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The Magpie

Saturday, June 26th, 2021   |   297 comments

FRAN-TASTIC – At Last, The Council Dictator Is Being Called Out – And Mayor Mullet Better Get Used To It

… because, to use the famous Thatcher phrase, this lady is not for turning. Jenny Hill would be hard pressed to come up with any deal that will turn away this councillor’s breath of honest air blowing through this cowardly, featherbedded council. Even The Bulletin has put in a long overdue boot. The Magpie looks at the bust up of the cosy council club.

The Fallacy of Transferred Authority: is Anna Palaszczuk a closet Republican? Her choice for the next Queensland governor suggests she is either that or Dr Jeanette Young did a deal last year to take all the covid flak for the glittering prize.

The National’s party bus needed new rubber but all it got was a shoddy retread. Has the return of Beetrooter Barnaby finally sunk the coalition?

From penthouse to shit house … the Townsville Bulletin’s latest statement about its commitment to this city is highlighted with its move to new premises … a former coffee shop!!

Plus our regular pictorial gallery from America and a different view on George Floyd’s killer, whose just been sentenced to a goodly spell in chokey.

But first, the usual commercial. If you get a kick out of this blog, perhaps you could consider kicking in, to help with the expenses involved in running The Magpie’s Nest (phone, news site subscriptions, registrations and so on). It gets a bit onerous for The ‘Pie to handle, and he would be greatly relieved if a little assistance in this area was forthcoming. If you’re of such a mind, the donate button is at the end of the blog. Thanks.

Now onwards …

 Joyce A Strange Choice

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Australia’s re-installed deputy doo-dah Beetroot Barnaby Joyce has been hailed as a fair dinkum Aussie and a man of the people – which is only true if we are all wife-cheating, staff groping, back-stabbing, vindictive drunkards. Bentley is singularly unimpressed.

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It’s a bit disheartening when the person who replaces cardboard cut-out Michael McCormack at the helm of the tottering Nats is held in more contempt than the man he replaced. And still the farmers and graziers of Australia are without a political voice, as the Nats continue their obsession with coal. And in Joyce’s New England electorate, they’ve offered some rural reality on how they feel.

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And those women not pissed off about the philanderer’s return soon became enraged Morrison appointed The Beetrooter to the newly formed task force aimed at improving the treatment of women working in parliament. The PM no doubt had his reasons: ‘Look, the bloke’s got a sheilas name, so he must be suitable for the job.’

It’s not often many people would agree with the perennially professional outrage of Kristina Keneally, but no one – including The Magpie – is going to argue with her assessment that appointing an active anti-abortion campaigner to this task force to improve the conditions and choices for women is ‘a terrible joke.’

Coincidence Or What?

And it doesn’t matter how you spell it, it’s a bullseye.

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She’s All Hat And No Bullshit

In fact she’s Superfranjalistic – expialidelicious!!!

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Clr Fran O’Callaghan

Indeed, delicious it was to see Jenny Hill’s world tilted so spectacularly off its axis during the week, and it may never regain its unfair equilibrium. Finally, there is a literate and financially savvy councillor unafraid to call out the Townsville Council’s playground bully! Without any name-calling or political hyperbole, newly minted councilor Fran O’Callaghan has quietly and calming taken apart the heavily spun (some would go so far as to say lying) budget as presented by Mayor Mullet during the week. And Clr O’Callaghan has made it clear she will not be brow-beaten, bullied, insulted or cowed by this autocratic, arrogant mayor.

Clr O’Callaghan took to Facebook to give the budget process and outcome both barrels, particularly the Mayor’s arrogant and unnecessary hurry-up when putting forward two amendment motions..

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And that was just the opening salvo. This soon followed.

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And if that wasn’t enough to give Jenny the jitters, the Townsville Bulletin’s reaction probably gave the mayor a nervous facial tic worse that Inspector Closeu’s boss. The paper didn’t just report Fran’s budget reply in a easily missed page 15 mention. In stead, there was a front page…

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…a prominent page 5 spread …

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… a searing editorial …

Screen Shot 2021-06-26 at 6.25.06 pm … and even a cartoon critical of the mayor.

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It was an onslaught the likes of which The ‘Pie has never seen in his 30 or so years around this joint, and around this paper.

But it was the editorial (one suspects probably written by Tony Raggatt or maybe John Andersen, it was clearly penned by an experienced hand) that signalled a major shift in the paper’s focus … and a pivotal moment when things changed for the fortunes of this city. It is no exaggeration to say the editorial was astounding in its savaging of Clr Hill, and was so succinct that, for the first time, The Magpie feels compelled to reproduce a Bulletin editorial in full.


The honeymoon is well and truly over in Townsville City Council with newly elected councillor Fran O’Callaghan setting off a few bombs yesterday.

Ms O’Callaghan was elected in controversial fashion early this year for the Division 10 spot left vacant by Les Walker who won a seat in state government.

Many at the time were expecting fireworks right away but those fears were allayed for about five months at least. Yesterday, the controversial councillor questioned the whole budgetary process, saying the council was like a dictatorship and the outcome had left a sour taste in her mouth.

The councillor put forward five motions, with the aim of cutting costs to save ratepayers money.

They including radical moves like cutting Townsville Enterprise, grants, community engagement projects, CBD projects, advertising, project management and removing all funding for free micro-chipping for pets.

That list was just the start but did not get any support from other councillors.


Ms O’Callaghan is now questioning the democratic process of council saying she did not feel the way she was treated in the budget meeting was appropriate.

One of the biggest gripes was that Mayor Jenny Hill asked the councillor to wrap two motions into one to speed up the meeting.

One could forgive Cr Hill for the rush. In a council that normally rubber stamps her motions, she is not used to differing opinions.

Suddenly things have changed.

Yes, Ms O’Callaghan may have been wasting time but she was expressing her democratic right to represent the community that elected her. There is no doubt the outcome would have been the same but she should have been given all the time she needed to voice her concern.

As Ms O’Callaghan said, everyone was there on the purse of ratepayers.

Ouch and double ouch!!

This change in equilibrium in likely to continue. One cannot conceive of any hand wringing simpering deal Jenny Hill could put forward that would even tempt Clr O’Callaghan to turn her head, she’s cut from very different cloth.

But all that aside, know what is the best part, looking into the near future? This shift may embolden the timid and defeatist businessmen and women who have always gone weak at the knees because they believe that Jenny has a lock on the job, to put their hand up to take an active role on council in running what should be a thriving modern and progressive Townsville.

The Incredible Shrinking Bulletin

Despite the Townsville Bulletin writing endless stories about how things are on the up and up in Townsville, seems things are on the down and down for the paper itself.

This weekend, the paper that is all for us has gone from this (that’s the removalists on Saturday afternoon) ….

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… to this.

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Like a poor relations down on their uppers, the paper has what is kindly referred to as ‘downsized’, relocating to a Walker Street address next to the Perfumed Gardens, opposite the court complex … and just along from the TCC building.

Nest reader ‘Interested Observer’ offered this info:

“I am reliably informed that there will be space in the new premises for just 14 staff. Not just journalists (or the unqualified, inexperienced whipper snappers they pass off for journos these days), but also advertising reps, a general manager, and various other odd-bods who don’t write stories.”

This downsizing amounts to a definitive statement about how Townsville fits into Rupert’s empire, and when the post-COVID spending splash is finished and Harvey Norman withdrews his national multi-million dollar advertising campaign,  an even more dramatic downsizing will certainly be on the cards. Perhaps The Magpie’s derided forecast that the Bulletin will just become an insert  of four to six pages in the Courier three days a week is closer than we think.

Another regular reader, NQ Gal, chimed in with this bit of interesting background.

NQ Gal 

 June 21, 2021 at 6:04 pm  (Edit)

CQU have been taking over that Flinders Street building one section at a time. Last year the editorial floor was halved to make room for more Learning areas. Doesn’t surprise me that they are leaving completely.


  • The Magpie

 June 21, 2021 at 7:03 pm  (Edit)

Shame they didn’t stay and sign up for some courses … English grammar, journalism and business 101 would’ve been handy.

The Magpie is familiar with the Bulletin new premises … many, many moons ago, the whole frontage was a coffee shop, but The ‘Pie remembers the bit that’s for lease now was the cleverly named ‘Last Chance Coffee Lounge’ … clever because not only is it across from the courts where those waiting to go before the beak to learn their fate could have a chance for a nervous and possibly last coffee, but folklore has it that the original owner was a miscreant who decided to honour the magistrate who gave her ‘one last chance’. Dunno if that’s true, but that was the story.

The side where the Bulletin now calls home was once the offices of legal aid lawyer, the late and truly lamented Ronnie Hinds, one of the most decent men The ‘Pie had the privilege to know in his court reporting days. Let us hope the paper doesn’t disgrace his memory.

But must say on the upside, nice and handy to Mayor Mullet’s office … if the paper and the mayor kiss and make-up, perhaps the new premises should be known as The Townsville Mulletin.

And a footnote to possible new media for Townsville … these folks were nosing around town during the week.


A Doctor As Queensland Governor?

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Cynical or what? Lotsa questions on this one, including whether Anna Palaszczuk’s is a closet republican, and made this appointment to further erode any respect that the office has. Or did Dr Young do a deal more than a year ago, agreeing to take the flak for flakey COVID rulings and restrictions and shielding the Premier politically (that didn’t work, luv)  in return for getting the gig at Gov House.  One Nest reader huffed that the position should only go to a legally trained person, asking what would Young do if there was a constitutional crisis, tell everyone to eat more fibre?

Well, the big upside is that at least this chucklehead is removed from any real decision making affecting citizens and most importantly, the economy. The QGG has no power whatsoever, apart from being required to sign things of little consequence, and smile winsomely at the long line of dorks paraded in front of her for a variety of tiresome reasons.
And The ‘Pie knows that body shaming is a no-no, but hair shaming? First De Jersey, now this.

Is The Whole Of Queensland Being Quarantine?

That is, quarantined from the truth about what is increasingly looking like a shonky, back-hander deal over the proposed Wellcamp Airport quarantine facility near Toowoomba.

From comments:

The Magpie

June 25, 2021 at 1:59 pm  (Edit)

Hahahaha …. warble warble … told you so.
Smirko has the George Street political amateurs in a right old tangle with his sudden offer of building a quarantine facility on Commonwealth land near Brisbane airport.

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On Thursday night, Smirko sent a letter to Anna Alphabet offering to provide land and the funding to build a 1000 bed quarantine facility at the old Damascus Barracks at Pinkenba, near the Brisbane Airport.

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Anna is not quite the biggest political tool around, and knows when the PM has her in the female equivalent of the Christmas Hold (the Commonwealth Finger Stall Hold, perhaps?) After a year of hiding behind her state governor-elect and dizzy ditz CMO to deflect responsibility for a economy so unnecessarily damaged by inane covid rulings, she is on the same tack now on the quarantine facility, and has shoved The Little Boy Called Smiley over the parapet to take on the PM politically.

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And this flapdoodling fool was so flustered, he’s already been caught out lying straight up in response to the offer.
In a confused and gabbled media interview, Miles said:
(The Pinkenba barracks) was one of the sites already identified by the State Government, but it was in part ruled out due to contamination and asbestos in the old buildings.’ But then without taking a breath (always a good rule for liars) he says: “We’ve looked at it on Google Maps but we’ll need people to get out there on the ground and look at how the facility can be developed and kept safe.”

Mr Miles, a polite question or two. So you are saying that you managed to reach a conclusion about the unsuitability of the site contamination without an inspection, or when did the Commonwealth give you permission to go on to a defence force site? While it is still in use for critical items for storage? If so, when?

But wait, hang on … a moment later, you’re saying that to make a decision on this possible development, (what decision, you moron? The answer is ‘yes’ and ‘thank you’) you have to get people ‘out there on the ground’ to see how a safe facility can be developed. But surely you had that evidence and information BEFORE you ruled out Damascus Barracks as a possible site? I mean, didn’t you?

Google fucking maps indeed, you really do take us for utter fools, don’t you, you gormless hack.

There’s an even more disturbing aspect than just your lack of gracious acceptance of Commonwealth funding to build a facility better located for the ease and comfort of people who will involuntarily and compulsorily lose their freedom for two weeks. No, you boorishly and without any response to its shortcoming, go on and on with your government’s insistence that the government’s preferred Wellcamp site adjacent to the new Toowoomba Airport (owned by the Wagner family) is a better choice.

You ‘protesteth a tad too much’, laddie. What is the deal with the Wagner family, the Wellcamp Airport owners, that hasn’t been revealed? This is on the nose the big time, it is just crass small minded politicking without a single thought for the good of those quarantined, their families and more importantly, the state economy.

In short, there are all the ingredients for another rort hiding in there somewhere.

Is That The Truth Or Did You Read It In The Courier?

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900,000, eh? Or 12% of the entire NSW population? If that were true – it’s not, the real but just as unbelievable figure is 87,000, which the paper tried tom round out to 90,000 – it would create another record of sorts … Queensland shiny bum pen pushers would have processed 17,400 application each day (allowing for no work weekends). That is a task which on past performance would take between 6 months to a year, unless you have a dying father, then it will take however long this ninny can stand the public outrage (about a week).

We’ve been a harsbh on Dr Young over the past year, but she can’t be entirely to blame for her weird rulings and case counts. t’s been revealed that all along, Dr Young has been using the NSW premier’s method for judging likely COVID numbers. Those clever lads at The Shovel revealed it all during the week.

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Premier Gladys Berejiklian has finally revealed the reason behind NSW’s strange COVID-19 data reporting structure, saying it is based on the same astrological analysis used to write horoscopes.
“It’s seven cases since the last time Virgo entered Mercury and a further eleven cases since Venus crossed Taurus – as long as it’s not a full moon of course. Then it would be eighteen cases, five of which will be counted in tomorrow’s numbers. So you just take that number and add the number of days since Saturn aligned with Pieces and you have your total figure. It’s really all quite straight forward,” she said.
Berejiklian passed to Dr Kerry Chant for further clarification. “You might think that telling the public how many people are infected is as simple as counting them, but it’s far more complex than that.
“Firstly we can only release figures on a given day if that given day happens to be in Sagittarius AND a Thursday. If Venus is in alignment with Jupiter, well, forget it. If it looks like a go-er, then we simply multiply it by 17. Even a layman could understand that doesn’t merit a lockdown.”

Be Nice If We Had A Council CEO Who Has English As His First Language

Then we might avoid the following stuff, that sounds although it was written by a Nigerian internet scammer of cashed up, lonely widows.

Like an Olympic ice skater, the spin is dazzling, flashy and fraught with the peril of falling flat on your arse. Prins The Prince Ralston , our FIFO part-time CEO is so proud of his work, like this ….

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… that he felt compelled to repeat it as the opening of his budget letter of lies.

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But there is just a small problem … THESE GOALS ARE ABSOLUTELY MEANINGLESS BUZZ WORD BABBLE. And those small parts that aren’t completely meaningless are redundant.

Here’s a serious challenge for anybody out there … can someone … anyone … translate the above goals into plain, understandable English? Let The Magpie have a stab at it, and see if he can find the hidden plain language meaning.

  1. “A city that connects you to what you need at the time you choose.’

Meaning: we will honour our obligation to keep the roads drivable so you can go to the supermarket or bottle-o if you run short at the barbie.

  1. ‘A circular economy that advances business and moves towards zero waste.’

Meaning: we will keep selling each other cups of coffee and doing each others hair after working out at the gym until we run out of money– OR – we will continue to move in ever decreasing circles until we disappear up our own fiscal fundament.

  1. ‘The hub of modern industry.’

Meaning:A hub of modern industry.’ ‘The’ hints at an unachievable goal, but if achieved, would come as a big surprise to the rest of Australia.

  1. ‘A sustainable destination that embraces and participates in the arts, sports, events, and recreational activities.’

Meaning: We will continue to live as we always have, like every other community in Australia.

  1. ‘A leading centre of education, training, and research commercialization.’

Meaning: Fingers crossed.

Send in your alternative translations.

Has American Justice Failed Again?

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Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin has been sentenced to 22.5 years in jail for murdering George Floyd in May 2020 after a trial that was widely seen as a watershed moment in the history of US policing.


Chauvin, who appeared in court for the sentencing, had asked the judge through his lawyer to sentence him to probation, writing that the murder of Floyd was “best described as an error made in good faith”.

So you see, Chauvin is the real victim here, he was actually spending those nine minutes praying in ‘good faith’, unaware that George Floyd’s neck was under his knee. And for that he gets 22 and a half years!?!

C’mon, give the guy a break, as his fellow in mates are sure to do to a rogue cop … first a leg, then an arm, his own neck later.

One doesn’t like to think what Chauvin would’ve done in bad faith.

Other matters in America during the week are rounded up in our regular gallery.

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Finally, COVID Is No Joke … Or Is It?

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The ‘Pie apologises for the last one. He will now go to the naughty corner.


That’s about it for another week, keep ahead of the game with comments throughout the week.

That donation button your desperately looking for is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Lucky Phil says:

    Can anyone please tell me why Fran OC is a controversial councillor?? How is telling the public controversial what is happening in her public paid job? The paper has a lot of answering to do if it labels Fran that way but for 3 council cycles now with the mullet not one question has ever been asked to her about what is really going on. Very controversial I’d say from the bulletin.

    • The Magpie says:

      You’ve got the wrong C word for Fran … courageous would be better, not frightened for her job like all the other snivellers, she an independent and successful business woman, and you don’t get to be that by allowing yourself to be trampled on by a mayor to whom a very different C word applies.

      • Lucky Phil says:

        The paper is absolutely corrupt. Fran was elected fairly after a campaign by mullet by party ( council ) vote to stop her from gaining a spot. 100k of taxpayers money later and we have the same result as what was law to begin with. So hardly controversial as the paper presented her in the story. Fran should make them redact that statement as it is false and misleading. But maybe she already has asked, wouldn’t put it past daily mulletin

        • The Magpie says:

          Sorry, Phil, you’re out of luck in the language stakes. Fran is EXACTLY controversial – but The ‘Pie agrees generally with your comment.
          controversial | ˌkäntrəˈvərSHəl, ˌkäntrəˈvərsēəl |
          giving rise or likely to give rise to public disagreement

  2. Mike Douglas says:

    What do you do when your a Council adding $70 mil in loans to your already bloated $400 mil debt , budgeting to lose another $1.8 mil 2021/22 ? . Instead of listening to a non labor independent Councillor with $700,000 in savings you book a full page in the local paper telling the ratepayers how much $ you are going to spend and book digital marketing providing snippets of your local spend to try and appease the natives who have become restless after further evidence of the autocracy Mayor Hill runs . Premier Palaszczuk has 17 spin doctors how many are on the books at T.C.C. . Another interesting COVID decision was pulling the local rugby teams that were a fill in between the international teams at the Oceania 7,s at QCB stadium at the same time 50,000 people will attend the S.O.O. at Suncorp Stadium 2 hrs from the NSW border tonight .

    • The Magpie says:

      One Magpie mate emailed that the reason for the late withdrawal of local teams was that there were concerns about the playing surface holding up to the schedule. It has already shown early signs of easy wear and tear.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      No spin doctors here in Wanker Street, lots of Spin Interns, but no one with any apparent skill – from what I am told.

  3. Interested observer says:

    Magpie’s prediction that our local newspaper is destined to become a 4-page liftout in the Brisbane-based Courier Mail is very close to the mark.
    However I’ve been told by someone who would know that while the “local” liftout was the original plan, it has since morphed into a North Queensland edition of the Courier Mail.
    Under the new plan a couple of rookie reporters (no photographers – the rookie media release processers now take their own photos on their mobile phones) will be based in Townsville and Cairns to supply basic stories eg council news, Cowboys losses and scandals (prescription drug handouts anyone?), and the next big concert, event, or Jenny Hill thought-fart we ratepayers are subsidising.
    These stories will be spread throught the NQ edition, using the Courier Mail editorial content as a base.
    My informant couldn’t say what will happen to the regional stories from smaller towns like Ayr and Ingham, but I suspect they will be dumped in the name of progress – News Limited progress of course.
    I understand these changes are scheduled to take place in November this year, which leads to some good news, and real progress
    Promising new independent publications have already sprung up in Mackay, Ayr and Cairns, and you can expect others to emerge in Townsville, Ingham and maybe even Bowen in the near future.
    Hence the recent visit to Townsville by new boy on the news block, Christian King.
    I ng’s bhope Mr King’s “Express” business nametag is cause to believe this will happen sooner than later.
    I also hope – and pray – that he sticks to his slogan “LOCAL NEWS YOU CAN TRUST”.
    Golly, all this has got me feeling positive for the future.
    Who woulda thought?

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie is with you there, and has been making all those points for some time (although that scenario about the Courier rings true to News Corpse form, because it means that the ‘northern Courier’ would be printed in Townsville – Rupert no doubt figures it would be a shame to waste a $60million press.)

      But one of the problems facing any newcomer … and therefore ultimately the city … is the absolute necessity for adequate staffing to cover a growing city like Townsville, far greater in scope and requirements than any of the satellite towns already serviced by independents. A couple of journalists will not hack it properly, the results of trying to do it on the cheap have already been seen with the Bulletin. Reckon about four photo journalists minimum, and an innovative and crackerjack sales/marketing person. Even with that sort of wage bill for reporters – about $300k maybe – such a venture could still be profitable. The other question for the newcomer is frequency of the print version … weekly would raise many questions of timeliness and reporting agility. And a 24/7 website would be ESSENTIAL for any serious contender.

      But the prize is there for someone to take, but a word of warning and reality … any new entity will not be free of its own agendas of self-interest and back room influences … no publication in the world is. With, of course, the notable exception of The Magpie … no barrows to push here. Heh heh heh. (Oh, The ‘Pie does so amuse himself sometimes.)

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        If you pull those two comments together about reducing senior staff at the Bullsheet and the need for some good journalists at an independent new paper. There might be an alignment of the cosmos. Looking forward to reading Tony Raggart and Shari Taglatelli in a new paper.

        • Russell says:

          Barley, you seem to have Shari’s surname wrong. You missed an ‘i’ but I suspect you meant to write “Tagliatelli” – a tasty Italian dish. I think you’ll find her actual surname is Tagliabue. Easy mistake to make.

          • Ruprecht Morecock says:

            Russell, you obviously work for the shitty paper or you are a member of Council who is close to Shari. Who else would bother to write such a stupid comment about her surname and the spelling of it. Who gives a fuck how her name is spelt. The facts are that she is a halfwit reporter who would be better suited to writing school newsletters.

          • The Magpie says:

            That being the case, not sure where that leaves you Ruprecht Overstater.

  4. Sue says:

    Regarding rates discounts. To provide a discount (to encourage prompt rate payments), Council includes the cost of the discount when it calculates the total amount of revenue it wants to raise. So in effect every rate payer contributes to the cost of providing a discount. Removing the discount saves ratepayers money. All ratepayers not just the early payers.

    • The Magpie says:

      Your comment, Sue, appears to confirm The ‘Pie’s oft stated belief that early payment IS NOT A DISCOUNTED RATE, it is the full rate the council wishes to raise, and what they term late payment is in fact a PENALTY payment … a fine for lateness so as to speak.

      Which would fair and reasonable if it wasn’t spun as some largesse from the council.

      • Grumpy says:

        So, Sue, if we get rid of rate discounts, the Council shall reduce the general rates? PM me – I have a bridge for sale.

        • Sue says:

          Oh Grumpy we could but wish couldn’t we. I’m an ex Councillor and we removed the discount for our region. Lots of people couldn’t understand and felt cheated. Says a lot more about the lack of intelligent thinking really doesn’t it! Rates should be levied solely to responsibly and not wastefully supply essential services. Anything above that should be sourced from revenue, grants and other State and Federal funding IMO.

      • Sue says:

        What really happens is firstly the Council calculates (averages) how many people will use the discounted rate. It whacks that loss of income onto the total of money it needs to raise. Guess which community members mostly don’t use the discount? Do you think it would be the wealthier or the poorer ratepayers? Hmmm. So, in my book, every ratepayer is paying for a reward ie. discount given to the more wealthy ratepayers.

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    Fran is one smart cookie. It’s all about the timing, and the budget discussion is the flame that started the bushfire. Game on. There is too much to unpack from the Council meeting but suffice to say, Mayor Mullet just received a nail in her coffin. I believe we just saw the next Mayor of TCC unofficially appointed. If the Mullet walks the plank over her ‘driving incident’ there will be some major reshuffling within the Councillor ranks. Deputy Mochaccino is a complete dud also, so it’s possible that the anti-Mullet establishment amongst the Councillors might just vote for Fran to be Mayor and also vote in a new deputy. Anyway, it’s early days.

    Let’s not forget the TCC’’s CEO Prince Ralston in all of this. For all intents and purposes the CEO leads his managerial team through the budget process and does all the grunt work, packages the budget up with a ribbon on top and hands it to the Mayor who usually gains all the glory. That’s how local government works. So this incompetent part-time CEO should also be called out for the pathetic work he has put his signature to for this budget. It’s a sneaky budget, lots of hidden budget items dressed up to look good when those items are actually a hit to the ratepayer pocket. How much longer will the ratepayer put up with a CEO who doesn’t reside locally, is obviously to busy to manage the business of serving the Townsville community, and who really couldn’t give a shit about managing Townsville’s best interests?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Leave Frothy alone! He has much nicer hair than Fran and is also better dressed. If that is all it takes to be an effective leader he has it locked down.

  6. One legged tap dancer says:

    The Fran front page is indeed surprising, but I wouldn’t be taking it as any change of direction by the Townsville Bulletin.
    Jenny Hill spends too much money on advertising to ever lose the protection of our local newspaper.
    Townsville Bulletin deputy editor Craig Warhurst has for some time been very selective about which stories online readers are allowed to comment on.
    Just last week Mr Warhurst showed his true colours in refusing to allow readers to make online comments regarding stories about the council budget. Surely readers are entitled to express their views on the details or lack of detail of where are rates are going.
    Then there was the story about Fran taking Jackboot Jenny to task over the budget process. We are not afforded the opportunity to comment on something that impacts every local resident!
    These two recent cases are just the latest in a long list of stories we are not allowed to comment on.
    It makes one think of a “C” word, but which one?
    Censorship? Collusion? Cunning? Corruption?
    Take your pick.

    • Not Jen says:


    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Or c..t, One-Leg? Errr that’s coot, not c..t. :)

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      The other glaring piece of censorship from the Bullsheet is how texts to the editor are selected. I know that nothing I have ever sent in has been published. Perhaps my views on the Mullet have included too many C words. I wonder how they pick what to publish.

      • The Magpie says:

        It is pointless to submit foul language comments anywhere, even The ‘Pie has to chuck quite a few, many of which are reasonable comments but the old bird is not going to sopent his time sub-editing stuff that shouldn’t need to be sub-edited.

    • Kenny Kennett says:

      Cnepotism (with a silent C)

  7. Polythene Pam says:

    The Governor “has no power whatsoever, apart from being required to sign things of little consequence”? I’m sorry ‘Pie that is simply wrong – as we know from ‘32 (Game/Lang) and ‘75 (Kerr/Whitlam), the Governor has at his or her disposal the reserve powers and with it the ability to dismiss an existing elected government and appoint a new entirely un-elected government. I can’t think of a greater power.

    • The Magpie says:

      Certainly in extremis your right, but the day to day reality is negligible. And Governor Young being uop to that task is asking for an impossible suspension of disbelief.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Fair point Plastic One. However, it is a power very, very rarely used (as you point out in the examples). Nowadays even more unlikely mr thinks!

  8. Dave of Kelso says:

    Certainly well done to Fran O’Callaghan, but where is the second non-aligned councillor? I was hoping that between the two of them they would shine a bright light on the unattractive underbelly of the Mullet and her minions.

  9. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie…methinks you’re giving too much credit to your mate Tony Raggatt…

    You were referring to a Bulletin “Editorial”, not an “Advertorial.”


    And, as we all know, Mr. Raggatt is the QLD king of advertorials!

    And, I’ll just finish in true “Raggatt” style…

    “Mr. Raggatt was contacted for comment.”


    • The Magpie says:

      In somewhat typical fashion, your comment decides to target an individual, rather than the content of what The ‘Pie guessed he may have written.The credit The ‘Pie is giving to his ‘mate’ … we were friendly and respectful of each other when we worked together, never socialised – is that he is one of the few remaining Bulletin journalists who was professionally trained and it shows. (With good reason now becoming evident, a modern degree in ‘journalism’ is anything but, equally preparing students for spinning as well and truth telling, and never, it appears, making the distinction in the classroom.)

      Yes, perhaps agree regarding the advertorial side of your comment, but that is the nature of Raggatt’s business round in a city and market this size … no matter who owns the paper. But he has and does write other stories outside that, especially around election time.

  10. Alahazbin says:

    As ‘Pie’ implied, the CHO would have been promised the Governors posting if she took responsibility for all the COVID regulations and the flak for them.
    The same would have happened for the Mullet when Puddleduck gave over control of Ross River Dam to the TCC, two days before all the waster was released causing all that flooding. The mullet knew she would be protected.

  11. Scomosexual says:

    Australian politics has gone crazy, especially in Can’tberra. Scotty the faith healer laying his hands on people to heal them and then we have the Beetrooter who blames the droughts on God saying that he is punishing us for being naughty, plus Beetrooter lays his grubby hands on any piece of hair-pie that he can! PM and DPM both god-bothered, and poor ones at that. There must be a heck of a lot of Koolaid in the waters of Can’tberra. Bizarre

  12. The Magpie says:

    Like all journos, The Magpie likes to be first in with breaking news, so you Nest readers seem are getting this one first in Australia. And this could be BIG, especially here in Oz. (Just so you know, this is not a joke post.)

    The witness, Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson, on whom the United States has based much of its current extradition action against Julian Assange has told an Icelandic investigative news site that he recants all the details he has supplied to the FBI, and has lied about his role in the matter.


    And just what is Stundin?


    Sounds pretty upfront to The ‘Pie, lets see if it stands up. If the old bird has been suckered in, so be it.

    • CU in the NT says:

      Think you have been played Mr Magpie. C’mon old mate, reporting from an Icelandic source???

      • The Magpie says:

        We’ll see.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yeah, those Icelandic neanderthal, grunting and drawing on walls, what would they know? Nice little bit of out-of-touch racism there. Why wouldn’t an Icelandic news site know about this, especially since the bloke in question is either Icelandic or Scandinavian?

        You been beyond Gumlu in your world view?

        • Nickster says:

          The FBI do not like to be embarrassed, expect him to be mysteriously found dead in the next few weeks.

  13. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie…methinks, quite amazingly, again…that, Rupert should dissolve all his QLD, 16 (are there more) newspapers, and, incorporate them into, one, mast headered “QLD Today”

    Three bona fide journalists and one photographer per city…Townsville, Cairns, Sunshine Coast etc…writing purely about fact…no fiction…no influence from government, local, state and federal, heavy handed bullshit!

    Is that possible?

    That would put the TCC and its dictatorial Mayor onto the proverbial backfoot…

    I know you’ll find holes in this, Mr. Pie.

    But, I’m only getting started,,,

  14. Elusive Butterfly says:

    No need,. Mr, Pie…it’s been done before…I’ve done it…not to the same degree of course…but, can be done,,,

  15. Alacan says:

    Currently at Suncorp watching yet another demolition

    Lazy players, poor coaching the body language displays lethargy in spades , flat line in attack and a winger who only looks in

    Green needs to get out of league

  16. The Magpie says:

    NSW 26 – Qld 0

    Gather the team together and introduce them to each other

    … And …

    Explain that the social distancing rules do not apply on the football field.

  17. Baron von Shyster says:

    The Origin match was an embarrassment, a sham, a lame excuse for a game. Best of the best, really? You mean worst of the worst. It should be called ‘State of Execution’ because that’s what will need to happen after this dismal performance, heads need to roll. What a fucking embarrassment.

  18. The Magpie says:

    Seriously, if they’re going to restrict our freedoms, they could at least get it right. This woman is a ditz … the sooner she’s tucked away in Government House, the better. From SBS News on Sunday night.

    • The Magpie says:

      COVID seems to have some sudden unpleasant side effects besides dopey official announcements, and some Filipino (or is it Indonesian) advice would be well heeded by Jeanette Young when she is on TV.

      • Achilles says:

        Yep Indonesian: Bahasa Indonesia

      • Critical says:

        Wouldn’t work in Boganville, I go to a medical centre with do not sit here signs and white tape in the form of an X on designated seats and the Townsville bogans just ignore the signs etc and sit there.
        Townsville Airport terminal has regular announcements requesting people to wear a mask yet they still ignore the request.
        Our fantastic Dr Jeanette Young who has done an absolutely fantastic job of generally keeping our daily lives free of restrictions should come down on these airport idiots with heavy policing and penalties.

        • NQ Gal says:

          The wallopers forcibly removed a local Karen from a flight to Brisbane after she refused to mask up. I’m sure there will be a fine and possible airline ban in the near future for this idiot.

          • The Magpie says:

            The thing that gets The ‘Pie about this sort of action is the inflexibility of these dorks … it would be different if masks presented some sort of risk. why not say, what the hell, stupid, but for the sake of not being a massive pain in the arse, I’ll put one on. By law, we cover our genitals with clothing – in The ‘Pie’s case, its more the embarrassment than the law – so why don’t these Karens wander around naked to make their point? It is the same principle.

    • mugwump says:

      Before we all question the intelligence of these folks, this might all be genuinely needed as they might be watching Barnaby get reelected or reading The Bully

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Watching the SOO last night and focussing on the crowd – stuff all action on the field. So many people entering and leaving with no masks and no social distancing, people milling around drunkenly. All this with the Premier and CMO saying that it is best practice. Spare me! At least we didn’t win so most of the potential spreaders just went home rather than “drinking upright” or “dancing upright” in pubs.

      Here’s a question- when is a requirement not a requirement? When it is issued by the Queensland Government, the same ones loudly announcing that their strong management of the pandemic has kept us safe. Luck perhaps because there has been half of nothing in terms of leadership and management.

      • The Magpie says:

        And, really, if we’re honest about it, not much COVID either … and has The ‘Pie missed it, but there doesn’t seem to be any mention of hospitalisation, or severity of the latest cases. The only thing that seems to be highlighted is that one or two of the new strains are worse than the others ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE EASIER TO CATCH, not because they have greater or lesser symptoms. HJappy to be corrected on this, but guess being in Townsville makes one tire quickly of the tedious coronoa virus scare-the-pants-off-you rather than simple straightforward information.

        • Nickster says:

          Pie contrary the ridiculous media and CHO hype the “scary delta” variant of COVID is not that scary. Yes, easy to catch, but doesn’t have severe impacts.

          Current NSW numbers are: Total Case 166, Total number of people in hospital in NSW = 5, Total number of people in intensive care in NSW = 1.

          I would be happy to take those odd any day.

          For perspective look at flu cases last year (2020) total confirmed flu cases = 21k, with the 5 year average annual cases = 163k.

          Lets also look at who is dying from COVID, Australian data only;
          Age Range 90+ – Deaths = 315
          Age Range 80 – 89 – Deaths = 380
          Age Range 70 – 79 – Deaths = 127
          Age Range 60 – 69 – Deaths = 38
          Age Range 50 – 59 – Deaths = 15
          Age Range 40 – 45 – Deaths = 2
          Age Range 30 – 39 – Deaths = 2
          Age Range 20 – 29 – Deaths = 1

          Average age of person who dies from COVID in Australia = 85.49 years old (this is conservative calculation as the Government(s) do not provide specifics, just date ranges, and no data on underling or preexisting medical conditions of those who have died.

          Current Average life expectancy in Australia = 83.50 years old

          So take you chances Australia – die from COVID at 85 or die from everything else at 83.

          Heaven help us if our current mob of leaders had to lead us in a time of war, there are some of us who lived it, not experienced it in a movie.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s more or less what The ‘Pie suspected. Sooner or later, this stuff that has morphed into full-on political posturing ha got to stop – at some stage, we will just have to take our chances, vaccine or no vaccine.

            Good stuff, there Nickster, thanks.

          • Mr K. says:

            One of Townsville’s biggest international partners Singapore is just going to live with COVID, no more lock downs, no platforms for pollies to scary the population.


          • Westie says:

            It is great that you are relying on data, Nickster, rather than just basing your opinions on what the colour of the politicians involved.

            I wonder if I could ask a favour of you. The Covid Delta variant (which you point out is pretty harmless) is the main variant in India. And the politicians there (lead by Prime Minister Modi) share your recommended hands off approach to pandemic management. Could you let us know the relevant statistics (infections, hospitalisations, deaths etc) in India to give us an indication on what we can expect when our Australian politicians come to their senses and follow suit.

          • Nickster says:

            The data is compelling morbidity and mortality risk look lower for B.1.617.2 aka the scary Delta variant.



          • The Magpie says:

            Here’s something that’s been floating around The Magpie desktop for a while, and seems offer a bit nof noverall perspective … doesn’t argue with any statistics on COVID, but as said, adds some perspective.

          • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

            Mr K – “ Vaccination was key. The road map out of the current measures couldn’t begin until more people had been jabbed.

            Singapore is set to have given two-thirds of its residents at least one jab within weeks and to have two thirds fully vaccinated by early August.”

          • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

            Nick and Pie’s fallacious reasoning comes from judging the pandemic based on mortality in a country where the disease is not running rampant through an unvaccinated population, overwhelming resources.

          • The Magpie says:

            The chart The ‘Pie reproduced is a global representation. And Nickster went to the trouble of gathering and presenting data. If you believe that it is enough for you to simply say it is not in perspective without any brief supporting data, the you do not understand that any belief in what you say, Steve, about anything you say, is a horse that has left the stable door hanging in its hinges years ago.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        The COVID reaction is palpable. Palasczuk and Young are an embarrassment. These two morons are fucking with our freedom, lives and businesses. How much more of this knee jerk government tomfoolery must we endure?

        • Critical says:

          Remember in October 2020 the majority Queenslanders voted this government back into power and one of their major election platforms was the government’s actions keeping Queenslanders safe from Crovid-19.
          If you don’t like the actions of the current Queensland government, which seeks and acts on the advice from the Chief Health Officer under the relevant legislation, then there’s a simple solution for you to act upon, move to one of the seven other Australian states and territories.

          • The Magpie says:

            … or you could stay and exercise your democratic right to question those actions and the questionable competency of the CMO. Fret not, Crits, your eagerly awaited fascist state will arrive soon enough.

  19. Dave of Kelso says:

    The curse of Total Tools Stadium persists having the Qld origin team playing like a bunch of cowboys. I predict the curse will remain for the third shame, oops, I mean game.


  20. Interested observer says:

    Rupert employing “bona fide” journalists in Townsville?
    Best laugh I’ve had in years, Mr Butterfly on the Run.
    As for Raggatt, he is the Master of Media Releases.
    Sometimes he doesn’t even bother reading them before printing them and he NEVER asks questions. Might offend some of the paper’s Most Influential Advertisers.
    I understand that his dream of getting a redundancy payout is soon to come true with the closure of the Bully in November..

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      November? What is your authoritative source?

      • Interested observer says:

        If I identified my source someone would get sacked, so you’ll just have to take my word for it for now, and see what happens come November.

        • The Magpie says:

          That is so transparently fucking stupid and manufactured bullshit. And so are you, if you expect us to believe it. This isn’t FB.

          PS Your sacking claim, not the highly unlikely closure of the paper.

        • I’ll be plucked says:

          Plucking come November IO? Your moniker should be BO, you stink! What a fanciful and totally unbelievable claim! Plucking November………

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Fair enough, your source must be protected, but, if come 1st December and the Astonisher is still being published, you do realize that you will, on Saturday 4th December at 10 AM, have to walk, bare butt and naked, across Nathan Street.

          And no, bare butt and naked are not the names of a couple of dogs. (Steve Prince’s priceless stunt many years ago. )

        • Wendi Deng says:

          I call bullshit on your comment. Reveal all or forever hold your peace. Rupert’s mate Gerry Hardly would never allow such a highly sought after news expert to simply retire or take a redundancy. He has too much experience and quality skills to be allowed to leave the paper. C’mon man…

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      I might suspect that Interested Observer is Troy Thompson, except that the spelling and grammar is too good. Perhaps it is one of the “quality journalists” supposedly working for hi ?

      • The Magpie says:

        Hey what a great name for a new paper/news info site – Interested Observer. That could stand besides Michael Leunig’s famous ‘Born Loser’ series.

  21. The Magpie says:

    Well, someone’s in trouble then – or should be.

    Unless the law has changed, an accused cannot be named until they have appeared in court and been remanded before a magistrate for further hearing.

    So either Detective Inspector Dave Miles has released the name prematurely – be unusual if he did on the record, Dave’s been around a long time and is no dunce ; or reporter Ashley Pilhoffer has jumped the gun and published an off-the-record briefing name or has discovered it from her own sources (the latter unlikely as that would require the sort of initiative singularly lacking at the Daily Astonisher).

    But why does The ‘Pie bother, no one gives a fuck about laws and rules anymore.

  22. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, it’s good to see those Bulletin journalistic wannabes have been following Editor Craig’s instructions again and doing their research.

    This from the “hospitality directory.com.au” website…

    “In February, Greg David McLellan, 40, pleaded guilty in Townsville District Court to causing grievous bodily harm to Gavin Watson at the Gregory Downs Hotel. The court heard he and Watson had got into a fight and that McLellan had knocked out four of Watson’s teeth.”

    by Leon Gettler, March 14th 2017

    He sounds like a nice piece of work!

    • The Magpie says:

      Interesting, but your reading list is even more interesting – Hospitality Directory eh? So how many stars did they give the Gregory Downs Hotel – as many as Watson saw?

      Bet Les Walker has already booked a night out there with the missus for his next birthday.

  23. Elusive Butterfly says:

    And this, Mr. Pie, from the Bulletin on February3, 2017…

    “A MAN who callously bashed a Gregory Downs Hotel bar ­attendant after knocking him unconscious has finally been jailed 16 years after the assault.

    Greg David McLellan, now 40, pleaded guilty in Townsville District Court to causing grievous bodily harm to Gavin Watson in March 2001.

    Judge Clare sentenced McLellan to four years and six months’ jail. He will be eligible for parole in January 2019.”

    • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Is there only one Greg McLennan in Townsville?

      • The Magpie says:

        Sorry, don’t get your point, Barely. but if there is, it would be doubtful any other would be the same age with same full name. What are you getting at?

  24. Interested observer says:

    Agree totally NQ Gal, but can anyone tell me why the fool who got dragged off the Jetstar flight at Townsville Airport for refusing to wear a mask hasn’t been “unmasked” (get it?).
    Why is she being referred to in the local rag as just “Karen”?
    Does she have friends in high places, like Townsville Enterprise?
    And why hasn’t the Townsville Bulletin published a follow-up story revealing what penalty, if any, the mystery woman will receive for breaking the law and disrupting a commercial flight?

    • The Magpie says:

      Steady on there, IO. Your asking a bit of people flat deciding on Townsville’s Top Ten Best Supermarket Aisles To Get A Sneaky Bend-over Glimpse. What do youy want, real journbalism/ FFS (wo)man, have a heart.

  25. One legged tap dancer says:

    Les Walker’s new pledge to the people of Townsville:
    I’ll fight for Townsville.
    Anyone got a wet paper bag.

    • Donkey Punch says:

      Interesting that Muhammad A’walker gets a mention in this thread. When is this muppet going to get punted for his drunken brawling? He is an embarrassment as a politician and an embarrassment as a fighter. His misguided soft bitch-slaps are something you see in a preschoolers fight. So pathetic.

  26. Russell says:

    Reply to Westie, 6:35pm today
    Lets have percentages, Westie, not absolute numbers which though high in isolation are not by comparison with other countries.

  27. I’ll be plucked says:

    Poor old Laura Tingle is a hard watch on the ABC 7.30 report. A stilted performance which has visions of a wind up doll and a head on a stick. Oh dear!

    • The Magpie says:

      the ‘Pie has thought that from the start. A wealth of knowledge that should be restricted to print from a career point of view. As the former missus of Alan Ramsey, one of Australia’s most intelligent lefties, Tingle comes with impressive analytical skills which she is not equipped to deploy on television. Her performance is very distracting from what she is actually saying, which is far from stupid, even if you disagree with the point being made. One of the ABC Canberra Girlie’s Club, Leigh, Annabel and Laura. But one of the most glaring miscasting since Judy Davis made a fool of herself as a NT cop in Mystery Road.

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        Its not just TV, even in print she comes across as a miserable whining loser sniping at the world, they even put her whining tripe in the AFR along with other leftie garbage, so I punted my AFR subscription as well, if I want a delusional woke perspective on the world I can turn on the ABC and get it for free.

        • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

          Back to the more balanced SKY News for you then.

          • Cantankerous but happy says:

            Sky news closed its business channel, it was quite good, the Business Review as part of the Oz is still good reading, business and financial news without the socialist spin and shit most of the others pump out.

    • Charlie Wulguru says:

      I’ll be Plucked…. If I had a horse with a pair of mad eyes like hers I would shoot it.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Charlie, she only has mad eyes for that ageing tool actor from NZ, the land of the sheep-shaggers!

  28. Auditor Genital says:

    The Australian National Audit Office has released yet another damning report into the incompetences of the Liberald/National government. The first audit found that the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment is doing an ‘abysmal’ job of protecting a $100b industry. This is a disgrace. Insiders are saying that the place has imploded due to a failed merger of 3 departments and a restructure that has been nothing short of a clusterfuck.


    The second audit was into some porkbarelling by Scomo’s team by way of the $660m commuter car parking slush fund. Another disgraceful Morrison rort getting exposed.


    This government really is fucked. Porkbarelling, rorts, damning audits, a religious prime minister and deputy prime minister, backstabbing, rooting and general malaise.

    • Tropical says:

      So according to your logic a Liberal PM who is religious is not on, but a Labor religious arse clown PM in Rudd is fine. The stupid is telling.

  29. Interested observer says:

    Late at night to be wandering the net but I’ve still got a drop of good red left in my glass so read this and weep:
    From our own Astonisher”, via the Courier Mail:

    “Dozens of Queensland Police Service staff – including some working at a packed Suncorp Stadium for Sunday’s State of Origin – have been ordered to isolate after being identified as a close contact to a positive coronavirus case.
    The isolation orders were sent out to 63 members of the Queensland Police Service, including sworn police officers, watch house officers, admin staff, cleaners and other civilians, after they were identified as a close contact to a Brisbane City Watchhouse worker, who returned a positive result to Covid-19 on Saturday.”
    The Courier-Mail understands several QPS staff working at last night’s State of Origin were sent home mid shift after receiving the isolation orders.
    In a statement, the QPS said Queensland Health is working to determine if there are any further staff who were exposed to the known case, while all identified contacts have been ordered into quarantine.”

    So Anna, was that night in the corporate box at Suncorp Stadium to watch Queensland get belted by NSW worth the damage you have caused to the whole of the State?
    Let’s see your overpaid and overstaffed team of spin doctors put a positive spin in this.

    • Auditor Genital says:

      Here here! Well said.
      To put it another way, Anna Alphabet and Dr Frankenstein Young made yet another fuckup with COVID. These two arseclowns really are a deplorable duo. Don’t you love how they’ve gone to ground and are now hiding from the growing fallout. Crowds of bogans at Suncorp stadium is fine, but 20 grannies at church bingo is a no no. C’mon people, it’s time for an uprising against this COVID folly and the governments useless approach.

      • In Agreement says:

        I agree 100%.
        We should stop reporting covid (just like we did with the boat arrivals), announce a date (say November 1st 2021) when all borders will reopen and quarantine/testing will cease, vaccinate ALL of the most vulnerable by opening date and then just live with the results.
        Anyone who had an opportunity to be vaccinated but wants to rely on natural immunity instead, so be it and good luck with that.

  30. Mike Douglas says:

    Freelance Journalists have a responsibility on accuracy and balance ? . Saturdays Bully weekly column edition states 2019 abs figures on coal , gas , oil , refinery and supply workers at 133,100 jobs less than 1% of the workforce and shouldnt the Nats be fighting for solid transition plans for jobs to clean energy . The facts are 2021 mining employees 252,100 growing at 15.7 % and that doesnt include the hundreds of thousands in support industries and construct . Mining Royalties alone will deliver $2.8 bil to Qld budget scaling up to $4 bil in 3 years and that doesnt include payroll tax . Lucas Dow from Adani commented that banking and insurance executives are turning their backs on the Coal sector because they do not want to be uncomfortable at inner City dinner parties . The leftest media dont seem to like the facts on mining like Labor / Greens , who havnt delivered any costings for their renewables targets . I fully support transitioning to renewables and full disclosure on costs to the community / business but accept there is a market for Australian resources .

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      Double check your figures there Mike Douglas.

      • Polythene Pam says:

        Steve, which of Mike’s figures are wrong?

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Steve , I checked my figures before I posted them including the mining royalties straight out off the Queensland budget . I note you rarely provide any figures like the Greens who state that there will not be one job lost in the mining industry in the transition to renewables but can’t provide the modelling .

        • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

          Take your time and think about what you’re trying to argue when comparing numbers of “coal , gas , oil , refinery and supply workers” with “mining workers”.

      • Old Tradesman says:

        Steve can you change your name to another Townsville suburb, the real estate prices in Belgian Gardens are in freefall.

    • George street says:

      Great post
      Facts that are never discussed

  31. COVID myth busting says:

    I watched this excellent Paul Murray live show. He succinctly busts open the COVID overreaction and gives some good percentages. Less than 0.01% of the population have it, yet the fucking lockdowns are being ramped up.

    • The Magpie says:

      Myth Buster, you may or may not have a point (well worth a debate, asthis COVID things morphs and shape-shifts with growing political manipulations) but The Magpie is not inclined to include your link … one hour and 40 minutes!!! If you’re not willing to do a few of the hard yards and select some salient stats and offer them to your fellow readers, your lazy posts will be largely ignored by folks around here than have an hour and 40 minutes of their time co-opted because you can’t make a succinct point. Try harder, sport.

      • COVID myth busting says:

        Feathered friend, as you wish;

        – The first 14 minutes explains how the entire thing is an overreaction and Paul provides statistics to show how the measures being taken are a joke. It is brilliant. Paul also outlines the hypocrisy of how pollies have different rules for them. Scumbags.

        – At around 18 minutes in our favourite smirking PM dribbles on for about 12 minutes with political and COVID waffle. Please ignore. After that, who cares……

        Just watch the first 14 minutes. After all, most Magpie Nesters are retirees so between lawn bowls and lining up at QML, enjoy the show.

        • The Magpie says:

          You really know how to sell yourself to a (totally misjudged) readership, don’t you, you unpleasant moron? (With apologies to all 8-year-olds, which is the technical mental age of morons.)

  32. The Magpie says:

    Now let’s get this straight – someone named Berejiklian has trouble getting the name of someone named Palaszczuk right? Whodda thort?

  33. The Magpie says:

    The Courier proves that they always go to far too find out how far they can go.
    Did we really need to know this? Perhaps the most distasteful and irrelevant story imaginable. Seems there is no private dignity left in the world of Murdoch/social media/ Daily Mail etc.
    But presumably there was plenty of the necessary left in Chumpy’s half pipe.

    • Plus pullin says:

      A man named ‘pullin’ having to deliver sperm. Now that is a good news story!!

    • NQ Gal says:

      She lost her private dignity when she decided to put all the details on her social media pages. Still completely irrelevant though.

  34. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Townsville is locked down for three days from 6pm today…get out and get those bog rolls folks!

  35. Achilles says:

    Just saw on the midday ABC news that the ‘ville and Maggie are to go into lock down quarantine.
    Wonder where the bug came from?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      From what I can piece together between stealing work toilet paper and masks – 19 year old receptionist at/near COVID ward of QHealth Prince Charles Hospital (untested and unvaccinated) felt ill last Monday but kept working snd told no one. By Thursday several members of her family and close contacts were also sick. She decided to fly to Townsville for a holiday and has been actively in the community since then, staying on Maggie but attending venues and events on the mainland.

      The Local Disaster Centre is cranking up and this thing has a six day head start on us all.

      What a cluster – QHealth is supposed to be in the business of of protecting us, not infecting us. Talk about a “socialist” job creation scheme!

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      An unvaccinated Covid clinic worker, with symptoms, and infectious, happily travelling Brisbane – Magnetic Is – Cotters Markets- Brisbane.

      • The Magpie says:

        ‘Happily’? That suggests that she did so knowing she was positive. if that is not the case – which one imagines unlikely – very unfair.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Disagree. Working where she did, and having flu like symptoms you would think she would get tested. That to one side, going to Magnetic Island would tend to make you happy.

  36. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie…the news, five minutes old, is already on the Courier Mail website.
    Very impressive!
    Let’s see how long it takes our “giggle” newspaper to catch up and then, deliver a load of gibberish??

    • NQ Gal says:

      No screaming headline on the Astonisher site – the lockdown notice is hidden inside an article saying that Nanna Anna is furious that a hospital worker hasn’t been vaccinated. Still – the story was free to read!

    • The Magpie says:

      The Bulletin has startedposting stories on various aspects of the lockdown in the last 10 minutes.

  37. Tomato Head says:

    The Beetrooter has been fined $200 for not wearing a face mask! Ha ha. A fine example the deputy prime minister of Australia is… NOT

  38. Elusive Butterfly says:

    12.45pm…forget the bog rolls folks…they’re all gone!
    MCG grand final crowds at all supermarkets and bottle shops.
    We now await the Mayor’s words of wisdom!

  39. Interested observer says:

    Dumb, dumber and dumbest were at it again today during a media conference to announce lockdowns in Townsville and SE Qld, blaming the Federal Government for our current covid crisis.
    Must have forgotten about the miner they put in quarantine for one day, on the same floor as infected international travellers.
    Surprise, surprise – he caught covid, flew to the Northern Territory to work at a coal mine, then 900 fellow miners flew home to all parts of Australia.
    A Queensland cock-up that has managed to deliver the pandemic to Western Australia, Northern Territory, New South Wales and Queensland.
    But its not their fault – just ask Mind numbing Minister Miles. According to him, all this strife has been caused by Scomo allowing people to fly into Australia from overseas..
    Anna’s spin doctors have been working overtime.

  40. Toller says:

    A true test for Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk who has singled out a Queensland Health who is 19-year-old clerical worker at the State Run Prince Charles Hospital for the lock down.

    Will she sack the Chairman of the Board – Jim McGowan for not implementing and monitoring the necessary controls to ensure she complied with health directives that she should have been vaccinated, when she was not?

    If there are gaps in the the controls for organizations with virtually unlimited recourses such as Queensland Health, it means one of two things; 1/ It is impossible to control COVID, or 2/ The Premier has no control over Queensland Health.

    Costs to the community are enormous with AMP Capital chief economist Shane Oliver estimate each day of lock down will cost the Brisbane $100m, who pays?

  41. I’ll be plucked says:

    I wonder if Mr Barnaby Tomato Head will get a spanking from his young Missus tonight, for blowing 200 large on a fine for not wearing his mask?

  42. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Can someone, perhaps a journalist, ask the question…why is Palm Island locked down?
    Perhaps one of Anna’s well-informed “spin doctors” mentioned that there is a bridge between Palm and Magnetic Island??
    It’s possible!

    • A says:

      Perhaps Palm is locked down because they use the same ferry terminal as magnetic island passengers. But because of this they will probably get theirown dedicated boat and terminal. Then Jenny can claim an extra 20 jobs created for a 50 million spend

      • Alahazbin says:

        A, That family hired a car from the airport and travelled to the island by car ferry. Why is Palm Island included in the lockdown?

        • A says:

          Maybe they had the windows down when they drove past dean park. This covid is very catchy just ask the qld government. Its so catchy in certain situations such as restraurants but not at soo.

          On a different note i have heard of people under the age of 30 that worked in jobs deemed essential by the qld government, were given the AZ shot only 3 months ago but now the chief health minister is saying this is dangerous and should notbe done. What a backflip. Second point is the pfizer shot has had some issues too. One study of approximately 36000 recipients said 4 developed bells palsy but as this isin line with normal rates identified in the community they couldnt identify if it was actually from the shot.

          Based on the research ive read and qld government want for the safest vaccine possible from the current options we will all be waiting for the moderna vaccine.

  43. The Magpie says:

    Memo Jenny Hill:

    You should rethink your bumptious arrogant conduct in council meetings, because this woman is not going away … she’s well and truly got your measure.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Sweet Jesus. Fran’s latest missive shows there is officially a shift in the Council paradigm. Fran’s recent comments show that she has been patiently holding back from erupting, but has had enough. Good on her for standing up so boldly!! I can only imagine that she is also speaking (unofficially) on behalf of many of her constituents who are as pissed as hell at Mayor Hill. No Councillor would be so bold without robust support behind the scenes.

      I hope the stinky part time CEO is watching all of this closely because he is so far up Jenny Hill’s ass that all one can see is his toenails! If his beloved Mayor gets rolled one day he may find himself without the support of the other Councillors, which may in turn spell the end of his pathetic tenure. Not a bad thing by a long shot.

  44. The Magpie says:

    Calling all knuckle-dragging dribblers out there. Read this and then explain to we ignoramuses why the Republican Party is not the same as the Nazis.

    Love to see someone in this neck of the political woods try this one on. It would disappear faster than a fart in a fan factory.

    • Tenacious D says:

      link does not work?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      As a proud knuckle-dragging dribbler, can you show me how to use the link?

      Surely you (the doyen of link etiquette) don’t expect me to cut and past it.

    • Tropical says:

      DeSantis who is far and away the best Governor in the US.

      “The Washington Post also published an article on a new Florida law with the eye-catching headline claim that “DeSantis mandates surveys of Florida college students’ beliefs.” Creepy, right? But as ­legal scholar Jonathan Adler noted after reading the bill, “the required survey is not a survey of the political ­beliefs of students and faculty. . . . It does not ask student, faculty and staff what their viewpoints are, but whether they feel free to express their viewpoints, whatever they may be.”

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie has had his usual inadequate poke around and certainly Adler is an authority to be respected in certain areas of the law, but we can’t find that quote. Have you got a link? Or just a source?
        The reason for asking is if what he says is true – indeed, if he ever said it at all in the context you offer – it is nonsense in terms of plain language. Why would anyone of any stripe pass a bill asking college people “whether they feel free to express their viewpoints, whatever they may be.”? What possible point could there be to such a bill, what information of use would be gained by it? If there is an overwhelming reply of ‘yes, we’re fine’, what’s the point? The danger would come if there was a hoked up scenario of a rigged survey (a perennial favourite over your side of the fence, sport) that said faculty and students didn’t feel free to express their beliefs. It’s not hard to see where that would lead. in a democracy, it would lead nowhere, but in DeSantis’s Florida, all bets are off, he’s the poor man’s Trump.

  45. George street says:

    Enjoy your lock down Townsville.
    I suspect it will be extended
    You had your chance to remove AP and her incompetent government or at least send a big message. But you thought it couldn’t happen to you

  46. Dutch Reverend says:

    Watching the “7” news tonight, reporting on the COVID case that has caused the lockdown for Townsville, they showed a grab of Mayor Mullet wearing the white vest. Now I AM worried.

    • The Magpie says:

      Sorry, what white vest?

      • Dutch Reverend says:

        Are you kidding ? The one she wore during the floods.

        • The Magpie says:

          OK, but in his own defence, while The ‘Pie well knows about THAT white vest, he finds it hard to believe – impossible in fact – that this publicity hound would put it on as though this some matter that she is leading. This is purely state an d now the police. Cringeworthy grandstanding.

          • The Magpie says:

            Since when does what is now unfortunately a fairly standard and understood procedure – a lockdown – suddenly become a life-threatening disaster? Or a disaster of any nature? This is shameless grandstanding by this ‘publicity hound’. Jenny Hill has no powers whatsoever in this matter, even designation of critical staff positions is down to the CEO (another problem, but later), and she didn’t have a hand in the legislation, and she has no powers to direct the police or institute any other enforcement measures. This woman has as much shame as the Bulletin has brains.

          • Lord Howard Hertz says:

            Agree, ‘Pie. All she did in the Bulletin story was basically repeat what senior police said. You’d have to reckon her endorsement of anything would make people think twice – especially if they are still waiting to move back into their flood ravaged homes.

          • The Magpie says:

            All that said, The ‘Pie believes if you’re going slap, then you gotta clap when deserved.

            Mayor Mullet went on Sunrise this morning, and for once, didn’t disgrace us, and gave an interview which again for once was filled with facts not fantasy. And very little grandstanding. (Small question for Jenny: is purple your favourite colour?)

          • Dave of Kelso says:

            Yep, what’s new?

  47. Julius Sumner Miller says:

    The Brisbane traveller has been in our community since Thursday 24th, she has the “ highly contagious “ Delta variant, when do we expect to see the first community transmission cases?

    Either way the expert health advice to determine the length of the lockdown is wrong OR the lockdown won’t be ending Friday at 6:00pm.

    If there are not community transmissions they have overreacted and their health experts haven’t shown expertise; or if there are community transmissions the lockdown won’t end on Friday at 6:00pm and their health experts haven’t shown expertise.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      “If there are no community transmissions they have overreacted and their health experts haven’t shown expertise;”

      JSM, I disagree. If there are no community transmissions AND the lock-down has given the contact tracers to catch up then the lock-down has worked perfectly. Being still on the road and in SEQld, under these circumstances I am happy to stay put for three days. I feel for those who lose income, but that is better than contracting Covid.

  48. Interested observer says:

    Magpie, Jenny Hill’s white vest is the one that says she’s in control of disasters,.
    Like the late release of water from the dam that caused pain and suffering to thousands of Townsville residents.
    The vest reads “Chairperson” from memory and is supposed to show everyone who’s in charge of her disasters. Not averting them, but creating them.
    Watch some replays of the old tv show Dad’s Army and you’ll get my drift.
    A complete joke.
    And congratulations to Fran Can.
    At last we have a councilor who is prepared to stand up to the dictator, and with style, class and courage, unlike the other wimps and puppets, including our independent hairdresser-cum-council gravy trainer Sue Blom.

    • The Magpie says:

      So why was she wearing her Disaster Chair’s white vest? Don’t tell us it was to do with the lock-down?

      • Dutch Reverend says:

        Are you on drugs ?

      • Dunny Roll says:

        At least she had a mask on

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Dress up day? Many kindergartens have them.

        Or does she have to reinforce who she is now that Fran O’Callaghan has made a stand.

      • Moment says:

        Chair of the Townsville Local Disaster Management Group
        The white vest with name on it and a mask yesterday for COVID response. Everyone then knows to keep a wide berth. We can only hope it doesn’t start raining.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Magpie, she was wearing it because like most politicians, she is trying to take advantage of a bad situation to gain political points. You know – look good to the community, look like she is in charge and is taking the lead and has everything under control. It’s a signature move from the political play handbook. It doesn’t work with most of us as we can spot a toffee coated turd from a mile away. The other reason for the Mullet wearing the white leadership shirt is because the purple doona is in getting dry cleaned.

      • The Magpie says:

        Since when is what is now a fairly standard lock-down procedure ‘a disaster’ … shameless. She doesn’t legislate or enforce, and has no power to direct anyone except council staff in this matter … and even then, the prime responsibility there lies with The Prince. Jenny Hill as as much same as the Bulletin has brains.

  49. Interested observer says:

    Let’s look at the facts for once, instead of just accepting the spin from the Premier’s media department. The young woman who brought covid to Townsville and Magnetic Island was a hospital worker in a SE Queensland covid ward, although they are spinning that she worked just outside the ward. Yeah, right.
    She was not vaccinated, despite a State Government order to do so.
    Okay, who is ultimately responsible for this? The Premier and her health adviser of course.
    On the other hand a miner who was allocated a room – for just one night of routine quarantine on the same hotel floor as infected returned international travellers in Brisbane went on to spread the virus to Northern Territory, Western Australia, New South Wales and Queensland. And who is ultimately responsible for this? Again, its our Premier and health adviser. The Premier says she is “furious” about these stuff-ups.
    No Premier, it’s the citizens of Queensland who are furious – at you and your health adviser for talking the talk but not walking the walk on such crucial issues.
    If you believe the Premier’s spin that she is trying to keep Australians and Queenslanders safe (tv news tonght) then you’ll be happy to accept that pigs fly and the Cowboys will win the 2021 NRL grand final.
    In trying to keep HER job safe, she is putting Queensland in peril.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Supposedly there is a chain of command in government which stops these type of clusters flaring up. Everyone from the Premier down to the the Minister to the Director General, to the local health service she worked for, to the hospital manager had a role in stopping this stupid or uncaring girl fro doing what she did. The fact that they didn’t speaks volumes about the culture of government in our state. We see exactly the same thing here I’m Townsville when a water pipeline breaks, the road collapses or we flood the city. Glad the Mullet is wearing her vest as it makes her easier to avoid. As the Little Pric is only part time maybe he only gets white gloves or something.

      As with the floods and every other fuckup it will be educational to see there the final blame lands. My bet is no one in a position of power.

  50. One legged tap dancer says:

    The 19-year-old hospital worker who brought covid to Townsville has been getting sympathy in the media suggesting it is not her fault.
    Yes, Premier Anna, Goofy Minister Miles and their health expert are responsible for not enforcing their own rules and making sure all hospital workers were vaccinated.
    But the irresponsibility of the girl and her family is breathtaking.
    She had symptoms early last week but instead of going and getting a test, she worked at a Brisbane hospital for two days before flying to Townsville, spending four days on Maggie Island, going to the crowded Townsville Sunday markets, and flying back to Brisbane, where she finally went for a covid test.
    Now her brother has also tested positive. Surely the family knew there could have been a problem before leaving Brisbane. If not then, they should have gone for tests when the whole family started getting symptoms.
    If the police don’t investigate this alledged breach then the system is a joke.
    Wait a minute, Minister Miles is involved, so it IS a joke.

  51. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Australians have no one to blame but themselves for the Covid debacle that has developed over the last year, complacent and lazy as always, it seems Australia has become one big Townsville, rewarding incompetent fuckwits at the ballot box for doing a poor job, allowing public servants to take control of the country and following like brainless sheep.

  52. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, I am appalled that you and others nesters have castigated the Mayor for wearing her white, Disaster Management chairperson jacket.
    She is wearing it to highlight and remind us all that she is Townsville’s greatest “disaster.”
    And, I think, that is jolly brave of her!

  53. Interested observer says:

    Just scrolled through the comments on covid stories in the Astonisher.
    Truly amazing reaction to both the lockdown and this morning’s cringeworthy media conference.
    Anna, Miles and Young are on the nose, big time. The rank and file are finally starting to see through their spin.
    Report last weekend that she has 18 spin doctors employed in her media department – yes 18 – hasn’t been lost on the community.
    I predict this is the begining of the end for Anna and her incompetents.

  54. Dr Felchy says:

    Jeanette Dung, Anustacia Palashame and Steven Piles truly are the Three Stooges. They do not have a handle on the COVID situation and are jumping around like 3 Roo’s loose in the top paddock. It’s not their livelihoods being affected by their stupid decisions, it’s ours. This government is more toxic than one of Clive Palmers stools. There should be an inquiry into their mishandling of this so-called pandemic.

    • Lucky Phil says:

      Calling LNP?? Where are you every night David? And what would you do considering there will be a different CHO soon.

  55. Dave of Kelso says:

    “Chair of the Townsville Local Disaster Management Group” ???

    I thought the Mullet was the Chair of the Townsville Local Disastrous Management Group.

  56. Captain Canetoad says:

    All of a sudden the Queensland Maroons State of Origin team doesn’t look to be the most incompetent team in Queensland.

    They are now sitting comfortably in 3rd being Queensland State Cabinet and Queensland Health.

    In other news the Queensland Rugby league has identified a 19 year old queensland woman who was spotted in Caxton not wearing a Maroons supporters shirt. A QRL spokesperson said ““Despite the clear directives that she should have been wearing a Maroon shirt, she was not,”.

    “Let me say, I am absolutely furious about this. We need to make sure that we are getting our population in Maroon, right across the state before SoO 3.”

  57. The Magpie says:

    A quote of absolutely no relevance that The ‘Pie feels compelled to share.

    Chanell flicking around, he landed on the thoroughbred channel (Sky Racing 3), where some folks of equine enthusiasm were waxing lyrical about a new neddy on the scene, Incentivise. He was proclaimed the most exciting sight on four legs since Dolly Parton lost an earring under her sofa. One woman was so moved as to say”When Incentivise past the Eagle Farm winning post, everyone there knew they were seeing something special – the hair on everyone’s back stood up.

    And to think all those glamour gals who go to the races all look so well groomed, who would’ve guessed at their hirsute secret. Veet-o should look after it.

  58. The Magpie says:

    Calling out the crazies … and they’re not all on social media.

    This is a long overdue article detailing the dangerous disservice mainstream journalism has developed in its widespread attitude towards social media ignorance, which is one of ‘if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em

    The writer, Margaret Simons, is a multi-award winning commentator on media matters. Her insights are clear and unambiguous … a must read if you want to know what has happened to news … particularly in aspects of the pandemic, It’s a brilliant analysis an d poses a serious central question.


    Key quotes:
    Journalism struggles to keep up. One of the touchstones of the craft is the idea that sunshine and publicity are like disinfectant in public life. A journalist’s job is to find things out and tell people about them. Suppressing the news is considered indefensible in a democracy.
    But in this, the first public health emergency in a mediatised world, there are good reasons to question these first principles, which were developed in an earlier age.
    Is it serving the public interest to publish prominently every report of an AstraZeneca vaccine recipient getting blood clots – even though we know the risk is rare, and the risk of vaccine hesitancy is greater? Should we not report it at all? Or just with less prominence?
    Politicians, public figures and journalists should consider that just because we are free to speak doesn’t always mean we should.
    And that with all freedoms come equivalent responsibilities.

  59. George St says:

    I love the irony
    Townsville and Magnetic island thrown into lockdown all because of a Brisbane unvaccinated hospital receptionist, . I would of though she was the perfect definition of front line worker
    they can even fuck Townsville by stuffing up Brisbane based operations
    The State Government and Qld health hate you all but they thank you for the votes

  60. Polish Princess says:

    Princess Anna want to stop international arrivals.

    Then in the next breath says “Fuck the plebs I am going to Tokyo to watch the Olympics”


    Ordinary people of Queensland – go fuck yourself ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮ regards Annastacia Palaszczuk MP Premier of Queensland

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Everyone is unloading on Puddleduck today, even the lefties are piling on and bagging the shit out of her, as they should, finally people are starting to see what a disgusting putrid human being this person really is. First blaming some teenage girl for her governments own failure, then blaming the federal Govt for Qld healths own failings, then blaming the amount of people coming through quarantine, even though her own Govt has requested exemptions for all sorts of people including movie stars and film workers, now she herself will be jetting off overseas to fuck over the people of regional Qld by getting the Olympics for Brisbane. Even the 3 pathetic local dickheads have enough sense to stay out of it so far, but plenty of time left in the day yet, I am sure Harpic just ain’t that smart to shut up.

      • Allan Peease says:

        You don’t be a body language expert to work out Annastacia Palaszczuk was lying her arse off tonight on the 7:30 report. Even Laura Tingle looked uncomfortable with the blatant lies.

        As Joseph Goebbels said: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

        • The Magpie says:

          Point there is that Goebbels and the Nazis did not exist in the time of social media. If SM was around then, we might have avoided all that unpleasantness.

          Anna is but a babe in the woods in all this.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        And don’t forget that moron Palasczuk was happy to fly around Queensland last year (during COVID) on the election campaign trail. Why the special treatment? Seriously, she is a fucking disgrace. She has a druggie and a barroom brawler as elected representatives in Townsville as well. And don’t forget that 2,000 potential male cops got discriminated against in regards to potential employment due to her nauseating ‘females first’ mandate. How much longer until this stench of a government is removed?

  61. George St says:

    i am posting an article from AFR .issued this afternoon
    I hope you can read it


    All Queenslanders need to read the critique of this mornings media circus

  62. One legged tap dancer says:

    DISASTER ALERT !!!!!!!!!
    On Seven News this afternoon Jenny Hill, dressed up like a Christmas Tree, announced that she is now running her own covid vaccination program, separate to Queensland Health. No, I’m not joking.
    What could possibly go wrong?

  63. The Magpie says:

    If this keeps up … and you can bet it will … the Jenny Hill descent into gibbering, wild eyed mutterings will be a terrible spectacle. The mayor so far has shown she really has no idea how to handle Clr Fran O’Callaghan, except to not respond to her very valid point, such as the FB post below. But the main missing link is, as always, the Townsville Bulletin. They’ve done it once, but will they rest their laurels and stay cosy with the mayor. How long will they be able to ignore the valid points this truly independent councillor.

    Councillor Fran O’Callaghan Division 10
    A drill down on the $40m TCC Covid support package.
    At my first Ordinary Meeting on 24 February this year, the Mayor mentioned in response to the petition submitted by Phillip Thompson OAM MP regarding the pedestal charge, that the Townsville City Council had provided $40 million in Covid support. This pricked my attention and I felt compelled to check out this figure to ensure its accuracy. Emails were sent to the CEO over the ensuing months asking the questions and the information that I have obtained so far to date is that three of the major items making up the $40m support were:
    1. $15m in early payment to suppliers by trading terms being changed from 30 days to 14 days. I was not advised that this was additional or new work.
    2. Breaking up $12.5m of work into smaller packages. I was not advised that this was new or additional work.
    3. Support Local Campaign promotion $3m – 600 businesses registered – assuming 5k benefit per business.
    So the above items are classed as a “generous pandemic support package”.
    In my view you cannot class $15m that you pay to suppliers 16 days early as $15m in support. You can only class the cost of interest lost for 16 days as the support.
    In my view you cannot class $12.5 m of contracted work broken into smaller packages as $12.5m in support. You can only class the cost of the process of breaking those packages up into the smaller packages as the support.
    In my view you cannot class a promotional register to buy local as being $3m in support as you assume that each of the 600 businesses benefited by receiving $5k of trade from being on the register. You can only class the cost of setting up and maintaining the register as the support.
    My generous estimate of the cost to the Council of implementing the above three items is a grand total of $1.5m, so in my view, and I’m sure many other peoples views, that is the amount of support that was actually provided.
    I raised this issue again in last weeks Ordinary Meeting so if I am provided with any further information proving what I have said in this post is incorrect I will amend the post.

    Malcolm Magpie
    Geez Fran, have a bit of compassion for your mayor. I mean, have you checked the outrageous price of incontinence undies … this extra burden on the Hill household budget is very callous of you, as she will need a change at least once every post you make and three or four times every council meeting. Bet you haven’t even cared to check if the standard pair of SBL panties comes in the size the mayor will require i.e. XLBL. For shame, woman, for shame, heh heh heh.

    • Dumb Phuck says:

      Magpie, that comment about the mayor and incontinence panties is just plain dumb. Are you on the turps again???

    • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

      great picture of Fran meeting with the Little Pric and a couple of Directors – should be the front page of the annual report.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Fran is a smart woman, and articulate and transparent too. The Hill/Ralston budget is a complete load of ambiguous shit. The numbers don’t add up and the same numbers are spun so much that a funnel web spider might pop out!

      Can we give Fran the job of Mayor and CEO? Why not. I mean she would at least open the books and see all of the rot and then formulate a true recovery plan or at least lay a foundation to build from. Fran actually understands the concept of running businesses and budgets. The moronic Hill/Ralston show is falling apart in a big way. And Fran’s succinct comments on the budget and TCC’s finances are exactly what we expect from a Councillor, an elected representative representative. Keep it coming Fran, keep shaking that apple tree baby…..

  64. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie…repeated “in my view”s… from Ms. O’Callaghan ain’t gonna cut it…she has to demand answers… otherwise her efforts will blow away like the proverbial ashtray on a motorbike…
    Shouldn’t have used the motorbike analogy… bad taste when referring to our Mayor!

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s where the Bulletin should come in – this ‘view’ is out there in the public domain, and if it isn’t refuted or challenged, then the paper MUST do something about it.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        MUST? Who is left at the Astonisher with the analytical skills to dissect and report in the TCC budget? I doubt they would engage one of the Nesters.

        • The Magpie says:

          And the Astonisher’s pet economic poodle (or should that be the Astonisher’s Dwyer-Headed Terrier) wouldn’t dare even if he could.

  65. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, you can be so naïve sometimes…rarely, I must admit!
    The Bulletin, and its bunch of journalistic wannabes, isn’t capable of doing “something about it. ”
    They’re lucky to re-write a Press release and make any sense.
    It’s a shit rag, reflecting a city, inflicted with a shit city council and three total morons, who, unfortunately are State MPs.
    And, unfortunately, the latest, local Covid 19 scare, has played beautifully into the Mayor’s dainty, manicured, (I’m think I’m gonna be sick) … hands!

  66. Critical says:

    Hey Jenny how about being a bit more transparent about the budget and provide more budget details in the media releases like Cairns Regional Council does in three media releases found at:


    • Contributor says:

      Cairns Regional Council is under investigation by the Corruption Commission, has lost a tribe of great staff due to pressure from developers, is selling off its green spaces for high density housing, and had its Budget voted against this week by its southern division councillor due to their funding neglect. Not a good role model in any way.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Contributor. At least there is published information from CRC showing all these things happening. Here we have such big mounds of things swept under the carpets we are have to refurb the building.

    • Dave Sth says:

      Was up there at Easter. Smithfield bypass looks like a shmozzle, tried to find out who was managing it via google and all I got in the results was complaints about irregularities and references to A2O. A cowboy Traffic Control Company managing a project? Doesn’t sound right. Most of the locals say it is a waste of time being single lane but it does have a nice cycle lane…

      Also saw Lancini is in up there now. Sounds like their council is going they way Townsville has.

  67. Cantankerous but happy says:

    How’s the size of the Astonishers new office, what a pissy space, any smaller they will be under the stairs with Harry Potter.

    • The Magpie says:

      Remember that oft-quoted American saying “When you’re being run out of town, get to the front of the mob and make it look like a parade.’ Well, that’s about the sum of the Bulletin trying to make a positive out of its dramatic shrinkage into its new Walker Street cubbyhole.

      But the strain of the impossible task to put a positive spin on the move was way too much for reporter Leighton Smith, and his hilarious opening line.

      ‘A STUNNING view from floor-to- ceiling windows overlooking the CBD’s Perfume Garden was one of many reasons why the Townsville Bulletin’s move to a new home has been so sweet.’

      Gasp, wheeze, chortle, snurffle … Gawd, spare us!! In a city rightfully boasting ‘stunning views’ of The Strand, and from Castle Hill and Mount Stuart out to Maggie Island and waters of the GBR, and from any number of CBD high rises like the Suncorp building towering behind the new digs, Mr Smith decides that the Perfume Garden offers a stunning view. Mate, have you been in some sort of permanent mental lock-down? And The ‘Pie will be charitable and overlook the schoolboy error of tense in that line.

      But not satisfied with making a complete goose of himself with that description of an often parkie and derro-infested little armpit of a mid-city park, Mr Smith drags his boss, the paper’s GM Suzanne Wilson, into the comedy.
      Beyond the office’s spectacular view and proximity to the courthouse and Townsville City Council, she loved the office’s monochromatic finish, saying it was fresh and modern.

      In other words, no money for an special fit-out, not even a paint job.

      But The ‘Pie may be technically wrong … the view of Perfume Garden may well be stunning on those occasions when the coppers have to deal with a non-compliant parkie or derro.

      • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

        Working in a cafe will ease the transition to post-journalistic careers when the Bulletin closes in November.

  68. Mike Douglas says:

    With 17 media spin doctors just for Premier Palaszczuk , Queensland Labor are the Olympic Gold medalists for diverting attention from their mistakes like blaming the amount of international arrivals ( even if Steven Miles lies about the description of the passengers ) , the Feds won’t give us Pfizer vaccine , for the 3 day lockdown . Then our new Governor General Jeanette Young giving anti vaxers a platform and going against the TGA on Astra Zeneca for under forties and scaring us with her “ secret strain “ . The Spin doctors send out the campaign and our three local MP,s then parrot it . Mayor Hill loves a disaster so she can put on the hi vis and act like she is in charge when Townsville people have been lining up for 7 hrs at COVID testing clinics for 2 days . At least it gives her some reprieve on issues coming out of Walker st . Good on you Fran for further highlighting spending in the Council budget that doesn’t pass the pub test .

    • The Magpie says:

      This is not being wise after the event, because it was aired in these comm ents some time ago, but real Townsville leadership would’ve been a saturation campaign urging Townsvilleans to get tested, under a slogan like ‘Safe so far, but it could happen …’ or some such. Typical last minute stuff forced on the community, which is the hallmark of all Australian political decisions. The vaccine purchases in the first place were a dog’s dinner. The ‘Pie believes the military could’ve done a fine job of distribution, because unlike politicians, the grunts and brass would not have made an opportunistic football out of it.

      If ever there was a moment in our history when bi-partisan collaboration – state and federal – was of paramount importance, it would have been 18 months ago, when the breadth of the threat was realised.

      • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

        A slogan like “Stick that up ya Townsville”? We already have that at Wanker Street.

  69. Interested observer says:

    The only reason Townsville City Council isn’t also under CCC investigation is political intervention.
    It will be very interesting to see if that same protection applies to court cases.

    • The Magpie says:

      “Forget it, Jake, come away, it’s Queensland.”

      • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

        Almost got it right this time, Pie, well done.

        • The Magpie says:

          Poetic license, dear boy. You’re not too good on literary devices are you … among other things?

          • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

            “It wasn’t cognitive decline combined with pompous inability to admit error, it was … er … poetic license!”

          • The Magpie says:

            Somewhat selective and ignorant perception there … you can see it in The ‘Pie, you can see it in Joe Biden … but never in Trump. Or yourself.

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      How exactly is that supposed to have worked and why wasn’t the same mechanism used to prevent the Trad investigation?

      • The Magpie says:

        As you well know, my ingenuous friend, because she was in the wrong faction and posed a threat.

        • Peter says:

          I miss Jackie Trad she was to only one capable of keeping Annastacia Palaszczuk honest.

        • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

          Ridiculous analysis – as if that would be worth months of scandal and losing a seat to the Greens.

          • The Magpie says:

            It’s an accurate analysis in political incompetence … only smart people should try cheating. (Take that as also a personal comment if you want, Fairyfloss.)

      • The Dryer says:

        Hey ‘Steve’ (or is it ‘Stevie’), haven’t seen you watching me rotate for a while. Missing you, please come again soon.

  70. Smoking Banned in Queensland. says:

    If Dr Jeannette Young – Chief Hysteria Officer is soooo concerned about 18 year old’s dying from AstraZeneca because of blood clots risk, she will ban smoking immediately.

    The real science say blood clotting risks from smoking are more than 1000 times greater than AstraZeneca.

    In a refreshing change unlike the Queensland Government an open link to the science is posted here –

  71. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    The mullet is in the Bullsheet saying council is helping private testing places “to become operational “ whatever the hell that means. All I can see is that we’ve put traffic control in place and opened up more roads to do proxy make work jobs around the town so we look busy but that isn’t helping anyone.

    Maybe she dropped off some witches hats from her personal collection so that people can line up in the car park?

  72. Interested observer says:

    Now now Civil Engineer, don’t be too hard on Jenny Hill.
    After all, she’s keeping us all safe – just ask her.
    You’ll have to wait while she puts on her Chairperson vest, but once that’s done she’ll be only too happy to tell you about the $40 million the council has spent on fighting covid.
    But don’t, under any circumstances, ask her about Cr Fran’s investigation of that $40 million, which in reality amounts to a less impressive $1.5 million.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Interesting how potentially the $40m is actually only $1.5m. It may seem like only a small misinterpretation of the true figures but I hope the constituents demand a more forensic analysis of TCC’s finances. Hell, if one of the Councillors is asking the question then surely this needs to be raised at the highest levels. Fudging figures and gilding the lilly is not in the ratepayers best interests. What else is the Mayor and her offsider the part time CEO hiding, embellishing, polishing or ‘mislabelling’?

      It is becoming very apparent that Mayor shill and CEO Stinky have a lot to answer for.

  73. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, further proof that the “Dudley-do-nothings”…(what a perfect name), Townsville Enterprise is a complete basket case!
    This piece of totally irresponsible reporting from the “Giggle” paper.

    “LOCAL businesses have been put under significant strain since Tuesday’s lockdown, with some anticipating the recovery from this week’s collapse in trade to take up to three months to recover from.

    A Townsville Enterprise Limited survey of 60 businesses has so far found the three-day lockdown has already caused approximately $2.6m in financial impact.”

    Okay…60 businesses, $2.6m in losses, and, the lockdown is one day old!!
    This equates to each business losing $43,333 in takings in that 24 hour period.
    It also equates to each of those 60 businesses averaging more than $11m in turnover a year, trading five days a week.
    And three months to recover from a three-day lockdown??
    This is another example of TE pathetically trying to justify its existence, and, a further example of the Bulletin’s pure incompetence in not checking figures and publishing this garbage!

  74. Mad Hatter says:

    Succinct comment from Bolt today:

    “Two years ago, almost to this shameful day, newspapers reported the death toll from the latest virus to hit Australia. Ho hum: just 250 dead from the flu.

    Nothing stopped.”

  75. Moose Knuckle says:

    Personally I like the Mayor wearing white. The purple doona was very outdated. I’m hoping Jen will wear a nice tight white pant suit just like Agnetha Fältskog from ABBA. Maybe she can wear it to the next Chamber meeting while singing Money Money Money?

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Moose Knuckle. You are beyond help. Get yourself down to your local vet and ask for the Green Dream. That is the only hope for the rest of us.

  76. Groper says:

    Well, well, our corrupt council may have to answer some very awkward questions like “support local” campaign that TCC conservatively estimate contributed $3mil to TSV businesses. How ? Well some 600 businesses signed up and they (TCC Boffins) say that each business has “estimated to have received $5k worth of business”. If this sounds like smoke and mirrors, it is, and it is only a little one there is plenty more.

    • The Magpie says:

      See next Sunday’s blog for more on this subject … the LGAQ is up to its grubby neck in this, using deceitful semantic to line its own pockets with the Local Buy scam which means EXActly the opposite of Buy Local..

      • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

        Didn’t the State through its Business Disaster Centre or whatever, have a hand in this too? I heard there was wads of cash being handed out to people like SmugPrecinct to grease the whatever they grease.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        And we all know our Mayor is a Director of LGAQ . Never far from controversy is our Mayor . re Steve Belgian Gardens , i think the reason he never provides any information is he doesnt want to spend time using electricty from fossil fuel to search for details unless he lives off the grid totally self reliant . So Premier Palaszczuk has apologised and after the horse has bolted will look at mandating health , fifo , airline vaccinated . Yvette Dath confused Townsville people reading from the wrong days talking points announcing a fourth testing clinic by mistake . You cant make this stuff up .

        • Bagwhan says:

          Apology smology…. Not really sure if “I am more than happy to apologise,” counts for a contrite apology particularly when coupled with the deflection…

          “No one wants to see this happen but everyone knows, our systems are stretched.”

          Still waiting for the apology for ‘QLD hospitals are for Queenslanders’…no apology will ever help that young mother get over the loss of her baby.

          Supremely arrogant and out of touch…

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      ‘Smoke and mirrors’? More like complete bullshit!!! Hill and Ralston have to go.

  77. Cyril, Belgian Dip says:

    It’s always a hoot watching Stevie from Belgian Gardens piping up to defined his precious Labor camp. I’m surprised your lover, NMD, hasn’t been more vocal about the negative commentary against the Mullet and Queen Anna? Anyway, the two of you he/she/her/his will be very upset if Fran one day becomes Mayor. You two snowflakes will simply be distraught. And if ever The Kid becomes premier in a few years time, oh my Lordy you will both end up in cardiac arrest!

    • The Magpie says:

      In the latter case, ‘when’, not ‘if’. The ‘Pie has had $20 on it for 15 years (unfortunately and sadly, the other side of the bet – a great mate – had passed away, but The ‘Pie still wants to be vindicated.)

  78. The Magpie says:

    Now a serious question, and c’mon, no political point scoring or the usual sniping crap.

    The ‘Pie has just watched SBS News and ABC News, and throughout the day, and has monitored rolling reports on at least five news sites … and THED HAS NOT BEEN ONE MENTION OF HOSPITALISATION OR SEVERITY OF ANY OF THE NEW CASES. Now this information may be available somewhere, but why is it being ignored by mainstream media?

    Has the old bird missed something? Genuine question, no fucking around please.

    • Jeff says:

      Because journalists have been replaced by Ai programs that cut and paste media releases.

      There is no transparency of any COVID data, may it’s commercial-in-confidence.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      I have looked around the QH site and reached out to a uni friend now in Health in Brisbane (we Rugby boys stay tight). I am unable to find any detail at all, it is almost as though QH is holding back data. My friend says he has no information which can be made public.

      All I can find:
      – across Queensland there have been about 30,000 tests since the local outbreak (my guess is that there are many more people who are close contacts than have been tested)
      – this afternoon there were non-QHealth media reports that local “celebrities” – Karina from the radio and Todd Payten from the Cowboys at least – who were tested right up front have now been cleared
      – the Bullsheet is reporting that there have been so many tests that results are now lagging (there was previously a 48 hour torun around) – https://www.townsvillebulletin.com.au/news/queensland/rests-on-the-tests-possibility-of-queensland-lockdown-extension-decision-falls-on-test-results/news-story/1f216f08cd793967c5234231706efa0c

      I will let you draw any lines through that, but I suspect that no one, least of all the clowns at QHealth, have any idea what is going on now or going to happen.

      • Dennis C. says:

        The other thing nobody is questioning is the science behind “Lock-Downs”.
        Remember “Lock-Downs” did not exist before 2020, and the first country to use it was China in Wuhan – remember the welding of doors.

        Politicians, the media and health officers all applaud the success of “Lock-Downs” as a way to control COVID yet this might just be luck or at best coincidence, there is no objective proof. It may even be the natural cycles of the virus. Again, we do not know.

        It is always dangerous to conclude that one thing caused another, simply because they appear to be closely linked, as a Harvard articles shows “Correlation doesn’t imply causation” https://hbr.org/2015/06/beware-spurious-correlations

        • Westie says:

          Hey Dennis, check out how the Black Death was managed in Europe. Border closures, house lockdowns etc. In fact the rules were very similar to today- leave your house only for work, medical attention, and buy provisions. You did not need a mask – you had to carry a white rod to show that you were certified disese free, and you got fined if you forgot it.

          The word “quarantine” is a latin derivative meaning 40 days- the length of time your house had to be disease free before you could come out.

          Lockdowns have been the standard for pandemic control forever.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        So Barely, you obviously include your Rugby friend in the no-clue category then………?

      • Alahazbin says:

        And Barely, there is not enough properties in Townsville for quarantine purposes, that QH has to bus people to Cairns or fly them to Brisbane.

      • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

        This from the THHS FaceBook feed:

        From day one of the pandemic, the on-site Pathology Queensland team at Townsville University Hospital have worked tirelessly to get tests to the public; however, this week saw an exceptional upturn.
        Group Laboratory Manager Michael Wilhelm said the snap lockdown was one of the busiest periods the team had ever seen.
        “In the last seven days, we have turned around a huge 5,755 test results just for COVID-19 – that doesn’t include all of the other testing our staff do to keep the community safe,” he said.

        So there have been about 3% of the local population tested this week. Not the data you were chasing but it is a start.

    • Nerdy says:

      Pie the only consistent and most transparent COVID data is on the Federal Health Department website – https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/2021/07/coronavirus-covid-19-at-a-glance-1-july-2021.pdf

      The obvious question to ask looking at this data is “Why does Queensland have a disproportionately ratio of hospitalizations of positive cases compared to all other states?”

      I would have thought with the performance of Queensland Health the worst place to be is in hospital in Queensland. Not to mention the additional risks and contacts from transferring patients.

      • NQ Gal says:

        Nerdy – the way I understand it is that as soon as a person is identified as covid positive, QLD Health put you in hospital. Other states are allowing people to either stay in their hotel/home for the duration unless things take a turn for the worse.

      • Ivor Fan says:


        To the Pie’s earlier point Social Media will stop the truth from being hidden. This analysis is very compelling.

        When does Flu season normally hit Queensland?

    • Dave Sth says:

      Hi Pie.

      Heard a rumour down here that ramping problems with ambulances are critical in Queensland. Apparently they wouldn’t be able to deal with a true outbreak if it happened. Unable to confirm said veracity and it could be just NSW State Health vs Queensland. However the unhealthy symbiotic relationship between various public sector unions and the ALP nationally I wouldn’t be surprised they and the media are running dead on it.

      Enjoy your week off, down here no such luck. We are wearing face nappies for the first time despite no cases within a bit over 2 hours drive that we never wore last year when things were much worse. Go figure… These clowns are making it up on the run!

  79. Backflip Anna says:

    Not that long ago Premier Palasczuk was demanding ScoMo increase flights to bring Aussies home, how things have changed.

    Palaszczuk joined the calls for commonwealth aircraft to be sent on mercy missions and said Queensland had offered to accommodate more returning Australians in hotel quarantine.

    “I don’t want families to be separated by very, very long distances overseas when they are isolated and a lot of countries are still in lockdown,” Palaszczuk said.


    She is pure political animal happy to trade livelihoods of hard working Queenslander for a few political points or free tickets to the footy.

  80. Interested observer says:

    If we weren’t taking about people’s lives this would be a joke.
    On ABC TV News this morning Prof Emma McBryde, of James Cook University no less, ridiculed Dr Janelle Young’s advice about 18-and-unders getting the Astra Veneca vaccine saying in summary that if she were 18 she would be getting the AZ jab. In case you think I am making this up, my wife heard the same statement by the brave and highly qualified Prof McBryde on ABC Radio on her way to work.
    But no mention on news.com.au nor on townsvillebulletin.com.au, nor on Seven News.
    So are they totally incompetent or just protecting one of their Most Influential Advertisers?
    I suspect the latter is the case and I fear for the future of Prof McBryde, who has dared to tell it like it is.
    Corruption reigns supreme in our local media.

  81. Interested observer says:

    Hope someone has passed these comparisons about the risk of dying from AZ jabs to our three health protectors, Anna, goofy Miles and in particular the panic stricken and controversial Dr Young:

  82. Contributor says:

    I note the way you whiners love to vilify all the women leaders during this pandemic. The Premier was strong and brilliant on Q&A last night, and will do us proud at National Cabinet today in her attempts to hold Morriscum to account. Dr Jeannette Young was up at 1.30am dealing with the 2 emerging cases today and coordinating contact tracing. So easy for you old white men to sit and snipe at these fantastic leaders. Proud to be a Queenslander. Cue the misogynists!

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie cannot speak for others, but he repeats his oft-stated maxim that when it comes to public policy, he is only interested in what’s between someone’s ears, not what’s between someone’s legs. By your (no doubt handsomely paid) logic, women in positions of power should be beyond criticism, because such disagreement amounts to misogyny. Very weak comment on any level, have you thought of trying Facebook, they’re generally dumber than folks hereabouts?

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      Cue the misogynists? the battle cry of pissweek failures who don’t want to be scrutinised, talk about pathetic, typical leftie. Up to 01.30 was she, oh the poor thing, perhaps we should have a special girlie badge for women when they have to work late, the fact you watch Q & A says all anyone needs to know about you.

    • Lost to it all. says:


      I’m an old white male (PMS if you like) and I’m with you all the way. Despite enjoying the pie’s acerbic humor, I lost interest in the nest long ago because of the parochial, partisan and often uninformed wailing’s here (from both ‘sides’), but still drop by from time to time.

      Mal, you can find the statistics you need at Qld Health:

      This is not a great site, but infinitely better than the woeful national statistics offered on COVID-19 – worst in the OECD. Once again NZ shows how to do open, timely, accessible and honest statistics:

      The precious, feeble fools we have for ‘leaders’ would never permit this degree of scrutiny…

      • The Magpie says:

        That’s a handy chart, thanks. However, surely one would expect if a government is going to take the not-inconsiderable step of removing part of our basic freedoms with a lockdown, they would give us a running report on how things are progressing, taking the starting point as the situation at the start of the lock down period and giving daily summations, to reassure if nothing else, that is part of their job. By not doing so, they create an information vacuum that is the ideal breeding ground for speculation and rumour.

        This is what would happen under normal circumstances of emergency, like road, rail or air disruption that cause inconvenience, or police handling of disruptive demonstrations and so on. But this Government is clearly the tribe that has lost its head, honestly haven’t got a clue from the moment this moved over from responsible prudent government to political posturing.

        As for your crack about the Nest’s parochialism, proud to wear that badge, because The ‘Pie’s principal raison d’etre is to offer an outlet not controlled by venal, power playing interests who don’t give a fuck about the Townsville community and play games for profit with our future well being. High flown lofty sentiments perhaps, but unlike the mostly gormless parade of no-hopers who file through the Bulletin employment turnstiles, moving on to what they hope will a bigger and perhaps world stage to display their ignorance (hello, Vicki Campion), The ‘Pie has been there and done that – yes, including displaying ignorance – and he’s here for the duration.

        As a missionary in a remote outpost in Canada said two centuries ago, refusing a call to return to the Vatican for promotion: ‘Sometimes it takes more courage to stay in one place for 5000 days than it does to travel 5000 miles.’

    • He/she/his/her says:

      Contributor is obviously NMD/Not the ECQ. You can pick that Labor loving/females first stupidity a mile away. Contributor, it is irrelevant what the gender of the Premier or CHO/CMO is. You seem to be cherry picking as Smiley Miles has also been singled out around here as been part of the trio of fuckwits destroying our State. Most. Nesters don’t give a fuck about gender. It’s all about competency, and Young/Miles/Palasczuk are complete and utter shitheads.

    • Lucky Phil says:

      So we are misogynistic because we call out the 2 so called women you speak of. The same women who colluded,
      Saying it’s to dangerous for two pilots flying in an Anzac Day flyover to do so.
      Saying that children 12 years and under don’t need to wear masks but close down schools for deep cleaning if any age child has Covid. I feel sorry for a child 11yr and 364 days old turns 12 half way through a lockdown. Apparently they are more contagious from one day to next.
      Saying that movie stars and football teams pose no greater risk then anyone else so they get home quarantine and special treatment because they bring money to Qld. I hope they treat the 10 powerball winners last night the same.
      Saying the virus will spread more at 6pm on Tuesday so we need a 3 day lockdown but between 12pm and 5:59pm it’s ok to panic but at supermarkets across Qld with no masks and no social distance. Gee that virus can read a clock good.
      Saying wearing masks for 2 weeks now to stop the spread of no virus in the community even though there’s no one in hospital and we have had records broken of vaccinated people last week.
      Saying vaccinated people will still be quarantine, so why are the 2 women you speak of telling us “TO GET VACCINATED “?
      To much else for your small mind to comprehend but there’s a start. Thanks for voting labor all your life you complete drone. How about you contribute to society by calling out these liers. Don’t forget the crime wave, bet they don’t wear masks or give a fuck about lockdowns. And don’t tell me they are in prison because we all know they are out on bail.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Nah, regardless of gender they are all fucken useless.

  83. One legged tap dancer says:

    Hang on there Contributor. What makes you think everyone on this blog is male, old and white?
    Where did you get this information? Have you been hacking into the old bird’s computer to track down people you don’t agree with?
    And anyway, what’s wrong with being male old and white?
    There are tens of thousands of such people in Townsville. They are somebody’s husband, father, grandfather and best mate.
    Maybe it’s time we started a new fringe lobby group, the MOWB – Male Old and White Brigade, aimed at ridding the world of woke loonies who think women never make mistakes.

    • The Magpie says:

      Comment of the Day, with an extra star for no swear words.

    • He/she/his/her says:

      I agree with the tap dancer. I’m not an old white male. I think Contributor, judging by his/her/it’s comments, is the sexist racist one on this blog. No doubt Contributors diverse qualities include being mentally ill, judging by his/her/it’s comments. Moron

  84. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Mr. Pie, I believe it was very messy and cleaning crews are still labouring away at the TCC building, but good news…she’s gone!
    The Bulletin’s intrepid “reporter” Caitlan Charles’ first, major scoop!

    “MAYOR Jenny Hill has blown up over the behaviour of state and federal leaders who have been at each other’s throats over the Covid-19 vaccination rollout.”

    And whata scoop!

  85. Mike Douglas says:

    So the people elect two independent Councillors in Townsville and when Fran speaks out about the Council budget process and possible misleading claims she is reported to the “ office of independent assessors “ and has removed her posts until the matter is resolved . Who do you think would report Fran for simply trying to represent the best interest of her Council division ? . Comments are on Frans Facebook page .

    • The Magpie says:

      Sorry, Mike, not getting you. Just checked and the posts previously displayed cut and pasted here … about the attack on Lansdown being her personal platform by Mayor Mullet, and her drill down into the budget fraud (my words not hers) are still there. AS THEY SHOULD BE. Can you give us a bit more info on the reporting comment? (Haven’t had a chance to scan the Astonisher yet … something in there?)

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