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The Magpie

Sunday, October 9th, 2022   |   109 comments

Jenny Shouts Herself A Jolly To Korea, And We All Think ‘Ah, Seoul’.

While the trip appears to be  under aegis of the greatest rort ever foisted on ratepayers … the Sister City free holiday program for councillors’ … it was very timely for Kim Il Jen, sloping off just as that ratepayers learn they’ve copped another financial kick in the cods courtesy of this financially illiterate simkin.

The Townsville Council’s empty grandstanding on housing market intervention is exposed for the cheap political stunt that it is. Well, perhaps cheap is the wrong word. A major player in the market detailed why the mayor’s interventionist plans into the housing market is a case of a fuckwit in financial fantasyland.

Fighting Fran O’Callaghan’s dogged calls for transparency force the council into admitting – and the Bulletin into reporting -that  it had basically lied to hide a costly purchase from ratepayers.

Saintly Sinners:  While The Astonisher makes a front page celebration of the city’s most prominent bit of public vandalism, The ‘Pie asks, isn’t it time this fucking town grew up? Or will we remain known as yogans … yokels cross bred with bogans?

And a story from the ratbag file … this time  not about the nanny state, more about the ninny state.

And why Alan Kohler is much more than a financial commentator … his latest article is a thought provoking analysis of why this world has gone so bonkers at very level.

Also, lotsa laughs, plus our regular pictorial round up from the home of the rave and the land of the twee … and Bentley’s back!

A big birthday next week ….  The Magpie entity popped out the Bulletin egg 20 years ago about now. It’s been fun but the blog has often been a bit of a personal whack to the wallet, so any help to meet the recurring costs of this alternative voice for Townsville will be a great help. The donate button is at the end of the blog. Thanks.

Now, onwards.

The Day The Bulletin Became The Mulletin.


Last Tuesday, it may as have been called the Townsville Daily Mulletin … it was a complete dog’s dinner of unquestioning campaign tripe from our mayor, masquerading as news. The front page couldn’t be more contrived.

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Just for the record, it wasn’t a new plan, it was a rehash of Mayor Mullet’s witterings a month or so ago about converting office buildings to low cost housing for low and medium income earners. And for the Bulletin to bless this utter bullshit with the suggestion of rapid council action (an obvious oxymoron) to meet a so-called rental emergency is chuckle-headed nonsense at best, grossly misleading and irresponsible at worst.

Then we get to the full story inside on page 6,  where the most notable fact was that the mayor gave her favourite purple doona dress it’s 85 outing for the year (or so it seemed).
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It was as usual just buzz word bullshit – what the hell does she mean when she says ‘More than 7000 Townsville households or 10 per cent of the housing market are experiencing housing stress.’  What the hell does housing stress mean? This is just parroting twaddle along with some highly questionable statistics.

But more frightening is the four key aims TCC’s Affordable Housing Action Plan  – to offer council-owned land for development, but ‘not necessarily’ significant cash for development, quoth Mayor Mullet) (’… not necessarily significant’?!? FFS, that outrageous in itself)’, to partner with government and private industry to deliver affordable housing (just what the hell does ‘affordable ‘mean in this context of a volatile market that has absolutely zero to do with local government), to promote developments with incentives and b y advocating to reduce insurance costs (like the insurance companies would listen to the likes of you, Madam – get over yourself) and the real giveaway doozie of brain farts – investigate converting vacant office buildings to residential use.

All this is totally meaningless, a lame and obvious attempt to gain some sort of relevance against a national issue which many property people here in Townsville say does not exist to major extent here. If any of it is attempted, the council will piss more ratepayers money up against the wall (get that image of team action out of your heads now)

But never one to be negative, let The ‘Pie make life easy for you, Walker Street wankers with a dose of reality on that last issue of office space. This from a prominent property player in Townsville.

Once you start making major structural changes to an old property, you have to update it to current Queensland Fire and Building Code – which is why the Dimmeys redevelopment is over a year behind schedule and rumoured to cost the developer an extra million dollars.

The other miscalculation from the Mayor and her councillors who think they can be developers is finance . Even when unit developers seek finance they have to have presold over 50% with contracts . Commercial leases with yearly increases and guarantees are normally accepted as income by the banks .

I don’t believe any bank will loan a vacant CBD office owner any $ to upgrade to residential unless they have other assets to provide as further guarantees because there is no chance residential is guaranteed. And on top of all this, what incentive or threat does the mayor imagine she can put forward to make investors even consider conversions? Current owners of CBD offices think the Mayors idea is simply yet another folly from a Mayor with little financial / development knowledge.

Then there is the class thing, isn’t there, when Deputy Mayor Mark Molachino butts in with ‘Affordable housing is open to a broader range of incomes than social housing. This is about helping to attract and retain critical workers like police officers, nurses and child care workers to our city.’

Always nice to know where folks are on your social pecking order, Frothy.

But Did You Notice ….

… on the same page as Mayor Mullet’s free campaign ad … sorry, story … this was this beautifully placed yarn right next door.

TCC real cost Screen Shot 2022-10-04 at 9.41.51 am

The excuse, even if true which is a question, means the council finance department doesn’t even know how much its paid for what. BUT the most significant aspect of this story isn’t mentioned at all. The fact is you wouldn’t have known that the council initially claimed only half the cost of buying the remaining parcel of land in the North rail Yards IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE DETERMINED EFFORTS FOR TRANSPARENCY DEMANDED BY CLR FRAN O’CALLAGHAN. She brought it to the attention of the council that the figure they supplied the Bulletin in the initial story was wrong by half, and in the end, the mayor and the council had no choice but to correct what they hope we believe to be ‘just an error’.

And Clr O’Callaghan did this, and all her other campaigning for transparency while being harassed and bullied personally by the mayor and the snivelling legal hole in the air Tony Bligh. Clr O’Callaghan is actively shunned by other councillors, according to a council insider who keeps The Magpie informed of matters in the Hermit Kingdom.

Whether she’s right or wrong, she’s got more guts than the rest put together … but that wouldn’t be all that hard.

Remember When, Way Back …

…. when three or four times a year, a four page colour brochure would land in the letter box from the council, extolling all they were doing to earn the considerable dollars we pay them. Well that idea was scrapped a while back, and why would they ever want to introduce it again — when the Daily Mulletin will do it for free. This page 3 from last Tuesday.


‘Cash Splash’?  This is hardly news and it’s no splash, it is just the council carry out its budget agenda. And what pray tell, Master Bates (you back here, old son? Ingham fathers run you out of town?) do you mean when you break from your stenography and have to write a headline – and suggest ordinary projects long announced and underway, are somehow ‘future proofing’ all of NQ? What does that even mean in this context? bit sloppy, too,  when you include a pic of the Haughton pipeline, but don’t make the smallest mention of it in the dictation you took down from the TCC media flak.

You Wouldn’t Read About … Well, Not At This Library Anyway

But hey, for old times sake, Cameron, here’s a scoop you can follow up on … ha ha, only joking … as if. you transcribed  this little gem in your round up.

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Then there’s this.

Lack of external funding lifts library relocation cost to $8.5m

The cost to ratepayers to develop a new library in Townsville has blown out by more than 50 per cent as council reveals the reason why.

Tony Raggatt

The cost to ratepayers to develop a new library at Riverway has blown out to $8.5m.

But Townsville City Council says the main reason for the more than 50 per cent increase is a failure to secure grant funding that it had hoped to receive.

Construction costs have soared in Australia, up an overall 10 per cent in the past year.

“Council initially developed the Riverway library project design based on $5.5m capital funding from council’s 2021-22 budget and grant funding,” a council spokeswoman said.

“Council was unable to secure external funding towards the library but through reallocations in its 2022-23 budget was able to allocate a total of $8.5m towards the Riverway library project.

If there was ever a more damning statement of dereliction of fiscal probity, it is this sentence:  “But Townsville City Council says the main reason for the more than 50 per cent increase is a failure to secure grant funding that it had hoped to receive.”

‘Hoped to receive’!?! But they went ahead anyway?  With no guarantee that their hoped-for external funding would be granted. In plain language, council took a punt and now the ratepayers are lumbered with – yet again – an unfair debt because of the mayoral team’s hubris and lack of integrity. Add that to the unexpected and unnecessary $80million the ratepayers now have to stump up because of what was basically a political stoush. And while we’re in this obscure world, who footed the $50,000 payout to Fatty Palmer because the mayor slandered him?

But seems there’s another deeper side to this cockamamie saga of wasteful fuckwittery., and it points to a disgraceful lack of reasonable foresight, planning and priorities.This information from a Nest reader who has a track record of being right on the money about internal council ‘thinking’.

The library is not a relocation, it is a brand new facility. Just ask us.

It goes something like this. TCC sells the very popular Thuringowa library so there is no library service in the area. We then decide not to restore Pinnacles Art Gallery after the floods because frankly no one out past Bamford Lane is supposed to be interested in culture. Then we announce a brand new library to go where the drowned gallery was. The wash-up of all this: big public library with good parking and facilities – sold. Art gallery – closed. Pokey shitty little library with no decent parking close to it and subject to the same flooding problems the building has always had – new and shiny.

Well, seems it certainly is a lending library … reckon the councikl – and Master Bates – are having a lend of us.

Wonder How Transparent Jenny’s Jaunt To South Korea Will Be

Are we ratepayers in danger yet again?

The Sister City malarkey is a bigger con that Townsville Enterprise. If that sounds a touch harsh, there’s one simple question – the same one oft asked here of the Dudley Do Nothings –  that will put the statement to the proof?  What tangible benefit worth the effort and the considerable dollars has our sister city relationship with six Asian and Pacific nations afforded us? Or them? The answer is sweet fuck all, except for the councillors over the past 30 years pigging out with their counterparts. That would be tens of thousands of dollars, and maybe even adding a nought wouldn’t be off the mark.

This from the TCC website:

Over the past three decades, Townsville has signed Sister City agreements with six cities.

The main aim of Sister City contact is to create friendship and understanding between peoples and to lay a foundation of goodwill and exchange for future generations. Each agreement focuses on the development of mutually beneficial trade and investment, the sharing of ideas, and the promotion of cultural understanding. Sister City relations are managed by the Townsville Sister City Committee, a group comprised of leaders in the areas of government, business, education, tourism, culture, community and sports.

This is simply thieving codswallop, letting councillor’s get away with blue murder on the their expense sheets. And well beyond any remit the ratepayers would give this broken arse mob of outright tuggers. But Kim Il Jen sure ain’t gunna miss out, you can bet she knows her days are numbered on the mayoral plush.

But The Magpie became a little alarmed when he thought about this latest knees up to Korea. Be interested to know if she ventures far from the delights of Suwon’s canine canapes, kimchi cabbage and Soju booze, (distilled from sweet potatoes) – if in fact that’s what the trip is for, typically hard to find details. But will she try to get in the door of giant companies Hanwha and SK Group, who are teaming with Korea Zinc to have a hydrogen supply route between Collinsville and Townsville. ‘Hi, guys, name’s Jenny, I’ve got a public penny,  private airport, anyone? It’s on us!!’

Bentley’s Back And Is A Bothered Bloke

The energy future has been concerning Bentley lately, who believes it will not be chickens but ducks coming home to roost for Albo and his piecemeal energy policy. Our man is unimpressed.


Longevity Does NOT Equal Legitimacy

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Memo Townsville Bulletin, Townsville City Council & elders of the Bindal Wulgurukaba indigenous mob.

Illegitimate longevity does not equal legitimacy.  By the above groups own separate rules and regulations, there can be no argument that the Saint daubed on the magnificent Castle Hill rocky edifice is nothing more than cheap, nasty and insulting graffiti. That it was executed by a group of adolescent fuckwits as a student jape dismisses any waffle about artistic, social or satirical merit … it is a re-creation of the named symbol of fictional English detective character Simon Templar, created by English writer Leslie Charteris about an English ponce who goes about solving crimes mainly in England and Europe, unless he’s called on to help out the hapless and amusingly baffled dusky authorities of some British protectorate. This makes the figure’s presence even the more reprehensible. The ‘Pie has often wondered why the ever-sensitive element of the local indigenous clan have meekly accepted it, let alone a council and a paper forever hypervirtulating about graffiti ‘vandals’ defacing man-made structure around the city. The Magpie has never heard them called ‘larrikins’, with the indulgent chuckle and the unspoken ‘lovable’ the word implies.

But even if there was some connection to a perceived social ill or even a popular sentiment (like graffiti saying ‘ Castle Hill is Townsville’s only worthwhile Hill’), it would still would be public despoliation of a towering and imposing natural landmark, one unique in its central city location.

Even the now-mature perpetrators seem a bit shame-faced that it has remained so long.  But the saddest part is that that piece of vandalism has remained because of public sentiment. So desperate to be the larrikin city doing their own thing, attempts to remove The Saint have met with outcry from the insecure denizens troubled about their identity and place in the world. Visitors who are aghast at the sight are curtly told to fuck off, you don’t live here, mind your own business. And many just do exactly that.

With this civic mind-set, it’s just as well Ivan Milat didn’t come from Townsville … he’d no doubt be defended by the yogans as being victimised ‘just because boys want to have fun’.

Speaking Of Artistic Merit, Or Lack Thereof …


The Magpie’s occasional award for cultural posturing has a hands down winner this week, Dr Lisa Slade. Slade was the chief judge of the $50,000 Brisbane Portrait prize. And this, the good doctor tells us, got her nod because it is a piece of ‘brave sophistication’.


But Dr Slade seemed to give the game away when she said ‘the artwork spoke to me immediately’. Yup, know the feeling, doc, inanimate objects often strike up conversations with you when you’ve dropped a tab too many.

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She added, “Some may think this particular artwork looks easy but pulling something like this off is very sophisticated,”

If Dr Slade wasn’t a woman (as far as we know, she is) it would be reasonable to believe she’s pulling off something else entirely,

This Is Worth A Read – It Speaks To This Age And Beyond

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Finance boffin Alan Kohler is proving to more than a grey numbers and graphs man, with an impish sense of humour. He occasionally brings us a thought-provoking  analysis well outside the economic spectrum. This is one such article.

The Boys At The Shovel Had Alternative Takes On The Week’s News

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shovel brexit

The Week In Whacky Land

Another week goes by and for the illustrators of America, it made one thing certain …. nothing is ever going to be certain again.

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Even Legal Types Secretly Like Lawyer Jokes, So Here Ya Go, Folks

Sudden involuntary guffaws were hard to come by in the past week, but in Friday’s Australian, The Magpie had a whoopsie with a mouthful of coffee when reading this book review from the London Times. It was the breakout box to the right of the book’s image that caused the mop up of the Magpie’s desk.

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‘Easy mistake ‘  … a classic example of brevity is the soul of wit.-


We’ve all survived another week, and trust we’ll gather same place same time next week – but you don’t have to wait, comments are there 24/7, and are of course free. If you have a weak moment and have a sudden urge to help the Nest survive, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Team Hill were so concerned about the 7,000 Townsville Households experiencing ” housing stress ” they raised rates 9% the highest in Queensland . For those renting 20-40% rates increase for resi landlords will result in $20-40 weekly rent increases when renters leases come up for renewal . Cankers pointed out that in Douglas and surrounding areas there are 83 rental properties with houses from $430- $750 and units $330 . Sadly the 1,000 homeless people for many reasons cant afford market rents or have other issues . No property owner / investor in their right mind believes the Mayor or Council based on their inability to deliver projects and the projects they do 20 -66% blow outs . Councillor O’Callaghan has requested Council updates on projects above a certain $ so she is in a position to understand the true state of Council activity prior to voting on other motions . This seems to have delivered further transparency that Council has endemic issues under the Mayors leadership .

  2. Alahazbin says:

    Maybe the ‘mullet’ got the idea of turning vacant office blocks into apartments from ‘his radiance’
    Just look what happened to the Ogden St multi story car park.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      The disaster that was the multi story carpark, and is now Metro Keys, rests firmly at the feet of Peter Honeycombe, his special deals and his “innovative” building methods.

  3. The Magpie says:

    Due to an inexplicable glitch (most technical things are inexplicable to The ‘Pie) the following was accidentally omitted from the story about the disgraceful 50% library blow-out in costs for the new Riverway library. It has now been inserted in the blog.

    The cost to ratepayers to develop a new library at Riverway has blown out to $8.5m.

    But Townsville City Council says the main reason for the more than 50 per cent increase is a failure to secure grant funding that it had hoped to receive.

    Construction costs have soared in Australia, up an overall 10 per cent in the past year.

    “Council initially developed the Riverway library project design based on $5.5m capital funding from council’s 2021-22 budget and grant funding,” a council spokeswoman said.

    “Council was unable to secure external funding towards the library but through reallocations in its 2022-23 budget was able to allocate a total of $8.5m towards the Riverway library project.

    If there was ever a more damning statement of dereliction of fiscal probity, it is this sentence: “But Townsville City Council says the main reason for the more than 50 per cent increase is a failure to secure grant funding that it had hoped to receive.”

    ‘Hoped to bloody receive’!?! But they went ahead anyway? With no guarantee that their hoped-for external funding would be granted? Probably not even an indication one way or the other? In plain language, council took a punt and now the ratepayers are lumbered with – yet again – an unfair debt because of the mayoral team’s hubris and lack of integrity. Add that to the unexpected and unnecessary $80million the ratepayers now have to stump up because of what was basically a political stoush. And while we’re in this obscure world, who footed the $50,000 payout to Fatty Palmer because the mayor slandered him?

    But seems there’s another deeper side to this cockamamie saga of wasteful fuckwittery., and it points to a disgraceful lack of reasonable foresight, planning and priorities.


    • Prince Rollmop says:

      A blowout of millions of dollars because they took a punt on receiving funding is one of the biggest fuckups I have witnessed in a long time. This really needs to be investigated further as not only is it poor decision making that has resulted to a deeper hit to the ratepayer pocket, there is also the issue of a lack of governance and a potential cooking of the books. The TCC CEO and the Mayor have a lot answer for. Incompetent fools.

      • The Magpie says:

        You’re right, this is a deeply troubling bit of decision making. While it perhaps doesn’t meet the criteria of corruption in the sense of any personal gain, it was certainly one of the most irresponsible bits of cavalier decision making The ‘Pie can remember (and boy, can The ‘Pie ever remember heaps of shit). But, while risking a Peter Newey invitation to join his alfoil infantry, The ‘Pie is starting to believe that running through all governments and their instruments in Queensland is such a deep vein of corruption, spurred on by the twin rowels of fear and greed, that any move, petition or formal complaint, would be a waste of time. And money.

        • Afterthought says:

          Just wondering if this revelation was made public because of Clr O’Callaghan and her dog-with-a-bone persistence on holding the council to financial account? Would we have heard about this humungus blow-out if Mayor Mullet and her PS minions hadn’t been under the intense and intelligent scrutiny brought by Clr O’Callaghan which has already shown up the arrogance, sloppiness and incompetence in several areas.

        • Clever P Accountant says:

          It’s not “decision’ making. It is just TCC ommon practice to make it look like they can afford the projects they need. If you make the assumptions of external funding the projected borrowings are reduced etc. You give them too much credit when you say they made a decision. It is just incompetence.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Governance? What’s that? Adele threw that shit out when she came along. As well as policy, record keeping, adherence to purchasing procedures and asset management.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Been digging around for the original project cost docs without success but if memory is correct the original price was in the $5 – $5.5m range so all this bullshit about the grant they wanted is just a somkescreen to hide the gross incompetence in Council. This isn’t at the project manager or middle manager level but the continual interference by executive management makes project cost control completely impossible and the simple answer here is that Council has run more than $3m over budget.

        • The Magpie says:

          But your reading is a touch flawed there, Barely … going ahead without a locked-in grant compounds their incompetence with what is basically fraud. Taking a punt with ratepayers money is surely an offence with strong penalties. Or would be in any other state.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            I don’t think there ever was an intent to use grant $$$ to cover the cost. That is just a smokescreen thrown up later to cover the fact that a $5m job is now going to cost $8m. Mayby they hoped they could blame someone else for not giving them a grant to cover the incompetence.

          • The Magpie says:

            And The ‘Pie repeats again, that is a form of official fraud, surely.

  4. Regular reader says:

    This current Jenny Hill/Townsville Enterprise junket, sorry “trade mission”, to South Korea raises the question: What, if anything, is ever achieved by these expensive attempts to strut the world stage at ratepayer’s expense?
    This is by no means the first, so where are the results?
    What has ever been achieved by these fruitless attempts at international relevance?
    Surely those fearless reporters down at the Townsville Bulletin will be all over this when they return, asking questions, demanding answers – and refusing to be fobbed off by the usual “commercial in confidence” smoke screen.
    Sadly , on past form, the best we can hope for is a TCC/TEL media release, printed word for word.
    Our only hope of finding out just what this junket cost us, who went along for the ride, and what it achieved will be Fran.

  5. Prickster says:

    Big news coming on Wednesday about Queensland Pacific Metals.

    Will the Mayor take advantage of this news and do something quickly or let it slip through her fingers?

    • The Magpie says:

      What news? Are you just going to be a prickster Teaser?

      • Prickster says:

        The new nickel refinery looks like they are methodically ticking off steps as they prove up the financials for the development at Lansdown.

        The release to the ASX yesterday says “material investment and offtake agreement”. They already have investments from 2 of the largest companies in Korea (LG & POSCO – but disappointing that the Mayor hasn’t met with these companies on her junket to Korea). It will be interesting to see who is behind this “material investment”, I hope it’s not some dodgy investment company.

        Unlike other companies at Lansdown Qld Pacific Metals appears to be doing something. The city needs a large long-term industry to create new jobs, I don’t understand why our “City Leaders” aren’t all over this…..?


        • The Magpie says:

          Indeed, QPM have been open and informative about their progress, and there has been no walking back any commitment, just, as you say, ticking off the progress.

          That is in stark contrast to the utter crapola punched out by Frank Poullas at Magnis Energy. Here is a telling excerpt from the recently released annual report.

          “iM3TSV will also implement a testing and market development program involving battery production testing in a commercial setting at equipment vendor facilities. Generated product will be provided for customer evaluation and qualification towards procuring offtake contracts. This program will take place prior to securing the construction costs for Stage One”.

          In other words, they’ll do a marketing test run in battery shops – using batteries made in New York (that’s the euphemistic ‘generated product’) – to see if they can rustle up enough guaranteed business to get out the begging bowl for Townsville Stage 1 (of 3), which will require $1.12billion in capital.

          Magnis and The Mullet … a business marriage made in heaven, eh? And Anna as chief bridesmaid.

          • The Magpie says:

            In fact, here’s the whole excerpt involving Townsville, which also shows the highly tenuous security of raw material supply from Tanzania. The language is eye fazingly buzzwordy (the extent of the writing style is in itself suspicious, trying to avoid plain talking).
            Skip if you’re starting to get angry.

            But by any reading, Magnis itself – presumably through threat of penalty – admits that the risks are astronomical and the path ahead for the company has more potholes than Ingham Road after heavy rain. BUT FRANK POULLAS HAS THE ANSWER ….ANOTHER feasibility study.

            Capital required The estimated total construction costs of the 18GWh factory in Townsville is $3Bn. Project development has been phased into 3 stages of 6GWh to reduce the upfront capital requirement. Stage One construction costs are estimated to be $1.12Bn. Without a demonstrated ability in capital raising of this quantum, there is a risk that the capital required won’t be secured or will be significantly delayed. There is also risk that battery cell offtake agreements will not be secured for each of the three stages or that the price will be less than estimated. This could impact the project’s ability to repay project finance and result in a lower fair value. To mitigate these risks, iM3TSV will appoint a financing professional in the capacity of advisor to jointly develop the Project funding strategy as part of this feasibility study. In the role of financial advisor, the financing professional will bring extensive experience on seeking funding for large projects in the renewables sector including working alongside government bodies, to advise projects in North Queensland. iM3TSV will also implement a testing and market development program involving battery production testing in a commercial setting at equipment vendor facilities. Generated product will be provided for customer evaluation and qualification towards procuring offtake contracts. This program will take place prior to securing the construction costs for Stage One. Securing offtake following confirmation of product specification will assist is securing project funding. The total construction of the Nachu Graphite Project is estimated to cost $391.8M (US$270M), however a smaller planned mine would reduce these projections. This is also considered a significant amount of capital which can attract sovereign risk when developing a graphite mine in Tanzania. There is a risk that the capital required is not secured or that the funding will be on less favourable terms. The Group has identified target funding partners with experience in Tanzania, who have in-depth appreciation and understanding of developing a large-scale resource project in a jurisdiction with high sovereign risk

          • Prickster says:

            except the rate payers of Townsville don’t fully appreciate they are the enslaved handmaids of the Gilead-ish marriage Magnis and The Mullet.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            With respect, Magpie, QPM’s media releases appear to be written by the same mob that Magnis uses, this from early 2022:

            “In June 2021, Queensland Pacific Metals formed strategic partnerships with LG Energy Solution and POSCO to significantly advance its project. LG is the world’s largest battery manufacturer and this partnership represented their first investment in their nickel supply chain. POSCO is one of Korea’s biggest conglomerates and one of the largest steel producers in the world that is seeking to diversify its assets. POSCO recently purchased 30 percent of a significant nickel project from First Quantum Minerals Ltd. (TSE:FM) called Ravensthorpe. The partnership involved an equity investment of US$15M by LG and POSCO in Queensland Pacific Metals, resulting in the companies becoming shareholders with respective ownership interests of 6.4 percent and 2.8 percent. As part of the partnership, the company also entered into a binding offtake agreement with LG and POSCO for almost two thirds of its nickel and cobalt production.

            The company’s 290-hectare TECH project is strategically positioned 40 kilometers south of Townsville in the Lansdown eco-industrial precinct. The precinct is anticipated to become Northern Australia’s first environmentally-sustainable advanced manufacturing, processing and technology hub. Ore will be imported from New Caledonia, unloaded at the Port of Townsville and transported by road to Lansdown. QPM products will then be transported back to the Port for export to global customers.

            Queensland Pacific Metals’ TECH project is well supported by all levels of government. At a State level, the TECH Project has been awarded Prescribed Project status by the Queensland Government, making it a project of state significance.

            QPM is currently completing a Definitive Feasibility Study for the TECH Project, which is expected to be completed mid 2022. Subject to financing and approvals, construction could start later this year with first production in 2024.”

            Apparently QPM want to use gas from that Bowen Basin pipeline that passes through Lansdown and presumably will require some water supply – oh, blow me down, the 2022 QBudget set aside money for just such a bulk, untreated, non-potable connection to the Haughton pipeline.

            So we have Magnis, QPM, Edify (Hydrogen) Energy and the Major Creek solar farm all committed to ‘definitive feasibility studies’, ‘financing’, ‘off take agreements’ and ‘approvals’. Perhaps this Lansdown thing is a goer after all?

          • The Magpie says:

            ‘Lansdown a goer after all’? I’ll get back to you on that after I’ve done a feasibility study on your hypothesis. Should be ready in November … 2025. About the same time work is announced to start ‘in the near future’ on the Haughton pipeline connection to Lansdown. And your spurious link to Magnis as a starting point would be inexplicable if we didn’t know that you are bravely holding the fort while Jenny is off on her jolly.

          • Prickster says:

            WASHINGTON, Oct 11 (Reuters) – General Motors Co (GM)
            said on Tuesday it will invest up to $69 million and take an
            equity stake in Queensland Pacific Metals (QPM) to secure a
            new source of nickel and cobalt for battery cells for use in the
            U.S. automaker’s vehicles.
            GM said the investment will help support electric-vehicle
            eligibility for consumer incentives under new, clean energy U.S.
            tax credits. GM said the nickel laterite ore is expected to be
            processed using a new, proprietary process that helps reduce
            waste. Under a law passed in August, automakers must source
            battery minerals from countries with free trade agreements in
            order to qualify for the U.S. consumer EV tax credits.
            The GM investment is to assist in the development of its
            proposed Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH) Project in
            Northern Australia. High-grade nickel laterite ore will be
            imported from nearby New Caledonia, GM said.

  6. Airline says:

    For Dave Nth comment October 2 re no aerobridge for Qf/Alliance Flight . As i understand not all Aero Bridges go down Embraer Front door Height . I can recall in the that a extra charge was also in vogue tied up in whats called airline Out Goings ,. This is a passenger charge Levied to each airline at the end of each month. All Airlines that operate an Aircraft into Townsville Used to Pay $7.50 For each departing passengers .This charge covered Security ,Toilets,Electricity ,Cleaning etc (on top of rental space) i’ve tried to find what the current charge is to no avail..

    • The Magpie says:

      Knowing nothing of the economics of it all, that doesn’t actually sound unreasonable. Then of course there are runway fees, but maybe those are split with the Feds, because it is highly doubtful QAL do anything much with what is essentially an RAAF asset.

    • Dave Nth says:

      Gate 4 does. Have boarded and exited Air North and VA E190’s through that gate many a times in past. I would be very surprised if anything had changed.

      Also I googled the aircraft specs of the E190 against the B717 another common visitor that and the B717 overall height is a full metre shorter than the Embraer.

      Walking across a tarmac is no biggy for me but for elderly who were on the flight they had to bring out assistance. Not a good look with 3 empty gates.

      As for the airport I stand by my criticism, woefully managed and has been for a while. My observation is that GC Airport seems to get upgrades all the time with no proposed “surcharges”. They wouldn’t be game in SEQ to try that on…

  7. The Magpie says:


    So much for your empty boast, News Ltd, that the Townsville Bulletin sets the news agenda in Townsville … this makes it clear that rather than lead public discourse, you are followers of transitory ephemeral junk, and have now become just another social media outlet.

    We’ve put up with insulting tomfoolery aimed at an 8-year-old mentality before, but this time, non-metro papers have been singled out for the undisguised scorn of News Ltd. Can imagine this being tolerated in a major metro paper?

    Nope, but good enough for the bokels and yogans of Townsville (the cross breeding of bogans and yokels, as perceived by Holt St).

  8. Palm Sunday says:

    Hard to understand why TCC purchased the “sliver” of land at the western end of Flinders Street when there is an actual wedge of land beyond that old car yard, over Bridge Street (which I confess I never knew existed) and the railway level crossing. If you google Flinders Street and look at ‘street view’ you can see, at 832 and maybe 840 Flinders St, two buildings – a blind cleaning business and a blank building with three roller doors. These have not been purchased by TCC. So what is the purpose of purchasing the car yard? Did they really want to control the Flinders Street access to the railway yards or is there some other possible motivation? All rather mysterious.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Nothing mysterious about the car yard purchase by TCC.
      Future development of any site is generally controlled by road frontage and the car yard had a significant amount of that. TCC had been making offers to the car yard owner for some years ever since they acquired the railway yards.
      The owner kept knocking them back until TCC came up with more rate payers funds to finally land a deal.
      The site you speak of near the railway line has no real value impact in the big picture as it doesn’t really add value to a future project.
      At only 350m2 it was acquired in 2021 by Tim Edmonds of E Property and renovated to provide solid rental income.
      TCC would have had an opportunity to acquire it but clearly passed, thus it was sold on to another party.

      • The Magpie says:

        Can somebody sent in a pic of the rollerdoored building. If it’s the one The ‘Pie is thinking of, he was always under the impression it had some civic use, pumping, electricity or even a railway connection. but that was just an impression, no proof. Anyone?

        And Salty Bikky, whoever is the owner will now either be left with a lucrative lever or a lame duck site, no?

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Magpie, if you google “flinders street, townsville google map” and then click on and drag the little orange street view man in the bottom right corner over to the address on the map you can look right at that building. You don’t need a subscription or anything. It’s free.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thanks, not too hot at this sort of thing, but will give it a burl later.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Sorry, one extra step. When you have googled the map, click on the map. A larger version will pop up with the little orange man (not Trump) down on the very bottom RHS. Click and drag him onto the spot in Flinders Street. You can poke around then using the little compass thingy or click and drag on the arrows. Also on the second map you can click on the “layers” box on the bottom LHS and get the same map as an aerial colour image (often a little dated).

        • Jatzcrackers says:

          Pie, maybe lame duck but with the new owner has done up the old blind cleaning shop and now how new fitout/facade offices that should attract a good rent. The new owner is pretty savvy in R/E terms and has purchased in Superannuation Fund so playing the long game.
          You’re correct, next door to renovated offices, the old concrete ‘bomb shelter’ with three small roller doors is owned by Ergon Energy and probably a substation of some sort.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            The writing on the front of the building says “19 TREB 51″. TREB stands for Townsville Regional Electricity Board, the forerunner of Ergon.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Jatz Crackers , developers do cost benefit analysis and r.o.i. where Council is doing posturing because there is plenty of street front of the old railyards without buying the car yard . Clearly a property person who has owned cbd property bought the car yard at the best price then on sold to Council at a profit . Lets hope Council dont start this project hoping they will get a grant and blow more millions . The Mayors mixed messaging on her understanding on property both resi and commercial reflects she is out of her depth and goes against reality .

        • Jatzcrackers says:

          Mike, Don’t think a savvy investor bought the car yard and then on sold to TCC.
          They’re been sniffing around the car yard for quite some time so think they purchased straight from car yard owner.
          The frontage on the car yard is substantial and will assist any future development by providing more options.
          Jenny definitely wouldn’t be the brains behind any purchases at this level….she’s be way way out of her depth !

  9. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    I’ve heard on the grapevine that the Victoria Park Hotel (or what is left of it), on Boundary Street, will be shutting up shop for good on 6 November and the liquor licence canceled.

    They have been trading out of the “Island Bar” on the site since the fire destroyed the old hotel building a few years ago, but this will now also be closed, along with the VIP Gourmet Cellars (bottle shop) next door.

    • NQ Gal says:

      WW – I heard on the grapevine that the reason the newly refurbished Empire Hotel hasn’t opened yet is that their liquor license has been held up. Hopefully it will be through in a couple of weeks and we can all see what has been done to the grand old building.

      • The Wulguru Wonder says:

        Opening for the Empire can’t be too far away, as they are advertising for a Duty Manager and kitchen staff.

  10. Elusive Butterfly says:

    No full-page advertising garbage in today’s Bulletin, Mr. Pie.
    It actually looked like a newspaper!

  11. Achilles says:

    Report from David Crisafulli MP on QLD Health Service

    Dear Achilles
    Since I last wrote to you about the Queensland Health Crisis, further mismanagement has continued to wreak havoc on the lives of Queenslanders.
    The LNP has been working hand-in-hand with frustrated doctors, nurses and paramedics to uncover information highlighting serious and dangerous issues within the Queensland health system. This is information the Palaszczuk Government has tried to delay the release of or hide altogether.
    We have learnt:
    • From January 2021 to April 2022 at least 20 people in Southeast Queensland died either waiting for an ambulance; in the back of a delayed ambulance; or on a hospital ramp. Nine cases are before the coroner or health ombudsmen.
    • Ambulance ramping has reached 45 percent – the worst in Australia. At Cairns Hospital it jumped to 34 percent in July.
    • Three babies died and many women were left unable to have children due to botched surgeries at the Mackay Base Hospital. The Government closed the window for compensation for these women on the same day the shocking report exposing this was released – they have since been forced to extend this window.
    • A surgeon who allegedly was run out of Western Australia for misconduct was hired in Mackay Base Hospital in 2016. It has been alleged since moving to Queensland the surgeon was involved in a string of misconduct and malpractice claims.
    • There are 12 investigations currently underway into Caboolture Hospital, but the Premier, nor the Health Minister, will tell us what is being investigated.
    • Despite announcements of increased funding, one in five Queensland hospitals cut their bed numbers in the middle of the health crisis.
    • The longest wait at the Cairns Hospital Emergency Department was neary six hours in June.
    • The longest wait time for an ambulance in your region was 8.8 hours in June.
    • The Australian Medical Association Queensland has told the State Government to stop blaming COVID for the Queensland Health Crisis.

    Why has your local Labor MP gone missing on the Queensland Health Crisis?
    The State Government’s failure to property plan over the past seven years has run our health system into the ground.
    People in your area are bitterly disappointed your local Labor MP isn’t fighting to improve your local health services. It’s becoming increasingly clear they care more about protecting their own job instead of protecting your family.
    You deserve better.
    The doctors, nurses, allied health, and ambulance staff who work tirelessly trying to keep the system running deserve better.
    They need better support, and the Palaszczuk Government needs to deliver it.
    The only answer the Government has provided is a promise to build hospitals in seven years time.
    The LNP has developed solutions to help give you the health system you deserve.
    These include:
    • Improving triaging when an ambulance is called and when a patient arrives at hospital.
    • Better resources to improve the number of operational beds.
    • Releasing real-time data on hospital performance to enable accountability.
    • Empowering doctors and nurses on the front line to make decisions to improve patient care.
    The Australian Medical Association Queensland is also calling for these changes to be made.
    We know these ideas alone will not fix the health crisis. But they are a start. Working with doctors, nurses, paramedics and allied health professionals the LNP will continue to develop policies to heal our health system.
    I’d like to hear your experiences. Have you or a loved one been impacted by Labor’s health crisis?
    Please keep up to date with me http://www.facebook.com/DavidCrisafulliMP
    If we can assist with any other matter, please do not hesitate to reply to this email.
    Thank you and kind regards,

    Leader of the LNP
    Data sources:
    http://www.performance.health.qld.gov.au/ and https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Work-of-the-Assembly/Questions-on-Notice-and-Answers/Questions-on-Notice-and-Answers

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t usually published political media releases, but this on, on examination, seems unanswerable it it accusations. It will be two of the terrible twins of issues in the next election … the other of course being how Aaron thinks the Cowboys are going.

      But David, old mate, bit harsh on the local Labor lads …. they’ve been too busy fighting crime in Townsville to worry about ambulances, hospitals and all that stuff.. Give ‘em break, sport.

    • Tinfoil Terry says:

      At least the Kid is having a crack at recommending fixes to the States problems. That’s more than Anna has done. But of course we all know that the fluffy Olympics is where all of Queenslands taxpayer’s money will now go.

      Anyway Magpie, you know that mentioning Crisafulli will be met with an anti-Crisafulli response from Elusive Butterflog/No More Dredging/Not the ECQ et al.

      • The Magpie says:

        That’s OK, the Nest is a broad church, open to futurists and fuckwits alike.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        TTerry, did you actually read the 4-point LNP-developed “solutions” outlined in the Opposition Leader’s PR guff? The LNP (a bunch of politicians in opposition) are going to “improve triaging” when an ambulance is called and when a patient arrives at hospital and “improve the number of operational beds” and “empower” doctors and nurses on the front line to make decisions. Now how the fuck are they going to do that? Do they think they can tell the people at the front line how to do their job?

        • The Magpie says:

          What are you, fucking 8?

          You’ve written some pretty dumb stuff on behalf of the ALP, but is the most densely eristic bit of nonsense you’ve come up with for a while. (And there The ‘Pie was thinking you were emerging in some sort of independence). OK so let’s go with your mangled idea of English. So Jenny (hail to the chief) is going to build Lansdown. … how the fuck is she going to do that, do you think she’s going to tell the tradies how to do their jobs? Anna is going to build a (almost totally discredited already) $42B hydro power scheme … how the hell is she going to do that, do you think she can tell geo-scientists how to do their job?

          All politicians create policy, make regulations and laws, draw up plans in concert with experts, allocate funds and timelines to have resulting projects carried out or amended regulations to be implemented …. that’s how the fuck they do it, you benthic bullshit artist.

          • Tinfoil Terry says:

            Oops, I forgot that ‘Palm Sunday’ is also one of NMD/Not the ECQ/Elusive Butterflog’s personas. As with the others, once outed gets/she/it changes to a new name. It won’t be long until Sunday Wanker is put to pasture and he/she/it pops up under another pseudonym. David Crisafulli is the bait that puts Palm Sunday into a Labor induced meltdown. Ha ha, you arseclown.

    • Maggie May says:

      The maternity unit at Gladstone Hospital has been in bypass since July. Women now have to travel to Rockhampton for birthing services.
      Since that time I have heard the Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe has been handing out government grants to private companies.
      People are dying because of the health system and the government are handing out our money to private companies and they actually go on television and tell us. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
      I have given up.
      I wouldn’t even trust the polling scrutineers here in Townsville.

  12. Confused says:

    I saw on Channel 7 news last night that North Queensland Cowboys player Luciano Leilua was in a Sydney court yesterday on a domestic violence charge so this morning I did a computer search to get more details. It turns out that Leilua has been banned from playing in the World Cup and will not be able to play for the Cowboys until May next year if he contests the charges. Given Leilua’s high profile I would think that Townsville Bulletin readers would want to know that one of their team’s top players could be out of action for the first half of next season. The story has been covered by the ABC, Australian Associated Press, 9 News, 7 News, Fox Sports, Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne Age, Brisbane Times, Canberra Times, Guardian, West Australian and even The Advocate in North West Tasmania and the Kalgoorlie Miner but not a single word in today’s Townsville Bulletin. So has our local paper somehow missed the story or do they think protecting a footballer’s reputation is more important than domestic violence. Same applies to the Cowboys club. Where does the board of directors and the ceo stand on domestic violence.

  13. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Seems Ernst & Young just found another $14b hole in Aunty Anna’s energy highway, as well as identifying Townsville as one of the places which will get least out of this bonanza.


  14. Russell says:

    New, proprietary processes don’t have a good track record in nickel processing. Just saying.

  15. Prickster says:

    A funny from my inbox today that seems appropriate for current circumstances……

    Having already downed a few drinks, she turns around, faces him, looks him straight in the eye and says,

    “Listen here, good looking. I will screw anybody, anytime, anywhere, their place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting down, naked or with clothes on… It doesn’t matter to me. I just love it.”

    His eyes now wide with interest, he responds,

    “No kidding… I’m in Government too. Are you federal, state or local?”

  16. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Tinfoil Terry…do you actually have an opinion about anything??
    It appears your only “talent” is to attack others…who do have an opinion!
    And as regards your comment:

    “David Crisafulli is the bait that puts Palm Sunday into a Labor induced meltdown”

    Crisafulli sure is the “bait” moron.
    He’s Anna’s bait!

  17. The OUTLAW-YERS says:

    Remember William Bligh (1754-1817). He had a reputation for having a volatile temper and often clashed with his crew. Eventually eighteen mutineers set him and his loyal crew adrift on a small boat.

  18. Mike Douglas says:

    Gotta love it when the Mullet is cornered . Trying to use the section 74 of the local Government act ” local Government regulation requires local Government to calculate rates for land using the rateable land value ” . The valuer general increased land values across most Councils in Qld and they didnt follow section 74 because it wouldn’t pass the pub test and would further impact cost of living pressures . Yet again our Mayor has made a poor decision not inline with Community expectations and trying to dig her way out . Aaron , Les , Scott are just as complicit as yet again they didnt fight for their electorates on the questionable land value increases . Even worse Scott is the minister for natural resources .

    • The Magpie says:

      Bugger Jenny, this is a very heartening story, and so far, the straight factual reporting of the GM backing has so far spared us the inevitable word flummery from mayor Mullet whenever Lansdown is mentioned. From the outset, QPM have been very measured in their progress reports, and therefore believable, unlike a certain other company of shysters. there’s a way to go to hook up water to a currently empty Burdekin pipeline, and there are other headworks to be engineered, but for once, this is a positive and welcome step forward.

      there will always remain questions as to why QPM were not encouraged to consider the SDA area adjacent to the port and Sun Metals, and an explanation would be a courteous thing for the company to do, but the reasons might raise the cat-spitting wrath of our mayor.

      But to that end, The ‘Pie asks if Lansdown is serviced by a railhead, because there will be some clouds ahead if the incoming raw material from New Caledonia has to be transported by road. Anyone know?

      • The Magpie says:

        And an addendum, to prove that even good stories have a downside. If Lansdown construction gets underway next year as promised, and other tenants start to sound more promising, it will be certain the Jennifer Lorraine Hill will be on the mayoral ballot again next election. She sees Lansdown as her legacy, although it’s not really a future-shaping enterprise (it sure ain’t no Strand), and it’s full impact – pro and con – will not be known until she is long gone.

        It will be interesting to see if she can spin Lansdown to a sufficient number of drones and drongos to give us another four years of lost opportunities, mismanagement and corruption.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Regarding Lansdown and the March 2024 Local Government elections, if anything has been built by any of the players by then then naturally the mayor will make something of it. Why wouldn’t she (if she was a candidate)? But later that same year (October 2024) there is a State Election. If anything is already happening at Lansdown both Labor and LNP will want to get their name attached to it. After all, the state is putting up much of the money, especially in these early stages where infrastructure (roads, rail, port facilities and water for starters) has to get laid down. It’s an exquisite dilemma for the Opposition to decide when to show their hand about Lansdown. Go early and JHill gets the credit in March, wait a bit and miss the October bus.

          • The Magpie says:

            The facts don’t fit, Monday Morning Laundry, because on the state level, Lansdown hardly rates a burp in the parliamentary dining room. And the amount Premier Alphabet has laid out – or promised to, anyway – is not of the magnitude that would resonate with voters, given all the mega numbers, especially about hydro, being bandied about. Can’t see The Kid being much interested, he will leave Lansdown to take its own course, success or otherwise.

            The only ‘exquisite dilemma’ we see here is your india rubber man contortions to somehow have a shot at our next premier and brown nose your lady and master the mayor.

      • Achilles says:

        Here’s the latest interactive services and systems plan for Lansdown, can’t see any mention of a rail connection.


      • Palm Sunday says:

        Magpie, in the QPM PR release copied in earlier for comparison with Magnis PR you can see the sentence:

        “Ore will be imported from New Caledonia, unloaded at the Port of Townsville and transported by road to Lansdown.”

        • The Magpie says:

          OK, thanks, missed the two vital words … and it’s not good news on several fronts … road infrastructure, environment etc. Doesn’t the existing rail line directly by the Lansdown site? like Yabulu, rail is the safer, more community minded option for this operation.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            In Achilles’ linked infrastructure plan there appears to be a potential takeoff point for a rail loop but apparently no one wants to use one. Instead road access into the site will be upgraded to Type 2 B-Triples (53.5m) via the grade separated crossing near Ghost Gum Road (bridge over rail). Also a similar capacity level crossing at Jones Road. According to their website QPM have contracts to take up to a million wet tonnes per year from New Caledonia but estimates of the actual volumes to be used vary from 600,000 to 800,000 tonnes per annum – compared to QNI Yabulu using about 3.5m tpa back in the day. Not sure how much waste material will stay on QPM’s site because apparently their process does not need a tailings dam like Yabulu. I guess all will become clear when they reveal their actual plan – and being in the catchment of the Ross River dam I can’t imagine it quietly sailing through an EIS or equivalent although much simpler at Lansdown than the SDA site. Long way to go I reckon.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Those Type 2 B-Triples (53.5m) can carry a whacking great load if they follow a particular route on a specified road (which you would imagine can be arranged). At (say) 700,000 tpa the plant would need about 2000 tonnes per day – 30 truckloads @70 tonnes a time.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        The lunchroom syndicate have been idly discussing where NQCC stand on Landsdumb. It seems unusual that that noisy rabble have been so quiet on the development of a big nasty new industrial area,

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Civil, apart from Magnis and its big shed (which strangely seems to have dropped out of the TCC infrastructure plans) there’s hardly been any information about what any of the industrial developers at Lansdown are actually going to do. I imagine NQCC and others will appear out of the woodwork once some plans are put on the public table. At the moment there’s virtually nothing. Thankfully, Achilles turned up that document which appears to be dated April 2022. Wonder where it has been buried?

          • The Magpie says:

            Last things first … at the bottom of one of the documents, it says “Version 1.0 April 22′, so these are the very first documents that council had to be whipped into creating to improve the mayor’s back-of-an-envelope estimates of previous years when she took her begging bowl to the state and feds – both of whom said they needed more than a glossy 4 page brochure. In fairness, the TCC has delivered on that requirement …. now investors and government officials have around 20 pages of glossy brochure which is a masterclass in saying nothing in as many words as possible. So, yes, there is no fitting the pieces together in a coherent whole, and a couple of the proponents we’ve never heard of until now. There is also no indication of what stage some of the possible tenants are at. So a lot of it sounds almost Magnis-like at this stage, although QPM seem to be leading the way with transparency.

            And apropos nothing, bit strange the DriveIt track is included in an eco-precinct boast publication. DriveIt is a very worthwhile addition for Townsville’s strong motoring community, and by all reports, the track at Lansdown already fits much of the bill. But it’s hardly futuristic high-tech futurama stuff, and they won’t be manufacturing anything at all … so why mention it in this context. Oh, sorry, what’s that? Oh we get it, good for votes in LG elections to make it seem relevant to this you-beaut project.

          • Achilles says:

            All I did was Google “TCC Lansdown” and this was one of several other documents regarding Landsdown.

          • The Magpie says:

            Did the others say anything of substance?

  19. Regular reader says:

    Oh dear. Butterfly hasn’t been keeping up with the daily failures of the State Labor Government.
    The latest with D’Arth blaming the LNP for her latest disaster is a doozy.

  20. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Seriously, Moproll, do you really think that shameful post is clever?
    If you feel you are forced to utter further demeaning posts, please leave me out of the equation!

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s hilarious, nothing like some carpet-bagging money grubbers coming to town and in their rush for a quick quid, adopting a public suggestion for a chance card like this. In terms of local ignorance, this is up there with the Bulletin. But wasn’t this done with the cooperation of the Dudley Do Nothings … TEL is scrambling to disassociate itself from the matter. And that’s a first when TEL DOESN’T try to take credit for something had little to do with in the first place.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Bloody excellent! Only one chance card, and how come the Upper Ross did not get a mention, and further more, who are the delicate petals that were offended? Face reality petals.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, it’s a rarity but we part company on this one, Dave. Thigh slappingly funny as a prank on a quick quid mob of outsiders, a popular board game promoting a negative side to a community is both insulting and ignorant. Can you imagine the public comments from where this one came from that weren’t accepted by the boardmakers? Racism would’ve loomed large for sure, this was one of the more subtle ones of that dog whistle, and as a prank was quite clever.But while the joke was meant to be on the Monopoly mob, the joke unfortunately is now on Townsville as a whole.

        Up until now, Townsville Monopoly would only have been sold in this immediate region, but if this story gets wider coverage (hello, Rupert), we will again be the negative laughing stock far and wide.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Could it be the catalyst for Puddleduck to address the many faceted problem as articulated by the locals who attended the Parliamentary Committee hearing in Townsville some time back, but I doubt it.

          Have the findings and recommendations of that committee ever been made public?

        • Kirwan Joe says:

          I was down at the Willows today and these games are walking out the door. Big W has a stack of them near the front entrance.
          QBD has them $10 cheaper than Big W.
          I heard one bloke tell the girl that he grabbed one before they change the Boyes Court card!

          • The Magpie says:

            Of course. That novel anomaly will be the game’s best selling point, like the Wicked Bible. makes one wonder if the controversial card was deliberate to create exactly the demand you are seeing. It’s pretty certain there wouldn’t be a fraction of this rush to buy but for the Boyes Court card.

            So one does wonder if there is actually some clever marketing strategy of deliberately inserting such a controversial card about such a controversial subject. A small part of The Magpie’s old PR brain would have to admire the move if it was deliberate … but we’ll probably never know.

  21. I’m’a’faggot says:

    Speaking of droll Magpie, another droll edition of your blog, terribly lame actually, and peppered with comments from fuckwit Palm Sunday. Boring….yawn…..

    • The Magpie says:

      Then why do you read it?

      Oh I know, because you find it ‘droll’ … that is, interesting or unusual enough to be found dryly amusing.

  22. Regular reader says:

    Methinks there are some desperates who are trying to discredit legitimate comment on this blog. Watch your back Pie.

  23. Echochamber says:

    Patricia O’Callaghan appointed as new CEO of Tourism and Events Qld. Make. It. Stop.

    • The Magpie says:

      Mt Isa girl makes good, and boards the Olympic gravy train. What an opportunity for her to indulge her shoe fetish. Gosh, in that capacity, she might even get to meet the REAL Prince Harry.

  24. The Magpie says:

    The January 6 hearings in Washington have released one of the most chilling videos of the Capitol riots … but as seen from the hitherto unseen ‘other side’, the political targets and victims of the treasonous insurrection. Pelosi’s cool head, clear plan of action, and energy is impressive and unexpected … she was no dithering 81-year-old old lady saying eek.This now completes a damning picture and gives clear evidence of Donald Trump’s blatant attempt at a teasonous coup.


    • Parson Blossomnose says:

      The fact that she handled things as matter-of-factly as possible might have something to do with her experience as the mother of five … all with the one husband she’s ever had. What a rarity in modern disposable America.

      • I’ll Be Plucked says:

        You really are a suckhole if you think that old bag with 5 kids is worth a dollop of panther piss. She is a crooked cog in the centre of a crooked system and she has bled the taxpayer for too many years.

        • The Magpie says:

          So you would like to see her in the dock alongside Trump?

          • Tropical says:

            Pelosi should be in the dock She is as crooked as.
            Being an expert on all things like Steve BG whatever mind you have left to question what the hell was Pelosi doing walking around all mic’d up with a camera crew?

          • The Magpie says:

            All mic’d up with a camera crew? You’re in for a treat when you discover the modern mobile phone and its capabilities, Sub Tropical. Besides, a responsible move to record what could be recorded, so that numbnuts like you can’t spread greater disinformation and lunacy than you already are. But mate, we all admire your courage and commitment, fighting for truth, justice and the American way from your damp Upper Ross basement, in your sweat stained Jacky Howe and rubbish bins full of tissues.

        • Parson Blossomnose says:

          Can see your problem, Plucker, clenched buttocks and no sense of humour. I was simply making what I thought was a humorous comparison between raising 5 kids and handling a traitorous mob with the mentality of early teenagers. Loosen your bowels a bit mate.

  25. Regular reader says:

    Plucker has finally outed himself as a Chump follower. Let’s be thankful that the Plucker is not in any position of power in Oz.

  26. Dave of Kelso says:

    I welcome the State wide new e scooter regulations effective 1st November. Especially the speed reduction in shared spaces and limiting their use to 50kph roads only. I hope it is policed (yes, I acknowledge the police are already over-tasked) as there are a number of e scooter twerps in this neck of the woods that need to be brought into line.


  27. Lindy Brown says:

    Ask the mayor about how secure the directed energy weapons are at the base and how easy it is for contractors to build these devices …also what the hell are they doing with the Haarp station rain seems to be getting pushed away there is a fan shaped like pattern of NO clouds fanning off exactly where Haarp station is the Bohle …she is playing with more than she is letting out and as for the buying up of houses have a real hard look at who is buying and the grid system set up throughout all the empty houses and so many homeless what a joke …people on my street renovating in a crisis ..what a joke

    • The Magpie says:

      Haven’t a clue what that is all about. Have you somehow strayed across by mistake from the TRRA site? And what is a directed energy weapon … although already I’m feeling sorry I asked?

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