Why this blog exists...

The Magpie

Saturday, September 30th, 2023   |   133 comments

Going, Going … Gong! Jenny Hill Gives Townsville The Royal Finger

The reason why Jennifer Lorraine Hill OA didn’t get her Kings Birthday honour at the recent ceremony here in Townsville. I mean, goodness, Townsville, m’dear, really?

But ya gotta hand it to her, Madam Mullet is a past master at smoke and mirrors (or Dolan is),  as seen in her clever stance on the Strand high rise approval.

The Angry Ant takes on Potty Mouth – after pulling out of the mayoral race, Paul Jacob takes another tilt at council, this time as a councillor. He’ll face of with the scatalogical Margie Ryder in Division 1.

And it should be a regular feature: this week’s epic fails by the Daily Astonisher … AGAIN promoting lawbreakers and lawbreaking – on the front page FFS –   and reporter Light-On Smith failing to ask the crucial and oh-so-bloody-obvious question in his Paul Jacob story.

Before we dive in, a polite request: While this blog keeps rolling out every week, the bills keep rolling in at the same rate. Any much-needed assistance you can offer will be greatly appreciated. The donate button is at the bottom of the blog.

 Have Sides Of The Voice Argument Talked Themselves To A Standstill?

We were told to expect a high velocity whirlwind final four weeks of the Voice to Parliament referendum campaign, with both sides pulling out their heavy calibre arguments. Maybe it’s just The ‘Pie, but that doesn’t seem to have happened, there seems to be an air of exhausted resignation from both sides. The Yes folks have continued with their fact free kumbaya peace, love and vegetables assurances that’ll we’ll all feel good about everything if we vote yes, while the No crowd seem to realise that they really don’t have to say anything much that could further enhance what the polls overwhelmingly say is a done deal for their point of view.  The ham acting and overstatements of Noel Pearson to the National Press Club during the week didn’t seem to inspire animosity in the No camp, just a yawn. Nor did it spark some rejuvenation in the Yes group.  Bentley was unimpressed.

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So now we just seem to be disconstalantly slouching towards October 14 like we’re wading through knee deep recirculated waters.  But there’s still plenty of work up this way for indigenous outfits to help the needy among them, as witnessed by the help wanted columns in the weekend papers.

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Oh So Clever, Clever, Clever, Mayor Mullet …

...or was it Dolan, seems a bit too smart for the Golden Girl of Walker Street.
A classic case of how to get a win, win and get an extra win all at once. It involves this story ...
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 But when we get into the article, the reader could be forgiven for thinking that The Nest's favourite reporter Light-On Smith had made a blunder when we see this:

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But apologies, Light-on, you were Spot-on. Yes, the mayor and Clr O'Callaghan agreed on something.  But for different reasons.
Clr O'Callaghan voted against the development because the TCC planning department gave it the green light because of projected council regulations on zoning and park in the future ... she wanted the decision made on existing conditions, not some if and maybe by council officers.
But how brilliant is this from the mayor’s campaign managers? 
Here’s how it works: Jenny Hill wants to be seen as the engine driver of the runaway Townsville economic train (she thinks) and really wants the development to go head – for whatever open or hidden reason. But it’s a controversial planning matter, which could lose her crucial support among her older ‘good old days’ rusted-on fans out in Voterland. What’s a gal to do? Why, easy answer, call in VoteBusters Dolan Hayes, who sees an ewasy win. He suggests Jenny bend the shell-pinks of councillors, tapping on the shoulder the dociley compliant Suzy Basketball and Ma Greaney, the local division rep who will garner votes by voting no. The mayor doesn’t have to ask how the only true independent Fightin’ Fran O’Callaghan will vote. All the other councillors are under strict riding orders to get the approval through.
And they do, with the outcome, Mayor Mullet can point to the vote to prove her oft repeated jest that the councillors are all independent, she gets the approval she wants even though voting against it, and the TCC will avoid an otherwise inevitable legal stoush and sooner rather than later get all the approval and planning costs, along with the ratings bonanza,18 million dollar+ apartments and a new restaurant will bring.
And the cherry on top of all this is Jenny Hill can legitimately if deviously claim that she and Fran can agree on some issues, thus blunting Clr O’Callaghan’s claim of a personal vendetta.
Well played, Dolan. Is this a solo effort, mate, or your first gig with your new position with Labor PR spinners Rowlands?
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On The Block

When it comes to the crunch with rates, the TCC doesn’t muck around … but one wonders is this from today’s Astonisher more than usual, and an indication of tougher times in Townsville.


The Angry Ant To Take On Potty Mouth …

“We need a lot more input from councillors who think differently. It shouldn’t be a council of one, it should be a council of 11.”

With that policy statement, former TCC rogue councillor, the bad tempered Paul Jacob puts the wind up the the mayor’s purple doona, with his decision that he’s is up and running again for a chair at the Walker Street table … and he wants to bring a broom.

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He had announced that while family matters wouldn’t allow him to run for the onerous job of  mayor (onerous? – spare me!), but he now says his wife’s improved health would allow him to manage a councillor’s role again. Oh, the sacrifice of the man.  Good god, like, who couldn’t manage being a councillor?

So he will take on Clr Potty Mouth, Margie Ryder in Division 1.

And The Magpie was flattered that someone has caught up with the eminently sensible and surely obvious idea of reinstating light rail to the suburbs north and south and maybe west to ease road congestion. The ‘Pie has always argued at the rail motors to Ingham and to Ayr had worked well, and he has never been able to work out why the rail motor network wasn’t enhanced and upgraded instead of dumped.

(A humblebrag moment, if The ‘Pie may.) Having drinks on the Nest’s balcony with the then Clr Kid Crisafulli more than 16 years ago, The ‘Pie expressed his enthusiasm for the light rail idea, to which Crisafulli replied’ It will never work and I’ll tell you why.’ But at that moment, we were interrupted by a new caller and David never did say why light rail wouldn’t work. But time has proved The Magpie’s faith in the idea to be more than valid.

But back to Mr Jacob:  the description ‘bad tempered’ isn’t necessarily meant as a slur … who wouldn’t be bad tempered in the face of Mayor Jenny Hill’s duplicity and opaque policy decisions. While his disquiet was the general lack of transparency, you’ll remember Jacob was particularly outraged about the Adani airstrip affair that the mayor wanted to throw $18.5m of ratepayers money at an Indian billionaire for an airstrip 400kms away. That ostensibly led to Jacob’s quitting council, but let’s not be too cute about this … a Labor stalwart, Jacob had his eye on chances at higher office at state. Didn’t work.

But this return to the political arena is based on a major challenge to Mayor Mullet. Apart from local populist stuff like light rail north and re-opening the Jensen waste facility, he concisely summed up his platform which is likely to resonate with many. He told the Bulletin:

“I’ve always advocated a back to basics approach in council, even when I was a councillor.

 Roads, drainage water and these sorts of things are much more important, I believe, than the things the council are throwing money at.

“We didn’t do enough to consider the suburbs of Townsville, (the council’s approach) was too city-centric. We need a lot more input from councillors who think differently. It shouldn’t be a council of one, it should be a council of 11.”

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Reporter Leighton Smith

And that is where reporter Leighton ‘Light-On’ Smith stayed true to form and failed to ask Paul Jacob the most obvious of questions to which readers on all sides want to know, to wit: “Since your policies are so closely aligned with those of Fran O’Callaghan, will you be supporting her in her bid for the top job?’

Light-On has previously told us here that the paper doesn’t like getting into politics because then they might have to report every little squabble. Which is kinda to The ‘Pie’s mind what the job is all about.

That’s like a boxer saying he loves his sport but doesn’t like hitting people. Or getting hit.

Just Stop and Reflect For A Moment – How Brave Is This Woman? 

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Mayoral candidate Fran O’Callaghan

‘Stubborn’ and ‘obstinate’ are among words often used to describe Clr Fran O’Callaghan, by her detractors as an insult, and by her supporters as praise and admiration.

But agree or disagree with Fran O’Callaghan, no one seems to have publicly noted the personal courage of the woman. Because it cannot be easy thing to monthly face the daunting prospect of sitting among an entire council room knowing to every man and woman there is against you for more reasons that immediate issues before them.

Councillors, comfortable in their  Jenny-anointed sinecure, feel they are safe as long as they don’t rock the boat. A CEO and a snide legal officer are of the same opinion. Yet week after week, in council and committee meetings, shrugging off the effects of a hard won battle against cancer, Clr O’Callaghan enters a lion’s den, unafraid because she believes the ratepayers of this city are being stiffed by incompetence, greed and shady political deals, all done for self-interested priorities. She even attended a council meeting by phone while being driven to an appointment at the cancer clinic.

But of course, personal regard aside, the question that must be asked is would Frances O’Callaghan be a good mayor? In The Magpie’s view, as the civic leader, her stubbornness and obstinacy would need to be tempered by experienced advice about process, consequences and outcomes of her policies. But her main issue is of financial transparency and probity. This aspect is highlighted by her questioning of the latest 4%-50% increase in councillor campaign expense  funding (although allocated as monies to used for matters at the councillor’s discretion in their division, be assured it is nothing else but campaign money, and no coincidence in an election year. The mayor was unable to give an understandable and believable account of where the money came from.

That’s a typical example of why Fran believes financial transparency is so urgently needed in Walker Street and much of the public believe is long overdue.

So, while it might be said that her greatest drawback is her blunt honesty,  would she be a good mayor? In The ‘Pie’s view, Fran O’Callaghan would be refreshingly better than the lying, conniving, vindictive and arrogant publicity hound alternative.

Wonderful Things, Words – There’s One For Just About Every Occasion

Some highly useful words have fallen into disuse, but some are making a comeback, for obvious reasons.

Like the one word that sums up Mayor Mullet ‘s reaction when she read Jacob’s policy statement: “We didn’t do enough to consider the suburbs of Townsville, (the council’s approach) was too city-centric. We need a lot more input from councillors who think differently. It shouldn’t be a council of one, it should be a council of 11.”

That’s when Jenny ‘imbulbitated’.  She should take to wearing jodhpurs instead of bat-woman outfits.

They Can’t  Fucking Help Themselves- The Bulletin AGAIN Promoting Hooning! 

Naming a crime and promoting a prominent perpetrator on the front page is a new twist on this busted-arse of a paper.

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FYI, from the official police website, you disgraceful drongos:

Fines for hooning

Penalties vary for different hooning offences. For example, driving in a way that makes unnecessary noise or smoke carries a maximum fine of 20 penalty units ($3096) while the most serious offences, such as careless driving—also known as driving without due care and attention—or street racing, carry a maximum fine of 40 penalty units ($6192) or 6 months in jail.

This is wrong on a number of other levels too. Just for starters,  IT IS NOT A NEWS STORY, it is pure advertorial for some social media masturbator who selling some el cheapo booze brand.

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The whole tenor of the story is a ‘nod nod wink wink ‘to the possibility of this grubby z grade celebrity might treat us to some hooning behaviour in a flash car while he is gracing us with his presence.

The story also doesn’t make sense to be in the printed version of the Bulletin … it is now an undeniable fact beyond anecdotal evidence that the younger generations do not read print papers much at all. And the dwindling people who do buy the paper (dwindling because they are literally dying off) are annoyed at these juvenile attempts to pander to the lowest social common denominator. And it’s hardly a good look to those outside looking in to Townsville for a clue as to our values and lifestyle in this city.

But for venal reasons of ‘economy’, the paper and local TV outlets are largely staffed by a turnstile policy of younger people without adequate direction and supervision and who have no skin in the game of the social, business or artistic fabric of this city.

But if it makes Rupert a quid what the fuck, eh?

King Hit: Jenny’s Secret Thump To Townsville

The ‘Pie was a little mystified when, Friday week ago, Queensland Governor Jeanette Young lobbed  into Townsville to give Kings Honours gongs for recipients in the region. Mayor Mullet was there, as one would expect, but, inexplicably,  she didn’t receive the previously announced Order of Australia she was awarded on the recommendation of her Labor Party sponsors (presumably for hanging around Walker Street longer than expected).

Turns out she deemed Townsville wasn’t a big enough stage for her august self, she was just too um-port-unt to be just one of the local gaggle of honorees.  So had clumpty-frumped off to Brisbane on the quiet to get her gong at el swisho Government House soon after it was announced. But before she wiped her hobnails on the guv’s doormat, she stopped off somewhere –  Halloween Trick Or Treat shop, maybe  – to get her version of a gal’s LBD as a special outfit for the day.  So gone was the beloved Michelin Man purple doona, which was replaced by … by … well, what is perhaps described as a Lily Munster cast-off homage to bats.

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That is not meant unkindly – well, except to bats – but seriously she looked like she flapped onto the gubernatorial axminster after a hard night hanging from a branch in Dan Gleeson Gardens.

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So, as you can see here around the 18 minute mark,  she got her gong, then flapped off.

But as far as The Magpie can tell, we heard nothing of this here in the ‘ville. While such modest rectitude is so typical of our shy, demur mayor, The ‘Pie  still thought it passing strange that little or nothing was made of the brief Brisbane ceremony, especially in the Daily Astonisher.  Then Friday week ago, the twopence (inflation, you know) dropped.  Fully expecting madam to not attend claiming a prior commitment (which would’ve explained her trip south), The ‘Pie was surprised to see her at the ceremony.  That made it clear that she considered sharing the local conga line was way below her exalted station.

But to be generous, perhaps she thought she would detract from the worthiness of others with her dazzling presence. Or perhaps Dolan advised her that many voters would think she was up herself and would be insulted if they knew of the Brissy sojourn.

Former Senator Ian Macdonald

Former Senator Ian Macdonald

Interesting to note that the local ceremony was good enough for AO recipient Ian ‘Macca’ Macdonald, the retired Father of the Senate,  who has done more public service with greater effectiveness (and humility) that our mayor could ever hope to achieve. He was obviously proud to be seen with the northern region locals honoured on the regal list.

It would be interesting to know who paid for this little jolly’s airfares and accommodation.  You’ll note that the long list of organisations read out at the Gov House  ceremony included the LGAQ and TEL (and The Disaster Management Committee FFS), so ratepayer were probably stiffed one way or the other.

Remember, this is the woman whose first act as a newly installed mayor in 2012 was to buy her top-of-the-line council vehicle in Brisbane and had it expensively shipped north out of pure spite in settling an old local score with Tony Ireland.

Murdoch’s Cheshire Cat Act

Gone … but not really – well, not yet.  Like Alice In Wonderland’s Cheshire Cat, the Murdoch mendacity lingers – “It constantly grins and can disappear and reappear whenever it likes. Sometimes it disappears and leaves its grin behind.”

His machiavellian mendacity with which he has imbued his entire global operation suddenly popped up transparently during the week.

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Really? I mean, fucking fair dinkum, REALLY?

From an outfit that could see nothing wrong with the Cash For Comment scandal (although paying lip service to the outrage at the time when John laws and later Alan Jones were found to be threatening to bad mouth products on air unless suitable advertising contracts were signed), this is hilariously transparent. And leaves gapingly open a variation on that very theme – best summed up with a single question: do you ever think that Harvey Norman, JB Hi-Fi or other million dollar advertiser across various News platforms will ever get a bad checkout review? The very foundation of this scheme presents a clear prospect of coercion and extortion –  ‘advertise with us or we’ll ensure negative publicity for your product’.

Rupert may be slowly disappearing, but his rapacious grin will be remaining for a long time yet.

And The Murdoch Legacy Hasn’t Been Missed In The USA … A Classic Wise-After-The-Fact Exercise.

One gets the feeling that the floodgates are about to open on the News Corpse global cancer, and the Pickled Walnut’s destructive role against democracy will be picked over endlessly, including by those brave in hindsight but too timid at the time to speak out.  And another megalomaniac, Elon Musk, has the foolishness of his latest brain fart – charging everyone for the use of Twitter X – is brilliantly encapsulated in a single image.
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And We End This Week On Just Where The Voice Yes Campaign Is, Two Weeks Out

Johannes Leak in The Australian sums it up neatly.

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It’s week’s like the one just gone that The ‘;Pie is glad he’s around … so much you wouldn’t know if he and his network of citizen journalists weren’t on the job. And have your say in comments throughout the week.

The donate button to help anchor the Nest against ever-present financial winds is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mangrove Jack says:

    Morning Mr Magpie.

    The formatting between the NIAA Ads and the Rowlands announcement seems to be out of wack somewhat…


    • The Magpie says:

      Indeed, there was a problem with formatting that was inexplicable to me, and there does appear to be an appropriate way to rectify it or even change the font size on the platform on which The Nest is published. Something happened between the transfer from the first draft notes to the final platform. It appeared this end that that item could be scrolled R to L, so let it through. Will be making further investigations. Thanks for the comment.

    • Jimmy Olsen says:

      I’ve tried looking through multiple platforms and the formatting is “light-on” coherent readability.

      Jacob said he’s recruiting for a group, that included finding a suitable mayoral candidate.

      • The Magpie says:

        What? And you didn’t think that was worth reporting, even highlighting? A three way mayoral race which would almost assure Jenny a win? Or his support behind Fran? Every time you try to explain yourself, you just dig the hole deeper, mate.

        Not sure what your first par actually means, but one assumes it refers to the formatting glitch mentioned elsewhere in comments. That is because The ‘Pie sits here on his own, and does not have a tech crew in an office out the back to fix any of your technical cock-ups … but they’re no help with the journalistic cock-ups, sadly, old son.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        I actually enjoyed your bit of humour there Leighton where you wrote “formatting is “light-on”. I’m assuming that’s a piss-take on the fact that some Nesters have nicknamed you “light on”. Well done. I still think that as a reporter you are very light on and are captured by Madam Hill, but you may change over time.

      • Mundingbird says:

        Jimmy Old Cock,
        Trawling Facebook asking for news stories, I mean really,is that the best you’ve got?

        • Jimmy Olsen says:

          I’m not going to waste my time explaining why networking is important for finding stories. You should be able to figure it out.

          • The Magpie says:

            It is a legitimate way to find a leads but not finished stories, and very few of what you call stories actually are … they are just amplification of private matters that more rightly should remain the province of social media – back fence, moaning, whinging and gossip. But unfortunately, your paper picks up and runs with very sick child/outraged parent story in a vain attempt to do exactly what you should not be doing … lifting matters from SS for free with minimum lazy effort involved, to compete with a social source that has no checks and balances on bias, misinformation and bathos, in order to make money out of what you get for free. Which mostly isn’t news in the first place. Of course, your reply will be condemnation out of your own mouth Jimmy …. it attracts eyeballs, numbers which we can show advertisers to justify our paper’s rates. And numbers demanded by my employer to justify my employment.’ But you would never admit the truth in such blunt terms … even to yourself probably. Maybe you don’t see a problem there.

            In some ways, The ‘Pie feels sorry for you and your poor fuckwit colleagues.

          • PR filter says:

            Networking is a key element in the media process but the most important part of it is to make sure that your sources are reliable. Going down to the park and getting tips from the guy ranting and throwing things at the pigeons is not going to give you solid leads. A lot like engaging the angry and lonely citizens of social media.

        • Jimmy Olsen says:

          But as for the best I’ve got, did you notice the front page of monday’s paper?

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed, The Magpie did, and you will be hearing more on that all in good time, Light-On … if the best you’ve got is regurgitating a dictated advertorial media release from a chap with an interesting background, then it is clear that shoelaces must present a challenge every morning for you (‘The rabbit runs out of the hole, around gthe tree and back down the hole again’).

            Interesting background? Try this for starters only:


          • Mundingbird says:

            Smarter than wasting my money on your pathetic rag…….

  2. Sandy Feet says:

    My, my. It’s been near 4 years since I last fell into the nest. To return to an exposè on Hill, Crisafulli, Dolan and old boy Ian Mac was quite a treat. Now just to find that credit card to make a donation. I think it may be sitting at the bottom of a carton of Tun larger I have in the cupboard. Will return.

  3. Mike Douglas says:

    The Pies a member of the Kiss Army ? . Agree with your posts on the AFL entertainment . Channel 7 commentators claim it was the biggest production in Australia bar Olympics / Comm Games . Mayor Hills late $74.3 mil over budget Haughton stage 2 no water issues nothing to see here . Enter Council GM water + resources presentation Council meeting this week . June 2024 Dam could be at 40 % , Feb 2015 15 % . Team Hill Councillors knowing Council budget will run at a $3.54 mil loss 2023/24 are still happy to sting ratepayers extra $7,000 each + 60 % expenses whilst rate payers struggle and Council auctions their properties . Anyone hear Councillors talk about cost of living issues for families any Council meeting ? .

  4. Astonished says:

    Is the Dolan Hayes involved with jenny hill’s election campaign the same bloke that was caught with illegal drugs down at the casino a while back?
    If so I can understand why he needs drugs.

  5. Alahazbin says:

    That number plate on that red car is a bit of worry.
    ‘MRCANDY’. I certainly hope the coppers add him to their predator list.

  6. FWYP says:

    I’m a wee bit biassed, as I always intended to vote NO.
    But the Leak pic says it all.
    Why would any sane group pick these 4 “influencers” as their star acts:
    What a family gathering this would be!!!

    The Son-in-Law from Hell
    The Mother-in-Law from the Addams Family
    A bullying Father-in-Law with his welded-on hat
    And the glowing pink nothingness Brother.

    Just noticed also that we are coming up to Halloween. A coincidence?

  7. Prince Rollmop says:

    I’m still waiting for the Councillors to outline their strategy to lower TCC’s overall level of debt which grows with interest rate rises. I’m hearing nothing but crickets.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      The public don’t give a fuck about debt anymore, most of them are ignorant and think someone else other than them will pay it, especially young people of today who’s financial and economic awareness is virtually zero. It’s political suicide these days to run on a cut spending and reduce debt platform, there is a massive amount of people on some sort of welfare who can be easily scared into thinking they will be effected by any changes, best to lie before the election and then do exactly the opposite once you get into power.

  8. Doug K says:

    Hey Jimmy, who came up with the cringeworthy story about Jenny Hill and her husband’s opposing footy allegiances?
    Absolutely brilliant mate – even Dolan couldn’t have come up with a more obvious election campaign promo.
    I can’t understand why they call you light-on.

    • The Magpie says:

      And did you note , Doug, that it was about Aussie Rules, the game, along with cricket, that madam mayor and Laurence Lancini froze out of the new stadium design, a game that will take over from all others with 15 years? If tThe ‘Pie heard right, eight million through the gates in the season just finished. Plus blockbuster TV eyes.

  9. Over this Hill mob says:

    Fran will do a great job as Mayor. The transparency she is seeking is also for the ratepayer to understand. The executive staff will have to answer lots more questions about what they are doing with the money. And start reporting against big-ticket projects and not service-specific program budgets. Which is more dodgy than a Congolese bridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D11Nl57e6jU

  10. Critical says:

    Had a laugh during the week, in the same day got propaganda pamphlets for the yes and no sides together with a pamphlet advertising where I could get hearing and sight tests. All treated as junk mail, not read and into the recycling bin.

  11. Capricorn says:

    A friend has received their postal vote paperwork for the referendum. They received two voting papers with the correct name and address on it – but with a different bar code on each vote. Can any one explain what is happening here?

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Wife and I applied for postal vote to be received before 4th Oct. Received last Wednesday, voted and posted same day. Received email Friday advising our postal vote had been received. Seems the system is informative and working well.
      Well done electoral commission.

  12. Ralph says:

    Pie, I was thinking, how come the Woke people haven’t put on a turn about the naming of fitting connections, Male and Female, perfect example is the connections of TV aerial connections and hose fittings, maybe that’s next on the agenda for total stupidity from them, I’ll wait and see.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      I’ve heard the term ‘person hole’ being used in lieu of the word ‘manhole’. Ridiculous ‘woke’ fuckwits.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        When all this rot started, for a brief time there was a push to refer to military personnel as Service Persons. (FFS!) It morphed into Service Men and Women.

      • Critical says:

        Wrote a building maintenance report in the late 1990’s requesting works to be undertaken to install clear identification markers of manholes in property grounds. Report came back from my female supervisor with comment that the word manhole be changed to inspection point. Apparently the word manhole was politically incorrect. The successful contractor who got the job certainly had a laugh and used a few colourful words when I warned him to use the correct word if my supervisor came to the job site.

        • The Magpie says:

          Was her name Arsehole?

        • Achilles says:

          This bloody nonsense from the fema-nazis. I’ve never heard any males complaining about the use of “Men” in Menstruation of Menopause

          Both of which most men don’t want anything to do with anyway!

        • Jeff, Condon says:

          I had to write a report on a pre-sentence psychological assessment of an offender, who said he was employed as a trolley boy. The psych referred to him as being a trolley boy.

          When I presented my report to my supervisor, I was reprimanded for referring to him in a demeaning manner and demanded an alternative job description.

          I gave the title supermarket retail department human powered mobile grocery transfer vehicle recovery agent. Expecting harsh comments on my sarcasm, she loved it.

          I gave my colleague, who would read the report to the court, a heads up about the stupid title.

          When he read the report, the Magistrate stopped him and asked what the job was. My colleague replied, ”Trolley boy your honour” and the Magistrate said ”Well why didn’t he say that? Waste of time.”

          Not being sexist, but why is it mostly women who want this nonsense?

          • The Magpie says:

            What you say may or may not be fantasy, but it was The Magpie’s late friend, barrister Mark ‘Sludge’ Donnelly who told a court in the early noughties that his client was a ‘produce conveyance retrieval operator’. If memory serves, Judge Clive Wall, presiding, said in his usual droll manner, ‘OK thank you, Mr Donnelly, so he’s a trolley boy’.

            Sludge took great pleasure in telling us all at Poseurs’ Bar that night that his client had told him with pride that he was paid ‘200 large, Mr.Donnelly, that’s 200 large’ for his work.

            Don’t recall the outcome, but it was no big deal. And Sludge declined to take any of the kid’s money, despite his huge earning capacity of 200 large.

    • Achilles says:

      The deranged mob might consider inserter and receptor?

  13. Hi Beam says:

    Now that the make-up of the voice is public I have a question. Will they be like the P&C volunteers, that the Albo has told us they will be or will they be overpaid urgers and white black fellers expanding the Aboriginal Industry even further without aiding the bush aboriginal people who need it most?

  14. PR filter says:

    Interesting to see the Rowland Group advertising that they have brought Dolan in. This is a fairly standard pre-election PR process to bring in and park operatives who otherwise would be put to the sword by an incoming government.

    A confident ALP would not lose one of there playmakers this early in the game if they believed they were in with a chance.

    Geoff Rogers and the Rowland team among other left leaning firms will be preparing for four years in the wilderness – watch for some juicy four year contracts to be handed out by George Street in coming months to tide them over until the next election.

  15. The Magpie says:

    The formatting gremlins struck the latest blog on one story, which made it difficult for some and impossible for other to read. This upset reporter Light-On Smith at the Astonisher, and a few others brought to the old bird’s attention – for which he thanks them. Here it is in readable form, with apologies for the scramble in The Nest.

    Oh so clever, clever, clever Mayor Mullet …
    … or was it Dolan, seems a bit too smart for the Golden Girl of Walker Street.

    A classic case of how to get a win, win and get an extra win all at once.

    It involves this story

    That image is the social media version, very much played down to half length and a sidebar on page 3 of the printed paper. But the readers would be forgiven for thinking that old mate Light-On Smith had made another blunder when we read this:

    But apologies, Light-on, you were spot on.

    But how brilliant is that from the mayor’s campaign managers?

    Here’s how it works: Jenny Hill wants to be seen as the engine driver of the runaway Townsville economic train (she thinks) and really wants the development to go head – for whatever open or hidden reason.

    But it’s a controversial planning matter, which could lose her crucial support among her older ‘good old days’ rusted-on fans out in Voterland. What’s a gal to do? Why, easy answer, call in VoteBusters in the guise of Dolan Hayes, who sees an easy win.

    He suggests Jenny bend the shell-pinks of councillors, tapping on the shoulder the docilely compliant Suzy Basketball and Ma Greaney, the local division rep who will garner votes by voting no. The mayor doesn’t have to ask how the only true independent Fightin’ Fran O’Callaghan will vote. All the other councillors are under strict riding orders to get the approval through.

    And they do, with the outcome, Mayor Mullet can point to the vote to prove her oft repeated jest that the councillors are all independent, she gets the approval she wants even though voting against it, and the TCC will avoid an otherwise inevitable legal stoush. And sooner rather than later get all the approval and planning costs, along with the ratings bonanza that each iof the 18 ‘million dollar+’ apartments and a new restaurant will bring.

    And the cherry on top of all this is Jenny Hill can legitimately if deviously claim that she and Fran can agree on some issues, thus blunting Clr O’Callaghan’s claim of a personal vendetta.

    Well played, Dolan. Is this a solo effort, mate, or your first gig with your new position with Labor PR spinners Rowlands?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Colon Hayes is a player who will always take the best option to serve his own interests. Another stooge that we can do without in our city, a self opinionated douche.

    • Charlie Wulguru says:

      Looks like a little Catholic choir-boy, doesn’t it.

  16. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    While I realise that this is in the ACT, I think it shows how government procurement processes can be manipulated.

    Surely nothing like this goes on in local government here in Queensland???? (And pigs might fly too…)


  17. Astonished says:

    Bet Dolan didn’t celebrate his new position down at the casino.

  18. Amnda Reen says:

    Whilst it has nothing directly to do with the nest, the commentary below from the AFR Rear Window section, reminded by of the way the Magpie describes the Astonisher.

    “It’s instructive Bouris tried this on with the Daily Mail, the publication with a journalistic output in opposite correlation to its gargantuan audience.

    No shame to Mail heads! But financial news is not proper Mail bait, which is actually 36 pictures of Abbie Chatfield in Lululemon doing the Bondi to Bronte walk. At the Mail, the words just get in the way, and the ctrl-C and ctrl-V keys on staff keyboards are worn to dust. Marky Mark knows this.”

  19. Mangrove Jack says:

    The referendum voting opened today in Qld, and AEC workers were kept busy all day at Aitkenvale PCYC. There was certainly a steady stream of voters lining up during the short time I was there.

    • Hondaman says:

      Yes, happy days are here again with the pre-polling happening at full speed! So many rushing to add their NO vote to mine, ( in black biro too)! Just need to wait for the big count-up and watch the look on Albo’s face.

  20. Sargeant Gunny Highway says:

    The Magpie has been quiet today. Has he croaked it? Crossed over the River Styx?

  21. Mike Douglas says:

    Les Walker whose staff bought him a “MP for dummies ” book: announcing $96 mil tender for 1.5 klms Stuart drive has been awarded to out of town contractors. Council has proven wasting ratepayers $ is an art with a 6 mth crime community safety audit recommendation is ” adopt a cop ” . Nothing from Council / Bully on delays Councils signature project . 12 mths on from Mayor Hill lambasting cbd building owners from holding back the cbd Councils long awaited rate payer funded ” cbd property conversion feasibility study report ” a fizzer .

    • White Mouse says:

      $96,000,000 to widen 1.5km of road to four lanes, which will then bottleneck onto the two lane Bowen Road bridge – makes perfect sense to me.

      Meanwhile our favourite shysters at Magnis are currently suspended from ASX, as the ASX has “concerns regarding the qualified audit opinion disclosed with the full year statutory accounts”.

      • The Magpie says:

        Jeez, hope Light-On Smith doesn’t see this, his illusions about the Poullas honesty will be shattered. But he’s probably getting used to being seen as a lazy mug.

      • Jeff, Condon says:

        It took seven years of planning for this? And Rocky Walker, who’d been an MP less than three years is claiming responsibility. He must be punch drunk.

        • The Magpie says:

          Talk about burying the lede!!
          For those at the Astonisher who are scratching their heads, ‘burying the lede’ is a traditional newspaper term for an activity for which the Bulletin is a world champion … it means to put the most important point of a story well down if not last in the story. The word ‘lede’, coined in 1950s, was a deliberate misspelling of ‘lead’ as in lead story or first paragraph, used as an instruction to printers (all of whom could read … ah, those were the days!!) but deliberately spelt incorrectly so it was seen as a direction not to be printed.
          But the Bulletin has gone one further and not mentioned the main point AT ALL.

          So on Wednesday, we got this …

          Reporter Blair Jackson did a sterling job of stenography which actually amounted to a well-planned if fruitless campaign boost for Knuckles Walker, who is fighting for his political survival. As mentioned, this has bneen around for seven years, but seems now is a handy time to announce that a $96m tender (to two outside contractors) for an upgrade to gfour lanes for the stretch of Stuart drive between X street and the Bowen Bridge.

          Ah, yes, the Bowen Road Bridge, glad you mentioned that, Blair. That would be the ‘two lane’ Bowen Bridge, which is not included or even mentioned in this unquestioned ‘good news’ story which you have so loudly ballyhooed (blared maybe?). This contract in effect means – stay with us here, Blair – that the four lanes of Bowen Road will be connected to the new Four lanes of Stuart drive by -ta da – a two lane bridge. Or does it? Is an expansion of the bridge included in the $96m? Now, Blair, mate, does a question occur to yet? Perhaps a little inquiry about possible bottlenecks, frustration and broad questions about fuckwittery? Because the government news rfelease makes absolutely no mention of the bridge works.

          Three months ago, Blair, your colleague Caitlin Charles reported that this announcement was in the wings, and ended her report with this:

          State Roads Minister Mark Bailey said about 24,000 vehicles travel through the area every day, and it was important to make that trip safe.

          “These upgrades will mean the road can handle a much larger volume of cars, increasing the traffic flow and helping with congestion,” he said.

          “The Palaszczuk Government has also committed $70 million to deliver a new bridge over Townsville’s Ross River, next to the existing Bowen Road bridge.”

          FFS you even included a file pic of the bridge, with Bailey and Mayor Mullet looking at the damage she helped cause in 2019. No question sprang to mind, eh?

          So, mate, you don’t think it worth the question about where’s the money for the bridge, so vital to the success of the expanded road? This is not a the chicken or the egg conundrum … it is surely obvious that the bridge expansion to four lanes must come either first or simultaneously. So will it?

          How about fucking asking!!! So hopo to it, son, make a phone call or two, get an answer in time to complete your story in tomorrow’s paper.

          Geezuz, Blair, don’t tell me it’s a race between you and Light-On Smith for the Sergeant Schultz ‘My Lips Are Sealed’ Trophy.

    • Alahazbin says:

      MD, As one listener on ABC this morning text in. It is a waste of time without duplicating the Bowen Road bridge. Another half arse project from our inept state government and council.

  22. Ralph says:

    I read Steve Price’s bulletin section every week and it’s surprising that he made mention of the journalist Elliott Hannah after I posted on the blog about how good the book ( Colt With No Regrets) was and I’m now more than sure our current Townsville Bulletin journalist should read it.

  23. The Magpie says:

    Worth a reprint.

    Jacob is clearly going for the jugular, and outside the letters column, it’ll be interesting to see how the Astonisher handles this. Wonder if Fran will hook up with his campaign?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Reopening the Jensen Street facility would require Human Resources to staff it. TCC has a policy of getting rid of staff, not hiring more staff. Prick Ralston and the grubby Mullet have made certain of that. TCC is a bare bones service where money goes towards car races and crappy concerts, rather than infrastructure.

      • The Magpie says:

        Also, for the first time in 22 years, yellow top was not picked as scheduled in our streets, and no advice regarding this. Anecdotal, yes, but a fact nonetheless.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          O Dear, O No, Dear ‘Pie,
          You have now put yourself at risk of criticism, as I have in these pages, of having an unhealthy obsession of garbage truck movements.
          Of course, the learned and esteemed critics would have fuckall understanding that such a variation from routine services might, just might, be an indicator of a much bigger problem with TCC vehicle fleet management or staffing.

          • Alahazbin says:

            DoK, Some of the toxic and corrupt management has left Fleet Services recently. So there is a chance they might employ staff with ethics.

  24. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    Magpie re:my earlier comment.

    You are correct, and I am in error. The 2.5km of roadworks is projected at $96M.

    The bridge duplication is an additional $70M.

    Talk about streets being paved in gold!



  25. Mangrove Jack says:


    Seeing double at Bowen Road Bridge
    Published Wednesday, 29 June, 2022 at 10:15 AM
    Minister for Transport and Main Roads
    The Honourable Mark Bailey
    “It’s anticipated that works on the Stuart Drive duplication project will be complete in late-2024, weather and construction conditions permitting.”

    Mr Walker said construction on the second Bowen Road Bridge were due to start by mid-2024, weather and construction conditions permitting.

    “It’s great to see that when one project comes to a close, we’ll be kickstarting the next build,” he said.

    Member for Thuringowa Aaron Harper praised the announcement.

    “This blockbuster, $29.7 billion road and transport plan is supporting 25,220 jobs over four years and I’m proud that our slice of Queensland paradise is a big winner,” Mr Harper said.

  26. Russell says:

    “Pie, not sure why my comment is so silly. If Governments were serious about road safety they would widen the bridges first. Have personally seen multiple near misses and two serious collisions just between here and Ayr in daylight hours with good visibility even after the road has been widened. But whatever. Cheers.

    • The Magpie says:

      The whatever, Russ, is that your original comment was so off topic, with the thinnest shred of connection that it was … well, silly. It would stand on its own OK if you hadn’t used a completely different issue to broach a broader, And in this case, irrelevant subject. But azs you say, whatever.

  27. Drongo Estate Perverts says:

    Can someone do something about those 2 trailbikers using Railway Avenue bike path and riverfront as a raceway in the late arvos ?
    They are scaring the ladies and kids out walking . They also appear to be checking out houses on the way past too. An older fella and a younger fella. Someone is probably going to take a swing at them as they go past.

  28. Achilles says:

    Anna Puddleduck just announced that she wants all schools, TAFE to include “Quantum skills” in their curriculum. Sounds about right as it requires an ability to be in 2 “states” at the same time, eminently simple for a politician of her caliber.


    The recent NAPLAN results indicate that 30% of pupils can barely read. write or do sums. Indicating that the current curriculum is R/S or the “teachers” are not up to the task for basics. They’re probably more focused on Woke stuff, than academia!


  29. Amanda Reen says:

    Is anyone able to do a welfare check on our Premier.? Is she off her meds or just taking the piss? Who the fuck comes up with Quantum skills as a thing? A fair chunk of school leavers cannot even spell Quantum.

    The level of fucktardry at 1 Williams Street is staggering. What is really concerning me now, is just how much more debt and damage can she and her band of incompetent oxygen thieves do to the state in 12 months. The horseshit being shovelled is so deep and so constant that the voting public is used to the smell and don’t seem to care anymore. It’s like we have become immune to criminal levels of incompetence. What the actual fuck?

    • The Magpie says:

      The damage this vain glorious incompetent has wrought will not be fully realised for some time yet. The ‘Pie speaks of the Olympic debacle, an ego-tripper’s search for a legacy to overcome inter alia the unnecessarily cruel Covid mismanagement.

      The effects of the five ring circus will be first felt throughout regional Queensland … the first inklings are already there, with much promised yet to be materialise and be made fact before disappearing because of ‘unforeseen circumstances’. The SE corner will get a sugar hit in jobs but renters will be further robbed by the rapacious, and then, when the tent is folded and heading to the next victim state in 2036, the financial hangover will really start throbbing.

      Interesting question: wil Premier Crisafulli have the guts and good sense – if politically risky – to do a Dan Andrews and renege on the Games? For exactly the same reasons Andrews gave … financial irresponsibility? Doubt it, and it will be he and the LNP who will then start copping the flak over the consequences of one legacy-seeking selfish woman.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        It has been proven that wherever Olympic Games are held, a giant financial sinkhole is all that remains after the event. Billions spent on a bunch of outdated competitions. Running, high jump, disc throwing and javelin. I mean, what the actual fuck? A bunch of athletes competing for a silly medal. Whoopy doo. The damage that is caused to local communities affected by the financial burden of holding the Olympics is palpable. This is 2023, when will the world stop wasting money on steroid riddled Olympic nonsense and instead put that money towards repairing local infrastructure, building schools, building accomodation for the homeless and so on?

        • Elusive Butterfly says:

          What an absolute load of bollocks!
          Guess you haven’t got any Fox sport channels on your TV?
          This might be one tiny reason why cities host Olympic Games.



          • Grumpy says:

            For a start, EB, that is from the IOC’s appointed “researchers” – and we all know what an honourable bunch the IOC trough feeders are, Further, 60% of the world’s population watched the moon landing. How many of them spent their holidays there? Hosting the Olympics is potential bankruptcy for most cities and has little long-term flow on benefits. A solution would be to build permanent facilities in Athens and the world’s athletes meet there every four years.

          • The Magpie says:

            Athens as the permanent home of the Olympics …. and a ban on fringe athletic activities like break dancing, golf, tennis and soccer – last three having their own cash-saturated and corrupt events … has long been a Magpie mantra.

  30. Prince Rollmop says:

    (Given the writing style and general tone of this comment, The Magpie strongly doubts it came from Prince Rollmop. Unless he’s off his meds.)

    Exclusive Butterflog, you hold the Olympic record for the clean and jerk off, ‘tossing’ mate. That link that you posted is irrelevant as I couldn’t give a shit about how many people allegedly viewed the Tokyo Olympic folly. I’m talking about host cities who spend billions on the event, and reap a tenth in return. Numerous regional economies have been negatively affected by these pointless games. Again, billions being spent on those in need would be a far better idea. I stand by my comment. Now, you better toddle off and go for your jog up Castle Mountain. There is a million dollar bus shelter up there for you to cool off under. Tell Jenny I said hi

  31. The Magpie says:

    This is, as they say in court, a question without prejudice – The Magpie has received an anonymous email claiming that the recently appointed ex-walloper council Safety Audit officer Clint Drew lives in WA, and the TCC is paying FIFO airfares for him to fulfil his role here. Anyone know anything about this?

    It is just as important that the rumour be emphatically quashed if not true, because if the rumour reached The Nest, it will be out and about elsewhere. The email was couched in moderate non-abusive language in a manner that lended it an appearance of authenticity.

    But if true, it raises further important questions about using public money and invented and questionable roles to further the incumbent’s mayoral campaign. The mayor has form in this area, if you remember that she once appointed a Labor chum as the procurement officer for the council, a woman who worked from the lounge room of her Melbourne home (until outed on this blog).

    Mr Drew was appointed by Mayor Mullet to make her re-election campaign look like she’s doing something about crime – she isn’t, apart from some innovative rock barriers for parks. But if she thinks she can get away with an expensive fly-in/fly-out ‘safety consultant’ of negligible value at ratepayers expense, the rock barriers are between her ears.

    • Achilles says:

      If true or false, the precedent is established with the FIFO CEO.

      However, if true it reflects poorly on the security advisers’ ethics and credentials.

      • The Magpie says:

        Don’t agree, not HIS ethics, HERS. His credentials are not in aquestion, they include a well deserved bravery medal for helping rescue people from a burning vehicle.

        • Achilles says:

          I stand corrected, the issue emanates from the top, as in the adage “a dead fish rots from the head”!

        • Achilles says:

          The language/grammar is not me M. But from the syntax (reminds me! I haven’t paid this months sin tax) may give you a hint as to who the imposter may be.
          Or even identify they’re kindergarten?

    • Terry Lewis says:

      Wasn’t that charlatan P. Ralston also a FIFO worker for his first 6-months, costing the ratepayer tens of thousands of dollars?

      • White Mouse says:

        Ralston reminds me of the Italian public servants who would rock up to work, hang a jacket over the back of their chair and then go to another job until the end of the day, when they would return and collect their jacket.

  32. Hi Beam says:

    Fuck me EB. 3 billion wankers in the world with nothing better to do than glue their eyes to the idiot box and dream of being a sports star. No wonder we are rooted!

    • The Magpie says:

      Missing the footy already, Hi Beam?

      • HiBeam says:

        Not guilty your worship! Footbraul has never been of any interest to me. Give me a game of skill, motorcycle sports!

    • Toto Wolff says:

      I agree, Olympic sports are as entertaining as watching two turtles fucking. Totally overrated.

      • The Magpie says:

        Your lack of curiosity qualifies you a reporter’s job with the Daily Astonisher, Toto – The ‘Pie cannot imagine a more informative exercise that finding out turtles fuck. The old bird’s imagination doesn’t get very far with this one.

  33. Long Suffering Ratepayer says:

    Lithium stocks are predicted to drop 40% after this:


    How’s that going to impact your Landsdown experiment (using our money) Jenny Hill?

    • The Magpie says:

      Wel, interesting news, but surely just the usual rollercoaster ride of the share market, for which Mayor Mullet has no control. And she is probably well informed on these matters, hubby Shane has been known to be a very successful stock market player, and some say more than a mere dabbler.

  34. Dorfus says:

    The week is drawing to a close and the bloggers have had a (w)hole lot of fun with holes and, without getting into an anatomical discussion, whether (wo)men are really men.

    Prince Rollmop and Critical, you may be interested to know what the TCC stated in a letter to me about inspecting/repairing my ‘Sewer Maintenance Hole’. So it is official, but I wish they had used the term ‘Access Pit’, which is what it is. By the way, my hole passed inspection.

    Shall leave you a question for the weekend. What is the plural of ‘man-hole’?

  35. Ralph says:

    Pie, the more I read about this referendum I’ve come to realize just how much money the Indigenous industry gets in government money and I’m sure I’m not the only one who thinking the same way. The indigenous industry might get a big dose of please explain on where the money is being spent, I hope so.

  36. Achilles says:

    Vlad Rash-Putin thinks he’s still head of the KGB, claiming mob Wagner Group thug leaders’ plane blew up “internally” from a grenade blast.

    Claiming they were either pissed or high as!

    Straight faced he laments that somehow no alcohol or toxicology tests were carried out at the PoMo.

  37. Achilles says:

    Amazing coincidence’ October 14 is the anniversary of the invasion of the country of my ancestry.

    The invaders destroyed much, BUT also injected and amalgamated new structures and a less insular mindset, from which we ALL benefited progressively.

    The major problem with this referendum is that it is dedicated to maintaining the status quo.

    • OED says:

      Possibly one of the stupidest and most ahistorical comments ever published here. Embarrassing and cringe-inducing for all who read it.

      • Al says:

        OED, you dumb prick. Do you know anybodys ancestry? Even your own? Tell us all about it.

      • Achilles says:

        Thank you for the freebee analysis of my persona, please make an appointment for me and “all who read it” to receive counseling and glean some ancient wisdom.

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