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(Cyber)space Junk

Tuesday, August 5th, 2014   |   2 comments

Good for a giggle-break

Want to learn Italian, but keep quiet about it. There’s the old line about the only way to make Italians shut up is to tie their hands behind their backs. Here’s a starter lesson in Itie as she is signed.


Now, in this unsubtle, show-all, let it all hang out (literally in most cases) world of no titillating mystery or old fashioned daydreaming, The Magpie rates this pic of an unfortunate young lady as the sexiest around.


The ‘Pie was thinking of starting a ‘Bring Back the Bush’ campaign, but realised with his luck, we’d get George W back again.

They say that sex remains popular because it’s centrally located, so blokes (and some gals) will always be drawn in by a chance glimpse of what, in Victorian novels, was called ‘forbidden fruit’ – although it’s doubtful the word ‘pussy’ was a euphemism in those days.


There’s another approach for the geeky Big Bang Theory fellas, if humour doesn’t go down that well.


Oh, still my beating …ummm … heart. But it would seem none of the above would be of interest to the Cowboys RL players, if the Townsville Bulletin aka the Daily Astonisher is to be believed (the jury still out on that one).

Camp cowboy

In this modern world of terror, horror and general bastardry, wise words from the past should be heeded.

In fact, the player most prominent in the pic is Antonio Winterstein, who is precisely the type one WOULDN’T see having a cherry diaquiri decorated with a bamboo umbrella down at the Sovereign Hotel. One wonders if The Bulletin realised their unintended gaffe, because a few days later, Antonio and his family – partner Brooke and youngsters Harlan and Milanah – were the front-page feature family in the Astonisher’s special insert ‘Townsville Families’.  Nothing wrong with any lifestyle choice, but best to be the true one.

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Hey, with all us poor people struggling to fill up with gas, here’s an idea that should be revived just to let us know what’s going where.


As if pollies around the world don’t have enough media minefields to tread through, in Scotland, the bloke leading the charge for independence from Britain has to contend with this.

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It’s an image problem in the commercial world,too, but you’d think a huge corporation would have a bit more foresight.


… and even everyday, wholesome product have their perception pitfalls.


Best keep the door close and use the back.


And here’s something you WON’T find at Starbucks … only a small coffee shop in Scotland could come up with something that extra bit special with your morning caffeine – especially if you’re a pretty lassie.


… and the next day, the next step …


… and if the barista gets knocked back, here’s next mornings message.


How to make people buy advertising on your website – The Magpie might start putting a pic up of Jenny Hill in a bikini, with the same message.


Top 5 Smart Arse answers………….

It was mealtime during a flight on a British Airways plane:
“Would you like dinner?” the flight attendant asked the man seated in the front row.
“What are my choices?” the man asked.
“Yes or no,” she replied.SMART ARSE ANSWER 4
A lady was picking through the frozen Chickens at a Woolworths store but she couldn’t find one big enough for her family.
She asked a passing assistant, “Do these Chickens get any bigger?”
The assistant replied, “I’m afraid not, they’re dead.”

The policeman got out of his car and the teenager he stopped for speeding rolled down his window.
“I’ve been waiting for you all day,” the Cop said.
The kid replied, “Well I got here as fast as I could.”
When the policeman finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket.

A truck driver was driving along on a country road.  A sign came up that read ” Low Bridge Ahead.”
Before he realised it, the bridge was directly ahead and he got stuck under it.
Cars were backed up for miles  Finally, a police car arrived.
The policeman got out of his car and walked to the truck’s cab and said to the driver, “Got stuck, eh?”
The truck driver said, “No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of diesel!”
A teacher at West Australian High School reminded her pupils of tomorrow’s final exam.
“Now listen to me, I won’t tolerate any excuses for you not being here tomorrow  I might consider a nuclear attack, a serious personal injury, illness, or a death in your immediate family, but that’s it, no other excuses whatsoever!”
A smart-arsed teenager at the back of the room raised his hand and asked, “What would happen if I came in tomorrow suffering from complete and utter sexual exhaustion?”
The entire class was reduced to laughter and sniggering..
When silence was restored, the teacher smiled at the student, shook her head and sweetly said,
“Well, I would expect you to write the exam with your other hand.”




Great tit tweak fo a very unpleasant old turkey.





An oldie but a goldie – still raises a laugh – unless your a Yank.



Which is one reason The Magpie steers clear of Facebook as much as possible.

Adorable kids story


Speaking of adorable …. Look what the cat dragged in.

They do things differently in China.


And this sort of fits in here … no fighting, please, plenty of Braised Intestine Surface to go round.

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Which puts one in mind of the Berk of Edinburgh’s comment during a speech in China years ago ” If it’s got legs and isn’t a chair, if it flies and it isn’t a plane and if it moves in the ocean and isn’t a submarine, the Chinese will eat it’.

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