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The Magpie

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024   |   279 comments

The Sweetest Deal of Sweetheart Deals – The Con Of The Century Comes Off For Troy Thompson.

And Townsville is betrayed and abandoned yet again by Brisbane …. if the current situation stands, the change of government has changed nothing.   Worse than the deal that Thompson has manufactured for himself, is the self congratulations that ninny Ann Leahy is giving herself. This is shaping up as a major blunder and it’s time for Crisafulli to step in and show the leadership and guts his minister is clearly incapable of.

We’ll talk more on that shortly but we musn’t let that overshadow other matters of note.

Like Who got what and why? Councillor Suzy B asks the question for all of us, but gets no answer. But there must be accountability for this inexplicable generosity towards three totally undistinguished TCC staff and their golden farewells.

Think the Bulletin couldn’t go lower …  the paper plays the race card for clicks, but the hypocrisy is breathtaking.

And in the US, some of The Chosen One’s choices are being unchosen  … one of the most vile ones has already chucked in his Mar a Lago monogrammed towel.

A great deal of work goes into this weekly effort, and it is time happily given. But the truth is, costs add an extra burden to the operation of The Nest, and any assistance in this area will be greatly appreciated, things are starting to pile up a bit. The donate button is at the end of the blog. 

It Isn’t Just Thompson Who Has Been Suspended For A Year, – Townsville Has Been, Too.

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On full pay? For 12 months? Bentley for one feels for the poor bugger.

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On every level, the decision to suspend Townsville’s accidental mayor Troy Thompson on full pay for 12 months is insulting, it is wrong, it is cowardly and above all else, it rewards fraud and dishonesty.

This city has been shafted, and any trust in governance for investors has been effectively shut down for a year.  At least.

Of all the possible scenarios, this is easily the worst, and the cost to our future is inestimable. A year in which this city’s future will be further damaged by investor uncertainty and distrust of council processes. It always fascinating the speed with which political expediency can become a political explosion.

Put simply, Townsville have been abandoned, betrayed and financially penalised by that clearly incompetent and shifty nitwit Ann Leahy. .David Crisafulli,, you need a savvy politician in the  portfolio handling the much aggrieved regions, especially given the damage the Olympics will do.  This patronising frump is definitely not the person for the job … and  you need to move swiftly to avoid further damage to the LNP’s brand.

It’s noted Leahy does a nice sideline in patronising insults to those she has just shafted. She had both the hide and the dumb ignorance to tell The Bulletin she has now cleaned things up and, oozing with enough self-satisfaction to match her waistline,, says she has freed the  the council up and councillors ‘can now get back to work’.  Oh, we humbly thank you, Your Condescensionness , for your wise words. But The ‘Pie makes bold enough to inform you this council has been getting on with it’s work just fine, without any need for Thompson,. The meetings have consisted  of civil and mostly sensible debates and discussions on a series of issues, and then voting on them in the appropriate fashion. Tell us,  just what matters have been held up because of the Thompson sideshow? None that The ‘Pie knows of, the agendas for all meetings since the election have by and large been handled as they normally would.

Ms Leahy, you are a very rude and stupid person.

And while we’ve got you ear, Premier (ha! as if ) why is this person even a minister at all? Is it appropriate that she was appointed even though it is known she is under CCC investigation regarding a political donations matter? On top of that, Premier, you will be well aware that in more than one reported conversation, she is on record as saying she didn’t think there was much wrong with Thompson as mayor anyway.  Yes, really, and if you weren’t aware of that, WHY weren’t you aware of that?

But it is quite clear this is not going wash, Kid, dismissive nods north to Townsville’s outrage at this decision is likely to make vocal opposition to Strand parking meters look like a mere sniff and grumble. Seriously, mate, people are ropeable and the town is fuming.

The only answer is sack Thompson outright, and let him take his chances in court and other arenas …if you take in the calculable costs to Townsville over a year  – and further if Thompson remains on the scene   the difference in cost of him taking his (slim) chances in court won’t be much different. Waiting for the highly choreographed and inexplicably slow motion of the Tortise Farm aka CCC is not leadership,  because an adverse finding is going to result in Thompson going down the same legal path. And if somehow he is cleared,  the fallout at all levels will be …. let’s say … interesting.

And Most Interesting Will Be If We Note Any Difference In Another Area

We’ve just replaced these three MINO’s (Members In Name Only)…

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…  with these three, who are more MIAs rather than MINOs – as yet anyway.

Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 4.04.37 pmSo far, Marr, Poole and Baillie have had hardly anything to say. Let’s see if they really are going to make a difference in our representations to Brisbane, or if we’re in for more post election ‘let them eat cake’ politics. The ‘Pie can sympathise with this trio at the moment, bercause in truth it is pretty fuzzy as exactly what the party line is … and they won’t know that until Crisafulli man’s up, and sorts out what is clearly a cock-up. One that is, to use his favourite word on this issue ‘untenable’.

‘Untenable’ WasThe Word Of The Week In nother Matter, Too

The ‘Pie has to admit, he’s a bit of a fan of the Suzy Batkovic Attack Method, she’s a journalist’s delight.  Suzy B can be a bit tetchy when she’s dealing with arsesoles like Thompson, she clearly doesn’t suffer fools gladly, but on other issues, she doesn’t pose or posture, she goes to the heart of a matter in plain  language and a polite and deceptively conversational way.

And that is exactly what she did at the council meeting last week.

When the issue of the disgraceful and seemingly corrupt matter of severance overpayments of three executives came up, certain other councillors were as skittish as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs,. But not Clr Batkovic –  she cleverly tackled head-on a subject which appeared to implicate several councillors, including herself,  in, at best, lazy oversight. Here’s The Magpie’s contemporaneous notes on that issue and other matters flowing from it. No one is going to get out of this with any honour

  1. The Magpie 



    Suzy Batkovic asks the question on every ratepayers lips …. but gets stonewalled by ‘the rules’. But at least we have the assurance of that executives awarding themselves unexamined hefty bonuses won’t happen again.

    And CEO Joe McCabe for some reason wimps out for some reason, refusing to answer a straightforward and reasonable question the answer to which Townsville ratepayers are entitled to know.

    Clr Batkovic led the charge on asking tricky questions when the Queensland Audit Office Final Management report 23/24 came up for discussion. She was champing at the bit when the matter was opened up for councillor discussion, and went straight in.
    She asked who signed off on separation agreements, and when McCabe confirmed it was the CEO,
    Clr B went on: ‘So to clarify, the employee separations do not come to councillors, as it’s an operational matter?”
    McCabe: That is correct.
    Clr. B: Who signs off on the CEO’s separation?
    CEO McCabe, looking a worried man, (he knew this was coming), gave a complete non-answer by reciting the policies council adopted last September to give more oversight by councillors on these matters. The new policy will be adopted at the next council meeting.

    But Clr B is not someone to be toyed with by such an ingenuous answer, and refused to be deflected.
    Clr B: So that ‘s in place now, but prior to that policy coming in, who signed off on CEO separation?
    McCabe: (Indistinct but probably) I’ll take that on notice.
    That was the first wimp out, there is no way McCabe doesn’t know … it was either himself, or there has been a major breach of regulations by someone else signing. He is clearly soiling his dainties because he is now clearly in the crosshairs of this matter.
    But Clr B let that one through to the keeper, knowing all her questioning would be in the public domain and the problems belonged to the CEO (and presumably Sewell in the legal department).
    She then asked if in any of these negotiations’ legal advice had been sought on the matters, and if so, was the legal advice external.

    Again, the CEO, playing pigeon to the Batkovic cat, ‘took it on notice’.

    Again, what he really meant was he needed time to see if there was a way out for him.

    Clr. B then questioned why councillors were not provided details of these matters, even if such details remained confidential.
    Clr B “I don’t understand what councillors wouldn’t be privy to understanding how these were itemised and this all came about and what that looks like, because at the moment, we have a total amount and I don’t know how it all looks and who got what and why’.

    McCabe: “Regarding what information wasn’t provided to councillors, I will take it on notice.”

    Clr Batkovic ended her target practice by saying she welcomed the newn TCC policy that will be clear about termination payments over and above what is agreed in employment contracts ‘because it was tremendously concerning to read (about that).”
    (Quick explainer for those not familiar with all these officious s metaphors – taking something on notice is a pompous way of saying I don’t know and will find out and get back to you. Which the speaker often doesn’t do without again being prompted.)
    But Joe’s discomfort was over yet, and it showed that he was a bit rattled when Clr Robinson asked a perfectly straight forward question whether any investigation was underway into the overpayments. On McCabe’s signal, legal boss David Sewell was quick to jump in from the sidelines, advising that it would inappropriate to answer that question.

    But why? A simple yes or no would do no damage to anyone – unless it was no, then the shit would really hit the fan.

    Was Sewell’s advice of secrecy perhaps hide his own the slackness and/or complicity in this rorting – he must surely have seen the final documents for legal approval. . And tell you what David, you needed that little Magpie slur, because if it’s an external investigation, you are in it yourself, up to the armpits.

    But it was a question from Clr Dirou which elicited the a most interesting reply from our legal waffler when she asked just what would trigger a payment over and above the termination agreement. ‘if it was an employment contract, you’d think you’d need to pay as per an employment contract’, she said.

    Sewell knew where this was going, but then got tangled up in his own skipping rope.

    He said it was not uncommon for payments be above contractual arrangements in certain circumstances.

    “For instance, there may be potential litigation relating to that termination, and litigation can be expensive relating to terminations, and there’s always the possibility of unfair dismissal or adverse action.’ So the council can be buklkied and threatened into an overpayment, is that it?

    Sewell droned on for some time with statements of the bleeding’ obvious, but that opening line might give a BIG clue as to why the overpayments under discussion were made by executives well seasoned in the riches of litigation … they know, win or lose, how the very threat can blackmail councils and corporations into extortionate payments.

    This is nothing new, it goes on all the time, but when it’s a council, they at least, if not the public, are entitled inform elected councillors what has happened to the money for which they are responsible. Any why.
    Mr Sewell (who is never going to threaten the celebrity speaker circuit.) gave the game away as he droned on:’ “I’m not saying termination beyond contract is necessarily unlawful or a bad thing, it is just that you need to have appropriate processes and procedures in place for those kind of settlements.’

    But, but, Dave, old mate, if such terminations are not unlawful or a bad thing, – that is, they are based on solid legal grounds – how come they can they be challenged with extortionate threats  of legal action? Are you a tad unsure of your own professional judgement, you know,m the judgement we are paying for?

    Could it be that the terminations were made on bad legal advice? In-house legal advice?

    Could it be possible you’re in it with all the others, up to you neck and sinking.

Does Iditor Cas Garvey Lisp?

That could explain why she thinks ethics is a country in England. The paper pulled the worst racist rage farming click-bait stunt imaginable last Wednesday, when they hit our streets and screens with this front page.

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This is perhaps the most irresponsible of front pages lies that the Bulletin regularly trots out purely as click bait, and it is only a racist matter because the Bulletin and editor Garvey wanted it to be seen as such.

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But it wasn’t anything to do with racism, and the paper’s story itself clearly showed the base manipulation of the facts and,opinion masquerading ss facts. .

The story is that a group of indigenous students (‘dressed to the nines’ –  the paper’s flourish of setting the victim scene of ‘good little niggers’, a false portraiture of blameless, well behaved indigenous youth) arrived in a vehicle for the Kirwan High School formal. School authorities denied them entry when evidence of drinking was found in the vehicle.  A minor confrontation developed, and the youths were allowed to do a pre-planned ceremonial dance on the red carpet but were still excluded from the event. But some of the teenagers  parents instantly claimed racism,  got lawyered up, and made a joint statement to the Bulletin about the treatment of the seven ‘first nations’ graduates.

The parents legal team is Levitt and Robinson (specialists in making a quid out of the aboriginal industry … Stuart Levitt did sterling work for the Palm Islanders over police behaviour compensation but then he realised the gold mine he had discovered and is available at the dop of a misinterpreted sword or act), So thet have or will be lodging a complaint with the Human Rights Commission FFS.

But, as is their habit in line with never fucking up a good story with facts, the papern left the bit that would’ve killed the story stone dead until the end.

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So Cas, the kids were drunk or at least affected by alcohol, according to those who we put in charge of our school children’s welfare They were also under age.  And parents clearly thought they shouldn’t;’t be discriminated against because they were pissed, which says volumes about from whence so many of our problems with indigenous youth stem.

It’s sad that these seven apparently diligent students finished school, were due to receive diplomas, and were reportedly good athletes and respected members of the student body.  They made a mistake, – basically a small life lesson – which resulted in them being denied entry under clearly stated rules. But now, thanks to you, Ms Garvey, the parents and greedy lawyers, the wrong life lesson they have learnt is that you have told them no matter what they do, they are victims of whitey.

And by extension, you are undeniably suggesting drunk white kids would’ve been allowed in. Seriously that is beyond disgraceful.

‘Here’s a question: how would the paper have covered the story if the kids were allowed in, started trouble because they were on the turps, and someone was injured or worse. Without a doubt, you would come down on the ‘lax supervision of the Department of Education’ with some headline like ‘Kids Allowed To Run Wild.’

These kids did the wrong thing, tought it was a lark, but got caught out. But you, the parents and a rapacious mob of blow-in outrage farming lawyers are now saying the school officials (whatever race they may have been) unlawfully discriminated against these children because they were aborigines.  In other words, you are saying those officials – teachers probably – are racists. No wonder we’re having trouble finding teachers, especially when they cop this crap from the likes of this cohort, led by the paper.

This is a fucking disgrace, it’s a big, nasty call, Ms Garvey, and you definitely owe the staff of Kirwan High School an apology.

On the front page if you had any decency.

Oddly enough, the best front page from a journo’s view was related to more serious indigenous bad behaviour. A clever headline that also summed up the problem.

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Another Blow For Townsville


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Australia’s leading political and social satirists have decided to drop Townsville from its national political comedy tour.

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“It’s a bloody long way up there, mate,’ a spokesthingy told The Magpie. “ I mean, we reckon you lot are probably maxed out with political comedy, given your council, whacky crooked mayor, three former state members, a weird newspaper and Bob Katter always around. Why would anybody pay to see us make jokes about politicians when you get all that for free. So we just thought, Nah, it’s Townsville.’

“We decided Gosford was a better bet.”

Bloody Gosford?!?  Our shame is complete.

And A Trivia Quiz For You

Has it ever occurred to you that there are two entities with the acronym TCC …

…there is this TCC  … Townsville City Council …

TCC Townsville City Council Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 10.20.56 am

… and then there is this TCC … Townsville Correctional Center.

Townsville Correctional Centre jail Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 10.19.26 am Townsville Correctional Centre jail Screenshot 2024-11-21 at 10.19.47 am

Given events over the years, how do you tell one TCC from the other?

Easy … the crooks in one TCC go home at night.  Let you guess which one.


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Around this bend in the river, we don’t have to ask who this oily crook is none other than Jenny Hill’s favourite curry muncher Gautam Adani. Very uncomfortably and suddenly,  Gotim, As he is known hereabouts,  has had his world shrink somewhat, with the US issuing arrest warrants on charges of bribery … and sending those warrants to various other countries. One is almost certainly Australia,  which no matter which party is in government, tend to honour obligations to act on such matters.

Gosh, bribery, eh? Like getting someone to use public money to build and gift him an airport next to his coal mine? Nah, make ‘em feel special with a jolly to india, that’ll do the trick. (But it didn’t … fucking journalists.)

But like they say, when you’re as rich as Gotim, (India’s second on the greasy pole) he’s got fuck you money. to spare.  Which he makes clear at every opportunity.

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And what’s more, he can use whatever finger he likes – billionaire’s privilege.

Pick And Choose … Then Choose Again … and Again Etc.

As ‘Nineteen Eighty Four’,  ‘Brave New World’ and ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ approach reality in the United States,  Trump’s cabinet choices are a mix of fake favour repayments but really just show business hokum which he knows will never get up, and some truly demented threatened appointments … even Republicans are likely to baulk at Kennedy as Health Secretary … one hopes the brain worms are hungry.  And it seems the Mobster In Chief won’t be troubled by any court appearances anytime soon.  For those of us enjoying this circus, it’s a bit redundant saying you wouldn’t be dead for quids. Because you may well be in the not too distant future.

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She Knows The ‘Pie So Well

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Nikki Osborne, who  pens the occasional funny piece for the  News Ltyd’s ‘lifestyle’  magazines, had a flight of fancy this week, imagining which Australian animals would be chosen to replace traditional star signs.  Clever and amusing stuff,  and The ‘Pie is sure Nikki must’ve had this old bird in mind when she chose the animal for his star sign. So accurate.

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The first part is well known to Nest readers, the second part scumbag lawyer Barry Taylor found out for himself.

Computer Tip Of The Week

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From The Growing Magpie File As A Species, We Are Fucked’.

Exhibit A: (or perhaps it should be Exhibit B)

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Note the last line, clearly the original 2019 banana has long become monkey poo, so what the demented owner actually has bought is ‘the right’ to duct tape a banana to a wall and call it ‘Comedian’.  The exclusivity of which will be harder than Albo’s Misinformation Bill to police. But maybe not much of a worry, bananas have always had various uses for various people, but whacking one on the wall with duct tape is not likely to start trending anytime soon.

You know, maybe Troy Thompson is right to thieve as much public money as he can, to enjoy what years we have left on this planet … which ain’t many in light of this art purchase.

The ants are ready to take over.


It’s been hard keeping up with comments this week, have to admit Thompson and other council shysters are gold for Magpie numbers.  Make your feelings known, grab a name to stay anonymous and share free slather.  And if you feel the Nest is worth the trouble, you can help ease the cost burden with a donation … normally,  The ‘Pie wouldn’t bother you with this,  but unfortunately, he is not in a position to extort any money from the ratepayer piggy bank.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Bentley says:

    Perhaps Troy Thompson duct taped to a wall and titled ‘con-man’ would fetch enough to pay his salary, and let the ratepayers off the hook.

  2. Arthur Bethel says:

    Thompson is now put to pasture, a well stocked one, but people don’t have to walk on eggshells in the office or at public events anymore. Time will tell with the results from investigations. Suzy B did well, but her questions come from her old mayor, those who know Suzy know that, her partner is eagerly trying to persuade her to take the Basketball Australia position leading into 2032. If the rumours are true, the haughton pipeline has just become a bigger problem for ratepayers. I’m still of the view Crisafulli has to put Townsville into administration, release all councillors and the executive and let state control and pay to get us out. After so many years of financial instability, it’s time to take control Mr Crisafulli.

  3. Motorist says:

    I applaud the NT Government taking a strong stand on truancy and demand the Qld Government do the same.
    Any school day school age children can be seen roaming the streets, especially in the Upper Ross suburbs.
    These children will not become the doctors or skilled tradies of the future. They will become, if they are not already, house breaking car thieves.
    If any one group in society claims this policy discriminates against them they have publicly admitted they are failures at parenting.


    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure that kids in the Upper Ross should be compared to kids in remote NT communities.

      • Motorist says:

        On most days, not all, but most days you will see a couple, sometimes more, school age children out and about. Maybe not in Nth Ward, but in other parts of town, yes. I suspect this is a state wide problem, more so in some areas than others. Parents have responsibilities. Important to remind some of them, as required, for the sake of their children and the wider community.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Some would argue that the main difference between kids in remote communities and kids in the Upper Ross is that remote kids might have some connection to their country and traditions while locals are feral.

  4. Aussie says:

    Glad you continue to push for answers relating to the termination payments.
    I have a feeling these overpayments were more to do with hush money however. I don’t understand why the former legal counsel who resigned at the same time never got the golden hand shake as well.
    I suspect no one will ever know unless the details of this matter can be used as evidence in a future court action against the TCC. It could be that this has some relevance in the Mayor’s one year paid holiday.
    I also find the Mayor’s comment about studying local laws and the Local Government Act interesting. There may be a hint in this statement. I have heard the council have made some incorrect decisions surrounding local laws and the Local Government Act.
    Maybe he was involved?

  5. Tony Bright says:

    The state government has officially handed the reins to Thompson. His lawyer secured 12 months payment, there is no clauses in the regulation, Townsville pays for 12 months regardless. Leahy slipped up, her team in local government allegedly scripted Thompson’s response and put things on email that will no doubt give him a good legal position in court. This will not end well for us ratepayers. If the RFI’s floating about are right, our new CEO made a mistake early on in Thompsons lockout, and did write his epilepsy was one of the reasons to keep him out. It’s clear the advice out of walker street needs to change. Word is, Emma Micola has taken the role of chief legal counsel.

  6. mike douglas says:

    Unless the Councillors can pull Ceo McCabe , directors , senior management into line , make them accountable or transparent nothing will change . Pick your choice on further Council CCC enquiries . NQ Spark / NQ railyards entities set up by Jenny + Prins ( signed off by remaining 4 Team Hill Councillors ) hundreds thousands ratepayers $ . Is it correct Council doesnt have a seat on either boards ? . Lansdown , hundreds thousands $ spent . Did Drive it NQ get their highway access and if so how much did it cost Council ? . Hilton Hotel not approved . $300 mil blow out on Council managed Haughton stage 2 . Probadly easier for Crisafulli Government to put T.C.C. into administration as payouts would be less than enquiries + future Council blowouts . 4 remaining Team Hill Councillors may want to consider all their votes in supporting Jenny / Prins activities previous term before nominating acting Mayor .

    • Prickster says:

      No bad decision was ever made better by throwing more money at it.

      Time for Joe McCool to start killing projects.

    • Mike Smythe says:

      Agree Mike. The pipeline just got much worse. The pump station has doubled to $180M, the project has gone from $195M to $420M. Now the joins on stage 1 are leaking, yes that’s every 12 meter section, the shoddy QA by the contractors, and then there’s the issue of sediment in the pipe. TCC, Executive, Councillors and the State Government all know. This sits on team Jenny, Prins, and the executive, this will be $700M+, a leak every 12 meters, ratepayers need not worry about the mayors salary, a $500M blowout, and impending issues with Lansdowne will kill off affordable rates. Then there’s the alleged 2100 outstanding projects at 50 projects a year. Crisafulli needs to shut it down! All of the council, time the state took control, and investigated, Hill, Prins and her team.

      • The Magpie says:

        Since a) we don’t know who you are, and b) you have tried to post this information before but The ‘Pie has declined to publish it because you do not offer deven a vague explanation of how you know this, yet you desperately persist in trying to air it. It sounds like the sort of unsupported bullshit Troy Thompson will now try to promote. And The Magpie will take it all back with an apology if you will just tell us how you know this scenario an thus prove your claims.

        Nothing would surprise either way.

        • Mike Smythe says:

          This in formation comes from a councillor, one still in office, and his partner who has very loose lips. We have met many years ago, when you worked at the paper, and Mike is my name, I voted for Harry. Council and state need a facelift, Crisafulli will do that.

  7. Prince Rollmop says:

    The state government are putting together a Bruce Highway committee from around Queensland, including the Townsville region. It would be good if someone with the necessary skills in our region, applies. We don’t need no bottom-feeders or wannabe board directors applying. We need proper representation.


    • The Magpie says:

      Agree, we need fresh blood, so as to speak. And there is no shortage of local experts, mostly in the Upper Ross and Cleveland D C.

    • White Mouse says:

      At the very least, the committee should include a representative of the trucking industry. Their livelihood depends on the highway.

      • The Magpie says:

        Pretty sure it would.

      • Russell says:

        The trucks are a large part of the problem. Not the drivers doing the wrong thing (except maybe tailgating at highway speed), it’s just that they’re so bloody big no-one else has a chance in a collision and they are so heavy they create potholes and ruts. A parallel study to see how we can get the railway to run more efficiently and then streamline delivery/distribution at stations would be a big help.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Interesting to see that the only people paid to be on the committee are the government staff and MPs. Everyone else is expected to volunteer their time but will be reasonably compensated for their travel. The more things change – political colour – the more they stay the same.

    • The Fixer says:

      We need a committee to advise that a dual carriageway from Brisbane to Cairns is the proper solution?

      • The Magpie says:

        It’s a good way to look like the government is doing something, while costing them nothing. Bit of a farce really, getting people in to say, gee this is a bad spot etc. Like blackspots aren’t already known … and even an urban polticin could recognise a pot hole … especially if it damaged their Beemer.

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          Taking the example of the planned dual carriageway for the good people of Townsville’s northern beaches shows that it isn’t always that simple. Led by Mr Muscles Dumbetto MP the locals decided they did not want a more efficient divided roadway and safer turning options but preferred what they had. Imagine that 5km stretch magnified over 1300km.

        • The Fixer says:

          Yeah I know, politics is all about the optics.

          And sure, it’s going to cost a lot of money. But if the federal government and the NSW state government can upgrade the Pacific highway to dual carriageway between Sydney and Brisbane, surely it can be done for the Bruce. Past Gympie I mean.

  8. Lab Rat says:

    Pie, you always said Crisafulli would be Premier one day. What you didn’t say is that he will be a weak one. The Twonames suspension would have been rubber stamped by him. Don’t blame Leahy. The buck stops with Crisafulli.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t be so quick to rush to judgement. Of course the buck stops with The Kid, but it’s just landed on his desk. EWhat he does now will tell the tale.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        I agree with the Pie. The Twonames issue is a litmus test for how effective The Kid will be now that he has been elected. In a sense it is still early days, let’s see how this all pans out within the 12-months allotted to for this issue.

  9. Ex TCC says:

    Bit rich that Suzy finally asking questions about payments to staff leaving. It was hill and her team including Suzy that employed them now all of sudden it’s a bad thing that they get this money. Let’s have a close look at there contracts that team hill signed off on and read the release clause. Sorry but Suzy and the rest still there have no right whinging now to get political points to make themselves look better to the public. The best thing for Townsville is to have the council in administration quickly. It will clear the debt problem as far as being able to pay it down. The whole council needs to be dissolved.

    • Roger That says:

      And sack all the faceless deadwood wankers running the planning and infrastructure services section.
      I wouldn’t rely on the new Chief Legal Counsel either. She has worked there for a number of years. In my opinion, nothing will change.
      Has anyone in council ever made a public disclosure about any misconduct? Most public service employees are too scared to say anything!
      Look at the way Fran was treated. Not one person in council had the courage to help her. Gutless weak bastards.

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      On reading the ABC coverage of Thompson being suspended, Paul Jacobs said he believed the government had made the right decision.
      “I think it’ll be a big relief to all councillors that this has been dealt with,” he said.

      So its all about keeping keeping the councillors Happy?

      There are alot of people in Townsville that are unhappy not just that Thompson’s been suspended on full pay for 12 months.
      But we now have an A/ Mayor for 12 months who the residents didn’t vote for.

      As for who all the ‘Happy Councillor’s’ will vote in for the D/Mayor position, if it is Div 3 Councillor Greaney there will be outrage over her appalling handling of the paid Parking on the Strand fiasco not to mention the way she has dealt with matters on the island.

      On reading some of the coverage in TB regarding the over payment of $2.8 million, the idiot councillor Kristen Price in the comments section stated ‘Thompson was the one who forced Pins out.’ This shows the level of intelligence we are dealing with this current council.

      So Ex TCC I agree the whole council needs to be dissolved – it is rotten to the core.

      • The Magpie says:

        While we’re in this neck of the woods, here’s some soothing news. The ‘Pie has been asked if TwoNames is sacked outright, would that mean the second placegetter in the election …. i.e. (shudder) ex-Mayor Mullet …. be able to claim the possum fur-trimmed scarlet mayoral robes again.

        The short answer is no. Well not automatically, and only if the impossible happened. Here’s the relevant part of the Act.

        164Filling vacancy in office of mayor
        A vacancy in the office of mayor must be filled by—
        (a)if the office becomes vacant during the beginning or middle of the local government’s term—a by-election; or
        (b)if the office becomes vacant during the final part of the local government’s term—the local government appointing, by resolution, another councillor to the office.

        So the only chance of Hill coming back to infest Walker Street again would be if a mayoral by-election is called, she decides to run (she wouldn’t dare) and win (she wouldn’t have a hope). There wou,ld be riots if that happened.

        So at least we can tick that box.

        As for Thompson, The ‘Pie know how he’d like to suspend him.

        What? Of course not, you blood thirsty bastards, The ‘Pie was talking about ‘by the toes’.

        • Ex TCC says:

          Another option now would be that finally someone else in the community might actually put there hand up to run because the labor brand as well as the control from hill is a distant past. So we kill 2 birds with one stone. No more Thompson and anyone who might have run against hill in the past will not need to worry about retribution.

        • Big Mac says:

          Why would there be riots? She ran before and won without riots.

      • Tony Bright says:

        Councillor Price has gone on record and said it was the mayor who signed off on the termination of Prins and by the amount it was a 2 year payment. Under a deed of separation it would be with the legal chief, David Sewell. The others would’ve been signed off by the CEO, Prins. Makes sense, but Price really broke confidential protocols, he immediately was in strife after talking to the media. Between his boat ride and now this, he’s in a spot of bother. The other item, and it makes sense, Councillor Greaney made the original complaint on the chairs at the strand, then came out to condemn the ‘confidential caller’ she wants the acting mayor role bad.

        • The Magpie says:

          Ma Greaney got so stung by public repudiation for being a leading advocate of the parking meters, she was no doubt spooked enough to make a wrong call while seeking to gain a mantle of public champion.

          This is one of the occasions where the only person making the right in that deckchair farce was the council staffer who made the call … the business was cynical about doing for ‘all the public’ … what transparent too-clever-by-half crap … the anonymous busybody whinger who didn’t bother apprise themselves of the regulatory facts … and Ma Greaney, desperate for love.

    • Jenny says:

      ExTCC, wasn’t it established at last Wednesday’s council meeting that elected councillors have no role in the hiring (or firing) of any employees? They do not ‘sign off’ on employment contracts. The new CEO (after Acting for a few months) was not selected by the current councillors and neither was the last one selected by Jenny Hill’s team. Councillors are not responsible for that. Full stop.
      Also, how does placing a council in administration “clear the debt problem as far as being able to pay it down”? Even in administration a council still functions, work gets done, employees still get paid.

      • The Magpie says:

        Pretty sure that’s not correct, J.

        Point of clarification: who selected Joe McCool if the councillors didn’t? As The ‘Pie has always understood it, councillors DO choose the CEO (and only the CEO), and they vote at appropriate times whether to renew the CEO contract. Or is that incorrect?

        • Alahazbin says:

          Pie, Looking back at the last labor controlled TCC after Ray Burton resigned, the CEO’s appeared to be ‘parachuted’ in by the labor party hierarchy and the Mullet had to agree to the said appointments. Not only CEO’s but other executives and party hacks were ensconced within the walls. A lot from Darwin gained employment.

        • Guy says:

          Geez magpie , if there’s a council mayoral by-election maybe I’ll stick my hand up. This time there will be no one actively stopping me knocking on doors outlining the history of townsville council. Maybe I’ll have a handout ?

        • Junket pump says:

          Mr Magpie, the CEO/HR/third party recruitment agency do the recruitment for a suitable new CEO. Once one has been sourced they put forth a report to the Councillors which includes a recommendation to hire that person. The Councillors then vote yes or no. The councillors don’t get involved in the recruitment process in any other than the final sign off. I guess that from an operational perspective, they trust the recruitment process.

          • The Magpie says:

            Happy to accept your knowledge, and of course, councillors do not actively take part in choosing a panel, but we the greatunswashed have definitely been told that council went into closed session to discuss (by memory) a short list of four candidates. Are you saying they are presented with just one recommended candidate, and then have the choice of saying just yes or no? Closed sessions are because we were told there would be a lot of personal details discussed,(quoting Tony Bligh) and the clear inference was that one or all of the applicants may not want it broadcast that they were seeking the job. This assumes none were unemployed at the time of application. So if this is right, councillors have a choice and discuss relative merits.

            Of course, the way it happened under Herr Mullet is a different matter altogether.

        • Ex TCC says:

          Pretty sure I won’t get an apology from Jenny hey magpie for her incompetence. Just shows she’s not very well informed about council protocols and try’s to use lots of big words to make it sound like they are in the know. For the record Jenny, after ray Burton we had. Adele, Chiodo and prins all hand picked by hill. Unless you were on the interview team and you know of the shortlist?? As for administration of the council, it will provide much needed clean out of the incompetence still left from last 11 years under the shroud of hill. Many hidden issues need to be addressed and while we still have remnants of team hill nothing will change as they have voting power still to keep thing’s business as usual.

          • Jenny says:

            Too right, ExTCC. I’m not well informed. But did you notice that NONE of the elected councillors revealed any role in the hiring of any employee – even if they were consulted in some way, behind closed doors, about the short listed candidates for CEO. None of them would have had any specific knowledge of the terms and conditions because it is none of their business. That’s not what councillors are elected for.

    • Trix63 says:

      Re Ex TCC on Suzy. My thoughts exactly. Should she as a councillor know more about what went on or don’t councillors know where the money is spent? It was such a pity for us in Townsville when we lost Fran to cancer as I like to believe she would have brought in transparency and fiscal responsibility for us long suffering ratepayers. Does Paul Jacobs now get paid as a mayor or will he reject it as his salary as a councillor more than enough to get by on? If he does accept a mayors salary I believe that an administrator should be brought in to run this council and get rid of the current councillors.

      • Ex TCC says:

        Funny how Suzy didn’t ask any questions about MAGNUS pty ltd getting a few million for feasibility studies for a battery plant that never happened. If my memory serves me correctly part of it was state government. Happy to be corrected but I see no difference in waste of money that isn’t there’s for no outcome.

  10. Phil Batty says:

    Magpie, on the subject of Adani if you remember it required 13 occasions of asking the same 7 questions about the airport shenanigans which led to threats of legal action from TCC before the whole things was abandoned, and only then when it became a topic in the Magpie’s weekly missive.

    Townsville has many things to thank you for, tirelessly exposing the truth is one and providing a satirical and humorous spiel is another.

    Our premiere, the Kid, should be paying heed to this blog every week he will be better informed on matters for Townsville than any ministerial brief could provide.

    Your followers may want to pay attention to the neighbouring Whitsunday Regional Council in the coming weeks as I think it will become public of a heinous deliberate act of bastardry which is beyond belief. More to come.

    Keep going Magpie and keep them accountable, thank you for my Sunday essential reading.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks, Phil.
      And yes, have heard whispers of some unconscionable behaviour down your way. Haven’t hasd the time to chase anything given our own unholy mess, but will be watching and waiting with interest.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Phil, do you have a link or could you provide the details of where we would/should go so as to be abreast of the Whitsunday issues? I’m curious.

      • Phil Batty says:

        Kipper Breath , I am just waiting for one action from WRC to be done and then it will be public, very public in fact. I will keep the nest posted and up to date.

  11. Echochamber says:

    Just another Sunday in Townsville


    Police are urgently searching for four people they allege stole a firearm and ammunition from an unmarked police car in Townsville in the early hours of this morning.

    • wollo says:

      I would say that the copper who was in charge of the gun and ammo was very slack. I had a mate in the police about 20 years ago and he was instructed not to leave his gun in his car unattended so when he got back to the station he had to immediately secure it in the office safe along with the ammo. If he was on a job and had to stay in a motel or pub he would lock it in the office safe or take it inside his room. I don’t know if that policy still applies now but I reckon the Copper will get his arse kicked over this particularly if the thieves use the gun in a crime.

      • The Magpie says:

        but before all that rushing to judgement as in ‘I would say…’ , would be best to know the exact circumstances of the matter.

        • The Good Old Days says:

          I think there may be instances where the firearm can be left in a QPS vehicle, but what may be a problem is if the ammo was in the same safe as the gun.

  12. Dave Nth says:

    I’m in the same mindset about Batkovic, suddenly now on her hind trotters when she was in the thick of it for 5 years. Jacob too before his road to Damascus moment.

    I also believe administration may be inevitable, needs to be a full and forensic audit of the books, contacts and CIC business back through the previous 10 years. I suspect it may uncover a lot of incompetence and developers running rings around our hapless ex representatives for their own gain. At an outside chance may uncover some conflicts of interest or outright malfeasance. Who knows but I’m one who wants to see some sunlight into dark corners and the critter scurrying.

    Once would have thought this is a job for the fourth estate. Sad that the pie has been the only hound sniffing around for a while now.

    • The Magpie says:

      Interesting inter-species description of the old bird.

    • Critical says:

      Agree with you Dave, a full independent forensic audit of financial transactions and the condition of the cities assets including roads/streets needs to be undertaken as a matter of urgency so that future financial planning and asset management can be undertaken using validated evidence. Such an audit should be overseen by Queensland Audit Office to ensure independence of the audit and the full report made publicly available.
      Tracing the expenditure of all grants given to TCC should be included in this audit to see if grants were expended in accordance with the purpose of the grant and what TCC actually applied for. This may cause a few headaches for certain Councillors and senior Council staff.

  13. pete@Annandale says:

    While it seems logical to just sack Thompson, it is not that easy. Without a due process the mayor could sue the government and the cost could be more than the current situation. What is really needed is for someone to put a bomb under the CCC . Surely it does not take a year to come down with a recommendation?

    • The Magpie says:

      The CCC is shaping up as a scandal as big as the unforgivable Forensic and Scientific Services Laboratory operational paralysis.

      Justice delayed is justice denied in both cases.

  14. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, Mr. Crisafulli’s silence on the decision to suspend Troy Thompson for 12 months, is booming up and down Ross River Road…

    • Percy says:

      Elusive fuckwit, still obsessed with the LNP are we? Fucking get over it mate. You really are a cockhead.

    • Mike Smythe says:

      Easy solution remove the whole council, and the executive, it’s about to all come out. The mayors gone, but the rubbish came well before he got there and is coming back in to council now Hills team holds the numbers. Greaney will be acting mayor in 2 weeks, and we have a real problem, her and Suzy at the helm. The debt is extreme, labor rules again. Think I’d prefer the conman, cough, cough. The jockey sized Premier in Brisbane needs to step up and take it under the states control through an administrator, Townsville about to hit the wall.

      • The Magpie says:

        How is that going to work, there isn’t any mechanism to role the deputy (and now acting) mayor until a full year after his appointment, when the deputy’s position was agreed to be reviewed. And why would Greaney attempt some sort of mini-coup even if it were possible at a time of turmoil like this? That would come back and bite her on the arse very quickly.

        You really have to stop be an enabler and cheerleader for further disruption, Tro … sorry, Mike.

        • Mike Smythe says:

          A re-election for deputy can be called with 10 days notice at anytime. It’s a simple vote, they do not have to wait for the 12 months. It was explained on ABC the other day. And good try but I’m a retiree in west end, and I did not vote for him, I voted for Mr Patel, and Erica over Mooney. I’m off to walk Turner now, have a great day.

          • The Magpie says:

            That would be interesting … a vote for a deputy to the acting mayor, would that be? This would be wonderfully complicated and make the council look like in-fighting fools and self-seekers. If for no other reason, there doesn’t appear to be any benefit or necessity not to go with the way things have fallen, since it’s probably temporary and won’t gomdown well with the electorate, it’s not as though Jacob is likely be in a position to do any damage or make some sort of power play.

          • Jenny says:

            Mike and Magpie, does the elevation of Deputy Mayor Jacob to Acting Mayor mean that the position of Deputy Mayor is officially vacant? If it does then I can see how there could be election among the remaining nine councillors (or ten if the Acting Mayor gets a vote?) to select a new Deputy Mayor. Which could all get a bit messy if the suspended Mayor is eventually reinstated – the then-redundant Acting Mayor would have no rung to step back down to. Yet, if the Acting Mayor is having a bad day or is absent and can’t chair a council meeting, who would step up to chair a meeting? Would that be the Acting Acting Mayor?

          • The Magpie says:

            You’re worried about that? The initial conversation was about a claim that Greaney would be (Acting) mayor in two weeks. Can’t see that, certain other commentators are confused about allegiances .. some oif Team Hill were there just for the money and to get a foot in the door. So no more automatic arm aerobics, if they weren’t all worried about an administrator possibnility, it would a locked cage fight in no time.

            next meeting might be a doozie … or a fizzer.

            Anyway, it will be interesting to see if the deputy mayor is an acting capacity only. Gotta luv it when everyday is Red Nose Day in Walker Street.

      • Bob Roberts says:

        You dodged the question last week.

        Which councillors do you think would vote for Greaney? You need six.

        Not to mention that Greaney and Batkovic aren’t Labor.

        If your prediction doesn’t come to pass and Jacob is still acting in two weeks, please fuck off forever.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          Does Jacob get a ‘Councillor’ vote or has he sacrificed that having moved onto the throne, therefore only voting if there is a tie?

          • The Magpie says:

            WTF, Kenny???? The mayor always gets a vote.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            I was of the understanding that the Councillors vote on issues and the Mayor only votes if there is a tied vote. Is this not the case? Or is it only certain issues?

          • The Magpie says:

            The mayor always has a vote when a deciding vote in needed. Hence the mayor always has a vote … that he doesn’t cast it unless necessary doesn’t mean he/she hasn’t got one.

            End of this pointless semantic thread.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            Misread the process:
            ‘Each councillor present has one vote and, if the votes are equal or tied, the chairperson (usually the mayor) also has a casting vote. If a councillor present fails to vote, the councillor is taken to have voted in the negative.’

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes? Thank you for confirming what The ‘Pie said.

        • Aussie says:

          I thought Greaney was a member of the Labour Party up until around 2018

          • Jeff, Condon says:

            Greasy denied ever being a member of any political party on the ABC today.

          • The Magpie says:

            Which she seems to think paints her in a somewhat noble light, which is a tad dumb … it paints her as an opportunistic and ambitious person who puts an agenda of personal advancement ahead of any other consideration.

  15. Mr Macphisto says:

    The following is my understanding of TwoNames suspension and how it may pan out. Please, feel free to correct me if I am not on the right path. The suspension is for 12 months. There are some scenarios which could happen during that period.
    1. At the end of that period, if the CCC have not concluded their investigation, TwoNames is back to work.
    2. At any given time during the suspension the CCC conclude their investigation with no recommendation for preferring charges. The suspension ends and TwoNames returns to work.
    3. At any given time during the suspension the CCC concludes their investigation with recommendations for preferring charges. TwoNames is charged, the current suspension ends, however a new suspension without pay commences until the charge/s are finalised. If guilty, he’s sacked. If not guilty, he returns to work.
    I would suggest that the CCC will want to avoid criticism associated with the lingering of a long investigation while TwoNames is on paid suspension and we will see a result sooner rather than later.

  16. Pat Coleman says:

    Anyone notice the news clips of schoolies where the parents are dropping their white kids off to hotels with the cartons of beer on the ground beside them?

    Anyone notice that all defence lawyers around town represent white people a normal person wouldn’t have anything to do with in normal life? And they make a buck or 2 out of it?

    I met Mr Levitt a long time ago and he is a very skilled legal Beagle with a social conscience and this is what is needed in the deep north.

    I have a problem with the LNP cop candidate retirement fund industry . And the LNP dealing with said proceeds of crime donations from the gambling mafia when these serving cops sought preselection whilst legally bound by integrity provisions and oaths.

  17. John says:

    The State Govt has contributed to the malaise through $175m in loans to TCC, with $100m for the working capital facility that is slowly being eaten into to support operations and $75m via $25m per year for the next 3 years, again to support operations. The other major contributor is the incompetence (and personal bastardry) of the previous CEO who allowed operational and capital budgets to blow out and projects to fail, while destroying the culture and seeing capable people out the door (be warned anyone who thinks of employing him). The State Govt has to accept it is a large part of the problem, before putting TCC into administration, they may not be capable of such reflection? The QAO have not come down on TCC in any way for years, despite overwhelming evidence that it was needed, just look at their long term financial forecast every year for the last two decades. The current CEO is doing none of the heavy lifting required to reduce expenditure (revenue is OK), and hasn’t shown any indication he knows enough about operations to understand where savings can be made. The solution is a capable Mayor (not Thompson, Jacob’s etc), appointing a capable CEO (not McCabe, Ralston, Butron etc), appointing a capable executive and developing a detailed ten year recovery plan and having the courage and discipline to stick to it. There are a lot of good people at TCC who with the right leadership could get the city humming again.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      John, where do you think local government borrows money? They can’t go get a loan from the building society. Treasury loans are the standard way. If you are not in the know, get out of the way.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, dunno about that NSFM … the word on the street and The Magpie hears that afriend told him that the council is making inquiries as to the whereabout of a certain Tirath KHemlani and if his bank is still in business.

      • Circus fan says:

        Not Standing, I think you may have misunderstood the comment about the state government contributing to the council’s financial state.
        The state government, represented by qld treasury and the useless department of local government approved the council’s borrowings. Allowing the council to chalk up too much debt without any scrutiny on council’s ability to payback the debt.

  18. Dr Cheeseman says:

    By giving Thompson a 12 month sentence, all that has happened is that they extend Townsville’s misery for a longer period of time. If they think temporary suspension will motivate him to resign, think again This dropkick hit the jackpot with his $250k job when he was essentially unemployable. He will never leave voluntarily. The 12 month senate ce quite simply enables him to drag this issue out longer.

    • Andrew Mosely says:

      The minister did the right thing, sidelining Thompson, using the local staff and advisor to manipulate his decision to sit out, brilliant.
      The next step is whether Crisafulli shows some sense of leadership and steps in, puts the council into administration. Debt is growing, projects have blown out, and the current project lists will not be completed for 40 years. This has to be looked into, or will they just let Greaney be lead by Jenny again, with Suzy in tow. Let’s pray Townsville is investigated sooner than later.

  19. Grumpy says:

    It’s becoming more depressing by the day. I’m driving to Brisbane, picking up Melissa Downes and moving to Tristan da Cunha, where we shall live happily ever after.

  20. Roger That says:

    I believe Greaney speaks with fork tongue.

  21. Scotty says:

    This is my first contribution although I’ve been a close follower of your site for over 12 months. Simply put, the content fascinates me.
    Guilt got the better of me and I have made my first contribution (donation) to “The Nest.”
    This missive is just to congratulate you, and MOST of your contributors, on what is (in my view) an excellent site.
    I’m a former journo and “political operative” so who knows I may even be able to positively contribute!
    Job well done. Congratulations!

  22. Critical says:

    Lord help residents of West End if the rumour that Dept of Housing is looking to purchase the whole block of land that the now closed Royal Hotel, Stagpole St occupies. Didn’t know the hotel was closed until I heard the rumour so I drove by this morning and its certainly locked up and an internet check shows it’s listed for sale. The block would certainly meet a lot of Dept of Housing requirements such a large block, central location, close to public transport and shopping centres.
    As Dept of Housing doesn’t have to comply with TCC planning etc requirements, it’d be anyone’s guess on how many units could be fitted on this site and probably in ground plus 3 floor buildings like those in Wootten St, Aitkenvale and behind the old corner store on Kings Rd, Pimlico.
    The Dept of Housing would certainly want to keep this quiet if true because of the fear of community backlash.

    • White Mouse says:

      One of the laws The Kid passed when he was the Local Government Minister was to make Dept. Housing comply with local government regulations (subsequently ripped up by labor). The Royal Hotel site is smack bang in the middle of a Cultural/ Heritage zone and is low density. If the new minister wants to resurrect her career, bringing back these laws would be a good start.

    • OED says:

      Seems like a great location for the reasons you suggest. We’re in a housing crisis so let’s hope the rumors are true.

      • Headmistress says:

        Agree. Whats the problem with more affordable housing close to amenities? There’s also the St Vincent de Paul Society site on Echlin now abandoned and quickly falling into disrepair. The Catholic diocese could surely consider options for their extensive property portfolio to help address the current housing crisis? Use the site to develop affordable accomodation?

  23. Steve Jones says:

    Greaney will lead the city in weeks, given the stories by the bulletin, the labor bias is very obvious and will continue. Team Hill has come back to bite us all. My money is on Thompson bringing down the council with him. It needs to be done, and like the election he was the ‘circuit breaker.’

    The vote will be, Greaney, Batkovic, Mooney, Ellis, Phillips & Price for Greaney as acting / deputy mayor.

    • The Magpie says:

      What fucking vote? What position is up for grabs?

      Something about all this brings the poisoned dwarfs out of their holes.

      • Steve Jones says:

        Ask the deputy, he is aware of it, he has mentioned that there is a spill going on behind the scenes, lead by Greaney. s175 of the local government is all about the election process. It’s as simple as giving 10 days notice, advise it’s for deputy mayor and the 10 councillors will vote. The deputy’s vote is the decision vote in a 5/5 vote.

      • Jenny says:

        Magpie, there seems to be a view that the elevation of Deputy Mayor Jacob to become Acting Mayor automatically creates a formal vacancy in the position of Deputy Mayor. I’m not sure if that is correct but if it is then there could be an internal election among the councillors to fill that position. Greaney might win such an election. What I don’t understand at all is how (hypothetical) Deputy Mayor Greaney would therefore “lead the city in weeks” as Steve Jones puts it. How does she displace Acting Mayor Jacob? What’s the hypothetical process here?

        • The Magpie says:

          You have eloquently explained what The Magpie has been trying to say. All this talk of maneuverings and power plays (and the Labor Party FGS) are mainly the product of ignorance or over active wishful thinking, emanating from the TwoNames camp. One such comment, not published, thundered on about this leadership change, but also mentioned in the litany of Townsville’s woes was ‘all the chemicals in our water’.

          Bit of a giveaway, eh?

          • Jenny says:

            Along with all that hydrogen and oxygen there’s now a problem with blue-green algae that has brought on water restrictions:

            “Mr Richards said the rising level of blue-green algae had increased the cost of treating water substantially.
            “Not only does it take longer to treat water when levels are this high, but that strenuous treatment process dramatically increases the cost of treating water, so by cutting down on the amount each person is using we can focus on spending that money elsewhere,” Mr Richards said.
            “Council has already implemented a range of measures to manage blue-green algae, including treatment plant upgrades like new clarifiers, increasing sludge handling capacity and chemical storage to continue producing safe and high-quality treated water.
            “Thanks to these new measures we have been able to manage the unprecedented algae blooms in recent months, however as the hot and dry weather is expected to continue through to late January before we see any significant rain, it’s time for everyone to do their part.” TCC media release.

          • Rotten Luck Willie says:

            On that matter, what has been the reaction of the My Place Morons to Twonames holiday on full pay (FFS!)?
            I am not on Facebook hense the question.

          • The Magpie says:

            You will get a gl;impse of it here in comments, but The Magpie allows only a glimpse, he is not going to provide a platform for whackos and morally deficients who clumsily try to hide their allegiance with absurd comments.

            There is no two sides to Troy Thompson and his criminal behaviour. There is not debate around him, he is in this forhimself and does not care what damage he does to get his way.

    • Anti-Flog says:

      Troy has the next 12 months to sit on his arse at our expense. I’d be bored too, but I wouldn’t fill that boredom like Troy is by stirring up power fantasies in council just to make the point “hey everyone! Look at the council! They’re all fired up at each other and I’m not even around. Clearly I was never the problem”.

    • OED says:

      So you think Price, who supported Jacob for the role initially, has switched to supporting Greaney?

  24. Maggie Moggie says:

    Didn’t take long Greaney, has made her first tilt for D/Mayor , TB article 25/11

    ‘Thompson didn’t have city’s best interest at heart’

    It’s a bit like the ‘Pot calling the Kettle Black’ hey ‘I’ll get back to you’ Greaney.

    You certainly had the city’s best interest at heart when you lead the charge for paid parking on The Strand.

    Have you no shame!

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Food Trucks Greaney is toast, Moggie. Only interested in herself and what she can squeeze out of her last stand in Council. She will be thrown out next time, no doubt.

      She could be ‘honourable’ and pluck off now after the Strand parking debacle – how about it Food Trucks???

  25. The Magpie says:

    Nope, sorry Mopsy (but thanks anyway). His comments are helpful or sincere, they are all about TwoNames resurrection (he thinks).

  26. Mike Douglas says:

    The Councillors can’t be serious in considering food trucks Greaney as acting Mayor . Ann Maree , Suzy , Liam , Kurt , we know you voted on Lansdown , ratepayers $79 mil extra Haughton , blowouts on Thuringowa library re-location and the amount of debt that has resulted in the highest rates increases of any Council in Qld . All is forgiven and Council hopes to pay the debt off over 30 years . MIA on the cbd and lied saying businesses were consulted on introduction on paid parking . Townsville people voted for a change not Team Hill mark 2 .

    • The Magpie says:

      And they certainly didn’t know they were voting for a lying wife abusing fraudster when they voted for Thompson.

      • Mick Blair says:

        Pie, I don’t like him either, I’ve now been blocked on his page too, but it is a private page, luckily I have another profile. Today’s one about the projects is good though, I don’t think even he can get real answers now, our town needs answers. I know this city is crippled financially, I cannot see any other solution other than to put council into administration.

    • Jenny says:

      MikeD, where do you get the idea that councillors are “considering food trucks Greaney as acting Mayor”? Please don’t say you deduced it from an article in the TBulletin. Have you thought this through or are you saying that the state government’s promotion of Jacob to the top job can be reversed simply by electing another councillor into the Deputy Mayor position?

  27. Nostradamus says:

    Councilors who vote for Greaney in any move to replace Jacobs as Deputy Mayor/Acting Mayor can kiss their jobs goodbye at the next election. Jacob is no saint, but Greaney is not the answer to Townsville’s problems. She had a hand in creating most of them.

    • The Magpie says:

      One would imagine that Nanny McPhee would have some quite words of advice for anyone thinking of a Walker Street place revolution.

      And yes, Jacob has his own ambitions and when it comes to OUR vote – if ever get one – good to remember his unstinting praise for the good job the council had done on the budget … which contained a tiny line about parking meters on the Strand.

  28. Ein Grob says:

    FFS , the Australian Submarine Corp has hired a management consultancy firm that has links to the Chinese military.

    One of the problems with the previous froggy sub project was that many other countries had them and the plans got left on public transport and was sent to the media. This meant any adversary had many ways to compromise the program.

    These days it can be as simple as having a sleeper bug/trojan in their computer systems through an outside company plugging in.

    The Israelis did this with stuxit compromising the Iranian centrifuges.

    The Chinese compromised American systems and vacuumed up tons of military info including stealth tech and this was well reported.

    Allowing the ASC to be comprised is a fundamental failure by ASIO and the military. It’s a failure of dilligence.

    The ABC story here https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-26/aukus-contract-to-consultancy-firm-linked-to-china/104645912

    • Achilles says:

      This whole AUKUS Submarine proposal is the greatest waste of time and effort in recent events.

      If you draw a parallel from recent and current conflicts, the major change in warfare has been the domineering use of remote control armaments. They have prove to be amazingly accurate, cost effective and no human “pilot” at risk.

      If these subs are not coming for 10 years, after soaking up $B’s surely during that time crew-less much smaller submarines could be developed using the skills and knowledge garnered from the current conflicts.

      Surely there will be development of systems capable of detecting these monsters during the next 10 years.

      The main reason these subs have to be so large is to accommodate the needs of the crew. no crew and these subs could have a different shape and no need for massive storage of human essentials.

  29. Teflon Don says:

    The incoming non-stick POTUS is having the path cleared for his arrival. ‘It’s good to be the king’.


    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      I was truly looking forward to Trump going to jail. The American justice (?) system has been most disappointing in the extreme.

    • White Mouse says:

      With any luck and knowing that a criminal case is never going to happen, DOJ open all the evidence files on both the documents case (aka – national secrets in the Mar-a-Lago shitter) and the election interference case, not just the tidbits that were offered before the election. Lay the whole lot bare.

  30. White Mouse says:

    Another Palachook time bomb has exploded with the cost of the Copperstring project more than doubling in the last couple of months. With the financial geniuses of Hill & Ralston on the board, another doubling in costs isn’t beyond the realms of possibility.


  31. Ben Rumson says:

    1/4 past 2 this morning two proud first nation junior ambassadors smashing the windscreen and drivers window of our neighbour’s car. One armed with a machete or similar. That they were making enough noise to wake my household and the neighbours opposite (and possibly more) seemed not to worry them. After receiving a load of indigenously appropriate advice from the neighbors opposite they took off on foot.

    Earlier in comments there is a reference to the NT dealing seriously about truancy. I am beginning to think that a similar approach by Queensland, together with adult time for adult crime might, in time make a difference for the better.

  32. Elusive Butterfly says:

    WTF Mr. Pie, this is a bit harsh!
    The Bulletin’s editorial this morning is reporting that “Troy the Boy” has been exiled?
    Wonder which country he’s going to??

    • The Magpie says:

      More, one wonders what country would have him.

      But The ‘Pie believes people should start telling him to his face what a thief he is … of their money. Not in any suggesting anything more than a free character reading in explicit language, certainly nothing physical … although a good egging or cream pie would be a suitable exclamation mark.

      • SAndrew says:

        Inciting this sort of behaviour comes across as badly as the bias hatred peddled by the bulletin, I thought you were different. The bloke has never been convicted of these allegations, the State government has no choice, he would be paid a lot more when it goes to court, better to let it go, move on like the rest of us, he is no longer mayor, at least for 12 months. It’s obsessive behaviour Pie, leave that to the bulletins editor.

        • The Magpie says:

          Oh, petal, so sad.

          The only obsessive behaviour here are TwoNames enablers like you who, like him, believe we should move on, forget him, his lies and his own obsessive spite against Hill he is using too try to make himself look good by comparison. . This criminal character – he’s a clearly a criminal (albeit unconvicted) by his own TV admissions – is legally thieving from the Townsville ratepayers, taxpayers or whatever other public funds he receives.

          But you’re OK with that? Then you clearly do not understand the difference between hatred and one’s own pride, morals and dignity … the latter which never condones criminal leeching on the public purse or breaking laws.

          Those who don’t note history are bound to repeat it.

          • Chris Alloway says:

            Magpie, you are definitely carrying a grudge. He was voted as mayor, he won, we both don’t like it, but he won. He will bring down council by raising issues of corruption as he is doing now. My bet is a payout and gag order will follow soon.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, what’s your point?

            Of course The ‘Pie is carrying a grudge, but you in your addled bias make it sound bad and unreasonable. The ‘Pie has carried grudge’s all his life concerning crooks, cowards and cunts. It’s a sort of professional thing that after a time, became a personal fixture, an affront to a decent society. He carried grudges against crook Frank Poullas and his unhealthy relationship with our mayor, he carried a grudge said said mayor for trying to rort the ratepayer with a gift airport for a billionaire, he carried a grudge against a self-interested blow-in group who tried to put a half-way house for violent interstate juvvies in a quiet Townsville neighbourhood full of families, he has carried numerous grudges against various shonky blow-in developers, he continues to carry a grudge with the lying layabouts called Townsville Enterprise, and most recently, he was the first to air his widely shared grudge against the lazy councillor fuckwits who thought we’d be happy with parking meters on the Strand. And until there is some justice for the Townsville ratepayer in the matter of sleazebag Thompson, he will wear that grudge as a proud badge of honour.

            And The Magpie will proudly continue to not just hold reasonable grudges, but will continue to call them out, while the likes of you trip merrily down a flower strewn path of forgiveness and forgetfulness. But even your rose coloured glasses can’t help your addled head to understand how Townsville has got to where it is today. You are an irresponsible idiot if you genuinely think we should forget about Thompson’s con of the city which has done us so much damage.

            Lot of confusing ideas and words for you to look up and ponder in there, Chris, sorry to disturb your blissful ignorance.

          • Bagwhan says:

            @Chris Alloway…..seriously are you joking? It’s okay to lie, misrepresent, omit with intent, claim false valour, in order to secure a vote… the fact remains TT got voted in under totally false pretences, and I can assure you that this does not make it okay. I’m sorry I will not just let it happen because as you suggest we should just move on. Evil prospers when good men fail to act.

  33. Custard arse says:

    I just read another post on Thompsons Facebook page. He is a real shit stirrer. He has posted a bunch of questions relating to projects, project spending, finance and governance and he claims he will be writing to the premier, ministers, TCC Councillors and CEO McCabe. This guy is dangerous and he is angling to have an administrator brought in. This sociopath is more revengeful than Kevin Rudd and Malcom Turnbull. I reckon Thompson knows that he is toast and won’t be back in 12 months and he won’t stop until he gets his revenge. The bloke is fucking up our city even worse than Hill did. For a person on a 12 month break he sure is active and being involved in council activities. He has been handed 12 months in which he can sit in the sunshine in his armchair, sip on a Pina Colada and stir shit from his pool deck (so to speak). He has been handed a gift. This is a lamentable situation.

    • Mdog says:

      Asking questions relating to ratepayers and taxpayers money, where it’s going, and what is it being spent on, does not fit the shit stirring theme. Where is our money being spent and what is it being spent on????? If there is any evidence, that there has been any misappropriation, and or shaky shit happening, it should be bought to light. If there is any issue, they should be sacked, and appropriate measures put in place. It’s our money, not councils or governments, ours! Why is there no one suspicious of the past dealings, with council, there has to be an investigation, too anomalies are starting to come out, and a number of councillors have been there, for a long time. You would have to be stupid and ignorant, not to see any mischief going on. If all aboveboard fine, if not, fuck em off, and charge them. Accountability, responsibility, doesn’t seem to be a thing anymore!

      • Alahazbin says:

        “If all aboveboard fine, if not, fuck em off, and charge them. “
        Mdog, Fraudulent activity has occurred within council departments over the past. These people are usually’fucked off’ but never charged with any offence.

    • Critical says:

      The question that I have to ask is what information in either hard copy or electronically does he hold and is he using this information to frame his questions. If this information is internal and/or confidential council information that was provided to him as Mayor/ Councillor then I would have thought that he would be breaking some law or council policy or maybe the terms of his suspension conditions.

    • Chris Alloway says:

      I’m not sure his page is the problem. While I’m not a fan of his, he raises the points we all want answers too, and he has the followers that’ll bring the argument to council. Major Projects have broken this city, not him, the decisions made before he got there by Hill & the prior CEOs. He just stepped into the crap leftover. He is just using the voice he has, and he may very well get things moving.

      • The Magpie says:

        While your facts are undeniable, your unspoken suppositions suggest we forgive and forget that he is a lying, fraudulent scumbag unfit in both intelligence and integrity to lead this city. Anyone with pride in Townsville and particularly what it can be can never forget or forgive the swindle he has pulled. His is an agenda driven by spite (possibly partly because of the knock back his earlier attempt at a pot of gold for a ‘community sporting centre’ for Aitkenvale. Which wanted to cram wioth pokies and other gambling attractions.

        • Chris Alloway says:

          I just can’t agree, these are allegations only at the moment, he will not be reprimanded for this alone, his lawyers have defended worse. I think a lot of what he has faced has been driven by the media publicity and a particular bias, and that will play out in his defence for sure. Every word used, by media or politicians will be used by his defence lawyer as an attempt to influence a result. I just can’t see it carrying any weight in court. If he isn’t convicted, there’ll be plenty of people ducking for cover.

          • The Magpie says:

            Are you mentally deficient? It doesn’t matter if he’s reprimanded, it doesn’t matter what a seemingly highly compromised CCC decide (sometime this century), the whole world saw for itself his duplicity and dishonesty. The Magpie’s only interest is that he is found to be unfit for office and then goes and does whatever he likes. The ‘Pie is not after any draconian penalty for him, he just wants him gone without the low insult of a year’s free pay.

            Chris, he is a man without honour or integrity, you’ve been had, and you are just playing his game of legal semantics. The bloke is a fucking crook, and if you demand some sort confirmation beyond what is clear view, you’re either part of his cadre or, as initially suggested, mentally deficient.

            The two are not mutually exclusive, either.

          • Chris Alloway says:

            I can assure you I am not team Thompson, but if you are referring to the full interview recorded on his page, he did not admit to anything, the edited version on ACA was very different. I have to look at the evidence, he answered all the questions, and I believe that he simply did not remember items. That said the media and other councillors did crucify him on the shortened ACA media. I might not like him, but I’m not convinced he has crossed any lines deliberately. The CCC will make the call, and I’m sure his lawyers will defend every allegation. If he is charged, it’s not a conviction and can be overturned, I think this will take at least 24 months to sort through. Personally, if I was him, I’d take the council and paper to court, if he wins, they are all exposed terribly. Crisafulli should be steering very clear of this and Thompson. I have no issue with the whole council going into administration either, as long as it is the council and the executive, a big broom.

          • The Magpie says:

            Hmmm, few interesting points.
            ‘Didn’t remember items’. Like appearing in court on fraud charges, slip his mind, as it would, eh? And its all the dastardly doing of naughty video editors, taking him out of context, eh?

            “I’m not convinced he has crossed any lines deliberately”. You’re not a sertious peson, are you Chris?

            And if Thompson decides to sue anyone, he will have to foot that legal bill himself, according to what The ‘Pie has gathered from the LGAQ. Which basically means he won’t be suing anybody, News Ltd would fall on him like a ton of bricks, tie him up in courts for years and basically bankrupt him … The ‘Pie has had some small experience about these matters with News, they are very fierce and don’t care about the money when attacked in the courts. And remember, while you’ve got the calculator out, civil matters are usually before a jury, and the matters could hardly be heard in Townsville. But you seriously think he will sue the council and the paper? Or would even personally be able to find the deposit for lawyers to take it on?

            Like I said, you’re not a serious person, are you, Chris?

        • Grumpy says:

          Chris – you are typical of Thompson’s Cooker acolytes. “Forgot” he was NOT in the SAS? “Forgot” he did NOT have two degrees? “Forgot” his convictions for numerous breaches of a Protection Order? “Forgot” his personal bankruptcy? I’m willing to bet that he is not a “cancer survivor” either – he has deliberately obfuscated when asked for details: “I was sent home to make my final arrangements”. Tummy tucks ain’t cancer, you fucking liar.

          • Jenny says:

            Since we won’t be seeing TThompson live at TCC meetings any more, nor most likely, in any prominent position at any public functions, and since no government officials will be paying any attention to what he writes, or has written for him, on social media, why are we even mentioning his existence any more? We have a functioning council with ten elected councillors, a council bureaucracy who stand up for scrutiny at each council meeting, reports will be tabled without reference to the suspended mayor so as far as we can tell it’s business as usual. Could we possibly ignore the Sus Mayor and his conspiratorial Facebook ramblings and instead place the finger of scrutiny on the actual council? Next Wednesday’s Agenda will be overseen by Acting Mayor Jacob. There’s business to attend to, money to be found (for the pipeline that we know of) and some clarity around the North Rail Yards and Reef HQ which Phil Thompson has managed to drag back into the public sphere. Surely the mayoral dredge is full to the brim for now and only the CCC can unplug it?

          • The Magpie says:

            What a strange comment.

            The council was doing all that you mention even when Thompson was in the chair, he was at every moment surplus to requirements. The councillors for ill or better just got on with their tasks, with no hindrance or help from Goofy.

            And we only monitor him because he is mocking us for as long he is on his freeloading suspension, mocking us for taking our money because of a weak-kneed, incompetent and cowardly state minister. We don’t HAVE TO talk about him, but then again, there is no reason why we shouldn’t keep a public eye on the thief amongst us.

            By all means, stick to your agenda of not mentioning Thompson, jenny, but let everyone else stick to their agenda of whatever it may be without your schoolmarmish disapproval..

          • Headmistress says:

            Cancer survivor, global traveller, soldier, family man, business man, graduate and gas-fitter. Hes an ecletic, successful and urbane man of the world but also a heroic survivor who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty. He may hold a passport but I’m convinced the rest is all horseshit.

  34. Jenny says:

    Two announcements in the past week show that Magnis has fallen very close to Earth. Most of the furniture is gone, Frank is left holding a dusty shadow.

  35. Anyone missing a electric 4wd says:

    Just saw an electric 4wd SUV wagon going down Fulham and into Charles.

    These are expensive . So it’s been totally resprayed with a few black gloss cans which drew my attention. It was in the wrong lane at Pimlico and cut in through the lights illegally.

    The plate was also sprayed with the letters rubbed back with balck smudges. The reg was 634BW8 I think.

    There would be limited ability to charge up for the theives as they would be watching. Armed robbery might be in the offing.

  36. Mdog says:

    Just reading an article regarding set training, a business, where the kid was a director. He has blocked information regarding the collapse of the company. My question is why? Seems that others backyards are a little messy too!

    • Lab Rat says:

      I am shocked, I tell you, shocked.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      I read that same article, and am confused. It looks as though the ALP Federal regulator declined to open the file rather than the Kid himself. If the contents would further embarrass him surely they would be all over the front pages. I would also appreciate if you could show me the part where the story actually says the Kid “blocked” the publication.
      Yours etc

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I can’t believe he would do that Mdog. I thought he was above reproach. Our true and fearless leader who has come to guide our state from the dark of corruption and into the light.

  37. Prince Rollmop says:

    Let’s bring in Deloittes or KPMG to do a forensic audit of TCC. Let’s see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

    • The Magpie says:

      Yeah, sort of like they did with tax advice to the Feds.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        They will charge a premium, no doubt about it. However both organisations do a pretty good job. Worth the spend.

        • The Magpie says:

          Depends what outcome the government tells them the outcome want.

          • Ex TCC says:

            Why don’t we just get Jamie durie back? He only cost us a million for pre approved political results. Oh hang on we can’t have that because then Suzi B can’t ask how Jenny paid her separation payments to celebrities unlike to outgoing CEO.

    • The Good Old Days says:

      Bringing in a Big 4 accountancy practice to Audit TCC would leave an even bigger ‘hole’ in the finances once they render their invoice.

      • The Magpie says:


        • Critical says:

          Is it possible for Council to request the Queensland Audit Office (QAO) to organise a forensic audit to be undertaken of councils financial and asset management and expenditure for the previous 5 years
          The report would be tabled in Parliament together with the Auditor General’s recommendations on the way forward to ensure that Council is financially stable,
          reduces its debt levels to an acceptable level and replaces/maintains the city’s assets in line with contemporary standards. The report and recommendations are to be placed on the QAO website.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Critical a forensic audit can be requested however its likely to be declined for the same reasons as the Request for forensic audit of Ipswich City Council finances.

            “We considered the significant time and cost that the nature and extent of the requested audit would require. We concluded that conducting the audit would not result in any new findings or recommendations where the value would outweigh the cost of the audit.”

            In other words it would be a waste of public money.

          • The Magpie says:

            But is that a worthwhile comparison, Ducky? The ‘Pie is notfamilar wit the accusations and suspicions in Ipswich, but in terms of money, mismanagement and possible malfeasance, there must surely be a case for Townsville. The $80m slug on ratepayers for the pipeline would be a cost worth rectifying alone, let alone missing amounts never satisfactorily accounted for.

            Is a forensic audit going to cost $80m? Any informed readers out there who can give us a yardstick on this question?

  38. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie is hearing that the North Queensland Club has closed? Anyone heard anything?

  39. Uncle fester says:

    So, Troy gets a $250k holiday. The Bulletin reckon there are additional costs of $72k on top of that. Then there are the higher duties paid to the deputy mayor to step up a level. There really is no bang for our buck as we foot the bill for this creep. Then we have an ‘advisor’ hanging around keeping an eye on things and we have hit after negative hit to our reputation as a place to invest. This entire debacle may drag on for another year or more, more uncertainty!

    • The Magpie says:

      What The ‘Pie has trouble understanding that Thompson continues on with his self=appointed victimhood, but does he really think he can return to the mayor’s office. Apart from his little comment writing cookers and basketweavers, does he think there is some massive groundswell of support which will see him carried shoulkder high back into the Walker Street bunker?

      There is a new word floating around from the youngsters who are determined to write theirn own bastardised dictionary … the word is ‘delulu’ which acts as both a noun and verb and delusional.

      So now we have a delulu suspended mayor.

    • Josh Mckay says:

      No, Thompson gets $250k, and Jacob’s gets an extra $70k to do the job while the mayor is out. It means it’s only costing us $70k more that the FTE budget, just Bulletin rubbish. I’m more concerned about Haughton being $500M, $300M above the original budget for a faulty job. There’s more than $70k blowouts on most small projects atm.

  40. Maggie May says:

    I was sitting at a table under the Fig trees at Picnic Bay Esplanade/ Mall.
    Greaney and Price came out from the nearby cafe and were discussing the adjoining boarded up commercial property.
    They were clearly in discussion about the property and its owners. From my perspective, the conversation didn’t appear to be of a positive nature. This was confirmed when the owner appeared and they quickly retreated back to the cafe without a hello.
    Couldn’t understand why Price was with her. My guess is she was drumming up support for for a vote that is not in the best interests of the owner.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, OK, but although the tone of the comment seems otherwise it doesn’t mean they were doing anything wrong or sneaky. In fact, many will be surprised that they were doing anything at all.

      • Maggy May says:

        Well it appeared sneaky from where I was sitting Magpie. There clearly was a problem and I thought it would have been an appropriate time to discuss it with the owner. But transparency is lacking in the TCC. Maybe they lack the ability to discuss issues and seperate their opinions from facts. In my opinion Greaney a SCHEMER!

    • Achilles says:

      A word of caution MM, regarding observations of events where fig leaves may have had an influence on covering up……!!!

  41. Jeff, Condon says:

    We can’t predict what the left leaning CCC will come up with in any particular findings and recommendations. However, I really can’t think that they can, in any way suggest he is a suitable man to be a Mayor.

    If it accepted that he is simply a liar and lied to everyone in order to receive benefits, such as all the perks along with the Mayoral salary, he is clearly unsuitable for the position. Criminal charges could be recommended.

    On the other hand, the wombats (I’m thinking Ruth Park here) in the CCC may take the option that his 100+ concussions have caused an acquired brain injury and that he is incapable of forming Criminal intent. As such, he really doesn’t know that what he’s saying is a lie.

    Either way you run it, Twonames is unsuitable for the position. If the latter option were adopted, the bastard could be turfed without compensation.

    And, it goes without saying the three – six week investigation results over the last six months should now be presented to the Government.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t think the CCC remit runs to making psychological assessments, they just decide if any of his behaviour merits criminal prosecution.

      But this particular investigation has made the CCC itself an issue. The delay can be nothing else but that they’re political compromised.

      • Southern Comfort says:

        I suspect that one of the reasons that the CCC are taking their time with this is their poor form in recent years in Council investigations. Their performance with the Logan Council investigation has led them to be particularly gun shy (poor timing this week for that to be a pun in Townsville).

        In particular, the current head of the Corruption unit is Mr David Caughlin — Acting Senior Executive Officer (Corruption). It’s the “Acting” part of his job title that gives me, and apparently this entire investigation, pause. If he wants to take the “Acting” out of his job title, he either needs to keep his department from making any mistakes until he gains permanency in his role, therefore is delaying. Or he is ensuring the investigation is either perfect, or at the very least not harmful to his prospects, at being permanent. It’s just unfortunate, that in bureaucratic realms such as the CCC “not harmful” means that people lack courage to do the right thing. And could just as easily let TwoNames the Conman walk, rather than risk embarrassing the CCC with another Logan style cock-up.

        The reality is, that TwoNames smear on the beloved City has been so large and long-running, and publicly proven, that it would be a criminal offence not to make determinations against him. But somehow, like Jim Hacker of old, it seems that there is a Sir Humphrey somewhere who has told him it would be “courageous” if he acted with appropriate speed to resolve the TwoNames matter.

        • The Magpie says:

          A reasonable hypothesis. ‘Not harmful’ in those terms means no harm to themselves, and bugger any actual timely justice.

        • Josh Mckay says:

          This bloke has been lucky so far. He will be able to demonstrate no intent, he will be able to demonstrate influence by media and political interference. The case may be on the verge of being thrown out due to bias due to no ability to get a fair and reasonable result. The state government should pay this blond out, sooner than later. Put it to bed and gag order him, otherwise what he does have could do a lot of damage to local and state government, which will make this a very hard term for our new premier. And Marr watching him probably has more to do with he trounced her in the 2020 campaign, it made her lose to Harper, as he threw the kitchen sink at her, and won, until he was dropped like a hot potato.

          • The Magpie says:

            Demonstrate no intent? FFS this isn’t a murder trial, mate.

            The ‘Pie knows he’ll be sorry for asking, but could explain what you mean by that? careful you don’t put your foot in it.

      • Jeff, Condon says:


      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        I suspect this will be an “Al Capone” investigation and conviction. They will not look at everything he has done, just one or two isolated but clear-cut and provable incidents. The threatening letter to Councillors and demanding $100k from Council to shut up come to mind as likely contenders.

  42. Jonny Rotten says:

    Re Trump: Get over it you lost, big time.

  43. Roger That says:

    Just noticed a recent ABC news feed about a former Western Australian Labour MP being sentenced for three years in jail for lies relating to his military service and his university qualifications that cost him his parliamentary career.
    Ummm. Interesting.
    I have a feeling the mayor must have some leverage to to be rewarded with a paid holiday for a year.
    In my opinion there are some grave issues within council we are not privy to.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Doubt it. More likely he has threatened to take the matter to the high court and they’re all pooping their pants because someone forgot to dot an i and cross a t.

  44. Lame Stephen says:

    Perhaps our Mayor will embark on a new career where wordsmithing and embellishment is a valuable commodity – realestate. Come and join the realestate fraternity Troy, your unique skills will be appreciated.

  45. I’ll be plucked says:

    We’ve heard nothing substantial from the newly elected State Govt members since the election. Today we read they are ‘watching’ the TCC – for what? Specifics please? The sooner The Premier moves to put the TCC into liquidation, we might believe there is going to be change………

  46. Circus fan says:

    Great question time in qld parliament. Both parties full slagging off the suspended mayor while trying to blame each other for not sacking him. All under the protection of the parliamentary privilege. So there’s nothing our suspended mayor can do.

    • The Magpie says:


      In effect, Crisfulli has annoiunced that circuit breakers will now cost $250,000. Per annum.

      Ergon was unable to comment … they were speechless.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Be unfortunate if the circuit-breaker blows up.

        • Winni says:


          Where are the apologies from the Journalists who should have done their job BEFORE the local elections and revealed these claims by the mayor?

          Where is the investigation being carried out ON the Government Department that should have done their job BEFORE the election and revealed these claims?

          This situation should have been nipped in the bud BEFORE the election.

          All these journalists should be making an APOLOGY to the people of Townsville for their FAILURE.

          Now these journalist are all carrying on like petulant children.

          • Grumpy says:

            Winni – stop it. Random capitalisation makes you sound like a Sovereign Citizen. Unless, of course, you are actually the living, unincorporated, travelling individual of the family of Winni.

            But you make a seriously good point. The ‘Pie has confirmed that the Bulletin had the entire dirt file before the election and declined to use it. No doubt with the full expectation of Jenny being the inevitable winner.

          • Bullshit says:

            On your second point, there’s no government department that should have investigated him before the election. That should have been done by the media and his opponents.

          • CCCwatcher says:

            Why should the journos have to apologise for people who can’t do a simple google search?
            Anyone who wanted to know what TwoNames was like just had to type his name into a search engine to find the previous stories about One Nation dropping him like a hot potato because of his past (failed to disclose his 2 names, failed to disclose he was director of a business that went insolvent, blah blah)
            The rest of the said dirt file, there’s a reason the Magpie was the only one who’d publish it (doesn’t care about lawyers coming after him)

          • The Magpie says:

            And that last statement says volumes about our laws that are so often weaponised to hide the truth.

          • CCCwatcher says:

            Agreed, Magpie

  47. Island Voice says:

    Of interest is the ongoing TCC court matter of trying to evict elderly pensioners from units that they own from Amaroo on Mandalay.
    The matter has been ongoing for over a year now. It was Bligh The Bully who first began legal action against the owners of the units because they were living in them. So Council were trying to force these people out of their homes and onto the streets.
    The owners were not having any of it and fought back. It is understood that mediation has helped some what with council conceding they can live there till they die and then unit can only be rented out on short term holiday basis.
    Not all the owners have agreed and TCC legal s has threatened to take the matter to trial.
    At the Nov MIRRA meeting a resident asked Cr Greaney ‘How much is this costing the ratepayers of Townsville?’ to which she replied I’ll take that on notice.

    What is the difference of the units being occupied full time or on a casual basis?
    It is appalling that council would try to evict pensioners from their home.

    • Barry Bailey says:

      I’ll take it on notice, sounds like the same line Greaney has been using for 3 terms, not a single reliable answer.

    • Bullshit says:

      The other owners shouldn’t have to put up with squatters devaluing their investments. The squatters knew the terms when they bought and should be booted.

      • Island Voice says:

        You’re full of shit.
        What are you talking about squatters?
        These people own the units they live in and some have lived there for over 20 years.
        The resort was subdivided in the early 90’s, there is a body corporate.
        These people are elderly and you think it’s ok that council has threatened them with eviction?
        You should be ashamed and so should council.
        Your a fucking low life.

        • Islander Man says:

          Island voice

          Are you Alan Sheret or Mark Fishbone?

          The residents have all agreed to terms, except the self serving Mark, now they all must go to court because he wants to be compensated, he’s not fighting for anyone but himself. Sheret needs to go away, he provides nothing positive to the group.

      • Maggie Moggie says:


        You are wrong:

        1 They are not squatters
        2. They were not aware of the ‘Terms’
        3. TCC action is against the body corporate not indvidual owners.

        In fact TCC were not even aware of what the resort was classed as.

        A history lesson for you –
        The resort was built in 1974 and it was called ‘Hannafords Mediterranean Village’ ( Many of the nest readers would remember those days fondly) – back then council didn’t have the same planning laws – re tourist resorts and accommodation. The resort has always had, live in occupants firstly workers ie chefs, managers, staff etc. Then owners.
        In 1994 the resort was strata titled and the units sold off, some of the owners have lived there since then.
        I hear TCC recieved a complaint from 1 person and decided to take action.
        There is nothing to stop the owners in future from moving out their units for a couple of days then moving back in.
        The whole exercise has been stressful for the owners, some are in their eighties. TCC legals have been heavy handed and their efforts are pointless and it has come at great cost to the ratepayers.

      • Jenny says:

        Was wondering about that. As I understood it the Council was in dispute with a body corporate about strata owners living in or long term renting out rooms in a designated ‘resort’. There could be rates revenue issues. Although it nearly reached a settlement there was at least one person who would not accept the terms. That person is still free to argue the toss and is determined to take the Council to court, not the other way round. Council will have no choice unless something gives. Our rates at work.

  48. Prince Rollmop says:

    Today I was reflecting on the behaviour this week of that slapper Lidia Thorpe. Here’s the thing; as a Senator she has the unique ability to have her voice heard far and wide. Truly a unique privilege. But instead of using that voice purposefully, respectfully and in an articulate manner, she chooses to act like a gutter dwelling grub. She is as dumb as a bag full of bricks.

  49. Elusive Butterfly says:

    I think it says a lot unlike, Natalie Marr, who says…
    “she’ll be keeping a close eye on the suspended mayor’s continued interactions with the Townsville City Council and will inform the Local Government Minister if necessary.”

  50. Orville says:

    At 1.55 pm today 28/11, that white unmarked Embraer jet with the repeated decompression issues was seen doing a wheels up go around on final. I think someone forgot to tell them until the last minute that RAAF jets were on the tarmac. Aren’t the controllers RAAF too? This should be looked at.

    • qnh says:

      You seem to have some sort of fascination with this white tail E190. It has a registration, that’s all that is required, liveries are up to the airline.

      One of the first items in a go around checklist is to raise the gear, sounds like the runway wasn’t clean, that’s up to ATC, not the pilot or airline; sounds like the pilots did their job.

    • This is your captain speaking says:

      Orville, you are obsessed. Do you sit by the airport fence watching planes come and go all day long? Mate, have you considered the fact that planes are mechanical and have millions of moving parts. Sometimes they break, the airline fixing them, and they return to service. A Qantas plane blew an engine 2 weeks ago in Sydney, they replaced the engine and the same plane flew again 3 days later. Get over the white Embraer syndrome mate. Take some pills or have a drink. Everything is ok petal.

    • Second in command says:

      I am an experienced airline first officer. Orville, your concerns over the ‘white tailed Embraer’ are appreciated, but not necessary. Issues like pressurisation and other mechanical problems occur from time to time. It’s nothing to stress about, as pilots we are trained to manage those occurrences. We also have skilled engineers who know how to fix the mechanical issues. I can assure you the aircraft in question is absolutely safe and you don’t need to worry.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thank God, The ‘Pie might get some sleep tonight. It’s been a trying time for all.

        • Jenny says:

          It’s alright for you, Magpie. That airplane has flown in from Sector 51 and is full of CIA and MAGA heading for their training facility at QNI Yabulu. I seen ‘em with my drone. RAAF didn’t know they were coming. There’s heaps of ‘em out there. It’s one way. They go out and they don’t come back. Clive was there. Haven’t seen him again. See?

      • Orville says:

        How close was the aircraft to landing before it had to go around? Fucking airport PR people lurking cos of Pie’s criticism of Gill over the years. The replies have PR written all over it. Nobody has addressed the issue of why the aircraft wasn’t put in a circuit earlier.

        • The Magpie says:

          Weird … and read that anyway you like.

        • Embraer 190 says:

          Orville, are you Pete Newey in disguise? Are you wearing a tinfoil hat? Now you claim that there are Gill’s aviation operatives colluding together to cover up a non-existent issue with a domestic aircraft! Mate, you have some serious mental health issues. and those cooker meetings have clouded your judgement. I recommend that you take some lithium and go sleep it off after attending therapy. But you better hurry as that white tailed aircraft just might disappear into the Bermuda Triangle if that pressurisation problem isn’t fixed!

          • The Magpie says:

            Correct The ‘Pie if wrong, but Gill has nothing at all to do with the airport anymore, ever since he was elbowed out a few years ago.

  51. Jenny says:

    Next Wednesday’s TCC meeting Agenda is now up on the site. There’s something for everyone.

    • Ben Rumson says:

      Thanks J.

      I will be looking forward to the questions taken on notice last meeting being answered this meeting.

      “Who signed off on the termination payments and why?”

    • Grumpy says:

      Same shit different day. They will all sit there like cardboard cutouts, playing their little political games. They will all be jockeying for board and committee positions so they can earn extra money. The biggest group of disingenuous people you will ever come across.

      • Jenny says:

        Whoa, Grumpy. You should be celebrating. The big group of disingenuous people has been almost decimated. By my calculation, the clique of cardboard cutouts playing their little political games has been pruned by 9.090909%. Smell the roses mate.

        • Grumpy says:

          Jenny – it seems that someone has stolen my identity. The “Grumpy” to whom you respond is not actually me.

          • The Magpie says:

            Another reminder, if dimwits wish to be mischievous and steal others monikers, there’s nothing The ‘Pie can do about it. While commenters like you, Grumpy, have created a persona over the years, you should consider the private password idea. It works for several others.

          • Jenny says:

            Grumpy, the theft of a moniker is a badge of honour. It shows a lack of imagination yes, but it shows that the original person is worth copying. To be honest though, why would anyone copy your name you cranky old prick.

          • Jenny says:

            Don’t take it personally (as if anonymous monikers can be insulted), but I’m being impersonated too.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, Jenny, The ‘Pie noticed some uncharacteristicly intelligent and well argued comments under your name.

          • Grumpy says:

            Yes, Jenny. Cranky old prick indeed. But an original one.

          • The Magpie says:

            Lovable would be stretching it, but we’d miss you all the same, Grumps, don’t go anywhere.

    • Circus fan says:

      Thanks for the heads up on the agenda Jenny. I just had a quick squiz and noted the Executive Officer Termination Policy is up for endorsement for adoption.

      The document was prepared by the Chief Legal Officer and authorised by the Director of Business Services. The glaringly obvious misleading information is again the omission of information by the executive staff in the Names of Parties with a Known Interest section. The executive staff have stated NIL in this section.

      This is a lie by omission. Every member of the executive staff have a known interest in this matter. These are the people that have a job title starting with Chief or Director.

      This is why an administrator needs to be appointed to clean out these crooks.

  52. Prince Rollmop says:

    Jenny, it is indeed an interesting agenda. I see a human resource matter is back on the agenda, some board and committee memberships are on the agenda (hopefully Twonames will be removed from the ones that he is on), and a new executive officer termination policy is to be discussed. What isn’t yet known is if and how the councillors might stick the knife into Twonames a little bit more. Cant wait. Exciting times.

  53. Ducks Nuts says:

    Hope you’re all fucking happy, even the government bringing this in says it’s discriminatory and likely to have more negative impacts than beneficial.

    “The amendments will treat children less favourably than adults in the same circumstances and therefore directly discriminate on the basis of age, limiting their right to enjoy their right to liberty without discrimination, their right to equal protection of the law without discrimination and their right to equal and effective protection against discrimination,” the statement reads.

    “This will, in essence, create a sentencing system where adults are better protected from arbitrary detention than children.”

    The statement also says the negative impact on the rights of children likely outweighs its benefits and “will lead to sentences for children that are more punitive than necessary to achieve community safety”.

    “I also recognise that, according to international human rights standards, the negative impact on the rights of children likely outweighs the legitimate aims of punishment and denunciation,” Frecklington said, in the statement.


    • Mad Jack says:

      FuckenOath I’m happy!

      All about the ‘children’ hey? These snots are not sweetness and cuddles. They are violent criminals.
      You, Testicals, seem to care not for the victims of these little shits, the long lasting detrimental emotional and financial effect being profound upon their victims.
      Further the financial burden upon thousands of others who have had to fortify their homes living with front and back doors locked day and night.
      Are we fucking happy you ask, about this legislation?

    • Circus fan says:

      Ducks, to me the intention of the legislation changes are for 2 reasons.
      One, is to protect the millions of population from the few hundred kids that are forcing people to spend money on increased security measures to keep themselves safe. Increasing security, decreases liberty, and that does not seem fair to the millions of law-abiding citizens.
      Two, the main point of the legislation, is to act as a major deterrent from the current kids and more kids from committing new crimes. I hope that no kids get sentenced under these new laws because that would mean there are no more kids committing crimes.

      • The Magpie says:


        • dark web says:

          anyone who thinks that under 16’s can’t navigate a VPN to avoid these bans has got rocks in their head, oops, hey labor

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed. The Magpie’s question from the outset is whatever happened to the old axiom of never make a law that can’t be enforced. This is Voice Mark 2 for Albanese as he wanders the desert of no ideas for a legacy. And it would seem he only has a few months to find one, and this won’t be it.

          • Achilles says:

            Yep, can you imagine the joyous environment in a household where a +16 year old has access to the “web” while any junior siblings don’t?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            The ridiculous social media laws are a different bag of stupid to the “Adult Crime Adult Time”

            One says persons under 16 are incapable of making Adult decisions. Now have a think about how that’s going to be enforced. And if you think it won’t affect you think again.

            The other says persons over 10 shall be treated as adults for criminal matters.

            Australia does not have a collective agreement on what an adult is. But

          • The Magpie says:

            A very good point, Ducky. Similar to the 1960s cry when the war criminal Menzies sent national service kids into a killing war that was none of our business, kids who weren’t old enough to either vote, or in some instances, couldn’t legally enter a pub.

          • Rotten Luck Willie says:

            Depends on the quality of the parenting.

            17 yo gets driver’s licence. Does 15 yo sibling put on a turn because they cannot get a driver’s licence too. It’s the law of the land. Further junior sibling needs to know what no means. There are other examples but you get the idea.

    • Mdog says:

      Yep, very fucking happy!

  54. Jeff, Condon says:

    The issue with the new juvenile sentencing legislation is that while it has increased maximum penalties, persuading the courts to apply them is the difficulty. They wouldn’t sentence them to seven years, can you sèe them handing down fourteen?

    When you have young recidivist thugs with 10 – 20 offences still getting off with no conviction recorded because it may be detrimental to their futures, a firm grip needs to be applied the courts’ testicals to change their hearts and minds.

    • Mad Jack says:

      I would like to think that a sentence that did not meet the new legislation of adult time for adult crime would be appealed by the government for excessive leniency. We shall see.

  55. Fact Hunt says:

    So Biden has pardoned his son, Hunter, and now the orange overlord asks about pardons for his January 6th rioters!
    What a shit show!

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