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The Magpie

Sunday, November 13th, 2022   |   131 comments

Abbott Calls For A Return Of National Service: Looks Like Wingnut’s Been On The Onions Again 

Abbot’s solo song to the choir is nothing but a dog whistle to the hard right and a meatless bone for the Punch’n’Judy media players.

Locally, as if  ‘nah, mate, it’s Townsville …’ wasn’t a big enough expression of incompetence, it must now be asked what possible argument can there be for TEL’s ratepayer support following the scathing state government summation of their Hells Gate business plan …. best summed up as ‘nah, mate, it’s shit’ …

That was just part of a triple whammy for north Queensland and Townsville in particular – as well as TEL’s thieving pointlessness further exposed with another eye-watering crutch-cruncher, the Olympic financial wasting disease is starting to take hold, and we show the gouging insurance penalty for living in the tropics.

Another feather in the cap of the Townsville legal fraternity, as . one of its brightest young stars has burst forth on the national scene, and seems assured of judgeship sooner rather than later.

And for the international arena, in centre ring -… Ladees and gennelmun, welcome to the next bout – the Orange Smear versus the Pickled Walnut- Murdoch abandons Trump after the mid-terms. but the treasonous mobster (ambiguity clarification: that’s referring to Trump) is not going to lie down and take it … he’s just going to lie.

And the language perversion of the week … Shakespeare would be making a rotational motion in his place of internment.

And speaking of such, The Magpie has been advised that sometime in the near  to medium future, there may be a temporary disruption to the regular delivery of The Nest … this being due, he is told, to the ‘sunsetting’ of certain elements of the system he uses to drop this weekly load of guano on you. So to avoid an unseemly run on Townsville champagne stocks by those who think the old bird has finally dropped off the twig, be assured the forecast is for continued light drivel with scattered funny breaks when the matter is resolved. See, there you are, a week when The ‘Pie didn’t try to wheedle any donations from you … that alone has surely got to be worth something, no? If you think so, too, the donation button is at the end of the blog. Heh heh heh.

Now, wading onwards.

The Things The Magpie And Bentley Do In Your Service, You Ungrateful Buggers…

It is obvious that The Magpie has to read the Bulletin every day … bit hard to hold them to account if he doesn’t. And for Bentley, despite the danger to a dwindling resource, he is tearing his hair out over one particular aspect of the media, particularly Sky’s evening clown shows. He says there seems to be a trend of talking over one another in the media, and reckons he’s not the only to get the shits with modern trends on TV. Not only is it bad manners, it usually results in the thread of a discussion being lost.And only the brilliant Bentley penmanship could so accurately illustrate the level of annoyance..

Sky opinion small

The Australian Newspaper’s Gala Night Of Participation Medals

The ‘Pie had a snurffling giggle when he saw this in the Oz.

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All very well until you realise the ‘lauding’ was being done by News Ltd for a field limited to News Ltd journalists. So basically, an in-house office troop rally was featured on page 2 of a national daily. It’s a sort in-house up-market Gold Star on the forehead, or the once-cherished Hopalong Cassidy Hoppy Badge for having clean fingernails.

Hedley Thomas, whose podcast settled the hash of wife killer Chris Dawson, certainly deserves any recognition he gets, and he’s got plenty more from his industry peers than just this back patting exercise. Old Magpie benefactor Sharri Markson won scoop of the year for highlighting someone’s illegal recreational activities – it was also probably an encouragement award for going a whole couple of years without costing her boss a million dollars in a defamation case.

And From Pedant’s Corner ….

And even when writing about something as sacred as themselves, they still fail to follow their own style manual, let alone correct English.

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Please check page 121 of the Style Guide.

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Headline Of The Week

The art of the good headline occasionally rises above the dreary round of weak childish punning that is clearly for the amusement of the newsroom, and ignores the reader’s right to some sense of the story.

One such excellent standout was, oddly enough, in the Australian yesterday, over a story about the declining educational and literary standards in Australia.

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A Postscript on Peter The Plagiarist

 Peter Gleeson

Last Monday night’s Media Watch did a woodchipper job on plagiarist Typo Gleeson. After being outed for pinching an ABC reporter’s story hollos bolus, Gleeson tried to claim it was all an innocent error of fat fingers and an old file …. then the Media Watch elves dug up a whole load of other stuff, to the extent that Courier Mail management issued an apology and declared they ‘regarded plagiarism as theft’, at which Gleeson immediately went on the ambiguously termed ‘personal leave’ (why personal, no one else could take it for him?) That’s the equivalent of disgraced coppers’ ‘gardening leave’.

Knowing the way this mob operate, ‘personal leave’ probably means piss off on full pay for a couple of months and we’ll see if this blows over.

Fat chance, we trust. You goose, you’re cooked. You once sent an email to my daughter that said ‘Your father isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.’  At least I’m not a plagiarist or workplace bully.

Thoughts and prayers from The Magpie and his daughter.

What’s It Going To Take? Seriously, What Is It Going To Take …… to accept the indisputably bleedin’ obvious – Townsville Enterprise MUST BE re-structured. At the very least, Townsville ratepayers should demand an end to the annual $750,000 they unwillingly contribute to this stumblebum outfit. Surely there can be no coming back from this romper stomper of a judgement of TEL’s Hells Gate business plan.Screen Shot 2022-11-07 at 11.32.59 am

Let The ‘Pie be clear, he doesn’t and never has wished any ill will at all to the general troops who toil away at the nomadic Wishing Well House, doing standard office chores –  he wants them to have fulfilling and satisfying jobs. But the satisfaction level must be mighty thin around the water cooler when we see this scathing condemnation of ineptitude. No, this wasteful debacle is wholly and solely sheeted home to two or three people at the top, including mayor Mullet and current CEO Claudia (Ms B-S) Brumme-Smith – but in fairness, responsibility must also be shared by her several gormless predecessors.

Screen Shot 2022-11-12 at 8.36.34 pmThis was TEL’s management’s $29million pet baby, a lifeline to avoid possible insolvency  and falsely claim some relevance for their continued existence. And all funded by a campaign-driven war chest in the battle for votes over eight years at both state and federal level. And of course, Jenny Hill, not so incidentally deputy chair of TEL as well as our stable genius of a mayor, wittered and twittered her uninformed usual brain farts all along the way.  And so it doesn’t get any plainer that the incompetence of TEL and the co-planners and consultants SMEC, was monumental.

Perhaps TEL’s dress code demands slip-on shoes, because anyone with enough nous to tie their shoelaces knew that Scomo lied about $5.2billion for this poorly conceived plan;  Albo jumped on that bandwagon with similar politically-smart insincerity, and then effectively canned the whole thing when he won – just as Morrison would’ve done if he’d slithered back into government. It was all a preposterous play to the yokels – (hi, Bob, Robbie) – by campaigning politicians and by TEL. Now the state Labor government has really put the skids under any hope of Hells Gate going ahead. They slipped in their scathing evaluation in a late addendum to the business case being sent to the Feds for ‘evaluation’ This is surely a political favour to Albo, who cAn now officially can the idea without loss of face

Here the full story, but the file may be behind a paywall for some. But it can be googled easily enough.

Even the best of a useless bunch of local state Labor grifters, Scott Stewart, canned the proposed saying that it didn’t stack up. But isn’t it strange that he says that now, did he just have a light bulb moment, or did he fear political electrocution if he said any such thing before the election? (Rhetorical only, of course).

We really are in the shit in vital aspects of this town, because we face the unpalatable alternative possibility that TEL’s supposed roles be taken in-house by the TCC., Given the current cast of characters in Walker street, that would be a disaster of a different kind.

Fawlty Towers? Nah, mate, it’s Townsville.

Speaking Of Local Pain …

Just a note of proof facing household insurers in Townsville. And this was no high risk residence, as indicated by last year’s tariff. This from Suncorp.

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On top of all that woe, a reader writes the following:

- Valuer General increases land tax Townsville 14-40 % – Scott / Aaron / Les
did nothing when in fact Scott is the Minister

– Door opens for Council to increase rates average 9% + 20 -40 % for residential landlords

– insurance costs + 53 % on top of 30% + last year and I believe car
renewals are +20-50%

But Of The Problems We Face, All Those Are Known Knowns, It’s The Known Unknowns That Are The Ruinous Danger.

The known part of all that is just two words – Olympic Games. The unknown part is the massive damage stretching over at least two decades that regional Queensland … particularly Townsville – will suffer (Cairns will always have tourism,  a sector we will never be able to compete with).

The future of regional Queensland is spelt out more clearly every day. This online story yesterday unashamedly makes no bones about it.

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Game-changing road and rail projects that will connect southeast Queensland’s cities better and faster than ever before are needed before Brisbane hits the world stage in 2032, but experts warn work needs to start now to avoid devastating cost blowouts and labour shortagesQueenslanders have made it clear they want the simple things to be done right first, when it comes to the priorities for any new infrastructure, however.

Forget flying taxis and the like, a fix for the Bruce Highway and reliable rail connections are more important to those surveyed by the RACQ as part of our Future Brisbane series.

Then this, too …

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Simple maths will tell you that this sort of infrastructure demand is going to put a strain on the state budget that even federal top-ups will not be able to ease. And while all Queenslander will eventually be paying dearly for this ill-advised Olympic ego trip, the most devastating price will be paid by regional Queensland, in delayed, ignored or scrapped infrastructure opportunities anywhere north of Bundaberg. And it won’t all magically end in 2032 … the pain of this colossal mistake will be with regional Queensland for more than the next two decades. Even if we get by, we will always be thinking of what could have been … a few crumbs of transitory Olympic related events and a small sugar hit for tourism are going to be an insults  next to the long term damage done to this state.

Nothing can much be done about it – David Crisafulli will want his moment of glory on the world stage as Queensland Premier,  as much as anyone else  – but if ever there is to be a catalyst for a new North Queensland state, this tantalises us. But would we be able to translate our anger into any sort of meaningful action because they are taking our minerals and other wealth to pay for their trinkets in the SE corner? Short sad answer is no.

Sadly, numbers hold the key, and up here, and that’s exactly what we don’t have … and Brisbane would never allow a referendum restricted to the area proposed for a NQ state.

So yet again, we’ll just have to take in the ring(s).

The ‘Pie Is Ashamed To Amplify This Nonsense …

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… because Tony Abbot’s call for the reinstatement of National Service was utter tosh … a hodge podge, confused call for, well, fuck all actually, just a youth bashing exercise to suit the hosts.

He made the suggestion on the right wing Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) podcast which no one but the converted and hopeful media hacks listen to. It was such a shallow take on perennial tub thumping subject, but like the smart shouse rat at he is, the forward-hearing ex-PM knew full well he’d hit a media hot button. But you see, he didn’t exclusively call for National Service in the army, possibly aware that the most vehement opponents to such an idea would be the military themselves. When men volunteer to put their professional lives and personal comfort on hold for a career in the defence forces, the last thing they want is to have to at some stage depend on surly, conscripted kids with no life experience who would rather be somewhere else getting on with their lives. The suggestion that kids today are spoilt brats and need a bit of stiffening up  in the ‘real world’ is the fond fantasy of many a disaffected former conscript or military man – not realising what that experience has done to their skewed perception of ‘the real world’. And not sure if our Tone is up with the latest educational requirements to even become a lowly grunt in today’s forces.

Then this pompous twerp suggested government’s obligation to the populace ‘was a two way street’ and ‘we’ (what’s with the ‘we’?) can give back to ‘our’ country. This lame attempt at channelling JFK’s famous statement even pinched the US Peace Corp idea as a possible alternative for ‘service to the country’. The man who had been our Prime Minister also ignored the fact that the way Australian democracy works is we give back to the country – and our politicians – through taxation and other imposts. He even suggested young people with no requisite skills ‘could alternatively work in aged care and nursing homes’. Oh, FFS, enough, can’t go on with this tripe.

It’s a wonder he didn’t argue for kids do a year in a seminary, because, as he once said, ‘it made me the man I am today’.

Precisely. Pass the onions please.

The Week’s Most  Bizarre, Sometimes Spooky, Sometime Hilarious  Story

The antics of uni students are best ignored, but one young legal aspirant has demonstrated that she’s caught on early to her chosen profession … make a totally spurious claim of victimhood, hope for maybe some money but score some political brownie points in the process.

The bare bones: Sydney Uni law student Freya Leach has forced the university to re-set an exam paper after she made a complaint that her first name was used in the original exam paper. Freya, 19, complained about the assignment using her first name for a character that kills a left-wing victim in a hit and run, has unprotected sex despite being HIV positive and is thrown out a window to her death by his jealous fiancée. All of which makes The ‘Pie regret not having done law, Linda La Plante books are so expensive.

The SMH played it with a straight bat … and face.

But what has the whole of social media laughing is that Freya believes the exam paper was clearly referring to her … which begs the question – did she read this scenario and said, yup, that’s me? Might be a while before she gets another date.

The uni of course said it was all a coincidence but the paper would be reset anyway, despite the unfairness to the other students.

But wait, it gets a bit bizzarro now. Turns out Freya is a member of the Young Libs, so the was no secret about her right wing leanings. That was the cue for one Clark Cooley to enter the fray … he’s nothing to do with the uni, but he’s a rising butter goblin in the Young Libs. He posted this.

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…characterisation of her identity…’??? You mean her name? And this basted turkey has the gall to accuse others of being ‘woke’?  A little self awareness please Clark.

Now put out of your mind any thoughts of what the result of a coupling of these two might look like, what had twitter all atweet was this: look closely at the pic of the Gladys Berejiklian in the background, and note the uncanny resemblance to Freya. Not only that, but Freya also manages the reptilian rictus smile of Bronwyn Bishop to reinforce her political affiliations.

On this performance, there can be little doubt that one day, Ms Leach will be elected to Canberra and become a different sort of leech.

Townsville Barrister Takes To The National Stage

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Local barrister Justin Greggery KC has taken on a gig that virtually assures his eventual – possibly imminent – elevation to the bench. He has been appointed to counsel assisting former Supreme Court Justice Catherine Holmes in the Robodebt Royal Commission. Justin has been seen nightly on TV, impressing with his always deferential demeanour but always having the skill to slip the knife quietly into witnesses trying to avoid his stiletto-like questions. We will be seeing more of him when the Commission resumes in December.

Barristers undoubtedly enjoy getting their heads on TV (they nearly all deny this obvious truism) but it rarely counts within the profession or parliament when it comes to further progression. Again, it would be denied, but those appointments are certainly political. But although The ‘Pie hasn’t a clue about his political affiliations, if any, there can be no doubt that Justin Greggery will soon be on the bench … possibly even the next one appointed … and it couldn’t fall to a more able and affable man.

The Magpie knew Justin in his court reporting days, and was always impressed with his seemingly easy-going manner in dealings with pesky reporters, both as a Crown prosecutor and even when he went to private practice. He also proved to be a decent person when he once graciously accepted The ‘Pie’s abject apology for a reporting blunder which had affected one of his matters. We remained on friendly terms despite my error.

It is little surprise that he is one of the most well liked, able and respected practitioners in a profession that doesn’t always harbour bonhomie towards colleagues who are sometimes competitors.

The Same Might Be Said Of American Politics … And Then Some

The Magpie was surprised to find that his headline style has been taken up by of all publications, Vanity Fair. And writer bess levin out does The ‘Pie in the stakes of colourful irreverence. I’ll let her tell the week’s big story.

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The last thirty-six hours have not gone great for Donald Trump and despite being famously detached from reality, he seems to know it, if reports of him lashing out and blaming everyone around him for the midterm results are anything to go by. Yet while a sad Trump could once turn to the warm embrace of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire to make him feel better about himself, that metaphorical bosom—or, more accurately, team of professional fluffers—is no longer. In fact, it appears that an unofficial memo has gone out to Murdoch-owned properties that the ex-president is only to be referred to as a has-been loser who, at this point, couldn’t win an election for deputy director of the Mar-a-Lago Parks and Recreation Department.

Murdoch’s own papers had been given the message all right. The Wall Street Journal scorched trump, stating the somewhat obvious but hitherto forbidden truth that Trump ‘had led the Republicans into one political fiasco after another’.

The New York Post openly backed Trump arch enemy Florida governor Ron DeSantis as the future of the party, and the next day, ran this front page …

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… dubbing him as ‘toxic’ with the delightfully vicious line that he was ‘perhaps the most profound vote repellent in modern American history.’ And columnist Piers Morgan urged the GOP to ‘dump Trump the Grump.’

The ’Pie would be happy to go on and on, but it’s getting late, and happy dreams beckon. So to this week’s gallery, where Joe Biden is continuing to cop flak over the economy. With his increasingly shaky, embarrassing public performances, it’s pretty clear he won’t be running for a second term … which makes DeSantis even more attractive candidate to lead the GOP to the 2024 Presidential poll and take on some bright, youngish Democratic opponent.

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Is Nothing Sacred


and finally …

During my weekly bushwalk (others refer to it as ‘golf’),  ran into these guys. Never seen brolgas on the course before, must’ve wandered in from the adjacent wetlands. Big bastards, too, glad they were shy.

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A long Nest to end a long week. Comments are open 24/7, and if c lend a hand with Nest finances, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Achilles says:

    I think those “jaiburus” are brolga’s

  2. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Big blog this week Pie, The Olympics will obviously impact Nth Qld but putting that aside the place is screwed anyway, Townsville in particular just seems to elevate failures to important positions who in turn elevate more failures, it’s like a dud car that as soon as you fix one thing another breaks, the place is fucked. I have always thought the Govt should subsidise the cost of people leaving places like Townsville and moving to places where opportunities are available, there is obvious advantages for the people moving and for the country to increase productivity and allow people to escape being trapped in towns like Townsville and making something of their lives. If they paid $20,000 for a family and $10,000 for a single or couple to help offset the losses, I am sure many would take up the offer. I covered the cost of getting my children set up down south and out of Townsville, they have never looked back, worth every cent, but many would not be in the position to do the same thing, a Govt subsidy could go a long way to address the shortfall and save taxpayers in the long run, it’s a win win.

    • The Magpie says:

      Your policy would work a treat if the mayor and the head of TEL took up the offer.

      But The ‘Pie for one – though admittedly with nothing material to lose – has and will continue to choose fight over flight. I love what this city could be.

  3. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville Property Market , did Team Hill talk to any stakeholders in the industry before supporting the Mayor and voting to increase rates up to 40% for investors . Did they make any assumptions that landlords would put up prices for renters and that investors will buy elsewhere . New Home sales have dropped 11 % in Qld the highest of any State . Our 3 State MP,s seem oblivious to the cost of living in their electorates / crime and Aaron will be busy writing another letter after the brawl between two large groups at the Willows yesterday . Aarons is a big letter writer and happy to post the letter he wrote on facebook congratulating the new PM Airbus Albo and how having a Labor PM will be much better to work with . Airbus Albos response was to strip Townsville of $3.3 mil crime prevention $ and spend the Federal budget $ in Cairns and ask his office ” who is Aaron Harper ” .

  4. Jacque Heath says:

    Surely one bird should recognise another! Jabiru no. Brolga yes.

  5. Bentley says:


  6. The Magpie says:

    Just in case you thought The Magpie was being an alarmist old worry wart about Olympic expenditure coming. at the expense of regional infrastructure, check this out … and $5billion is just the start.

    The airport has confirmed planning is underway to build a new hybrid domestic and international terminal as it prepares for a boom in passenger numbers.
    The third terminal, to the north of the current domestic terminal, would see BNE become a major connection hub within Australia and a gateway to Asia and North America.
    More than $5 billion is being spent over the next 10 years on parking, upgrades to the two existing terminals, a regional aeromedical hub and expansion of Skygate and DFO, with the new terminal being an additional investment.

    Certainly, cities like Brisbane need this sort of expansion as they gradually grow, but the story makes it clear that this new development is solely driven and fast tracked beyond any other need by the influx of Olympic visitors and the hoped for tourist boom to follow.

    • Critical says:

      Even the Cairns Airport is being flexible and refurbishing and expanding airport terminals and other aviation related facilities, eg heliport facilities, for the predicted growth of future passenger numbers and aviation movements. If you read the Statement of Intent, it is quite clear that they are planning for the future.


      Meanwhile at the Townsville the only action that you’ll hear are the Zzzzzz being made by those sleeping on the job.

    • Dave Nth says:

      Another fail last Wednesday night, unsure where to slate the blame but stinks like an airport operational problem. Picked up someone on the JQ916 flight from Melbourne.

      Late, aircraft in Melbourne had operational issues, They tried leaving twice and were finally transferred crew and all to another aircraft which had flown that day from Melbourne to Sunny Coast back, Newcastle, then Launceston that day. (Rego number & Flight Radar 24 are a great source for budding sleuths out there)

      2nd aircraft developed issues (Their cruising altitude was 28,000ft which is 8-10,000 below normal) which hints at a possible air conditioning/pressurisation problem). They finally departed 2 and half hours late.

      To this point I don’t have many issues, anyone who travels for work knows it happens. Problem is the arrival in the ‘ville. I watched the aircraft land from across the road from the RAAF base, a VA flight was a few moments in front. I decamped round to Meenan st to wait for disembarkation. 20 min later I ask what’s up, bloke I am picking up says they are sitting on the apron no one has allocated them a gate.

      They sat there for nearly 50 minutes before someone got off their behind to do something. Flight crew apparently very apologetic and also were in the dark on why the delay. So the flight was already delayed, in the 3 hours it was airborne from Melbourne I fail to see how no one knew they were coming. Bloke I was picking up was on his last leg from a red eye run the night before from Bangkok.

      In all fairness I don’t know who was at fault, Jetstar or TSV management. However the return flight was slated to land at Tullamarine at 0315h. I flew this leg in August and was landing after midnight late as well. Regardless not a good look and having sat on the tarmac for 20min on an Alliance Airlines Q’link charter from Melbourne in October in similar circumstances are leaning to the airport mismanagement.

  7. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Have you noticed, Mr. Pie, that the majority of News Corp. “journalists” abuse one of English grammar’s basic fundamentals…the correct use of “singulars” and “plurals” in the same sentence?

    “A disability support worker has again come before the court accused of hunting down a police officer online and sending a death-threat note to their home.”

    Taylah Fellows
    2 min read
    November 13, 2022 – 1:00AM

    Where is the sub-editors when you need them??

  8. Prince Rollmop says:

    Great blog Magpie. A lot of salient points to digest. But to start with, Tony Abbott’s comments about a form of conscription for school leavers. These gutless pollies always come up with these ideas don’t they? Virtually none of them ever go to war or spend time in the armed services, they never send their kids off to war. As a nation we should be promoting peace, not going into countries that don’t belong to us and killing their citizens. Fuck off Abbott you pathetic piece of dross.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, there some notable exceptions, including of course our own Phillip Thompson. And wasn’t Andrew Hastie in the forces. Sure there were others as well, but take your overall point.

      Abbott is suffering Relevance Deprivation Syndrome – he knows he is the day before yesterday’s man.

    • Russell says:

      It’s actually not a bad idea, nor is it unusual worldwide (https://www.thesoldiersproject.org/countries-have-compulsory-military-service/).
      Several of these countries, notably Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Finland, are often sited as the most livable places on the planet.

      • The Magpie says:

        Been into the green leafy stuff, Russ? How the fuck do you conflate the fact of compulsory military service having anything to do with bullshit ‘livability’ surveys? And apart from anything else, the cost to the taxpayer will have folks like you whingeing your arse off big time.

        PS Didn’t see Israel in your list of liveable paradises.

  9. The Magpie says:

    Some summary justice at last for te little arseoles ruining this city?

    Absolutely the perfect solution, because if the Elders are doling out the long overdue ‘behavioural correction message’, it spikes any overly woke bleating about racism.

    The ‘Pie knows nothing of this group who are posting, but the info came a from a trusted Magpie source, who believes it’s the truth.

    The worst thing now that could happen now would be if some ‘woke’ police officer decides to lay charges against the Elders … if they do, there should be street protests.

    All that said, anti-vigilante laws are colour blind, and this sort of action can’t be condoned as a recommended path. Public safety on the roads must be paramount, but hey, this time …. bloody good on you, Elders. It is one of the rare times when discretion should be used … that’s an option the coppers don’t have a lot of leeway with (correctly based in stopping police corruption), but let’s hope they see the value to them as well as the community in this singular action.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I wouldn’t go believing posts by random idiots on Facebook.

      • The Magpie says:

        Or random opinions on The Nest.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          That too. But there were no elders involved. Police got them.

          A red 4wd rammed the car then left the scene. The cops then chased 5 kids. 1 caught at the car 4 others caught on Ridley road.

          • The Magpie says:

            Source? That’s very specific information, colours, numbers and also who wasn’t involved. and if that is the case – and The ‘Pie has no reason to doubt you as anybody else – why didn’t you send that in with your original comment. Opinions backed by facts are more welcome blowing off steam.

            But perhaps your source is Commercial in Confidence – which puts us right back to square one.

          • Mundingbird says:

            Ducks Kahoonas
            Absolutely 100% correct

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            My source was the same Facebook page your information came from. But from a far more reliable contributor who listens to the police scanners (I find that a sad and bizarre past time) but had proven time and time again to be on the money.

    • Dave Nth says:

      Seen myself in Deeragun in 2016 unsure if vigilantes were ATSI though. Dark and the melee made it hard to see.

      In the last week that I know of, Burdell, Bushland Beach, Deeragun and Annandale hit by multiple car thefts and break ins. Problem isn’t going away and the media, incompetent state Pollies and Judiciary bury their heads in the sand.

      I know out our way if the tribes hadn’t done this I have heard intemperate talk it was coming in an even worse backlash from residents, noted though some of whom could claim ATSI heritage. People have had enough.

      Maybe something like this will temper the feelings I hope.

    • Mundingbird says:

      I happened to drive past moments after it happened,saw no elders just a Grub in the gutter getting a pasting from the Cops ?

  10. Regular reader says:

    Commercial in Confidence?
    Are you suggesting Jenny Hill was involved?

  11. Critical says:

    And now for some good news on an Indigenous community that is making positive business moves for their community


  12. Bentley says:

    Once upon a time in a ‘Lucky Country’ called Australia the people who lived there could leave their cars unlocked, their houses open and sleep peacefully at night. They were allowed to smack their kids, and heaven forbid protect their property by whatever means seemed appropriate at the time. (Many of them even had guns in the house.) The policemen wore big footwear designed to be launched at smart arses. There was relative harmony, respect for the law, teachers, parents, in fact most people in authority. And then……….. I’m not sure. I was enjoying life too much to notice.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Women weren’t allowed to work when they got married, couldn’t have their own bank accounts and could never buy a house. Many got beaten but couldnt leave, and if they did, they could never keep their children. The father had right of custody. And father could smack his kids. In fact he could beat them good and proper. And there was nothing that could be done. Because they were his kids.

      Priests raped little boys in institutions and nuns caned little girls in boarding schools and fed them horrible food. Little children laughed at the local idiot as he limped around begging, and threw stones at stray dogs. The local copper, might have kicked them up the arse with his big boots for this. But occasionally he liked to feel up a few barmaids and they couldn’t do anything about it for fear of losing their jobs.

      Be careful what you wish for Bentley.

    • Al says:

      Benters, I was lucky to have grown up in that era. Exactly as you stated-40’s onwards. Good ole days

  13. TerryWho says:

    You’d think with labor in all three levels of government (that includes Ms Hill) that Townsville could get something going for it. Not sure what, anything will do.

    • The Magpie says:

      Zipline, maybe? Castle Hill Cafe, perhaps? Finished pipeline? Clever tourism slogan? Double Cross Hotel near the stadium? Bright, shiny redevelopment of the North Rail Yards? Hey, why not a ferry to the stadium from … well, somewhere? Arrival tax for airline passengers? More noticeable traffic filter lights?

      • Alacan says:

        Yellow sub marine, floating hotel, red baron , national basket ball team, international flights… oh hang on they materialised just didnt last .. what a sorry history .. and add to that what is it 3 revamps of flinders mall and a relocated maccas .. FFS

  14. Asset Stripper says:

    Rumblings coming out of Townsville Business Development Centre which a “Council spokesperson ” in July said was being integrated with an entity the Mayor is a board member . 16 days until it closes and mixed messages to the remaining tenants who pay peppercorn rent . Integrating operations cost $ so how much are rate payers forking out and will Council sell the asset like they did old Thuringowa Council which the purchase leased up , sold making a motza .

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      There are lots of invitations flying through the ether just now for launch events a Smug Precint which seems to be sweeping everything in its path into a single big council owned cluster.

  15. Dave of Kelso says:

    Regards your golf loving brolgas, at the Apex Riverside Park (a bush van park at Longreach) last year there were a couple of brolgas and they were NOT shy. With a personal space of only a couple of metres they wondered in amongst people, caravans and cars as if they owned the place.

    The real problem was the bloody roosters (presumably dumped) that wandered around and under caravans crowing day and night.

  16. Prickster says:

    Maybe Nesters can help me out with a link to detail that sits behind the latest Wishing Well puff piece in the Astonisher about CuString where the reports are they have Federal EPBC approvals. A quick of search of the EPBC Public Portal finds nothing.


  17. Ratepayer says:

    Townsville Enterprise has become a laughing stock, thanks to Jenny Hill, who although only deputy chairperson, calls all the shots (the chairman is a Hill puppet, who does what he is told, when he is told to do it).
    I’m old enough to remember the days when TEL was run very effectively by Graham Jackson and Richard Power, who would be embarrassed by the Hell’s Gate Dam debacle and the Nah – it’s Townsville brain fart.
    In Power’s time the city was buzzing, and on the verge of finally becoming a tourist destination.
    Nowadays TEL describes Magnetic Island as “punching above its weight”, while in reality it is the only reason tourists bother staying in the city for more than a couple of days to see a footy game or a concert (the V8 Superpests don’t cut it any more).
    Our oft touted tourist attractions, Reef HQ, Billabong Sanctuary and the Strand Water Park have equal (in some cases better) equivalents in many rival destinations, including Cairns.
    Don’t start me on The Strand. It should be Townsville’s shining light but thanks to council neglect often looks like a dog’s breakfast. Good place for locals to walk, but hardly a tourist attraction.
    Until the mayor and the crew running TEL are replaced Townsville will remain a tourism backwater.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Townsville will never be a tourist location. Magnetic Island is nice for a day trip, and that’s about it. What Townsville does have going for it is wide open spaces and plenty of sunlight, so it would be ideal for a huge solar farm and other industries. It’s also close to some mining activities so again the Council should be trying to get machinery maintainers and that sort of industry to set up, but on a large scale. But you need a capable Council to pull that off, and sadly for the past 10 years the only ‘pulling off’ being done by our Mayor and successive CEO’s is pulling off the LGAQ and visiting politicians. We seriously need a change of Councillors if we are to thrive locally.

      • The Magpie says:

        From the outset, The Magpie has always maintained that Cairns is Tinseltown and Townsville Muscletown (as in industry and manufacturing potential). The ‘Pie wasn’t here at the time and hasn’t been able to confirm the many and varied stories that when then-mayor Mike Reynolds essentially sunk Townsville’s tourist aspirations when he caved in over some airline dispute between us and Cairns back in the 80s. (Anyone know the truth of the stories?)

        But we could’ve been a serious tourist destination except for an ingrained political attitude that often stifled any enthusiasm for infrastructure projects … one that remains a disgrace is the failure to capitalise on the beauty and potential of Radical Bay on Maggie. State government, environmentalists (with no real arguments) and bolshie insular locals have blocked what still can be a viable, carefully managed and desirable holiday spot. But even smaller but solid promotable attractions …. reef trips (remember Pure Pleasure?), parachuting the Strand, the Red Baron and the CBD debacle du jour (which started with discouraging and then chopping down the trees in which tens of thousands of lorikeets, parakeet, budgies, rosellas whatever they were, gathered in a spectacular display every single evening at dusk. Instead of making it a viable attraction, cafe, bar and business owners generally instead made it a problem – all because the birds pooped everywhere. Instead of seeing the poop as a by-product and necessary nuisance to be planned for, everybody including the TCC instead got rid of the birds by the simplistic expedient of chopping down many magnificent trees, falsely claiming many were diseased. That paved the way to putting traffic back through the area, and we all know how that’s been managed.

        That is an anecdote typical of what has happened in Townsville when it comes to attracting visitors. Allowing that hideous Consortium nightclub building on FSE to mar one of the best preserved streetscapes in North Queensland was a criminal act of civic vandalism – and until the full horror was finally revealed, dissenting voices were stilled with assurances it would be ‘harmonious with the heritage values’. My arse! Harmonious? Nah, mate, it’s Townsville … fits in nicely with juvenile illegal graffiti vandalism allowed to remain defacing one of our greatest natural assets, Castle Hill. And let’s not start on all the wonderful massive heritage buildings, many torn, down deliberately, others subject to Jewish stocktakes, which, had they been made safe and internally renovated, would’ve made a New Orleans-style attraction pulling in visitors from everywhere.

        By now, apart from FSE, there’s not much to preserve. Only apparently some rusting tin sheds called the North rail Yards, which will either fall down through neglect or be relocated to just west of Charters Towers when the next decent cyclone hits us – whichever comes first.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Even worse, if you look down the highway at sleepy little Mackay it has transformed itself into the mining and engineering monster that Townsville should be. Went down for a friends wedding and the place is pumping along with lots of new cars and a full CBD. With all the political connections and power that we supposedly have where the hell did we do wrong.

        • The Magpie says:

          You have to ask?

          • Prickster says:

            Reality has confronted ambition – Townsville has no real political connections or power.

            We are a playground for snake oil salesman, shysters and our Masters in Brisbane and Canberra. Does anyone care? Nah Mate… This is Townsville North Queensland.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      As much as Richard Power and his bevvy of blondes tried, Townsville was NEVER going to be a tourist destination. A place where tourists passed through on their way to a destination, yes. A destination in its own right, no. But, at least then, when tourists did get lost and end up in Townsville, they were met with a city that wasn’t dead, places to visit and shops that were open.

    • Critical says:

      Ratepayer got to agree with you, the Strand is an absolute bloody mess and continues to deteriorate under this idiot of a Mayor and Councillors, garden beds not maintained and in some there’s more bloody weeds than garden plants, broken irrigation systems, gutters and footpaths seemed to be “sort of” cleaned every so often, the Strand road surface is cracking up in parts, poorly defined pedestrian crossings, disability car parking bays that do not meet national standards and the list goes on and on. Oh and please don’t get me started on Gregory Street between the Strand and Eyre Street.

  18. Prince Rollmop says:

    So the Beetrooter reckons all global warming issues have been fixed and everything is now ok!! Old mate has had too much sun on his purple head.


  19. Ratepayer says:

    The Prince’s contention that Maggie Island is only good for a day trip might apply to locals, but try to get a holiday rental on the island during the winter and you’ll be disappointed. Thousands of southern retirees come up every year to escape the cold. Then there’s the backpackers. Take the time to check out the young tourists filing onto the Magnetic Island ferry and you’ll an idea of the value of Magnetic Island as a drawcard for visitors. As stated in my original comment, it is Townsville’s ONLY genuine tourist attraction.

    • The Magpie says:

      Although not in the same category, let’s not forget the wonderful work of the Flemings at Billabong Sanctuary.

    • Golfer says:

      Lets not forget the Maggie Island Golf Open.
      One of the best weekends of the year, if you can get in.
      I think LIV Golf have been trying to get a start there.

  20. Mike Douglas says:

    Not quite the welcome Premier Palaszczuk was expecting after announcing the Hughenden super hub in Townsville today when journalists turned to Crime . Appears the Premier was reported to be downing Champagne + Oysters with Graham Richardson at Double Bay on the weekend so her Townsville experience gave her a reality check . Townsville people have added their dissatisfaction to her 3 local MP,,s social media sites more interested in crime and cost of living issues . Aaron isn’t interested in his electorates comments because you can only share his fb post and not comment .

  21. The Magpie says:

    Uh oh …. Anybody brave enough to tell Mayor Mullet? Problems comin’ down the pipeline – Iplex in the poo.

    OK, this is domestic product, but it took two years to discover the problem in hundreds of Perth homes, with pipes bursting and mould forming.


    As our putative ‘leader’, the mayor MUST seek and give the public assurances that the current pipeline is not subject to the same problems that it took two years to uncover in Perth.

  22. Tenacious D says:

    Media Watch playing catchup to the Magpie yet again!

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Townsville needs a significant re-brand…starting with its name.
    Robert Towns was a blackbirder, a man who made money from slavery…the illegal use of human flesh to bolster his wealth.
    Unfortunately, our “city fathers”…the three State MPs, TCC and TEL couldn’t re-brand a chocolate biscuit.

    • Lab Rat says:

      Absolutely agree. Cootharinga would be a great name for Townsville.

      • Winni says:

        Lab Rodent we Aussies owe nothing to the First Nation mob of squatters living under gum trees

        Leave our place names alone

        • The Magpie says:

          Don’t agree with your dismissive description of the First Locals … they are not squatting under gumtrees, they are, for the most part, living in modern homes equipped with all amenities like running water, sewage and electricity, have modern cars and access inter alia to modern medical services. All of which they would be waiting for still under the gumtrees for another 40,000 years had it not been for outside intervention.

          The simple fact is that is never broached is that the culture that was 350 nations(tribes) warring and swapping animal skins that didn’t even have the wheel, were always going to be the inevitable target of the advanced outside world – ‘advanced’ being a relative term. In the brutal reality of recent and current history, force and military science was always and still is always going to subjugate less advanced people and their lands. (Unless they’re Ukrainians or North Vietnamese.)

          For The ‘Pie, a good part of the racism in Australia stems from the simmering resentment of the indigenous industry, handed down to next generations, in not even acknowledging the the advances and benefits the modern world brings to fragmented small groups of primitives … it seems they are demanding the benefits without any acknowledgement. And that to some degree feeds the barely innate racist leanings in many of we ‘interlopers.’ If it wasn’t the Poms, it would’ve been very quickly someone else, the French, the Dutch and the Portuguese were queuing up.

          Any mantra either way that ‘you owe us everything and we owe you nothing’ is only going to perpetuate the Australia’s damaging divide.

          • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

            “ the barely innate racist leanings in many of we ‘interlopers.’”

            Good to see some self reflection

          • The Magpie says:

            You should try it sometime.

          • Lab Rat says:

            No need for the wheel. No beasts of burdens to pull them. No domesticated animals here. Move camps every now and then to ensure food replenishment. Managed it this way for 60000 odd years.
            We have been here 230 odd years. How many more do you reckon we have?

          • The Magpie says:

            In Queensland, about six years after the Olympics. Then we’ll be moving camp, looking for food.

          • Al says:

            You hit the nail squarely on the head Pie!

    • Grumpy says:

      EB, going to manufacture the same outrage about well-known blackbirder John Mackay?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Why not something fittingly woke which has no history, no gender and no story behind it like ‘Worker City #4″ that naming style worked well in some parts of the world for a long time when idealogues were in power. Would that suit you Lost Insect?

  24. Ratepayer says:

    Yes Magpie, the Flemmings do a good job, but my point is that their kind of Ossie zoo can be found in other more popular tourist destinations like Cairns and the Sunshine Coast so why would tourists visit Townsville to see native animals.
    If you google Cairns Attractions you will find dozens of interesting things to see and do, but Townsville has been held back by a mayor who rejects good ideas purely because they aren’t hers. Good example is the Strand wave pool often suggested in this blog and elsewhere over the past few years. Jenny Hill wasn’t having any of that, instead coming up with the not-so-unique idea of a lagoon, similar to others built years ago in Cairns and Airlie Beach.
    Then there’s the Castle Hill zip line – not her idea so will never happen.
    Townsville needs unique attractions, not copycat ideas borrowed from other more popular Queensland tourist destinations.

    • The Magpie says:

      Agree with your basic premise, but The ‘Pie was never suggesting that Billabong Sanctuary would be an attraction in itself to pull in visitors, just that it is one of the few things worthy of for visitors to do when they arrive here for whatever reason. As were the Red Baron flights, and the parachuting operation onto the Strand.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      As much as it pains me to defend Jenny here, Townsville’s tourism attractiveness isn’t being held back by her or the incompetence of TEL. Townsville just doesn’t have anything to offer. Tourists come to north Queensland for the wet tropic and reef experience.

      • The Magpie says:

        A reasonable point that tends to overlook the fact that Mayor Mullet and her council have failed at just about every turn (stadium aside, which in the end had fuck all to do with her) in efforts to attract and build tourism infrastructure – the list is long but just as a single example, being conned by a third rate sculptor into a totally pointless sunken art gallery that can be viewed for a pretty penny by no more than 20 or 30 people at a time …. if they know how to scuba dive. And she also insists on the continuing waste of ratepayers support for TEL, at outfit that thinks their best contribution nis an incomprehensible and embarrassing, ‘Nah it’s Townsville …’ campaign.

        But fair enough, it does seem that Mayor Mullet is really lukewarm with tourism, think she knows it’s a hill to hard to climb, and has instead transferred her abundant incompetence to industrial matters.

  25. Achilles says:

    Pie have you changed you’re gateway of firewall settings recently? Your access and download enabling are taking up to 3 minutes to open.

    • The Magpie says:

      This started yesterday afternoon, and appears to be part of the WordPress platform sunsetting certain ‘back’ activities of the site, which I’m trying to upgrade. But may need some tech help. It is part of what I forewarned in the blog last weekend. And no, as much The ‘Pie would like to be important enough for the attention, he is not being hacked.

  26. Officer Spoontan says:

    The three limp dick local representatives have very little clout when it comes to local crime and Police numbers anyway, and the pathetic Palasczuk calls the shots and she is too busy dating ‘Mr pink jacket’ and getting her Labor mates appointed to Board positions to be worried. Here is some inside information; the Police force operates with a minimum amount of police required to staff the State and currently there is only 5 more police on the books than the minimum number required. This is a dangerous situation especially when there are 6 to 12 cops resigning each week! The Cops are sick of being scrutinised, abused and being forced to endure endless diversity training bullshit that executives keep pushing. The deliberate non-hiring of men and the hiring of sub-standard women candidates, as pushed by Palasczuk, has widened a massive rift in the Force. Katarina Carroll does not have the confidence of the Police force. Carroll should have never been parachuted into the role, again this was a ‘women first’ agenda being pushed by Palasczuk, and the experiment has failed spectacularly. Morale is low, retention is low, resignations are high and the top echelon of the force are spineless.

    Hopefully this information will be posted on this blog and word will spread about how the Queensland government has lost control of its state Police service. The situation is palpable.

    Commissioner Carroll needs to go;


    • The Magpie says:

      Christ man, you sure know how to make a tough job even harder, and ensure the old G&S observation ‘a policeman’s lot is not a happy one’.
      Sure, your comment is posted on the Nest, no reason not to. But remember, you’re right to your opinion does not mean you have a right that what you say be accepted as the truth or reasonable complaint.

      What on earth possessed you to make the alarming and disturbing statement that ‘cops are sick of being scrutinised’? Little bloody wonder, with the almost daily revelations of proven misogynistic and racist views and actions, mishandling of DV matters and the occasional good old fashioned brown paper bag corruption. Are you suggesting that in a democracy, police should be left to their own devices, and maybe deliver some ‘summary justice’ outside the law? And have no check against outright corruption (‘did you note the $50 note that fell to the road when I handed you my license, officer?’). That’s the hallmark of countries of ‘democratic stability’ in South America, and some Balkan states. And alreadyb here, you have the highly questionable political time bomb of ‘police investigating police. The idea that only police know the difficulties an erring officer faced is an arrogant self-interest that moves ‘discretion’ on to a higher plain.

      As The Pie sees it, the QPS is warring with itself … while all other government regulated bodies and departments have accepted the inevitability of wide social changes in attitudes towards sexism, racism and gender issues, along with corporate and business Australia, elements of the police force seem to think they are above the social changes they themselves are supposed to police. It doesn’t matter if you think it is all bullshit, you have to accept it. No, not embrace it, private opinions will always remain whatever they are to many social changes. Just as you accepted the sensible changes severely restricting police use of ‘discretion’ to wipe out mainly petty corruption, so police must accept changes brought on by wider social change.

      The ‘Pie assumes you’re a copper yourself, and since you remain anonymous, you can help your own cause by posting links to your source about police numbers (the legislation setting the threshold, and another link providing the current numbers). We’ll get on to the wider issues of opinions you raise when we have established your factual basis.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Based on what I’ve seen and read the Commissioner is dealing with a bunch of mysoginistic assholes within the police force. What a shocking culture you have. Clearly your mummy’s didn’t kick your asses enough for being rude when you were little boys.
      Maybe if you don’t like the scrutiny, you should get out yourself and go fuck up another industry with your toxic attitude.

      • The Magpie says:

        Now Ducky Pebbles, you are being a tad dense on the social issues involved here. Maybe it is because Officer Spoontan’s mother DID kick his ass more than enough that has resulted in his current attitude to his job. Like the catholics say, get ‘em young, and they’re yours forever.

        • Officer Spoontan says:

          It’s immature and premature of you to make comments that basically place all Cops in the same basket. Every industry or large organisation has its bad eggs, that’s a fact. Stupid comments about $50 notes and corruption is ridiculous. Queensland Police are having to deal with a declining and violent society. Cops aren’t perfect but 99% of the boys and girls are doing their best. No internal paperwork will be submitted to this blog for obvious reasons. If you therefor dismiss my comments then that is fine, I don’t harbour any ill feelings and I appreciate your time.

          • The Magpie says:

            Dismiss your comments? WTF? So a lengthy and time consuming reply to your original comment plus the second as below, is dismissing your comment? You’re the one being dismissive of polite and reasonable discussion, there seems to be a suggestion that what you claim should be accepted without discussion or question … a sort of modern version of the old copper’s mantra, Do as I say, Don’t do as I do.

            But The ‘Pie believes you are genuine in your frustration with the situation, which is understandable, but may also explain why you didn’t read The’Pie’s comment very closely.

            For instance, ‘elements of the police force seem to think they are above the social changes’. I’m not going to make cheap shots about coppers and the English language, but ‘elements’ clearly does NOT put all police in the same basket, exactly the opposite.

            But attacking someone who is criticising those ‘elements’ inferring some sort of unwarranted interference with honest coppers (I accept and agree with your estimate) doesn’t serve your cause well. As with all those ‘bad apples’ elsewhere, they need to be weeded out (zero tolerance by colleagues is a good starting point) and – given the power society has invested in police over us – exposed with the attendant publicity dspite that it will encourage the dim bulbs of social media to make silly claims. And, mate, you need to cop it sweet … everybody else in all walks of modern life has to, so you can’t be an exception. The unique position of police officers, like lawyers and judges, will always deserve closer scrutiny as they are held to higher standards.

            Couple of points: the level of police numbers is decided by parliament, is it not, so that is hardly ‘internal paperwork’, it just The ‘Pie, as he does with others, seeking that you provide links/sources to backup your comments, this old bird is not going to spent his day because lazy people want him to do their googling for them.

            And The ‘Pie was probably in error with his $50 comment … he should know better than to use a broad stroke joke to seek a sense of humour between cops and the public. Therefore, he will refrain from suggesting that given inflation, it really should’ve been $100.

  27. NQ Gal says:

    Colour me shocked – the Orange Ejit has decided to run for US President again.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      The orange assclown has been muttering shite about demon gods running the earth, child sacrifices to Molech and other assorted dribble. The bloke is mental and a danger to the world. How the fuck is it that he isn’t locked up in a looney hospital is beyond my comprehension. I guess money talks.

      • The Magpie says:

        Not money, bullshit. Rolled gold bullshit … because it is almost certain he doesn’t have any money … not the sort that could pull the sort of protection he is receiving. The ‘Pie reckons what has got him this far is that he has some really damaging shit on a few people … way more damaging than golden showers in Moscow hotel rooms.

  28. I’ll Be plucked says:

    Trump is a much better candidate than sleepy Joe. It’s a matter of picking the best of a bad bunch.

    • The Magpie says:

      The one thing that folks like you cannot get through your thick fucking heads is that Joe Biden was primarily elected for one simple reason … he wasn’t Donald Trump. Ancillary reasons were that Joe isn’t a crook, Joe isn’t an egomaniac, and Joe deteriorating mental health is way preferable to the megalomaniacal authoritarian dreams of the Orange Smear.

      The fact that you choose a twice impeached proven traitor over an honest, but bumbling old codger says everything about you and very little about Joe Biden.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        To my simple mind if the US Democrats could beat Trump with a stumbling old fool like Biden all they need to find is someone with a slightly stroinger heartbeat to do it a second time.

    • jatzcrackers says:

      Plucker, fair dinkum mate, what the fuck are you smoking !!
      Trump was and still is the most toxic moron for the greater American good that ever existed !
      Biden might not have been the answer but in terms of basic human decency, he’s better for the Yanks, and the world, than that ego manic piece of shit Trump !
      His support in his own party has deteriorated to a point that hardly any one wants to be associated with him.
      His announcement of stepping up to the plate for 2024 shows where this ego fruit cake sees himself in his own little world.
      Lets hope some common sense prevails and he can just fuck off and be rich nobody !!

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      I am with you Plucka, don’t like either of them but give me a crook over a slimy creep any day.

      • The Magpie says:

        At least a slimy creep isn’t going to treasonously sell out his own country seeking unhinged egotistical glory.

        But actually Cankers, think you’re having your little joke like Plucka, seeing how much rage farming you can gather. Good for the comment numbers, thanks.

  29. jatzcrackers says:

    Pie, Re the ongoing saga of Townsville’s tourist perceptions out there, Townsville has been for many years known as the centre hub for countless industries, communities and neighbouring cities/towns.
    While not necessarily kept in working order and maintained to prudent levels of commerce and industry nor run by CEO’s with the sensible agendas, Townville is a port, and NQ industry centred Australia’s largest garrison city.

    Its never really been view as a big tourist destination although some inspiration people have carved out some brilliant attractions here.

    Barely 4 hours drive both North and South of Townsville we have International class tourist attractions in Cairns, Port Douglas and Whitsunday Islands.
    Several Island resorts have been purchased over the last two years by AUSTRALIAN wealthy individuals and companies.
    Today the ABC reported that Linderman Island, Whitsundays has been purchased by an yet unnamed Australian identity. (sorry I’m shit at cut/paste links)
    Long Island Whitsundays has been purchased by Twiggy Forrest company and Dunk Island off Mission Beach has been bought by wife of Cannon Brooks, billionaire.

    Would it be too bloody difficult for our Purple Doona Mayor and the three State Gov representative dills to pay attention, come up with a bit of long term thinking and piggy back off these latest buying up events.

    Clearly, these buyers are gearing up for the Brisbane Olympics and using that event to launch their future resorts/investments with world wide advertising/marketing at tax payers expense.
    Bloody clever planning and thinking in my view and here we are stuck with the good old Mullet !

  30. Mike Douglas says:

    Albo tells G20 leaders ” Australia can feed the World ” . If Albo is in Australia enough issues loom at home on possible lockouts 17 Ports no shipping in our out . Record homelessness and will his Government keep the power on over Christmas . Treasurer Chalmers 1 mil homes to be built sounds like N.Z. PM who promised to build 100,000 public housing , 10,000 by 2021 and actually built 1300 .

  31. Regular reader says:

    Delighted to see Americans are finally waking up to Trump and his rapidly diminishing group of election deniers like Arizona trumpette Kari Lake.
    Check out this brilliant summation of Lake’s demise in Arizona.
    Skip the ads and sit through the opening monologue about the world population and you’ll be rewarded with a brilliant piece of satire. (Starts at 1 min.15.)

  32. Grumpy says:

    ACT introducing rather extraordinary legislation to ensure a conviction in a certain rape trial. An appalling piece of politically motivated legislation. What price justice?

    • The Magpie says:

      Link, Grumpy link!!!

        • The Magpie says:

          This Drumgold bloke, the ACT prosecutor, sure exposes his agendas and limp argument.
          “The recording of evidence ensures that vulnerable witnesses are not re-traumatised in a subsequent proceeding, where possible’.

          What about an accused but innocent person (always presumed we are told) not be able to confront a witness in person, even if it is a second time, a witness who is seeking that the accused spend years in jail and have their whole lives ruined. Might not he (or she) be equally traumatised – and possibly even more unfairly? And giving the judge the discretion to choose whether recorded evidence be allowed makes the imbalance even more marked … The Magpie does not subscribe to silly comments about bribing judges (by people who should know better), but – and this applies to ALL courts but doubly in the hothouse of the ACT – the background political scurrying behind the skirting boards is ever present and does not have to be explicitly expressed to have an affect on decisions. Politicians have a big say not only judicial promotion but in who gets the plum, feather-bedded jobs after retirement.

          He is quite simply lying when he says it is not specifically aimed at the Lehrmann trial – so The ‘Pie reckons this urgency for the law change has been pushed by the ambitious Drumgold because he knows he’s on a loser when reviewing the way the first trial went. Expecting a slam dunk, it showed that his lack of any forensic evidence on which a jury can make a decision puts him at high risk of being a loser. And that is anathema to prosecutors who want to climb the profession’s greasy pole.

          And with these guys, no sacrifice except income is too big.

          • Achilles says:

            This proposal also prevents the jury from hearing if the person answering has the same recollections the second time around. Especially so, if the video is only on select matters.

            The truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth; may well now be edited and thereby debatable.

            This was a significant argument in the original trial that left the jury in some doubt.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Grumpy, I’m told the price of justice depends on the judge. Some magistrates are pretty cheap but your average higher court judge probably costs more.

  33. The Magpie says:

    You heard it here first.

    Seems The Magpie has a supsdupa scoop this time and dummkopf Jenny Hill should hang her head in shame (and Palaszczuk, too.)
    As the ABC and others have reported, Lindeman Island in the Whitsundays has been returned into the hands of an Australian investor. But the buyer hasn’t been identified … until right now, here in The Nest. And there’s a big Townsville connection.
    It starts with this ABC story on Tuesday.


    Australian investors with deep pockets are snapping up dilapidated Queensland islands, prompting optimism from the tourism industry they will be returned to their former glory.
    The latest island to go under contract is Lindeman Island, near Airlie Beach in the Whitsundays.
    CBRE Hotels national director Wayne Bunz brokered the sale and said contracts had been exchanged with settlement expected in early 2023. With Chinese vendor White Horse.
    But Mr Bunz stopped short of revealing the identity of the buyer or the sale price.
    “I’m pleased to report that it has been sold to an Australian owner, but due to client confidentiality we can’t reveal the new owner’s name,” he said.

    Well maybe you’re lips are sealed as tight as your Bunz, Mr Bunz, but The Magpie is free as a bird – courtesy of a Deep Throat on the Gold Coast – to exclusively reveal the new Lindeman owners are the Juniper Family Group, based on the Goldie.

    Yes, that is the same group frustrated and blocked for years by Jenny Hill and Anna Palaszczuk (and others) in their plans to develop Radical Bay into an upmarket resort. Juniper have been mightily pissed off that they were saddled with a development site blocked by council and state (because the entry road is in a state forest, which Juniper reasonably believe they should not have to pay for) and would therefore be unlikely to be able to sell it.

    It was and is a cheapskate move by the TCC and the state government, all for the sake of a fraction of the costs of airy fairy, long term possibilities like the lansdown hub-in-the-scrub. So now Lindeman will get a multi-million dollar makeover to attract what could’ve been Maggie Island cashed up holidaymakers. There’s a couple of hundred permanent jobs down the Jenny gurgler, let alone the construction gigs gone begging.

    So much for Jenny Hill’s much vaunted Labor hook-up with George Street.

    ‘The ‘Pie is looking into this further, but no doubt Tony Raggatt will be on to it like Donald Trump onto a top secret file, but there’s a lot more to this for Townsville Council and the TEL dodos have to answer for.

    Christ, this council, this mayor … fair fuckin’ dinkum!!!

    • Critical says:

      Pie, should your blog now read 1 William Street ( or the Tower of Power as some call it) where the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet and numerous Ministerial Offices are now located. The old Executive Building, 100 George Street was demolished a couple of years ago.

      • The Magpie says:

        Crits, you are so wedded to your party , it’s touching.
        But FYI, here’s where legislation is passed.

        Parliament House in Brisbane is the meeting place of the Parliament of Queensland, housing its only chamber, the Legislative Assembly. It is located on the corner of George Street and Alice Street at Gardens Point in the CBD, and is next to the Queensland University of Technology and City Botanic Gardens. Wikipedia

      • Mundingbird says:


        I think you mean the Tower of Useless Fuckwits that should be Shot.

        • Critical says:

          That’s true about the Tower of Power but it’s where the day-to-day decisions of government are made and legislation is given the go ahead before it goes to Parliament for rubber stamping

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Isn’t it called 1 Big Willie? That’s what the public servants I know call it.

  34. The Magpie says:

    Talk about whipping their readers into a frenzy of apathy!
    News Ltd playing catch-up … and getting it wrong.
    This story on today’s Astonisher website – lifted directly from the Mackay Mercury – is sloppy stuff based solely on the wish list of a woke indigenous former ranger’s submission the government, and the irrelevant wishes of the Mackay local council.

    And it flies directly in the face of the ABC’s well researched story, that shows that the resort island market is booming …

    …which starts:
    Australian investors with deep pockets are snapping up dilapidated Queensland islands, prompting optimism from the tourism industry they will be returned to their former glory.
    The Lindeman contract followed a string of island sales to Australian rich-listers over the past two years.
    Queensland Tourism Industry Council chief executive officer Brett Fraser said it showed a return to confidence in Queensland tourism.
    “These sorts of assets are challenging and the fact that we have seen the changing of hands in those islands is positive,” he said.
    “Island resorts across Queensland have been the cornerstone of the tourism industry for decades, so getting them back on the market for customers is a great idea.”

    But oh the irony …. imagine, the Murdoch minions going woke on a story that the ABC clearly thinks is a great market mover for the economy.

  35. The Magpie says:


    The clitterati will be reaching for the tin snips to educate whoever wrote this. And so should the iditor.

    What a condescending pat on the head (‘oooh,how clever of you, dearie, being a lady n’all. You’ll be giving the blokes a run for their money one of these days)’.

    Long before current sensibilities were widespread, properly trained journalists were told not use the word ‘ladies’ when ‘women’ or ‘females’ were suitable in context, because ‘ladies’ is classist and elitist. In fact, ther News Ltd style book (4th edition, page 166) says:
    lady, ladies use woman, women in almost all contexts. but don’t changes names such as Ladies Professional Golf Association. Avoid referring to women and girls as females.

    Even worse was ‘lassie, lassies.

    The use of ladies was originally seen as polite snobbery, but nowadays, it can – quite reasonably – be seen as an insult from people who should know better. Like the kids at the Astonisher.


  36. City cat says:

    Was getting my Uber ears delivered last night and across from my unit on flinders street, same side as old railway station, I witnessed a small group of people in a hidden car park. In between norm Hyatt locksmith and bitcoin. What was most interesting was that 3 car spaces were blocked off by traffic control with TCC signs on them as reserved for TCC. In the car park was an ice cream van and a lecturn for a speech. I can only think it was to show off the new mural on the walls. Now for the point of my story is that the car park blocked off for councillors cars and guess who’s car it was?? Liam mooney! I’m assuming he got a day license?? If that’s so it was after 6pm so who drove the car. No mayor in sight and how much did our rates pay for the traffic control just to show off a painting in a car park that nobody will see because they drive past it. No wonder rates are high and getting higher.

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