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The Magpie

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019   |   99 comments

Uh Oh, He’s Back: And The Magpie Offers A Possible Reason For Jamie Durie’s Renewed Smash’n’Grab On Townsville Council’s Coffers.

Yesterday’s show pony, struggling businessman and latter-day lady exciter Jamie Durie has again been tapped by Mayor Mullet for another stab at telling us how to suck eggs … err, sorry, save water. Didn’t make any sense to The ‘Pie until he joined some very interesting dots.

Also, wonderful, whimsical and just a little bit weird: Brad Webb’s new multi-million dollar private palace … and it’s unique view. But what a vote of confidence in Townsville. And you won’t believe the price.

Also, a new award is introduced this week … the Cheek of the Week for the most brazen bit of bullshit from those who think they are our betters … and needless to say, a politician gets the gong.

Plus, a small spectacular video that begs the question: why aren’t we building the Burdekin pipeline faster?

Plus we have bring the latest pictorial report on the week in Circus America.

But first …

Great Expectations Or Expectations That Grate?

The Cheek of the Week Award had several contenders this week – bringing the patronising head-patting James Durie water-use campaign back from the dead was up there among the contenders – but all other claimants to this week’s award were clearly streeted by state member for Townsville, Scott Stewart. Cop this littler pearler from Friday’s Astonisher.

Screen Shot 2019-05-30 at 10.36.08 amFor this befuddled and panicked Palaszczuk foot soldier to publicly upbraid someone else for ‘not meeting public expectations’ asks us to make the biggest suspension of disbelief since Jenny Hill claimed her council was ‘independent’ and not a Labor stalking horse (gasp wheeze, oh lord help us, snurffle).For an incessant forelock tugger to his party’s hierarchy, at the expense of those who voted him to represent their interests, Stewart blithely ignores that the ‘damned if they do and damned if they don’t’ complexity of bail for children. Instead of trying to stick in his Guggi’s to the judiciary, this brown-nosing hole in the air should be promoting appropriate laws and be seeking infrastructure schemes to address the problem. The Law Society’s comment on the issue exactly sums up Stewart’s vote-catching stance … ‘unfortunate and simplistic’.

But we can expect more of this from all three of our state stooges over the next year, as their expensively cushioned arses hyperventilate at the thought of actually having to go back to work for a living. If they had the slightest inkling of reality, they’d be updating on the CVs right now

Are Townsville Ratepayers Being Used To Settle Jamie Durie’s Debts With A Mullet Mate?

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Allow The ‘Pie to hasten to say – before Mayor Mullet sools her Noosa host Barry Taylor on to the old bird – that the mayor may well argue that what The Magpie is about to tell you and she didn’t,  is all in the interests of the community. To which we will politely disagree.

Here’s how has all gone down so far.

Mr Durie’s original appointment for this highly questionable and over-the-top $10million campaign a couple of years ago drew howls of outrage and derision from the general populace. The feeling of patronisation … especially by our mayor … was palpable.

But the whole thing became stalled when Durie’s company JPD Media And Design went into voluntary administration, apparently a tactic to deflect a civil action from a former employee claiming monies owed. But the court action, according to the SMH,revealed JPD Media and Design also owed cash to other creditors, including the Australian Taxation Office, with claims the company owed the ATO more than $215,000 in unpaid taxes for the 2016/2017 financial year.

But here’s where we find the first dot in this latest constellation of dots … the SMH also reported that the acrimonious legal stoush last year revealed details of a $500,000 loan Durie had sourced from ex-Macquarie Group boss Bill Moss in 2010 in a bid to keep his business running. The court heard Durie had been forced to ask for an extension on the loan, admitting to Mr Moss he had “made some bad decisions”..

So in short, Jamie Durie owes Bill Moss money … half a mill, no less. Dot one. And ex-Macquarie Bank boss Moss does not seem to be the sort of bloke who will lightly cop such a loss.

Now, our Mr Moss is of course involved in the consortium heavily touting a lithium battery factory to be built at one of several Australian sites being investigated – one of which is Townsville, where the council has offered free land at Woodstock as an inducement. That’s dot two.

All those investigations are going through a laborious process still, and no decision has been made. That could be dot three.

Which leads to what is possibly dot four … Jamie Durie is back on the scene for a bullshit campaign for a very real $350,000, the contract awarded to another company of his, Durie Pty Ltd. Design. So the mayor, despite her full knowledge of the unpopularity of what some people see as an insulting campaign, has allowed it to be reinvigorated. Either that, using her well known financial acumen and deal making ability, fashioned an original contract that locked her in – one where to cancel it would cost a motza. So Mr Durie will be in a position to satisfy some of his debts, which ones will be up to him.

Of course, we may never know, especially since The ‘Pie was told during the week that one of the biggest office expenditure items of the past year at Walker Street has been the purchase of paper shredders. Have no idea if that’s true, but whoever the next mayor is, The ‘Pie reckons they will be left holding a very messy financial baby.

And Consider This …

Has it ever occurred to our gormless mayor that, whether it be right or wrong, associating this city’s image with a person with such Mr Durie’s nationally reported chequered business history will not be doing Townsville any favours. With that business track record, he’s not exactly a business magnet, and therev will chortles aplenty over Grange and $80 steaks in southern climes.

You, madam, – yet a-bloody-gain -will have made us the hillbilly laughing stock of the southern chatterati … which wouldn’t matter, madam, except they are the very people you’re trying to attract here with investment and tourism dollars.

Honestly, darl, you really are a self-servicing dill.

The Best House In The Worst Street?

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Well, don’t know about worst street … after all, all the surrounding streets are in a thriving industrial estate at the Bohle, surely the city’s most pivotal economic and stellar developments, and all created by Townsville’s quite business achiever Brad Webb.


But there can be no argument about the best house, also created by Brad. And not just in that Mt St John street, but in all of Townsville … and among the top personal abode’s in the entire state. But then, you’d expect nothing less when you spend $32million. Yep, you read right, $32million smackeroonies, and it’s been confirmed to The ‘Pie by a rock-solid source. (The ‘Pie has not even tried to have the temerity to approach Mr Webb himself … bit tricky anyway with an  unserviceable voice.)

The miscellaneous bits of info floating into the Nest on this one is that the spectacular drive-way up to the house was somewhere north of a million bucks in itself.

Inside there is a stunning ballroom, and throughout, there are seemingly acres of different types of marble, imported from all around the world. And Mr Webb has also installed his own private vehicle museum.


No word on number of bedrooms, en suites and such, possibly all equipped with hot and cold running maids, but The ‘Pie wouldn’t be surprised if there was a helipad in there somewhere to whisk Brad and any entourage across to the near-by airport.

But Mr Webb has proved before achieving all this that he is an independent thinker, and obviously does not subscribe to the conventional real estate wisdom of ‘location, location, location.’ Because this imposing edifice, high on a mound at Mount St John, not only overlooks his beloved industrial estate, and has distant views of the airport and probably a distant Rowes Bay, but it also overlooks what in polite company is referred to officially as the Mt St John Waste Water Treatment Plant. Basically right beside it, actually. The ‘Pie will leave it to you to work out what more casual descriptions are used for this facility.

You’ve got to admire a bloke who makes such a large and whimsical statement that he is his own man. Wonder if he’d ever run for mayor? It’d be no contest.

And Just For Contrast – Or Comparison

Just below the southern border, in the Byron hinterland, many a trendy has been upset with one Chris Hemsworth, who is putting the finishing touches to his new home.

hemsworth home

The locals are all a twitter and poe-Facedbooked about it, calling it vulgar and other uncomplimentary things that roll so easily off green tinged tongues (The green isn’t so much environmental as envious, one imagines. And you can bet they’ll be changing their tune and won’t be knocking back any invitation to rub shoulders and other bits with the likes of Margot Robbie and Nicole Kidman.)

But Mr Hemsworth may also turn a little jealous green, should he ever stoop to read this ‘umble missive … considering his outlay for his pile is a mere $9million. But, hey, The ‘Pie is told Brad’s a friendly, knock-about bloke, Chris, so give him a tinkle and compare notes. He might be able to put you onto a good helipad contractor.

Moving Heaven And Earth

If our mayor is concerned that the pipeline construction isn’t on schedule to fit in with her current re-election campaign, here’s a helpful hint you might give the contractors to hurry things along a bit.

Really, You’ve Gotta Feel Sorry For The Poms

Uppermost in many a pommy mind at the moment is the old adage ‘be careful what you pray for, God may grant your wish’. If you thought we had poor choice in our recent election, be thankful you’re not British. And a Tory supporter.


This Week In Trumpistan

The news centred on the public appearance of Robert Mueller, to deliver a few well chosen words, which made it clear he agreed with what we all already know … the current President of the United States is a crook. But there was also a look at some vital players in next year’s Presidential race.

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That’s it for this week, have your say in comments. And as always, donations are always welcome and somewhat sorely needed. The how-to-donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Labor has had a knack in Townsville for basicly doing what they want to the detriment of the city by jobs for the boys/ girls on the Port and Townsville and having armed length deals thru a certain lawyer and feathering there own nest and yet the voters still elected them in all 3 levels of Government . Is there a new dawn with Cathy Otoole being ousted and over 100 negative comments on social media in a few hours on Mayor Mullets 6 figure Jamie Durie deal ?. Labor stalwarts tried to hose down the lynch mob who turned on the Mullet by saying “ its not Council $ its the State Government “ but were quickly advised its still tax payers $ and with over 1,000 homes still unliveable the Durie deal was unconscionable . It’s always entertaining to watch the Mullet dig her way out of mistakes and the Astonisher has a good opportunity to lay a few more punches .

    • The Magpie says:

      There is a nascent anti-Mullet attitude in the pages of the Astonisher of late, and while The ‘Pie would like to ascribe noble sentiments and a return to responsible journalism, he suspects Jenna is running between bookies looking for a favourite sure thing. The last thing the paper needs is to back a loser ousted by the general population (i.e potential readers).

      AND BY THE WAY … anyone know what has happened with that ‘independent’ inquiry into the management of the dam during the monsoon, and the deliberate flooding ‘for the greater good’. Mayor Mullet was up to her neck in that.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Exactly Pie, latest bit of bullshit arrives in the mail this week from Messagebank and the Mullet, never ending referrals to the unprecedented monsoon and how great our council are responding to it all, self indulgent arsehole, not one word on what the council is doing to ensure it doesn’t happen again, not one word on the enquiry to understand what happened and what can be done next time to prevent it, just nothing but shit about themselves. If the people of his ward vote him back in they seriously deserve what the get, many houses over here will still be empty at the end of the year, they need to remember why.

  2. Rumpy Pumpy says:

    Realistically , what do you want from Trump , given the nature of America and its current situation ??

    The reason people voted Trump is the very reason Labour got kicked out of control in federal government here – there is NO viable alternative.

    There are slim margins between the candidates and Labor has literally gone mad in the way the Democrats have gone mad in the United States of Yankland.

    Given the choice between a dark dystopian future modelled on 1984 being ushered in by “Labor” and God only knows what from the Liberals, people voted Liberal.

    In this modern world the factional ideological difference between “Labor” and Liberal boil down to this:

    The Liberals don’t care what people think about them or anything else. There is some modicum of financial responsibility at a federal level, after that you are just left with image of Tony Abbott biting into an onion – an onion for Christ’s sake. You pray and hope they will not do further damage. ( Yes we all realise they are corrupt too. )

    Labor is a very different horse, yes its corrupt but at the very centre of its being is a rage at society; seeking vengeance for perceived injustices ( more often than not trivialities); dividing people along sexual , racial and EVERY social and psychological line – in newspeak this is known as “intersectionality”, all the while pouring honey into our ears about “inclusivity”. In reality there can be NO other opinion – those displaying any kind of alternative thought MUST BE DESTROYED in every conceivable way. Labor at a state and federal level is nothing less than a funded home for mentally ill people. The ideological thrust of Labor is nothing less than a totalitarian state.

    You need only look to America and Brtain to see where the Labor party is heading and has already gone.

    • The Magpie says:

      Better Albo’s phone bill … any calls to Vlad in Moscow?

      All through this debacle … it was going to be a debacle either way … The ‘Pie was regretting the death of Malcolm Fraser. When he carked it, he had almost completed a blueprint and had started getting people on board for a new major party based on a consensus, bi-partisan model. Sounds funny coming from the confrontationalist that ousted Labor darling Gough (and saved the country from complete financial collapse) but not so ridiculous when you examine the humanitarian u-turn he took in his later years. The whole thing fell apart without his stewardship. Much to The ‘Pie’s regret.

  3. MM says:

    Can anyone tell me if Bill Shorten has done his his regular post-election Chariots of Fire run around Australia yet? I enjoy this so much …. more than Christmas in fact. I sit there and I laugh and laugh.

  4. Night Watchperson says:

    Isnt the land on which the Webb mansion was built heritage listed, due to the bunkers from the war still being present in the mound. As well i have had some people ask why Brad was allowed to build on that location when others have been dissallowed because of the heritage/historical importance of the bunkers. The third story i have heard on Brads house on the hill was that he paid for snake catchers to clear his land of snakes.

    • No More Dredging says:

      Nightwatch, on heritage listing it appears to be a yes and no situation. There is a comprehensive story of the Mount St John gun station in Wikipedia which records in part:

      “On 31 July 1944 the 16th HAA Battery disbanded. Since the end of World War II, the Mount St John gun station has been sold and is now owned by a private company. Industrial development of the surrounding area has occurred, and parts of the west and east sides of Mount St John were quarried between the 1950s and the 1980s. In the later part of this period sections of one gun platform and the stairs of the two exposed magazines were removed and dumped nearby within the heritage boundary.”

    • Hear Deah says:

      Did you osay heritagae / hestorical or “histerical” importance

  5. Alahazbin says:

    Pie, I’ve heard the Webb mansion has aptly been named ‘Poo Palace’
    Allegedly has a 2ft guage railway line around the perimeter for a cane train loco.

  6. sir ossis o'fliver says:

    Comment last week re half a smile not welcome?

    • The Magpie says:

      My dear chap, you must surely realise if you leave bright shiny baubles lying about, a magpie will swoop to claim the trinket and display the purloined goods to the world.

  7. Cantankerous but happy says:

    What a spineless pathetic coward that Scott Stewart has turned out to be. I can even remember David Crisafulli mentioning him in his concession speech as someone he thought was of quality and could represent Townsville in the new govt, how wrong everyone was. A couple of my children were taught by Stewart and later as a Principal, any respect now completely gone, now he is just reduced to a gutless Labor lackey who has completely failed the people of this town, what a grub.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Private Cupcake (Stewart) has been and continues to be a massive disappointment as a ‘politician’ Tankers. As you and Pie point out he is a party lackey, which clearly shows us that he puts self-interest and ALP bum-sniffing first and not our community. Two terms of this is quite enough and should not under any circumstances be rewarded with a third term (which would be a 4-year term with the changes coming).

      You mention his background is education – if he is in fact ‘educated’, surely even he can see that he has been and continues to be an absolute political failure? He simply has absolutely nothing to offer and no idea. The same goes for Harpic (Thuringowa) and the third one, O’Rort (Mundingburra).

  8. Tell me sweet little lies says:

    JPD Media, before they went broke, were earmarked to run Jenny Hill’s next election campaign. The water marketing bs was supposed to be the legitimate way for Council to to pay for the campaign down the track. Somewhere in the bowels of the new company, Jamie Durie Design Inc, will be lurking an experienced political campaigner/PR animal who will no doubt be winding up the PR plan in earnest.

    • The Magpie says:

      And whomsoever that may be, The ‘Pie has just two words … good luck.

      • Tell me sweet little lies says:

        Absolutely Pie. Although, surprise results have been the norm of late.
        Townsville can’t survive another 4 years of Jenny Hill – that’s the sure bet.

    • The Magpie says:

      And how, pray tell, do you know this? Got any evidence? The ‘Pie asks because if you have, then that indicates criminal behaviour in public office.

    • The (Mostly) Civil Engineer says:

      It would be interesting for someone with more insight to plumb the depths for a link between Mr Durie and Mr Dolan Hayes if this latest “dot” fits the model.

      • The Magpie says:

        The more interesting link is that the $10million campaign (no Durie just gets his $300k+ for looking pretty) is being handled by AEC. Mr Ramm ramming it home to us, yet again.

  9. Trevor Elson Political Thoughts says:

    Interesting article, it is a great point Magpie makes about the reported chequered business history of Jamie Durie will not be doing Townsville any favours. One incident does not define us but the whole concept is not necessary. What I suggest is that people also google the new CEO Mike Chiodo’s name and view some interesting reading from the past, I will let the results of anyones google search speak for itself. The dealings I have had with around a $450,000- a year CEO is not great for this city moving forward, they have in fact been extremely rude and dismissive on his part.
    How did it NOT require a national campaign to get someone for the position of TCC CEO or is it easier to have another possible alleged mullet puppet.
    Again great awareness Magpie.

    Trevor Elson

  10. One legged tap dancer says:

    From the Astonisher last week:
    “Next week, Jenny Hill will join the Mackay and Rockhampton mayors, industry and business leaders from the three cities in a day of action to show the big smoke how important mining is to the regions.
    Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane is leading the campaign “Brisbane is Queensland’s biggest mining town” which culminates in a rally in Brisbane on Queensland Day, next Thursday after the first State of Origin game.”
    It came with a happy snap of the Mullet and Patricia Puppet in full Queensland Origin regalia.
    And this on top of stories last week highlighting the Mullet’s travelling expenses blowout – or is she on the QRC gravy train?
    Either way they have no shame.

    • Hee-Haw says:

      I imagine it won’t be a coincidence that mayor mullet will be at the game on Wednesday courtesy of someone connected.

  11. The Magpie says:

    What a subversive and subtle sense of humour that Albo has. The limping, stumbling Short Un, suffering PTSD, has been included in the shadow ministry … as the bloke in charge of the MDIS portfolio. Good one, Albo, got any more where that one came from?

  12. Why is it so? says:

    Is it true that Brad Webb bought that industrial land very cheaply? It is interesting to note that Brad was awarded a 4.44 MILLION DOLLAR council contract on 15. 12. 2015, apparently Council has a 10 year lease of a building in Brad’s industrial estate. Not a bad income to support a lavish lifestyle, pity us ratepayers have to pay it.

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s a bit obscure, to the point of not making any sense if you’re making some sort of accusation of underhand deals. Any coherent reply will be published if it passes the legals.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      If I remember correctly council looked at a few options before going with Webb’s warehouse, one of which was Pat Ernst who had a sizeable shed himself out that way but conflict of interest meant TCC ruled out that option, and rightly so, I don’t remember too many rumblings about the way it was conducted at the time. .

    • Alahazbin says:

      WIIS, How about two properties. Fleet Workshops and Garbage Truck depot over the road.
      They go hand in hand, because they are such a high maintenance vehicle.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Before the Webb option was there, council had a large block out Shaws Rd way on which they were going to build a ‘Super Depot’ for around $90 mil and close down Garbutt Depot.
        Don’t know why it never went ahead. Could be Tapiolis offered them a bit for it or whether the ring road came into play.

    • The (Mostly) Civil Engineer says:

      There was a rumbling from deep within TCC when Brad Webb was surveying the boundaries of his “house block” that the divide between his and the Mt St John facility was out a few metres, but that rather than even sending an independent surveyor out, TCC just paid for the contested land at what might be considered an inflated price. Another nice little earner for young Brad.

      Is it just me, or is there a pattern here – AEC Group runs economic models for TCC and always gets the answer the Mayor wants, they in turn get huge contracts and concessions (remember the lease on the C-Bar). Now Brad gives TCC the answer they want about water despite what WFTAG and what we might call “professional engineers” advise, and he literally has a light on the hill?

      • No More Dredging says:

        “Rumblings” from deep within TCC often amount to so much misinterpreted bullshit. Your opinion that “rather than even sending an independent surveyor out, TCC just paid for the contested land at what might be considered an inflated price”, could be expected to have a few pieces of paper floating around the Titles Office, stamp duty and the Council itself. A fact or two might explain a lot of things but none is offered. Why not? And what is this thing you call “professional engineers advise” (sic) that you suggest was ignored or rejected in order to give TCC what it wanted “about water”? Don’t tell me you’re still on the case about the plastic pipes?

        • The (Mostly) Civil Engineer says:

          NMD mate, not all of us have the luxury of sitting at home prognosticating and some of we commentators are actually still working in and around Council or other organisations.

          Hard facts often lead to hard landings which is counter-productive to the leaker and feeding the family.

          Sorry for my typo – thanks for identifying it. I must try harder.

          Not sure I was commenting on plastic pipes, perhaps another of your targets?

          • No More Dredging says:

            Yes we do. We sit at our computers and prognosticate at our leisure. I’m on smoko right now, what about you? I reckon the old lazy gossip/smear/rumble heard is worse than a straight out lie. But mainly it’s just lazy.

          • The Magpie says:

            Not sure The ‘Pie agrees with that analysis. The information gate is so chained up by those in power – who use gobbledegook non-answers, deliberate bureaucratic delaying tactics and layers of totally unnecessary red tape as well as straight out political lies given massive oxygen on social media – that ‘gossip/smear/rumble heard’ is an inevitable consequence by people who feel powerless. This blog has – as carefully as it possibly can – been dealing in those sorts of leads for nine years now, and consequently asking questions never asked by the main information outlet in the local power jigsaw, the Townsville Bulletin. The paper is occasionally dragged kicking and screaming to an issue once it gets some oxygen here through well placed people who do not want to risk their whole being being exposed to spiteful political and power hungry retaliation. The ‘Pie estimates this blog has around a 95% success rate in getting at uncomfortable truths about dodgy alliances.

            But the response rates here indicate people aren’t being lazy, it is one place they can be active … although The ‘Pie tries to filter out boofheaded conspiracy theories, it is always worth the risk that some erroneous stuff gets aired … but even then, it sparks debate.

        • Plannit Townsville says:

          Rumblings from deep within TCC are often well founded. However the intimidation of staff has gotten so bad they can’t speak out without serious repercussions. At one point while the Impaler was around the media and communications team were actually testing to see what areas the information leaks were coming from. Paranoid much.

  13. Non Aligned Worker says:

    Does anyone know how many kilometres of 1800 diameter GRP pipe have been laid so far?
    Two contracts for 9 kilometres each were awarded 1 and 5 November 2018. The next two contracts for 9 km each have yet to be awarded. So in seven months the contractors have laid how much?
    With all of the hoo ha about the business case for the proposed pipeline extension potentially costing us millions or delaying the project, how about a progress report for the first 36 km?
    We are over 7 months in to laying the first 18 km of pipe so I presume the next 18 km will take as long? Have all of the pipes been delivered? This information will be available from their project manager so why not inform the public? Or is the story too ugly?

    • The Magpie says:

      So why don’t YOU ask, NAW? You make a good point, but have stopped short of being a good citizen journalist. Happy to publish whatever reply you get from officialdom.

      • Non Aligned Worker says:

        Revealing who I am at this stage of my self funded career may not be beneficial to my retirement. Most of my business dealings are overseas but I need too look after my future. Sad…yes..true absolutely.
        All items reported in my post are reported from the TCC website so no problem there.

  14. The Magpie says:

    Almost right. From media release about the waterfront footpaths near the stadium. As printed in an industry newspaper.

    “This first stage of construction activity is being managed on behalf of cuncil by the Department of Housing and Public Works in conjunction with the delivery of the North Queensland Stadium project.”

  15. TheOtherGuy says:

    8:45pm ABC News showed a short clip of Jenny Hill saying no money will be paid to Adani – not a cent. Full interview at 9.15 apparently.

  16. Hee-Haw says:

    75% of tomorrow’s Bulletin front page is about Otto,s plans to expand? A bloody cafe expanding is front page news FFS

    No wonder this place is rapidly heading down the hill (yes pun intended)

  17. Hee-Haw says:


    If you havn’t seen this from the Project last week it is worth a look. Mayor Jenny Hill painting a brilliant picture of exactly what she is failing to do. Townsville, investment is impossible. I have never heard a mayor speak so negatively about their city, our city.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Hee Haw , thanks for sharing . So Mayor Hill tells a national audience of over 500,000 on the Project “Townsville cant seem to get a break “, Dont get the investment $ coming out of Australian Investors “, “to get Australian investors is near impossible “. 95 % of the shopping centres/ industrial purchases and development in Townsville in the past 18 months has been from Australian Companies/ Super Funds . Over 10,000 jobs have been created in the region (Townsville, Hinchinbrook, Burdekin, Charters Towers ” by who ?. Our Mayor has just made it harder to attract investors in Townsville .

      • Afterthought says:

        Can’t catch a break, eh, Mullet? Wouldn’t have anything to do with the climate of uncertainty that you and your hired management thugs have created, or the lumbering and painfully slow approval processes you have in place, with committee layered upon committee, would it? Or the political headlights of threatened payback you have frozen the local business bunnies with? Would it, would it?

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          She seems to be able to bullshit her way to the point her own drivel makes sense to those around her, believing your own crap is half the battle, if you believe it yourself why won’t half the tossers you are talking to, and Townsville has an unlimited supply of tossers.

    • Why is it so? says:

      Mullet says Townville needs investment and jobs so why did she send the multi million dollar contract for making plastic water pipes to Adelaide, when Townsville had the capability to make concrete steel pipes here, it would have been a jobs bonanza. She knows Adani will eventually be fully automated. Why does she insist on hiring the nonlocal Jamie Durie? Why isn’t it front page Bulletin outrage that building Burdekin pipeline Stage 1 and 2 conjointly still a pie in the sky. All the funding is there yet we are still waiting for a business case study. Why did she award the stadium catering contract to an interstate company? Why is the Mullet holding Townsville back? This Council is a ship without a rudder, bring on the election early to save Townville. We need a new potential mayor to step up to give us long suffering ratepayers hope and encourage us to stay….

      • The Magpie says:

        Whoa up, rein in that high horse for a sec, buddy … all good in your comment EXCEPT the stadium contract is nothing to do with her or the council – that is up to Stadiums Queensland, which is effectively run by Premier Alphabet.
        The ‘Pie has said this before, but it becomes more and relevant with less than 300 days to go before blessed relief … don’t ascribe the sins of others to Jenny Hill, she has enough of her own to account for. But blaming her for things not hers to own only strengthens her ability to disparage her opposition.

  18. Tell me sweet little lies says:

    If Cupcake and Aaron Harpic (blue loo that should be cleaning toilets) are so fixated on local jobs, perhaps they could explain why one Spyridon Gerontopoulos who moved here all the way from Greece to take the top job for the port’s expansion project last year? Talk about pot kettle. How bout we do an audit of the local jobs on that project, dipshit?

    • The Magpie says:

      That is a very nasty little political dig using a third party for your own smear campaign. It is published so you can apologise for your narrow world view and ignorance. Mr Gerontopoulos is a global executive with an impressive track record in a fairly rarified professional strata. He also went inter alia to Melbourne Uni, and has full Australian qualifications – which are not handed out at the airport to people who just ‘move here’. And tell me this sweet little lie, pal – know anyone around town, or even around the state, who are as qualified and free at the moment?

      Piss poor attitude, mate.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Well Pie, ‘Lies’ did get one thing right, Private Cupcake (‘politician’ S Stewart) and Harpic are plucking hopeless and should not under any circumstances be given a third term!

  19. The Magpie says:

    Is this a cautionary tale for the residents of Aitkenvale, as in the ageless adage ‘ Be careful what you pray for, because God may grant your prayers. This from today’s Astonisher.

    But did they? Really? Because in the guts of the story, we find this …
    Quote:”Instead the government-owned land, bought for $1.1 million in December, will be turned into a two-storey “lower density social housing complex” and not be specifically designed for youth.”Unquote.

    Now, in The Magpie’s suspicious mind, he asks was this what the government wanted all along, to plonk a housing commission development in the middle of Aikenvale (sorry for the old fashioned terminology, but its only the terminology that has changed reality hasn’t). But they knew there will be howls of outrage and vehement opposition from locals. So instead, Anna’s army proposes something that will raise the ire all round, with the council planning guidelines being overridden on several scores, and the locals hyperventilating loudly. After a lot of huffing and puffing, petitions and a lot of fence sitting by the Astonisher, the government ‘backs down’, and says instead, cop this … and they announce the original plan instead, knowing that the residents feel vindicated and miss that they are being shafted – in real estate and local amenity terms – with the lesser of two evils.

    A possible flaw in The ‘Pie’s theory? Way too patient and way too smart for the current George Street rabble.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Aitkenvale the new Kelso? You must fight to keep housing commission out of you suburb. Look what happened to Kelso in the 1980s and now the place is a bloody disaster!

    • David Donohue says:

      Hi Magpie,

      long time listener, first time caller.

      I’ve been watching the Aitkenvale Youth Foyer debate keenly – my father is the silver-haired gentleman often interviewed about it as the proposed development is on his back fence. He is justifiably proud of his neighbours for winning this.

      I also live in Aitkenvale and directly across the road from social housing (14 x 1 bedroom units) which the Department actually got pretty right. They engaged with neighbours early and discussed size, use, impacts, trade-offs, etc) and what we ended up with is a pretty good outcome with minimal impact on the areas.

      The mix of residents – some old. some young, some disabled, some single, some couples means the place is also pretty well self-regulating.

      When done right, sensitively and collaboratively, these things are really positive, and hopefully Housing and Public Works have learned from this cock-up and get the next one right.

      For my money, I really like the idea of the Townsville Women’s Centre being allowed to build on the Elizabeth Street site and moving there, with their current site in Patrick Street being opened up for other uses as it is right beside the ever-growing Stockland precinct.



    • Hear Deah says:

      The Department had already purchased the land, they had been organising the structure for the foyer for some 12 months or more. Now that it is not going ahead, they have to do something with the land. There is ample complexes like they will now build in and around Aitkenvale, Pimlico, West End and Railway estate and other suburbs and it is getting to the stage that nearly every second street Particularly in Aitkenvale because it is close to shops, Centrelink and Parole ihas a block of State Housing Units. The State Gov do this without seeking objections all the time as they are a law unto themselves and particularly in Townsville, do not seem to take into consideration of the number of existing or similar in the same locations.

  20. Sir Rabbittborough says:

    NEWSFLASH: A Nome home has burnt down in suspicious circumstances.

    Police say they are looking to interview a midget dressed like a leprechaun and a fairy last seen skipping towards the bottom of the garden.

  21. Mangrove Jack says:

    I heard yesterday that the Mullet was to address last night a gathering of Mt Louisa Residents who are concerned over the proposed plans for the Mt Louisa Open Space.

    Apparently Cr Cook attempted to address the residents concerns a week or so ago, and was unable to provide anything except smoke and mirrors, which understandably left the residents present disenchanted with the whole situation.

    Haven’t seen anything about this matter since the Pie raised it a while back, so interested to hear if any of the Mt Louisa residents have more to add..

  22. Mike Douglas says:

    Cathy Otooles signage is down at her Aitkenvale office with Liberal Phillip Thompson to move in . I bet the shredders were working overtime . Early prediction Cathy will get a gig on Townsville Hospital or Port or both as a board member . Clives $500k legal claim against Cathy has gone quiet ?.

    • Ducks nuts says:

      I’d say there’s a job on the TAFE board with Cathy’s name on it. Old hairdressing teacher and all… perfect place for her

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Why would she deserve anything Nuts? Let her go back to cutting hair if she wants to work and give her pluck all on the public purse.

        • The Magpie says:

          The cold weather must be frezzing your brain as well as any other extremities, chooka … where were your strident calls for frugality when Peter Lindsay and Ewen Jones left parliament. Fair’s fair, mate. One supposes ‘re-locate’ means bring back all your baubles from your Canberra digs to home.

          • I’ll be plucked says:

            WTF are you on about Pie? Let me be explicit – C O’Toole deserves nothing on the public purse – no board appts, pluck all! If she wants to EARN a coin, go back to cutting hair. Zero output in her 3 year stint equals zero input when you get voted out/on! That is all old fella.

          • The Magpie says:

            In that case, Suggest you approach the new member to sponsor a bill that will change those rules … and eventually disadvantage him, and all other parliamentarians. Let us know how that goes, won’t you?

            Politicians of all stripes do not deserve so much of the trough swill after they retire, just saying that what applies to one applies to all.

        • Ducks nuts says:

          You aren’t too bright are you plucker…
          Do we need a special font for sarcasm just for you? Or would a colour be easier for you to recognise ?

          • I’ll be plucked says:

            Who asked you to butt in ‘Nuts’ – I was interacting with the Pie on this one, not you, you plucker. Go play with your duck, your nuts, or both! :)

            PS Good morning!

          • Ducks nuts says:

            I believe you wrote that in purple

  23. Frequent flyer says:

    If you google “Adani corruption” and “Adani environment” you get a good idea of what is going on with the dodgy job figures

  24. Critical says:

    Wonder how Mullet and her Councillors will react to these changes if and when passed in Parliament.
    Hopefully one of your readers will be able to keep us informed about the outcomes of this Bill when it is made legislation.


    • The Magpie says:

      Whoa there!!! Take a look at the sixth bullet point. This appears to be a deeply serious matter, that on the face of it is a bureaucratic power grab that will distance those elected by the people to look after their interests. Can anybody enlighten us on what that actually means, please. Especially barring the mayor – after a council vote presumably – from issuing of directions to the chief executive officer and senior executive employees. What, will public servants do just as they please without any democratic oversight? Mayor Mullet is but a passing boil on the bum of the local body politic – a boil that will be squeezed next March – but to have future GOOD and PROGRESSIVE mayors hobbled in this way is outrageous.

      From the proposed changes:

      Other reforms introduced with the bill include:
      *requiring candidates to disclose particular interests as part of their nomination as a candidate, including membership of a political party;
      *prohibiting candidates and groups of candidates from using credit cards to pay for campaign expenses;
      *requiring candidates to provide details about dedicated campaign bank account when nominating;
      *providing more certainty and clarity to councillors by refining the processes to manage a conflict of interest – including introducing prescribed conflicts of interest;
      *requiring further information around declaring gifts and donations;
      *removing powers of Mayors in relation to budgets, the appointment of senior executive employees, and the issuing of directions to the chief executive officer and senior executive employees; and
      *introducing new requirements relating to councillors’ registers of interests to align with the requirements applying to State MPs.

      • Insider says:

        This is an excellent move. It stops the Mayor being a one person show.
        It doesn’t hinder the full Council’s powers.

        • The Magpie says:

          Agree that that is the upside, but it isn’t clear if the term ‘mayor’ here refers to the whole council, as in the mayor hammers out a budget with his/her councillors debating and deciding (ha ha only joking), and he/she then presents this budget to the CEO who, it appears, has the right to reject some or all of it. The collaborative effort is what would happen in other places, and even Mooney caucused his budgets with robust debate behind closed doors. Just doesn’t happen at the moment in the Mulletland House of Horrors theme park, but that doesn’t justify a crippling on-going law centralising political power – through CEO and executive selection – even further in Brisbane.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        What about dual citizenship? 100% Australian only please.

      • Dutch Reverend says:

        I love the one that requires them to disclose any interest or membership in a political party. Would make it a bit hard to claim to be an independent. Could also prevent fudge candidates being set up purely to pass in preferences.

  25. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Really Townsville Bulletin? What a pack of arseholes, “a dying dad wants to marry the love of his life, how can you help” then you stick the story in behind the paywall, let’s hope someone does help them out, because you certainly didn’t.

  26. Critical says:

    Links in this article give more information but the devil will always be in the implementation of the legislation.


  27. Fstop says:

    Who’s leaving the photo department? Which snapper? Seek advertising a snapper job at the Bully.

  28. Dutch Reverend says:

    I can’t believe the TB still trying to run with the possible interest of having a Origin match at the new stadium. 52,000 at Suncorp vs 25,000 at Lancini Stadium. Who pre tell would compensate the League for the 25,000+ shortfall in ticket sales. The Astonisher truely is guided by a basket full of lazy, retarded oafs.

    • The Magpie says:

      Slow news day.

    • Critical says:

      Maybe Anna and the three useless stories. After all, the election is on 31 October 2020 and they need something positive to sprook about. Oh hell, Council and State elections in 2020, think I’ll go and buy some good quality ear plugs and bulls**t deflection equipment to use for all of 2020.

  29. Hee-Haw says:

    Could be related to the many tweets from Mayor Mullet on wednesday evening including “I hate #NSW” and ranting on about if Adelaide and Perth can host an origin then so can Townsville, etc etc

  30. salty dog says:

    Hi ole Magpie. A reminder I’m sure you are already aware of — steer clear of fed and state whistleblowers for the time being at least. Atilla Dutton and Generalissimo Scomo are heavily on the revenge trail and it wouldn’t do to get between them and the truth on almost anything at all. Keep yourself nice, as they say. Preen a little. Take a break.

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