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The Magpie

Saturday, August 14th, 2021   |   200 comments

Is Another Leading Arts Figure Is Quitting Townsville  …  And Is He Another Victim Of Our KKK – Kouncil’s Kulture Kollective?

Jonathan McBurnie has resigned as boss of the Perc Tucker Gallery, and will, among future positions, join the remote teaching  staff of Sydney University. The council’s hillbilly arts policy has claimed another victim – not that McBurnie says so – but The Magpie does.

Benchmark: the Townsville Council’s Red Bench program has The Magpie seeing red … it is one of the most cynical pile of steaming codswallop ever foisted on citizens of this city – all in the name empty virtue signalling about domestic violence by councillors who can’t even do what they’re elected to do.

So how much do the Townsville ratepayers gift the V8 SuperPest leeches each year? The first peek behind the iron curtain of Commercial In Confidence has suddenly bobbed up. arrived with recent rate notices.

LGAQ Shiny Bum In Chief Greg Hallam makes the startling observation that yes, he does indeed look like Star Wars character Jabba The Hutt. But is suing others for saying so.

And our regular gallery from the USA.

Commercial Break: if you are pleased to read all this stuff you won’t see anywhere else – but should – you might consider leningd a much-needed hand to support The Magpie’s Nest costs with a donation. That’ll be the big green button at the end of the blog. Thanks.

Now, ever onward.

Something Getting Up Bentley’s Nose ….

… about what’s getting up mother people’s noses. Anti-vaxxers are deliberately stupid, but plenty who comply with vaccination and masks are sometimes just plain dopey.

Masks non standard fin small

Not the sort of pricks we need.

Was McBurnie Burned?

Dr Jonathpon McBurnie

The city’s top arts administrator Johnathan McBurnie won’t say why he resigned as the director of the Perc Tucker Gallery two weeks ago,  but has announced he will be staying on to see the Perc Tucker 40th anniversary exhibition though, before leaving in early September.

McBurnie, always a courteous person, certainly has not pointed the finger at the cultural/arts Goths of the council, or Goth-In-Chief, Jenny Hill. And he may not be entirely lost to Townsville, his Sydney gig is remote teaching one day a week, and he says he hasn’t made it firm plans to move away.

But McBurnie’s move dovetails with much that The ‘Pie has been hearing from the arts sector of late, especially disgruntled ex-TCC staff.

One insider told The Magpie : It has really been the incredible and bizarre increase in red tape and bureaucracy since COVID. We now struggle to comply with ever-increasing health and safety administration which threatens to engulf the actual jobs themselves. The really frustrating and galling thing is  that seeing as it is just paperwork and online systems, nobody is actually any safer, it has gone beyond a joke. I am all for it if it actually makes things safer, but paper shuffling never helped anybody.” Any satisfaction really disappeared over the last year – being inefficient and unproductive is fine for many, but a lot of us in this area find it’s murder on any self esteem.” 

Wonder if the same stringent and choking rules apply to the V8 SuperPests and stadium events?

Speaking Of The SuperPests  – Well, As Much As We Are Allowed To, Given Spurious Commercial In Confidence Shields.

The mayor has consistently refused to tell ratepayers how much of their money she has agreed to give the SuperPest owners on the basis of a Commercial in Confidence provision in the contract with the SuperPests – which is a private for-profit company.

So a reminder – what is confidential information contained if a CinC contract. This from the LegalVision site.

Commercial in confidence generally means sensitive information that an individual or business shares with another party in confidence. Therefore, the person receiving this information is obligated to not disclose or use that information without consent.

Confidential information refers to any information or document that a business wants to keep out of the public domain. The information must be:

  • easily identifiable;
  • show originality; and
  • not be of public knowledge.

Confidential information includes any information that the recipient has acquired or been presented with throughout the commercial relationship.

Types of confidential information include, but is not limited to:

  • trade secrets;
  • personal information;
  • intellectual property; 
  • financial statements; and
  • internal processes.

Now all that may be well and good in the world of private enterprise, but this is in fact immoral and unethical when a public entity like a council enters into an agreement with a private company without any clear reasons for secrecy. (‘V8 Supercars’  and ‘intellectual property’ is one of the most unlikely word combination in English, but that’s a another matter.)  The bottom line here is what possible reason can there be for the TCC (read  Mayor Mullet) not to apprise ratepayers how much of their dosh has been handed over. And just why ,would be nice too?

It is with this in mind that a reader who received his annual rates notice during the week noted an interesting bit of irrelevant self-promotions by the council.

Rates flyer

What the eye caught was the projected spent over the next financial year on ‘’Arts, Culture and Events’ … a tasty $40.8million. When you deduct the annual stipend for the V8s – which is certainly in the wasteful millions, since the economic benefits of the annual petrol heads’ paradise have never been quantified, proved or even in evidence to the casual observer.  Give or take a couple more subsidised stadium events, not much left over for the Perc Tucker, the Civic Theatre or  the performing arts in general.

 Seeing Red Over Red Benches

The most tedious and infuriating story of the week – in a crowded field – has to be the Townsville City Council crowing about its Anti-DV White Ribbon Accreditation – their OTT self-promoting coverage would lead a neutral observer to think this was done by wide public demand and is cause for riotous scenes of celebration, with the populous dancing in the streets.  Or so this bit of busted arse virtue signalling by a local government body would have us believe. The truth is somewhat less colourful.

It doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, brown or brindle, if you’re a man, a woman or are still having a think about it, or if you are young, old or in the age-lying years, virtually NO ONE thinks domestic violence is OK. No one thinks it should go unchecked, and no one think perpetrators should not be called out.

But the clear sub-text of all anti-DV campaigning is that ALL MEN are potential abusers, that lurking just below the surface is a brute just waiting the chance to bash – or worse – a woman. And that ALL MEN need to be put on notice that they must control these urges or face dire consequences.  That attitude by influential cliques is as self-defeating as it is mindlessly insulting.

But The ‘Pie for one, does not think we need our local council lecturing us on an issue that is absolutely nothing to do with them. (Anyone reading this last line who witters on in the cliched ‘it is to do with everyone’ is missing the point and has lost the argument. This is a criminal matter, and any amount of posturing and patronising pious mewling will not have any effect whatsoever.

Fine, if the Townsville City Council wants to introduce DV awareness and response training for its staff (one would hope councillors would not require any), so be it. But what we got this week was a lavish – and pointlessly stupid – exercise in virtue signalling aimed at winning votes. OK, a bit of a handover ceremony at council for the White Ribbon Accreditation, yeah, good on yer and all that, now moving on to things you were elected for …. but no, we also got something called the Red Bench project.

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This is one of the most cockamamie ideas any single-issue group has ever come up with. The idea is that communities opt to put red park benches on expensive concrete plinths in various parks and public places where people can meet to discuss domestic violence issues. To quote the famous John McEnroe ‘’ YOU CANNOT BE FUCKING SERIOUS.”

‘Hey, Bert, luv, you’re dinner’s in the oven, I’ve got to pop down to the park red bench to have a chat to Dulcie and Beryl about the scourge of domestic violence. Dulcie’s Neville raised his voice to her the other day. She wanted to come over here to talk about it, but I said, no, Dulc, this is red bench stuff.’

Several communities around Australia have fallen for this utter tripe and its implied demeaning insult. But hey, a photo op is a photo op, and our councillors were out in force to prove to us that they don’t belt their partners. So did they gather around a spiffy new red park bench for a group shot of unsurpassed virtue. Ha! You jest … because TCC, for an unnamed contribution, has installed a red park bench for each and every councillor. Yep, in every division.

All that trouble and this all they got in the Astonisher.

TCC Red Bench in paper Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 10.56.49 am

And that pic on the council chamber’s own red bench gives a clue to where all this came from … CEO Prins The Prince Ralston. He would have been instrumental bringing this inner urban codswallop here as the ultimate manager of TCC staff. Makes him look good and responsible, closed shop violence and emotional mayhem takes many forms, and he should know … he instigated the mass sackings and emotional turmoil in the council with his heinous Nous Report.

This is civic stupidity at the outer edges of believability. But, Jake, forget it, this is Townsville.

But one red bench councillor has received a little more creative attention that the others. This was supplied by an unknown reader.


But The ‘Pie Has An Easy Way To Turn This Negative Into A Community Positive.

Won’t cost much either. Each of these strategically located benches should be repainted, and the TCC website advertise a roster at what time and which day each councillor will be on the appropriate bench to talk to constituents about subjects THEY want to talk about – and you can bet domestic violence will be waaaay down the list.  A couple hours a week would be a great gesture, a bit of that ‘meeting councillors in the flesh’ the paper’s iditor was rabbiting on about last week

Come to think about it, probably not such a great idea, because individual councillors – with a one and a half of notable exceptions – wouldn’t dare utter an opinion on issue without mayor Mullet’s stamp of approval and script. They wouldn’t dare, their place in the wonderfully remunerated arm aerobics class would be in jeopardy.

So the colour for the repainted park benches?

Why, yellow of course.

Petty Politics At Its Worst

The intrusion of team politics into out civic life has distorted a lot of good works that have been done by some councillors. For instance, we were recently treated to this story about a much needed upgrade to the northern beaches Stony Creek boat ramp.

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It featured some words from Hinchinbrook MP Nick Dametto, who was among those instrumental in getting the state money for the work. And for some reason, two photographs both had Clr Kurt Rehbein featured, although the story itself failed to mention him or whatever involvement he had in the matter.  if any.  But someone who had put a lot of time and lobbying into the project didn’t get a look-in …. because she was not on Team Jenny Hill. A petty and spiteful act by an increasingly petty and spiteful mayor.

Sue Blom left out Screen Shot 2021-08-08 at 1.17.06 pm

Some People Never Learn

The Magpie
7,734 approved
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Submitted on 2021/08/09 at 12:56 pm

LGAQ grifter Greg Hallam admits he looks like Jabba The Hutt.

No really, he does, he’s said so.

Greg Hallam 235266443_3687217361378046_4964236000709197000_n

Hallam lawyered up when some folks on FB agreed with him that he looked like Jabba The Hutt, leading him to blubber on about being very hurt and had suffered greatly from the slight of being compared with the crime boss of Planet Tatoonie in the Star Wars franchise. Because of what he himself describes as ‘a passable likeness’ to Jabba.


When he first made this litigious threat over a year ago, The Magpie suggested, looking at his formidable array of chins, that a more suitable nickname should be Pizza The Hut, and has been known as such around here ever since.

But proving he hasn’t the faintest knowledge of what is known as The Streisand Effect, Pizza is now marching off to court. But Ha;lam should be careful Jabba doesn’t counter sue for his look-alike claim.
We shall watch closely, with our poor taste joke book at our elbow.

Missed headline Opportunity Of The WeekScreen Shot 2021-08-11 at 9.24.22 am

a much better head would’ve been ‘MONEY FOR OLD DOPE.’

Mask Madness Continues Apace In America

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Some Fashion News From New York’s Vogue

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A Sense Of Occasion

Everyone's a critic 48dfbc22942e8b3e105c6dc91bf7d754 The Magpie Made It To Another yearly Milestone During The Week, So Here’s Two For The Old Bird

Abstain image001 IMG_4356

And Two Naughty Ones To End On (You’ve Been Warned)

IMG-20210803-WA0000 ABC cuts 43ad3469b003588e182bbf99984ea5fa2ed643b9…….

That’s it for another week, as always you’re invited to join all we ratbags in comments, it’s great fun. And that donation button hasn’t moved from its regular location, right below. Just so you don’t waste too much time looking for it and give up your good intentions.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Al says:

    Happy Day for the nth time young fella!

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Its a balancing act for Prins . On one side his board role at Gladstone Port and future Queensland Government consulting work vs exiting Mayor Hill and her Labor cohorts out of “day to day ” operations of Council business / resources /staff for political gain . Then theres the litany of failed projects associated with the Mayor and her Councillors and restoring the perception of credibility and professionalism to Council widely acknowledged by key business players many who have simply given up and relocated out of the City as they see no future under Team Hill . On the national sporting stage the Cowboys lost their ninth game in a row and the crowd was dismal last night . They have their new stadium , performance centre but their performance ( just listen to the experienced commentators )is bewildering . At least Lancini as Chair was prepared to front the media but the current boards strategy seems to be anonymity leaving the coach to take all the heat .

    • Snowpeas says:

      Speaking of Prins. and his dual role at GPC – seems staff unrest continues at the Corp. with the “Executive Gen. Mngr. People and Community”, reported on around $350,000 recently moving to HR job at Gold Coast CC for considerably less.
      Ongoing shuffling of temporary CEO’s since Board terminated the permanent, with one temporary “transitioned” into new C.O.O role. See C.Mail 20/4/21 re costs.
      Millions being paid to favoured PR Co. due to high turnover of Media Strategists. Last one left after 6 weeks which resulted from a please explain from the Fed. Minister’s office for a released, poorly-written, controversial industrial-related document, authored by a member of the Management Team which included the ‘s’ missing from Ports. Journo was ordered to approve work when it came to light and resigned next day.

      • Mates rates says:

        The GPC Board is stacked with Labor stooges. One of the idiot Board directors was part of Peter Beattie’s “round table” of advisors (whoopy doo). She is a complete incompetent and equally lazy. She owns all the McDonalds stores in town which are filled with underpaid kids and terribly managed. The Board preside over a toxic environment where nepotism has ruled supreme for decades. Hick town run by wankers and wankettes.

  3. Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

    Not sure that the misogynist Magpie, who couldn’t even define domestic violence, is really qualified to opine on the issue and how to prevent it.

    • The Magpie says:

      Ah, there you are Stevie, and how are the little men of the world this fine sparkle arkle morn? Still festering with clenched fists about the cruel trick fate has played on your meagre intellect? Still breakfasting on incorrect and incoherent ad hominen arguments of no relevance to those of us with a wider world view? It’s a diet that, as surely as sugar rots the teeth, surely rots the soul.

      But stay with us, brave little chap, we need you for our innocent amusement here in The Nest, in much the same way in a bygone era, pit bears gave us a thrill until overwhelmed by too many dogs.

      • Contributor says:

        Oh REALLY, Pie? Your only defence is attack? Let’s face it; you and a large number of your male, pale and stale contributors have demonstrated their misogyny time and time again on this blog. Ridicule and attack your critics all you like, but the proof is on this and past pages of this increasingly sad and desperate blog.

        • The Magpie says:

          Defence of what, pray tell? An idiotic comment gets a suitable answer. You are clearly reading the wrong blog, and just by changing your name, Stevie, will not change your cancerous spoits.

    • Alahazbin says:

      SBG, Have you got your little white ribbon to pin on your body? If you haven’t, slip on up to TCC. That have heaps that staff are required to wear. Any department you can gain access to.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        I am weaving a rope out of white ribbons to use in my escape from the Wanker Street Palace.

        Domestic violence is serious, this is a joke.

  4. The red chairman says:

    Interesting colour choice of RED for something related to violence. I thought red is one of the worst colours to use as it isn’t peaceful or calming. (I guess Jenny’s purple choices have a similar negative effect). Can’t wait to see the seats covered in pigeon shit and graffitied by our local grubs. Heck, I reckon some of those chairs will end up a few fathoms deep just off Maggie Island.

  5. Spoilt brat says:

    Jenny Shrill really is a spoilt brat isn’t she? An immature bully., selectively and strategically excluding Sue Blom from the Stoney Creek story is simply pathetic. A spiteful act of revenge. Keep it up Jenny as it only shows you up for the contemptible piece of shit that we already know you are.

  6. Russell the Other says:

    Will there be an inquiry that will be open to the public into the 2019 flooding event. Has Jennies’ disastrous committee pulled the commercial in confidence trick again to avoid the facts coming out or are we to accept it was a freak of nature that couldn’t be avoided.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Russell, They have already had an inquiry and she was found to be in the clear. Of course she would have. The state government handled over responsibility to TCC two days before the release.
      “Jenny you do what ever you like and we will clear you of any wrong doing”

  7. NQ Gal says:

    Following on from last week’s piece regarding the woeful attendance figures for NAFA events at Central Park, I was told that one band performed for 5 people.
    It also appears a lot of people didn’t know where Central Park was, and turned up at Strand Park for a performance. They didn’t bother walking back to their car, driving to the other venue, try to find parking again and turn up late.

    • The Magpie says:

      Where is Central Park?

      • HiBeam says:

        According to Google Maps it appears to be on Ross Creek where the alcoholic’s unanimous mob hangs out. Top spot for a concert, might pick up some other culture too.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Ross Creek East bank between Louths and Victoria Bridges. Unlikely spot for an arts gig. There is an area in the Nt Ward botanical gardens that is used for performing arts gigs. I am guessing now, but could that be the area incorrectly referred to as Central Park?

  8. Dave of Kelso says:

    Regarding the article where a certain Star Wars character is mentioned the unkind comment, “More chins than a Hong Kong phone directory.” comes to mind.

  9. Interested observer says:

    I too had trouble working out where Central Park was but to be fair the council had a map showing its location.
    It’s a strip of grass on the banks of Ross Creek between the foot bridge and the Cowboys stadium.
    Years ago when they released plans for the area they had a floating stage in Ross Creek, but obviously someone woke up that it wouldn’t be easy to get bands on and off the stage, and power supply would be a major headache.
    So the council, at great expense to the ratepayers, paid private companies to supply stage and sound requirements for NAFA.
    It would be interesting to see a cost per attendee estimate for that venue.

  10. Snowpeas says:

    “Violence awareness” – who would risk life and limb sitting on a park bench in Townsville? “We’re for you” becomes more irrelevant by the day. Don’t bother offering comment on little old ladies getting mugged or bashed if you wait at a bus-stop outside a shopping centre or the usefulness of exhorbitant taxpayer-funded TSCAG or young crims thumbing their nose at the law or non-service from state MP’s or terrified residents voicing they live in a volatile, dangerous community – your comment just gets deleted.

  11. The Magpie says:

    Sorry, Plucker, from the outset, The ‘Pie decided not to make light of or any mention of any aspect of this story, because a baby is dead and a family is deeply grieving. Let’s leave this one, eh?

  12. The Magpie says:

    Why does The ‘Pie sense a massive public shit storm approaching?

    • Mates rates says:

      The fuckheads will probably name it the Peter Beattie Arena or The Palasczuk Dome or something ridiculous that feeds the ego of past and present dickhead politicians.

      • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

        What about “Circus Maximus” where they can hand out free food and sacrifice taxpayers to keep the masses entertained to keep their minds off the things happening in the real Maximum Circus in George Street?

        • Critical says:

          No no, no you’ve got it all wrong, the politically correct people, the bleeding hearts mob and Brisbane Inner City Cafe latte mob will demand that it be an indigenous name that no one can pronounce or spell.

  13. Dorfus says:

    Pie, the term used by the ‘unknown reader’ baffles – why ‘Forrest’?

    In keeping with Mooney junior’s new-found interest, he surely would be a ‘Harold’, which would make the senior partner an ‘Albert’. Bet they would now have the 2021 Ephemera prizewinning effort sitting on the back of Hercules’ chariot.

  14. Dave of Kelso says:

    Today sirens being heard on and off throughout the day. Seems that certain citizens of the Upper Ross are more regular clients of the police, etc than other folk from more gentle suburbs. Can hear them as I tap. (These days I tap more than write.)

    This was once a good place to live. A pox on the State Government and their ANTI-SOCIAL housing policies.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Certain parts of Aitkenvale are also becoming houso central thanks to the TCC changes to planning that has allowed for a medium density residential zone. Lots and lots of multi storey social housing units going up in the streets around Stockland.
      I’m yet to see a private developer commit to building anything under this once much touted scheme.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Private developers (notably Lancini) have “built” a number of lovely micro parks where they bought old homes to land bank but the Mullets activation zone floundered like every other half arsed idea she has ever had.

        It is really a war zone now and I worry every time I have to drive through it.

  15. The Magpie says:

    Is Mayor Mullet getting ready to leave town, and is selling up in Douglas? This from a national real estate site.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Struth, mulberry pie filling spilled all over the floor.

      • NQ Gal says:

        This is what happens when people build to their own tastes – not for potential resale. Good on them for standing out in a world of “lets not offend anyone” neutrals.

    • Achilles says:

      Back in the ’70’s, Italian New Australians would mainly drive Purple Valiants!! Maybe the owner was from Ingham!

  16. Humy says:

    Poor old sleepy Joe Biden.


    He should move to Mundingburra, nobody gives a fuck here.

    • The Magpie says:

      Any advice in hindsight for Biden as to what the Americans should have done in Afghanistan to accomodate the vast majority of Americans who wanted out? Perhaps apart from remove to safety all those who assisted the coalition troops BEFORE any announcement was made – ditto bloody Australia.

      • G.I Joe says:

        20 years, 2,000 troop deaths, $3 trillion dollars and millions of Afghani children and women dead = one of the worlds greatest clusterfucks this century. An absolute disgrace. Fucking idiots is all I can utter.

      • Tropical says:

        For one you dont pullout of a war zone in the middle of the fighting season.
        That moron doddering dementia addled Biden should have waited until the Taliban had moved back into Pakistan during the winter season.
        Seven months and he has set America back 50 years.

        • The Magpie says:

          That is a curate’s egg comment … the first part is very good and sensible … the second part is badly addled – if Biden has set the USA back 50 years, that a job well done, recovering from the 220 years Trump set the country back … a net gain of 130 years in seven month!! Go, Joe.

          • Achilles says:

            Just announced on the BBC:

            “Terrorist elite set free from Afghan Guantanamo Bay

            Bagram prison contained the 5000 highest value Taliban, al-Qaeda and IS fighters captured on the battlefield. A Taliban spokesman said they were ‘being evacuated to a safe place”.

            These former prisoners will be looking for blood, as there won’t be any foreigners to vent their vengeance upon. Any locals who did assist the infidel invaders will be paying a very high price.

    • Achilles says:

      Remember the epitome of oxymoron is Military Intelligence.

  17. Old Tradesman says:

    What the mayor does to the independents, and anybody that dares to oppose her, is tantamount to domestic violence and bullying, the red seat is just another corrupt distraction.

  18. Garry says:

    Power mad Anna now going against medical advice.


    What is the point of national cabinet if we can’t work as one coordinated country.

    Well done you have just reinforced to the Antivaxers they a right because there is no benefit getting the vaccine.

    The only zero Anna has achieved is her credibility.

  19. Russell says:

    This unavailability of the Bulletin online is becoming past a joke. Is it a ploy to get us to read the Courier instead?

    • The Wulguru Wonder says:

      It is becoming a regular occurrence.

      I can’t access the Bulletin or the Australian this morning.

      Perhaps Rupert hasn’t paid his internet bill?

    • The Magpie says:

      Soon enough is good enough, hey, eight hours late without explanation (might be one somewhere, but Them ‘Pie hasn’t seen it). Anyway, this just lobbed about 10.30am.

      Fortunately, The Magpie isn’t sufficiently up himself enough to believe iditor Warhurst soiled his small clothing when he received this email in the past hour:

      Morning Craig,

      As journos we all love a good conspiracy theory, so here’s one:

      Is the failure of the digital edition as of this moment and all this morning, the start of the softening up process to drop to a three day a week printed Bulletin, the other days being solely digital. AND with the end view, predicted two years ago, that the Bulletin will eventually become a four page insert in the Courier? The reason I make what would otherwise be an outlandish, ‘heavens-to-Betsy oh goodness me no no ‘suggestion is that there has been absolutely NO explanation for the digital non-appearance ( pre-paid) Bulletin this morning. If no such dark intent is there, why is there no explanation and perhaps the usual shiningly insincere apology to readers who have already paid their subscription?



      PS Perhaps I will ask this question in person on Friday at the NQ Club.

      • The Magpie says:

        Noiw its gone again, but Craig Warhurst has given The ‘Pie an explanation in reply. However, since it was a private email, The ‘Pie is waiting for his OK to publish it- which is a solid explanation, with one major phrase causing an raised eyebrow.

        Townsville Bulletin Digital Print Edition is currently unavailable.
        We will restore normal service as soon as possible.
        We apologise for any inconvenience.

        Connection Failed
        Error 20
        2021-08-17 01:46:04 UTC
        What happened?
        The proxy failed to connect to the web server, due to TCP connection timeout.
        Your IP:
        Proxy IP: (ID 10332-100)
        Incident ID: 332001660061147342-56594010987047307

        • The Magpie says:

          Townsville Bulletin editor Craig Warhurst is happy for his reply to be published:

          Hi Malcolm, thanks for the email.
          The issue is one that is becoming increasingly annoying for us here at the Bulletin.
          A newlook website is being built in the background ATM and that is causing issues with a lot of the sites digital editions.
          Our tech guys are working as hard as they can to fix the issue. Hopefully it will be rectified shortly.
          There are no plans at the moment to drop any days of the printed edition of the Townsville Bulletin. We have had a very good year and things are looking positive for both print and digital.
          I’d be happy to answer any of your questions at the NQ club on Friday.
          Hope to see you there.

          A courteous reply, which is more than any previous incumbent afforded The ‘Pie, but before we get too lovey-dovey – and The ‘Pie hopes he isn not dropping the editor in it (good lord, never!!) – the phrase ‘no plans at the moment to drop any days of the printed edition’ sends one into deep contemplation. ‘… at the moment …’ hangs heavy in the air.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            Very nice reply. I believe you and Craig are now ‘besties’. It touches the heart, it really does. Hopefully the Mullet can learn a thing or two from her employee Craig Warhurst and she will act with kindness towards TCC’s only real Councillor, Fran.

          • The Stasi says:

            Mr Magpie, why are you suggesting a ‘potential conspiracy’ in your comment regarding the Bulletin? IT faults happen all the time. Conspiracy is our department, not yours. Can’t you just accept the response the editor provided without reading anything into it?

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie will overlook your drawback of having German as your first language, but boy, you ain’t been around this town long, have you? In answer to your wide-eyed innocent lament, the answer is ‘no’ – if anybody at the Bulletin said ‘Nice day today’, the first thing a sensible person would do is look out the window. In what part of ‘at the moment’ do you not find a lurking dangled question?


          • Bus man says:

            I am sure the Pie will not be short of questions when he meets up with his mate Craig at the NQC.

            In case you are; ask him about the 2 Cairns nurses (positive with COVID) who visited Magnetic Island, just before the 19-year-old from Sandgate who travelled to Townsville and Magnetic Island from Brisbane.

            I am sure other Nesters can help you out too.

          • The Magpie says:

            What s Craig meant to know about that subject?

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            I think you are reaching for shit there Craig, the Bulletin seems to be a diminishing force, not just in the general domain but within your own corporation as well, why is your latest ad on seek for a reporter only under the Newscorp banner, no mention of the Townsville Bulletin at all. I think the writing is on the wall for you all, but after your papers pissy subservant grovelling to Jenny Hill over the years you all deserve what you get.

          • The Magpie says:

            Many of the current crop of Woodwards and Bernstein’s would be hard pressed to get even graffiti on a wall any credence.

  20. NQ Gal says:

    TCC are being crucified on Facebook regarding the layout of the “all new and improved” rates notice. No one is happy that the amount you actually have to pay is buried on Page 4.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      TCC were told by their staff this new look rates notice was a bad idea. But they chose to ignore the staff. Surprise surprise.

      Apparently the idea behind the new look notice is to prove once and for all that Townsville does not have the highest rates in Queensland. And maybe they aren’t. But now they have the most ridiculously complicated rates notice. And likely a large debt collection bill as ratepayers, confused by the number of pages, pay the wrong amount.

      • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

        There are some “weasel words” I think they are called in this rates situation. Typical of the Weasel Pric from what I have seen.

        What we common punters describe as “rates” are actually made up of multiple components including rates, charges and levies. When you or I look at our rates notice and see the headline figure we call that our rates bill.

        What council is working to prove is that the “rates” portion alone is not the highest in the state. What is unsaid is that the charges for things like waste, water and others are right up there and make the total package stupidity high especially in comparison with what we receive.

        This tactic might work in high school debating, but it is just wankerism from the Little Emperor and Muppet.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        More shit and spin from these fraudsters, if you compare Townsville rates against property valuations we are near the highest in the state, so it’s only our depressed property market that keeps the actual value comparable on a dollar basis. The reality is for the people of Townsville whilst these same incompetent dickheads run the place, values aren’t set to rise anytime soon, and neither should our rates, as the city continues to fail.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie is no finance genius, but all the happy clapping articles about commercial properties changing hands as an indication nof a healthy outlook doesn’t ring true …. the overwhelming impression is that cashed up folks from elsewhere are getting bin on a bargain basement local economy, without any solid plans to build jobs or businesses. just rent collectors or sit-tight investors.

  21. I’ll be plucked says:

    The NT Independent is reporting that the Northern Territory Police Commissioner is reminding criminals that they need to wear a mask when committing offences and if caught will be punished for the law breaking, as well as not wearing a mask!!!

    The world has turned nutsy and the NT Commissioner must be on something; he’d have to be to make such a comment at a press conference, wouldn’t he??! :)

    • The Magpie says:

      Got any proof of that? A link.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Yes, simply google NT Independent Pie.

        • The Magpie says:

          No, no, no, my little chickabiddee, that is a polite way of saying, if you make comments like that YOU supply the link. The ‘Pie is not your bum boy, old son, and neither are other more helpful readers.

          • I’ll be plucked says:

            Your loss then Pie. The NT Independent online news is run by a well respected former NT News journo and reports fearlessly on the serious misgivings of the NT Labor Government, dodgy politicians, the NT Public Service and other community interest issues. A little like you do!

            Ava nice day old mate!

          • The Magpie says:

            You lazy slack-arse. It’s good enough for other nesters to supply links to back their comments, but might tire out your tiny fingers … or are they too busy on other daily tasks under the desk.

  22. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie…I am very surprised!
    You’re a member of a club that had Ross Contarino as a committee member?
    Goodness me!

    • The Magpie says:

      It is very flattering that anyone would believe that an impecunious pensioner like The Magpie could have membership to the hallowed doors of the NQ Club … alas, he is to be the guest of (I suspect a mischievous) friend, who has agreed to ask a question or two on his behalf.

  23. Interested observer says:

    He means in November.

  24. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, speaking of Ross Contarino, who has had his beak into more taxpayer troughs than a flock of Ibis on steroids, check his latest little venture!
    It’s called “Ethical Developments.”
    Now there’s a name that should immediately strike fear into any potential investor.!
    Google it Mr. Pie.
    The website is a perfect example of how people use the “Bullshit Baffles Brains” concept to extract money…

    • Nickster says:

      Ross hasn’t been at ED for nearly a year, he works at NBN co.

      If you’re looking for bullshit statements look a little closer to home Elusive Butterfly;
      Palaszczuk Governments stands for the Labor values of fairness, equality and social justice

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘ …. ordered to make a public admission at a council meeting.’ For a start, he is no longer a councillor, it is the verging on corrupt CCC making an order of this sort of ‘secrecy’ and he’s already said he did it in the belief the material released did not apply to the rules stated.

      This smacks of public self-condemnation and self-criticism popular in gulag countries.

      Hope he tells them to get fucked.

  25. Jenny Wren says:

    It seems the council is cost cutting at the expense of pensioners. The vouchers towards the cost of their lawn mowing has been dropped. It was run by St John’s as per this link:


    They are not available this year. A hard hit to people on limited income but not much saving for the council. Very mean spirited.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Jenny Wren, Also the pensioner rebate on rates has dropped from $199. to $82. Utilities have gone up $25 for the 6 monthly period. Bottom line is that rates have increased, so that page with your rates that say 0% increase is bullshit.

    • Critical says:

      This lawn mowing service was started many years ago before the start of the Commonwealth Home Support Program and the National Disability Insurance Program. Both of these programs provide eligible clients with home maintenance and lawn mowing services so in many ways the TCC Home Lawn Mowing Program was a duplication of these services. There have been persistent rumours over the last few years that many clients were “double dipping” and claiming funding from both services and that St John’s Community Services charged a large administration fee to the lawn mowing program. It is timely that council ceased funding for this lawn mowing service.

  26. Dracula says:

    Isn’t today Dday for mullet? Hope so!

  27. Judge Judy says:

    Doona Hill has pleaded ‘not guilty’ in her appearance in court today. And the Beak had to warn the galley to stop misbehaving. Apparently the galley were not happy. Maurie Sores and Colleen Doyle were there to offer support to our bogan Mayor. I’m sure Prins would’ve like to attend but he only works 3 hours per week.

  28. fwyp says:

    There’s an article in the ABC News

    I note that the motorcyclist was alleged to have run a red light, and was travelling at between 85 and 102km/h
    And the Mayor was talking on her hands free mobile phone.


  29. Elusive Butterfly says:

    NBN eh Nickster? Yet another trough!

  30. Interested observer says:

    There’s a detailed report on the Hill case in the Bully online edition. I’m no legal eagle but it appears the the prosecution is providing evidence that will favour the accused. Most unusual.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not in this town, it isn’t.

      • Dracula says:

        The abc report I thought said that the prosecution told the court that hill didn’t know what colour light she had as she was distracted by talking on the phone. Then said a prudent driver would have stopped. That doesn’t sound like it’s helping hill?

        • The Magpie says:

          Not if that is corrrect, no. But since Hill’s team has said they won’t be calling witnesses for themselves or against the prosecution, seems Ross Mack’s decision comes next. The ‘Pie is wondering if this type of hearing can allow the magistrate to treat it like a preliminary committal matter, and if he deems so, send it for trial in the District or Supreme.

          Unfortunately, The ‘Pie apologises in advance to those commenters who have been sending in helpful material during the morning, but various private matters will have Then ‘Pie. away from The Nest for a while this afternoon. But if there is any major development – which seems likely – he will catch up with readers comments later this afternoon.

  31. Interested observer says:

    Here’s the report:
    UPDATE 11.25AM: Prosecutors have closed their case against Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill who earlier this morning pleaded not guilty to driving without due care and attention causing the death of a motorcycle rider.

    Emotions were high as a number of witnesses gave evidence before Magistrate Ross Mack in Townsville’s Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

    Hill neither gave or called evidence in the case against her.

    • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

      No need to mount a defence if the fix is already in.

      Surprised the judge didn’t find the dead motorcyclist guilty of willful damage against the Muppet’s car.

      This looks like yet another example of the independent Queensland judiciary. Independent of any semblance of justice.

      • The Magpie says:

        Haven’t been across developments, private matters have had The ‘Pie’s attention. Was there any mention of the usual alcohol and drug test that is taken after such a serious accident?

      • Red Seat says:

        Engineer, you are an ignorant wanker. If you had bothered to be present at the proceedings you would have heard both sides of the story and seen the evidence. There was no need for a “fix”, the verdict was obvious.

        • The Magpie says:

          Maybe, but if that being the case, why did the police bring charges? And no, The ‘Pie wasn’t there, but you presumably were, so was there any mention as to whether the mayor was breath tested and then blood tested, as in the usual (but in Queensland only not mandatory) in the case of accidents causing serious injury and death.

          • Red Seat says:

            Why bring charges? There were lots of witnesses, a public figure, heaps of dingbat theories and a coroner to satisfy. The prosecution drew a long bow, threw everything at it and fell short. What better way to clear the air?

          • The Magpie says:

            You’re understanding of ‘clear air’ is curious. The prosecution did everything in its power to ensure an acquittal -‘running dead’ as the saying has it – and Mrs Hill must in all fairness receive the benefit of any doubt. The wider question is now political. Why did the police bring this charge in the first place if they were going to scuttle and white-ant their own case? And their reluctance was obvious by the delay of 9 months in bringing what in the end was a straight-forward and weakly prosecuted charge … lots of smokey back-room deliberations of a political nature in that time, you can rest assured. The expensive ploy appears to be to lay to rest any politically motivated rumours taking on mythological proportions if no charges were laid.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Pie, In todays astonisher, she was breathe tested @ 000 and she volunteered a drug test on which the police at the scene deemed unnecessary.

          • The Magpie says:

            Fair enough. Missed that in any of yesterday’s coverage.

          • Red Seat says:

            “The prosecution did everything in its power to ensure an acquittal -‘running dead’ as the saying has it”. And your source for this is? What I saw and heard at the end of the prosecution case was the prosecutor, who was not an idiot, summing up the case, which was nothing special, and the defence barrister making a submission to the effect that there was no case to answer. Apparently the magistrate agreed with him. No big deal, everyone goes home reputation intact, end of story. Why make shit up?

          • The Magpie says:

            That statement, by which The Magpie stands, is another way of asking ‘why was this charge brought in the first place?’ Senior Sergeant Darryn Casson (as The ‘Pie personally used to know him, although the paper referred to him as Mr.) is no dill and pushover, but in the end, he is a public servant who does what his superiors order him to do. Police prosecutors have always depended on information they are supplied, and do not do any investigative groundwork themselves.The ‘Pie would be willing to confidentially bet that S Sergeant/Mr Casson would have happily chucked the whole thing out, as he occasionally expressed he wished he could to The Magpie back in the days when the old bird infested the courts. And there is no doubt about his integrity … The ‘Pie well remembers the day when he examined his own policeman/witness and concluded publicly that he was not telling the truth and dropped his own case.

            And the term ‘running dead’ can be concluded by an unbiased observer on the evidence presented, and in no way applies to the prosecutor personally who has to deal with the facts given to him … ‘running dead’ was in end what the investigating officers did, simply leaving the dangling question ‘why did they charge Clr Hill in the first place?’ In the reality of Queensland politics, you would be a biased oaf to believe there was no high ranking political dimension to this matter in the background of bringing what has proved to be an expensive waste of time and resources. A detailed police presser a year ago would have sufficed – but that would’ve taken guts by the top brass and the political manipulators..

            And as for your cheerleading, Smacked Bum, you are clearly a child of the unquestioning Moonlight State, and although clearly not of the same politoical persuasion, you are of the Joh ‘don’t you worry your pretty little head about that’ school of public vampirism.

  32. Interested observer says:

    Blood sucker, if you read the TB report the prosecution called a witness who testified that the motorcyclist was speeding and ran a red light.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure that is right. Can you paste the relevant bit.

      • fwyp says:

        From the ABC updated report:

        The court heard that Mr Lynch was affected by methylamphetamine at the time of the crash, had run a red light and was driving over the speed limit — at between 85 and 102 kilometres per hour.

        • fwyp says:

          The same amended ABC report now shows CCT of the incident.
          Awful to contemplate from both sides of the argument.

        • The Magpie says:

          Selective quoting always unhelpful. For instance, Hill gave testimony that she was talking on her hands free phone at the time she made the fatal turn – that said in isolation of everything else would be as grossly unfair as your amateur attempts at being a legal boffin seeking a politically motivated game shot and match (you’ve got form fwyp).

          • fwyp says:

            I’m sorry ‘Pie,

            But you did ask the Observer to “Paste the relevant bit” about the red light and speeding.

            That’s exactly what I did. You asked for a selective quote and you got it.

          • The Magpie says:


  33. Last Drinks says:

    Not Guilty. Great gnashing of teeth by the RWNJs on here. Commiserations to the deceased persons family.

    • Contributor says:

      Exactly. NOT GUILTY. The motorcyclist was at fault. The end of all the conspiracy theories and hatred against the Mayor by her many vitriolic detractors in this blog?
      No…they’ll find plenty of other reasons to deride her.
      Give the poor woman a break; she’s had a terrible time with this incident. Lay off, you bitter and twisted haters.

      • The Magpie says:

        You’re a prize, biased boofhead, mate (or is that Jenny Junior speaking?), The ‘Pie went to some lengths to ensure that Jenny Hill’s dismal performance in office was not linked as part of any commentary here about this matter of law. Conflating what you term ‘vitriolic detractors’ with this matter simply doesn’t stand up to any fair examination. And might the Magpie add you DO NOT SEE many of the comments that were not accepted, and there were plenty on this matter. ‘Lay off’, you say … what do you mean, stop talking about this matter? Then yes, this is by and large the end of it (unless the family chooses a civil lawsuit, and they won’t), but if ‘giving the poor woman a break’ means that The Magpie and others on this blog should stop their close and continued examination of her ruinous rule of this city, not a fucking chance, sport 9or sportette.)

        • Long time fan says:

          Mr Magpie, thanks for the laugh, I nearly spat my coffee when I read this comment.
          From your pages, I’ve read (not necessarily from you) of a police cover up, the judicial system dragging out the proceedings, and now a fix of the verdict, not to mention the judge being possibly “overawed” by the presence of the top barrister.

          Please, continue to call our city “leaders” to account by all means.

          I’ve read your work for the best part of my young (haha) life but unfortunately I must agree with some posters that the vitriol (and conspiracy theories) on these pages go too far. Of course I realize that you cannot control opinions of your commenters but you seem to cheerlead some of this garbage.
          Quite a shame as the blog at one stage was more measured than fakebook. Not so much now.

      • Judge Judy says:

        Good morning Celine.

    • Mummy’s girl says:

      Lara jumping to Mummy’s defence. How sweet! Good morning. You couldn’t resist commenting, could you? Do you wear purple too?

      • Dutch Reverend says:

        How can you all get it so wrong. Celine is Mullet. Not her daughter. Mullet has a few chug-a-lugs and jumps immediately to her own defence in the third person as all good narcissists do.

  34. Interested observer says:

    Does this sound like a witness for the prosecution or the defence?

    “Anna Smith was the last of 11 prosecution witnesses who were passing through the intersection that morning and called to give evidence in the case.

    She told the court she was travelling on Ross River Road on January 30 last year, and was turning right onto Nathan Street when she noticed a motorbike.

    She gave evidence she heard the motorcycle’s engine and then noticed it overtaking to her left

    “I was just thinking ‘he is in a rush, he wants to get through these lights’,” Ms Smith said.

    “The mother in me was just like ‘please slow down and have some good sense’.
    “It was very loud … I thought ‘please do not run that light you are either committing suicide or on drugs’.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Interesting that a magistrate actually allowed that evidence, although there was no jury to sway … the witnesses thoughts on the matter are totally irrelevant to the issue of culpability … or anything else for that matter. Just wondering if the usually solid Ross Mack was a bit overawed, especially with one of the state’s … perhaps Australia’s … heavy hitting barristers.

      But now comes the backwash. Mayor Mullet made a point – she hardly could not have – that she was talking to a senior member of council staff at the time, so does this mean technically she was working, and therefore covered by council insurance (LGAQ affiliated probably)? So when it filters down, the ratepayer is coughing up for her top-shelf legal defence?

      • Dorfus says:

        Your thinking on the Mullet’s car being her workplace leads to another thought – her duty of care under the WHS legislation (Part 2 Health and safety duties) and whether Worksafe Queensland may now prosecute.

        • The Magpie says:

          Unlikely in light of the verdict.

          • Dorfus says:

            Maybe, but Worksafe has a different focus and works under different legislation. Carelessness contributing to a fatal accident is a criminal matter. Failure to exercise duty of care towards another person when operating in the workplace is another matter. TCC has already had experience with Worksafe Queensland in regard to another road death tragedy where the victim was not entirely blameless. Time will tell.

  35. I’ll be plucked says:

    Re Hill matter. So, can we presume, based on the evidence given, that henceforth any member of the public is ok to be talking on their phone hands free whilst driving and it’s acceptable to be distracted to the point where they can’t say (or won’t say) what colour the traffic light was at the time that they drove through?!!

    Pluck me, this really is annoying and probably precedent setting for any future motor vehicle accidents?

    • Non Aligned Worker says:

      Plucker – Interesting that this intersection now has a red no turn arrow and a green turn arrow for those tuning into the street. Before the accident you could turn on the main green light.

  36. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Seems there is always something to learn in life, like if you are going to drive without due care and attention and kill someone, try to ensure the person you kill is a speeding drug addict and divert all the responsibility away from yourself, works a treat.

  37. One legged tap dancer says:

    The time has come to accept the verdict in the Hill case and move on.
    But there are some aspects of the way the case evolved in court yesterday that have left me and some highly qualified legal friends scratching our heads.
    For example, one of the videos on the Townsville Bulletin website clearly shows a police officer saying he had given “Jenny” a breath test, adding that he thought it would come back negative.
    Yet there has been no mention of the result of breath test since. Perhaps the police could clear up the matter by confirming that it did indeed come back negative.
    But the most puzzling aspect of the court case is that, according to both the Townsville Bulletin and ABC reports, all 11 witnesses for the prosecution testified that the motorcycle rider was either speeding, ran a red light, or both.
    One even suggested that he must have been trying to commit suicide or was on drugs.
    So why did the police prosecutor bother calling witnesses who basically ensured there would be an accquital?
    And more importantly, given the overwhelming evidence the police gathered in favour of the accused, why was she charged in the first place?
    Could it be that she was charged purely to avoid public outcry that the mayor received special treatment because of her position and her political leanings?
    I hope not.

    • Sam1 says:

      In relation to the breath test what the officer said was “all come back negative”

    • Grumpy says:

      Tippy Tappy, the prosecution has an obligation to tender all evidence, even that of an exculpatory nature.

      However, given the fact that there was very little, if any, evidence produced that tended to support the charges, one must wonder if the decision to charge her in the first place was more political than a true assessment of the known facts. Understandably so, perhaps, imagine the outcry if a decision was made NOT to charge her.

      Anyhow, time to move on.

      • The Magpie says:

        Not if there is political corruption is involved. But certainly it is time to lay the matter of Mayor Hill’s involvement to rest – which on the evidence is a fair outcome.

  38. Troll watch says:

    Looking on the comments on facebook we can see that “Celine” has magically reappeared from the deep. She hasn’t been seen making pro Hill/pro council comments for a year.

    If you’re going to support your family member at least do it under your real name so you have more credibility. We all know who you actually are.

  39. Critical says:

    So the results of the Crovid-19 test on the Pimlico High School student are released and WTF does the Astonisher do, put the story behind their payroll.
    Does this bullshit paper have any sense of community responsibility or obligation at all on such an important whole of community issue? Couldn’t they have just let the community read the result and ally their fears. Putting this story behind the pay wall isn’t going to get you extra readers. People will just search elsewhere like I did and found the information on the schools Facebook site.

  40. Dave of Kelso says:

    While poking around for info on the Mullet’s court case yesterday I came across Chloe Chonicki, a Townsville based ABC reporter. There were a number of her reports on Townsville matters that did not make the main ABC news website. Her link is below. I hope this is helpful.

    Chloe Chomicki – ABC News

  41. Moment says:

    Just received my new look four- page TCC Rate Notice and all in multi color. Same info last year on two and half pages even with ‘This space left intentionally blank’. Tis a bit confusing on how much you have to pay, with less discount this year for prompt payment. Notice Doug Kingston previously noted and letter to Ashtonisher 16.8.21, from the extra information sheets, now six pages, a snapshot of what this budget means for you. Townsville $40.8 for Major Events, Cultural, Civic Theatre, Galleries and Libraries while identifying the same from the Cairns Budget at $4.2M. Including $1m to attract Major Events. Yes, Townsville your rates at work, maybe we could save a few dollars and print in B & W and also reduce paper waste although looking forward to all those Big $$ Events next year.

  42. Mike Douglas says:

    Channel 7 local news reported T.C.C . have failed to deliver the rain forest lights on the way to the stadium . Announced by the Mayor 9th June 2020 $6.5 mil State Government / $1.5 mil Council . Scott Stewart buck passed and said it was up to Council to deliver the project . None of the Councillors were available for comment but a Council spokesman said ” this isn’t the right time for the project ” ? . The question is , when is the right time ? was the $1.5 mil in last years Council budget or this year . Council can’t deliver a $2 mil cafe on Castle hill , $8 mil lights but they can deliver Lansdown ? .

  43. StrandBat says:

    Jonathan McBurnie has folders worth of complaint cases against him for chauvinism, racist comments, and tyrant behavior in the workplace. Just speak to any ex-gallery team member or the Union. Or speak to any artist that’s not one of his favourites. It’s about time they kicked him and his nepotism out! He plays a genuine character to outsiders but it’s a different story working with him. His team does 100% of the work and he claims it all as his own. Don’t be fooled by this article which was obviously written by him. It has his voice all over it!

    • The Magpie says:

      What article?

    • The Magpie says:

      Since you have chosen to name McBurnie openly and make claims against him without offering any documentary evidence (dates and nature of complaints – and ‘nepotism’/), please supply your real name for publication or your comment will be deleted.

      • StrandBat says:

        Speak to any female staff member of the gallery.

        • The Magpie says:

          No, YOU speak to any female member of the gallery, and try to convince them to come out from behind their fluttering whisper fans, and if things are as bad as you say, display some good old gals #MeToo gusto. No? Too frightened for their jobs? OK then, you obviously know the story so YOU come out with your name and take the good fight up to McBurnie and the council department responsible. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

      • Ultralux says:

        Not the same commenter as OP but I have heard the same complaints about McBurnie. It was an open secret that he wanted to limit/minimise any indigenous content in the galleries.

  44. Cheech and Chong says:

    Most of the TCC elected mob sound like a bunch of whacked out dope heads, not unlike us. The scary part is, none of them are probably on the wacky-baccy and this is how they behave and do business all the time!!!

    • The Magpie says:

      How dare you, sirrah!!! These are the selfless folk (for the usual selfless fee of $120k per) who are on the job 24/7, as we were informed by the iditor of the Astonisher Craig Warhurst recently.

      And as proof to repudiate your churlish assertions, here hot off the press is a media release from the council this morning from one councillor, who doubtlessly toiled into the early hours composing vital information for us to excitedly share. And The Magpie warns that he will not publish any sniggering comments about this being buzzword bullshit of the highest order, denigrating the skill and vision it takes to hang some fairy lights in trees.

      Date published: 19 August 2021

      New innovative and sustainable lighting has been installed in trees along Picnic Bay’s dining strip.

      The project includes warm white lights in the trees adjacent to the bay, and brighter coloured lights in trees close to the Picnic Bay Hotel, beer garden and mall.

      Council Community Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability Committee chairperson Maurie Soars said the lights are safe for the trees and people and have been installed to encourage more use in the area.

      “The installation of this lighting in areas like Picnic Bay is a way for Council to enhance our open spaces and showcase our natural environment,” Cr Soars said.

      “These were some of the most highly rated values for liveability in Townsville, as indicated by residents in our Liveability Survey.

      “These lights are locally produced, programmable, ultra-low voltage, and human and plant friendly so there is no risk to the trees or to the children that play in the trees.

      “We’ve had similar lights on the trees at The Strand for some time now and they’ve done really well in that space, so I’m glad we could try them on the Island too.”

      • Lord Howard Hertz says:

        Will the TCC also clean up the messy stains on the footpath when one of the children playing in trees falls out? Or will they have to leave the ‘evidence’ until the court case is finalised? You know the one, where the city councillor is sued for encouraging children to climb trees.

      • Parson Blossomnose says:

        Question for Clr Maury Soars.

        What method did you use to quantify that “We’ve had similar lights on the trees at The Strand for some time now and they’ve done really well in that space….”. How does a light do really well, except for not going out? Do they grow a few watts from their happy environment? Do they turn fluorescent in their delight?

        Don’t get me wrong, Maury, I reckon your worth every cent of your $120k, keep up the good work.

      • NQ Gal says:

        I just want to know where the mythical Picnic Bay dining strip is. There was the pub and nothing else when I was over there a month or so back. Then again, maybe lunchtime on a Sunday is not the best time to try and find an eatery.

      • Cheech and Chong says:

        Mr Magpie, those lights are oh so very pretty and dance around like nothing on earth when we look at them each evening. After partaking of wacky-baccy though. No wacky-baccy, they’re just lights in trees!

  45. Interested observer says:

    Just a question re Jenny Hill’s acquittal.
    If she hadn’t turned right against the amber/red light, would the deceased motorcyclist have crashed into anything?

    • The Magpie says:

      Please cut and paste and send in the court evidence that said she turned against an amber or red light? If there is any proof that she did, on either colour, then this is a travesty of justice and very appealable. Didn’t happen one suspects, but we all await your special info.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        I think the Magpie has woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, a bit cranky at StrandBat.

        • The Magpie says:

          And why not, pray tell, Pickled Herring? When The Magpie floats some rumour or other, he has generally made all possible inquiries to present some background or documentary matter pointing towards his conclusion. He resents those using this blog for cowardly potshotting without even trying provide anything like that – despite the claim that there is a folders worth of complaints against McBurnie. That many and the famously touchy PS Union hasn’t acted? Or are they only touchy when it comes to pay issues?

          And please note, The Magpie has never met or socialised with McBurnie, and has had exactly four polite email exchanges with him over the past six years. He could be Edward SlinkyHands for all The ‘Pie knows, but unlike Strandbat, The ‘Pie requires some sort of evidence before making unsubstantiated claims behind a pseudonym. .

      • Russell says:

        Here you go, ‘Pie:
        “I accept that Ms Hill has entered the intersection while facing an amber light, it does not, to my mind, exhibit undue care and attention,” Magistrate Mack said.”

      • Quiet Spectator says:

        Magpie, according to ABC reporting the magistrate conceded in summary that the mayor turned against an amber light, but apparently that wasn’t undue care.
        While I believer our mayor to be a horrible bully and an incompetent leader, I totally appreciate this could happen to anyone and it would have been a terrible situation to be in. In fact I don’t necessarily disagree with the ruling. The question is though whether “anyone” would end up with the same result….and that we’ll never know.

        Extract from ABC report by Chloe Chomicki
        Posted Wed 18 Aug 2021 at 10:20amWednesday 18 Aug 2021 at 10:20am, updated Wed 18 Aug 2021 at 5:57pm

        “I accept that Ms Hill has entered the intersection while facing an amber light, it does not, to my mind, exhibit undue care and attention,” Magistrate Mack said.
        “What Ms Hill could not have made an assessment was the speed of which Mr Lynch approached the intersection.”
        “I am unable to conclude beyond reasonable doubt that Ms Hill drove without due care and attention.”
        Magistrate Mack said the driving of Mr Lynch was “inherently dangerous”.
        “His own motorcycle was the cause of his death,” he said.
        “The defendant is found not guilty of the charges and is discharged.”

      • Scientician79 says:

        The Magistrate himself said she did?

        “I accept that Ms Hill has entered the intersection while facing an amber light, it does not, to my mind, exhibit undue care and attention,” Magistrate Mack said.

        From this article, on ABC news.


      • Red Seat says:

        A day ago you had had enough of the evidence-free debate about the Hill car crash: “But certainly it is time to lay the matter of Mayor Hill’s involvement to rest – which on the evidence is a fair outcome.”

        Now, you have decided to bring it up again: “If there is any proof that she did [turn against an amber or red light], on either colour, then this is a travesty of justice and very appealable.”

        If you had read the linked ABC News article provided by Kelso Dave yesterday you would have seen: “I accept that Ms Hill has entered the intersection while facing an amber light, it does not, to my mind, exhibit undue care and attention,” Magistrate Mack said.

        All this stuff was aired in the court. The prosecution had every opportunity to make a case about the lights and the phone call but they fell short. There is no travesty of justice. The case is over.

        • The Magpie says:

          Having been further informed by Interested Observer – as you will have read – another matter is now raised for The Magpie. This should be appealed and taken to a higher court and perhaps a jury, how in plain simple terms of English Magistrate Ross Mack could reach that conclusion gives rise to grave doubts about the process. There can be absolutely no doubt that Jenny Hill contributed negligently to the death of the motorcyclist by ‘entering a cross traffic manoeuvre on amber’ while talking on her hands free phone.

          • Red Seat says:

            You are relying on (or desperately clinging to) Interested Observer being faithful to the facts – which they are not. There was no “amber/red” light against Hill. She perfectly legally crossed the intersection on an AMBER light. Either IO was not present in the court to hear the actual evidence or they have deliberately dragged a red herring into this already vacated forum – or both.

          • Red Seat says:

            Is there some conflict here? A driver must stop for an amber light IF IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. If the driver is already turning under an amber light it is LEGAL to continue with the turn. This matter was dealt with in detail in the court. It is not covered in any detail in the media. You are relying on second hand and second rate information from at least one dubious source.

  46. Interested observer says:

    From: https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/townsville/townsville-mayor-jenny-hill-acquitted-over-fatal-crash-charge/news-story/5d5e1109ef58be0769273c4e656c8f3d

    “Cr Hill’s car entered the intersection despite an amber light and began turning right into Alfred Street. She spoke on the phone using hands free and as her car crossed the line the light turned red.”

    From https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia/townsville-mayor-jenny-hill-pleads-not-guilty-over-crash-that-killed-motorcyclist/ar-AANqSFr

    “I accept that Ms Hill has entered the intersection while facing an amber light, it does not, to my mind, exhibit undue care and attention,” Magistrate Mack said.

    “What Ms Hill could not have made an assessment was the speed of which Mr Lynch approached the intersection.”


    Ms Hill was also asked whether she had a green light to make the turn.

    “I was talking [on the phone],” she replied.

    Police prosecutor Darryn Casson said Ms Hill’s response proved she was not paying attention “because she couldn’t tell officers what light she had”.

    Mr Casson said the case against Ms Hill was that she drove without due care and attention by not stopping at an amber light while in a conversation on her hands-free mobile phone.”

    • Bentley says:

      What is all this nonsense about stopping at an amber light? The amber light is there to tell us that we will SOON HAVE TO STOP FOR A RED LIGHT. So if it is safe to do so (that is if another vehicle is not too close astern and you are sufficiently far away from the intersection) you SHOULD stop at an amber light. But if not you should proceed. It requires judgement. Remember judgement? That’s the skill that has been removed by red arrows and other excessive regulation. Just sayin’. Correct me if you wish.

  47. HiBeam says:

    Are the personalised plates CANVAS BACK and 007 available? If so do you think a public subscription could be taken up to buy them for the worthy public serpents who represent me in Townsville and Mundingburra?

  48. Dave of Kelso says:

    From Broome to Townsville, it seems to be in their DNA. What hope is there for the good folks.


  49. Louise says:

    Front page, really? Heartless bitch! Karma is on it’s way.

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