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The Magpie

Saturday, December 17th, 2022   |   362 comments

Watch Out You Lawless Little Snots, Jenny Hill Is Mad As Hell: Fed Up With Inaction On Juvenile Crime, She’s Taken Immediate Drastic Action – She’s Hired A Consultant!!!

If it is true that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result, then Mayor Mullet has confirmed what has long been suspected … she is barking mad. Her reasons for the move are simply ridiculous and a waste of ratepayers money, and are a dead giveaway to  her real motivation.

And there was a curious thing about the council meeting that passed Mayor Baldrick’s cunning plan.

But not quite as curious as TEL’s Tourism huckster Lisa Woolfe’s claims of success for the ‘Nah, It’s Townsville’ campaign debacle.

Three out of three ain’t bad … an authoritative poll predicts all three Townsville state seats to fall in the next election … hardly news around here but at least someone else has said it.

And ‘Harpic’ Harper proves he too is clean round the bend, believing we will laugh with him and not at him about his lamentable sartorial sense.

Thanks to a major malfunction between the chair and the keyboard, (work it out) I managed to lose a whole load of stuff intended for the blog. The following is what I’ve managed to salvage. Really, I’m getting too old for this shit (only joking Jenny, I’ll go when you do.)

First up, let’s dispose of the longest running non-story of the year.

The Ginge And Whinge Show

If you ever wanted proof that the planet is in trouble, you need go no further than the current deeply deranged fascination with The House Of Whinger. The Magpie has no intention of ever watching, reading or listening to anything whatsoever to do with this flummery, having reached that decision after being inflicted daily with shreds of this crapola on his twitter feed.  The brazen hypocrisy of these publicity hounds (both sides) is just as big a con as Trump or Musk. Bentley feels the same way.

Ginge & Winge fin small

Jenny Runs Up The White Flag, Admits She Hasn’t Got A Clue – She’s Running Scared  …

Make no mistake, Phillip Thompson exposure of Townsville’s crime problems in federal parliament has clearly rattled our ersatz leader. Add to that the Crimsville tag, skyrocketing crime stats attracting national attention and southern media coverage, and it finally got through the dense political fog that she had to appear proactive on juvenile crime issue. Her only previous suggestion was the post facto idea that the council should be the beneficiary of any community service order … if any of the snots actually got convicted.

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Her statement to Seven News was a gobsmacker.

“Justice is really up to the judiciary, but there other things we can do. Council has over 500 cameras – armmm um – are they all in the right place,  umm, are we working well with police? And we need to consult with community groups.

All good questions, please go on, Jen.

‘We can strengthen community safety by bringing in a qualified professional. I want to bring an expert in I want him to have a look at what we’re doing at council, review it …’

Rhetorical question of the day: you are fucking kidding, aren’t you, Jenny? More ratepayer money for a Labor pal to waltz in and pick up a few unearned dollars for a pointless report? What’s wrong with your memory, madam? Forgotten this?

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And that piece of time wasting, responsibility dodging waste of time and money ended up achieving nothing (not all M-G Smith’s good suggestions were acted on by the government.)

Now, The Magpie doesn’t want to go out on a limb here, but surely the answers to those questions about camera locations and cooperation with the police are just a three minute wobbling stroll from Walker Street down to the Stanley Street cop shop. The police hierarchy would definitely be able to answer your questions, Mayor Mullet … and they’d do it for free. It wouldn’t cost the ratepayers a red cent.

And as for community consultation, the TCC has enough committees, under-utilised executives and local back room urgers to set a gold standard in ‘community consultation’, whatever in God’s name that might entail.

But you know that any answer from the cops will also involve your BFF in George Street, and further shine an unblinking spotlight on the disgraceful performance of Harper, Stewart and Walker. You have just openly admitted that you a running on empty as a responsible leader, and are simply not up to the job … on this issue and running the city generally.

If ever an administrator – and an uncompromised premier – was needed to deliver the medicine the city desperately needs, this is surely the trigger. if you try and pull this stunt Jenny, you will pay a heavy price.

And A Curious Footnote

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Although there wasn’t a dickey bird that The ‘Pie could see in the Astonisher about this, Mayor Mullet’s imagined arse-covering brainwave was unanimously endorsed during the week’s council meeting … by all six councillors present at a crucial vote to waste more ratepayers money to pay an ‘expert’ to do what they were elected to do. Where were the others? Fran was recovering from a spell of illness, but vthe others/ An epidemic of some kind.

But good to know Liam’s skateboard is in working order.

Another reason Why The Mayor Has Suddenly, As The Classics Say,  Soiled Her Small Clothes

Speaks for itself, no comment needed – except maybe, karma is coming.


Crime Of Passion? Nah, Mate, For Harpic, it’s A Crime Of Fashion.

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Be interesting to know what goes through this bloke’s head when he’s in front of the keyboard … or camera. No happy family shots for this deluded egomaniac. But thanks for letting us know you and your staff will be doing fuck all until January 9th … otherwise we’d just assume it was like the rest of the year.

TEL’s Sheep In Woolfe’s Clothing

This lightly re-written press release from you appeared in the Astonisher ion Thursday. Full points to reporter Daneka Hill (no relation we trust) in pointing out the local reaction to the campaign.

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It’s not so much that you lie by omission, Mrs Woolfe, it’s the insult that you think we’ll fall for it. You’ve been dealing with Bulletin journalists and management for too long. And we have every right to resent it, because we pay you (yes, we do, don’t argue).

Lisa Woolfe

Apart from your childish ‘baffle ‘em with bullshit’ approach, our figures simply do not make sense.

From your own TEL press release:

“The results of the study revealed the audiences who were exposed to the Nah Mate campaign were 68% more positive about Townsville North Queensland,” Mrs Woolfe said. “61% took action with one in five people searching for a Townsville North Queensland holiday as a result of seeing our Nah Mate campaign.”

This, quite simply, is mathematical nonsense. 68% of what or whom were more positive?  And 61% of what group ‘took action’, which then becomes ‘one in five people’ searching for Townsville? What the fuck are you talking about?  And how were these conclusions – whatever they are – reached? Ah, you tell us:

“Words like fun, reef, interesting and adventure were used to describe our region which has shifted from words like army, hot and humid which were coming through prior to the campaign launch.”

Perhaps you should commission a survey to check what words people mostly associate with you and Townsville Enterprise … perhaps the results may feature, ‘bullshit’, ‘lying by omission’, ‘just lying’ and ‘grifters’ and  ‘delusional’

The inanity gives no basic platform from which conclusions were reached and therefore is arrant nonsense: “27% of people are more likely to mention Townsville North Queensland as a holiday destination and 20% are more likely to now consider the region as a holiday destination.”

But here’s the one thing that despite your feeble efforts, you were unable to hide – the gobbledegook survey was done by SCA IQ, Southern Cross Austero ‘research, insight and strategy y team’ – the very people with whom you placed much of the advertising budget for the ‘Nah’ campaign. (An aiside: it sounds like an indigenous ‘traditional owner’ group: the Nah people welcome you to country.’

It would be interesting news indeed if SCA iQ would report anything that would make it appear that advertising with them was a waste of money. We now have go decide if in fact the campaign was an unmitigated disaster, and SCA have given you a blizzard of bullshit to cover the non-performance of your campaign.

Here’s a challenge, Lisa. Can you now tell us how many people have directly quoted your campaign and have made a booking to come here? No, didn’t think so … and if you did, on this evidence, The Magpie for one would not believe you. Watching your floundering performance, The Magpie is put in mind of writer Mary McCarthy’s  put down of Lillian Hellman, “Every word she writes is a lie – including ‘and’ and ‘the’.”

Trump Really Loses It …. Bigly.

The Magpie, like just about every non-right wing nut job on the planet, is tired and embarrassed to keep opening stories about the ex-Mobster president with ‘Just when you thought … etc etc”, but to paraphrase Al Pacino in Godfather 3, ‘just when you think you’re out, he drags you back in again’. During the week, Trump released this image – with a line that American needs a man of vision’-  to announce that the next day, he would be making a ‘big announcement’.


So the world waited … before collapsing into helpless laughter when this appeared.

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What The ‘Pie resents most about this is that he spent the best part of two hours trying to confirm that this was not a spoof.

It wasn’t and isn’t.

The good news: looks certain no run for Prez in 2024 … but we’ve also said that before, haven’t we? That piece of historical tomfoolery and the collapse of bitcoin dominates this week’s US gallery. There were also a few echoes of the past in there, but let’s open with The ‘Pie’s pick of the week

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One For The Fellas …

A sure fire way to be left in peace to read your paper.



Well, Nesters, this is the last blog for the year, and we offer you sincere season’s greetings and thanks for your participation, help, donations and engagement in 2022. Your ideas and news spotting was an integral part of the fun of the year.

Pie & Bentley greeting fin small

We will be taking a break until January 2 … after all, it is the silly season for news. However, The Magpie will remain alert, especially in the coming week, because this is the traditional time of year to drop unpopular political decisions on us while we are distracted. If it is of enough importance to merit it, The ‘Pie may do a short special Nest. m Have a safe and joyful season break … stay safe, The ‘Pie needs all the readers he can get.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. GlowWorm says:

    Merry Christmas Pie and Bentley!

  2. Regular reader says:

    At last, some good news for Jenny Hill.
    Townsville now has a serious competitor for its attempt at a Australia’s Shittiest Town threepeat:
    Now all she has to worry about is the $80 million (and counting) city debt, the 1356 potholes in roads around town, the multi-million dollar commitment to the V8 Superpests weekend (which now attracts less people than a TEL survey), the annual $750,000 waste of ratepayer’s money on said TEL, finding a Labor foot soldier to pay half a million dollars as a crime consultant, trying to bully and harass our only genuine councilor into becoming one of her puppets, getting her Federal and State Labor mates to take her seriously, explaining the mysterious disappearance of her Landsdown battery factory…..
    Have a happy, relaxing festive break Jenny.
    By the way, i haven’t received your Christmas card yet. Have you lost my address?

  3. Lab Rat says:

    The saddest thing about America is that Trumps Digital Cards sold out. FMD.

  4. Mike Douglas says:

    Merry Christmas to the Pie and family and the participants to the nest . In regards to Crime in Townsville, its a indictment that our 3 local State MP,s dont stand up for the City but choose their party and that the ratepayers have to pay further costs in Council trying to make the City a safer Community . You will notice Les , Scott , Aaron social media is just forwarding the Premiers daily media diatribe and there will be nothing on cost of living pressures / issues seeing a Doctor or delayed elective surgery delays in Townsville . Only soft media events that our 3 members can control . They wont even attend any industry / business events to avoid the scrutiny on their lack of performance . Is it correct our Mayor now has 3 advisers on Councils payroll ? .

  5. Ducks Nuts says:

    Townsville gets a mention here. Alice has a far higher crime rate, but the same issues


  6. Prince Rollmop says:

    Is it just me or does Aaron Harpic look like Anna Alphabets toy boy, who wears similar outfits?

  7. A flat minor says:

    Happy Christmas Malcolm.
    Will raise a glass to you.
    Looking forward to The Blog in 2023.

  8. GST SHAM says:

    Seriously Jenny Hill needs to go!! Just google Jenny Hill Townsville crime plan and add this to her many thought bubbles and in-action when it comes to this issue. If you want to have another laugh google Jenny Hill revitalising cbd plan and you get the jist. Time for Jenny Hill to move on. Her tired, old and recycled PR stunts is the reason Townsville is the laughing stock of NQ. We need a fresh, young and energetic city leader who is ready to put Townsville on the map. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to announce a project and see it through to completion and benefit of the whole community!! Please someone for the benefit of the community mentor this person to take the reigns and put the nail in the coffin for Mayor Jenny Hill once and for all.

    • The Magpie says:

      Why young? Would imagine we really a politically unencumbered person of business and community experience. All current councillors (except one) are disqualified because of the cynical self interest and slavish obedience to the mayor, to whom they owe their well padded incomes.

      • GST SHAM says:

        I only say young because it is hard to find someone who isn’t politically inclined or cut from the same cloth in this town (your point re councillors except one) Hence why I suggested someone to be mentored who could hopefully fulfill the role for a very long time and won’t get sucked into the same old/same old! Voting the same type of people in these positions and expecting different outcomes is frustrating and tiresome.

        • The Magpie says:

          Your heart is in the right space, but not your head … the conundrum is if the young person needs to be mentored, by whom? An older and wiser person? Then why not elect them and cut out the middleman?

  9. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Following the odour of the TEL media story about their Yeah, Nah, Farcough campaign I sent a message out on social media to a large group of people doing similar work to me across Australia. There are just over 4000 in the group who are professionals with not bad incomes and youd think are in the target group for the campaign. Not one had heard or seen anything about Townsville. I bet my survey was as big and as robust as little Lisa’s.

    Happy Christmas Magpie and team. Thank you for the fun and horror in equal quantity during the year.

  10. Achilles says:

    Seasons greetings your Pieness and to all who read and write here.

  11. Grumpy says:

    Season’s Greeting, Malcolm. Hopefully, a few more left for all of us.

  12. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Another year has passed, Xmas is here once again and still my mother in law keeps defying all medical advice and continues to live, just to spite me I suspect and extend my time here in this town run by incompetent morons. Luckily I still have your blog Pie and the rest of the nest for some glimmer of hope each week, thank you for all you do and the time you dedicate to allow us all to vent our thoughts and have our say, have a Merry Xmas.

  13. Prince Rollmop says:

    ‘Consultant’ to assist in regards to the crime problem? Dear Jenny, you’ve managed to squeeze out yet another rort for a consultant friend or Labor associate……Fran, what is the cost and scope of the Consultants work please? That information won’t be forthcoming from the secretive Major Hill. Talking to the Cops and local businesses is how you evaluate the issue and then adopt a plan.

    • Strandboy says:

      And from the department responsible for managing this … here’s the position that will do the actual work … coincidentally advertised today.


      • The Magpie says:

        That depends entirely on who they give the job to.

        • Critical says:

          WTF advertising this position on Seek 6 days before the Christmas/New Year break when the majority of people have other priorities other than looking for a job. Also TCC is open for 5 days over the application period until Xmas Eve and then closed until 3 January 2023 wheb applications close so how are potential applicants going to find out information about the position.
          TCC has already picked the person to fill this position and are just going through the recruitment process to avoid criticism of jobs for the boys as the old saying says (anyone know the politically correct saying these days).

          • The Magpie says:

            Silly season special. Well spotted.

          • Strandboy says:

            What’s worse is this staff position is not the shiny seat consultant that the purple doona has spit polished. This position has existed in many forms over the years and engages with police and community … plus more soft contracts delivery. Jenny, resign, instead of continuing your farce and lies.

          • Kraken says:

            That’s how townsville works, the best jobs ( high wages, no responsibility or accountability) go to hand picked employees; it happens at every level. The result is a barely functional gov and it’s services where everything is too hard and admin explodes with thousands of desk jockeys pushing plastic. All decisions are unilateral, no one asks the “community” for input. Taxes go through the roof and that’s OK because centrelink rules the roost here – the federal gov is pumping 1.5 billion into paying pensioners and centrelinks powerbills. When you are a voter that lives in a bubble that bears no consequences for your electoral choices why should you care ?

  14. Way out West says:

    Merry Xmas Mal.

  15. Prince Rollmop says:

    Magpie, ye old bastard. Have a great Xmas and thanks for this blog which is the only semblance on truth in Townsville. Glasses up!

  16. Ratepayer says:

    Hey Jenny, before you go paying a small fortune of our money for someone to tell you what you can do to fix Townsville’s out of control crime, I’m a consultant and I’ll do the job for nothing. It’s simple really. Walk down to police headquarters in Stanley Street and ask for a meeting with the boys in blue to find out just what you and your Labor councillors can do to curb the crime problem. They’ll give you a two word answer – “absolutely nothing” – and you can move on to more manageable tasks like mowing median strips, clearing drains and fixing potholes.

  17. Woodduck says:

    Merry Christmas pie and to all who grace this page. So why doesn’t King Chuck request a DNA test of the blood nut, I reckon it would be as Murray Povich would say, Chuck you are not the father, then give the little shit the flick.

    • The Magpie says:

      Bizzare … so you’ll fit right in around here.

    • I’ll Be Plucked says:

      Wooddick, Chuck doesn’t need to do a DNA on the ginger Ninja. It’s pretty obvious who the father is, and it ain’t Charles. Anyway, who gives a toss, they are all fuckwits anyways.

  18. Al says:

    Happy holiday break Pie. Don’t know how you manage to do so much each week. Much appreciated. Al

  19. Alacan says:

    Thanks for the ongoing Nest Pie.. Wish u a very merry xmas and lets see what 23 brings both locally and further afield..

  20. Jatzcrackers says:

    Thanks for all of your work in 2022 Pie, Merry Christmas and here’s looking forward to 2023 !
    Who knows, you may even get to have a round of golf with some new golf balls with a logo of the Mullets face on them. Sounds fair if she can have a dart board !

  21. The Magpie says:


    email hidden; JavaScript is required


    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      No need to shout. We can hear you perfectly.

      • The Magpie says:

        being an old codger, The ‘Pie has never caught on to the idea that Caps mean one is shouting. The ‘Pie uses it for messages he wants to make sure everyone is aware of? IS THAT OK WITH YOU?

  22. NQ Gal says:

    The “Nah mate – it’s Townsville” campaign is working so well that the QF I just flew in from Brisbane on was 75% capacity at best. Imagine how many fewer people would have been on it without our TEL mates!

  23. Critical says:

    The only truth in this piece of media bullshit release is that the police do an incredible job in protecting the public. Well let’s say they do the best to protect the community but then are 100% let down by the idiot ALP government and the three local dickhead members their associates in the Cairns area and the do-gooders.

    Why high visibility patrols and not plain clothes and unmarked police patrols, al least the police might find it easier to catch the little snots.

    Why the need to mention all 3 local dickhead members and the Police Minister?


    • Mike Douglas says:

      Less than a week after polls reflected Labor would lose all three Townsville seats and the Palaszczuk Government power the Police Minister arrives in Townsville with a bucket load of $ for every shifts to reduce crime . The same Police Minister who stripped the Safe night Precinct funding resulting in a 46 % increase in assaults / crime .

  24. Junket Jim says:

    Wanted to find out when the Ville Casino is due in court to face gaming junket charges so I searched the Townsville Bulletin website. Found a story from August about the original announcement that the casino was been investigated but nothing on the recent story about charges being laid. It has strangely vanished. No problems finding it on the ABC website however. Anyone know how you can make a story disappear from the Townsville Bulletin?

  25. Regular reader says:

    NQ Gal, you have a short memory.
    The reason your Qantas flight was only 75% full was due to Jenny Hill’s call for us to boycott the airline because it refused to slug passengers a fee to fund $42 million in improvements to the section of Townsville Airport owned by a private company.
    Season’s greetings to you and all other Magpie bloggers – especially the Pie, who thankfully continues his lone hand in trying to keep the bastards honest.

  26. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    The Bullsheet has sunk to a new low today with the front page story about the little girl in the scam. The family are not from Townsville, the story is not new, the only link to our city is that dickheads reposted the scam on local sell swap and buy social sites, and the guts of the story is that people used this poor kids picture to make money out of gullible punters. What was the Bullsheet doing when they published it? Using the pictures in a false story to make money out of punters. At least the original scammers were original, News Corpse just reused it.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie has often been tempted to change his nickname for the paper – The Daily Astonisher – to the ‘Daily Streisand Effect’. It is constantly pretending to decry something by giving it further publicity that increases the damage. Muppets.

  27. The Magpie says:

    Bigly fuck-up at Telstra Bigpond email … but they’re not saying anything much about it, just an anodyne note saying some of us ‘may be experiencing difficulties accessing our email’. Difficulties? For the past week, try fucking impossible.

    Frustrating and inconvenient for folks like The Magpie but absolutely ruinous for business.

    Unusual to say the least, the usual form is to keep users in the loop and usually things are fixed lickety split.

    But not this time …. something bigly going on that they’re not telling us? Majorly hacked and too embarrassed to say so?

  28. The Magpie says:

    Clarkson’s Cretinous Christmas wish.

    He’s always been an unappealing and patronising pompous oaf, but pommy B grade celebrity Jeremy Clarkson has shown a deeply dark side when he wrote this about Meghan Markle the London Sun.

    The resulting shitstorm (how surprising!!) prompted Clarkson’s daughter Emily to tell her father where he gets off in a Twitter post.

    The inevitable Clarkson apology swiftly followed the global outcry.

    “Oh dear. I’ve rather put my foot in it. In a column I wrote about Meghan, I made a clumsy reference to a scene in Game of Thrones and this has gone down badly with a great many people. I’m horrified to have caused so much hurt and I shall be more careful in future.”

    This weasel worded ‘judgement’ from a man who is allowed to drive powerful cars at high speed.

    But difficult though it may be to believe, Clarkson has been out-cretined by those champion cretins at The Sun (owned by News Ltd, natch). In an ingenuous and cowardly ‘nothing to do with us’, dismissal The Sun removed the column from its website, saying: “In light of Jeremy Clarkson’s tweet he has asked us to take last week’s column down”.

    Not a word of apology or admission of appalling editorial judgement, with the added touch of gall making out the article was removed because Clarkson asked them to. What a load of bollocks.

    Seems Stanley Baldwin’s blistering assessment of two earlier press barons, (Beaverbrook and Rothmere) holds doubly good for Rupert Murdoch today:
    ‘Power without responsibility – the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.

    • Achilles says:

      OOOOPs Pie: its Power withOUT responsibility by BalDwin, though there are claims that it was Rudyard Kipling…..

      • The Magpie says:

        Thanks, noted and amended … and is an object lesson to triple check when writing in anger.

        Regarding Kipling: he was related to Baldwin through some marriage or other (no not theirs but can’t remember the details I read about this) and indeed, Kipling had used the line in a letter that Baldwin had read, and actually asked Kipling if he could use it. Which, of course, Kipling agreed too.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Well if you didn’t believe the Sussexes were bullied and harassed by toxic elements of the press before, Clarkson and The Sun, just proved their point.

      • The Magpie says:

        Looking with disinterest (that’s DISinterest) The Magpie is leaning towards the overall view that they deserve each other … but no one deserves the vile slobberings of a deeply disturbed Clarkson.

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie takes great exception to many Clarkson critics referring to him as a journalist.

      Do you bloody mind?

      Calling Clarkson a journalist because he writes an opinion column in a newspaper is like calling Gina Rinehart a jockey because she rides horses.

  29. NQ Gal says:

    Waiting for the luvvies to condemn this plum appointment for an ex-pollie.


  30. Prickster says:

    Merry Xmas Pie,

    Here is something to ponder over the break, Stanford University has just released their latest update of the Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative.

    Hopefully this doesn’t take hold in the Nest otherwise we will have very little to read.


  31. Critical says:

    And the bottom line is “we want taxpayers $$$” . Question is how much more $$$ do the taxpayers have to handover to these organisations and get no or minimal outcomes.


    • Grumpy says:

      “A journey of understanding”. FFS.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      The problem is the parents. They should be paraded through the streets! Oh, and by the way, priorities 1 to 3, Protect the community.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        The parents aren’t the source of the problem.
        They’ve been caught in the system, they have drug and alcohol problems. There’s DV issues.

        How about instead of looking at ways to punish people we look at ways to fix a broken system.

        The issues we are seeing happen in low socio-economic areas. Why? What is happening in these areas? Townsville, Mt Isa, Alice Springs, Darwin.

        Why are these families and kids falling through the cracks?
        And why do we all think it’s ok to kick them while they are down?

        The whole thing is a downwards spiral. Unless someone reaches down and helps these kids out, they will just repeat the same mistakes their parents made and worse.

        • The Magpie says:

          A very silly comment, which ignores the rights of citizens to be protected from predatory behaviour, no matter the reason for that behaviour. Your idea is long term, but the right to protection for the general community is RIGHT NOW. We know that perpetrators have maybe had it tough (or maybe they’re just little cunts anyway) – but that doesn’t give them the right to terrorise hard working law abiding people in their own homes, steal their cars and endanger road users through criminal joy riding.

          If the only way to protect the basic rights of taxpaying citizens is to lock these people away, then so be it …. but it should be in a place that is made as unattractive as possible so as not to see return visits as not onerous at all.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Christ, Magpie, what has happened to you? You write:

            “If the only way to protect the basic rights of taxpaying citizens is to lock these people away, then so be it …. but it should be in a place that is made as unattractive as possible so as not to see return visits as not onerous at all.”

            For centuries, government after government has visited the vilest depredations on recalcitrant, mostly indigenous, youth in whatever depraved fashion their gaolers desired, to no effect whatsoever. You know this full well; it was paraded in front of your face in the last few years and you can’t deny knowing about it. It is called Don Dale. It is in the Northern Territory – you know, the place that invites you with the puerile slogan CU inthe NT. Classy! So attractive you really want to go there. And now, at the end of your tether and unwilling to experiment with any alternative – like The Voice for example – the best you can come up with is to say you want more of this violent oppression. You want these kids (“cunts” as you put it) bashed and abused to within an inch of their lives even though you know it won’t change anything – except it will traumatise the gaolers and their pathetic administrators and ultimately the “taxpaying citizens”, who will decide that they do have some standards after all. Remember ‘spit hoods’? I bet you hadn’t heard of them until you saw what happened at Don Dale. Why were they needed? Because the inmates of that perverted institution held their gaolers and the society that detained them like that, in complete contempt. These children cannot be beaten into submission. They will not submit. You cannot make them.

          • The Magpie says:

            Very amusing. But tell us, you are recommending no protection for the law abiding community from these predatory misunderstood and unfairly put upon kiddybids? Just let our houses be burgled, people threatened in their homes, cars stolen and the lives of road users endangered, while some disappointed and ineffectual elders try to straighten out the kids? Of course, getting them back to traditional ways does not include the old disciplinary action of a ‘bellydown’ whacking.

            And all of a sudden, this behaviour is solely because of the greedy, callous white fellas wanting to keep what they have earned.

            Weekly Onanist, you should look to your own heinous behaviour of animal cruelty … because you’ve just about spanked your monkey to death by now.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            You reminded readers the other day of the futility of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. My recommendation re youth crime is that YOU change your approach. “Lock ‘em up and throw away the key’ is an utter failure. And unacceptable. And ridiculously expensive. And counterproductive.

          • The Magpie says:

            Since you choose the simplistic and totally incorrect summation of The Magpie’s supposed solution, how about you offer your own one line answer to the situation. We’re waiting.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Vote YES for the Voice.

          • The Magpie says:

            Certainly will … when we find out what we’re voting for. Until then, of course not, we’re not all idiots.

          • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

            That is of course a disingenuous statement from the Pie. As soon as any details are released he will change his excuse to “but but but a hypothetical future parliament can just change this so it’s not really the final version, thus I can’t vote for it”

          • The Magpie says:

            Yep, at last we agree. The ‘Pie doesn’t want details, he wants a guarantee that what the country eventually votes for is what the country gets … leaving the Voice’s role and powers to later political horse trading makes one wonder why the untrustworthy indigenous industry wants this enshrined in the Constitution in the first place.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Magpie, you say you want a “guarantee”, and you want it written into the referendum – even though you already know that’s impossible. It’s like asking for an egg before you’ve got a chicken. You say:

            ” . . . leaving the Voice’s role and powers to later political horse trading makes one wonder why the untrustworthy indigenous industry wants this enshrined in the Constitution in the first place”.

            That’s disingenuous horseshit and you know it. For one thing, the call for a Voice is coming from all Australians, not just First Nations people. Last week I gave you a link to an Indigenous statement about the Voice which I gathered you read with some interest. Before you verbal the ‘indigenous industry’ any further let me remind you of part of that statement:

            “The power and function of the Voice is to make representations. It cannot dictate, demand or veto.
            What use the parliament or the executive government makes of those representations is a matter for it, as is appropriate in a system of representative and responsible government.
            The aim is to ensure those institutions are better informed when they make decisions and exercise their powers on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. There is no intention to create a body that would have any overriding power.”

            The question for you is, are you in the slightest bit interested in any form of communication and reconciliation with Aboriginal Australia or is this just another tiresome do-gooder virtue signal beneath even your contempt?

          • The Magpie says:

            In simple terms of English, you are all over the place.
            What is the relevance of of your highly hopeful and highly doubtful suggestion ‘the call for a Voice is coming from all Australians, not just First Nations people’? Patricia Karvelas and the denizens of Fitzroy and Camperdown coffee shops are not ‘the Australian people’. But anyway, what has that got to do with The Magpie’s ask for a simple, clearly defined proposition that cannot be altered after the referendum?

            And the model you quote, made by a panel of mostly indigenous interests, has been mentioned here before as just that … one of several possible models … and even they suggest that is a far cry from what will be eventually put to the people.

            I find it difficult why you and certain other bloviators are so anxious to avoid any suggestion that the population has a right to know what they are voting for and how it will affect the governance of the country for all Australians.

            So far, the advocates for a voice, including you, are just trying to bully and barge your side of the argument through, despite lacking in logical answers to a simple question.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            According to the Bureau of Statistics “In Australia, 812,000 people identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in the 2021 Census of Population and Housing. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people represented 3.2% of the population.”

            Indigenous Australians are such a tiny minority they can only have a voice in anything if allowed and supported by mainstream, majority Australians. The campaign for a yes vote is mainstream Australians backing a concept put forward by First Nations people. Not politicians, not virtue signalling activists, just ordinary people who want things done differently, for once. It sounds like you hate the idea. OK. Whatever.

          • The Magpie says:

            ‘…done differently …’? What does that entail?

            This is the nub of the matter, how will things be done differently? That has not been explained, and just asking the question gets a blizzard of hate and invective, especially knee-jerk, woke accusations of racism.

            The Magpie doesn’t hate the idea, he just doesn’t know what it is. And neither do you, but you say ‘trust me, I’m virtuous’. If you don’t smarten up your ideas, you’ll get your answer in the ballot box.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            I did not say, or even imply, that you should ‘trust me, I’m virtuous’, nor did I subject you to a blizzard of hate and invective, especially knee-jerk, woke accusations of racism. On the other hand, when you casually refer to the 3.2% as the “Aboriginal industry”, you are punching down, deliberately.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      From what I hear the community would be more than pleased to lead the fix for youth crime but the police might need to take a long Christmas break and look the other way while swift justice is given out.

  32. The Magpie says:

    For those of you who don’t believe in Santa Claus.

    It’ll be enough to send Tropical back to his daytime bed, with a tube of lube, a supply of dirty socks and visions of a threesome with Kari Lake and MTG.

  33. Regular reader says:

    Rather than parading the parents of these kiddy crims through the streets, Dave of Kelso, they should have to pay for the damage their kids inflict on law abiding citizens. That would get rid of the problem overnight. Aaron Harper, Scott Stewart, Rocky Walker – are you listening?

    • NQ Gal says:

      Harpic, Cupcake & Messagebank are listening – it is just to their Brisbane masters, rather than those they are allegedly representing.

      Merry Christmas to those who believe and Happy Festivus to the rest of us.

    • Sam1 says:

      If Harper, Stewart or Walker are listening it will be a new experience for them.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Yer that’ll work. The only money they have is from the dole. So it’ll be back on the taxpayer. Brilliant idea.

    • Mundingbird says:

      How are they going to pay?
      They have nothing and live goon bag to goon bag
      They don’t give a shit what their Grubs are up to.
      Merry Xmas to all,have a nice break with family and friends.
      Thanks for your blog Pie,a touch reality in a crazy world.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I agree. I have been pilloried for this suggestion but I will make it again. Keeping the snots in the Cleveland Bay Juvinile Respite Center is bloody expensive and the air conditioned luxury with swimming pool is no deterent, and that is if the little snots are banged up and not immediately released, thank you Anna Puddleduck. And while the snot is in the Respite Center their parents make savings on their upkeep.

      No, no, no. Install stocks at the entrance to all the major shopping centres. First offence one week perhaps and it grows from there with repeat offences. . The responsibility (what an unfashionable word) yes, responsibility for providing the daily necessities of life (food, water, and wiping there arse) rests with their parents not the taxpayer.

      “Harsh”, I hear you say? Fuck all has worked so far. Give it a go. Or maybe stop the intergenerational money for nothing.

      While they are in the stocks they are not in a stolen car driving on the wrong side of the road directly at you.

      I say, “Harsh but fair.”

      • Regular reader says:

        Last time I checked if you couldn’t pay the bill, you go to jail. Or are they protected from that too?

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Doesn’t that just fill up the jails?

          • The Magpie says:

            What do you think jails are there for? They are there to be filled up with those who break the law.


          • Ducks Nuts says:

            That’s properly dumb Magpie. We fill up jails and the taxpayer pays for it. It doesn’t break the cycle. They just keep going back and more keep getting shoved in jails until they overflow. Then what?

          • The Magpie says:

            What is dumb is your narrow interpretation of what was said. Locking criminals up is the first move, to give security and protection to the public from them, the second move is your territory, rehab programs, the breaking of the cycle, but effective ones, not the wishful thinking ones we have now. And yes, taxpayers pay for it, who the fuck else is going to pay for it, it’s part of the community deal, same as we pay for roads and hospitals and politicians, we pay for it all.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        I believe the stocks was something the English liked to impose on the lower classes. Particularly the Scots. As a deterrent of crime, it didn’t fucking work then and it won’t fucking work now.

        However, if your aim is to create civil unrest and mistrust between classes, then it’s a brilliant option.

        • The Magpie says:

          If you were a fish, you’d be flopping on the deck by now, having taken the bail so read.

          You treated that comment as a realistic possibility, while in fact it has Buckley’s and none. Whereas The Magpie’s alternative of public paddling at a special post in Flinders Street would be a far greater success. Would also be a financial success,too, by raffling off tickets to select the lucky few to administer three, six or nine whacks. Maybe we could even extend this to wayward councillors who waste our money … Ann-Marie’s delightfully dimpled derriere cherry red would be sure to bring in a record crowd.

  34. Critical says:

    So TCC has awarded the $43million contract for the maintenance of parks and open spaces in Townsville and champions in the media release that “All of the successful businesses have offices in Townsville…….” but fails to say who the successful contractors are but Jenny says that they’re local businesses.

    Question why the secrecy around who the successful businesses are? Are they businesses owned by people who live in Townsville or businesses who have their corporate office elsewhere and just a local office in Townsville.

    Be accountable and upfront Jenny and tell us who these businesses are!

    Great timing for this decision right before Xmas and the closure of TCC offices so minimal public scrutiny.

    I noticed that these contracts are for up to 8 years so across 3 council terms. Let’s hope that any future council, hopefully not led by Jenny, doesn’t want to get rid of these contractors because of poor performance because it’ll probably cost the ratepayers a fortune.


    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie has been battling a few technical problems, but he distinctly remember sighting a version of that media release which had a link to a list of the successful tenderers. Anyway, surely this information must be available from the council anyway. What does bear examination is what is hiding behind Mayor Mullet’s mention of ‘having offices in Townsville, therefore they are local’. One does have to wonder about the timing of the media release, if it is the good news the mayor clearly wants it to be, why bury it in the middle of the audience deficient silly season?

      • Critical says:

        It was another Confidential Item at the December Meeting so we’re not going to find anything out.

        • The Magpie says:

          Admit The ‘Pie may have been mistaken, it was a hectic moment. Then the question must be be put to to the mayor, the CEO or her legal bum boy Tony Bligh(t) as to why this information isn’t available. There cannot be any commercial in confidence involved in the simple listing of the successful tenderers.

          • Critical says:

            I’ve assumed that the $43 million is per year so if I’m correct then the total amount over 5 years is $215 million plus when you add in rise and fall clauses.

            As the new contractors don’t start until July 2023, the other questions which now come to mind are:
            1. Does this mean that the new contractors are given this time to purchase new equipment or if some contractors are not established Townsville businesses, then move the equipment here from down south. If they have to buy new equipment then where does Jenny’s Buy Local campaign fit in.
            2. Will existing TCC equipment be utilised elsewhere in council or is it too stuffed to be used elsewhere in council and just be disposed. Council used to dispose old equipment to sporting clubs, so if you’re a sporting club, then find out if that still happens. I’m certain Jenny will be wanting to look good with elections only 15 months away.
            3. How many open space council staff are going to lose their jobs and at what cost?
            4. Given the current disgusting state of councils opens spaces and gardens, particularly in the areas already contracted out, who in council is going to manage these 10 contractors.

            I have a gut feeling that garbage collection services will be then next council service to be contracted out. Good way of dodging the expensive exercise of replacing an ageing fleet of garbage trucks and equipment.

          • NQ Gal says:

            Council are supposed to do a monthly list of all contracts awarded above $200k, so we might find out something mid January.

            November’s listing contained the names of those who will be doing legal & investigative services. Not many of those listed have a Townsville branch, let alone being a Townsville company. I guess Brisbane is local enough for TCC.

          • The Magpie says:

            Or the LGAQ? Was Gadens one of the law firms, they own part of the InQueensland news site and are also involved with the LGAQ?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      My educated guess is that parks and gardens work is just like the traffic control lurk where it is impossible to accurately predict or account for resources and providers charge what they want. These companies all seem to be owned and run down south by very well connected people. You can tell this when you try to complain about them not doing what they are paid to do so I guess there is a political connection which allows ratepayers money to be funnelled through friendly people back to the party. We can expect the number of staff to fall even taking into account that most of the parks work is already contracted out. We can expect the quality of work to drop even further. We can expect accountability to be non existent. We can expect councillors not to give a fuck. We can probably even expect the Mullet to turn up on the board or boards of some of these companies when she is turfed out.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Technically, I have no issue with some tasks that Council perform being being contracted out, but only if there has been a costs benefit analysis done prior to contracting the work out. Every Council travels along a fine line, a line between providing in-house services and creating jobs, and then there is outsourcing and saving the ratepayer money. Both methods have their for’s and against. With this particular outsourcing I would expect, in fact see. as a rate payer, the numbers on paper and all the contractural details. I want to see proof that contracting the work out is the best bang for our buck so to speak.

        Forensic Fran is the only Councillor who has the nous (sorry, couldn’t help myself) to read through the fine print and determine the value for money component. The contract should contain KPI’s, financial penalties and cancellation of contract clauses for if the contracted arrangement isn’t met. I don’t know if the Mullet or Herr Bligh have the ability or brains to have those items written into the contract.

        • The Magpie says:

          They probably have enough shit-house rat smarts to NOT have them written into any contract. Can’t be looking at current and future link-ups, now can we? And if you think that’s a conspiracy theory, check out the sweet deals offered to a previous mayor, who was too smart to take brown paper bags for favours done, and just picked up lucrative bullshit executive positions as a pay back.

  35. The Magpie says:

    There might be some reader confusion here, but the building is actually the Queens Building, although it has never been referred to by that name. It is not to be confused with the very ungreasy heritage listed Queens Hotel on The Strand. Just wonder, though, if the writer was implying that Queen Victoria was not covered in quite as much grease as the building was.

    • The Magpie says:

      Of course, this story gets far more interesting when the click bait writers re-run it …

      Nothing new here, plenty of both already on offer. Better off spruiking profiteroles and pussy.

  36. Achilles says:

    Palmer nets $2bn from Queensland Nickel sale

    The former federal MP says he has sold the refinery, which he bought for $1 before its 2016 collapse, to a Swiss consortium.

    The details are behind a paywall, but I’m sure there will be more details on other sites later.

  37. NQ Gal says:

    Well, well, well Fatty Palmer has sold QNI to a Swiss Consortium for what he has said is $2 billion. I think he may have added a couple of zeros onto the actual price.

    • The Magpie says:

      It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. from what The ‘Pie can see, the Swiss crowd are more financial wheelers and dealers and won’t end up being the actual operator.

      • Achilles says:

        This is the summary of the failure of QN collapse in 2016, would there be a requirement for Palmer to pay out the various debts of QN from his wind-fall $2B?


      • old tradesman says:

        Could this be the end of the Landsdowne battery fiasco?

        • The Magpie says:

          Not sure I see the connection.

          But Magnis is dead in the water anyway.

          • Prickster says:

            Dr Richard Petty is a former Magnis Director.

          • The Magpie says:

            Ummm, OK, but not sure of your point. Dr Petty has a somewhat chequered career and has been blacklisted by a few organisations, but what is the thrust of your comment?

          • The Magpie says:

            OK, sorry, The ‘Pie’s computer is a late riser, but has now come to the party … and your info raises the reddest of red flags. The bloke is a shyster who has been booted out of several organisations and isn’t to be trusted, having played a role in a decade long scam involving the ASX. And The ‘Pie’s limited understanding of what is actually being said boils down to the fact that the Swiss company just facilitates sales, and will be on-selling to whoever they can interest …. could Chinese interests be potential buyers? And if so, could this pose any problems for our government (please don’t ask Peter Newey, he’s just gone onto oxygen at the very suggestion)?
            Petty’s honeyed words – which on his track record cannot be trusted for a fair and balanced report – could just be a softening up process to pit an unsuitable buyer against jobs … the Bulletin laughably suggesting 4000 of them.

  38. The Magpie says:

    Real classy, Bulletin!

    There are many ways to show disrespect …. giving two heroes of one of the most heinous crimes of recent years equal billing with Harvey Norman is one of them. Bloody disgraceful.

  39. Fortuitous Fred says:

    FFS, Zelensky leaves the Ukraine for an olly jolly to the USA, where he address Congress while still dressed in his army greens! You couldn’t make this shit up!! What a farce, a staged show filled with actors while real people are dying in this war.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie will take Zelensky in greens ahead of any number of sleek, Zegna-clad Republican jelly backs anyday. And the man you call an actor is a frequent frontline figure, and not sitting in front of a screen tens of thousands of kms away making boofhead comments.

      • Fortuitous Fred says:

        The war is not Ukraines war, it is a US proxy war. It’s dangerous. Zelensky is a NATO puppet.

        • The Magpie says:

          So Putin should have been allowed to march in and take over?

          Anyway, don’t push it, The Magpie makes it a general rule not to argue with fuckwits.

        • NQ Gal says:

          Freddie – a couple of minor details you appear to have overlooked; Ukraine didn’t start the war, nor are they a member of NATO.

          • The Magpie says:

            In fact, their threatened membership of NATO was the final straw that prompted Putin’s invasion. And just to note some of the commentary coming out of the US, toal dingbat Lauren Boebert says she won’t vote for more cash until the first $50billion is audited and accounted for. She is apparently unaware that the US did not give cash, and has supplied armaments and humanitarian supplies, all of which are no doubt available from the US suppliers.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thanks … The ‘Pie has his moments. Occasionally.

  40. The Third Reader says:

    Seasons greetings Malcolm. The end of another year is upon us and the Mullet is still infesting my old home town, and you are still keeping her and the other hopeless incapables as honest as she, the Astonisher and the system will allow.
    Once again I and your multitude (don’t be modest) of followers thankyou for what you have done and continue to do for the poor residents of Crimsville exposing the failures at all levels.
    May your health be good, your company be happy, your table full and your vintage red plentiful Magpie and for now you enjoy your well earned time to relax.

  41. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    You heard it here first and weeks ago.

    Level 2 Water Restrictions for Townsville

    Townsville locals urged to adopt level 2 water restrictions as algal levels continue to rise.

    Level 2 water restrictions include:
    • Water efficient sprinkler use between 6pm and 8pm using the odds and evens system
    • Hand-held watering can occur at any time
    • Pressure washers only for washing hard surfaces
    • Cars and boats to be washed using buckets or water efficient car wash

    There are special allowances for commercial operators with information available on Council’s website.

    High levels of algae require longer treatment times, reducing the volume of water Council can treat and produce for the city. Following these restrictions will help address the current issue.

    For more information on Townsville water supply, visit Council’s Townsville water updates page.

  42. Non Aligned Worker says:

    So it looks like Clive is selling Yabulu to a Swiss consortium for a $Billion or so. Can’t wait to read about it in the Bully tomorrow.

  43. Regular reader says:

    Notice that the TEL Woolfe has gone missing on tv news this week, replaced by the CEO, who is dishing out results of more horseshit surveys. Is the Woolfe on holidays, or recovering from a bad dose of head spin.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, maybe she’s just on Christmas holidays. Bit of a stretch RR, she does enough legitimate cock-ups, weak job justifications and waffle without trying for conspiracy theories.

      And Merry Christmas to you.

  44. The Magpie says:

    There are some deeply disturbed sad sacks in this world – The Nest has its fair share – but is unfathomable why the Astonisher would mock the afflicted, holding the Deeply Discombobulated up to ridicule with stuff like this.

  45. Achilles says:

    In a similar vein, The Taliban can now simply shorten their name to The Ban. Now that females can no longer receive any education.

    Back to the bronze age for them, simply because of an accident of birth.

  46. The Magpie says:

    Seems the Daily Astonisher intends to end the year as they have waded through it.
    Upping the ante, the paper has gone one better than their reader policy of ‘baffle ‘em with bullshit’ English, and is now teasing us as to when we can be baffled. This ambiguous note from today’s Bulletin:

    The ‘Pie believes what they are trying to say … and should’ve said … is : ‘There will no Bulletin on Boxing Day Monday. The NQ Weekend magazine will return on January 14.’ Unless of course, they mean there won’t be a Sunday edition … which makes sense since there never has been one. But it is possible the current Astonisher folks aren’t aware of this.

  47. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Merry Christmas Mr.Pie and a happy new year to all the nesters and my Labour partners.

  48. Bed Bug says:

    Rather than spend any more money on outreach programmes or consultants why not spend the money on deadlocks on doors ( front and back)?

    Don’t build that 30 million dollar police station on the ruins of the stadium – just get 30 million dollars of deadlocks installed onto private residences.

    It solves the problem now and also in the future as governments change and as things get worse. The cheapest way to solve the problem is to make it harder to gain access to what’s inside a private residence. A decent lock can last decades and can stop crime in its tracks. A policeman, judge, magistrate, legal system, community consultation all take ongoing billions to prop up with no results; walls, doors, locks, screens, home security measures are far cheaper in the short term AND long term.

    The sooner we understand that locks, walls, screens, doors work , the sooner the crime rate falls.

    • The Magpie says:

      How’s business?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Padlocks don’t prevent windows from getting smashed or access being gained by removing roof tiles. And padlocks don’t prevent carjacking or car theft in general. And padlocks don’t prevent the little shits from vandalising infrastructure.

      • Gunner says:

        55 grains of lead will solve everything

        • The Magpie says:

          Yup, everything including your accommodation, tucker and sexual activities for a few years.

          • Enjolras says:

            And now with the death of a 41 year old wife and mother at the hands of these little cherubs, allegedly of course, and yes not in Townsville, it won’t be long before the people rise up

          • The Magpie says:

            Reckon there’s a big assumption in there, unless The ‘Pie’s behind the times.

      • Bed bug says:

        If you think that deadlocks on doors don’t work life must be one huge mystery for you.

        • The Magpie says:

          A reasonable point, but be aware of the age old saying that locks are only there to keep honest people out.

          • Bed bug says:


            Deadlocks defeat the use of multi grips to twist door handles that means the locking pin gets twisted out of the groove. The multi grip technique is virtually silent and gains access in around 5 seconds.

            Screen doors are immune to multigrips though may well allow access through bending the frame. Some places have simply installed bars on doors and windows.

          • The Magpie says:

            What’s untrue? Your expertise (which raises a couple of questions in itself) sounds informed and true but how is that relevant to The ‘Pie’s point … there are plenty of other ways into an premises, including the ceiling and the floor, not to mention ram raiding. All activities in which honest people do not indulge.

            But a serious question: are you holding a New Years sale at your locksmiths security business? Happy to publish free ad with address and phone number. You’re way too literate to have learned your knowledge ‘on the job’, so as to speak.

      • Enjolras says:

        No assumption at all, juvies commiting murder, oh but we have the toughest laws in the land – bullshit

  49. Mike Douglas says:

    Acting Mayor Molachino finally commented on Yabulu refinery re – opening was a positive step . Our 3 State MP,s are waiting on what to say from Annastascia . Appears part of the buyers investment document talks about a large Solar Farm to power the refinery and sell excess into the grid .

  50. The Magpie says:

    The Magpie is joyous to report that The Astonisher can’t be faulted for consistency … they seem determined to end the year as they started, with sloppy production and lazy typing (it’s not journalism). Back on deck after a merciful few days free of them, the crew in Walker Street, Brisbane and Mumbai have managed a front page blooper.

    So, we breathlessly turn to page 2, to find …

    But ah ha! We turn to page 4, and right down the bottom, we find a quarter page warmed over old story about the various government cash boosts we can expect in 2023.

    Nothing wrong with a generic brought-in story from News Ltd’s Augean stables, but front page? And getting the pointer wrong?

    It bodes well for another year of Astonishment. And toil for The Magpie.

    And here’s a little matter slipped in under the radar during the silly season, fresh from the incurious pen of Leighton Smith, who promises The ‘Pie many moments of joyless mirth in 2023.

    For a start, the headline is a flat out lie … this proposal is for an ‘unmanned’ battery warehouse, housing mainly new vehicle batteries for on-selling. Nothing wrong with that at all, but how reporter Smith or some pink suited Brylcreemed southern sub can equate that to a ‘power plan’ is well, astonishing.

    One imagines the business will be a useful goer, being in the midst of several medium density buildings in Keane St, Currajong, with the council application facilitated by solid local mob Brazier Motti. Although there’s a touch of brutal honesty lurking in the application, which states that any concern that the stored batteries would release any contaminants such as acid into the environment was ‘very unlikely’.

    Indeed, this story would’ve been passed over as a silly season press release filler but for the click-bait style headline.

  51. The Magpie says:

    ‘Tis the season to be jolly, so here’s one of the best laughs floating around the ether at the moment. Talk about walking into a swinging door.


    • The Magpie says:

      The fact that it was on LBC brought back memories for The ‘Pie, and his stay amongst the great unwashed. The station had a couple of wonderful, innovative on-air folk (Kenny Everett was the best and funniest breakfast announcer anywhere ever). And the new commercial station, a novelty at the time, also decided to pioneer the then new technology of talkback radio, allowing listeners to phone in with comments. LBC was very cautious about this, and instigated the seven second delay, that allowed the announcer to cancel any improper comment. The station also trialled it in the wee small hours, to iron out any bugs with the least listeners.

      It quickly became clear that the general run of comments was boring as, and an inquiry later revealed that the announcer was getting very casual to his job, even having his feet up on the control panel and smoking through endless waffle.

      But he unwisely decided to prompt calls with a theme of ‘unexpected acts of kindness’ type anecdotes. A woman came on and said she had always believed in bringing a little unexpected happiness into the world, even to those she didn’t know, and she made a habit of doing something nice every day.

      Having punctuated this with hmmm, ummm , yeah, the announcer said ‘And what are some things you do to make people happy?’ to which the woman replied ‘ I like to suck cocks’. The announcer suddenly reacted but in such haste to reach the button, he dropped his cigarette in his crotch and fell off his chair, and the comment went to air. And thus an instant blackmarket classic was born,
      recordings hawked around London for months afterwards (no social media in those days of the late 60s/ early 70s.)

      But strangely enough, although working in one of the country’s major newsrooms (ITN) The ‘Pie never got to hear the recording personally, so he wonders if …..

      You know the drill, never fuck up story with facts.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        The days of decent investigative journalism or stories of value are long gone. Our ‘local’ newspapers contain childish stories and poorly worded puff pieces. Our newspapers are quite simply advertising billboards in small print. If you buy the Astonisher or Bullsheet, you are paying to read advertisements, so save your money and just Google the fucking ads for free.

  52. Al says:

    Just wondering, being out of the loop for some time, has our mudguts mate been counting the potential new pennies and getting Titanic launched anytime soon? Any news?

    • Palm Sunday says:

      It is being said that a Swiss mob will build a solar farm in the grounds of the sunken hulk of Queensland Nickel and once plugged in, miraculously the titanic plant will shed its death mask and rise again from its rusting bed to float in the colourful waters of its own bloated tailings dam. Shovel-ready apparently. One permit short of a government guarantee.

      • The Magpie says:

        Certainly sounds like a shovel is needed for something.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Before the Townsville Bulletin (and its gape-mouthed Murdoch clown-clones) so much as squawks anything said by Clive Palmer it should pay a few pieces of silver to the corporate regulator and only report actual officially recorded transactions. Anything else is dick waving. Surely no one in Townsville believes that the Yabulu plant is ‘ready to rock’? Surely? The idea that there are people employed out there in ‘care and maintenance’ is simply bullshit. Why does any media even pretend about it any more?

          • Russell says:

            Have you driven out there since Yabulu shut down to see whether anyone stops you at the gate? Or counted the cars in the car park?
            Further, one thing Yabulu does have in its favour if it builds a solar power station is that there is already a sub-station and power line in place. Something no other renewable energy developer ever seems to consider.
            You may be right with your dis-belief, or you may be wrong. Time will tell.
            May 2023 be kind to you, and indeed to all the Nest’s readers.

          • Palm Sunday says:

            Russell, ah yes, access to a sub station and the grid, on some of the lazy acres adjacent to the QNI plant. But that has nothing to do with the re-activation of the 50 year old dinosaur refinery or the magical creation of some new space in the overflowing tailings dam or the issue of pollution and water permits from various state and federal agencies. On the other hand, it might allow Clive Palmer to quietly walk away from QNI/Yabulu and leave the whole shooting match in the lap of the Queensland government ie. taxpayers – pretty much as planned all along. Hence the silence of local members of parliament.

            Or were you thinking the Swiss investors might be sinking hundreds of millions rejuvenating (or rebuilding?) the obsolete refinery, buying new rolling stock to start importing ore again and perhaps recycling the spent ore in the tailings dam so that it all gets used up in a giant self-digesting process? FFS. Wait till 1 April for that one.

          • Bertrand says:

            The Yabulu refinery ran off steam and ammonia (produced from gas and coal) – I cannot see solar generating any of that

  53. The Magpie says:

    Remember Frank Sinatra’s movie The Man With The Golden Arm? Well, move over Frankie, Townsville now boasts The Woman With The Solid Platinum Shoulder.

    Just when you thought the Bulletin couldn’t add to its litany of dodgy behaviour, we now see the apparent cardinal sin of self-censorship … when a reporter or editor decides unilaterally to withhold information pertinent to a story on a whim, or to agree to a request, or an order from a powerful entity, or for personal reasons. When pertinent information is available to the public, is not subject to question of policy on taste, and not subject to any legal suppression order, a reporter is obligated by principle to include it in a story.

    None of those restrictions appear to apply to this court story by Katie Hall and approved by iditor Craig Herbert.

    But the name of the woman was nowhere to be seen in the story.
    The bare bones of the yarn is that a woman – one Debora Schafer – claimed it was her employer’s fault that she injured her shoulder while working as a cook in a local aged care home. After a lengthy hearing, Judge John Coker agreed and awarded Ms Schafer $400,000 compo and damages.
    The Magpie has never heard of a civil claim such as this being subject to reporting restrictions – the old cliché that justice need to be seen to be done comes to mind.
    And Debora Schafer’s name is publicly available on the transcript of proceedings.

    So that begs the very big question about why Ms Schafer’s name wasn’t in the Bulletin story. Did she make a direct request to a soft-hearted Ms Hall to omit it, was the iditor approached by her legal people seeking their client’s request for anonymity, or does Ms Schafer have friends in the Bulletin’s all powerful marketing department, or what?

    Or what is likely to be all we’ll get. It is well established that the Bulletin is a highly compromised business with any trust already completely eroded, and you can bet editor Craig Herbert won’t be making a peep about this.

    But rest assure, this is no pedantry from some grumpy old codger, self-censorship is a deeply serious matter, and once the precedent is set, where does it end, and what far more important public matters are exposed to the whim of the unaccountable?

    In this fucktangle of a newspaper (and News Ltd generally), it seems already to be Rupert 101.

    • The Magpie says:

      And just to short circuit any ambulance chasing legal shills out there, The Magpie is in no way suggesting that Ms Schafer indulged in or had anything to do with illicit drugs, as in the film, and it was simply a bit of word humour (humour? look it up, shills, look it up).

  54. Kenny Kennett says:

    To those who objected to the halfway house going ahead in Annandale, there is a good reason why you didn’t want it to go ahead. Days after a mother of two was murdered by house invaders in North Lakes, Brisbane, it has now been revealed that the fucking grubs who committed the crime lived in a half way house in the same street and were well known to police. So State Government how about you admit to your fuck up with this policy and fix it. Lock these fucks up and protect us. And David Crisafulli, it’s time to slap ‘‘em with your policy to fix it. Very tough punishments policy will get you elected.

    • Elusive Butterfly says:

      Kenny, far too much swearing in your comment. Totally unnecessary.

      • Kenny Kennett says:

        Not sure I agree with you Butterflaps. I think it understates what these pricks are. I’m sure there are hundreds of thousands who would agree with me. Anything less than life in prison is a copout.

        • Regular reader says:

          For once i agree with the Butterfly. Using foul language doesn’t add anything to your comment. Probably says more about Kenny than the crims.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not really … if orange is the new black and crazy is the new norm, ‘fuck’ is the new ‘bloody’. The word has been dramatically powered down, and nowadays is found -usually mildly – offensive by those of us of a certain age, reacting to decades of approbation for its use. The ‘Pie, after hesitating for six or so years, allowed it into the blog, given the plethora of usage literally everywhere else, TV shows, films, social media, radio, an overuse that robbed it of any shock value or insult impact. If we’re honest, in terms of imagery and strong insult, fuck is way better than shit … and in the wash up, it doesn’t literally mean its original and sole meaning.

            The Magpie also finds it a tad strange that while many a commentator will use that sort of language, they draw a prissy and prim line and never use the word ‘nigger’ but just coyly say ‘the N word’, giving it a taboo power it should not possess. Ironic that nigger is now considered way more off limits, but in truth, ‘nigger’ is a segregated word, freely used by black Americans and others of black groupings, but woe betide any non-black daring to use it, even in a general discussion about the word itself. Perhaps we whities should kick up a fuss when that term is used pejoratively.

          • Achilles says:

            All that’s needed is a broader vocabulary, which we all once had, until education became diluted, by educated idiots!

          • The Magpie says:

            Depends to whom you bare speaking. Calling a fuck-wit developmentally delayed doesn’t quite cut it for either the speaker or the target.

      • Grumpy says:

        EB – your protestations remind me of the Lefty ploy to point out spelling errors to invalidate a completely valid argument to which you have no response. So, you may as well fuck off and keep fucking off until you get to fuck off and then fuck off back here where you can fuck off all over again.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      And now it’s come out that one of the grubs was released on bail just hours before the crime and the other had done time for a similar crime. The Labor State Government just don’t care!!

      • Palm Sunday says:

        Kenny, released on bail, released on parole or released because they have done their time, in the end most crims, young and old, get released. Crisifulli won’t be changing that. In any case, he’s very busy looking after Gold Coast tourism and the 2032 Olympics (along with at least two other high profile shadow ministers, Jarrod Bleijie and Tim Mander – it must be a very important event). Perhaps the opposition shadow A-G has something to say about law and order, if only we knew who it is.

        • Clives Caddie says:

          Palmed one off the wrist last Sunday, good to see you ending the year with a dig at Crisafulli. Will your obsession with the Kid and your absolute love of Labor continue into 2023? No need to answer that you fuckwit.

        • Regular reader says:

          Think you will find that when the young crims are eligible for parole they are granted it automatically. No appearance before a parole board to prove they have mended their ways and are now suitable for release into the community.
          There’s your problem, or part of it at least.

      • The Beak says:

        Treat them (charge and incarcerate) as adults from the age of 12. It won’t solve all of the problems but it will help a little.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Don’t worry Kenny, relax, Albo is confident Palaszczuk will sort it all out, and as we know once Albo becomes involved all the troubles of the world are sorted, he can fix anything.

      • Achilles says:

        Albo has been crowing his First Nations voice something or other, whatever that means. How about he direct his energies into requiring the indigenous instill civilised behavior and respect into their progeny?

        The elephant in the room is the unwillingness of the “ruling elite” to accept that there ARE significant differences that have to be addressed first, Before some elitist touchy feely, feel good, probably meaningless drivel is foist upon the majority of Australians.

        An example of this void is the indigenous insistence on their “pay-back” culture which uses “an eye for an eye” etc logic which means indefinite retribution violence. The current case in the NT against a police officer, who they want to attain some “pay back” admitting that this may include spearing.

        A start would be the requirement of a good reason by any person for being in possession of knives, baseball bats etc in public without reasonable cause.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        It took someone to die before this busted-arse Puddleduck government would act on what the community has been calling for years.
        And while the snots are banged up the criminally negligent parents get to save money on their upkeep.


    • Achilles says:

      Sorry to say this, but the comment by David is frankly pathetic, he wants to sit down and discuss the problem. Hardly leadership David more like something from Monty Python.

      “We want to see the government sit down at the table with us, with law enforcement bodies, with victims of crime groups, with the myriad of people who have lost loved ones over the last couple of years, we want to sit at the table and see what that looks like,” opposition leader David Crisafulli told Sky News Australia.

      Since you published this drivel, the Palet truck has delivered the killer blow we’ve all been asking for.

  55. old tradesman says:

    Help needed for ghost hunting at the Mad Cow. Maybe Les memory loss can shed a bit of light on the matter.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, it has come down to this for this once proud and respected paper.

      Sure stories like this puff piece aimed at the feeble minded will also pop up at various silly season times, usually on about page 14, but a front page? And the story itself is the very essence of drivel.

      This is the sort of horsefeathers that, in the right hands and with a light touch, can be an amusing read, a showcase for some witty writing, but it appears Mr Smith possesses neither, and takes these sadly discombobulated mutts seriously. Lazy, lazy stuff, Leighton, so many clever one liners begging to be showcased.

      Seems the main addlehead, Karina Looby, missed out her correct name by just one letter.

  56. Justice league says:

    We need to wind back the clock to the 70’s and 80’s when the Coppers would grab these little snots and give them a kick in the ass and the occasional black eye. Fuck em.

  57. J jones says:

    A generalist reporter?

    Leighton Smith is a generalist reporter and digital producer at the Townsville Bulletin. He returned home to Townsville in early 2021 after working for several years as a political reporter at The Morning Bulletin in Rockhampton. Having studied science and education at James Cook University and journalism through University of Southern Queensland, Leighton enjoys digging into challenging stories and welcomes any story suggestions you might have.

    • The Magpie says:

      Talk about hiding his light under a bushel!!

      Mr Jones (or is that Mr Smith) (or they, them,it), that is truly nasty underhand attack on Leighton, highlighting his educational and experience failures which have led him to his current unfortunate position with the Astonisher, where he appears too timid to meet real people mother than on social media or on the phone.

      Shame on you.

    • Grumpy says:

      People who say that they “studied” a subject at university rarely go on to say whether they actually passed the entire course.

      • The Magpie says:

        Admitting you are a generalist reporter AND a digital producer at the Bulletin is like claiming you’re Jenny Hill’s hairdresser or Yvette D’Ath’s dentist.

  58. Media Watcher says:

    The fact that Leighton Smith worked at the Rockhampton rag and then took a demotion to the Townsville Bulletin says it all. This bloke is not Walkley Awards material. Typical of the quality of reporters (as opposed to journalists) who are banished to Townsville to cover the goings-on in Australia’s Shittiest City – a title earned by those who have somehow have become “leaders” of what once was a great city. Leighton’s next stop could very well be Townsville Enterprise – a good fit.

    • The Magpie says:

      The problem isn’t so much with individuals such as Leighton, who appears to have the basic skills without the required professional understanding – it is the lack of experienced and knowledgeable supervision and strong editorial guidance. The lasting impression of the Bulletin of the last few years is that of a paper which no longer knows who their readers are, jumping from adjective-laden juvenile inanities to right wing columnists, backed up by a lack of inquiry in its reporting. A few years ago, one editor said that the paper set the news agenda (nice touch of Godly arrogance) but now, the Bulletin is floundering around looking for a coherent and consistent agenda. It would b a much better paper if it didn’t try to be a version of social media.

      None of which will bother the current crew, not as Harvey Norman owns them.

      • Russell says:

        Pie, not everyone is as upset as you at “right wing columnists”. Enjoy the fireworks. Cheers.

        • The Magpie says:

          Clearly, you are one of the calm ones. FYI, the fireworks in on the devil’s spawn network, the ABC, if you can tear yourself away from sensible sounds of sweet reason on Sky.

          • Russell says:

            Thanks. I’ll watch the local (early) ones from my balcony. No problem with most of what’s on the ABC but can do without, for example, Media Watch.

          • The Magpie says:

            The bromance continues apace between fanboy Russell and Chris Kenny. Touching.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        The power that media owners exert is extraordinary. The walking skeleton, Murdoch, has previously boasted about owning the power to influence elections in multiple countries. And he is correct, he does have that power. But on a local level, our shit newspapers are nothing but advertising platforms. The reporters are shit and the stories are shit. People like ‘Leighton’ are 2 cent hacks and are the furtherest thing from real journalists. A high school kid or a brain-fucked junkie could do a better job. Our local papers are nothing short of being conduits for shoving Harvey Norman ads down our fucking throats. Save your money, don’t buy the newspapers, just use Google to search for relevant news articles. And if you need to buy bird cage flooring or you run out of toilet paper, then buy the newspaper.

        • The Magpie says:

          … anda happy new year to you, too.

        • Regular reader says:

          The Townsville Bulletin COULD have the power to influence elections. With Jenny Hill throwing hundreds of thousands of ratepayer dollars at the paper for advertising that is either over the top (tender ads in the news pages anyone), or not necessary at all, like double page spreads listing the council’s projects, (most of which have not been completed), Jenny has become one of the paper’s most influential advertisers, ranked only behind Harvey Norman, The Good Guys and The Ville (how’s that court case for illegal junkets coming along?). So come election time Jenny will be expecting, probably demanding, the paper give her preferential treatment. I’m sure they’ll deliver in spades, but what our scheming mayor hasn’t considered is the greatly reduced reach of the paper. I remember when it sold 42,000 copies on Saturdays and 28,000 on the average weekday. I understand the circulation numbers are now a light of those heady days – 18,000 Saturday and 13,000 weekdays. Jenny might do better advertising on the magpie blog.

          • The Magpie says:

            Do your numbers include subscriptions? Print is greatly diminished across the board. And as The Nest has proved over the years, they can print as many as they like, but how many are sold, given away or pulped will never been known. The Harvey Norman connection is a national deal done by Holt Street in Sydney, and they demand print numbers and unverifiable sub numbers to justify the HN bean counters.

            But in the end, HN sales figures will decide on the effectiveness of the paper.

            And BTW, re tender advertising: isn’t that mandated in the LG Act that it must be advertised in the local rag? Nothing to do with Mullet. For once.

          • old tradesman says:

            Funny how the weekend digital version lost pages 22 and 23, I want a refund.

          • The Magpie says:

            Count your blessings, Tradie. And Happy New year.

  59. The Magpie says:

    2022 should remembered as The Year of the Twig. It seems some are making it a race to fall of it before midnight.

    Now the Pope has just carked it, only hours after pioneering American journalist Barbara Walters said her final goodnight.

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie has always been a great admirer of Barbara Walters not just for her pioneering the role of women in journalism, but for the truly courageous way she went after the truth.She was unflinching and unflappable, even when she faced the most powerful but egregious spivs of her time. The ‘Pie remains in awe of this 1990 interview that laid bare one of this era’s greatest liars and con men.


      • Palm Sunday says:

        Thanks for the terrific tip on a priceless interview – isn’t it amazing how little notice anyone takes? With the recent death of Pope Benedict XVI I can’t recommend enough the work of a similarly gifted journalist, Christopher Hitchens, who did a job on the Catholic Church about 20 years ago – when MMr Ratzinger was in his prime. The link is available on the same YouTube page as the Barbara Walters interview – scroll through on the right hand side for Hitchens’ “epic opening statement”.

        • The Magpie says:

          Yep, Hitchens was one of The ‘Pie’s favourite writers and thinkers … and brave too, a real loss when he shuffled off.

        • Russell says:

          Those of us who are Catholics wish you would just STFU.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie really doesn’t want to get into this one, but isn’t the wish for certain people to STFU the motto of the church regarding child molestation by priests. Just a matter of irony that you use it as a defence.

  60. Grumpy says:

    Happy New Year, Malcolm.

  61. Al says:

    HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! And to all your fans. Al

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks Al, to you too, although reckon ‘fans’ might not be the right term … many hereabouts are the jousting type, and like nothing more than disciplining The Magpie’s errant ways.

      • Achilles says:

        discipling? or disciplining I’m unsure if I’ve fallen for a sucker punch here Pie.

        • The Magpie says:

          Proof of The ‘Pie’s point, and the old bird is suitably disciplined.

          Love be clever and say it was intentional bait, but it wasn’t, just a run of the mill cock up, now ammended, thanks. (Careful, careful …)

  62. Rubber Soul says:

    “Grandma. Why is Daddy on TV?”
    “Well darling, he’s telling people how Mummy was stabbed to death two days ago.”
    “Why Grandma?”

    Good question!


  63. DAFF says:

    The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, are struggling to keep our shores safe from pests. This is the federal agency that is meant to be keeping foot and mouth disease out of Australia, yet it is fighting an uphill battle. Mass staff resignations over the past 12 months has stretched the departments capacity. And of course the Townsville office is struggling with a decimated morale, a lack of resources, and it has egotistical management that bully people. In fact the office has even nicknamed Minister Murray Watt ‘the little mincer’. Industry is being made to wait excessive amounts of time before maritime inspections are undertaken and the departments computer systems are absolutely shit. There is a very real and legitimate concern that foot and mouth disease will land in Queensland.

  64. Regular reader says:

    My reference to tender ads being published in the news pages referred to the change from listing them in the classifieds section, where all other councils put them and companies look for them. Ads in the news section are much more expensive than classifieds, so why the change? Surely Jenny can clear this up, courtesy of her promised transparency policy.

  65. Achilles says:

    Re the new restrictions of arrivals from China, From my extensive experience of living and working in China and also for Chinese companies on site in other countries.

    I’m fairly sure that a major contributor to their inability to contain the plethora of viral infections that continually originate in China is the Chinese preference (read obsession) for “traditional” Chinese medications.

    This is common amongst all levels of Chinese society.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Although the media likes to portray China as the font of technology and a nation bristling in wealth and prosperity, the opposite is the truth. With a population of over 1 billion people there are millions and millions of unemployed, homeless, and financially destitute people. Places like the Wuhan markets provide cheap food by way of all sorts of animals used for consumption. When you are starving and have no food for your children, you will do anything. And yes, there are also superstitions and beliefs in eating weird animal parts that are meant to bring you good health and good luck. And sadly disease also spreads when the environment is dirty and waste isn’t properly mitigated. Sadly many Chinese residents live in squalor and rats and mice flourish amongst the shit left in the streets and piled up to 18 stories high at refuse stations.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I do not have a link, but in the late 1970s or early 80s a traditional Chinese medicine shop in Sydney was investigated by, I assume, the health department or similar. About 80% of the stuff they had in the scores of little draws was unfit for human consumption. This shop was closed down. While in between trains in Sydney when a young apprentice out of curiosity I went one of the Chinese medicine shops. The smell was terrible. The Sydney Central RSL was much more agreeable.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Further to this little story, I can say truthfully that I have seen the Concord. From a small window in the Sydney Central RSL billiards room I got a fleeting glimpse of the Concord landing, or taking off, I cannot remember which.

        Dear ‘Pie, thanks for your work, it is much appreciated. I wish you well for this new year and beyond.

        • The Magpie says:

          Ditto to you, Dave.

          But mate, you’ve got me beat with talk of the Concord … have gone back over the thread but can’t see any coherent link. Care to share?

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Sorry ‘Pie, sloppy wordsmithing on my part. When travelling from Melbourne to Brisbane by troop train there was a 12 hour stop over in Sydney, 6am to 6pm or thereabouts. I killed some of the time in the Sydney Centeral RSL where we made welcome despite our age. On mentioning the SC RSL I later recalled that fleeting glimpse of the Concord from the billiards room window. That’s all there was to it.

        • Mr Magoo says:

          Kelso, I think that you’ve eaten some of the contaminated spinach with that ‘loose’ comment. WTF are you on about??? :)

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Dear Magoo,

            No, no,
            Soy sauce, distilled down to a thick tar consistency, mix in lots of tarragon leaves so that will burn, put into your water pipe, but filled the pipe with cheap sherry and water.
            Creme de menthe and ice as a wonderful beverage while smoking , as Magnetic Island would pop up and down on the horizon. The 1970s were such fun.
            It puzzles me that after all these years some people still think I am respectable.

          • The Magpie says:

            Explains a lot.

    • Mr Magoo says:

      Achilles, I thought you were Greek??? :)

  66. The Magpie says:

    This really is astounding, a return to the politics of the 1940s and ’50s. … a little man’s desperate, despicable and disgusting slur, singling out Catholics for no political or ethical reason, and no proof for his absurd claims (no one let alone Crisafulli is going to overturn a law resulting from a conscience vote), Harper has simply made this up because he knows he’s so deep in the shit. This dunderhead may be hearing from some Catholic constituents about this, and it won’t be for a benediction.

    A low act even for this specialist in low acts.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Harpic is a sad little human. Maybe he was trying to divert attention away from the second stolen emergency service vehicle in Townsville. The community gets told crime is their fault for not locking up properly and not hiding their keys in the biscuit tin but when someone walks into an unlocked police station and steals a cop car, or the grubs break into a fireys home and steal the keys to a fire vehicles
      suddenly the people in charge of the vehicles are blameless. Harpic should perhaps take a leaf out of Leses book and send QES a “home security for dummies” book.

    • The Magpie says:

      It gets even better for this hapless fool, with a Bishop Timothy J Harris Townsville Catholic diocese adding comment. Aaron has suddenly discovered the size of the hole he has dug for himself, when the Bishop tells Aaron Paul Keating doesn’t agree with VAD.

      This cowardly jellyback then resorts to the cowardice of hypocrisy when he tries to back track with this panicked reply “I am not a fan of airing public our differences on social media.”

      WHAT!?! But this is EXACTLY what you do, constantly, Harpic. But it’s understandable that you would prefer your unilateral rewriting of Labor’s platform to include anti-Catholicism to remain out of the spotlight … EXCEPT YOUR THE ONE WHO TURNED ON THE SEARCHLIGHT, A DENSE FUCKING IDIOT.

      • The Magpie says:

        And one wonders what Catholic and Catholic educated Anna Palaszczuk thinks about your individual broadening of the perimeter of social division with this thoughtless unfounded drivel. Given the electoral strife she’s in, you have probably avoided too big of a bollocking, Harpic.
        Mate, when it comes to politics, you are a self-absorbed also-ran.

        Quick analysis of your Crisafulli claim: there are 3.4m voters in Queensland. There are just under one million Catholics in Queensland, and a reasonable assumption would be that at least half that number would be voters. So, you brilliant strategist, want us to believe that David Crisafulli would suddenly come under the thrall of the church hierarchy and try to remove VAD or face damning pulpit politics? All to get a far from certain anti-VASD vote from 9% of the electorate. Worthy of Baldrick, Harpic, a cunning plan indeed, but with an own goal like this, perhaps Basil Fawlty would be more apt.

        If you actually believe your own post, mate, give The Magpie a call, he’s got a drum of rare tartan paint he’ll sell you.

        • Mike Douglas says:

          Pie , who hasn’t Aaron attacked on his State Government fb page . We are supposed to live in a democracy but how many of his own electorate has he blocked for simple airing their views . Will Aaron + Les even get endorsed to run in the next State election ? .

          • Prickster says:

            Unlike Aaron Harper, Crisafulli does have firm and consistent stance against Involuntary Death of Queenslanders as a result of crime escalating out of control under the Labor Government.

          • The Magpie says:

            Comment of the Week!!!

            Also includs Involuntarty Death Of A City (caused by criminal neglect of elected representatives).

    • The Magpie says:

      And just see the reaction this jerk-off got for his trouble. Bishop Timothy Harris puts in a politely reasoned boot – twice!! Of course, there Labor’s usual wailing Greek chorus of rusty opinion who decide to talk about the next Queensland premier in panicked rants, but there can be little doubt Harpic has really shot himself in the foot. Shame he didn’t aim higher, although there wouldn’t be much to hit up there.


  67. NQ Gal says:

    The Astonisher has managed to include the glorified gossip column “Sydney Confidential” in the paper this morning.

  68. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    why are holidays so short ?

    and why does the Bullsheet call itself a news-paper when it misses the news completely. Wouldn’t a major fatal helicopter crash in QLD with 4 dead and 8-9 injured be more newsworthy than a 2page feature on who is up who in Sydney?

  69. The Magpie says:

    Cricket Australia has come in for a lot of flak lately, but here’s one big tick of approval. Praise be, they have told Channel Ten and the network’s American interlopers to fuck off and have awarded the continuing broadcast rights to Foxtel and Seven. Can you imagine the mess TEN would’ve made of our premier summer sport?
    Cricket in the bag for Foxtel, Kayo as foreign rival sent packing
    The Australian – Page 3 : 3 January 2023
    Original article by Ben Horne

    Roy Morgan Summary

    Cricket Australia has finalised a new broadcasting rights deal that is worth more than the previous $1.18bn deal but is said to be less than the Ten Network’s parent company Paramount is believed to have offered. CA opted to stick with the incumbent broadcasters, Foxtel and Seven West Media, given that Paramount cannot match the audience reach of Foxtel and its Kayo streaming service. The current broadcasting arrangement between Foxtel and Seven is expected to be largely unchanged, with Foxtel to retain exclusive rights to one-day internationals and both companies to broadcast Test matches and the Big Bash League. Seven will also withdraw its legal action against CA.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      That would leave only the NRL for Paramount to chase in a few years time, after the AFL also signed until the end of the decade with Foxtel and Seven, it could work in well for the NRL if they are smart but they have a history of being fucked over by Rupert and still keep signing on time after time, then again when you look at all the off field shit by NRL players and their families why would anyone want it, what a pack of dregs.

  70. HiBeam says:

    On Facebook

    Leighton Smith
    15 December 2022 at 11:34 ·
    Hi folks, does anyone have any suggestions for (non-crime related) local news stories they’d like to see covered by the newspaper before the new year?
    I’m all ears ????????

    Investigative Journalism at its finest.

    • The Magpie says:

      Embarrassing. Leighton’s arse must be two axe handles across with all that desk time.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      The answer has to be “yes mate, there are hundreds of local stories we would like you to cover but they might require more than adding your name to the top of a typed media release”.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        There are almost weekly stories that Lickspittle Leighton could run, but they mostly involve TCC and the Dumbfuck Labor trio, and we all know that Leighton wouldn’t go anywhere near such stories as his balls haven’t descended yet.

  71. The Magpie says:

    A portent of the year to come on the front page of today’s Astonisher.

    Front page news from last Saturday …. that even beats the paper’s unofficial slogan, ‘Yesterday’s News Tomorrow’. And also a vow for continued lazy language – that would be ‘take over’ not ‘overtake’.

    Adding to the now indisputable community disconnect, iditor Craig Herbert gives Harpic Harper a free pass on mealy mouthed kiddy crime comments, when he is arguably the most cowardly MP in the government.

    To top off an poorly written editorial, Iditor Herbert ends his anodyne homily of shinging insincerity with ‘Crime in townsville is now beyond a joke, and it’s time for real change.’

    WHEN WAS IT EVER A JOKE, YOU FUCKTANGLE BLOW-IN OF AN ALLEGED JOURNALIST? Except when you glorify criminals and kiddy crims exp[loits (they live for the publicity and vie with each other for the most colourful coverage).

    Time for change at the paper, too.

  72. Regular reader says:

    Attention Leighton “All Ears” Smith.
    Here are some suggestions for local stories you have curiously overlooked:
    – Follow-up on the pending court case regarding The Ville’s alleged illegal gambling junkets. In case you were asleep at the desk Leighton, the original story stated that the casino’s big wigs had not responded to requests for comment before going to press. Well, here’s your chance mate, give Chris Morris a call and ask him for his opinion on the serious charges his casino is facing (a simple “we’re innocent” would be a start). I think the matter will be in court later this month so a timely update would be great. You know, a chance for Mr Morris to tell us his side of the story. Surely he would want to clear his name.
    – With Jenny Hill away on holiday and Frothy Molachino in charge, why not ask him what has happened to the mayor’s Landsdown anchor project, the battery factory? You know, the one taxpayers paid $3 million for a pre-feasibility study which has never seen the light of day. Surely Frothy is aware of Jenny’s transparency policy.
    – Give the V8 supercars a call and ask how much Townsville ratepayers are paying to prop up the dying race weekend. While you’re at it see if you can get them to reveal the crowd numbers for last year’s event. You know, the figures that were promised the week following the V8s but have never been revealed, for some reason.
    Get cracking on these stories Leighton, because I’ll have a few more leads for you to follow up next week.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Hi Leighton, how about just a simple double page spread on ‘The stories we covered in 2022 but never got answers on’ or ‘the stories that we should’ve covered in 2022 but never did’. Follow that with a multiple choice competition: ‘The Astonisher didn’t cover this story because:
      A) The Mullet gave us strict instructions not to or she’d cut our lifeline back
      B) The Mullet bought a full page job ad that took up all available room
      C) The Mullet and Morris Major were unavailable to follow up because we forgot to call them
      D) Larry Curly and Mo couldn’t agree on which lie to tell on behalf of the QLD Govt
      E) Piggy Palashay ran out of available options to blame for her fuckups
      F) The Kid insisted on telling the truth
      So go for it Leighton.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Kenny you forgot G) “That wasn’t on Facebook or in a media release, how would we know its happening”

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      RR, I think Lightweight Leighton is thinking about stories such as ‘Townsville’s best looking criminals’, ‘Townsville’s most favourite public toilets’, ‘Townsville’s longest street names’ and ‘Townsville’s best dresses pooch’. You know, lame and meaningless shit to fill the pages in between Harvey Norman ads on every fucking page…… As I’ve said previously, our local newspapers are 100% crap and are only good for lining your Budgie cage or starting a camp fire. Save your money, use Google.

      • J jones says:

        It’s brilliant really. They get cash from Harvey Norman for page after page of ads and then cash from readers who then read page after page of ads. Costs have to be lower because almost all the Journos are young and poorly paid. Page numbers have decreased so less paper costs.

        • The Magpie says:

          HN tires of the game and withdraws, The Bulletin becomes an insert in the Curious Snail, maybe three times a week.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            That option would at least save us from the stories saying all Queenslanders should shop around for better power prices and the other crap they just take out of the southern papers.

  73. HiBeam says:

    I am all for religion being active in politics. Their beliefs are founded on sound life experience as defined here.


    The belief that some cosmic Jewish Zombie can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.
    Makes perfect sense.

    • Bertie Beetle says:

      Interesting and amusing comment HiBeam. Sounds like a Pete Newey novel. But you’ve left out other exciting beliefs such as when we die we come back as an amoeba, spider or even a sunflower. And of course for some lucky souls (get it, souls) they go heavenward and meet up with 77 virgins! Woohoo, party time.

      • The Magpie says:

        Probably not for the virgins.
        But there is another life long question that The Magpie has puzzled over: why hasn’t the Lord Jesus passed on through exsanguation some centuries ago? The church acts as a sort blood bank every week, with Jesus being the only donor with a universal blood type capable of curing the ills of the population. So hassock haematologists get the faithful to drink the blood of Christ as some sort of diuretic for sin – now, these good folk believe in miracles, and they’d need to. We are told Jesus was physically a man, and the average human dies if they lose between a half to two thirds of their blood.

        Faith means belief without proof, and through the centuries exhorting the masses to have faith has greatly enriched these power-seeking druids of delusion, the Popes, the Mullahs, the Rabbis and P.T Barnum.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          This sounds suspiciously like politics: belief without proof, and exhorting the masses to have faith has greatly enriched these power-seeking druids

        • Achilles says:

          Hassocks? old English for Hay sacks. Maybe Cassocks ??? I’m just trying to help. Or maybe you’ll think I’m just very trying?

          • The Magpie says:

            Did actually mean ‘hassocks’ but worded the idea incorrectly. Amended, thanks.
            ‘Hassock hassock

            a cushion for kneeling on in church, while at prayer.
            “he collected the prayer books and straightened the hassocks”

    • Prickster says:

      Looking forward to Harpic rising in the chamber to advocate for changes to the Taxation Administration Act 2001 to remove all tax exemptions from the Catholic Church.

  74. Critical says:

    Some interesting statistics for those who may be waiting for treatment at the Townsville Hospital. You can drill down for more detailed statistics on this website and the waiting times for a specialist appointment in some areas seems to be quite lengthy.


  75. Rubber Soul says:

    “How engine immobilisers will stop cars from being stolen in Cairns, Townsville, Mt Isa
    The $10m engine immobilisers headed for Cairns, Mt Isa and Townsville are expected to greatly reduce the number of cars stolen across Far North Queensland.”

    For all those car owners who have a lazy $10 million running around!

    • Prince Rollmops says:

      Do those immobilisers require a special key? If they do, the little shits will steal the immobilisation key to the car while robbing your house. And immobilisers don’t prevent shoplifting, vandalism, muggings and fights.

      • Prince Rollmops says:

        In other words, the Palletstack Government is prepared to blow $10m to pretend that it is fixing the problem, when it won’t even put a dent in the issue. Typical Palletstack smoke n mirrors tactic. Pathetic. You never know, Jenny’s ‘consultant’ might be able to pull off a miracle. Meanwhile the 3 trio of dross that represent Townsville sit around pulling each other off.

        • Ben Dover says:

          Mopsy, we’ve been taking it in the you know where from The Mullet, Anna Alphabet and the three local ALP stooges for a very long time. Nothing is going to change, unless ‘the voter’ stands up and gets rid of the lot of ‘em!!!

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, your half right, Toe Toucher … nothing is going to change until some unselfish people stand as council and state candidates, to give people an alternative. Just voting for anybody in order to get rid of someone is a very short-sighted and very dangerous course. Would you really like Clive Palmer’s unstable genius candidate at the helm of the city?

    • Car salesman says:

      Car theft creates industry: stolen cars need to be replaced, often thrice: rental, then used before the new car equivalent can be found many months later – unless it’s a hybrid then make that 2 years later. Panel beaters and car parts suppliers swamped with orders. Therapist lining their pockets with victim’s tales of woe. Extra wallopers on the beat. Security cameras popping up everywhere. Locksmiths rejoice! The economic benefits just roll on for our fair city!

      Keep it going Townsville. It sure beats the blue sky promises of the lithium battery industry.

      • Critical says:

        You forgot to mention all of the psychologists, social workers, legal aid solicitors and other do-gooders who make a comfortable living from supporting all of the little snots and telling us about the hard life that they live and so on.

  76. The Magpie says:


    Now this funny and inventive. Advertising humour is at its best when it takes on over-used modern cliches. Tis one is sure to enter the modern vocabulary.


    • Regular reader says:

      One for the ages.
      Makes the Harvey Norman, Maccas and Revitive ads look like the work of the Premier’s 31 spin doctors.

  77. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:


    Unprecedented that we cannot process even a moderate amount of water through our new and improved treatment plant. Time to change the cartridge in your water filter.

    • Kirwan Joe says:

      I agree but it’s pathetic that Council can’t supply a decent water supply to residents.

      Third world outcome for a supposed modern City.

      Perhaps it’s time that Water Supply was taken out of Council’s control and put in the hands of professionals who aren’t subject to the political funding whims of tin pot Councillors.

      • The Magpie says:

        Bit of a silly comment, Joe.
        Blue Green algae cannot be prevented. It cannot be killed wholesale safely or at all, the only sure way is for rain inflow to naturally flush it away. There is no particular human (i.e. council management practices) that cause blue green algae. BGA can build up if water temperatures, light conditions and nutrient levels increase and water flows are low. Tell tale scum appears.

        On a political/social level, your comment doesn’t make sense. TCC has wisely invested millions of dollars in water processing upgrades, installed and operated by professionals, all of whom no doubt have university science qualifications. Likewise, suitably qualified technical managers. And there has been no delay in recognising the presence of BGA, and taking appropriate action.

        The basic fact is that we (and you especially) just have to accept that BGA is a natural phenomenon that is being scientifically handled competently. It is one of the few ills of this city that cannot be blamed on the Madam’s current puppet show.

        • The Magpie says:

          Question: what’s the difference between Blue Green Algae and election campaigns?
          Answer: both are publicly detected when tell tale scum appears.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Magpie you have that process a bit backward. Blue green algae blooms when nutrient levels and temperatures are high. Most often this is caused when rain or other inflows carry crap into static water storage like dams and lakes to make a nutrient soup for the algae. There is a lot that can be done proactively to avoid it and control it before it gets out of hand. To quote judge Judy what we have here is a failure to communicate when people who know what they are doing are ignored by council management which sits on its hands until there is a crisis.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Magpie we have Blue Green Algae because Ross Dam is shallow and full of sludge. It’s never been cleaned an when it rains all the topsoil, feral trolleys, cow shit, pig shit runs in. And when the weed dies it sinks to the bottom. All nutrients.
          A large aeration device was put in the dam to keep the water moving, but it seems to make things worse as when it was turned on it churns up sludge, aka nutrients, from the bottom of the dam to the top making the water dirty and taste like mud.
          Unfortunately, the tell tale scum have failed to maintain the actual dam.

          • The Magpie says:

            What are you suggesting? Dredging? Is that feasible?
            Keep in mind that the original and primary purpose of the dam we are told was flood mitigation, not as Townsville’s reservoir, and perhaps measures that may have been taken in its construction were not deemed necessary. Only guessing here, but back then, a much small Townsville was served by Paluma for domestic water? Anyone?

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Magpie dredging isnt necessary, but premptive cleaning/deepening of the parts which are exposed during dry periods would make a huge difference. Using the vastly expensive aquatic weed eater Council has on the floating weeds would also reduce the nutrient loads.

            Paluma dam is, in water engineering terms, fairly new being built in the early 60s? and upgraded twice since then. Its also a tiddler with only about 12ML capacity (the city would drain it in a day if it was our only source). By comparison, the main dam has more than 230ML capacity and even more if you leave the flood gates closed during a major rain event.

            Prior to Five Head Creek Dam (now Ross Dam) most of the cities water came out of the weirs on Ross River and supposedly some fields of wells, but all this is well before my arrival in town.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            And now that we have Ross Dam for flood mitigation, we all know Townsville doesn’t flood anymore.
            And it also doesn’t provide long term water security for the city. Because it’s a big puddle. For long term water security, we need the big puddle connected to a big dam by some big pipes. Which are taking far longer than Christmas to be built.

        • Kirwan Joe says:

          Hello Magpie,

          I don’t accept that I should put up with BGA.

          There needs to be an investment priority placed on our Water Supply that provides for preventative measures and enhanced treatment to alleviate the current issues.

          I’m not criticising qualified staff hard at work. I am criticising the tin pot politicians that aren’t investing in the priorities that matter.

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Paywall. How about a few insider engineer’s dot points?

    • Palm Sunday says:

      Engineer, I have just noticed that TCC has changed the website for Ross River dam levels – all new graphics and layout. In the process the site has lost the graphs of historical levels although they may be buried somewhere in a new Excell spreadsheet download which might be a data set, or not. These historical level graphs contained some of the most interesting data for anyone researching Townsville’s water supply. Does anyone here know if it is possible to locate these old graphs in the new website?

      • The Magpie says:

        Yes, they have changed the site … actually easier to see what is going on but you’re right about historical levels (or for Mayor Mullet on one famous occasion, hysterical levels of 200+%). But a small mystery is why drinking water quality is at 100% while Douglas treatment Plant only chugging along at 63ML. I’m sure this is just in the terminology, but it is a bit confusing when we’re told to watch our consumption.

        • Palm Sunday says:

          Magpie, I understood that the PRODUCTION of treated water at the Douglas plant was at 63ML per day, down from a possible 200+ML – this being caused by the BGA problem. Reading the graphics, the actual treated water being supplied to the township is 100% perfect in QUALITY ie. according to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. At least there’s no shortage of water in the dam, even if there’s a lot of murk to get out of it. Wonder if the proposed refinery and other industrial / chemical activities at Lansdown on the edge of the Ross dam catchment will impact on incoming water quality?

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Don’t ask an engineer. Websites are the reserve of the brains trust in PR.

  78. Dave of Kelso says:

    Dear ‘Pie,
    These are impressive statistics for Townsville. Over 1300 charges for 4000 offences last year. The snots have been busy, our three drones not busy, and many in the community traumatized and out of pocket. And Townsville is only one of many in Nth Australia suffering this plague. Something has to give. Good people will only put up with this shit for so long.


  79. Grumpy says:

    I see the state government, through its pet coppers is claiming credit for arresting 1322 juvenile offenders last year. But…didn’t they tell us that all the problems were caused by a core group of 20-30 recidivists? I ask again: At what rank does a police officer cease to be a copper and turn into a kiss-bum politician?

    • The Magpie says:


      But here;’s a question: was that 1322 different individuals, or a smaller number arrested several times, to be shunted through the bail turnstile?

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        I’d say the latter Pie. One of the most used rubber stamps at the local cop shop would have to be ‘Repeat Offender’ wouldn’t it ?

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        We may never know how many were new crims and how many were recycled. Refer to Grumpys comment above about arse-kissing politicians who used to be good coppers. Hi Cheryl Scanlon, hows things?

        • The Magpie says:

          Last we heard, (a few nights ago in a TV interview) Cheryl Scanlon was still a senior police officer. Happy to be corrected.

          • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

            Magpie refer to the above comment “ At what rank does a police officer cease to be a copper and turn into a kiss-bum politician?” she used to be a top notch copper when she ran the local JAB but now she has seems to become a nodding dog for the government.

          • The Magpie says:

            Just because she doesn’t share our opinion doesn’t make her a politician … not an elected one anyway.

  80. The Magpie says:

    Good to see former Townsville Bulletin editor Mick Carroll – the best editor the paper has had in two decades or more – is moving up in the News Ltd hierarchy. He has been appointed to for a major position in a reshuffle that includes the paper’s first female editor-in-chief. And BTW SMH, it’s Carroll with two ‘l’s.

    Sydney Morning Herald

    The Australian appoints first female editor-in-chief
    Story by Nick Bonyhady •

    News Corp’s flagship broadsheet, The Australian, has appointed company veteran Michelle Gunn as the publication’s editor-in-chief after her predecessor resigned amid a scandal.
    Gunn is the first woman to lead the national newspaper, but her role will be overseen by a new editorial board created specifically for the publication that will be chaired by Sky News chief executive Paul Whittaker, who is known in the industry as “Boris”, and is a former editor-in-chief of the broadsheet.
    Chris Dore, who preceded Gunn as The Australian’s editor-in-chief before his resignation late last year triggered by his lewd comments to a woman at a function in America, had chaired News Corp’s national editorial board. That role will go to Mick Carrol, News Corp’s national weekend editor and editor of the weekend editions of Sydney’s Daily Telegraph.

    • Strandboy says:

      Looking forward to the crime stories …

    • Regular reader says:

      Oh, if only Mick Carrol was still at the Townsville Bulletin.
      Jenny Hill and the 3 State Labor drones would have been dealt with long ago.
      Instead we have been forced to suffer a succession of dud editors who put advertisers before truth and honesty.

      • The Magpie says:

        Whether he was right or wrong in matters, one thing Mick Carroll always displayed was loyalty to this community … and that was long before this lying slogan ‘we’re for you’ was dishonestly splashed around. Two instances I remember: Mick took on Dolan Hayes head-on over Mick’s policy decision that there would not longer be anonymous council ‘spokesmen’, all statements would have to have a name to them. When Dolan was first named in this manner, Dolan, Mooney’s media head-kicker at the time, was outraged, but all his threatening bluster counted for nought, and the policy stayed for any statements, whether they were politically tainted or just run of the mill. Mick was determined that the blurred line between public servant and Mooney servant was clear to everyone.
        And Mick also had another policy, much criticised and much lauded in equal parts, that criminal offenders would be racially identified. Both policies petered out when he left to become editor of the Sunday Telegraph.

        In stark contrast, he was replaced by the walking unmade bed Peter Gleeson, so clueless that he soon had the paper looking much the same.

  81. I’ll Be Plucked says:

    Happy 2023!!!! I see the same old crew is hanging around the nest whinging, exposing, seething. Sounds like my kind of party.

  82. Rubber Soul says:

    Aren’t we lucky here in Townsville to have the Bulletin represent us?
    Today’s edition…17 pages of ads in the first 25 pages!
    Unbelievable dedication to journalism!

  83. Grumpy says:

    I see that The Ginge, concerned that his image has become that of a love-sick, whiney little milk-sop, has attempted to be seen as a stone cold killer macho man by revealing his (unconfirmed) kill score as an Apache gunner. But then complains his big brother pushed him over and broke his necklace.

    • Achilles says:

      The Taliban have accused him of “War crimes” so it must be true, after all they;re the war crimes experts.

    • I’ve cube says:

      And why would you put in your biography that you got frostbite on your pecker? Who cares. These Royals are brain damaged scum.

    • The Magpie says:

      No matter the politics, morality or barbarism of the enemy, boasting about shooting them from the safety of a helicopter echoes the English aristocracy’s ‘sporting days’ for the wholesale slaughter of creatures that pose no threat to the brave hunter.

  84. Deja’poo says:

    This is just another example of how fucked up America is. An absolute cesspit of a Country. A violent, war mongering, gun loving sewer.


  85. Pipe down says:

    I’ve been giving this info for you to have a dig around with in new year. I thought that when I was told this information it was Christmas and new year’s holidays so not much work anywhere was being done so take that into consideration.

    It’s been quite a long time for the second stage pipeline pipes being stored in a holding yard on Tompkins rd. I’m sure they arrived in November or earlier. The info I have is that they are not the correct size. Have you heard anything about this through comments at all or other sources? If it’s true then why haven’t we been told there’s been a mistake? We aren’t talking about a small amount of money and especially because we have to foot the bill for the second stage in our rates. 79 million if I remember correctly. Happy hunting magpie. For all our sake I hope I’m wrong.

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