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The Magpie

Sunday, September 8th, 2024   |   228 comments

Historical Histrionics: Forget Troy, It’s Caesar We Need To Worry About: Our Rogue Mayor Is The Man Who Would Be King

In what appears to b an extraordinarily ill-advised move, TwoNames Thompson has made the empty threat to dissolve council if they don’t meet he demands for unfettered power. You can almost hear the music from Psycho’s shower scene as this builds to a climax, when he then accuses three unnamed councillors of taking bribes from McCabe in connection with the CEO selection process.  All without a shred of proof. The unravelling is accelerating.

The Townsville City Council’s poor memory for ill-advised parking plans … The ‘Pie remembers the Baldrick-like cunning plan that blew up in their face. But that will be nothing by comparison if the Strand parking meter smash’n’grab goes ahead.

That sad soggy bowl of porridge known as Stephen Lane is at it again, throwing more cream puffs at The Magpie. The ‘Pie receives them gratefully, they’re delicious and he shares them with you.

The game’s the same, only the names have been changed to make life hard for everybody … The ‘Pie’s exclusive list of little known tennis players.

And in the US, Trump being an arsesole at Arlington may be his biggest campaign blunder yet … the row is still going on days later.

What An Interesting Week

One to remember for The’Pie who often sits at the keyboard on a Saturday wondering what the hell he can waffle on about this Sunday. This week, he had wonder what he would have to leave out.

There’s only been one story, to let’s take as it came and do thing chronologically.

On Monday, Troy Thompson issued a media release claiming that CEO Joe McCabe was a liar, who had misled the public about his intentions regarding the permanent CEO appointment. Thompson based his highly inflammatory spray solely on the FB post Clynton Hawks, the dumped KAP candidate who is looking for political love anywhere he can find it. Hawks based his flimsy claims on what he said was leaked information but offered no proof to back up his anonymous claims. That didn’t bother a desperate Thompson, who used the Hawks’ post as a basis to defame and generally rant about the CEO … Thompson is very sensitive about people who see him for what he really is, a category into which the experienced and regulatory McCabe falls. (Later in the week, not only McCabe but the council legal executives stated flatly that there was absolutely no evidence or validity to the claim.)

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It was also on Monday that Thompson sent an astoundingly arrogant email to all councillors, in essence demanding their unquestioning loyalty and obedience to him as their leader. He then made the ridiculous and impossible threat the he would dissolve council because without him, it was unworkable. That is a power that only the LG minister can exercise. The contents of the email was revealed later in the week by the Bulletin, and the pivotal part were these 13 demands.

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More on that drivel shortly.

On Thursday, Queensland Local Government Minister Meaghan Scanlon announced that an advisor would be appointed to the council, to ensure regulations were adhered to and processes were followed.

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Thompson was at his slippery best when the news broke, claiming this is exactly what he asked for at a Brisbane meeting some weeks ago. This is complete rot, what he asked for was intervention by Scanlon to ensure he could appoint his own $175k advisor to his mayoral office, without having to go through any recruitment protocols which would of course demand qualifications and experience.  Bizarrely, the deputy mayor’s daughter, Bella Jacob, was in the mix. Perhaps by now, though he has realised, that with no input from himself, he’d just been given a babysitter, along with the 10 councillors. The appointment , made by Scanlon’s department, comes with the stern warning that the advisor’s ‘advice’ must be followed at all times.

So Townsville now finds itself just one  step short of having an administrator.

But on Friday, Thompson reached a new low, accusing three unnamed councillors of accepting gifts from McCabe to influence them to appoint him permanent CEO.  Again without a shred of proof.  With uncharacteristic speed, council’s chief legal officer David Sewell called bullshit on that astoundingly low call, and asked media not to publish the allegations,  given that, in Mr Sewell’s opinion ‘the mayor is at risk of defamation action’. This virtually assures us that the very thing the advisor will do is sit CEO and mayor down, explain the new rules (not that McCabe wouldn’t already know) and how the game has to be played. That meeting will have broach the subject of Thompson accusations of bribery and lying, and since that is all out in public, one would expect any resolution will be, too.

And that’s basically where the week ended and the matter currently rests … briefly, one imagines. . Comments attached to last week’s Nest are chocka full of interesting sidelights, facts and tidbits as this speeding fucktangle rolls on. Pleasantries are sure to resume from Monday.

Possible Highlights Ahead

It will be interesting to see how far the decisions of our hitherto independent council are curtailed if an advisor decides to override majority decisions. One imagines only decisions that flout regulations would meet that fate, but hey, it’s Queensland,  Jake, so who knows?

The mayor is certain reintroduce a motion to reverse  the council’s unanimous decision to deny him his requested personal ‘executive officer’ advisor, which he wished to appoint himself, without any recruitment protocols at all. So much for transparency, but unlikely to happen anyway. If one is allotted, it is almost certain the position will be filled from a short list of appropriately qualified people from which a council selection panel will choose the most suitable.. Mayoral  whisperer and sometime media officer  Stephen Lane, who would hardly get through the first interview, must be rolling on the carpet kicking and squalling in disappointment. Probably will want to sue The Magpie again for something or other, probably the Vibe.

But OK, Let’s Give The Mayor A Short Cut To Answers.

So, let’s do this thing, let The ‘Pie  answer Thompson  requirements of his colleagues, since the councillors themselves can’t say diddly without getting their botties smacked.

  1. Engage in regular and transparent communication with the mayor.

They all have … what don’t you understand? They want you to fuck off, are you deaf as well as dumb?

  1. Participate in collaborative decision-making processes and work together to find common ground.

That sounds like the classic definition of a democratic council meeting, a regular feature since the election. But common ground between who?

  1. Acknowledge and respect the Mayor’s authority and leadership role.

They all do, just not yours, because you’re a fucking lying, conniving crooked cu … err, con man who has no earthly right to anywhere near the mayoral plush. Authitory might be mandated by law, but leadership is earned by actions, not bullying and rampant ego.

  1. Identify and prioritise common goals that benefit the community.

Christ on a bike ! That takes patronising prickdom to a new level. Anyway, they have already done that by asking you to resign, because they reflect the community’s lack of confidence in you.

  1. Provide constructive feedback and suggestions to the mayor.

Like I said, are you fucking deaf? Constructive comments are coming from all points of the compass in Walker Street, mostly involving you pissing off, you chiseler.

  1. Support the mayor’s initiatives that align with the council’s goals and the community needs

These appear to be mutually exclusive terms where you’re concerned, it is clear your needs come first. But what if the other 10 councillors think your initiatives are self-serving shit? Which they’re certain to be.

  1. Build trust through consistent and reliable actions.

(Cough, splutter) With difficulty, The Magpie will  hold my tongue on this one.

  1. Address conflicts and disagreements through mediation and dialogue.

That already happens … it’s called regular council meetings.

  1. Ensure transparency and accountability in all actions and decisions.

Suggest you lead by example

10. Support a motion for a councillor advisor.

You’ve got it, Dumbo, but not what you think it is. You’ve been given a babysitter, which is seems one step shy of an administrator. Little Stevie Lane must be disappointed, he thought he might get the gig.

12. Cease all efforts to undermine the mayor

Indeed why not, you’re doing a pretty comprehensive job of that yourself.

13. Stop supporting the Acting CEO in his unlawful actions.

Enjoy your defamation trial whenever Joe decides to file. Even your ersatz legal pretender, the Lycra clad loon Lil Stevie Lane, probably has an inkling that that, and similar statements could cost you a small fortune.

Stephen Lame Admits He Identifies Himself As Lycra-clad Legal Loon

The Magpie’s desolation at little Stevie Lame failing to keep his promise to sue the old bird,  (sounded like fun) some joy during the week when he popped up again like that over-fibred turd that just won’t flush. As you will see, it isn’t the description he objects to, it’s his fantasy that somehow he has been accused of a crime.

Last Wednesday, this text plopped up.

Hi Malcolm, would you be so kind to provide your name and address for service. Should you not, and I need to employ a bailiff to do a skip trace I will refer those costs onto you at the trial.

Your statement “particularly his Lycra-clad loony legal advisor’ inferring that I am a legal advisor when I am not , breaches the terms of the concerns notice I provided you on 01 July. Therefore I intend to file against you on this.

The threat of being serviced by Stephen Lane is not, in any interpretation,  something anyone wants to contemplate too closely, but The ‘Pie thinks he means giving me paperwork for a projected trial. Certainly hope that’s what he means.

This is so deeply, childishly demented,  (he aparently doesn’t know how look up an old phone book)it was like a little girlie putting on lippy and mummy’s high heels and saying, ‘Look Mummy, I’m all grown up. I think I’ll be a lawyer someday.’ The ‘Pie was too busy with more important things, like cutting his toenails and practising putting on the kitchen lino to reply, and so ignored it.  But not having gained the the attention he so badly craves,  up he floated again – plop –  with a very unlawyer-like text on Thursday.

‘Very quiet, Malcolm, I did not expect you to go back and hide in your Nest, mate.’

Stevie seems worried about me suggesting he has offered legal advice to Troy Thompson, which he vehemently denies, and giddily says The ‘Pie is thus accusing him of a crime.  Last I heard, anyone can give any other person legal advice … God knows, The ‘Pie does enough of in The Nest … and it would only be illegal if one claimed untrue qualifications and charged money on the basis of being a registered professional. It’s up to the receiver to decide whether to take such advice. And the nutty business about my address makes me think I’m mocking the afflicted here.

But one thing is for sure, he is firmly ensconced in the Thompson Alamo, defending all sides from his computer rampart.. Dunno about legal advice, but Lame certainly has acted at least once as Thompson’s media liaison.  In a childish bit of wankery, about 9 o’clock on the morning of TwoNames bribery allegations, he notified Townsville media that Thompson would be giving a media conference at 11 am, revealing dastardly deeds by councillors and a certain unnamed CEO candidate.  That is, he notified all media except the Bulletin,  which he subsequently told at 10.58am. And therefore avoided reporter Chris Burns getting there in time to ask some awkward questions.

All in all, here’s some free legal advice for you, sonny.

Give it a rest, Mr Lame, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Speaking of Embarrassing Yourself …

… maybe the councillors who maintain they will install parking meters on the Strand should learn a bit from history . The year was 2018, March 3rd in fact,  when The Magpie reported on an embarrassing and expensive back-down about a massive car parking blunder. Suggest the current councillors have a look at this edition of the Nest from back then.  Scroll down to the photo below.

Short version is that in 2016, the council changed the Eyre Street car park, just over the hill where Denham become Eyre, from free all day parking to paid parking.  The result was instantaneous, with the popular parking spot overnight going from being normally jam packed to this.

IMG_112eyre st parking8And that is exactly how it stayed for two years. The ‘Pie knows this because he passed it everyday, it’s not far from his place. Eventually, Frothy admitted the fuck-up, but lyingly said he’d only done it after getting feedback from businesses, implying they had asked for more paid parking to further root their CBD businesses. The result of the reversion to free was just as instantaneous.

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Might be worth thinking about?

Anyone for  теннис,?**

Listening to results from the US Open Tennis ,  The ‘Pie reflected on how times had changed, long gone were the simple days of names like Laver, Newcmbe, Emerson, Trabert, McEnroe and Connors, let alone Smith, King and even the euphonious Goolagong.  We started to hear the rise of Eastern Bloc and European players, with strange names floating through the Australian airwaves. Navratilova heralded in this new era, and this year’s US open does nothing if not stir admiration for newsreaders and commentators handling incomprehensible tongue twisters.

But there’s another side to all this that The ‘Pie would like to share. For every household name, there are scores of unknown players who largely remain unknown. And The Magpie believes they should have their day in the sun, so here’s a short list of names on the tennis circuit with which you may not be familiar.  They all have definite characteristics that make them memorable.

Olga Pollutin – known as Olga from the Volga

Ima Nickinoff – shy Russian who refuses to give media interview’s

Serge Trouserin – the Serb is instantly recognisable on court for his fashion statement long pants

Svetlana Tumblova – holds record for number for times she has retired hurt

Walter Custard-Toffy from England, where else? Old money, which allows him to stay on circuit, where he hasn’t won a single match

Argos Tuft – representing Sodoffistan – been breached several time for umpire abuse.

R.U Cerrius – foul mouthed American tantrum thrower, known for his traditional red head band, worn to cover his circumcision scars

Victor Vermicelli … many fellow Italians believe the aging player is ‘a pasta it’.

Hector Hector – a Scot, known for trying to bully opponents, umpires, ballboys. Never shuts up

Urealli Reeka … from the Peligna Vally, Italy’s garlic capital,  Urealli is mostly admired from afar. Said to be the loneliest guy on tour.

**теннис, is tennis in Russian.

In America, Trump Gets It Dead Wrong …

… by wronging the dead.

As highlighted last week,  Trump caused outrage with an appearance at memorial service in Arlington National Cemetery when he turned a simple (and hypocritical) wreath laying into a campaign event.   But this incident wasn’t just another of Trump’s now normalised excesses, this one really hit a chord with decent Americans. Some are now suggesting that one incident may have turned the tide in the campaign, consolidating the ‘I’m not him’ ethos for Kamala Harris.  This gallery highlights Trump’s low behaviour, along with other things bothering a fractured country. Including another teenager shooting in a Geotgia school.Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.14.57 pm Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.12.50 pm Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.15.27 pm Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.13.05 pm Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 12.13.31 pm

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EEEK!!! Wot’s Happened To The Old Bird ?!?  

Many years ago when The Magpie infested the Bulletin offices in Ogden Street, some minor dignitary wrote  in to the paper about a column in which he said he’d been ‘magpied’. To which The ‘Pie replied in his next column, ‘Last night, I went to bed a noun, but this morning, I woke up a verb’.

Well, history sort of repeats. Last night, the old bird went to bed a magpie, but awoke in the morning to find he had become …. a newsroom! That is, according to an unsolicited email from the Woking Dead aka The Greens.

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Now The ‘Pie is wondering who did the identifying? But The ‘Pie cares not, he’ll take whatever he can get.

Handy Tips For We Older Folks

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And when the time comes that none of that matters,  you now have greater choice in how you depart the planet.

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Now Try And Get This Image Out Of Your Head As Close Your Eyes To Sleep

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Another greatly entertaining week from our local collection of funambulists and  join in the comments during the week, comments are an endless source of hilarity … especially the serious ones. And you can greatly help The Magpie maintain his ringmaster status with a donation to help with ever-present costs. The appropriate button to press is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Local Council shenigans have taken the focus off the State election and Qld Labor getting more desperate with less than 50 days to go . Unions have a $15 mil war chest to attack LNP + Greens . Star casino one week out from opening didn’t have a licence as resturants not completed and large tenant bailing . Star casino needs $300 mil to keep the doors open after one week so giggles Miles and his Government have to bail them out . Begs the question small business going broke every week or Scott Stewart’s $15 mil grant for a floating resturant . Federally Albo and Chalmers blaming the reserve bank as Australia has had the biggest erosion of disposable income in the OECD . RBA , David Crisafulli , anyone to blame than Chalmers 6,000 word essay on re-writing economics .

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      I’m still looking for LNP policy announcements… anyone? Where do they stand on.. well anything?

      You could vote for them because they aren’t Labor. But that’s exactly how Thompson got in.

      • The Magpie says:

        Agree, Understand LNP standing back until now, letting Labor kick itself in the balls. But time to talk some talk, Kid.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Ducks nuts . I think your looking in the same place as Steve Wulguru . LNP policy announcements are on social media , print media and here’s a few I found in just a few minutes . LNP support mining royalties , Copperstring ,. Reviewing the CMFEU ” best practice ” deal adding 20 % + to all State Government projects . Daniel’s Law creating a public sex offender register . Abolish stamp duty for new first home buyers , adult crime , adult time .

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        The thing most people seem to have forgotten is that SMiles has not formally called the election so that sitting MPs can continue to use taxpayer funds to campaign. Why would the LNP waste ammo now when they are better advised to keep their powder dry until the campaign proper.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Oh. So that’s why election day is 26 October.

          • Not standing for mayor says:

            At some stage SMiles has to dissolve parliament and put the state into Caretaker (must be before 1 October) to formally start the election process. At present this pork barrelling and flood of vitriol is just business as usual. But I would not expect you to let facts get in the way of your story.

          • Duck Nuts says:

            I’m aware. But LNP KNOW the state election is looming. So why waste time. So far their policies look like their should just change the party name to Qld Labor #2

  2. Island Voice says:

    Heard a whisper about the middle of last month- that the shit was going to hit the fan.
    Watched last week’s council meeting Thompson looked fairly relaxed, but McCabe looked rattled and irritated. Was waiting for him to spit the dummy.
    The questions are
    Has he applied for the position of CEO and is he in the final field of 3?
    The council is not functioning, a list of their achievements since the election is
    Rate rises, slashing discount for paying before due date and introducing parking metres.
    Councillors quotes ‘We are worried about our jobs’ and ‘ The pot calling the kettle’, time to grow up kiddies.
    As for council’s legal department asking the media not to cover Thompson’s last media release- it’s all over social media network which reaches more readers than the mainstream.
    Thompson was over on the island yesterday, he attended a residents meeting he seemed relaxed, spoke well and engaged with people.
    Draining the swamp could be a good thing for Townsville.

    • The Magpie says:

      So one takes that your definitionnof dysfuction is making decisions you don’t agree with?

      As for legal boss Sewell asking the media not to publish was his way of makingh sure TwoNames knows that he’s offered McCabe a slam dunk defamation case.

      And so the mayor spoke well at your meeting and engaged with people. So he’s OK then, in your books, no probs, good bloke?

      • Island Voice says:

        The latest update we have from Council regarding the new toilet block for Picnic Bay is should be completed by March next year? After 4 years of waiting Council still can not give us a timeline, costings or design. A functioning council would after 4 years be all over the information.

        As for council legal dept perhaps they should of contacted Meta and X requesting Thompson’s media release be withdrawn? As for a defamation case – if there is one should be interesting reading.

        At least Thompson does come over to the island and attend meetings, we would of considered ourselves lucky if we saw The Mullet twice in one year.
        Do I think Thompson is a good bloke? I think at least he is trying.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Very fucking trying.

        • Contributor says:

          Well, I guess that succinctly sums you up. Your priority is a new toilet block for Picnic Bay.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, dunno, it’s a legitimate concern, especially when you hear the council and TEL rabbit on Maggie being our jewel in the tourism crown. Disgraceful delay, but totally unrelated to Thompson

        • Achilles says:

          Did he use the ferry or simply walk across to Maggie?

          Why didn’t you ask him if he could fix the issue about the dunnies?

          P’raps you didn’t want to embarrass him in-case he thought you were piss-taking to ask him to stoop so low as to get involved with effluent issues!

        • Mundingbird says:

          I emailed Ma Greaney about the toilets at least 3 years ago and she politely told me that it was in the planning stage.
          Council speak for ‘ buggered if I know’.

  3. Ben Rumson says:

    The question is, will TwoNames Thompson, the Mayor who would be King, come to the same ignominious end as Daniel Dravot, the man who would be King?

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    Oh boy, what a rambunctious week. Lots of fallout from the actions of Twonames. His tautological nonsense knows no bounds. The reporting and updates in the Nest have been priceless. It would be nice to see this sort information reciprocated in more detail by the local newspapers. They are missing a great opportunity to report honestly, clearly and publicly. Hell, considering this saga has a long way to go, the newspapers might even find itself selling more papers! Will Light-on Smith break his shackles?

    As a side point and one that the Pie has laboured home, TCC is not dysfunctional, but it’s in pain. Ralston, the ex-Hill footstool, has left the place in a financial pickle. Some unpalatable decisions have been supported by the Councillors, and Twonames continues his mission as an unhinged sycophant. But the Councillors are forming a strong working union. Working together they may be able to make strong future decisions around TCC’s finances, governance, new management, and permanent CEO. And McCabe is managing some of the internal issues such as a departure of experienced management, rather well. His local government experience is valuable.

    Twonames is a handbrake to this city. Hopefully the new state government appointed advisor will be able to assist the Councillors in gaining some traction and getting on with the task of governing – with or without Twonames.

    • Bob says:

      Hey Prince
      There seems to be a lot of staff leave the council. Why do you think that happens?
      Maybe there are some long term senior staff that are calling the shots that have their own interests at heart, and you have to either live with it or leave. We all know what happens to whistle blowers in this country! Look at the poor guy that exposed the tax office’s dirty tactics. He is facing 120 years in jail.
      Does anyone care about him?

  5. Lame Steven says:

    It would appear that the text message Steven Lame sent you is bait material. Lycra man is trying to elicit a negative response from the Magpie. Give him nothing mate, make him frustrated and annoyed. His Lycra outfit barely hides his cameltoe.

  6. Burnt Brows says:

    The crazy thing is that if Birnbrauer had just been honest during his campaign (about University qualifications and military service at least), then he would have likely still been voted in as Mayor and would not be going through any of these issues. It’s all because he was not honest about things ‘normal people’ care about, from the outset. His fan club will say that all Politicians lie, but reality is the ones that have told untruths or misinformation like he has are no longer around, for good reason.

    • The Magpie says:

      It’s called ‘taking charge of the issue and controlling the conversation.’ You’re on moral high ground by the very fact of admitting past errors. The ‘Pie has said as much, pointing out the idiocy of secrecy that adds to the backlash. Although he would’ve had a hard mountain to climb, with his track record, and he has a couple of very dedicated enemies.

  7. Alahazbin says:

    Pie, You left out one name from that list of tennis player, although this one is real: Bernard Tomic.

    • Jonty says:

      And Bernard Tomic is just like Troy Thompson, a spectacular public failure and fall from grace due to being self conceited and narcissistic. Both of them are complete losers and tosspots.

      • The Magpie says:

        TwoNames doesn’t have. aFerrarai as his ride, but he’ll be able to afford one by the time he’s finished ripping off Townsville.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Alah, you have got to be fucking kidding ! There are literally thousands of kids around the world who have more talent, more discipline and a less entitled ego than that this fucking rude brat ! You obviously have zero idea about what makes up a future high ranking sports athlete ! Jeezus !

  8. The cheese man says:

    It seems like Steven Lane is jealous that he doesn’t have his own nest to hang around. Instead, Mr Lycra hangs around with cookers like Troy Thompson. And in his spare time threatening to sue an aging gentleman who has no valuable assets. Seems to me that his high-riding Lycra has cut off the circulation to his brain.

  9. Ducks Nuts says:

    Pie, Steven Lame is a two-bit hack. Living in fantasy land where he only convinces himself that he is some kind of Top Gun. While he is busy obsessing with you and his hero Twonames, the world is passing him by. I wonder if he poses in front of the mirror in a pair of white lycra shorts, admiring his tiny hairless marbles.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Woah! Wait… I didn’t say that!
      Stephen Lane is just Lame. Very, very lame. By no means does the community deserve a description of him admiring his lameness.

  10. Not standing for Mayor says:

    A friend shared with me this FaceBook post from Shady Lane. If you go to his Facebook page you will see he had plenty of time to get some pictures during what would have been hair-raising if he wasn’t a bald twat. I don’t have the skills to share the post but it is open to the public.

    ” Stephen Lane
    31 August 19:18 ·
    This afternoon I was riding my bike and I was nearly killed by a stolen car that swerved at me before it then smashed into the back of the other stolen car it was with. They were checking houses or stealing cars from houses on Windarra Ave in Douglas. Tim Grover ended up having to bail off the road behind me as they appeared to swerve at him too. Fuck that was scary. We need an LNP – Liberal National Party government in at the next election. ”

    I get the LNP are really impressed to get that endorsement. :(

    • Burnt Brows says:

      Maybe the drivers of the stolen cars were LNP voters?

      • Mugwump says:

        Reply to Burnt Brows.

        Don’t let Harpic hear you say that.
        He already has publically labelled an anti-crime rally with crime victims as “Rusted on LNP supporters”. With his more desperate FB rantings lately, he will likely label the out of control kiddy criminals a part of an LNP conspiracy.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          I agree, Aaron ‘Batman’ Harpic’s Facebook posts are getting more desperate. All he does is post anti-LNP/Crisafulli rubbish. He is getting more desperate as every day draws nearer to election day. What will turkey neck Harpic do for work when he gets booted out I wonder? Who cares. And let’s see if he continues with his anti-LNP posts every day after he gets booted out.

  11. Ex-TCC Employee says:

    Steven Lane had a very brief stint working at Council as a WHS Business Partner until word got around about his little falling out with Labours resident candidate with drinking problems, and ex-TCC Councillor, Sir Les Walker (Johnny Walker to his friends). He didn’t last a week. Maybe he thinks helping Two-Names is getting his revenge?
    He was, and still is, a wanker!

    • The Magpie says:

      Polly, not relevant, not published. NO UNINVOLVED FAMILY MEMBERS, PLEASE.

      • wollo says:

        I have never before heard of a politician putting up a petition begging HIS OWN sitting government to fund a new project when he has had years to get off his arse and get it done already. Most members would simply knock on the door of the relevant minister and put his case forward . Tells you something about Harpic . Doesn’t it ?

        • Jenny says:

          wollo, politicians present petitions to parliament all the time, whether in government or not. In fact that is one of their functions; to facilitate the process, to make sure the words and phrases are correctly ordered so the petition passes all the administrative obstacles, and to make sure it lands in all the right inboxes. Phillip Thompson recently demonstrated how it is done:

          “The Albanese Government must urgently review its decision to de-fund Reef HQ and reverse its short-sighted call as a priority. Local families are disgusted at the arrogance and lack of care from Labor.
          Please sign my petition to save our Reef HQ, so I can demonstrate our community’s support in the Federal Parliament.”

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Hey Jenny – newsflash, Phil Thompson is in “opposition” and not a member of the incumbent government. Harpic’s petition is just a pathetic attempt to gain publicity.

          • wollo says:

            Well said not standing. Thats exactly what I was gonna say. beat me to it !

          • Jenny says:

            Thanks, NsfM, I was aware of PT’s opposition status and it never occurred to me that a politician’s press release could be a “pathetic attempt to gain publicity”. That’s why when the same PT was in the news a few years before – while he was a member of the then-government – I thought he could be taken at his word. On the subject of funding for the Reef HQ upgrade and other projects, “Mr Thompson has confirmed the $195 million already allocated by the Commonwealth would stay in Townsville …” (ABC 2 August 2020). Under his watch, several million was spent demolishing the Reef HQ, Omnimax theatre and other facilities but then the spending stopped. The money dried up. Mr Thompson appeared to have lost control of the slush fund. Now, with a new government in power with different priorities, we see that the $195m has not stayed in Townsville at all. It could have if PT and the Morrison government had lived up to their promises and actually spent the dough, but they reneged. Member Thompson now has to go cap in hand petitioning the Labor government to do what he should have done when he had the money at his disposal.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Oh Jenny, seek professional help my little crabby mate. You are not a well person.

          • Jenny says:

            Ah, but I am a person NsfM. You present yourself as a non-concept, a non-event, not even an idea.

          • Grumpy says:

            Sophomoric much?

          • Jenny says:

            No, but you might be. I am a former politician so I know how to read the layout of the land, unlike yourself.

          • Jenny says:

            How clever. At 12.16pm a new “Jenny” popped up. I read its comment before it was moderated. Pathetic.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry (serious question) what are you talking about? What Jenny comment?

          • Jenny says:

            Never mind. There are too many imposters on this blog.

          • The Magpie says:

            Takes a bit of mental gymnastics to figure out that the idea that people who use bogus names used by others bogus name users are imposters.

            But The ‘Pie is a bit mystified, because there is no such comment as you suggest that has been published.

            But here’s the thing that has us doing double back flip with twist: there is such a comment still to be moderated, which has not been published. So just how did you see happen to see it – you obviously have, because of the precise time given.

            Goodness, you aren’t a fake Jenny sending a fake message so you can make a fake comment about it.

            But since you didn’t read it, The ‘Pie will publish it in a minute or two.

            You’re so right, the place is full of imposters, isn’t it? Whoever you are.

          • The Magpie says:

            Now published. Over to you (like you’re going to reply.)

          • Achilles says:

            Jenny X/n, You should stand behind yourself and give yourself a kick!

          • Burnt Brows says:

            One thing that impresses me about Phil Thompson is that he has always been honest about his Military Service.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, when I post a comment the proposed post comes up on my feed with the words “awaiting moderation” in italics above it. These words may sit there for hours until you give the green light and actually post the comment. If some other person takes the name “Jenny” and posts a comment it will come back to them AND TO ME as a post awaiting moderation. That is how I knew at 12.40 that a different “Jenny” had posted a comment that was awaiting moderation at 12.16pm (“No but you might be . . .”). Now I notice that at 12.21pm the fake “Jenny” posted another comment “Never mind. . . . ”
            I don’t actually give a fuck but you did ask if I could explain.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thank you.

            Given the amount of commenting you do around here, thank god you don’t giver a fuck … if you did, The ‘Pie would have to hire help with comments.

        • Bullshit says:

          A petition seems like good supporting evidence regardless of the merits of a proposal.

        • Burnt Brows says:

          It’s common leading into an election where a politician has high chances of not being re elected. Maybe lining up a job post MP?

    • Barry says:

      I fail to see how this is a problem or even a concern to anyone.

      • The Magpie says:

        Mr Lane has chosen to thrust himself into the public spotlight several times, dabbling on the fringes of politics, and is cufrrently one of Troy Thompson’s cultists. Therefore he s hoping to have an influence on how we live our lives in this city. Ergo, revisiting his background, including his cowardly time-wasting stunt with Les Walker in Palmer street (the magistrate told Lane to – in judicial language – to fuck off because he’s a fuckwit). Therefore comments concerning his background are legitimate subjects for examination.

        HOWEVER The ‘;Pie repeats as a policy, uninvolved relatives, friend or associates uninvolved in this goose’s attention-seeking activities and who have done nothing that th public should know about are not fair game, and such comments will not be published.

  12. Questionaire says:

    Did Jenny Hill have approval by the Councillors on the hiring of her three advisors.

    • The Magpie says:

      What The Mullet wanted, The Mullet got. That’s what happens when you politically tie up your CEO.

      • Prickster says:

        It wasn’t that long ago 2names was agreeing with Greg Hallam on FB that McCabe was amazing

        • The Magpie says:

          Would love a screenshot of that. Anybody?

          • Burnt Brows says:

            From TT Facebook page -
            8 ·
            Today we announced the Interim CEO position for the Townsville City Council.
            With 10 years experience as Chief Operating Officer for the City of Gold Coast, Joe McCabe has proven himself across a variety of responsibilities within local government.
            His previous positions were instrumental in securing and establishing many major events, funding arrangements and negotiations.
            I am personally looking forward to working with Joe as we lead into determining the budget, and continuing further council works across the board.
            Please join me in welcoming Joe McCabe to Townsville.

            Joe is an Interim (Temporary) CEO to guide our operations team and council to a good budget outcome, whilst we are looking for a full-time CEO. He will be flying in doing 3 weeks, then home for a weekend, then back the next Monday, so please be conscious of this, there is no benefit in him uprooting his whole family to accomodate a 3-6 month term. We are excited, and look forward to working with Joe.

          • The Magpie says:

            Heart breaking when a bromanace goes sour, ain’t it?

        • Barry says:

          Your perspective is wrong. He gave everyone a chance from the start and makes a decision about how he is treated. People change their minds…revelation I know. You people hated him from the start.

          Before you accuse me (as you always do) no I am not TT, nor do I have any affiliation to him. I am just a ratepayer who is sick of the blatant obvious attack on the Mayor. Yes he has made mistakes and he has been very open about them. But I for one am happy with the job he is doing for the TOWNSVILLE PEOPLE. Happy for you to disagree with me as this is MY OPINION

          • The Magpie says:

            If what you say is true, (The Magpie doesn’t believe you one scrap), then you are a seriously mentally-fractured person with no love or respect for this city, or for decency and the law, both moral and temporal.

            And thank you for a very-Thompson-like bit of patronisation in being agreeable to us disagreeing with you.

            But Bazza, mate, you sound like you’re getting frazzled, so you could always stop reading the blog and making inane lying comments. Couldn’t you?

      • Barry says:

        This is a massive problem that she openly operated like this. I am shocked that people were okay with this, and yet we have a new mayor ***finally*** who is working for US and you are spreading hate. How can you not see that she is STILL pulling strings with her old Councillors. We should be telling that story, but yet you are constantly hating on TT

        • The Magpie says:

          1. They were not OK with it. That is why she was voted out, and why, accidentally, the turkey you constantly knob-polish here in comments got elected.
          2. You bizarrely equate ‘hate’ with pointing out insults, lies and power grabs Thompson is attempting as ‘hate’. So give us your definition of base dishonesty and deceit. Thompson is working for Thompson, he knows a great money-grubbing gig when he sees it.
          3. ‘Pulling strings with her councillors’? There are four of them, and yet there have been several UNANIMOUS votes resisting Thompson’s overbearing egomania.
          4. But While we’ve got you before you get under his desk for the regular afternoon unzipping, please let us know how you stand on your hero’s completely unfounded allegations of bribery, and the wholly unsupported and grossly defamatory claim that Joe McCabe is a liar.

          Go on, just for fun.

        • The Unflinching Finch says:

          ol baz LOVES to CAPITILIZE to mąkę RIDICULOUS points about NOTHING.

        • Mdog says:

          Totally agree, not one person who has an opinion here, has any idea the money, time, and resources being wasted within council. Shaky dealings with business people, that are making millions from the ratepayers, every year. Also business involved in the pipeline roll out.. If only there was someone investigating certain business units, and then we would see the amount of wasted dollars, collusion, and dirty business still going down. All too involved trying to bring down numbnuts 2 names, forgetting the bigger problems. The shitshow should be placed into administration, and investigated

          • The Magpie says:

            Why do deficient clods like you continue with your belief that council corruption and the TwoNames saga is an either/or proposition, only one can be handled at the one time? That one – always TwoNames disgraceful presence – should be ignored? It’s the ability to be able to chew gum and fart at the same time, a double act one imagines you’re well practised in.

            And you really are special – in every way – if you believe that you alone in your brilliance are the only one to detect the corruption of years of Mayor Mullet. Everything you said was debatably true (no proof as always, ho hum) until you got to the bit where you say ‘too involved to bring down numbnuts 2 names’.

            Troy Thompson, posing as a front bar, jingoistic knight in shining armour, is just the cherry on top of our stinking cake of financial sleight of hand, questionable characters and mismanagement of the past decade and a half. And if you think you are the only one to point out the past wrongs then you haven’t been reading the Nest very long.

            Wake up, Dozey.

    • Scientician79 says:

      That’s what I’ve wondered as this saga unfolded.

      Presumably Mullet had the three advisors already in the council numbers/budget and if she had been reelected they would have continued on, business as usual.

      So then the question is, are the roles no longer in the budget that was handed down and approved, and that’s why Twonames needs special approval? Why and how were they removed?

      Of course if he had a clue he probably could be asking similar questions of the CEO and Council Staff instead of grandstanding on Facebook.

      • The Magpie says:

        Perhaps they weren’t in the budget pre-election. Only guessing here, but as those mayoral advisers appointed to or by a particular mayor, maybe their contracts were somehow limited. One reason for this would be Mayor Mullet could not have used them for campaigning reasons, at least not openly – a BIG no-no for publicly paid staff. (One had already slunk, Verwey off to annoy someone else somewhere.) But TwoNames was adamant it was a waste of money, he campaigned on that, and so it’s another lie, or at best ignorance. Claiming he didn’t know what the job involved dioesn’t say much for any possible strategic thinking or realistic view of mayoral duties.

  13. Ford Fairlane - Rock n Roll Detective says:

    The current Mayor is an embarrassment. He is a eunuch. He has lost the support of councillors, TCC staff incl CEO. That makes his position untenable. He spends his days posting ‘stories’ on Facebook including photos of eateries and food. Big fucking deal. He may have a healthy appetite but he has an unhealthy standing within TCC. Hopefully the Walker street gang will be able to squeeze him out of his current position. Troy, please leave.

  14. Burnt Brows says:

    Scroll down comments see the one from Ray Maxwell – TT gave it the thumbs up. Very interesting …….

    • The Magpie says:

      Your link didn’t open, BB, so wasn’t published. Captain Transparency has blocked the Magpie site. Send in the quote anyway.

      Here’s the one sent in by another Nester.

      • Barry says:

        You don’t post comments all the time. You are not transparent!!!!!

        • The Magpie says:

          What do you mean, The ‘Pie is not transparent? Do you think The Magpie is holding back on his reporting on the egregious behaviour of a partner abusing, valour-stealing, qualification lying, failed businessman fraudster who lucked out in his bid for the mayoralty?

          If so, what did The ‘Pie try to hide and not be transparent about?

          You really are a goose?

          • Bobby says:

            The answer to that is yes. You are one sided.

          • The Magpie says:

            Nope, The ‘Pie is several sided… he sides with truth, honesty, decency, compassion, sanity and rationale debate of ideas.

            But you probably like stories about illegal immigrants eating household pets. Spare me!!

      • Algorithm says:

        An endorsement from Thompstain and Jabba the Hut doesn’t mean much. However Joe is doing a good job managing internal challenges and finance issues. He has some good history with very few blemishes. Just don’t let him hire a spiritual advisor, like Tom Taint did. That was plain weird.

        • The Magpie says:

          There was a method go Tate’s madness … there person he hired was actually an expert on various brands of Scotch, and advised Tom the Tippler of the best way to go. But misunderstanding the ambiguous term ‘spiritual advisor= was better than the truth.

  15. The Magpie says:

    OVERKILL. OVERKILL, OVERKILL ,OVERKILL (like this Magpie headline.)

    Maybe this headline below is upside down … when the put-upon Townsville ratepayers find out how much the council is forking out for this private enterprise gig of doubtful value, maybe the headline should be Ratepayers Ready To Rock Killers.

    The point is, we are likely to never know how much of our money was chucked at these chuckleheads. You can bet you will haughtily (and lyingly) told it not to worry your pretty little heads about that, it’s Commercial In Confidence, now run along, there’s a good little ratepayer.

    But the overkill is hard to fathom, although sure, it’s a slow news day. Front page, double page spread on the most read pages 4 & 5, and, God help us, a fucking iditorial; too! It doesn’t fit any demographic marketing for the paper, the strata that buy print are unlikely to contain many Killer fans. One feels the unsubbed gusher from the promoter suggests money has changed hands.

    And … hmmm … Wonder if council support includes footing the bill for some media advertising?

    That feels suitably circular.

    • The Magpie says:

      And to short circuit the inevitable agesist slurs heading this way, The Magpie is making no disparaging comment on the band itself, although in this era of lawlessness and violence, a distasteful name. Having checked out the band, as music goes, well it went, but there are those who like this sort of noise, to which they are entitled to do. But The Magpie’s comment is solely aimed at a council that has decided in recent times to provide bread and circuses to disguise the lack nof real governance for the city.

      Fran O’C had the right idea … limiting all such support for bread and circuses, local or imported, to $5000. It’s bad enough that this council wants to be a developer (conflict of interest anyone?) but now, they’re ramping up their forays into entertainment promotion.

      And they have no mandate and no business in doing so.

      • Sergeant Gunney Highway says:

        It’s a great band and it’s good to see tat they are coming to Townsville. Better than Pink and donut puncher Elton John.

        • The Magpie says:

          Donut puncher, eh, Gunny? You do know that ever y accusation a confession, don’t you, dear?

          • Sergeant Gunney Highway says:

            Yes Magpie, he is a donut puncher. That might not sound politically correct, but it is true. I’ve been trying not to use words like ‘poofter’ and ‘fag’ as that offends some of my colleagues. We sadly now live in a very ‘woke’ environment, which saddens me.

          • The Magpie says:

            Every accusation an admission, eh, soldier? Perhaps you would’ve been more suited to the Navy.

          • Grumpy says:

            Don’t ask, don’t tell. ????‍♀️

    • Barry says:

      lol you and your cronies get mad about everything. Honestly move to a remote town if you want to live in the stone ages

    • Headmistress says:

      It feels very uncool, very contrived and not very rock n roll.

    • Mdog says:

      Magpie, I don’t think little patty, and col joy are still touring, about time , the yungins got to hear some live music. They destroyed kiss coming here, on the pretence of a football game. About time the city’s stadium had something more than just football

      • The Magpie says:

        Yeah, you’re right … maybe they could get Elton John to play th … oh, wait … well then they could try for Pink, that really wou … oh, yeah, that’s right. Then how about a big , some sort of title fight ….what? They did. Damn, the old bird has to admit he’s out of touch.

        Anyway, me dear old Catatonic Canine, The ‘Pie’s laments are about would is paying and who is profiting out the public money spent on these entertainments. It is not a generational critique of music or ‘entertainment’. Townsville is being seen as an easy mark for promoters, who moan about expense of distance yackety yak … and the eager beaver status of vote hungry politicians.

        We all know Aaron Harper is going to be re-elected because he single-handedly brought Pink to town.

        Single-handedly appears to be a constant pastime for the member for Thuringowa.

  16. Alahazbin says:

    I completely agree with the Magpie et al on Two Names antics and he must go.
    But may I raise another issue that has nothing to do with TCC but with TTC. Townsville Turf Club.
    In the 2019 floods, we all know the damage that was caused. The TTC received $9 million (some say $12 million) to recover from this damage.
    Admittedly it was great to see the Heritage Grand Stand saved and other flood repair carried out. The renovation of the ‘members’ is over the top using insurance money. The upper floor of the member’s grandstand received no real damage. The photos of all past presidents adorned the walls high up near the ceiling, but these photos were removed and dumped on the premise they were damaged and could not be restored. My concern here is, that with $9million in your kitty, the past committee could not put some $ aside to have these valuable photos restored and preserve the history of the TTC. Maybe the past president or his committee can explain this gross failure in their actions.

    • Critical says:

      Sounds like the insurance company involved needs to undertake an urgent forensic audit to establish if money was correctly spent and no fraudulent spending of funds. This action would certainly confirm or dismiss any rumours and let the club take the relevant action/s and move forward.

  17. Mugwump says:

    A clear example of a desperate politician on a vote buying exercise.

    Knowing his days are numbered, he digs out an old photo of when he had some form of respectability in the Ambo uniform and hoping this may cause some emotional response… (Your been to the well too many times Harpic).
    Even the petition is propaganda, not official government format and how is his petition to the “new access’ road that he wants the TCC to build going?, you know the one that shows all the upper ross wanted as an alternative to Riverway DRV while duplication construction is being done.

    • The Magpie says:

      A sitting politician doing a petition stunt (pointless, anyone going to say no?) is an admission tnhat they vare an ineffective down table number to the powers that be.

      The ‘Pie sees it more as a job reapplication.

      • Prickster says:

        Needing a petition shows how little his parliamentary colleague value his opinion and his lack of connection with constituents on the issues that matter.

        Maybe if he solved crime they wouldn’t need so many ambulances and police.

      • Bullshit says:

        Showing that the community supports something seems good to me. People have been complaining around here that the community wasn’t consulted about Strand parking.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Back in the days when he had only 1 chin. Now he has 3. He is a desperate fool who will be out on his arse next month. He will be desperate to retain a government job and will probably end up working for council. They seem to like hiring cockheads like Harpic.

    • Captain Underpants says:

      What an embarrassing idiot. Some of the crap Harper posts is absolute drivel. He has done fuck all for Townsville, along with Stewart and Walker. The 3 of them are incompetent knobs and I for one can’t wait to vote them and the Miles government out. I too have noticed Harpers Facebook posts in which he attacks the LNP. It has become really boring and I now just scroll past his stupid shit.

    • Percy says:

      Yes Aaron, a thousand local voices can be heard voting you out at the state election. I can hear those voices now, cheering with excitement and joy as you hand in the keys to your office. Have you started deleting files and shredding documents yet? Have you updated your CV? Get to it mate because you don’t have much time left.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      I’m very confused as to why this goose has to petition his own government to do something. Is he really that far on the outer? Maybe he should go and ask Junior Katter who seems to be SMiles new best bud.

  18. Idiot says:

    Reading back through this blog it would seem that the poster called Barry sounds very much like Stephen Lane.

  19. Jenny says:

    Magpie, pretty sure you’ll know about Australian Story on ABC TV doing a series about Lachlan Murdoch starting at 8pm tonight. For anyone with the slightest interest in Australian media and its future, this should be compelling viewing.

    • The Magpie says:

      Or anybody with a slight interest in Australia’s well-being, too.

    • Sergeant Gunney Highway says:

      Fuck Murdoch and anybody related to him and his family. Media scum who have profiteered off other peoples misery. Lachlan and the pickled walnut are lowlife’s.

  20. Mike Douglas says:

    Councillors worried about their jobs . Councillor Greaney division 3 seems to be ignoring all the emails from residents or those that work in her division as she hasn’t replied to many emails sent disagreeing with introduction paid parking and nothing on her or Councils Facebook on road closures . Division 5 Councillor Dirou not a peep of questions at Council meetings . A Quick Look at her Councillor Facebook page and unlike the other Councillors attending activity / community engagement only Council notifications . 2-3 Qlders struggling to pay their bills but Council has $ for Tones &I , the Killers . Will ratepayers see improvements ? .

    • MI Resident says:

      Councillor Greaney had a rubbish bin moved at Picnic Bay. BRAVO! That’s the only thing I can see what she has done for the island.
      She was apart of the previous council that watched the old mall at Picnic Bay deteriorate until most businesses left. She hands out Food truck licences while there are boarded up shops there that can’t get enough rent to cover costs. Meanwhile Palmer St gets an upgrade every year.
      The council allocates money for lights in the trees outside the Picnic Bay Pub and coloured under water lights at the jetty that have all gone out. Meanwhile there are no toilets and most of street lights along the old mall have been out for 12 months.
      She has her priorities wrong.
      I was sitting at a table at Picnic Bay a couple of months ago and noticed her and Councillor Price engaged in a discussion outside the boarded up shop. Was she discussing why it was boarded up, could it be she was lobbying Councillor Price about an upcoming vote to do with the owner? Who knows? She however bolted when the owner came out of the building.
      I can’t even find if they have Planning Committee or Infrastructure Service Committee meetings anymore. Are these conducted in secret?

      • Jenny says:

        MIR, you must be joking? There is a toilet block in Picnic Bay – a semi-permanent temporary one set up while a permanent one could be, I don’t know, financed I guess. A new one, next to the old (heritage listed?) one, will cost an absolute motza, which is probably why it is taking so long. The way you locals whinge, you’d think there is no public toilet near the pub in Picnic. Get a fucking life.

        • Island Voice says:

          A new toilet block for Picnic Bay was in last year’s council budget it didn’t get built and no one from council can tell us where the money went?
          It is now in this current year council budget. Meanwhile the demountable block is hired out so council is paying at least a grand a week so people in Picnic Bay can have piss.
          Good economics and planning from Council could have saved a lot for ratepayer dollars.
          Please don’t be condescending to us Island residents because you don’t even Fucking live here.

    • Island Voice says:

      Over here on the island Greaney is known as’I’ll get back to you Greaney’ because she never does.
      There have been 2 No Confidence motions raised about Cr Greaney at residents meetings- that shows you how fed up the residents are.
      Councillors should be working for their communities. Most of them just want to attend functions hold a glass of crisp white in one hand while their other is shovelling a tasty canapé in their gobs.
      That is where our ratepayer dollar is being spent on endless council functions.
      On the endless gravy train of self serving usefulness.
      Worried about their jobs – they bloody should be?

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Island voice . Thanks for your summary on Councillor Greaneys lack of delivering on Maggie Island . What Jenny ( expert on everything Townsville ) hasn’t worked out . Team Hill only completed 60 % of projects in the budget yearly ( thanks Fran O’Callaghan ) so that’s how they rolled the $ into the next year not disclosing Councils cashflow issues . Can anyone from Thuringowa , Mt Louisa say they have spotted our Councillor Dirou ? . Havnt spotted her at any Community events and her Councillor facebook posts just have her forwarding Councils announcements . Who checks what Councillors do and accountability ? .

      • Jenny says:

        Greaney need not worry about her job. She’s just been comfortably re-elected for four years by toilet-trained voters.

        • Maggie Moggie says:

          Well Jenny, lets just see if Greaney lasts the distance?
          As for the old toilet block being heritage listed – you are a fuckwit.

          • Jenny says:

            MM, why wouldn’t Greaney last the distance? Last time I was on the Island I was driven to Horseshoe Bay along the completely rebuilt road from about the Arcadia pub. I found a piece about the 21/22 budget for these works in Mirage News (whatever that is):

            “This important [$9m] project will improve the useability of Horseshoe Bay Road and enhance safety of all road users,” Cr Hill said.
            “Works will include around 4kms of pavement repairs and asphalt resurfacing, installation of around 1.6kms of new guardrails, new safety signage including vehicle-activated warning signs, pavement marking, some kerb and channel installation, footpath upgrades and minor drainage works.”
            In addition to this project, Council will also invest almost $5 million towards other infrastructure and services on Magnetic Island, bringing the total 2021/2022 budget investment to $14 million.”

            Several more millions were invested in massive drainage and stormwater works in Horseshoe Bay in the last couple of years bringing the tally towards about $20m. Despite the Picnic Bay toilet fiasco and some typical moaning from the usual Maggie Island suspects there’s plenty of financial reasons for Div3 voters to have re-elected AMG. Oh, and just for the record, an attempted vote of no-confidence in AMG at last weekend’s MIRRA meeting was thrown out by the newly re-elected Chair without so much as a seconder. Loud mouths with nothing to say.

        • MI RESIDENT says:

          A lot of voters I have spoken to don’t even know who their elected councillor is or even care. But I guess that is the same every where.
          I heard she can be very vindictive

          • The Magpie says:

            Actually, yes. In his daily somewhat limited contact around the place, The ‘Pie often asks those he’s talking to who their local councillor is. 9 out of 10 know, and don’t care.

  21. The Magpie says:

    Luke’s father is no more.

    The most recognisable voice in cinema, James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader, died this morning at his home in New York.. He was 93. His magnificent basso profundo voice launched a million repetitions of the famous catch-phrase ‘I am you father’. Often misquoted by starting with ‘Luke’.

    But Jones was much more than just a voice, he was an acclaimed stage and screen actor across many decades.

    Jones was one of the few to achieved EGOT status … that is, winning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony Awards.

    And so part of another era slowly fades towards vanishing point.

  22. FWYP says:

    I don’t normally rubbish the more way-out comments here. But I do browse the official Qld Govt e-petitions. (As you also can, to see what is worrying the populace)

    The most recent petition has been initiated by the Assistant Minister for Education and Youth Justice in the current Qld Govt. Can’t get much higher in the Labor ranks than that.

    So it can and does happen. “Harpic” should be not be disparaged.

  23. The Magpie says:

    Note that the Astonisher has hooked onto The Magpie story about Clynton Hawks connection to Troy Thompson … of course, Hawks denies (not that he would know) the real reason he was booted by KAP was because at one stage, he named Troy Thompson as his campaign manager for the state election. KAP were aware of the dangers of having a dumped One Notion candidate, kicked out for dishonesty, anywhere near their campaign.

    Now we have had TwoNames defaming Joe McCabe based solely on an unsourced and unsubstabntiated FB post by Hawks.

    Have asked the paper for a spotters fee, but so far, no luck, tight fisted buggers down there.

    Anyway, here’s another major heads up for them … write down this date, Cas/Chris Burns: Wednesday September 18, tomorrow week.

    That’s when a conciliation and arbitration commission hearing will be held to hear the con man mayor’s human rights complaint against the council locking him out when he went on looney leave.

    The ‘Pie’s reliable information is that the council will argue less about Thompson epilepsy per se (the core of his discrimination complaint), and will be more based on WPH&S regulations based on his DV and health history.

    Gunna be interesting. Read about it here … or in the Bulletin a few days later.

  24. Button mushroom says:

    Jenny, no politician is perfect and all of them at some stage fuck up and break promises. However, Phil Thompson has done more for Townsville while in opposition than the elected clowns have done. Labor, Hill, absolute deadwood and have achieved SFA. So, you may criticise Phil but he has outperformed the other wankers and wankettes.

  25. The Magpie says:

    At first The ‘Pie thought this was a joke, a prank, then after reading, initially thought it another crazy Green idea.

    But then, after thinking about it, not such a silly idea at all … Why not?

    Not that we’d necessarily want the Greens in charge of this suggestion.


  26. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie watched The Big Debate, but there will be those who will wail ‘how predictable’ when he says that Kamala Harris wiped the floor with Donald Trump, who consistently refused to answer questions put to both sides. Instead, he chose to shadowbox over battlefields of previous years, and only proposed demonstrably nonsense policides (ending the war in Ukraine within 2 days of taking office – which many read as withdrawing all support for Kiev).

    But if you want proof that Harris came out well ahead, a few minutes of watching Sky News post-debate confirmed it … the contortions of logic in defiance of what we all saw for ourselves was amusing to say the least. The parade of the usual suspects was balanced by a very good surprisingly fair and neutral report from Sky’s impressive reporter Annelise Nielsen on the ground in Pennsylvania.

    The debate in summary, from one side, we got two hours of shame, blame and regret me, me , me … and on the other side, solid policy outlines and , looking the camera directly, you, you, you to the American people.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      I keep hearing the saying in my head over and over, – ‘only in America…..’

    • Duck Nuts says:

      But think about the pets of Springfield!

    • White Mouse says:

      The most beautiful part of the debate was after the debate.
      Taylor Swift’s instagram post saying she is voting for Harris and signing it off as “Childless Cat Lady” as a dig at that Vance idiot. She carries a huge amount of influence (200m plus followers) and this might sway millions of votes toward the VP.
      The subsequent MAGA talking heads meltdown after Swift’s announcement. “This will cost her!” Bitch please – she has just completed a billion dollar world tour. I think she can afford to put her feet up for a bit.

      • The Magpie says:

        Taylor Swift, who embodies (almost literally) the America that Trump has helped destroy, and she is one of the few celebrity that could actually sway individual votes. But therein is the question: how many of her devoted followers are old enough to vote?

        • Southern Comfort says:

          I’m 54 old, white, male, straight and happily married, I’ve followed her since I first heard her earliest single in about 2006. I might not call myself a swiftie, and I’m not her target demo. But when she speaks, I listen. I might not follow, but I will listen.

  27. Turdy says:

    Can all posters on the MI toilet stop talking shit and please get back to more substantive issues (e.g. the paid parking fiasco?). Thank you, Turdy.

    • Headmistress says:

      Turdy… make it make sense. Mayor was on MI on the weekend and by someones acct in here put on a great show. Was it raised with him then? If so, what did he say? Apparently the date is March next year or so someone in here stated. So whats the bloody problem? They have a date, had a perfect opportunity to grumble but choose to hold meaningless votes of no confidence at the residents meetings instead. In my experience residents meetings are full of resentful residents by nature. Last time I took visitors over to the Island we had a vote of no confidence on the boat ride home based on the bad service, rude, entitled attitude of the businesses and the prices. They need more than a public shitter to enhance the tourist experience over there.

      • The Magpie says:

        Crikey, ma’am, what colour are your bovver boots?

        Nice kickin’, lady, giving the other side of the story. There’s always been a sometimes arrogant disconnect between Maggie residents and the big island – both ways, it must be said. Which is unfortunate, because it sometimes buries and blurs some grievances that are real and age-old, for all the parroting by TEL and council galahs about ‘jewel in the tourism crown’ overkill.

      • Former MI Resident says:

        I agree. A large portion are hypocrites, territorial and especially ignorant.
        They are selective when it comes to the law. The only way you can fit in over there is to agree with their unreasonable attitude and be excited by slander.
        All food supplies are delivered free to the restaurants and commercial rents are cheap. I definitely would not make decisions on where to go based on Google reviews.
        You can usually work out how long someone as been by their lack of etiquette.

        • The Magpie says:

          With the obvious exceptions, Rick and Mary Vernon. And George and Lorraine Colbran and … and … and… the list could go on and on.

    • Hondaman says:

      Absolutely! How can Mooney bleat about losing his job and cushy income should the Councillors be relieved of their positions, I bet they never gave a single thought to the responsibility we entrusted them to uphold in ensuring good local governance! I know it will not happen, but IF the positions did all become vacant the voters must remove post haste all those who voted for the parking meter fiasco, unless of course a stunning withdrawl of the plan was announced. I’d still not vote for any of them! If the Council is broke, there should be an austerity program – starting with ceasing weekend mowing of median strips etc. at double and triple time! I don’t think any of the proposed meter affected businesses would mind a few weeds round the place, and who knows? they might even be able to remain solvent!

      • Jenny says:

        Hondaman, that’s right, chuck a sledgehammer to crack a peanut. The voters in Div9 asked Mooney to advocate for them about the parking problems around the Mater hospital. They suggested parking meters in their streets might regulate uncaring, unthinking visitors in their suburb (they park across driveways, block access to wheelie bins and bus stops etc). It may not be such a bad idea, even if it requires some creativity. Heard of the word ‘nuance’?

        • The Magpie says:

          Spot on, and The Magpie again points out that the two issues … Strand and Pimlico – are two entirely different matters with totally different objectives. Mooney Jnr is right to be in favour of Pimlico meters for the reasons he and you state (unfair inconvenience to rate paying residents) and the Strand proposal (money grubbing, socially thoughtless, unnecessary and unworkable policy, by led by those trying to climb the greasy power pole). Making matters worse is the straight, unsupported and by their own admission, unreasearched lie by Clr Greaney that the move is not after money (supposedly for Strand maintenance) but to facilitate a mythical ‘turnover’ problem. There IS NO SUCH problem,a s The ‘Pie witnesses every single day.

          Now the ambitious Greaney faces the choice of listening to the people, admitting that whatever the financial merits, it is overwhelmingly against the wishes of the public, and lead a motion to rescind the policy. OR be labelled as someone who cannot admit to ‘untruths’ and errors … just like the mayor she is seeking to unseat for those very reasons.

  28. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    A hot topic on the radio this morning is the mis-information bill before the Federal Parliament. It is aimed at curbing mis-information, dis-information and mal-information and to deal with those starting and spreading it. It also applies to political advertising.

    Hee, hee, hee, ho, ho.

    This bill is likely to do in a number of contributors to the Nest comments.

    • The Magpie says:

      Don’t get your hopes up. Be interesting to see just where that leads.

      But you may rest assured, the Nest will always be choc-a-bloc with good MAL-information.


    The Federal governments creation of a new Tort that will enable Australians to sue for damages if they are the victim of a serious invasion of privacy is a great initiative. But does the average Aussie have the financial capacity to go to court?
    Civil justice in this country is for the rich!
    There are also no means for an individual in Australian to obtain justice when they are the recipient of a Governments unfair decision.
    Check out the reviews of the Crime & Corruption Commission and the Qld Ombudsman sometime.
    This will be another piece of legislation to look like they care. The legislation will be poorly written like most, except the road rules which leaves no room for argument.

    • The Magpie says:

      This proposed bill falls into the same category as The Magpie winning Powerball … and excellent idea that will never happen. Well, not effectively, but we we will, in both cases, win a lesser division.

      At least, this bill will never be effective, and it is impossible to see howe one massive downside can be avoided … given the greedy, litigious society we already live in, there will be a tsunami of real and imagined slights that all sorts of snowflakes are aggrieved about. Lawyers are rubbing their hands faster that cicadas on steroids, false claims pay as much – sometimes more – than clearly illegitimate ones.

      Perhaps if there is a provision for someone bringing a vexatious action is automatically hit with a major penalty might stem the flow a bit.

      All that said, it is clear that new laws are essential to police and contain the wild west of the web as it exists today, in the same way road rules evolved when cars first hit the roads. Just how a government goes about it is the question, it’s a delicate balance between public good and private rights. Not all advocates of the mythical concept of unfettered free speech have good intentions, quite the opposite.

      But while we’re on the subject, there was a good suggestion in a perceptive article by a former senior executive with Twitter on how to slam on the brakes on some sites … pass laws that will allow the issue arrest warrants for Elon Musk. And this article was written well before the the arrest of the Telegraph platform was arrested by France.


      A key quote: There is a recognition that free expression carries with it a duty of responsibility. The UK law requires that such free speech is not used to incite criminality or spread hatred.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      Sue for invasion of privacy? Sure, they can put their $100,000 payout towards their Lawyers $175,000 legal fees. Even QCAT is too complicated for the lay person especially when litigating against a business / corporation when they nearly always get leave for representation by a Lawyer.

  30. Maggie Moggie says:

    Don’t worry Turdy, we are with you brother, the island residents don’t want paid parking across the water, because the next step would be to introduce parking meters here.

    Organise a decent rally or begin civil disorder – we’ll be there.

    We just air our grievances when the opportunity arises, it does people good to flush away those irritating little problems – just like passing a good bowel motion

    • The Magpie says:

      Ironic that passing good bowel motions is a location problem on Maggie, apparently.

      And just for the record, The ‘Pie does not endorse, recommend or encourage law breaking protests … it all depends what you mean by civil disobedience. There have been several unpublished comments with criminal suggestions that The Magpie would never support, including outright vandalism using glue or acid in the parking meter card slots, spray painting over the screens or daubing the machines with foul language words, forcing an expensive running restoration job. And no, this is not a half-smart dog whistle, those suggestion are up on other social media sites and The ‘Pie wants to be clear they are not welcome here.

      • Maggie Moggie says:

        Just to be clear the Moggie, in no way suggests acts of vandalism.
        Continually hearing a lot of bleating about the introduction of more parking meters, a couple of petitions lodged – which went no where.
        To date there has not been a well organised protest march through the streets affected or a rally held on the Strand.
        Civil leaders, pollies and business people please organise a protest and the people will attend.

        • Jenny says:

          Maggie commuters pay through the nose for parking at or near the Breakwater Terminal for their town car and some continuously whinge to Queensland Transport about the lack of parking, or policing of half-arsed regulated parking, at the Nelly Bay terminal which is not TCC property. Apparently lots of people, locals and mainlanders alike, leave cars parked there taking up space for days on end free of charge. Bad manners maybe but what to do? Meters suggest themselves but no one wants them. Impasse. Glowering silence. No one is ‘marching’ and it will never be an election issue.

        • White Mouse says:

          The citizens of North Ward should lead this protest. It’s the inverse of Pimlico – there, the residents want meters to stop people clogging up the streets, and on the Strand, it will cause congestion on the residential streets.

          • Jenny says:

            WM, on my observation, people drive from all over town to visit the Strand. If they do a lap (or two) and can’t find a park, they don’t just drive home again, they head into the side streets until a spot is found. I imagine that if two-hour meters are installed over most of the Strand and in Gregory St etc., drivers will still grab the first available spot like they do now – the $2 charge is chicken feed, isn’t it? You seem to be suggesting that many drivers will automatically drive straight to the side streets in North Ward to avoid paying $2 for parking on the actual Strand, thereby causing “congestion”? Is that what you would do?

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s your argument, that $2 is chicken feed? And that its OK for the council to mandate how long someone or a family can enjoy the facility that taxpayers money built for them? That people will not even have the option of feeding a meter, but instead must move a mandated considerable distance (about the equivalent of a block, Richardson the Wrecker, said)? That now, even relaxation on the Strand involves the clock watching?

            Again, Jenny, on this issue of social engineering married to the greed of a lazy council, you have have proved that as a social scientist, you are a uncaring fuckwit.

          • Jenny says:

            Frankly Magpie, yes, $2 is chicken feed for two hours parking. People who drive a long way to get to the Strand will, mostly, be happy to pay $2. They do it all the time in the CBD. It’s a shame the commissioned ‘study’ for the Strand hasn’t been made public. I imagine that by far the majority of visitors stay less than two hours. And on that basis the Council is entitled to ‘milk’ (or ‘bilk’ if you like) drivers for the pleasure, exactly as they do in the CBD.

          • The Magpie says:

            Now, Jenny, you are seriously reaching the moronic end of the debating spectrum.

            First up, it’s not about the money per se but it’s not up to you (you’re even a money grubbing council employee – or are you?) to suggest people are happy to part with a single red cent to this council.

            ‘And ‘they’ DO NOT DO IT ALL THE TIME IN THE CBD … thousands every month do not go to the CBD because of the parking situation … there is no such thing as popping into the CBD for something or other.

            And one of the reasons the stidy on the matter is not released is because it will emphasise that absolutely no survey or community input was sought to reach their ultimate conclusions … no doubt driven by the original brief.

            And the last line is what takes you down the path of inanity … there can be NO comparision between the purpose of visiting the CBD and Visting the Strand.

            This issue has somehow taken you well away from your debatably but vaguely sensible offerings (mostly) on other subjects. Are you just playing the mischief maker on this issue as a wind-up? Or do you really support meters on the Strand as a good idea, and agree with this busted arse council, with its busted arse power-hungry, painting-by-numbers executives and councillors, that is their only possible path to financial redemption?

            Everything has to be paid for, but how it is paid for has not been adequately examined in terms of risk and reward, and unintended consequences.
            Stop fucking around, Jenny, it’s not helpful.

          • Bob Roberts says:

            As a matter of principle there’s nothing wrong with council having rules or fees for using council services. The council pools have a cost to use.

        • Prickster says:

          I think you’ll find the Port of Townsville owns terminals, car parking etc and has greater responsibility for services and infrastructure to and from Maggie than most people know. Yet the Port does nearly nothing, expect run down assets and spend taxpayers money in all the wrong area.

          Volumes and tonnages are less than half what they were 10 years ago, even accounting for the loss of QNI.

          The Port is the city’s biggest dream factory – remember when the massive ocean terminal was going to be built https://eisdocs.dsdip.qld.gov.au/Townsville%20Ocean%20Terminal/EIS/section-3-description-of-the-project.pdf

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s a pretty mixed up comment. First, it is well known to anybody with even a fleeting interest know that the ferry services to Maggie and Palm is controlled by the state government (through the Port Authority), who else would control it? It’s hardly the newsflash you insultingly think it is.

            You conveniently neglect to give a helpful example of say how the port is running down assets or where they’re spending money in the wrong area – which one suspects will simply come down to your opinion.

            And we’d like to see proof of your claim about your port tonnage comparison. Down possibly, but by more than 50%. Show us the proof.

            And despite the irrelevance of mentioning the ocean terminal, thank christ they didn’t waste more money thean they did … the toes curl up with embarrassment when a passenger ship hies into view, embarrassed knowing the tumbleweed town that awaits them.

          • Prickster says:

            Total trade through our ports for 2022-23 was 6,811,635 tonnes – page 10 2022-23_annual_report_5723t1460-7334.pdf

            Trade throughput at the Port of Townsville in the 2012 2013 financial year reached 12.09 million tonnes – page 8 potl-annual-report-2012-2013.pdf (os-data-2.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com)

            Not sure why we are building a port twice as big as the one we have

            The port owns & is responsible for the Picnic Bay Jetty & owns the land for the Townsville terminal as well as the carpark

          • The Magpie says:

            There ya go, that wasn’t too hard was it? And thanks.

    • Westy says:

      Save the date – There is a meeting of all councillors, mayor included and business owners on the 23rd September at Tide Cafe, 5:30pm, organised by none other than Craig Stack from Knight Frank. It’s an invitation only meeting too!

      Let’s hope the businesses involved give it to all the councillors, though none are brave enough to push against the current operational arm. These people hide in the concrete block, don’t think we don’t know who you are:
      Matt Richardson – Acting Director Infrastructure
      email hidden; JavaScript is required 043549887

      Joe McCabe – Acting CEO
      email hidden; JavaScript is required 0414180260

      Chris Watts – Acting CFO
      email hidden; JavaScript is required 47279112

      WHAT DO THEY HAVE IN COMMON, the are all ACTING ROLES for a reason! Make sure you write to them, the councillors are useless!

      • The Magpie says:

        Hahahaha, Westie, if you’re info is correct, that meeting will fall under The Magpie age old saying that if what is written in the Nest comes to pass, you read it here first, and if it doesn’t come to pass, that also because you read it here first. Seems all the secret squirrel stuff has more leaks that Total Tools Stadium at half time.

      • The Magpie says:

        Our power elite are apparently having clandestine meetings in a closed cafe (Tide closes at 3pm) at the heart of the Strand parking meter fiasco.

        Meanwhile, in Tinsel Town, which we so often denigrate …

  31. Arthur says:

    Re Magnetic Island
    Magpie. Can you or your informed followers on here tell my why the landholders of one of the properties on the old Picnic Bay Mall are allowed to drive along the mall to access their residence? I was over there yesterday and noticed them driving in.

    • Mundingbird says:


      There is a residence behind them which impedes access from Picnic St.
      I would suggest Council has given them permission to access via the Mall.

      Some interesting comments in this blog about the dunnies, peoples experiences with businesses etc and how long people have lived on the Island.

      The last one is amusing as a high percentage of Islanders hail from Melbourne ,as has always been the case. They arrive ,think they will change the Island way ,much to their dismay…………………….

      • The Magpie says:

        Uh oh, The Magpie has just had a shitty thought … it won’t be long when the TCC money grubbers read these comments that they will come up with the next bright idea … a modified parking meter machine for time in dunnys. Paper extra.

        • White Mouse says:

          Paying for dunnies – like most of Europe?

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie is of an age that he can remember public toilets in Sydney had penny slots in the door locks … threepence got you unlimited time, not that you’d want to spend much time there. That was before that all changed to no charge, which is just as well for Alan Jones, otherwise he’d be broke by now.

  32. Cat on a hot tin roof says:

    National ‘R u ok’ day today. Has anyone checked on the Mayor and his mental health today? Please, I hope somebody has asked the question. Perhaps Joe McCabe has asked him, or maybe food trucks Greaney and Susie have asked the question?

  33. Southern Comfort says:

    Tosser TwoNames launches Thank You Thursday by buying some muffins and going to gift them to staff at Stuart Police Station.

    I can just imagine him thinking “Great to be in a police station and not under arrest or reporting for bail. But I’m wondering if Stuart is too close to my future residence?”

    • Cake by the ocean says:

      We are paying this muppet a salary package includes salary, super, and travel/corporate credit card something in the vicinity of $300k per year. And what do we get? A mayor that takes food photos and shows off how he eats out regularly. What an absolute tosspot and complete waste of taxpayer money. It’s a fools paradise.

      • Jenny says:

        Oh my! How can you be mad that he took some time out of his day to say thank you. The amount of events TT goes to, he works more than most.

        • The Magpie says:

          In the political world, that is the required on-going campaign activity known as ‘flying the flag’, and is aimed solely at identity recognition. And just what does that achieve, what progress does that represent? It is simply self=promotion from a bloke who knows he’s on the rocks, and is hoping for some popularly led redemption. That’s why he goes to so many events, because he’s effectively blocked from doing anything else.

          Jenny, you know it well that this isn’t work, and it’s certainly not what he’s paid to do … deceptively glad handing while trying to bring down the whole council.

          A silly bit of enabling by you.

        • Grumpy says:

          Jenny – just like old times for him – reporting in to local cop shop once a week. Bail conditions are so boring.

    • Barry says:

      Why is that a problem that he did that? I think it is a great gesture.

      • Grumpy says:

        Barry – of course it was a genuine gesture of goodwill. By the way, I have a slightly used bridge for sale.

      • Cake by the ocean says:

        Oh Barry, you are one of the deluded idiots that are blinded by bullshit. My ratepayer money should be going towards the salary of a mayor who advocates for our region at a federal and state level, who leads the way by examining TCC’s finances and puts a strategy in place to minimise debt. And I would like to pay the salary of a mayor who is honest, open and transparent, who will restructure TEL, who will ensure that TCC’s executive structure is robust, and who will attract business to our region. All of that instead of an idiot that just likes posing for photos at cafes and restaurants.

        • Westy says:

          Give it a rest champ. If he goes to give a copper a few muffins, it ain’t hurting anyone. It would be his own money, and I’m sure he had a chinwag with the local constabulary. Can’t bag a bloke for that, I’ve said thanks to the boys in blue a few times, no one wants that gig in this town.

          • The Magpie says:

            The council has nothing to with the police, and if occasionally they want a cooperative project, then they meet formally, as required by the Local Government regs. This is Thompson the con man having a snigger while patting himself on the back, brown-nosing the cops on the basis of thanking them on behalf of the community. Which we have done a dozen different ways over past years with a great deal more sincerity, a shitty job largely domne very well.. This is blatant campaigning because he knows he’s lost the public. It fools no one … except you apparently.

          • Jenny says:

            Pie, Thompson never said it was on behalf of the community! Looks like you are going to annoyed more than normal when he uploads them weekly. His prerogative to spend his money where he likes.

          • The Magpie says:

            Anything a mayor does is on behalf of the community. You’re losing it, Jen.

    • Bobby Hill says:

      Thompson took a few muffins to some coppers, big deal, could’ve been worse, donuts for instance.

      Seriously though, it’s probably more than the current muppet from division 10 does, oh wait zoppa’s… he’s just a mouthpiece & fun dad.

      I did hear the chief legal dude got involved again, anyone who knows him, knows he’s a mothball, and needs to be put back in the cupboard, the bloke was Tony Blighs mate, says it all.

  34. Dung puncher says:

    This maggot just earned a few more million dollars. Disgusting


    • Achilles says:

      He certainly didn’t “earn” that nice little handshake, but the board probably awarded it to ensure that there was a precedent for when others move on from exec roles at Quaintarse, Gravy-Plane!

  35. Prince Rollmop says:

    Con Man The Barbarian Speaks – Again.

    Twonames latest Facebook folly below. This time having a crack at the dopey Brady Ellis and reporter Chris Burns. Isn’t it a shame that the current Mayor couldn’t correct his own record of events when it came to his employment history, DV charges, employment background, military history, and other associated life events. Fucking hypocrite. Yet he demands that other people be accurate and factual. Troy, r u ok?


    It is often the case that news articles do not accurately reflect what actually occurred. This is unfortunate, but it does happen.

    An example of this is today’s article featuring Cr Brady Ellis from Division 10, written by Chris Burns.

    In this article, Cr Brady Ellis “firmly denied” that I was the one who lobbied the “State Government” to appoint a special advisor.

    Chris Burns mistakenly wrote that I announced that I advocated to Ms. Scanlon (the Minister). This is incorrect. I do not know where Mr. Burns even came up with that. It appears as though he plucked it from thin air.

    The Facts:

    – On Friday, 02 August at 2pm, I met with the Deputy Director General of the Department of Local Government and the Executive Director. Both flew here from Brisbane to meet with me and my personal advisor.

    – During this meeting, they raised the idea that they could appoint a statutory advisor to assist in dealing with what was described to them as a hostile council.

    – Before the conclusion of the meeting, I asked for the Department to provide this statutory advisor to the council.

    – On 03 September, I received a letter from the Department informing me that they were providing this advisor.

    Whether or not Cr Brady Ellis or any other councillor made representations to the Department or the Minister has not been established. The letter was a surprise to everyone but me, because I had asked for the advisor to be appointed.

    If Cr Brady Ellis wishes to provide to me, and the public, the letter or email where he or other councillors asked the Department or the Minister for an advisor to be appointed,

    I am waiting… but I will not hold my breath.

    The simple fact is, I asked for it, and I got it. Any attempt to say this did not happen is a misrepresentation of what actually occurred.

    I demand more transparency in council. The residents deserve it.

    Cr Troy Thompson – Mayor of Townsville

    • The Magpie says:

      Back in the 1960s, when civic vandalism was at it’s height and valuable old buildings were being knocked down by the score, crane signage for one business became famous and a catchword in popular vernacular : WHELAN THE WRECKER WAS HERE.

      How about our updated version of the sign, to be hung outside the council building: THOMPSON THE WRECKER IS HERE.

      • Duck Nuts says:

        Thompson the transparent.

        And, since we’re all being transparent, who is his personal advisor?

        • The Magpie says:

          That’s an interesting question, and on reflection, one to which we are entitled to have answered. An advisor has the ability to shape policy and seek decisions that can affect the community. Of course, if it was a MyPlace cooker or Thompson’s part time media officer Stephen Lane, we definitely have a right to know, given the policies of one and the dingbat history of the other.

          So who was it, Troy, we have a right to know?

          • Maggie Moggie says:

            Mr. Pie,
            Currently council is leaking like a sieve. Surely someone must know who was in attendance in the meeting on 2nd August, which would of been held in Thompson’s office?? Would there be minutes of that meeting???

          • Westy says:

            Told you that, it’s a big firm in Brisbane! Lanes not it, we all know that. The LG advisor though will be Brisbane based, to maintain there’s no connection to Townsville, on $200k a year, paid for by council under section 119 of the LGA.

          • Duck Nuts says:

            Westy, we are entitled to names not insinuations. If you don’t know, just say so.
            However, it’s unlikely Thompson has anyone of importance, or experience in local government and more likely he has some whackjob he found at a MyPlace meeting.

          • The Magpie says:

            Or at the Tour de France. At least that’ll be his story.

          • Jatzcrackers says:

            And here’s me thinking that ones ‘personal adviser’ was your spouse ! I have to get out more !

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      Just a couple of questions:
      1. How many council meetings has Brady Ellis actually attended? Saw him at the meeting where he voted in favour a parking meters on The Strand. But every other time I have tuned in to the live stream – his chair is empty???
      2. Does anyone know who Thompsons personal advisor is?

    • Ben Rumson says:

      Why are we finding this out now, and in this format? TwoNames should have announced in advance, “This is what I am about to do, and these are my reasons.”
      Transparency my arse.
      And who is this advisor? His request for advisors has been knocked back by council a couple of times as the councillors are advisors, so who is this secret squirrel advisor, and how is he/she being funded?
      More transparency anyone?


    Re; Arthur’s question regarding a property owner driving down Picnic Bay Mall

    The answer is quite simple.

    The Esplanade or mall as you refer to, is a road just like the one you use to drive in to your residence. The old couple who own the property have a lawful entitlement to do so.
    There is a 25 metre road reserve which provides sufficient space for everyone.
    The people of MI need to get over it and respect their rights and move on.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, not to be a nit-picker, but if what you say is true, there should be suitable and required safety signage about shared roads, line markings and so on. If the old couple (and good luck to them, no criticism of them) happen to have an accident with a pedestrian, the TCC will be front and centre in the very expensive ensuing actions. Someone might ask someone who knows about these things … like the coppers.

      • FORMER MI RESIDENT says:

        I am correct Magpie and I agree with your statement about having the correct signage.
        The TCC are fully aware of the situation.
        The police are also aware of the old couples rights and I think made the suggestion to have Shared Zone signs installed.
        It appears this council rely on insurance to protect their reckless indifference

      • FORMER MI RESIDENT says:

        I should have mentioned that there is signage to indicate the owners have authorised vehicle access. It appears though more signage is needed otherwise Arthur would not have questioned their access.

        • The Magpie says:

          Understand you point, but it seems this matter is one of consistency. No one is suggesting that the mentioned residents hoon along home like the fabled ‘Little Old Lady Fromm Pasadena’, but it is matter of risk for the council, and therefore the ratepayer. Extra signage would certainly be adequate, and it would seem those residents are the only ones who should use the road as a necessity for access. Others should not be tempted by ‘Mixed Usage’ signage to start dsriving along the mall and parking wherever they like.

        • I’ll be plucked says:

          MI, I’m sure if you let Councillor Food Trucks Greaney know, she will attend to and resolve this matter once and for all! That is, when she can take time away from being a pretentious schemer, who only has her own interests at heart (‘I wanna be Deputy Mayor/Mayor’). Look how she’s responding to the Strand parking issue, solid stuff – NOT!!! :(

          • The Magpie says:

            The red hot coals of simmering community rage may well melt the frozen heart of our beloved councillor. As The Magpie reports in tomorrow’s Nest, a walk-back on this Strand issue may well be fast approaching.

  37. Old Tradesman says:

    Interesting letter in the letters to the editor by the Catholic Bishop, Tim Harris, he states that the social amenity of The Strand will be destroyed, I am wondering if divine intervention is about to take place so that the teachers at St Pat’s College and St Joey’s can park their cars.

    • The Magpie says:

      Noted that letter and would guess that just might be the tipping point for the councillors. No matter what one’s view of the Catholic Church oir religion in general, the well liked and sensible Bishop Harris is respected and listened to by a large number of people. If the proposed installation was not so widely repudiated and caused so much opposition, I doubt very much Bishop Harris would have said anything, he does not strike one as someone who would selfishly oppose an idea simply because it inconvenienced staff and parents at a Catholic school.
      Anyway, well worth passing on his missive, although the emotive headline is probably not his, just another bit of Bulletin cleverness.

  38. Maggie Moggie says:

    While some of the contributors to the Nest refer to Maggie Island residents as a bunch of whingers. We whinge with very good reason latst issue – no Telstra mobile phone coverage in large areas of island, been out for 3 days.

    A facebook page has been set https://www.facebook.com/groups/813793284256044

    There would be outrage if this occurrred in the CBD or on the Strand and North Ward or for that matter any part of Townsville…
    Anyone journos (?) from the Bulletin read this blog?
    Where are you TEL ‘Your Jewel In The Crown’ is relying on smoke signals and carrier pigeons.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Nah Mogie, TEL are a bit busy at the moment patting themselves on the back for the last 33 years.
      Talk about a labor enclave.

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