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The Magpie

Sunday, November 27th, 2022   |   192 comments

Now  It’s Jenny-Come-Lately: Welcome Maybe, But What’s Really Behind Mayor Mullet’s Extraordinary Attack On Her Labor Colleagues?

An attack which included her now probably former BFF Premier Alphabet. But boy, have the likes of Fran O’Callaghan and the dismal performance of the three state stooges got our mayor spooked. The penny has finally dropped that her silence on Townsville’s crime wave cannot be airily dismissed as ‘not council business’. And her response shows the extent of her electoral panic.

The Bulletin’s language clanger … one for the ages – well, this modern-speak age …

A disgraced arch-plagiarist Peter Typo Gleeson makes a surly exit stage left, quitting (read fired) by News.

Clr Fran O’Callaghan PAYS to find out what she … and the ratepayers … should have been told for nothing. The TCC trio of Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest have really shot themselves in the tootsies this time.

Deciding the right thing in the wrong way: TCC’s highly compromised CEO decides on Strand development that either way, will make a mockery of political donation laws …

…and how The Magpie would’ve beaten FIFA at their own game. Plus Bentley on ambassador Albo, and our regular American gallery tries to keep up with the whirlwind of US politics.

Editorial note:

Cometh the hour, cometh the possible fuck-up. Overnight this Tuesday/Wednesday is the time given for the transfer to a new WordPress platform, and even the computer elves have their fingers crossed. Just so you know, if there are some glitches, comments not appearing and so on, it will only be temporary and hopefully brief.. Once the transfer is successfully in place, we will continue with building a new blog format. Your help in that task would be greatly appreciated with a donation. Appropriate button to do so at the end of the blog.

First Though, A Sad Remembrance.

Vale, my good friend, Greg Humphries

Greg Humphries unnamed

Solicitor Greg Humphries

Respected Townsville solicitor Greg Humphries died yesterday, finally succumbing to an aggressive cancer. He was 60.

Greg was a partner in top law fir Connolly Suthers until his recent retirement for medical reasons.

The Nest has lost a long time supporter, commenter (Greg was Polythene Pam, named for the song by his beloved Beatles) and a contributor from this blog’s inception 12 years ago, often winkling out significant or amusing court transcripts that The ‘Pie used for column articles.

Personally, I have lost a very great friend of 30 years, whose generosity and high ethical standards I will never forget. Unbidden and incensed, Greg sprang to the defence of me and my daughter when we were so unethically attacked by a money grubbing southern lawyer and client. Genuinely angered by such a cynical and dishonest action, Greg was the instigator of an action that saw this mob scuttle off, tails between their legs and much lighter in their own wallets.

But first and foremost, Greg was a constant and thoughtful friend over the years. What really stings is his age, just 60, and that he had just started into a retirement which was to be filled with travels with wife  Heather, with friends and much celebration of a life well spent.

Greg and heather Humphries unnamed-1

Greg and Heather in Melbourne to watch his beloved richmond Tigers win the flag in 2017.

My condolences to you, Heather, you have been admirable in these past few difficult months. Also to Greg’s family members in Victoria.

I will miss him.

Vale Greg Humphries.

What’s Really Behind Jenny Hill’s Attack On Palaszczuk And Local Labor MPs Over Crime

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In a story again painting Townsville as the wild west, Hill’s extraordinary attack on her party colleagues has spread far and wide.  By any measure, this really was an unexpected veer in tactics when she suddenly used the week’s council meeting to deliver a broadside … at her party colleagues.

From the Bulletin story, which called the her comments ‘scathing':

“Townsville residents are sick and tired of the platitude that this is just a small number of offenders,” she told this week’s council meeting.

“They are sick and tired of the state government being perceived as being far more concerned with the rights of offenders, not the rights of the victims or the right of the community to feel safe.”.

“I challenge the three state government MPs in Townsville to look at the example of the member for Cairns (Michael Healy) who has actually had the gumption to call out his own government’s failures on youth crime.”

An amazing and seemingly out of character blast. Or was it? It seems to The ‘Pie our mayor had finally come to the point where she has had to choose – a sort of political Sophie’s Choice: her own electoral survival, or solidarity to her party. Not surprisingly, her own self-preservation won out, but it has risked her being left further out in the cold by Labor. But Jenny knew that in 18 months or so, she would be facing an electorate in a towering rage about the unabated kiddy crime wave. She would also have been aware of the sustained News Ltd campaign targetting Palaszczuk and her ministers over a myriad of scandals and failures, most of them real (unusual for News).

So Clr Hill came to the conclusion that canning the party was her only hope of another term and all the perks that go with it, including a super lucrative seat on the board of the LGAQ. Now in her early 60s, Jenny Hill is bitter and disillusioned about being shunned for any shot at higher office, and presumably thinks a cherished Senate spot has gone – if it ever existed.

All a bit bloody late, one would think.

Now she just has to con the electorate that her inaction on speaking about crime in Townsville for the past eight or more years was all the fault of the local MPs. Which it is, but blaming them for she herself keeping quiet? We’ll see if that washes.


Aaron ‘Harpic’ Harper, state MP Thuringowa

And brittle as ever, Harpic didn’t take it well and wasn’t changing his easily disproved on-message drone. But didn’t offer any facts in rebuttal.

Mr Harper hit back at Cr Hill on his Facebook page on Wednesday afternoon and asked for a “redaction”, saying he had been trying harder than anyone to tackle crime in Townsville.

The word is ‘retraction’ ,you swivel head.

Describe to us your ‘hard trying’, Aaron? And if you’ve been unsuccessful with all your ‘hard trying’ don’t you think, seeing the lack of result of your efforts, you ought to resign as an incompetent we all see you to be?

Chinese Takeaway

What do we make of our newish Prime Minister’s foray into personal international diplomacy, and particularly his open-handed  but measured initiative towards China? Murdoch’s mob seem to be all at sea on which line to take, because generally, Albo’s attempts to thaw the frosty and damaging Dutton/Morrison-inspired stand-off have been generally welcomed and applauded.

And as Bentley points out, it’s early days, and there are many issues yet to be broached, despite Albo’s unique approach to the Chinese leadership.

Diplomat fin small

Yet Again, A Bit Of High Dudgeon About High Rise

It’s been an issue that has raised blood pressure ever since The Strand was built … the somewhat flexible height limit on buildings facing the tourist and local leisure strip.

While conservatives fight a rear-guard action against the inevitable encroachment of modern realities, The ‘Pie has forever been amused by the arguments some dunderheads put forward to nix buildings soaring to an unsightly seven – yes, seven –  storeys . Gasp!

The usual objections are trotted out (will building shadows rob the packed beaches and crowded pathways of sun in the afternoons – something The ‘Pie thinks would have definite advantages most of the year hereabouts.?) But coming into the genius category where ‘Daylight Saving will fade your curtains’, is the one that granting economically viable and job creating 7 stories will be the thin end of the wedge in making Townsville ‘a second Gold Coast’.

So this …

Screen Shot 2022-11-22 at 10.30.04 am…will become this.

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The only answer to that is ‘yeah, right’.

But now it turns out this particular project has highlighted the absurdity of the current rules about political donations. Turns out the projector’s proposer was a crowd called S & S Group, who had made donations to Team Hill … in 2016. This has left eight councillor’s forced to declare a conflict of interest, with the result that the fate of the new hotel falls to the Townsville City Council CEO Prins Ralston.


TCC CEO Prins Ralston

Now sure, Mr Ralston, on one of the few days he spends actually in Townsville and not other distant boardrooms, is no doubt a fine honest corporate go-getter, and will consider this matter dispassionately and without fear or favour.

And I’m the Queen of May.

Prins Ralston is as bought as bought can be, lock stock and sweaty barrel. The author of the wrecking ball policy commissioned by the Mayor, Ralston so pleased The Mullet that she pushed him for the lucrative CEO job a few years later. Which, for around $600k per, he manages to squeeze into his packed schedule of boardroom appearances elsewhere.

So we’re going to get a fair and balanced decision from this bloke? No, we’re going to get whatever Jenny decides, because she owns him and he owes her.  Prins seems a bit more circumspect than one predecessor, Adele The impaler Young, who was similarly favourably appointed by Mayor Mullet but later turned on her benefactor and keeper of the Cookie Jar, which she quickly found out to be an unwise decision. So those who hyperventilate about decisions being made by the unelected – worthy but pointless arguments in this instance – can rest easy … you DID elect the person who will make ultimate decision, because even with no conflict of interest,  Jenny Hill also as comprehensively owns the hand-picked councillors whom she has sat on their lucrative arses to do as she says. So either them or Ralston, the outcome would be the same – and that’s whatever Jenny chooses.

Approval of this project is odds-on, which The Magpie doesn’t think is a bad thing. Making the Strand frontage more attractive to tourists and residents is not a matter of if, but when.  And change is needed NOW. The naysayers could be mollified if the council had the guts to make it official …. eight storeys is tops, no exception, no rubbery exceptions. Then everybody would know where they stood, investors and developers would have more certainty, and if they were in the sun of economic progress or in the shade of a tiny elite.

That way, the city may finally start up a tourism powerhouse which may eventually be worth real dollars, and not the make believe smoke that TEL keeps blowing up us.

The Astonisher’s … errr … Ball Tearer Of A Mistake

The Magpie has decided on a new award, The Omar Khayyam Kryptonite Keyboard Chalice and Spoon.The award honours the core truth of the 10th century Persian bard’s great verse:

“The moving finger writes, and having writ,

Moves on; nor all thy piety nor wit,

Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,

Nor all thy tears wash out a word of it.”

And you can bet many an Astonisher journo is awash in piety, wit and tears over some of their frequent howlers. So the inaugural winner of TOKKK trophy is the latest through the Bulletin’s turnstiles, reporter Kiel Egging, who graced the Astonisher’s front page with his tale of woe about an abandoned princess.

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Piling horror upon horror (‘we had to wait 20 minutes on the tarmac before we could get off the plane’), this rather disturbing expose was repeated at least twice more on the page 6 story.

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Just when does inconvenience become ordeal? The most obvious answer is when the Bulletin needs a beat-up story that is totally unbalanced. And to focus in sensationalised terms on a nervous young woman who unfortunately was not emotionally equipped to handle what was no more than an (admittedly) annoying inconvenience … caused by the weather, not the airline.

But, pardon the pedantry Kiel, (look it up, mate, look it up) but the word in this instance is ‘bawling’. Normally it would not matter all that much, and some even say balling is equally right (it isn’t) = except for the fact that in this new smart-arse world of definition-bending, we find this in the Urban  Dikshunary.

balling – Urban Dictionary

balling · 1. To engage in sexual intercourse.

Could’ve been worse … she might have said she was ‘balling’ her head off.

A disclosure: The Magpie wasn’t exempt to a cock-up or two – no journalist is – it once got into the paper when he had a brain fade and called the Crown Prosecutor the ‘Crown Persecutor’. Not that he was necessarily wrong – well, philosophically.

And While We’re on The Subject …

The proof continues that the Bulletin has no respect for language … including the word ‘respect’.

‘Why add the worded ‘respected’ to this headline? As versus what? A disrespected magistrate?

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It’s childish in the extreme, and is repeated in the story. One guesses that somehow, the writer thinks this intensifies the heinous aspect of the crime, that it wouldn’t have been quite so bad had it just been old you or me. Same goes for the phrase ‘in her own home’. Own? Who else’s home can a home be if she was burgled.?? (And The ‘Pie disrespectfully notes the irony that Kathy Wadley, nice woman and all,  is widely regarded as one of the softest touches on kiddy crime and crims generally sitting on the local bench.)

But it seems that it isn’t just journos, but Jenny too who somehow thinks similar qualifiers are emphasis for her good choices, when in fact it raises the question of the alternative. Talking about the piss coloured water appearing again in our taps, Mayor Mullet simpered ‘ (we) are working closely with highly regarded water quality experts to identify algae bloom treatments’.  Same tactic, with the mayor trying to emphasise a weak defence of poor TCC performance by making her experts ‘highly regarded’ … which in fact tends to throw unwarranted suspicions on them. Jenny, sweetie, ‘highly regarded’ tends to be redundant when wedded to the word ‘expert’.  It’s like linking the word  ‘incompetent’ to the words ‘Mayor Jenny Hill’ … totally redundant.

And The Paper Doesn’t Even Have A Short Term Memory Of Its Own Reporting

As reader The (Barely) Civil Engineer writes: The Bulletin is reporting the stink about water as UNPRECEDENTED but only unprecedented since last summer and something that was supposed to be resolved by our new clarifiers which came online recently.

Indeed. This is what happens when you sack sub editors who collectively used to hold the community memory. The turnstile door policy for staff at the Bulletin is responsible, a policy that makes you an old timer before the age of 30 and maybe three years at the paper. They don’t have the wit to do a simple Google search and look at their own archives. The ‘Pie did and it took him all of about three clicks to come up with the lie.

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Had they done so, they could’ve bravely broken with tradition and actually pointed this out to the mayor, perhaps adding that it is now an almost annual story, so why hasn’t she done something more about it. The ‘Pie jests of course.

But Language Is A Constant trap Waiting to Be Sprung.

It’s the thought that counts, but don’t think this is the kind of retirement Bernie is looking forward to.

Bernie retirement Screen Shot 2022-11-26 at 11.29.41 am

As reader Achilles commented: ‘A bit jarring’.

The Magpie Is, As You Can Imagine, Devastated. DEVASTATED, I SAY!!

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Thoughts and prayers, Typo.

Fightin’ Fran O’Callaghan, Giving The Energizer Bunny A Run For Its Money

Anyone now want to tell us that Clr Fran O’Callaghan isn’t fighting for the rights of Townsville ratepayers?

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Perhaps nothing turns on the information, except the fact that it was withheld. Fran – and the ratepayers – should’ve been told without some veil of secrecy pulled down over such seemingly innocuous information they had a right to know (a right as confirmed by the RTI people). The RTI people are correct in declining to name individuals and only companies which attended … for it is only with company entities that the TCC deals.


Through simple spite, fighting to keep such information secret, they have automatically raised the suspicion as to why. Is something going on with some of the invitees that may not be above board, and they were nervous that it might be uncovered? it’s a fair bet nothing is going on beyond the usual legalised thievery,  but in their panicked and bullying attack s on Clr O’Callaghan, they have now cast some doubt in the public mind on otherwise stalwart local companies.

With a nine to one majority on council, why is the mayor and her lickspittles so fragile and obviously insecure about the Division 10 councillor? Got some secrets?

News Flash Just In: Patches Of Sanity Appearing In The United States, But Morons Still At Large

That seem to be the message from this week’s US Gallery. We also note that crypto currency is on the fritz bigtime … the only mystery is why it took so long.

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An One For The Road …

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And surely The Magpie can’t have  been the only one to think of this.

The Magpie
11,050 approved
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Submitted on 2022/11/22 at 8:36 pmJust talking tactics here, not the issue.If the immoral bastards of FIFA threatened captains who wore a particular armband with an on-field yellow card, why didn’t the several teams … including those among the top tier … decide that ALL their players taking the field would wear one? FIFA would’ve had to have had a be rethink, real quick. Or see their tournament wrecked and their organisation beyond repair in its present form if they maintained their bullying stance.


That’s it for the week. Hopefully, the blog will continue on uninterrupted, but if there’s any disruption, do not worry (or cheer, depending ) the old bird will be back asap. Keep sending comments, they will be filed and published when things are proved to be tickety-boo again. And if you’d like to contribute to the rebuild underway, you can just go to the big donate button below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Aitkenvale resident pissed off!!!! says:

    Here’s a story you can follow on. I asked my friend who worked as a garbo but left there what the fuck is going on because my bin collection has been all over the place lately. They told me that the main reason is management failure. Trucks broken down is always the reason they give but most the time it’s lack of staff, either not enough or on leave or sick. It’s funny how they put it when I said about them being typical council workers throwing a sickie, the answer was because they are sick of being treated like shit by management. Everyone hates each other, there’s a lot of backstabbing going on and even cases of threatening behaviour towards drivers that hasn’t been looked at. it’s also funny that they mentioned a name of the solicitor for council in your blog today and he was named as a person investigating these matters but apparently hasn’t done anything about it from what I’m told. Bullying and harassment happen a lot but nothing is done. I’m sick of my bin being uncollected again and again. I was asked to be careful not to identify anyone because there’s a lot of revenge that happens against anyone who speaks out. They are worried about the drivers still there. And it’s only going to get worse because there’s been so many staff turnover in last 12 months that we’re experienced and at least another 6 who are actively leaving. Dosnt say much for the future I said lol. Maybe mayor mullet can get off her arse and put better management in because as a ratepayer this has been happening to my area for at least 6 months now. Anyone else having same issues or is it just me?? Be keen to talk to a driver who is still there.

    • The Magpie says:

      Now you have apprised Mayor Mullet of this hitherto unknown situation, she will undoubtedly put things to rights with all urgency. And will nominate you for Citizen of the Year.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Matthew McCarthy has been in charge of Resource Recovery (waste services) for a long time. You’d think he’d be able to sort this out wouldn’t you…

      • The Magpie says:

        Not sure what you’re saying there, but whatever is wrong might not be his fault. He may be neutered by higher management and budget priorities. (PS don’t know the bloke, and you do sound like you’ve got an axe to grind.)

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          I’m saying he’s been there long enough that he should have been able to sort out the minor staffing issues such as infighting, backstabbing and culture problems in waste. Waste services location is isolated from the rest of council so the toxic culture should be easy to disassociate from. It doesn’t take much effort from immediate management to be respectful to staff and improve a culture.

          • Aitkenvale resident pissed off!!!! says:

            Well my info is it’s the management who is doing the bullying and harassment. They mustn’t have any union members there because you’d think they’d be on strike like railroads in NSW.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Unions were pushed out with Adele and any that were left were unceremoniously stomped on by Stacey.
            Staff realised they couldn’t do anything because they already had the union leaders by the balls. Nowadays you might want to look at who is ex-union and what senior roles they hold within council.

          • The Magpie says:

            Why don’t you tell us? You have a cloak of anonymity, and The Magpie will decide the legals of publishing names.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Bede Harding, former AWU Northern District Secretary, is now Jenny’s COS.
            And prior to this role he was working in TCC HR as a manager.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, how lucky are we to have Mr Harding on board? And how lucky is he, that he was in Jenny Hill’s Labor faction? he’s just what we need to encourage … nay enforce … transparency in council dealings.
            From Linkedin:
            I am a qualified and highly experienced human resource practitioner and manager who has experience working across a diverse range of portfolios. I am experienced in all facets of human resource management, however my key strengths are in industrial relations, performance management, interpretation and application of legislation, negotiation, leadership coaching, mentoring, managing investigations, effectively managing organisational risk and facilitating organisational change management processes. I am experienced in appearing in industrial relations commissions and enjoy working in a high pressured busy environment. I have experience in partnering with senior leadership and executive teams as a trusted advisor as well as leading and developing successful teams. I have worked both within the private sector and within the local government environment. My work experience is supported by a strong academic background, having been awarded a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Southern Queensland.

    • JJ says:

      Simple answer; sack the lot and get a contractor to provide the service. Probably be cheaper ad more efficient.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, not sure that would work … that was a core strategy of the discredited Nous Report authored by the current part-time CEO. And as we know, costs have gone up and in many instances, experienced TCC staff have been hired back at greater costs (payouts and so on). Anyway, there is no reason such services cannot be controlled by any council with a dedicated and fair plan for proper staff and infrastructure (at the expense say of bullshit Hubs In The Scrub).

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        What a brilliant suggestion.
        That approach has worked so well for open space management. Our parks and gardens are looking great.

        • JJ says:

          Contractors seem to pick up bins fairly well in just about every other City in Australia.
          What makes Townsville any different? Are the bins harder to pick up or something like that?
          At least the contractor is required to tender a price and that is passed on to the ratepayer. TCC just decides an annual fee and that’s it. No competitive pricing involved there.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie was surprised to read about the collection problems expressed about Aitkenvale. In 20 years at the one address, there has not been a single instance of the slightest problem. But maybe that’s just a North Ward thing.

  2. wildcolonialboy says:

    Malcolm, many thanks for such kind and thoughtful words about my brother Greg. I have lost a wonderful brother and mate and the world suddenly feels a poorer place with him gone. I have raised a glass or two to his memory since yesterday morning and will no doubt raise many more with his friends and colleagues in the next few weeks.

  3. Alahazbin says:

    Maybe when Prins approves the ‘7’ story development on the Strand, he could put an amendment to the plans of adding an extra level underground for parking. I also see nothing wrong with this development.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, wonder why the planning people didn’t go harder on the parking issue, even 50% more would better in line with requirements. This council just doesn’t seem to be able to come to grips with parking as an issue anywhere. One thing has been assured, the owners of the Coles dominated shopping village on Eyre Street will probably have to incur rgew extra cost of private security to stop all day parking by the new hotel’s staff.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Because the developer is having a bob each way, as a unit development it should be approved, but as a retail/ hospitality development it should be rejected, on the car parking issues and the fact the unit owners are effectively subsiding the parking requirements of the hospitality venue. The cost of an extra level of car parking would have to be absorbed into the cost of each unit, because if the cost was assigned against the retail area it would be so expensive it would never be leased, one of the reasons I am not a fan of these hybrid developments, it s always the unit owners that get fucked over.

        • Bentley says:

          There are already a number of underground car parks in Townsville subject to flooding in extreme weather. Careful what we wish for Alahazbin.

          • The Magpie says:

            With respect, mate, that is hardly an argument against them. The car parks will still be there after the few days a year they might be out of commission, and no lives or property (outside of neglected vehicles) will be lost.

          • old tradesman says:

            Bentley , if Cyclone Jenny is about to cross our coast at Townsville, then the ever accurate Bureau, I mean BOM, will have those cars sent to higher ground.

        • NQ Gal says:

          Cantankerous- not sure where you are getting the impression that it is a unit complex. The submission states “short term accommodation – hotel”. The developers have completed a number of hotel projects in Brisbane and if this place is anywhere near as good as those, It will become a destination to rival The Ville.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            It’s an apartment building, all individually owned by everything I have read, , not a hotel, Ardo next to the casino is a hotel, the whole building owned by one entity, completely different in design requirements and approvals.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, Cankers, where did you get that from?

            The ‘Pie agrees that the term ’boutique hotel’ blurs the exact concept a bit, but nowhere has there been any suggestion to my knowledge that the units would be ‘individually owned’. If the building was to be individual strata titles, then surely that would have to be in the documents lodged with council. I suppose individual investment in a unit in a managed complex would be possible, but permanent residency would be a bit of a cheat. And would make it a different kettle of fish, one supposes, although The ‘Pie fully backs a development like this on the site.

            Looking at the (always totally unreliable) ‘artist’s impression’, the upper floors certainly appear to be units and not rooms, and as the developer says, his aim is to create ‘short term holiday accommodation’ for visitors.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Apologies, I thought the story referred to was about 71 The Strand, not 68-69 which you refer to here, 2 different projects.

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    Our Mayor (well, in title only) is on her way to the pasture. Labor don’t want her in State Government, Federal Government don’t want her, and it’s getting to the stage that those locals who are asleep at the wheel are now waking up to the fact that she has outstayed her welcome as a Councillor by around 10 years. She is toxic and she is damaged goods. Bring on the next Local Government election I say, so we can vote her ass out of office once and for all. And hopefully a new bunch of Councillors will also give the stinky CEO Prince Ralston his marching orders also.

  5. Ratepayer says:

    Bully reporter Tony Raggatt seems to have forgotten that he’s expected to ask questions, especially when it comes to Mayor Mullet.
    A story in Saturday’s paper lauding Jenny Hill’s biggest ever ratepayer funded black hole, Landsdown, is an excellent example of simply publishing council media releases without challenging the content.
    Our mayor boasted that confidence in the Landsdown project has been bolstered by no less than 5 companies “signing on to operate at the precinct”.
    Surely any journo worth his salt would have checked with said companies to clarify whether they had entered into a binding agreement, or merely signed an expression of interest.
    To be fair, Raggatt was probably too busy writing puff pieces about new coffee shops and tattoo parlors to make the warranted phone calls.
    Then there was the glaring omission of the Mayor’s anchor project (the Imperium battery factory,) from her list of the 5 “committed” projects.
    On that subject the Mayor said the Imperium3 project – a “proposed” $3bn battery cell manufacturing plant – had been “moved” to an alternative site to provide extra space for one of the 5 “committed” projects.
    Raggatt must have completely forgotten the stories published in his own paper suggesting the battery factory had been downgraded to a packing facility, with the manufacturing taking place in America, and the batteries then packed up and shipped to Townsville for repacking. (Yeah, right, that makes sense).
    Surely the Mayor’s statement that the battery factory was still in the “proposed” basket, and its site had been given to a different company, screamed out for a question about whether the battery factory was dead in the water. Was it too much to ask for him to contact Imperium for an update.
    And why wasn’t Raggatt’s curiosity raised by the revelation that the yet to be built access road to the precinct is currently referred to a “No Name Lane”. My immediate thought was: Why not Yellow Brick Road?
    But then the penny dropped: what odds the road is eventually named Jenny Hill Drive?
    I asked Sportsbet for a quote and they said $1.01.

    • The Magpie says:

      If the paper, or any local media, let Jenny Hill get away with that grotesque lie about the battery factory project being ‘moved to make way for 5 committed projects’, with not a single question asked, then this town is under unquestionably a dictatorship of Walker Street and its official spokmespiece, the Bulletin aka Pravda.

  6. Doxie says:

    I guess the same people voted for the return of Daniel Andrews and his party yesterday as voted in the last Townsville Local Government election?

    • The Magpie says:

      That may be so, but The ‘Pie will be raising a glass to the result … he knows naught of the intricacies of Victorian politics, but he knows a massive defeat of Rupert’s Evil Empire when he sees one. They pulled every despicable, lying trick in their book of bastardry and, I believe, were so egregious that it helped sway the vote away from their desired outcome.

      That said, The ‘Pie was appalled at Andrews attempt to get Chinese road and belt funding for a local project (which was knocked on the head by the Feds, if memory serves), and will be watching to see where he goes now.None of them are to be trusted.

      • Bentley says:

        Andrews’ flirtation with the Chinese was probably the catalyst for the souring of relations. It had to be stopped, which of course gave China an excuse to throw a tantrum.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Dan Andrews victory shows how useless and out of touch the Victorian libs are. It’s very obvious they never connected with the people and only ever listened to voices and opinions they wanted to hear.
      It’s a valuable lesson for future elections in other states. Qld perhaps.

  7. Mike Douglas says:

    Team Hill, pressure from their divisions and the fact one independent Councillor Fran has been exposing that Council didnt , complete major projects and blew out a $5.5 mil Thuringowa library relocation by $ 3 mil , 60 % increase expense claims Jenny did the usual Labor tactic ” look over there ” Crime is unacceptable ” . July 2021 front page Bully Jenny had the crime answer but like many of her other answers nothing happened . Whilst business and households are cutting back expenses Councillors are voting to increase theirs 9 times inflation which is simply a farce and a reflection how out of touch they are .

  8. GST SHAM says:

    I believe Mayor Hill has realised as soon as her Labor colleagues (state/federal) raise criminal age of responsibility to 14 years of age she is done and dusted. Perhaps trying to be seen to be doing something about crime before this happens !!

  9. Regular reader says:

    The 20-year-old passenger who was reported to have been left in distress after being stranded in Cairns when her Virgin flight was diverted for safety reasons, like a wild storm closing Townsville Airport, is typical of the fragile, entitled attitude of today’s youth.
    Hope Australia doesn’t get dragged into another war – the poor things couldn’t bear having their ticktok/twitter existence interrupted by fighting for their country.
    And imagine the shock and horror if they were told they couldn’t use their mobile phones on the battlefield.

  10. Alahazbin says:

    How can we
    have Black
    Friday and we
    can’t have
    Coon cheese?

  11. Molly 9 says:

    As well as your dear friend passing, Townsville also lost one of the City’s great educators this week. Denise Glasgow was a Deputy Principal at Pimlico High for 50 years. She brought a dedication to role that is rarely seen and created a better educational environment for many, students and staff, in her career. Vale Denise.

  12. as wild as says:

    Who would be paying for these bloody plastic idiotic made in China ( most likely) antlers to try and get into the Guinness Book of Records. The poor bloody ratepayer of course . I wonder also if there will be a list published of the voucher recipients who put the rubbish and recyclables in the correct bin or if it’s all an inside job. I really feel for Fran O’ Callaghan as she seems to be the most honourable councillor and it’s a pity that the others haven’t got the gall to toe their own line instead of the Mullet’s. It is time to put the broom through this bloody council who think it’s o.k. to spend the ratepayers money on dance, art, sponsorship of the car races etc. and spend it on what it’s designed for and that is roads, rubbish and water.

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s all very well and good, and its not the first time that sentiment has appeared here, BUT the fact remains unless some worthy people with business experience are willing to front up on the ballot, and face the possibility that their own business will have to take a back seat, then mayor Mullet’s Muppet Show will continue apace.

      You’re barking at the moon if there isn’t any alternative.

  13. as wild as says:

    The Townsville Bully editor should go to school and learn how to spell so that he can do his job properly and that is to edit the second rate misspelling just about every day.
    The Bully is going down hill at a rapid rate and after 40 years of being a subscriber it’s just about time to cancel this junk paper otherwise known as the Harvey Norman Special.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      A teacher friend of mine made a good comment when she said reading the Bullsheet is just like reading high school English assignments from grade 10 remedial English.

  14. Lab Rat says:

    The Victorian Election showed what the Federal Election showed. The time of the Boomers is almost over. It is the age of the Millenials and the ilk. Murdoch Press and the equally abhorrent Costello Media is irrelevant in our Social Media Savvy youth.
    The Libs answer is to go even further to the right. They have been hijacked by the Pentecostals and QNuts.
    All you mainstream Libs out there, take back your Party. What sort of genius have they got when they preference Greens instead of Labor and give them seats.
    As for preferencing Nazis ahead of Labor, that really says all you need to know.

  15. Achilles says:

    Watching ..and .. “listening” to the ABC Insiders program this morning, the usually articulate commentators seem to have been celebrating the Vic Labor election success to an excess.

    • Bentley says:

      If you can tolerate the synchronised shouting you might try to interpret the Outsiders opposite viewpoint on Sky TV. Nothing quite like making up one’s own mind having heard both sides of an argument.

      • The Magpie says:

        Insiders used to provide interesting insights into the background workings of Canberra and the political machinations and cross-threaded considerations that may been generally missed in the hectic news cycle. It was fascinating stuff. But now, it’s just a parade of mostly self-regarding commentators offering opinions of little substance. And each week is graced with some nitwit only there to provide ‘balance’ … balance never used to be needed, because it was all solid information. Since when did truth and genuine information need balance?

        To any reasonably inquiring and intelligent mind, Outsiders is unwatchable, with shouty ‘look at me’ commentators not even making a pretence of balance or the civilised concessions necessary in civil and believable debate, they just sit there agreeing with each other with histrionics, theatrical sighing and flapping hands and deeply disturbed mental posturing.

        Thanks to social media, we have forgotten that real television is when opposing sides debate – robustly or genteely – each other on the one show. Neither Insiders (it once did) and Outsiders (it never has) get within cooee of this sensible format.

  16. Regular reader says:

    Hey Wild One, read this and weep:
    Ratepayers forked out $2.6 million for the NAFA performers and the report appears to have overlooked the cost of staging, believed to be in the millions, plus security and in-kind council services.
    They received less than $800,000 in ticket sales.
    If a promoter like Chugg operated like this he would go broke overnight.
    The only beneficiaries were local hotels and restaurants, and some of the festival goers who actually had a good time (I went to 5 events and 3 of them were of poor standard and attracted poor crowds. Most nights you could have fired a gun through the Jezzine entertainment hub and not hit a single person).
    Stand corrected if I’m wrong but I understand councilors Mooney and Greaney are the masterminds of NAFA.
    Maybe they could enlighten ratepayers to how much the whiz-bang, glowing NAFA smoke and mirrors report cost us, and why it was even necessary if the festival was such an obvious success.
    While they’re at it can they please also explain when and how it became the responsibility of ratepayers to line the pockets of hoteliers, restaurateurs, and in the case of the V8 Superpests, southern promoters.

    • NQ Gal says:

      RR – the report on the washup from NAFA is a bit of an eye opened. $710k in ticket sales and $2.4M on expenditure.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        If those facts are accurate then it goes to prove what we have suspected about most funded events – the outlay far outweighs the return. Council continually piss away our ratepayer money on events that run at a loss. Everybody should be outraged. This is not good fiscal management and only achieves more debt and a waste of money that could have been put to good use. Just like this stupid ‘sister city’ arrangement and trips to Korea, tens of thousands of dollars spent with absolutely no return on investment.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie has now managed to stay awake and read this document – rage tends to keep you from nodding off – and can say he never seen a greater steaming barrow-load of misleading and uninformative tripe, nor anything as insulting, self-serving and scandalous as this document, serving as it does to excuse this waste of public funds. The bulk of the statistics are pointless and meaningless, a buzzword bonanza to deflect, confuse and obfuscate and loaded questions for public feedback. But even then, they cannot hide the underlying dismal failure and waste of this event. And then there is the appalling back-of-an-envelope calculations of ‘economic benefit, the methodology of which ranks up there with the disgraceful V8 rorting of public funds.

          The ‘Pie is sure the performers are all skilled professionals (well, sort of) and he has no wish push them off their unicycles, hoink their big red nose, or sabotage their tightropes, it is only that for their employment, the Townsville ratepayers have become the unwilling punters and financiers of Mayor Mullet and her councillors’ on-going political campaigning with beads and blankets for the natives.

          Seriously, this really has to stop.

    • The Magpie says:

      Seems to be a problem with that link, RR, … it’s returning a 404 file Not Found message.

  17. NQ Gal says:

    Passing on congratulations to Messagebank, Harpic and Private Cupcake for their contribution (sometimes personal) to Townsville being awarded Shit Town of the Year for the second year running.

  18. Clive Wall says:

    I too will miss Greg, a good bloke and a good solicitor. All the best Heather.

  19. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    I’m in agreement with you about the trend towards the overuse of meaningless qualifiers in newspapers and government/corporate communications.

    I usually find that a reliable measure of the utility of any statement is whether its opposite would be absurd.

    Mayor Mullet is using “highly regarded water quality experts” to sort out the algae issues. Rather than what? Disreputable water quality amateurs?

    Hang on……this is TCC so anything could be possible!

  20. Rocky says:

    730pm Hermit park Woolies…
    15 First Nation kids no older than 12yrs just did a grab and go on everything….including deodorant cans.

    One brave young man who worked there took them on…good on him….ripped shirt and all

    Headed down Ahearn St.


  21. Pat Coleman says:

    ON THE GIRFFIN/ GEON STRAND VOTE .The Minutes of the last council meeting where they declared an interest in relation to the Griffin/Geon Strand development due to the 2016 developer donations isn’t yet on the web site. Remember though that way back at Laim Mooneys first meeting after the 2020 election (Minutes 28/4/2020 1.30 PM) , he and Batokovich declared an interest , it was in relation to Griffin shelf company names ,even though they weren’t on the previous 2012-2016 campaigns (click the Minutes Icon at top ) https://townsville.civicclerk.com.au/web/Player.aspx?id=535&key=-1&mod=-1&mk=-1&nov=0

    You will remember back in on 12/11/2018 they said they took Money from Maidment and declared an interest in relation to extending the Mt Low Sanctum development. They voted to give THEIR CEO the decision to approve and it was done even though planning rejected it on 23 grounds . Thing was , that money was never declared in any return but the minutes have never been amended https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/26106/OC-mins-22.11.16.pdf

    Go here and click for Local gov election returns https://ecqgov.sharepoint.com/sites/publicaccess/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Fpublicaccess%2FDocuments%2FDisclosure%20Returns&p=true&ga=1

    Im alleging that that some of the money from developers from the previous campaigns was still in their bank account/s and they illegally made use of it in 2020 . Immediately upon an announcement by Paul Jacob that he would not be running as a candidate (Bully 22/8/18) with the Jenny Hill Gang …

    … that money in the accounts could not be used in 2020 with new candidates running. Previous to resigning from the gang ,Jacobs got a motion passed to run as a labor ticket but this was rejected by Hill.

    That was a landmine because the law allowed them to give it to labor if they were all members at the time. It was Walker who said they would fund their own campaigns See the CH7 Townsville News Clip 31/1/2020 on facebook https://www.facebook.com/7NEWSTownsville/videos/205782553886797/?t=0

    Below is what s 126(6) and (7) of the Qld Local government Electoral Act there are only 3 ways that left over money can be dealt with and the time limit for prosecutions is 4 years in s127(c) https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2011-027#pt.6-div.5

    127 (6)If an amount remains in the account at the end of the group’s disclosure period for the election, the amount or part of the amount may—
    (a)be kept in the account for the conduct of another election campaign by the group; or
    (b)if each member of the group was a member of a political party during the disclosure period—be paid to the political party; or
    (c)be paid to a charity nominated by the group.
    (7)An amount mentioned in subsection (6) must not be dealt with other than under that subsection.

    • The Magpie says:


    • Pat Coleman says:

      Couple of typos there in the numbering of the sections. But go to the link and see for yourself. Remember, these people in the Hill Gang got form. The Wingate and Focus Pacific money they got caught out on for instance. There was NO COURT CASE in relation to this. Ring the ECQ like I did to confirm that. They have always acted in the supreme confidence that the ECQ and CCC wouldn’t do fuck all. This is why ALL time limits for corruption and electoral offences must be abolished. Because you can have all the laws you want but you gotta wait sometimes for the people running interference to be out of positions of power and influence.

      • The Magpie says:

        FFS, Pat, comments are generally published in the form they are received, and I’m not interested in being told to further spend time on your mistakes or inability to express your point. Your comment was published because it appeared to be well researched and contained useful back-up links. But if you’re going to do that, get it right.

  22. Ratepayer says:

    A couple of explanations for smoke and mirrors terminology in the council’s NAFA report:
    Direct Economic impact = number of people attending multiplied by whatever figure you need to make it look impressive
    Multiplied Economic Impact = Direct Impact enhanced by using the Rabieh Crayon crowd estimation formula (count the heads and multiply by 4)

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, can’t Townsville Enterprise get anything right?
    This is the opening par from its latest Press release.

    “Townsville Enterprise Chairman, Board of Directors, and the CEO together with its members held the 31st Annual General Meeting for the organisation.”

    The General Meeting WILL be held at 3pm this afternoon!!
    I’ve included the link to the release to give you all a good, Tuesday giggle at the quotes from Gill and Brumme-Smith.
    Click on the Annual Report link, and, just in case, have a bucket handy!


    • The Magpie says:

      One idly wonders if they actually believe what they are saying, or is this a readguard action (as in covering their arses). Total tripe. Well spotted.

      • Prickster says:

        TEL continues to destroy value for its members, below is a nice little extract from the annual report

        Operating revenue for the year ended 30 June 2022 $12,938,984 (2021: $11,509,882)
        • Operating surplus/(deficit) for the year ended 30 June 2022 $261,477 (2021: $1,394,308)

        Biggest increase in expenses is a +$2M increase in fees paid to consultants.

        You do need to chuckle that the number one purpose (p5) of TEL that is: Excellence – Accept nothing less than quality in everything we do

        Failed at the first hurdle.

        • The Magpie says:

          That is increase is assuredly the state and federal buckets spend on the far-from-competent or all embracing Hells Gate make-work project.

          But any real complaints about this blatant waste of public funds won’t get anywhere much … they’ll just take a leaf out of the playbook of various levels of government (actually, I wouldn’t put this passed Mayor Mullet and the TCC).

  24. Mike Douglas says:

    Bin issues my suburb , yellow collected on time , green a day later . When Council can blow out $3 mil on a $5.5 mil library relocation good luck $100 mil Lansdowm / NQ Spark . Add $ possible development North Rail yards into Jennys 70,s migrant camps .

    • The Magpie says:

      It’s only 11am Tuesday, but Jenny must be on to her third scotch of the morning.

      With that story, Mayor Mullet’s new chief of staff, former union enforcer Bede Harding has been send out for another bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label Inspiration.

      Good no-adjective analysis by Tony R, and he lets us draw our own conclusion from some facts. Unsurprisingly, QPM’s share price has taken a sudden nosedive, down the 13 cents. (Interesting but irrelevant to note that Magnis shares are sitting at 36 cents this morning.)

      Despite all this, QPM boss Stephen Grocott maintains the schedule that QPM will be in production in Lansdown by mid-2025 … despite stage one being a billion dollar + build, equipment to be tested, no deal or the vital water infrastructure even on the horizon …. AND INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION MONEY FAR FROM A DONE DEAL! All to be achieved in an 18 month construction, connection and testing schedule. Sound’s touch optimistic … wonder if the council will, have its kilometre or so of access road ready in time.

      At least QPM appear to being honest in their progress, unlike a certain other anchor tenant whose conning of mayor and state government has achieved its monetary ends and has disappeared into mist. Townsville ratepayers ought to sue for assault and battery.

      • Prickster says:

        no-adjective analysis by Tony R – except for the headline. Even with the new cost IRR is pretty bloody good.

        • The Magpie says:

          Yeah, not sure how it works with heads these days … time was, reporters NEVER wrote headlines and even to dare suggesting one earned you an earful about you do your job etc etc.

  25. The Magpie says:

    To what bloody questions?

    We all know the answer to the two underlying ones: the children were killed because they were in a stolen car driven by a person barely a teenager with no experience who lost control on a joyride … and why it happened has been known to every single person in Townsville – including the egregious Aaron Harper, who refuses to acknowledge the answer. Which is that juvenile crime is out of control because he remains cowed by party politics while his government has done nothing beyond aggravate the situation because of their dithering, electorally driven attitude of general incompetence.

    The ‘Pie for one will be mightily surprised if there are any surprises out of this costly inquest. We will get the usual duck shoving, cop-blaming, socially mimsy crap we are now so used to.

  26. The Magpie says:

    Just to lighten up the morning. Funny … unless you’re the passenger.

  27. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, I’m going to pay close attention to Parliament this week to make sure that’s not a cardboard cut-out in his chair of our local Member or, the real thing.
    I’m not sure if “Corporal” Phil realises he can ask a question pertaining to his electorate and, not relating to the defence force?
    Although his Facebook page bears no evidence of this!
    All you have to do Phil, is, get on bended knee in front of your leader, “Dunderhead” Dutton, or deputy leader, Sussan Ley, and beg!
    Try and catch “Dunderhead” on a day when he smiles, or Ley, on a day that she doesn’t look like she’s trying to get over a three bottle, red wine hangover!
    And here’s a question you might wanna ask the Prime Minister.

    “What is the Albanese, Labor Government doing to address the indigenous, youth, crime wave affecting hundreds of thousands of Australians across Far North, North, Central and West Queensland and the Northern Territory.?”

    Maybe leave out indigenous, “Corporal”.
    We don’t wanna sound racist, do we?
    Yeah, I know, State Government stuff…but hey, you got nuthin’ to lose!

    • Sam1 says:

      Elusive Butterfly. I guess very soon we will read another comment from you advising the three stooges to question the Qld Labor Govt on what action (positive) they are taking to address the indigenous youth crime wave affecting hundreds of thousands of Australians across Far North, North, Central and West Queensland.

      I don’t know you but I do know Peter Dutton and after reading your usual comments I know who I would refer to as Dunderhead.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        Silly me, suggesting OUR FEDERAL MP raise such a trivial matter in FEDERAL Parliament!
        You don’t get it, do you Sam?
        The “three stooges” are doing fuck-all, hence the suggestion!
        Don’t forget to lock your car and hide your keys if you’re in Townsville!

        • Sam1 says:

          Well “Silly Me”, I do get it. Your comment was just an opportunity to have a sly dig at Phil Thompson. He has been reported several times speaking about the crime wave in Townsville only to be told by the lefty loonies that he should stick to federal matters and not stick his nose into state matters.

          Thompson could raise this matter in Federal Parliament but if you think the Feds would then take it up with those at 1 William St you are in cloud cuckoo land.

          I do reside In Townsville and I certainly do not require any security advice.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:


      Sounds like you are having a psychotic break. Please seek help for your own sake.

  28. The Magpie says:

    For those of us who follow American politics, this is pure satirical gold by the master tongue-poker, Andy Borowitz of the New Yorker.

    After Lake’s attempt to win a majority of the wishbone was soundly defeated, she blasted the contest for being riddled with fraud.

    “When the truth comes out, I am going to be your worst nightmare,” she reportedly told her niece.

    Just prior to her angry departure from the dinner, Lake had angrily rejected a demotion to the children’s table, relatives said.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Kari Lake is one of the new breed of GQP politicians who has learned from the Orange Ejit. Prior to the election, claim that if you lose it was rigged, continue to claim it was stolen and never, ever concede.

        • The Magpie says:

          Very succinct (look it up, mate, look it up) and hope you have that on your desktop … a time and thought saving suitable reply from you to anything and everything readers say on this page. Like:
          The ‘Pie: So Tropical what’s your take on Dialectical Materialism? Joe Biden? The Magpie?
          Tropical: Crap.

          See? All bases covered.

        • Achilles says:

          Deep, profound and meaningless!

  29. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Tropical’s comment goes to the heart of what is wrong with our city. Ignorant fools who have nothing to contribute whatsoever.

  30. Prickster says:

    Albo can bring ISIS families back to Australia, will he have the same resolve to bring home Julian Assange, maybe today was a first step?

  31. The Watcher says:

    Good to see Elusive Butterflog doing its usual folly – having a shot at Phil Thompson. Butterflog, you obsessed moron, get a grip and get a life. We all know that you have a Jenny Hill/Labor shrine in your bedroom, but please seek mental health treatment for your obsession with Phil.

  32. The Magpie says:

    OK The Magpie claims dibs on being the first with the inevitable.

    The National Anti-Corruption Commission was brought into law today, and headline writers have rejoiced. They are going to have a juvenile field day with the likes of ‘NACC-ered!!’, and ‘De-NACC-ered!!’. And all permutations thereof.

    But it’s already started its groan-worthy life in The Guardian.

    But there is an extremely serious flaw in today’s Bill … the totally upside down regulation that it will be the Commission to decide if protecting possible unjust publicity for anyone brought before it, the NACC will judge if a public hearing is justified.

    That is completely arse-about as a starting point. Certainly, with the vicious and skewed media we enjoy today, certain matters involving national security should no doubt be heard behind closed doors, but the starting assumption must surely be that ALL hearings are held openly in the public interest. That way, if the NACC decides otherwise, there is an onus on them to give a broad reason – as it stands, they have no obligation to to say why a hearing is secret, just that it is the norm.

    And remember, the main group of people being investigated are expected to be -ta da – politicians!!

    This is an absolute disaster for the transparency of our national politics and the bureaucracy that serves it. Because the NACC will primarily be investigating not just shiny bums, but the people WE elect to serve us in parliament. The closed hearing regulation offers the temptation if not the opportunity for even greater rorting of the public trust.

    As it stands, with no transparent explanation that can be made, these unelected bureaucrats will decide what is in the ‘public interest’ … which really means they decide what we have a right to know, without reference to any other law or right. Matters touching on national security of course need the shield of closed hearings, but what others matters meet the test?

    It is an unfortunate circumstance of the lowly state of reporting and media management that anyone accused of a yet to be tested accusation will get the glare of the media spotlight (and outright dishonesty and unjust smear from particularly News Ltd hacks). Indeed, our corporatised and management-directed media have brought this on themselves – and us, thanks, guys.

    But for al that, open hearings should be the norm not the exception -THAT’S CALLED DEMOCRACY.

    This bill is starting out on an unacceptable repressive note, and will remain that way until suitable amended.

  33. Tenacious D says:

    Is today’s censure of Scotty the Australian version of the US impeachment? A lot of noise with no discerningly noticeable result?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Tenacious D, technically an impeachment of a ex-President has more teeth and is far more serious. However, the censure of Pastor Morrison, albeit in just words and fluff, is a fairly significant statement in Australian politics as no serving PM or ex PM has been censured before. What it really does do is make Pastor Morrison’s backbench position untenable. The correct thing to do would be for him to resign before Xmas. That said, the egotistical and conceited weasel will most likely need to be dragged from the chamber rather than resign. Just like typo Gleeson there has been no recognition or acceptance of wrongdoing or making a bad call, no apology for actions undertaken, not even a hint that they might take just a nibble of the proverbial shit sandwich, nothing. God help us.

      • The Magpie says:

        Not sure but think only a sitting President can be impeached. And Trump’s two impeachments only got through one chamber, following party lines, so nothing much happened.

      • Winni says:

        What about an apology from the Victorian Premier for his actions?

        Not likely as he is Labour!

        Both Leaders took action on the day when facing extremely bad predictions of multiple deaths.

  34. Regular reader says:

    The Townsville Enterprise AGM this week was the subject of much comment at my local pub., in particular the guest list. Most of the comments can’t be printed, but I can share one from my mate Bert, who reckons TEL should change its name to PIEOPS – Pissing In Each Other’s Pockets Society.
    Ah, out of the mouths of drunks.

    • The Magpie says:

      Pissing Money Up Against The Wall might be even more apt.

      Simply cannot understand why businesses and individuals remain members. Doesn’t say much about their business acumen.

  35. The Magpie says:

    Our Federal MP Phillip Thompson in Federal Parliament on kiddy crime.


    Let’s just see how long it takes for the wailing Greek chorus of Labor apologists to come out of the woodwork.

    • Non Aligned Worker says:

      Well said Phil.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Effluent Butterflog will be pleased.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      As most people acknowledge, Phil has done more for Townsville in an unelected capacity than any elected Labor footstool has done while in power.

      Poor old Elusive Butterflog will seething at the mention of Phil. Don’t worry EB, there is life outside of the Labor Party.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        My God, MopRoll, you are an absolute bore!
        Try reading previous posts on here before you utter more drivel!
        You might also wanna come up with an original thought, instead of continually reacting to others’ posts.
        Plus, you probably should inform Phil Thompson he’s “unelected!”

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Non-elusive Buttplug, I was referring to how much work Phil did while NOT in elected power in Townsville. He certainly did more than the elected members. But you already knew that, it’s just that in your little pathetic world you are too busy critiquing spelling and handing brown paper bags to select Councillors than to acknowledge Phil’s good work.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I am holding my breath as I wait for Aaron (who) Harpic to issue the following statement,

      “Phillip Thompson you cannot, in the Federal Parliament, highlight and call for a fix on Townsville juvenile crime. That is MY RESPONSIBILITY!”

      I am now a pale shade of blue.

  36. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Obviously “Corporal” Phil reads your blog, Mr. Pie, and, takes notice!

    • The Magpie says:

      So obviously Brigadier material.

    • old tradesman says:

      We he certainly pulls rank on your Labor fool, Private Cupcake Stewart.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        Our three Labor locals haven’t been given half a chance but he mob mentality here on this blog. Give them some time and you will see positive things. Or do you really think Crisafulli’s muppets could do better if given the chance?

        • The Magpie says:

          We’ll soon find out.

        • Grumpy says:

          EB – how much more time do they need?

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie is forever surprised at how you and other … who seem quite intelligent otherwise … so readily take the bait. that statement of competency regarding our state reps is clearly a pisstake to see who’ll bite … and you and other by-passed the hook and jumped straight into the boat.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          You are a common shit stirrer, you are mentally ill or you arrived in this town yesterday.

          “Our three Labor locals haven’t been given half a chance” etc so and so forth

          “and you will see positive things”


          Have been here 47 years and the last 15 have been the most violent. Have you had the snots in your back yard? I have.

          I look forward to seeing my local State MP on fire so that I can restrain myself from urinating on him.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Dave you can get a mental health plan from your GP. I believe psychologists deal with anger issues.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Thanks for your concern. Not angry, just really disappointed and frustrated the inaction of those responsible, and my inability to do anything meaningful about it, except keep the doors locked by day and night.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            My advice, don’t write your frustrations down. And if you do, put it on paper and burn it. (This seems to work for some reason) Noone in authority actually gives a flying fuck because their attention is tied up in far more important things like media opportunities.

  37. Butterflog says:

    Hey there Elusive Butterflog, time to retire your EB moniker – you’re taking a hammering you insipid creature! :)

    • The Magpie says:

      There is absolutely no possibility Lehrmann will go down that path. Unless new evidence has been uncovered, none whatsoever. And you can bet your left one that an agreement not to do so will be part of the deal if the second trial is to be dropped.

  38. Achilles says:

    Rape charge against Brittany Higgins’ accused attacker ‘to be DROPPED and his retrial scrapped’!

    I hope there is a thorough investigation regarding all of the improper comments from numerous people and organisation.


    • Achilles says:

      Supplementary: A formal announcement will be delivered Friday morning but questions will not be entertained. Presumably until certain arses have been suitably covered or camouflaged,

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, it’ll be a good thing if not for justice, for the legal processes as they exist – as The ‘Pie has said in the Nest all along.

      But hang on a sec … given the way the media ape each other and scramble after a sensational possible story, no one seems to have canvassed the possibility that Drumgold’s announcement tomorrow could actually be to say that Higgins will not have to be cross-examined in person in the second trial. That’s what the meeting last week behind closed doors (for some reason) was about. Odds are that the dropping of the trial is correct, but note that no media report has said why they believe this to be the case. The closest we get is the statement by the reliable SMH that “This masthead has independently confirmed that Drumgold is expected to announce on Friday morning that the second trial will not proceed”.

      But seems that’s what will happen, and the excuse of Higgins mental health will be used to cover the incompetent show-boating insistence that the first trial go ahead despite the lack of one scintilla of real evidence.

      Dimwit judge Lucy McCallum should be removed from the bench immediately.

      • Achilles says:

        On the matter of justice, if the accusation is to dropped does that mean that the “Albatross” is going to hang around the neck of Bruce Lehrmann for the rest of his life, or is a “not guilty” to be officially recorded?

        • The Magpie says:

          No such conclusion can be reached officially, there is no matter that has been proven or disproven … and Lehrmann certainly has not and cannot be found ‘not guilty’ except by the public perception of the way things turned out. It is entirely up to public assumption as to who did what with which and to whom, as the limerick about the lady of Khartoum tells us. The #metoo clitterati will be foaming about injustice and oppression etc etc etc etc and the front bar boofheads will be rumbling and chortling into their schooners, but the matter will be officially ended at 10am this morning(in 12 minutes Qld time).

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        “Before concluding, during the investigation and trial as a sexual assault complainant, Ms Higgins has faced a level of personal attack that I have not seen in over 20 years of doing this work.”

        Seems like a fair statement. Comments made about her have been appalling.

        • The Magpie says:

          Totally agree, the media has hardly covered itself in glory through this. And on the other side, ignorant urgers like Lisa Wilkinson, eager to virtue signal support, have perhaps left Ms Higgin’s with unrealistic understanding of how the laws in matters like this work.

          A mess start to finish, ending with Crown Prosecutor Drumgold, a glory hound if ever there was one, cowardly dash for the convenient cover of Ms Higgin’s emotional turmoil when he knows, and so do many in the legal fraternity, that he should never have brought this prosecution on the scant evidence available.

          Drumgold managed to leave us with a touch of ambiguous haughty smarm when his statement ended:
          It notes that the decision to prosecute can be understood as a two-stage process.
          “First, does the evidence offer reasonable prospects of conviction?
          “If so, is it in the public interest to proceed with a prosecution?
          “This is a view I still hold today.”

          It is now clear that Drumgold refused to accept the obvious fact that ‘no’ was the answer to both his standard prosecutorial questions.

          Too much grandstanding and side issues were woven into this debacle. And Justice Lucy McCallum should be removed from the bench, her personal judgements are not of the real world or of common sense.

  39. Prince Rollmop says:

    More questionable activities by another dodgy Palasczuk minister, ‘the Minister for bad teeth’ Yvette D’ath. This one has hairs all over it and certainly doesn’t pass the pub test.


  40. Achilles says:

    Just saw Pres Biden welcoming French Pres to the White House, sitting with hands folded across his chest (almost prayer like) and clearly reading from notes on the mobile (read teleprompter) on his lap he droned on never looking up at his guest.

    Ghost past of Pres Ronny Reagan and his Q Cards ramblings.

    • The Magpie says:

      What reputation? We don’t know what happened. This is not a result of not guilty, or even ‘no case to answer’ in the usual sense … the matter has been abandoned (so the prosecutor weasley claims) in consideration of the mental health threat to Ms Higgins. But the outcome does mean that Mr Lehrmann should be assumed to have not committed any crime.

      Not that means much to our current media or the public willing to believe opinions rather than factual reporting.

      • NQ Gal says:

        What now happens with the $350k book deal that Ms Higgins signed? Surely if publishing proceeds it would open up the publisher and the author to defamation as the alleged crime has not been proved?

        • The Magpie says:

          That’s dead in the water … no publisher would dare touch it should it allude to the alleged matter. And Ms Higgin’s would get the money only when the final manuscript was delivered … unless of course, she received an advance to cover her legal costs, an advance that decided her to take part in the prosecution of Lehrmann.

    • Grumpy says:

      Dave. Probably an unpopular view, but it appears to me that the only person to maintain any sort of composed dignity throughout the whole sorry saga is Lehrmann himself. Whilst no doubt that was on strict instructions from his brief, it contrasts sharply with the hysteria from the woke press, self-seeking politicians, inane commentators and other various hangers-on. There is plenty of egg on plenty of faces. Watch ‘em squirm and wriggle.

      • The Magpie says:

        This Twitter exchange was the most enlightening, and puts the hyperventilating Milligan in her place.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Milligan is an excellent reporter. She has won numerous awards. To label her as hyperventilating sounds like you don’t agree with her and are being petty. Are you being petty Magpie?

          • The Magpie says:

            So if I don’t agree with someone, The ‘Pie is being petty? the ‘Pie’s post speaks for itself, he can explain it to you but he can’t understand it for you.

            Re awards: Lisa Wilkinson won one, too. Famously.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I hardly think a logie equals a Golden Quill Award, a Law reporting award, a press council freedom medal, a Walkley, a Davitt, a Melbourne Literature Prize, I’m sure there’s others

          • The Magpie says:

            And somehow this is rabbit-proofing the recipient from being wrong? Didn’t work for Ms. Milligan, did it?

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Grumpy I believe Lehrmann needed to be on his best behaviour as the accused. That’s how it works. Also, if I remember rightly, it came out early on, that he had a history of being a bit on the sleazy side. So the best thing he could do was keep his head down and play nice so people like you with short memories would think he was a nice boy.

          • The Magpie says:

            So what?

            We having trial by media, now the accepted processes have ended? And this pretty tenuous stuff at that.

            This is beneath the ABC, which seems to be endorsing the idea that a hand on the knee equals rape at a later stage with someone else. Every bloke, including The ‘Pie have at one time or another made a tentative, uninvited move, and like Lehrmann in this case, have backed off and not pressed the point when it is clearly rejected, that’s what people have done for centuries.

            The ‘Pie holds no brief for Lehrmann, but he does hold a brief for fairness and the judicial process. And you surely know the dangers of ‘he’s good for it, he’s a fit’ conclusions that best left to coppers who will or will not come undone in court.

        • The Magpie says:

          So you accept reports that he was ‘a bit sleazy’ from a media you would describe as ‘sleazy reporters’ if it was another subject with which you didn’t agree. Let it go, mate (or matette), you’re going to come a cropper around here otherwise.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I think we all need to stop suggesting that he is innocent. And suggesting that she made it up. It is what it is. In my experience women don’t take fake sexual claims this far. The system is generally agaist the accuser. There are however exceptions to the rule.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s the greatest confused loads of analytical codswallop that’s graced your name for ages. The Magpie has never said he IS innocent, just that no one knows. And The ‘Pie has never said Ms Higgins made anything up, although it’s clear someone has. In fact, by recollection, not one single commenter here has suggested either of your deeply ignorant and partisan claims. Comments that to your clearly biased and legally ignorant mind have indicated such have really just been about the paucity of evidence and that we don’t know what happened.

            And, regarding your perception that the system is against the accuser, it would be interesting to know the percentage of rape cases that go to jury trial that end in acquittal. You might be in for a surprise.

            But interesting your experience about women and the veracity of sexual claims … you been a naughty little ducky, then? Parting the feathers in the wrong place, eh?

          • Grumpy says:

            Come on, Ducky. How about telling us what you meant by the “people like me” comment? Or telling me where I suggested that Lehrmann is innocent? Truth is, I don’t have a clue. However, recent reports suggest that experienced senior police officers were not confident of the truth of the allegations from the outset. And so far as your comment that women don’t take fake allegations so far is concerned; have you considered the fact that maybe – just maybe- control of the narrative was taken out of her hands almost immediately by other parties with agendas to run – certain Labor politicians, the charming Grace and dense Commentators as well as bandwagoning journalists. Perhaps the poor women got caught up in a maelstrom not of her making that pushed her fragile state over the edge. Of course, I may be completely wrong. What do people like me know, anyhows?

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, as you ask Nibbly Bits, what are people like you likely to know? But tell you what, if I suddenly found I was not up to the fight – whatever that fight may be – the first thing I’d do is take a long walk in the rain.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            My apologies Grumpy if I have included you in a group of people who have assumed this woman has invented claims.

            Magpie, Deloitte published a report on the economic costs of workplace sexual harassment. It has some stats that show the system is stacked against the person who comes forward. This is why people don’t report, and why people don’t take cases like this to court. This also aligns with my experience, and thank you for the suggestive comment.

            39% of women in the workforce, and 26% of men in the workforce have been sexually harassed in the workplace. The term harassment covers be a variety of things from one off unwelcome comments to rape.

            Across all victims, 17% made a formal report or complaint, and the survey captured the outcomes.
            Of the 17%:
            17% of victims resigned, and 8% had their employment terminated.
            11% of perpetrators resigned, and 5% had their employment terminated.
            In 38% of cases, a bystander took action to prevent or reduce the harm of the harassment that they had witnessed. Of this group, 6% resigned, and 4% had their employment terminated.
            Among victims who lodged a formal report or complained:
            19% were labelled a trouble-maker;
            18% were ostracised, victimised, and/or ignored by colleagues;
            16% had their shifts changed;
            11% were denied workplace opportunities, such as training or promotion;
            11% were disciplined;
            7% were transferred;
            and 6% were demoted.

            Only 5.26% of actual or attempted rape or assault cases proceeded to court. And for sexual assault cases that proceeded to court, a police investigation was assumed to occur, and based on Australian Institute of Criminology analysis 38% of sexual assault defendants were judged to be guilty.


            And if you wondered why not everyone reported, ACTU surveyed around 9000 people and has some great data on why people didn’t report the harassment.


          • The Magpie says:

            Nothing much to say to all that, pretty irrelevant to the matter under question … reform of the law regarding rape cases. But sure, a great excuse for a bandwagoner like you to strut your stuff. Much the stats you quote raise different questions: ‘Only 5.26% of actual or attempted rape or assault cases proceeded to court’. How can you or anyone else possibly know this … at least as fact, and not a cosy little fond belief to cuddle close. Or, from a basic common sense point of view, did you simply forget … or deliberately omit … the word ‘alleged’?

            But since you are a research maven, The ‘Pie insists you go back through the comments in this blog and back up your claim of ‘a group of people who have assumed this woman has invented claims’.

            Show us.

            No idea the relevance of the other guff, the origin, collection and methodology of which needs to be known before it is implicitly believed. (Things are crook, certainly, but undoubtedly bias and hidden agendas creep into this sort of data.)

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I gave you the link to the reports I quoted data from, and I haven’t omitted “alleged”. All the references, methodology and “guff” is clearly outlined in the reports. It’s not my fault you are too lazy to check.

            This case was a workplace harassment/assault incident. A co-worker was the accused, it is alleged to have occurred in the workplace after hours. Both these reports are relevant because they provide data on how rare it is for victims in workplace incidents to report and take this as far as court.

          • The Magpie says:

            So what? All totally irrelevant to the core issue about reform of rape case procedure. As an arch bandwagoneer, you are yet again trying to hi-jack the narrative and blur the core subject beyond reasonable bounds of debate.

            Each such matter is discrete, each matter turns on its own facts, and each will be concluded in various ways according to the players … but not here in this debate about the Lehrmann outcome and possible changes that should be made.

            And interesting to learn that, as the Magpie has maintained all along, the AFP investigators expressed doubts the strength of the evidence – and coppers are highly attuned in the manner when it is their faces likely to be egged. it was glory-hound, dinner party hero Drumgold who insisted on prosecuting, and has now left by the coward’s bolt hole of Ms Higgin’s mental suffering. But of course, that had nothing to do with him, and his professional decisions, did it?

            ‘The ‘Pie won’t be entertaining any more of your blather unless it directly pertains to the subject under discussion.

        • Grumpy says:

          Ducky…People like me?

          • Grumpy says:

            …and, Pie, were you really responding to me with the “he’s good for it” comment – surely that was directed at Ducky…

          • The Magpie says:

            No and apologies, the comments have been coming thick and fast, and The ‘Pie has clearly failed to keep up.

            Suitably amended.

  41. The Magpie says:

    Seems sanity – or more likely electoral reality – has prevailed for once, with the TCC declining to fund a public big screen venue for a man and his dog to watch the Socceroos get beaten by Argentina on Sunday morning (the writer will be more than happy if he is forced to become Humble ‘Pie in the event of an upset).

    But Les Messagebank Walker never misses an opportunity to demonstrate his tenuous grip on reality. This from the Bulletin:

    Mundingburra state Labor MP Les Walker said the stadium had proven it would be a great venue to host more soccer action, including Socceroos matches, in the future.
    He said fans turned out in force to watch Australia’s women’s side, the Matildas, play New Zealand in April, and for the Aston Villa vs Queensland Roar match in July.

    Guess that depends one’s interpretation of turning out in force means … The Matilda, led by super Sam Kerr, pulled in a measly 10,779 punters, while the costly Aston Villa debacle pulled a crowd of 7468 (including hundreds of freebies for both games)

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Foot in his mouth Les ” Don’t be Grinch Jenny ” on comments about Council organizing a big screen for Socceros vs Argentina . His Government withdraws funding for ” Safe Precinct ” which he has been banned from then is stupid enough to poke his head up . With all the Crime who is going to provide security ? .

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      These sound distinctly like the words of Kyle Walker, an avid soccer fan and player. Les wouldn’t know a soccer ball if it hit him in the face. Perhaps Kyle is now providing Les with media blurbs.

  42. Achilles says:

    Re “Dimwit judge Lucy McCallum should be removed from the bench immediately”.

    This “Dimwit judge” sent the jury back multiple times over a one week period, with no further guidance other than inane ramblings about getting a “result”.

    It was no wonder that, IF TRUE, a juror sought professional guidance to assist his deliberations to attain a fair result.

    Details here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-25/jury-returns-to-deliberate-in-bruce-lehrmann-trial/101575192

  43. Achilles says:

    So this POS has been extradited back to Oz, pity the Feds’ escort didn’t elevate his status to martyr on the flight by gifting him the same dunking the US gave to his idol Binned Laden.


  44. Strand Ghost says:

    I bet the TCC are glad to see the Cruise boats coming back here, this will pick up their parking fee fund with the White Toyota Rav with the Camera’s on sitting at the end of Breakwater Drive and then doing laps of the area taking photos of all the cars parking(illegally) and looking at the Cruise ship, just another way of raising revenue.

    • Critical says:

      Some entertainment for the cruise ship passengers because there’s f**k all otherwise to do. Oh wait a minute, TCC and TEL might line up the Food Trucks in Flinders Street in despite hope of entertaining the poor suckers.

      • The Magpie says:

        It’s amazing living in a city where embarrassment approaches with every cruise liner that appears on the horizon.

      • The Coogee Bay Chef says:

        Well apparently one of those festering cruise ships docked at Gladstone recently. There were 100 COVID passengers onboard, dozens of them headed to Gladstone doctors surgeries and chemist stores (its cheaper than the onboard doctors) and now there is a massive break out of COVID in the town. So maybe that will be the draw card in Townsville – extra patronage at the local medical centres and the hospital? Let’s see the dumbarses at TEL market that!

  45. Sarah says:

    Received notification today from my insurer, Sure Insurance, to say they will not be renewing insurance on my townhouse when it’s up for renewal in two weeks. They said their underwriter will no longer insure properties that are not freestanding. The property insurance situation in the north only seems to be getting worse, rather than better.

  46. Achilles says:

    Watching the Test Match, Justin Langer is commenting, I can understand why the “senior” team players were unable to “work” with him. He has the most patronising and irritating manner and wants to comment on anything and everything.

    When the cameras show him between the 2 others he’s a complete overbearing ass, and its very clear that the other commentators are realty irritated by his whole demeanor.

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