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The Magpie

Saturday, July 29th, 2023   |   146 comments

Panic Stations At The Paper: Is The Astonisher About To Lose A Prime Source Of ‘News’?

The Bulletin found itself in an unexpected bind during the week, when a surprise council move on crime caught them off guard … a move that will surely expose the hypocrisy of the paper.

After weeks of silence, Fran O’Callaghan roars back with onto the scene, both barrels blazing as she takes it up to the mayor, councillors and the Bulletin for their political polka of dirty dancing  Snubbed and ignored in council meetings, the fighting division 10 councillor is as mad as hell, and isn’t taking it anymore.

The Voice gets laryngitis, as the polls plunge and indigenous groups start publicly attacking each other.

And we pay our weekly visit to Mayhem America, where Republicans put on their white hoods and declare ‘slavery was beneficial to the black man’. No really, that’s what they’ve saying.

If that lunacy makes you feel violent, how about bashing the daylights out of the donation button at the end of the blog, it needs a right old whacking. It’s been asking for a good old thrashing for a while now. And if this message has raised any concerns for you, forget Beyond Blue or Lifeline, relief can be had by doubling your intended donation, and you’ll suddenly feel good about yourself. (Hey don’t laugh, it works for religion, and Linda Burney hopes it works for her, too).

If The Voice Yes Campaign Needed A Theme Song, They Could Pinch Tim Finn’s A Fraction Too Much Friction.

But perhaps re-work it to read ‘Factions cause too much friction,’ but otherwise, one verse spells it out in precise terms.

There’s a fraction, too much friction
There’s a fraction, too much friction, yeah
Don’t believe in opposing factions
What we need is some positive action
There’s a fraction, too much friction, yeah, oh, yeah

Oh, yeah indeed, because that’s precisely what we have been seeing this past month. The latest example was in today’s Bulletin, a paid fullmpage ad, no doubt vpaid for by the wind farm developer and run in other publications.

Abo wind farm ad Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 10.02.11 am

Possibly a bit small to read, but the guts of this vastly overwritten copy is the foillowing:

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So the Jirrbol people are bickering among themselves, even when there is clear agreement that any sacred sites or whatever will not be desecrated, But apparently, although The ‘Pie hasn’t seen anything, some dissidents have taken to the media to argue their case.  This is the latest example of indigenous culture being unable to accept and abide by a majority decision, and the resulting threat that it poses to a company which has diligently jumped through all the hoops to gain indigenous and government agreement.  It is extraordinary that this airing of dirty tribal laundry has happened voluntarily … it usually takes a journalistic expose to bring these things to light. And just who made the many thousands for the ad will be interesting to know, but that is irrelevant to the main matter in hand.

It seems this instrangience within the tribal group (family, nations, whatever) has been widely noted over the years, but a disturbing example of what might lie ahead was seen under the new WA laws that give indigenous people expanded authority over much of the state.

First, this …

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The ribbon cutting ceremony of a new freeway section near Perth was delayed while there was a squabble about who had the right to take part in the ceremony … but the argument was between two indigenous men from the same tribe. Both claimed the right to represent ‘their country’, through which the freeway runs.The WA Minister and officials stood around for some time while the matter was resolved, the loser remaining in the area  and vocal in his continuing disagreement.

Small beer, maybe, but this story includes in the simplest of terms, cultural extortion. But anyone who is surprised by this hasn’t been paying attention over the past few years.

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And economically, these new WA laws are no laughing matter, as the conclusion of the story from testifies.

“Debbie Dowden, owner of the 200,000-hectare Challa Station in the state’s mid-west Murchison region, said she was “dreading what the cost is going to be for our property”.

“We’ve got half a million acres,” she said.

“We want to build 10 trackyards in the next two or three years, plus rehydration, plus 60 kilometres of fencing — do we have to get a person out for every one of those sites? The cost would be absolutely prohibitive. It’s like they could hold us to ransom, it really is. We’ve got no comeback, no way of saying the Woggle Breath or whatever does not exist here — and nobody can prove it. It sounds like there’s so much room for corruption, it’s just horrifying.”

There is much of aboriginal heritage that should be preserved and be under strict heritage orders, it should be preserved for the overriding reason of adding to all mankind’s knowledge and understanding of his primal roots. But when some latter-day Billy Cokebottle on the make … and there’s plenty of them … starts with that ‘woggle breath spirit’ unprovable clap trap, then calls for dollar amounts to appease his apparently dollar hungry great wiggly spirit, you get a huge whiff of snake oil.

And Albo Needs A New Theme Song: How About Harry Styles ‘I’m Falling’?

Why a double dissolution election would be political madness.

Our PM has managed to get his government is a pickle, with his hubris from a big electoral win refusing to meet new realities. His threat of a double dissolution election over the Greens refusal to back his housing relief bill has a hollow ring to it for anyone who follows the accepted ‘wisdom’ of political game playing – voters DO NOT like being sent to the polls too soon after the previous vote.  But Albo is locked into a pledge that the Voice referendum being held in the next couple of months, which voters put in the same annoying basket as an election. So even if he chanced his arm with a double dissolution, the referendum would have to come first.  And therefore, a DD election would depend entirely on the outcome of the Voice vote, on which he has staked his reputation as a strategic politocian.  So how’s that going for you, Albo? Oh, dear.

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Bentley’s  not too sure how long Albo will be flying high.

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Boast Posts: The Astonisher Faces A Tricky  Reporting Problem

Ya just gotta love this.

At the Wednesday council meeting, Kurt Reheban took a turn on the grandstand,  doing his bit as a councillor to combat crime in Gotham City.

Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 10.29.32 pmUmm, yes, Kurt, quite so.  Now this was a pretty straight up report about a worthwhile initiative which will probably go nowhere,  But one wonders why Clr Rehbein didn’t take the opportunity to chastise the Bulletin if he feels so indignant on the issue … after all, these are exactly to sort of videos the paper revels in. A small sample over the past year.Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 10.40.47 pm Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 10.40.40 pm Screen Shot 2023-07-29 at 10.41.00 pm

This is just another popular policy of lazy journalism –  free content from social media in line with the Bulletin proven policy of glorifying grubs , e.g. Townsville’s Ten Sexiest Crims’ etc. All this without a thought that the paper is playing into the hands of these brain-dead arsesoles who just love that the paper , as Clr Rehbein said,  ‘ultimately glorifies, promotes and sensationalises criminal behaviour’.  Trying to excuse this anti-community behaviour, the Bulletin cannot claim since it’s on social media, posted by said arsesoles themselves, that the public have a right to know about it.  Even this dying paper amplifies and worse, legitimises, dangerous lawbreaking tenfold by on-passing the videos.

So will the paper reform its ideas and fully support the council in this initiative, as no doubt all residents except the perpetrators do.

Well doesn’t look like it, given the way the story ended.

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It is abundantly clear then that the paper has spotted the danger to what they all thought was a good idea to get clicks. The night crawlers at the Bulletin are clearly hoping to depend on a fake survey – bombarded by the hoons themselves, no doubt, if not the regular practice of fake letters – to airlily dismiss any criticism by saying ‘our readers don’t think it will make any difference.  And difference to what? It’s a nonsense question, and the wrong question at that. It doesn’t matter whether it makes a difference’, it is a reflection of the wrong headed anti-community arrogance the Bulletin is increasingly displaying. It is run by children … intellectually and with a teenager’s morality anyway no matter what the staff’s actual age.

And if Clr Rehbein and his fellow councillors backing this move were genuine in their motives, why haven’t they spoken out about the damage and role the paper is playing in encouraging lawless behaviour.  Be good if the top local cops took the editor aside for a quite chat about this.

And Yet Another Question Not Asked

You will note that the end of the story included the fact that Clr Fran O’Callaghan voted against the proposal, but reporter Blait Jackson didn’t even ask her why … a reasonable expctation to ask why when crime is such a hot button issue around here.

So The Magpie emailed Clr Fran and asked the question himself.  She gave this prompt response:

Thanks for your email.
Firstly the Bulletin didn’t ask me about it or why I voted against it prior to printing the story. We are not required to give reasons on these sorts of motions to council if we vote against them,  just like no one from Team Hill gave reasons for voting against my three motions at the same meeting, which were not mentioned at all in the Bulletin.  My view is that it is lip service as usual by Team Hill to get a media opportunity. The motion was for the LGAQ conference in October and I do not go to those annual conferences.  We have had mayoral minutes and letters written by the mayor and a crime consultant employed at ratepayers expense. I have absolutely no faith in this sort of media driven approach by this Council and therefore did not support it.
It’s been a busy re-emergence of the mayoral contender, who has done her usual admirable job of keeping the bastards honest on a number of issues. here’s a catch up on a couple of her more important posts. Starting with her letter to the editor which appeared in this weekend’s Bulletin.
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This is someone who will not give up, and she should get as much support as you can give her, because it is all for you, there is nothing in nit for her except to right what she sees – correctly most of the time – injustices verging on the criminal. . Win, lose or draw, Fran O’Callaghan is to be admired for her fearless tenacity on our behalf.

As If An Orange Buffoon Wasn’t Enough, Now The Yanks Are Now Contending With Little Green Men

There is something unworldly about seeing a place infested by the likes of Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Bobert, George Santos, Kevin McCarthy and the truly creepy turlehead Mitch McConnell talking about the possibility of extraterrestrials visiting earth. There are those who figure they’ve been here for ages, joined the Republican Party and are sitting on the Congressional Hearing into their existence. But that was just one of the distractions in the US in the past week. Then there were a few getting hot and bothered about a sex instruction book for older school kids,  and the bewildering continuing train wreck of Elon Musk’s twitter name change.  Also, that silly Barbie movie. But perhaps the biggest show stopper was the suggestion, picked up and endorsed by endorsed fuckwit Ron DeSantis, that slavery was actually beneficial for slaves by teaching them useful skills. Most were appalled with all this, but the American cartoonists were overjoyed. And now, so are we.

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This is fair allegory of a Townsville Bulletin investigative reporter searching out the Big Expose.

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And then there is the Twitter retort of the week.

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That’s the week that was, plenty to talk about so dive into comments , it’s lively stuf as always. And to show your support for the Nest, you can make a donation to help meet running costs by whacking the big green button below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Another great informative blog Pie . It takes Councillor Rhebein 8 years to move a motion ? . Division 7 Kirwan , Heatley , with all the crime , attempted car jackings, the best you have got in 8 years as a Councillor is a motion to LGAQ conference in October . 8 months out from Council election expect plenty of ratepayers $ and Councils PR resources to promote how much Team Hill Councillors have done and how lucky we are to have them . Development investment report delivered at the Council meeting with backslapping from Deputy Mayor Molachino and continued growth of Townsvilles economy just dont ask the householders around the City whose lifestyles are going backwards . Les and Aaron sharing from Willows shopping centre update on Aldi as if they had anything to do with it . Show them the door in 24 .

    • upagumtreeperson says:

      It is good to see the councellor proposing a motion at the big Councill’s meeting later this year. It is not only the Bulletin that promotes hooning but also Channel seven news. I think that it should be up to the Queensland Government to legislate against the media showing this disturbing material. I have long wondered how this behaviour could be curtailed and I think it is the responsibilty to pass suitable legislation to prevent the media showing this typle of media. Wait untill there is a change of State Government next year to see these changes introduced. Go the LNP.

  2. Doug K says:

    Good to see Fran exposing the dodgy dealings of Team Hill, even if the local media ignore just about everything she says and does.
    I can’t remember another election campaign when the media gave the incumbent mayor so much exposure, and ignored her only opponent.
    Could it be that Team Hill have spent millions of ratepayer funds on unnecessary advertising to curry favour from Townsville’s two main media outlets – the Townsville Bulletin and Channel 7?
    As the Magpie pointed out last week, why was Jenny Hill included in a photo which accompanied a story about the Chamber Music Festival in which her name was never mentioned?
    As for Team Hill transparency, I’m still waiting to hear what happened to the missing $100 million the Federal Government provided for the new performing arts centre, and why the State Government gave the Townsville City Council $50 million for the same project, when the mayor says they didn’t ask for it.
    In days of old when the media put readers before advertisers the council’s concrete wall transparency would have been all over the front page, not ignored for fear of losing advertising revenue.

  3. The Magpie says:

    And hey, here’s something just because it’s Sunday morning. Raise a laugh and lift your spirits with Bette Midler serenading and (hopefully) farewelling the former mobster President as he slowly disintegrates.

  4. Jeff, Condon says:

    Undoubtedly, the Voice is comrade Albonetski’s flagship and if it sinks in the storm of public opinion his govt’s re-election chances are seriously diminished.
    Current polling shows a continued fall in the Yes vote, so desperate measures are needed.
    Calling a double dissolution for early next year gives the Commissar the opportunity to postpone the referendum to another unknown date and then quietly forget all about it.
    He wouldn’t be game to raise the Voice in the campaign, knowing the majority of states are against it. Another positive is that the waste of space money, loopy Lydia Thorpe woud be given the heave-ho.

    • The Magpie says:

      If the Voice goes down, Albo will be all virtuous and claim he was forced to bring the issue to a referendum because he made a campaign promise to do so … like that has ever been binding on ANY political party. BTW, IMAO (a for arrogant) a move of the referendum would be a disastrous political move, and won’t happen.

      But if a double dissolution comes along, The ‘Pie reckons Albo is disguising his real intent … a DD will allow him to scrap the wildly unpopular ScoMo era fat cat tax cuts which he also promised to honour (if that’s the word) and add handy dollars to pefrhaps even match or better the Greens demands on housing.

      Ya just gotta love politics … but enjoy it while you can, there is surely a big reset coming.

    • upagumtreeperson says:

      I’ll second that motion.

  5. Alahazbin says:

    Those polling percentages for the states. Essential seem to be polling a different section of community to the others.

  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    It is such a shame that Fran is the only Council representative that we have who considers the needs of the community above her own. Imagine if the other spineless wimps were as ethical, transparent and community focused as Fran is? Townsville would be on the map!
    As for our local rags, the ‘totally not Astonishing’ and the Bullshittin, well they aren’t local news content, they are merely a printing avenue for advertisers and a mechanism to support team Hill. The crime porn that our local newspapers pedal is a disgrace, and Team Hill are a disgrace.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Crime porn’! Great description.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Unfortunately it’s not just the newspapers. It’s the so called community crime pages enthusiastically sharing of instagram reels and tik toks from juvenile offenders in the interests of “awareness”

      • The Magpie says:

        Agreed, but papers and TV have a wider responsibility to the community, especially as commercial enterprises.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Perhaps. But they don’t get as wide an audience.

          • The Magpie says:

            Who don’t? If your talking about those who post the videos online, you could possibly be right (but how would you know?) but as usual you miss the point. The posters on social media are playing to a basically closed-loop audience of knuckle draggers, not the general public, and they are boast posts that aren’t aimed at making money. The Bulletin readership is diverse and one doubts it has any hoon readers … at least they don’t until they put the video up on the paper’s site. Getting the hoon clicks to help jack up their advertising rates, so the paper is amplifying and legitimising videos of illegal activities.

            Or do you think that’s OK? Nothing would surprise from you, mate.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Oh Jees Magpie. How out of touch are you!

            Facebook Crime awareness groups in Townsville share videos, from the TikTok and Instagram accounts of juvenile criminals. They also share videos, taken by members of the group, the same ones shared on Townsville Bulletin, before Townsville Bulletin miraculously discovers them. These Facebook groups have thousands of followers. One has 32k, one has 42k. There are others, with far more members. But according to you these people aren’t members of the general public so they don’t count. But people follow these pages, and not the Bulletin. The Bulletin is regurgitating things posted on these groups.

  7. Hee Haw says:

    I just saw the trailer for the new James Bond movie where Bond is a transgender agent starting as a man then transitioning to a woman. It’s called Cocktopussy

    • The Magpie says:

      So what? Where’s the relevance of that?

      And what does ‘so now’ imply or infer? An added sin to whatever sin you think Higgins has committed?

      • Suntan Stan says:

        It’s very relevant because she is a rorter, she is ‘fake’, and she is chasing money above anything else. The entire rape story is a farce. She had no testing done after the supposed rape, nothing. The girl got drunk and slept with a grub, end of story. Then she chose to cash in. The rest is fantasy. She likely needs mental help as she seems to be a complete nut job, just like the Magpie and most of the people on your web page.

        • The Magpie says:

          OK let’s just for a minute pretend that that front bar trope of drivel is true (it’s not as far as we know, not one bit of it is proven, except the testing).

          THE ‘PIE ASKS AGAIN, WHAT HAS THAT GOT TO WITH HIGGINS CLAIMING ABORIGINALITY? So you reckon she’s good for it all because she’s indigenous?

          You’ve outed yourself as dim-bulb racist scum. Many may suspect what you have said, but only an entrenched racist sewer rat comes out and states it as fact and makes a link to ethnicity.

          Those who seek mental help are within range of stabilising assistance. You don’t qualify, so don’t bother. And don’t come back here.

          • Sue Ridge says:

            I think the inference here is that the claim to indigenous heritage seems convenient in the context of seeking a job with the employer mentioned. Ms Higgins has lost a lot of credibility in the eyes of many with the way in which she chose to pursue her complaint.

            We are unlikely to know if she had previously asserted indigenous heritage unless some other information comes to light. At the end of the day, I guess it isn’t anyone’s business except her employer. If they take it on face value, so be it. If they seek to investigate and she falsified her claims, that is a matter for her.

            The broader context of the article is relevant I would suggest, as more and more well paid jobs are advertised in the public sector for people claiming indigenous heritage. Again, this in of itself should not be the issue. The reason the Racial Discrimination Act can be excluded is to allow people having suffered some form of disadvantage to compete in the jobs market. Its hard to justify any sort of discrimination if you had no idea you were indigenous until fairly late in life. It just makes a mockery of those that have struggled.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, fair comment, and the report in that context is a legitimate story as you correctly argue, but note The ‘Pie’s reply was purely on the racist link to Ms Higgin’s rape claim … in other words, ‘she’s an abo, wadda ya expect’. Whereas this was not known before, and was and is irrelevant. There is an overwhelming majority of real and false claims of rape made by non-indigenous people (even men sometimes, ask Kevin Spacey) and these alone rest of what facts can be proven by the individual claim. To conflate Mr Higgins’ claim with any her connection to aboriginality is the usual gutter dog-whistling of the Daily Mail … and heard loud and clear by dogs.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Read that article and if seemed more interesting that her mate Emma who was trying to short circuit a public service recruitment process to help out a friend landed herself a nice job with Hawker Britton which is the ALP Dirty Tricks outfit if the internet is accurate. It makes you have to wonder how much of this whole episode was cooked up to crap on the previous government.

        • Jeff, Condon says:

          I always had a problem with the rape allegation. Would she have made the complaint if she hadn’t been spotted starkers in the boss’s office?

          The allegation only came out when there was speculation about Morrison’s popularity over his handling of COVID and bearing in mind her close relationship with her Labor leaning girlfriend along with her boyfriend who imagined himself as a Canberra power broker. We can also muse on the hastily paid Labor Govt compensation on an unproven injury because she falsely claimed she could never work again. Seems more like payment for services rendered.

          Whether we believe the reporting that she “identifies” as aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander depends on how we personally determine her credibility. It sounds bit convenient to me and she clearly demonstrates that she is perfectly willing to collaborate in a corrupt job selection process.

          The last sentence in Sue Ridge’s text, overall, is powerful and the most relevant.

          • The Magpie says:

            All good except for the last bit of illogicality. The only way you can determine a person’s credibility beyond prejudice and opinion is by proof – and here we are talking about the alleged rape.
            And under the cockamamie rules in determining aboriginality, it is not for we non-indigenous folk to believe or not believe, it’s what the particular tribe believes and what ethnic allegiance Ms Higgins claims. It certainly is not up to we non-indigenous folk to determine if she’s aboriginal, so linking the two matters together, any conclusion one reaches is based purely on supposition, suspicion and sometime, just good old racism.

            And ‘sounding convenient’ may be a valid debating point but is not proof of anything.

  8. Regular Reader says:

    I think you will find those community facebook pages are followed by just about everyone in the 30-50 age bracket.
    My daughter tells me the facebook page for her suburb has replaced the newspaper, tv and radio as the main source of local information. For example, if the young crims are operating in certain streets, the people living there post it on facebook to warn others. If there’s a cyclone or flood happening, the same applies. These community facebook pages have been created to fill the void in local news, caused by savage staff cuts right across the media. What puzzles me is that businesses and politicians (including Jenny Hill) still think they are reaching a wide audience by advertising in the Townsville Bulletin, or having their media releases published.
    The reality is that nobody under 40 reads the paper anymore, They get their news online – local via facebook, and state/national/international via various national websites.
    I can see the day coming when newspapers will be totally irrelevant. Even now they are read only by the older generation, who will gradually disappear through natural attrition.

    • The Magpie says:

      A very good analysis, but worth noting that commercial news websites will never be replaced by the partisan, unpoliced and unprofessional local/regional sites. These sites are very useful … indeed valuable … as the new community noticeboards, but in the new electronic jungle, they can be prey to all sorts of mischief. Especially in this litigious age, when extreme laws and damages awards can wipe out a site overnight by vexatious, targeted actions . Professional sites will have a war chest of advice and money to fight such claims, neighbourhood sites will not.

      When the scourge of Murdoch-style model of ‘information’ sites is eventually history … no more Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, London-type red tops, or the Bulletins of the regional world et al … a new infoscape will emerge. The ratbag element will always be there, but clearly and quickly identified as such and gather just those who seek their own wild-eyed fantasies. Selectivity among those seeking reliable straight information and reasonably debatable issues will see everyone choose their own ‘stable’. Indeed, it is already happening. The Magpie won’t suggest he is a typical example – he reads many sites which but for his weekly self-flagellation of The Nest he would not normally bother with – but there will be a refining of individual choices as there used to be with papers. But the entrenched traditional battlefronts will be blurred by the easy access to all opinions and more importantly, versions and emphasis of major events across the whole political, business and social spectrum. We will all develop a more or less accurate skill of identifying biases and accepting them as we digest information. (Australian RW, Guardian LW, Daily Telegraph, sewer, Townsville Bulletin – what’s that?)

      The public will no longer have the excuse of the old cumbersome and slow ways of being informed and forming opinions, there will soon be – perhaps already is – no excuse to not be reliably informed of all sides of a facts-based issue.

      The demise of Murdoch’s venal lust for power and the end of the current Republican model of ‘alternative facts’ and ‘black is white’ gamemplaying can’t come soon enough. But it is coming, hold tight and stayed tuned.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Magpie, when you say “partisan, unpoliced and unprofessional local/regional sites” are you talking about the online Bullsheet site or all Murdock papers generally?

        • The Magpie says:

          No, partisan and unprofessional can apply to most Murdoch outlet – I wouldn’t call the Osz unprofessional, but it’s certainly partisan, doesn’t even try to hide it – but all those are policed by defamation laws and other restrictions such a laws against incitement, whereas local sites are much harder to pin down and often not worth the $450 legal opinion whether to sue or not. Also unpoliced when they actually illegally incite other to break the law, because authority would be swamped with claims which would end in a quagmire of waste and pointlessness … except of course for the lawyers.

          • NQ Gal says:

            One northern beaches resident recently learned the very expensive way, why making false accusations about your neighbour on a facebook page was not a good idea.

          • The Magpie says:

            From what The ‘Pie read about that, the dimwit deserved what she got. And has to give.

  9. Prince Rollmop says:

    Queensland Health chief operating officer David Rosengren has stepped down. A month ago the Director General stepped aside, plus the Minister for bad teeth, Madam D’Ath, was shuffled into a new portfolio. Is Nanna Palasczuk getting a little nervous and trying to paper over all of Queensland healths issues, wanting things buried before the next state election? Incessant ramping, waiting time blowouts to see doctors, regional hospitals throughout Queensland in disarray, and workers morale that has sunk as deep as the Titanic. Tick tock.

  10. Alahazbin says:

    Some of the academics touting the yes vote for the voice should adjust their high brow language if they want to get their opinions across to their indigenous brothers and sisters.
    This from Professor Davies, the Balnaves chair in constitutional law at the University of NSW.
    “We absolutely believe in the fundamental decency of Australians to understand the voice and the exigency of the voice and why this one of our last chances to change”
    EXIGENCY. using words like that, not too many with a low education standard would even know what it means.
    an urgent need or demand.
    “women worked long hours when the exigencies of the family economy demanded it”

    • OED says:

      “ not too many with a low education standard would even know what it means.”

      Translation: Alahazbin didn’t know what it means, but is happy to use his ignorance to flog Indigenous Australians.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Alahazbin, the woman’s name is Davis not Davies. She is an accomplished speaker. Most public speaking events about the Voice will be attended by more than 95% non-Indigenous people because that is the racial distribution in this country. Us Whiteys will decide whether we get the Voice.

  11. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Jenny Hill says the business case for the new performing arts centre won’t be available for another year, but it seems her TEL puppet CEO already knows that:
    1. It’s going to be a dedicated concert hall (in other words, a white elephant built for the Chamber Music Festival and very little else)
    2. It will be built at Jenny Hill’s favourite site – near the Cowboys Stadium
    Here’s the proof (from a TEL CEO’s update sent out via email today:
    ” On Friday, I had the pleasure of participating in the Australian Festival of Chamber Music Industry Discussion Panel which focused on cultural infrastructure and how it can unlock new opportunities for regional Australia. Together with Townsville City Council, we advocated for the Townsville City Deal and Concert Hall which would see a dedicated facility build in our city, extending our events and nightlife precinct.”
    Now we know why Jenny Hill was in that Chamber Music photo last week.
    The rest of the Townsville performing arts community are about to cop a pineapple where it hurts.
    Ok Jimmy Olsen, time to grow a pair and put the heat on the mayor to tell the truth for a change.

    • Critical says:

      I was under the impression that the City Deal funding was given for infrastructure within a very specific geographical area of the Inner City. If my recollection is correct, the Land around the Civic Centre and Dean Park are well and truly outside that geographical area. This would mean that building any infrastructure
      adjacent to the existing Civic Centre would not be able to occur using City Deal funding. If I’m correct, then we have the reason for Jenny’s insistence on building in Dean Park. Can anyone in Council confirm this.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Critical, looking at the 2020 Review of the CityDeal and various other public documents I can’t find anything to suggest that City Deal funding was given for infrastructure within a very specific geographical area of the Inner City. With funded projects already underway at the port, stadium, Lansdown, SDA and elsewhere there does not appear to be any geographical constraint. Also, in one sentence you say Dean Park is in and in the next you imply it is out. ?

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Wanker can’t you and the Crit try to get along. Just look over the office divider and talk about it rather than airing this stuff in public. It is incredible that two ALP drones can’t even get their story straight.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Critical how does the original funding for the Haughton Pipeline under the City Deal fit into your understanding that the Civic Theatre and REID Park are outside scope? You are just making this stuff up as you go along.

  12. Cantankerous but happy says:

    If there was any doubt the Townsville City Council is run by the dumbest group of fuckwits to walk the earth, they approve a childcare centre on the roundabout at Fairfield Central shopping centre. Imagine sending your kids along each day to suck up all the fumes from the traffic, sit in the car park for an eternity waiting to get in and out of the place and according to friends who live nearby, the roundabout is a favourite for stolen cars doing burnouts so will most likely and up with a car crashing into the place as well sometime, great thinking TCC.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Cantankerous, if you think this approval makes TCC the dumbest fuckwits on earth what does it say about the applicants?

  13. Palm Sunday says:

    Magpie, a story in the Guardian today about the use of AI in NewsLtd local news generation possibly explains what’s happening at the TBully. If the chatbot has no local information it’s hardly surprising if there’s nothing to print. Furthermore, there’s a workforce aspect:

    “ If that single journalist can generate seven new subscriptions a week, then their salary is covered,” Miller said.”

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Maybe lightweight Leighton’s newspaper will also introduce AI technology and even better, they might sack him and then use a 3-D printer to make a carbon copy of Leighton? It would save money and let’s be honest, the paper doesn’t really need a stenographer.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Rollmop, I’m interested in how to get more local news into the local paper. Currently it seems to rely a lot on press releases and copy from social media – as if it is simply ‘processed’ by a bot and served up, twaddle in – twaddle out. TCC and the mayor seem to have responded to this arrangement by serving up media material ie content, by the truckload so that the AI bot has plenty to ‘process’ at all times for any situation. All the paper has to do is send around a ‘reporter’, with a camera, and there’s content for whole east coast.
        If political aspirants (eg mayoral candidate Cr Fran) want to have their voice in the paper it would seem like they need to play the same game. If their first attempts are rebuffed or ignored they need to try harder and write better material – not better for the electorate but better for the bot. Otherwise it’s tough titty.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          The media BOT is powered by advertising. $ in = media coverage out. Council knows and exploits this. I see in the paper today that a non-story with the Rotten Mullet saying she needs more staff for events gets bigger space than the tragic news of an older lady getting dragged from her wheelchair and mauled by dogs on Palm Island.

          • The Magpie says:

            Bet a lot of those positions are for volunteers.

          • The Magpie says:

            And while we’re around this bend in the river, why the fuck is this a news story?

            A woman dies in her own home under no suspicious circumstances. Won’t that be the coroner’s job, and the private business of family and friends? So what are the police ‘investigating’? In fact, why are they there at all – a reason for that may have justified the report. Nothing is added to the communities knowledge of concerning events with this childish pap. This is pretty close to an invasion of privacy, including an identifying photo, although the paper had the accidental good grace not to name the street … or the woman (because the police most certainly would not have given that out.)

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, the reporter/photographer was driving back from a. Mayoral shoot, saw a police car at a private address, stuck their beak in for five minutes and had two east coast stories done and dusted before smoko.

  14. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville under attack by crimes and Aaron , Les ,Scott will do anything but their jobs using social media on the Matilda’s win , Aaron recipe tips , State grants . A commentator to the nest in the past week stated it was expensive to set up out of town facilities for recidivist offenders . What about $2.4 bil blow out Maryborough train carriage production , handing over $200 mil to the Wagners then not owning the asset , $2 bil blow out cross river rail and road connections . As part of a mining companies contractual obligations is to demolish 300 mining housing Glenden a few hrs from Mackay . Hand it to the Queensland Government and save the demolition fees and fit it out for youth offenders .

  15. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Mr Critical, I can’t find any mention of site restrictions in relation to the City Deal, in fact projects outside the city limits like Landsdown are included:
    There is also no mention of site restrictions in TCC’s vision of the “Concert Hall” City Deal:
    It’s interesting that TCC describes the proposed project as a ” flexible entertainment facility”.
    Yet the TEL CEO and TCC appear to have told the Australian Festival of Chamber Music Industry Discussion Panel they are getting a “dedicated facility”
    The plot thickens.

    • Skidd Mark says:

      Meanwhile our crime is spiralling out of control, medical facilities are fucked, roads/footpaths/curbs are crumbling, TCC debt is out of control, and our local elected representatives are made up of bully’s, crooks and lazy good for nothing shitheads.
      Welcome to the Ville.

    • Alahazbin says:

      LSR, 7 months to go.

  16. Elusive Butterfly says:

    I bet there’s lots of back slapping at Townsville Enterprise, Mr. Pie!
    Wonder how long it’ll take before they start taking credit for Bonza’s announcement of flights between the Gold Coast and Townsville?
    There is this…


    But no mention of the Gold Coast.

    • The Magpie says:

      Big upside here if Ms Wolff remembers the advice from this blog a few months back. Start RIGHT NOW talking to the NRL clubs about a special deal for their members when their team is coming here. Special offers and deals and a cut price airfare for those who want a winter break from the chill southern climes and are able to stay and explore for 7 days here … fly in and fly out midday Fridays, perhaps. Bulk buy 100 seats (or whatever they reckon the market will take) and keep the airfare component way down. Could be marketed under a slogan ‘Stay a week and take a peek.’

    • Hee Haw says:

      Whitsunday council have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to Bonza for flights into Proserpine even before the announcement of the Gold Coast flight also coming here. I wonder if TCC have been in the money box too to pay Bonza?

  17. William Tel says:

    I noted this on the TEL website today – 12 out of 14 of TEL’s staff are female. Isn’t that a bit biased towards women? Then you have 10 Board members. 10!!! For fucks sake, absolute overkill and a cash cow for mates and mates of mates. Not to forget that they palm half of their work out to third party consultants. What do these dudley do-nothings actually do? Apart from absorb ratepayer money, travel overseas and put their stamp on others work, not fucking much!

    • The Magpie says:

      What do the Dudley Do Nothings do … a question for the ages.

      • Sue Ridge says:

        From my discussions with business owners that USED to try to do business in Townsville, they need 10 board members because their entire job was to take complaints from people that got fucked over by The Beloved Leader of Jennistan. They had to try to convince the rest of Team Hill to talk Jen il Sung around to anything that wasn’t her idea. She has such a bitter hatred of anyone that has been successful, it kept the Board Members of TEL very busy indeed. Not so much now. The business community knows it is easier to do business in every other LGA but here.

    • The Magpie says:

      12 out of 14 … you’d think the gals would want to keep this quiet, given the abysmal performance and fanciful claims this mob makes.

      • Achilles says:

        That’s biased calculus ‘Pie, you have not included the ratio of the LGBQRST particle.

        • Achilles says:

          Error in the original
          That’s biased calculus π, you have not included the ratio of the (√ ) LGBQRST particle.

      • J jones says:

        Like their mates at the bulletin I’m sure they spend a fair amount of time telling each other how good they’re doing

        • William Tel says:

          TEL are a bunch of morons to be honest. They produce fuck all for the amount of money us ratepayers pay them. Just having the twin idiots and control freaks of Gill and Hill on the board dooms TEL. TEL are a bunch of clowns celebrating goals and achievements, work anniversaries and other fluffy crap on a regular basis with cakes and banter, on the ratepayer dime. The place is like a children’s crèche and it has immature women and brainless bimbo’s working within its structure. They love claiming the bragging rights for work that they pay consultants to produce. Again, on the ratepayer dime. Then they hi-five, back slap and reach-around one another with cry’s of jubilation and celebration if one of their heads appear on the nightly news. If TEL was a family pet you would put it to sleep permanently.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Bill, in your overture to TEL you seem to have forgotten that the Morrison government gave so much credit (and $2m) to the organisation for its promotion and advocacy for the Hells Gate dam, then were prepared to put up $5 billion to build the thing. Peanuts I know but credit where it’s due.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, not sure what your point of relevance is.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, TEL sees its role as chasing government money, wherever it can be found, to spend on promoting Townsville in whatever guise it can think of. TEL being not-of-government but more like lobbyists or ‘consultants’, governments can throw money at them to pass on to favoured interests such as consultants for dam builders, developers, miners or tourism interests (sister cities anyone?) and be seen as hands off. As Engineer said about a different scenario, $750,000 pa is “chump change” to create a sinkhole ie. slush fund for reward payments. Disgusting? Of course. In fact par for the course.

          • The Magpie says:

            That a once valuable and good idea has been allowed to devolve in the featherbedding for dim bulb non-achievers is one of the great disgraces of TCC governance – yjery don’t maker the decisions but the councillors all vote to give them $750,000 a year in ratepayer funds. For what fucking return? Not a single job has been created as a result of anything that TEL has done … and the mayor is co-chair, under the chairmanship of a failed airport executive.

  18. Doug K says:

    I like your idea for using Cowboys games to lure fans from the various opposition NRL clubs to Townsville for a game, and encouraging them to stay on for a “peek”.
    I have entertained a few such southern friends/fans recently and they all raved about the game and the stadium, but the highlight for them was Maggie Island.
    One day, eventually, TEL and Jenny Hill will hopefully realise that the island is our biggest and best tourist attraction – clean, green, and popular with all age groups from children to backpackers and on to retirees.
    For goodness sake, it’s not rocket science.

  19. Doug K says:

    Checked the TEL website today and there’s no mention of the meeting with the Chamber Music Festival on the news page.
    It’s a bit strange sending out a newsletter and not including it with the others on the TEL website.
    I suspect the CEO has been sent to the naughty corner by Jenny Hill for letting the cat out of the bag.
    Surely Jimmy Olsen will do a follow-up story on this latest unintentional revelation.
    Here’s a hint mate: Why are taxpayers forking out $2 million for a business case when TEL and TCC have apparently decided what is going to built and where?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Doug $2m for a smokescreen and a photo media story is chump change for Council. It also buys favor with the consulting community.

  20. The Magpie says:

    Storm clouds rolling in around here today, but nothing compared with those for another certain former person. This just in.


  21. The Magpie says:

    Catch-up time for the Bulletin, or did we miss it? Looks like the region has lost 200 mining jobs, with the Mt Carlton gold mine suddenly going into receivership, and it appears the workforce is being stood down.

    The mine is about 150 kms south-west of Townsville.

    The owners, Victorian-based Navarre Mineral has entered voluntary administration, and is now in the hands of a Sydney receivership company. Navarre bought the mine 2021 for around $90million.

    The Magpie understands the jobs will be or already have been lost. A contractor servicing the mine on a regular basis based on the coast was informed that there would be no further work when they travelled to the site this week. The supplier told The ‘Pie that the loss of the mine will affect businesses in Bowen, Mackay and Collinsville, and FIFO workers who are based in Townsville.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Let me guess Magpie, lightweight Leighton has been sitting on this story for a week but couldn’t run it due to being ‘too busy’, busy serenading Mayor Hill and rubbing her tootsies and massaging her back (he can reach her back from his tethered position beneath her desk).

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Gee that Carlton mine has a chequered career including some generous support from government. Their quarterly report from April this year said:
      “Approximately 3,700 metres of drilling was completed at Mt Carlton to further define resources. The Queensland Government also funded a grant to drill test the priority SE IP target at Mt Carlton. Strong drilling results also highlighted the ongoing potential of Mt Carlton deposits.
      Group unaudited cash stood at A$8.2 million. Navarre also secured a A$5 million share placement agreement with Lind Global Fund II, which was funded during the quarter.”

      I wonder if any of the 200 workers who are now (apparently) out of work have or had the slightest clue that things were arse up in the operation? Or were they like Clive Palmer’s employees at Yabulu – seemingly completely ignorant of virtually every aspect of the plant except the job and pay packet immediately in front of their eyes.

    • The Magpie says:

      Will The ‘Pie get his finders fee? 150 jobs at risk is worth a three day delay in reporting? Even the 48 hours for the Bulletin website yesterday was bad enough. Yesterday’s news the day after tomorrow.

      Today’s Bulletin.

      BTW hold off on the Leighton bashing folks, am told he’s on hols (overseas no less!) for three weeks. Dunno when he’s back, but can hardly wait.

      • The Magpie says:

        And again, the Astonisher becomes the Jennistani Times with this.

        It was included a story about the great weekend we are in for, with all sorts of activities that have accidentally converged, headed the annual Cowboys v Broncos blockbuster, the annual running festival and a one-off Talisman Sabre community day, none of which involves the council beyond general support. But that doesn’t deter a hard campaigning Mayor Mullet from justifying an irrelevant pic with her usual anodyne waffle.

        • The Magpie says:

          And while we’re in this territory, anyone one noticed the Bulletin’s emphasis on ‘let’s all get pissed this weekend’? Not ‘let’s have a good time’ or ‘great family friendly weekend of events’, Several photos, including today’s, have glasses of beer to the forefront and gleeful statistics about how much booze is on hand at the stadium (at rip-off prices) and how much will be available to be recycled down the gutters of Via Vomitorium later on. The out-moded Aussie big swinging dick as drinkers syndrome. Childish stuff.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Pie, Even the write up on the AFCM free concert in Queens Gardens was 6 days late. The Astonisher realises that not too many people buy a paper during the week

    • Sue Ridge says:

      Don’t forget the accolades for our high performance, gender balanced team at TEL. G’RL POWER!!! NUMBER ONE! NUMBER ONE! The irony of our city being named as Number one on this list is that the livability of the city has become a pile of number twos!

  22. The Magpie says:

    This should annoy the shit out of the little pricks.



    In the official statement, you’ll note that Messagebank Walker says that this is another measure his government to fight juvenile crime.

    Question without notice, Les: what were the others?

  23. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie usually saves the American cartoon stuff for the weekend’s gallery, but kinda wanted to share this one straight away.

    And this one.

  24. Critical says:

    Lord help us if this bloody Voice gets voted in and Nanna Anna’s proposed Treaty gets voted through before the next election. I wonder what the untouchables will rename Magnetic Island, Ross River and the list goes on.


    • Palm Sunday says:

      Ignorant twit. There’s a big old sign at the entrance to the Nelly Bay harbour naming Maggie Island Yunbenun. The locals seem to have embraced it without a fuss.

      • The Magpie says:

        Quite right, been like that for ages. But don’t think the locals have embraced it … they’ve just ignored it.

        But did you see the results of the referendum asking Australians if they wanted their places renamed to suit 3% of the population?

        No, neither did I.

        • Bullshit says:

          There wasn’t a referendum to rename them from the original Aboriginal names either!

        • Palm Sunday says:

          No referendum required because the Constitution is not involved in place names. ‘Ownership’ can be though. Back in the day when the name Ayers Rock was dumped for Uluṟu one explanation was that the change was put in place to show respect for the Anangu people and, specifically, to acknowledge their ownership of the land. It might be coincidence but several years ago the Wulgurukaba were acknowledged by the state of Queensland as the Traditional Owners of Magnetic Island in settlement of their Native Title claim there. Hence Yunbenun. Likely that Kgari (Fraser Island) has gone the same way. The tourism sector, always wanting to stay onside with government, will not ignore it.

          • The Magpie says:

            As The ‘Pie said before, the upside of this arbitrary imposition without a single question asked of anyone and led by the ABC and Qantas, is bolstering the No vote to embarrassing proportions. The arrogance is towering. And last night, the ABC went one worse in an hilarious decision … when a reporter was waffling about the Women’s World soccer in Wellington, the ABC put up the Maori name for the place. And that is just silly.

            St Petersburg or Leningrad anyone? Stalingrad or Volgograd anyone? That’s exactly the same way our place names are being changed … by fiat. The ‘Pie isn’t necessarily opposed to this clumsy attempt at something that has some merit, it is again, like the Voice, the lack of consultation with those frozen outside the process and with no say … except a referendum.

      • White fella says:

        It’s ignorant fucks like you Sunday Wanker, that are the twits. Supporting the renaming of Australian locations to appease a minority is a joke, and it is something that only the weak minded are pushing. This shit is taking us back to the dark ages. We need to be progressive not regressive.

        • The Magpie says:

          Well, let’s be grateful for small mercies, Paleface … it’s all working towards an even bigger No vote.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            ” . . . that shameful campaign [stolen generation] and the damage it did has been fully addressed . . .”

            Like fuck it has. The current leader of the opposition boycotted the first step (the apology), PM Tony Abbott made himself Envoy to Indigenous Australia and did nothing, PM Turnbull completely dismissed the Voice proposal along with DepPM Joyce before the ink was dry and PM Morrison, well, I’ll say no more.

            Although I suppose that old movie promo ‘love is never having to say sorry’ could be dragged back into the present and would suit some do-nothing people.

      • Mundingbird says:

        The locals have far from embraced it let me tell you.
        Like they embraced all the statues and other garbage they wanted to dump in a Green Zone @Geoffrey Bay.
        There would be 3 families and a couple of Greenie nutcases on The Island that may have embraced it,that is if they have even noticed the sign………….

        • NQ Gal says:

          My champagne socialist friends let me know they are at Yunbenun whenever they visit their $1m house over there.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Mundingbird, follow the money. First they said World Heritage listing was bullshit to appease the UN, then the money rolled in to ‘preserve and present’ and everyone wants a piece of it. Then they said climate change was bullshit to appease communists or the Chinese but then the money started rolling in for mitigation and land-sourced pollution controls and everyone, including TCC wants a piece of the action. Then the QGovernment offered dough for Maggie Island tourism planning and TEL touched ‘em up for $180,000 to spend on consultants and suddenly everyone wants a piece of the action, even if they have to put Yunbenun in brackets on their letterhead. Opposition leader Olympics Crisafulli will be name dropping next. He knows where his bread is buttered. You must have heard of Mundingburra. That must hurt?

          • Mundingbird says:

            I have read your reply 3 times,and I get the same question coming to mind……..
            ‘What the fuck are you on?’
            ps,I live in Mundingburra you Muppet !

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Mundingburra is an Aboriginal place name.

          • The Magpie says:

            WHAT? No way!!!

            I think if you check you’ll find that Shakespeare’s recently discovered trove of lost manuscripts had early versions of his plays which he renamed, ones that were originally The Merchant of Mundingburra, Much ado About Mundingburra, MacMundingburra and his classic Juliet Does Mundingburra.

          • Mundingbird says:


            Wrong,try again.

            Mundingburra is a name that was developed from Mun-dine-bo-ro, which was the local Aboriginal name for an area in the Rising Sun vicinity.

            You don’t see us all chafing at the bit to have it renamed back to that,do you ?

          • The Magpie says:

            Did the Mundine’s come from there?

          • The Magpie says:

            There is an interesting aspect arising from your comment … the spellings and meaning are word of mouth and vary across all 390 tribes, but is an anglo ear that has to decipher what is said because the indigenous people of Australia didn’t have a written language. (Or the wheel, but that’s another matter). There was a fair amount of guesswork going on with transposing the phonetic sounds to English so when we rename a place with an aboriginal name, we are depending on several factors – place, interpretation, and even hearing of the translator.

            The ‘Pie came across an interesting word the other day from a tribe in western NSW … gubbitman … it literally meant ‘government man’ and had fearful connotations for indigenous people, and still does … because it was coined when the cruel and degrading ‘stolen generation’ campaign was underway by government men visiting homes and taking away children ‘for their own good’. The true horror of that monstrous campaign comes home with full gut-wrenching impact in Archie Roach’s
            ‘They took the children away’.


          • The Magpie says:

            That said, that shameful campaign and the damage it did has been fully addressed, although appropriate reparations are still being debated even today (what could ever meet the devastating emotional price that was paid?) and a shame faced nation has has apologised.

            BUT that has nothing to do with the Voice proposal, although the Yes campaign are trying to make it so.

  25. Dave of Kelso says:

    It seems that the Chinese Communist Party has been taking lessons from our very own Mayor Mullet and her ‘team ‘.

    (Come to think about it, the meetings of the TCC and the National People’s Congress are very similar. Free of debate, discussion or dissent, except for Fran, and good on you! )

    Leaked emails reveal that the CCP has been funding the Solomon Star newspaper in exchange for stories (falsehoods) favourable to the CCP and it’s meddling in the Solomon Islands. Does this sound familiar at our local level with our local players?


  26. Grumpy says:

    Is it too early to say “I told you so” regarding Drumgold? Probably. But I might just double down and predict he’ll also see the inside of a cell before the year is out.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t wish to put you offside (any further) Grumps, but The ‘Pie was onto that glory seeker from day one. Let’s call it a tie. However, knowing the ways of the legal fraternity everywhere, it will take a bit of doing to lock him away where the little birdies won’t shit on him.

  27. Doug K says:

    On the subject of the influence of newspapers, if you’ve got time on your hands read this:
    It’s reveals what happens when there’s nobody around to keep the bastards (politicians, including our muddled mayor) honest.
    Sadly it hasn’t taken the closure of the local paper to transfer power to the politicians in Townsville. They buy it with advertising dollars (provided by ratepayers) and leaflets in mailboxes (paid for by the State Government).

  28. Mike Douglas says:

    I know nothing , nothing . Councillor O’Callaghan managed to shirtfront our Mayor at this weeks Council meeting on the $50 mil State offer to fund the Concert Hall and Mayor Hills response ” i didnt ask for it ” . Potty Mouth Margie Ryder , in text to editor response ex Councillor Jacobs on Council waste on grants and $50 mil Concert Hall funding . Councillor Ryders response ” as a Councillor i participated in all of budget discussions and the $50 mil Council funding for the Concert Hall is entirely false ” . Councillor Ryder “in the spirit of transparency all our contact details are available and we welcome any enquiries about decisions and financial matters ” . Heres an enquiry , as you have been involved in all budget discussions Councils 2023/24 budget loss is $3.54 mil so why so many grants when Council will have to finance at cost the ratepayers versus reducing grants and getting a surplus . Show them the door in 24 .

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Well said Mike. The childish manner in which the Mayor refuses to engage with Fran in any conversation longer than a few brief words is pathetic. Hill is a jelly back bully who lacks credibility and any real substance. Bring on 2024 and “Vote Hill out in March, vote Palasczuk out in October”.

  29. Stop the Presses says:

    Not a fan of new editor Cas Garvey’s decision this week to plonk her name and photograph on the Townsville Bulletin’s editorials.

    Editorials should be unsigned and reflect the voice of the newspaper. Even if everyone knows who the editor is.

    If she wants to build a personal profile as an opinion columnist she can give herself a separate column!

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, The Magpie noted that and was going to point out that in putting an image dinkus on the editorial and using the first person pronoun in editorials goes against the traditional perception of what an editorial is … a measured collaborative view the editor gathers from his/her/its staff and community contact.

      What Ms Garvey has done has simply made herself another columnist, carrying no more authority than all the other op ed RWNJs she shares the spread with.

      Wasn’t going to mention it when she first did it, thinking it was an OK one-off to introduce herself, but it’s looking like she intends to make it permanent.

      Advice to Ms Garvey: cease and desist or further damage the Bulletin’s already fatal credibility gap.

  30. Probably Not Prince Rollmop says:

    (Seems this didn’t actually come from our beloved pickled herring, so suitably renamed).

    This is fucking great, a new trend is taking place with countries ditching the Commonwealth Games. You beauty! With spiralling energy costs, cost of living expenses, failing infrastructure and record debt, it seems like Victoria and Canada are making the right moves. All we need now is for Palasczuk to drop the Olympics rort and waste of billions and billions of our money. The Olympics and Commonwealth games are outdated and they are an outrageous waste of precious money. Good riddance.


  31. Achilles says:

    Watching this afternoon’s ABC News Channel, which is devoting a lot of live transmissions from the “corroboree” up in Arnhem Land.

    Other than a mixture of many shades of “black” people; the mob of non indigenous look like they’re all from Nimbin.

  32. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Meant to post this yesterday but a bar full of beer my way. Emma Peters of Masterbuilders fame only lasted less than two months at Wanker Street and is now heading off to Mount Isa Council on a short term contract instead. No info on whether she jumped or was pushed.

  33. Tenacious D says:

    From FB

    Took my boy to the cowboys game tonight. Sat in our seats, then Went to get a drink, came back and there is a family sitting in my seats. So, I politely said excuse me these are our seats. She said, oh no they can’t be as we have season tickets. We showed each other our tickets and were dumbfounded. We both have tickets for the same seats!Then another lady comes along with the same ticket for the seats! So the 3 of us went to the ticket counter, with our tickets to be be told, this happens, just find somewhere else to sit! Has this happened to anyone else???
    Kids and I moved a few rosws back, better view, and there were about 10 vacant seats in a row.

    why was the sold out myth trotted out when it clearly was not? People who really wanted to see the game missed out because of this myth?

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