Whatever anyone tries as a constructive effort to help, pricks like you will always chime in with a negative, snivelling, sneering knock down. You’re as spineless as our council, Palm. And as heartless.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, I wouldn’t suggest it to any mayoral candidate because I accept the assessment years ago by the Uniting Church that there was no chance of efficiently upgrading the facility, even for desperately needed low care residential use – a use that might actually require less oversight and ‘management’ than a refuge for homeless women and children.

          • The Magpie says:

            So you would accept the assessment a non-taxed religious business model driven by hoarding money and property rather than the Christian business model of charity and compassion? Over common decency and social responsibility? Check out the Uniting Church’s charging sheet to clients, too, interesting reading for the dignity of those in need.

    • NQ Gal says:

      A lot of the cost for public housing is for a) prettying up the outside so it doesn’t look like public housing b) trying to make as “damage proof” as possible and c) exceeding minimum standards that apply to general house construction. There is nothing flash about the internal fittings and the Townsville area doesn’t qualify for air conditioning as part of the build.

      • The Magpie says:

        All that seems correct but notwithstanding, the cost of housing people versus the cost of NOT housing them (the side consequences) still justifies the Settlement and other similar sites (Pinkenba can’t be much different, just new) be resuscitated as a matter of social urgency (and compassion). The council should be able to spring for basic air conditioning, too.

  5. Pat Coleman says:

    For the first time, on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 June 2023 between 2 and 3pm both days , from under the flightpath watching a final approach , I saw the arrival of an aircraft I have never seen before. It was an Omni Air International Jet.

    Intrigued I searched publicly available internet info for the arrival times on the net and couldn’t find them. There is an airport post that said they have been bringing yankee troops since at least 2019 https://m.facebook.com/TownsvilleAirport/photos/plane-spotters-have-been-having-a-field-day-with-yet-another-unusual-aircraft-at/2483606938362829/?__cft__0=AZVyQcgAhaf4JaWQSSLdKBREcqKrL2OVKeCdRH3BvRCkvp4HtSEvci84yM5KkUphK-X2YCZsYMEtB93cuaruqaXiPSzhj9Eq1939QaYGjE7scF-UkyhADg_SoFFc8x9jUUl4zUmndtgMYw1EgNskioZs&__tn__=R-R

    But , it turns out this mob have a very dodgy reputation of rorting the yankee public for exorbitant fees for contracting to both Trump and Biden for deportations. They have been accused of abuses in these deportations. Simply google “Omni Air International deportations” . It turns up all those articles.

    It turns out that Amazon, owned by Bezos , bought into it https://theintercept.com/2022/02/17/amazon-ice-deportation-flights-omni/

    I may be looking at the wrong sites, or it’s a matter of paying a fee to find out historical arrival times, but on Thursday arvo I found one that had all the other arrivals excluding this mob. That seems to fit a previous Guardian article finding that Omni disguises and masks its movements https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/16/ice-african-deportation-flight-asylum-seekers-nairobi They might not file flight plans at all.

    Whatever people think about masking troop or deportation movements, there must be compliance with Australian Foreign Aircraft Operators safety and movement laws. A look at the CASA website says that even for unscheduled arrivals they required a Foreign Aircraft Operators Certificate. They have had a previous crash on landing in Bulgaria. There has to be some paperwork to say one way or another whether any compliance has been waived cos they are working for the yankees. Here https://www.casa.gov.au/licences-and-certificates/air-operators/foreign-operators/apply-foreign-air-transport-air-operators-certificate-fataoc and here https://www.casa.gov.au/licences-and-certificates/air-operators/foreign-operators/non-scheduled-and-other-flight-permissions

    Omni has been criticized by international unions for its abuses. I cant find anything to show the TWU speaking out on this at all https://www.apalanet.org/press-releases/apala-demands-omni-air-international-to-stop-collaborating-with-ice-in-deportation-efforts

    • Dave Nth says:

      I’d say it would be bringing in Yanks for Talisman Sabre. I was on a flight in from Sydney last night chock a block full of military types.

      I did see the Omani Air flight arrive Thursday though as I was departing.

      That said a quick search of them brings up zero on the internet. Interesting but probably nothing as Bezos does plenty of business with the US government and from experience they love using dodgy nondescript airlines from all over. Marines used to tell me some of the death traps they were loaded on to circle the globe when I worked with them in a previous cloth.

      • The Magpie says:

        Remember Air America?

        • Pat Coleman says:

          If there is some sort of official overide of a requirement to publish arrival and departure times, or for the filing of flight plans in Australia, there must be an Australian record of that. Also legal advice whether with the airports, casa , RAAF , defence generally , or defence ministry. Questions need to be asked. The Yankees have radar plots for this company on the net but you have to buy it.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Is your concern that a commercial air charter company is flying into Townsville or that the US military makes arrangements for air traffic carrying their assets to not “squark” identification? Both seem pretty normal. Have you ever looked online for the track of a police helicopter or RAAF plane? Take your medication Pat.

  6. Proud Queensland Man says:

    I intend to vote “no” to the Voice proposal. My decision stems from concerns about its practicality and effectiveness.
    While recognizing the first peoples of Australia is admirable, altering the Constitution to establish a separate Indigenous voice is not the most effective solution.
    I believe that it will lead to increased division rather than fostering genuine unity.
    Instead, a more inclusive approach that focuses on empowering Indigenous communities and ensuring their voices are heard within existing structures should be explored.
    It’s important to find a solution that respects indigenous rights while maintaining the principles of equality and unity for ALL Australians.

  7. Prince Rollmop says:

    A 9% rates increase is a disgrace. It was bad enough that the politicians shut down the world for over 2 years (that includes Townsville) and sent thousands of businesses to the wall. That was followed by more political fuckups by way of the Ukraine war and the applied sanctions, to be topped off by record high inflation which has been caused by, you guessed it, poor monetary policy at the hands of the governments. So, now that we have established why we have been financially raped, we get more pain added to the Townsville bucket by way of reduced services, increased debt, increased rates, increased service charges, and proposed spending on white elephants to the tune of a $100m. This stupidity under the watchful eyes of Frau Hill has got to be stopped.


  8. Alahazbin says:

    Just saw a speech of Pauline Hanson to the Senate. It seems staff of the NIAA allegedly left a document behind at a coffee shop in Canberra outlying an 11 point plan for benefits to indigenous peoples to the voice. “Please explain”

    • The Magpie says:

      That ‘coffee shop papers’ yarn has been around for some months, and isn’t taken seriously by serious people … thus it is up to Hanson to bloviate about it.

      The contents supposedly lay out details of what will flow on from the Voice, up to and including reparations, a fixed proportion of tax to a head indigenous group and more exclusionary land rights.

      Good luck and welcome to a riot near you.

  9. Achilles says:

    Before everyone gets all dewy eyed about Wagner abandoning Putin and exiting to Belarus, consider a few legacies.

    The numerous reports of their behavior in the regions they occupied.

    The he braggart Putin claimed he had moved nuclear weapons into Belarus. If true then its very unlikely that they will be returned to Russia; and also note that Belarus has borders with Poland, Latvia and Lithuania.

    There is also a significant Russian “enclave” on the Atlantic coast between Poland and Lithuania, occupied under Putin’s stewardship..

  10. Jatzcrackers says:

    Now listen here Pie, I think you’re a good bloke, always ready to show up those morons at the Astonisher and their Gr 3 Primary School write ups and the fucktards down at Walker Street led by the purple Dim Sim, commandant Hill. You never fail to make me laugh out loud as you stick a verbal pineapple up Palm Sundays clacker or to return serve to some half wit who completely misses the point of a discussion but… fair go old mate, you make this old bastard dribble a few tears of sadness then happiness after watching your woofer video !

    Just reinforces my view that here’s still some good caring folks out there and that I’d rather pat any-ones dog in the street that talk to some people I’ve met !

  11. The Magpie says:

    Telstra advise that The ‘Pie’s big pond email email hidden; JavaScript is required is out of commission for up to two days. Explanation: ‘technical issues’ FFS!! Comments still getting through but nothing else, so if you’ve emailed something requiring a reply, please don’t think you’re being ignored. Will deal with the backlog if and when.

  12. Dave Nth says:

    Pie yup I was definitely wrong about that escalator at the Airport. Wow what an absolute disgrace. Landed in October, was working then, flew a lot over Christmas to Australia Day weekend and broken then. 6 months later still broken. Now some payback against Qantas by eating into their lounge building a new one.

    Sorry IMO TAH parent should be stripped of their operating rights and it put back to tender by more competent people.

  13. Dave of Kelso says:

    To Rates increase,

    Question about these fogo bins, but first:

    Let’s go back 60 years, Townsville’s fly problem was significantly reduced when a second weekly bin collection was introduced.

    Let’s now return to the present, where things seem to be going backwards.

    We bag and freeze our non-wormfarm scraps and put them in the bin on bin day. We use the plastic bags that are provided for fruit and veg at the shops. If FOGO stands for Food Organics Garden Organics I assume the bloody greenies expect only “organics” in the FOGO bin and be free of hygienic wrapping that being a free fruit and veg bag from the shops?

    Ri, is it expected that we place unwrapped meat scraps (mostly in my case) in the FOGO bin? Surely not?

    • Sergeant Gunny Highway says:

      Fuck the bins. I throw my shit in whatever bin is either closest or less full. Most of our rubbish isn’t separated at dumping areas anyway.

      Talisman sabre starts in a couple of weeks time and goes for around a month. It’s good for the economy. And no Wagner’s are invited.

      • The Magpie says:

        Quite the droll comic, aren’t we?

        And regarding Wagners, so your refer to the Wellcamp Wankers or the Russian killers?

    • Captain Planet says:

      You will need to use a compostable/paper bag for your meat scraps.

  14. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    While we might not be happy with a predicted 9% rates increase, we can consider ourselves lucky compared to these poor buggers who will see a rates increase of 18% each year for 3 years.

    I have family down that way and they are not at all impressed.


    • The Magpie says:

      There’s some maths to be done here to know what we’re talking about in terms of comparison, but The ‘Pie ain’t too hot on the maths side, as he constantly proves. But here’s the equation, if someone can work it out: if everyone is paying an extra $780 extra each year (averaged apparently), that must mean that – or does it? – that $780 is 18% of a typical ratepayers slug each year. So what are the average Queanbeyan rates annually, based on that? It seems rates down there are $3510 a year. Don’t know if that includes water, but how does that compare around here?

      • Mangrove Jack says:

        Mr Pie, I would think rates of approx $4300 per annum would allow an increase of 18% to be in the vicinity of $780.

        Readers may confirm that $4300 per annum would also be on the high side of rates in Tsv, about 30% above what I personally pay.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Wulguru Warrior it’s estimated it cost $12 mil a year to service $400 mil in Council loans and independent Councillors should be asking if any of the facilities have been renewed and at what extra cost to Council . The Newmarket pub owner is correct that Council organized a consultancy company to review rate structure and small centres with Woolies or Coles increased 40 % . Landlord owners when they appealed advised the report was CIC and their appeal dismissed by State valuer . Mayor Hills legacy ” debt and dispair ” supported by Team Hill Councillors .

      • The Magpie says:

        What is the most startling dense and deeply ignorant part of the arrangement is the reason given by the pub owner, apparently quoting the mayor – to drive economic activity back to the CBD. If that is the thinking, then out mayor thinks financial coercion of forcing rent and product price rises in the ‘burbs while CBD operators will discount their offerings, she is in serious need of some real-world advice.

        It is exactly that hubristic ignorance driving the ruinous current ‘arts festival’ – it is so typical that out bogan mayor thinks jugglers, funambulists, trapeze artists and out-dated rock bands (as much fun as they are) represent art.

        Jenny Hill’s manic/panic re-election campaign, driven by the spreading ‘use-by date’ sentiment and a genuine challenger, has now reached a destructive stage.

  15. LMAO says:

    What kind of absolute fucking muppet would believe that children are identifying as cats. If you fall for that bullshit I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

  16. The Magpie says:

    Either this property owner is badly mistaken, or Jenny Hill most certainly is.

    This run-of-the-mill free property ad thinly disguised as a news story dropped a quiet bombshell towards the end, when Newmarket Hotel owner Richard Mraz (sic) spiced up his sales pitch with this astounding quote:

    Cut CBD rates by 50% and whack 40% on suburban shopping centres to compensate? How can that be right? The Magpie will hold back going full throttle until this is clarified by Walker Street. Even reporter Leighton Smith, usually as sharp as a round rock, will be pouncing on this literally unbelievable claim. In fact, no matter how such a move might be disguised, it would surely be illegal or if not eminently challengeable – at vast legal expense of course.

    But with this muddled mayor, running on panic and publicity pics for her shaky re-election campaign isn’t thick enough to try to run against the old dictum ‘You don’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer’.

    But if it turns out to be true, make your own estimate on how much Coles, Woollies, Bunnings, Harvey Norman and the rest will spend on lawyering up hauling the council into court. Cut 50% in the CBD and cover the shortfall with a 40% rise for regional (presumably that means suburban) shopping centres – can’t see it happening.

    There is of course the possibility Mr Mraz is an too-enthusiastic bullshitter … but with this mayor, you never can tell.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      WTF? Magpie said;
      “Cut CBD rates by 50% and whack 40% on suburban shopping centres to compensate? How can that be right?”. I couldn’t agree more, something is really ‘off the boil’ here. If this is in fact true, then there should be a lot of pissed off tenants. This is insanity and an outrage.

    • Rocky says:

      I think bullshiter it might be.
      They took it to market some years back just after the Rising Sun Hotel sold in the 20 million plus bracket…..and said based on this the Newie was worth 5 or 6 million!!!

      One was a top 20 hotel in the state for gaming holding 45 gaming machines ……the other had zero!!

      Love the place….first job in the industry straight from school under Jim and Margaret Anstey….legendary publicans

    • Busted says:

      Watch this space. Tonight it looks like another water pipe burst on flinders street. Just so happens it’s at the new market hotel. Any coincidence that it’s just up for sale and Jenny is helping out a mate for insurance?

  17. Doug K says:

    Went to Ross Wilson’s Eagle Rock 50th anniversary concert in the Spiegeltent in Strand Park last night – absolute magic for 70-somethings who still remember the good old days of Daddy Cool.
    Wilson turned back the clock with a performance that earned two encores, but there were some serious questions raised about the North Australian Festival of Arts.
    The staging area in Strand Park must have cost ratepayers a small fortune, but I counted only 22 people in the eating/drinking area before the show started at 7pm.
    Then there was sight of dozens of empty seats at the Eagle Rock concert.
    I booked early for 8 people and went back late last week to see if I could buy a few more but the NAFA website indicated none were available, urging me to try another event. Something very wrong there.
    Jenny Hill won’t tell us just how much the two-week festival is costing ratepayers but given they are starting to hand out free tickets to all but a few events, the cost per attendee must be staggering.
    The highlight of the Ross Wilson show (apart from Eagle Rock) was the rocker’s acknowledgement of the NAFA sponsors.
    Remarking that it was the first time he had played at a festival of arts, Wilson said “thanks to the Townsville Mayor, whoever it is” .
    That drew a round of laughter from the crowd, but there was more to come.
    His acknowledgement of State Government support drew a hearty round of boos.
    Our three State Government drones should be nervous – very nervous.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Pie would settle for our three State Government drones being conscious.

    • The Wulguru Wonder says:

      I too tried to purchase tickets through the NAFA website but was told that there were none available. Disappointing if there were dozens of empty seats as you say.

      • The Magpie says:

        There are unverified reports that they’re giving the bloody things away, which is a bit self-defeating … recipients don’t feel the compelling financial reason to use them.

        This lack of transparency and hiding behind Commercial In Confidence provisions about the rates imbalance in favour of the CBD invites us to now consider CIC actually stands for something different … the last two words are ‘C…. In Council’.

  18. Palm Sunday says:

    ProudMan, you wrote: “ Instead, a more inclusive approach that focuses on empowering Indigenous communities and ensuring their voices are heard within existing structures should be explored.”

    Isn’t the Voice more or less exactly the ‘approach’ you are suggesting to be explored?

    • The Magpie says:

      The noisy babbling and fractured shit show the Voice will become if ratified – even before any ‘advice’ is provided to cabinet – will yet again drown out the poor bastards who need assistance … and they ain’t the urban elite running this con. But hey Palm, have to agree that The Voice would instantly fix things like the systemic corruption and embezzlement of the local TAHIS, eh?

      And they;’ll be right on top the Queensland Government to pull their finger out on this one, too, eh?

      • NQ Gal says:

        The lack of funding for the Patient Transition centre is a disgrace. Surely in the $25.8 BILLION health budget for 23/24, they can spare $1.5 million for this worthwhile cause.

        • The Magpie says:

          Depends if Palaszczuk is will to scrap gold knobs on the toilet doors in the Olympic village.

          • Critical says:

            Don’t worry, Dushy Thangiah has her own subtle and devious politics to play with indigenous issues in Townsville. Which organisation gave Rosslea and Mundingburra residents headaches from the 40 unit complex on Bowen Rd and also has quietly purchased land in subdivisions for Indigenous housing out Kirwan way. Quiet rumour is that she is also involved in the large public housing units being built next to IGA Mundingburra.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            The Upper Ross was fucked over by the State Government in the mid 1980s with whole precincts of (anti) social housing being constructed with owner occupiers knowing nothing of their village like community being destroyed by the insertion of individuals who, in many cases did not have the knowledge, skills, or attitude to live harmoniously and productivity in suburbia.

            Sorry ‘Pie, long sentence.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes. (Short sentence).

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        I highlighted this vacant taxpayer funded facility, with photo from Riverway Drive, a couple of weeks ago. But, hey, we should not be surprised. Just look at the progress at the bloody vast block of land, marked on the map as, Aboriginal Reserve, in Cranbrook. Vacant/abandoned since 1974 at least, possibly longer. (I arrived here in 1974.)

    • Proud Queensland Man says:

      I argue that the the Voice to Parliament does not need to be included in the Constitution, it could just as easily be legislated if it was deemed to be the only way that Australia can achieve inclusivity and empowerment for Indigenous communities. I don’t think it is. To put this to a referendum risks the whole thing falling over with a No vote.

      The existing elected indigenous politicians in all Australian Governments should be the drivers for strategies that can effectively address the needs and aspirations of Indigenous peoples within existing structures, while ensuring their voices are heard and respected.

  19. Prince Rollmop says:

    TAIHS are in a world of hurt as they have been poorly managed for some time. TBH, a complete clusterfuck is a better description. Of interest, they have advertise for a new CEO on SEEK this morning. Tick tock

    • The Magpie says:

      They’ve been looking … or so they say … for a while. Maybe the article forced their hand. This is the same and many of the same players that got rumbled a decade ago, and won then Bulletin reporter Kath Skene a Walkley.

  20. Doug K says:

    I can assure WW there were dozens of empty seats at the Eagle Rock blast from the past. After the show started some of the outside workers wandered in, presumably without tickets, but there were still heaps of spare seats. A mate who went down to Strand Park on the first night of the festival told me they were handing out tickets to a comedy show to anyone who wanted them.
    It’s what you get when you put a couple of amateur councillors in charge of an event funded by ratepayers and taxpayers, and have a mayor who loves spending other people’s money.

  21. old tradesman says:

    The Astonisher has a new editor, Cas Garvey.

    • The Magpie says:


      No big city experience, and perhaps no big city dreams, which The Magpie believes may be a distinct advantage, as well as previous experience at the Bulletin, so she knows the territory. One just hopes she didn’t learn bad habits and attitudes here previously. Rather than bemoaning that we don’t rate some rising star as editor anymore, as was the previous pattern, The ‘Pie believes Ms Garvey could be exactly what this abysmal paper needs to bring back some semblance of credibility and honesty to the Bulletin. Her first task will be to NOT get steamrollered by Jenny Hill and her minions, and to do this she may have to stand up to the advertising department, who now is clearly in charge of key editorial decision. The advertising manager is on bum-patting girly terms with the mayor. The ‘Pie doubt Ms Garvey will have the smarts or clout to do that, but let’s hold fire and give her a go, hope springs eternal in the human breast.

      • Not Prince Rollmop says:

        (Not from Prince Rollmop.)
        There isn’t much room left under the Mayors desk for Cas. The Councillors and Jimmy Olsen have all that space covered. Hopefully Cas does a better job than the softcock Craig Sherbert. Time will tell.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          I am honoured by how people try to copy my user name and then make comments as me. But ‘not Prince Rollmop’ is correct – there isn’t much room left under Jenny’s desk for any additional lapdogs. Especially now that she has the letters AM after her name. Elusive Butterfly is Jenny’s personal captain of the cheer squad and has strict protocols in place as to who is allowed under the Mayors desk.

  22. Mangrove Jack says:

    I was surprised when I heard about this event today that is part of NAFA.

    Youth Pride Walk & Community Pride Picnic – Join Townsville Youth Council for the annual Youth Pride Walk on 2 July 2023.

    Celebrate LGBTQIA+ social and self-acceptance, achievements, legal rights and pride!
    Meet at 2pm at The Strand Rockpool Headland (look for the Townsville Youth Council gazebo).
    Walking route from The Strand Rockpool Headland towards the NAFA Festival Hub at Strand Park concluding at 4pm.
    Be outrageous. Wear your brightest. Make it a vibe. Celebrate pride!
    The Community Pride Picnic will follow on from the Youth Pride Walk from 4pm in the NAFA Festival Hub at Strand Park.

    There will be live music, a wellbeing space, market stalls, roaming queens and prizes for best dressed pet!

    Everyone is invited! Registrations for both the Walk and Picnic are essential.

    Liam Mooney is the TCC representative on the Townsville Youth Council, a group of youth between 12 and 25 years of age. I hope the roaming queens have their valid blue cards.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Pity Pride Month finishes on Friday 30th, so they missed the boat there.

      There are a lot of gay people who wouldn’t go to an event like this if you paid them. They are quite happy living their lives and don’t need to be waiving around rainbow flags and dressing up their french bulldog to prove anything.

      • March Hare says:

        If people hadn’t been marching and waving flags, they wouldn’t be allowed to live their lives quietly minding their own business.

  23. Grumpy says:

    Dave – many years ago I was having a beer with a Queensland detective who, at the time, was getting dishonourable mentions in the Fitzgerald Enquiry. He was quite adamant that it was totally unfair as “he never dropped a brick on an innocent man – if he wasn’t guilty of that charge, he was guilty of something else”

  24. The Magpie says:

    The Nest tries to stick with local and state matters as much as possible in comments, but The Magpie feels impelled to throw out this thought.

    Why was/is there such glee at the possibility of Putin being overthrown by Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner group (as unlikely as it seems, the threat to do so was real and credible)?

    Why would the world encourage the installation of an unelected, war-mongering psychopath who among his strengths is military brilliance and ruthlessness, up to and including the unbridled use of nuclear weapons? The ‘no boundaries’ savagery of Wagner’s MO is a ten times bigger danger than Putin’s bumbling ineptitude.

    Unless Yevgeny Prigozhin is bumped off as appears to be the plan of this fake amnesty – and highly likely in Putin’s pal’s Belarus – Prigozhin, not Putin, will be the figure keeping western leaders awake at night under the 160-thread Egyptian cotton sheets, waiting for something to go kaboom in the wee small hours.

    Better the devil and all that, eh? Let Putin destroy himself in other ways. This has weakened him to a point where the Russian populace might change their attitude of ‘let do what he likes so long as it doesn’t affect us’.

    • The Magpie says:

      As they should.

      The Magpie always declines to publish derogatory and defamatory comments of personal individuals who are not in the public eye, who are not publicly accountable for their actions, or are just simply vile abuse of unsupported claims of criminality. And even then, the personal assertions that have not been published about public figures regularly filtered out. Believe it that The Nest get about a dozen a week in this category.

  25. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Hey Prince Rollmop…were you born with that lack of humour and originality, or, is it something you have to work at?
    I know you think David “I’m still waiting for that first original thought” Crisafulli, is QLD’s Messiah in waiting, but, really, do you have to emulate him?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Now now Elected Butterflog, you just couldn’t help bringing the Kid into the conversation could you? I hope you feel better now. But seeing that you raised it, Mr Crisafulli is doing a lot of work as opposition leader, it’s just that not much of it is seen because the media likes to focus on the elected representatives who are in power. From a state level that’s your femme fatale Labor fiends of Nanna Anna, Double Grace and the Minister for bad teeth, D’Ath. Labour is on the nose and won’t be around after the next election.

  26. Cantankerous but happy says:

    The 2 new clarifiers at the Douglas water treatment plant are up and running according to all the spin from Walker St, so why then with the dam at well over 80% capacity is Townsville still on water restrictions.

  27. Jatzcrackers says:

    So, I wonder whose backside is going to be dealt a hefty kick following the demise of the ill fated submersible Titan. Surely there was some authority who would have rubber stamped the vessel to let it take paying customers on a ‘tour’ in the name of science exploration. A few questions no doubt being asked particularly given we now have plenty of commentary around the clear lack of safety with sub.

    Interesting irony with Titan and Titanic. Both vessels had major design faults eg Titan with materials used, and Titanic with bulk heads not coming up to under main deck etc plus flat out pace in iceberg waters on a calm windless night. Both vessels driven under punishing parameters to gain an ill thought out record.

    Multi millionaires on both vessels lost.

    Regardless of the financial status of the those on board Titan, the pending inquiry will probably have top legal people shoot holes in the signed waivers by passengers. White Star Line only paid out a reported 120,000 Pounds for the loss of life of 1500+ souls with Titanic back in 1912

    Somehow I don’t think the Titan group will get off so lightly nor the authorities who gave it the green light to it.

    • The Magpie says:

      Doug Tarca never had this sort of problem.

      (One for older Townsvilleans with good memories.)

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        I never met Doug however remember his yellow submarine (bet it didn’t dive to 3000+ metres) which if I recall was stored in a paddock near the South Townsville railway lines.

        Did any Nesters get to visit the Floating Hotel at John Brewer Reef ?

        Mr Tarca sounds like a bloke who just put his head down, went to work and created something where he saw a commercial viability for Townsville and its fringing reefs

        • The Magpie says:

          Back in the early 1990s, The Magpie interviewed Doug over the period of a day for an article in the no defunct Bulletin Magazine (the historic Sydney based national ,mag not the local rag), and it was clear he was long on vision and incentive enthusiasm but very short on practicalities of both business and investment. Delightful bloke though, and the hardest part of that day was the drive in from JCU to the city … no kidding, Doug chained smoked all the way, must of accounted for a dozen fags. No wonder that he departed us as he did.

          • IL PAPA DUCE says:

            I believe ‘fags’ is a no-go word these days, Pie?

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed, by the magic of the word police, ‘fags’ suddenly and inexplicably just went ‘poof’ and was no more.

      • Eleanor Rigby says:

        We all live in a ……

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Magpie, Doug Tarca in fact had exactly the same problem that the Titan submersible promoters had (as outlined by commenter): “ Surely there was some authority who would have rubber stamped the vessel to let it take paying customers on a ‘tour’ . . .”

        The Fantasy Island floating doughnut was made from joined sections of a polystyrene composite cement – rather flimsy fragile stuff. Whilst being fabricated on the tidal flats at the mouth of the Ross River the thing touched the bottom in a particularly low tide and was distorted and damaged. No local professional would certify it and so it could not be insured (public liability etc) – pretty much like the Titan. A ‘survey’ was eventually secured but as the thing was being towed slowly to the reef the pumps had to be started and the whole show sank to the bottom hours after arrival. It then broke up and spread far and wide although some portions of the structure were salvaged – at great expense to a duped insurer (state government probably). Dodgy as all hell.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Crackers – there was no government approval for the submersible from either Canada or the US. The company’s ethos seemed to be “we operate in international waters and the rules don’t apply to us”.

  28. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Early test for the credibility of the new Townsville Bulletin editor – allowing Fran O’Callaghan, the only current opponent for Jenny Hill at next year’s mayoral election, a right of reply or a response to the council budget.
    I agree with the Magpie, the advertising manager calls all the shots at what has become a poor excuse for a newspaper.
    Clench those buttocks ratepayers, we’re about to pay for Hill’s waste, like the $6 million boardwalk from nowhere to nowhere, the $4.2 million tin sheds on Castle Hill, the Landsdown mirage, etc, etc, etc, etc.
    We’re about to cop a rough leafed pineapple.

  29. Doug K says:

    While a journalist at the Townsville Bulletin in the old days, when it was a real newspaper, I interviewed Doug Tarca many times.
    I even covered, for a News Corporation annual national magazine, the launch of his futuristic plan to build a floating hotel at John Brewer Reef. I still have a copy of that mag containing a photo of Doug T and I in wet suits standing on the top of a bommie on the hotel site, holding a scale model.
    It is the centre spread ( for those who aren’t savvy with newspaper and magazine jargon, the prime place) in a book filled with amazing stories from all around the world.
    I never spent a night at the floating hotel because my dear wife is subject to motion sickness, but I visited and toured through it and it was WAY before its time.
    It failed for one reason, and that was the long distance tourists had to travel, regularly over rough seas, to get there. Once tourists arrived at the hotel the rocking motion continued so there was no respite and there were many awful stories of lost weekends heaving over the balcony.
    Had it been docked off Cairns it would be still operating today, but Doug T was a Townsville bloke so it was never going to be situated anywhere else but near his beloved home town.
    Believe it or not Doug T even had a floating tennis court out there, which was played on by some of my old mates from the days when I could still hit a ball.
    The last mention I saw of the floating hotel was that it was turned into a brothel in an Asian city. Sad, but true.
    Ironically and fortunately, I nowadays live in a apartment that has a perfect view of a city memorial to the visionary Doug Tarca – a coral bommie on a point in front of the Solarus Apartments, appropriately looking out to sea through Ross Creek.
    It warms the heart to see tourists and locals checking it out on an almost daily basis, and once a year a small group, presumably his relatives and close friends, go there to celebrate his life.
    Doug Tarca was a visionary, and I’m proud to say I knew him.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Doug, surprised you didn’t mention DT’s disgraceful Fantasy Island fiasco.

      • winni says:

        Doug had vision and drive unlike a lot of others

        The Fantasy island failed because the interconnections between the units failed because of the drag forces from the towing operation on the way out to John Brewer Reef

        This “fiasco” was not Doug’s mistake!

        • Palm Sunday says:

          I bet you didn’t read that in the TBully. And you haven’t mentioned the matter of the construction fuckup and controversial ‘vessel’ survey which was at the centre of the fiasco. It might have been a great idea but as it was built the thing should never have been allowed near the reef. Bits and pieces of it ended up scattered from Pallarenda to Hinchinbrook Island.

  30. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Gee Doug…that was a long one…but not nearly as long as the bullshit you spouted about starting an online newspaper in Townsville.
    Guess you’re no visionary?

    • The Magpie says:

      Interestingly negative and pointless comment. Have you got skin in this game – whatever this game is?

    • Not Prince Rollmop says:

      At least Doug had a vision and was inspired to try and lift Townsville’s profile. What have you done for the community Butterflog? And prostituting yourself to Labour and handling brown paper bags doesn’t count as being a success or a visionary.

      • The Magpie says:

        Putting aside this outburst of pot-shotting, as the Bulletin’s circulation, credibility, advertising and low rent social media approach to journalism makes it more irrelevant by the day, a locally owned, professional online paper is becoming more and more a feasible. The ‘Pie has long had a suitable business plan for such a venture, if local people were willing to invest in such a moderately profitable venture.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        A word to the wise MopRoll…it’s the Labor Party not Labour…
        Good to see you’re on the ball..

        • Grumpy says:

          That’s it, EB – point out the spelling mistake that invalidates everything else in the message. Pious prick.

        • The Magpie says:


          Fake Prince Rollmop, find a unique handle, you’re writing under others names won’t be published any longer.

        • Alahazbin says:

          EB, you are dead right. There is no ‘u’ in Labour.

          • The Magpie says:

            Only as in the party, it remain labour in traditional English. The ‘Pie has often wondered what prompted the party that was more anti-American than the conservatives and were the first (maybe only) political movement to decry the cultural imperialism of the USA would adopt their spelling of the word. No big deal, nowadays, but back then, very much a tut tut.

  31. MickNQ says:

    Sitting in Melbourne travelling back to Townsville. Usually on a QantasLink flight wth a clapped out ex Alliance plane that always has spare seats.Flight got cancelled and I am going through Cairns on a QF flight with a shiny 737. and it is packed. I’d like to thank Jenny Hill and every ex-labor, anti-development, ex-govt/Uni employed mayor and the poxy voters of Townsville for the comfort I enjoy on my usual commute to Melbourne

  32. Doug K says:

    Don’t worry Magpie, I’ve dealt with plenty of people with a chip on their shoulder. Would normally ignore the Wingless Warrior but for the record I had to abort my online newspaper project due to serious cardiac issues.

  33. The Magpie says:

    With The ‘Pie’s main webmail down (Telstra says ‘global issues’, maybe back tomorrow) he is having a bit of fun on Twitter.

  34. Dave of Kelso says:

    This gift for pussy cats is music to my ears. One billion (not my figure, from the CSIRO) vertebrates and invertebrates killed by pet, wandering and feral cats each year. Cannot recall the number of extinctions due cats. It is in the article below.

    Where can I get some of this gell?


  35. Mike Douglas says:

    Council budget page 20 ” Councils operational plan is consistent with the Local Government Principles according to section 4(2) of Local Government Act 2009 ” transparent and effective processes and decision – making in the public interest ” . Mayor Hill on 7 local claiming the cheapest rates increase in Queensland and when you read further details North Ward many other suburbs + 10 % Council using land value increases .

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Mike the budget is all smoke, mirrors and Jimmy (Light-on) Olsen.

      • Rate increase says:

        Everyone be aware that the mullets numbers on lowest rate increases in Queensland only adhere to the general rates in your bill. Townsville is I think the only council left that picks up bins, treats water, sewage and a works department all in house. Most other councils have contractors doing that and when she uses “it’s the lowest in Queensland “ bullshit it is just for general rates not UTILITIES!!! Our general rates are very high but you don’t understand your utilities component is breaking the ceiling in cost to you all. She gets away with the smoke and mirrors because everything is in house and can hide true increases.

  36. Prince Rollmop says:

    Below is a link to an article on the TCC website. There is an additional link to the operational budget embedded in the article. I will be going though the budget in greater detail over the coming days.


    • The Magpie says:

      Well, yes, The ‘Pie imagines anyone wishing to comment on either Fran or the actual budget would’ve read up on it before doing so. So that facilitates the required info. Thanks.

  37. The Magpie says:

    TCC Budget:

    Have your say. Has Fran O’callaghan got it right?
    Whatever your view, keep it sensible and non-abusive to anyone.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      It is hard to critique this as it is not so much a budget as a comment on the Rotten Mullets budget. Fran looks like she is going in the right direction but there needs to be a lot of strategy behind the figures. There are some projects which absolutely need a proper business case and there are some commmunity partnerships which are really important so a blanket approach doesn’t work. I suppose it is also really not up to Fran to propose an alternative just to poke holes in the one on offer.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yes the matter under discussion is the broad one of council priorities, not specifics. In the past, Fran has advocated a cap ($5000 was it?) on community grants for ethnic festivals and the like – instead of a lavish $50,000 – along with a closer overview of things like the current misnamed ‘arts festival’ … funny name for circus acts and old rockers, as delightful as they may be.

  38. The Magpie says:


    It is with great sadness that I learnt of the overnight passing of my friend and former colleague Shari Tagliabue.

    Shari recently retired from her widely read weekly column in the Bulletin when she realised a medical diagnosis would not let her continue on much longer, so she departed with great dignity and a great final column.

    My sincere condolences to her sister Christy, and to her many friends.

    Very sad.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Very sad news about Shari – the only person at the Bulletin who still had the guts to tell it like it was, not what the spin doctors wanted it to be.

    • The Third Reader says:

      Indeed very sad news to learn of Shari’s passing Magpie. There have been very few journos worthy of following while they were writing for the Bulletin/Astonisher, Shari was one.
      Vale Shari

    • Al says:

      RIP Shari

  39. Prince Rollmop says:

    As per previous Council budgets, there is no mention of the exact amount of debt that Council is up to its eyeballs in, and no details are provided regarding how Council will reduce that debt and it’s burden on the Townsville ratepayer.

    And for the fuckwit Elusive Butterflog – LABOR LABOR LABOR.

  40. Critical says:

    In the propaganda releases, Jenny says that pensioners get $800 off their rates and it reads as though Council provides this full $800 discount. What she doesn’t say is that $200 of this amount comes from the Queensland Government.


    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Thanks, I knew nothing of this. Your link takes me to the State Government and their $200. Is there a link to the TCC for the other $600?

    • Achilles says:

      The program is administered by the council.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Heel, you mean that TCC are basically just handing out other peoples money and claiming it as their own project. That sounds legit.

        • The Magpie says:

          Achilles, despite looking twice, cannot find what you’re talking about. Anyway let it go, one got through the net … after all, we don’t know who the fuck you are, do we?

  41. Alahazbin says:

    Here’s an idea for the mullet with regards to TPAC.
    Instead of hiring consultants for $millions just to put her preference for the site of TPAC. Why not have a secured box at the Civic Theatre for patrons to put their preference for TPAC ( stg 2 of the civic)
    Going on the 80/20 theory, I would know what site they would nominate and in the name of transparency & Community consultation.

  42. Dave of Kelso says:

    This Ben Roberts-smith matter has become an undignified can of worms.

    When he came to national prominence as a VC recipient I thought, here is someone who could be a national role model.

    Then the questions started to be asked. The rest is history and while the speculation seems to be sound, criminal findings are yet to be established.

    I recall when this matter started to turn bad, the ‘Pie commented to watch this story and that the outcome is likly to be untidy, or something like that.

    B R-S has agreed to pay costs to pay costs likely in the 10s of millions. Military superannuation won’t cover that, and he has been working in the media for a very short time, realitavily.

    So, I ask the question, “Who is bankrolling Ben Roberts-smith. ”


    • The Magpie says:

      Kerry Stokes.

    • Sergeant Gunny Highway says:

      BRS is being persecuted for doing what happens in every war – people are killed. It’s true, innocents died, but that’s the price and normality of war. The man did what he was instructed to do.

      • The Magpie says:

        What? You are saying he was ‘instructed’ to murder in cold blood unarmed, uninvolved non-combatants?

        An unpleasant buffoon like you is in no way equipped or entitled talk about the ‘normality’ of anything.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        I sincerely hope that you were never a member of the ADF in any capacity. In your comment you were right, but only to a very small point.
        There are laws of arms conflict, rules of engagement and orders for opening fire. Deliberate murder on the battlefield is a crime.
        We, the far distant keyboard warriors, cannot know the truth regarding B R-S VC. but your comments indicate you support murder on the battlefield. Such a course of action can only bring great disgrace to Australia and grief to the family of the unnecessary dead.
        If you ever were a member of the ADF your attitude would not have engendered trust with your peers or the confidence of your superiors.
        But, hey, I understand these comments will have no effect on a closed mind.
        The end!

        • The Magpie says:

          Dave, you forgot to mention that anyone who murders an unarmed civilian while serving in ANY army (cf Russians in Ukraine) is a coward.

          • Russell says:

            Hiroshima, Nagasaki? Horses for courses guys. I agree with Gunner. Comparing BR-S with the Nazis is bullshit.

          • Yes says:

            Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also war crimes. Murdering civilians is always wrong.

  43. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville needs more independent Councillors if not just to ensure The Mayor stays in Council and answers questions on the Budget . Channel 7 local news Mayoral Candidate and Councillor Fran O’Callaghan was brushed by Mayor Hill who preferrred a media opportunity than explain possible 20 % increase in rates 2 yrs for many suburbs as well as Maggie Island and waste in Council events and sponsorships . Does the Editor of the Bulletin really believe Council budget ” money wisely spent for the benefit of Townsville ” a Council with $600 mil in debt ? .

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Mike the fine print basically says that the 40% rise in rates which is due to the carzy land revaluations from the Queensland Government will be capped at 10% per year. So this is only the second 10% rate rise of four. The Rotten Mullet has left it in the mayoral desk draw like a handgrenade in the hope that mayoral hopefulls will stand on a platform of lowering rates then BANG if elected they have to increase 10% because of this crap. If the Rotten Mullet gets back in she just says the Queensland Government sets the valuations and she is just trying to protect us. Bunch of crooks.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Engineer, I found some published numbers from the Council budget online in something called (for some reason) Mirage News, if you copy/paste this headline:

        Major Projects Retain Priority in Townsville Council Budget

        There’s stuff there about Lansdown, Haughton2 pipeline and North Yards housing project. Don’t ask me what it means, just pointing out a source of info.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Thank you for your PR burst Wanker. Spin is still spin and lies no matter how many times you repeat it.

  44. Elusive Butterfly says:


    Another bullshit blurb from TE, Mr. Pie!
    You will note, an answer to your question a couple of months ago about how many hotel/motel etc. rooms in the city.

    “Townsville North Queensland is the largest regional city and proud events capital of Northern Australia, offering spectacular venues, more than 3,700 accommodation rooms, 1,400 retail outlets and a wide range of dining options including three chef -hatted restaurants and locally sourced cuisine. The region proudly boasts exceptional local event services including professional audio visual, exhibition setup, event theming, photography and transportation.”

    3700…a figure that can now be used for future reference to the perpetual, inflated crowd numbers from TCC and TE relating to Townsville events…

    And, apparently we have three good restaurants…yep, a whole three!

  45. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie intends to write an item for this week’s Nest about the indifference and callous damage that can happen when we by necessity engage and trust large organisations.

    But before he of exposing a particular piece of bastardry from Telstra, a question for readers. Does anybody else out there have a Bigpond email acct that has simply disappeared, and cannot be accessed. With no logical or meaningful explanation by Telstra, and with no prior warning? According to unhelpful vague messages about ‘;some people may be experiencing email outages and we’re working to fix the problem’, but The ‘Pie will tell the tale of irresponsibility because it has mightily affected The Nest’s ability to gather information. And retain private files.

    There must surely be more than a few affected by this egregious behaviour by Telstra with personal and sensitive private correspondence.


    • Palm Sunday says:

      Don’t do Bigpond but have experienced the bastardry. If you eventually get through to an actual human and are not satisfied with where they are taking you (or, in your case, the person who speaking for you), ask to make a formal complaint to the ombudsman. That way you never have to wait in a queue to talk to them – Telstra is required by law to call you!

    • Domain says:

      about 15 years ago I bought my own domain, costs me about 20 bucks a year and paid for another company to host my email, around 5 bucks a year. I now have the same email no matter which ISP I choose and I can adjust filters to remove most of the spam

    • Not Prince Rollmop says:

      Magpie note: This post is not by Prince Rollmop, and the name has been suitably amended.

      Yep, it happened to the missus recently. Magpie – Bigpond. All gone. And Shitstra can’t give her a reason why! And I’ve got a mate who uses Gmail and the other day all of his emails and email folders disappeared. It’s as if his account was wiped and reset by someone. He can still access his account but it’s just empty. Fucktards

  46. Critical says:

    For those who are on Instagram, find Phillip Thompson Instagram and listen to the most recent reel. In this reel he states in Parliament that the current Minister for Infrastructure has told him that the $98 million is still there for the concert hall as part of the City Deal funding. He also has a go at Scott Stewart for providing the community with false information that the $98 million has been reneged.

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