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The Magpie

Sunday, June 18th, 2023   |   162 comments

Jenny Hill’s Honours Award Citation Is Like Giving Ivan Milat A Posthumous Gong For Services To Bushwalking.

An addendum to the citation is a slap in the face to Townsville … and one particular group of ratepayers.

So, how’s the housing market in Townsville? The answer is unsaid but staring us in the face in this weekend’s Bulletin.

The protest rally about juvenile crime in Townsville yesterday drew all sorts of concerned citizens … except the ones who could do something about it.

And how the Townsville Council could actually do something worthwhile about the expanding rental/housing crisis.

… Overseas,  Trump slithers between the bars yet again … for the moment, anyway.

The ‘Pie knows he is forever seeking financial help to support the blog, but things get even trickier around the end of the financial year. If can lend a modest hand, the donate button is at the end of the blog.

A New Queensland Law For Those Who Can’t decide If They’re Arthur Or Martha.

In all the hubbub of other issues, a small item seems to have slipped through to ‘Outrage Pending’ basket.

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“People will also be given greater freedom to nominate the descriptor they use instead of male or female, and include only a personal statutory declaration and statement from a supportive adult they’ve known for more than a year, rather than a medical statement.”

This fashionable twaddle is bound to make for some interesting court stories involving bizarre assaults.  And they won’t be what the Front Bar boys called a bitch slapping.

Many will find this a dangerous new ‘freedom’ … it’s arrant nonsense, really. Bentley for one, was dumbfounded by the new law, when he wrote: What is the Phalluscheck government thinking? Now any brainwashed kid can identify as the opposite sex provided his/her friend having known it for more than 12 months can vouch for it. What the…..????

Pee break small

But there could be some interesting hooks up for those with an adventurous spirit..

Bloke walks into the lesbian pub the Rug Munchers” Arms, and in the Lez Be Friends lounge, he approaches a young woman.

‘Wadda you want, mate, I’m a lesbian?’

“Incredible!! Me, too. ,How about we make a night of it, I come equipped with my own dildo.”

A Sick Joke … But Mayor Mullet Says She Is Humbled

… and so are a certain group pf Townsville ratepayers, when Jenny Hill received an Australia Medal in the King’s Birthday honours.

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All well and good and not even The Magpie begrudges Jenny what amounts a political-bestowed participation medal for just turning up in local government since 1997.  And that’ how the matter would’ve remained, and be quickly forgotten, were it not for the citation of reasons for the award. These would have been straight from the Labor Party recommendation for the award, which said in full: Cr Hill is recognised for her service to local government since 1997, along with her work around disaster management.

The Magpie will demonstrate great restraint and not go into full foaming rant mode at this sick joke of an addendum. He will not mention the ill timed opening of the Ross Dam flood gates during the 2019 monsoon, deliberately flooding scores of Townsville homes ‘as the best option’. The ‘Pie also ignore the highly questionable report exonerating the mayor for her action. But he was sorely tested when the woman who insists in her workplace being addressed as Madam Mayor had the hide to say the following:

“We can’t hold back the tide, we can’t stop the cyclone, but at least what we can do is make sure that human life is protected as best we can,” she said.

Christ, if your track record is ‘the best you can’, uneasy rests our heads tonight. madam,  you could’ve and should’ve been more on the ball with those damn dam gates. Disaster Manager is one of the more bitingly ironic  titles you hold, and your AM must certainly soon stand for  yetn‘Another Mess’.

When Hardy accused the hapless Laurel of getting them into ‘another fine mess’, it was funny.

In Jenny Hill’s case, it stopped being funny years ago.

Diminishing Returns

Remember when the once great cash cow for the Townsville Bulletin the property section was a stand alone magazine insert, of up to 80 pages. Many agents, including The ‘Pie’s late friend Michelle Hyde, often had four or five pages with up to 20 or 30 listings. people not looking for property often bought the paper just txo have a dream for an hour or so.

Now, even the prices are a nightmare- but there aren’t many.

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…and that’s the lot.

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Today, just 5 pages of properties for sale as an insert NQ Weekend, a boring, repetitive women’s magazine, a strange place in which to place property, surely. Senior RE figures are confirming to The Magpie some agents are down to having only 2 listings, and others leaving just not enough properties .

As easy as it would be to have a shot the mayor and council for this parlous state of affairs, that would be only partly justified, for while the council has lacked vision in this arena, this is more a reflection of the national reality, the result of economic mismanagement over the past few years, naked corporate greed and current federal  government stupidity,especially regarding immigration numbers.

But the council and its withered arm Townsville Enterprise are not entirely with responsibility and lack of vision on the matter. You’ll remember this back in March.

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When Mayor Mullet bought the white elephant North Rail Yards for an astoundingly low $20,000 back in – was it 2013 – she gave a world class demonstration of the proven adage that if something seems to good to be true, it usually is. Twenty grand for a couple of hectares in the middle of the city is a red flag emblazoned with ‘caveat emptor’ in large neon letters, but Anna Alphabet knew her mark, and easily suckered her glory-,seeking financially illiterate ‘pal’ for a ride. Which we’ll all be paying for along with pipeline shortfalls soon enough.

Even as this latest deceitful claim of meaningful action (since when is begging a meaningful action) was made, they must’ve known it was bullshit, because of contamination and heritage (ha!) issues. And so it was, with the suggestion of the railyards announced as undoable a week or so later.

But It Is Clear This Council COULD be Alleviating The Rental Situation

Many of the rightwing Christofacists of this town will make the predictable error that any sort of move towards social housing by the council might affect their rates and stamp duties and thus unfairly inhibit their financial abilities to get that third spinnaker for the yacht. There are a lot of rabid RWAs around this burg.

Council intervention in this area was unthinkable rot until our esteemed mayor decided to become a developer and foisted us with the unnecessary hub-in-the-scrub Lansdown venture (and how’s that going for you madam? The battery gone flat?)

Now while The Magpie is opposed in general principle for any council to become developers … having a developer who is also the approval authority is a foundation of ethical quicksand – certain areas are doable and uncontroversial. Especially since most developers who own land in this town are understandably uninterested in build to rent or low cost housing.

By way of introduction to a direction the council could take, The ‘Pie has been mightily impressed with the refurbishing of the overnight chalets at the Rowes Bay Caravan Park.  So here’s where the TCC can step in in a meaningful way.

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Similar to these in the pic, but an updated somewhat larger model, these dongas arrived by truck, were put in place, plumbed in and good to go within days … maybe a couple of weeks. Sure, that’s just the installation, but let’s get to the construction phase in a moment. The Rowes Bay business upgrade should be a clear sign to the council about what can be achieved.

The very first thing Mayor Mullet should do is shelve her vain glorious posturing with her string of failed ‘visions’ for the North Yards Railway land – hamstrung as they are with derelict heritage buildings and contaminated land.

That idea was still born because even as they asked, both parties knew that it was an impossible ask and they withdrew the site from consideration. What they need to do now is look to other council parcels out in the outer suburbs (the area near the pipeline storage yards could signify). There, with water and sewerage closely available, a Rowes Bay type development but for permanent community of residents paying an equitable rent could be created. this proposed scheme also feeds into what will inevitably be a forced trend in the near future – downsizing both expectations and actual physical space.

But let’s hope Mayor Mullet wouldn’t show the lack of political will she displayed over the site for the manufacture of the pipes for the Burdekin pipeline. Builders should be sought to tender for the job,  and if the company isn’t local, make the deal attractive enough for them to set up here, creating jobs. A bit dearer? Maybe, but offset by the jobs and flow on effects.  So keep that ‘local buy’ malarkey out of it.

A version of the Rowes Bay dongas built to cyclone standards but on stilts would help with any flood insurance fears, and create a carport at the same time.

Of course, certain things would have to happen for this sensible solution to come about, possible re-zoning, building codes altered but for size only, always maintaining safety standards, and economically sound roads and kerbing and so forth.

BUT HERE’S THE BIG ONE – Where’s the Money Coming from.

Well, let’s ask Mayor Mullet, she would know.

After all, it was she who unilaterally out of hand tried to gift a dodgy Indian billionaire $18.5million for an airfield to serve his coal mine 400kms away, an airfield we would build but never own and even have to pay to use. She was found out and had to back down. The whole idea was that – without any guarantees from Adani many of the mines FIFO workers would base themselves in Townsville (they wouldn’t, Rocky and Mackay were far more attractive options and closer).

So Jenny, look on this as a variation of the FIFO idea, but far more important and far more sane … you need expanded rental stock urgently if your grandiose prediction of jobs, jobs, jobs is even half right, and developers are way too savvy to use valuable land for questionable highly regulated returns. In this scheme, the ratepayers through the council would own the land and the buildings, and of course, there would be rental income flowing through permanently.

So, Back Of The Envelope Time

Let’s say what with City Deals, state support, an absence of needy foreign billionaires  and whatever secret stash the mayor apparently tucked away in her tights (might explain a few things)  $18.5mill can be found for this scheme. And let’s say each donga installed on site and plumbed in cost $92,500, on council supplied land lots.  That is $18.5million. Most of which would be federal money and state contributions. The amount pales into insignificance when we spend $300m on a stadium, and bandy about numbers between 50 and 100 million for a concert half contribution.

This whole idea a start to alleviate a genuine crisis, indeed, an emerging catastrophe when people with jobs are sleeping in their cars, in tents in parks or on friends’ couches is a deeply disgusting situation in this, one of the richest countries on earth

But as always, it will come down to a matter of priorities …, if it wins votes at any level it’ll happen, if it doesn’t, well, kiss my arse.

The Wisdom Of Nature

To celebrate the release of the budget next week, Jenny Hill has announced that a new floral emblem has been adopted for Townsville City Council.

Mayor Hill says “ratepayers will be able to easily identify with the new floral emblem, as it’s a tree shaped to reflect the position that all ratepayer’s are used to adopting after every Council budget announcement” .


 Rally Roll Call

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Scores of residents attended the rally called by the KAP  party to call for decisive action by the government on juvenile crime.

The roll call of notables (ha!) who turned up included councillors Reiben, Ryder, Blom, Soars, Mayor Hill, Fran O’Callaghan, Nick Dametto, Bob Katter, Dale Last and Natalie Marr. No shows included Les, Aaron and Scott,  (Messagebank, Harpic and Cupcake) as previously signalled with lame commitment excuses but one would’ve thought all councillors would show solidarity, but Greaney and Mooney were notably absent.

‘And just to save The ‘Pie the trouble of ignoring the expected wail of indignation from the ALP broken records whataboutists who will foam indignantly that Crisafulli wasn’t there, well, neither was Palaszczuk. And Crisafulli was represented by Marr, but who represented Palaszczuk? And who made the inoperable laws imposed by weird magistrates?

And Just For The Record


The Voice: Views From Both Sides And The Middle

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Lucky jim Trott is a Pom and doesn’t have to vote in the No-Yes referendum.


As the referendum approaches, any debate is not so much heated as confused and luke-warm. The Magpie feels vindicated in his very earliest stand that there was a lack of explanation and details about what we were being asked to approve in the poll. The ‘Pie was roundly and mysteriously condemned as a ‘racist’ for this view, but his detractors have been effectively silenced as respectable figures have also asked the same questions.

The latest query came in yet another upside down story, from the Bulletin, where the main news point is shuffled down to the end. During a visit to Palm island, during the week Father Frank Brennan spoke to the Bulletin about the Voice.

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Putting aside whether it is wise to take advice from a representative power-hungry, non-tax paying, control freak entity (the Catholic Church) about the issue of giving more authority to another power-hungry non-tax paying control freak entity (the aboriginal industry), Father Frank Brennan should be seen as an exception. While keeping intact all the control superstitions demanded by his profession, Father Frank has always appeared enlightened when talking of social matters. And it would appear he fears that the common sense questions asked by the undecided in the referendum issue are exactly what may sink the Voice idea.

None of the Yes arguments tend to broach these questions, and tend more to imply that they shouldn’t even be asked, heightening an atmosphere that breeds conspiracy theories. Then we go to the other extreme of deep NO country.

Dr David Barton is by profession a psychiatrist and amateur historian who uses historical material to argue that there are barely hidden motives of power behind the Yes campaign, and that indigenous people are undeserving of such a position in modern Australia. An extreme view but argued coherently.

But YES leaning media are taking a soft focus approach, with a slew of positive stories about the noble and deeply wise first inhabitants of this land, like this one from SBS/TEN/NITV which makes one wonder why we haven’t heard about this creative and inventive side of the First Australians before.

There Only One Game In Town In The US Last Week

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He came, he was arraigned, bailed (somewhat unusual for someone charged with treason) he went to a pizza shop and ordered food for everyone and then left without paying the tab. But he expects to raise several million dollars from his brain dead supporters with the exposure.

A typical Trump day, really, but can this finally be the beginning of the end? Looking a bit more likely. The group most likely to miss the mobster presicdent is the Cartoonists Collective of America, they had a field day.

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Most Unfortunately Worded Headline Of The Week

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The Most Accurate Headline Of The week (From The Shovel)

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And Another Mystery From Pop-Up Ad Land 

This rather arresting image appeared on screen mid story and The ‘Pie, who didn’t inquire, if all these are linked to some sort of new pastime. Perhaps not, and in case you’re wondering as The ‘Pie did, left to right a shoulder holster, specially designed cycling shorts (I think), a distant memory (or mammary) and don’t know but looks a bit as though Madam Holga’s Pit Of Pain And Pleasure has gone all high tech.

Screen Shot 2023-06-15 at 10.57.52 amFinally …

The Magpie is very mindful not to try to turn The Nest into a selective version of Facebook (you will never ever ever see a cat video in this neck of the woods) so he doesn’t post much stuff like the following. But perhaps he was caught in an unguarded moment, maybe there was an echo of his own personal situation, but it is a uplifting thing to share moments where science serves humanity so well. 


Until next week. Don’t forget comments, but if taking part, don’t forget to wear a mouth guard and a cricketers cup. That donation button nis below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Molly 9 says:

    Thank you Magpie. After reading all the misery of multiple news outlets this morning, watching the beautiful video of joy at the end of today’s piece made me feel wonderful. Thank heavens for good science and the inventor of the Cochlear implant.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, The ‘Pie admits he was genuinely moved by that clip, which is unusually in a necessarily crusty old bastard who has to deal with bastardry, idiocy and matters of rampant greed as his daily round. As said, we don’t want the Nest to become swamped with FB and Twitter offering (I try not to touch TikTok first hand, which I don’t subscribe to), but your comment makes me think an occasional uplifting yarn would be a nice balance. Will keep a weekly eye out, BUT NO BLOODY CAT VIDEOS!!!

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville Property Market Council and State cooked the goose that laid the golden eggs by choosing their parties over their constituents . Aaron , Les , Scott were silent on the valuer generals 20-40 % land Value increases yet Scotts the Minister . Is culture so bad in Council that no one raised the thousands of properties changing hands with many owners just happy to exit the Townsville Market with average capital growth .9 % in 10 years . Then theres the highest rates in Qld and a Mayor that attacks national companies like Qantas / Dimmeys developer . Spend the $ on design to have Council planning approve then Councillors vote to reject . Mum and Dad / Companies cashed up and investing elsewhere .

  3. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    I too couldn’t help but notice the 5 page real estate section buried amongst the boring bullshit in the Townsville Bulletin’s once a week throwaway Eye section.
    I expressed my shock to my switched on daughter who matter of factually said: “It’s all gone online”.
    Checked, and so it has – as a result of exorbitant advertising rates, rapidly declining reader numbers, and technology that allows buyers to take a 360 degree video tour of the property, and calculate repayments on a mortgage.
    Not only is the local rag losing readers by the thousands – Saturday sales down from 42,000 to 16,000 – it has also lost the support of the people known in the old days as the Gravy Trainers (real estate agents), who refuse to pay ridiculous rates for a product that has almost completely lost its audience – and its relevance.
    The day the Bully becomes a few pages in the Courier Mail cannot be far away.

    • The Magpie says:

      Indeed, real estate ads have made the inevitable migration to online, although even there, listings are well down on pre-Covid levels – which were declining anyway, The ‘Pie is told. Perhaps the Magpie’s emphasis was wrong, not so much the parlous state of the local property market, but as you say, the atrociously managed decline of not just the print Bulletin, but the overall local news platform that isn’t much better than social media for accuracy, immediacy … and grammar.

      As a matter of interest, where did you find the circulation figures? Ever since the regulations allowed such stats to go ‘dark’, The ‘Pie hasn’t been able to get any indication. Would The ‘Pie be pushing his luck to ask if you have any subscriber figures?

  4. The Magpie says:

    Lifting the lid on a vital issue.

    The Magpie, who identifies as a (vintage) bloke, is known for taking the piss, but it now appears he must consider how he is making the piss. Cutting through the trivial stuff of naughty senators, treasonous presidents and a rental crisis, the reliable New Daily has tackled the BIG issue of the day. Have a read and see where you stand – or sit – on this issue.


    • Dorfus says:

      The Borowitz satire reminds me of the 1930’s opera set in the USA – Mahagonny – where the lead singer faces several charges including murder, carnal knowledge and not being able to pay a bar bill and is excused all but the final count for which he gets the electric chair. Quite an allegory.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thank you for sharing your personal shower habits, details of which I have spared our delicate Nesters.

        And thanks for the heads up regarding that rogue link, will investigate.

        • The Magpie says:

          Link fixed. Thanks again.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Re shower habbits, this is a true story.

          Many years ago having a dinner party. Well after desert and into the port and liquors and the conversation was somewhat rambunctious. I don’t remember what preceded, but I made the comment that, “a gentleman is one who does not urinate in the shower.”

          From the dark of the hall this little voice pipes up, “there must be precious few ladies.”

          Our daughter, about 6 at the time, was out of bed and taking in the dinner party conversations from the hall and could not hold back. She has children of that age now and good luck with that.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Come on, admit it boys. Men who stand up to take a leak rarely or more likely never clean the toilet floor.

          • The Magpie says:

            Decades ago, The ‘Pie dropped in to the pub in Wingen (of Burning Mountain fame) on the New England Highway, and first saw the cliche dad joke sign above the urinal ‘We aim to please, and our aim depends on your aim.’ It also had another sign: Join our pistol club – drink til 10, pistol 2.

            Ah, the days of innocent idiocy.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Wanker you DO realise that the ability to get all your pee into a toilet is a basic skill most boys learn. I understand with your energetic action you might have trouble but for most males getting it all into the bowl isn’t a big problem.

    • Damn tailings says:

      Keeping with the toilet theme; the crime wave is so bad in NQ that even the Deeragun Police Station was broken in to on Saturday night.
      Thieves gained entry through a service door but were only able to get away with a toilet pedestal.

      Detectives have nothing to go on

    • Wozza @ Woolloomooloo says:

      This is very old news.
      Plenty of blokes down here that I suspect have always sat down to piss.
      By the same token, just as many sheilas that I reckon stand up to piss.
      Evens itself out in the end.

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie must check in regarding golf course etiquette … lots of bitey nippy things skulking on the fringes waiting for careless minges.

      • The Magpie says:

        BTW WTF are you doing down there, ofd all places.?

        • Wozza @ Woolloomooloo says:

          I was attracted by the name Finger Wharf and I like the pies at Harry’s Café de Wheels

          • The Magpie says:

            There’s an interesting myth about why it’s called the Finger Wharf, which had something to do with the ‘Loo’s major industry way back when – it starts with C and isn’t cargo.

          • HiBeam says:

            Long before Harry’s Cafe de Wheels was a glass the aluminium edifaceit now is it was a cream and green wooden caravan at the gates of Garden Island known as Harry the Axles as the van had no wheels. It was famous for it’s kerosine flavoued offerings and mostly drunken patrons. Ahh those were the days!

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed, remember it well, a must-stop on the way home from the Cross. Or a stop to line the tummy before going there. Actually, the pies were the second best ever … the best being the fabled offerings of the Peel street bakery in Tamworth.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      My mate reckons peeing in the shower prevents tinea !

      • The Magpie says:

        That’s like the elephant hunter in Alaska.
        ‘But there aren’t any elephants in Alaska!’
        ‘Doing a good job, aren’t I?’

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    Lactating Leighton would have been half erect while penning that article about his bestie, Mayor Doona, receiving her Bernard King award. It’s interesting how many recipients of these additional letters after their surnames have nothing more to show than a few decades of sucking off the taxpayer teat, to earn this so called prestigious award. Oh well, at least the Mullet and her pussy whipped puppet Leighton got to feel all warm and tingly on the inside.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, yes and no, not much else Jimmy could do with that story except play it with a straight bat. There is no way a msm outfit could print, broadcast or televise the view the Magpie offered. Pretty stock standard story, really, and sort of ho hum in a country that doesn’t have a pommy class system (ours is based purely on money and political puffery – even the worthy selfless ones who are recognised are ultimately to reflect glory on the government bestowers. And with Orders of Australia, there is no overt spoken obsequiousness like Sir, Dame, M’Lord or Your Excellency (except for the bloke in gov house with the embarrassing squawking missus who is anything but excellent). Most punters would neither know or care as we live out our egalitarian myth.

  6. Scientician79 says:

    Mullet getting an award for Disaster Management is a disgrace.

    Her management of the 2019 Floods was a disaster in of itself from top to bottom, between not managing the Dam effectively, to dismissively telling the media that people know where the trouble spots in town are.

    Really Madam Mullet, in a town with a highly transient population they will know where the trouble spots are?

    Then angrily claiming people didn’t leave their homes when told to, but there was no clear instruction just vague statements about moving to higher ground if you were concerned. Not to mention Flood maps that weren’t published until well after they could have been useful.

    A true inquiry would have aired all these issues fully, like the one they had after the Brisbane floods, instead we got a pat on the head from people who supposedly know better and now awards for such a job well done.

    Show Hill the Door in 24.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Lets not bee too hard. I’m sure it is a simple typo. Should be “for disaster making” something the Rotten Mullet has proven she is an expert at.

  7. Dazza says:

    Hey Pie, where is this disaster management claim you have hor Hills award? I don’t think she deserves it but the official site has me reading: For significant service to local government, and to the community of Townsville. Ok that is bull droppings but you attack re disaster management? Also how about the other waste of space award to former Senate bum sitter Ian McDonald: For significant service to the people and parliament of Australia, to local government and to the community of Northern Australia. What for sitting in the senate. No sitting or former pollies should get an award, save them for real service and actions.

    • The Magpie says:

      In answer to your question, right in the middle of the story.

      Unless you are saying that Mayor Mullet made that bit up – she’s still smarting from such a public humiliation in 2019 – and Leighton Smith wrote it iup with checking. (Anything’s possible, so is that what you’re saying?

      And classic bit of irrelevant ‘whataboutism’ there concerning the long serving ‘father of the house’ Macca Macdonald. If you wanted to use your idiotic yardstick of worthiness, we’d need to go through two third of the list. Besides, don’t agree with your clearly biased and bogan beer breathed assessment.

      Anyway, The ‘Pie was talking about Jenny Hill. You can make separate comments about others, but The ‘Pie is under no obligation to play your juvenile game of false comparisons.

      • Dazza says:

        Pie I was just saying sitting as a pollie should not just qualify you to get an award. Neither side of politics deserve it. Except for the two Lindsay’s, Ted and Peter and now our current member for Herbert, we have been poorly represented federally and sorry but Ian McDonald has very little to point to as an achievement except longevity

  8. Hondaman says:

    Re the Brittney Higgins saga, I am fairly certain that any unfortunate woman who suffers this tragedy would attend a doctor as first priority. Samples would be taken to remove the fear of disease, pregnancy, (morning after pill) and of course DNA to back up the investigation following by the police. This appears to me to be the elephant in the room, no questions on this have I seen on any of the media, and the Liam Bartlett / Lisa Wilkinson interviews we all saw never broached the subject. I also think Lehrman is not completely truthful, but then he doesn’t have to say anything as he’s not charged with the offence anyway, unlike Higgins’ story about how totally drunk she was ‘staggering’ as she was seen skipping lightly barefoot into the Minister’s offices. There is plenty more in this, and Jeff Kennett nailed it in his recent post in the Astonisher. As she reported gained 2.5 million pieces of silver from us the taxpayers I think we deserve the truth!

    • The Magpie says:

      Higgins’ tardiness in reporting the matter properly to police has been widely remarked in the media and has been seen as a crucial weakness in any argument in court … all evidence gone. She may well have weighed up her career against reporting to police, and The ‘Pie is pretty certain had she not been discovered in flagrante delicto post facto (dress wise at least), we would never have heard anything about this … and she would be rich by a factor of four.

      None of this can ver condone and justify rape, but different circumstances and different personalities do not make for uniform outcomes.

    • Sargent Shultz says:

      And Higgins received her payout in record time, within months of making her complaint. Our veterans sometimes wait decades for a payout, the disabled fight Centerlink for years just to receive welfare payments, yet Higgins got paid out, to the tune of millions, in just a few months. Adults call this hush money. Parliament House were shit-scared of any publicity so they tried to bury the issue very quickly. Deplorable fucking crooks.

    • Beaker says:

      So glad we have a man here to explain how a woman thinks *eyeroll here*. I understand there’s more to come for Lehrman as the allegations referred to in this article https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/media-alleged-that-bruce-lehrmann-assaulted-other-women-court-20221202-p5c39n.html are now pending civil action in NSW.

  9. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    My circulation figures come from the good old days when it was a quality newspaper (Sat 42,000), and in the case of current times, a mate who works at the Bully printing site (Sat 16,000).
    Any other business that suffered that sort downturn would have been declared bankrupt.
    In the case the the Bully, financially and morally bankrupt.

    • The Magpie says:

      Ker-rumbs!!! If Saturday is 16,000, using the old disparity between weekend and weekdays, the paper would be lucky to be in the high four figures weekdays. Monday possibly only 4000 or so. As The ‘Pie is interested in the industry, and interested in Townsville, he has mixed emotions when without exception he sees piles of unsold Bulletins (returns) right across the city. That’s why unverifiable digital subscription figures should never be believed by advertisers, even if they are told a figure all, and not just told some spiel about the only game in town – which they are no longer are by a long shot.

      It’s probably too late now, but there were many ways the paper could be turned around and regain respect and credibility … a restricted print that specialises in investigative and forensic financial analysis that is also published on the web site, keeping politicians on their toes and slackers and laggards on notice could be the beating core of a proper and profitable publication for Townsville – so many have been getting away with so much in the past 20 years.

      No one seems to understand or care how crucial a truly independent news site across all platforms now is. All Holt Street and Rupert understand is the unthinking headlong rush for more and more often undeserved profit.

      Courier Mail insert likely just around the corner.

      For honesty, The Townsville Bulletin’s motto should be changed ‘We know the price of everything and the value of nothing.’

  10. The Magpie says:

    Most Interesting Tweet Of The Day (so far).

    Peter H. Diamandis, MD
    Jun 18
    A good way to understand Exponentials:
    1 million seconds ago was 11 days ago.
    1 billion seconds ago was 1992 (31 years ago).
    1 trillion seconds ago was 31,000 B.C.

    Most Infuriating Reply To a Tweet Today:

    Art’s Kid
    Here’s another way: Let’s assume that Elon Musk cashes out his 200bn and lives another 30 years.
    He can spend 6.7bn a year,
    or 18.2mill a day,
    or 761k an hour, or 12.6k a minute,
    or $211 a second…but he still needs a tax cut.

  11. Reef Warrior says:

    If Fran O’Callaghan thinks she’s going to get a fair go from the Townsville Bulletin in the lead-up to next years council election she’s dreaming.
    Story and photo on page 11 of today’s excuse for a newspaper appear to provide evidence, yet again, that the paper is part of Jenny Hill’s campaign team.
    Could this have been the conversation in the TB office over the weekend?
    Reporter: “I’ve got a great story about a former NASA engineer inventing a coral farming robot. The greenies will love it.”
    Editor: “Great, now how can we get Jenny Hill involved.”
    Reporter: “Gee, that’s a tough call.”
    Editor: “No worries, give her a call and she’ll come up with a reason.”
    It is becoming a pattern of behaviour for the TB. For example if Jenny Hill makes a statement, they don’t give her only current mayoral opponent, Fran, a chance to comment.
    But when Fran makes a statement, they either ignore it or give Jenny a ring to try to turn a positive into a negative.
    FFS they even turn some of Fran’s statements into a story about Jenny Hill.
    Keep an eye out for a flurry of full page council ads over the next few months as Hill consolidates her position as the TB Most Influential Advertiser.

    • The Magpie says:

      He was forced to read the worthy but dull story to find out whether our mayor had yet again unilaterally splashed some ratepayers cash around for campaigning purposes. Fortunately no, it was just another bad advertisement for her hairdresser, and the connection was tenuous at best … her claim she has a degree in biology.

      Lucky she didn’t do a degree in virology, because she wouldn’t know her SARS from her Ebola.

      • The Magpie says:

        One assumes that newby ‘reporter’ Bethany Westwood will remain true to this cross pollination of interests among councillors, and whenever she does a story about housing developments and zoning issues, she will feature Clr Fran O’Callaghan, who is a fully qualified and extremely experienced quantity surveyor (or whatever the correct term is for fucking around with theodolites). Or rural matters, as the O’Callaghans run a cattle property.

        Ms Westwood’s Linkedin bio does not inspire confidence as someone reporting on the overall interests of Townsville.

        The ‘Pie is willing accept that Ms Westwood is a competent writer (well, maybe, we’ll soon see) but it appears she has crossed over from we in the business call ‘the dark side’ of PR and ‘story telling’ (her bio term) less than six months ago.

        Odds are if mayor Mullet gets back in (shudder) our Beth will soon be the head of the TCC media department. Which, if this sort of story manipulation continues, will be preferable to her masquerading as a journalist. At least we’ll know for sure which side she is on, unvarnished facts or Jenny Hill’s.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Magpie, speaking of journalistic method and story telling, what actually happened at the crime rally? You reported a long list of who was and wasn’t there in the crowd but nothing about who did the talking or what they had to say.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            In fact if you really want to give Cr Fran a boost (and why wouldn’t you?) you could get her to tell you the difference between quantity surveying and fucking around with theodolites and we’d all learn something about the mayoral candidate. O’Callaghan needs exposure, any exposure but she has to speak and be heard. Why can’t we hear from her ‘exclusively’ in the Magpie’s Nest?

          • The Magpie says:

            All in today’s Astonisher … a fair coverage by Jimmy Olsen. The ‘Pie didn’t attend (for one thing, he was writing the weekly Nest, which takes all Saturday and night to finally put together) and besides, it’s importance and impact was the visual fact of the gathering not anything that was said – which has all been said before in various forums. And you certainly know that no action would be instantly achieved, but the gathering sent a clear message to Brisbane that this issue is an electoral landmine. No point in saying what will Crisafulli do, it is what the Palaszczuk government demonstrably isn’t doing that is the whole point. And if The Kid wimps out when in office, then it’ll be his turn cop unfriendly fire.

            Palaszczuk’s advisors are MIA on this … months, if not years ago, the three local members should’ve been the ones calling the protest rally seeking clearly demonstrating backing to call for stronger action from their leadership. But they’ve proved gutless flounderers, in Harpic case, aggressively rude and dismissive. Really, it’s not surprising that they didn’t turn up, since the rally was organised by a political rival. That’s hiding to nothing territory, especially with their dismal performance to date.

            They are shitting themselves.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Well I won’t be seeing the TBully today but what I’m interested in is whether either of the mayoral candidates spoke. I have this feeling that we are all waiting for a third candidate to emerge, someone keen to get their mug out there into the public space any way they can.

          • The Magpie says:

            Mayor Mullet spoke to the media afterwards (ABC was one) don’t know if she took the mic – she may have been reluctant because of the organisers behind the meeting – and don’t know if Fran did more than chat with people about the issue.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Palm Sunday , 2 full pages in the Townsville Bulletin print and digital , 7 local news on facebook as well as other media channels yet again you dont do any research . The Mayor wants mandatory sentencing and relocating sentencing .

        • Elusive Butterfly says:

          Story telling coach? Are you serious! Oh my Lordy, what a ridiculous background MsMrs/Miss/she/her has.

      • NQ Gal says:

        “May” Jenny Hill? There is a lot she May do – looking after the residents of Townsville is not high on the list.

  12. The Magpie says:


    • Russell says:

      Wonderful as Project Booyah, Street University and JT Acadamy are, I wonder whether taking kids who have done nothing wrong, spending a motza on them and producing kids who henceforth do nothing wrong is actually tackling the problem.
      Wouldn’t it be nice to see these organisations take kids who HAVE done something wrong, spend the same motza and produce kids who henceforth do nothing wrong.
      I guess it all comes down to how you define “at risk” in the first place – and who does that defining.

      • The Magpie says:

        You have half a point … your assumption that kids in the program while having done nothing wrong, will not stray of the path if they were not in the programs, is not supportable by any evidence The ‘Pie knows of. So maybe it is not a waste of money after all, but here’s the trick with so many things, from aboriginal industry programs to TEL … no KPIs.

        • Pollywaffle says:

          The labor party always use statistics to show crime has fallen. Their formula is based on per capita. Example is 20 crimes per 100 people then the figures comes out six months later saying 19 crimes per 120 people. Crime is down by there numbers. This is how they make you think there programs are working and people are stupid enough to believe it when voting. You’re never going to get zero crime but fudging the figures is just bullshit. The fact that labor have said that most crimes are being committed by a small number of about 300 offenders throughout the state one would think if you spent the money on 300 cells and kept them there then the rate would drop dramatically one would think? Catch and release. By the way harpic is such a fuckwit. He said he facilitated a meeting between the justice minister and Hawkes. He walked out with absolutely nothing from the meeting but the bulletin didn’t print that part now did they. No quote from Hawkes and his Facebook page from the meeting.

          • Bullshit says:

            That’s not how crime statistics are reported

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Wow Pollywaffle.. this is the biggest load of shit I’ve ever read. You clearly have no idea about crime reporting.

          • Contributors cousin says:

            Think you have triggered them Polly. The labor people here don’t like when you share their secrets about how they spin things. It’s exactly how labor uses the numbers to tell us they are working hard to get things done. While your analogy is simple they always use percentages to make it sound like what they do is being achieved. Yeah crime might be down 20% they say per capita somewhere but it rose by 140% on the previous year and the population has changed. That’s how they calculated the amount of police needed. Coincidence that the number of police have decreased under state labor but duckheaf says it’s the biggest load of shit he’s ever read. Tell me duckhead. How’s that $375 electricity bill decrease going that albo promised?? Oh that’s right it went up by so much that he told us then that the bill would have gone up so much more if they didn’t do what they did to stop prices going up. So there’s your $375 coming back to you. Political parties use that formula all the time and you know it.

  13. Regular Reader says:

    Palm Sunday, I think you’ll find that the reason you don’t see many, if any, statements or comments from Fran O’Callaghan is that the Townsville Bulletin won’t print them.
    She opened her campaign office with a policy statement but it wasn’t considered newsworthy enough for publication.
    As for another mayoral candidate emerging, that will happen when Jenny Hill finds someone prepared to sell their soul and act as a spoiler with the aim of taking votes away from Fran O’Callaghan, ala Jeff Jimmieson.
    Jenny Hill should remember that her last piece of skullduggery designed to stop Fran becoming a councilor ended in a landslide victory for Fran (as a replacement for the hapless Les Walker).

    • The Magpie says:

      Just for the record.

      An effective 13% margin over Jenny’s candidate is pretty comprehensive and Jenny’s candidate, with a name linked to a local Labor elder statesman, bombed badly. It is little wonder that Mayor Mullet has mounted her vindictive relentless campaign of vitriol and petty spite towards O’Callaghan … Jenny might be a financial illiterate but she knows well enough what these figures mean.

      And yes, let’s see who bobs up as Jenny’s stalking horse this time around.

      One of her volunteers told The ‘Pie she is busy lining up all her campaign ducks, and we’ll be hearing from her in the near future. And it won’t be before time, either, Mayor Mullet is getting away with murder using ratepayers money and the Astonisher to lift her profile … which may be self-defeating, many folks are getting a tad tired of being treated like gullible children.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      RR, for months now we have been reminded in these pages that only a few people read the TBully and what they read is irrelevant trash. We are also reminded that much of the traditional newspaper readership is migrating to numerous digital platforms and steadily reducing traditional media relevance – note what’s happening to ABC TV political coverage. So political aspirants, particularly at the local level, are going to have to go elsewhere to find a forum to present themselves to the electorate. The Magpie reckons Facebook is worse than trash but lifts material from it, pretty much exclusively, to cover the largely uninteresting outpourings of Cr Fran the mayoral candidate. I agree there’s an ‘It’s time’ factor around Jenny Hill but we need more than an ‘Anyone but Hill’ approach and definitely a shift up from the ‘don’t interfere while your enemy is making mistakes’ narrative. Much of the electorate (outside the Magpie’s Nest) probably thinks Hill is the devil they know but at least they know her. Cr Fran is almost completely unknown except for her big hat and FB whinges about JHill’s council chamber manners and style – stuff that is of little interest to most ratepayers. It seems like shire council stuff and here we behave like hayseed yokels.

      • The Magpie says:

        A surprisingly well argued if eristic comment, but a couple of clarifications (heaven forbid The ‘Pie would have the temerity to ‘correct’ you, Weekend Wanker.)

        The ‘Pie has never said that Facebook ‘is worse than trash’ (a nonsensical non sequitur), and any fair minded reader would understand that for the most part, FB is for mindless entertainment and uninformed and ignorant reactions to events big and small. So much of it is like two bogan housewives talking over the back fence, an Aussie version of Sybil Fawlty (‘ooooh, I neeowww!)’. But these latter shortcomings are usually in response to the initial FB (or Twitter) reporting of newsworthy happenings. So certainly The ‘Pie mainly lifts FB matters but mostly for purposes of criticism, unlike let’s say The Astonisher, which accepts so much nonsense and anti-social content as unverified stories. Like this one, which a bloody disgrace, glorifying dangerous lawlessness in a bid to attract ‘younger’ eyeballs.


        You make broad unfocused assumptions about both how the electorate thinks, and the readership of The Magpie’s Nest, both of which are highly debatable and made without a shred of proof to support the opinion. ‘probably’ doesn’t bolster youyr claim.

        And finally, Pal, although you have learnt your lesson and are counching your comments here in more measured and less abusive terms … including implied weaknesses in Madam Mayor’s armour … The ‘Pie doubts one single reader here buys your attempts to deny you are under marching orders from Walker Street. The ‘Pie certainly doesn’t.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Pie, my understanding of the Facebook algorithm is that you need to curate your feed with a little more care. IF the articles, comments and groups you read, like and click on are like “two bogan housewives talking over the back fence” then that is what you will continue to see. To improve the quality of your Facebook feed, stop engaging with the detritus.

          • The Magpie says:

            Those items get send to The Magpie, he rarely if ever scrolls through anyone’s FB. Twitter yes, which is bearable because of the words limit, but FB no.

  14. NQ Gal says:

    Just as well the Qld Government is rolling in the cash. If the deal goes through, public service wages are going to increase by 11% over the next 3 years.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      This is probably a good thing as public service wages have not kept pace with private industry and they are having trouble hiring experienced professionals. Hence the use of consultants

      • NQ Gal says:

        I’m in private industry and I’m definitely not getting a pay rise every year. Most small businesses are struggling and can’t afford 4% raises.

  15. Dorfus says:

    Well, this time the Astonisher has hit the high note with its online snippet stating, within the one sentence: ‘A Gympie man has faced court over the alleged assault of a 69-year-old man on Hastings St on Sunday morning as police investigate the death of an 87-year-old man.’

  16. Mike Douglas says:

    Another letter to the editor Aaron Harper trying to dig his way out of the hole he has dug on crime . Talks tough on social media and paper , writes letters but can’t show up at Crime Rally’ and face his electorate . Years of blocking anyone who disagrees with him on his Facebook page even positive announcements get little traction . Is Aaron selling himself for next years election or Thuringowa labor branch for preselection ? .

  17. Regular Reader says:

    Ann-Maree Greaney was on ABC radio this morning gushing about the North Australian Festival of Arts, which is funded by a huge slice of ratepayer’s money.
    Following a serious lack of bums on seats last year -, thanks to a poor choice of acts, some of which also bombed out the previous year – Greaney and her fellow wannabe promoter Liam Mooney have had their wings clipped, resulting in NAFA being reduced from 4 to 2 weeks this year.
    To their credit they have taken note of some of the criticism received in a survey council did after last year’s financial disaster and replaced some of the tits and bums acts with genuine crowd-pullers.
    Ross Wilson’s Eagle Rock concert quickly sold out and Circus Wonderland’s kids holidays performances of Peter Pan are headed the same way.
    If this keeps up Greaney will finally have something to gush about.
    Any chance of Mayor Jenny Hill telling ratepayers how many millions NAFA has cost since its inception?
    Nah, it’s Townsville (City Council).

  18. The Magpie says:

    The Magpie has spent an hour or so collecting an overview of the reaction to the Referendum bill now passed … and some surprises in there, too, which he get to in a later comment.

    But before he puts it all together, the old bird wants to make a genuine inquiry about something that will have the mouth breathers foaming about ‘a loaded racist question’ and so on.

    But here it is – and mind you, it is no more than a genuine inquiry about an elected official.

    Is Phillip Thompson, an emphatic NO voter, part aboriginal through descent, or does he ‘identify’ as aboriginal?

    And it is as simple and equitable question in light of the Voice debate and for two reasons. The first one is that Mr Thompson appears – in the vernacular of the front bar bogans – have ‘a touch of the tar brush in him’.

    His wife and children are indigenous, and if not by blood, does Mr Thompson ‘identify’ as aboriginal to keep it all in the family, so as to speak? Because that’s all you have to do nowadays, bit like Harry Potter … say you’re an aboriginal and abracadabra … you are!! God knows, the nightly parade across our TV screens of aboriginal activists (especially in Tasmania) on appearances look like they would be more at home in the highlands of Scotland, the bright sunlit uplands of England, the alps of northern Italy or the green four leaf clovers of Ireland (home to the Blarney Stone).

    If Mr Thompson does indeed identify as a ‘First Australian’ the only two secondary questions that arise: Why did Mr Thompson not declare this? It’s a hot button issue that he cannot have been ignorant of. So, second question – and only if the surmise is correct, was there a political and strategic dimension to not saying anything? That’s a very germaine question in an electorate like Herbert.

    Nesters would be aware that The ‘Pie is a Thompson admirer for his can-do attitude and clear commitment to his electorate, but the Voice issue demands this sort of transparency.

    A definitive answer either way would not only be appreciated, but reasonably expected by voters. Phil?

    • Achilles says:

      I hope his “definitive” answer is “I’m Australian”.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      If that’s supposed to be a link to a video it’s not working.

      • The Magpie says:

        Sorry, that was a test to see if a vid could be transferred to comments from a certain platform. It can’t. Sorry for the confusion.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          If you’re going to link a video in your comments it needs to be published somewhere, like YouTube, Box, OneDrive, iCloud or some other sort of sharing platform. Check your security around the platform and the video to ensure users can access the vid and only the vid.

          • The Magpie says:

            My biggest problem is usually TikTok, which I steer well clear of. You Tube has been used regularly on the blog, and haven’t a clue whayt Box and OneDrive are. The ‘Pie prefer a simple if under-informed life.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Oh dear. This is not a very nice place you have gone to, Magpie. If the man responds that no, he does not identify as Indigenous, you are left holding an unsupportable position because you think he ‘looks like one’; he has a touch of the tar brush (your freely chosen expression). What exactly did Phillip Thompson say or do that suddenly brought on this notion? It’s most unlike you, isn’t it?

      • The Magpie says:

        And pray tell, what ‘not very place’ would that be?

        That is up there with the silliest comments you have ever but regularly make in this space.

        You seem to be saying that it is somehow wrong – especially in light of the current Voice debate, but at any time – to ask if someone is or identifies as aboriginal. For a reader of average intelligence, the intend was clear but you obviously need a little help. So the question was based on – as The ‘Pie said but your tiresomely and deliberately ignored – that it is difficult to tell what is legally termed an Australian indigenous person nowadays. But you seem to think it may be verging on racism to even ask. It is some sort of shaming in your view? Bit strange, since for some reason, everyone who is or identifies as indigenous always prefaces their declaration with the word ‘proud’.

        Your whole comment is part of the tedious trope of mistaking ‘compelled speech’ with ‘coerced speech’. The first is a misnomer for laws that tell us actually what we cannot say without copping legal consequences for racism, homophobia or sexism, whereas ‘coerced speech’ is pompous, shadow flinching pricks like you trying to shame others to voluntary restrict their right to say even legal things to conform with your self-appointed politically correct moral high ground.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Magpie, the ‘not very nice place’ you have gone to has nothing to do with racism, the Voice, homophobia or any of the -isms. It is solely about the practice of putting up a picture of a person and making a case, purely on that one piece of ‘evidence’, that they are Indigenous and they must make a public declaration about that.

          No Australian (except some very specific dual nationality federal parliamentarians) is required to reveal their known or possible ancestral heritage although many choose to do so. To publicly suggest, if not actually
          accuse, someone of having some physically visible characteristic which, in your opinion, obligates them to confirm or deny your speculation, is bullying. That is not a very nice place.

          I cast my mind back to the same-sex marriage debate and wonder if, at the time, you might have considered posting a similar picture of a similar elected member (you know, wife and kids and a public position on marriage equality) and demanded to know about his REAL sexuality because “he looks gay to me”.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s a fairly typical remark from you, confused as usual between ‘asking’ and ‘accusing’. It is just one way you use euphemisms to disguise what you see as unpalatable language which may damage your cause. Prime amongst these is the word ‘country’ which is a euphemism for ‘tribe’. This disingenuous approach of vague, soft language is what is dogging the Yes vote, and you can’t see it, can you? Even a sizeable chunk of the indigenous people have sniffed you out and are on to you.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, what “cause”, what “country”. I’m defending PThompson’s privacy FFS. Are you OK?

          • The Magpie says:

            So you’re defending uninvited another person’s privacy, and taking offence on his behalf.

            In a nutshell, the way woke has gone off the rails.

          • OED says:

            No one uses country to mean tribe

          • The Magpie says:

            Beg to differ as someone whose first language is English. In this context, those who announce – always ‘proudly’ – that they are from some unpronounceable ‘country’ EXACTLY means ‘tribe’. This is evidenced by the fiercely guarded clanship of all the 390 deeply factionised different groups around the continent. You can have your own myths and your believe your own morality, but you cannot have your own ‘facts’.

          • OED says:

            I think English is not your first language after all. Country is a geographic area, tribe is a social grouping. Saying you’re from X country is saying where you’re from, not which tribe you’re from. we’re in Wulgurukaba country but we’re not members of the Wulgurukaba tribe.

            You’re not entitled to your own facts or your own definitions of words.

          • The Magpie says:

            Neither are you. What painfully twisted bullshit.

            What country are you from, ‘Pie?
            So you’re an Australian?

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Weekend Wanker…It’s painfully obvious that you haven’t learnt the difference between reacting and responding ! Might be time for you to just become an observer and simple report your observations back to your boss Jenny Hill !

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      And there lies the problem with this ‘Voice’ mess. People asking to be unmasked; them and us. Personally I don’t give a flying fuck if they are aboriginal or not; Pollie or otherwise. The only significant difference here is if the vote is Yay or nay, and I will live by what my fellow Australians vote for, despite my vote going by way of the negative. Long live the Democracy.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Will it change your opinion of PT if he identifies as aboriginal?

      • The Magpie says:

        Not at all. Why would it, my race baiting friend?

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          So if it doesn’t change your opinion of him, why the strange racially loaded rant and why the question?

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘racially loaded’ aspect exists in your mind alone, and of your ilk.

            You ask The ‘Pie ‘why ask the question’?

            The ‘Pie asks you, why not?

            The issue of the day is an indigenous voice to parliament being placed in a privileged and undeserved position in our democracy, and it is of crucial interest to know who is or say they are indigenous, especially as indigenous people are deeply divided on this question, and they are on so many things. It is just a continuation of 40,000 years of tribal warfare.

            Yours is the sort deflective nonsensical bullying twaddle that is driving the No vote up in the polls. Keep at it. Please.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            My ilk? I assume you mean people who find the use of the term “tar brush” offensive?

          • The Magpie says:

            Would you prefer haf-cast, quarter-cast, quadroon, octoroon or perhaps the more honest ‘part indigenous’. But the latter one won’t do, will it, because that would mean you’re ‘part colonialist’, which would encompass all those immigrants who helped build the wealth of this country, a slur from which you at all costs wish to distance yourself.

            But be offended by whatever you like …. again, The ‘Pie repeats Salman Rushdie’s truism: ‘No one has the right to NOT be offended.’

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            My apologies, wrong word. I should have said, I would not have used the phrase “tar brush” to incite hostility and contempt, as you have attempted to do. I would not have used it at all.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s all fine, we all make our own decisions about what we say, and how we say it, and in your case, reach the 2plus2equals5 answer that ‘tar brush’ incites hostility and contempt. So this phrase should never be spoken by anybody? Please refer to The Magpie’s previous reply to Palm Sunday about the difference between ‘compelled speech’ and ‘coerced’ speech. The only hostility and contempt is coming from you, champ.

            The ‘Pie wasn’t asking you your opinion about something that apparently offends you.

            By the way, are you indigenous? Proud or otherwise? Or does the question as to a matter of fact offend you?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            My heritage is none of your business. However anyone who reads this blog clearly knows you are an old white male with a bad attitude who feels marginalised because of his maleness and whiteness who likes to write about his percieved marginalisation and misgivings.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie feels marginalised now because you won’t share with him, and he is grossly -yawn- offended by your commm. … zzzz.

      • old tradesman says:

        If you are born in Australia you are an Australian Indigenous resident.

        • The Magpie says:

          Precisely. The ‘Pie welcomes we to our country.

        • OED says:

          You’re not Indigenous you blithering illiterate fuckwits.

          • The Magpie says:

            In terms of language, technical correct, but in terms of social equity, where does that leave those of us born here, often fourth or fifth generation? Interlopers in our own country?

            originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.
            “coriander is indigenous to southern Europe”
            (of people) inhabiting or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists.

          • Auntie says:

            Oh gosh it would be terrible to be marginalised in your own country wouldn’t it!

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, in this rich country, it is an absolute disgrace that anyone is marginalised. We can do better, without destroying bour democracy.

            but tell us, are you talking about The Voice, Robodebt, mortgage crisis, rental crisis, women, trasnsexuals or white European-heritage males?

  19. Prince Rollmop says:

    With only a few weeks to go until the V8 Superpests are in town, I was wondering if Council might be willing to present a cost benefit analysis to the ratepayer? (after all, the rate payer is paying for the event). Perhaps a 3 or 4 page document outlining exactly how much money is being spent by TCC to host the event, and then highlighting what the financial benefits will be in return for the Townsville ratepayer. There should also be transparency around any gifted tickets to TCC staff and we should also be made aware of who is on that ticket list. Perhaps the neutered no-spine Jimmy Olsen can request that info via a FOI after the event? (Jimmy, FOI means Freedom of Information. It’s unlikely that you have had the courage to submit one of those before! Or perhaps your bestie, Madam Mullet AM will tell you the information over a cup of herbal tea and a reacharound?).

    It’s a fair and reasonable request I do believe. The stinky Prince and Madam Doona should already be across that information.

    I have no doubt however that the usual cry of Commercial in Confidence will bellow down the hallways of Walker Street, by the Mullet in her manly bogan voice. All of her lap poodles will be too scared to ask any details. Fran is probably our only hope.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure what makes you think that what has been denied for the past – what is it, 15 years – would now suddenly be exposed to public consideration. A money isn’t the only questions that haven’t been quantified …. the economic benefits have never been tested properly and the crowd figures never properly verified … on both fronts, what has been made public are obvious lies. The economic matter tends to ignore the fact that the crowds that do go are overwhelmingly local.

      But The ‘Pie understands that there will be an interesting development regarding the SuperPests in the very near future. But if what he has heard is true, it is likely to a financially empty gesture aimed at avoiding the embarrassment of previous years.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      PR, don’t be stupid. Jimmy will be on the top of the list of invitees for services rendered to her highness. Why would he flush the shiniest turd in the trough?

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Dear Kenny. Turds do not belong in the trough. This is what is wrong with people today. Pee in the trough (or political gifts if it is that kind of trough) while turds go in the bowl (or into the executive offices at Wanker Street). Actually you are right it is very confusing so just shit anywhere you fancy.

  20. Fan of Ivan says:

    I like the reference to Ivan Milat in this weeks blog. Ivan was a man who was very disciplined and always focused on the task at hand. Ivan also enjoyed his work and took great pride in it, something the younger generation could learn from. So it some ways, although being a very naughty boy, Ivan set the bar high.

  21. Davey Jones says:

    I see that the world is praying for the submariners lost somewhere near the Titanic. I hate to rain on peoples parade, but that ship is a cemetery. People died as she sunk and it is now their grave. Humanity should be leaving the ship and those who died aboard her, in peace. Perhaps karma has struck and this is a lesson that should be heeded – stay the fuck away.

    • The Magpie says:

      Agree, although I believe engineers and naval scientists would have the right to examine the wreck to see if there were any construction flaws.

      Making it a millionaires tourism jaunt just about sums up the old saying ‘If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at who he lets have it.’

    • NQ Gal says:

      Locker – there is a fair bit of irony involved in a submersible being lost close to the Titanic.

  22. Squandered Rates says:


    This is a story I hope to see written about TCC in the not too distant future – before it’s way too late. I know David the CEO of Central Coast NSW (1.5x the size of TCC). He’s a good man who will fix the problem. $160 million in debt is trivial compared to TCC’s exposure.

    “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples’ money.” Margaret Thatcher

  23. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Data in the Financial review doesn’t paint a good picture for Townsville renters, 39.3% of all listings for sale in May were rental properties, with Labor state Govt legislation changes and council rates increases, investment properties are an absolute dud these days, who would bother with them. Many of these properties will now become owner occupied and tenants kicked out if they haven’t been already.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Cankers , .you have been providing the inconvient truth on the Townsville resi market for years . 9 % capital growth in 10 years for Townsville resi and the Mayor wants to plonk social housing into the rail yards it appears with no consultation with anyone / impact on property owners / cost to ratepayers . Highest rates in Queensland , crime capital of Australia and superfund balances tanking . Then we have Treasurer Dick land tax grab , Annastascias and Greens rent capping and Les , Aaron , Scott doing nothing on Townsville land tax increases . Show them the door in 24 .

      • The Magpie says:

        The North Rail yards has been hit on the head as a possible site for Mayor Mullet’s cunning plan, hasn’t it? Doomed from the start by contamination and heritage concerns, both matters well known to any sentient person before the mayor climbed on her soapbox?

  24. Pat Coleman says:

    Have you ever noticed, by just watching the SBS and ABC news and using the sport parts to take a shit or cook or shower or whatever, and not clicking on sport on the net , that you never know there’s footy on till somebody craps on about it?

    And how much those people sound like door knocking Jehovah’s , Mormons and LNP types when you don’t follow their religions ?

    There’s a lot in common with religion too. Kids are brainwashed to believe In it , to not only wear advertising but pay the corporation for it . And back the team no matter how fucked up the team members are just because they can get a ball over the line . And, because football is a parasitic corporation bleeding the public purse dry, when without public money they, like the religions, would slowly die in the face of modernity and scientific evidence about subsequent brain damage caused by abusive parents handing their kids over to the parasites?

  25. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    2 full page ads in the astonisher today.
    Must be a mayoral election coming up.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      LSR you didn’t mention the campaign advert pretending to be a Works Update public advice. We used to actually publish important details in these but now its just “look at moi!”.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Not in my paper, just Harvey Norman.

      • The Magpie says:

        Two and a half pages, in fact. And The ‘Pie only partially agrees with your summation. The double ‘beads and blankets to keep the native happy’ festival could be justified in giving the public event information – well those who read the paper on its various platforms, now about 5% of the population –

        However, this half page one serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever, most of the works are well underway or completed.

        It is pure campaigning by the mayor and her team – particularly Ma Greaney -boasting about doing the jobs they’re paid to do.

        But there is an interesting letter-to-the-ed in today’s Astonisher from a surprising source.

        Serial self-interested whinger Robin Gauld adds gravitas to his epistle by grandly telling us he is a doctor ( of what? The ‘Pie only know him as a photographer, what’s he got, a degree in Snapology?)

        Based on previous periodic rants, Our Rob seems to believe any public coming with 50m of his Strand adjacent home are an unconscionable imposition on his right to a peaceful life, a rabble who are too noisy, noisome and from nether areas of the city with which he wants no social intercourse. Their even distant presence seems to unsettle his enjoyment of a evening mint julep on his portico.

        But his slightly disguised whinge this time has sensible and complete merit . The attractions of the Strand count for nothing when the park is used in this manner.

        So, obviously, Central Park is a far better venue, for the reasons our foaming friend states, ticks every box any sensible regime (sorry, council) should adopt. especially parking (Dean Park across the road) and the proximity to both Palmer Street and Via Vomitorium. And shows off the impressive and imposing Total tools Stadium. By insistence on using Strand Park, the mayor is actively working against the businesses she constantly witters on about ‘championing’.

        If they ever make a film about this era in Townsville, it is a shame that the most apt title is already taken … Everything Everywhere All At Once

        Occasional and appropriate use (including the duration of an event) should be welcome, but the overuse of Strand Park is a knee-jerk reaction from planning jerks, who don’t realise that, with infuriating traffic and parking difficulties and commercial access congestion, it is actually ruining the social and enjoyable amenity for which the Strand was intended.

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Better still let’s once and for all call bullshit on the Double tree hotel ever happening and turn that whole area south of the stadium into parkland with dedicated facilities, toilets etc to hold these things. It is a prize piece of land connecting the V8 track area with ample parking , civic theatre and stadium with access across the creek to Flinders St west.

          • The Magpie says:

            Stop it! Just stop it!! Sensible visionary suggestions like that will upset the current apple cart, and even now, there will be a dozen amateur spin doctors hitting the keyboards to tell us why that’s such a rotten idea.

        • NQ Gal says:

          The roar of an F35 along the Strand later this afternoon will definitely upset the good Doctor’s enjoyment of his mint julep.

          • The Magpie says:

            yep, all the dogs of North Ward and Belgian Gardens will be in therapy for weeks. Have just watched THE F35 – numbers were a bit oversold – but a good watch nevertheless . And the major part that will have had some young bucks and excited jiggling trim coughing in their rompers was the electrifying sub sonic boom.

  26. Russell says:

    ‘Pie, as someone who fits the description of you given by Ducks Nuts June 21 (run out of reply buttons at that location) I have deduced from numerous posts and reactions that Duckie identifies as Aboriginal, has less than 50% aboriginal heritage, and is female. I could be wrong but that would be unusual????.

  27. Dave Nth says:

    WTF is going on at the clusterf$%# known as Townsville airport?

    Been since Jan when I flew last and it seems the escalator was finally fixed from Christmas break.

    Now the whole window area on the ground floor is blacked out and some bs advertising for making longes better covers it. Say a good 1/8th Qantas Club gone for a lounge that is busy normally between 3-6pm

    More punishment for the red roo by the pathetic admin in this town?

    That said on Hills chest confetti OAM’s are handed out willy nilly these days. Frankly I haven’t held them in regard for a long time.

    • Fish gill says:

      Maybe the airport needs the TEL Board chairman to return to his old role?

    • NQ Gal says:

      I was following the 205 bus along Bundock Street this morning. It starts in the City and winds its way through Belgian Gardens and Garbutt to Aitkenvale. Why can’t it just do a diversion down Old Common Road and to the airport or is that just too sensible for the boffins who set out the routes and time tables?

      • The Magpie says:

        See what you mean, but surely the simplest solution is for buses – equipped to handle luggage – to do a dedicated run to the city ‘bus hub’ (ha!), with one stop on the way at a convenient taxi rank. There will be a sector of the travelling public that would use the service (maybe a small bus load). But the bus company can’t be all things to all people. Another alternative is for three or four dedicated buses to be available, covering routes to the north, west, south and the city, arriving at established drop-off points where passengers can be picked up without the traffic shit fight and thieving parking costs. Just a thought, which could well be shot down.

        Fire at will..

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Would these “dedicated “ buses run to a timetable or would they wait for a plane to arrive?
          I regularly use buses (and occasionally the airport). Apart from the shuttle bus which services the CBD and ferry terminal, I don’t imagine many people would use a bus – if all the other routes around town are anything to go by. I suspect that taxis are often ok but occasionally really bad. I just can’t work out why and unfortunately, no taxi owner/drivers seem to read the ‘Nest. Personally, I’ve never been held up for long at the airport, certainly not for 30-60 minutes as apparently some have claimed.

          • Grumpy says:

            PS – I used to go through the airport over 50 times a year. I can tell you there were many occasions I waited more than 60 minutes for a bloody taxi. I learned to leave my car in the carpark for trips three days and under. Given that I live out near the dam, that worked out cheaper than a return taxi fare.

  28. Jatzcrackers says:

    Sobering news that debris of the mini sub touring the Titanic site has been located and a blessing that most probably the deaths of those on board was extremely instantaneous with the implosion.
    Will be interesting to observe how the ensuing ducking and weaving by the relevant authorities responsible for overseeing certified standards, is viewed.
    Think if I was paying over a quarter of a million for a seat I’d want to know I’ve got a good chance of coming back alive !

    • NQ Gal says:


      The submersible was never certified by any US government agency for use as a tourist vessel. There has even been mention of a previous employee being sacked for saying that it shouldn’t go below 1500m, well short of the 3,800m depth where the Titanic lies.

      • The Magpie says:

        For The ‘Pie, the tears just won’t come. It’s just a supreme example of monied hubris. The ‘Pie does not wish death on anyone, especially a terrifying one of knowing for hours you’re going to cark it (as it turned out, these folks were spared that ordeal, dying instantly in an implosion).

        But if some privileged wankers want to get their kicks as tourists to a mass grave site, let karma take its course. This wasn’t a scienific inquiry, it was planned a jolly for the wealthy ghouls. As The Magpie said, it would be a world record for irony if the submersible had collided with the bottom of an iceberg on the way up.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Well said Pie. It’s sad that people died, but you roll the dice when engaging in these sorts of activities. Some interesting video snippets online of the Oceangate CEO talking about ‘safety being an overkill’ and other similar talk. Seems like old mate was a cowboy who thought his shit didn’t stink and he could just do what he wanted and was above the law. Typical billionaire mindset – one set of rules for him and a different set of rules for everybody else. A very heavy price to pay.

        • Achilles says:

          If an explosion goes BANG, does an implosion go GNAB?

        • NQ Gal says:

          That is one of many parody accounts that have popped up since another billionaire who we wish was in Davey Jones’ locker took over Twitter.

          • Davey Jones says:

            Trump, Murdoch, King of England, Zuckerberg, Branson,?? Would love to drop all of them in an Oceangate sub.

  29. Hamish says:

    I’m a billionaire who thinks I’m immortal, sucks that I’m wrong, not

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