… and when it comes to April 25th, – DON’T MENTION THE WAR – no more Anzac Day. South Australia’s Labor government has deleted all actual names on declared public holidays, except floating dates like Good Friday and Easter Monday. And they haven’t said why in any convincing manner. But , as Labor found out with the Voice referendum, Aussies are not stupid, and are sure to pressure a reversal of this nonsense. The Magpie harrumphs.
Well, bugger me, the Bulletin. finds yet another way to insult its dwindling band of readers, taking a big stick to council … Mt Isa council that is. The paper pulls out all the stops over a matter of absolutely no consequence around here … or much in Mt Isa really. Which is more than a bit cowardly and hypocritical for a paper that won’t go near what it calls the ‘petty politics’ of Walker Street.
As elections loom closer, the fancy dress fringe of local politics have spluttered and banged their clown cars through the tent flaps, with three new arrivals during the week. One, the state Katter Party boofh .. sorry, candidates… says we should be allowed to be armed and be allowed to shoot intruders – dead or otherwise. The Magpie examines the argument put forward Krusty and Koko, the Katter Kandidates.
Not all car thieves are kids, and not all victims are residents … one enterprising dickwit goes corporate. A Magpie exclusive.
And America has a bigly rejoicement, with George Santos becoming only the sixth politician to be expelled from the the Hill.
As always, you can give much needed assistance to the Nest’s cost with a donation. The appropriate button is at the end of the blog. Always needed.
Dumb And Dusty In The Desert.
The 2023 COP28 climate hootenanny has kicked off in Dubai, with the usual concerns about climate change be hot-aired to seemingly no agreed end. The Magpie has suggested it’s dumb in the desert because of the hosts and their middle east neighbours, trying to scam the world as gracious and responsible hosts.
Please no eye rolls about ‘there goes The ‘Pie again with a conspiracy theory’, because a group of these oil and gas-rich grifters have already been caught out doing sideline deals even before the conference began, aimed at signing lucrative oil and gas deals around the world at the expense of fossil fuels. Most of these whackos are oilier than their best gusher, but the UN and other convenors are hardly in the position to say anything … after all, it is the feeble UN which, six years ago allowed member states to elect Saudi Arabia to serve on the UN Commission on the Status of Women, a body “dedicated to the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women.” That was a move that has to rate as the sickest joke of the century so far, but having a middle east oil and gas dependent country host a climate conference is up there, too.
But our own little gusher, Christopher Bowen will arrive there soon, to squeak his piece. The ‘Pie was interested to hear him on 7.30 say that Labor recognises that before ambitious targets are met, coal and gas will be needed to manufacture all the steel needed for this messianic energy conversion, thus justifying to the noisy chatterati that not all mines can go just yet.
So the irony is that we will need coal and gas to produce the metals required to make, among other things, stoves and ovens, on which very shortly, we will, not be allowed to use gas to cook meals. Not in Victoria, anyway.
Bentley still thinks it’s way too much, too soon, which will eventually cost us dearly.
Nice headline about King Charles arriving in Dubai to rumble on about whatever: ‘The Regal Has Landed.’ His ineffectual but no doubt well meant sophistry (he has no power to legislate anything) reminded The ‘Pie of a great Twitter/X exchange:
The ‘Pie is making a small collection of the best exchanges on Twitter, and will include them in a later Nest.
What A Difference A Day Makes … Especially In South Australia
In an inexplicable … and unexplained … move, the South Australian Parliament has deleted all names from public holidays except those on floating dates, like Good Friday and Easter Monday. Christmas Day is no longer Christmas Day it is, in SA, simply December 25th. New Year’s Day is just January 1st, and Australia Day, which many are betting is the ultimate target of this move, is now just January 26th. There isn’t any obvious reason for the move, so it was inevitable that speculation is rife.
The ‘Pie’s bet is it the start of some subversive attack on Australia Day, based on the fact that the SA Government is particularly enamoured of the all causes indigenous, hosting its own Voice to Parliament. But what has really caused a fan-splattering of the squishy stuff is the deletion of the name Anzac Day. Much of the citizenry making not so much a call to arms, but a call to petition.
And to kick it off, who better than shadow Deputy Defence Secretary, ex-digger and Townsville’s anti-crime champion, Phil Thompson.
In this YouTube clip Phillip Thompson states that he will initiate a petition to reverse this bizarre decision making by SA labor. Let us all keep a lookout for this petition.
And not surprisingly, Sky News bloviators are also leading the charge.
Be interesting to see how many signatures are gathered. Albo must be wondering how it’s all gone so wrong so quickly.
Oh, Gawd, Here They Come – Again …
A sort of benign Twilight Zone tends to invade Townsville every election period, and this time is no exception. Although so far we haven’t been able to find any Jenny hill stalking horses out to nobble the vote of anyone likely to upset her cosy Walker Street apple cart. First we get this piece of posed puffery.
Jai Philpots pose in the photograph is a cornucopia of delights for a reader of body language, and the mode of dress to introduce yourself to the electorate might bear some constructive comment, too. But then Mr Philpots tell us he studied psychology which he used in a job in Queensland jails. Perhaps The ‘Pie is being a little knee-jerky unfair to Jai, but the old bird has known many psychologists over the years, and without a single exception, every one of them was cracked. big time.
But Mayor Mullet will no doubt welcome Mr Philpots into the race, because he and the other declared LG independent, Brodie Phillips (another former screw) will only affect each others division 2 vote, and Team Shrill’s anointed Shari Fabbro should sail through to a spot on the Walker Street Arm Aerobics Team.
But more interesting candidates are on the state scene. The Kattertonics’ Clynton Hawkes (Thuringowa) and Michael Pugh (Mundingburra) have gone the populist route of residents being able to am themselves and plug intruders – to death if that just so happens.
Mr Hawkes appeal to front bar politics is based on his belief that criminals were taking advantage of what he believed to be soft laws, which meant victims could only react reasonably to the danger in their home.
but what does reasonably mean in this context?
Mr Hawkes said he supported residents being able to shoot home invaders without fear of reprisal in the heat of conflict, as long as it was not classed as excessive by police.
Shooting someone ‘not excessive’ if just reasonable by investigating wallopers? RUFOK? No reprisal?
Ah, ‘cusa, Clayton old mate, a couple of questions: you want someone to be able to kill an intruder ‘with no reprisals’, so effectively introducing the death penalty for a property offence? Or the danger a law change (which won’t happen) for households with to curious youngsters who would have access to the weapons? Because if householders were allowed arms under your reasoning, the laws on their safe storage would have to be loosened as well; no intruder is going to make a cuppa in the kitchen while waiting politely as you fumble around with keys trying to unlock the currently required safe storage. Often sans bolt, as well, and not loaded. Or do you want all this changed, too,? You seem to fondly envision such matters would end there and then, when a local Kojak pats you on the back, says ‘very reasonable, not excessive, good shot mate.’
It’s a popular fantasy of some, especially after a few schooners (alcohol is another problem, as is it’s bastard twin, domestic violence, so where does that leave you’re policy?), but one would’ve hoped such knob-tuggery would be left in the front bar and not taken to the political stage. Or home.
But Wait, Why Is The ‘Pie Surprised?
And a bit of trivia ..one of the ‘dead’ blokes in that ad is Betoota Advocate editor Clancy Overall.
Even an amateur ad like that gives one pause if you know Bob up close and personal, as The ‘Pie has on a couple of occasions. No matter how hard you try to keep him to some semblance of coherence, you keep edging furtively away. Listening to Katter is like listening to a disturbed man squeezing his own balls with a spiked glove, the resulting gurgles indistinguishable between pain, pleasure and laughter, high squeaky giggling while frowning a snarl.
But they love him out in the wild west of Kennedy, despite having achieved exactly zero for his electorate, but will do quite well himself, due to his family connection to the Copperstring project for which he has lobbied so hard.
This Paper Really Is The Pits
Thursday’s Daily Astonisher demonstrated the cringing, hand-wringing dishonesty of this disgraceful excuse for an alleged ‘community’ newspaper. With a history of deliberately ignoring stories critical of the Townsville City Council and Mayor Jenny Hill, airly dismissed as ‘petty politics’, the paper decided it wa safe to go OTT the full hog on a minor, boring story about the Mt Isa council. There was a full page treatment …
And then, believe this if you will, an iditorial on the subject ….
… which, as usual was mostly a lazy repeat of bits of the story word for word, decrying the whole thing as dysfunctional. And if all that wasn’t enough, there was one of the typically unfunny cartoons on the subject.
Devoting this amount of space to a story 800kms away, in a place with very limited readership is simply insulting to the core readership in Townsville and nearby communities. Because this paper and iditor that honks on here about weaponizing the complaints system, allows Jenny Hill to do exactly that in the most vindictive way, starting with the one good council CEO of the past decade, Ray Burton (bullshit complaint dismissed but he buggered off anyway) and the various clear breaches of protocol involving Fran O’Callaghan.
And it’s no use sighing and saying ‘well, hardly anybody reads the rag anyway’, because a community is entitled to have a properly engaged, fair but inquiring media platform and paper to lead the local news agenda, to keep us honestly and equitably informed, and not depend on social media and mawkish ‘trauma porn’ about sick kids to dominate the space, just to make a cheap buck.
And also not continue to play into the hands of juvenile criminals, who love to read about their exploits. report the facts, certainly, but why post a scan link to watch the children showing off and demeaning the police. And because ‘that’s what people want to watch’ is no answer for a responsible community organisation.
But The Car Thieves Aren’t All Kids … And Some Even Go Corporate
The Magpie has a true tale that shows that it isn’t just householders who need to be vigilant to foil car thieves … ‘Once upon a time, in a car dealership not so far far away, a bloke walks in and soon afterwards drives out … in a stolen $100k coupe.”
Magpie mate Mike Abrams tells the story that a while back, a bloke walked into his car recycling business Partington 4wd at The Bohle and asks if he can borrow a screwdriver. The good folks out there are very obliging but Mike was curious, wondering why someone would want a screwdriver. So he watched the bloke quickly remove the plates from a car in the yard, then duck up the next door lane, and screwed the plates on to … a brand new $100,000 sports car that had trade plates. Mick had been somewhat mesmerised by all this, and wasn’t able to confront the man before he drove off (often not a good idea anyway) but he notified the authorities as the bloke sped away. He then rang the dealer of the sports car make … one of the biggest in Townsville … and asked, ‘Are you missing a new vehicle from your yard?’ Panic ensued, no doubt some Calvin Klein undies were soiled, as it subsequently turned out the bloke had just wandered into the showroom, opportunistically grabbed some keys of a desk and used the lock fob to locate the car in a holding yard … and simply drive off.
The cops didn’t take long to locate the bloke and the undamaged car, which was returned to a very thankful and red-faced dealer.
Now you will notice The ‘Pie has had the courtesy not to name the dealership but is happy to report it’s since-revised sloppy security arrangements. And while it’s no names, no pack drill, it’s fair to say that when the car was delivered back to the showroom, staff jumped up with air punches, shouting ‘Oh, what a feeling.’
Geez, How Bad Have You Gotta Be When The Republicans Boot One Of Their Own?
There’s a new song in America today:
Hey there, Georgy boy,
Dreaming of the someone you could be
Life is a reality, you can’t always run away
Don’t be so scared of changing and rearranging yourself
It’s time for jumping down from the shelf …
‘To hell with this place’!! And with those gracious parting words, ultra bullshit artist, scammer and thief George Santos has been marched out of the Capitol Building in Washington, told to hit the road by a massive cross-the-aisle vote of 311-114 vote. This despite the egregious Republican leadership calling for him to stay because it would reduced their already slim majority of 9 down to 8. More than 100 Republicans defied their leadership.
Santos is now in the history books as only the sixth person to suffer this fate. An election for his replacement must be held within 80-90 days. The Magpie has irrefutable information (Santos told him) that already candidates are queuing up, including a Paul Pinocchio, a Walter Mitty and a George Flashman. They all gave the same reason for running: ‘It worked for him, why not me?’
This week’s great gallery, one of the best for a while, looks at Georgy Boy, checks out another retarded scammer and reflects the mixed feelings about the passing of Kissinger.
First It Was just Gay, Then Transgender, And Now, Trans Species?
He? Have a closer look.
And Finally …
This is really a vocal joke, but get the idea and try it out on someone. especially with this week’s news.
You start by telling a mate:
“A confidential aide told Richard Nixon that his wife Pat was secretly having it off with someone, but he didn’t know who. Nixon is perturbed by the news, and decides to check it out for himself. That night, having told Pat he’ll be away late, he quietly slips into her separate bedroom, …’ and this where your skills as an actor come in…
‘… and sure enough there was Pat in bed with Henry, umm, Henry (click your fingers) Secretary of State Henry … ummm’ Your listener is sure to prompt you with ‘Kissinger’ and you say:
Yes, yes, I know, you really do wonder why you bother reading this stuff each week, but that’s trhe last chance The ‘Pie had to use one of his old favs.
Another week gone, and the 25th of December rapidly approaches, as does 1st of January. comments are going to be boiling along, do join in its free as always.
And as always, any help with Nest costs through a donation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Pie, you claim that Bob Katter has achieved nothing for his electorate. If this is true he has a lot in common with the State member for Thuringowa.
Not true, Ben. Harpic has visited upon us plague, pestilence and fucking thieving little bastards.
Re those “little bastards”, a Mercedes Benz was torched this morning after doing burnouts at the old PCYC in Hugh Street. When asked of the tilt truck driver how many of these torched cars he picked up in a week he couldn’t speculate ,however he replied that that current job was the third torched vehicle of the morning…at 10.30 am Sunday. Needless to say those “young delinquents” would have crossed the footbridge over the channel behind the PCYC and strolled home to bed in Garbutt without a care in the world.
Cynical? of course…how longer do we in Townsville have to live at the mercy of these young criminals?
The following is from the Townsville City Council propaganda website.
“The works involve the installation of safety fencing surrounding each lagoon and purpose-built lifeguard towers at key vantage points around the lagoons.
The works will be conducted in stages and will require partial closure of the lagoons during the works.
Lower lagoonWorks commence Monday 9 October 2023.Works conclude in early December, reopening in time for the December school holidays.The upper lagoon, change rooms and toilets will remain open during the works.Upper lagoonWorks will commence in late January 2024, after Australia Day, to not impede school holiday use.
Works will conclude in late March 2024, in time to reopen for the Easter school holidays.”
A safety measure they claim. There haven’t been too many Riverway drownings over the years that I am aware. Safety is a bullshit feel good reason to fence off the lagoons and, out of nowhere, build a Check Point Charlie style entry point and charge an entry fee. With a TCC outpost now at Riverway and daily seeing those using it, it must grieve the Council dearly at all of the lost opportunities to squeeze entry fees from swimmers and those frolicking and having fun.
Under that rational of safety the T.C.C. should also be fencing off Cleveland Bay just above the high water mark.
Crime has taken an ugly turn with youth offenders stalking suburbia looking for people washing their cars or returning home with the kids from school . Knives , axes they don’t care and nothing from Aaron , Scott , Les . Aarons social washing about new recruits , new hub at old stadium site unravelled when it was announced nett Police numbers were down 209 on last year . The Astonisher call on its readers, 35,000 voters in Mundingburra that Messagebank’s latest folly of misleading Parliament wasn’t in the public interest or did I miss it ? . Numerous Council whistleblowers amused on Prins media highlighting the amount of Council workers abused. Apparently Monday mornings after the Magpie has exposed another Council problem the CEO is none to happy . Rumours that there may be a vacancy for CEO at T.C.C..
The part-time CEO said;
“It isn’t good enough and has called on the community to treat Council team members with respect”.
Ironic considering his treatment of staff by cutting numbers and gutting the organisation. And we all know how Hill treats people.
Probably said to emboss his CV, there are more and more whispers that he is about to leave for some sort of greater glory. The ‘Pie noted that two weeks, announcing some award winners at an business breakfast, Mayor Mullet noted that Ralston had been a finalist in some bullshit LG CEO award, and said ‘Looks like we might be needing a new CEO soon, know anybody’? Rhetorical question of course, if Prins pisses off, she and the Labor hierarchy will already have someone who is owed a favour in mind.
But The ‘Pie figures Mayor Mullet may have done a deal with prins to stay on until after the election … losing 6 or 7, or is right CEOs in the past decade might be a brief shower on her parade.
Has Mayor Mullet made any recent trips to Darwin to interview potential candidates?
No that’s Dolan country up there, he’ll look after that territory.
Ran into Bob Katter at the airport the other day, like all of us age is catching up with him, just shuffles along these days and a lot quieter as well, years ago you would hear him anywhere in the airport, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is his long walk down the back of the plane to sit amongst everyone else whilst fat seats at the front of the plane, that he is entitled to book, sit empty, might be one of the reasons he keeps getting re-elected.
A clever populist politician, without a doubt, and certainly no fool when it comes to retaining his seat, but a complete dingbat nevertheless with a poor track record of achievement.
Adding to speculation – if Mullet gets re-elected and later in ‘24 Private Cupcake Stewart (Cupcake – doughy, sugary and full of shit) gets turfed, he apparently fancies himself as the next TCC CEO and if he gets the CEO job, will stay forever (‘cos he has sooo muchhhh to offer the Community.
The Rumours.
Believe it or not, there is a level of qualification required for the CEO’s job (how the Impaler got there is not hard to work out, but it sure wasn’t for her qualifications). Such matters would be looked at more closely in this current election season, so Stewart would have to measure up with a suitable CV – whether being a school principal counts is anybody’s guess.
Fair comment Pie, BUT, there’s then the Mullet factor, if she gets back in and the ALP shelter-shed looking after its own. Time will tell………
Considering the NAPLAN results, I doubt if his time as a school principal may be a plus.
Another rumour has it that the current GM Property, Fleet & Emergency Management, Matt Richardson, has his eye on the CEO role, and he will do what it takes to get the top job.
Here is one to watch brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner has quit the Brisbane 2032 Ganes delvery forum and withdrawn support for the $2.7bn Gabba rebuild saying Government has lost its way”.
Yup, watching closely.
Reasons the Townsville Bulletin covers Mt Isa Council misdemeanours and completely ignores the shortcomings of Mayor Jenny Hill and her Townsville City Council Labor team:
Number 1567: Expensive full page/full colour advertisement on page 6 of Friday’s paper regarding free 2-hour parking in the CBD over Christmas (Should have appeared in the Classified Ads section as a modest Public Notice – at a fraction of the cost)
Number 1568: Expensive full page/full colour advertisement on page 6 of Saturday’s paper regarding What’s On in Townsville (can be found on the council’s website, is widely publicised on TV and used to be printed free of charge by the paper as a public service). Also note that this ad also includes details of the free parking.
Number 1569: Expensive half page/full colour advertisement on page 12 of Saturday’s paper regarding the Townsville City Council’s animal adoption centre.
Number 1570: Expensive half page/full colour advertisement on page 16 of Saturday’s paper regarding Townsville City Galleries.
Number 1571: Very expensive 2 page/full colour spread on pages 18 and 19 of Saturday’s paper promoting Carols By Candlelight.
Of course, there is a need to publicise these events and services, but a total of 5 pages over 2 days in full colour?
Hill is obviously keen to shore up her position as the Townsville Bulletin Most Influential Advertiser.
Strewth, you’d think there was an election coming up.
Making freightpayers out of ratepayers for her election campaign.
Well made points but a couple of observations, including that you missed the grandaddy of them all.. Carols By Candlelight ad OK, it’s an annual oncer so fair enough. And probably free CBD parking ads could be excused as a necessary service to both businesses and clients.
As to other ads, the free parking is a news story which was no doubt written on the understanding that an ad would be forthcoming.
The What’s On In Townsville is definitely something the Bulletin itself should be responsible for without requiring ratepayer funded ads, (that’s what fucking newspapers are about until Rupert re-wrote his egregious style book) and the same goes for the Animal Adoption Centre, the story that was done – or two I think – should’ve been sufficient … that’s the way it works – or used to be until the advent of gouging Murdochtopia and a corrupt mayor –
City Art Galleries only justified when a special exhibition is on.
But the big one you missed was the big ads for the Council publication extolling a lifestyle that we would never know about – unless we stepped out our front door. This is blatant campaigning with ratepayer funds, why spent our money saying how the city is world class (it isn’t btw) and how the mayor is you beaut and bonza (she is neither).
The ‘Pie seriously believes this publication and the paid ads promoting it could be taken seriously in an official complaint to the appropriate authorities, especially if such a publication didn’t appear in past non-election years. It is what might be called soft corruption, but corruption it is, even if only morally.
You forget social media. I’m on Instagram and there appears to be an increase of push ads on there covering the same topics.
I wonder what other social media eg Facebook, these ads appear on and what the cost is for these ads.
Maybe TCC could source their new CEO from Gladstone? There are some very good CEO’s in that region who are responsible for progression, reform, and administration. You only have to look at how successful Gladstone is. I mean, every new announcement about a new industry, an expansion of industry, or progression of industry has Gladstone’s name attached the presser. Unlike our regressive shithole that has had multiple TCC CEO’s (most of them completely fucked) and a Mayor that has increased debt by 5,000% and prevented or driven away business opportunities.
Think C-tails might mean fucking lots and lots !
Most accurate description ever – “Listening to Katter is like listening to a disturbed man squeezing his own balls with a spiked glove“, having sat beside the Bobkat on flight from BNE to TSV where some the spikes must be rusty, in his firm grip…..
Pat, mate, matey, pal …. you’ve twice submitted a comment that would be the envy of Tolstoy – in length anyway. You cover a lot of territory meandering from one subject another while ending up … well nowhere, really.
The ‘Pie appreciates the effort you went to, but any chance of keeping down to three or four pars to get your point across … whatever that may be, not really clear. Don’t wish to clutter up comments with commentaries about a third the length of the blog itself, or give others the idea to do the same thing.
I can produce a war and peace comment if permitted to do so.
Gunney, the rules haven’t changed … you may make any comment you wish, but that doesn’t guarantee publication.
This will be a bloody good spectator sport. Brisbane City was about to be screwed over by the Olympic Gabba redevelopment etc etc.
The Mayor, or is it Lord Mayor, is no two bit player. Brisbane City, in terms of population and GDP is a bigger deal than Tasmania and the NT combined.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Mayor with honest principles. “Oh what a feeling.”
Mayor Mullet’s next new-beaut initiative for the Lansdown Eco-Industrial site.
Apparently she had been approached by a new consortium with a proposal to build wind powered trucks. All they need is for TCC to tip in a couple of million bucks for them to conduct a pre-feasibility study on the benefits of possibly doing a feasibility study at some time in the future on potentially building the trucks in Townsville.
Mayor Mullet got really excited about this wonderful opportunity for our world leading Eco-Industrial estate after being given a copy of a photo of the proposed trucks by the consortium’s PR chief, a Ms Gayle Force, who had it flown in by night especially for the Mullet.
Rumour has it Mr Philpots is running as a group with former Hill Councillor Paul Jacob, alongside an Anne-Maree Beningfield. So Mr ‘do it out of my own accord’ may not be so truthful with his hopefully supporters.
Well, not necessarily … real independents can support and have some of the same policies of other independents and not actually be an official bloc (or “party’ which has to be registered and declared). And they may end up voting the same way on council issues, so an informal networking on priorities and issues would be the way to go. So Mr Philpots may well hitch his star to Mr Jacob’s policies, which already sound suspiciously the same – but unfortunately, that would be against Mr Philpotts moral code of not doing ‘backroom deals’ and more wants a community approach on how he votes in council … running e-petitions on all issues to guide his vote. Mr Philpots is a bit crackpots when it comes to politics and the art of negotiation and compromise to achieve an end.
“I am proud to announce that I have no interest in making backroom deals, secret handshakes or confirmed endorsements with any politician or political party, because I believe making deals with such elites holds councillors back from being the best representative for their local community.” Secret handshakes is for the Masons, Mr Philpots, which Lodge do you belong to?
Pretty casual approach, too when he tells the Astonisher:
“There just isn’t really a strong commitment to sort of address(northern suburb upgrades to) infrastructure, including social infrastructure.”
“To sort of address”? What are you, eight?
So, while The ‘Pie likes to see people put their hand up for council and good on anyone who does, experience tells the old bird that kiddy psychologist Philpots will soon have to return to explaining to little arseoles in Cleveland why it’s not nice to steal cars and bash people.
This is the first The ‘Pie has heard of Ms Beningfield’s candidacy, in politics or life generally. Assuming you have the right person, as far as The ‘Pie can glean, Ms Beningfield runs a primping salon on Railway Avenue called Turn Styles (cute name): she’s a hairdresser specialising in hair makeovers which apparently lifts her above mere hairdressing to float and fuss in orbit around her clients as a ‘cosmetologist’. There seems a sort of weird symmetry if she makes a run for Division 2 where The ‘Pie is guessing she probably lives – they love hairdressers up there and put the likeable Sue Blom in the chair for more than one term.
Still can’t find any official announcement …, anybody spotted anything? Have I got the wrong person?
(And what are the odds of two Ann-Maree’s on the council, however spelt?)
Pie, just got to take a look at the electronic disclosure system that is publicly accessible to see that Paul Jacob is the agent, with candidates of Philpots (Div 2), himself (Div 1) and Beningfield must be coming somewhere else but no announcement from her yet. Mr Jacob was known as the ghost of division 2 when he was Councillor, so can’t see myself voting for his ‘Change’ team as its recorded on the EDS
Good info. Can you p[ost that link here, pls?
Navigate to the expenditures table and add some filters for Townsville and 2024 Elections
Sue Blom isn’t standing!!!
Drunk again, eh? (That’s a joke Susie, if ever anyone was an old sober-sides, it would be you.)
Mate, what are you talking about? Read the comment again.
With councils across Australia. Specifically, WA and SA dropping welcome to the country ceremonies. With the Cost of living and financial pressure and after the voice referendum. What will the local council fund this year for (invasion/survival day celebrations) on January 26th? Last year if you remember we split the celibration into 3 Jazzeen barracks were formal, The end of the strand for non-aboriginal and the strand park for Survival. It is my sense of humour that I would love to sit in the back of the meeting that has or is going to decide on this. hahaha
Everyone involved would be praying for a cyclone warning.
First The ‘Pie has heard of any such division, but he leads a sheltered life. So give us a couple of links which prove an authorised racial segregation of Townsville’s Australia Day celebrations. Perhaps this exists only in your mind?
Tropical answered their own question – there was only one formal event.
Like i said 3 events in 3 places. What will happen in 2024. You got to laugh.
Looks like Domino’s may be included in Anna’s Olympics, as Gold Coast has just pulled out of Commonwealth Games in 2026.
You don’t follow current events much, do you?
Hey Pie, you suck!
That which The Magpie drinks does not require a straw, or were you talking of ‘suck’ in the sense of what you mamma does at truck stops?
Old man Katter is definitely losing some of his fire. I guess you can’t defy the ageing process forever. Good to see that some ‘favourable’ government infrastructure decisions will mean he has a very very comfortable retirement when that day comes.
‘Losing his fire’ seems a very polite metaphor what he is actually losing – or lost some time ago. As The ‘Pie has pointed out on more than one occasion, Robbie Katter has for some time been the keeper of the Katter Family marbles.
Bob Katter made his mark defending the land against marauding big businesses. He did an ok job in his early days. But as the Pie says, he has now lost his marbles and you don’t want to mention the word Transgender near him! He belongs back in the 70’s. Either way, the Katters have made the right political connections that will ensure them of a wealthy future. One of the benefits of being a politician.
Tale of two papers.
Both talking about same subject.
One with the sensational headline, invoking panic in the community and the other with a reasoned headline.
This time the Astonisher, in a rare turn of events had the calm, true and non-sensational headline.
Indeed, credit where it’s due … this time, The Bulletin';s penchant for raiding the adjectival storeroom is admirable, but only because they decided not to tamper with the weather folks professional approach. Or they just simply missed the opportunity out of laziness.
Bit of a change from the front page some years back with cyclone depicted way out in the Coral Sea and a straight dotted line directly to Townsville.
Supposedly, if the cyclone does form, there is also a small chance that it will cross the Queensland coast. My question is this; will Jenny put on the pristine and clean hi-vis emergency vest? We all know that she gets excited about any photo opportunity.
I would love to see a Bentley cartoon version of Hill in her vest!
Seriously, if you google BOM cyclone map you will find a new track prediction which looks pretty ominous. The low is predicted to be a cyclone later today and to be a Cat4 cyclone by Friday morning. Ho hum.
You are better off going to the “Joint Typhoon Warning Centre” site that is from Pearl Harbour. Heading just below us on the 10th with 75 Knot winds.
Must have been a tough weekend at Magnis HQ. Amongst the motions that had sailed through the AGM during last week was approval for an altered Constitution. On Friday the Lender (owed a cool $100 million), unhappy that its director had been dumped without them being consulted, laid down the chips:
“(exercise of rights) stated its intention to exercise all voting, corporate, consenting and other organisational rights it may have under the Credit Facility over the common stock of the Borrower held by iM3NY.”
Today it has published the new Constitution. Looks like it’s their way or the highway. Frank is still in there though.
Magnis will be an albatross around the Mayor’s neck if things don’t start happening soon at Lansdown.
Jenny must be under pressure to deliver something more than waffling press releases that have sucked others into the black hole at Woodstock.
Lansdown will become a political legacy for those who promised everything and delivered nothing – thanks Jenny https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/91605
Awww, give a gal a break, mate, she’s been busy elsewhere, trying to get the promised start to to the Double Cross pub near the stadium.
No excuses now for the feds to fund the project, and who are edify?
Prickster, I’m following the Lansdown thing with some interest because it’s right in Cr Fran’s Division 10 (she lives just down the road), in the state electorate of Burdekin (LNP Dale Last), and the federal electorate of Kennedy (Independent Bob Katter). The mayoral electorate for Townsville covers all these jurisdictions and must pander to each of them. Local federal (Herbert) member Phillip Thompson also takes a vital interest because he held the pursestrings of the rejected Haughton2 funding and up till late last year was still waffling about his concerns for Lansdown:
“Of the original $195M available, $40M was allocated to a refurbishment of Reef HQ Aquarium, $2M for a business case for a concert hall and entertainment precinct with a potential for a further $98M for its construction, $15M for a new Royal Flying Doctor Service Aeromedical Super Hub and $12M for the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct”.
In the absence of long-gone Magnis there are, apparently, about six wannabes lined up and signed up to occupy Lansdown. The state has matched federal funding for infrastructure works around roads and (raw) water supply and I believe an internal road has now been completed by TCC. So unless David Crisafulli proposes to pull the pin on any further state involvement in Lansdown I’d say you are wasting your own credibility quoting from years out of date media releases. BTW Joh and Flo are long dead, mate.
So Spielberg, you mention Thompson, Crisafulli, and Fran. It’s so obvious that you are Elusive Butterfly, President of their hate club. , Why don’t you grow a set and stop changing your name every few months? Gutless moron.
Buttress, Crisafulli is well placed to win the state election. But he won’t get there by bagging Lansdown. More likely to bag the Olympics. Although it might be too late and anyway the old conservative crowd quite like an Olympics so long as the government shovels public money into it. As for Fran, she’s leaving Div10 to potential vandals. Who will stop a well-lubricated Team Hill candidate from walking in on the back of Lansdown? It’s a gift.
Spielster, The ‘Pie hasn’t seen anywhere that The Kid has bagged Lansdown, but as always, stands to be corrected. The ‘Pie doubts that he would. And bagging the Olympics would go no further than damning with faint praise, a sort ‘we’re stuck with it’ policy.
And you have an interesting turn of phrase there – ‘well lubricated’? That’s a term with two generally accepted meanings, depending on whether you’re talking about gays or a guzzlers.
Magpie, Crisafulli has said nothing about Lansdown. And won’t, at least until after the local government elections, because it is already a nominal (state and local) Labor asset backed as a CityDeal by LNP Morrison government and federal LNP member Thompson – even though Lansdown is not located in Phil’s electorate. With such cross-party backing and money already flowing (BMD’s reported roadworks at the Flinders highway intersection and millions in “enabling infrastructure” including connecting pipeline and raw water reservoir on the way), Lansdown is no “albatross”. Rather, it is a political asset mostly paid for by others, ready to be exploited for all it is worth by the incumbent mayor and her ‘well-oiled’ machine. Cr Fran is handing over Div10 on a platter and a TeamHill drover’s dog will likely walk it in, no sweat.
Remind us, lansdown – Dawson or Kennedy?
Not a surprise that the Magpie has never met a well lubricated woman!
And where did The Magpie say that? In The ‘Pie’s world, all the gals were self-lubricating soon after meeting him. Unlike you, who depend on roofies for a root.
Magpie, Federal electorate of Kennedy where the recent Albanese infrastructure razor gang knocked $8 million off a planned upgrade of Dingo Park Road intersection. Meanwhile TCC had spent $2 million on the same road and amidst silence from the divisional councillor will take the political credit for it, thank you very much.
At another level, state member for Burdekin, LNP Dale Last, whose electorate well and truly covers the Lansdown site (and well he would know that from his time as Townsville Deputy Mayor) has stayed right out of the industrial precinct. Wouldn’t have a clue what the state LNP wants to do with Lansdown so it’s left to JHill to play with however she likes.
Love the way you write, Dolan. Missed you buddy.
Interesting comment – years out of date…. I don’t think so, it’s a statement from the current Government, current Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning who made the announcement.
But then again we can’t trust a word that comes from this government- eg. we’ll fix crime, we fix health, we’ll build a second Bruce Hwy. The one they we do consistently is screw over the ALP voters who give them support and get nothing in return.
Prickster, read your own link. It is dated March 2021. That’s out of date. The Thompson quote is from about September last year. And who is Edify . Google it. All this stuff is laid out in public documents if only you would read it and stay up to date.
Oo ahh! Another Magnis Trading Halt announced this morning:
“the Company requests the trading halt so as to allow the Company the time it needs to prepare a disclosure in relation to iM3NY Credit Facility . . .”
By Friday.
Friday has come and Magnis is upgraded from a Trading Halt to a Suspension from Trading altogether. Ho hum. Wonder if the 50+ workers in the gigafactory have any idea this is happening?
Not mention the one thou … no wait, five thousad two hundre … no hang on, the 10,000 jobs promised by the Lansdown battery factory. It had to be true, the mayor and Frank Poullas told us in the Bulletin, three of the trustworthy sources of information in Townsville.
I’m told Christmas, Oz Day, and Anzac Day are back on the South Australian calendar.
Well, they were only off it in namd only, with some waffle about ensuring penalty rates … sounds like it must’ve been bullshit, eh, Julio?
Who says the judiciary is out of touch with reality?
How can this be a problem?
Here for 50,000 years (?)
Now the fucking white bastards won’t supply water on demand.
Which “fucking white bastards” are you talking about RLW?
“The local government for Elcho Island is the East Arnhem Regional Council (EARC), formed in 2008, which services a total of nine remote communities of Arnhem Land. The Council delivers a range of services across community services and commercial services and, in doing so, they aim to support the ongoing sustainability of their communities as well as to support quality of life, employment and the provision of basic services.”
I stumbled upon this…got me thinking of Herr Hill had a similar page. If so, what would it be capped at?
You have to understand the mindset of these political scumbags – they are predominantly sociopathic, narcissistic and crooked. They will trample over anybody, sell their family to the highest bidder, rape, pillage and plunder anyone or anything if it gets them a few extra cents in their bank accounts. I’m not surprised about Tom Tainted and I reckon that if a comprehensive list was compiled of the Mullet’s shenanigan’s it would be longer than a mile.
Gosh, you probably even thinks Tom honks his nose in the shower, the low down rotten scoundrel.
Compared to Bruce Small, Tom’s a bloody angel.
The Legacy of 8 years of Harper and Stewart and 1 term Messagebank is Townsville has become ” Siren City ” . It’s not safe to wash your car outside your house or unpack the kids from school pick up as young crims with knifes and hammers hunt the streets looking for easy targets . Convoy of 5 stolen cars and now targeting women . Scott Stewart is in New York critical minerals meetings and Aaron + Les MIA . Labor Mates Molachino and Hill only came out against 3 local MP,+ State Government as the countdown to Council election got closer .
Scott Stewart is on the first pre-election, pre-departure global junket of many we will see from soon to be ex MPs.
Anyone care to lay odds on who might be next?
My money, if I had any, would be on D’Arth, Miles or Bailey. They all know they are zombies already.
PRfilter, you are a 100% correct. The Pollies will all be racking up their frequent flyer points undertaking ‘travel assignments’ here, there, and everywhere over the next 12 months. Plus they will be making sure their mates are securely locked into board positions, plus they will already have consulting companies set up ready to get them through those post-election losing days. There will be lobbying to do, advocacy to be undertaken, money to be made from businesses that they enriched while sitting in elected positions. Oink oink snouts at the trough!
Just saw a “well intentioned expert Doctor/Nanny) on the ABC suggesting that ordering alcohol by phone should be restricted. She proposes that any orders placed after 10PM should have to wait for 2 hours before delivery.
Yep! that solves one problem ie not getting too pissed (her health concern), but of course the partying people will just sit down and play scrabble for 2 hours.
OK guys! who’s the least pissed who’s driving to the bottle’o?
I’d prefer they cauterise their livers and pass out rather than kill or maim innocent road users.
Pie, simple Q? how many comments have you received regarding the current Levant events?
Prudently staying right out of it.
In truth not too many and not encouraging it. There are enough local matters to hyperventilate to purpose about without including some running commentary on the barbaric religiously-inspired events of the Middle East.
Many a true word spoken in jest (metaphorically anyway). The folks at The Shovel get it right again.
Pie, this no pursuit law is absolutely rubbish, I have a police scanner and I heard the police officer say we can see them and we’ll keep an eye on them, ffs these young criminals are driving a lethal weapon and I might add the criminals have tried to break into my place, without success.
I will shoot to kill if they enter my yard. I will take my chances with the courts. I will flood every media outlet telling my side of the story. I know I will have thousands of followers and supporters ready to help defend myself. I will not accept living in fear or living with the death of my children or wife at the hands of someone who thinks stealing my car is worth us dying for. Their lack of respect for life is my motivation. Call Katter and his party crazy that’s their opinion. This is my hard earned life and if it’s taken away I won’t hold back in how loud my voice to parliament and everywhere else is.
So you have a firearm?
And good luck with the courts – as the law stands, you will be guilty of murder (intent = especially if the victim is just in your yard and not directly threatening the physical well being of you or your family), and not manslaughter, which has a large element of accidental consequences. Of course, if you’re hoping a jury may decide otherwise, any trial will be shifted elsewhere, somewhere where passions on this subject don’t run so high.
The Magpie fully understands your frustration with the laws and the ineffective attempts to curb this crime wave, but effectively introducing an arbitrary death penalty for car stealing is unlikely to be sanctioned anywhere by anyone, not to mention unintended consequences – that the thieves’ level of violence will be intensified commensurately, that’s the way these brain damaged youths think. And remember, your wife and kids will be deprived of a husband and father if you act as you say. They’d probably prefer to be deprived of a vehicle. Or maybe not, if your anger is your general dominant emotion, which some your comment(edited out by The Magpie – what’s Brittany Higgins got to do with this?) might suggest … it is very hard for some people to compartmentalise their rage.
We all have our fantasies in scenarios of punishment we conjure up for these snots, but most of us recognise that they are fantasies and it’s only amounts to feel-good therapy thinking about them. Even the ‘Pie has reveries in this area.
The Magpie’s favourite such fantasy involved grabbing and hooding known offenders and recidivists, take them to a remote location, and while tied to a tree and with their pants down, give them six hefty whacks across the buttocks with a cricket bat. Then without any other injury or maltreatment, drop them off at a suitable point with the parting words ”That was six … next time, it’ll be 12.’ If this sounds like a wrist slap, suggest you check out the use of ‘paddling’ and its effects in other countries, particularly South America.
But that is a fantasy, The ‘Pie is well aware of the dangerous and disastrous consequences of vigilantism (cf Jennifer Board) … and a soothing fantasy is better than murdering someone. For whatever reason.
Here here!!! Comment of the week. Welcome comrade. I couldn’t agree more.
Of course you couldn’t.
Payback, like the Magpie says!
A firearm is too noisy and the down range hazard if you miss too great.
Is your house highset? Make yourself a powerful slingshot with trigger. Plenty of examples on YouTube.
Now here is the trick. Use iceblocks as your projectiles. The evidence melts away. Neat hey?
Your slingshot is likely to be illegal under the tension weapons act and you are still likely to get in the shit if caught, it just won’t be so deep.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Seeing how I am getting in trouble for posting out of date media releases from the current government, I thought I’d try one from this year.
Anyone know where these 60 new employees are working in Townsville enjoy their new jobs they have introduced to our fair city? I wonder if they give guided tours of the wizz bang Supergrid Training Centre and Transmission Hub in Townsville ………..
Prickster, according to an article in the Bulletin around the same August date, the Super Hub thing is located in Mount Louisa.
“CopperString 2032”. Never knew they put a date on it. Sounds like another rort. At least the Katter’s will be happy.
Looks like T.C Jasper is edging closer to us. Cant wait to see Hill at the DDMG working out how to best protect us. Ironic considering our town is already fucked up due to kid crime and a pisspoor Council in general. Could the cyclone be any worse??
Maybe come through and do a few million dollars worth of improvements?
Since Yasi , procedurally, the power supply is turned off before a cyclone crosses the coast.
It’s well known that this prevents fires breaking out which has been seen in America, even in the torrential rain. Also potential electrocutions.
Given that this has effects on the entire stocks of medicines and vaccines held privately and by chemists and hospitals and people have to make plans , the point it gets turned off and the reason is important.
So, can we get it out of them what checklist parameters will be used?
Perhaps the Magpie can get Fran to put bamboo under the nails of the disaster committee to make that info public?
“Since Yasi, procedurally, the power supply is turned off before a cyclone crosses the coast.”
If you mean the whole town gets switched off (by Ergon?) before the cyclone arrives, I have never heard of that. I thought the power stayed on throughout unless some parts of the network were actually physically damaged causing a localised blackout in a single street or suburb.
Could you elaborate on what you believe is the ‘procedure’ and who would make such a decision?
Must admit wondered the same thing. Been here for at least four cyclones or similar events (like a monsoon) and have never heard of or experienced a preemptive shutdown.
Yasi, straight after Bligh finished her spiel in tele. They flicked the switch.
Not in Townsville they didn’t. So what town are you talking about? Were you actually present or have you heard this on the grapevine?
Power v cyclone, this report from the AEMO, while not directly related to the power supply in individual towns, suburbs or streets, might provide some big picture background to what was happening at the local level (or not).
Light-On Smith playing catch-up again.
But an interesting update on Sunday’s Nest that he thought to check up on (he wouldn’t have known otherwise).
Light-on Smith is an embarrassment. Always a week late with the news, after hearing it fourth-hand. Or, he is a day or two late and quickly cobbles something together after reading it here in the Nest. Arseclown.
Please assist a Frenchie to understand what an ‘Arseclown’ is please, Mopsy!
Check the mirror after you’ve posted many of your comments.
BOM Takes Townsville Radar Offline as Cyclone Brews
Federal Member for Herbert Phillip Thompson is calling on the Bureau of Meteorology to immediately scrap plans to take the Townsville weather radar offline on Monday as Cyclone Jasper approaches.
The Bureau is switching off the current Townsville radar between 5:00am and 7:30pm from 11 to 18 December to begin work to install a new radar.
The Bureau’s own current forecast models show Cyclone Jasper has the potential to affect the city on or around 11 December.
Mr Thompson said the timing could not be worse.
“We have a cyclone forecast to potentially arrive on the exact day the Bureau of Meteorology wants to turn the Townsville radar off,” he said.
“We need this radar to keep the community and our local disaster management group informed with the latest information.
“This is absolutely unacceptable – it puts the community at risk.
“I’m calling on the Environment Minister to intervene and immediately put a stop to these works.”
While the Bureau has said it will turn the old radar back on in the event of severe weather, Mr Thompson said he worried the temperamental equipment might not start up again.
“We know the Townsville Radar can be temperamental – locals will remember how it failed back in March 2021 when Cyclone Niran was threatening Townsville,” he said.
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it in the middle of cyclone season. Keep it up and running until the end of April when the threat has eased.”
The Bureau has also advised the Townsville radar will also switch off at the same times between 15 January and 8 March 2024.
Funny time of year to schedule that sort of disruptive upgrading.
Severe Tropical Cyclone Althea formed near the Solomon Islands on about 19 December 1971 tracked to the southwest hitting Townsville on 24 December.
Have a look at track maps for TC Larry,Yasi,Althea and this one.
The ones that come boring straight in without any meandering seem to be a concern ?
Makes you think.
staggers the imagination that maintenance would be planned inside cyclone season. I schedule any maintenance that is to do with generators and the like for outside of the cyclone season, its not difficult and it certainly ain’t rocket science.
BOM always take it offline at this time of the year. The brains in Canberra think Townsville is a suburb of Brisbane.
We’d be heaps better off if we were.
Mr. Pie, you’ve had some pretty boring contributors (how are ya Pat?) over the years, but, Mr/Mrs. Spielcheque wins the “Most Boring Blogger of 2023″ award in a canter.
Some people just need to get out more and get a life!
Most boring. Grumpy by the length of the straight.
You spelled “handsome and urbane” wrong.
Elusive Butterflog, nothing is more boring than your obsessive rants about Kid Crisafulli and Phil Thompson OAM. I mean, we know you are busy promoting Labor by being the head of their cheer squad, and we know that you love those brown paper bag meetings with select individuals, but really, go get a life.
And you, Butterflog, need to open your second eye and stop being so one eyed/one tracked!
Cairns business approvals nearly back to last year vs Townsville 60 % down.

It seems Bruce Lehman should have taken notes from Ben Roberts with regard to fruitless defamation cases.
Lachlan Murdoch could pitch bin with a few words, too. Hmmm, come to think of nit, news Ltd as well.
The most interesting thing from the trail so far is how quickly and how much the Albanese Government paid to Brittany Higgins with very little proof to date. Why aren’t the same standards, speed and value applied to the hundreds of Defence personnel and their claims?
The Magpie can honestly say he has no opinion about the truth of the Higgins/Lehrmann matter, but the panicked, mealy-mouthed arse-covering apology to Ms Higgins from the floor of parliament by Scott (spit) Morrison, , and the subsequent pay-out (for what? How did we the taxpayers fail in our duty of care to a drunken woman who may or may not have been raped?) effectively nobbled the legal process aimed at determining the truth by reaching a de facto guilty verdict against Lehrmann . And now we have the bonfire of the inanities as the money chase continues from other quarters.
And c’mon, Prickster, service personnel only served to keep the country safe, and so what if they suffered for their service, that hardly makes for sexy headlines. Get your priorities straight, sport.
Brittany Higgins reported the alleged conduct to her employer, and instead of being reassured that it would be addressed, was made to feel that her employment would be in jeopardy if her complaint was pursued.
Then her employer is/was the Liberal Party. Shouldn’t it be their baby (bad pun intended)?
Staffers are employed by the Commonwealth.
Right. Didn’t know that. Still taxpayers dough, then.
Exactly!! Higgins from memory scored an estimated $3m payout within a matter of weeks. Meanwhile, injured veterans are made to fight the system for years and years for compensation. Governments are fucked.
The labor party paid her $2.4 million with no evidence. It’s Albo’s labor party who are fucked and it’s the taxpayer who footed this bill.
The settlement was negotiated by the Coalition, it just happened to be paid out after Labor got in.
Indeed. It seems according to another commenter than Ms Higgins is employed – and therefore covered by – the Commonwealth. Still taxpayers money, a gift given with no proof of anything.
She admitted in court that she was paid a bit over $2M. That was because she was so traumatised that she could never work again.
She was working in VIC, I think, at the time she was paid out for supporting Labor. Dishonesty pays these days.
What does ‘for supporting Labor’ mean? WAsn’t she a Liberal staffer?
Her boyfriend is a Labor staffer who passed himself off as a person in the know. He has a connection with the passing of information to the Alpha girls in Senate who were ready to attack the Coalition as soon as the allegation was publicised.
Coincidentally, Morrison was riding fairly high in the polls, with COVID still running and there were indications that he may call an early election. When those rumours started, Higgins made her allegations on TV.
Oh yes, Jeff. And your impeccable source for this crap was, now let’s see, oh yes, the delightful Sky News host Sharri Markson. Wonder why she hasn’t been asked to front the Lehrmann defamation case.
HEY, don’t go knocking Sharri Markson, she made The Magpie a nice little earner by defaming him. Forever grateful.
(And a note to those in the legal profession always popping in here looking for business … IT’S ALL GONE BY NOW, SO DON’T BOTHER. ARE YOU READING THIS, BARRY?
Jeff, Newspoll on 1 February 2021 was 50/50, please join us in the real world https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/newspoll-scott-morrison-support-dips-labors-best-result-in-six-months/news-story/02ea1cdc15379603da6c3c625e7f4177
Good rebuttal but please reply to the person you are replying to, or the thread can get all over the place. Thanks.
Two pieces of worrying news this week. There’s a cyclone coming and Jenny Hill is still in charge of the Disastrous Committee. Don’t forget to check the tide times before opening the dam gates this time commander. Also heard a rumour on the Brisbane grapevine that Bazza is assisting The Kid with his election campaign. Come on Kid – REALLY?
If so, a classic case of run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. He’s made a motza on deals with Labor, but now they’re rapidly declining in. favour, what’s a poor boy to do, eh?
Yesterday morning at the Rasmussen Woolworths a shopper intrupted a shoplifting (thieving) aboriginal teenage girl. Girl quickly becomes loud, animated and vulgar, offering the shopper violence. Girl makes her way out of the supermarket, being relieved of the item(s) she had by staff.
Meanwhile an aboriginal male in an adjacent aisle is moving reasonably quickly towards the shopper, who now is moving to the front of the shop where there are staff and other shoppers. Aboriginal male brushed past the shopper who was now in the company of a couple of staff. Having made sure the aboriginal couple were not waiting in the car park Woolworths staff escorted the shopper to their car via a back exit.
I thought the Woolworths staff did a good job. I understand that their baker who starts work in the early hours of the morning was recently assaulted when arriving at his work by a group of aborigines.
The aboriginal teenage girl and male were last seen cycling towards Miles Avenue.
PPS, anyone missing a bike or two?
So the only tenant of Flinders Lane is shutting up shop. https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/vietnamese-iced-coffee-business-annees-announces-flinders-lane-closure/news-story/54bac2296d765a3bcf0d05e98a2e87a5
Bonza Airlines should be re-named “Basket Case Airlines!”
Hopenit doesn’t turn out to be ‘Banzai Airlines’.
Have you actually flown with them?
Tried to but they kept on cancelling my flights!
Apparently they didn’t want to fly when the cabin crew outnumbered the passengers.
Understandable I suppose?
Draining the minibars by the time Biggles was dangling the Dunlops.
E/B Can’t you take a hint?
So let me get this straight – Higgins and Bruce were at a nightclub, both drinking, hands all over each other. And as she admitted – not wearing underwear that night. Both end up in the Ministers office on the couch. She claims rape a few days later. No evidence, no medical tests, no nothing. Then she gets the details wrong about whether she had her dress on (which she didn’t) as it was neatly folded on the floor. Yeah, sure it was rape. Pull the other one.
She can only pull the other one if Lehrmann has two of the type of which we others only have one.
Counting the cost? Argumentum ad numerum!
The question will always remain unanswered: Would she ever reported the alleged rape had she not been discovered asleep, naked in her her boss’s suite?
Her first instinct demonstrated was self preservation, keeping quiet about it to protect her job. This is demonstrated by work colleagues describing her as being ” withdrawn”. Word would have quickly spread about a naked chippy found in a minister’s office.
This was when she began her subsequentially financially successful campaign.
Mr. Pie, I note the Bulletin’s “Iditor” Cas Garvey’s workload has increased dramatically over the past few days!
She’s now in charge of re-writing BOM’s weather/cyclone reports.
Apparently Leighton is furious that his boss is stealing his “thunder”..pun,pun!
However, we’re okay, for now, cause, according to one of our illustrious city councillors…TLDMG deputy chair Kurt Rehbein…
“We’ve had advice from the Bureau of Meteorology that Jasper now is a category four, it’s still sitting around 12,150km north-east of Townsville and Cairns, it’s fairly slow-moving.”
Mr. Pie, Jasper is moving at 9kmph so, should be here around mid-February.
Buckle up folks…especially you Cas!!
Cripes, as though poor old US mid-west and California (11,5983kms from East Coast of Australia) didn’t have enough problems. Poor buggers, we’ve got time to send them some food parcels.
And times like these also bring out bureaucratic idiocy. On ABC news tonight, a report on jasper had one uniformed turkey saying the big danger is to be complacent and we must ensure we have emergency stocks, and with seconds later on the same report, had another fat bald-headed fuck-wit commenting on supermarket shelves being emptied of bottled water that we mustn’t go ‘panic buying’. And we’re in the hands of these fuckmangles?
Covid it was toilet paper.
Cyclone it is bottled water.
Wonder what the panic purchase would be for flood? And would there be a difference if the flood was a natural event or Mayor made.
Nice payrise for our honourable elected members (yes that includes the three retards in Townsville);
Those base salaries are so sweet. Combined with additional superannuation entitlements along with the payrises, plus a healthy expense budget that each Pollywaffle gets to use, and you can see why they love their jobs. I wonder what the poor people are doing?
This poor person will now become useless and ineffective at his job with the expectation of an 11% pay rise.
“Cyclone Jasper forecast: Townsville, North Queensland in firing line as Bureau of Meteorology track map updated
North Queenslanders should use this weekend as a chance to prepare for potentially severe impacts of Cyclone Jasper, as the BOM updates its forecast track map.”
Cas Garvey Cameron Bates Daniel Shirkie and Leighton Smith
6 min read
December 9, 2023 – 12:11PM
Townsville Bulletin
You gotta laugh Mr. Pie.
We now have no less than four Bulletin “journalists” re-writing BOM weather forecasts…
Taking turns at sticking their head out the window.
Taking turns in sticking their heads, up each others orifices more like! or a quartet quiescent?
ABC news website:
“A 20-year-old swimmer almost lost his ankle to a shark bite south of Gladstone on Friday afternoon, authorities have said.”
Thank good he didn’t almost lose his foot. Oh wait….