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The Magpie

Sunday, November 20th, 2022   |   154 comments

Jenny’s Shame: The Sale Of Lindeman Island Is Townsville’s Tale Of Paradise Lost

Lindeman Island set to get the benefit of millions that could’ve gone to Radical Bay on Maggie Island. The Juniper acquisition of Lindeman highlights the emptiness of Mayor Mullet’s pig-headed inflexibility and gives the lie to her much vaunted connections with State Labor. The Astonisher is days behind on this aspect…. But maybe they’re not allowed to catch up. And The Magpie (humble brag) led the pack in naming the island’s new owners.

And has that Labor influence which sent the pipe making deal to SA going to turn out to be another Mullet misadventure? Could be ….product failures in WA do not bode well.

Fightin’ Fran’s back in town – but not everyone’s happy  about it– well, certainly. not her ten council colleagues who’ve got another double barrelled load of her buckshot in the bum …

… and News Ltd’s ‘Dad joke’ mentality continues apace,  Bentley is sweating because of climate change, and in our US, it’s Joe Biden’s birthday – the new Yorker has a great idea to help him celebrate.

Big Nest this week, gotta get on with it, so no time to suggest you make a donation, whinge about on going costs (more admin fees this week) and generally rattle the begging bowl by pointing out the donate button is at the end of the blog. Sorry, just haven’t the time for all that stuff this week, gotta get on.

So, getting on.

Move Over Tesla, You’ve Got Aussie Competition …

… and we’ve got a better name for our design. Or so Bentley reckons. Our man has been bemused by all the climate change hot air emanating from a series of international knees-up over the past week or two, but he thinks Albo is on to something.

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And he has another question about another climate change initiative, feeding cattle seaweed pills to nullify farts.

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Deep thinker, our Bentley

The Sale Of Lindeman Island Is A Tale Of Townsville’s Paradise Lost …

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… and just the latest testament to the mismanagement and mistreatment of this city by our mayor and her bestie, our premier. The buyers, Shaun and Samantha Juniper, banking on the promised Olympic boom times ahead, snapped up the derelict resort and island from the Chinese owners, the deal to be settled early next year. (Stunning place, a young Magpie was a deckhand on a tourist boat that went there twice a week in the 60s.)

Shaun is the son of Graeme Juniper, who bought the freehold of Radical Bay 21 years ago.

And it is with him that this depressing tale starts back in 2002, with an impasse almost from the very beginning, when, guided by the then supremo of Townsville property market Richard ‘Spiderman’ Ferry, Graeme Juniper bought up five freehold lots at Radical Bay, totalling a little over 3ha (30,000 sq metres). That came with 250 metres of absolute beach frontage.

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But the stuff of dreams soon turned to a nightmare, the start of 21 years of wrangling – they were hardly negotiations – with the council and the state government. First, the then Labor mayor Tony Mooney was of the mindset that capitalist developers were robber barons and there to be sucked dry by local and state governments. The first application was found wanting for various bureaucratic reasons, and a second one got Mooney’s mendacity into overdrive, and in 2007, the shit hit really the fan, – where it has stayed dripping from the blades of progress for the past 15 years. The brief stint of Les Tyrell and Townsville First was too preoccupied with the untangling of amalgamation to worry about individual issues like Radical Bay.

Then, in April 2012, along came Jenny Hill, emerging from the background to plop down on the mayoral plush.

Further shit was flung at the fan, with a total bullshit argument about community unrest ( Magnetic island residents were basically OK with the resort development, indeed, most welcomed it, just so long as the public continued to have access to Radical Bay as they always had.) Then she sided with the state government against the interests of her city, when she insisted, that Juniper had to pay the several millions for the road rebuild.

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This despite the fact it had been initially a state responsibility running as it does through a state park.  Juniper reasonably argued that the state should pay for it, because they would have permanent control over it.

Then, in 2019, this:

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QUEENSLAND developer Graeme Juniper has blasted the Townsville City Council’s commitment to jobs and tourism after being refused an extension to an approval for a 24-lot housing development at Magnetic Island’s picturesque Radical Bay.

But Mayor Jenny Hill ­queried Mr Juniper’s commitment to development after failing to upgrade the Radical Bay Rd and doing nothing with his freehold site for 17 years.

She said this without any recognition that it was her council and her predecessor who had caused the lack of activity.

“I thought it was a joke at first. I thought it was a hoax call,” Mr Juniper said. “We have spent many ­millions of dollars and 17 years trying to work with the Townsville council on this.

“I’m flabbergasted that’s how you would treat someone who wants to help your economy and grow it into a tourist area.”

But Jenny Hill deliberately failed to acknowledge any council or government role regarding  the road and blatantly tried to extort Juniper on behalf of her mate, Premier Palaszczuk by demanding this new DA – she knew she had the developer over a barrel, when she made the selective lie about delays. She doubled down on her claim when The Bulletin story continued:

“Junipers has owned the land at Radical Bay for 17 years and during this time there has been two separate development approvals, and nothing has happened.

 So Mayor Mullet needed a new tack, so the council letter received by Junipers said the extension is refused because the development “is not consistent with the Townsville City Plan” and “in particular the environmental management and conservation zone, the bushfire hazard overlay code and natural assets overlay code”.

That was promptly overturned when Juniper appealed to the Planning and Environment Court.

Then it was back to court again over the council refusal.

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The ‘Pie has been unable find the outcome of the appeal against the council’s rejection of an extension of the previous approval but the prize parcel still belongs to Juniper. And another local note: Barry Taylor was the lawyer involved, and that may have infact not been helpful … the Legal Foghorn is not known for tact or diplomacy, as several startled judges have found out over the years.

One thing is certain: Jenny Hill has once again cost the ratepayers money in legal actions that could’ve been avoided, and she has cost the city hundreds of jobs and the economy possibly millions of dollars by not using her position to broker a fair decision. All while pretending to be the battlers’ bogan friend.

No wonder Laurence Lancini left town, saying he couldn’t operate here as long as Jenny Hill was mayor.

Of Course, The Bulletin Was All Over The Place – Because All Their Info Was Imported From Elsewhere.

During the week …

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…. and yesterday.

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And This Won’t Make Us Around Here Feel Any Better

The good news for Queensland, is that it’s not just Lindeman, more and more GBR island resorts are planned to come on line again for the expected booming Olympic aftermath, as this round-up from the ABC reports..

Hiding In Plain Sight

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There are some thing the Townsville City council doesn’t even try to hide, but hopes certain items will be buried and left unremarked.

Jenny and her merry band obviously didn’t count on Clr Fran O’Callaghan, who regularly takes up cudgels on the ratepayers behalf. Especially things that cannot be justified. Or put another way, are plain simple, legalised rorts. This from her FB page, where we hear most of her unearthed revelations, she is gagged and bullied when in council.

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Like the Japanese Kamikaze pilot said at the mission briefing, any flucking questions!?! First up, what in the name of Gough is ‘promotional collateral’?  And who in this electronic day and age, spends $2000 on postage? Containing what, pray tell? Surely if any councillor gets within cooee of this figure, they should be investigated for using public funds for campaign purposes.  And two and a half grand for catering? C’mon, this is just bare-faced trough filling.

And then there was this, which The ‘Pie missed at the time.

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What would The Prince care, it’s none of his multiple-job, million-dollar income he’s splurging about. And just how he can make such a unilateral doubling above budget decisionmakers one wonders if that’s the rustling of brown paper bags one hears. Be interesting to hear the reasoning behind this particular matter.

And About That $80million Pipeline Shortfall, Which Mayor Mullet Has Lumped Ratepayers With

pipeline sod tuning 2

Clench those old buttocks, grit those teeth, folks, chances are there’s more financial strife around the corner

You’ll recall another Mullet missed opportunity was not insisting that the pipes for the Burdekin venture be made here in Townsville, instead of being shipped in from SA. It was a state level decision – which the mayor naturally rolled over for – aimed at boosting the stocks of SA Labor by awarding Iplex the contract. Unfortunately, there is a chance that that choice will now come back and bite Jenny and Anna on their ever-expanding arses.

This from comments during the week.

Submitted on 2022/11/14 at 7:44 pmUh oh …. Anybody brave enough to tell Mayor Mullet? Problems comin’ down the pipeline – Iplex in the poo.

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OK, this is domestic product, but it took two years to discover the problem in hundreds of Perth homes, with pipes bursting and mould forming. (Full story).

As our putative ‘leader’, the mayor MUST seek and give the public assurances that the current pipeline is not subject to the same problems that it took two years to uncover in Perth.

But The ‘Pie Is Being Cruel To Poor Old Jenny, She’s Really Down Right Now …

… because she feels inadequate after seeing this story in the Astonisher.

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They Don’t Even Read Their Own Style Book FFS


The clitterati will be reaching for the tin snips to educate whoever wrote this.

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What a condescending pat on the head (‘oooh,how clever of you, sweetie, being a lady n’all. You’ll be giving the blokes a run for their money one of these days, dearie.)’.

Long before current sensibilities were widespread, properly trained journalists were told not use the word ‘ladies’ when ‘women’ or ‘females’ were suitable in context, because ‘ladies’ is classist and elitist. In fact, ther News Ltd style book (4th edition, page 166) says:
“lady, ladies use woman, women in almost all contexts. but don’t changes names such as Ladies Professional Golf Association. Avoid referring to women and girls as females.”

Even worse was ‘lassie, lassies.

The use of ladies was originally seen as polite snobbery, but nowadays, it can – quite reasonably – be seen as an insult from people who should know better. Like the kids at the Astonisher.


Is It Because They Want To PUNish us? Geddit, geddit.

Ok, the occasional clever pun can be amusing, but was there a pivotal day when the word came down from all editors that straightforward, informative headlines were a thing of the past, and were to be replaced with Dad Jokes? The main offender this week was The Australian.

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Hey, guys, I guess you think your very punny, eh?

When A Prosecutor Becomes A Persecutor

That transition sure suits ACT Crown prosecutor Shane Drumgold, is pushing an ‘urgent’ change to the rules of evidence in trials involving sexual matters.

He says it is nothing to do specifically with re-trial of Bruce Lehrmann  next February, and apparently, he expects us to believe him. But then, a lying lawyer is not exactly unheard of.

Here’s The’ Pie’s take on this cynical move when he heard the news.

This Drumgold bloke, the ACT prosecutor, sure exposes his agendas and limp argument.
“The recording of evidence ensures that vulnerable witnesses are not re-traumatised in a subsequent proceeding, where possible’.

What about an accused but innocent person (always presumed we are told) not be able to confront a witness in person, even if it is a second time, a witness who is seeking that the accused spend years in jail and have their whole lives ruined. Might not he (or she) be equally traumatised – and possibly even more unfairly? And giving the judge the discretion to choose whether recorded evidence be allowed makes the imbalance even more marked … The Magpie does not subscribe to silly comments about bribing judges (by people who should know better), but – and this applies to ALL courts but doubly in the hothouse of the ACT – the background political scurrying behind the skirting boards is ever present and does not have to be explicitly expressed to have an affect on decisions. Politicians have a big say not only judicial promotion but in who gets the plum, feather-bedded jobs after retirement.

He is quite simply lying when he says it is not specifically aimed at the Lehrmann trial – so The ‘Pie reckons this urgency for the law change has been pushed by the ambitious Drumgold because he knows he’s on a loser when reviewing the way the first trial went. Expecting a slam dunk, it showed that his lack of any forensic evidence on which a jury can make a decision puts him at high risk of being a loser. And that is anathema to prosecutors who want to climb the profession’s greasy pole.

Here We Go Again … But This Time MAGA Isd Make America Groans Again

Let’s start with some of the lighter news of the week to begin our US Gallery. It’s Joe Biden’s 79th birthday today. The New Yorker has come up with the ideal present for him.

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But the better news for those with a sense of humour  … and for Democrats … is that the former mobster president has announced he’s going to have another tilt at the White House.  And he’s all but said if he doesn’t, win, it will be rigged voting that beats him.

More of the sort of things that lie ahead were evident when he made the hour long announcement in the ballroom of his garish gin place in Florida. As the unhinged speech droned on. Past the half hour, some people decided to leave early …. but were stopped by security from leaving.

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There was no attempted mass exodus, but several people weren’t allowed through the exit doors. Point is, in the normal world, stopping just one person in this manner is a breach of civil rights. One tweet suggested Mar a Lago be renamed Hotel Florida, reminiscent of the final verse of The Eagles famous Hotel California.

Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
“Relax, ” said the night man
“We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave”

But The Orange Smear’s  totally unsurprising announcement dismayed many but not the cartoonists, who had a field day. The first sums up the next two years perfectly.

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Forget Pop Goes The Weasel, Try This Instead

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Christmas is around the corner yet again – it keeps doing that doesn’t it? so how about livening up what may by now be a bit of a humdrum affair … and the kids will get a bang out of it, too.- Here’s an American recipe for their Thanksgiving, but could easily be adapted for our Christmas turkey.

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And while pranksters on social media love this stuff, one wonders given the widespread gullibility of the Yanks (cf US politics), just how many have tried it.

Snopes investigated the truth and the possible outcomes from such a kitchen adventure.

Finally, Having A Punt Today?

Here’s something to test your judgement, courtesy of The Shovel.

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And Just To Spoil Your Day LADIES … An Ad For A Bowling Alley (Some Time Ago)

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Another week down.

An alert: be aware that the blog and comments might not appear for a day or two sometime in the near future, as the transition across to a new platform becomes mandatory, and we have to make the necessary adjustments. Mentioning it just so you don’t think something’s happened to the old bird.

Oh, dear, just thought, I’ll look a right Charley if I actually do cark it, and you keep sending messages asking ‘When are you coming back?” And if I reply, you’ve got a big story on your hands.

But farewell services don’t com cheap nowadays, so you can always make a donation towards the inevitable, the appropriate donate button is below. (Haha, you thought I was going to let you off this week, didn’t you?)

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Golddigger says:

    Hi Pie,
    Love your stuff. Is there a fellow bird digging up the dirt in Rockhampton? We need someone to stir the possum here!
    Many Thanks

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie’s fond dream is that there will eventually be improved and better laid out blogs like the Nest in every sizeable place along the coast, or anywhere one is needed to counter the highly compromised McNews dominated by the McMurdoch empire. Cairns is active in this area, but don’t know of anywhere else. retired journos would be the best protagonists, bringing with them as they do a bulging contact book and some owed favours.

      However, caution is advised.

      It’s a tough slog for uninitiated and those without any background in journalism may find themselves sliding back into the dangerous territory of wild conspiracy theories. This will be the frustrated outcome when access to certain facts and histories are blocked. While The ‘Pie occasionally speculates in this arena, the bulk of what he writes is informed by contacts he has learnt to trust, so there is at the very least a kernel of truth behind most of his stories … where there isn’t, it is usually parody, satire or a joke (like purple doonas).

      Anybody who enters this sort of venture also need to be wary of the laws of libel, and even vexatious bullying actions by the rich and powerful can, whether true or not, cow a person into silence. So the choices if you can find someone for a Rocky version of The Nest is a person either conversant with technology that uses the dark arts of social media and can route such a blog through a labyrinth of channels to disguise its origins. Or be like me, an impecunious OAP who lives solely and precariously on the pension … suing me would be an exercise in financial self-harm. Even if done out of spite (that’s been unsuccessfully tried a couple of times), it would make no personal difference. That said I am careful not to abuse that small amount of latitude I am therefore allowed.

      Good luck and thanks for your kind words.

      • Pedant says:

        Liable, libel, maybe lie-able?

        • Pedant says:

          And I agree with the Golddigger. The level of skill and expertise, not to mention persistence and stamina, needed to produce this standard of column is, I am sure, under-appreciated by those who have never been paid peanuts to stare at a typewriter and a blank page under the shadow of a looming deadline.

        • The Magpie says:

          Got it, amended thanks. (No subs around here I’m afraid.)

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Mayor Hill played Politics on Phil Thompsons $185 k Haughton Federal Funding with meetings State Government delayed and others cancelled last minute resulting in rate payers picking up a further $74.7 mil debt approved by Team Hill . Independent Fran has flushed out uncompleted large Council projects after asking for updates on any Council project over $3 mil . Team Hill Councillors presiding over a year of uncompleted projects and $3 mil blow out on a Library $5.5 mil budget , $700 mil debt believe a 60 % increase in expenses passes the pub test? Many have resided on decisions that have delivered Townsville’s poor .9 % value increase on median property in 10 yrs .

    • The Magpie says:

      Think that’s bad? Have a look at what the pundits see in store for Anna’s country cousins as the Olympics near.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        That is precisely why anyone who doesn’t take steps to get their children out of Townsville is setting them up for a life of poverty and struggle, 95% of the people in this town do not have the incomes to compensate for the disadvantage those Townsville house values will have on people’s lives. It will effect everything they do and impact the quality of their life, particularly in retirement when people will need to leverage their house for care places and services, Townsville people simply won’t have the $$ to do it, but not many of the morons in this town would put too much thought into anything like that.

      • Prickster says:

        What’s the source of the property data?

  3. The Magpie says:

    Hey great fun and games when the Tiny Mountain brewery folk got together with the funsters at Townsville News Flash (always worth a look) for the brewery’ s third birthday bash. All sorts of contests and tomfoolery, but the best was the guessing game where you had to guess which one – and there was only one – actually had an honest job. (Clue: has a beard and likes pink footwear.)

  4. NQ Gal says:

    Thoughts about the whole Radical Bay debacle- tourism, nah it’s Townsville!

  5. Santa Clause says:

    Would be interesting to compile a list of all the projects Jenny Hill has stuffed up.
    Here’s a few, just from memory:
    – Radical Bay development
    – Castle Hill cafe (downgrade to useless lean-tos)
    – Hilton Double Tree 3-star hotel (now planned for next century, maybe later)
    – Battery Factory (morphed into a packing shed, but apparently even that’s been scrapped)
    – Landsdown precinct (can’t get her Labor mates to fully fund it and rumored to not have an ironclad commitment from a single company )
    – Palmer Street alfresco dining precinct (her multi-million dollar one-way debacle has produced just a few unsightly old wooden tables outside Table 41 restaurant)
    – Townsville Eats (there appeared to be as many people cooking as eating at the V8 Supercars and Halloween events in Flinders St East)
    – The Strand (littered with leaves and rubbish)
    -Townsville roads (littered with potholes)
    – Pipeline to nowhere
    – $6 million 280 metre Flinders St East boardwalk to nowhere
    – V8 Supercars weekend (millions of ratepayer funds wasted on a dying event with crowd numbers so embarrassing they can’t be released)
    – $700 million city debt (and counting)
    – Ditching our new entertainment centre for a Cowboys office and training facility
    – Townsville Enterprise ($750,000 annual waste of ratepayer funds chaired by a failed airport manager who doesn’t appear to meet the organisation’s constitutional criteria)
    – Brain fart ferry from the casino to the Cowboys stadium
    – Ross River Dam flood disaster management
    – Strand lagoon
    – Castle Hill zip line
    – Trade missions to various Asian countries with no evidence of success
    – Qantas boycott call (the airline actually increased its passenger numbers as a result
    – Local federal election campaign (resulting in LNP’s Phil Thompson reversing the Labor landside)
    – Access to Townsville Airport (new route goes under during floods)
    I’m sure bloggers have others, so feel free to add to the list, which could be published in the lead-up to the next Local Government election (in an advertisement, of course – the editor wouldn’t dare print it and risk losing the ratepayers healthy contribution to the paper’s bottom line)

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Can we add to this

      – A major restructure, TCC is still being restructured. Thanks to the Nous report which was never researched properly and overseen by an egotistical little moron.

      – Hiring of CEOs (although Tony M, and Dolan had a hand in the of hiring Adele)

      – All those Asian students who were going to live in the CBD. I seem to remember it being around 2000 of them.

      – The Haughton pipeline – it’s still not completed and doesn’t have a pump costed in for completion

      – The clusterfuck that changed TCC from Telstra to Optus

      – the slow and methodical destruction of morale and reputation at TCC where it’s now impossible to hire competent staff. Staff who have stayed either work in niche roles not available in other industries or are incompetent and cannot get jobs elsewhere.

    • Beaker says:

      - Lagoon pool on The Strand
      – Central Park, to include “landscaping, more shade, lighting upgrades, a new playground and pavilion with opportunities for a café or restaurant.”
      – The transformation of the North Rail Yards
      – Constant obstruction to The Hive redevelopment plans
      – Repeated, failed and costly attempts to “revitalise the city heart.”
      – Waterslides at The Rockpool
      – CBD Bus Hub. Yes, it’s there but did it “transform” the CBD as promised?

  6. The Magpie says:

    Anyone now want to tell us that Clr Fran O’Callaghan isn’t fighting for the rights of Townsville ratepayers? And that our civic leadership catatonically stupid? (If too small to read , go to https://m.facebook.com/FranOcallaghanDiv.10/

    Perhaps nothing turns on the information, except the fact that it was withheld. Fran – own over such seemingly innocuous information they had a right to know (as confirmed by the RTI people). The RTI people are correct in declining to name individuals and only companies which attended … for it is only with company entities that the TCC deals.



    By fighting to keep such information secret, they have automatically raised the suspicion as to why. Is something going on with some of the invitees that may not be above board, and they were nervous that it might be uncovered? Almost certainly you’d reckon nothing is going on beyond the usual legalised thievery, but in their panicked and bullying attack s on Clr O’Callaghan, this trio have now cast some doubt in the public mind on otherwise stalwart local companies.

    With a nine to one majority on council, why is the mayor and her lickspittles so fragile and obviously insecure about the Division 10 councillor who is only seeking transparency?

  7. Critical says:

    Another example of Council being out of touch with the community and reality. These workshops used to be held on weekends and at night so that volunteers from community organisations could attend and learn. Seems to me that these workshops are targeted at government funded organisations whose staff can attend during working hours and that council has forgotten that most volunteers in small community and sports clubs work full-time.


  8. Prince Rollmop says:

    It’s always interesting to watch the Councillors get increases in salaries and allowances while the real workers are made redundant or are forced to negotiate shitty EBA’’s. Off topic, the post on here from ‘Santa Clause’ is pure gold. Just look at how much Hill has cost the ratepayers over 10 years! And there are still many exclusions to that list including each of the many many business ventures/opportunities that have never succeeded or even started due to our incompetent Bogan Mayors pathetic negotiation skills, ego, and bullying behaviour.

  9. Russell says:

    Talk about choking on my cornflakes! On p13 of today’s Townsville Bulletin there is an article headed “Rich to pay for ‘loss & damage’ of pollution”. The gist is that “rich polluting” countries should pay into a fund to be used to compensate “developing” nations effected by climate change catastrophes.
    You can discuss ad infinitum the occurrence and effect of climate change catastrophes, but what I find especially galling is that CHINA is one of the 134 Developing Countries to benefit from the fund!!
    Just proves yet again the United Nations needs to go.

  10. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Dunno what everyone is on about?
    Obviously, the TEL “Nah mate” crusade is going gangbusters!
    Just one little problem.
    Can someone please tell Jetstar they’re partnering TEL in a marketing campaign!!


    • The Magpie says:

      Let’s make sure we hold Lisa Woolfe to her promise that results with numbers will be known by the end of the year.

    • The Magpie says:

      Couple of interesting things there …. in this release styles, Lisa styles herself ‘Mrs Woolfe’ … hubby’s name ‘Big Bad’? Haven’t seen ‘Mrs’ used anywhere much in recent years but a passing observation of no consequence.

      And The ‘Pie notes Mrs Woolf hasn’t exactly said that she would release the ‘available’ figures to the public when they become available at the end of the year. Or will she just drop them in the middle of the silly season if they’re dire, hoping no one notices?

      And having been in the issues management business occasionally, The ‘Pie wonders at the wisdom of a progress report like this (based on data only Woolfe and TEL have access to and are the only ones who can interpret it), which is basically makin a bet that your strategy is the right one. It my well be, and well done if it is, although the smart money says otherwise.

      The old bird also questions the wisdom of going against tradition in trying to entice southern visitors during the summer months in Townsville. (‘Did you just fall into Ross Creek?’ ‘Nah, it’s Townsville in the summer.’)

    • NQ Gal says:

      Jetstar must have forgotten about the TEL campaign – it will cost me over $300 for a late Sunday flight back from Brisbane.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Just as the country begins a new COVID wave is also a great time to decide to welcome people to the region.

  11. Regular reader says:

    If you believe the figures Mrs Woolfe is claiming then there’s a good chance you believe southerners love hot, humid weather. TEL media releases aren’t worth the webspace they are published on. As my Mum used to say: self praise is no recommendation.
    Question: Would you like a holiday in a commercial/industrial city with temperatures in the mid 30s, humidity around 80% and a good chance you’ll get blown away by a cyclone?
    Answer: Nah, its Townsville.

  12. old tradesman says:

    Regarding Radical Bay, the once thriving resort was built and run with vision by Bob Wake and his wife both of whom I had pleasure of doing trade work for them, Bob was a thorough gentleman and always paid his bills even though he had eccentric ideas, the place was always patronised and an enjoyable place to relax after a hard week at work, and if you where that way inclined you could climb over the rocks to Balding Bay, a nudist beach. The place had peacocks, a carpark and reasonable accommodation that was able to be built in the days of piecemeal materials and forms of construction as it was difficult to get gear over there due to transport costs, he would be turning over in his grave to see how it has been politicised, Scott Cupcake Stewart built a carpark costing millions to the start of the road, which means that only young green inclined young people can access the world class bay. It nearly is close to elder abuse.

  13. Officer Spoontan says:

    Of course Katarina Carroll won’t lose her job. Why? Because she is a woman, and is supported by a female Premier. Unless you are a female of a queer there is no place left for anyone else in the workplace. Men are a thing of the past. Carroll should resign as the report is damning to the core.


    • Tenacious D says:

      “Unless you are a female of a queer” is that the + symbol??

    • The Magpie says:

      Do carry a gun, constable?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Dear Officer Spoontan

      Have you heard of the term incel?

      Maybe you need to look it up.

      • Officer Spoontan says:

        Duck with the tiny nuts, it is a simple fact that these days unless you identify as a female or as a queer you won’t get anywhere within the workplace. Queensland police were caught out last year for deliberately not hiring qualified males and instead they hired substandard female applicants. That is a fact. And it came at the direction of Palasczuk. It is now men who are being ostracised and vilified in the workplace. The LGBQTI and ‘women first’ agenda has exploded out of control. Ducks Nuts, go out your head back in the sand idiot.

        • The Magpie says:

          Look, The ‘Pie will take you seriously for the moment, although he strongly expects you’re posts are aimed at rage farming just to get a reaction and let you have a giggle in your darkened basement bedroom – in fact, we’re wondering if you aren’t actually our old friend from the outer edges of reality, Tropical.

          However … we’ll ignore the totally unsupported opening statement which could be easily challenged but The ‘Pie couldn’t be bothered. But while we here in the Nest know you are reluctant to the point of outright refusal to offer documentary support of any of your claims (because, Constable, you say you won’t reveal ‘internal documents’ to support any claim) The ‘Pie would be interested to know where you came up with the conclusion that the females who were hired – yes, agreed it was at the expense of males to balance up the ranks – were sub-standard. And please support your fevered assertion that the blokes who missed out were qualified. Having a cock is not ‘qualification’.

          One of the reasons The ‘Pie previously asked if you carried a gun is the idle thought about what might happen if one dark night on a lonely road, you pulled over couple lesbians and a gay guy friend. Chances are you feel so threatened, and resentful of your pitiful life that you’d exact some revenge.

          If you actually are in the police service, you certainly need urgent counselling … if you’re not, it’s not so urgent but just as crucial that you talk to a therapist.

          • Russell says:

            Bit over the top Pie. The guy hasn’t said he hates or is fearful of homosexuals or females, just that they appear to be being favoured to make up inclusivity ratios. Nothing to do with qualifications or experience. And yes, I too have seen and am seeing it first hand.

          • The Magpie says:

            If that’s is what he is saying, the constable needs a little help with English expression used in a serious debate. And the use of the word ‘queer’ is a bit of a giveaway … like ‘nigger’, ‘queer’ is a term we are lectured can only be used by those who are.

          • Officer Spoontan says:

            I have not denigrated anyone. I am comfortable using the word ‘queers’ as my brother is very much gay and both he, his partner and their friends (they are also my friends) are more than happy with the term ‘queer’ which has been used for a century. I also work with many good women too, and I am not a mysoginist. But when I see men being bullied, denied, overlooked or treated unfairly by workforces obsessed with only promoting women or queers, then I am happy to speak out, even it offends. The Queensland Premier and numerous female acolytes have jumped on this diversity crap like there is no tomorrow and what they are doing to our Police force alone is a joke. If Katarina Carroll was a male Commissioner she would have been shown the door over the recent culture report.

            P. S Magpie, thanks for not leaving a reply button at the end of your comment. That’s just not cricket.

          • The Magpie says:

            Re your P.S: The ‘Pie has no idea what you’re talking about. No one else has ever had a problem replying to The ‘Pie’s … or anyone else’s … comments. The ‘Pie doesn’t see what you’re looking at but can only assume PICNIK.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Poor Officer Spoontan

          Such a ranty little man. Anyone who has had anything to do with the police force knows what a “spoon” is. And you really are a spoon.

          Also why Spoontan? Seems an odd namesake.


          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie learnt many years ago that when someone says ‘Some of my bst friends are etc etc , but …’ only start listening after the ‘but’.

            Constable Spontan may have some vlid points, but it’s clear he (maybe she) doesn’t know how to make them.

          • Officer Spoontan says:

            Duck with small nuts, Officer Spoontan was a skit character on the Kenny Everett video show.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Husband has been at the same Qld Govt department for years and this is the first time they are doing a small lunch for men’s health/ Movember. Naidoc week/Mabo Day/Pride Month/International Women’s Day are huge events that have days of planning put into them.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Would this be because women organise women’s day events and men don’t bother organising men’s day events or just expect the women to organise them?

  14. Strand Ghost says:

    Morning Pie
    My wife received a email Overnight from Reef HQ Aquarium about what’s happening at the Aquarium now with updates on the animals and a general update, the email says that they expect the Aquarium to Reopen now in 2026 ( it closed in 2021)if it is on time, who is building this complex the Tville City Council the City where nothing happens in a hurry, this city deserves better than this.

    • Proof is in the Pudding says:

      You want an example of just how inconsequential and pathetic are the nobodies who blather incoherently on this Magpie blog than look no further than this, you ghost-writing wanker. Thompson ripped money out of the City Deal, that was stitched together before the little weasel came to power, to plough into this Reef HQ “non city deal” project. The construction and the delays have nothing to do with TCC and everything to do with the Feds and the state of the economy. In defence of GBRMPA they are faced with the same challenges that every government agency and level of government faces every day in trying to complete projects on time and within budget. No matter what party is in power, its fucking near impossible. What this demonstrates is the little twerp Thompson didn’t do his due diligence would rather be the petty and vindictive politician that those of us with two eyes know him to be. You are right on one thing ghost fucker, the city deserves better….better than the whinging, old white one-eyed tossers who make no real contribution to this city and run it down at every opportunity. Thankfully there are countless others, many who would not even know a Magpie blog exists or if they do couldn’t give a shit about it, who are striving to leave a legacy and make this a better place to live

      • The Magpie says:

        Cor lumme, bit of steam coming off that one.

        And should one assume that your Jenny is one striving for a legacy and making this better place to live? So how’s that going for her, then?

        But The Magpie is humbled by your taking the time to offer your perspective to a blog ‘no one gives a shit about’ …. except you apparently.

        Sincere thanks.

      • I’ll Be Plucked says:

        Welcome back Elusive Butterflog.

      • Al says:

        Pudding puller; I am impressed that you spell words fairly well. Anything else is doubtful

      • Spin dryer says:

        Stevie, us that you? Come back to the laundromat hun, it’ll be ok

  15. The Magpie says:

    Remember this from the weekend Nest?

    The ‘Pie pointed out that even the News Ltd style book bans this use of the words ‘lady’ or ‘ladies’. Directing that the term is ‘women’ and certainly not females.

    Well, seems someone was listening … or maybe when it came to the layout sub, the fear of the tin snips did the trick.This from today’s Bulletin (although the story was already a week old).

  16. The Magpie says:

    And still they drink from a bottle of whine made with sour grapes.

  17. The Magpie says:

    And still they drink from a bottle of whine made with sour grapes.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Yes, we certainly can feed the world. We can do it by supplying other Countries with some of the cleanest coal on the planet, which can then be used to run their own coal fire plants that will in turn enable them to produce tangible products food related. But while Albo preaches about ‘going green’ in our own country his hypocrisy knows no bounds as the billions he has given to the Ukraine war literally goes up in smoke and pollutes the environment as the Ukrainians and Russians blow the fuck out of each other. Meanwhile, our coal fire stations are getting shut down, people are becoming unemployed, energy prices are climbing rapidly and blackouts and brownouts are increasing. Well done you political fucktards.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, hope you’re happy with the free ride, you didn’t address the core issue of The ‘Pie’s comment. Which was kinda about the Dudley Do Nothings.

    • Damn tailings says:

      Maybe they’re angling at getting a grant for another feasability study?

  18. Annandale Dave says:

    Hello Mr Pie,
    Long time reader but first time poster. This is really to you as I do not know what to do with this information, and do not want the media or internet gossips blowing it all out of proportion, if incorrect, so please review before publishing. This may be open knowledge that I have not seen, however given the problems with piping in Perth it looks likely. Firstly, I cannot stand these three local, silent, fiscal incompetents we have in office, or our council. All seem more interested in keeping their noses in the trough instead looking after the electorate.

    That aside, a client (I am an accountant) of mine who runs an excavation operation that specializes on incline work, was asked to quote on a job six or so months ago. Very hush, hush apparently to do with the already laid section of the Haughton pipeline that has come to a screaming halt, with massive budget blowouts. He said they put down double pipes as a supply backup, which I have through searching confirmed is correct. He also said that due to the extra cost of the pipes, some pencil pushing bureaucrat went cheap on the joiners between each of the laid pipe sections, to save money. He was asked to quote on digging said pipes up and replacing the now deteriorated and broken seals, on the quiet. He said Dave, I cannot tell anyone about this, but you will know what to do with this information. Well Mr Pie, I cannot confirm it anywhere else and I hope you have contacts that may have evidence to be able to bring this to light well before the next state election.

    • The Magpie says:

      Very interesting Dave, and an emerging scandal if it can be substantiated. As you say, given the Perth situation – although to do with domestic installations – there may well be something there. Your client was only tendering, and we assume he didn’t either want the job or get it, so did he have to sign some confidentiality agreement simply to tender? If not, he can pass on the more technical info which will make it easier for other nesters to check.

      The ‘Pie has published your comment is full as a sort of ‘how to’ for others who have information on various matters that they feel frustrated with not being able to take to either the authorities or the local media (particularly the highly compromised Bulletin). Apart from having a weekly laugh, exposing this sort of thing is why we’re here.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Not something I’ve heard around the water cooler, but the Haughton project has been screwed down very tight due to leaks. But the pipe joints for the project were a well known weak point for the project design especially in flex areas where the deflection (bend between the bits of pipe) approached 5 degrees. Up or down hills or around corners would be prime candidates for a failure.

        • The Magpie says:


          ‘…screwed down very tight due to leaks’.

          please expand (like the joins, apparently).

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            I didn’t even make that link so thank you for finding it. Most projects talk about what it happening, challenges, opportunities, issues, and just general bullcrap but there seems to be increasing management pressue on the Haughton project team not to talk about anything to anyone in case it ends up places like this.

          • Russell says:

            It was always my understanding that the Iplex Townsville factory was to manufacture bends (elbows) for the pipe locally so that all pipe joints would be straight line joints. From what I’m reading here it seems someone did indeed decide to save a few dollars and use the stated capability of the pipe joints to handle angular misaligment as a replacement for custom-built elbows. All good until the pipe moves – which it most definitely will in the not-too-distant future – at which time we will see leaks springing up all over the place. No need to believe me, just mark my words.

    • Damn tailings says:

      Bullshit detector going full tilt at this

      “some pencil pushing bureaucrat went cheap on the joiners between each of the laid pipe sections, to save money.”

      This item isn’t something that you can pop on down to Bunnings and get the chinese one. The manufacturer would void any warranty if you could fit “cheapies” anyway.
      The engineers would never sign off on it and the project risk consultant would never allow it as the “pencil pushers” employer would be fully liable.
      Sorry, I just find that concept too unbelievable.

      • The Magpie says:

        That’s a reasonable point of view, DT, but there could be other circumstances that the Perth problems give rise to … perhaps a possible accidental fault in the manufacturing process. In fact, the Perth problems may turn out to be beneficial to our pipeline, as testing and checking is now surely inevitable. And if there is a problem, at least the snail’s pace of the project will turn out to have unexpected benefit by not affecting the completed pipeline.

  19. The Plagiarist says:

    Does anyone know if Gleeso is back from ‘personal leave’ yet? He should apply for a job on The Project now that most of the shows dumbarse hosts are leaving. That would be a great two-bit program for a plagiarist and squeaky feminine voice like Gleeso.

  20. old tradesman says:

    Headline in the latest Bulletin digital version, Woman electrocuted in Currajong during wild storm, if she was electrocuted Morleys would be knocking on the door.

    • The Magpie says:

      Sorry, nope, mate.

      past tense: electrocuted; past participle: electrocuted
      injure or kill (someone) by electric shock.
      “a man was electrocuted on the rail track”

      • Tenacious D says:


        “Electrocution refers to an accident with electricity in which a person died”

        This is a common mistake

        • Tenacious D says:

          From the article in question:

          Electricity provider Ergon later attended and isolated the light switches, and then recommended Ms Diplock visit hospital after her “electric shock”.

          Ergon are very precise in their language when these issues arise

        • The Magpie says:

          So the dictionary is wrong?

          And YOUR source …. a lawyer?

          • Tenacious D says:

            does Wikipedia count?

            The term “electrocution” was coined in 1889 in the US just before the first use of the electric chair and originally referred to only electrical execution and not other electrical deaths. However, since no English word was available for non-judicial deaths due to electric shock, the word “electrocution” eventually took over as a description of all circumstances of electrical death from the new commercial electricity.


          • The Magpie says:

            From The ‘Pie’s most reliable go-to dictionary, Collins, but which is agreement with all the other respected compendiums including the Shorter Oxford. Modern usage or understanding does not replace researched lexical facts. This thread is ended, just haven’t the time for this silly minutiae. And no, Wikipedia does not count in this arena.

            Definition of ’electrocute’
            Word Frequency
            (ɪlektrəkjuːt IPA Pronunciation Guide)
            Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense electrocutes, present participle electrocuting, past tense, past participle electrocuted
            1. VERB
            If someone is electrocuted, they are accidentally killed or badly injured when they touch something connected to a source of electricity.
            Three people were electrocuted by falling power-lines. [be VERB-ed]
            He accidentally electrocuted himself. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]

      • Pedant says:

        If my memory is as good as conceitedly I believe it to be, “electrocute and electrocution” are listed in the News Ltd style guide with specific directions as to their application.

        At least it was there a hundred or so years ago.

        And from what I remember, only dead people had been “electrocuted” in News Ltd publications.. . survivors suffered “electric shocks”.

        That would be ignoring the dictionary, of course, but there’s plenty of examples of that with “program” first in line.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your right, P, the full definition in the News Ltd style book, 4th edition, p 137:
          electrocute: originally meant execute by electric current, but now means any death from electric shock. Do not say someone has been electrocuted if they have had a non-fatal electric shock.

          But while News style has been written by trained professionals, it is more a matter (or was) of uniformity, and it is wiser to follow the dictionary than an in-house style book.

    • Tenacious D says:

      Agreed OT

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, seems someone is listening to you, OT, and our wrangle about the word ‘electrocute’ word is probably a draw. The Astonisher has two bob each, with the headline differing from the photo caption.

  21. Dave of Kelso says:

    New Zealand and this bullshit of 16 year olds being given the vote. Check the link below, or the extract below the link. And before the woke green bleeding hearts get all anxious, yes I know there are brain dead adults out there, dribbling from both corners of their mouth, who are entitled to vote. Fortunately most of them are unable to find a polling booth on their own.


    Most teens know the right thing to do. But their self-centred thoughts and behaviours may sway them to act with little thought about the end result. Bit by bit, their moral sense continues to evolve.

    Sometimes teens grow a bit arrogant with their newfound mental abilities, and some parents complain that their teens “know everything.” It can sometimes be difficult to deal with teens during this time because although they understand that others have differing viewpoints, they often firmly believe their own perception is the most true or valid.

    Even though teens are forming adult cognitive abilities, they still do not have the life experiences to guide them in making the best choices. Indeed, adults struggle with this, too.

  22. The Magpie says:

    Just talking tactics here, not the issue.

    If the immoral bastards of FIFA threatened captains who wore a particular armband with an on-field yellow card, why didn’t the several teams … including those among the top tier … decide that ALL their players taking the field would wear one? FIFA would’ve had to have had a be rethink, real quick. And see their tournament wrecked and their organisation beyond repair in its present form.

    • NQ Gal says:

      The stench of corruption was swirling around the awarding of Russian and Qatar hosting rights before the FIFA delegates even left the room. Both countries should have been stripped on the rights after it was revealed that votes were bought.

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Three and a dog at the MCG watching England play Australia in an ODI tonight!
    Back in the day, 75,000 would have been there.
    Methinks, Mr. Pie, T20 cricket is slowly destroying the basic, rudiments of cricket.

    • The Magpie says:

      Dead rubber on a Tuesday … and Australia playing a massively hung-over pommy side. Not the end of the world or the road for all forms of cricket. But T20 was inevitable … a game with a result in an afternoon or a night.

  24. Russell says:

    Re acceptable use of “queer”. Please refer article by Caspar McLeod on page 19 of today’s Bulletin.
    And Pie, that “Reply” option does indeed disappear after about four levels of replies. Frustrating sometimes.

    • The Magpie says:

      Re ‘reply’ option … was not aware of that, but won’t inquire into it at the moment, becaus The ‘Pie has now been given a precise time a few days hence when the transition to anew platform will be reqired. Will check everything out then.

      But thanks for letting me know.

    • The Magpie says:

      I’ve read the article you refer to, and not sure what point you are making. The writer is a gay person (he says so) and therefore falls into the category initially mentioned – a social grouping that cleverly hijacks an insulting word to back-mock the users … but its non-pejorative use in general remains only with those within the group, and remains an insult outside it. cf ‘nigger’, ‘wog’, ‘abo’, ‘Townsville mayor’.

      And Officer S’s assertion that queer has been in circulation for at least a century is correct, but he conveniently overlooks that for all but the last few years, ‘queer’ had the exclusive derogatory meaning for a gay person (from time immemorial, it was a classic schoolyard insult – usually combined with ‘poofter’ – the truth of which usually ended up being decided down behind the bicycle shed.)

    • Typo says:

      Looks like bubble head Gleeson will be taking even more personal leave after the latest plagiarism finding. What a lazy good for nothing reporter the little maggot is. Perhaps a search of his last 10 years worth of stories will reveal even more thefts!

  25. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, Gleeson’s stupidity and arrogance is simply breath-taking!
    God knows what he “stole” and had published under his own by-line when editor of the Townsville and Gold Coast Bulletins and the Sunday Mail?

  26. Critical says:

    How long will it be before Townsville Police reaches having to issue alerts to close shopping centres because of Youth crime. Are you three useless ALP so called Members of Parliament and Mayor Idiot r reading this and thinking about practical solutions so Townsville and other Queensland cities reach this situation.


    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      There have been two big brawls at Willows leading to partial lockdowns in the past week or so as well as ongoing violent indicents it is becoming the wild west out there.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        One of the problems we have is that is that the economic environment is getting worse. People are becoming more desperate. I’m not making an excuse for those committing crimes, but a fact is this; when people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it. Society is becoming unhinged, violent and uncaring. Wars, crime, financial distress and a general ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude is the outcome. We are seeing it, breathing it, and living it here in Townsville.

        • Critical says:

          I was reading that in Cairns, shopping centre tenants/owners are becoming concerned about the increasing number of people who are shopping online. Apparently one of the top reasons is the crime rate and feeling unsafe at shopping centres.

  27. GARTSV says:

    Well aint that grand – an unelected Council Officer (with no affiliation to the voters- only to the majority of Council Labor party members) and no direct accountability to the electors get’s to decide Town Planning issue.

    This has got to be the best endorsement of no party affiliations in Council teams or better still no Corporate donations in Council elections – NIL!!

    • The Magpie says:

      Absolutely correct … this is a farce with Ralston, who’s been bought and packaged up by Jenny, starting with his enrichment for the plan for mass sackings and then back hiring staff again or doling out contracts, before moving in as CEO to oversee the changes, most of which still haven’t happened.. This man cannot be believed to make a decision in the community interest that may go against the mayor’s wishes.

      Fortunately in this case, he’s likely to approve the plan (or has he already, been away from the screen on the other matters for a few hours?) And that would be a supremely sensible fair and equitable outcome, firmly setting aside ‘ruin the area’s character’ and ‘shadows over the beach’ malarky that ranks with curtains fading in daylight saving.

      Speaking of which, it should be introduced along the Queensland coast and 100kms inland asap. Really dense arguments opposing it nowadays … and expensive, too.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        From a technical point of view the most pressing concern is the request for a reduction in the number of car parks required by approximately 80. That means staff and patrons will be competing with people visiting the Strand for parking and reducing the availability of short term parks for community members. Doing it once sets a precedent and allowing it to continue guarantees a location no one can access. If Mr or Mrs Punter in the suburbs asked to only put in one car park for their duplex with others parking on the street council would reject it in a heartbeat, but big money brings big influence.

        • The Magpie says:

          The precedent was already set by Mayor Mullet and her council when they conjured up, with Labor backroom help, the planned vote winning Double Cross Hotel next to the stadium. It’s projected patrons and staff parking ratio was less than 50%.

          By the way, how’s that coming along, Jenny?

  28. One legged tap dancer says:

    (Posted by The Magpie per an email)

    Call me a closet socialist, but it seems to me that the privatised insurance industry cannot cope with the ever-increasing number of natural disasters
    we’re experiencing in Australia. In many ways, our way of life depends on whether we can get insurance coverage. Everything from property to community events.

    Is it time to create a new state government insurance office? Or even a federal one? The SGIO became Suncorp and its employees lost their status as civil servants. As an independent corporation, although still government-controlled, its focus is to increase returns for its shareholders (including our State Government).

    Since insurance companies won’t insure community groups (including charities), homeowners in (now) flooded areas or even sporting events, we need another solution. Perhaps your readers have some suggestions?

  29. J jones says:

    Columnist and journalist Peter Gleeson has ended his roles at The Courier-Mail and Sky News.
    In a personal note to The Courier-Mail editor Chris Jones today Mr Gleeson said: “I apologise for breaching News Corp’s Code of Conduct and instances where I have not met the standards required.”

    This follows recent examples of material first written by others appearing in articles published under Mr Gleeson’s byline.

    In his note Mr Gleeson said he had had extraordinary career opportunities during a 34-year career with News Corp and added that “it is a fantastic company for which I have the greatest respect.”

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie is, as you can imagine, devastated. DEVASTATED, I SAY!!

      • Typo says:

        Farewell Gleeso you plagiarist. The wording of his resignation was pathetic. No humility. No apology for blatant plagiarism. The best thing is that after all these years of plagiaristic service he resigned, no redundancy payout ha ha ha. Enjoy your next role writing obituaries for some two-bit volunteer newspaper in western Queensland Pete. Bye bye

        • The Magpie says:

          Not sure how deep the disgrace goes, and its likely News will give him a ‘nice little something’ on the side. Especially if Barry Taylor is acting for him, which is quite possible, they are great weekend mates in Noosa.

      • Grumpy says:

        New York bound?

  30. HiBeam says:

    My father told me that betting on a certainty was very poor form, BUT, it appears to be OK if you are an insurance company. For years I have been trying to buy insurance without Flood Cover but no matter who, whom? I insure with they all insist I take it, EXCEPT those companies who think all of 4814 goes feet under water every time we get 50mm of rain. THEY JUST REFUSE TO INSURE YOU AT ALL.
    I have lived in this house for 48 years and have yet to get flooded unless 3mm of water under the house counts. I have never seen an insurance company office that looked like a shack, they have glass and aluminium palaces. Obviously they have too much money, sadly some of it is mine!

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Trying to uncover the source of the data for the latest council flood maps which the insurance companies use to judge if they will insure or not. Even Council staff are shocked that their homes are marked as flood prone when they did not go under in 2019. No one seems to know or care about this inaccurate mapping which is stopping people from getting insurance. Maybe Jenny should stop whipping her self into a lather about youth crime and look closer to home for crooks corruption and incompetence.

  31. Ramrod says:

    Speaking of fuckwits in Townsville, what is it with these fuckwits who drive big arse 4WD’s with RAM emblazoned across the front of them, or RANGER on the back of them, that they tailgate you and bully and intimidate you on the road? Do these small dick individuals get licked on by their wives and then take it out on their car and other road users?? These maggots are easing pickings for the cops as every time you see these black shiny giant RAM’s the morons driving them are speeding or tailgating. C’mon boys and girls in blue, start riding these fuckwits until they behave.

  32. Achilles says:

    On the evening ABC News an item shows the S.A. Premier inspecting the arrival of “sand” bags from Italy into Adelaide to help with levies along the banks of the Murray to protect towns from the anticipated flooding in late December.

    That’s all well and good; but surely Australia has capacity to manufacture such a basic item?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Everyone knows that Italian sand is superior to ours – and the cost to ship it across the world is completely incidental. There is no chance there is any sand in our local rivers, the removal of which would actually improve flow characteristics and hydraulic capacity.

  33. Mike Douglas says:

    The Mayor finally calls out Scott , Aaron , Les for not doing enough for the City and not standing up to the Premier and Brisbane Ministers on crime . Scott Stewart is off on a Europe trip next week to try and convince mining companies to set up in Qld the highest mining royalty State in OZ . Aaron on his fb page ” everything is ok as he has spoken to the Mayor and she knows who much he does ” . Les , where’s Les ? .

  34. Regular reader says:

    Almost choked on my cornies this morning when I saw the front page of the local rag.
    First shock was Jenny Hill (finally) complaining about the lack of action on crime by her 3 Labor mates Harper, Stewart and Walker. Has she forsaken her beloved Labor Party to improve her chances of re-election, or is she just getting square for the Premier’s refusal to fully fund her Landsdown black hole.
    One thing is for sure – there is no way she is finally speaking up in the interests of local citizens. If that was the case she should have been attacking them for the past 2 years.
    The second shock was when I saw the photo of her that accompanied the story. Is the paper using photos that are 20 years old or has Hill discovered the secret to age reversal? There is little or no comparison with the reality you seen when she appears on local tv.

    • Mugwump says:

      Re: Regular Reader.
      The Mayor followed it up on the Ch7 local news tonight.. On location with Messengerbank Walker, at the Lansdown industrial park location, Madam Mayor as she prefers to be addressed again called on her State labour colleges to address the rampant crime.
      Messengbank’s response was of the the meaning that the Madam Mayor has not personally addressed this issue with him.

  35. Critical says:

    Bit of Friday humour. Just got asked by a young person who’s still trying to work out the oddities of adults “Why do we have Black Friday sales on a day that’s not Friday 13th, shouldn’t it be Red Friday sale or some other colour?” Good point young man but I just couldn’t think of a logical answer and he’s now got something over me and he knows it.

  36. The Magpie says:

    “Once again we see white people being marginalised in this country,” Ms Hanson said. “I refuse to allow this blatant discrimination to continue. Today I demand that the government says, on record, that all Fridays matter”.
    The Queensland Senator said the country was in danger of being swamped by Black Friday sales.
    “Like so many Australians, my inbox has been inundated with ‘Black Friday this’, ‘Black Friday that’. Granted there have been some wonderful bargains. But as yet not a single mention of White Friday. So typical of this country’s disrespect for white people”.
    Ms Hanson later moved a second motion to wish all Australians a white Christmas.

  37. Regular reader says:

    This Black Friday relates not to the 13th but to the American sales event based (for some reason) on Thanksgiving. Another case (Halloween anyone) of Aussie retailers forcing American ideas on us to make a quid. Sigh.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yep, exactly the same as Mothers and fathers days, it all marketing worse than any religion. Well, it’s verging on a religion anyway.

  38. The Magpie says:

    The lack of self-awareness continues to astound … and the departure from reality almost complete. Be funny if it wasn’t so sad … and dangerous.

    Angry Staffer
    Well, he’s right, but not for the reason he thinks
    Quote Tweet

    Garrett Haake
    Former President Trump responded online overnight to SCOTUS throwing out his last challenge to Ways & Means finally getting his tax returns. He says the Supreme Court- to which he appointed three justices- has lost its “honor, prestige and standing” & has become “political body”

  39. The Magpie says:

    THIS is what America is up against.


    BTW that looks way more like meths than booze – seen enough people on both to spot the difference.

  40. Santa Clause says:

    Here’s another Jenny Hill failure to add to my earlier list: Flinders Lane (the council’s joint venture with a private developer which has so far attracted only one tenant, a coffee shop). It has turned into a meeting place for metho drinkers, and has overtaken the Cowboys stadium and the Reef Underwater Art/coral blobs for the title of Most Underutilised Publicly Funded Asset in North Queensland.

  41. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    With the rain storms this week the dam is experiencing increased turbidity (that means mud/crud/crap in the mix to the rest of you) and Douglas Treatment Plant is facing another test. Already a lot of extra chemical going in and the output is getting “whiffy” (another technical term) so it might be a good idea to dig out the water filter if you have not already.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      The BullSheet is reporting the stink about water as UNPRECEDENTED but only unprecedented since last summer and something that was supposed to be resolved by our new clarifiers which came online recently.

  42. Prince Rollmop says:

    Perhaps Madam Mayor has finally realised a fact that she never saw before – she totally stinks. And perhaps she finally realises that Anna Alphabet and the three Labor stooges in Townsville have left her cheese hanging in the wind over the Townsville crime problem? Everyone is playing the game of duck for cover. The Mullets future is possibly somewhere inside the LGAQ but she won’t ever hold down a prominent position again because frontline Labor know that she is a liability, she is a bridge burner and is about as diplomatic as Ivan Milat with a backpacker! Anyway, the crime issue isn’t going to go away in a hurry, the Mullet has no answers, the three Labor stooges are complete ghosts when it comes to the crime issue, and Anna Alphabet is too busy ‘supporting’ her femme fatale Police Commissioner who is in a world of hurt as she is presiding over the most racist and bullying police force that Queensland has seen in decades. It’s a shit show and anyone standing within cooee of the above mentioned fools will end up with shit in their face. Oh happy days!

    • The Magpie says:

      A bit off topic, Pickled Herring, but your chosen name betrays some nordic or Scandinavian connection, being that area where rollmops were invented. So if there is such a connection, is that where the phrase ‘her cheese hanging in the wind’ comes from? Never heard it before, and have tried to suppress any speculation about in connection with our mayor.

  43. The Magpie says:

    It’s the thought that counts, but don’t think this is the kind of retirement Bernie is looking forward to.

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