Saturday, December 26th, 2015 |
The ‘Pie is boxing on but briefly this Boxing Day. Not much politics, indeed just an odd thought or two – like the possibility Vern Veitch could remain our deputy mayor no matter who wins the mayoralty race. Silly season indeed. But there’s always room for the Astonisher. So who’s been a naughty little paper during… View full story »
Saturday, December 19th, 2015 |
The Astonisher gets a new editor, but the choice raises some major ponderables. The Magpie cogitates. And exactly the same anxieties are now shared by those who love our ABC … The Astonisher’s hilarious re-write of history in the ‘Ville … …and is The ‘Pie in line for Townville Citizen Australia Day Awards … he… View full story »
Saturday, December 12th, 2015 |
In a campaigning masterstroke, Mayor Mullet (almost) cries for the cameras this week over the Yalbulu closure threat, (too gruesome to show you) but it was Jayne Arlett who pulled the political headscratcher of the week. Our deputy mayor could hold the balance of power in the next council. And a new twist to the old… View full story »
Saturday, December 5th, 2015 |
Also, Just 120 days before we vote in the council elections, and GI Janyne Arlett continues to go about the place, stirring up apathy. News Corpse invents a new town for us here in NQ … And the Astonisher has a crack at clairvoyant reporting … but gets it wrong. But bigger things seem certain… View full story »
Saturday, November 28th, 2015 |
Also, motor mouth Ewen Jones ignores the disgust of angry punters and continues to unhelpfully butt into the Bolivian student arrest with all the subtlety of a Gina Rinehart bellyflop into a pit of custard. Overseas, the mystery of why America’s motor mouth Donald Trump is now openly being called a fascist. He is also… View full story »
Saturday, November 21st, 2015 |
Hey, did you read that story in the Townsville Bulletin about the JCU medical graduate – the son of a prominent Townsville businessman – thrown into a Bolivian slammer as a suspected terrorist? Of course you didn’t – the Townsville Bulletin ends a week of major news misses and embarrassing errors with its most spectacular… View full story »
Saturday, November 14th, 2015 |
Also, the drip-teasing continues: GI Jayne Arlett announces three new members of her team, signalling a looming problem … … and The ‘Pie reveals another interesting match-up by Mayor Mullet. The Townsville Council election is shaping up as a Rubik cube of combinations. When dirt cheap turns out to be dirt expensive? Townsville Council’s self-made… View full story »
Saturday, November 7th, 2015 |
Trust them or not, polls and surveys of various sorts all run to a set of rules … but it seems Bill The Short ‘Un has decided to do things back to front. Mongrel the Barrister becomes a guest blogger to set the record straight about ‘blokes and the three wheelers – why can’t the… View full story »
Saturday, October 31st, 2015 |
Also, Mayor Mullet’s breakthrough plan … boy, does this gal know a campaign when she sees it. We’re in safe and steady hands. The arrogance of ABC Radio HQ – how not to handle an easily handled matter. And the list of 39 steps to becoming a gentleman, according to Britain’s authority snob mag Country… View full story »
Saturday, October 24th, 2015 |
Including the Jayne Plane trundles skyward – haltingly – with Ms Arlett needing to pep up her flight crew to get her mayoral campaign well and truly off the ground … But Mayor Mullet seems somewhat mired in her own rhetoric, leading to a couple of major contemplations … You’re not gunna believe who is… View full story »