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The Magpie

Sunday, September 19th, 2021   |   141 comments

Tough Titties About Future Cities: Is The Townsville Council’s Heavily Shrouded Pet Creation The Town’s Real Money Sinkhole?

As a pointless exercise, there is evidence the council’s Future Cities  department puts even TEL to shame. An insider lets fly at the deeply flawed program … and says a few other things you won’t read in the Astonisher.

And Clr Fran O’Callaghan weighs in with a couple of interesting points from council minutes … but the way she reports them tells a tale in itself about Jenny Hill’s jackboot response to criticism.

Last Monday, The Australian business section gave all but the last rites to the proposed Magnis Technologies battery factory at Lansdown. Almost a week later, The Australian’s on-the-spot stablemate the Townsville Bulletin has not asked Mayor Jenny Hill one single question about the demise the project. The Magpie reviews.

The Weasel  Words Award of the Week is a no contest: it hilariously goes to the gormless member for Brisbane representing Thuringowa, Aaron Harpic Harper.

Plus BENTLEY’s back, and boy, those anti-vaxxers have made him grumpy as all get out.

Here’s the only ad on the blog: care to give a hand to meet the expenses of this blog? The Magpie’s Nest will be forever free, but getting it out to you isn’t, and won’t ever be. If you’re of a mind to assist, the donate button is at the bottom of the blog. And to those have already helped out, The Magpie’s sincere thanks.

Now, onward into this week’s mire.

Those Vexing Anti-Vaxxers Need A Jabbing – Les Walker Style.

If there are any intelligent anti-vaxxers out there, they should take note of economist John Maynard Keynes most famous (attributed) quote, when he was challenged for altering a certain economic position:

‘When my information changes, I change my mind. What do you do, sir?’

The underlying common sense of that statement seems to have escaped anti-vaxxers, who obstinately racket on about personal rights, individual freedom and the iniquity of proposed vaccine passports to show the holder is not a danger to others in society. This is The Shovel’s view.

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No valid information – like advances in medical science –  has changed for this lot, thanks mainly to Facebook fuckwittery.

The ‘Pie well remembers when science discovered cancer-causing carcinogens and  the first campaigns against smoking started, he – a smoker at the time –  caught a cab in New York with a prominent sign ‘Your right to smoke ends where my nose begins.’

This is exactly the same situation the anti-vaxxers refuse to acknowledge, as though they are the only ones with rights in a respectful society.  How about ‘Your right to not be vaccinated ends when you start to endanger my life and the lives my family and others.’  

Bet that not a single one of these blowhards refused a dentist’s needle, but use the excuse that they know what’s being injected has worked on untold millions before. At this stage, how is that any different from a COVID jab; you may rest assured more people have become ill or even died from a dental injection than the .0001% or whatever of vaccine blood clotting.

Science has learned that COVID and its variants are transmitted in certain ways and can be blocked in certain ways But while a majority of anti-vaxxers happily accept a plethora of pharmaceuticals to treat ailments and pain by taking a pill, these drongos don’t realise they what they are actually quibbling about is simply how lifesaving medicines are administered. There must be something particularly triggering by needles and the word ‘vaccine’ for some of the developmentally delayed. And will bet there would be none of this ignorant posturing if all the vaccines were pills, and not injections.

Anyway, Bentley thinks, like COVID itself, there will be a jump between species, from anti-vaxxers to pets.

Pug ugly

She’s Not Named Karen For Nothing

For politicians, there are myriad ways to play the COVID scare card, it seems, but here’s a new one. Some are apparently so addicted to the power of panic and scaring the pants of the populace, they come up with just plain silly conflation of two separate ideas. Like this.

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It was all she could do to restrain herself from clutching her pearls, but this dingbat seems not to understand that her alarm would be just the same if COVID didn’t exist. What a muppet. What codswallop.

The Future Cities Farce


Or as it has been coined by one close to the action, the Futile Cities fiasco.

This week brought a significant lifting of the veil of secrecy that usually surrounds internal TCC shenanigans, when this lengthy trove of information was dropped into The Nest by an insider with a ring side seat. The ‘Pie is satisfied that the writer is accurate in describing the situation. This is the sort of thing that will never see the light of day in the Townsville Bulletin. Our informant writes:

After a string of failed and futile ideas, the mysterious Future Cities Department – a creation of Adele Young and answerable only to the CEO – must surely now be under the microscope. If not, why not?

The close talker (nasty habit) Future City boss Bret Brogan is about to depart – complete with a big payout, as per all the Adele Young NT acolytes. He is on the outer and heading off, having missed out on the Planning Director job, much to the relief of the local development big players who may well have whispered in Jenny (Dolan’s) ear. 2020 vision indeed – we didn’t see this bloke coming, but his departure is welcomed by staff and local movers and shakers who found him aloof and a poor communicator.

No one inside council other than the chosen few understood what Future Cites does, with a Chief Strategist (Brogan), City Place Makers (that ridiculous fairy light and ping pong table fiasco opposite the Mad Cow for a month was one of their ideas), a Principal Tourism Officer (isn’t that TEL’s job?), a City Economist (Lynch, now gone), Defence specialists to work on the Singapore training deal (good men with enough integrity to opt out of the circus) and a gaggle of flunkies with big titles and bigger pay cheques. A bean-counter mate tells me the FC budget is well hidden across vague budget lines, but adds up to millions each year just in wages.

So lets take a look at the legacies of Bret Brogan and the Futile Cities folly: (with acknowledgement of Tony Raggatt who was allowed to write a similar Bulletin piece on the stalled/failed projects recently but pulled up short of asking…. WHY?)

· 2020 Vision office in Flinders Street after a million spent in renovating, opened in 2019 to great fanfare, only to be closed and gifted to TEL. The FC team were moved back into the Executive Office in Walker Street where they were under daily observation of the successive CEOs.

· Strand Lagoon. Dead in the water (pardon the pun).

· Battery Factory – The Magpie has well documented its doubt and demise.

· Lansdown. Lets wait and see.

· Haughton Stage 2 – Yes the Pipeline team sat in FC for a while, under a former Darwin (surprise) girl Inga Davies, until it all got too hard and shuffled out of FC.

· Same with the recycled water pipeline project. Not a drop yet.

· The budget Hilton Hotel next to the Stadium. Must be a dud when even a mate of Dolans’ cant get this up.

· Castle Hill restaurant that became a $4m lookout with a shade structure. That must rate as the FC’s Placemaker team’s finest achievement.

· While we are on the Hill, what has happened with the permanent illumination project? Millions were spent on the HALO light show over two years, part of which was to be some permanent infrastructure to light up the Hill face year-round. Not so much as an Eveready Torch so to show for it.

· On the HALO subject – this was brought up from Sydney (by the people who do Vivid on the Opera House) for the first NAFA Arts Festival and a great success. So much so that the FC team decided that it was worthy of a stand-alone event run by them, away from NAFA. So, they did it in the wet season -against all local knowledge and cautions-  and guess what: a cyclone threatened and everything had to be pulled down and put back up again a week later at a cost in the 100’s of thousands.

· NAFA – a great success awarded a national award as community event of the year. Such a success that FC took the NAFA team into their fold, away from the council’s arts people. God knows they needed a win.

· Central Park. For those new to town, say in the last 50 years, that is what a few in council ( the placemakers, natch) call the strip of parkland along the tidal creek between the Stadium and Palmer street. A trendy name but as the recent NAFA event failure showed – nobody else in town knows where this Central Park is. Give due, the boardwalk is lovely but agreed to and funded before FC was born. Same as the Stadium – they can’t (but will) take some credit for that. So where are the $7m light trees? The park was dug up, pipes laid, dug up again and then turfed over with, again, not so much as a string of fairy lights. “Not the time to do this now’ is the piss weak response. Blame Covid, the greatest get out clause of all time.

· Event Strategy. A policy sought by council to bring its management and funding of events under a one stop shop with an external advisory board. If you look closely at the front of 143 Walker Street you will see a small sign above the door saying Events Townsville. This, and the bringing together of all the events and venue staff into one office, but dysfunctional under several managers is all that there is to show for a strategy adopted by the council over 18 months ago. In the meantime, multi million dollar funding of big events (Supercars, State of Origin, Rugby Union, NRL, Cowboys, Townsville Fire) all still sits comfortably under commercial in confidence in…ta da…Future Cities,  where deals are done, mostly on the back of an envelope.

· Townsville Fire. This is a Future Cities special, negotiating to move the Townsville Fire Women’s Basketball to the Entertainment Centre. 800 Fire fans in a 5000 seat venue won’t make it pay – just ask the former Crocs board and the ageing Crocs/Fire fans who railed against the Entertainment Centre’s food and beverage costs and lack of free parking. A friend close to the Fire tells me it’s a $600 000 sponsorship from the council, picking up all the staff and operating costs and rent to The Ville for the basketball games. A deal signed off by Brogan and the Fire GM. Commercial in confidence of course, or in this case – commercial incompetence. More work for the Ville workers, not so the casuals at the Townsville/RSL Stadium who will lose their hours. What becomes of that stadium now without the Fire?

So farewell Bret Brogan, shut the door of Futile Cities on your way out. But it isn’t fair to lumber him with all of the above failures. The Mayor, Councillors and successive CEO’s who created and fed this multi-million dollar sink hole of pure electioneering should all be accountable. Yeah right..

The Magpie often (rightly) questions the funding and return on investment of our much-maligned Townsville Enterprise, but equally a spotlight should be shone on the incompetence and waste of ratepayer’s money on this Future Cities farce.

The ‘Pie could’ve … but obviously didn’t  – write that, our correspondent seems to have picked some of the old bird’s style. Love it.

Maybe It Should Be Called Future Cities Fraud

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Under the pressure of last year’s mayoral campaign, Mayor Mullet was forced to reveal that her Future Cities department had a budget of just over $6million 2019/2020 and had a staff of 19 (including a ‘southern conduit’ – whatever the fuck that is –  living in Brisbane). Mayoral candidate Sam Cox promised he would be slashing TEL’s ratepayer allocation by 40% if elected, saying ‘the existence of Townsville Enterprise and Future Cities is a kin to two jockeys riding the same horse’.

You can imagine where a horse under those circumstances would finish.

But It Would Still Finish Ahead Of Jenny Hill’s Favourite Mount, That Battery Factory Unicorn She Has Ridden To Death..

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Glug … glug … glug … down the gurgler.

The Magnis Lansdown battery factory ($2billion wasn’t it, along with varying estimates up to 3000 jobs?) is now but a different sort of pipe dream – or nightmare-  for our mayor.This from comments during the week.

The Magpie 

September 14, 2021 at 4:07 pm  (Edit)

As if Adani airstrips for weren’t enough, here is a warts and all look at the people Mayor Jenny Hill has been dealing with on the now certainly dead-in-the-water Magnis/Imperium 3 battery factory at Lansdown. It’s been blue sky from day one, and it has taken The Australian newspaper to confirm what The Magpie has been saying for several years … and what the Bulletin hasn’t been saying.

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That story on Monday vindicates The Magpie’s consistent view that Mayor Mullet was dealing with white shoe shonks right from the outset.

The importance of Townsville and the Lansdown project in the scheme of this sad and sorrow tale is the highlighted by the fact that it is not even mentioned in passing in this story. (Thank God.)

But apart from the risible ‘pre-feasibility’ millions handed out by Anna Alphabet, we need to know just how much the Townsville ratepayer has stumped up, courtesy of our legacy-seeking mayor. Even if this Magnis mob of shape-shifting wide boys ever comes anywhere near Townsville, even with the latest ‘packing shed for imported batteries’ proposal, warning flags should be popping up everywhere.

So fair enough, the story is paywalled, but here are some salient bits which The ‘Pie reproduces in the public interest. 

First, as The ‘Pie reported on each occasion it occurred, there was the boardroom turnstile, with new high-profile recruits joining Magnis. 

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On each recruitment occasion, there was a share spike, usually from 25 cents to as high as 40 cents. But as you will see later, that didn’t last long. it seems the recruits soon saw what they’d got themselves into.

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And another matter reported as recently as a couple week ago was the arms-length involved of John Hayward-Hancock, Gina Rinehart’s son.

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And Rinehart Jnr sounds as shifty as our mayor, appearing to be applauding himself for pulling a swifty … he doesn’t say that of course, but read this and see what you reckon.

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Note: Frank Poulis is the Magnis boss.

Surely the Bulletin cannot ignore this story, if they really want us to believe their endless honking on about being ‘all for you’ – that’s us mugs. The mayor must grilled on this, a development that puts the whole Lansdown project into deeper shade.

Wonder if Tony Raggatt, or even Leighton Smith, (he did a stellar reporting job on the hypocrisy of the council’s by-laws on property appearance in Monday’s paper) will be allowed to hold Jenny’s feet to the fire on this at long last.

It may mean that the Astonisher will have to gobble down some humble pie, given the unquestioning parroting of Magnis and mayoral bullshit over the years. But they have little choice if they really want us to believe their News Ltd slogan ‘We’re For You.’

As for Mayor Mullet … oh, well, she got an all expenses paid jolly to the USA a few years ago to meet with the American oil slicks running this barely legal and certainly unethical scam. Hope she’s satisfied with that as her ‘legacy’.

But Magnis was the anchor tenant for the Lansdown Eco-Precinct. isn’t the paper even slightly interested if the future of this project has been affected by the demise of the Magnis departure from the Townsville scene?

Councillor Fran Does A Detective Joe Friday

…and reports ‘just the facts, ma’am, just the facts’.

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Clr Fran O’Callaghan’s has published a Facebook entry  on matters in a recent Standing Committee Meeting. You will remember that when she posed some difficult questions and opposed the mayor on some issues, Mayor Mullet promptly had her silenced by reporting Fran to the authorities for some perceived wrong doing in her public questioning of matters Mullet.

So Fran now suddenly finds she has a far more effective way of getting her message of Jenny’s jackboot style out to the electorate … things are so fucked in Walker Street, that just the bare facts the public are allowed to know are damning in themselves – because those facts say certain things are secret – without any obvious justification. Here’s an excerpt from her latest post.

Standing Committee Meetings Part 2

Water and Waste Committee: A report was provided on the National Waste Policy implications for Local Gov’s from the National Waste Policy Action Plan 2019. There were two confidential reports presented on the Haughton Pipeline Stage 2. There was also a confidential report provided regarding the recommendation to award the tender for Wulguru sewerage works and there was a Capital Plan Update for August for water and waste.

Business Services and Finance Committee included the Treasury and Budget Variance Reports and tenders released and a confidential report relating to additions to the sole/specialised suppliers list.

Surely this arrogant nonsense has to end sometime soon.

Weasel  Words Of The Week …. Aaannnd We Have A Winner.

Aaron Harper Not Inspired By The Late Ken McElligott, who oncew held the seat he now infests.

The Magpie 

September 17, 2021 at 11:25 am  (Edit)

Talk about weasel words!

Aaron Harpic Harper handily wins this week’s award for blatant hypocrisy. His unmitigated gall in the manner he praised the late Ken McElligott in today’s parliamentary condolence motion shows just what a snivelling hypocrite he is … and all out of his own mouth.

The proof is in today’s Astonisher with the report on a parliamentary condolence motion for the recent death of Mr McElligott.

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As is customary on these occasions, past minor brushes with corruption (rorting travel allowances) are glossed over to concentrate on the positives of Ken’s long career in local and state government, and that is as it should be – his considerable selfless contributions should not be dismissed because of relatively minor rule breaking. Even in retirement, he did sterling work for charity.

But Aaron Harper, despite praising Mr McElligott to the heavens (hopefully Ken’s new address) the current member for Thuringowa apparently didn’t see Ken as worthy of inspiration. This from the Bulletin story:

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In other words Harpic, Ken McElligott was everything you are not when he served in the very seat you now grossly abuse, paid to represent it but which you do not … you remain Labor’s Brisbane member for Thuringowa – something you unstintingly praise Ken McElligott for NOT being. Ever think about emulating Ken and doing for juvenile crime what he did for health?

You are a hypocrite of the first water, Harpic, you should be ashamed of yourself (ha!!).

If ever abortion is made retrospective, you will be at the top of The Magpie’s suggestion list.

And Les Walker talked of things about which he knows nothing in the same condolence motion when talking about Mr McElligott.

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A visionary is someone who sees what’s coming, not a trait shared by this winner of the Jimmy Sharman Canvas Back Trophy.

Please Note That Nuclear Is An Anagram Of Unclear.

The deal that Joe Biden struck with that bloke Down Under – whatisname, wasn’t it? about nuclear subs being stationed here and we get some as well, has upset a few folks around the globe. The Frogs now think we’re  le mob maison merde, and the french ambassador got a bee in his beret and has taken his snail fork  and stomped off back top Paris. And Bentley imagines there was hell to pay in Bejing when President Hu Flung Dung got wind of the deal.

xi shits smallBut Aussies shouldn’t stress out about all the name calling, it’s a Clayton’s deal of very little solid agreement and not a single contract or binding agreement in place, according to SMH’s respected journo Peter Hartcher.

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Don’t Click The Arrow … just a screen shot.

His analysis see it here (starts at 21.10) adds to the growing realisation when Smirko made the announcement, he was playing The Great Deflector, drawing the news cycle away from the  heinous behaviour of Christian Porter and his mystery legal fee donor imbroglio. Really, Porter’s got to go, or Coalition’s last tiny thread of probity and decency is down the toilet.

America Remains Gripped In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Of Democracy.

One particular aspect of those laws banning abortion in the state was the targeting of totally uninvolved people like Uber or taxi drivers, who could find themselves being prosecuted simply for taking a fare to an abortion clinic. That issue and the anti vaxxers drew the most attention of the yanks in the past seven days.

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The Magpie Takes The Piss

  1. The Magpie

    Tut, tut ,tut, Courier, this gets the So What Story of the Week Award.

    Look, my courier comrades, if you are going to run this sort of tripe, a little more pizzaz, if you please. The Magpie did his own interview with a parent, you clearly missed it.

    Angry mother Tiffany Prattle was appalled that her little Tarquin ‘ who can’t hold it in more than a couple hours’ was forced to piss in a bucket when a youth armed with a knife forced the kids into a four hour lockdown.

    “Just typical of the out of control Queensland police, and this government,’ Ms Prattle fumed to The Magpie’s Nest. ‘Couldn’t they have allowed the teenager to puncture a couple of the poorer kids and then the cops could shoot him dead, job done, no cost to taxpayers and the parents of the wounded kids would more than likely be delighted to able sue for a PTSD windfall. But no, what do these poor excuses for police officers do? They order a lockdown, and my little Tarquin was forced to do pee-pee – into a bucket!!! He was so traumatised we now have to be careful not to say the word ‘bucket’ when we’re ordering the KFC family deal … we did once and he had an involuntary wetness episode.’

    ‘What is this bloody state coming to, I ask you?’ Ms Prattle asked.

    The Magpie’s Nest was unable to answer.

And Before We Go, How Clever is This?


And just to prove The Magpie remains a youngster at heart, he will admit that he starts cackling whenever he thinks of this which arrived during the week.



‘That’s yer lot for this week … comments are as lively as ever and you often find out things there you won’t find anywhere else … and you can have your own say about them. That Donate to the blog button your looking for is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    You have to get in early to beat Mike Douglas to the first comment of the week….did I make it?

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    Pie , major scoop on the continued failings of Townsville City Council . 4 Ceos in just a few years , turnstile of senior Council executives leaving , $390 mil debt +add $70 mil 21/22 is it no wonder they cant build $9mil of rain forest lights as well as all those announced programs you mention . All happening under Team Jenny Hill and her Council team . Steven Miles is the State Government local Government Minister so basicly the blind leading the blind . How much are the costs for another entity NQROC with the Townsville , Palm island , Charters Towers , Hinchinbrook , Burdekin Mayors on the Board , an executive , advisors Ceos of the same Councils including Prins , Adele as advisors working groups Smart Precinct , Taskforce NQ, NQ Tourism Group .

  3. Amanda Reen says:

    I wonder if we started a TCC Petition to sell Lansdown and pay down debt, would it get traction?

    How about the Council stop trying to be a property developer and get back to rates, roads and rubbish. Whilst we are selling assets, why not cash in on the demand for commercial investments and sell 143 Walker Street. A Sell and Lease back might generate some coin to throw at things?

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Oh Amanda you fruity thing! Just who do you think would buy the monolith? The city centre is dead and on the way to being buried over time!

  4. Disgruntled says:

    Having worked with the self-promoting Harpic parasite, I can tell you that this level of hypocrisy in your blog over Ken is tame compared to his career destroying, out and out lies he perpetuated while being with a certain “caring service” in Townsville and surrounds. Ana should be wary as in this seemingly low level lumber of parliament will not shirk in performing elaborate shenanigans in order to appear the “victim” and undermine her. She’s got a taipan by the tail.

  5. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Fuck the French, pack of gutless cowards, other than making white flags anything else in defence they have ever built has been a dud, these subs would have been the same. The only reason they are upset is because it just confirms their status as an irrelevant pissant stuck between Germany and Great Britain, some things never change. It was only 25 years ago these arseholes were letting off nuclear weapons in the South Pacific, they don’t give a shit about anyone, I am glad we screwed them over.

    • Achilles says:

      Cankers, I mostly agree with your overall sentiment, except we didn’t screw them over, we managed our contractual rights. Ever since the Y2K issue contracts have always had clauses allowing the buyer to seek additional and or superior technical advances.

      It is up to the vendor to keep abreast of developments and propose them to the client. They sat on they’re complacent arses and were out-maneuvered.

      I always remember Jay Leno’s opinion of the French: “You can always rely on the French to be there whenever they need us”.

    • Addled says:

      Screwed them over? The truckloads of Aussie dollars will already be rolling across Canberra to the French embassy as compensation for acting in bad faith. Truckloads because the brand new US F35 fighters couldn’t take off with a paper bag on board, the fuckin’ American tanks can’t leave the garage and no one in the South Pacific will let their shipping go anywhere near a US Navy vessel for fear the bloody thing will run into them in broad daylight. After Syria, where the RAAF ‘accidentally’ bombed government forces killing 100 and Afghanistan, especially the last few weeks, who would want to rely on American military intelligence?

    • Bentley says:

      The hasty, indignant retreat of the French ambassadors from Oz and the US is a bit odd. I would expect them to hang around to salvage their reputation, perhaps explain why they agreed to sell the dud we thought we needed in the first instance, and see that the progress reports were factual. (In another life I was instrumental in writing specs for contracts and following production through to completion and believe that good communication between the parties to be essential.)
      There would not have been delays or other inconsistencies plaguing the contract I don’t suppose? Anyone?
      For the record I have nothing against the French. In fact those I’ve sailed with have been cute and very competent (matelots).

  6. Addled says:

    Does anyone know the connection between Infrastructure Australia’s 2018 Future Cities planning document and the same name ‘office’ in Townsville? Like, is the federal government where the funding came from all along:

    “There is a compelling case for the Australian Government to evolve the existing incentive structures to articulate a hierarchy which drives change in our cities at the project, place and reform levels. The introduction of Infrastructure Reform Incentives, alongside the continued use of National Partnership Agreements and City Deals would provide the Australian Government with a robust platform to do this. To be successful the design and implementation of these incentives would need to occur in conjunction with each other, and be informed by a well-evidenced national investment and urban reform agenda for Australian cities.”

    Isn’t one of these ‘City Deals’ behind the $2 million shed on Castle Hill and isn’t there another one connected to Lansdown? It seems like state and local government is invited to wade around in a swamp of semi-privatised federal government funding – like the $440m Great Barrier Reef Foundation for example – sucking up whatever bits and pieces they can write a half-decent grant application for. And if you only have to include jargon phrases like “evolve the existing incentive structures to articulate a hierarchy”, why wouldn’t you?

    • Al says:

      Oh “Addled One”, could you please be somewhat succinct in the above? My little brain is addled by your effort.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Future Cities was City Deal funding. Ask Adele Young and a company called GWI ( the Australian based one) whose chairman has an interesting history in State government with failed payroll system implemtations, and an involvement with LGAQ, and Local Buy. At this time, people such as Inga Davis were hired to run the area, before the Furture Cities Deal was signed, without the position being advertised.

      • The Magpie says:

        Oh, c’mon, Tasty Bits, stop teasing, spill the beans on the chairman, you little minx, you.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Pie, Glentworth has his had his finger in Darwin, Rockhampton, Gympie, Brisbane, and Logan, there’s anthers too. He heads another company called Redman solutions. Which has contracts with TCC. Redman Solutions, purchased OpenGov, another of his organisations, which hosted the Townsville Council Dashboads. Not that I’m suggesting he’s dodgy now. But there have been incidents in the past.


          • gekko says:

            DN i am confused and to be honest a little slow sometimes – i had a look at GWI and Redman and i can’t connect the links with Brogan and the Future Cities office. can u help a digger out and connect some dots…

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            GWI and now Redman are involved in Darwin. I would assume GWI did a deal with Darwin (like they did with Townsville) where they wrote some papers for the city deal and then got a shit load of contracts they are/were unable to deliver on.

            Brogan wasn’t local gov in the NT. And the City Deal in Darwin was done after he arrived in Townsville. He was Department of Infrastructure in the NT, however he was once a Senior Advisor to Gerry McCarthy, an NT Labor minister at the same time Adele Young and Mike Chiodo were around. His connections to Townsville appear to be through Chiodo and Adele. So his connections to GWI and Redman would most likely be through them.

            However, he’s just another hanger on and doesn’t appear important to the deals. Unless you know something you’re not telling….

      • Addled says:

        Ducks Nuts, just for the record, City Deals are funded by the federal government, right? There’s a 2016 MOU between the Turnbull and Palaszczuk governments and then that 2018 Infrastructure Australia thing which sets up the funding. Canberra (Libs/Nats) and Brisbane (ALP) doled out the cash to Townsville, through Phil Thompson’s fingers, for the Castle Hill shed and the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct, or whatever it’s called, with or without a battery factory or nickel refinery. Jenny Hill just gets to spend the money and be in the photo-op ‘for the Team’ – pretty much like the Stadium and the Haughton pipeline. The three state members don’t have to lift a finger so why would they bother?

  7. Interested observer says:

    The recent “redesign” of the Townsville Bulletin online edition has given readers an insight into what to expect in print in the near future.
    It has morphed from a summary of local news and views with a sprinkling of southern stories into the opposite – a collection of stories from southern News Limited papers, with a sprinkling of local stories at the top of the page in an attempt to dupe readers into believing they are getting a local product.
    But the most alarming development has been the way they now manipulate reader opinion, by failing to allow comments on key stories involving their big advertisers like Jenny Hill, the Cowboys, and our 3 State Government drones.
    Then, when readers finally get the chance to comment on a story, if that comment is deemed to be offensive (but not defamatory) to their advertisers, it is either deleted or stays in the “PENDING” basket for days.
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the multi-millions News Limited receives from Google as part of the cash for content deal supposed to be spent on employing and training new journalists, and maintaining local content?
    The time has come for the Federal Government, who helped broker the Google deal, to find out where the money is actually going.
    Surely not straight into Rupert’s pocket?

    • The Magpie says:

      Spot on analysis. Love it when you folks save me the time of slaving over a hot keyboard.

    • Snowpeas says:

      IO. I often wonder if the TB is interested in local opinion, when only a chosen few comments (if any) ever get printed. Hence the growing brigade taking opportunity courtesy of The MN.

  8. Prince Rollmop says:

    So you have TCC staff, TEC and FC people, millions of dollars per year allocated for 3 organisations to supposedly deliver projects for the region. And they are achieving what exactly? Correct – SFA. These organisations are stacked with people loyal to the party and get paid to deliver nothing. It’s not just Townsville, it is a virus throughout local governments nationwide. Team Hill has been an embarrassment. Part time CEO Prince Ralston is an embarrassment. No transparency. No accountability. No questions being asked by the Councillors (Fran being the exception), no nothing but wank words and glossy reports that aren’t worth the paper they are written on. As George Carlin once said; “it’s one giant club and you and I ain’t part of it”.

  9. The Magpie says:

    You got it from The Magpie first folks.

    Veteran firefighter to take on Phil Thompson for the seat of Herbert.

    Labor’s candidate to take on Phillip Thompson for Herbert is veteran boss of Aviation Fire Services at the Townsville Airport, John Ring.

    Mr Ring, a long time union representative, was selected to take on the strongly performing Thompson at a Brisbane meeting of Labor Pooh Bahs last week. The candidate will be formally introduced to the public early this week.

    • We have no opinion says:

      Great another union boss getting into parliament.

      Another career parasite.

      • The Magpie says:

        HEY! Don’t shoot all the dogs just because some of them have fleas.

        And you’re way off the mark with your knee-jerk, politically biased by-rote remark … John Ring is ex-RAAF – a genuine service not on many parliamentarians’ CVs, John Gorton is the last The ‘Pie can remember – and has been a member of the Aviation Firefighting group at the airport for 16+ years, many of those years as the boss. Think you might wish to withdraw the word parasite, which should be reserved for those on both sides of politics who have never had a real job in their lives, and work and wheedle their way up through union and public service ranks (a recently elected young TCC councillor springs to mind). At least have the courtesy to let the bloke hang himself as he is hung, drawn and quartered by Thompson.

    • The Magpie says:

      Here’s Labor’s challenger, John Ring.

      • The Magpie says:

        Memo Caitlin Charles, Townsville Daily Astonisher

        Spotter’s fee coming The Magpie’s way?

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        When I did my Unit Public Relations and Media Awareness Course a l o n g time ago, one of the many things taught was when the camera comes out, sunglasses OFF. No place for sunnies in the PR photograph.

        Also, when filming is finished check that the cameraman has turned off the audio recording on his equipment. Once sprung an ABC 4 Corners crew attempting to record conversations after filming had purportedly ended. They were polite about it but a bit pissed off.

  10. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie is hearing that Townsville man well known in the business and church community will appear in Townsville Court this week, having pleaded guilty to child sex offences. The ‘Pie’s informant says his identity will shock many.

  11. Law Researcher says:

    Once the shock of the (previously) imminent battery plant at Lansdown settles, I wonder if the purple doona will consider emailing Elon Musk to use it as a space ship launch site? She could offer to sell Castle Hill to him at the same time.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, something like that’s been tried before hasn’t it … in the later Mooney years (now known to historians as the Looney Mooney Period) wasn’t there a spaceport touted for Bluewater? And more recently, a different space/rocket project suggested for Bowen?

      • The Magpie says:

        In fact, Bowen sure seems to be stealing a match Townsville of late, what with a proposed (but far from confirmed NQ water HQ) following on this story from last year.

        One guesses that when talk of this project was being touted around down south, our peak investment body Townsville Enterprise was on a road trip – out west.

        But just in passing The ‘Pie cannot resist the following: it seems the ABC shot itself in the foot with its coverage of the Bowen rocket site story … huffing in a typical greenie headline that environmental consideration may shut down the whole project …

        … and then comprehensively and hilariously quoting their main source who emphatically contradicts the the very suggestion!


  12. Lansdown Losers says:

    Unfortunately for Jenny Hill whilst she thinks she has power and authority the reality is she has NONE. Her belief that she wields power makes her an easy target not only for the Blue team but also her so-called friends in the Red team.

    Poor Jenny has been bamboozled her factional friends at Labor Forum even letting factional spies into her inner circle, good old AWU tricks never die.

    If the Queensland State Labor power brokers wanted Lansdown to go ahead it would happen in an instant, but it won’t. Brisbane in the power base and reaps the rewards with great public amenities, rocketing house prices, and public spending on infrastructure every month, that Townsville would be luck to see in a year.

    The next embarrassing mis-step will see an announcement by Labor Left heavy Steven Miles blind-siding Jenny, but will she see this coming and make announcements and commitment first, I doubt it.

  13. Addled says:

    Two or three weeks ago, in a comment about the cleverness of American facial recognition, drone and missile technology being used to hunt terrorists around the Kabul airport, one of your correspondents made several evidence free claims and included a link to a load of pseudo-military bullshit about drone clouds. Today the Sydney Morning Herald put out some of the trash:

    “Washington: The US military has admitted that a high-profile drone strike in Afghanistan last month killed as many as 10 civilians – including seven children – rather than an Islamic State extremist as initially announced. The family said that when the 37-year-old Ahmadi [who worked for the US government], alone in his car, pulled up to the house, he honked his horn. His 11-year-old son ran out and Ahmadi let the boy get in and drive the car into the driveway. The other kids ran out to watch, and the Hellfire missile incinerated the car, killing seven children and an adult son and nephew.”

    • Sergeant Gunny Highway says:

      Addled, it’s called collateral damage. As unappealing as it is, it’s the byproduct of war. As long as the military industrial complex and corrupt politicians feed their pockets with corrupt payments generated by sanctioning wars, these wars will continue and so will the ‘accidental’ deaths.
      As I’ve said before, the USA needs to leave these desert creatures to themselves and let them all destroy each other over a fictitious skygod, who ironically has t really done much for them.

      • The Magpie says:

        Of course it’s unappealing, just about all by-products and outcomes of war are unappealing – including all victories, which are always unappealing to the losers. The facial recognition technology certainly works, and is technologically brilliant, but it has yet to be refined beyond its current hard wired specs that say ‘There are no innocent bystanders’>

      • Addled says:

        Bullshit Gunny, there was no “facial recognition” technology involved. The ‘target’ person was known to the Americans (as an employee – he worked for them for fuck’s sake) but he was in a white ute collecting water containers for his household. Some local bystander, or an ignorant drone operator somewhere in the world, must have thought the containers constituted some sort of explosive device so they simply took the vehicle out with a Hellfire missile. Clearly they had no idea of the identity of anyone involved, nor gave a fuck. Now they are making grovelling apologies and soon compensation. Will this be how Australia will be tasked to operate the nuclear subs? Will we/they be told to let loose some cruise missile into Asia because some trigger-happy clown in a bunker somewhere misinterpreted a hand signal or a foreign language road sign and decided to take the fuckers out – like the RAAF got tasked with doing in Syria? Who will be actually running our show?

        • The Magpie says:

          You maybe? Sounds like your name qualifies you.

          • Alahazbin says:

            I’m sorry Addled, but they are nuclear powered not nuclear armed.

          • Addled says:

            Ala, you are not sorry and I never said they were nuclear armed. Cruise missiles are what the Americans fired from the Mediterranean into Syria. They can be launched from planes or ships or submarines and they can have either conventional or nuclear warheads. Of course Australia’s nuclear powered subs will have conventional warheads on their missiles . . . . until they have something else.

  14. gekko says:

    i thought the big role of the Future Cities Office was transforming the eyesore on Flinders St West that is the derelict railway sheds. They were taken out to tender and a preferred developer chosen who was to build a smart tech hub on the site but then it has gone quiet for a long time. There were local consortiums that were overlooked for the white shoe blow-ins. Brogan was the man in charge of this so who knows where it all ends up now.

  15. The Magpie says:

    Christian Porter’s mystery donor ‘fesses up … it was The Shovel wot dun it.

  16. The Magpie says:

    Quote of the Day goes go Maureen Dowd of the NYT.

    In an article about women who try to hide from criticism behind the ‘sexist’ card:

    Sexism exists. But we shouldn’t reorient our society so that people can simply wrap themselves in an identity cloak when identity is not the issue. Virtue should not be defined by who you are, putting you beyond reproach and preventing judgments about what you did. That would leave whole sectors of society exempt from moral evaluation.

    This is the article, which also takes a very well aimed swipe at AOC and that Tax The Rich dress at New York’s Gala At The Met.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Former PM Julia Gillard’s infamous misogyny speech was a textbook example of pulling the sexism card. She was the bad leader of an even worse minority government, trying to defend her slimeball speaker from a no confidence motion regarding his crude and (ironically) sexist text messages.

  17. One legged tap dancer says:

    The Townsville Bulletin continues to discriminate against males in its Townsville Eye (aka Townsville Women’s Weekly) liftout.
    Last Saturday all of the stories were about females (again).
    The female editor of this “girls only” throwaway did manage to include images of some males in a photo gallery from the council’s annual Welcoming Babies morning tea but ,hey, even she would be hard pressed to cut males out of that one.
    Next Saturday look out for a feature on the positives of lesbian couples having children.
    A discrimination complaint is being prepared for the Queensland Human Rights Commission, pro-bono, by a mate from the legal fraternity.

    • The Magpie says:

      Good luck with that one. Snowball and hell are two words that come to mind. Another two are clutching and straws. Cannot think on what basis any sort of contract has been broken to merit civil action or whatever.

    • Addled says:

      Hey Tap Dancer, why don’t get your pro bono legal “mate” to supply the Magpie’s Nest with a copy of the discrimination complaint? I’d like to see that.

      • Interested observer says:

        Oh Addled, you really are well named.
        Do the words “is being prepared” ring any bells for you.
        If you don’t think there isn’t any basis for a complaint, go on the Human Rights Commission website and do some research.
        If you can convince me that you’re deaf, dumb and blind, I’ll give you a hand.
        Otherwise, DIY.

        • The Magpie says:

          OK, IO, let’s have a look at this, since you obviously do think there is a basis for a complaint (boo fucking hoo).

          The Magpie can’t see any authority – especially HRC – has a mandate to dictate to a privately owned publication, and containing no illegal matter, choosing its subject matter. And if that subject matter includes a majority of stories about women, and the publication does not state that articles about men – or anything – will not be accepted, then what do you feel a complaint can be based on?

          Sanctions like this are restricted to terrorism, bomb making and incitement publication across all media platforms.

          Mind you, if it were in reverse – all men and no wimmin – and was submitted to any number of the nanny state quangos we have been inflicted with, there might be a very different outcome.

          But if you have a solid basis for your view, it will be bad news for Womens Day and Womens Weekly, the implication – although not the reality – of their titles would be a very heavily sanctioned tut-tut.

          • The Magpie says:

            That little outburst from The ‘Pie made him recall the flak he copped some years ago from the overly sensitive when the Womens Weekly changed to a monthly publication but decided to retain the Weekly title. Given the magazine’s famous jingle about ‘it just isn’t a week without your weekly’ The Magpie suggested the name was retained because ‘a just isn’t a month without your monthly’ would be not – ahem – be appropriate. Bloody stupid, in fact.

            He got more feminine backlash than he’d ever get in Donna’s Dungeon Of Pain And Pleasure, and it wasn’t anywhere near as much fun.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Were there any complaints made to Playboy about no blokes in the centerfold?

          • The Magpie says:


        • Addled says:

          IO, when your mate HAS FINISHED PREPARING his submission and has posted it off to the HRC, perhaps you could prevail on him to make the damning indictment public. Also, I don’t need you to ‘give me a hand'; one seems to be pretty busy already.

          • The Magpie says:

            hahahaha … might want to re-think that last line, Addled, very ambiguous as to whom you are referring, IO or yourself.

            Both probably correct.

  18. Mike Douglas says:

    Allegedly the Queensland Union movement supporters of Steven Miles are concerned his regular TV attacks on rivals are damaging his standing with mainstream voters . Polling has confirmed this so expect Miles to transition from the Channel nine dentist to Annastascias stylist .

  19. Alahazbin says:

    Talking to a current Council ‘outside workforce’ employee the other day. In his words “the place is fucked”. They are no longer to use crowbars in their every day work. That would explain the 20 workers with 5 trucks parked in my street to replace a lid on a storm inlet pit. Apparently they were waiting for a bobcat to arrive, but never happened. So the job was cancelled for another day.
    Also the vehicle workshop is just as bad. Put you vehicle in for a chipped windscreen and it will come out with a new mudguard and a set of tyres.

  20. The Magpie says:

    They simply don’t care or don’t know about language or grammar. And certainly don’t care that they are making themselves looks foolish.

    So in the headline, they say a stabbing may have taken place, or it may have been something else, but in the story, they say it was a stabbing.

    Listen up, clothheads … it is alleged the charged men did it, but there is nothing alleged about the stabbing, that is an accepted fact. FFS.


  21. TEL the Toothless Tiger says:

    Let’s see just how apolitical TEL really is and if it will stand up for its members in the Tourism sector, after all they are Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO).

    Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk confirmed she will not open the state until there is 90 per cent vaccination rate, what a fucking joke.

    Here is your chance Townsville Enterprise fight for your members or cut your membership costs by resigning as a Regional Tourism Organisation.

    • The Magpie says:

      A title they hold under false pretences anyway.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Fake news from mischief makers. The Puddleduck rejected this story on the 1PM ABC RN news bulletin.

    • NQ Gal says:

      Nanna Anna will continue to shift the goalposts. Is that 90% of people over 16, or over 12? If Pfizer/Moderna are approved for 5 years and older, does she then hold out for 90% of kiddies to be vaccinated as well?

      I work in an office with 10 staff – 2 are firmly entrenched in the “I’m not anti-vaccine – just this vaccine” camp. I’m sure there are a lot of other people who also know one or two people that aren’t going to get it.

      My GP has told me that he is aware of a some anti-vaccine doctors in town who are actively encouraging their patients not to get it.

      90% – she’s dreaming!

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Because Gal, they probably have under-lying health conditions which prevent getting it. Your doctor is a gossip and a mug! Must have been a slow day for him/her! Unless you ‘heard/interpreted’ incorrectly! :)

  22. The Magpie says:

    Memo Townsville Bulletin:

    Polite inquiry – spotter’s fee for the heads-up two days ago?

    From reporter Shayla Bulloch’s story:

    A TOWNSVILLE Catholic Church identity has been charged with child sex offences after allegedly abusing a teenage boy for more than a year.
    John Starmer, 65, has been charged with six counts of indecent treatment of a child under 16 years old and one count of stalking, allegedly against a 15-year-old boy he met at church.
    Police will allege Starmer, a car salesman, met the boy and his family about 18 months ago through his role as a “welcomer” at church.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      What a bloody bloody mess, especially for the innocent victims. The boy, his parents, and Starmer’s children and grandchildren. There are going to be a lot of Holden car owners and Catholics shocked and disappointed. On the bright side, if there is one, Starmer’s wife and parents are deceased and do not have to suffer the shame.

  23. The Watcher says:

    What a disgraceful pig. And how ironic – a churchie and a used car salesman. Two professions that you can’t trust.. What is it with the Catholic Church that it breeds so many filthy old pedophiles? And they don’t pay taxes because they have religious status and ‘help the community’. You mean the dirty old churchies help themselves to underaged boys. Parasites

    • The Magpie says:

      A somewhat fevered summary, but a basis in fact. But The ‘Pie has always been of the opinion that the theologians imagining up rules on which the churches’ power elite base their hold over millions of people, encourage a prurient mindset from a young age. In the morally and mentally weaker of both the clergy and the laity, this warps and twists to eventually irresistible ‘baser’ instincts. And until lately, one could go to confession and the start over with a clean slate … unlike their victims. He may be a forgiving God with the power to absolve crimes (sins in church parlance), but subsuming this alleged power of forgiveness into men of the cloth, some of them themselves offenders, is a heinous perversion basic humanity by any measure.

      Fairytales should rest with Brothers Grimm, not a bunch of Grim Brothers.

      • The Watcher says:

        Well said Pie. At least these religious organisations are now accountable under the redress scheme and those children who were molested by the men in cloth will now be able to receive appropriate financial compensation. No amount of money will remove the memories and scars from what they have experienced but at least the victims can pay for counselling, medication and other mental health treatment. They deserve to be compensated. As for the offending ‘men’ who falsely represent God, they should have their balls cut off and forced to suffocate on them.

        • The Magpie says:

          Novel approach to punishment. But The ‘Pie applauds the financial penalties for the simple reason this the ONLY way ALL churches have been spurred into action. The hierarchy saw this as just a bothersome nuisance back then, and shuffled priests and vicars around on their own immoral chess board. But attack their wealth, and lickety split, we get action. But just wait until the growing movement to end religious tax exemption gathers momentum … and it won’t be the Catholic church that will lead the resistance, it will be the heinous sick joke that’s called Scientology.

      • Law Researcher says:

        At 65 years of age, makes me wonder if the previous 64 years were a clean slate?

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Unfortunately all too common these days to be shocked anymore, wouldn’t be too many in this town who wouldn’t have done business with John at some stage, he handled Ireland’s fleet business for many years, but anyway fuck him, hope he rots somewhere, I will save my thoughts for the poor young bloke who’s life he has ruined.

    • Achilles says:

      You’re spot on, but don’t limit it to the Catholics only, all of these “holy” orders seem to suffer the same perverted leadership.

      What is it about all of these ancient Middle Eastern hallucinogenic “writings” that seem to convince themselves that they and they alone have somehow been endowed with a right to interpret their reading as the only one that is God given.

      If we must have a God why not a more home grown Aborigine, Nordic or even Aztec or ….. it doesn’t matter they are all mind viruses, like the florid imaginations in our dreams.

  24. Snowpeas says:

    Regarding gender bias complaint comments, now relegated to the narrow column, I make the following points in this open-gender-choice society in which we find ourselves, with breast-feeding people, children told to choose if they want to be a boy or girl or change their name, MP’s overseas in strife for claiming men have a penis and women a cervix, males in women’s gaols and hospital wards and the sickening images from last week’s ring fight where an ex-army guy now claims he’s a woman and nearly killed his female opponent in the ring. I accept points raised but add good luck with any submission arguing gender bias in either direction in today’s current climate.

    • NQ Gal says:

      The days of separate mens and womens wards at the hospital are long gone – at least at TUH. Unless you somehow manage to snaffle a private room, you share a 4 bed ward with whoever else they wheel in.

  25. The Magpie says:

    As if his highly selective, always optimistic and generally off-centre ramblings on local economics weren’t enough to encourage a modest silence, The Daily Astonisher’s pet economic poodle Colin Dwyer has now gone barking bonkers over, of all things, rugby union.

    Townsville ‘the most fun location on the planet’? Col, you old party animal, you!

    This begs two questions:

    1. To which planet do you refer, this one or your home planet Phantasmagoria, from which you are presumably just visiting us?

    2. RUOK, mate?

    But hey, rugby revellers, our man will be hosting some visiting rugby mates, and boy, are they gunna rip it up and paint the old town red … sort of.
    “The reunion will be about fun, in moderation. The economic impact will be positive and huge,” he said.
    Seems huge moderation is the go.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      This from the idiot who took six years to sell his own house on Yarrawonga after deciding not to take any notice of the several real estate companies, he employed over those years. That plus not taking on board a nationally held view that the Townsville housing market was indeed fucked after the GFC !
      The bloke is total fool and is a complete loony !

  26. The Magpie says:

    Dolan’s Ringside Seat.

    While newly minted Labor candidate for Herbert John Ring got off and running with a media conference on the Strand today, it is possible that the smart operators on Team Thompson were more interested in the bloke on the right of the picture, looking seemingly detached from the media scrum. If they didn’t notice, they should have, and soon will.

    But hey, hang on a sec. That’s Dolan Hayes, isn’t it?

    Yup, that’s him, and you can bet he ain’t ordering pizza.

    And now, The ‘Pie has confirmed that Mr Hayes has saddled up for the Labor campaign, perhaps it could be called The Ring of Confidence campaign. And no big surprise, he’s never denied he’s a solid Labor man.

    The ‘Pie has always said the team behind Phillip Thompson have really got their shit together (forgive the technical terminology) but they’ve mainly gone after Mayor Mullet and pulverised her on a number of issues. Two things are different here – the first is this will be a federal campaign, with federal issues overshadowing parish pump stuff. And the second thing that’s different – Dolan Hayes.

    In a terse and barely printable email exchange late today, Mr Hayes confirmed that yes that was him ‘why is anyone surprised, that’s what I do?’ and he also made it clear that the gloves are off for this one. Apparently, although he refused to give any details, something has made this personal towards the Thompson camp, and he intends to stick it right to them.

    A Brisbane contact suggests Labor won’t b chucking its treasury at this campaign, but pissing off Dolan Hayes is one way to guarantee a down and dirty, and for Thompson a dangerous, scrap.

    Here’s a cautionary tale: when Jenny Hill went up against Dale Last for the mayoralty, Dolan was the mastermind of timing when, on the day before campaigning in the media was suspended by law before the ballot (48 hours, if memory serves), he had Jenny suggest as fact that rival Dale Last and Townsville First planned a humongous rate rise if elected. It was baseless made-up lie – ridiculous really, double digit stuff, but the timing meant Last was unable to reply. And it can be argued that tipped the scales in Jenny’s favour.

    So Thommo’s boys had better be on their toes, upsetting Mr Hayes does not make for a peaceful life.

    This is gunna be fun.

    • Geisha girl says:

      One thing I do agree with Mr Pie is that it will be a vicious campaign. Team Thompson are as smart as they come, but the Dolans and Mullets of this world are the lowest and dirtiest players you will come across. Is there is absolutely no doubt that much blood will be spilled when this campaign fully ignited. Beer and popcorn please….

      • The Magpie says:

        In political campaigning, there is no dirty or clean, there’s only winning. So they say.

        • Achilles says:

          Interesting watching master bully boy John Setka getting a taste of his own medicine, bleating on TV news this morning; Oh! sharper than a serpents tooth….

          • Snowpeas says:

            The Shovel: The CFMEU has blamed outsiders for yesterday’s violent rally saying, the idea two hundred tradies would all turn-up at the specified time was fanciful.

          • Addled says:

            The parachuted Labor candidate, with ink still drying on his party membership, will need more than Dolan Hayes if the campaign is reliant on funding from the CFMEU and other coalminers from the Galilee Basin. Pauline and Clive will have a field day. The seat of Herbert will be a boring rout.

          • The Magpie says:

            What the fuck are you talking about? ‘Parachuted’? Just joined the Labor Party? Check again and come back He’s a bloody union official, you dunderhead, and The ‘Pie understands he has been a resident of Townsville for years, decades perhaps.

            Look everybody, The ‘Pie is going to forego his usual sweet forbearance of chuckleheaded political trolls (from any side of our political tin pan alley) and may even become a tad short tempered with idiotic comments like the above. So the delete button will get plenty of play for comments without any substance, debate or – as is the case here – truth.

          • Addled says:

            Magpie, sincere apologies. A usually reliable source informed me that ALP Herbert candidate John Ring had been a member of the Labor party for just three weeks before his preselection. That would mean that he had not been selected by local ‘rank and file’ members but had been installed (‘parachuted’ in) by state or national executive. Sounds like I was wrongly informed. My bad.

          • The Magpie says:

            A few years back, one wannabe dingbat joined the Labor Party two weeks before an candidate selection, thinking he was a shoo in … turns out the Labor Party has a rule that an endorsed candidate has to be a paid up continuous member for a certain time ….not sure how long, couple of years maybe. Only head office can make exception ‘in the interests of the party’. Which makes them sound just like the LNP.

          • Addled says:

            Magpie, I have found the source of my misconception. In Joel Fitzgibbon’s Hunter Valley electorate the ALP national executive has nominated a newbie candidate named Repacholi, who, today’s Guardian informs me, “owns a small business that sells projectiles and is a former coalminer, [who] only joined the Labor party three weeks ago.”

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, we’re both correct (you just applied your correctness incorrectly, if you get my drift) … as The Magpie pointed out in his original comment about Mr Ring, Labor rules allow for a ‘captain’s pick’ – i.e. the hierarchy – in the Repacholi case, Albanese himself – waived the eligibility rules. Same as he did with Kenneally in Fairfield, where the issue was more about parachuted and residency than membership. (The thought of a silvertail like Kenneally even knowing where Fairfeild is let alone having ever been there previously smacks of a Tory, not Labor, mindset. Proves the Libs and Labs ain’t much different nowadays.

          • The Magpie says:

            But Mr Repacholi is off on the wrong foot with The Magpie already, and nothing to do with ‘captain’s pick’ stuff. It was this incorrect clickbait headline and misleading opening paragraph in the otherwise reliable New Daily that raised The Magpie’s ire.

            Listen, Repacholi and all you other cowardly sheeple STOP BLOODY APOLOGISING! Especially in cases like this, when the alleged offensive on-line post was 11 fucking years ago FFS. And what’s Labor worried about, the immigrant Indian vote – in the Hunter Valley? Anyone who has been to India knows the truth of what Repacholi posted.

            BUT WHAT MAKES THIS INSTANCE WORSE IS THAT THE HEADLINE IS SIMPLY UNTRUTHFUL. And The New Daily knew it because further down in the ‘woke’ story, was this.

            As reported by The Australian, in 2010 Mr Repacholi wrote on Facebook “just got home from delhi thank god we live in Australia india was a s–hole where I was”.
            The comments came after he’d been in India for the Commonwealth Games, where he won a bronze medal.

            The keys words are ’where I was’. Perhaps the provision of sub-standard athlete accommodation, or just the shock of a largely unsanitary street population where the competition was held prompted an honest personal and accurate scatological post of absolutely no import – then or now. And it is a far cry from some faux diplomatic gaffe offending one of the most touchy, hypocritical and untrustworthy nations on the planet.

            But Mr Repacholi is wrong in one aspect of his comment … it is exactly the lack of both private and public shitholes and widespread ignorance of hygiene that make whole streets, squares and other public places across India into dangerous unsanitary obstacles courses.

            And you can be sure of the truth of this view from The Magpie … it is written by someone who will never run for public office, (sorry, all you woke trolls), and someone who doesn’t give a tossed turd that you think he is … well … a coprolite.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      An 8% swing required against a cashed up incumbent, talk about ambitious, particularly as Albonese has a 29% approval rating, they would be hoping the local peasants are out in force for this one.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      People seem to have forgotten that Dolan Hayes left Townsville with his tail between his legs and went to Darwin to seek in-fame and fortune. He then sent back all sorts of gifts like Adele, the Choadblower and others who have had a magnificent impact on our fair city. Once he was a nice guy but he seems to be a bitter has-been ALP hack with no ethics or moral compass.

      • The Magpie says:

        That doesn’t make sense, Barely … why would he be bitter, let alone a ‘has-been’? If what you say is true about the NT, Hayes the Humble Hack got his way, and – while there’s no proof, it’s probably true – that he paved the his Darwin choices to infest our city, where btw, the mayor and the three state members are all Labor, as was the Federal bozo until recently. What the hell has he got to blub about? And being in the game he’s in, maybe Hayes has no moral or ethical compass – not like our PM or his recently resigned A-G, eh? – but it is of no import in this arena, it’s campaigning smarts that count where the ultimate cliche is ‘winning isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing.’ Like G Richo said ‘whatever it takes’ … and that’s the motto of all sides is this cage fight.

        This is not a defence of Dolan Hayes (that’ll be the day), and what’s coming isn’t about him or his back room opponents directly, this is The Magpie’s defence of his blog and its comments. He really would like the flow to be a bit more thoughtful and, well, sorry to say, intelligent.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          But but Albo has lost 11 kg’s and is physically preparing for the upcoming campaign, he said so himself. So it’s all getting very very exciting. Surely this is a discussion worthy topic for the Pie’s blog?

          On a serious note, I believe the Pie is correct when he says that Labor are likely going to lose ground in QLD. We’ve had enough of losers like Mullet, Palasczuk, Dick and Smiley. That said, Scomo and his protection of rapists, sinking the subs, mismanaging COVID and his bushfires holiday isn’t doing him much favour. Muppets.

    • Amanda Reen says:

      Dolan is just filthy that Thompson outed him as a party drug user at 50. He has spent his career running campaigns in the gutter so why would this fight be any different? It’s personal for Dolan because someone had the balls to stand up to him and the Mullet.

  27. Count de Money says:

    I see that the unofficial leadership team of Queensland’s Labor party, the Wagner brothers, are the recipients of another contract, this time between the state government and Boeing. I can see a Director/consultant role for Palaszczuk or Dick once they leave politics.

  28. Dave of Kelso says:

    Now, if the Astonisher had any sort of investigative bone in it’s body, who knows what they would find at the TCC.

  29. Nickster says:

    Dolan and his magic smoke & mirrors machine are working over time.

    No sooner is there criticism of Jenny Hill and her inaction at Lansdown on the Pie blog, and if by magic there is an announcement from the Mayor about Lansdown;

    I wonder if it is a coincidence that John Cole from Edify went to the same high school and played for the same club as Dolan Hayes………

    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure how you make that connection. Hayes is busy with a federal campaign and any council media muppet can type up Mayor Mullet’s silken words.

      And this treatment of a mundane announcement is juveniley stupiod.

      Despite how much the Bulletin wishes otherwise, this is hardly a story, it is njust brown-nosing The Mullet. This analysis is reinforced by the fact that there is not a single question asked about what is the next step, what, if any, further state and/or federal approvals are needed, how is the project to be funded and is this funding finalised and ….the well, duh question …. when is work going to start.

      And why is this not a story? It is meaningless hoopla by the mayor and iditor (and sadly, Tony Raggatt)because can anyone with even a single aggie left in their marbles bag believe that the TCC bum polishers would NOT approve this application? It would be a real story if they did, but as it is, ho hum, let’s go and see what Hagar the Horrible and Garfield are doing.

      • Addled says:

        Sorry, my eye first missed the headline and went straight to the Colours of Clive below. So Mr Ivermectin is taking the United Australia Party to the site of Clive Palmer’s proposed coal-fired power station. Talk about Alpha males.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Just a case of more Townsville pissants, this time the pissant Mayor Jenny Hill attracting a pissant business to put up a garden shed with a solar panel as a test facility, what a joke. Then we have the pissant reporter from the pissant paper writing another maybe, could be, possibly story about the whole thing. Meanwhile Gladstone and Tasmania are progressing with real players investing real money whilst Townsville watch another opportunity go by because Jenny Hill is an incompetent failure.

      • Nickster says:

        My understanding is TCC is also the land owner at Lansdown, so this announcement does nothing but demonstrate TCC has yet again spent money i.e. the expenses of council to give the approval and yet has received nothing in return.

        It would be nice if journalist could ask the mayor when is she actually going to sell some of the land at Lansdown and put some money in council coffers. Surely this question is within the capabilities of Tony Raggatt?

  30. Steve says:

    So Jenny Hill want Brownsville to get drier.

    Where is all of the water coming from to the supply these hydrogen projects?

    It takes about 9 kilograms (also 9 litres) of water to produce 1 kg of hydrogen (H2)

    Nice one Mayor Hill you never told us in your election campaign you were going to export our water overseas.

    How about you ask the rate payers who are paying through the nose for water, if we want our scarce water taken from our taps and sent overseas.

    Just a reminder humans can live without many things, but water is not one of them.

  31. Mike Douglas says:

    Mayor Hill is in election mode , Federal seat of Herbert that is . Council updates on Haughton stage 2 are confidential , pushing the State Government to meet Phil Thompson to discuss the $195 mil delayed as long as possible so they can use social media with our 3 local MP,s to say the Feds havnt delivered . Attacking the Feds today on Hydrogen funding and claiming that Taskforce NQ briefed Phil Thompson so where is this so called plan ? . What’s best for the City will take second place up until the election and ” whatever it takes ” is what labor will do to win Herbert .

  32. Swinging voter says:

    Magpie is right on the money.
    With Dolan involved Phillip Thompson should be concerned, very concerned.
    Dolan is an expert in getting down and dirty and he’s got an equally cunning sidekick in Jenny Hill.
    If the Astonisher’s form on the first two days of the local election campaign is any guide, our local rag is also well and truly on the ALP bandwagon.
    Today’s story regarding the Hydrogen Hub, and the predictable editorial, is clearly a free kick for the ALP candidate John Ring.
    But why didn’t he get to make a comment uniil paragraph 29?
    Comments by Jenny Hill, Les Walker, Solar Citizen Stephanie Gray and the TEL CEO were all considered more important than the views of the bloke the ALP thinks can do a better job than Thompson.
    After Ring’s nervous debut appearance on Channel 7 News this week I think we’re going to see a lot more of Jenny Hill doing the talking. Ring appears to be too nice a bloke to become a politician, especially a Labor one.

  33. Old Tradesman says:

    Interesting story today, where Mayor Mullet was asked to give us an update on the Pipeline to nowhere, it was, you guessed it Commercial in Confidence. The deceitful State government has only allocated $85m in the budget, not the $195m they knocked back from the Feds with the pretence that they would have to pay GST. You know that GST that the esteemed Premier when asked did not know the rate. Apparently Anna is going to come up north at her convenience and dig up a few sods to create the smokescreen and make it look like something is going to happen. My opinion is that it is never going to happen as that money will be needed at Wellcamp to prop up the hard done by Wagner Brothers new venture.
    That being said the Hydrogen Factory will also not happen as one of the preponents has said it needs a sustainable water supply. The only thing that will happen is lots of hot air from the Hydrogen Champion, you know the one standing in front of the Jimmy Sharman tent, the one and only Leslie Alexander Walker, the name mentioned again in court related matters.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, this is simply disgraceful … and on the evidence of this uncurious reporting, here’s a question that must be asked – how does the paper know any milestones were reached? Because Mayor Mullet told you? Even a single cell amoeba could do better than that. Disgusting by all concerned, especially the spineless paper that is constantly proving to be a bigger part of the problem than part of any solution.

      It seems people … and that that includes the gormless bunch at The Bulletin … are inured by the repetition of this Commercial In Confidence lying insult that they just meekly accept that the matter is indeed C in C. And again, it is The Fallacy of the Unasked Question that raises its own questions.

      Some things really are C in C, and it is a necessary statute in modern business, but political cowardice has allowed it to degenerate into a catch-all tool of convenient and possibly corrupt secrecy. Surely it is reasonable to ask, in this instance, WHY the matter is C in C? No intellectual property is at risk, and since it is a progress report, surely no commercial damage or disadvantage to contractors can exist. And it’s clearly a matter of public interest to know how our city and its major projects are being managed and monitored. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT WE AE GETTING FOR OUR TICK ON THE BALLOT PAPER.

      No, what we have is a political cover-up, and if you think that is some whacky conspiracy theory, then you tell us what justifies C in C in this case. Even make up a plausible scenario, would love to hear it.

      • Moment says:

        This is today’s comment from yesterday’s bell ringing by reporter CC in the Ashtonisher. How many times do you need to ring and counted thirteen in the one small article introducing ‘John Ring’ and that is not including his name on the photo and masthead. Another two rings in the adjacent article then reported as being ‘critical of how long it took to spend Federal funding left over from the Haughton pipeline Stage 2’. We would expect being critical on water security for Townsville of TCC and State Government and WHEN is that going to be, PLEASE?

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Based on the number of recent media releases regarding the pipeline, nothing has been done. Jenny likes to promote when council does something. So a lack of promotion means they’re doing nothing.


  34. Dave of Kelso says:

    It is school holidays.

    Around the corner from my place in last couple of days house broken into and car from house next door it, stolen.

    Advised by neighbour that about an hour ago car with significant panel damage dumped, with engine still running, at the Kelso shops. Reasonable to extrapolate that home-sweet-home for the thieving snots is not too far away, in the public housing getto nearby.

    Thank you Anna Puddleduck for the legislation that supports this downward social spiral. Thank you Aaron (Who) Harpic for your active interest in your electorate and your vigorous representation on our behalf in the South-East Queensland Government.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      No sympathy from me Dave, most of the morons in this town voted for the Palaszczuk crime plan, just getting what we as a community deserve. Some of these stupid people are getting robbed over and over again, and then want to whinge about it, not only are they ignorant at the ballot box they are ignorant in their own homes, I am staggered by the stories I hear about the crime in this town.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Yes, we have the government the Labor voters deserve and the thinking minority have to wear it.
        I have quacked on before about the democratic system needing an education engaged eloctrate and a free and fearless press etc, etc, so I will give it a rest hoping that Phillip Thompson can engage the local philistines and romp home next election.

  35. Ralph says:

    Hey Mal, I’ve had a look on the net regarding the radio series How Green is My Catcus and I can’t find any stations that play it, just hoping maybe one of the Magpie contributors may know if it’s still on air, very clever humour and most times very close to the truth, take care, Ralph.

      • Ralph says:

        Got it, thanks, take care, Ralph.

      • Critical says:

        Remember the laughter we had listening to this guy until the political correctness mob got us.


        • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

          What on earth are you talking about? You’re listening to it right now on YouTube and his albums continue to be widely available? What did the politically correct mob do to prevent you from listening to this and any other racist rubbish? Drop the pathetic victim complex.

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie knew Louie Beers well, and worked with him at 4TTT and before that at 4RR. Very funny and friendly bloke privately, who was always proud to tell that his unerring ear for aboriginal accents came from his early days as a Dutch migrant in WA, where he played footy and mixed socially with local indigenous youths. He said it was they who gave him the name King Billy Cokebottle. His schtick was the blackface aspect of his stand-up work, but The ‘Pie always found it fascinating that his biggest fans, who would wait to chat with him outside the radio stations, were indigenous. Most of his jokes were generic and could have been adapted to fit any ethnic scenario (Polish, Pommy, Kiwi etc), and most of which did not depend on racist tropes about aboriginality for their humour. Because of the genial ‘let’s joke together about ourselves’ air that he so successfully promoted, many of the ATSI community saw his act as a sort of friendly recognition of them through humour, and never once did I hear one accuse him of racism. Neither these folks nor Louie himself saw what he did as ‘racist rubbish’, a view that was widely held by the more sensitive white attention-seeking wowsers and noisy soapbox artists in the aboriginal industry.

  36. Dave of Kelso says:

    The SA Parliament has rammed through legislation, almost unanimously, in record time to neuter the SA ICAC. The corrupt protecting themselves.

    I would like to think Kid Crisafulli would prevent this happening in Ald.


  37. Strand Ghost says:

    My son and family ( Kiwi’s)are at union game at Stadium , have to line up big time to get a drink and no food left early in night, great to have the football but surely you have to cater, they said never seen anything so bad in all his games following All Blacks.

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