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The Magpie

Sunday, January 8th, 2023   |   161 comments

Anna’s Sick Joke: Her Juvenile Law ‘Reforms’ Are Like Putting An Extra Dead Bolt On Your Door But Leaving All The Windows Open.  

She really does take us for mugs. Premier Palaszczuk’s self-praised juvenile law reforms are anything but reforms – pretending they are is a monumental insult to Queensland’s long-suffering public.

And at last, an expert proposes a workable, knowledgeable plan to curb juvenile crime, offering a sensible way to bridge the gap between hardliners and the overly sympathetic. But the government doesn’t want to know.


Out Annandale way, residents will be using any left-over bubbly to toast their good luck in dodging the bail house bullet.


The most bizarre episode over the break was reminiscent of 1950s DLP relgio-politics; Aaron Harper’s attack on Catholic voters sees him go down quicker than Les Walker on Flinders Street R & R.


And why the member for Thuringowa stopped chest beating and went soft on crime … bribery and money are involved. The ‘Pie reveals why he is Aaron Iscariot.

Magnis redux? But without the famous Jenny Hill gullibility? It seems Townsville is to business shonks, urgers and grifters what fly paper is to flies. And the latest Yabulu ‘deal’ bears closely watching.


And Barnum and Bailey should sue … the Washington Clown Show has been upped a notch or two, and the cartoonists are having a field day.

Welcome back, Nesters, The Magpie and Bentley trust you’ll all have as much fun as we will with life’s absurdities outrages and general idiocy during 2023. So let’s dive in. Fonts are all over the place for some reason, but still readable … too late to mucj around with it, sorry.

Readjusting Our Power Settings?

The vexed question of the transition to new power sources has been brought into sharp contrast over the holiday period. The widespread flooding all around the country  is unprecedented, and will be the subject of debate in metro coffer shops and outback pubs alike.

But it has also highlighted the program to transition power to renewable. Shouldn’t a country that contributes less than one percent to global warming take a more measured approach to power changeover?

Is political expediency and a Green thumb up his political bum making Albo do a political Campbell Newman – too much, too fast?

Bentley thinks so.

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The Magpie has seen his share of both dry and wet across this country, but until the past week, he had never heard of 800mm in four days … cripes, that’s what, 32 inches in the old money. Made things a bit crowded for some. Great pic.

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Why Didn’t Anyone Think Of It Before – The Answer To Getting Townsville’s Lawless Kids Back On Track Is …. Interpretive Dance.

In this weekend’s Townsville Bulletin, after Harvey Norman granted permission, this $5000 government full-pager popped up.

Govt penaltis Screen Shot 2023-01-07 at 10.07.02 am

The very fact that this fucktangle government felt it necessary to spent taxpayer dollars on outlining their program is nothing less than an inadvertent admission that it is failure as a program even before it is ratified. Not that we didn’t know that, it has been widely detailed across all media … and universally derided.

The problem lies in the fact that the crucial changes – increased penalties – are all AFTER the fact. And pinning on a few years extra for offences is not going to make one whit of difference to these youths – they are the very epitome of a nothing-to-lose brigade, and are aided and abetted by a soft judiciary – a judiciary that appears to be guided by some woke principle that the perpetrators are actually social victims themselves – maybe they are, but so what? – and the people they victimise are less deserving of consideration and more importantly, protection.

Not a mention or hint of bail laws with teeth. And item three in the ad is pure flummery … magistrates already have that discretion, and always have had. Just seems they are reluctant to use it.

And the fact that we don’t already have a Youth Crime Taskforce Commander is hard to fathom … youth crime must surely be the police’s number one priority. (Former Townsville walloper Cheryl Scanlon would be odds on for the gig.)

Item 8 has been roundly laughed off by experts – a sort automotive version the ankle bracelet fiasco – and besides, that is nanny state thinking at its worst Owners themselves are often to blame for car theft and the taxpayer should not be made to foot the bill when precautions that cost nothing have been widely publicised.

But Palaszczuk’s panic in quickly cobbling together a raft of nonsensical measures is clearly evidenced in one little gem that emerged, when it was revealed that the Sydney-based youth program Street University was to be rolled out as part of this new suite of solutions.

Seems this metro program which will have highly doubtful success in the NQ environment weren’t even told that they were on the Government’s dance card.

Co-founder of Street University Matt Noffs told the Bulletin the first he heard that his program was going to be rolled out in Townsville was in the media. ‘We don’t know the details yet. I think you found out about it before I did.’

When quizzed about components of the program, we read this:

“If we provide them with things that they want be doing, we can then get them into those traditional diversion programs before they get picked up.”

The program provides a number of outlets, including musical, dance and live performance production classes as well as skills training and other creative outlets.”

So we now all await the first public performance of the kids in Pointe Shoes, tights and tutus – but the odds are that the smiling, simpering virtue signallers in the audience will depart only to face a long walk home, after finding non-dance participants have nicked their cars and are doing their own burn-out boogie.

This all points to a government that is out of touch, out of realistic ideas, and soon to be out of time.

A Sane Centrist Approach:

 “They have just got to understand we’re dealing here with a massive social disaster and there needs to be a reset.”

Keith Hamburger, former D-G of Queensland Corrective Service Commission

That dire assessment is from a man who knows the system from inside the government – Hamburger was the successful boss of Queensland prisons back in the 90s onwards.

He believes he has the plan to turn around this social disaster. It bridges the gap between the two extreme sides of perceived solutions to this issue.  In essence, he is proposing a  ‘prison light’ approach, with fully secured purpose-built centres acting as ‘healing and rehabilitation’ programs. But this is not everyone sitting around the campfire singing kumbaya and elders talking wistfully about country, this would be prisons where juveniles served their sentences, but in surroundings more conducive to rehab.

(This excellent article) click between brackets to see story  in the Australian by Jamie walker (an ex-Bulletin man from way back) is worth a careful read. (Hope it opens, may be paywalled).

But Mr Hamburger has tried to talk to the relevant ministers about his plan (which includes a Royal Commission) but Palaszczuk, A-G Shannon Fentiman, Police and Corrective Services Minister Mark Ryan and Leanne Linard in the Children and Youth Justice portfolio have all refused to meet him. Mr Hamburger, despite his expertise in this area, has been rudely fobbed off with a few low-level shiny bums of no account.

Why is The Magpie not surprised … if you yelled out ‘Royal Commission’ at Palaszczuk across the street, she’d shy like a skittish racehorse and suffer an involuntary personal embarrassment.

But Oh To Have Been There …

… when Premier Alphabet read this.

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With his Deputy Dawg jowls, the lifeless eyes of the living dead and the brain of Wiley Coyote Aaron Harper is a walking political minefield. But this time, he has blown off his own feet … and any slight chance he had of re-election. And Aaron, you putz, if you’re going to make a fool of yourself, at least learn how to spell your enemy’s name correctly.

This bizarre take on politics and religion is all the more baffling because there was no basis for it except some fevered thought fart by Harpic himself. Crisafulli has not said a word on VAD since the law was passed, and you can take it from The ‘Pie, The Kid is not about to try to reverse a law passed by conscience vote. And the suggestion that he or any pollie for that matter takes his orders from the church hierarchy adds another malodorous lump of faecal matter to the swamp that is the Aaron Harper mind.

His egregious suggestion – more in the style of Nationals or One Notion slur than Labor – was quickly shot down by comments on his blog, including these two.

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It was a cheap shot from a cheap shit, and we now await to find out what our Catholic premier has to say about it. Will we see a wind back anytime after Anna again graces us with her knitted brow after her hols?

But there are other reasons why Harper is unfit for elected office. Here’s a little bit of howling bombast from 2017.

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This discombobulated ratbag doesn’t understand his admission of failure when he said ‘I am not asking for help anymore, I am demanding it!’ Or what, Harpic? Publicly demanding something implicitly implies an or else, and the only one available to you would be to resign from the party and even parliament (oh, if only).

But you did neither, and The Magpie is 100% certain he knows why. Shortly after this little tanty, a spooky think happened. Despite your lack of experience and intelligence, you were appointed to head the VAD Inquiry (some weird connection was apparently made with the issue and you being an ambulanceman – disturbing when you think about it) That committee eventually recommended adoption of the proposal, and it later passed into legislation. And you, poor dear, you were kept sooo busy, you didn’t have time to say another meaningful word about the rampant crime affecting your constituents, let alone thinking of resigning the party on principle. Suddenly, you were too concerned with allowing people to choose their own death  to try to do something about the slow social death of your city.


This gig, which came out of the blue and had observers scratching their heads, was a nice little kick in the wallet for you, wasn’t it, chum ? On top of your undeserved $170k base pa, you got an extra $64k a year, bumping you $234k a year, territory you wandered around hardly believing your luck.

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So the bottom line is this, and The ‘Pie dares you to tell him he’s wrong. You agreed to go soft and waffly on kiddy crime here, and sold out the people of your electorate and of Townsville for 64,000 pieces of silver, didn’t you?

Happy to publish your response, mate, we don’t block people here like you do on your government FB site.

Meanwhile, On The Gold Coast  ….

Scott Stewart Gold Coast

Full Justification For Annandale Householders

The horrendous Brisbane murder and wounding of a quiet suburban couple forced to defend their home and children against a gang of ferals had the added outrage that the violent youths are linked to a bail house a few doors up the street from the victims.

This puts into perspective the now justified and successful opposition to the proposed house for ‘troubled youth’ proposed for Casuarina Drive in Annandale. Residents were criticised and vilified in a failed media PR blitz, liberally laced with outright lies. A ludicrous attempt was made to paint them as uncaring, unfeeling and selfish towards the less fortunate in our society. simply for being responsib le and wishing to protect their kids and property. This by an organisation who, no matter what genuine good intentions, is in it for the considerable government money on offer. And are happy to let neighbours be at risk while they are holed up a state away.

The NSW-based mob who tried this on have since been in strife for a similar arrangement in the Northern Territory.

So good on you Annandale, you made your protest vigorously but with the dignity of letting the organisation have a fair say on several occasions (again laced with lies, evasions and oily dishonest legalisms). Sadly, events in Brisbane have shown your objections were justified … the risk was all yours, the benefits none, and you saw off these carpetbagging government scroungers

Dumping unfortunate or just plain criminal kids into an unpoliced urban environment has to be re-thought … hardly any bail house or whatever euphemism name they go under has been successful, and originated as the work of woke Labor social engineers and luvvies. Tax and ratepaying citizens deserve … in fact, have the right to more considerate  treatment.

Yabulu To Start Again: But There’s A Whole Herd Of Elephants In This Room

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The news that Fatty Palmer had sold his rusting nickel works at Yabulu to an obscure Swiss outfit was dropped on us just three days before Christmas. That timing in itself raised some alarm bells, but there was certainly not going to be efforts at questions by the likes of the Townsville Bulletin. (The AFR story) was written with a raised eyebrow. Click between brackets to see story.

But questions abound.

Of great concern is the involvement of this bloke.

Richard Petty

Dr Richard Petty

Accountant Richard Petty is well known in Sydney financial circles, and it is fair to say that he is regarded as a wide boy with, as they say in defamation-shy terms, a colourful past. But the Financial Review’s Rear Window columnist (Joe Aston’s straight bat) click between brackets to see story with facts is damning enough, chronicling Petty’s decade long rort on the board of CPA Australia and his subsequently being stripped of his life membership of the organisation. Petty, a boardroom bandicoot if ever there was one, has just found a gig on the board of Diginex … would you believe, a cryptocurrency exchange operator!

Of interest around here is that he was for a time on the board of Magnis Energy – remember them? And their proposed battery factory which was whittled down to a repacking shed and then to maybe some time soon.

And now we learn that Dr Richard Petty (he’s a former professor apparently) is the head of Swiss-based Zero Carbon Investek (ZCI), which is suspiciously termed as ‘a special purpose vehicle formed to undertake the Yabulu acquisition’. A one-off, so as to speak.

As the links show, Petty has some grand plans, including a solar farm to power the plant’s operations (which some experts say does not overly depend on electricity anyway) and seem far more interested in the residual wealth sitting in the tailings dams. The exact thinking behind CZI’s intentions is somewhat hazy. And apparently will only happen when they get others interested in investing in their scheme (sound familiar?)

Petty is chucking around some big numbers, like $800mill for the solar farm, which brings us to our favourite elephant in the room, Kim Il Jen.  Fine words doth butter no parsnips, as they say in Yorkshire and in Walker Street, but Mayor Mullet must have dollar signs in her eyes when she writes the new invoice for the more than $2m in unpaid rates, charges and interest that Fatty Palmer ran out on when he pissed off.

If Petty isn’t being just another dodgy blowhard, he should have no trouble sorting out that little matter. First thing, if you don’t mind, mate, then we might start to believe you.

The American Circus: Quote Of The Week

This goes to 15th time lucky and new House of Reps speaker Kevin McCarthy. After the historic marathon voting saga of 15 rounds, a now politically crippled McCarthy had his ego satisfied by falling over the line. Scenes of a flurry of fisticuffs would’ve been unseemly had the whole thing not degenerated into a clown fest days ago. All that was missing was pretend water buckets of confetti being chucked at each other.

But McCarthy’s quote after getting the nod: ‘I want to thank Donald Trump, who bacled me. This proves never to underestimate the influence of Donald Trump.’

Err, Kevvy, mate, the ex mobster president supported you only in the first round of voting … fellow Republicans were so influenced that needed to bash and bellow another 14 times before you made it.

Anyway, that was great fodder for this week’s gallery, along with serial liar George Santos – the senator-elect must hold a record for lies, falsifying his CV, making outrageous claims and being proven to be lying time again … yet he will he will take his seat in Congress. Needless to say, he’s a Republican. The unravelling continues.

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Finally … The Whoopsie Of The Week

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Which puts The ‘Pie in mind of this whoopsie a few years back.


These Ainslie Harriott sausages went on sale in Ireland before the unfortunate photograph featured Ainslie with … yep, a fork. Harriott in the end went with joke and created or tolerated  a series of racy jokes.



First Nest done and dusted for 2023. The ‘Pie always encourages conversation and participation, and it’s handy to remember comments and messages not for publication can safely be emailed to email hidden; JavaScript is required">email hidden; JavaScript is required – nothing is automatically published, all has to pass by the beady eye.

Donation button is as usual below … but you know that, used it so often haven’t you? For which The ‘Pie thanks you.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Happy New Year Pie and the nesters . Did Labor organize some support for Aaron Harper after taking on the Catholic Church and burying himself in another hole . The Aldi ruse to the media possibly coming to Willows at the same time the 27 % increase in Qld power costs was announced by QCA . Interesting Aaron thinks his followers want to know about his lawn at home at the same time his electorate are hit by cost of living pressure / 50 % increases in home insurance similar car driven by crime risk .

    • The Magpie says:

      More proof that harpic is a UFO Unfit For Office. in fact, think we’ll make that his title for this blog. If readers make the mistake that we are suggesting he from another planet, that’s ok too … and accurate.

      • The Angry One says:

        Remember that time when Townsville was in the grip of a massive recession (in reality its always in recession) and Harper was flying around the world and posting about what a great time he was having ? its a race to the bottom when people can vote for more handouts.

  2. Ducks Nuts says:

    On the topic of youth crime, perhaps the manager at Coles Aitkenvale need to understand that letting groups of kids come in and take deodorants to sniff actually aids and abets crime. Of a morning they can be seen sniffing in the Kmart centre. WTF is this idiot thinking.

    • Helpless says:

      You’ll probably find that he/she can’t do a thing about it – most employees at Woolies and Coles are told not to stop the little toe rags – they really are a protected species.

      • The Magpie says:

        And whether we like it or not, Woolies and Coles are right to instruct employees to stay out of it, they are not hired to get into confrontations … but on the other hand, these chains make such obscene profits that they have an obligation to the community to hire security to police these matters.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        I asked staff who said new manager let’s them come in every day and takr spray can deodorants because he thinks that way they won’t steal from the store.
        Woolworths has spray cans behind cages to help stop chroming. Why would Coles let it be a free for all? And there are security in the centre. But this would undermine security.

        • NQ Gal says:

          Nutter – only some Woolies stores have caged deodorant. Vincent Village is caged, but less than 2k down the road, the store at Stockies doesn’t. I was at Stockies much later than I wanted to a couple of days ago and noticed that physical barricades are across all arcades except the one that leads to Woolies. Should stop the shitheads on the bikes and scooters running amok in the centre.

        • Critical says:

          When Coles operated at Rising Sun, it wasn’t just the Indigenous juveniles who stole, but also adults who walked in with the Coles shopping bags, filled them with groceries, mostly frozen fat food such as pizzas and sweets, and then walk out around the end of the check outs. If staff said anything, they got a mouthful of abuse. Readers who shopped at this Coles may remember when one of the managers locked one of the entrance doors and made all shoppers come through a smaller entrance and leave through a checkout. He was directed to open both doors and restore the main entrance and exit because he had been reported for discrimination by Yumba Meta apparently.

          After that, staff were told not to say anything to the protected species of shop lifters and just let them walk out. Of course this lot just increased their level of shop lifting, abusing Coles staff and customers, harassing shoppers and casing their cars in the car park etc so customers felt unsafe and started shopping at Fairfield Waters. This led to an earlier than planned closure of Coles Rising Sun pending the opening of Coles Castletown. This shopping centre is still largely vacant and no wonder why if you drive through.

          Apparently the Coles stance was that staff safety came first so I understand where the Manager at Coles Aitkenvale is coming from

          • The Magpie says:

            And management is right …as said in a previous comment, the shelf stackers and checkout folks didn’t sign up to World Wrestling.

          • old tradesman says:

            Another reason to vote NO in The Voice.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Well there’s some good scaremongering old tradesman. By your logic we should vote no to the voice because Coles let’s kids take deodorant from their stores to sniff it in the shopping centres.

    • The Angry One says:

      Have you ever thought that the manager can’t do a damn thing ?????

  3. DT says:

    FYI something is wrong Malcolm I had to access this with Google your system advises me that I am not recognised? I have no e-mail or password registered with you?
    Keep the pressure on

    • The Magpie says:

      DT, system should be fixed now. try accessing via original email. Please let me know. If you’ve been receiving the weekly email, you are registered, but many subscribers do not give their names and just have obscure email handles, so I don’t know who’s who in this zoo.

  4. Rubber Soul says:

    Just how much more do we have to endure of Mark Howard on the Fox cricket channel?
    The guy and his ego are unbearable!

    • The Magpie says:

      For several years now, The Magpie has watched both cricket and football (all codes) without sound. Seriously. Even most of the neddies, as well, although Sky coverage is so patchy, sound is often needed. (WA’s Darren McCauley is easily the best race caller in Australia, which basically makes him the best in the world … makes every race a story without waffling. Only turn on sound if there’s a controversial incident that requires further explanation.

      Of course, sometimes the news isn’t all that good visually …. the gravy train leaves to station without The ‘Pie on board. NTD figures.

      • old tradesman says:

        No wonder you ran third, since when do horses race in a greyhound race, stick to Hugh Bowman at ShaTin, already 3 winners.

        • The Magpie says:

          Bit you to the TAB screen on Sky/Fox Sport, Tradie? Pic and result on the right, next event odds on the left.

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    Bloody good post to start off 2023 Magpie. Love the expose on Harpic. Good to see you digging deep again and posting facts and figures relating to this human toilet brush and his hypocrisy. Harpic’s attack on the Kid and the Catholic Church is somewhat unhinged. Personally I care bought about Catholicism, their pedophile priests and their money making schemes, but on this occasion Harpic’s unloading was ridiculous. Aaron, R U OK? Mate, check yourself into The Adult Acute Mental Health Inpatient Unit (AAMHIU) at Townsville University Hospital and get yourself some electric shock treatment.

    • The Magpie says:

      Take your point, but the fact that an elected representative charged with representing ALL his constituents is different to you or me slagging off at any religious entity. Like his new acronym says UFO … Unfit For Office.

    • Achilles says:

      Unfortunately, electric shock treatment won’t cure foot in mouth, narcissism, nor congenital imbecility.

  6. The Magpie says:

    ‘ello, ‘ello, ‘ello.

    Certainly nothing to do with The astonisher none of the parade of recent muppets would rate the ranking of senior editor … and one would imagine even News wasn’t daft enough to give Typo Gleeson the title. Surely.

    But having been able to sink the slipper, hedre a bit more that basically clears up who it isn’t.


    Wonder if Chris Kenny was imitating his hero and doing a Trump …

  7. NQ Gal says:

    Just got around to reading Shari’s column – I hope that the prognosis given to her is wildly inaccurate and she continues to be the best reason to read Saturday’s paper for a long time to come.

  8. Prickster says:

    800mm of rain in 4 day isn’t extreme.

    Plenty of places have had more than that in 3 day (or 4320 minutes in BOM data)

    Core of my heart, my country!
    Land of the Rainbow Gold,
    For flood and fire and famine,
    She pays us back threefold –
    Over the thirsty paddocks,
    Watch, after many days,
    The filmy veil of greenness
    That thickens as we gaze.

    Dorothea Mackellar

    • The Magpie says:

      Then the feral pigs and the roos get into the paddock and bugger it up. Or is that filmy veil of greenness actually blue green algae.

  9. Prickster says:

    800mm of rain in 4 day isn’t extreme.

    Plenty of places have had more than that in 3 day (or 4320 minutes in BOM data)

    Core of my heart, my country!
    Land of the Rainbow Gold,
    For flood and fire and famine,
    She pays us back threefold

    Dorothea Mackellar

    • The Magpie says:

      Bitter new interpretation of the that classic we all pridefully grew up with … the country certainly seems to be paying us back at times.
      Still, wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, despite the droughts, flooding rains, Scomo and Jenny Hill.

    • Dorfus says:

      Even dear old Brownsville scored over 800mm in the 4 days from 9-13 January 1998. Yes, the Night of Noah is included in this. Some places in the city scored much more than this!

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie was unaware of those numbers, and wasn’t here at the time. Thanks, still astounding numbers, eh?

        • The Third Reader says:

          The Night of Noah, 10 Jan 1998. An event no one in Townsville that night will forget.
          I believe 549mm recorded in 24hrs, and most of it between about 5.30pm-9pm.
          Scary night with an unfortunate outcome for those in the huts at the mouth of the Black River, sadly with one life lost.

  10. Cantankerous but happy says:

    A woman drowns in the Casino pool on Saturday and yet nothing that I can see online in the Bulletin about it, either they know about it but don’t want to run the story or they don’t know about it because ignorant as always to what’s going on in this town.

    • The Magpie says:

      Even if they knew about it, there’s every chance that it was suppressed.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Maybe they waited for some facts and found out that she didn’t drown at all?

        • The Magpie says:

          That’d be a new policy for the Astonisher.

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Really, so what happened to her then?

        • The Magpie says:

          So Palm, is that your version of ‘move along folks nothing to see here’? If a woman died of ANYTHING in the pool of our premier hotel/casino, that is worth at least a few lines in the paper and elsewhere in the media. Given the paper’s usual form on recreational grief, where we are asked to shed a Burdekin Dam of tears over unfortunates we didn’t even know and most didn’t even die interesting deaths, this is the sort of thing any News Corpse outlet would wet their pants about. So, Palm, know something you’d like to share? Or is there something you don’t want to share? If the latter, why not? Or are you just bloviating as usual.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Why is everyone so angry and worked up? At about 4.45pm yesterday I read on the Townsville Bulletin website that a woman had been taken to hospital after a “near-drowning” at the resort.
            A few minutes ago I read on today’s Bulletin website, an article posted just 7 minutes before (ie. about 11am) that:

            “Police have provided an update after a woman who was taken to hospital [yesterday] after being found unconscious in a pool died.”

          • The Magpie says:

            Who’s angry? The Magpie and Nest readers take great satisfaction in keeping the Astonisher on its toes, and giving it free news tips, which they regularly plead for on social media. But do we get any thanks … we do not. Ungrateful lot.

    • Tropical says:

      The reason the story was not put online was because she had not died on Saturday.
      She was found unconscious in the pool, first aid given and taken to TUH.
      She died overnight (Monday)
      What the hell is wrong with some of you people.

      • The Magpie says:

        Are you serious? (Rhetorical question, we all know the answer). You conjure up a picture of the Astonisher journos sitting around anxiously, ashtray full of butts, tie askew, checking with the hospital ‘Damn! Still alive, eh? Well, can’t do a story just about a woman pulled unconscious from the casino swimming pool, she’s got to die before we mention it. Oh, well, that’ll give me time to finish tomorrow’s front page about Townsville top ten shower tilers bum cracks.’
        Trops, me old scramblenonkin, your perception about the adequacy of local journalism is about as sharp as your perception of US politics … sharp as a round rock. (With apologies to all round rocks).

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Exactly my point Pie, it was well known around town the lady wasn’t breathing when pulled from the pool and resuscitated on the scene by ambulance who to their credit never gave up and did a wonderful job as always but the outcome wasn’t good. If this had happened on a beach on the Gold Coast it would be news straight away, so if the Astonisher new about it why not run the story, why delay it until it is mentioned in your blog and suddenly within a couple of hours they put the story up. Anyway very sorry for the poor lady who despite a pool full of people had this happen to her, questions should be asked.

  11. The Magpie says:

    The Yanks have always done a nice line is rousing but often empty speeches – MLK was the only one who introduced a poetry of sincerity and suffering to his rallying call, most of the other lauded landmark speeches of the last century fell short of sincerity and sometimes actual coherent sense. So a new rising star in the Democratic firmament Hakeem Jeffries has set himself a mammoth task to live up to his widely acclaimed speech to the House during the speaker debate. It was a crackajack introduction to a wider public. It took The ‘Pie a second listen before realising that Jeffries listed and contrasted Republican shortcomings by running through the alphabet from A to – as they say – Zee. The ‘Pie cheered when he got to ‘M’.


    • NQ Gal says:

      I now think of it as Mar-a-Lardo. That descriptor is from Michael Cohen, the Orange Ejit’s former lawyer/fixer who went to jail for arranging the $130k hush money payment to the pornstar who pulled his pecker. (The Ejit’s long sought after tax returns revealed that he claimed the $130k as an expense).

  12. The Magpie says:

    Sky viewers were so pleased with the change that they both sent notes of congratulations.

  13. Regular reader says:

    A gunman could shoot 59 people at the casino and you wouldn’t read about it in the Astonisher.

  14. The Magpie says:

    Now here’s some good news, and well deserved.


  15. The Magpie says:

    The famous Aussie cultural cringe – copycatting everything American and elsewhere, has been demonstrated again … not very successfully it seems.

  16. Mike Douglas says:

    Loss of Taiff 33 and some home air cons last night . Anyone see an explanation . Facebook comments the only thread saying it was State wide .

    • old tradesman says:

      It’s called load shedding, those solar panels don’t work when the sun goes down.

    • Critical says:

      The question is why was it necessary to shut down the power supply to consumers on tariff 33. My understanding is that this action is taken because the generators couldn’t supply enough power to meet electricity demand. In reality, this is a form of power rationing. What’s next, electricity load shedding. Thought Nanna Anna said that Queensland has plenty of capacity to supply Queensland with electricity. Has anyone as the three useless Townsville idiot MP’s why power was rationed last night although that’d probably result in a blank dumb facial look and the answer of “Doh, what do you mean”

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Critical , why Townsville , Hinchinbrook , Burdekin and not other areas of Qld . Les , Aaron , Scott gone to ground and Ergon seem to be reluctant to explain . Interference from acting Premier Steven Miles as State Government owner of Ergon ? .

    • Damn tailings says:

      Tarriff 33 only guarantees 18hrs a day, T31 guarantees 8hrs.
      That’s what you sign up for when you connect to them.

  17. Critical says:

    I certainly didn’t know about this Coles policy regarding using products purchased at their fresh food deli within 48 hours. Did you ?


  18. Regular reader says:

    Just been holidaying in Gippsland and I can assure everyone that the wind farm blades don’t turn when the wind doesn’t blow either. Surely we’re not going to rely on wind and sun for reliable power.
    Then there’s the electric cars – charged by coal-fired power of course.
    All this tomfoolery is because of the “climate change” fad – the greenies version of the Year 2000 fiasco.
    Meanwhile the world’s biggest carbon emitting countries continue to build new and bigger coal-fired power stations.
    Don’t start me on farting cows.
    Who said Australians were smart?

    • The Magpie says:

      No one that I’m aware of.

    • Upagumtreeperson says:

      I have considered this reply very carefully based on a long history of gas expulsion. By all means tax cows and all animals for rear-end emissions but why not charge humans as well for frontal and rear emissions? Oh please do not tell the pollies because they just might think that is a good idea. Look out, human wind will be taxed next. Of course human wind should be harvested and added to the grid to generate more hot air and ultimately more electricity! Sound like a good idea?

      • The Magpie says:

        You’ve knocked your idea on the head from the outset, Tree Rooter … pollies would never pass such legislation, it would bankrupt most of them.

  19. Dave of Kelso says:

    What a clusterfuck! This will reduce the potency of charges against Trump for classified docs at Mara Lardo.


    • The Magpie says:

      Why will it do that, Dave? There is no dilution of offending by one party just because someone else is alleged to have done something similar. If Biden is hauled over the coals, on the basis of the facts surrounding this matter, that’s right and correct, but has absolutely no bearing on moves against Trump, which on the face of it are far more egregious and point to the possibility that he released information to foreign powers.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        I hope you are right.

      • Tropical says:

        …point to the possibility that he released information to foreign powers.

        Again you are pedaling complete and utter bullshit.

        • The Magpie says:

          How do you know? You’re willing to take a punt that there isn’t even (please note The ‘Pie’s wording) ‘possibility’ of treasonous behaviour? Bottom line: The ‘Pie doesn’t know if Trump did so, but equally, you don’t know that he didn’t.

          The ‘Pie is starting to suspect that you’re a former Labor minister now retired here in Townsville and gone rogue to the other side.

          • Tropical says:

            Sir, you really are a sick schmuck
            If Trump was pedaling stuff to foreign powers why was it not bought up at his two impeachment hearings?
            I will tell you why because he never did pedal stuff to foreign powers.
            You really are becoming the consumate BS artist.

          • The Magpie says:

            Praise indeed coming from Trump University’s summa cum laud in Bullshit Studies. But you’re lacking a salient point or two, Sub-Tropical.

            The possibility of offering info to foreign powers wasn’t an issue until he left office, well after two impeachments, illegally taking with him documents ONLY the sitting President of the United States has the right to access.

            And your degree in bullshit extends to English. That would be ‘peddling’ the closest your lardarse hero came to pedalling was his childhood trike.

            On yer bike, Goofy.

  20. Dave of Kelso says:

    Notice how the media self censor. An accurate, or reasonably accurate description of the snots would go some way to assisting the communitie’s situational awareness.

    Were they red skinned, yellow, white, or other?
    Blue eyes, green, hazel, bloodshot, or other?
    Red hair, fair, white, straw, brown, or other?

    And this ‘alleged’ burglary? Could these cherubs be grossly misunderstood, and they were there to distribute Girl Guide biscuits, or other!

    A successful solution to a problem cannot be found until the problem is correctly identified and promulgated without fear or favour.

    It is time for the media to clearly identify when Danish youth are rampant stealing cars, also the Indians, Iranians, Dutch, Serbians, Africans, and Pitcan Islanders, but never, it seems, the ‘others’ who, while they break into our homes, steal our cars, and endanger lives on the roads, are given anonymity.

    So enough of the bullshit. It is time for the Aboriginal community to step up and take responsibility for their youth. You lot want a so called voice to Parliament. You are going about endearing the wider community (97%) in a bloody curious way.


    • Dorfus says:

      Trouble is Dave is that many of these youths in Townsville are just ‘stained-whites’, like myself, and just because they bear some resemblance to ‘dinkum’ aboriginals doesn’t mean they should be given these labels. Who knows, they could be just as easily referred to as Danish, Indian, Iranian, Dutch, Serbians, Africans or Pitcairn Islanders. Anyway, doesn’t the ‘African’ tag apply to all of us?

      For the record, my stain probably came from an Italian or Indian.

      • The Magpie says:

        It is curious that you are so careful with labelling that you bus the word ‘stained’ to mean that you have a varied bloodline.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          The only description which seems to escape the censors is “white” so why dont we use terms like very white, white, pretty white,a bit white, not very white, hardly a touch of white? That would solve the problem and as a white man I am prepared to have my skin color help to identify criminals.

          • The Magpie says:

            Grey? Charcoal? Remember when there was a phrase to cover this but you now use at your peril in this world of compelled speech self-censorship ‘ touch of the tar brush’.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            While in a waiting room this morning I looked at the Astonisher. In a departure from usual practice, an article about a thief/vandal described the individual a Caucasian and male. Even a cctv photo. Why is this level of detail not given for all the thieving miscreants in this town? I do not hear the Caucasians shouting, “Racial abuse,” so what is good for one is, in this case, good for all.

            And pigs can fly!

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, whoa on a minute, Dave. If there was a CCTV pic of him, they could hardly describe any other way than what the police said. And there have been multiple instances where TI or indigenous is used when the police are seeking public assistance in finding someone … admittedly concern jail escapees, but still, if bloody daft if they didn’t. The race card is overplayed on both sides, it would seem, where simple common sense should prevail.

        • Dorfus says:

          Yes, it looks that way.

  21. NQ Gal says:

    Cardinal George Pell has died. There will probably be a lot more people wanting to dance on his grave, than mourn him.

    • The Magpie says:

      Maybe, but if they do, it should be for the neglect in reporting and rectifying the sins of other priests he clearly had knowledge of … from a purely legal point of view, the case against him getting a blow job or some such behind a screen in a crowded cathedral just didn’t add up and was seen as such on appeal. But in any case, not a man to be admired, he now finds out if his fairytale is true … and cop the ordained consequences.

    • Al says:

      There’ll be no mourning for Pell, or any of his “brethren” in this little neck of the woods.

    • Just flush that thing! says:

      Expect to see a celebratory post on Harpic’s FB timeline, that is if you haven’t been blocked.

  22. Strandboy says:

    CBD Parking
    Noticed that with number plate tracking, the 15 minute free option is only available once a day. Even if you move 2 blocks over and select a new ticket machine.

  23. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    I see Pell is finally dead. Perhaps a seat in hell opened up for the “alleged kiddy fiddler”. I like to think he may have looked up from the operating table and into the eyes of one of his victims just before the end.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Pell dead, good. No loss whatsoever. An ‘alleged’ Pedo who also covered up for other Pedo priests, not to forget who was the financial manager of Vatican wealth for a number of years. If there is a heaven and hell, this scumbag is going straight down to a fiery hell. Good riddance.

  24. old tradesman says:

    The best news of the day is that the 35billion solar project backed by Twiggy Forrest and Cannon -Brooks goes into voluntary administration.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      This looks like one of those engineering thought bubbles which sounds great until you get into the detail. The project is only worth $35b if someone builds it and it looks like the partners are going to try and sell it for a quick profit so that some other bunny which probably looks like the government of Singapore coughs up the cash and buys a lame horse. Spies have been doing this swindle for centuries.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Then old tradie, you’ll be delighted to see that Cannon Brooks is backing it and reports are saying it should be back on track in no time.

      • old tradesman says:

        So what are your electrical engineering credentials you left wing sycophant, do you know that Dr google will only give you theoretical outcomes, let’s not forget that our first nation people have not been consulted on the vast pieces of land where this proposed project is to take place, but then again never argue with a person who is a “progressive thinker”.

  25. The Magpie says:

    We all know that News ltd has the vast powers to move mountains and the meaning of the English language, but shifting whole towns is anew string to their bow. Well, to iditor Craig Herbert’s pea shooter … in his iditorial today, Herbert has managed to move Ingham twice as far away as we conventional folks accept.

    Err, mate ….

    But Craig, me old china, you’ve have highlighted that the sloppy attitude towards details, facts and English starts at the top in your sub-undergraduate publication … because the prominent story on page 3 of the same issue which you lazily parroted as original thought actually had the right measurement … quote: … ‘the 260-kilometrestretch of highway between Townsville and INNISFAIL has claimed more than 90 lives from 2001’ to 2021.

    But maybe The ‘Pie is being a tad harsh with you, Craigsy. After all, how can a blow-in southern carpet-bagging iditor like you be expected to know the simplest of local facts. Big ask.

    • The Magpie says:

      But just in case moving whole towns wasn’t mischief enough, how about this attempt at inducing heart attacks among your redneck readers.

      Hahahaha, fooled you!!! Betcha thought it was the lady with the colourful shawl. Wrong!! But you have to read the explanatory photo caption to get the right face.

      And the Bulletin, ever mindful of the sensitivities between Cairns and Townsville, leaves a neat little kick in the cods to the very last, when they tell us Professor Ngiare Brown will operate out of the Cairns campus’.

      Well, the good professor does hail from the NSW south coast, and like all folks down that way, will always choose the perceived more salubrious lifestyle of Cairns to Townsville … no matter what their job.

      • old tradesman says:

        A better choice would have been Peter Ridd.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        The worst thing about this fiasco (I see the Courier Mail used the same 2012 photo) is that JCU was so slack they didn’t bother to provide a current photo with what must have been a media release.

      • NQ Gal says:

        Hmmm – I wonder is Professor Smallwood’s hackles have been raised because someone from another tribe has been given this prestigious job for the university on her patch?

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Professor Brown is rather well credentialled. JCU certainly needs some prestige and real world experience like hers on board to pull it out of the shit pond it’s in.

        • The Magpie says:

          One would kinda hope that the head of a university would be ‘well credentialed’, which the good prof no doubt is. The position. isn’t just ceremonial, it does require some business nous as well, although its the vice chancellor who does all the hard yards, chancelling all that vice that is rampant amongst the vicious pointy heads that infest unis these days.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Yes well, there are a lot of hard yards to be done at JCU. Harding left it in a mess by being unable to make difficult decisions and pull egos into line. Like many large organisations in Townsville there are too many personal agendas at JCU that haven’t been managed. The current pointy heads of certain units like to spend money on garish buildings rather than investing in suitably qualified academics, curriculum and teaching infrastructure to attract students. And they were so far behind in technology that I’m told during COVID it was a scramble to deliver online learning to students and even then it was a shambles.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Her predecessor gave Townsville the arse and lived in Cairns the last few years anyway, the Mullet will be on the news having a whinge but you can’t make people live where they don’t want, and not many want to live here these days.

      • Critical says:

        I’ve been told by reliable sources that Cairns has been successful in having a couple of very good medical specialists set up practices there in preference to Townsville because of the lifestyle when compared to Boganville. Ditto for recently arrived allied health professionals too.
        I’m also wondering if the new Chancellor is going to work in Cairns because of the new JCU Health and Innovation Precinct currently being built on Sheridan Street Cairns and that the Cairns Hospital will be called be renamed Cairns University Hospital. Several allied health disciplines can complete their degrees in Cairns and from this year, medical students can complete all of their studies in Cairns.

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          I don’t know of anyone in Townsville who has been told you have to go to Cairns for medical treatment because Townsville doesn’t have it, if these specialists are setting up in Cairns it is most likely Townsville already has them and there is an opportunity in Cairns. Whilst we lack many things compared to Cairns, medical services is not one of them, having the largest public and private hospitals outside of SEQ secures the volume that specialists need and Townsville is actually leveraging those very well, hence 2 new hospitals are under construction now.

          • The Magpie says:

            Quite so.

          • Critical says:

            Townsville may have the specialists now but Cairns is catching up as the expansion and upgrading of the Cairns Hospital and the Cairns Private Hospital continue.
            To your dismay, some people do travel to Cairns for medical treatment because of the availability of medical specialists and other health practitioners with particular skills eg orthopaedics, accredited sports dieticans
            Don’t forget though, Townsville Hospital still doesn’t have everything, I’ve had to go to Brisbane three times in five years for surgery because the specialist skills were not available here in Townsville.

  26. Achilles says:

    Just saw our PM inspecting the guard in Port Moresby, the Officer escorting him, was chomping down on betel nut, somethings never change eh?

  27. Al says:

    So NSW Premier is “deeply ashamed” about his costume, at his 21st birthday party. A costume party. His costume party. Costumes are just that! Not a bloody statement. Sensitive lovies a bit upset bringing this on? After how many years? I understand the nazi regime
    was dreadful! I have oldies who suffered. Doesn’t mean anybody in party mode can’t put crap anywhere.

    • The Magpie says:

      It’s al political showboating … Premier P did the smart thing, outed himself, tears, sorry etc etc, which has now gone a long way to nullifying opposition slurs during upcoming election campaign.

      in itself, its a nothingburger of a story … under other circumstances he would simply have said ‘Yeah, I was 21 and stupid, so sorry, now let’s move on.’

  28. Nit Picker says:

    Nothing quite like a spelling error in the headline of your front page!

    The “Monson” is here apparently.
    Happy Friday the 13th to the sub editor.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Not sure if the Choral Society would be happy that their publicity shot for the upcoming “Singin’ in the Rain” show to be hijacked and used for the story about how much rain we are likely to have over the next couple of days.

      By the way, from what I’ve seen of the show, the lead actors tap dancing abilities are right up there with Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor & Debbie Reynolds. It will be well worth the entry price.

    • The Magpie says:

      What sub-editor?
      Seriously they’ve just given up, absolutely no thought given to the overall community expectation of a serious paper and community sensibilities.

      In this case, the spelling mistake – monson – in the secondary headline is bad enough, but what about the callous juxtaposition of a serious life-threatening forecast scenario under a trite story with a weak punning headline that you can just sing your blues away. It is a sure bet that the three hoofers in the pic – no doubt all locals and maybe with personal stories to tell about floods – are appalled that they appear so prominently in this fucktangle of a story.

      Both stories are legitimate, one far more important than the other, but a cardinal rule of print journalism from day dot has been the danger of juxtaposition. That usually meant a sharp eye for any jarring positioning, BUT FFS THIS IS DELIBERATE, UNDER THE MISAPPREHENSION THAT IT IS CLEVER.

      But hey, a front page slip, stop carrying on, let’s just move on … and we do, to page 3, where the callous flippant disregard is compounded with again the two stories melded into one.

      These pricks – certainly the iditor – have most likely never seen or experienced a monsoon or a cyclone, and seem to think it’s a laughing matter. One wonders if karma will have a salutary lesson in store for these this callous crew of juvenile thinkers. Probably not, unlikely they own property or have a family in a threatened business.

      • The Magpie says:

        ‘The show must go on’? … yep, run the risk of flooding, accident and fatalities because, well, folkms, that’s show biz, eh?

        Empty headed thoughtlessness.

      • The Magpie says:

        And FYI, clothheads, Sing Your Blues away is nothing to do with Singing in the Rain … it was first brought to wide attention when performed in 1973 by the Grateful Dead. It apparently has a religious background.

  29. The Magpie says:

    Not When I Went To School, Coles:

    A continuing series.

  30. Russell says:

    Am I the only one who is not sorry to see the demise of Sun Cable as proposed? All good for two multi-billionaires to build a huge solar power station where it almost never rains but to then export that power overseas stinks to high heaven. Obviously a commercial venture but surely the power could be “exported” to Australian States instead. The State Governments would be better off buying this power than heavily subsidising generators then buying their power at exorbitant cost anyway, surely. Might even start a trend amongst other, like-minded billionaires.

    • ay karumba says:

      the other thing is what would happen to all those solar cells once they go kaput? most likely if the original owner went bankrupt they’d just be left out there to crumble. i suppose over time the whole place would get covered in dirt.

      • The Magpie says:

        Don’t think what your talking about has actually been built … but writing the blog at the moment, and may be confused, haven’t time to follow the thread. Could be wrong, though.

  31. The Magpie says:

    From a senior Townsville businessman:

    Our Mayors focus on her pet projects Lansdown and wanting to leave her so called legacy and our 3 local State MP,s having little say on funding means supply and demand is driving up rents with a Railway estate 5 bedroom home renting for $1,000 a week . Mayors Hills brain farts taking back cbd vacant buildings , 70,s migrant camp , crime , the City looking like shit median house capital growth .9% in 10 years .

    Real estate listings have dropped by sellers due to the lack of options to relocate to and interstate investors are seeking better returns rents and capital growth in Annas Olympic Gold south east cnr .

    Insurance increases driven very much by crime 4 times Brisbane / Gold Coast erodes Townsville returns

    Thousands of job vacancies and nowhere to live in the Ville

    Resi Real estate agents clambering for listings and it will be a race to the bottom agents discounting fees like advertising to get listings and insufficient listings to sustain the number of agents

    Team Hill / 3 local MP,s failure to address housing needs including social housing will impact the City for years

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Let’s not forget that prize simpleton Mark Molachino in this cities demise, he always seems to escape scrutiny with all of his stupid policies that have made investing in Townsville a non event. This is what the slimy little snot does, he just operates in the background hoping all the angst of voters is aimed at the Mullet and people forget his role in sinking this town and in particular the CBD.

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Any stats about actual numbers of houses sold in Townsville in 2022 compared with previous years?
        Also, whilst the senior businessman points to crime (4X Brisbane/Gold Coast) as the cause of insurance price hikes isn’t it natural disasters (cyclones, floods) that are really causing this? I don’t remember the federal government ever referencing crime when they got involved in the re-insurance program.

  32. Achilles says:

    Just saw the PM and the local circus clowns on the ABC news, announcing a $70 million investment in Townsville for a hydrogen generation plant.

    Does that mean that the Lansdown hydrogen plant is dead in the water? or are we going to have 2 plants?

    • The Magpie says:

      No location was given in the story, but late last year the Queensland Government posted a tender process to build the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Centre at the TAFE Queensland Trade Training Centre at Bohle. Applications closed on December 9. So we assume today’s announcement is about that venture. As to Lansdown, not sure anything definitive regarding direct hydrogen generation has been announced there. The one solid and (apparently) confirmed tenant is Queensland Pacific Metals (QPM) – still subject to finding finance – which plans to create Townsville Energy Chemicals Hub (TECH). And they are not in the hydrogen business at all from what The Magpie can gather.

      QPM Managing Director and CEO Dr Stephen Grocott:

      “The TECH project was developed in response to the growing demand for battery materials for electric vehicles, particularly nickel and cobalt. The project is backed by world class shareholders including US industrial giant General Motors (GM) who have committed $108M toward sourcing nickel and cobalt to power their upcoming electric vehicles including the GMC Hummer EV, Chevrolet Silverado EV and Cadillac LYRIQ. QPM looks forward to operating a leading, advanced manufacturing facility in the electric vehicle supply chain.’
      No apparent involvement of hydrogen.
      Of course, if Mayor Mullet decides to witter on about Lansdown being ideal hydrogen territory, someone had better tell this former lab assistant that the main requirement for hydrogen manufacture is shit loads of water. Hmm might work out, Jenny Hill sure knows how to deliver loads of shit water around this town.

      • Achilles says:

        I may have got my wires crossed about what is actually on the wish list for Lansdown, thanks for the clarification.

        Hopefully the PM’s Hydrogen plant goes ahead expeditiously, we need some positivity in TSV.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Announcement September 2021:

      Edify Energy has been granted development approval to build and operate a green hydrogen production plant of up to 1 GW, as well as a behind-the-meter solar photovoltaic and battery storage facility within the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct in Townsville, Queensland.

      Edify’s initial development involves generating green hydrogen from a pilot scale facility of 10 megawatts and increasing capacity in stages to meet the needs of a growing domestic and export green hydrogen market.

      Edify Energy Chief Executive Officer John Cole welcomed Townsville City Council’s approval of the development application and said the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct represented a future vision of Australian industry and energy.

      • The Magpie says:

        Haven’t heard anything about this since then, have we? If The ‘Pie remembers correctly, back then, he raised the question of water availability. Perhaps Edify will now apply for a chunk of the $70m to kick start this.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Two months later (Nov21) this:

          Townsville, Australia: Townsville’s bid to become a renewable hydrogen powerhouse has been strengthened with the signing of another Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to investigate the process and feasibility of exporting hydrogen through the city’s Port.

          The Port of Townsville and Edify Energy Pty Ltd will today sign an MoU to work together to advance Edify’s renewable hydrogen export project.

          The signing of the MoU follows Edify’s recent development approval to build and operate a renewable hydrogen production plant with up to 1GW electrolyser for 5,000 – 150,000 H2 tonnes per year of renewable hydrogen at the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct, 46km south of Townsville.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          And seven months later (June 22) the Qld Minister for Water announced:

          “We’ve committed $26 million to the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct for enabling infrastructure, including a reservoir and 13km pipeline, connecting the precinct and pump station to the Haughton Pipeline – another project funded by the Palaszczuk Government,” he said.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Then in mid-December 22:

          QPM is pleased to report that TCC has begun work on an access road connecting the existing Jones Rd to the northern perimeter of QPM’s Lansdown site. The access road is projected to be completed by the end of Q1 2023, depending on weather conditions.

          And later still that month (about three weeks ago):

          “QPM looks forward to operating a leading, advanced manufacturing facility in the electric vehicle supply chain and in helping the Council to establish the Lansdown Eco-industrial Precinct as a globally recognised centre of new-generation manufacturing,” he said.
          This is the second development application to be approved over land within the precinct with Edify Energy’s development application gaining approval in late 2021.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, know all that, but approval in itself is not – as they say in the better establishments – worth a pitcher of warm spit in itself. believe it all when they say they’ve secured finance …. and say it to the ASK, where false talk isn’t cheap,it’s very expensive, unlike in media releases from the TCC . And the water question is now paramount, investors will want more than pipe dreams.

            And mate, completing a small road may facilitate construction, but doesn’t mean anything more than a possibility.

  33. The Magpie says:

    Well ya gotta admit, from a sub-editor’s point of view, headlines don’t come much better than this – it ticks nearly all the boxes that are the holy grail of front page fanciers.

    It got violence, death, pets, sex and mystery (eloping) and a touch of immigrants and racism (one of the dogs was a Rhodesian Ridgeback). All it is missing is sport and music – but the latter may have covered by impending wedding bells.

  34. Jenny Wren says:

    Council Curiosity
    The water in the pond/lake in Anderson Gardens is used to irrigate the gardens and then topped up by a pumping system. In spite of the rain and the forecast the pump at the lake was running yesterday and is still running today although the outlet is almost under water. The water is overflowing, adding to the already sodden surrounds. No manual override? No common sense? Just wondering.

  35. Mr Big says:

    considering the amount of rain we’ve had in the last few weeks the website for ross river dam remains at 75 percent. incredible isn’t it? then again – ever since the deluge a few years ago the council has studiously made sure no one ever knew the real level of the water ever again – it wasn’t in their interest.

    • The Magpie says:

      We soon found out when Mayor Mullet stepped up to the Disaster Manager job … nobody manages a disaster like our gal.

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