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The Magpie

Sunday, April 30th, 2023   |   139 comments

Why Fran O’Callaghan Should’ve Swallowed A Dildo

Short answer: to get the attention of the Townsville Bulletin. The paper had a story about a pelican doing just that with a plastic donger, but not a single word about the release of Fran’s election manifesto. You know, that would be the manifesto which represents the most serious challenge to Jenny Hill’s decade of ruinous dictatorial rule. But if the Astonisher, which is ‘all for us’, won’t let you see it, then The ‘Pie will.

Mayor Mullet’s embarrassing flip-flop on those bullying moves towards O’Callaghan in council … turns out Hill fucked up more than Fran – has done nothing to dent her colossal ego – during the week, we learnt that Jenny Hill is again making the council a developer, despite previous moves in this direction being foot-dragging abject failures. Lock up your wallets, folks.

Why impressionable young children should not be allowed to go near the showgrounds for the next 11 months.

The staff  down at the paper had better have black ties and the gals their favourite LBD handy, it seems Rupert may departing the planet shortly. Not joking … and neither is The Guardian’s Marina Hyde, whose got the goods on him.

And best read Bulletin columnist Shari Tagliabue calls it a day.

The Magpie still battesg on with all those bills, folks, if you enjoy the Nest and reckon its worth a helping hand, the donation button is at the end of the blog.

Now, soldiering on …

Politics And Priorities: Bulletin Iditor Craig Herbert Shows His True Colours

It’s been … shall we say … an interesting week watching the twerking of the Astonisher in deciding how to keep it’s readership  informed of things that apparently matter. Apart of the odd toddler we don’t know set to steal our hearts by not dying of some obscure disease, there was also the heroics of a wildlife vet …Screen Shot 2023-04-29 at 6.52.19 pm

meanwhile, mayoral challenger and Division 10 councillor Fran O’Callaghan officially opened her modest campaign office in Oonoonba during the week …


…  and for the first time, issued a media release spelling out her campaign platform. So just so you know what Clr O’Callaghan is offering, this is her media release in full, outlining her stand in defence of the city and the much put-upon Townsville ratepayer.

MEDIA RELEASE April 27, 2023
Embargoed: 9am, Friday, April 28.
Mayoral candidate Fran O’Callaghan has opened a “no frills” campaign office in Oonoonba, in
keeping with her core back-to-basics plan for what she hopes will be a new-look Townsville City
Council next year.
In opening the office on Abbott Street today, Ms O’Callaghan said the current council had been
spending money on external projects like Lansdown and North Rail Yards and big events while
neglecting the basic things councils are elected to do – road maintenance, rubbish collection, water
supply, and upkeep of parks and common areas.
“Townsville roads are a disgrace and our parks and median strips have been neglected for so long
that I am personally embarrassed by the state of Townsville. Our built and natural environment
under councils control requires much greater care and attention,” she said.
“There continues to be too much focus on major projects that developers should be funding and on
big events that should be left to stand on their own two feet – not being subsidised by ratepayers,
the majority of whom don’t get to enjoy them.
“I have no problem with investment into the CBD but it must be proportionate and cannot keep
coming at the expense of badly needed investment in where our ratepayers mainly live and play,”
said Ms O’Callaghan.
“As a councillor, I am forbidden to reveal how much ratepayers’ money has been handed out to
southern promoters over the past 10 years, but the fact that the 2022/2023 budget includes $39.5
million for Culture, Lifestyle and Wellbeing should be of concern to every Townsville citizen.
“Some of that money is rightfully spent on funding local libraries, the arts, community facilities and
community programs, but with the cost of living biting hard there must be a tightening of the belt by
Council on areas of discretionary spending.”
Ms O’Callaghan said she also had great concern about the quantum of funds spent on media and
“Ï want the ratepayer of Townsville to know what a good job the Council is doing by looking around
them and seeing it, not by Council spending ratepayers’ money to tell them what a good job it's
doing,” she said.
“I’d prefer to see a Council with a head down and backside up approach, not parading and
Ms O’Callaghan said her campaign office, at 62 Abbott Street, Oonoonba, would be open from
8.30am to 5.00pm on weekdays to allow residents to discuss their concerns, to accept donations and
to recruit helpers to assist with her campaign.
For more information, contact Fran O’Callaghan – Mobile: 0429 793 363; Email:
email hidden; JavaScript is required

Worth a few lines in the paper at least, eh?

 Er, well, no, apparently.

The Bulletin received a copy on Thursday, but somehow couldn’t find space on either Friday or Saturday, for even a modest edited version of the first serious alternative candidate in next year’s race for Walker Street. But they did have time for this, yet another outing for the famous purple doona.

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Let’s leave aside how a library becomes ‘cutting edge’,  there were no questions asked about the glaring debacle behind the new library and the waste of ratepayers money from this financially illiterate mayor, who has again decided to shoot craps with ratepayers money as a developer (see report below).

 The Magpie is neither endorsing or opposing Clr O’Callaghan vision, but at least the old bird has let you know so you can make up your own minds.

But Jenny Hill Continues To Make Townsville A Honeypot For ‘Consultants’ …

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In her latest daft move to further unblock the money sinkhole of city finances, Mayor Mullet has decided to let us all in on her Baldrick-like cunning  plan, agreed to last December, that the TCC has or intends to – not clear – create a private company to partner a hoped-for mug … er, sorry … private developer to throw up some future slum development on the North Rail Yards site. Yes, the site Jenny lumbered us with a few years ago, not realising against all evidence that white elephants cost money.

Sneaky possibilities abound. In an interesting giveaway line, we are told that Wednesday’s full council meeting ‘voted to lift all confidentiality restrictions around the project’.

WHAT?  If there have been no changes since last December and no developer partner in sight, why were the confidentiality restrictions in the first place? What’s to be secretive about? What’s happened that now we are allowed to share Mayor Mullet’s Mr Magoo-like vision for this idiocy?

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Now that would be all well and good, and not worth causing a throbbing temple EXCEPT FOR this, from the Bulletin story …

Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill said it (an SPV Special Purpose Vehicle) a “company limited”, that would guide how the rail yards were developed to benefit the community.

She said it would operate under the local government act as a beneficial enterprise – an independent legal entity controlled by the council.

The mayor said the SPV model, which was used by other councils like Sunshine Coast Council, would see experts brought in who could set the project out, before selling it to private industry.

“We know we’ve got a housing shortage (but) we believe if we get the right people in there, there’ll be significant interest in the site,” she said.

But let’s think about that for a sec … the council’s company brings in experts (consultants) to create a plan designed to entice some private sector crowd to partner with them, right? But since there is no partner at the moment, and the company is solely funded by the council, then it is the TCC which will pay these ‘consultants’ swingeing fees  – successful and smart, or otherwise – to create a concept which will eventually – fingers crossed – deliver a private sector developer and some unspecified return to the council, and therefore the ratepayers. And of course, if it doesn’t turn out to be a goer, we (the ratepayers) have still paid said consultants anyway.

Ever get the feeling you’re in the wrong business, not being a consultant..


Even the mayor’s history with grifters (Magnis) and spivs (Adani) in the private sector argue loudly against it.

And if AECOM. turn out to be the NR Yards consultants, there’ll be riots in the streets unless the CCC steps in.

Feel A Bit Rooted By All This?

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Well, tough, drop your tweeds and assumed the position again, because there’s more rogering coming your way on this matter The Bulletin story also quoted the mayor thus:

“One of the constraints of the site was the heritage (restrictions). This group will help us come up with a methodology in how to deal with it.”

This was also the case for remediating contamination at the site.

The mayor said TCC’s Chief Executive Officer Prins Ralston had come back with a constitution around the SPV detailing what the council “should expect as the shareholder in terms of setting up a group to run it”. 

In formation you can bet will be commercial in confience.

They’re fucking kidding, right? You know, if we did not have such an open, transparent and community minded group running our city, this last bit could be misunderstood as an open invitation to corruption.

Parents, Keep Your Kids Close If You Go Near The Showgrounds In The Next Few Months.

Especially if your youngsters are impressionable and easily spooked.

Showground boss Chris Condon is a man of forthright opinion, and he is always willing to share that opinion, especially when it comes to local politics.

Some will remember certain billboards which appeared around the showground area for the benefit of passing traffic which had a few blunt words to say about Tony Mooney, in the closing Looney Mooney  years of his matoralty. His Radiance went on to lose that amalgamation election to Les Tyrell.

Well, it seems Mr Condon holds similar disapproving views of our current mayor, and intends to let the world know. This weekend, his poster advice to Mayor Mullet has gone on display.

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Parents, be ready to cover your child’s eyes.

On the National Scene, It’s Voltage Not The Voice That Is Bothering Bentley

The contradictions of the energy debate have quite frankly bden annoying our man, who is mightily miffed by two issues that have not actually been linked yet by the pollies, defence and energy.

green missiles prelim 2

But That’s Just One Hurdle Albo Is Suddenly Facing

Will campaign promises paint Albo’s claimed traditional Labor values into a compromised corner? The upcoming budget will give a pointer, but Albanese and Chalmers already know they’ll face a no win-no win decision when the time comes to honouring their desperate and so unnecessary  campaign promise of massive stage 3 tax cuts to benefit the moderately to very rich.  Whether they keep or break that promise, either way Labor is on a loser,- campaign honesty on one hand or traditional Labor values of fairness and equity on the other.  There are those who believe this could normally be the start of the traditional decline towards the traditional ALP self-destruction. But the appalling lack of a viable political alternative will embolden the government to go ahead and unzip the Zegna-suited corporates elite and lift the Balenciaga hems of the glass ceiling smashers to give them a right old tongue lashing about Labor values. And tax cuts.

The drums of class war are already beating.

One of the most telling quotes was on ABC RN,s Friday breakfast program. Guest Amy Remeikis  on ABC RN injected some jolting reality into the Prime Minister’s constant and now tedious battler’s boast about his single mum alone raising him in her housing commission home on a disability pension.

The bold truth is that neither Katy Gallagher or Anthony Albanese’s mum would be able to survive on those payments today.   (In 2023) Anthony Albanese’s mum would most likely be living in her car.

Of course, that is unlikely since a disability pensioner in the 1950/60s most likely wouldn’t have a car.

Albo’s battler’s trope has also got the goat of Bulletin cartoonist Larry, who put the sentiment into a scathing visual on Friday.

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And Da Boyz at The Shovel buried the boot a bit deeper on this subject.

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The Townsville Bulletin Loses It’s Best Columnist But There’s No Conspiracy

In an unexpected farewell column in yesterday’s Weekend Bulletin, Shari Tagliabue announced her retirement. Her witty, beautifully-written and clearly argued columns will be no more.

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In her final column, Shari, who recently admitted to an unhappy health diagnosis, said she had decided she was no longer up to the task, which, for such well crafted writing, took great concentration.

Not of course, that iditor Craig Herbert could give a fuck about losing one of the few reasons left to read his weekend rag …. he has barely acknowledged Shari personally or professionally, which is a measure of the man personally and professionally. I’d be surprised if he even wrote her a thank you note.

Shari has been both an admired colleague and a friend for more than 20 years.

Well Shazza, two things worth noting – the first being information that came from the man who appreciated you so much, editor Mick Carroll when you were his personal PA. When The ‘Pie resigned in disgust from the paper after plagiarist and all round arsesole Peter Typo Gleeson took over the editor’s chair, the old bird had been simply churning out his column for eight years without much thought beyond the few extra bucks it brought in. Some months later, Mick told me the paper had lost 5000 readers when the Magpie column ceased. If that was the reaction to The Magpie column, the paper is about to get another kick in the cods, because your weekly contribution is worth twice or more whatever I contributed to circulation. And you’re better looking, too.

Your column will be missed, Shazza, and there’s always a guest spot here for anything you want to get off your chest.

But there’s an upside for The Magpie – he can now realistically claim to be the most interesting weekend columnist in the city. Even the best, now there’s no competition heh heh heh.

Days Of Wine And Pose

You’ll recall recently that Ginge of Whinge  aka Prince Harry published a snivelly little foot-stamping little tome of self-pity and family disloyalty called Spare – apparently a reference to being the spare heir to the throne of England.  Haven’t read it,  don’t intend to but The ‘Pie just might get hold of this wonderful rejoinder which it seems is a REAL book, and not a social media oncer.

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A brilliant kick in the Royal Doultons for this loathsome self-entitled lout who still expects doors to be opened for him.

Yours for $24.90

Get on The Wrong Side Of This Woman And You’re On A ‘Hyde-ing’ To Nothing.

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Award Winning Guardian Columnist Marina Hyde

 Marina Hyde continues her rampage through the news of the day, taking down the great and good with some of the best savagings available in the English language today.  Take this from a recent column about the forthcoming coronation:

“Back on the official channels, strong efforts are being made to get people excited about the approved royal menu for their subjects’ day. It feels somehow apt that the official dish selected by King Charles is a quiche, given quiches are often wet and almost always disappointing. Like some of Charles’s recent walkabouts, the dish has been regarded as a good use of leftover eggs.”

But Ms Hyde is no mere word juggler, she does her research too. In this piece about the personal disintegration of Rupert Murdoch,   she has her wit focussed on facts, many of which of which The Magpie had no idea about … she has a wonderful way of putting things in context.

Tugger Carson Is Pulled Off by Murdoch

Screen that is.  Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox … at the direction of Rupert Murdoch through his son Lachlan,  is, in that tired old term, a real game changer.  And now, a man who not only lied about but more than Donald Trump, is even being talked off a s Presidential candidate. yes, really!

Tugger’s departure was generally met with warm approval, but perhaps the best farewell came from Whoopi Goldberg on her show The View.

‘Karma doesn’t lose anyone’s address, it may misplace the address but it does not lose it.”

But if Tucker might be Prez, who might replace Tucker? Why, of course …

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Anothedr week down. Comments run 24/7, dive in. Donation button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Contributor cousin says:

    Am I missing something in your blog this week? You mentioned kids not going near the show grounds and Shari leaving the paper but I couldn’t find anything written about them???

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, you were missing something, because of a ‘save’ failure when compiling the Nest this week. Many thanks for the heads up, likely I would not have known until much later …. all fixed now, read and enjoy/shudder. Cheers.

      • Contributor cousin says:

        Not having a go at you I assumed something may have happened through the browser. I don’t know how your domain works ( think it’s called that). I just noticed it was missing after I read your opening comments. Thanks for the heads up.

        • The Magpie says:

          Never thought you were whinging Cuz, and did sincerely appreciate the alert. Long hours at the keyboard for those getting long in the tooth can lead to such things.

  2. NQ Gal says:

    Very sad to read it was Shari’s last column yesterday. Didn’t always agree with her, but she always presented a well thought out opinion.

  3. Mike Douglas says:

    As you stated Pie , if the Councillor vote ( disclose the votes ) was in December why 5 months until an announcement . The Ceo is setting up a board and structure but surely there must have been a cost benefit analysis presented to Councillors to determine their vote . Is this where the missing $700,000 went Council had allocated for Concert Hall research ? . Mayor Hill in the past wanted Townsville Council to be like Ipswich Council under Paul Pissale and we now know Ipswich Council investment entity lost $80 mil .

  4. Astonished says:

    The TB editor’s latest act of bastardry against mayoral candidate Fran O’Callaghan has me thinking our local paper has become Townsville’s version of Fox News.
    The editor’s love affair with Jenny Hill knows no bounds.
    Instead of informing residents of the core policies of Hill’s only current opposition, he publishes a heart warming story about the opening of a library on a riverbank site that is prone to serious flooding. Think about it – books, computers and water. Does Hill actually think this is a good idea?
    But the cub reporter who interviewed Hill didn’t think to ask about the flooding threat. It is briefly mentioned in the story but didn’t rate a question, apparently.
    Now stay tuned for another story next week about Bluey attracting hordes of kids to the real opening of our new waterproof library.
    Yes folks, the mayor’s opening last week was a private affair for invited guests. The real opening happened on Saturday with Bluey selling his soul to help with Jenny Hill’s re-election campaign.
    Which raises the question – how many thousands of ratepayer dollars did we pay to get Bluey to Townsville? Shades of Elton John, countless football games nobody else wanted, the North Australia Festival of Arts sinkhole, gardening guru Jamie Durie etc, etc, etc.
    Fran O’Callaghan will get my vote if she is going to put an end to this ridiculous waste of our money.
    (Note to Palm Sunday or whatever name Dolan is going under this week – the argument that O’Callaghan won’t be able to make her promised changes because she will have a team of hostile Labor councilors to deal with, assumes that the current puppets will all be re-elected. From what I’m hearing around town that is no certainty).
    On the subject of money, how much does the council spend on advertising with the Townsville Bulletin? Four full pages on Friday and another one Saturday.
    And are all these ads really necessary?
    And are they being used by Hill to boost her election prospects and/or buy the support of the media for her re-election campaign.
    Perhaps Jenny Hill would break with tradition and actually answer these questions.
    By the way, congratulations to Seven News for giving O’Callaghan the headline exposure she deserved last Friday night.

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    The library article showed off Cr Hills ability to swallow a doona and then put the purple dress on again. Nauseating stuff.

    • Grumpy says:

      Prince – I had the mischance to be within touching distance of our Jenny twice in a week. The first at the Anzac Day footy, the second at Riverway yesterday. Credit where credit’s due: she has lost a shitload of weight. Positively svelte. Not quite Princess Kate, but you have to acknowledge the personal effort involved. Now I duck for cover.

      • The Magpie says:

        Stress, fear of being found out and worry do wonders for the pudgy.

      • GST SHAM says:

        Doubt it was hard work I remember a year ago before she lost all the weight Jenny Hill had requested time off in a council meeting she had to ask all the councillors for permission because she was taking time off during a black out period that councillors aren’t allowed time off. Everyone said yes except Fran. Fran had to put on the record her objection and Fran said that it wasn’t serious surgery ( to me I than thought she’s electing to do this procedure) and that it can be done any time the mayor wishes. Then and there I thought hmm this is interesting. After a period of time off the from the procedure she comes back with a whole amount of weight gone from the waste! I believe it’s called gastric sleeve surgery!

        • The Magpie says:

          Seems you are a creative liar, and live up to the Sham in your name. Sounds almost like something Tony Blight would make up, being the Mullet’s chief attack chihuahua, Another Jenny troll. Received this by email this morning.

          Dear Mr Wetherup

          A contributor to your column has stated that I voted against Cr Hills leave application at a meeting on the basis that I didn’t believe a surgery she was having was serious enough or some such thing. Let me make it quite clear that under no circumstances have I ever voted against any councillors’ leave application on the basis of a very personal matter such as a councillors’ health or any medical procedure they may be having. For one thing I have very little personal interaction with any Team Hill councillor so it is unlikely I would have any knowledge of the reasons for their leave application. For the record I have voted against Cr Hills leave application only once in a Full Council meeting when she moved her leave application to general business on the agenda in order, in my view , that she could lecture me on transparency as I had recently been overseas and did not advise her of my travel, as I have no requirement to. I have recently voted against her apologies for the standing committee meetings as her attendance at those meetings is very poor and as Mayor she is a member of every standing committee. They are only held once per month and I do not see why she is unable to arrange the majority of her meetings on other days than the one day per month that the standing committee’s occur on.
          Yours faithfully
          Cr Fran O’Callaghan

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, you might have the ear of Cr Fran. As a voter, I would like to hear a candidate’s story from the horse’s mouth. Clearly Fran is not going to get a free ride from the local rag unless there is some meat in the sandwich. My suggestion is that Fran hires a hall (anywhere) in the burbs, takes out a paid ad in the TBully and invites residents and ratepayers to come and hear her story – not the one about what a conniving b bitch the mayor is but the one about her vision for Townsville. Get one of her high profile backers to MC the event and the media MIGHT turn up. Just seeing her picture in the paper is not enough. We want to see what’s under the hat.

  6. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Albo won’t touch the tax cuts because he knows it’s political suicide and this country can’t keep reaming up the arse the same people who get up and go to work each day to pay for everyone else’s lives, people have had enough. So many people I know who I thought would work well into their later lives are doing the opposite, hitting preservation age and pulling the plug, what incentive is there to keep working, none, income tax kills any desire to keep working if you have a choice not to. The new tax rates address the issue a bit but still way too high, you can’t keep asking people to work two days each week for nothing, which is what the current tax rates do, it’s a disgrace.

    • The Magpie says:

      Wonder what you’ll make of this, Cankers, which The ‘Pie puts out there for your comment and analysis.


      The crux of the article – always well argued even when one doesn’t agree with Koeler, is the following excerpt:
      Which brings us to tax. Jim Chalmers needs to put on his suit of armour, pick up the battered shield and sword in the cupboard at Labor HQ left by Rudd, Gillard and Shorten and boldly charge into the Valley of Tax, into the mouth of hell, as Tennyson put it in The Charge of the Light Brigade.
      Drop Stage 3 tax cuts now
      Specifically, now is the time to do something about the Stage 3 tax cuts, not next year when they’re about to happen.
      Albanese and Labor are miles ahead in the polls and everyone understands the spending pressures on the government and the absurdity of $20 billion per year in tax cuts when the budget is in deficit and inflation is a problem.
      Also, what has to be done is obvious and doesn’t need an inquiry – just keep the 37 per cent tax bracket rather than abolish it, as proposed, while keeping the reduction in the 32.5 per cent bracket to 30 per cent, as well as the increase in the top marginal tax threshold from $180,000 to $200,000, although that could probably go as well.
      The Grattan Institute says those tweaks would save $8 billion a year, and although it would be a broken promise, it should be easy to sell.
      Apart from that, Chalmers should confine negative gearing to new houses, not existing ones, and go back to capital gains tax at the full marginal income tax rate, adjusted for inflation, instead of the flat 50 per cent discount.
      He should have another go at a resources rent tax, perhaps just increasing the one that’s already levied on oil and gas, and maybe even do some more tax on super, which is, after all, compulsory and doesn’t need to be enticed with tax breaks, which mostly go to the well-off anyway.

      Sounds like a plan of sorts, but for some reason the words, snowball, chance and hell come to mind.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        This article by the ABC has a well presented infographic on the Stage 3 tax cuts and how significant they are. It’s a bit mind blowing


        • The Magpie says:

          Brilliant concept, to bring a touch of reality to all the unreal figures being tossed about.

          If Labor pass the stage 3 tax cuts, the unions should sue to have the party’s name changed on the basis of false advertising.

          Egalitarian country my arse.

        • Old Sailor says:

          This ABC article utterly disingenuous. The tax cuts do not gift money to anybody, They allow people to keep more of their own money and spend it in a way they deem appropriate.

          • The Magpie says:

            Think your being a bit disingenuous yourself, Salty. Your comment is pure semantics and totally incorrect. If someone is being taxed at a certain rate and then that rate is lowered (cut) then it is quite legitimate in terms of language to term the extra that is suddenly allowed to kept as being gifted. From the government who had been taking but is now not taking it. But it’s pretty certain if it was travelling in the opposite direction, you’d be happy to call it a ‘cash grab’ or ‘revenue raising’ , as though some people should be exempt from paying their fair share of government revenue. And anyway, the opponents of stag three cuts aren’t arguing for greater levels of taxation, just that the status quo remains.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            The article is fine old sailor. It’s your interpretation of the article that’s slightly disingenuous.
            Stage 3 Tax cuts are not equitable. They also create a budget deficit. A fucking huge one. Which means the government doesn’t have revenue to put onto public coffers to allocate on public spending. Schemes like Aged Care, NDIS and Medicare will suffer. The national transport network, defence, biosecurity. All of that and more will suffer.

            The following article discusses the inequities


            And the national debt helpline has a fantastic explainer on why it won’t help the low income earners.


          • The Magpie says:

            The great sadness of your accurate reply, Ducky, is that you had to make it at all.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        “Sounds like a plan of sorts” ? I suppose if you’re not one of the people being fucked over by the current arrangement then it is a great plan. This country is a disgrace, masses of people reduced to freeloading socialist scabs, happy to sponge off society whilst contributing fuck all, years ago people in this country would be embarrassed to be the handout freeloader, today you can get a bachelor degree in it.

        • The Magpie says:

          FFS how many yachts and private jets do you need, Cankers. Or have I missed something? In a sentence, tell us why you’re being ‘fucked over’.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Not I Pie, I am lucky enough to have grown up in this country at a time when education was actually free, a decent public health system, housing was easy, just grab a block of land and owner build a basic cottage, add a bit more later, sell it and move up the chain. But those coming through now are just being fucked over by this country, massive hecs debts, housing costs are onerous, and when you finally get a chance to be rewarded for all you efforts with a decent pay cheque you get the privilege of paying 40 cents in every dollar you earn in tax so some entitled parasitic boomer can have a lifestyle they feel entitled too, despite not having enough money of their own to pay for it themselves. A tax cut will at least allow our next generations to keep a bit more of their own money for themselves, the poor bastards deserve it.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not part of the argument but just so we know what we’re talking about.

            Australian income tax rates for 2022–23 (residents)
            Income thresholds Rate Tax payable on this income
            $0 – $18,200 0% Nil
            $18,201 – $45,000 19% 19c for each $1 over $18,200
            $45,001 – $120,000 32.5% $5,092 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $45,000
            $120,001 – $180,000 37% $29,467 plus 37c for each $1 over $120,000
            $180,001 and over 45% $51,667 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000
            Source: ATO

            It is worth noting that some arguments obscure the fact that there is no blanket rate in any earning band. For instance, those on $180k pay just 32.5% (give or take a percent) … the 45c in the dollar cuts in and as I understand it, only applies to, any amount earned over $180K … it doesn’t revert to a 45c overall taxing on the whole income. As said, not part of any arguments certain to follow, just for clarity … and as always happy to be corrected if The ‘Pie is factually incorrect.

          • The Magpie says:

            While we’re in tax and budget territory, an interesting perspective from James Robertson in The New Daily.


            Key quotes:
            Chris Richardson, an independent economist and veteran budget watcher, has forecast a whopping $90 billion increase to the budget bottom line over the coming four years.

            “We happen to be earning more from the world and at a stunning rate that hasn’t been seen in living memory,” he said.

            The budget’s underlying cash balance is in the black, or was in March, according to the latest available Finance Department figures: $1.6 billion or nearly $40 billion greater than Treasury estimates deep in the red less than six months ago.

            All of this makes the compulsory doomsaying and lowering of expectations much harder to pull off this week for Mr Chalmers.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Don’t forget to add on the Medicare levy Pie, something else that only those actually working have to pay whilst the freeloaders contribute nothing, another 2 cents on every dollar until you get to $90k a year ( less than the average wage) then it’s 3 cents in every dollar, you can choose to avoid the extra surcharge as long as you take out private health insurance at $6000 a year, some choice.

          • The Magpie says:

            So there is no poverty, no unemployment, no elderly in need of financial help, no one who has slipped through the cracks (often because of government policies) just all freeloaders supported by social scabs, eh?
            If you’re going to continue with this wild-eyed foaming at the mouth, Cankers, send in some stats that back your claim that the country is overrun by freeloaders (whatever your definition means). The actual percentage of professional bludgers, with today’s checks and balances, would be a tiny percentile. Cannot understand why you blowing out the trapdoor of your long johns with this nonsense.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            55% of people over 55 are retired, the most common source of income for the these people is the aged pension or some other form of welfare, staggering. Most of these people have retired with no form of income to support themselves other than freeloading on their own children or even worse, freeloading on someone else’s. The amount of people working v those not drops every year, the result of which is more and more of the tax burden falls on less and less of the population. I don’t know why you have so much trouble grappling with the basics of this Pie, far too many lazy retirees spending the last 30 or 40 years of their life bludging on the system, then criticising those who are still working and might want a little relief from the tax burden they pay everyday.

          • The Magpie says:

            OK let’s sort a couple things out.

            The aged pension first. It is only available (for blokes anyway, don’t know what it is for the sheilas) at 65, perhaps soon 67, not 55. 55 is the age when you can pull super, isn’t it? or was when I left the Bulletin in 2010. And that is 65 and beyond is the age the vast majority work to. So in your fried brain forecast, all the freeloaders are going to keep bludging on poor put bastards like you for 30 to 40 years, because they are all going to live to an average age of either 95 or 105? RUOK, mate?

            When I started working more than 60 years ago – always in work, always paying my taxes, but never a high flyer – the arrangement with the governments of the day always was that part of my taxes were put aside for the age pension, so get this straight you insulting silvertail cunt … I am not and never been a bludger or a freeloader, the aged pension is a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE. And it is for all who receive it.

            It’s my money being given back to me. And I’m calling you names I wouldn’t usually use on behalf of others who are likely in the same situation and are grossly insulted by your disgusting and just plain wrong ‘let them eat cake’ attitude. On top of that my super contributions were paid regularly, although they didn’t amount to a great deal in the end – they started more than halfway through my working life – and anyway, when I pulled it, it went straight to my daughter and her family – along with a well publicised subsequent amount that came my way – so that the two generations following me would be able to buy a home. I live a modest life and am a renter, my needs are few and I have a 25 year old car, a freeloader special to you no doubt.

            While simplistic in the extreme, your analysis of the downward trend in the workforce may be temporarily correct, which has a great deal to do with a series of about-to-be-rectified immigration policies, not a sudden disinterest in rooting, but how am I or people of my generation responsible for that? Bottom line: we made a deal with the government, we stuck to it and now they are honoring their side of the RIGHT to pension that they planned for us.

            The shining self-interest, social disdain and naked personal greed of your last line is one for the ages.

            Don’t worry about The ‘Pie’s grappling with basics, think more of your grapple with morals, decency and a realistic understanding of the community you live in and have probably got rich on.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Poor cankers. You have to pay tax to fill the public coffers for social welfare. God forbid you ever need it you miserable libertarian. Please don’t ever complain about Medicare, the public health system or anything funded by taxes.

            One of the most outstanding things about Australia, is that despite being a capitalist country we have public health, and a social welfare system. Unfortunately both have come under strain from mismanagement and underfunding.

          • The Magpie says:

            Don’t think we have to worry about Cankers much longer, Ducky … hear his comments have been read by the American Republicans who want for Trump’s re-election campaign and he’s off to join them and that other expatriate (thank god) Murdoch. Boy, we’ll miss him.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            That would easily explain the basic difference between you and I then Pie, I don’t expect anyone, anytime to go to work everyday to pay for my life, I will work until I have to and I know there are many who for various reason cant, and they need to be looked after but there are many who have pulled stumps way to early and are having a big long bludge. I believe the aged pension is a privilege, and not a right, a privilege paid for by the all the people ( our sons and daughters) going to work each day and paying an onerous amount of taxes and levies to cover the cost, and I hope the tax cuts stay as they are and they get to keep more of their own money for all their hard work, I think they deserve it.

          • The Magpie says:

            The aged pension will become a privilege when Canberra reduces PAYE by the commensurate weekly amount taken to cover it … until then, it’s a right.

            And if you don’t like the system, try to enter politics to change it. Good luck with that.

          • Ayn Rand says:

            The pension isn’t your money, set aside by the government, paid back to you. The National Welfare Fund was abolished in 1985. All forms of welfare come from general revenue.

          • The Magpie says:

            Same rider, different horse. That’s just semantics … money from earnings while I was still working was earmarked in the general on-going budgets for the purpose named.

          • Ayn Rand says:

            Nothing was earmarked, your taxes went into a big undifferentiated pot of money.

          • The Magpie says:

            Which was allocated to various matters each year … including the aged pension. Did you think beforehand the treasury had a line of piggy banks on a shelf, and they smashed the aged pension one

            Oh, please, give it away will you, this getting like a remedial reading class for the developmentally delayed.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Cankers, years ago you could get your bachelors degree for free. Now you have to pay through the nose for it. So tell me again who the socialist scabs are?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Don’t worry, Ducks, cantankerous didn’t get a degree.. His ignorance is palpable.

          • The Magpie says:

            In The (degreeless) ‘Pie’s experience, a degree is no guarantee of a lack of ignorance, usually just of narrow mindedness.

          • Grumpy says:

            Apples & Oranges, I think, Ducky. In the mid 70s, tuition was indeed free, thanks to Gough. Intakes were strictly controlled and only the genuinely worthy got in (unlike today). The Tertiary Education Allowance Scheme was only $20 per week. Carters’s Criminal Code cost me $45. Residential College was only for the wealthy. All of us children of ordinary folk worked – I was the most excellent bar useful at Chardons Corner pub. I lived in an old Greenslopes mansion – long gone – with 12 other impoverished students. Five I knew by name, three by sight and four by feel.

  7. wildcolonialboy says:

    Hey Magpie, how about the howler in the subhead on the library story: ‘start-of-the-art facility’? Oh for the days when the Bully had a team of decent sub-editors led by Simon Price.

  8. Way out West says:

    The Marina Hyde link isn’t working.

  9. Frandstand on the Hill says:

    Cripes Pie you’re slowing down a bit. I thought you would be all over Jenny Hill, OK yeah, but, No! not that one! Townsville’s Newest Hill, you know that big pile of rubbish out at Deeragun (TDB last week), getting a makeover apparently by being buried under x number of football fields of earth, (maybe a certain quantity surveyor can help with the exact details & timing), but there’s still a lotta gas in them there Hills. Good luck Fran looks like you’re off to a good start, still a shovel might be handy for the upcoming makeover.

  10. Alahazbin says:

    Well it’s official! “There won’t be an event like the 2019 floods”. Says Jenny at the opening of the new library. Of course there won’t be, because hopefully we won’t have another fucking lunatic to let all that water release from the dam 2 hours before high tide.

    • The Magpie says:

      Comment of the day so far.

      She really does have a Messiah complex, doesn’t she, holding sway over future weather events. Again she’s rolled the dice, this time figuring that 2019 won’t happen again while she’s in office, so when the inevitable happens, our Jen will be drinking daiquiris on her patio in Gozo.

      • Jehoosafat says:

        Yes , she developed the Messiah complex because so many people she came near would fall to their knees, slap their foreheads , and yell JESUS FUCKEN CHRIST !

        Say things often enough and people start to believe it.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      One part of me wants to see the stupid woman proven wrong. However, all those people who suffered don’t deserve that again.

  11. Cyclone says:

    With regard to the railyards, everyone concerned have been waiting for a cyclone to save on the legal costs of removing it from the heritage register.

    Remember the old T and G building 420 Flinders st? Donors Lancini and Mark Adams bought it and wanted to knock it down. But there was an application to have it on the heritage list.

    District Court Judge at the time , Clive Wall took it off the register in the Reelaw case https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/cases/qld/QPEC/2004/79.html because there was no prospect of heritage values being conserved.

    The railyards were to be developed by a donor who was set to be delayed and punished for doing business that way, but went into council hands. The other Townsville railway land was sold by Beattie to a donor.

    Everyone then was waiting for a number of things to happen :

    -that vandals and piro’s or accidents would do the job like on that old Qldr on the corner of Nathan St and Ross River Rd that became the country credit union building or the old Victoria Park Hotel ;

    – that a natural distaster would demolish it or put the issue beyond legal doubt.

    The science says the weather patterns of the last few years have flipped back. We are long due for a big blow or 2 . Perhaps thats in their minds again?

    Its interesting to look at the following things in these matters;-

    -who the anchor tentants will be and whether governments reward donor mates by putting departments offices in at great public expense.Remember a developer asking for their luxury units to be filled by DHA under the former coalition government ? Q. What buildings house government departments in TSV and were the developers or owners donors ??

    – Who the planning judge is and how and why they got appointed;

    -Who the planning and heritage experts are in court and whether they have been donors or work for donors and whether they are “professional experts” called by government who make a living that way;

    -Who the developers are and whether they were donors now banned in Qld, and whether they have got around it by donating in other states , passing the money through subsidiaries , lawyers, accountants, lobbyists or “Mates in construction”
    – Similarly , who the consultants are and whether they do the same thing.

    It can be said that challenges are as much about delaying and causing damage to developer crooks as they are about values because of the way things are done. We have seen this time and again.

  12. Weary Dave says:

    YES !! … very happy to see Chris getting involved like he did when it was Mooney vs Tyrell … go Fran

  13. Regular Reader says:

    I also saw Jenny Hill on the telly making that baseless prediction that we will never have another flood like 2019.
    Jenny old girl, it’s not the floods we are worried about, it’s the fact that the same self-opinionated idiot is still in charge of the Townsville Disastrous Committee.
    The sight of Hill, resplendent in her Official Chairperson vest, attempting to show who’s in charge, is enough to make everyone nervous – especially the good folks of Idalia.
    How there wasn’t a class action over the mismanagement of the dam flood gates is beyond me.

  14. Critical says:

    When I read articles like this one below, I ask myself, what the f**k does TEL do for Townsville and the region?

    Couple of other interesting articles such as P&O Cruises future in Cairns and Townsville and the CIAF article.


  15. Echochamber says:

    Our friends at Magnis continue to kick goals


    Magnis Energy Technologies is yet to post revenues from the sale of batteries from its New York gigafactory, months after chair Frank Poullas told shareholders they would see results.

    Long-promised revenues from ASX-listed energy and graphite play Magnis Energy Technologies remain elusive, as certification delays on its flagship battery factory continue to erode the firm’s cash.

    In its latest market update, Magnis revealed it brought in an additional certifier as it struggles to get sign-off on its lithium batteries from its flagship New York factory, with sales stagnant.

    In the March quarter, Magnis banked no money from customers, but burned through $13.4m.

  16. It’s good to be the king…. says:

    Apparently this fuckwit is spending $180m on his coronation ceremony and celebrations. I hope all his lowly servants, the citizens of the UK are happy to see their taxpayer money being spent so wisely.

  17. Mike Douglas says:

    Pie , isn’t that $410 mil in Townsville Council borrowings with estimated interest at $12 mil a year ? . Fran needs to ask the question when these loans are up for refinancing as based on interest it could take Council 30 years to pay off the current debt .

  18. The Magpie says:

    It must be chilly down in hell right now given That The Magpie has always said the day he agrees with anything Andrew Dolt says will be the day hell freezes over.

    Dolt’s take on Albanese massive error of judgement is his usual florid, over-written style, but the message is unmistakable …. and true, it’s a disgrace.

    If the link doesn’t work (had to duck and weave around the Herald Sun paywall) google it, well worth the read.


    • Prickster says:

      More than an error of judgment spending more time at the wedding with convicted drug smuggler Simon Main, and underworld figure John Ibrahim than he did in Alice Springs.

      It’s ok the Voice will fix everything.

    • Dave Nth says:

      Yeah na, 12ft ladder won’t even get me over this paywall…

      Someone else will post it elsewhere though.

      That said I am in astonishment at the kiddy gloves being applied to Albo with this one and Chris Minns NSW Premier. Imagine if Tony Abbott had rubbed shoulders with a known crime boss at a wedding of a uncouth man who has form in asking 14yo’s about their sex life on air among other noxious behaviour?

      • Dave Nth says:

        Just read it. Thanks Pie as I had missed it.

        Yup Bolt ventures into hyperbole at times but is spot on this time. Especially with the double standards applied to Victorian former opposition leader Matt Guy eating lobster with Tony Madafferi, who like Ibrahim has been canny enough to avoid a striped suntan.

        • The Magpie says:

          But a little corner of The ‘Pie’s professional brain is jealous of that great headline Lobster With A Mobster. One of the best.

  19. Critical says:

    If this level of fraud and over changing is happening in the NDIS, is similar fraud etc happening with other government programs such as Veterans and aged care programs.

    Looks like anyone on government programs needs to keep a close eye on costs and get quotes from a couple of suppliers without disclosing the government is paying. Probably a bit hard though particularly if occupational therapists are assessing the equipment as the suppliers are likely to guess that government funding is involved.


    • NQ Gal says:

      NDIS needs an overhaul from the ground up. Count the number of businesses that have “We love NDIS” signage and you will soon see why it is billions over budget and growing at an alarming rate.

    • Mundingbird says:

      I was talking to my neighbours mowing man who does their lawn via NDIS for $160.
      I asked the normal rate,and he said $65 for non NDIS.
      Here lies the problem.

  20. Maggie May says:

    Does anyone know if the TCC Chief Legal Officer is a member of the Labour Party?

    • The Magpie says:

      Tony Blight has leanings in that direction, we believe, but christ, don’t tell us he’s broken his cherry at last and got the top job after being knocked back several times when the post went up for grabs. Surely not.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Current Chief Legal Officer is David Sewell.


      • The Magpie says:

        Seems Blight’s new ‘there, there, don’t cry, sweetie, here’s a lollipop’ title is in-house counsel, which will allow him to focus on continuing his vicious and sustained attack on Fran O’Callaghan, a vendetta he has been pursuing for more than two years now.

        Interesting little bio from Mr Sewell, seems a bit shy on some detail but is sufficiently loaded with self-praise … possibly well deserved puffery, but ending up with the TCC seems like a cushy retirement move when one gets tired of the hard yards. Seems Mr Sewell started his legal career here in Townsville, maybe comes from here. However, one bit of Mr Sewell’s Linkedin CV prompted the thought that Mayor Mullet might have to pull him in for a quick chat about how “bribery isn’t an issue around here, David, so don’t waste your time looking into anything that might seem unusual, eh, mate? Like international transfer and so on … especially to Malta. By the way, got any pals on the CCC, or better still on the OIA?”

        • Maggie May says:

          Appears Mr Sewell has only been in the job for around 8 weeks.
          I wonder if he has got the heads up about my issues yet!
          Ha Ha Ha Ha

  21. Old Timer says:

    After all the mistakes and clangers in the local paper I went searching to try to find out if editor Craig Herbert had any qualifications and, if so, what they were.
    On the paper’s website, under the heading Meet The Team, there are profiles of 19 people who provide the few genuine local news stories in the paper these days, but no mention of Craig Herbert.
    So does he actually exist?
    Was also surprised to see there are no photos of 7 of the 19 journos.
    Are they working under cover?
    Perhaps old mate Leighton Smith can provide some answers.

    • The Magpie says:

      The camera used for new staff photographs broke down from overuse.

    • NQ Gal says:

      I can’t recall a by line from either Bettina Warburton or Gina Mosch for years – are this still actually working there? Also Caitlan Charles bio says she moved to Mackay in 2019 – so is she a Bully reporter or a Mercury reporter who also has her stories in the Bully.

      • The Magpie says:

        Bettina is still now editing the Bulletin’s weekend Girlie Own weekly or whatever its called. Never knew Gina, no idea where she is.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Jimmy Olson has been quiet around the nest lately. He is obviously waiting in the shadows for another Magpie scoop so he can then pinch it and insert it in his newspaper in between puff pieces on the Mayor and the Harvey Norman ads.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, he’s been well and truly scooped by now the paper’s best journo, Tony Raggatt in today’s Astonisher. A real front page story for once (apparently a bloke dropping dead at a comedy night wasn’t maudlin enough for a full fronter).

        This is the sort of stuff they should be doing more of, but the current iditor is in the thrall of clicks and social media approval – a classic case of following not leading – so we continue get a parade of unmerited (in terms of news of interest to general readership) of dead people we didn’t know but are consistently assured were great blokes or lit up a room when they arrived (honestly, the paper sounds like an arsonists convention some days). Front page obits of stranger, written by friends and relatives in the most private, mawkish and embarrassing terms seems to be the chosen fashion. Stenographers indeed.

        And again, the strong words and actions from Phillip Thompson next to the limping excuses of Maurie Soars again put shade on Mayor Mullet’s empty posturing on this issue.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Great to see that hoary old thing asbestos dragged out to scare the kiddies with “or that asbestos, with the potential to cause mesothelioma, is present”. The asbestos is present as fibro a fibre-cement board used everywhere until the mid 1980s and is safe as houses when it remains in place as walls and ceilings covered in a layer of paint. As long as people don’t go ripping it out or cutting holes in it there is as risk in these buildings as there is in every other home over 50 years old. This is a bullshit excuse at best.

        • Aitkenvalian says:

          On March 11, in the Magpie’s Blog, the issue of vacant DHA housing was raised. I suggested that Leighton may wish to investigate this while he/she/they researched the Garden Settlement Aged Care Facility situation.

          Congratulations to Tony Raggart for bringing this issue to a wider audience as a front page topic in The Mulletin. DHA should be taken to task over the maintenance and upkeep of what were very livable homes.

          The excuse of asbestos, is just that, an excuse. Nearby DHA homes were built to the same specifications and are still occupied.

          The area in question along the river is zoned for high rise living. So, is DHA waiting to capitalize on the real estate?

  22. Prickster says:

    Anybody know the body count of those killed in Queensland because of youth crime under Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk with the horrible deaths in Maryborough just the latest numbers to the death toll?

  23. The Magpie says:

    Sometimes The ‘Pie gets the feeling that death is an incremental not a sudden thing for everybody, healthy or otherwise … when we reach a certain part of our existence, those people and eras who were formative parts of our past drop away, and you feel a little diminished each time that happens, a reminder of times that will never be again.

    Today, Canadian singer/songwriter – and poet par excellence – Gordon Lightfoot died peacefully in hospital of what we are told were natural causes. He was 84.
    His music was an integral part of an era in the lives of many who are now ‘of a certain age’. He was particularly part of The Magpie’s London years.
    His probably best know work was this one … Sundown.
    And he always said his personal favourite was the tough times lament In The Early Morning Rain.


    But for The ‘Pie, it will always be the epic lyrical historical narrative of the Canadian Railroad Trilogy. The opening lines are possibly some of the best in any music, setting the scene and the mood for a historical musical journey that rose above the basic parochialism of the subject, and spoke of endeavour and progress. Perhaps not fashionable today, and may be cancelled for being so enthusiastic about human endeavour and pioneering spirit. But hey, fuck that, if you’re of mind, enjoy, as we lift a glass (or take a deep draw on a special smoke) and say thanks and vale Gordon Lightfoot.


  24. Prince Rollmop says:

    Toot Toot – stopping all stations between the rail yards and Mullet Central Toot Toot!
    The rail yards are toxic. There is a lot of nasty shit that has been buried underneath it, not to mention the ugly stuff that spent decades leaking into the ground. There is a tonne of money required to remediate the land base properly. Queensland Rail weren’t fucking stupid when they sold the property to a dumbarse Council for mere breadcrumbs. The entire project is an endless money pit waiting to happen. Tick tock.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      So, what do you suggest, Rollmop? It’s irrelevant now who did the polluting – it’s all down to the state government and that’s who will fix it, not ratepayers. If state and federal governments want to use the land for low rent housing then why assert that it can’t be done? It just requires will and direction, not posturing and obfuscation.

      • The Magpie says:

        Again your correct dammit!! But your last line answers the question about whether it will be done.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Normally Rollmop and I are in lockstep, but here we have very different ideas. The new hill at Deeragun or the park on Queens Road or the Civic Theatre site are all previous rubbish dumps where the truly toxic shit was taken and dumped. With the right remediation the two oldest ones have been used for decades with no ill effect. Everything dangerous in the rail yards has been leaching into Ross Creek for a century and I don’t see lots of dead fishermen on the banks.

      • The Magpie says:

        Or fish for that matter.

        That whole area was dumping grounds in early days, indeed, there was an nisland called Ross which … going on memory of things read … was once used to store munitions and then became a general town dump. This of course attracted local slithery diners, and it is said that squatters visiting town from the west who stayed at the Ross island Hotel used to shoot crocs from the first floor balcony.

        We now await a media release from TEL saying how they promoted the croc shooting as a tourist drawcard.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Pretty sure there will be map/diagram somewhere in Queensland Rail or elsewhere showing where particular stuff – sump oil, various other lubricants, paints, insecticides like dieldrin and DDT, herbicides etc were dumped on the site. If the facts are already known (but confidential or commercial in confidence) and are possibly not a big deal then a concerted effort at the local level may be all that is needed to wangle a remediation project. If TEL or TCC lead that effort and it works then that is a good thing isn’t it?

          • The Magpie says:

            Good luck.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            Palm Sunday, the nasty stuff that you mentioned may be marked on a map, but a map drawn up by who? Was it done ‘honestly’? Who knows! The environmental practises that are in place today weren’t in place in the 1970’s, 80’s etc. I’ve worked on rail, mining and airport projects. Bankstown airport is a classic example, some horrible shit is buried beneath the runway and other areas. When the George’s River floods, some toxic shit ends up in the river. PFAS is regularly detected in the water.

            Let’s hope a full environmental impact survey is done prior to any project commencing. You don’t want little kiddies playing on lawns within the ‘new’ precinct and suddenly they are covered in rashes and burns from toxic shite etching up through the ground.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Palm Sunday , in regards to your comments on North Rail yards the only thing I agree with is ” if you throw enough Government funding at any project it can be completed ” . Just look at Wellcamp Toowoomba quarrantine facility . $200 mil + from the Queensland Government and the asset reverts to the developer . $20,000 2013 was that the price T.C.C. paid for the north rail yards and was that paid without a contamination report or contingent liability to Council ? . The objective of the SPV is to sell the project to a private company . Based on Councils project delivery of delays and blow outs if the investment doesn’t stack up for private sale and loses $ as a wholly owned Council entity rate payers pick up the costs .

          • The Magpie says:

            And wasn’t an earlier SPV company created by the council – think it was something to do with the concert hall, but could be wrong – eventually wound up with no explanation? If the TCC is developer of Landsdown – councils as developers are never a good idea for integrity issues – is the hub-in-the-scrub also under a SPV?

          • The Magpie says:

            Wasn’t there a council SPV a couple f years ago wound up with no explanation, or clear reason why it existed in the firstbplace?

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Mike Douglas, although you ‘quote’ me as saying “if you throw enough Government funding at any project it can be completed”, you know I never said any such thing. Similarly I suppose, when you write that “The objective of the SPV is to sell the project to a private company”, you are simply making that up to prove something . . . . although I can’t imagine what? At the bottom of all this meandering and posturing are you suggesting that no one, not Council, not government, not private enterprise, should set about remediating to some appropriately acceptable standard the known-to-be-polluted North Rail Yards so it can be put back into productive use? Do you want it left as it is so that you can join others in dissing the decision of Council, some years ago, to relieve the state of some kind of administrative hassle, by paying peanuts to buy the site from Queensland Rail? If so then find out the date when that happened and calculate which state government at the time facilitated QR/TCC to cut that deal. The state held all the trumps and still does.

          • The Magpie says:

            Ummm, you’re remedial reading course not cutting in just yet, eh Palm? TCC media release, the Astonisher and The Magpie all quoted Jenny saying that is EXACTLY what she wants an SPV for … to sell the development idea to a private partner, in part or whole … the mullet in her financial wisdom has this idea that the TCC will hang on to a percentage in the hope of making some money back on the investment. And BTW the council’s investment will include an never to be disclosed disclosed motza to an outside consultant to – in the mayor’s words – ‘ come up with a concept to sell to a private developer.’ But you know all that if you’ve been reading The Nest.

            Idle question: why is an amount paid to a consultant sometimes Commercial in Confidence? If you read the definition of CinC, there can be absolutely no reason except to hide a rort, kick-backs and cosy arrangements on-going.

            Roll on The Day of Fran.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Blow me down if it wasn’t the Newman government that facilitated the North Yards sale. And who was the Local Government minister in that government who would have had his hands all over the deal? None other than the previous deputy mayor of Townsville and current leader of the state Opposition, D. Crisafulli. Hmmm. The Minutes of the confidential but out there online Special Meeting of Council, 1 August 2013, show that Cr Jenny Lane dissented from the $20,000 purchase decision.

          • The Magpie says:

            Possibly The Kid was playing the long game, and knew what nhe was doing when he dangled the bait for a gormless and rapacious dill Jenny. The fallout in the end is likely to be worth a measly $20K, for both The Kid and for Townsville.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Possibly the leader of the Opposition had such a reckless disregard for the ratepayers of Townsville but I doubt it. Ultimately the state government, possibly led by DCrisafulli, will cough up the millions to remediate the century of contamination wrought on the site. The question is, an anyone line up the ducks before the state election?

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Points taken Engineer and Palm Sunday.
        However, Mr Engineer, you mentioned dead fish. Well, there is certainly a fish with a rotting head inside TCC’s executive structure!

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Thankfully that particular rotten Mullet is not polluting the waterways, just Wanker Street.

  25. NQ Gal says:

    We didn’t have to wait long for young Leighton to have his turn to shine – two page spread on the public transport debacle at the airport.

    Interestingly, there was a similar thread about the lack of ground transport to and from Townsville airport on a facebook page I subscribe to on the weekend. Subscribers to the page include those that only sit up the pointy end and have platinum status with the airline. Not really a good advertisement for the high end tourists TEL would love to see come to Townsville.

    • The Magpie says:

      And would The Mapie be a tad up himself that Mr Smith was prompted to the story by The Magpie’s story and photographs of an unprecedented line-up of cars wanting to get into the airport a couple of weeks ago?

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Lactating Leighton is too busy being wet nursed by Fraulein Hill. The distraction is potentially costing him potential stories. Somebody please unchain him from Jenny’s desk, NOW.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your alliteration is somewhat astray … unless Mr Smith has made the complete makeover of a lifestyle decision, and has all the biological facilities of a born woman.

  26. The Magpie says:

    More bad news for the Townsville community … The Magpie is reliably told one of the few remaining real journalists at the Townsville Bulletin, veteran reporter and business editor Tony Raggatt is calling it a day. Tony has been with the paper for more than three decades, and as a colleague just a desk or two away for of eight of those years, The Magpie can attest that while affable with all, he was a bit of a workaholic. In the touchy sometimes bitchy world of newsrooms, The ‘Pie never heard a single disparaging word about him.

    His crowning achievement was starting the ball rolling that brought down Storm Financial.

    The Magpie understands he will be retiring forthwith – well, he is of that age, and certainly no conspiracy theories that The ‘Pie has heard other he himself has called time.

    Worth saying, because with the current fuckwit editor, who knows?

  27. The Magpie says:

    Not only does our esteemed paper write stories ‘upside down’ – main point last – but they have now taken to printing photographs back to front.

    Look closely.

    Just simply sloppy. They just don’t care.

  28. Regular Reader says:

    While Jenny Hill and TEL are cleaning up the old railway yards can they also clean up the nearby banks of Ross Creek. Take a ride along the creek at half tide (there’s not enough water to float a boat at low tide – ask Jenny about her ferry from the casino to the stadium) and you will see that not only the railway but heaps of other people used the creek as a dumping ground in the old days.
    The word disgraceful springs to mind.

  29. Can’t think of anything witty says:

    Pretty sure we read about the Metropole sale here to the Toowoomba Mafia first. Good on the kid for having a go with daddy’s wallet


    • The Magpie says:

      Indeed you did, Humorless, but having read the story – a startling read for anyone around here, to learn about a coup[le of councillors being allowed to vote against the proposal, and not get crucified – The ‘Pie can’t find any reference or connection to the Metropole sale.

      • Can’t think of anything witty says:

        Same buyer as the Metropole…young brash 28yr old with Wagner surname

        • The Magpie says:

          Oh, OK. Wasn’t aware that Wagner Junior had anything to do with the Metropole and the Oaks short term apartments behind it).

  30. Astonished says:

    I doubt you will hear much from Leighton on this blog in the future. Heard he copped a severe wack for daring to enter Magpie territory.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Well his pseudonym may disappear but I’m sure he will be reading the blog daily looking for a story to pinch and then sell it as his own scoop.

      • The Magpie says:

        Actually, at the risk of a humblebrag, that would be impossible … because everybody at the Astonisher reads The Nest … and comments. Any notice that story about the lack of public transport at the airport carried to photos that appeared only here on the blog two or three weeks ago? The ‘Pie is always happy to help the kiddies along.

        • Jimmy Olsen says:

          The airport pics and background were sent separately to me (probably by the same source). It was the starting point for a broader story.
          Astonished: Why exactly was I supposed to be in trouble? It’s news to me.

          • Contributor cousin says:

            Read the room jimmy. You and the paper think this is just a silly little blog that only attracts few comments from that same number of people. This blog is read throughout council employees and it’s then passed on to their families. Why and how do I know? Because I’m related to an employee and so many are backing Fran but you’re completely tied down by the mayor. Fran is gathering a lot more support from your stories every time you put hills picture in the paper. Because people see what you lot are and how you’re protecting her. For what? Sponsorship that will disappear after next election either way? Our stories are not exclusive anything I’ve seen on bulletin Facebook is either a day old or rehashed from another source e.g magpie. Please don’t talk about circulation, only recently did I see bundles of papers after a football Saturday tossed in an industrial bin still with your plastic ties around them. Nobody took the free papers what does that tell you? You want credibility mate start asking real questions.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            (Magpie note: This comment may not have come from the commenter regularly using the this handle.)
            Jimmy, you are a presstitute. A presstitute who reports to corporate pimps who report to their government whoremasters. You and your industry have been captured by all levels of government and big business. Locally, Gerry Harvey holds one of your nuts and Mayor Mullet holds the other one. But I’m not bothered because you no longer provide a needed resource – local news. That disappeared some time ago. You too will disappear in the next year or two. Thank god. The only worthwhile news is contained in various blogs.

          • Mundingbird says:

            Fess up,are you hogtied in what you can and cannot report on in The Daily Planet {Astonisher}

  31. Achilles says:

    An old adage says ” you can judge people by the company they keep’ here’s who Jenny’s old mate Got’em Adani has been playing the 2 step with.


  32. Regular Reader says:

    What odds Wagners does the Qld Railway Yards deal, with special exemptions to allow building on contaminated land, and ignoring heritage listings.
    I smell another Wellcamp ripoff, only this time with Townsville City Council.

    • The Magpie says:

      Will never happen … well, not that way anyway.

      • Contributor cousin says:

        Brad Webb maybe? He has a lot of council leased properties. Anyone who builds a million dollar mansion that has a view over a shit plant can’t have much worry about asbestos handling and the toxic waste removal. He would have plenty of experience from building a house close to mt Saint John.

  33. The Magpie says:

    Map attached from a recently released tender from TCC for land at Lansdown.
    Interesting that they only have Conditionally Committed Land and no sign of Magnis

  34. Achilles says:

    Watching the coronation I thought the King looks a lot like John Hubbard.

    I hope they both can forgive me for the comparison!

  35. Achilles says:

    Jenny is a trend setter, the King is wearing a purple Doonah.

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