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The Magpie

Sunday, January 16th, 2022   |   192 comments

If You Have COVID And Die In A Car Accident In Queensland, Guess What? You Died Of COVID.

That’s according to the latest edict from our state CHO during the week. That sort of COVID count raises all sorts of interesting possibilities. The Magpie numbers a couple. And Bentley nails it.

The Joker is wild … but we’re quickly get bored with all the antics regarding a tennis player and bureaucracy’s ball boys – or more accurately, balls-up boys … The ‘Pie’s just going to play it for the laughs.

AND … clutch your pearls, dear readers … more blood letting among TCC council staff returning from the annual break.  Some details have emerged.

A former Bulletin reporter forgets her roots … and her routes; and another admits he’s fresh out of ideas if how to do his job.

And the little reported news item that puts the local boot scootin’ crowd in a real bind … and isn’t good news for Charters Towers.

Quick Commercial: if there’s any residual of good will left over from the season that usually drains us all dry of it, a helping hand with the ongoing costs of the blog would be greatly appreciated. A few unwelcome technical expenses bobbed up over the holidays, and they’re not fully resolved yet. If you can help out, the donate button is at the end of the blog. Thanks.

Now, onward.

The COVID Head Count Of The Dead Count

Seems the cat is out of the bag.

Of late, reading the daily diet of Chicken-Little-the-sky-is-falling media frenzy, The ‘Pie been given to flying into towering fits of apathy, knowing whatever is said will be changed to the opposite, or something entirely different,  within the day, if not the hour. So he is a stress free zone for most of the time. But the old bird was jerked up short with one of the most surprising admissions of any public spokesman on the issue this week, when Queensland’s CHO Dr John Gerrard detailed the now official rule adopted to tally COVID deaths.

The Courier reported that Dr Gerrard said the state will change the way it reports Covid deaths.

“Because of the widespread vaccination in the community and the complex medical conditions it is difficult to work out if an individual patient has died from the virus,” he said. “From now on we will simply report the deaths and individuals who have had a positive Covid test around the time of their death.”

The Magpie is among those who believe this has been the case from the outset across all Australian jurisdictions, especially in relation to shamefully neglected and unprotected elderly– presumably to impress upon the public the very real seriousness of the virus, but still dishonest and misleading.  It was a convenient ‘the straw that broke the camel’s back’ political policy to report people already medically compromised as COVID victims to enhance compliance with unprecedented regulation.

But now it is announced as official policy in Queensland, and without any qualifications,  which leaves us in an interesting position. If you have any symptoms of the various viruses and cark it, you will be counted as a covid victim, no matter what the surrounding circumstances. Bentley makes the possibility crystal clear.

covid BS prelim

Court cases will be interesting.

‘Yerronner, we reject the charge of murder against Mr McGurk, because the official cause of death has been given as COVID. So the strangulation my client is accused of administering was clearly incidental to the passing of the deceased. Furthermore, we reject any downgrading to manslaughter, because Mr McGurk had no way of knowing what he intended as a mild reprimand would be so aggravated by this deadly disease. But we agree to cop AOBH, or, at a stretch, even GBH.’

This new rule does not inspire confidence in any ‘science’ the government begs us to accept when they make their toss of a coin rulings that mostly ignore vastly changed circumstances. Anyway, it appears any science relied on by CHOs and Premiers is Commercial in Connivance, and we’re not allowed to see it.

Oh, Stoppit, Just Stoppit!

They all ask will Novax play in the Australian Open, to which The Magpie gives the firm, unequivocal reply ‘Zzzzzz … huh, mmm, what, is he still here?’ As one tweeter said, Australians are sick of this matter and want the government to move on to the next scandal.

But nothing like avoiding the tedium by mixing in a local angle to the saga, like this from The Shovel.

Screen Shot 2022-01-15 at 10.58.07 am And this …

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Speaking Of Which, From The Kitchen In The Lodge

                                                  Loaves and fishes, anyone?

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And from Germany, a reminder of what an alert and prepared leadership looks like … it looks like this vending machine – full of RAT tests.

Rapid vending machine in germany FIvlF4eXwA0Fmib

Really, FFS.,

In Britain, Looks Like COVID Will Be A Political Killer

BoJo Johnson has slithered, burbled and what-ho’d his way around persistent reports and emerging proof that within hours of introducing the country to strict lockdown and social distancing measures last year, he and a few of his Hooray Henry chums were boozing it up at wild parties at Number 10.

These accusations went back and forth, with bits of evidence coming to light before the bombshell a few days ago. It has been confirmed that one of the biggest parties that broke every single regulation Johnson had introduced took place within hours of the world watching sombre images of Queen Elizabeth, sitting alone (as per Johnson regulation) mourning her husband at his funeral.

It is doubtful his belated apology to the Queen was either sincere or of any use to him … his own generally egregious party now realise he is a man of no honour, so won’t resign, and at the time of writing were on the verge of booting him as leader.

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Johnson toon Screen Shot 2022-01-14 at 10.37.57 amAnd the incomparable Marina Hyde didn’t miss him either, with one of the most telling epithets in The Guardian.

Do you reckon one of the reasons you made impaired decisions (about pandemic strategy) and now seem to be suffering repeated memory loss was because of “the drinking culture at No 10”? I mean, honestly. Imagine being such a mess that even JOURNALISTS reckon you drink too much.

Her full article is worth a look if you have any interest in the plight of the Poms … and want a laugh at the same time.

Let’s See How The Bulletin Handles This

Short answer – won’t touch it with a barge pole.


Just into The Nest, from an informant who, understandably, wants to be called Standing On The Outside.

The revolving doors/ bloodbath continues at Walker Street.

Following on the departure of Chief Strategist Brogan and Chief Information Officer (what’s his name?) more sackings/ redundancies and “retirements” this week as the workforce returned.

Chief Legal Officer Graham Finlayson shown the door this week along with the Principle Tourism Officer Gibson and retirement of Arts and Cultural Manager Judith Jensen. An insider reports as many as 12 gone on return from the break.

I’m sure that all the candidates at Nous are sharpening up their CV’s, not that they need those pesky things as the recruitment decision sits with one man with his nous in the trough.

No doubt they don’t think it’s a story, so please don’t tell, Leighton Smith about it, he’s too busy trying to turn the Astonisher into Facebook. He’s seeking friends to have a bit of a gossip with and pick up the occasional lazy story.

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It’s what’s between the ears that counts, Leighton … Lawyers are already ordering their hampers for their up-coming picnic.


Madurah McCormack Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 10.00.40 am

Madura ‘Teabag’ McCormack, a Courier reporter who once toiled in the Townsville gardens of verbiage known as the Bulletin, breathlessly tells us of a near catastrophe last Tuesday morning.

Labor and LNP in Queensland campaign blitz
Madura McCormack

“Duelling campaign blitzes of battleground Queensland has led to Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese nearly crossing paths, with both electioneering in the seat of Dawson on Tuesday.”

Mr Joyce (was) spending his time in Gladstone on Monday attacking Labor’s credibility on support for the resources sector, while Mr Albanese(was) outside a Townsville GP clinic on Monday, attack(ing) the federal government’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic

Phew!!  That was close … aircraft are said to have ‘almost crossed paths’ if they pass, according to The Magpie manual ‘within a distance close enough for one crew to observe the hostess of the other crew pleasuring the pilot’ – i.e. she is deemed a ‘near miss’ if the hostie is unmarried. But opposing politicians are required to keep a much greater distance – much, much greater, apparently – to avoid the catastrophic fall-out from the clash of two hot air balloons in full flight.

So Barnaby Beetroot and Anal Albo have narrowly avoided some sort of face-off catastrophe… by a mere 832kms!! … yes, they missed each other by the barest margin of a 9 hour and 24 minute drive!!

Madurah McCormack Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 10.01.43 am

‘So that’s north, isn’t it? Oh wait, hmmm…’

Nice to know Ms McCormack has retained her geographical knowledge gained during her time amongst us here in Townsville.

And Why Isn’t This Front Page News?

That’s a deadly serious question. Reporter Tony Raggatt has done an excellent job of solid reporting without adjectives or hyperbole, but the facts laid out for the reader to consider But like all reporters, he’s at the mercy of often distant headline writers. This from comments on Tuesday.

The Magpie 


January 11, 2022 at 5:53 pm  (Edit)

Like the song said, ‘Somethings goin’ on round here.’

‘The ‘Pie noted that story, too, and appreciated Raggatt’s no-nonsenses old style reporting of facts without opinionated conclusions … but in fine News Ltd style, the story more than a bit schizophrenic. First the headline:

Then the story itself, which started out in show-stopping fashion:

TOWNSVILLE port says its flagship channel widening project can be completed on time despite the slumping of the seabed inside its new rock wall and six-month delays to dredging.

Townsville Port reclaim Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 5.24.33 pm

A port spokeswoman was commenting after sources claimed the rock wall facing Ross River had slumped half a metre because of poor design.
This latest issue follows reports last year of disturbance to the wall’s fabric membrane and a need for additional rock to address higher than anticipated pressure from high tides.
It is understood this problem was partly to blame for a $39m project cost blowout to $232m, although the government and port have also said Covid-19 impacted project delivery.

All this raises some serious questions, and The ‘Pie wonders if … and hopes … the old tradition that reporters DO NOT write the headlines for their stories holds true here.Because when a story uses phrases like ‘slumping of the seabed’ and ‘poor design’ had caused the rock wall to subside – and these facts are ignored as obvious news points begging for a headline, then sure as eggs something political is at work here.

But OK, if that’s not enough to be considered serious enough for a headline, then a cost blowout from $39M to $232M sure as hell is. That’s a staggering blow-out, bigger than Clive Palmer after a baked bean sandwich.

And does the Port and the state government seriously believe that we think are dense enough  when they try to foist the blow-out onto the COVID excuse pile.

But of all the unanswered questions, the biggest one is – why isn’t this a bigger story?

The Sheer Lunacy Of The American Melt-Down

The night-is-day, red-is-green arguments continue across the whole social spectrum as slow rear guard action tries to rescue American democracy. Like watching the snake arising from the basket to the sound of eerie flute music, one can’t tear one’s eyes away from witnessing terrible history.

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Finally, Back Home Now, On A Lighter Note

A Whoop, A Holler, And A Howdy Do … and A Few Howdy  Don’ts

Oh no! The first hard decision of 2022 looms for some of us in this neck of the woods.

The 50th Tamworth Country Music Festival has been plucked off to later this year, because of pandemic problems. Traditionally held in the last half of January, the annual event doubles the city’s modest population and quadruples accommodation costs for one magic business week.  And while it usually falls at the same time of year as the perennial debate about Australia Day v Invasion Day – now almost an annual tradition in itself – down in Tamworth, black, white or brindle, they couldn’t give a hoot, they’re too busy having a hootenanny.

But now, what a dilemma for C & W fans up here in North Queensland – Tamworth’s little sister event out at Charlie’s Trousers (April 29-May1) will bump up against Tamworth’s (starting April17) on the new schedule. Regulars who annually travel south and return north (God and Anna P willing) for the second bout of boot scootin’ at Charters Towers a few months later will now probably have to make a choice – one or the other.

But this news gives us the opportunity to consider the sneeringly unfair rap country and western music – indeed the whole ethos – gets from the latte sipping urban elite.

In terms of language, the C&W tradition we inherited from America and mixed in with our the Anglo-Irish and indigenous heritage is rich and growing richer. Admittedly, the most memorable of C&W’s catchy phrases, both profound and humorous – have come the USA.

One of my favourites in the profound column is a verse that could be admired in any genre. Jason Isbell sums up the struggle for redemption in a few words.

“There’s a man who walks beside me
He is who I used to be
And I wonder if she sees him
And confuses him with me”

Of course, there is the occasional jarring moment where pathos, religion  and humour just don’t get along, even the great Johnny Cash was prone to slip into sloppiness, with stuff like ‘You’ve flushed me from the bathroom of your heart’. Or Bobby Bare’s clumsy “Drop kick me, Jesus, through the goal posts of life.

But rather than dying dogs, unfaithful partners, prison life, or the lonely road, it is the genre’s humour that is most universally endearing. When an interviewer asked Dolly Parton if she resented the ‘dumb blonde’ jokes made about her, she replied ‘(No) because I know I’m not dumb … and I know I’m not blonde.’ Undumb Dolly is worth $600million, so QED.

Spoofing lyrics has always been a C&W sport.  As a kid, I remember we were all humming Johnny Cash’s ‘I keep a close watch on this heart of mine, because you’re mine, I walk the line, ’ but my subversively funny Nana used to sing ‘I keep my pants up with a piece of twine, Because you’re mine, Please pull the twine.’ Nana always refused to explain it to me, and when I sang it (once only) at the dinner table, Mum rolled her eyes and Dad sprayed his beer.

An aside … seemed to some sort of theme with Nana … she always sang the hymn Jerusalem, Lift Up Your Eyes On High, Hosannah  as ‘Your losing ‘em, lift up your pants on high, Whose are they’.

And that sentiment brings us to the area of C&W that is put to practical use no matter what music is inflicted on us down in Via Vomitorium on a Friday night – the pick-up line.

We all know ‘If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me’ (yawn), and some efforts are a tad too direct, like  ’Stop yer grinnin’ and drop yer linen’, or the cheeky ‘Save a horse, ride a cowboy’.  And fellas, if you get rebuffed because the gal is down on all men because of her nasty ex, you could try Paul Newman’s line to Patricia Neal from the 1963 classic Hud Honey don’t go shooting all the dogs ’cause one of ‘em’s got fleas.

The pick-up line is an endless quest, and there’s a variety for all ages. But danger lurks therein. For instance, if someone of The ‘Pie’s – cough – mature years meets a lady who fits Kris Kristofferson’s line of having ‘rings on her fingers and time on her hands’, he might be tempted to  pinch Toby Keith’s line “I ain’t as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.”

Only problem is one of these nights that line just might work, and then I’ll have to prove it.

Panic attack alert!!


That’s yer week, but, hey, become a Nest squawker in comments on any subject you like … lots of give and take, mostly fun. And if you’ve a mind to give the Nest a helping hand to meet its bills, the donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Pie , thanks for the update on the continual revolving door at T.C.C. as it appears the Councils “Mentally Healthy City ” excludes their own staff . Speaking of T.C.C. , rates notices should be landing in the next week with Council redflagging 1.9 % increases . The Political blame game on RAT kits continues with the Qld Govt saying the Feds didnt plan ahead but the same could be said about the May 2020 State Mil $ payment to assist Allume to export their RAT kits overseas . The Minister and bureaucrats who did the deal didnt put a ” local supply priority ” as part of the conditions ? .

  2. Treesy says:

    Thanks for the humour with the country music songs. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing! Oh, to have met your Nanna! What a hoot of a woman.

  3. Upagumtreeperson says:

    Another wonderful editorial Magpie. What a difference your ethos and work ethic would do to help the Astonisher perform better. It is a pity that the astonisher put stories in the Harvey Norman advertising paper!
    What a waste to the industry. You should be the editor at the Astonisher. Have a good covid-free year Magpie.

    • The Magpie says:

      What have The ‘Pie done to you, for you to wish such a fate on the poor old bird? Have pity, have mercy … pleeease.

  4. Scomosexual says:

    Prince Albert

    So the Queen and her entourage of parasites have made the move to take away Ponce Andrews’s titles and duties. Whoopy doo. These douchebag royals have a lineage that days back centuries in which they burned heretics at the stake, murderers led opposers of the monarchy and were heavily involved in incest. These scumbags ride down streets in Royal carriages while looking down on the brainless peasants who line up like dogs begging for a treat from their masters. What a disgrace. It’s 2022, it’s time to piss them off and do away with these wealthy scum who feed off the taxpayer. It’s called discrimination and they are a perfect example of what we do not need in society today. They are outdated and past their use by date.

    They are cutting off Andrew only because he has been caught out and finding it hard to bullshit his way out of his pedo activities. Weaklings. They are all complicit in these sorts of filthy occurrences and they should be treated as criminals.

    • The Magpie says:

      Deep analysis.

    • My holiness says:

      for a minute there I though you were talking about the church!

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Probably not deep Pie but definitely to the point ! I’m 100% with Scomosex on his comment.
      Royalty in all countries of the world needs to be dissolved and the Trillions of dollars absorbed back into the countries financial system.
      If any one can give me one, just one good reason for this planet to have ‘royalty’ in its system, let’s have it.
      They sit on billions of dollars of ‘assets’ that the public can’t ever utilise, all the while hiding behind religion or their beliefs!
      You won’t ever see the underprivileged or poor granted pity to camp in any royal building while their Royal owners don’t pay any taxes toward the counties coffers.
      Fuck them all off, start using the Royal billions to look after the public system or put toward the planets more pressing problems.
      As I said earlier, just point out what exactly royalty does to improve mankind’s existence ! I’ll wait !!
      Use by date well and truely passed !

      • Scomosexual says:

        Here here!!!!

      • Russell says:

        No Republic anywhere works as well as a Monarchy. Forget the”they cost millions” bit, it just works better.

      • cobalos says:

        1. Gave Kylie an OBE
        2. Do not waste millions of taxpayer’s money every 3 years to get re-elected
        3. I would rather Lizzie as our head of state than some hobnobbing Australian tosser

        • Addled says:

          In the Guardian today:
          The British monarch is treated, albeit cartoonishly, like a minor deity, an icon, an intercessor with the almighty. This is not a position the Queen earned, nor one that anyone could deserve. So, instead of deserving it, it is vital that she be seen not to enjoy it. Suffering is a far more powerful appeaser of envy than merit can ever be.

    • HiBeam says:

      To Quote Scomosexual
      ‘’These scumbags ride down streets in Royal carriages while looking down on the brainless peasants who line up like dogs begging for a treat from their masters. What a disgrace. ‘’
      Henry Lawson wrote a poem (The English Queen) expressing these same sentiments 130 years ago. He was bagging out Q Vicky. Q Lizzie is a better monarch and person but surrounded by various grades of idiots, and it would appear a life support system for an engorged penis.
      On the other hand I always enjoyed Phil the Greek stirring the possum.
      Lawson’s Poem may be read here. http://www.ironbarkresources.com/henrylawson/EnglishQueen.html

  5. Former TCC serf says:

    Another wave of departures at TCC. Who will be left by the end of the year? Judith Jensen was competent but probably had little interest trying to keep up with the Byzantine internal politics of the place.

    • Old Man River says:

      I’d agree with former council serf in summarising Jensen as ‘competent’. I think they intended it as a compliment though.

      • Mrs Entity says:

        The issue is not so much the old wood leaving/being booted out so much as the knowledge. The departures (willing or otherwise) since TCC’s Nous-ing have been frequent, with a deliberately slow replacement policy. Nobody is able, or given the opportunity, for a proper handover, and all the best people realise pretty quickly that there are better (and less stressful) opportunities elsewhere, so they hoof it and get on with their lives. We’re left with a completely unsupported Council staff. Somehow I am still here, as I have been telling myself the last seven years that things have to turn around soon (self-delusion? Maybe so). Before Christmas just about the entire HR team resigned collectively. If that doesn’t summarise the state of affairs, I dunno what does.

  6. Alahazbin says:

    That vending machine picture in Germany. With vending machines you have to pay. Wouldn’t work in Australia, everybody want their ‘RAT’s’ for free.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not everybody … but NOBODY wants to be ripped off, either, by politically protected businesses making a big rorting quid out of a public health issue. Doubt there would be any kerfuffle if 1. the known ‘vulnerables’ like older people and those with other medical conditions that could be compromised get a free supply, and 2. a nominal cost like those charged for eligible people at pharmacies for necessary drugs that would otherwise be out of reach. Because, Ala, the big issue here isn’t just ‘free public health’ it is the sheer unavailability of the product.

      And since we’re in this neck of the woods, a serious question regarding those $1000 fines in NSW. Is testing compulsory, there or anywhere? And if it isn’t, then the NSW fine threat is pointless and retrograde, because people will just say ‘I won’t get tested then, and take my chances.’ Or has The ‘Pie missed something?

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Won’t be long everything will be free once Anal gets the keys to the lodge, just continue our march towards a nation of freeloading parasites, gummant should pay for this, gummant should do this, gummant should do that, country is completely fucked.

      • The Magpie says:

        So, on a current point, you don’t think RAT’s should be freely available to the general population?

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Absolutely, if they were free people would just waste them, hoard them, as with anything free it becomes completely worthless and would be treated accordingly, and many who need them still wouldn’t have them. There is a shortage across the globe, how would making them free address that, it wouldn’t, there are other options available to the Govt, put them on the PBS for $10 and regulate the price, which would also be a way of regulating distribution, if people source them from outside that then they pay whatever they are prepared to pay.

        • Grumpy says:

          Freely available, maybe – but free?

      • Blades of Glory says:

        What we need now is “parasites first” policy. Just raise GST up another 10 percent and we can really go to town and ship a million free loaders from elsewhere into Australia. It’s time for Australia to become a citizen of the world and turn itself into another failed communist state.

  7. Prince Rollmop says:

    The part-time TCC CEO and his lackey have obviously put some work in over the Xmas break while the office was quiet, to make sure some poor unfortunate staff copped a DCM upon return from the break. A low act indeed, sneaky sneaky. This Council is fucked. I thought Councillors were here for the people. Instead, they are allowing the CEO to carve the organisation to the bone. The Prince, Councillors, Nous, all fucked.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Absolutely. There are more empty spots where good people used to be than there are people.

      We must soon reach a tipping point where TCC slides into the abyss.

      • Alahazbin says:

        TbCE, Correct me if I’m wrong. But under the LG Act, councillor’s cannot interfere in the running of council admin & staffing issues.

        • The Magpie says:

          Think your right, but as an instance where this can be stepped around: Mayor Mullet agrees to the Nous rout and rort, ends up giving first one, the a second Nous principle plush job of CEO on the understanding he will bend to her will. Presto!! But your point also begs the question of the Nous report in the first place, which The ‘Pie understands was commissioned by the mayor – or at least a mayor – and ultimately the council voted to accept it and the blood-letting started. Kinda an interference in the running of staff and administration, isn’t it?

  8. L says:

    “It’s what’s between the ears that counts”.
    But you only know what you know and we all have blind spots. What about everything that anyone else knows that you don’t know about? There are merits to casting a wide net to test the community’s sentiment and crowdsource what should be covered in the local news. I have dozens of ideas to follow up that I wouldn’t have even considered before putting myself out there.

    • The Magpie says:

      The general public has always been able to contact journalists with information that ranges from major revelations to complete tosh … so in this age where everyone has got an instant voice, you will need everything between your ears to sort out the time wasters fool’s gold from any real nugget. But it is difficult to imagine what you will turn up anything that your paper doesn’t already do by trollng sites and writing mawkish shit about little angels taken too soon and beaut dad killed in car smash. Which 99.9% of your readers could not give a shit about, stories almost certainly 99% never read. An interesting study would be the minds of the editorial policy makers who decide that insulting stuff which is NOT BLOODY NEWS envisioins the interests of the average punter. Recreational grief – i.e. trying to elicit sympathy and emotion about personal tragedies of people they don’t know – has become a hallmark of the Townsville Bulletin, probably because a manipulated focus group suggested it over a cuppa and a bikkie. And boy, are we over it. And it becomes doubly galling when hardly any of your timid mob will even ask questions of those of whom you are apparently in awe about the real agendas of the city.

      Bottom line, Leighton, the long came of building up contacts, friendships and credibility is now all out the window in the name of instant everything – and lazy instant everything at that. Any pretence of being well trained in a craft that, in credible papers and outlets, stands above the cheap gossip, inconsequential rants and general freak show has now been abandoned by your paper. Instead of being a trusted, credible and respected leading light in the community – aloof from the wild indiscipline of the internet, the Bulletin is now trying to compete with it, down at its grubbiest level (‘The 10 sexiest crims’ comes to mind as just one instance, which forced a corporate apology after the public outcry). That’s why the paper is a standing joke, widely distrusted and increasingly unread, a paper run by policy-directing metro-creeps in Sydney and Brisbane, who have no interest in the well being of this city. The Townsville Bulletin only stays alive only because of Harvey Norman and the local property market.

      Please say a big Magpie welcome to your new editor for me, will you?

    • The Wulguru Wonder says:

    • Liam says:

      Leighton, I’m sure plenty of Facebook pests have stories that are of interest to people in their street, or social circle. But readers would like to know more about issues that actually impact them, or at least where their rates are spent. Since you’re keen to crowdsource stories, The Nest that you’ve arrived at would be a great place to start. Plenty of stories here about Lansdown that would warrant further investigation. Or a fortnight ago, insider stories about how the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment staff in Townsville are ‘working from home’ and doing bugger all and living it up rather than processing imports. Why not take a look into that, and next time the Bulletin wants to print a picture of empty supermarket shelves your article exposing DAWE staff for their contribution to the problem can accompany it. Props for popping your head up in here though mate, all the best.

      • NQ Gal says:

        Leighton just needs to do some sniffing around TCC chambers. There could potentially be months of juicy stories.

      • Old Tradesman says:

        Leighton will soon have a story on how his partner is running for a seat in the Senate and all the wonderful things she is going to do, then he will have a story on how our failed wet season is not going to fill our dam and Jenny will be pumping water through the pipeline to nowhere, right past the battery hen factory at Landsdown.

        • Duncan Biscuit says:

          There is no way Leighton will write a negative story about anyone associated with the ALP including the Mullet whilst his Partner is running on the Labor Senate ticket. He is probably in charge of the stories the Pie refers to as recreational grieving. One grieving family the Bully never interviewed was the guy killed in the bingle with Jenn Jong Ill.

  9. Dave of Kelso says:

    First Pistol and Boo. Now NoVaxx Djokovic.

    On the plus side for NoVaxx, Barnaby Joyce did not threaten to euthanasia him.

  10. Dave of Kelso says:

    On a serious note, had the Minister, when considering Djokovic’s second visa cancellation, made an error in law, and the High Court of Australia upheld Djokovic’s appeal, it would have made, in the eyes of the whole world, the Australian Government to look like a mob of stumblebums.

  11. Booted says:

    Anti-vax hero, martyr or……

    • Achilles says:

      In fairness, Novax did have a written invitation from both Tennis Oz and the Victorian government.

      The authors of these unauthorized documents should be pursued, its the same sort of false stuff that people smugglers use to entice naive illegal migrants.

      • Addled says:

        “. . . unauthorized documents”?

      • Boof says:

        Exactly. I really want to see some deep, honest, comprehensive investigative journalism done on Tennis Australia, Craig Tiley and the veracity of the medical exemption… excuse me if I don’t hold my breath…

        • The Magpie says:

          Think you’ll see that on its way, the southern media is just holding that one in abeyance while they milk The Joker and Omicron stories … they’ll get around to it soon, you can bet.

          • Boof says:

            I hope so. Though the cynic in me questions how tenacious some of the journos will be; or how forthcoming their sources will be; in order to protect their privileged access to events and personalities…

  12. HiBeam says:

    Good to see whatisname coughandspit the tennis player got the arse. Couldn’t happen to a nicer count.

  13. New Breed says:

    We are continually told youth justice “reforms are working” and youth crime increases when known offenders are out of detention. So how does Police Minister, Mark Ryan explain his “currently 100 more juveniles locked up than there were a year ago” statement in today’s TB with the “66 motor vehicle thefts since January 1″?

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Probably because the little vermin are expanding rapidly in number, so there could well be more locked up, but that would still leave plenty to keep stealing. People have to realise the Govt have no answer, they ave lost control, so people have to take actions to protect themselves, and that could be anything basic from installing a deadlock on the front door right through to the extreme of buying a gun, depending on what level of protection people think they need, but the Govt has lost control, but this is what half the town voted for.

      • The Magpie says:

        Buying a gun? What for?

        Simple legal rule: if someone is attempting to break in/ approach you with intent forcing you to defend yourself, or refuses to stop a deadly assault, gun can be OK … but make sure it is registered and licensed.

        If someone is fleeing your premises, or is in your car stealing it, gun not ok – the the shooter will be the one in big strife, right up to murder. Just talking legally, and in this area nothing is cut and dried.

        • Dave of Kelso says:


          Let us call it a rifle. Easier to acquire.

          Rifle in locked rifle cabinet.

          Rifle bolt locked elsewhere.

          Ammunition locked in it’s own locked container away from your firearm.

          Keys to all the above kept in discreet location known only to you, the licenced firearm owner.

          The snots are breaking down your door. Given that you are a law abiding firearm owner, what is your reaction time to make ready you rifle?

          Or will you keep it, loaded, in the corner, next to your bedside chest of drawers. (Your rifle will get terribly dusty that way.)

          • The Magpie says:

            Your point is?

          • The Magpie says:

            While everyone has the right to protect their family and their property, it is just posturing chest beating to recommend firearms of any sort as a defence. And the veiled suggestion that it is kept ‘locked and loaded’ at your bedside is clearly an idea that hasn’t been thought through. The laws of this country, with little variation between states, makes their use a nightmare for the property owner, who can actually end up be charged with murder, manslaughter or GBH using excessive force. One old bloke on the Gold Coast (seem to remember the name Ferrari, but not sure) wounded or killed and intruder about 15/20 years ago, and was so charged, he went through legal and financial hell for at least a couple of years before he was eventually acquitted.

            But there are two dangerous possibilities raised by home firearms issue if ‘locked and loaded’ is adopted by the homeowner … accidental or deliberate use, especially by gung-ho teenagers of the household – and the very real danger of DV …. and the ‘upping the ante’ argument: if intruders start getting shot – wounded or killed – by householders protecting their property, these drug induced juvenile criminals, who neither respect or recognise any boundaries, will raise the stakes by similar retaliation, even targeting households known to contain guns. Then there would also be the retaliation factor.

            In a word, escalation. And at the risk of a bad joke, we need that like a hole in the head.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            My point is that if you are a law abiding licenced firearms owner, and your firearm(s) are correctly stored you are unlikely to retrieve, assemble and load your firearm in time as the snots are breaking in.

            If you have a firearm always at the ready you are a dangerous idiot who, if caught, will only provide ammunition (no pun intended) for the lunatic Greens to have sporting firearms banned.

            Talking about household firearms as a measure against the snots is silly at least, and dangerous at most.

          • The Magpie says:

            And likely to get yourself shot.

          • The Magpie says:

            Your point was taken, Dave, The ‘Pie was under the impression that you felt having a weapon at the ready was a good idea. But fair enough, you didn’t actually say that.

          • Ralph says:

            I am a licensed firearm holder and I keep a loaded 410 coach gun double barrel in my bedroom and would have no problem using it to protect my wife and myself, I asked an old railway worker years ago when I was traveling to Brisbane across the Marlborough stretch with my two daughters if I should have my gun loaded, he said no, I then said it’s no good to me is it, his quick reply was load it, an unloaded gun is useless if needed, I’ll keep mine close to me and face what happens later and I’m nudging seventy so really couldn’t care less what happens to the mongrels who threatened me and my wife.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s the choice and you are aware oif possible consequences. That’s fair enough … mit’s people who think it’ll be OK with blow-back who will find life hard.

  14. Notinmybackyard says:

    The former Caloundra Watch-house has been “gutted” in preparation of now-abandoned plans to turn it into a “youth-jail”. The Youth Justice Minister, Leanne Linard said the plans would not proceed after community backlash. (Sunshine Coast Daily 17/1/2022)

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      “Bloody hell, bring it to Townsville. There will be no backlash here, only a Welcome mat.”

    • Achilles says:

      Where is the deterrent/punishment factor in locking them up in accommodation that is much better than the “homes” they came from?.

    • Lord Howard Hertz says:

      The Wellcamp Quarantine commercial in confidence rort looks to be under threat of disuse. But the Wagner weasels won’t be worried, because here’s an idea – a high security youth ‘corrections’ i.e. jail. More government money for the swill.

      Too close to the airport, never be allowed? Have you been out to the Townsville airport lately, where incoming passengers are greeted with not just the juvenile detention centre on the left, but a drying-out facility of indigenous drunks on the right. Sort of sums thing up, really. How the city planners missed out placing the sewerage works on the flood plain there remains a mystery.

  15. I’ll be plucked says:

    I wonder if Laura Tingle realises how bad she is as a presenter of the 7.30 Report? Her presentation is stilted, bumbling and full of ‘stutters’. It detracts from what is being presented and is a complete viewer turn-off.
    Surely there is someone else at the ABC who can cover for Sales when she is on leave and/or not available, who has more viewer appeal and can present as an engaging reporter???

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I think Laura Tingle has a good mind and I particularly enjoy her time on Phillip Adams’ Late Night Live, BUT, her sense of fashion is tragic as demonstrated on last night’s 7.30 Report.

  16. Mike Douglas says:

    New Year , same Labor Mayor on the RAT availability issues ” its also a direct result of the failure of Scott Morrison and his Government which includes the member for Herbert to order enough RATs for Australians to use ” . I didnt realise Scomo and Phil had to sign off on Qld Health purchases . Crime and T.C.C.,s spiralling half billion $ debt in Townsville is a direct result of Labor Team Hill playing Politics . The RAT supply issue will be fixed but our City still lumbered with debt and crime .

  17. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, the Bulletin’s Editor/sub-editors have once again demonstrated their total lack of knowledge and ignorance about the city’s past history with this extremely inappropriate back page headline today.


    In 1996, 15 Special Air Service Regiment troopers and three pilots were killed when two Blackhawk helicopters collided mid-air at High Range.

    Just another example of the Bulletin’s disgraceful reporting!

    • The Magpie says:

      C’mon, Flutterby, that’s a bit harsh, you can’t expect some sub-wallah in Mumbai or a sub-coolie in Manila to know about this city’s painful history. What do you want, Rupert to spend money on sub-editors locally? Get real.

    • Parson Blossomnose says:

      If that was a deliberate joke, the new chum editor should be advised of its cruel tastelessness … especially if relatives and friends of those lost make the complaint. Even if it wasn’t a deliberate punning headline, an apology for not knowing about the city’s worst tragedy since the Yongala is merited.

      (NB The person responsible is now probably looking up Yongala.)

      • Addled says:

        Blossom, aren’t we being a bit precious here? Since the 2001 movie Black Hawk Down and the Townsville Blackhawks footy team (formed 2014/15) both well and truly post date the 1996 Blackhawk / SAS disaster, wouldn’t it be perfectly OK for the Oh-so-nuanced TBully sports page headline to be ‘Blackhawks Downed’. They got close.

    • F Wit says:

      Butter-FLOG, you often comment negatively on the Bulletin in this blog. Can I ask then, WHY do you continue to read it if it upsets you so much???

      • The Magpie says:

        Are you suggesting that a monopolistic newspaper – the only one in this community – should not be regularly examined and called out for errors, grubby misjudgements and self-interested machinations … as well as journalistic cowardice motivated by greed? Top marks for choosing the right nom-de-plume.

        • F Wit says:

          I was inquiring after Butter-FLOGS reasons for upsetting him/herself so often. Logic says if something upsets you on a regular basis, YOU do something about it!

          • The Magpie says:

            EXACTLY, cloth-head!! The Bulletin upsets Flutterby on a regular basis so he/she does something about bit … call them out and criticise them on a regular basis. As your law of logic demands. RUOK, mate?

  18. The Magpie says:

    Stop being a smart-arse Dave. Accompany your comment with a translation, The ‘Pie really doesn’t have the time for this.

  19. The Magpie says:

    This sporting life.

    An absolute disgrace the special treatment overseas sportsmen get.

  20. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Woohoo, Townsville real estate is booming apparently, just think, another couple of years of the boom and prices might get back up to where they were 10 years ago, we even have our own special type of boom in Townsville.

  21. Nickster says:

    I’m not a huge Facebook user but a friend sent me a link to a video on the Harvey Bay Dayman General Store Cafe that showed police doing COVID checks on vaccinations and check ins.

    I’ve got to say I found the video very confronting and disturbing where it left me thinking we would never see this level of police attention shown to a gang of youths loitering around Stockland or the Willows.

    Maybe some tech savvy people could share the video link for others to share their opinion?

  22. Paper aeroplanes says:

    Leighton, the simple fact is this – your newspaper is crap. Your paper is a platform for advertisers with just a couple of lightweight articles inserted. We all get it, the paper needs to turn a dollar, profits are necessary, for sure. But to print a paper at the expense of reporting the truth, without reporting what’s actually happening locally within government or within the community is a disgrace. Your version of journalism is trash articles about meaningless crap.

  23. Alahazbin says:

    Accredited to Mike Abraham – The Political Incorrect Gentlman.
    The local chapter of the YBWS syndicate ( You Buy We Steal syndicate) would like to have a meeting with our 3 local members of Parliament and the Premier to sort out a better deal for the extra effort and hard work they have put in to get the year off with a bang with more fireworks than New Years eve! According to their members they are not getting the recognition they deserve for working the late-night shift and for sometimes working in confined spaces like your toilet window. They are sick and tired of the inconvenience of being dragged through the revolving doors of the courthouse before getting their McDonalds or KFC coupons. They are demanding that on route to the courts they get a one hour meal break with an up-grade to Super-sized meals and drinks with one young fella insisting it is hard to have the energy to keep breaking into houses with an empty stomach. They have set a very ambitious goal for 2022 to make sure everyone in town gets a visit from them but they insist with over 70 vehicles stolen in the first 16 days they just might get to achieve their dream of destroying the serenity that living in your own home brings to the people of Townsville. YBWS have even contacted a Hollywood agent to sell the movie rights for a feature film based on their hard work called ” Townsville Burning”. They have promised to give thanks to all those that have supported them in the credits from the Judges and the Lawyers and not to forget the Labor party. And they will include a special thanks for all those hard working people that saved up and purchased a car for them to steal because without them they would have to steal from each other which would leave them having to walk from job to job.

  24. Living next door to Alan says:

    So TCC is encouraging residents to “say g’day to a neighbour”? Ha. That’s funny. Most of my neighbours would sneak into my place through the back door and rob me while I’m out the front saying g’day to the fuckwits who pull cones, play blasting rap all night long and then do burnouts up and down the street. “Say g’day”? I would rather say “go and piss off”. As for TCC, what hypocrites, especially when they are saying “you’re fired” to hard working staff. Ralston is an abomination and not worthy of living in our town. To the TCC CEO I say “kiss my ass”.

  25. Prince Rollmop says:

    Interesting comment made further back in the blogs comments section about the Councillors being not responsible for TCC staff matters as that is the role for Council management. Technically this is correct, however, the Councillors have a duty to go in to bat for the community, that is what they are elected to do. TCC staff are part of the community, so are the Councillors really going to just sit back on their asses and allow the TCC workforce to be culled and dumped by an out of control and inept CEO, while they make comments such as ‘our hands are tied, we can’t get involved’? If that is the case, they are pissweak and useless. This town really has reached a new all-time low. And now we are being Noused by having even more Nouse numpty’s getting hired and spreading their tentacles in the organisation.

    • Annoyed says:

      Councillors can’t get involved with staffing matters. Go check the regulations. Doesn’t matter how much you want them to. But what this mob of twits could do, if they had half a brain between them, and actually cared about the city and community, is work together and put pressure on Jenny to get this disaster of a council back under control. But we know they won’t do that because they aren’t capable of working together and they are all scared of Jenny. Fuck knows why. She’s just a demented middle aged woman who is so stressed her hair is falling out.

      • The Magpie says:

        Middle aged?

      • Council worker says:

        Councilors don’t get involved??? Ha ha that’s funny, try explaining why we get fucked over for doing jobs that someone complains about or a service isn’t what they expect and the answer we get is: “ the mayor and a councillor has received the complaint now” managers jump through wedding rings to get rid of the problem. They do get involved no matter what the regulations are. It’s just that we as a workforce can’t complain Bec your complaining about a labor council to a labor state government that polices the rules. While your correct your also wrong and the regulations don’t happen in the real world.

        • Annoyed says:

          Oh let me rephrase that, councillor’s can’t be seen to be involved with hiring and firing issues. They are quite happy to get involved with issues they know fuck all about especially if one of their mates or a Labor crony made the complaint. Otherwise they hide behind the regulations.

  26. Nickster says:

    Do we expect the ABC to correct statements from 2020 where they cried wolf about the catastrophic COVID numbers?


    Probably not, what a good use of taxpayers funds.

    • The Magpie says:

      What statements were incorrect, they just quoted statistics, made projections and drew conclusions, like any news commentary, of what may happen? And will you lofty requirements of retraction apply to News Ltd and practically all other outlets?

      Your agenda is again showing, tosser.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Surely the taxpayer funded media outlet should have a more balanced coverage, it doesn’t need to sensationalise things like a commercial network does in an attempt to keep people tuned in and generate revenue, isn’t that the idea of having a national broadcaster, so it doesn’t produce the same garbage as the commercial stations, might as well close it down if it doesn’t.

  27. Credit Due says:

    In today’s TB, Scott Stewart trumpets the Qld Country Bank Stadium being named best regional stadium in Australia while Les Walker comments on the dredging to widen the port channel. So, I’m waiting to hear Aaron Harper’s comment on Townsville achieving 400 homes broken into and more than 1000 stolen car offences committed in past 12 months – a 38 per cent and 18 per cent increase respectively.

  28. Nickster says:

    Magnis Video from spin master Frank

    Hear it in his own words – Townsville is not the priority – Watch at 19:51


    Bad luck Jenny and Anna, Frank has taken your money and is pushing New York at the expense of Townsville. Good bye grant funding

    • The Magpie says:

      Xlt find, thanks. The guy is a twister and twicer and Mayor Mullet has been had big time. Ergo, so have we with all her bullshit stories about jobs.

      Quote: Once we’ve got (New York) revenues through the door, whether its Townsville or any other project we’re looking at, we believe it puts us into different stead to where we were previously…

      Anyway, Leighton Smith will be on to it, he’s pals with Poulas and believes everything he says.

      • NQ Gal says:

        Confirms The Oz article last year from “independent analyst” Di Brookman that Townsville was not on the radar for the foreseeable future.

        When will Mayor Mullet admit that she was duped by the spivs?

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      This is a bombshell. Has a link been sent to all local media outlets in the hope that not all of them will look the other way?

      • Open minded says:

        Better yet has Fran been sent a link to open a discussion during a council meeting

        • brodie says:

          Its councils own fucken fault they are getting shit about Magnis. For fucksake the own lansdown and they approve the developments. Instead of trying to get other people to pay for their land development they should have just go and get shit done like every other developer does.

          Little wonder other developers are going to other places because the council couldnt do anything even when their arse is on fire.

          If council cant develop lansdown they should hand it back to the government

          • The Magpie says:

            The point is, brodie, the council isn’t getting ‘shit about Magnis’ from any other direction but this blog. Tony Raggatt does the occasional rewrite from southern stories, but none of the tough investigative journalists who apparently ask the hard questions on our behalf have properly interviewed the mayor about continuing to champion a questionable company which now clearly is never going to do anything in Townsville. The mayor has never been asked what due diligence was done on Magnis before she started preening before the cameras to give the false hope of ‘thousands of jobs’ to a battered city. It’s been almost five years now, and this pathetic excuse of a newspaper has proven – on so many issues – to be part of the problem and doing nothing to find a solution. Huffing and posturing about juvenile crime is easy and lazy, delving into the deeper malaises of this city and its economy is clearly beyond it.

            But hey, Leighton Smith, if you ever screw up the courage, put your cricket box on and ask the mayor just these two questions – why does she think it correct to go against all conventional anti-corruption wisdom and allow the council itself to become a developer in the first place? And here’s one that’s been hanging around since its inception – why was Lansdown even considered when the SDA near the port stands glaringly empty and neglected after almost a decade since it was declared so ‘special’? And is indisputably geographically better positioned by far for the types of industries being urged to buy into Lansdown.

          • Addled says:

            brodie and Magpie, you ask ” . . why was Lansdown even considered when the SDA near the port stands glaringly empty and neglected after almost a decade since it was declared so ‘special’?”

            You’ll have to do some of your own homework on this one because you don’t seem to have a clue what is happening in the SDA (which might be because certain media and political interests avoid revealing it). A business called Cleveland Bay Industrial Park has been negotiating with the Commonwealth for a couple of years to work up something similar to Lansdown in the SDA. (EPBC 2020/8810). Their proposal, over a “159.25 ha disturbance footprint” will involve:
            1. bulk earthworks
            2. construction of a signalised intersection and internal roads
            3. water, sewerage and stormwater infrastructure
            4. electrical and communications services
            5. drainage works to improve stormwater quality
            6. subdivision of the land into individual industrial allotments.

            This particular application engages the Commonwealth Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and the EPBC Act – giving a teensy hint as to why Lansdown (largely overseen ONLY by TCC) has certain attractions.

          • The Magpie says:

            What you are describing is some sort of Brad Webb-Bohle South.

            But your info begs one big question; what the hell has the SDA have to do with the Commonwealth … SDA’s are, by memory only here, the bastard lovechild of Peter Dentures and then Anna Blight, but whatever, it is state, is it not? So just what has the Commonwealth got to do with this? And these are actual questions, not (yet) questioning your info, but said info needs a bit more background.

          • Addled says:

            Wetlands, migratory birds, threatened species, adjacent Marine Park and World Heritage Area – what the EPBC Act applies to in one way or another, especially over State land. Maybe only peripherally but the process has to be followed. In the end the Commonwealth might decide it is not concerned. Just takes time and somebody’s money. Also, the businesses currently “signed up” for Lansdown have really only invested fifty-grand on a 2-year option. It would look really interesting if a ‘private’ SDA industrial park started competing for ‘green’ industry with the local/state/federally funded Lansdown eco-industrial precinct. Frank Magnis might already be on the blower to Phil Thompson. Maaaate.

          • Alahazbin says:

            So Addled/Les or Scott, you seem to know a lot about the SDA. WHY?

          • Nickster says:

            The SDA is perfect at low tide.

          • The Magpie says:

            Now let’s see what you’re saying there, Muddle Mutt, the Queensland State Government declares a large swath of coastal land subject to flooding at high tide as ‘a Special Development Area’, and no one … well not until a genius like you pops up today … has either known or mentioned the fact.

            And that is land partly already occupied by Sun Metals and it’s breakthrough solar farm. Silly old Korea Zinc, really got ‘em, didn’t we?

            You know, given gurglings like that, Nickster, Jenny just might regret getting you to barrack for her, and may well tell you to pull your head in before it floats off (in the receding tide, of course).

          • Lord Howard Hertz says:

            LOL, what a gotcha. Geez, I reckon Nickster is going to have to change is call-in name if he wants to continue his role as the mayor’s little helper, ‘Nickster’ got no cred after that.

          • Addled says:

            Magpie (and conspiracy nutter Alahazbin), look up the map of the Townsville SDA. Just google the fuckin’ thing and work it out yourself. It’s a huge area with everything from coastal mangroves and wetlands to high dunes covering numerous separate titles. A small part of that is subject to king tide inundation, a larger part vulnerable to cyclone storm surge but most is above that still – much like the Town Common.
            When you are done with locating the thing and maybe taking a drive out there to see for yourself what it actually looks like, google the reference “EPBC 2020/8810″ and just look up the document. That’s all you have to do Ala and you go straight to the top of the class.
            The same type of material is all online about Lansdown – if you can bring yourself to read stuff with a TCC letterhead.

          • The Magpie says:

            Have to admire the way you take an aggressive mocking stance when basically agreeing with The ‘Pie, and in this case, Ala to a point. What you have just said confirms The ‘Pie’s reply to Nickster. And you do a neat line in compounding the totally irrelevant Lansdown issue with the points raised in this thread.

            And a question: do YOU believe what you read under a TCC letterhead? If so, another question: RUOK, mate?

          • The Magpie says:

            And a polite question as well: to what Ala conspiracy do you refer?

          • Addled says:

            Magpie, re Alahazbin conspiritualist, every time I write about something Ala hasn’t heard of, which seems to be often, he accuses me of being “Les” or “Scott” or “Jenny” or being in league with some Labor devils who are secretly supplying me with inside info. Even if I give him the links and how-tos to find out something for himself he simply ignores it. Deliberately denying yourself access to knowledge makes you vulnerable to the most pathetic conspiracy promoters.

            On the matter, in the other thread, of the “totally irrelevant” Lansdown connection (to the SDA’s development) I think it’s actually quite relevant. Lansdown does not have the complications the SDA has in terms of EPBC issues (which can drag on for years) or Indigenous material cultural issues (settlements well underway at Lansdown). Lansdown also has seemingly bottomless access to federal and state funding which no one seems able to account for or justify – which might be the point.

  29. The Magpie says:

    Ummm, would that be ‘councillor’, Ashley? As in those who sit on council?

    Counsellors provide counsel to folks like grammar deficient journalists.

  30. The Magpie says:

    This is brilliant on several levels, one for the history books.

    This bloke, James O’Brien, on London radio LBC delivers one of the best unscripted monologues you will ever hear. When I first looked at the time – 7 mins – I thought I’ll give it a couple then move on … but the Pommy brilliance of ‘off the cuff’ wit and anger mesmerised me …. and guess what? Not one single swear word in all the 7 minutes.

    On media: ‘I hate how much they hate you. They hate you so much.’

    Leadership: ‘Through a combination of a ridiculous newspaper industry, the over-promotion of halfwits, a political underclass that have careered to the front bench of the conservative party, and the celebration of some of the stupidest people ever to draw breath in parliament, we’ve ended up with these two men (Johnson and Dominic Cummins) presiding over our nation, until the point where one of them fell foul of the other one’s coloured wife.”

    BTW his manner of talking is strongly reminiscent of Ricky Gervais at his fed-up best.

    And just change the names and some of the references and you have Australia to a tee.


  31. Hee Haw says:

    NSW paramedics working 20 hour shifts driving under lights and sirens is surely irresponsible.

    Illegal for a Truckee
    Illegal for a bus driver
    Illegal for a cabbie

    Seems to be ok for NSW Ambo’s

  32. Melinda Butts says:

    Hi Magpie and everyone reading here, I’m Melinda Butts – Terry Butts’s eldest daughter. I’m now usually based in London/USA but came home two months ago to spend some time with daddy whom as you know, has been seriously unwell last year. Well, firstly I am happy to say that as usual, Terry has defied the odds and since I landed here last November – and much to the delight of Townsville’s racing fraternity – he has proceeded to stage the biggest comeback and resurrection since Lazarus! While he probably won’t fully recover, it’s a nice comeback that we’re all making the most of.

    And I’m really pleased to report a great boost to all our morale … Terry has been nominated to be inducted in the upcoming Queensland Country Racing Awards – something that’s given him a bit of joy (and amusement) in recent days. His nomination was posted on the Qld Country Racing facebook page on Friday night and has since received a record breaking over 12,000 views! His nomination is a fitting recognition to the significant contribution he has made to Queensland country racing in the last four decades in a remarkable career from the bookmakers ring to the winning stalls and stables from Brisbane to Birdsville, I doubt if there’s a more fervent supporter Qld country racing in all its aspects.

    His nomination bio is here is on the Qld country racing page


    It’s a fitting award nomination for the Townsville trainer whose illustrious racing career has spanned four continents but has called Townsville home since he settled here in 1991 and has been a well known figure in north Queensland racing since the late 1970’s. As he proudly said to me last week ‘there isn’t one country racecourse – (or pub) I haven’t visited in north Queensland.”

  33. Mike Douglas says:

    13.7 % increase Townsville Bulletin and Courier Mail from $2.20 – $2.50 today . Biggest project in Townsville Ports history over shadowed by Scott Stewart and Phil Thompson going at each other over Covid . Stewart seemed to be miffed that David Crisafulli was in town drawing attention to the failure in the Qld youth justice system and high increases in crime locally trying to shift the focus to vaccinations .

    • Nickster says:

      Mike the Port is a disaster, today’s media was to distract away from the budget blow out on the port expansion. I’ve been told the $48 million the Port received from Treasury to build a new rail terminal has been spent on the rockwall (Qld Treasury public servants might want to check this). Unfortunately the links to the media release on the Port Website have disappeared, no surprise. Fortunately there are a few links on the interweb.

      The Port of Townsville welcomed the State Government budget announcement of $30 million towards a new $48 million common-user rail freight terminal at the port.


      This common-user rail freight terminal could have been started, creating lots of jobs in Townsville, but like many things at the port all media release very little delivery. Oh and all this was before COVID so no excuses.

  34. Stewart critiques Thompson says:

    Stewart says, hands on hips a repeat after me:
    ….”failed to show leadership”
    ….”not having a clear answer on how to address rising numbers”
    ….”stand-up and be a leader” (TB 20/1)

    If only Scott Stewart would listen to his own advice regarding out of control youth crime in Townsville.

  35. Scomosexual says:

    Our deluded, out of touch, brainless PM now wants kids as young as 16 driving forklifts. Is there no end to the stupid shit that this fuckwit comes up with?

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      If they’re old enough to work, then why not? How old was Lindsay Fox when he started doing trucks?

      • The Magpie says:

        Good point. The ‘Pie hasn’t looked at the detail of this non-issue (such licensing would be a state matter, wouldn’t it?), but isn’t the suggestion 16 year-olds be employed as forklift drivers? Actually sounds like a feasible idea, even if a bit pointless, unless they’re lifting loads of RAT supplies. It is an accepted fact that today’s kids are more technically sophisticated (but not necessarily smarter) than previous generations, with hand-eye coordination skills honed by video games. At 16, surely youths would have the ability to safely operate such machines. The Magpie and his brother both learnt to drive at about 10. We were on a cattle station and Dad said we could learn when ‘your feet can reach the pedals’). We were both competent drivers by the time we got our licenses, and an interesting aside … that was three years before we were allowed to start legally drinking . And hey, let’s not forget, Townsville has kids as young as nine already training for the move up from stolen SUV’s to forklifts.

        But the PM’s fork-lift statement is a pointless and useless attempt at distraction from his shortcomings, which are. ummm, how long have you got. Let’s not waste too much time on this one, but let funnyman Mark Humphreys have the last say with his tweet:

        Mark Humphries
        · 6h
        It’s at this point we learn the government hasn’t ordered enough forklifts.

  36. NQ Gal says:

    Fatty Palmer is once again trying to buy himself a senate seat. Be prepared for the Astonisher to be awash with yellow ink.

  37. Alahazbin says:

    How’s this for being on the ball. Got a Xmas card from ‘memory blank’ in the letter box yesterday.
    What a bloody looser!

    • The Magpie says:

      You seem to be under the impression that Walker is in charge of Australia Post. He’s not. Wrong target. And it’s ‘loser’ … what is it with those two words – looser and loser – three out of every two people get it wrong (maths by the Astonisher).

      • Scomosexual says:

        Magpie; and also ‘hear and here’, ‘there and their’, and ‘were and where’.

        • The Magpie says:

          Agree there’s plenty of this about, including the one The ‘Pie is occasionally guilty of ‘your and ‘you’re’ but I notice lose and looser more often than any other. And of course, we had yesterday’s example of counsellor instead of councillor, which was corrected before it reached print this morning.

      • Alahazbin says:

        You would have thought Memory Blank and his staff would have organised to get those cards out before Xmas, say two weeks to a month before before.
        So Les could blame the printers as well for the hold up.
        He still is a LOSER. Happy now Pie.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        A smart person plans for others to fail (like Aust Post – who are not known for actually delivering letters) rather than failing to plan and blaming others.

        If Mohammad Lesley or his staff didn’t consider how busy AP might be at Christmas in a pandemic, they might have trouble walking and chewing gum.

  38. Achilles says:

    Ask and ye shall receive: Just for you your Pieness…. https://www.flaticon.com/free-icons/middle-finger

  39. Deteriorating Crime Situation says:

    Firearms stolen from a police officer’s home gun safe, by “kiddie crims”, a stolen car used to ram security gates and 96 stolen motor vehicles since January 1, are examples of a “jump in offences” and has triggered a 10-day police operation announced by Acting Police Superintendent Inskip, “aimed at rounding up known offenders and getting them off the streets”. (TB 21/1)

  40. Lansdown is soon to be officially dead says:

    * Zero contracts have been signed with anyone
    * Zero funding exists in council or from any level of government
    * Zero staff are allocated to the project with the last key experienced person leaving council next week

    This all adds up to a huge win for Clr Fran O’Callaghan & a humiliating loss for Jenny and Prins

    Key questions for Clr O’Callaghan ask at the next public meeting to stick the boot in are;
    1/ How many leases does council have signed for Lansdown?
    2/ How much will roads, water and sewage cost at Landown?
    3/ When does council expect construction will start at Lansdown?
    4/ When will council publish a masterplan show location of projects, roads, power easements and water pipelines?
    5/ Who is accountable for the development at Lansdown?

    • The Magpie says:

      Yes, as much as we are allowed to know, the only things signed have been MOUs, which are non-binding and pointless – except as vote catchers for the dumb and uncurious (morning, Astonisher folk).
      However, not sure you’re second point is correct … there is money allocated for council involvement … we are of course not allowed to how much (cannot think of a legal reason why, it’s our money) or any hint of what it might be for.

      And the technical and correct answer to question five is obviously the Townsville City Council is the responsible body – because they are the developers.

      • Addled says:

        What is on the public record from months ago is that TCC has put up $4million for Lansdown at the same time that the State and Federal governments have put up $12million each for ‘infrastructure’ there (under the CityDeal). These numbers were made public by the Federal government. The Lansdown ‘green hydrogen’ deal with Edify Energy (also fully described in a public document referenced weeks ago in the ‘Nest) outlines how the ‘development’ process would proceed. It’s hard to read between the lines if you won’t read the lines first.

        • The Magpie says:

          All that has been reported here, and a bit more … that the mayor has also said that there is a further unspecified sum available from the council for the Lansdown project … she can hardly avoid saying that because the council is the developer itself (unwisely, but anyway) and that is the sum she will not release. And since the council is the developer (and thus the approval manager – neat, eh?) there would need to be more than $4M in the kitty, that wouldn’t build even half a culvert. As for reading between the lines, you have clearly not been reading this nblog very carefully over the month … nay, years … so as Jeff Daniels so famously said in his memorable patriotism speech ‘I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about’.

          Addled and Nickster seem to be joined at the hip and the lip … are they one and the same, playing verbal tag wrestling? Are they two Jenny kneelers, or just the one, it’s getting crowded down there.

          • Nickster says:

            Whoa, hang on a minute?! I am going to need to reread my posts as there would be no way I’d be caught dead kneeling in front of Jenny. It would be like eating a dry bowl of Allbran.

            Lansdown is far from comical it is a disaster and the best example why the town is going to the dogs. Council has been the developer since 2002 when the purchase was completed and like Townsville it has gone backwards ever since.

          • The Magpie says:

            Then perhaps a little reflection on how you word your posts, to avoid confusing this old, befuddled bird.

  41. The Magnificent Magnis Magician says:

    One thing out of this Magnis debacle that needs to be explored further is what level of governance was applied by Jenny Hill and the Council in all of this? How did Council get hoodwinked? What governance processes did they follow to ensure that this company was legitimate? The same applies to monies spent by Coincil in relation to the Magnis deal – meetings, flights, financial outlay, where is the accountability for all of this sitting? TCC entered into a relationship with a mob of shysters yet no action has been taken against the Mayor and her acolytes. This whole saga is preposterous.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie can only take it your new around here, TMMM, because that is what this blog has been calling for for more than three years now. The little mice at the Astonisher squeak at the thought of tackling a serious and important issue like this because the mayor has had successive editors in her eye-watering Christmas hold. What needs to be legally challenged … but by whom is the unanswerable question … is the continued use of spurious and corrupt use of the Commercial in Confidence invocation on this and so many other issues that would not pass the sniff test if out in the open.

      • The Magnificent Magnis Magician says:

        Yes sir, I am new to the blog, but not new to the Townsville region. It’s quite funny as I was at a barber shop (to remain commercial-in-confidence) and the barber was talking to another old fella about this blog, the articles and the comments. They showed me a sample and I was instantly hooked. Great blog filled with hard hitting stories, some humour and some very funny comments, but raw and relevant. Well done Pie.

        • The Magpie says:

          Well, thanks. You may also find among all those things you list, that The ‘Pie allows a little bit of truth in there,too. Occasionally. Don’t want to spoil folks too much.

  42. Ma Kelly BG says:

    We haven’t seen Steve/Stevie (non-binary?) of BG at our laundromat of late. I hope ‘they’ are ok and haven’t abandoned us – quite the spectacle and attraction when closely studying the spin on the washer and dryers! Come back, we miss you.

  43. Jatzcrackers says:

    Apparently Steve/Stevie of Belgian Gds only likes to visit Ma Kelly’s Laundromat in winter when he/she can take underwear fresh from the dryer and slip into and feel that glorious warmth !
    Problem is he/she then has to have a look around to see who’s undies it is !!

  44. Fremantle Doctor says:

    Right on cue, AnAl is blaming the Feds for the Western Australian government extending their lockout to the rest of Australia’s citizens. Not sure how it is the government’s fault that WA’s population didn’t get take up the offer of free jabs at the same rate as everyone else.

  45. The Magpie says:

    Like all journos, The ‘Pie always like to be first, so try this out.

    See this?

    Well, it is likely to get a gallop min tomorrow’s (Sat) Bulletin, or at worst Monday’s, and The ‘Pie will bet a penny to a pinch of poo but nary a word is changed by the paper’s stenographer from this.


    Let’s see what happens. Remember to check it in the …

    • Self Promotion says:

      Off to a roaring start Pie, with “Major Jenny Hill” checking out the local fruit and veg.

      • The Magpie says:

        Perhaps the caption writer meant Major Disaster.

        • The Magpie says:

          And as The ‘Pie predicted last night, the story is largely word for word the council media release from yesterday, with some judicious changes (‘council’ changed to ‘Mayor Jenny Hill’) and some cuts to the waffle in the release. The only original bits are quotes from Lamberts Fresh Producer owner Michael Burge, since old mate Evan Morgan had to find somewhere for a pic and give Lambert’s a free kick. Which is fair enough, anything to interrupt the Harvey Norman run.And what a lovely study of fruit and nuts he has provided … not you, Mr Burge, you’re the one genuine achiever in photograph.

          • Aghast says:

            Mayor Hill spruiking buy local isn’t kidding anyone.
            Townsville businesses many locked out of Townsville City Councils work by
            LGAQ (Jenny Hill Board Member ) deceptive “local buy ” $ that go to out of
            town suppliers .

            Just look at the City , over grown grass , dirty cbd and lets no mention

            Brisbane know how to be positive and actually help without posing for the cameras with empty messages.

            Whilst Brisbane City Council $5 mil support package is wiping food licence
            and outdoor dining fees saving up to $1,800 Townsville debt ridden Council
            is offering payment plans on rates !

            Its very clear to business that Mayor Hill cant even run the business she is
            paid to as it appears even though the Mayor loves putting on her hi-vis vest
            as head of disaster management she and our part time Ceo failed to secure
            RAT kits so Council insiders are saying they have their own disaster with
            staff working from home , iso , meetings arnt happening and things are
            coming to a stand still .

            Aitkenvale and cbd libraries are closed Saturday and Sunday now until March
            7 th

            Commercial in confidence Lansdown , Parking meters cbd , Haughton stage 2
            and any other exposure Team Hill don’t want us to know and by the way rates
            notices should hit letterboxes next week .

          • Lord Howard Hertz says:

            Would the mayor care to actually define ‘local’ businesses? Surely that means any rate paying business within the clutches of the Townsville City Council, who employ the people of Townsville. Or is she suggesting we make a judgemental divide and boycott for the moment Coles, Woolworths and Harvey Norman and the big out-of-town names … all of whom employ hundreds of locals? If half of what she coo-ingly calls ‘mum and dad’ businesses ran their affairs like she runs this fucking council, they wouldn’t be in business long. And as that item from Brisbane indicates, she could always try actually doing something to materially help businesses, like maybe a rate holiday. Because then, Jenny it would be your business taking any hit, which is what it’s supposed to do in unprecedented times like these.

            This is just a totally empty, feel-good piece of snide rubbish from a piece of snide rubbish.

          • The Magpie says:

            More on this, including Jenny Hill’s monumental hypocrisy, in tomorrow’s Nest.

          • Elusive Butterfly says:

            Mr. Pie, credit where credit is due?
            The Bulletin did correctly change “endemic” …an adjective…to “pandemic” in the opening par.
            It appears that the stench from the rotting carcass, that is the Townsville City Council, pervades to its PR department!

          • The Magpie says:

            Of course …, pandemic is so much closer to panic, but whether they knew about nouns and adjectives is a different matter.

        • Alahazbin says:

          I hope the tray of fruit & veg was just fit the camera and Jenny didn’t take it home. Sorry Addlec, couldn’t resist. How’s the blood pressure?

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          The picture is a bit small but does it imply that the Chamber of Commedy is giving us the royal pineapple? Hopefully someone has a durian as that might explain the stink.

  46. Hondaman says:

    Pinch me! I must be dreaming!! After perusing the Saturday 22nd’s editorial in the Astonisher I find that at long last we have found an Editor who is NOT afraid to say it like it really is, with regards to the escalating crime spree and the non-performance of our three highly paid local trough snufflers! Let’s hope that this editorial trend can be allowed to continue, as surely it will reach George St. I cannot wait for the next missive, and hope they keep coming.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Will today’s paper becoming a collectors item?

      • The Magpie says:

        It’s always been a collectors’ item … the TCC rubbish collectors have been doing a sterling job.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          I toddled off to get a copy of this historic copy. The editorial was a good start, but only a start..
          A better read, and spot on the money was Barry Davies’ letter to the editor. Read it if you can. Shame that the Useless Three won’t, or won’t understand if they did. Barry spells out what will reduce juvenile crime in this town, and I agree with every word.

          • The Magpie says:

            By and large agree with Barry’s letter, but his baiting of those want a system that also helps kids that have started out in life with no chance is an unfortunate reflection of how confrontational debate bogs down real progress. Certainly, make them pay the price, they are old enough to know what they do is wrong and criminal. But let’s say we agree with his mandatory sentencing rules (this is a very dicey area – if someone knows before they are caught they are headed for jail for sure, desperation may lead to graver crimes before they are arrested), that breach of bail is a no-second-chance option and gets a short but real sentence, and that tougher times are designed into the Cleveland Correctional experience. But in tandem, without the nose-to-nose name calling, there really does have to be something to lift these kids out of their slough of disrespect, especially after they have done some hard time – remember, if we adopt Barry’s model, many will start doing time as juveniles but will then be transferred to the Big House when they reach a certain age, which is a veritable Crims College. So unless we want to spend more taxes on more jails, all equipped with well oiled turnstiles, as much focus should be on a blitz of assistance … not handouts, but assistance in various forms – to get back into the community with self-respect and the ability to support themselves. And if they are afforded this help, a strict ‘don’t fuck up your chances’ policy should also be in place.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            In my presentation to the Parliamentary Committees, in brief and in two parts, (1) the current snots are beyond rehabilitation, just protect the public. (2) The main long term effort is with the current pre-schoolers.

            (Lots of social workers and truant officers coming up.)

            Children attend school every day, prep to Gr 12.
            They are fed and rested in order to learn.
            They are resourced to learn.

            Any deviation is swiftly followed up and corrected. This will take 2 – 3 generations. Requires real Government commitment and funding. This is only part of the solution.
            The hope is in the future.

          • The Magpie says:

            There’s a novel in there somewhere, Mr Orwell.

  47. The Krunkly One says:

    Is there any update to the mass staff departures recently? I’ve heard the musical chairs in Walker St is severely impacting the maintenance in the parks and water divisions.

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