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The Magpie

Sunday, April 17th, 2022   |   89 comments

From Albo’s MouthTrap To Smirko’s Alice In Wonderland Tudge Explainer: Rats, Rogues And Ratbags Hit The Hustings …

… and more reasons to believe election day could be independents’ day.

With Albo getting caught in his mouth trap, and Smirko Alice-In-Wonderlanding us  about why Allan Tudge is both in and not in Cabinet all at the same time , voters seem have had their gasts totally flabbered and seem to be tuning out, looking towards a slew of independent candidate. Is a hung parliament at the mercy of a deal-making cross bench on the cards? Seems we’re inching in that direction.

Greens Leader Adam Bandt’s brilliant nailing of one of the major problems with this election which is never mentioned by the media …. because the problem is the media itself

In Townsville, the proponents of a kiddy crim care house in a quiet Annandale street give the finger to residents’ concerns … but take the opportunity to tell us what virtuous people they are. The Magpie has CASPA’s reply to the Annandale residents’ outrage.

And lightening up, The ’Pie stumbles on one of the great typos of the year so far … and lots other laughs, and lots to think about in our regular American gallery.  And Vogue America’s stroke of genius.

 It has been said that man does not live by bread alone, but it sure comes in handy when the bills arrive … and as always, the ‘Pie is kneading some dough to meet the challenges of blog costs. If you can help out, the donate button is at the end of the blog.

Now onward….

An Idea Not To Be Rubbished

Seems Townsville residents might soon be getting an extra wheelie bin, exclusively for food stuffs and green matter, joining those we already have for recycling and general waste..The TCC has been trialling the idea and so far, so good.

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Special bins for different kinds of rubbish seems an excellent idea to The ‘Pie, with waste becoming an increasing challenge in our consumerist society.

Bentley agrees, although he does seem to think some places will need more than just three bins.

Bins small

No Erections This Election, It’s Just One Big Turn Off

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On April  10th this year, Scott Morrison called a Federal election.  On April 10th exactly 110 years ago the Titanic set out on its maiden …and last … voyage.  As Dame Edna says, ‘spooky, eh, possums.”

But it’s been the numbing predictability from the usual suspects  – a Labor cock-up on day one …

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… and the very next day, he led by example.

… and an LNP wafflefest scare campaign about Labornomics, and Bob Katter finding everything is crook in. Tallarook … ho hum, same old same old.


But this has given rise to the Day of the Independents, who are popping up all over the place, and the general disaffection is so great, some have a good chance of getting in … but some have none, like our local entrant, Steve Clare.

We Know Our Politicians Are Dopes, But ….

By the sounds of his policies, Mr clare only became a candidate because of a front bar dare from his mates Dazza, Wocka and Blurter.

Mr Clare, who one suspects has worked too often without ear muffs in his Garbutt auto repair shop, has previous connections to One Nation and the Citizens Party, and one wonders why they didn’t snap him up as their poster boy. He has the usual deeply thought through (i.e. unworkable) policies on youth crime and lots of innovative financial ideas.

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But his outstanding innovation which he called for in this weekend’s Astonisher is a ripper … Mr Clare wants all Herbert candidates to take a drug test, by submitting a hair follicle for lab testing. This has apparently all come about because of close family involvement with drugs, particularly ice. He said his late brother was an ice addict and dealer. But Mr Clare told the paper ‘ it wasn’t that he was born a bad person … it was just the natural thing to do in Townsville.’ That is perhaps the most interesting statement ever from someone seeking voter support.

Then reporter Caitlan Charles writes:  Mr Clare is pushing for better drug monitoring and reporting on suicide. ‘If elected I intend to run the program here in Townsville and obtain funding to monitor our sewers in conjunction with (a university) and deliver relevant statistics for Townsville,’ Mr Clare said.

Uh, you what? Ms Charles was not curious enough to inquire what the fuck all that meant … anyway, Mr Clare, good on you for being civic minded, but one imagines you can be confident of remaining in your auto repair shop for the foreseeable future … and don’t forget those ear muffs, mate.

(Asked for a comment on the hair follicle drug testing proposal, Peter Dutton said ‘Go for it, sunshine, no problem for me’.)

Height Fight Down At Airlie

Townsville folk still appalled at the Joh-inherited multi-story blot on the Strand landscape may be interested in this little spate shaping up down at Airlie in the seat of Dawson.

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LNP candidate for Dawson Andrew Wilcox

Whitsunday mayor Andrew Willcox has been anointed to succeed rat rorter George Christensen (more on him in a minute), and inherits a comfortably held coalition seat, (11%+). But much of that margin was due to Christensen’s personal popularity among the large hillybilly element in the electorate. So it remains to be seen how much of that vote will migrate elsewhere, especially to One Nation, now that Christensen has accepted Pauline’s 30 pieces of silver (which is actually more than $100,000 of taxpayers money … there’s inflation for you).

But Mr Willcox will find he has some opposition in the Whitsunday booths over his mysterious mayoral flip-flop on an established Planning Department  building height regulation. Despite initial opposition,  he has voted for the height restrictions in Airlie go from 18m to 47m. This following yarn shows that the  Whitsundays may demonstrate how niche issues could influence this election across the country.

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Former tourism executive Phillip Batty

Retired tourism executive Phillip Batty intends standing in the seat of Dawson but openly admits only on one local issue … defeating plans for high rise development on the  Airlie beachfront..


But Batty is also realistic about overall his chances. ‘For an overall  win, none and Buckley’s I’d say, but that’s not the point. The people of Airlie and the Whitsunday area generally should have the chance of a protest vote against Mayor Andrew Willcox’s inexplicable back-flip on plans to allow high rise projects on the beachfront area.”


“The results in Whitsunday booths is another way to demonstrate the anger and opposition of the overwhelming majority of the local to Airlie high rise.’

Mr Batty said the mayor, now the endorsed LNP candidate for Dawson, needs to explain his ‘strange’ and complete reversal on beachfront high rise limits, which he vehemently opposed when deputy mayor.

From a Townsville Bulletin report on the building heights issue in October 2015.

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“Deputy mayor Andrew Willcox failed to get the required support for his notice of motion to keep building heights as is at Airlie Beach.

He said he wanted building heights to remain because the proposed increase in height was not consistent with the local amenity.

He said increased heights would ruin Airlie’s village-style atmosphere, there would be a loss of privacy, the road network would not cope with the increased traffic caused by the increase in density, and that the already inadequate number of loading zones would be exacerbated.

The motion was voted down four votes to three, with Crs Whitney, Jan Clifford, John Collins and John Atkinson voting against it.”

“But when he became mayor, Clr Willcox recently gave approval for a 12 story 47 metre high hotel on the Airlie Foreshore, despite the planning scheme restricting all development to 18 metres and 5 stories,” Mr Batty said.   “He saw fit to override it without explanation,’ Mr Batty said, adding that the approval is for a receiver in charge of the port of Airlie, “who will on-sell it with a DA in place for mega bucks”.

Mr Batty said there remains strong opposition to the idea of allowing a 47m apartment block on the foreshore, and those opposed now have the opportunity to cast a protest vote.

Mr Willcox has denied any back flip, saying each development is judged on its own merits, telling the media ‘I have not overruled any planning restrictions in the Whitsundays,’  a statement Mr Batty has challenged the mayor to prove.

Mr Batty outlined his unique platform at a public candidates forum during the week, receiving frequent applause from the audience, but Mr Willcox declined to broach the subject, and instead just attacked Mr Batty personally.

No one has suggested or mentioned brown paper bags.


(STOP PRESS as they used to say): Mr atty’s quixotic quest against the Willcox windmill has come to an abrupt halt … filling out the candidate’s application, Mr Batty, a dual citizen,  discovered that he would need to relinquish his British citizenship in order to run for Australian Parliament. He told The ‘Pie he was unwilling to do this, and therefore will not be. a candidate ‘but the issue remains for voters to consider,’ he said.

 A Rat And A Rorter to The Bitter End.

With renewed interest in independents, The Magpie is amazed that with modern campaigning so wedded to music nowadays that no one has picked up The Carpenters 1981 hit Somebody’s Been Lying … perfect lyrics to tell the story of Australian voters dilemma:

Somebody’s been lyin’

Somebody’s been callin’ me tellin’ me he still loves me

But not the way I thought it would be

He’s makin’ fun of me and laughin’ at my dreams

And I know that he keeps…

Sayin’ not to worry

I’d be wiser to go on my own way

Somebody’s Been lying …


Fashion Fail: Outfit inspired by Manila taxi drivers

In the case of rat rogue George Christensen, the lying clearly started last year, when he has admitted being in talks with Pauline Hanson to switch parties. And from that admission and subsequent events, it is clear that he lied to parliament about leaving politics ‘to focus on my family’.

He told the Courier Mail he ‘should’ve joined One Nation a long time ago’. So all his criticism of the government was part of a well laid plan hatched between himself and Hanson. Hanson needed a couple of bunnies on her senate ticket to ensure that her financially well-upholstered bum remains on the Senate plush. Under the generous rules politicians have made for themselves, losing when re-standing deserves $100,000+ payout, and Christensen is assured of losing by accepting the number three spot on One Nation’s senate ticket. Christ, Pauline is so desperate to continue infesting parliament that she gave the number two spot to a former Adani executive.

We all know politics is grubby, but it’s come to a pretty pass when they become so arrogant to try not to even hide it.

“Just google It, Mate!’ A Juvenile Gotcha Journalist Gets Got.

There is a long history of ‘gotcha’ questions that have brought Aussie politicians undone over the years. Just ask John Hewson about cake. But the perennial search for a smug sensationalist headline really says nothing about anybody except the irresponsibility of smartarse journalists.  Like the cops and lawyers, the media look after their own and never call out this juvenile idiocy,  and other organisations rarely name rivals to ask such inanities. So it had The Magpie … and just about the rest of the country … cheering when a pompous, self-entitled swot from the Fin Review asked a totally stupid statistic in an effort to catch out The Greens leader Adam Bandt. Bandt was ready with both barrels, and in the process, invented a new catch phrase already catching on to answer stupid questions.

CASPA Ghosts Us …

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The official reply from CASPA on their plans for a kiddy crims house in Annandale gives the finger to the locals and to Townsville, where it appears they plan to buy up to seven residences across the suburbs for the same purpose as Annandale. It’s as though the people of Annandale don’t exist, and the needs of the future residents override every other consideration. There’s not a straight answer in sight … but significantly, there is an admission CASPA could fail to maintain operation in a suitable fashion.

As The Magpie predicted, the response to matters raised here was written not as promised by CEO Naarah Rodwell, but by the organisation’s legal shill, who made liberal use of the legal equivalent of Commercial In Confidence. Here is the response and The Magpie’s reply. It resulted in many having their say for and against in the comments section. For those interested, these can be accessed by going to last week’s blog, scrolling down to comments and finding the relevant thread.

This is very long, more so than the usual items here, but it is also very important … so just scroll through if not interested.

From David Heilpern

Former Magistrate David Heilpern CASPA 20200720-_DSC3947-Edit-2

David Heilpern CASPA lawyer

April 13, 2022 at 3:30 pm  (Edit)

Dear Magpie,

My name is David Heilpern, and I am the in-house lawyer for CASPA. Naarah asked me to respond to your inquiries as best I can as she is flat out with some other issues. As you may be aware, our head office town has recently suffered from two floods in quick succession. Obviously I’ve run this response by her. She’s hopeful to answer other inquiries as they arise. Also Peter Freer, our COO, will be chiming in as needed.

I was a Magistrate (including a Children’s Court Magistrate) for 21 years and I have recently retired. I have chosen to work at CASPA because I believe that they are a brilliant organisation doing great work. My wife and I have been long term foster carers as well.

It is correct that we have been communicating with various levels of QLD government, including the Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (DCYJMA), Local Council and members of parliament for some months. We have kept them informed of our activities. They have been broadly supportive. Yesterday I was present at a meeting with employees of the Department of Children, who reiterated this. We have met with Les Walker for about three hours in total. We fully respect that he is responsible for taking community concerns to parliament. That’s his job.

I don’t see that anyone is lying here, just the usual shades of grey.

Where is the money coming from? We have not received any funds from the QLD government for our Townsville venture as yet. We were invited to set up our service here. We hope to receive funding in the future. We receive no funds from AngliCare. CASPA has assets and obtains funding from a variety of sources including fundraising. We have government funded services in NSW, Queensland and Northern Territory.

We met with Tony Mooney and the meeting was a frank exchange of views. We are baffled by his role and his approach. We cannot work out whether he is acting in his role as chair of the hospital, or as an adjunct to his son on council. We cannot quite understand his level of aggression.

Please understand that there are some details we cannot go into with Mr Mooney, residents or on this webpage either. It is a criminal offence to publish anything that is likely to identify a child in care So, for example, if we were to say we have an 11 year old boy with a disability about to move into that house, with carers 24/7, who was placed in care because his parents died, we would be breaking the law, because when he moves in, he would then be identifiable. We cannot break the law, or breach children’s privacy, and so some matters will just have to remain private.

I can say that we run dozens of houses around the country and in the vast majority there are no problems with neighbours or neighbourhoods. Some houses are set up to provide care for toddlers and babies, others school age children. Sometimes there are problems, just like between all neighbours. I have been with CASPA over two years now, and in all but one case we were able to resolve those differences amicably and to mutual satisfaction. In that one case, we have moved our service.

We have no right to do anything illegal such as threaten the peace and quiet of a neighbourhood. The same laws apply to us as to you.

Why Townsville – because we were invited by DCYJMA to set our trauma informed service to be part of the solution to some of your issues. That’s what we do – it is our mission. We hope that you will give us a go to show you that we can create households where young people fit in and feel safe. Friendly welcoming neighbours are part of that picture.

We have come to Townsville in an attempt to be part of a solution and any suggestion to the contrary is false. The inference that members of CASPA’s board, or executive personally benefit from our expansion into Townsville is offensive. CASPA is a not-for-profit charity and our presence in Townsville has nothing to do with putting a boat in the harbour or lining pockets.

If we don’t succeed, then no doubt the Magpie will swoop, the Chair of the Hospital Board will let everyone know, and the local member will make speeches about us in parliament. We understand the concerns, they are fair enough. Please though, give us a chance to prove ourselves.

You ask if our “jackbooted and arrogant intervention in the daily lives of a residential area – particularly in Townsville, where the state government has done absolutely nothing to curb juvenile crime – is appropriate and responsible”. Now that is a leading question! To answer the last part, yes we do. We are setting up a residence in a residential area. By definition that is not jackbooted or arrogant – it is what mums and dads with children and groups of students and single parents do every day. We are just another variation – no better and no worse. We are consulting widely, and will continue to do so.

Finally regarding ownership of the house – the name of the owner would be a matter of public record presumably, but it is not our information to disclose.

I hope that answers your questions where I am able. But, keep them coming, or go back if I’ve missed something.



  • The Magpie

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April 13, 2022 at 5:36 pm  (Edit)

Well, as Leigh Sales would say, there’s quite a bit to unpack there. The ‘Pie thinks it reasonable thing to do now is to leave your information open to comment by those directly affected by your proposed move.

At his stage, I will only address a few salient points in your nicely wrapped package of mostly carefully worded legal horse feathers.

First, I am happy to accept that there is no get rich quick scheme involved if you say so … certainly not for you, Your Honour (or is it still Your Worship in NSW?) … 21 years on the bench, you will be enjoying your late afternoon years on your annual $200/300k+ pension. Not jealous, just regretting earlier career path decisions.

But thank you for admitting that your Annandale venture may fail, and leave damaging after effects. But we’ll get to that a little later.
You say: We were invited to set up our service here.
By whom? If it was our do-nothing-about-crime government, the whole city has a right to know (morally if not legally). And if Aaron Harper MP is involved, there are quite a few folks who’d like to know that, too.

You say: We met with Tony Mooney and the meeting was a frank exchange of views. We are baffled by his role and his approach. We cannot work out whether he is acting in his role as chair of the hospital, or as an adjunct to his son on council. We cannot quite understand his level of aggression.
Perhaps Mr Mooney’s bullshit detector was off the charts, because he later stated that CASPA wouldn’t give a straight answer. And his involvement is as a former mayor who is generally highly regarded, was/is because he knows several of the residents … at least one for decades through the Labor Party … and I have no idea what his position as hospital chair has to do with this issue. But will admit that others including myself are baffled at the presence of his son, Liam, who is not even councillor for the area, and I understand the TCC has little or no say in this matter, although you mention you have been talking to the council – won’t bother asking what was said there, the TCC are recognised world champions of putting everything except canteen sandwich fillings under Commercial in Confidence.

You say: Please understand that there are some details we cannot go into with Mr Mooney, residents or on this webpage either. It is a criminal offence to publish anything that is likely to identify a child in care So, for example, if we were to say we have an 11 year old boy with a disability about to move into that house, with carers 24/7, who was placed in care because his parents died, we would be breaking the law, because when he moves in, he would then be identifiable. We cannot break the law, or breach children’s privacy, and so some matters will just have to remain private.

That is one of the best bits of prize sophistry worthy of a higher court than magistrates. What you say is irrelevant, because if you are asked a straight question, you CAN say what you won’t be doing … so here’s one: will CASPA be housing a violent troubled teenager who is reported to have stabbed someone in the premises? You can either say no, or you can refuse to answer – either way, residents particularly parents, will get the information they have a moral right to know. But I’m sure you will wish to do Philosophy 101 with us and point out that you cannot  give an answer either way, because if that is your intention to house such a person, refusing to answer is yes, and therefore identifying someone. Probably correct, but it doesn’t stop that scenario being a whole load of legal cock. And you are clearly saying that anyone who is moved in there will have to remain anonymous throughout. Have you thought this through, David, really?

You say: We have no right to do anything illegal such as threaten the peace and quiet of a neighbourhood.
BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE THREATENING TO DO … please do not treat us as semi-literate morons with such slippery oily statements. You drag up all sorts of reasons to not have fully consulted or laid out your plans for Annandale, hiding behind a cowardly shield of high moral ground and do-goodism. Your do-gooding is great for the kids (not sarcasm, that part of CASPA’s work is to be admired) but you have taken it upon yourself (CASPA) to make decisions by fiat and present them as a fair accompli, which is definitely nogoodism for the residents. Doesn’t fly, mate, not at all.
And finally, you have the gall to say these totally eristic weasel words on two matters.:

You say: We are setting up a residence in a residential area. By definition that is not jackbooted or arrogant – it is what mums and dads with children and groups of students and single parents do every day. We are just another variation – no better and no worse. We are consulting widely, and will continue to do so.
“We are just another variation”!?!
HOW BLOODY DARE YOU? So a place that may house delinquent if not outright criminal teenagers, possibly violent and certainly anti-social, is simply ‘a variant’? A bloody ‘variant’? You are saying it is just the same as a family home and neighbourhood set up with hard working, responsible and law abiding citizens. And all the while, you’re hiding behind the fact that this MIGHT be a place for poor little kids with disabilities, but you can’t say that because of the law. BTW I am assured that kids with physical/mental disabilities would not attract any objections.

You say: If we don’t succeed, then no doubt the Magpie will swoop, the Chair of the Hospital Board will let everyone know, and the local member will make speeches about us in parliament. We understand the concerns, they are fair enough. Please though, give us a chance to prove ourselves.
WHAT? So you are admitting that you might not succeed with the establishment of a quiet, well run and neighbourly place? But it us you want to take the punt, with our homes, financial well being and childrens’ safety? And what, pray tell, happens if you DON’T succeed. No, let me tell you: you walk away, hands in pockets, whistling a carefree tune to the clouds, washing your hands of a sorry mess behind you that has unfairly disrupted a peaceful suburb after locals trusted your vague promises and virtue signalling twaddle hiding behind a false wall of legal restraint.

You really do take us for redneck, backwoods yokels, don’t you, David? . I am not directly affected because I do not live in the immediate area, but Townsville is my town as much as any other residents, and I reckon you may have to be packing your carpetbags and bugger off before this is all over.
Consider yourself swooped.

If you wish to join the more than a thousand people who have signed a petition to parliament protesting this situation, this is the link.


Again a reminder,  if this issue is of interest to any reader, you can catch up with the many comments by going to last week’s blog, scrolling down rto comments and finding the thread.

To Less Serious Matters

Loved this typo in The Astonisher during the week.

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And something that wasn’t a typo but twice as rib-tickling – this surely can’t be official.

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You remember where that promised cafe on Castle Hill was meant to go, but it was ditched by the council because tightwad businessmen would only offer two million bucks for the privilege? It was in fact a fuct council budget at the core of the problem so they had to so something, so with Phil Thompson chucking in around four mill, we go a few patches of grass and a couple of sun shelters that wouldn’t be passed by the Education Department. Well, stop your scoffing Magpie, for we will have you know, according to a recent Bulletin society snap fest, you are now looking at …

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Panorama fucking Lawns?!? Was that old Magpie mate Bettina Warburton’s little joke? Probably; she was always known for her sparkling eye and merry humour.

Ringo Is A Star … And Dolan Keeps It In The Family

It seems Labor’s master of the dark arts, back room ubermeister Dolan Hayes is taking only an occasional interests in the clearly doomed candidacy of Labor’s lamb to the slaughter in Herbert,  John Ring. The ‘Pie has heard from several quarters that the man, third choice and last one to agree to run, is certainly earnest and a good party man but has had … shall we say … a charisma bypass. He would make Mike Reynolds seem interesting. So there are a couple of Dolanesque little amusements designed to polish the Ring a bit. Don’t think this is accidental.

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… and soon, radio listeners will hear a jingle featuring some line like ‘His name is Ringo’ tah dah de dah and so on, to give the bloke some top of mind recognition. Maybe it’s because Labor’s Herbert budget is tight, but the delightful gal’s voice warbling the Ringo ditty is apparently Dolan’s daughter Louise.

A multi-talented family.

In Our US Gallery This Week, Here’s A Pic That Has Not Been Photoshopped


Reckon the photographer was a sweet talker who managed to manoeuvre his subject into exactly the right spot.

Seems appropriate because while the ex-mobster President and his kneelers keep going on about Hunter Biden’s laptop – it supposedly hold details of a secret deal with Ukrainian businesses before Biden became president – they completely fail to even acknowledge the mega scamming of Trump and his family while he infested the White House. But social media and the nation’s funnymen haven’t missed it.

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A Labor Feminist’s Lament


And finally …

From New York Vogue …  Something to remember when someone tells you to take care of yourself.

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That’s the week, have your say in comments, its free and it’s anonymous … if you want it to be. And that ever important donate button is below … you can’t miss it. Can you?

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    Happy Easter to all those nesters and another great blog although i have to disagree on your Adam Bandt journalist comments . Too many times have the Greens announced policies , state they are costed but never disclose the details . Bandt and our Mayor are into Big ideas ( as Bentleys cartoon reflects ) which dont stack up , cant get the finance and takes their focus on mainstream issues like ” cost of living ” . One thing the four banks agree on is 4 interest rate increases 2nd half of 2022 . The Feds have stumped up $250 top ups that went into Pensioners / Welfare / Jobseeker ? accounts last week and $420 tax offset July ist . Lets hope Qld labor Govt and T.C.C. have “cost of living ” in mind when they announce their budgets .

    • The Magpie says:

      You view of the Greens is widely shared and mostly accurate, Mike, but the issue – where Bandt just happened to be the torch carrier – applies to the media coverage of the campaign across the board. Never wise to dismiss an obvious truism just because you don’t like who said it.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        It is the best burn on a journalist I’ve seen for sometime. Adam Bandt deserves admiration for this because he is correct. Who gives a rats if these politicians know the current interest rate or unemployment rate, if they are out of touch with the people. And they really really are out of touch with the people and spend more time bickeriamong themselves than developing and passing good policy.

      • Polythene Pam says:

        I’m sorry ‘Pie but Mike’s right – given the importance to the ALP campaign of both unemployment and interest rates it was essential that Albanese know the figures he was asked about and not as some “gotcha” ambush but as directly relevant to those 2 issues.

        • The Magpie says:

          If it was NOT a gotcha question, why was it asked? All the journalists knew the answer, all Albanese’s retinue knew the answer, and journalists not hunting for a gotcha would have no reason to ask since the asking journalist knew the answer. So why was it necessary to ask the Labor leader? Yes, he should’ve known, should have been up to date, and probably has discussed policy around both figures, but The ‘Pie’s focus here is media trivialisation of this campaign. The journalists trivial question was a fail safe … if Albanese did remember and said so, then he was admitting employment was down dramatically during the current government’s stewardship. And it’s been said elsewhere in comments that the journalists were wrong with the follow-up question ‘What is the current cash rate?” … the commenter said it is not what the crowing media’s claimed 0.1%, that’s the RBA’s current interest rate … the cash rate for the past 18 months is 0.6%.

  2. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    This is not my area of expertise but it seems interesting that under our transparent planning regulations in Townsville, CASPA may not have even been required to lodge a DA at all to establish what is clearly a commercial boarding house. But if an ordinary punter wants a new shed in their yard, or heaven forbid it a business wants to use a spare room in their premise for a caretaker they jump through hoops.

    Interestingly, one of the hoops people no longer have to go through for Code Assessible development is any form of public notification. So Mr and Mrs Public do not have any right to know what is happening next door.

    Some first hand experience with this last week when acquaintances asked me to find out what is being built on Arthur Street, Aitkenvale where a grand old Queenslander on half an acres is being demolished. Apparently the citizens have no right to know and no way to legally find out. The gossip is that NDIS is building a facility but that seems unlikely.

    So much for open and transparent government.

    • The Magpie says:

      RP Data is always handy in these situations … at least you can discover the ownership history and current owner, which by law cannot be hidden. Not yet anyway. It is interesting that this strange blend of fascist socialism is creeping across our society in other ways. The Magpie will be looking at the phenomenon known as ‘state capture’ next week.

    • Radish says:

      It would be up to the owner of the property, not CASPA, to apply for any planning issues. No one does it for AirB&B and there is no saying it is going to be a boarding house if no one is paying rent.

    • NQ Gal says:

      TCC are now charging almost $10k in extra fees for new independent living NDIS houses. No one can give a straight answer as to why.

  3. Alahazbin says:

    Pie, It would interesting to know how much of that $105K that Pauline will take from George.
    Four Corners did an expose’ on PHON and from memory potential candidates had to tip a fair amount of dollars in before they were accepted.

    One note on the CASPA House. Even before the neighbourhood meeting, builders were in removing the doors off rooms and fitting solid doors.
    Begs the question. What sort of inmates/clients are they housing?

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    I don’t like these journalist ‘gotcha’ questions. Smartasses. Now, I do believe however that the journalists do have the right to ask deep or difficult questions, but for the purpose of probing and analysing the candidates skills, abilities and experience. Non-biased reporting with no hidden agendas. But the ‘gotcha’ shitnis plain immature and it wastes a valuable opportunity for quality journalism. I loathe the Greens, but I respected Bandt’s reaction. Top stuff.

  5. Critical says:

    The ACNC website usually gives interesting information on so called not-for-profit organisations but little information on CASPA. Financial information may be interesting when the ACNC uploads the documents.

    Interesting to note what CASPA is registered to do on the ACNC website versus what is on their website.

    My gut feeling is that the purchase of property and getting government funding is their foot in the door to grow their services in the Townsville region. Good bye to smaller Townsville governed not-for-profit organisations who know the Townsville community and spend locally on goods and services.


    • The Magpie says:

      You may have a point, Crits, but The Magpie’s objections to CASPA is solely their behaviour towards local residents in Annandale, and what I see as their underhand hiding behind legal matters to get their way over objections and reasonable apprehension about their operation. Their lawyers has an interesting background, he has some rather odd notions – he and our own Kathy Soft Touch Wadley would get along famously). but his semantics are insulting and transparent. he is correct in saying it is illegal to name or even broadly describe any children in care and where they might ne housed quite right, too) but in this instance, he is at perfect liberty to say who WILL NOT be housed in Casuarina Drive – if no violent children will be placed there. But of course, if he doesn’t answer a direct question asking this, then he is in effect saying that is exactly who they will place there … a no comment means a yes to disruptive possibly violent children as tenants.

      BUT at no stage would The ‘Pie be willing to be derogatory about the actual work they have done with some young people, it is by all reports to be valued … it just needs to be done with fairness to all those involved.

  6. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    Talk about shameless self promotion!

    So now will every TCC community event be spruiked as being by the invitation and initiative of Mayor Mullet?

    I think she is definitely up to something, the tag line of “Proudly supporting Townsville” just sounds too much like a campaign slogan.

    If that is the case, at least the campaign logo in the bottom right corner is appropriate: a blood sucking life draining terror of the night usually associated with nightmares and tales of horror. Maybe a new personal logo for the mayor?

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie actually wonders about the legality of this.

      And how desperate to you have to be to use ratepayers money to tell ratepayers that you ‘support Townsville’.

      One would bloody hope so, Mullet, here’s a newsflash … you’re the bloody mayor FFS.

      On historic evidence, one hopes in vain.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      This type of promotion in Oonoonba, tells me that Jenny is shit scared of councillor Fran and is trying to claw back some or any community goodwill she may have had.

      Whatever you are doing Fran, keep it up. You’ve got them cacking their dacks and they’re gonna get nasty, but they’re also gonna start making more publicly visible mistakes.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      A couple of weeks ago there was a similar sign in the Rasmussen shopping centre for a similar event in this neck of the woods, but promoting Mark, the Deputy (Mayor in Waiting) Mayor.

  7. Dave of Kelso says:

    The Third Bin
    This is a service I do not need and certainly do not want to pay for. I acknowledge that it will benefit some households and, they as the user, can pay.
    We are a household of two. We have a worm farm, a reasonably capable mulcher/chipper, and a wood burning bbq.
    Our garden, such as it is can accept all of our mulch and feeds the bbq with deadfall. The existing recycle bin gets some use (wine bottles and plastics) but we generally produce one 35 litre bag of general garbage a week. That is the size of a kitchen tidy. The miniscule amount of dairy and meat waste sure as hell does not warrant a third bin service.
    Again I don’t need this service and I do not want to pay for a service for which I have no need!

    • The Magpie says:

      Yet to see if there is some extra charge, over and above the bulk purchase of wheelie bins with a different coloured lid … purple would be a nice touch, representing rotting matter which should be discarded.

      • Achilles says:

        This sounds like a good idea in principal BUT a bin of this stuff sitting in the bin for up to a week, let alone in the sun.

        Surely these bins will attract swarms of flies, could also be the dinner gong for rats which could chew through a plastic bin in next to no time.

        I suppose a positive is by the end of a few days in the sun we could harvest loads of maggots, great burly for fishing.

        • The Magpie says:

          Don’t quite get the point, Heel … where do you think it goes and waits now? however, it does occur to The ‘Pie now that if we have three bins, recycling goes in one, food and greenery will go in the new one, what goes in what is probably called general?

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          A long time ago I was told by some long term Townsvillians that when two bin collections a week was introduced (I don’t know when, possibly 1950s or 60s) the fly problem reduced markedly. All scraps wrapped in newspaper, a broadsheet then.

          Perhaps this third bin service will benefit both the Astonisher (biodegradable) and the local flies.

      • Grumpy says:

        Gunna be ripe in mid-summer…

        • The Magpie says:

          As Achilles said, too, but does putting this type of rubbish separately into a special bin suddenly make it more ‘ripe’ that it currently gets in what we can term the general bin?

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            I suspect most people currently put the scraps in plastic bags then into the freezer and out on bin day.

            Can’t use plastic in the ‘third’ bin so ………..???

            It is not going to be pretty.

          • The Magpie says:

            And what if, like The ‘Pie, you do not have a separate freezer?

          • Grumpy says:

            Depends on whether you’re allowed to seal them in plastic bags (biodegradable, of course), like we do now. But just dumping the scraps in a bin to mature in 35C heat? Pewwww!

          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie will tell you now, if one is expected to dumps food scrap in a bin, he won’t be, and will take any council to court that demands such a dangerous and unhygienic plan. But surely this has been considered and someone could enlighten us. Or is it another TCC clusterfuck?

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I believe there were specific non plastic based bags the trial participants were given to put their waste in.
            More information on this link


          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Dear ‘Pie,
            We too don’t have a separate freezer. We use the bottom freezer draw. There is not a lot in our case. Most goes to the worm farm. Ok, Ok, you don’t have a worm farm. Bunnings can help. On occasions, a successful week with the feral pigeon trap can fill the bottom freezer draw until bin day. The down side is that my wife goes on and on about it. :-(

      • Guy says:

        Have you lost your mind magpie ?

        ( Never mind, that was a rhetorical question)

        Adding an extra bin will only create further expense we don’t need. If people want to compost their food scraps , bully for them.

        Having entered this post truth , government should do everything society its natural to think that gov should wave its sparkly wand and magical wads of money to solve every problem.

        Nice idea but it doesn’t stack up.

        How often does this dustbin full of rotting food sat in the sun get picked up – every 2 weeks?

        • The Magpie says:

          Two questions: How does someone living in an apartment compost their food scraps and for what purpose? And as for rotting food – as discussed with other commenters – what happens to it now that won’t be the case with the proposed bins?
          It is interesting that every response from commenters to this idea is a negative dismissal (most on the flimsy ground of food rotting in the sun for days on end) rather than thinking about possible ways and suggestions to improve on the separation habits and requirements of the garbage of an increasingly materialistic and consumerist society. That should be the mindset because the states quo ain’t gunna quo forever, we’ll be buried in our own discarded crap eventually, just like our are oceans are.

          It is reasonable to distrust this council’s motives in just about everything it does (viz using ratepayers money for re-election campaign by ‘sponsoring’ kiddy carnivals by the mayor or particular councillors – with your money), but some issues need to be thought through more than dismissed a knee jerk rejection.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          Guy, I don’t believe I’m saying this but I agree with you. But perhaps a solution is to offer incentives to those who choose to compost with food scraps; a discount / voucher for a proper compost bin, a worm starting kit, information on the best ways of doing it and what to do with it. Two weeks of stinking food scraps in a bin in the sun (if not secured correctly) will attract blow flies, bin chickens, crows and an unbearable stench similar to that coming out of Mullet’s office in Walker street. And of course, there are some food items that should not be used as compost.

        • Westie says:

          I think the detractors of this idea are on the wrong track- the track of what’s in it (or not in it) for me.

          No-one seems to have picked up that this is “recycling” initiative. Someone wants the organic material currently going into landfill, and thinks it is worth the cost of paying Council to buy bins for everyone and go around in trucks to pick it up. Not sure who- it could be a fertiliser manufacturer, horticulturalists, chemical company, energy producer- maybe even the Council itself. Sounds good- getting value from something that was previously thrown away.

          On the householder side, I can report from previous experience in the waste industry that although some residents freeze their putrescible waste, most don’t, so the Magpie is right- any downside already exists. Common house flies lay eggs in the bins, and the maggots emerge in one to two days. At this stage, although perhaps unsightly, the little white wriggling fellows are pretty harmless, and are actually reducing odour by eating the detritus. However maggots progress to be adult flies in about 8 to 14 days, and then become much more dangerous, carrying disease, laying a new generation of eggs, and continuing the cycle. So it is important that the bins (with their maggots) are picked up at the one week mark, before the adult flies emerge.

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            I think the negatives outweigh the positives on this initiative and unless you know more than just a ‘perhaps’, Westie, I think your version is flawed. Your initiative will bring with it, resident fines due to non compliance, extra costs to ratepayers (don’t be fooled), sleight of hand ‘extras’ to the Queen of takewatchyoucanwhenyoucan, and of course, a dontgiveafuck resident attitude to the whole idea which the provider will pull out of immediately at the end of the contract; if not before. Townsville, the breeding place of bin chickens, crows and maggots – head north then turn right into a stench of leftovers – proudly supported by the Mayor of Townsville, Jenny Hill…and all her stink Beatles.

          • The Magpie says:

            have a good Easter did we?

          • Kenny Kennett says:

            To Magpie, why the sarcasm to my response? This is a fucking ridiculous idea and is obviously another Council brain fart. Rates keep increasing because of these stupid initiatives and nobody is asking; what’s in it for the Mayor?

          • The Magpie says:

            The Magpie sarcastic? Well, I never!!

            You comment may have merit, Kenny Diddums, dry your eyes, but The ‘Pie was merely making merry about such a foaming comment made when the air is full of messages of joy, mpeace, understanding and love.

  8. Old Tradesman says:

    I suppose the thought came from Sterling Hinchcliffe, doesn’t he want the Ibis to be the olympic mascot, Jenny and Labor, birds of a feather flock together. Hang on she is an independent.

  9. Mike Douglas says:

    If you missed it N.Z. Government raised interest rates .5% last week ( the highest rise in 20 yrs ) Canada did also . Medium House sales Auckland $1,3 mil and the outskirts Manukau $1,1 mil and notice that you dont seem to see ” i wish Australias PM was like Jacinda Ardern ” anymore . Jacinda,s big idea was to build 500,000 public houses as her election promise did she actually build 1/4 ? . Cost of living is a real issue across the World . Federal $250 top up arrived in pensioner / welfare / jobseeker accounts last week ? . What are our 3 local State MP,s doing as Dick the Treasurer is stating rises in rego and fees +2.5% .

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      We are in for a world of hurt. The only way to reduce inflation is to bump interest rates. We will have at least 3 rises this year with June the most likely starting point. The US has entered dragflation, this is a very serious issue. All those years of kicking the can further down the road and printing money has created a perfect storm with COVID and a collapsing China economy. Hold on to your britches bitches.

  10. Pat Coleman says:

    The CASPA issue aside , The majority of Townsville ARE redneck backwards yokels.

    They actually work hard at it.

    Remember that survey on racist attitudes that was used in court proceedings a while back?

    In sociology and criminology data is key in forming an opinion . The repeated high vote for the numerous far right types over many elections are on the net, combined with rusted on hard right LNP and Labor types in the voting population who clearly accept fascism and corruption – is clearly evidence of backwards yokel redneckery.

    A prime example is the media not introducing the ONP and KAP as far right when they clearly hang out with and openly defend fascists and Nazis. Backwards yokel redneckery has been normalised and accepted.

    Back in the 90’s they would gang up , have the cops drag the media off and go at it against lefties. Quite frankly I think attack is the best defence against these types.

    They only have one act of violence to RELY ON as a threat, as their names will end up in court files. Cronulla is an example. Oyster Point 97 is an example.

    Go on, have a fucken whinge about talking Townsville down and see how far you get.

    • Dave of Kelso says:


      • Pat Coleman says:

        And another thing.

        There are certain questions that can be put to the community to prove the redneckery.

        Why defend the Blackbirder statue that was put up in 2005 by the Mooney Labor council ?

        Eddie Mabo’s grave was attacked and defiled in Townsville with nazi symbols all those years ago. People know , and have known all this time who may have done it. Why haven’t they spilled the beans so we can see if they ended up being somebody well known ? Somebody involved in politics even ?

        • The Magpie says:

          Wondering if that is really the Pat Coleman we know … the writing is not the usual Coleman style and there isn’t a single link to prove whatever dense argument is being presented. Very out of character

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      There was a long string of rational if not sensible thought there without spelling or grammar errors. I think that proves this was not Pat Coleman.

      I am sure this was written by me. I checked the tag with my name on it that mum sewed into my underdacks.

  11. Airlie Breached says:

    Andrew Wilcox is a spineless turd. Airlie has already been overdeveloped in the past 20 years, and now this fat freak is selling out to the developers. What a disgrace. Fucking high rises in a once relaxed town. Hardly any backpackers anymore, just yuppies in their Mercedes Benz’s. Somebody hand this bloke a bottle of Coke and a greasy burger and tell him to fuck off. The shill.

    • Baa Baa says:

      Wow insightful, I’m changing my vote

    • Addled says:

      Airlie Breached, speaking of spineless turds, since you are the local with skin in the game why don’t you “hand this bloke a bottle of Coke and a greasy burger and tell him to fuck off”, yourself?

      • The Magpie says:

        As an aside, The ‘Pie in bewildered at the phrase … is it something new in the general social discourse?

      • Airlie Breached says:

        Who asked for your comment Saddledbags. You can ask fat boy yourself if you like. I don’t answer to you. I’m simply saying what most long term Airlie residents are thinking, watching a pristine little tourist town turn into a mini Gold Coast.
        P.S Only fuckheads use terms like ‘skin in the game’.

        • Addled says:

          Since you didn’t ask, Airlie Breached, when you suggest that “somebody” should do something that you aren’t prepared to do yourself – it raises the spectre of the spineless turd.

          • Airlie Breached says:

            Saddlebags, you yourself are the definition of a ‘turd’. We all know how much you love your Labor pals here in Townsville. Now be gone with you, you fucktard.

          • The Magpie says:

            OK that’s the last one. Grow up, both of you.

            What on earth makes you think the Nesters are interested in such low level … and deeply unfunny … personal abuse, which informs us of nothing except bad breeding and manners.

  12. Phillip Batty says:

    It seems i will have to relinquish my UK citizenship in order to nominate for the election not just if i win, as I was never expecting to win this would be foolish therefore I will not stand.

    I will however keep up the fight against high rise development on the Airlie Beach foreshore and highlight the “say one thing to get your vote then do another” position from our mayor Andrew Willcox.

  13. Prince Rollmop says:

    Queensland’s Minister for health and bad teeth, Yvette D’Ath, has flagged quarantine requirements for close contacts of COVID-19 cases could be scrapped after the state passes the peak of its Omicron wave. What a waste of money Wellcamp was. Millions and millions of taxpayers dollars spent on nothing. Wagners are the only winners out of this, plus a few politicians once they retire. Fucking disgrace. Surely this constitutes poor governance and irresponsible expenditure of taxpayer monies? Where’s the outcry? Anyone…anyone…bueller bueller fry fry…anyone…anyone!

    • The Magpie says:

      Hmmm … not all is lost. The ‘Pie is thinking CASPA could be interested. Or how about Cleveland South Wing?

  14. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr Magpie, there is not much robust debate on your blog this week, just bickering between nesters. Perhaps the excitement of the election campaign has proven to be too much for some folk around here?

    • The Magpie says:

      Alas, it is one of those rare days when you could be right.

      • Kenny Kennett says:

        There should be plenty of ‘robusting’ after tonight’s Swingers party on Sky. Let’s hope that Scomo and AnAl and those 50 Swinging couples in the audience will attract a lot of worm movement and mass debating.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Have to be a bloody very rare day ! Flutterby has the perspective of a moth !

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Elusive Butterfly , the Pie has laid down the story line but you would be mistaken if you thought a third Council bin was the only thing happening in the Ville . JCU Minerals research $200 mil from the Feds , NQ Spark already has a tenant to take 2,000 sq mtrs and the Ukraine War has European Countries scrambling for energy solutions and Australian being a safe stable Country Gas , Hydrogen , Coal is on the agenda . Bravus 300 klm rail line from the Gallilee – Abbott pt is available to other mining groups at a cost to scale up export . $1 bil Olive Downs Galilee Basin turned soil a few weeks ago and the need 1700 under construct and there is a lot of defence solutions happening in the Ville as well as more solar and wind planned for Hughenden . Seen the Civil works on the Port access rd ? , it isnt being done to sit there unsold .

  15. The Watcher says:

    So Scotty from Marketing bases a large portion of his campaign around national security after already panicking about being pineappled by the disloyal Solomons turncoat PM. Scotty despatches a goon to the Solomons too ease tensions and talk them out of allowing China to ‘assist’ them, but instead the turncoat Solomons PM brokers a deal with Chinese PM XI Whoflungdung and his Beijing war machine. What the actual fuck? What an embarrassment. I mean, the Chinese buy the Darwin port, they broker a deal with the Solomons, what pacific nations will be purchased next? Darth Dutton must be blowing a gasket watching all of this taking place under his watch. Maybe Scotty needs to put the fat red haired womble, Marice Stain, back in charge of security? Ha ha yeah right. The impotent Liberal National Party. What a national embarrassment. They have set this country back decades in international relations and finances. A clusterfuck that makes Kevin07 and Swanny look like competent intellectuals!! Oh the humanity.

  16. The Magpie says:


    Ergon power outage in the nest’s area 8.30am – to – 2.30pm, so not neglecting comments, just off line.

  17. The Magpie says:

    Looks like early voting has started.

  18. Ralph says:

    Mal, just keeping you updated on how busy Liam Mooney must be, called him on the 6/4/22 and still no reply, a great representative for his rate payers he represents. Take Care Ralph.

  19. Mike Douglas says:

    Councillor O’Callaghan gets reported by Team Hill Councillors for painting Council in a negative light then Mayor Hills train wreck 7 Local News media standing with Labors Herbert candidate announcing Labors $34 mil election commitment NQ Spark then negative comments on the Bulletins facebook page on the Mayors failures on water security , crime, project management , debt needs reporting . The journalist asked Mayor Hill if she endorsed the Labor candidate and her response was that she would support any elected member who would work with Council . Yet again Phil Thompson responded (like Lansdown ) he hasnt seen the business case for NQ Spark . Are ratepayers still picking up $100k a year for the Mayors “so called ” adviser ? .

  20. Dave of Kelso says:

    Dear ‘Pie,
    Mr. Gore again in the news. I wonder about the nature of the business.

  21. Kenny Kennett says:

    AnAl has COVID19 and won’t be out and about for 7 days. No chance of screwing up in public for 7 days. If only COVID was around when John Hewson was around.
    Team Labor to AnAl, “Now Albo sit back relax and don’t do a thing. You’re too sick to do interviews and don’t take or make any phone calls. And when you’re better, do it again and you’ll have a better chance of being the Prime Minister.”

    • I’be been plucked says:

      Anthony Albasneeze

      • The Magpie says:

        Comment of the Day!!!

        Clever … try and make that the standard, Plucker.

        • I’be been plucked says:

          I’m much funnier than the ‘other’ plucka.

          • The Magpie says:

            Sadly for the original, The ‘Pie reckons there are at least four, but the policy is when comments arrive saying it’s not me, they just get deleted. Haven’t the time to fuck around with all that crap. There is no real way one can commandeer a fictitious anonymous name … only one can’t be misused here, someone even tried to use The Magpie … surprised they could tap out the message, must’ve taken half a day.

      • Ralph says:

        Plucker you pinched that from todays Courier Mail.

  22. Wuhan Flu says:

    With Albasneezy quarantined Labor may actually have a chance!

  23. The Magpie says:

    ADVISORY: IF YOU’VE SENT IN A COMMENT THAT HASN’T BEEN PUBLISHED, SIT TIGHT. THE NEST HAS AN EMAIL PROBLEM, for the past 8 hours or so saturday afternoon BUT THE email hidden; JavaScript is required ADDRESS SHOULD WORK. Difficult to get fixed on a long weekend.

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