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The Magpie

Sunday, September 20th, 2020   |   174 comments

Liveability And Liability. Mayor Mullet’s Cringeworthy Video Asking You To Do Her Job.

And adding financial injury to insult, using ratepayers money for this totally useless, dishonest, lefty/Labor consultant’s wet dream of a box ticking farrago. It is an ethically criminal use of public money. We’ve been had, yet again.

On the state stage, Anna Alphabet is under the gun also for using public money for private polls she hopes will help her rescue an increasingly unlikely victory at the coming polls. Just the latest in a string of headless chook moves from Alice in Blunderland.

Les Messagebank Walker joins the field in the race for Mundingburra. Labor selects a candidate who doesn’t want to help anybody, just be somebody …

And déjà vu at the TAIHS … administrative ills again for the indigenous health service? A recent senior appointment has raised eyebrows and questions at the organization.


So first …

This Is Getting Like A Shaggy Dog Story … Or A Border Collie Story Perhaps..

As Premier Anna Alphabet and her supporting cast lurch from pantomime to farce to personal melodrama in the on-going COVID cock-up, there have been some deliciously ironical moments.

The one which just about everyone in the country applauds is that and plans the Prime Minister had to campaign for The Freckle in Queensland’s upcoming election has been stymied by virus quarantine rules. And ScoMo himself could hardly hide his glee at being not only let off the hook and avoid a dreary duty, but also being given the opportunity for a prize bit of virtue-signalling when, grinning like a Cheshire cat, he told reporters ‘The rules are the same for everyone, even me.’ Bentley is disappointed, he figured how it would be.


But here in the Sunshine state, after a couple of statements on pandemic rules during the week, The ‘Pie is now wondering if perhaps the Methodists have taken over.

Prof Emma McBryde da46582cdcaa88cd48a9fc09ba79097c

Professor Emma McBryde

Professor of infectious diseases at JCU Emma McBryde, told ABC radio on Thursday that the increased numbers to be allowed to attend sporting events was OK if the basic rules applied and that crowds ‘didn’t chant or indulge in raucous behaviour’.  well, if one is going to the footy, good luck with that, Prof. Seems she would advocate gags instead of masks. So apparently footy fans, you can mutely clap until your fingers are sore … not that that is a danger for Cowboys fans.

And there’s been an official update on the old joke that Methodists oppose sex because bit might lead to dancing. Believe it or not, Dr Jeanette Young, speaking through her ventriloquist’s dummy Anna Palaszczuk said loosening restriction in regional non-virus affected areas (like just about anywhere in Queensland outside the South east Corner) would not be happening anytime soon and she is maintaining the 4square metre rule, a ban on dancing and making people sit in licensed venues ‘because Dr Young believes that standing fosters mingling, and, therefore , transmission of of COVID-19’. .

Seems like there will be a few new pick-up and propositioning lines around soon. ‘Hey, babe, let’s split back to my place and have a mingle or two.’ ’Sure thing, big boy, I’m so going to transmission your brains out all night. But listen, nothing kinky, Professor McBryde says no heavy breathing, OK?”

Yet another scrambled egghead, it seems.

Steven Miles Qld Minister

Deputy Premier Steven Miles

Then there’s that grinning toothy buffoon Steven Miles, who looks more set for a wide-eyed panting week of fumbling at Schoolies week than a deputy premier. He keeps parroting the lie that the PM and the NSW premier are making the border closure ‘political’.  Gosh, really? He admonished reporters, ‘I hope you’re not getting caught up in the LNP’s attempts to make this a political matter’, implying his government is not. And that’s disillusionment on a Trumpian scale. … this is now about nothing but politics – from everybody.

And although Victoria now differentiates between densely populated urban areas and regional communities, easing restrictions outside Melbourne, no such sensible rulinb here. By contrast, Townsville is among those Queensland cities that have had no problems to speak of regarding coronavirus, but our Premier still refuses to recognise the safety of easing regional restrictions.This obsessive and inflexible behaviour in the face of changing circumstances and greater knowledge is devastating for local economies that do not deserve such politically motivated and spiteful leadership’And it’s not logical, either, if one accepts the advice of famed economist John Maynard Keynes:

“There are people who deem it credible if one does not change one’s mind, but when my information changes, I change my mind. What do you do?

An incredible situation in a profession famous for changing their minds, especially after an election.

But Things Have Got Even Murkier For The Premier

But there is a growing body of evidence that Dr Young is not just the only factor informing Palaszczuk’s public pronouncements, and is just a convenient human shield for a totally politicized and compromised premier.

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This from the Courier story:

Palaszczuk’s cover was blown on Wednesday when it was revealed her department has been hiring pollsters at your expense to gauge voter “sentiment” about her government’s COVID-19 restrictions. The Australian revealed Palaszczuk spent more than $528,000 on corona­virus polling in recent months and hired political strategist Mike Kaiser to help frame the state’s COVID-19 economic recovery. Kaiser was ALP state secretary, and later the member for Woodridge when he became ensnared in electoral rigging allegations and resigned in 2001.

Anna Palaszczuk’s answer to media questions on this obvious rort: “Go take a cold shower”.

Which is a funny thing to say for a person in very hot water indeed.

But Such Hokum Isn’t Restricted To Brisbane.

Seems rorting the public purse for private polling information is a Labor ‘thing’ that Jenny Hill is not loathe to use.

Have you seen this yet?

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It is amazing that we go through an expensive local government election campaign to elect the people we want to make decisions on our behalf, councillors we can approach in person. Yet our grandstanding mayor finds it necessary to call in expensive outside consultants for a cynical generic box ticking exercise of virtually no practical value at all … except to make it appear our mayor is doing something, and we are making a valuable contributions.  Well, she is doing something, but unfortunately, that ‘something’ is yet again, wasting ratepayers money a la Jamie Durie. Have a dekko at a real toe-curler of vacuous tripe … and a warning: some viewers may find images here distressing, especially the first one and then all these unelected, irrelevant people reading from scripts they didn’t write … it’s all about as spontaneous as a Cape Canaveral launch. It is advised to be viewed while eating.

If you think Mayor Mullet thinks is going to make you feel special with this flapdoodle, think again. When you get to the actual survey itself, it is 95% a box ticking exercise of inflexible choices, put together by a previously engaged mob of grifters called Placemakers. And here’s the thing … get to the drop down menus and you have to choose where you are located … from a list of practically every town and city in Australia. so stop feeling special. As a money making scam for suckers, you really have to admire Placemakers, it’s a useless exercise just waiting for the likes of Jenny Hill. Townsville has a growing reputation as a ‘mark’,  ripe nor the taking, and boy, are we being took.

But wait, there’s more …. there’s an element of bribery in there to quell your concerns of being patronised like children … at the risk of causing a rush that will crash the TCC website, The ‘Pie can reveal all those doing the survey will go into a draw for – ready for this – 10 $100 vouchers!!!! Why not, ultimately, as a ratepayer, you’re awarding yourself a prize.

BUT THERE’S NO MENTION OF WHERE THE VOUCHERS CAN BE USED. If anyone finds out what these vouchers can be used for, please let us know.

What’s the betting $100 will come of winners next rates bill?

This Couldn’t Be True … And It’s Not, But Only Because She Didn’t Think Of It

The Magpie

September 16, 2020 at 5:44 pm  (Edit)

Mayor Mullet Furious With Cairns

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A fired-up mayor Jenny Hill says she always fight for Townsville, and says her city is a far better positioned to ensure the safety of this program.

‘After all, we would be a much safer choice, everyone knows we have nothing that would tempt those in quarantine to sneak out of their hotels to look around, ‘ she said.

Messagebank For Mundingburra

Former Deputy Mayor, councillor and long term Townsville Council jobkeeper recipient Les Walker has been selected as the ALP candidate to be sacrificed publicly in Mundingburra on October 31.

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His selection was a victory for the locals, who had enough numbers to overcome the Brisbane hierarchy, who voted as a bloc for the left faction’s candidate, nurse Simon Mitchell. Les is seen as a member of the right wing faction, but as one seasoned observer put it ‘he just wants to be somebody, not help somebody.’

The rank and file of the Left Faction took the news calmly as could be expected.


How cruel. The former prison warder immediately showed some of his deep insights into Townsville problems on crime when asked about taking on a retired police officer, Glenn Doyle for the seat. He told the Astonisher “ I’ve had 23 years in corrective services, and I know how to manage offenders’. Well, that’s a comfort to know, that the little bastards will be treated appropriately, but the problem is, Les, your Labor friends in government have made it very difficult to catch the little bastards in the first place.

Messagebank also had a stab at appearing the selfless dedicated community man, risking all to make a run for higher office for the greater good. ‘I will speak to the TCC CEO about my future as a councillor and make an official announcement at Tuesday’s council meeting’, he said.

Now, now, Leslie, old chap, you know full well you will be risking nothing in your bid to swap government tits … like Paul Jacob before you, you will still pick up your councillor’s salary (around $2500 a week) while campaigning, and when you lose, you will return to Walker Street, bank balance intact.

Footnote: Paul Jacob, who had a tilt at state a few years ago while a TCC councilor, promised he would donate his council salary earned while away campaigning to a suitable charity. We have heard nothing of this since. Any comment, Paul? Perhaps the people in Hinchinbrook might like to ask you if you kept your word, after all you want them to vote for you as an honest upstanding Labor man of integrity, don’t you?

Here We Go Again

There are yet again rumblings of discontent within the local indigenous community, and yet again, it is the Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS).

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The service in the past has been revealed as a bit of a gravy train for a chosen few, and this is not really surprising, and not all that alarming, since The Magpie hasn’t heard of any affect on the services for the indigenous community have been adversely affected. But it is legitimate to delve into maters such as this, no matter how much it is resented by the ‘closed shop’ mentality of those who hold sway because public money is involved.

Information from Cairns alerted The ‘Pie to a rather interesting appointment here in Townsville recently.

Dallas Hure Screen Shot 2020-09-20 at 12.30.26 am

TAIHS CEO Dallas Hure

The person in question is one Dallas Hure, formerly CEO of the Northern Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Alliance. Earlier this year, Mr Hure was appointed CEO of TAIHS.

The word from Cairns is that Mr Hure was … shall we say … a free spending CEO … to the extent that it is said that the organization now has financial problems. The Magpie has no basis non which to suggest anything untoward, and does not know if that free spending involved personal expenditure or whether Mr Hure just didn’t handle the organisation’s finances in an efficient manner. But former colleagues in Cairns are less generous in their opinion of Mr Hure and were surprised – to say the least – with his appointment in Townsville. Without offering unsubstantiated details, it is fair enough to say he was not the most universally liked figure.

From what little The Magpie can learn from the arcane operation of aboriginal ‘family’ culture, it appears Mr Hure was not the first choice candidate of the TAIHS board, but the number one choice decided to accept another position, and with certain insistent familial intervention by a certain board member, Mr Hure got the nod.

The question folks up north are asking revolves around Mr Hure’s educational claims, as listed on Linkedin.

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Certainly an interesting array of achievements for a person who has been in constant work within the government indigenous framework for many years. Now questions have been asked of Mr Hure about these qualifications (The ‘Pie would most interested to know what ‘narrative therapy’ is), but it seems Mr Hure has been reluctant to offer any documentation, and the Board apparently didn’t demand it at the interview stage … or since. But he certainly talks a good bureaucratic buzz in several documents googled by The ‘Pie, but they basically say nothing; by and large they are just a lot of high faultin’ ‘mission statement’ blah blah blah full of key feel good ‘power’ words so beloved across all government and statutory authority outfits.) A sample.

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Now, everything may well be tickety boo, (dare one say in the Aussie vernacular ‘no wukkas’) but it seems not everything is transparent and accountable in this matter, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Overseas Now, And The Mobster President Has Upped The Ante On His Credibility.

Not possible, you cry, but calling your opponent a paedophile (without not a skerrick of evidence), simliarly that he is on drugs,  and blaming him for your own failings of your time in office would suggest the bar of believability has been raised somewhat.

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But Trump made the Freudian slip of the year when he praised the doctrine of what he mis-called ‘herd mentality’, which is just so apt for his slack-jawed followers. But he’s clearly getting more manic, a fact not missed in this week’s gallery.

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Just while we’re in this territory, a question that has puzzled The Magpie for a while. So he asks those people – many here in Australia – who parrot the mantra of ‘fake news’, just where do you get the information that something is ‘fake’, and how do you know if that source in itself isn’t fake?

Just askin’.

And A Couple Of Things Before You Go


Meet Gordon the $300 Gecko … that’s how much the little bastard cost us to repair the fridge motor.

And finally, The Magpie is aware that many people are offended by some of the material published here each week, and because he wants to tend o his readers needs, he has decided to open a complaints department. Please feel free to visit it any time.


That’s it for this week, the heat in comments is warming up as counter arguments rage, but it’s all in a spirit of good fun (well, kinda), in which you are invited to partake. And if you’ve been meaning to drop in a donation, this would be a good time (for The Magpie anyway) to do so, it is always appreciated. The donate button is below. (If you don’t decide to donate, The ‘Pie has a slightly used gecko for sale, cheap at $300.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    The Labor party keeps on giving with the Victorian COVID enquiry finding proof thru emails and texts that Scomo and Defence department offered Victoria defence department personal although Chairman Dan denies it . The Victorian CMO or Police Commissioner had no input into Hotel 14 isolation with correspondence from the Premiers office that a private contractor had been appointed . On the Queensland front the Qld Premier knew 72 hrs before announcing the female person who drove from Rockhampton to Blackwater was COVID free yet let Blackwater residents panic and get tested as well as the cost of staff . Strategist Mike ($280k ) Kaiser is pulling the strings on strategy for Palaszczuk and with polling bad Canberra borders have opened and expect NSW soon . Steven Miles Health Minister who presided over the $400 k Lady Cilento hospital name change because of overwhelming support just most of the votes were tracked back to Qld Gov offices IP addresses sees himself as the smiling assassin Deputy Premier . Miles should provide more entertainment as he tries to land some punches to improve the Palaszczuk Governments popularity . What has Messagebank been offered to run for Mundingburra ? seat on Townsville Port / Hospital ? .

  2. Stefan says:

    If Mr Hure has ‘wasted’ organisation money it sure wasn’t on his hair style!!!

    Advanced hair….yeah yeah

  3. Alahazbin says:

    That plane in the Trump cartoons is the same one Anna was boarding in Bundaberg last week.
    Hopefully the same result.

  4. One legged tap dancer says:

    Jenny Hill has got her knickers well and truly twisted over Phil Thompson’s insistence on keeping her grubby hands off the $195 million of Australian taxpayers cash he has secured as a result of Anna’s refusal to accept the funding for stage 2 of Jenny’s pipeline to nowhere.
    In a long winded Letter to the Editor published on Saturday (by special arrangement with the editor I’m reliably informed, to provide maximum exposure) our brick wall transparency mayor made it clear that the independent members of the committee appointed by Thompson to decide what to do with the $195 mill are not to her liking.
    I can see it now – a new committee chaired by herself and including Little Pattie, Kevin Gill, and selected members of her council aerobics team. She could even wear her Chairperson vest from her Disastrous Committee to show everybody who is in charge.
    For goodness sake Jenny, get the message. You are nothing more than the mayor of a regional city which thanks to you is bordering on bankruptcy and going backward faster than the Cowboys.
    Your futile attempts to butt into issues over which you have no authority are pathetic.
    Just try doing your own job properly for a change. Who knows, you might finally achieve something other than a billion dollar city debt.

    • The Magpie says:

      Given Jenny Hill’s disastrous track record and inept financial management, you can bet Canberra has told Thompson to keep her at arm’s length. It is delicious to watch her stamp her feet in a public hissy fit. She starting to realise that she’s been found oud out as a financial squidbrain.

      PS The ‘Pie wouldn’t mind a bet that old mate Dolan Hayes wrote that letter, or at least someone halfway literate in the media bunker … certainly wasn’t her.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      A change in the state govt will also prove as frustrating for the useless failure, for they too will want to exclude the Mullet from any decisions regarding funding in Townsville, and rightly so, if more people ignore the loud mouth moron and her personal media unit that is the Townsville Bulletin the town might have a chance of thriving once again.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        We had a chance last year to get rid of Mulett & Co.

        The majority of the electorate, totally disengaged from local government issues, and in the absence of a free and fearless press, re-elected Mulett & Co.

        Those of us (a minority) who are engaged, and in the absence of a free and fearless press, are fucked.

    • NQ Gal says:

      The funniest part of the Mullet’s dummy spit was saying that the Lansdown Industrial Precinct was not one of her pet projects. Really? I haven’t seen any other cheerleaders for this development.

    • The Magpie says:

      Let’s be fair to the Astonisher when it is due … it is the least we can do since it is so rare.

      Her letter required no ‘special arrangement’ and it was in direct reply to a somewhat more prominent letter from Phillip Thompson a day or so earlier. Papers love a public stoush like this one, the Astonisher thionks nit sells papers … an supposition hardly backed up by reality.

      The gloves are not only off, the knuckle dusters are on between these two. The ‘Pie knows who he would back.

      And The ‘Pie did a delighted double take when Mr Thompson provided the perfect answer in advance to the Mullet’s letter (which is probably why she had someone pen such a whining letter in response)..

      • Achilles says:

        Is that a map of Malta?

      • Old Tradesman says:

        Our Mayor has the I’m tough syndrome, I will boycott QANTAS, I will tell Phil where I want the money spent, I think that she has been listening to the chief state bully Anna2, “I will not be bullied by the Prime Minister”, obviously playing the victim, have they forgotten about that old saying,” Never bite the hand that feeds you”.

  5. Mike Shearer says:

    When you reach the bit where you have to give name and email address they the ten $100 “prizes” have been reduced to “…the best five will win a $100 voucher of your choice from one of Prezzee’s participating retailers”. Was The Astonisher involved in this??

    • The Magpie says:


      • Mike Shearer says:

        Google “Prezzee”: “Prezzee is a revolutionary eGift Card app that will change the way you gift. Featuring Australia’s top retailers…”  They suggest Gift Cards Perfect for Her – Myer; Pandora; Veronika Maine. Gift Cards Perfect for Him; Barbeques Galore; Kathmandu; Anaconda; Supercheap Auto; JB Hi-FI; rebel

        • The Magpie says:

          Thanks, Mike. But those names are for the country at large, a bit of narrow targeting in Townsville might encourage more people to fill out the survey … say, a Prezzie for Vinnies, Salvos, Op Shop, or maybe even Sweethearts Adult Shop, if you’d like a change from being fucked over by the council.

        • Achilles says:

          Mike, don’t tell the looney PC fringe about this, as its options are SEXIST. Pie best delete Mikes comment before they close you down for such an affrontery to their hi [sic] minded ideologies.

  6. Dave of Kelso says:

    Gordon Gecko and the fridge motor. Don’t the little blighters stink when they have been fritzed. We had one in an old style ceiling fan control. The fan still worked and took a while to source the stink.

  7. Achilles says:

    Re Gordon the $300 Gecko … Maybe you shouldn’t have bought a Westinghouse fridge mate.

  8. The Magpie says:

    A most unfortunate headline featuring a photograph of a woman with a drink, and two men sitting on the deck of a hotel.

  9. Tropical says:

    Here you go.
    Fake news. Fake news (also known as junk news, pseudo-news, or hoax news) is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional news media (print and broadcast) or online social media.

    Basically it is what you publish each and every Sunday about Trump as you are afflicted with a pathetic form of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    See you forgot to mention Trumps middle east deals signed last week. Not that important – huh?

    • The Magpie says:

      “Here we go” … what? That isn’t a reply to the question posed in the blog, which, just to clarify … and it is not a trick question, it is a genuine inquiry … how do YOU decide what information is fake and which information is correct? You clearly accept one stream of what you care to believe is correct and reject … despite any evidence, including videos of Trump saying things which he later denies … that doesn’t fit your view. Which is fine – so far, anyway – it is still a free country at the moment. But seriously, how do you reach the decision about what you choose to believe? Have you ever looked up the words ‘empirical evidence’, which to you, Trops, old son, will always be neverdence.? Have you ever read the parable about the Emperor’s New Clothes?

      We agree partly on one thing, though … there is certainly a lot of derangement about, and indeed there certainly is derangement in relation to Trump, but I suspect we part company on the finer details of interpretation as to whose derangement we are talking about.

  10. Strand Ghost says:

    Hi Pie
    Does anyone know what is happening on Ross st. Sth. Tville on the banks of Ross ck.
    The reason I ask they have been working on this block for about 18 mths or more, firstly they bought in old Power poles and put to outside, then they top soiled it, seeded and watered it for about 6 mths and then nothing to about 8 mths ago then they came and poured a round slab and fitted a table and benches and a big umbrella ( would have cost a packet)

    Then about 3 weeks later 3 machines turned up and worked the site after 6 loads of rock turned up too, they then started to make wire frames which they then filled with rock to make retaining walls, it took them 4 weeks of work to finish the job, with the help of approximately 6 young people who would turn up in a bus with about 3 minders to show them what to do
    The young didn’t like too much work as they spent most time sitting in bus.
    The money they have spent on this is Ludicrous and it is still there for last six weeks not finished with bunting around site to stop anyone going in. This is a total waste of our taxpayer money and for what reason?

    nobody goes over there except for Port workers and people going to the car barge. You could fire a shotgun down this end of Palmer st. and not hit anybody, even the Indian restaurant Masala are moving next mth.
    I have taken photos today of site if you want them.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, pix please.

    • Achilles says:

      That pic may call for a renaming of Castle Hill, it “bares” no resemblance to a castle, but there are a number of other possibilities beginning with C; like cleft, or cleavage, or cavitus maximus hill..

      • The Magpie says:

        The nights are long, cold and lonely up your way, aren’t they?

      • Bentley says:

        Those gas cylinders in such numbers, in one spot, so close to strategic infrastructure and high rise accommodation makes me more than ‘nervous’. Any readers understand the acronym BLEVE ?

        • The Magpie says:

          Yes, it is what Mayor Jenny Hill suffers when Phil Thompson won’t give her his money.

        • Bang says:

          BLEVE – scary shit and quite violent

          • Bentley says:

            Who would have authorised the installation of these tanks?

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s all Port-controlled land, so Port boss Ranee Crosby could tell you, although in any event, ultimately, it would be her responsibility. Do we know exactly what is in them?

          • Bang says:

            Would love to see the threat zone maps.

            If it is a hazmat then they will need to have a sign with details of what it is visible at the entry to the site

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, clear up that last sentence please.

          • Bang says:

            just had another look at the pic, it’s a red diamond so it’s most likely a class 2.1 flammable gas.

          • The Magpie says:

            Went over to take a gander this arvo, it’s LPG.

          • Bang says:

            yes LPG would be 2.1

          • The Magpie says:

            Was that the gas involved in the Ravenshoe cafe blast four years ago? f so, and notnwithstanding that these are full on industrial cylinders and the lighter cafe ones, that road should be closed immediately and those cylinders should removed to a suitable place. Why the fuck are hey there anyway? Wouldn’t fancy living the flat across the creek at the start of the Strand, closer than the Metropole Hotel.

          • Bang says:

            These tanks have been around the burbs for years in places where they don’t want to install underground infrastructure – granted it is usually only one tank in a suburb and this appears to be a few more.

            There should be a threat map available from council – mind you, some of the threat maps that I have seen of North Shore makes me wonder why anyone would live there – the industries around that area are scary, but that’s a whole other story.

          • The Magpie says:

            So who had the brilliant idea of building an umbrella shaded round picnic table seating more than a dozen people … then roping it off, but the tanks remain with a metre of people walking past to or from the port … like those much ballyhooed cruise liners?

          • Bang says:

            30 something years ago I was involved in fighting a fire that was going to result in a BLEVE situation – in the end we released that gas and controlled it in pockets with a 4 inch line on spray – thankfully we had enough time to do it.
            It is not an accepted practice any more, but hey it worked – we had a bushfire closing in on us and had no choice.

    • CEO of Crap says:

      Been watching this site myself since they started it. It is a little bizarre. Was thinking of stopping to have a closer look but those large gas cylinders make me a little nervous. I wonder if the works were part of the planning approval from the old Curtain site?

  11. The Magpie says:

    The reasons that newspapers and on line news sites cock-up is sometimes obscure, even to those who are, or have been, in the business. So not too sure what happened over at New Daily website today.
    This appeared on their summary page, and the combination of words and the photo was intriguing to say the least – a possible world scoop.

    But when the story opened up, we got this.

    The ‘Pie read it right through, and it was just one of Paul B’s vanilla pieces of Canberra churn.

    Shame, would’ve been a ball tearer if it were true.

  12. CEO of Crap says:

    Dallas Hure-Little, full bio along with ‘qualifications’ on LinkedIn. Some of the time periods studied seem a little short to complete the full course? I could be wrong of course. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dallas-hure-little-

    • L Berry says:

      Suddenly, “Profile Not Available”. The ‘Pie is widely read, it seems.

      • Director of Shonk Investigations says:

        Aagh Mr poodle hair Hure, would you potentially be another dodgy bureaucrat/politician/government employee to ‘exaggerate’ your credentials? Why would you disable your LinkedIn profile suddenly? I hope someone took a screenshot so we can compare it with the ‘updated’ profile once it is back online. Hopefully, and for the sake of transparency, there will be some Government type persons reviewing people’s stated education claims on their social media profiles and CV’s. Anyway Dallas. Perhaps you can not only do a makeover of your LinkedIn profile but also do a makeover of your hairstyle. You look like the character Hollywood from the movie ‘Manequin’.

      • CEO of Crap says:

        L Berry – actually it is even more bizarre than that. It is now up again, but from my memory there appears to be two qualifications now deleted.

  13. Stefan says:

    I’m wondering if Dallas Hure could give the Mullet and Jeanette Young some hairstyling and makeup tips??

  14. The Magpie says:

    Come the revolution and The ‘Pie is the boss, among his first edicts will be that news sites will face severe penalties for headlines and stories that make puns about paws for dogs, purr for cats, neigh for horses and qwacked-up for water birds. And NO, folks, please don’t start, you will have to find other ways to have a whale of a time.

  15. The Magpie says:

    Did you note this story last Thursday?

    Whoa up there, tradies, put the hard hats back on the rack, the Qld Health isn’t ready for you yet – not by a long chalk. This is one of the more cynical, out-of-touch campaign ploys by a desperate government.

    Some history. The actual story itself ‘is no longer available’ from our paper of record, but do you remember this?

    Remember the outcry on social media back in 2013 when Tony Mooney announced that Townsville Hospital was introducing $5 per hour parking, with the first 15 minutes free?

    The justified howls of disgust were such that that 15 minutes was swiftly expanded to an oh-so-generous ‘first hour free’ and that is where it remains today. However, Mooney promised that the rorted money would go towards a new multi-level, undercover parking building, so there, there, you sooks.

    Fast forward to this month, and this story, and Last Thursday’s totally misleading story in the Bulletin.

    That story began:
    “A new 10-storey building will form part of the Townsville University Hospital expansion with $1.5m announced for the planning stages today.
    Deputy Premier Steven Miles said the expansion was part of the state government’s plan to bring more health services to North Queensland.
    The $1.5m commitment will go towards the preliminary business case, with plans already in place for a new building on the site of the helipad.”

    Oh goody, you thought, better late than never, undercover car parking at last.

    Ummm, well, no, still your racing heart, folks.
    Reading through the entire story, there is not a single mention of the promised new car park. In fact, the only mention of car parking was this:
    “The helipad will be moved to the staff car park while the building is built.”

    Couple of things: this is a very transparent piece of campaigning bullshit, the piddling $1.5million is for a ‘preliminary business case’ (‘preliminary’? FFS, this is a HOSPITAL, will the business case determine if people will continue to get sick, injured or need spare parts?) … and the study might be finished by sometime next year. No mention of when it might be ‘shovel ready’.

    But it gets worse. The staff car park will become a temporary helipad, so staff will either have longer walks in the dark to and from exhausting shifts at the hospital, or they will be allowed to take up the already over-crowded and expensive public parking spaces.
    That idle shovel can be put to good use shovelling this stuff until something real is ready for it.
    There is a crucial date to remember in all this:
    October 31, 2020.

    • CEO of Crap says:

      Sideline to this story, in my opinion, people visiting sick and dying loved ones should not be asked to pay for car parking.

      • NQ Gal says:

        CEO – You are lucky you have never had to visit a capital city hospital- it’s $20 before you blink.

        • The Magpie says:

          Then economics and transport options in a capital city are completely different to a place like Townsville … and many other regional centres.

  16. Merlin the magician says:

    I always love these deceptive political announcements. $1.5m buys you a ‘business case’ which will contain probably 2 to 3 options and a lot of words and glossy photos. It’s a cheap way to look like you are doing something, but it’s all bullshit. Smoke and mirrors. Magic tricks. This is not a fully costed signed off project that is approved, funded and ready to commence. It is a play on words. In other words, it is BULLSHIT!!!


    • The Magpie says:

      While The ‘Pie obviously agrees with your October sentiments, he isn’t that silly to think this sort of stuff is exclusive to Labor, it is across all political parties and persuasions … and it will remain so while voters act like absent minded goldfish come polling time.

      • Old Tradesman says:

        They could at least have waited to get Mr Messagebank Walker in the photo.

      • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

        It is absolutely exclusive to the ALP – the LNP use video flythroughs the Minister can stand in front of rather than glossy brochures the Minister can wave. Do at least try to keep up Magpie.

  17. Alahazbin says:

    Seems TCC are stopping Bluewater Airstrip from using the access entry to the property because it is on council land. No real reason for the decision, but ‘bucket mouth’ Ryder is involved.

    • CEO of Crap says:

      I’m sure the equestrian centre development has nothing to do with it.

      • The Magpie says:

        Ummm, why would it, the proposed equestrian centre is on the other side of the highway?

        • I’ll be plucked says:

          Are you sure Pie? They might have shifted it when no-one was looking!! :)

        • CEO of Crap says:

          Not sure if you wanted me to post the link or not Magpie, but the issues I’ve been following with interest since first in the Astonisher back in 2015. Around same time the Equestrian Centre was being framed up, but I’m sure only coincidental. There is a big write up in TRRA Facebook page (I know, tin foil hats ect….) but my interest was in what was said and names being named and I just checked, still there. Not taken down for defamation or the sort.

          • The Magpie says:

            Understand your point, and it was, if you remember, The Magpie that made the first inquiry as to whether a lot of the land dealings on the Bluewater/Toolakea strip were related to the possible expansion of the Bluewater strip. Subsequent information tended to disprove that theory, at least for the time being. And what a viper’s nest that revealed. As for the TRRA, it would appear that those defamed on the site have decided discretion is the better part of valour, as the site is so discredited, no one gives a stuff what they say, and why waste time suing a bloke with no money (The ‘Pie’s situation too, which Barry Taylor found at the cost of $200k +, unless he got his rabbit Rabeah to pay the rip-off bill.)

  18. NMD says:

    I am still confident of a labor victory October 31 and I maintain that Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and Dr Jeanette Young have, and are, doing a marvellous job for Queensland. With these fearless leaders backed up by local Government stalwarts like Mayor Hill we have a very bright and solid future for this State.

    • The Magpie says:

      Nice to see satire is alive and well.

    • Achilles says:

      None so blind as those that will not see.

      • The Magpie says:

        You folks keep falling for this juvenile japery from NMD … probably a member of the Young liberals having a jolly wheeze.

        • NMD says:

          Tomfoolery perhaps, but you do enjoy it don’t you Pie? C’mon, admit it.

          • The Magpie says:

            Happy to serve.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Can’t even use an original handle for this blog.
            The original NMD was far more educated than this fool. Give me breakdown of Nelly Bay Harbour history, without googling.

          • The Magpie says:

            Allow The ‘Pie to give you a potted history of NBH …. bulldozed through during fits of being mildly awake by Capt Snoooozzze and Tony Money (no not a typo). Ugly unfinished infrastructure surrounding the harbour, and the deal was that NBH got the ferry service to the exclusion of all other sites in a failed backroom deal with developers.

            Which effectively killed Picnic Bay and its picaresque potential, because the small amount of money to make the jetty there useable on an occasional basis just couldn’t be found.

        • The Third Reader says:

          Followed by a wheezing jolly

  19. I’ll be plucked says:

    Has ALP member Harpic been eating too many Cupcakes? Interview on local news showed a head that was much expanded and ‘beefy’. Just wondering .

  20. Snouts in the Labor trough says:

    Mooney has picked up another Government Board position as a Director at North Queensland Bulk Ports. Anna alphabet is quickly stacking Board positions across the state with Labor stooges. What a bunch of grubby misfits. Thumbing her nose at all manner of ethics and once again failing the pub test. I am more determined each day to vote these parasites out in October.

    • Stuey says:

      Old mate Barry Taylor will be pissed to see his failed protege Connie got a gig on the Townsville Port board.

      • The Magpie says:

        No real reason given and the Astonisher didn’t even press for a reason (one is flabbergasted!) …’personal reasons’ isn’t an answer the supports of ANY political party deserve, it could mean anything from health or family issues to pending charges involving exotic habits with small furry marsupials.

        Typical One Notion .. perhaps they fuct up in the selection vetting and missed something? These questions hover when we are insulted with ‘personal reasons’.

        • CEO of Crap says:

          Believe that ‘slashed tyres’ were costing him a small fortune at Bob Jane. Politics is often very dirty.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yeah, have heard outstanding financial matters are involved, and if that’s true, given the tactics and threats, what manner of debt could be involved.

  21. Ducks Nuts says:

    So Troy Thompson is out of the race for Thuringowa. Can’t say I’m disappointed.

    • Reeds says:

      Not surprised with the death threats, assaults’ and intimidation Troy received. I can only hope he accepted one of the big union payoffs he was offered not to run.

      This could be one of the best election results money can buy.

      Looking forward to reading the Tin Foil Hat assessments because we know the CCC won’t investigate.

      • The Magpie says:

        Wonder if those assessments will match your own Tin Foil Hat conspiracy theory, Reeds?

        And where did you get the info that Troy stepped down for the reasons you state? Oh, sorry, it was the ‘voices’?

        • Reeds says:

          The AvTav is the source Mr Pie. Youd be surprised what gets talked about and most blokes are right on the money.

          • The Magpie says:

            AvTav?as in Avenues Tavern? You are seriously saying bar bluster is a reliable source of information? If so, mate, you are a true child of Townsville.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            C’mon Reeds. At least try and make this believable. The Av Tav is too classy for a ON watering hole. The houses around there are new and the people have all their teeth. Besides, it’s the wrong side of town for unions and Labor.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Wouldn’t be surprised if he received death threats after some of the stupid stunts he has pulled. But I doubt there were any bribes needed. This guy is all puff. He makes lots of claims about who he is and what amazing things he has done. But I find no hard evidence of any of it. He also made spurious claims of the support his campaign had. I believe one claim was that 90% of the people were going to vote for him.

  22. NMD says:

    Alahazbin, you are as thick as two planks of wood. Fool. And the Pie beat me to your request and he has explained NBH quite succinctly. Which means I can now go back to preparing for lunch today with a few Labor supporters and seek out some financial opportunities from said political influencers.

    All these acronyms to deal with – NMD, ECQ, NBH oh the headache…..

  23. The Magpie says:


    Proserpine Watchhouse Sergeant Calls Man Who Assaulted Costigan a ‘Pissweak idiot’.

    ‘That wasn’t assault,’ the angry officer said,’ that was just a bit of push and shove. This pissweak idiot had the chance to give the gabby cream puff Costigan the really good hiding he deserves but then wimps out with a bit of a shove and name calling. Maybe one day we’ll get Costigan himself in the watchhouse, and then we’ll be able to show how it really should be done.’

    • Joe Frazier says:

      Look at Costigan. He is weaker than a wet lettuce leaf. Somebody farting would make him tumble over. A pre-school girl could slap harder. This bloke is the same weakling that instead of ignoring one of his flute signs which had a dildo placed on the forehead of his photo, he posed with the flute for a cheap PR stump to ‘show he wasn’t rattled’, which he obviously was. A man with balls would’ve said ‘grow up you fucktards and if you have an issue come and talk to me about it’! Pissweak bubble wrapped politicians who hide behind office doors and away from the real world. The boofhead……

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, he was a TV journalist, and as if that wasn’t bad enough, a football commentator. He was also was also caught out at a blatant plagiarist when he was here in Townsville, although he was man enough to apologise and be contrite when The Magpie confronted him with it.

        But if he’s the measure of the politicians we have, little wonder Queensland remains the laughing stock of the nation politically … by those in states willing to overlook their own three ring circuses.

        The ‘Pie wouldn’t feed any of the bastards.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          I always liked the guy. I knew him pretty well. He was always a friendly, yet sometimes immature fella, but knew his sport and was a good sport journo and League commentator in my opinion. I haven’t spoken to him for a few years, but I’d trust him more than most other politicians. Like a young TV journo just before him named Crisafulli, it was a good choice to move to politics as local news was never a long term career. At least he’s not scared to say what he thinks.

          • The Magpie says:

            Maybe but the problem is WHAT he thinks – new state rubbiish is just an attention getting ploy at this stage of our problems. Nothing against Costo personally, very hale fellow well mate sort of bloke, but don’t ever make the mistake of putting on the same level of political smarts as The Kid.

          • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Well there’s a ringing endorsement for the boy who would be king of North Queensland “He was always a friendly, yet sometimes immature fella, but knew his sport and was a good sport journo and League commentator in my opinion.”

  24. Frequent flyer says:

    Had reason to walk down Via Vomitorium (aka Flinders Street East) yesterday and was shocked at the number of empty buildings, so I counted them – 14 in one block, and that’s only on one side of the street.
    Wonder just how many businesses have gone bust in Townsville in the past 5 years.
    And Jenny Hill thinks she’s doing a good job.

  25. The Magpie says:

    Hear than Anna’s in town tomorrow, with a big campaign announcement. Figures, because The’Pie’s bet is … and has been consistently … that Labor’s big worry is the Katter Party … Frecklington has nobbled the LNP vote, she just doesn’t cut through … especially with sheilas would be a good guess. The ‘Pie reckons The Freckle really blew it last year when she criticised Palaszczuk for being childless and her fashion sense – like she should talk on the latter matter, dresses like a 1970s real estate office secretary.

    • NQ Gal says:

      I’m guessing Nanna Anna will also be opening the just completed Women’s Centre tomorrow.
      I’m also guessing that someone has read the tea leaves and realising she was in for an electoral hiding, is starting to open the border a bit – yahoo, I’m going to visit family in Canberra for the long weekend.

      • The Magpie says:

        don’t celebrate too soon … when it comes to voting, Queenslanders and Townsvilleans in particular are known to have an attention span equivalent to a goldfish with dementia.

        • CEO of Crap says:

          Correction : attention span the equivalent of dementia. I reckon Palaszczuk will be doing a photo shoot outside the Cowflops ‘Satisfactory Performance Centre’ followed by an inspection of the nearly finished Houghton River pipeline along with a quick (pala)duck dive on the underwater museum. From there a takeaway coffee on Castle Hill near the ‘not’ proceeding cafe along with a walk down the goat track pretending the zip line is in place. Maybe finish it off with a Maggie Island horse ride with the three amigos MP’s.

        • Charter boat says:

          What charter boat?

      • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

        That Women’s Cenre looks like it would be more in keeping with Christmas Island or Nauru. What an ugly collection of dongas in a dusty paddock.

        Seems like it was designed by some enlightened soul in the Department of Housing in Brisbane who has never ventured outside their cubicle, and certainly not into the topics.

        Where are the wide verandas to shade the building and keep people dry when it pisses down raining? Where is the “sympathetic integration with the existing local streetscape”?

        Ladies and gentlemen, your taxes at work. I really hope Anna Alphabet does stand in front of it for a picture as it is emblematic of how much her government is committed to the North.

        • CEO of Crap says:

          On TV this morning they mentioned the facility at Rasmussen gets around 100 displaced mums and kids a week from DV. It’s dreadful.

        • NQ Gal says:

          The architects and engineers for this job were actually Townsville based, but you could reasonably assume the original design brief to them came from Brisbane.

          • Alahazbin says:

            NQG, They got the architects plans from Tony Mooney, when they built that night club in the ‘via vomitorium’

  26. Ratepayer says:

    Here we go again.
    Jenny Hill is teaming with the State Government to try to entice the Women’s National Basketball League to play its entire season in Townsville.
    So Jenny, in view of your proclaimed new transparency policy, please tell the ratepayers how much they are going to be paying for this so-called sporting coup, to host a competition that is so low on the the sporting interest scale in Australia.
    While you’re at it can you also please tell us how much we paid for the Elton John concert, the Horn fight, and the V8 Supercars?
    Imagine if all those millions of dollars had been spent instead on providing essential services to the people of Townsville.

  27. Farq me...... says:

    Annastacia Palaszczuk aka Fibby McFibface has been quick to jump on Townsville lingo today with an undisclosed funding announcement of rebricking the Glencore Smelter in Mount Isa.

    When pressed on how much (Glencore were asking for $35 million) the Premier and Treasurer have responded “That’s commercial in confidence”… fuck seriously it is Queensland tax payers money not yours.

    I bet the Glencore CEO who is worth more than $6 billion is laughing his head off, getting this money for free after Glencore made more than $4 billion profit last year.

    Queensland Labor is truly the party of the rich and famous – if you don’t have money – you get nothing.

    Tip to all other companies in Queensland threaten to close and Annastacia Palaszczuk aka Fibby McFibface will give you money That’s commercial in confidence.

    • The Magpie says:

      (Edited for relevance).
      What’s Commercially Confidential Information?
      Commercial in confidence generally takes the form of a term in a confidentiality clause, which outlines an obligation to not disclose confidential information.
      Confidential information is any secret information that, if revealed, could cause harm. Typically, confidential information takes the form of trade secrets or sensitive, commercially valuable information.
      Public Sector
      In contrast to private commercial in confidence obligations, legislation restricts the Government’s entitlement to confidence in commercial contracts.
      The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) requires an overriding public interest against disclosure, such as a private sector party’s insistence in confidentiality. Otherwise, its generally expected that a government contract will be, at least partially, open to public scrutiny.
      If contracting with the Government, it’s useful to determine what role public interest may play in the confidentiality of the agreement.

      Commercial in confidence protects confidential information by way of confidentiality clauses or agreements. Private sector application relies on the freedom to contract to terms, whereas government contracts have an obligation to the public.
      Confidentiality clauses require express incorporation and are unlikely to be implied. However, public interest may prevail in a public sector contractual relationship.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Farq Me – Fatty Palmer would argue that he is rich and famous, but that the government has given him nothing! I’m sure he will be launching another court action to demand an equal share of government largesse for all billionaires, and more specifically him.

      • Farq Me says:

        NQ Gal – I am sure Fatty Palmer would be all over government money if it was offered but politics will make sure that will never happen.

        Remember Clive Palmer originally only asked for the Queensland Government to “guarantee” a $35m loan, not give cash, just guarantee.

        But the Labor Government influenced by its links to China got involved in the game that CITEC (a Chinese Company) were playing with Clive in Western Australia over iron ore royalties. Where they starved Clive of cash and QNI failed.

        The Queensland Government clearly knew if they did not guarantee the loan QNI would fail and jobs would be lost. But they did not care about people in Townsville.

        The North West Star is reporting the gift to Glencore is between $30m and $40m.

        Still no excuses for not disclosing the exact amount of money that has been paid to Glencore.

        But this is a Labor government built on secret deals, lies and looking after mates. Where innocent hard working people are used a pawns.

        Maybe the Premier will come out and say I don’t make the decisions by again offering up another public servant to be slaughtered.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Yes and with good reason, Palmer requested a $30 million loan for QNI in 2016, not a handout, with the specific purpose of paying staff so it could continue to operate, Puddleduck told him to get stuffed, it would seem foreign companies have been preferenced over Australian companies, but with Labor that is no surprise, they have been fucking Australian businesses for years.

  28. Mike Douglas says:

    Power 100 short of announcers with Karina on leave recovering from a broken ankle and Wildy off bought John Hubbard back on air or “ afternoon with Hubbs “ . Great they used local talent vs syncing with southern announcers .

  29. Hee-Haw says:

    This “gift” to Glencore cannot be classed a CIC as its disclosure would not cause any harm to anyone, except the stupidity of the government maybe.

  30. Anna’s Boy says:

    Nanna Anna’s former right-hand man did not properly declare his business interests while working in her office, the corruption watchdog has found. And text messages have been uncovered that “clearly create the perception” he intended to use his influence to help out his business. It se ms that nothing this Government does passes the pub test. An absolutely unequivocally crooked bunch of taxpayer funded grubs.

  31. Strand Ghost says:

    Jenny must be getting nervous! If the LNP gets in , and there is a 50/50 chance they will, there might be some nervous moments in the council With some dodgy contracts that be looked at might cause some problems.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie is still trying to work out how Mayor Mullet and the TCC will be affected if the very real possibility of a hung parliament comes about, with the Katter Party holding the balance.

      • CEO of Crap says:

        I’ve decided I don’t like any political parties. But I do know I like Labour less than LNP. That being said I really don’t see Labour losing this year if the local Council elections are anything to go by.

  32. Dave of Kelso says:

    Woolworths, the Willows. 8.50 AM. One only regular checkout operating. Queue of about seven, mostly oldies, and getting pissed off at the lack of service and time wasted.

    Silver haired little lady speaks with the Mannager. Returns and advised that Mannager said, “There is nothing I can do and stop shouting at me.”

    At this a tall handsome gentleman with white whiskers (and possibly from Kelso) starts a slow clap while making and maintaining eye contact with the Mannager. Some others join in the clap.

    It seemed there was something the Mannager could do after all.

    Over the public address system she called for all staff to the checkouts.

    Slow clap continues.

    Second call for checkout staff.

    Staff arrive, the queue is quickly served and the extra staff disappear leaving one checkout operating. A bit later there were three checkouts operating.

    Well done Woolworths!

    Don’t piss off the old folks.

    • Bad Grandpa says:

      Wait until they start throwing zimmerframes and colostomy bags at the staff and mowing them down with their electric scooters, then the staff will know who they are fucking with!!

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        What annoyed us was the contempt Woolworths, or at least this Manager, had for us. The growing queue was plain to see and should have been dealt with quickly. It was not.

        I encourage all to follow our lead if the time comes.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Love your name. Last year my wife opened a birthday gift from the grandchildren early. They found out. The grandchildren now, on occasion, call her, “Naughty naughty Grandma.”

      • Achilles says:

        Not so BG, we leave that kind of behaviour to our Great-Grandchildrens’ generation.

    • L Berry says:

      Been telling you, Dave, shop at the Coles at the bottom of T’Gowa Drive. Cleaner, spacier and staff are great. Less never-do-wells and fewer escapees from Carlyle underfeet.

    • CEO of Crap says:

      Pretty scary when you’re confronted by a hoard of old people with the ‘slow clap’ !

  33. Victor says:

    I see Pisasale’s coughed to more than 30 charges.

    I remember when I was at Council, Her Ladyship’s refrain was “Why don’t we do it like Ipswich does?” or “We should look at Ipswich and see what they are doing”

    I wonder if she has changed her tune. Maybe its now: “We should look at what Palm is doing”

    • The Magpie says:

      No, don’t think she has changed her tune, in fact, wouldn’t be surprised if she’s doing EXACTLY what Ipswich was doing then. But really, The ‘Pie is asking for trouble, considering she is on the board of the LGAQ, whose CEO is Greg Pizza The Hutt Hallam, who is on record as saying the investigations into Ipswich and Logan councils were “witch-hunts”.
      You were right, Pizza, they caught a few witches, didn’t they? Good hunting. LGAQ should be next.

  34. Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

    “Walter Mitty” of Kelso might be a better handle after reading this yarn.

  35. Old Tradesman says:

    Be careful, it’s Magpie swooping season again. Interesting that Messagebank is using his Council FB page to promote himself.

  36. Woodduck says:

    Good to see the Burdekin has started its own newspaper, good on em.

  37. Woodduck says:

    Oh and don’t forget to vote for Townsvilles best service station hotbox. Ffs.

  38. HiBeam says:

    Last Tuesday my fruit based phone went to wherever “Smart” phones go and I decided on a new one with no vitamins. Having researched heavily (asked my grandson) what he had, I decided on a phone first released last October probably almost ancient by modern standards, and so far down the fashion scale only Woolworths companies still had them locally. I rang around starting near home and one by one got a sharp no to my enquiry, I can cop that. However 3 stores had a robot that told me they were too busy to talk right now and to ring later. Eventually I found one in a store half way to Ingham who refused to take a card number to hold the last one they had while I made the 20klm drive to pick it up. When I got there the phone was purchased OK but I could tell I was a bloody nuisance just by the attitude of the staff member. The only help I received from this group of companies came from a bloke at Office Works Hermit Park who apologised for not being able to supply the phone I wanted and warning me off the latest offering which replaced it. As a trainee manager at Woolworths some 60 years ago I would have been sacked for the customer service I received from the Townsville stores this week. Either they are woefully understaffed or just employ grunts who go for the money. I too shop at Coles, better range, better people better atmosphere and easier parking.

    • The Magpie says:


  39. The Magpie says:

    Not Breaking News:

    Japan Offers To Remove Tasmanian Stranded Whales.

    The Japanese Ambassador says because of his country’s significant scientific studies of the habits of the mammals, his government has offered to send a fleet of suitably equipped ships to remove the dead animals and tow the lives ones out to sea … beyond sight of land. ‘Using our extensive knowledge, we are able to ensure that they won’t be beaching themselves ever again,’ he said.

  40. I don’t like Nanna says:

    The stupidity of Nanna Anna’s current border laws.
    Tens of thousands of NSW residents travel to and work in the ACT every day. Canberra residents will soon be able to travel to QLD without quarantine, but someone from 2 minutes over the border NSW can’t.
    State of Origin is being played in Adelaide- the genius of which is that both NSW And QLD residents can go there and not have to quarantine on the way home. All that mingling with disease ridden southerners and no 2 week enforced holiday!

  41. CEO of Crap says:

    Joe Exotic is coming to Qld for TV show filming. Apparently it will bring around $150m to our economy. He has an extensive criminal record he did jail time for – https://filmdaily.co/news/joe-exotic-crimes/ . Lucky money was involved or else his Visa would have been declined based on the different Laws for ordinary folk like myself.

    • Bad Grandpa says:

      Joe Exotic – Joe Excreta. What a ridiculously shitty show. Naturally due to the worlds focus on ‘women first’ and ‘diversity’ in the workplace the rainbow brigade love this show. I’m not homophobic at all, but this show is complete crap. FFS

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      CEO – this is a dramatisation of the true story, with presumably law-abiding actors playing the roles. Joe Exotic remains in prison serving a 22-year sentence.

      Bad Grandpa – every person in the documentary comes across badly so its popularity isn’t due to political correctness but the fascination of watching a train wreck. Lots of people find it distasteful, but your emphasis on women, diversity and the rainbow brigade points to not just homophobia but a trifecta of bigotry.

      • The Magpie says:

        Indeed, Steve, you are correct, proving the old adage that just because you’re not right in the head doesn’t mean your not right. It appears the article linked by CEO is nonsense and this dangerous fruit cake is spending 22 years in a federal oven. And it would be good if CEO told us where he got his information about a Queensland visit, it doesn’t appear to be mentioned in that link.

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