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The Magpie

Sunday, October 4th, 2020   |   215 comments

Has Trump Caught A New Virus Strain: Cowardis 19? Did His (Spin) Doctor Prescribe A ‘No Debate’ Diet?

All legitimate questions.

Look, you just gotta hand it to him …. Just when you think this mobster president is cornered for good, has this Houdini from the dark side entertained us with another miracle escape? Surely not an unreasonable but polite question when dealing with the master of crying wolf?

Also, THAT debate: the chance for the zinger to end all zingers, but it was missed by Joe Biden.

On the local front, Jenny Hill’s Reign of Error continues, with neglect of a maintenance issue endangering health – and she knew about it. Have been been exposed to corona virus imported from travellers? It’s a shitty story … literally.

And Anna The Munificent … Palaszczuk starts the ball rolling with early Christmas gifts for the selected Labor few, just in case she loses the election …

And while The Magpie generally gives local issues precedence in these columns, this week a departure has been forced on that format, so first …

Let’s Take The Big News Of The Week, One Step At A Time …

In this age of reality TV, it couldn’t be beaten. The Debate Debacle had the ‘Pie riveted for the full 90 minutes, hardly able to believe the unfolding spectacle of two men vying for the most powerful office in the world down in a kindergarten sandpit of invective, personal insults, family jibes and throughout, largely incoherent through the competing babble.

Bentley speaks for just about everybody (except the perennially deranged) …

Presidential FIN small

There’s been plenty of dissection elsewhere, so The ‘Pie will just mention a couple of perspectives.

A summation would be that Trump well and truly lost the debate through his own boorish overbearing behaviour, but Biden failed to win it in his own right, especially by rising to the bait and calling Trump ‘this clown’ and ‘we all know he’s a liar’. True perhaps, but these is not the sort of jibes that Americans want to hear aimed by high ranking opponents at the occupant … any occupant … of the most revered office in the land … and a lot didn’t like it.

But if Biden wasn’t the convincing dignified candidate many yearned for, Trump still managed to make him look like Mother Theresa confronting Charles Manson.

But Biden had one winning ploy – looking straight down the lens and directly addressing the audience in the bars and lounge rooms of America (‘It’s about you, not him…’). Trump did not use this tactic one single time, and his self-absorption looked shifty and evasive. And there were a few non-toxic zingers Biden managed to slip in. When Trump spoke of the mothers in the suburbs, Biden shot in with ‘He wouldn’t know a suburb unless he took a wrong turn’, and then, on corona virus and Trump’s comment that the 200,000 COVID deaths ‘it is what it is’’ , ‘Mr President, it is what it is because you are who you are.’

But Joe Biden missed out on delivering the one unanswerable statement, variations of which have used by politicians around the world since Chauncey Depew first coined it in the 1800s.

That chance came when Trump wallowed deeper his own slime to reach the low point of this Hindenburg event by attacking Biden’ son, Hunter, with a lie (Hunter was not ‘dishonourably discharged’, he received a general discharge for failing a drug test … and it was the Navy not the Army.) It then became bizarre and laughable when Trump attacked Hunter’s business dealings, allegations for which no proof has been found. This coming from King Nepotism was more than a bit rich, and left him wide open. But Biden missed the chance.All he need to reply was ‘Mr President, let’s make a deal. If you stop telling lies about my family, I won’t tell the truth about yours.’

Is This The Ultimate Corona Virus Con?

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Already, the world is being asked to believe vague and limited statements about Trump’s alleged condition. But is he fair dinkum?

Now, before you cough up your Kelloggs in disgust with such a suggestion, consider this: Trump damaged himself immeasurably in the first presidential debate during the week, and knew he was going to cop more of it, including a mute button stifling his over-talking tactic, in the next two meetings. He also a known and proven liar who fabricates things on an Olympian scale.

So The ‘Pie hasn’t changed his mind since he posted this in comments.

The Magpie

October 2, 2020 at 5:10 pm  (Edit)



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The timing is way, way, way too convenient. The ‘Pie reckons it’s even money that Donald Trump DOES NOT have corona virus.
Two days ago, Trump trashes himself and the debate, and knows there will be more to come in the next two confrontations. It slowly filters through in the hours after his scabrous performance that he has done himself massive damage. He knows there will be a mute button employed next time, and refusing to debate because of that restriction wouldn’t be a good look at all.

So what to do?

Wheel in the tame WH doctor, give him his riding orders, and KAZAM!! Trump and the Mrs have suddenly got corona virus, debates will be called off with honour and with what he mistakenly hopes will be national, indeed global, sympathy. And just how, we ask,  does his doctor know at this stage, that he will be able to carry on his duties normally … oh, that’s right, Trump has always said it hardly affects the majority of people and he will prove it by functioning norma … err, as per usual. Win win and WIN.

And if we around here think Commercial In Confidence is bad enough, try doctor/patient confidentiality for any proof. The Magpie will retract if he carks it.

There are families and friends of 205,000 American virus victims who will have anything but sympathy for this person.

If you believe otherwise, you haven’t been around for the past four years.


Of course, if Donald Trump dies of corona virus The Magpie will apologize … and start believing in a God of Retribution.

Mayor Mullet’s Dangerous Poo Problem


Crashing back to earth to the local scene, but we’re still with people in deep do dos.

Has our mayor’s dilatory approach to aspects of ensuring proper oversight put Townsville in danger of a mini-wave of corona virus infections? It is quite possible, unless the TCC health department thinks it worth reassuring us  otherwise, after an unforgivable lapse on their behalf.

The Magpie this week learnt more than perhaps he wished to know about a fact of life for grey nomads and other caravaners … specifically, about ‘dump sites’. For those who don’t know, these are facilities provided by local councils where travellers can empty their waste tanks, including sewage. The sign on the lid is self-explanatory.


Most of these dump sites up and down the coast are locked, and users need to obtain the key, but some are not locked. One such is at the Ross Dam Park, and has been the subject of local complaint and traveller criticism for some time. It has been continually blocked , allegedly on more than one occasion, resulting in this unedifying situation.


This is of course a totally unacceptable situation on several levels., the main one being it is a very real health hazard. And it is not as if the council wasn’t aware of the situation, it appears the health department, so eager to hand out $500 fines for cockroaches, doesn’t mind leaving shit overflows for travellers and local park users to admire. And locals and travellers alike didn’t miss reporting the un wholesome and dangerous mess on the national WikiCamps website.


And comments have been posted on this blog in the recent past claiming Jenny Hill was confronted about this re-occurring problem when at a campaign function at the park earlier this year. The informant says she made a call to the council hotline which went unanswered, and she disappeared from the scene in a huff soon afterwards.

So after publication of the latest blockage on this blog two days ago, the matter was cleared within 24 hours (24 bloody hours for chrissake!).

But that simply isn’t good enough, this waste material is from travellers from outside Townsville, at a time when the hunt is on by Brisbane authorities who are testing poo sites around the state. Already, some covid traces have been found at Airlie and Bowen, and several other places along the coast.

SO HERE IS THE QUESTION: WAS THIS MATERIAL SAMPLED FOR TESTING FOR CORONA VIRUS? and if so, we deserve to know the outcome. immediately.

It would be the responsible thing for the TCC Health Dept and our mayor to respond to this inquiry, issue a general media release, and not just throw up some selectively worded prevarication on their obscure web site.

If those great virus warriors at the Bulletin won’t ask the question, then The Magpie has, and we all know you folks at the TCC DO READ this blog.

So, TCC/ Madam Mayor, any chance of the courtesy of an answer to Townsville citizens, before The Magpie takes this matter further south? The ‘Pie is holding his breath … and nose.

A Totally Unsubstantiated Rumor

Just throwing in this email message just received, because the informant is generally well informed.

Have heard a rumour that the CCC is in the finance dept. at Walker St, some staff, someone – from previous Logan council – have been frogmarched out the door. Apparently, the coffers are very empty. Cannot substantiate.

Anyone out there care to share?

Ammo Extra


Now That What I Call An Exclusive

Do they ever actually think about the words they are using?

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Labor’s Lucky Dip Is In Full Swing

Elections are always a matter of competing priorities. A good example came during the week.

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Well at least Anna Alphabet a little tidy toes, getting all sorts of important matters sorted before the election. Just in case, mind you, you know how it is with these bloody voters. The selected faithful are lining up for their rewards around the state. This recently appeared in papers around the state, seeking those who believe they deserve to hang their trotters’ over the edge of the trough.

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The ‘Pie found this bit interesting.

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One doubts one could invent more contradictory set of talent requirements. That would be quite a trick embodying personal integrity while at the same time possessing political astuteness and commercial acumen, but also be a leader who is a team player. A classic of standard bureau-gabble which allows a wide range of reasons for knocking back certain applicants – like those who do not belong to the Labor Party. (Yes yes, it’d be just the same if the LNP were in power, but their not).

But this bit is touching, really it is.

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So if you’re a one-legged gay Aboriginal teenage shiela, you’re home and hosed for something paying around $50K and upwards for basically raising your hand in board meetings when your told to.

But no one fitting that description seemed to apply for a local branch line of the gravy train. This clunked into the in-box during the week.

INavarro appt MG_6870

Ms Navarro is of course a former employee of the local Labor bullying bagman Barry Taylor (legal fund raising from businesses with stand-over tactics optional if required). The Astonisher’s Tony Raggatt did some deep digging and published probing investigative story .

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The Bulletin could run a ‘spot the original bits’ contest.

Capt Snooze Reynolds is also infesting the Port’s board room.

And apparently former Mayor His Radiance Tony Mooney has enough spare time from his job as Townsville Hospital chairman to offer some of the surplus sweat of his brow to the join the board of North Queensland Bulk Ports.

Done out of the goodness of the heart? No, not really, done out of the goodness of the wallet, often as a reward for favours well done way back when.

Greg HallamScreen Shot 2020-05-20 at 10.44.54 am

And let’s not forget our old Labor foot soldier down at the LGAQ, Greg Pizza The Hutt Hallam. It comes as a massive surprise that Pizza Hutt has been tapped as the replacement director on the board of LGIASuper. This is the bloke who called investigations into Paul Pisasale and the Ipswich Council as well as Logan City as ‘witchhunts’ … which he was right about BTW, lots of witches were found. He was also at helm when LGAQ Local Buy scam call centre at Ipswich lost that council $15million, and as LGAQ CEO, is at the helm when the CCC is investigating a record number of Queensland councils. But don’t get jittery, Super holders, not only will Hallam help oversee your  $12billion in savings for those 75,000 members, but will be there to assist in guiding outside investors interested in the fund that was hitherto restricted to local government employees.

Maybe Craig Gore might want to sign up.

How Long Before Townsville Gets A New News Outlet?

First Ingham, then Ayr, and now Cairns … all have new independent news outlets. In Ayr, it’s a weekly print edition, created by Scott and Stacey Morrision of DUO Magazine, has started promisingly.

Now former News exec Peter McCullagh has cranked up the handsome looking website Cairns Local News. There is no print version.

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The Cairns move is significant, because it is a major market and CLR is going head-to-head with News Ltd’s Cairns Post, which has been in the circulation doldrums for some time. So can Townsville be far behind? As The ‘Pie has repeatedly pointed out, the game has changed, and the traditional bullying of the Bully has lost its power.

Anecdotal evidence is that the Cairns Post, already has the shits big time about the amount of property ads snaffled the newcomer. Which means the cairns Local news will be drawing closer attention from the gnomes in Rupert’s Sydney counting house.

The ‘Pie’s heart bleeds for them.

The Weekly Round –up From Pandeamica

What could get the media’s attention over the week? Oh right, Trump paying fuck all in tax … oh, hang on, rushing to appoint that new judge to the Supreme Court – ah, wait, that disastrous debate, yeah, that’ll … what? Trump says he’s got corona virus and has to go to hospital?

All of the above in one short week had the sad funny-folks of the USA flay out this week.

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And Two For The Road

Much talk about renewable energy recently, but there are definitely negative for wind power – well, for certain prople.

And this is silly, but The Magpie laughed.



Kerr-ikey that was a week and half. Lots of other issues covered in comments, be sure to take a peek and also have your say. And if enjoyed your visit here and you can spare a few bucks to help meet the costs of the blog, a donation will help to keep the blog aloft. The donate button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Poo Jogger of Townsville says:

    Pie, that wasn’t shit that was overflowing from the dump point, that was just a whole bunch of TCC policies and ideas that they needed to hide somewhere. So many failed actions and outcomes that it simply overflowed into the public.

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    The list of Labors arrogance and contempt continues from Pork Barrelling Mick De Brenni overruling his department and giving sports grants to Labor electorates. Appointments to Townsville and North Queensland Ports for their mates on the chance they may lose the election and the 3 State MP,s staying silent over the attack and assault of the 66 yr old women walking at Cranbrook too busy on media announcements to try and save their seats . As the nest is both informative and educational i add comment to the contributor last week who stated “Adani wont ever pay their mining royalties because the mine is mixed up in other interests and has been downscaled ” . Education wise , most Asx listed companies can have up to 50-100 entities if you read their annual reports . Scaling down the project is probadly fiscally responsible and unless you have a crystal ball , the mines life is 60+ years so who says they wont expand ? . Will the anti Adani activists give the new Olive Downs mine the same treatment and ill informed comments or go after Clive and Gina on their proposed mines ? .

    • Susan says:

      Mike, is there more to the ALP not coming out to condemn the rape of a 66 year old woman at Cranbrook , of course there is.

    • Dave Sth says:

      Mike, doubtful the activists will go anywhere near Olive Downs apart from maybe a few token protests at the Sydney Office. Unlike Clermont who gave them a frosty reception despite having a sizable but not universal mining workforce, Moranbah just up the road or Dysart nearly same distance the other way would have an almost 100% of households who at least someone in would be working directly for a miner or contractor. Hostile territory would be an understatement to the reaction I reckon they would get. Plus the roads out that way when I was last in the area were pretty horrible even for a 4WD.

      As for Olive Downs just looking at the JORC, bet you Peabody is kicking themselves now offloading it for a paltry 104mil.

    • Scientician79 says:

      Thanks for the education Mike, I never said there was a problem with a structure involving multiple companies, only that it will be used to hide from any repayment of the royalties they owe.

      If this mine is such a fantastic fiscal prospect there should be no problem with Adani paying royalties up front.

      My issue with this entire project is it doesn’t stack up financially unless they get favourable treatment from all levels of government, whether it be royalty holidays or free airports.


  3. winni says:

    your comment on Chris Kenny Article on page 22 of the weekend Australian
    regarding Trump bashing by the Academia and mainstream media?

    is he correct ?

    • The Magpie says:

      The Magpie cannot afford to subscribe to The Australian. Care to donate?

      • Achilles says:

        Winni could take a screenshot and forward it to your email for info (NFP) and you can assess its value and publish your comments.

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      Looking at the first, non-paywalled paragraph, I doubt Kenny says anything sensible to follow it. If he’s concerned about “open and fair democracy”, he should barrack for Trump’s defeat and that of the Republican Party, as they’re the enemies of such.

      • The Magpie says:

        There is one main reason The ‘Pie only very occasionally gives SKY a few minutes viewing every now and then (and usually only Kenny on Media, watching the likes of Bolt or that other wild eyed shock-haired turkey et al makes one wonder if its the comedy channel). These SKY At Night public masturbators NEVER get someone of opposing idealogical views on to grill/debate them, it is one cosy circle jerk or daisy chain, depending on the gender. Love it or hate it, the ABC programs general seek to challenge proponents on an specific issue, and the old trope about the left leanings bias of the ABC is generally a charge made by people when the bias is not their bias. At least the ABC charter gives some means of correction, whereas there is no such mechanism on SKY, which has justifiably a tenth of the ABC audience, and one tenth their brains.

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Sky news makes news for its subscribers, it would have no doubt over the years worked out the way most of its subscribers sway and make news it expects its customers to want, nothing wrong with that, the fact that some of it is now on commercial television is of little consequence, it’s subscriptions that keep it going. I don’t think the ABC is bias, but I do think it’s unbalanced and has lost its objectivity. I watch a lot of business content on all different platforms, the ABC even allows its unbalanced perspective to interfere with business analysis. It’s consumed by ethical investing, carbon offsets, gender diversity on company boards, lala land shit that no one cares about, if the ABC had any balance it would also show stories about the companies making huge offensive profits and showing little regard for anything else than making money to give to shareholders, because that’s what some people want to hear about.

  4. Terry Smith says:

    Magpie do you ever despair at the futility of shining a light on the Mullet and Anna P and the rank arrogance and disdain they show for due process? Your head must be very sore from banging it against the wall?

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie well remembers a primary school teacher’s homily and question to make our young minds grasp the idea of time and eternity. He asked that if an immortal sparrow visited Ayers Rock once a year and rubbed its beak just enough to wear away a little bit of rock, would the rock eventually be levelled. The answer is of course yes, but The Magpie knows how that sparrow feels. The ‘Pie’s Ayer’s Rock is the Townsville voter. As a journalist though, The ‘Pie is satisfied that the idiots cannot say they were not informed. It’s a bit like the occasion when eminent British jurist Judge Darling listened to a detailed submission from the great barrister F.E. Smith (Lord Birkenhead) and then informed the barrister he was ‘none the wiser’. To which Smith smoothly replied’ Perhaps none the wiser, m’lord, but certainly better informed.’
      ‘The ‘Pie does what he cann to inform the community, but he cannot make it wiser.

  5. Doctor of Truth says:

    I’m surprised Brad Webb accepted renomination to the PoT Board. He has been keeping a very low profile and I did overhear someone mention that they believed his health was not too good. Maybe he is getting better? Don’t wish bad health on anyone.

    • Poo Jogger of Townsville says:

      It doesn’t matter how sick you get -$50k per year to do SFA is truly worth coming to work for (4 netting’s per year and about 10 hors work). The only thing making Webb sick is that full feeling from gobbling down what ever he can from the taxpayer trough.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, not sure about that, Webb is not a Johnny Come Lately Labor hack, he has quite enough money made in the free market. One imagines Mr Webb would not nor need to get out of bed for $50K.Not sure that would be his motivation, and he would certainly bring more business nous than the likes of Navarro or Snooze.

      • Doctor of Truth says:

        Poo Jogger, $50,000? Messr Webb has a current model Rolls Royce in his garage. Carsales suggest drive away price for a new one of $948,888. I don’t this the $50large is any motivation for him at all !

      • Doctor of Truth says:

        Economically, the Crabpot Stadium was never going to make financial sense. Maybe community social sense? Not sure. It nearly attracted a (not Hilton) Double D’s Hotel, and of course the Cowflops Satisfactory Performance Centre (if we can ever get them to lift their game to a ‘satisfactory’ level). At least Sir Elton was able to have another final farewell concert in Townsville. I had already attended his previous final farewell concert so didn’t go to this one. I am keen to go to his next, probably just prior to his 100th birthday party I expect.

  6. The Magpie says:

    Now this inspires competence in their message. Their nslogan ‘Let’s Take Townsville Backwards’? The ‘P{ie tried to ring them to point bout the error, but it went to messagebank.

  7. Poo Jogger of Townsville says:

    And ‘walker’ is spelt wrong, it should read as ‘wanker’.

  8. WALLY says:

    How many people discovered at the last council election when the arrived at their usual place of voting it was closed and voting was not available at the location they had attended many times previously? I have attempted to find out if that location will be used for the upcoming state election only to be told that the information is not yet available. So much for wanting to vote early and often…

    • The Magpie says:

      Geezuz, Wally, give ‘em a break, you want government shiny bums to think ahead 4 weeks! Christ, man, you’re a bloody hard taskmaster.

  9. Cash is King says:

    All of these political douche bags out there campaigning, and for for what? What can these halfwits actually achieve. I will tell you – SFA. Out there Campaigning so that they can win a job that pays well and is full of rorts. Thats it. These fuckwits cannot create jobs, fix the economy, or doing anything that isnof real benefit to us. If we are to be pulled out of this Depression we all need money and lots of it. Keep your $1,080 per year shitty tax cut and GIVE US OUR SUPERANNUATION NOW!!!

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Earlier on the Pie was stating that you can inform people but that does not necessarily make them wise.

      You bang on about fuckwit politicians. Yes, a few are, but our western, liberal, democratic system of government, while far from perfect, is one of the best there is. Just try and engage and work with it. Our Fathers of Federation did a good job. If you think not just look at the Yanky system right now.

      And Cash is King, you want your super now. Not very wise, as in your old age, if you get there, you will be Cashless Pauper.

      • Cash is King says:

        Kelso, the financial system including superannuation won’t last another 20 to 30 years. It’s done mate. GFC 2008 stripped a lot of people’s Super, COVID 19 has dented a lot of people’s Super and the entire monetary system is collapsing. If you honestly think the Government is going to sit by and not touch our $3 trillion in Super then you are living in a sheltered environment. And when the collapse does finally happen those electronic numbers in your superannnuation account will mean jackshit. If it’s not metal then it’s vulnerable. That parasite Shorten was talking about using our Super prior to getting the arse from Government. You don’t think that was just one person’s random thought do you? And only a fool will say ‘but but they can’t touch it, it is mine, the law says so’. Government can change, and does change legislation all the time. Superannuation is no different. Anyone who understands economics knows that quantitative easing, negative interest rates and a host of other practises are a modern invention designed to keep the Ponzi scheme going as long as possible.

  10. Hee Haw says:

    Colin Dwyer the “our fair share” economist after saying in 2016 that he would “fight to get the new stadium built” is now saying “Townsville Crabpot stadium needs more activity. We can’t spend $293m and only get 12 NRL home games and a handful of events each yr We need other sports and events to max the net benefits of the investment.”
    But then again he was seeking election in 2016. Ya think Colin?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      He’s not too bright old Colin. He also thinks economic activity can be estimated by counting cranes.

      • The Magpie says:

        Bright enough to score freebies from folks he is nice to.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Well that certainly explains a lot of Colin’s delusions.

          • The Magpie says:

            Now now, it would be a bit of a stretch to suggest The Poodle writes things for freebies … it’s chicken and the egg stuff, and he probably got the footy passes because he independently said something positive about Adani, and the company was thanking him. That’s the way these things work. Isn’t it?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Come now Magpie, the poodle hasn’t had an independent thought since Adam was a boy

  11. Dazza says:

    To those having a go at not yet knowing where to vote. They have not yet closed the nominations yet so there is no ballot papers. The Qld electoral commission webpages have postal vote info and as soon as the writs are done and candidates known they will release a full list of polling places and early polling places. Jeez people if you knew how much behind the scenes effort is required especially now with Covid limits you would be more patient

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      It’s ludicrous Dazza. We should do a wip around at the local and raise some money for a meat tray for them.

    • Cash is King says:

      If only ‘Not The ECQ’ ( Electoral Commission Queensland) was still employed there, this wouldn’t be an issue!

  12. The Magpie says:


    They make you do bad things, like drive dangerously, attack strangers, write letters to the Bulletin.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      I reaction so, David will have plenty of enquiries as to where he is getting his gear from, top shelf stuff by the way it’s working on him.

    • William H Bonny says:

      The smart st thing they could’ve done would have been to lance the Freckle and anoint ‘The Kid’. Give it time, if the LNP don’t win I would imagine the Freckle will be removed. And if they do win it will only be a matter of time before the Freckle melts into a steaming mess and then they will jettison in The Kid. As for can’t-do-Campbell, he is a muppet and is toxic. Who won’t be Premier again, but that doesn’t rule out him being a power player behind the scenes.

      • The Magpie says:

        Newman doesn’t rate in the back room LNP power structure, it just seems that way because SKY keep giving him public blow jobs.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      With such delusions I hope Mr Whittaker is not in a position of responsibility.

      • The Magpie says:

        While everyone is entitled to their opinion, for it be credible, it has to be possible. A Newman return is just the meanderings of a mind sinking into the gatheting darkness.

        Mr Whittaker is actually an LNP supporter hoping to mistaken for a Labor diehard, and so having a bit of a smear at the current government.

  13. The Magpie says:

    Gosh, who could’ve predicted that? Magpie 1 Bulletin 0

    • Two wheeler says:

      At least they found this one! Most will end up in the Ross River or as barnacle collectors off Maggie Island.

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      For goodness sakes, the Police can’t even stem the flow of house break ins and stolen cars, let alone control what happens to stupid orange skateboards with handles. I predict these orange eyesores are going to end up like most of our shopping trolleys – artificial reefs at the bottom of Ross Creek and The Lakes.

      • The Magpie says:

        as exactly predicted by The ‘Pie three weeks ago.

        • L Berry says:

          I nearly cleaned up a scooter 30 minutes ago in Rosewood, Kelso. I’m pretty sure it was one of those orange buggers. No lights, no reflectors and the goose riding it was dressed in dark clothes.

          • The Magpie says:

            Shame on you, be more careful next time … a little less panic and you can get ‘em dead centre.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Now there’s a thought! Drop a few of them out to the MOUWA at John Brewer Reef.

  14. SteveB says:

    The Queensland Government Statistician’s Office released the Queensland Crime report (2018–19) in 2020. The report tracks the number of reported offences and the offence rates. – https://www.qgso.qld.gov.au/issues/7856/crime-report-qld-2018-19.pdf

    The crime rates have increased at an alarming level over the last 9 years in Townsville.

    Apparently, we do not have a crime problem Townsville……..

    • Rape and attempted rape increased by 85.5%

    • Armed robbery increased by 173.3%

    • Kidnapping and abduction increased by 85%

    • Unlawful entry with intent increased by 29.4%

    • Unlawful use of a motor vehicle increased by 81.1%

    • Drug offences increased by 150.4%

  15. Alahazbin says:

    Back in the days of the Fitzgerald Inquiry they laboured the fact about Joh not understanding about the ‘separation of powers’
    It seems this current government has the same problem with our female police commissioner standing behind politicians nodding her head like a toy dog In the rear windscreen and making statements supporting the government.
    Her latest statement that most offenders don’t reoffend. Obviously hasn’t looked at statistics in this town.

    • The Magpie says:

      That doesn’t square with the weekend government blah-blah about crime in Mackay, where the head copper said the vast majority of crime was committed by the same hard core group of offenders time and again. Similar claims have been made about Townsville stats. Which sounds like re-offending, doesn’t it?

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      Maybe the ‘reoffender stats’ are massively diluted in Townsville due to the criminals excellent recruitment ability to bring heaps of new offenders through the ranks.

  16. Tropical says:

    ” Trump attacked Hunter’s business dealings, allegations for which no proof has been found. This coming from King Nepotism was more than a bit rich, and left him wide open. But Biden missed the chance.All he need to reply was ‘Mr President, let’s make a deal. If you stop telling lies about my family, I won’t tell the truth about yours..”

    From the Washington Examiner.
    “Democratic presidential nominee Joseph R. Biden flatly denied at Tuesday night’s debate that his lawyer son took huge sums of money from corrupt oligarchs and Chinese communists during his vice presidency, but Treasury Department reports show that Hunter Biden did receive the money. . . . Hunter Biden received a single wire transfer of $3.5 million from Elena Baturina. The Senate report said she became a billionaire through illegal construction contracts awarded by her husband, since deceased.”
    Yet agin you get it wrong.

    • The Magpie says:

      Hahahaha … the Washington Examiner,eh? AKA Trump’s Trumpet … whose fundamental christian founder modelled the editorial style on – would you believe? …. the Daily Telegraph.

      The respected site (although probably not by you) Media Bias Fact Check gives this report https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/washington-examiner/
      … highlights of which are:

      Editorially, the Washington Examiner is 100% right. It is virtually impossible to find a single editorial that offers some form of balance. Most editorials have anti-left loaded headlines such as this: Obama, the Great Divider when in office, lacks the credibility to lecture America.

      A factual search reveals several failed fact checks by IFCN fact checkers.

      The Air Force wants taxpayers to fund a fantasy football league. – FALSE
      Ripon College banned a campus group’s display of a poster commemorating 9/11 because “it may offend Muslims.” – MOSTLY FALSE
      U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar described America as a ”rotten country.” – FALSE
      “Obama’s stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War.” – MOSTLY FALSE
      Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks. (7/18/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/26/2019)

      And let’s look at YOUR bias and unbalance, Tropical … Hunter Biden is not running for public office, and does not hold any public or government position that The’Pie is aware of, and there MOST CERTAINLY has been not a shred of proof (although plenty of unsubstantiated smears by the Trumpanzee) that Joe Biden is implicated in any alleged wrong doing by his son.


      You’re a fuckin’ hypocrite, Tropical.

      • Tropical says:

        As for personal family enrichment – prove it.
        You cant as it will require some intelligent research which you are incapable of.
        The Washington Examiner is more reputable than the NYT, WaPO, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NPR and The Atlantic combined.

        • The Magpie says:

          There is help available, mate. Please look after yourself.

        • Doctor of Truth says:

          I’m not sure what this argument is all about. However, Mr Tropical, how do you know that if you ‘were’ to combine all those publications, the end result would not be something more reputable than TWE? I think it could be.

          • The Magpie says:

            And The ‘Pie’s recent question remains open and unanswered … who decrees what is fake news, and could themselves not be accused of the same sin? Fake news is a tired old trope that is used by tired old media trollops and spivs instead of coherent arguments. What source is relied on by those who gurgle spittle flecked rants about ‘fake news’? What dark force of hidden knowledge … maybe the Washington Examiner …. is the arbiter of what is fake and what is not. But hey, as asked, what if is these dark forces themselves that are fake news, aimed at winning over the feeble minded, disappointed little people with big social chips on their sloping droopy shoulders?

            However, poor mutts like Tropical would do well to check out the words ‘empirical knowledge’, if they can stop flinching at shadows and admiring the Emperor’s new clothes long enough.

          • Doctor of Truth says:

            How did Sir Rupert obtain a knighthood and become a billionaire? The media is a very powerful tool.

          • The Magpie says:


          • Dorfus says:

            What’s ‘what’?

          • The Magpie says:

            Are you wandering off into irrelevant territory, and actually … for reasons known only to yourself … referring to Rupert’s pa, Sir Keith? Certainly will be interested to hear if Rupert, an American citizen, has been knighted. The media ain’t the only tool around.

          • Alahazbin says:

            DoT The only Sir Rupert I know is Sir Rupert Clark.
            Rupertswood is named after him.

          • The Magpie says:

            ‘Wood’ being slang for ….?

          • Dorfus says:

            Just to move briefly from ‘fake news’ to ‘astonishing news’ from the Astonisher. About a week ago, we read about ‘Life after Suicide’. We now have a tribute to a local rugby league referee ‘who loved woodworking with his 11 grandkids after being struck and killed by a car’. When is this callous treatment of the departed going to stop?

          • Achilles says:

            It’s a conundrum, a bit like a Magpie which is equally both black and white simultaneously.

          • Achilles says:

            This applies to Pies comment The Magpie October 7, 2020 at 6:36 pm and is not derogatory of Dorfus October 7, 2020 at 9:19 pm

          • The Magpie says:

            Anyone interested can work all this out. The ‘Pie is moving on.

          • Fruitcake says:

            I got a hard-on when I read Pie’s comment!! Bravo sir! Succinctly written. Exactly my point; who decides what is fake news and what is truth? Example; American Gerald Celente calls out the Wall Street white shoe brigade for the parasites and corrupt dogs that they are, as well as the financial system being one giant Ponzi scheme on its last legs. But if you ever listen to Australia’s supposed economic guru Craig James from CommSec, this grub constantly says ‘everything is ok’ and ‘the stock markets are strong’. I call BS on Mr James, but who is saying the correct thing – James or Celente? That’s the conundrum.

          • The Magpie says:

            There’s a difference between ‘spin’ … putting the best aspect or worst aspect of an issue without actually altering the facts or lying, just projecting to your mown perspective/opinion – and outright lying in labelling something demonstrably true as ‘fake news’. Trump has on several occasions even denied saying things that he has said on camera.

          • Achilles says:

            Watching the US VP debate, there’s a great typo on the world news scroll at the bottom of the screen where they’ve spelled facebook as faecebook.

          • The Magpie says:

            The undoubted highlight of the debate which came one hour and 17 minutes into this snoozefest of non-answers … it was at that time, a fly landed prominently on Pence’s silvery thatch. It took the fly two minutes to decided he’d wasted enough time, and flew of to cast his vote elsewhere.

          • Alahazbin says:

            And 20 minutes later my son saw meme (or what ever they’re called) Biden with a fly swatter saying “I’ve got a plan”
            Some people are pretty quick.

          • The Magpie says:

            Why, thank you … The’Pie posted about the fly at 12.50, but would’ve been earlier had he not listened to some of the after-waffle.

          • Achilles says:

            For conspiracy nut jobs: I’ve examined that fly video closely and can advise it was a Russian mini-drone sent to re-programme Pence’s script. It has CCCP clearly on its wings.

          • Tropical says:

            Doctor Truth
            This about the blog owner being completely delusional if he thinks the US media is not biased. Research has found 95% of US media is biased and hostile against Trump and Republicans.
            The blog owner when confronted with facts resorts to censoring me and name calling as in today I am referred to as a dog.

          • The Magpie says:

            Hahahaha …. (gasp, wheeze, snortle) … tell us who did the research and why you trust them, you little innocent, you.

            Or let’s say it is correct. Any particular reason you think this might be so?

            Present the facts and promise you won’t be censored.

            And, really, do you mind, you don’t know affection when it is noffered, The ‘Pie often called his daughter a silly mutt when she was a pre-teenager … you know, about the same emotional age you are now. But, just like you, The ‘Pie’s daughter still loves him all the same.

  17. The Magpie says:

    The kiddies down at the Astonisher regularly send us into deep contemplation regarding their powers of English and reasoning or lack thereof, but this latest effort this arvo is inexplicable. Court reports require accuracy for the public record, but the temptation of a too-clever-by-half click bait headline has again brought them undone. Especially when you contradict your own court reporter – TWICE in the ONE headline.

    Wrong and wrong, as proved by their own story. The man was not jailed for killing gold fish, as the story told us:
    “The man pleaded guilty to stalking and four charges of contravention of a domestic violence order.”
    There was no mention of any specific charge of killing goldfish, as much as the juveniles at the Bully might have desired it.


    “After Judge Dick SC declared the 320 days spent in pre-sentence custody as time already served, she sentenced the man to two years’ jail with immediate parole.”

  18. Makin Bacon says:

    The current Police Commisioner is another useless bureaucratic footstool to the Premier. Part of the ‘girls club’ of appointments by the equally useless duo of Palaszczuk/Trad. These idiots in Government have completely lost sight (never had any vision anyway) of the real issues we face – crime, inflation, security and jobs. Instead they concentrate on ‘diversity, equal amount of women in the workplace, coloured skin in the workplace, those on the spectrum in the workplace’. For fuck sake, when will they enter the realm of reality and start focusing on actual issues?

  19. Doctor of Truth says:

    By now most would be aware that Judge Guy Andrew has gone missing on Mt Coot tha? Missing since yesterday morning. Lots of really callous comments on Facebook with absolutely no respect or regard to his poor family. He may have has some issues but I hope it all turns out ok for him and his family.

    • The Magpie says:

      Of course he had issues, which he aired in court in a most inappropriate manner and The Magpie aired in this blog a few weeks back … but as you suggest, disparaging comments now when the bloke may be in strife says more about the low life posters than any past misdemeanours by the judge.

  20. Strand Ghost says:

    Drove along the Strand today going to Coles and what do we pass in front of ST. Pats College, two on a orange scooter ( bloke and a sheila) riding double up with no helmets, ha ha didn’t the head copper say that they were going to book them $135, well they would get a fortune if they drove down The Strand and Flinders St, but alas I haven’t seen one cop in sight?? What a joke!

  21. Old Tradesman says:

    These head lice and obesity creating machine are left on the grassed areas of The Strand, the poor old council mower men are going to have a great time hopping on and off their mowers.

  22. Ray. says:

    The Labor ads scare the shit out of me.

    The “Unite and Recover: Queensland Economic Recovery Plan”, sounds a lot like the “Renewing Queensland Plan” from the 2009 Labor Queensland government that sold off state-owned public assets including the Port of Brisbane, Queensland Motorways, Queensland Rail’s coal haulage business, Abbot Point Coal Terminal, and Forestry Plantations Queensland for $15 billion.

    Also, at the same time they abolished the fuel subsidy increasing our cost of living.

    Let’s not forget the words of the Premier of the day – “dealing with the long-term reforms that will restore the budget to surplus over time and realign our finances for the challenges of the future. That is what responsible governments across the globe are doing. Because the alternatives are too awful to contemplate”

    No surprise Labor power-broker Mike Kaiser was advising then as he is advising Annastacia Palaszczuk now, and who was Premier Bligh’s Chief of Staff – the Virgin CEO’s wife. Nice to see Virgin just secured $200 million of taxpayers money for nothing.

    Labor mates looking after Labor mates.

    • William H Bonny says:

      Nanna Anna and her team of shonks once again don’t pass the ‘pub test’. And we mustn’t forget to mention that the Virgin CEO also took our States political leader on a jaunt to his $9m chalet at Whistler, Canada. Can someone tell me why it is that we have the CCC? What do they do apart from shove their heads in the sand????

      • The Magpie says:

        There is such an obvious, anatomically tricky answer to your last statement, The ‘Pie will decline to state the obvious.

      • Kevo says:

        AbsoFu*$enlutely the CCC should be all over this like a fat kid on a cup cake.

        This is dodgy as when a member of the Labor inner circle is the missus of the CEO whose foreign owned company gets a $200 million gift of tax payers money.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      YEP, Qld Labor Airlines can get fucked, what a disgrace, won’t be spending a cent with those bastards.

      • The Magpie says:

        Worried about the left wing having too much power so it goes round in circles?

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          Absolutely, and just imagine what the new propaganda safety video will look like, Puddleduck dressed like the pilot, engineer and hostess, “ Your flight is made possible today by Qld Labor and Anastasia Palaszczuk “ , the reach of these dregs has no bounds.

          • Old Tradesman says:

            This is your captain speaking, ” If you look to the left you will see a deserted Indian Village, now if you look to your right you will see the Indians deserting.”

  23. Kermit says:

    Aagh yes, Mike Kaiser. I could never work out who was speaking – Mike Kaiser, Wayne Goss or Kermit the Frog. They all sound so similar. And of course he works for KPMG who has done lots of work for both the Labour Government and Virgin Blue/Virgin Australia. But as usual, nothing to see here, move on..

  24. Alahazbin says:

    The latest ALP election advert on the telly. The voice sounds a lot like the Channel 10 journo Peter Van Osterlen. No mention at the end who the speaker is, only who authorised the ad.
    If it is him, I thought political journos should remain unbiased. I know, I know, we can all name journo’s who are biased one way or the other. But the pay is probably too good to knock back.

  25. MissyD says:

    Gotta laugh first day with the kids back at school and Aaron Harpon was trying to whip up excitement about the new prison fence around the Weir primary school saying it will keep kids safe.

    Well Aaron the school has been there since the 1880’s kids from the school haven’t fallen in the river or got run over.

    It was your stupid government that let crime get out of control.

    Nobody is asking the question why schools need prison fences and police. Somehow this is now normal.

  26. On holidays says:

    In non political news – I’ve just come back from a couple of weeks holiday in Western Qld. Hadn’t been to Winton and Longreach for years, but it’s well worth the drive.

  27. Frequent Flyer says:

    That explains it.
    Townsville Police are so busy dealing with the crimes in Townsville they don’t have time to complete their “investigation” into a collision involving Mayor Jenny Hill that resulted in the DEATH of a motorcyclist.
    Fair dinkum.

    • The Magpie says:

      The odour of political interference is wafting through the air, because as The ‘Pie understands it, that matter is now in Brisbane. And if it takes this long to sort it out, someone should be fired for incompetence. And the other thing is, that is Jenny Hill is in the clear, surely it would’ve been announced ages ago.

      Talking on the mobile seems to be the bookie’s favourite.

      • Doctor of Truth says:

        The Doctor of Truth, under another clever pseudonym, made such a ‘prediction’ many Magpie topics ago. At the time there were rumours emanating from ‘interesting sources’ that suggested an imminent media announcement. But, nothing …….

  28. Kenny Kennett says:

    The budget sounds positive and I hope that these initiatives get off the ground and into action quickly without the red (and green) tape getting in the way and slowing things up. There seems to be something for everyone and it does show some sort of light at the end of the tunnel. It is without doubt a ‘let’s rebuild our country’ budget and a message to States that they need to ‘take it or leave it’ or the money for specific projects will be withdrawn and given to other States. So hopefully we’ll see more of the ‘responsible guards’ reporting back to Canberra if shifty and nepotistic deals are done within the ranks of the crooked Mullet and Pluckerducks. It is so rare to see a Govt first year budget with so many handouts; but then so too is a pandemic rare. Good luck to the Feds and the State leaders. For once it appears that the people are being cared about and being prioritised rather than friends and families of the politicians.

    • The Magpie says:

      While The Magpie unreservedly endorses your core message, KK, it is though worth pointing out that we need to be on guard not just against your targets of Mayor Mullet and Palaszczuk, but such deals by the Feds. Remember, this is the Federal government which COVID has saved – well, delayed – being held to account for the disgraceful sports rorts, which they arrogantly didn’t make much of an effort to hide. And this sort of budget largesse could end up a pork fest of massive proportions. However, the take it or leave it clause does go some way to close down state politically motivated whining, a speciality in Brisbane, which has always fostered a victim culture amongst Queenslanders.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Water security is one measure the budget is to address. Will water security for Townsville be delivered? Phil Thompson, keen to see your reply on this blog.

      • Russell says:

        Dave of K, Townsville already has water security for at least the next 10 years – probably more the way regional Australia is going backwards fast.
        The problem is paying to pump the water into our dam. A problem which will remain into the foreseeable future.
        I too will be interested to see Phil Thompson’s reply, though I won’t be holding my breath waiting for it.

  29. Mayer Amschel Rothschild says:

    Yes, a nicely ‘marketed’ Budget from Scotty. Simply put, it is a toffee coated turd. What this budget does is it levaes us with debt to the tune of $1 trillion dollars. The pain will be felt and passed on for decades and decades. And little in this budget encompasses true jobs growth. But at least we know that the Morgan’s, Rothschilds and Rockefeller’s will doing alright out of this by lending trillions around the world to assist countries during these unprecedented times. All outnof the goodness of their hearts no doubt. This budget is clandestine and it is smoke and mirrors.

    • The Magpie says:

      And one assumes you won’t provide any snapshots analysis for your mud slinging, Comrade?

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      M A Rothschild, what do you expect??? As a Nation we have closed nearly all manufacturing, we have sold off land, farms, Ports, islands, major companies to foreign powers, brought in a two party preferred voting system which creates little more than democratic communism, in Qld abolished the Upper House so legislations can be passed no questions asked, passed ‘commercial in confidence’ mining royalties deals to ensure no money stays in Australia, allowed Unions too much control of our Industry Super funds and keep propping up (predominately foreign owned) Companies that keep posing losses. We don’t have any money and we have given away everything that makes money. Probably not as bad as I have made out, but we are on a slippery slope. No wonder the Budget is what it is.

  30. Preference deal says:

    I watch and read with amazement on Facebook at how dumb people are and how easy it is to stick shit on Teflon, i believe it is possible now. The freckel has said ( with NO PREFERENCE DEAL) The LNP will preference Labor last. But she now has the problem that everyone is saying shes preferences the greens now. The comments I read are unbelievable at how dumb Queenslanders really are. Its mostly Labor plants making these claims to put off the so called swing voters. A sernario where greens are above Labor on preferences means fuck all if they are 4 and 5 on a ticket with One nation KAP and any independent before them. But if the freckel cant explain this very soon, this is where my shit is on the Teflon. One thing all Queenslanders need to know is a preference is yours to decide. Labor and the commy greens will try anything to stay in power and this is one way to scare the public. Tell them the lnp are doing deals with parties that cant win a meat tray with all the tickets. How i wish 1st past post was in play, its the only true indicator of how the majority will vote because it will only be one number on the ballot paper.

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      The whole problem with FPTP is that it usually *doesn’t* indicate how a majority will vote, which is why you need preferences to hit 50%+.

      • Preference deal says:

        Heres a little math lesson for you from my late LABOR MEMBER grandfather, when labor actually represented true Australia. Pay attention to the numbers as he said to me and accept any results with respect no matter what the outcome and walk away with dignity from your opponent and try harder next tim. This is his example to me of proper voting.

        Member 1. 42 votes
        Member 2 39 votes
        Member 3 10votes
        Member 4 9 votes

        As you can see my boy he’d say, the person with the most votes wins. Its fair because any number of the people voting can change their minds next time without fear of there vote being preferred to someone who they clearly dont want. As you can see no parties mentioned. The politics i was taught were respectful but yours deserves to be buried under the large amount of shit that comes out of your mouth most times if not all. Your response will be inadequate.

        • The Magpie says:

          More than ever around the world, your interesting maths highlights that election here and in the United States particularly but not exclusively, are a matter of the lesser evil, people voting AGAINST someone rather than for.

          That said, your grandfather could’ve got a job with the Astonisher with those maths … face it, you’re grandpa was an fuckin’ idiot.

          • Fruitcake says:

            Pure gold! Thank you for the laugh Magpie. Indeee, old mates grandfather was a fuckin idiot!
            Damn that was funny

        • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

          As ‘Pie pointed out, your grandfather, and yourself, are innumerate. 42% is not a majority of 100 voters – 58% of the electorate voted *against* the winning candidate on a FPTP basis.

          You also seem confused about how preferences work – they’re purely at the discretion of the individual voter so can’t be “preferred to someone who they clearly dont want”.

          • The Magpie says:

            Hey cut that out … can’t have you and The ‘Pie agreeing on something … doesn’t do either reputation any credit.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      The electorate is disengaged and to a point, ignorant of the functioning of government. This allows deliberate misinformation to take root. For our democratic system to be most effective the electorate needs to understand the basics. I have banged on about this before.

      • Preference deal says:

        No Steve first past the post is correct, unfortunately you are incorrect. True Labor response. If you and me had a 100m foot race and i win by 10mt then that’s the end of it. Im the clear winner. You dont get to go back and say you win because you finish behind me but ad up the remaining runner’s distances to finish ahead of me. Preference voting gave us ricky muier and half the greens who as i said couldn’t win anything with all the ticket’s in their hands. You dont need Preference voting to tell the result. England, which our useless Windsor system has been butchered by, has first past and is clearly better. You win by 1 vote or 1000, its still a win. Only people like yourself who cling to this preference system because they know they cant win without it will be forever fighting for significance in life.

        • The Magpie says:

          As the legally brilliant PR letter reply to complaints says ‘Dear sir or Madam, you may be right’. But while The ‘Pie does try to do an occasional bit of subbing for spelling etc in serious comments, but have to admit ‘ricky muier’ has got the old bird stumped.

          • Preference deal says:

            Ricky muir. Apologies pie. He got in on 0.004% of the vote in the senate then jumped on to clives ticket to be beaten easily. Turncoat turdbull changed the preferences system so you had to have a certain primary vote to be eligible to get in on preferences.

        • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

          Elections aren’t foot races, they’re popularity contests, so your analogy is inapt.

          The United Kingdom (not “England”) uses a backwards version of the Westminster (not “Windsor”) system, with optional voting and first past the post, plus an actual House of Lords. Probably not an example to emulate when it comes to democracy!

          It’s ironic that preferential voting, and compulsory voting, were both introduced to Australia as anti-Labor measures, but now right wingers spit the dummy if things don’t go their way. It shows a lack of any principle other than self-interest.

      • Doctor of Truth says:

        DoK, the bigger problem of course is that no matter who you vote for, you will end up with either Labour or LNP. The whole system is bullshit and preference votes are just a part of that bullshit system. It’s like Ford or Holden (RIP), they both do the same job, just different brands And a different look. But, what if we want a Toyota? Too bad because you can’t have one. LNP were always going to be tempted by Palmer preferences because he can spend some money over and above them to capture some additional votes they will need. And of course Mr Clive will not expect anything in return. I am less Labour than I am LNP, but I stand by my prediction that Labour will get back in reasonably easily. And after the Election, let’s see what dollars promised to the North actually make it here !

        • The Magpie says:

          The latest polls are with your prediction, it seems. The LNP will pay a heavy price for its cowardice in keeping The Freckle at the helm.

  31. Ducks Nuts says:

    Seems that News Corpse did some actual investigative journalism into Troy Thompson (or is it Troy Birnbrauer). This does need to be applauded, albeit months too late. The community could have done without several months of posturing and charades.

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      Doctor of Truth has done some real investigative work. There is, I believe, a totally valid reason for his Birnbrauer surname by marriage dating back to when he lived in Germany, along with the circumstances he changed back to his maiden name of Thompson. I am now of the learned opinion that he does not deserve condemnation and I suspect ‘politicking’ is at play. And to think, I was about to give him a little kick myself while he was down…….

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Name change or not. He was trading a company while insolvent and made uncommercial transactions. Now whilst the amounts are relatively piddling, the fraudulent behaviour is the issue.


        • Doctor of Truth says:

          The company administration is true, but was TT charged and convicted of trading insolvent? I don’t have that information so I wouldn’t comment for fear of defamation. If he was I’m sure it would be listed somewhere – maybe an ASIC banning order on being a company director.

        • Doctor of Truth says:

          This is from Troy Thompson published on the TRRA Facebook page. I feel he should be allowed to defend himself (sorry Magpie if I have pasted too much).

          MAGPIE EDITOR COMMENT: Far be it from The Magpie to plagiarise the TRRA website, and yes, you pasted a small novel of irrelevancy. Please see following comment.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, DoT, pasted way to much, it’s now irrelevant, and an issue of zero consequence,. Given the daily news cycle, we’ve moved on and no one gives a fuck about a minor drop-out from a minor party anymore, he’s had his 15 minutes.. And he’s made his teary plea on TRRA and it is incumbent on the Astonisher to decide if they want to accept his words for publication (god knows, they do with all other media releases).

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Thanks Pie. Highly doubt the Astonisher will publish anything more as he’s irrelevant now. Unless of course he does a super exclusive to enlighten us all on the real reason he upped stumps and bolted over night.

  32. Fruitcake says:

    At the Casino inquiry and in relation to sending threatening emails James Packer is claiming he has a ‘bad memory’ due to Bipolar! Really, Bipolar is the cause of his actions? I thought maybe having a foul temper, being a spoilt brat and being frustrated that he has lost much of his fathers fortunes would be the cause of his shitty behaviour? Maybe our Politician scumbags will start using the same excuse for their pathetic actions? After all, when Paul Pisasale got busted with his hand in the cookie jar he showed up to a media conference in red socks and a gown! Pathetic, weak fools.

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, only that my understanding is that he doesn’t blame bipolar. He blames the ‘medication’ used to treat his bipolar. Convenient? Yes, but also impossible to disprove. Well played sir.

      • Charlie Wulguru. says:

        DoT. You will learn just what Little Jamie’s problem is if you read the biography on Tony Grieg. The spoiled ugly prick was raised the wrong way.

  33. Last Drinks says:

    The Morrison Recession. Getting toward the Trillion Dollar Deficit. Scummo and Fraudenberg are toast. Dutton ready to move for leadership again in the new year.
    LD’s prediction.
    Here is another one. Anna P looking a winner 3 weeks out.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Mr Potato Head would make a great PM, probably bring in even bigger tax cuts than the juicy little one we got last night, bring it on.

      • The Magpie says:

        R U OK Cankers?>

        • Cantankerous but happy says:

          All good thanks Pie, just thought with all the other lunacy in the world like brainless dickheads voting for Puddleduck, Daniel Andrews still having an approval rating of 60% , God saving Trump according to the Tea Party, why shouldn’t Mr Potato Head get in on the action.

      • Fruitcake says:

        WTF? Mr Potato Head would too busy locking up Australians in a gulag, embedding real time electronic monitoring devices under our skin and kicking every non-white person out of the Country. He wouldn’t have time for tax cuts and nor would he give a shit about it. He has his Gold Coast mansion and personal business interests to keep him busy.

  34. Dave of Kelso says:

    In treating his CV19 a cocktail of experimental drugs were administered to Trump in a crash through or crash approach to his medical care.

    Interviewees on ABC RN have stated there are likely to be side effects to varying degrees, including cognition, mood, and fatigue amongst others. (Remember, this is a bloke that has a nuclear button.)

    I wonder if, in calling off stimulas talks that would benefit the whole USofA, we are seeing side effects.


    I wonder how far ‘off the rails’ Trump could go before he is stood aside by the administration.

    • Fruitcake says:

      Trump could take a cocktail of LSD, lithium and Ice and he would still be fucked in the head. He is an overweight narcissist who has a penchant for golden showers and wearing orange makeup. The man is truly fucked in the head and no amount of experimental drugs would make him any more dangerous than he already is.

      • The Magpie says:

        Hard to argue with your end conclusion, but your own mental state regarding language is now under scrutiny … by any logical measure your statement ‘Trump could take a cocktail of LSD, lithium and Ice and he would still be fucked in the head’ means such a cocktail would be some sort of cure (‘still’?). Seems you are well versed in making whoopee, but not so much in English.

  35. Free Money (mates only) says:

    Quick John O’brien update your costs to build CopperString 2.0

    You can’t keep running around saying it will cost $1.5 billion when the Annastacia Palaszczuk has announced in Mount Isa she will provide $1.7billion of funding for construction ( Thank goodness I have screen shots of the announcement on Annastacia Palaszczuk facebook page but it is also on Rural Press new site too https://www.canberratimes.com.au/story/6957654/qld-govt-to-back-nw-power-line-project/?cs=14231)

    Either way John update your website – https://copperstring2.com.au/ $1.5b is too cheap.

    And while your at it, talk with Queensland Coordinator General too, as they have it as a $1.5b project as well – https://www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/coordinator-general/assessments-and-approvals/coordinated-projects/current-projects/copperstring-project.html

    If Annastacia Palaszczuk is going to buy the Katter Party’s loyalty at least make sure the numbers add up.

    But then again what is an error of $200 million of taxpayer funds between friends. It worked for Virgin, why not Bob’s brother-in-law.

  36. Dave of Kelso says:

    As I have always maintained, if you live in the community you must be part of the community and that means a functional level of English.


    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie has often thought of introducing such a rule for some of the commenters on this blog.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        I tell you this sincerely, motivated by some of your early feedback, I now find myself checking spelling and the correct meaning of some words as opposed to their colloquial usage, which is not a bad thing. Oh, and more use of the comma.

  37. Pineapple Express says:

    Leigh Sales did a nice job tearing Scotty from Marketing a new one in her most recent interview with the smirking evangical douchebag. He really looked like the completely ignorant and arrogant twat that he is. You can’t half tell he lives in his own utopia and Cantberra bubble. All this debt that he and Fraudenberg have racked up and yet some poor bastards will go back to earning $40 per day and not once in the Budget speech did Fraudenberg mention people’s future careers. He only talked about ‘jobs’. What jobs? 2 hours per day wiping down toilet bowls? Dickheads.

  38. Belgian Waffle says:

    The gravy train never ends for some. Cigar smoking Arnold Schwarzenegger wannabe Mathias Cornhole has been has been nominated by the Evangelist Scomo to head up the OECD. FFS this clown and his Government have just indebted us to a further 60 years of debt due to them making the clusterfuck of shutting the nation down for almost a year. Mathias should be stripped of all his assets and forced to live on $40 per day. Let’s see him afford cigars then. These parasites…..

    • The Magpie says:

      Maybe ScoMo could’ve done himself and Labor a favour by nominating Alabanese for the off-shore job; his public speaking is becoming a Shorten-size embarrassment. Indeed, Albo makes Shorten seem like the greatest orator since Menzies.

      And Albo? If SCOtt MOrrison is ScoMo, doesn’t that make Anthony Albanese AnAl?

  39. The Magpie says:

    Naughty, naughty …

    Anybody want to tell Messagebank? If you do, don’t bother phoning, write him a letter.

    Using a Vehicle Horn Whilst Driving – Qld Road Rules

    The Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Road Rules) Regulation 2009 (Reg 224) sets out that drivers must not use a horn or a similar warning device unless it’s necessary to warn other road users or animals of the approach or position of the vehicle, or as part of an anti-theft device or an alcohol interlock device which has been fitted to the vehicle.

    • Charlie Wulguru says:

      If the ‘Fruit loop’ in the red shirt is standing on the road, don’t bother sounding the horn just run over it.

    • The Preacher says:

      Is Messagewank allowed to knock on doors? Is that COVID compliant? I would’ve thought thatbis a big no no.

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      Hmmm, alcohol interlock device you say? Maybe it is such devices activating the horns in close proximity to message bank. Just a theory.

  40. The Grey White Whale says:

    I see that Migaloo Palmer is having a crack at Nanna Anna over a lack of access for his mob to get into Townsville Port. I’m sure he will be suing them soon. Funny how everybody is meant to drop off everything when Mr Titanic wants something. Team Anna have shot back a reply saying it’s between him and the Port and the State Government are not getting involved. Standby for some angry Palmer TV commercials!!!

  41. Old Tradesman says:

    The Mad Cow Tavern in Via Vomitorum is having a dildo racing competition as shown in the Astonisher, now I know why Jenny wants the battery factory.

  42. Doctor of Truth says:

    Body of Judge Guy Andrew has been found. Very sad for his family. If anyone is doing it hard, reach out. There are many people who will gladly talk with you.

  43. Anna the Coverup Queens says:

    Dodgy Anna is hiding the really state of the Queensland health system which is riddled in with problems

    NO annual reports have been published for any hospital or the Health Dept for last year……..

    The only insights published are a few Ombudsman reports showing serious government and departmental failures resulting in preventable deaths.

  44. The Magpie says:

    News Ltd papers ad TV stations under the clear direction of Rupert Murdoch, are now so firmly entrenched in the Trump camp, they openly peddle their own favourite target ‘fake news”, in this case by selective, edited quoting. This organization, which so regularly bleats in its papers and on SKY programs about biased reporting, hasn’t even tried to be clever. This (typically punning) headline is simply A LIE.

    And the opening two paragraphs clearly prove the incredibly irresponsible bias of News Corpse.

    At no stage does the story give context or expand on the incomplete quote.

    The clear intent through the headline and reporting was that Kamala Harris was ‘discouraging’ people’ from taking a COVID vaccine. Period.
    But here’s what she really said when asked if she would be inoculated and should the American people be inoculated if a vaccine was to become available:

    “If the public health professionals, if Dr Fauci, if the doctors tell us we should take it, obviously, I’d be first in line to take it. Absolutely. But if Donald Trump tells me, tells us, we should take it, then I’m not taking it.

    And before the frightened little troglodytes start foaming about ‘fake noos ‘, check it out here.
    If this link doesn’t open, google it, easy to find.

    The end score on this debate issue: full points to Kamala Harris for recommending not to take Trump’s advice, much to the disappointment of bleach manufacturers and syringe makers. Expect more of the same from The Townsville Bulletin and Courier Mail.

  45. J jones says:

    Just when you thought the Astonisher had hit rock bottom, they bring us Townsville’s 10 hottest criminals.
    How could any editor okay this tripe?

    • The Magpie says:

      Yep, it’s the newspaper equivalent of Donald Trump … when. you think they can’t go any lower …

      … and glamourising this is a city where youth crime is the ‘hot’ topic is beyond reason. interestingly, The ‘Pie can’t find this is the printed edition, has he missed it or is it only in their click bait panel?

      Fear not, The ‘Pie has lined that up for the blog.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Cannot wait for the next 10 Best.

        Townsville’s 10 Hottest Lawabiders.

        How many Nesters will make the grade?

        • The Magpie says:

          How about The Bulletin 10 Best responsible Stories? The. Magpie recalls one in 1995, and there was a rumour of two more four years later. Any sightings should be reported to Holt Street for disciplinary action.

          • Doctor of Truth says:

            The Astonisher itself is the biggest criminal, charging $1.60 for something that shouldn’t even be used as toilet paper.

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Not fit for toilet paper? The Astonisher is ideal to line the floor of the bird cage (similar function to toilet paper) and to light our wood burning BBQ. One Saturday purchase a month is enough.

  46. Villeified says:

    News limited publishing witness (?) names re Alva beach
    Police officers names ?
    I don’t know newspapers however I don’t believe I have ever seen this it maybe a popular piece of news however
    Is this a version of alvaleaks .?

  47. Hi Beam says:

    Well said DOT. It is neither fish nor fowl. Being neither a NEWS paper or arse paper. As it is ”Not fit for purpose” it should be taken off the market!

    • The Magpie says:

      On the evidence of it’s performance this week, the Townsville Bulletin will to have climb out and find new offices.

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      I’m sceptical about the CV19 being found in sewer testing. Coronavirus has been around forever. CV19 is a new strain. My theory is the sewer tests are showing up a coronavirus strain, but most likely not CV19. To me it doesn’t add up.

      • The Magpie says:

        Anna’s government has to spread the fear especially to those marginal places where there isn’t a virus problem. Like trump’s non-virus, this is all bullshit.

        • Anna the Coverup Queens says:

          If the Labor Government were fair dinkum they would make the test result public.

          The LNP should come out with a policy of no more secrets, no more commercial in confidence deals after all it is tax payer money.

          The Labor will never come clean they are full of crooks.

          In the last 20 years look at the Labor pollies going to jail:
          Bill D’Arcy – Child Sex Offender – ever wonder why the ALP doesn’t protect kids,
          Merri Rose – Extortion – threats and intimidation are ALP go to tactics, why do you think business is shit scared to run against them.
          Gordon Nuptial – corruption, receiving secret commissions, theft – dodgy dealing with unions and buddies is part of the way they do things and remember Annastacia Pałaszczuk was in government with Nuttal, but saw nothing apparently.

          ALP are dodgy as fuck, why are we surprised they would scare people with spin.

          • The Magpie says:

            Agreed, but what makes you think the LNP … or any party in power … would be any different? BTW his name was Nuttall, ‘nuptial’s was what he involuntarily underwent in jail.

          • Achilles says:

            Sad thing is, it’s universal: All power corrupts and absolute power is ….. even more fun.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            You left out Labor poster boy Keith Wright, the great saviour of integrity in Qld who nearly became premier whilst molesting kids.

        • flushed says:

          well, human shit actually…

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Dear ‘Pie & DoT,
          I have sent this question off to the ABC Coronacast. Will advise if I get a response.

  48. Old Tradesman says:

    With a name like Hardlicka one would think you could be leaving yourself wide open if you become the new CEO of Virgin.

  49. Scientician79 says:

    For those interested Kevin Rudd has launched a parliamentary petition for a royal commission into newscorp with particular mention of the stranglehold they have on regional news.

    Link below, but note the website seems to be suffering from high demand at present.


    • Malcom Turdball says:

      Kevin07 – why doesn’t he just FARK OFF! Newcorpse, Faecesbook, they are all owned by the wealthy and run their own political agendas which includes supporting whatever political party will enrich them further. Is Krudd that stupid so as to thinkthe media game isn’t rigged??

    • Doctor of Truth says:

      Kevin Rudd is heavily involved with the Chinese these days. It is not surprising he has come about about Media considering the noise China is making about it at the moment. I don’t trust Kevin Rudd one bit.

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie thought he made it clear in the interest and blood pressure of readers, that he no linger posts links that open to the general public and to subscribers only. Pointless exercise, so its been removed..

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