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The Magpie

Sunday, October 30th, 2022   |   92 comments

Getting Moral Advice From Aaron Harper Is Like Getting Career Advice From Liz Truss

But his latest bluster has more than a blush of hypocrisy about it – great for ironical laughter, though.

Always pushing, never questioning …. The Bulletin again aids and abets Mayor Mullet’s insane ‘politics of popularity’ stunt that delivers another groin kick to CBD commercial ratepayers.

Peter Gleeson proved to be a plagiarist, lifting word for word paragraphs written by a far better journalist than he is – which means it could be anybody, but The Magpie shows the evidence

Initiated by Justice Lucy McCallum, aided by a rogue juror and abetted by an emotional Brittany Higgins, a new term has entered the legal lexicon of Australia … ‘clusterfuck’.  A new retrial must surely now be impossible.

Rocker Jerry Lee Lewis has at last had the good grace to die and leave the world’s adolescent teenagers much safer. Rock’n’roll heaven won’t be getting a new tenant, it’s certain Mr Lewis will be finding new meaning in Great Balls of Fire.

And the playful whale that turns out to be the 007 of the ocean. Nothing is ever what seems, and never to be taken at face value.

Plus Bentley’s budget blues, our US gallery, and lotsa uver stuff.

Things are getting a tad tense financially around The Nest just now. If you can support this weekly missive with a donation, it will be of great assistance – the pensioner pittance promised in the budget doesn’t kick in for a while yet. Donate button at the bottom of the blog.

And a few other things don’t kick instantly in Labor’s first budget.

Enough has been said elsewhere about treasurer Chalmer’s first stab at the national finances, so anything The ‘Pie might have to say would be A: boring, B: irrelevant, C: probably wrong and D: very boring. Especially in contrast to  Bentley’s clever and succinct summing- up of the supposed give-and-take claims of the government.

stage 3 tax cuts fin small

The budget came closer to home for Townsville though on one matter.

Damned To Hell … The Hell’s Gate Dam Project Has Evaporated …

… but in reality, the empty promise never held water anyway … even Bob Katter opposed the version dishonestly spruiked during the election campaign.

And loudest squealing little piggy dragged away from the trough? Townsville Enterprise. Could it be the end for these incompetent-? Don’t count on it, while Mayor Mullet is deputy chair of the board and will continue to direct her puppet councillors to fork over $750,000 in ratepayer funds that TEL need never publicly account for.

And the Dudley-Do-Nothings have become past masters of the grants for make work, so looks like they’re still infesting us for a while yet.

Last Night Was Fake Fright Night … But For Via Vomitorium Traders, There Was Nothing Fake About It

Commercially engineered special ‘days’ are largely an American marketing initiative … Mothers Day and Fathers Day are two of the best known of the marketers inventive lust for the public’s dollar. But it is a tradition started long before either of those days. Best example is Sunday, which the powerful Churches all decreed, first, no one worked (hooray) and then had to attend church (oh, fuck)  and hit the middle with some hard earned in the collection plate – the price of not being zapped by the eternal flamethrower.  And they decreed 52 of ‘em every year, a nice little earner!!

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But now we have slavishly bend to the cultural cringe and adopted the other marketers’ wet dream, the commercialised American version of Halloween. The sale of merchandise , driven by the pester power of little snots, is big bucks. And it’s a wonder it isn’t officially sponsored by the Dental Association, they get so much business out of this tiresome crap.

OK a couple of hours of wandering the suburbs annoying people trying to have a quiet night in, then its all over. Or used to be.

Just why this tomfoolery should involve the Townsville Council is unfathomable, but involve it did, although it is difficult to come up with any rational reason why. Halloween is all about being children doing a neat line in extortion on householders, demanding sweets from residents who risk a rock through their front window if they don’t come across. And woe betide the cranky bastard who doles out liquorice strips… that’d be two stones, two window and a letterbox fire.

Or that’s the way it used to be … now Halloween is an excuse for all sorts childish behaviour by adults. But it shouldn’t cost businesses money just for someone trying to be politically popular.

Just why our mayor thought it would be a good idea to get involved in this tedious activities and then think it a good idea to close Flinders Street East ON THE BUSIEST NIGHT OF THE WEEK WHEN THE PLACE IS PACKED ANYWAY. Yup, great place to bring the kids, eh?

Jenny witch

Jenny Hill has tried closing Flinders Street East on a couple of other occasions, and each time, it was dismal failures and raised howls of justified outrage from rate-paying businesses along the strip – particularly the many restaurants there. And along the old mall stretch of Flinders Street, businesses there have had it up to the neck with the Townsville Eats gig, forcing businesses to vie with fly-by-night food stalls that paying a one-off fee.

The reaction was the same when last’s night closure became apparent. Prominent signs said cars would be towed if they were in the main car park or on the street. As we know, parking can be vexed at the best of times., keeping people out of the CBD. And not just restaurants … more than one bar owner pointed out they’d be packed anyway on a Saturday night, and having an event that involved kids around was quote ‘fucking stupid’ unquote . So where were families going to park (and the first person say use the bus service will get a stomping when the laughter stops).

So Flinders Street traders cop a financial cost of the mayor’s latest street party inanity, despite past spectacular failures. And for what reason? A popularity contest? If so, chalk up another failure, madam.

You can bet when Halloween approached next year, the terror will be real for whatever ratepaying businesses are left in the CBD.

From One Deep Thinker To Another

There was almost a loosening of the bowels when The Magpie noted Aaron Harper’s disconnection from reality surfaced again on FB.

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When shadow health minister Ros Bates interjected during a government excuse for failures at the Mackay Hospital she was heard to mutter that the only duds were hired by regional hospitals. For some reason … perhaps because this government’s glass jaw is showing some cracks increasingly  – the speaker sent Ros to the naughty corner for an hour, but Harpic thought he could get a free kick, so he opened his mouth to gather his feet.

‘Ros Bates has insulted thousands of dedicated health workers in Townsville and across Queensland’ he squeaked. ‘She has shown no regard or respect for health workers in the North, and she should be sacked from the portfolio.’

Ms Bates called Aaron out his huffing and puffing bullshit of what it was …

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… but The Magpie has a bigger question for the Member for Brisbane in Mundingburra.

Aaron, mate, your sacking call would’ve been a little less dishonest if you were a little more consistent. Or did we miss it when you called for the sacking of Labor colleague Les Walker for his far greater disrespect and disregard for dead and wounded police officers a week or two back, when he gifted a book‘Forensics For Dummies’ at a memorial day gathering … … and then blamed his staff.

No we didn’t miss it because you never made it, instead putting your snivelling double standards on display yet again.

Get out, resign, mate, at least we’d respect you for that.

Really Hasn’t Been A Good Week For Harpic

From comments:


October 24, 2022 at 10:16 am  (Edit)

Hoot of the day!!!


Aaron Harper believes people and organisations that don’t perform their roles adequately should be called out and criticised. Really, Aaron? This a blanket rule, mate? YOU’RE lecturing US about bad service?


  • The Magpie

October 24, 2022 at 10:26 am  (Edit)

Thoughts and prayers from The Magpie, Aaron, chin up, little soldier, stop your sooking now.

Magpie laughing Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 2.37.53 pm

Peter Typo Gleeson A Plagiarist? Nah, Get Outta Here …

…  but nah, yeah, he sure is … and he can’t deny it.

Peter Gleeson by Karger

A former ABC reporter at the ABC in Townsville before going on national positions,  Josh Bavas  called Gleeson out on Twitter for a blatant word theft … and not just a few. The proof is damning.

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FgMZVkkaMAAtOw3 FgMZhhJagAAf2-D

The Magpie isn’t surprised, Gleeson is a proven liar, workplace bully, distrusted by his Townsville Bulletin staff and now a plagiarist.

So do you know what happens now to Gleeson, his Sky News gig and column for the Courier Mail?

Absolutely bloody nothing, he’s one of Rupert’s gaggle of loonies on Sky. Although The ‘Pie will admit he can write a reasonable column occasionally using his own words, which makes him a the classic example of being promoted beyond his ability – from chief reporter (GCB) to hopeless, dishonest editor (Townsville Bulletin, Gold Coast Bulletin) and regular Sky squeaker despite having a voice like Mickey Mouse and rabbit-caught-in-the-headlights TV presence.

Peter 'Typo' Gleeson, iditor of the Sunday Mail. The ’Pie keeps trying to check if he’s learnt to tuck his shirt in yet.

The Lehrmann-Higgins Debacle

And before the crooning gals start sticking melting lead effigies of The Magpie over fires of ebony and spruce, please understand all the following is about THE LAW, not the essence of the case itself … because how could The ‘Pie know anything different to what the world has been told.

The week long matter unfolded in Nest comments during the days after the jury had told the judge for the umpteenth times they could not reach a verdict. This first comment was on Wednesday, when she yet again forced the jury to continue deliberating, despite having been told multiple times that they couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict.

The Magpie

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 5:16 pm  (Edit)

lerhmann trial jury Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 4.09.15 pm

What the fuck is Justice Lucy McCallum thinking? How many times does she have to be told that a jury cannot agree on a verdict? What in her mind is required for ‘beyond reasonable doubt’?

She is openly inviting, indeed bullying the jury in the Bruce Lehrmann trial to return an increasingly unsafe verdict – either way.

Let’s go back to her instructions to the jury when they first retired.

“You should find a verdict according to the evidence presented in the courtroom and said you should not feel pressured to make a decision.There’s no rush. There’s no time limit,” she said.

‘… not feel pressure to make a decision’ was clearly aimed at media commentary, social media ignorance, and personal family views. But she apparently didn’t think that her dictum of pressure applied to herself. Which is now does.

On numerous occasions, the jury has insisted they cannot reach a unanimous verdict, and each time, they’ve been told to back and try again. Try what again? Change of mind in what anyway is simply an opinion, because there’s fuck all facts ‘to the evidence presented in the courtroom’ on which to base a judgement.?

The very real danger in this trial and deliberations are that there is absolutely no forensic evidence, and very few actual facts to go on, blurred timelines, erratic and questionable behaviour post facto behaviour by both the accused and his accuser, and a very dangerous political dimension hovering over it all in the background.… The ‘Pie reckons there was a good case to have the matter dismissed when all this became apparent. And many legal minds across the country following the matter believe the matter should never have come to court because of then-Prime Minister Scott Morrison publicly apologising to Ms Higgins for being raped in Parliament House.

So a man’s future and freedom, and a woman’s credibility and integrity will now have to, at the insistence of McCallum, boil down to a matter of opinion. And thanks to this disrespectful attitude from the judge, any verdict becomes more unsafe by the minute, now entrusted as it to a group who is clearly fed up with the task of trying to guess who’s telling the truth and who isn’t. Many of them have undoubtedly already decided that it is an impossible task. But what does this arrogant judge do? Increase the pressure in the hope someone says ‘Ah what the fuck, OK, guilty (or not guilty)’.

Surely ANY verdict is now going to eminently appealable as unsafe, and justice seen to be done for anyone now seems a forlorn hope.

No wonder the ACT is considered the also ran in the state and territory jurisprudence arena.


  • The Magpie

October 26, 2022 at 5:18 pm  (Edit)

And yes, The ‘Pie noted the garbled sentence about ‘eight women and six women’ on the jury, but does not want to be distracted from the serious implications of this situation.

The Magpie

October 27, 2022 at 9:42 am  (Edit)

The jury in the Bruce Lehrmann rape trial has been discharged with no verdict recorded, after one juror admitted accessing evidence that was not presented in court.

And what a blow FOR (i.e in favour of) justice that was, the situation had reached the intolerable stage of a verdict based on ‘a feeling in your water’ unfairness, not evidence, because there was none, including no real circumstantial matter.

Justice Lucy McCallum Screen Shot 2022-10-26 at 4.27.49 pm

Chief Justice Lucy McCallum will circle the wagons of arcane legal excuses, but frankly, The Magpie sincerely believes she’s fucked up this stupendously expensive trial in her repeated insistence – at least eight times when told they couldn’t agree – that the some juror’s should change their opinion on the scant evidence … and it would only have been flimsily based opinion. And that was evidence that could damn either way.

What a fucking shambles of misdirection and arrogance.

Lucy McCallum should be counselled, and not allowed anywhere near the inevitable retrial, set down for February 20 next year.


  • The Magpie

October 27, 2022 at 9:58 am  (Edit)

Idle thought: wonder if the juror, no doubt exasperated by the judges patronisation, may have deliberately accessed the illicit information and then let it be known one way or the other that he had? He may have considered the possible penalty worth a well deserved ‘fuck you’ to Justice McCallum.

But one thing is for sure … if Lucy McCallum decides the penalty for him, he’ll get no justice, just the full impact of the law.

The Magpie

October 27, 2022 at 4:45 pm  (Edit)

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What a fucking idiot!!

No, not Higgins, very understandable, emotionally overloaded, but where was her $10,000 a day legal brief, telling her to shut up and say nothing, not a word. Something a legal aid hack would’ve ensured happened.

There was one photograph symbolic of what she should have done.

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There’s every chance this has now jeopardised her position in any retrial … or even if it now gets to that. And contempt of court charges against her could be well within range by suggesting the trial was conducted unfairly, although this cowardly ACT judiciary circus is unlikely to go down that path that for fear that the clitterati will come after them.


  • Amanda Reen

October 27, 2022 at 10:19 pm  (Edit)

Pie, the more cynical amongst us might suggest that Ms Higgins teary speech was a well orchestrated play on her part. There is no way that she would want to go through another grilling like she did. Blind Freddy can see that the paucity of evidence against the accused was at best going to result in another hung jury. This way, she gets her say, the trial gets a permanent stay (much to the relief of the ACT DPP) and she gets to preach about the unfairness of how victims gets treated by the system. She can only hope that the rest of the world forgets about the way her story was ripped to shreds by Defence Council, You can bet your left one that the Chief Justice will talk a massive game and say she has been a bad girl and let her off. Higgins is just gaming the system and she and her lawyers are playing the percentages.

The Magpie thought long and hard before publishing that last comment, but did so in the light of one simple sentence in Ms Higgins statement, where she said at the outset, she didn’t know how the judicial system worked, but she certainly did now. Did her ignorance of the system lead her to think she could skate through this on a wave of sympathy and celebrity support?

Some people never stop learning the facts of life … and the facts of the courts.

There’s A New (Mon)Star In Heaven Tonight

Whole lotta shaken has stopped goin’ on, and he world smells a little sweeter today, with the news that legendary sleazebag rock’n’roller Jerry Lee Lewis has carked it. He was  87.


The rock’n’rolling roue was a legendary hell raiser, once suspected of murdering of two of his seven wives and in the modern era, would probably have spent most of his life in jail for a variety of exploits. His reputation for seeking underage sex was in the same league as Michael Jackson … although Lewis, ever the misfit, only went after girls.

But some of certain age will only remember the piano-bashing, ear-bashing hi-decibel singer who introduced boogie woogie to rock and roll.

Jerry Lee small

Lewis once said in a interview recently he didn’t know if he was going to heaven or hell – when reading about his  life, those who believe that is the option will be betting that he will be describing his new existence as Great Balls of Fire. And the angels in heaven are safe.

The Mid-Term Crunch Is Just Days Away

For those who can vote, it does seem to be a stark choice, but hey, we’re talkin’ America here. All indicators are that the Republicans will roll over the democrats, take control of both houses, and basically start a systematic disruption of democracy. Howver, that said, let’s open this week’s gallery with a sentiment voters everywhere can share.

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Wonderful News For Regular Revellers At Via Vomitorium.

Media Griffith
Good morning journalists and editors,

Griffith University and Swiss-based company LimmaTech Biologics AG have signed a landmark

Researchers from Griffith’s Institute for Glycomics have discovered vaccine antigens that show great promise and could potentially changes the lives of millions of people.

Question: Penicillin no good anymore? Someone had better tell the army

In Townsville, the clap has always been known as The Mad Cow Disease, although it might be a politer euphemism Exchange Eczema.  


Off point but The ‘Pie always loved Dame Nellie Melba’s story of once being introduced to a Sydney audience by an MC who said, “Ladies and gentlemen, Dame Nellie Melba – c’mon, let’s give her the clap she so richly deserves.’


That’s the story of the week, and as you may gather, Nest comments through other days are lively, and yours to join in if you wish. The donate button to help out with blog expenses – which would be really nice – is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Polythene Pam says:

    ‘Pie, I didn’t think that Little Richard was ever a kiddie fiddler – but I stand to be corrected – your evidence please? He was certainly a great singer/songwriter, and the Beatles loved him, especially Paul (the Beatles version of Long Tall Sally is superb, with not one but two searing guitar solos).

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Forget Businesses trying to re-coup lost profits during Covid Council has $39.5 mil in their “culture , lifestyle , well being ” budget and they will close Flinders st and bring in competition food operators when they please because Councillors still get paid the same . Look at Charters Towers rd debacle , delays as well as $3 mil blow out on Thuringowa $5.5 bil relocation . Must take Councillors hours to work out different routes to Walker st to avoid witnessing the mayhem or supposed full time job working from home and do they not notice the Cities decline ? . Townsville isnt short of events the people are short of cash with cost of living pressures . Like households Council should be looking at ways to reduce costs and deliver no rates increase next period . Spare a thought for cbd owners near North Rail yards , Jennys 70,s migrant camp on stilts .

    • Critical says:

      I’ll preface this with the word rumour but word has it to watch out for a couple of businesses on Charters Towers Rd closing their doors because of loss of income caused by the never ending Charters Towers Rd lane closures and lack of access to affected businesses. Apparently no recourse to income loss payments from insurance companies and the businesses have been told that TCC is not responsible for making any comprehension payments.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Some of the businesses along CTR have had their disturbnce mainly confined to overnight work which seemed to have not much to do with operational need and more to do with the names on the buildings like Dalle Court or Carmichael. Who said that money and power talk loudly to Council.

  3. CBD barfly says:

    Jenny Hill shouldn’t cop all the blame for the council’s endless list of brainless Townsville Eats events, although she obviously approves of them or they wouldn’t happen. I suspect Ann Maree “Gushing” Greaney has a lot to do with this campaign to send CBD bars and restaurants broke. She sees herself as some sort of entertainment guru who raves about the success of council events even if they’ve flopped. One such NAFA entertainment precinct in Central Park last year cost around $1 million but attracted only a handful of people on what should have been a busy Saturday night. The Gusher described that as having an amazing vibe. Another big Eats supporter is wannabe trendy Moonshine Mooney, who gets around on an e-scooter these days after losing his license and fancies himself as a budding compere. The money (ours not theirs) wasted on these Eats events is mind boggling. Meanwhile streets don’t get cleaned, potholes don’t get fixed, drains don’t get cleared and The Strand is littered with rubbish and leaves. Our rates at work!

    • Polythene Pam says:

      Having had personal dealings with Councillor Greaney in her capacity as Councillor I can only say that she stuck me as very professional and competent and did her best to sort out our problems. Having said that these “Townsville Eats” functions seem unfocused and without proper regard for the interests of the long term food and dink suppliers of Flinders Street East – the people who trade there all year and pay rates or rent or both for the privilege of doing so.

      • The Magpie says:

        The Magpie must echo your sentiments about Clr Greaney ‘on the ground’ … polite (The ‘Pie expected curtness) helpful on some minor matters. But nothing more than one is entitled to expect from someone whom we pay $120k a year. But still a Jenny puppet.

  4. Alahazbin says:

    Re the Higgins v Leurmann rape trial and the dismissal of the jury. After they came back to judge to say they could not make a decision. How they found out about the juror is suspicious. A court security officer ‘accidentally’ knocked a folder off a chair when tidying up. Give me a break, probably won’t through all the jurors folders, before they found something.

    • Grumpy says:

      Al, I agree. Based on my experience, the whole story is implausible. What the hell was he doing anywhere near jurors’ personal papers? Not even cleaners are allowed into the jury room. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Maybe Clive can give us some insight into how this could possibly happen.

      • The Magpie says:

        Absolutely correct … the bailiffs would run a mile rather than be compromised at seeing any written matter in a jury room, and whenever they took a jury to lunch, they were careful never to join any case-related material. or so they always told me, and I believe them. Honourable bunch all round … and not clumsy enough to knock a file to the floor. This is a really on the honker, reeks of political set-up of expediency. And Lucy McCallum should have the decency to retire, and become a moderator the ABC’s The Drum … then hardly anyone will ever see or listen to her again.

  5. Regular reader says:

    Businesses in Flinders Street will be fuming when they find out the car park the Pie mentioned that was closed for Townsville Eats was actually closed from Friday afternoon – more than 24 hours before the Saturday night spookfest.
    I drove into Flinders Street East at 6pm on Friday and the car park I normally leave my car in when dining at Dynasty Restaurant had signs up threatening that people who parked there would have their cars towed away.
    So nearby restaurants and bars suffered not just for one night, but two at the hands of the TCC.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if Jenny Hill actually thinks these pop-up Townsville Eats events are helping CBD businesses stay afloat.

    • The Magpie says:

      You’re dealing with a woman who has never owned her own business and has never employed anyone … when she stopped being a lab assistant, she immediately clamped herself on the public tit, and has milked it for all its worth. Wouldn’t mind if she was constructive and positive. What a drogue anchor she is on our city.

  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    So Mr Chalmers reckons electricity prices will rise another 50% over the next 2 years. That’s going to impact the good people of Townsville not only on a personal daily level, but service providers like Council will also be impacted and they will turn to the ratepayer for the extra funds to cover Council infrastructure costs. And what will happen when China makes a grab for Taiwan and another war erupts? And as China, Russia and India keep uncoupling themselves from the USD, we are going to feel a lot more pain. And I’m not even going to start on the situation with rising interest rates and record breaking inflation. Our retarded Council and it’s team of misfits and incompetents are in no way ‘battle ready’ to face growing economic turmoil. The global financial situation is imploding, time to batten down the hatches.

  7. The Magpie says:

    As per recently announced policy, make a point about current issues if you wish to slag off at others – straight out childish abuse doesn’t make the cut any more.

  8. J jones says:

    Punishment for Typo?

  9. Prince Rollmop says:

    Harpic is one of a trio of limpdicks who do nothing, achieve nothing and are nothing in Townsville. We all know that most politicians are useless and the only thing they are good at is bleeding the public teat to feather their own financial nests. But Townsville’s elected members are top of the charts when it comes to being impotent in their duties. The hypocrisy of people like Harpic and the Mundingburra mauler are an embarrassment. Every time they open their mouths or write a public comment I cringe with shame. Seriously, what the actual
    fuck has Townsville done to deserve having these three muppets thrust upon us?

  10. The Magpie says:

    Anybody down on Via Vomitorium for the Halloween event which would have been more suited to a local park ? The pics in the Bulletin show an almost deserted background, but that’s more a reflection of the Bulletin’s miserly attitude to adequate staff to cover events … clearly taken in the afternoon before things got underway properly. And the sight of happy little kids having innocent fun in an area which a few hours later will be filled with drunkard idiots, pissing, chundering, slipping over and fighting with cops was a bit disconcerting.

  11. NQ Gal says:

    I’d like to thank Messagebank, Private Cupcake and Harpic for their contribution (sometimes personal) to Townsville being voted Queensland’s Shittest Town. Onward and upward to the National Awards to see if we can win the Australian title two years in a row.

  12. Echochamber says:

    Headline on the 9 news website – “Man found guilty of killing pregnant teen for second time in two years”. I couldn’t find the story about her previous resurrection though.

    Don’t get up, I’ll see myself out.

  13. Prickster says:

    Let us call out the politics around cost of living and power prices in Queensland because its bullshit.

    The Queensland Government owns, and operates coal mines plus coal fired power stations. CS Energy owns the Kogan Creek Mine, which supplies black coal to the Kogan Creek Power Station. Stanwell owns Meandu Mine adjacent Tarong power stations.

    If the government wanted to it could slash power prices today, but it does not. This more indirect taxation and money making by government.

  14. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    I had better get busy checking the court lists, hospital admissions and funeral notices to find out where Magpie went. No updates for 24 hours is a record.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie needs a Pauline for your comment …please explain.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Because you had been unusually quiet for an entire day I thought you were either in gaol, hospital or the morgue.

        • The Magpie says:

          Ummm, well, thank you for your concern (maybe, but strange you didn’t include the golf course, the pub or the boot of Jenny’s car) but this end, The ‘Pie posted several comments, mostly replies, yesterday. And to still your beating heart, if comments keep being posted, that can only be done while the old bird is still extant in this dimension. Even if done on his laptop in the boot of Jenny’s car.

  15. Critical says:

    Reckon that the Auditor-General needs to undertake a review of TCC but let Jenny call tenders for Molicare or Tena personal care products first as they’ll probably be needed in great quantities by TCC.


  16. Prince Rollmop says:

    This article on ABC had me laughing loudly.
    The excuses that this lazy Councillor coughed up for missing meetings or being late is hilarious – kangaroos, flat laptop battery and long COVID. A good laugh for a Monday morning!


  17. Critical says:

    TCC mustn’t want their 2021/2022Annual Report to be easily found, not on their main page and I had to search through their user hostile Web site to find it. Not too certain why I bothered, sweet f***k all information in it.


  18. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Our friends at CASPA are in the news again for all the wrong reasons. Seems two of their young charges have ended up dead in stolen cars in recent months in the NT.


  19. Alahazbin says:

    Pie, A bit of info of the connections to the winner of the Melbourne Cup, Gold Trip. 10% owned by one Barry (Bazza) Taylor.
    Hope this doesn’t raise your blood pressure too much.

  20. Alahazbin says:

    Gold Trip

    Foal Date 10 Mar 2017
    Description 5yo B Horse
    Trainer Ciaron Maher & David Eustace
    Owner Australian Bloodstock, J Woodbridge, Whitegate Pastoral, Roth Brogan Syndicate, Gold Trip, Cup Racing Crew Syndicate, S Pellegrino, B TAYLOR, M Belford, J Garvey, N Greenhalgh, Mrs M Greenhalgh, C Madden, Mystery Downs, C Cook, B Nally, Werrett Bloodstock, L Caminiti & J Simmons

    • The Magpie says:

      Didn’t doubt you, interesting bit of trivia. No doubt a welcome comfort to Bazza as he descends in the years of shame,blame and regret.

  21. The Magpie says:

    A random thought: when we read crime stats on how many crimes have been reported, is it a case of counting say 20 people reporting the same crime? Crime is undeniably rampant, but do the bureaucrats make it worse for funding reasons by creating a false disparity between crimes reported and crimes solved? The ‘Pie could be wrong – (yes, it has been known, believe it or not.)

  22. The Magpie says:

    Dan Andrews nails it.

    “We should not be competing against the world for something that comes out of our ground. And nor should we be paying European prices for gas when we are not in Europe.”

    Replies addressing the gas issue only will be published, not interested on some sort of pile-on with random opinions of Andrews generally. Like who care fucking cares. For once, PLEASE STICK TO THE BLOODY ISSUE.

    • Achilles says:

      Too bloody true, of course our gas has a higher retail price overseas, they have to pay the shipping cost; QED.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yes, but then, why are WE paying the same price when it’s accessed right here? Guess who pockets that difference. Another reasons for the rare occasion The Magpie agrees with the Queensland Government over the windfall mining tax. The loss of investment argument is as hollow as it is panicked flailing around with an imaginary shillelagh … what happened in WA proves that it is empty bullshit.

    • Prickster says:

      Victoria is one of the biggest contributors to the high gas prices. In 2012 the Victorian Government stopped the local gas industry overnight with a moratoria on onshore gas exploration and production eliminating the opportunities for new low-cost onshore supply close to energy users.

      Drilling for gas, like mining for minerals needs constant exploration to find viable and profitable reserves. Stopping exploration was foolish and short sighted.

      Shutting down coal fired power station before adequate renewable energy was online is also contributing to the problem.

      • The Magpie says:

        Fair comment, also made by Cankers, but just because Dan Andrews said it, doesn’t make the statement wrong. Hypocritical, perhaps … well, on the evidence certainly hypocritical … but not wrong.

        And easily fixed as a matter of equitable fairness … Victoria wants to be precious about gas exploration, let them pay a premium to whatever other state supplies them.

        Denying the undeniable truth of a statement because of who said it is like knocking back an offer of free ice cream for everyone because the offer comes from daughter of someone long dead who said something 40 years ago.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Nailed what, apart from the fact that he is a disgusting hypocrite, it’s all fracked gas, the type of gas he banned in his own state, he has heaps in his own state, just doesn’t what to pay to get it out the ground. That’s the point of this whole ignorant position stupid people take in this gas debate, gas is worthless, just sits in the ground, the cost lies in getting it out, processing it and shipping it, and the hundreds of billions of dollars spent to build these gas plants and supporting facilities were all underwritten by long term supply agreements, mostly with foreign companies, they paid for it, they built it and now lazy Australians who didn’t invest a fucking cent want some of the gas at a cheap rate. These companies have every right to tell Australia to get stuffed, we were short sighted and failed to plan for our own future, these companies have already agreed to supply excess capacity in Australia that is not part of the long term agreements, something Australia should recognise and be grateful.

      • The Magpie says:

        What’s lazy about not wanting to be robbed by global bandits and our own corrupt elitist right wing governments, past and present. Australians weren’t and aren’t lazy, they were just outplayed by crooked self-serving politicians,(Andrew Robb, anyone?) and want equitable treatment so far denied them by corporate greed. And The ‘Pie is surprised at your transparent sophism about gas being worthless … not one of these grasping corporations wealthy enough to provide kick backs and brown paper bags to corrupt politicians here in Australia would invest the money in a worthless product. And no one wants to destroy them, it would be barely a ripple on their bottom line to provide a local reserve WHICH WON’T BE FREE ANYWAY – JUST REASONABLY PRICE AT THE CELLAR SO TO SPEAK. Like many on the far right (in your case, Cankers, rightish), your howls of outrage are more informed by partisan politics and social elitism than any sort of patriotic justice for a population suffering hardship for the corruption of previous governments … nearly all of them of your political persuasion.

        Take a deep breath and answer this: forget who said the words quoted – are you saying it is wrong, and Australians struggling under all sorts of pressures, should meekly assume the position and be rooted into penury by international conglomerates?

        Look to WA, mein herr, when the state Labor government in around 2006 flagged the introduction of a reserve , they were threatened with all sorts of doomsday, end-of-the-world scenarios, especially that energy corporations would not only walk away, but would never invest there again. The state Labor government went ahead anyway, and now WA doesn’t have the energy problems the rest of the politically lily-livered country has. ONE REASON BEING THAT IN THE 16 YEARS SINCE THE RESERVE WAS INTRODUCED IN WA, THE STATE HAS ENJOYED $20BILLION OF FOREIGN AND NATIONAL INVESTMENT IN THE GAS INDUSTRY.

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          I don’t think asking private businesses to renege on their contractual obligations to compensate society for really poor decisions by government is the answer, Australia made the decision to disinvest from the gas industry as a domestic form of energy years ago, these businesses were all set up exclusively for the export market. Even our lefty PM doesn’t want to touch this, he knows the minefield that happens when government starts meddling in existing contractual arrangements, it tends to rebound on you badly, all the Govt can do is have quiet conversations with a hope to get some considerations on supply, which has been achieved, but why these businesses would want to give away margin and profit so Australia can get a special price I don’t understand, we pay the global price for everything in the world, why would gas be any different.

          • The Magpie says:

            As The ‘Pie reasonably explained previously, society is the victim here of poor if not corrupt governance, exploited by strong arm tactics from multi-nationals. And, yes, mate, it does deserve to be compensated for short-sighted if not corrupt deals done in our name. What were acceptable arrangements and behaviour some time ago can and should be renegotiated cf Harvey Weinstein – different arena, sure, but same principal. Weinstein wrongly asked for open legs, the multi-nationals wrongly asked for open wallets. And don’t fall for the line that they provide jobs … our mineral wealth is ours, and the very least we are entitled to expect is the work of digging up our own country.

            You may find this hard to believe Cankers but here it is … no less than the boss of Shell has said in effect existing arrangements should expect to be reviewed in changing times.

            The chief executive of the Dutch oil giant Shell, Ben van Beurden, took a different view last week when discussing a doubling in third-quarter profits, even months after the UK imposed an energy profits levy.

            “We should be prepared and accept that also our industry will be looked at for raising taxes in order to fund the transfers to those who need it most in these very difficult times,” he said. “We have to embrace it.”

            And Shell is no two-bit player in the global energy market.

            Why don’t you want Australians to be be better off and be treated fairly? Business models and contractual arrangements in this war-torn, faction ridden Trump-infested world are no longer sacrosanct, and it would be nice for you to face up to the inevitable and stick up for the home team.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            There is no consistency in your arguement Pie, just singling out the oil and gas industry as so many want to do when they make money. Every commodity we have is traded globally, and we pay the world price for it, we don’t have a special section at the sale yards for cheap cattle to be supplied just so Australians can have better priced meat, sugar is twice the price of 2 years ago, mostly foreign owned processes making huge profits currently, wheat, wool, copper, iron ore, coal, zinc, the list goes on and on of goods we pay world prices for in Australia, gas is the same, it’s just an easy target for politicians to paint as the bastards of the world when it’s themselves who have fucked the people of this country in regards to energy security and supply, but taxing it more wont make it any cheaper, and asking companies to hike the prices even further for foreign buyers to subsidise Australian consumers will come back and bitch slap us in the face in the long run, people have long memories with that sort of thing. If Daniel Andrews and others want to bring the price of gas down then produce some of his own, or ask his mate Albo to remove the GST off the shit, problem solved.

          • The Magpie says:

            Regarding consistency, allow The ‘Pie to return the compliment. Your basic ‘two wrongs DO make a right’ argument is flawed and dismaying.

            You admit that the general populace has been right royally shagged by politicians, but you advocate ‘steady as she goes’, no adjustment for past wrongs, rorts or misjudgements. And companies are not being asked to hike prices for foreign buyers but if they do, so fucking what? That is a matter for multi-nationals who you yourself admit are making huge profits. Customers going to be saying, ‘ Merde, we no longer want you gas’? And btw the idea is not greater taxation for gas, it is a lesser price for a guaranteed reserve for domestic (i.e. Australian) use.

            And in a previous comment, you grandiloquently huffed and puffed about the cost of infrastructure as a justification for us to pay global market price …. but that is a price that includes the huge costs of shipping from our shores to overseas markets. IN YOUR CAPITALISM-GONE-MAD APPROVAL STANCE, WE DON’T EVEN GET A DISCOUNT FOR THAT. And please God, don’t tell that we ship gas overseas, buy it back and its shipped back to us …. but these days, that sort of lunacy is quite possible.

            This could be the start of a backlash against the globalisation rort by the corporate elites, and all those other mineral resource sectors should be looked at in the same way (Queensland has made a start with the windfall tax on coal, the one single thing The Magpie heartily applauds this stumblebum Palaszczuk government for)…. and water, we must stop the outflow of wealth to foreign outfits – particularly the egregious Chinese – by profiting from water at the same time their lobbyists are arguing against more water storage and faux environmental bullshit stopping landholders even making modest dams for their own use. Profits in this sector seep right through the entire economy, so it is a control that should stay firmly in our hands.

            But all that aside, Cankers what The ‘Pie wants to hear from you … indeed challenges you … to put your argument as to why what has worked so spectacularly well for WA … a price lowering reserve deal AND $20billion further development in the industry since the reserve was introduced around 2006 … why cannot that work on a national scale?

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            The WA deal could easily work across the country, if it started 15 years ago like the WA deal did, and all the subsequent offtake agreements could allocate those associated costs and risks into their pricing, so Australia as a whole could adapt the same deal, and any future contracts signed would accomodate it, but it won’t help the current agreements, these ar mostly 20-30 years long, that’s why they spent the money to guarantee their supply. The problem is prices will shit themselves in a couple of years anyway so the changes will be useless. I am sure the Qld Govt could squeeze some considerations for local supply here if we needed to but our gas use is 3/5 of fuck all in Qld, What Australia needs to do is tell Victorians to go fuck themselves and freeze for a year or two, it’s their stupid Govt that got them into this mess, let them sort it out.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Cankers, lazy Australians? Mate, these minerals/coal/gas/uranium/iron ore etc BELONG to Australia. If it means we don’t have a lift a finger in the supply process, or we want to charge exorbitant prices for it then good for us! Be assured that if Israel, America or China were selling this stuff to us they would hammer us and squeeze every penny out of us. The last time I read parts of the Australian constitution I didn’t notice the words ‘free/cheap commodities’, ‘we take IOU’s’, or ‘give away to a good home’.

        The Twiggys, Rinehart’s, Rio Tinto’s et al have been fleecing the Australian citizens for 70 years or more. It’s about time we told these Corporates to either pay up or fuck off. If they paid their way we would have better roads, rail, and infrastructure across Northern Australia rather than one track railway lines and thousands of kilometres of corrugated shit roads. Have you ever driven the Tanami Track? It’s a fucking disgrace and just one example of a lack of spending. Royalty taxes could fix these issues. Keep the money in the top end and tell Anna Alphabet to stick her billion dollar tunnels up her ass.

        • The Magpie says:

          The Magpie has always believed that the most there should have been a mandatory process when a mine operation came to any town or region, the entry price was a new or completely refurbished fully funded equipped AND STAFFED hospital, school, bush fire brigade, whatever. It had to be seen, it couldn’t disappear down the bottomless rabbit hole or the pockets of the bought-off. And as long as they dug and pumped, those facilities had to be there for inspection and their operation approved. Royalties remain as agreed, even dropped a bit because we could actually see tangible benefit that avoided government expenditure.

          No politician would ever vote for it, of course.

          • Prickster says:

            Energy companies don’t always make a profit, what happens when they lose money – does the government step in a help them? One of Australia’s largest gas companies Woodside lost $4billion due to the pandemic and dramatic oil price plunge in 2020.

            The short term energy answer is producing more electricity from coal fired power station in NSW and Queensland as well as restarting the mothballed power stations in Victoria.

          • The Magpie says:

            ALL companies sometimes don’t make a profit, but in the industry we are talking about … ok, at your behest, let’s widen that from gas to energy generally … governments should do what they can in the interests of the general population, but not be held over a barrel (of oil hahhaa-erk …err sorry). So in the lean times, they could adjust their requirements to assist as best they can – share holders too have reasonable expectations in times of unforeseen calamities – but The ‘Pie does not believe they should stump up public funds just to keep the bottom line from sinking too far.

            As to your second observation, The Magpie is with you there … political expediency has led Australia nationally down what could be called the Campbell Newman Fallacy path … too much, too soon. But guess what? On ABC RADIO yesterday arvo, there was a very data savvy nerd quoting his study that while renewables were gradually growing, traditional power source plants were still expanding at five times the rate. His thought is that it is a never ending game of catch-up. Will see if it’s floating around for a listen.

            His data was global, so Australia really has to face some tough political choices …. and soon.

  23. Prince Rollmop says:

    The reason we pay so much for gas is because we have useless politicians who have no understanding about business. They let these big companies take out all of our mineral assets, flog it to everyone at a high price, and then contribute very little by way of tax. It’s fucking criminal. They also allow the same companies to have clauses in their leases or mo big rights that DO NOT include cheaper commodity prices for those in Australia. Again, it’s a fucked situation that morons in government have allowed to develop. The so called mining tax windfalls are actual quite minuscule when you look at the volume of material being removed and then the price that it is sold at to overseas buyers. We get paid crumbs..

    • Achilles says:

      We shouldn’t overlook another dodgy mob of tax dodgers in all this, religion.

      These super rich/superstitious shysters pay no tax, poison the innocent minds and often the bodies of innocent children.

      They own, stole, gifted large tracts of real estate, often prime sites, where they brew their poisonous mind viruses.

      This mob are in exactly the same league as the worst, exploiters of our natural resources..

  24. Mike Douglas says:

    You can debate as much as you like about Corporations and their gas deals , Government failure but who is addressing the cost of living issues locally ? . Councillors wages $1.1 mil +super , $238,000 in expenses and Council slogans of ” Mentally Healthy City , Millions for “well being ” but that isnt going to placate the landlord or the bank when you cant pay the rent / mortgage . Aarons Harpers best efforts is posting grants on his fb page . Projects if they ever happen i.e Councils affordable housing are years away so how about some dialogue / action on the home front as lets face it many parts of the City are looking worn and require some r+m .

  25. The Magpie says:

    From The Magpie’s Believe It Or Not true tales.

    Stopped at the lights yesterday, noticed a motor bike in the next lane. Bloke wearing just boots, footy shorts and a cutaway top like an Aussie rules jumper, and of course helmet. He was riding what The ‘Pie believes is called a Harley Davidson dove tail, all black and shiny chrome. Lovely deep throated note burbling away in neutral. A well muscled fellow, he looked like he was livin’ the dream.

    But The ‘Pie then noticed something truly unusual …. this bloke, with his extensive display of bare skin did not have one single tattoo!!s Had plenty of time to double check but nope, not one on public display. Neck, legs and most significantly, arms – all inkless.

    What a bloody misfit. Bet this bloke doesn’t even do drugs, and isn’t hooked up with some pink and green haired leather-clad slut, (gawd, he’s probably married!! Probably even kids for godsake!!) and doesn’t go about extorting businesses on various pretexts. Or join childishly noisy bike ‘look at me, mum’ rallies heading to the local MENSA meeting.

    Probably just a biker, not a bikie. What a bloody loser.

  26. Dave of Kelso says:

    Townsville in the news for all the wrong reasons. A young school girl’s trust in the clergy betrayed. While it would have been difficult for her to go to the police, the adults she went to should have immediately gone to the police, but they did not. Now the whole thing complicated by a half-arsed “investigation” by the Catholic church.


  27. TheOtherGuy says:

    QLGRA – Queensland Local Government Reform Alliance
    7 h ·
    Defendant tells court LGAQ CEO Greg Hallam’s defamation claim is ‘contrived, excessive and an abuse of process’
    Andrew McKenna | The Cairns Post
    November 3, 2022 – 7:00AM
    A court has heard a defamation claim against a Tablelands resident and a Cairns Regional Council councillor “lacks connection to facts”.
    “A posse in a lynch mob” that “went after” Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) boss Greg Hallam was the way two defendants in a defamation trial were described earlier this week.
    Tablelands resident Lyn O’Connor and Councillor Rob Pyne – a former state MP – are representing themselves in a defamation action brought against them by Greg Hallam, the former CEO of the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ).
    Mr Hallam is seeking damages over a number of Facebook posts, including a meme depicting Star Wars character Jabba the Hutt wearing an LGAQ T-shirt.
    During the trial the court heard Mr Hallam had serious health problems because of the hurt he had suffered, including but not limited to weight gain, increased blood pressure, increased drinking and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    On Wednesday Ms O’Connor summed up her case, dismissing the characterisation of herself and Mr Pyne as a “posse” in a “lynch mob”.
    She told the court an ordinary reader would not interpret the Jabba the Hutt cartoon as any more than a physical likeness of Mr Hallam, that Jabba the Hutt as a character had taken on broader use in recent years and a well-known attribute was his size and shape, not that he is criminal or corrupt.
    ‘No connection to the facts’
    Lyn O’Connor submitted the defamation claim had “foundations on assumptions and opinions with no connection to the facts”.
    “After nearly five years, huge expense, the case has not demonstrated Mr Hallam’s hypothesis of there being a campaign against Mr Hallam, let alone a claim orchestrated by Mr Pyne or myself,” she told the court.
    “Throughout this claim somebody’s prejudices have coloured the facts. Some are more bent up and misaligned than I can comprehend.”
    She told the court there was no evidence or demonstration of malice or an orchestrated campaign against Mr Hallam.
    “There are parties behind this who have deep relationships, who do have motivation and malice. Some of that is motivated in the background of this claim.
    “This is not to say that Mr Hallam has not suffered from the publication,” she told the court.
    She said there was no evidence of Mr Hallam’s weight gain of 17-18kg because of his increased alcohol consumption.
    She quoted psychiatrist Dr Cecily Greaves who gave evidence earlier that she did not believe Mr Hallam had clinical PTSD. Another expert witness told the court Mr Hallam did not have high blood pressure, she said.
    “Mr Hallam’s belief that the publications were made in a malicious way are unfounded … I submit there has been no economic loss by Mr Hallam who has continued to work in his position at full pay,” Ms O’Connor said.
    “I’m not diminishing Mr Hallam’s hurt and distress, but it is contrived, excessive and an abuse of process,” she submitted to the court.
    Judge Dean Morzone KC has reserved his decision.
    #lgreform #qldroyalcommission #defamation #slap

  28. The Magpie says:

    It doesn’t get much lower than this.

    A stark example of the dangers America has been facing, which is now amplified by having a rich nut case – who is clearly mentally unstable socially despite his business smarts – in charge of Twitter – as this disgusting story reports …. and thank god for be for the reliable and invaluable Snopes debunking site.


    And should any of our local fruitcakes want to make claims about Snopes being biased, they can check back on the numerous times the has debunked certain left wing claims about Trump and other noxious Republicans figures, and including just last week, debunking and helping expose a false White House claim that Biden was responsible for an increase in Social Security payments – which are indexed anyway.

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