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The Magpie

Sunday, December 13th, 2020   |   156 comments

Delusional State: Massive Blow To Those Hoping For A New NQ State – Jenny Hill Endorses The Concept.

Bob and Robbie Katter’s glee at the mayor’s support for the idea demonstrates that they’re a bit dense, really … when their pet project gets the thumbs up from a woman who has run her own city into the ground through ineptitude and bad decisions, it is hardly the time for rejoicing. And as usual, The Magpie has a few questions.

Delicious irony: Labor chooses a used car salesman to replace failed pizza shop owner Les Walker on the council. but only after accepting, and then rejecting, a local lawyer candidate because he is ‘too fat’.

The mayor suffers further water damage … and further exposes the council’s financial woes.

And as his disgraceful presidential terms sputters and fizzes to an ignoble end, America’s leading mobster sends his demented followers one last murderous message …

But first …

Kill The Chicken To Scare The Monkeys.

Three or four by years ago, The Magpie was interviewed by DUO magazine, and was asked a series of set trivia questions. One was ‘If you could have a super power, what would it be?’ to which The ‘Pie replied “China … because pretty soon, I’d get Australia, too, the rate things are going.’ it was meant to be funny.

How sadly prophetic. Australia is now in a very serious game of Chinese checkers … or more like chess. And Beijing, with several thousand years of practice in subjugating others, has decided on a gambit that seems to be overlooked by the commentariat.

China is unaccustomed to being challenged in the ways it has been in the past few years, from world demands for a Wuhan/COVID investigation (answer: ‘fluck off’) to the more strident posturing in the South China Sea and jackboot behaviour in Hong Kong. These and other issues have now devolved into a massive reality chess game, and Beijing is now revealing its carefully planned gambit. The gambit is summed up in the mandarin saying, ‘Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys’.

To counter and divert more formidable enemies, Xi Jinping decided he needed a ‘chicken’ to show the ‘monkeys’ he is serious about his expansionist schemes, and not to be mucked around. And the chicken in this case turned out to be Australia. Everyone is still wrong-footed by the speed that all this has taken place. Especially Scott Morrison, who is rapidly being wiped off the board by Xi. Bentley, too, is alarmed.

Chess small

And then there was this, which seems to have been barely reported anywhere. Screen Shot 2020-12-09 at 12.18.16 am

Shit, really?

Seems we may end up paying a massive price for Morrison’s populist stand, and abandoning more measured diplomatic approaches. But there may be an unintended positive come out of China’s bullying bastardy … it might be no bad thing if we are to made re-evaluate out dependence on Beijing for export income and cheap crap on our supermarket shelves.

Has Peter ‘Tin Foil Hat’ Newey Cracked Open The Sparkling Porphyry Pearl Yet?

Peter Newey

You’d think so, given all this ‘chopsticks at ten paces’ stuff between Canberra and Beijing. Because with the Chinese are in a right royal snit, Pete is no doubt celebrating what would seem to be the demise of his despised Bluewater Equestrian Village, aimed at the Chinese tourist market. The money behind the very worthwhile venture (a big local job creator) is not Chinese (Malaysian by memory) but no matter to Pete, they all look alike to him and his sox’n’sandals crew. But, oh dear, buckle up, Pete, some bad news for you. It’s still very much on, old son. The equestrian venture was initially aimed specifically at the growing Chinese middle class for whom anything to do with the neddies is a great symbol of wealth and privilege.

Now, The Magpie has been reliably told that the project is nevertheless proceeding, with the focus shifted to Asia generally and the Middle East, and a ‘staged focus on our domestic market in light of travel restrictions’. Work on EIS and master planning are continuing apace, but still no time frame is available.

And the project’s backers warn that the biggest problem they is perceptions of xenophobia and racism. Sadly, potential clients don’t understand that xenophobic racists like Peter Newey and his Townsville Residents and Ratepayers Association page are the tin foil hat brigade, whose spittle-flecked rantings represent  a panicky minority view.

But the unemployed and business folk in Townsville thank you, Pete, for keeping us pure and free of the tainted money of the Yellow Peril.

Does He Come With A Three-Year /30,000 Lies Warranty?

Car salesman and Labor candidate Scott McElligott 1596180708828

Car salesman and Labor candidate Scott McElligott

Some things in Townsville are plain and simple – a lot of its voters for instance – but when it comes to actual politics, nothing is ever plain and simple around here.

So, although the scurrying behind the political skirting boards started some time ago, Jenny kicked things off as far as the public were concerned this week, when she instructed her aerobic class councillors to raise there hands in favour of a costly by-election in Division 10 to replace Les Walker. This instead of availing themselves of the still-operative succession rule which would have seen Woodstock grazier Fran O’Callaghan installed in Les’s deeply-dented chair, as distant runner-up in the last election.

And then, less than a scant day or so later, we are informed that Scott McElligott – the used car salesman son of former state MP Ken McElligott – had been tapped for Jenny’s Labor mob to try for a seat on the gravy train. The timing was interesting, because a couple of days in candidate selection is but a nano-second in the way these tedious matters run. So it was pretty clear that the council choice of way forward was a foregone and pre-agreed conclusion. Which would a massive and possibly illegal presumption with a truly independent body of councillors, but hey, we’re talkin’ Townsville here, folks.

Mr McElligott Junior wooed us with his high minded civic ambition and deep desire to take on our burdens when, sounding like a nervous chap in the grip of  gender uncertainty, he told the Bulletin, ‘There’s always been that thing within me.’ Really? And things didn’t become much clearer when he added, ‘I’ve had an itch that needed to be scratched and I’m ready to get out there for Division 10 and serve the community.’ Not only that, but willing to make the trip from his Kirwan home to do so as often as necessary.

So we now have a candidate who sounds more like all he needs is some Eurax Itch cream and perhaps an examination by a proctologist to check for lurking ‘things inside’.

But if you think that’s the long and the short of it, you’d be wrong, because then came …

The Breadth And Width Of It

Today, the Astonisher regaled us with this …
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Missing out on a selection like this is usually just tough titty, but Mr Thomas insists it was a done deal, with campaigning details outlined and discussed, but says he subsequently missed out for a very unusual reason.

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Now normally, The Magpie avoids personal observations of no relevance regarding body shape or what the tabloids call ‘fat shaming,’ but in this matter, The Magpie must report, that although Jenny Hill denies any such talk, SHE HAS FORM.

The ‘Pie well recalls some years ago when  an ALP stalwart, a ranked public servant with a strong work record, was rejected for a run for office by Mrs Hill because Jenny thought the woman was ‘way overweight and didn’t like the way she dressed’.

WHAT? This is more than a bit rich coming from a walking fashion disaster area, who frequently shows no interest in how she looks when representing this community, and who herself is increasingly giving the Michelin Man a run for his money.

Jenny Hill and Maury Soards

Jenny Hill image001

jenny boothScreen Shot 2020-03-21 at 2.42.59 pmJenny Hill Screen Shot 2020-11-12 at 12.20.06 pmScreen Shot 2020-12-12 at 5.32.52 pm

But, who knows, this may all be corrected by a change of her diet over the next year or two, in a spa with no liquor and with Jenny not allowed to do her own cooking.

Anyway, Mr Thomas is now set to join McElligott, Asti Pool and Fran O’Callaghan, as an independent candidate for Division 10.

The Magpie Allows Clr Sue Blom The Last Word On This Matter


TCC Clr Sue Blom


Sue Blom voted against holding a by-election. She explained why in a public statement.

I have voted against a By Election for the seat of Division 10. Following are my reasons.

My reason is simple in these tough times there is no need for the council to spend another cent on this.

There is a perfectly good candidate who registered and qualified to run, who then came second in the Division 10 election in March 2020 under very hard times for any Candidate to run.

The legislation came into effect on the 12th of October reflected the Governments intent to save local government money which gave the runner up the option to take the seat. 

At the time of the seat becoming vacant the legislation said that the position would be filled by the runner up.

The legislation said that if the Candidate that won the seat stood down in the first 12mths for whatever reason the position would be filled by the runner up and so on until exhausted of all candidates and then a by-election could be held to fill the seat.

The state government made this new legislation because they deemed it a better way to fill a positions under12mths because it was less cost to the community.

Now that this has occurred there was a rush to change the legislation back as it was deemed not suitable now.

We cannot keep changing the legislation to suit ourselves..

The above has now happened and it is a simple evaluation from my position and the public that this person should take the seat so my vote is against a By-election.

Thank you

State Of Desperation

The big WTF of the week was this.

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The Astonisher at its irrelevant best, posed pic and all.

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This immaculate conception of an idea with no discernible father-figure behind it is now a stillborn idea. Dead in the water for the next 70 or more years. Don’t get The Magpie wrong, he is not necessarily opposed to a new NQ state, as at the same time he is not opposed to a Mars spaceport being built at Bluewater ,a vacuum tunnel high speed rail link travelling at 400kph to Charters Towers, Ayr, and Ingham and even the more unlikely bridge to Magnetic Island. But just right now, those matters, like a new state, are not on any sane responsible person’s agenda, given the more immediate challenges we face.

And anyway, just what this has to do with Mayor Mullet, and the TCC?

The immediate reaction of blog readers was universal: what’s she trying to distract us from now? In fact, that was echoed in the featured letter to the editor in the Astonisher (which blithely ignored that they had a big hand in drumming up the shit story in the first place)..

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But from just what was she trying to distract us? Well, we didn’t have to wait long … lo and behold, what was this we suddenly beheld?

She Surely Is a Water Damaged Mayor

First advisory Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 10.32.25 pm Second advisory 10.10 pmScreen Shot 2020-12-11 at 10.40.23 pm

It’s a fair bet that Mayor Mullet knew something was happening with water infrastructure when she started wittering on about a new state. It was a panicky series of desperate advisories on Friday night that confirmed this was no minor glitch, and enhanced the city’s image no end when it made the national TV news bulletins on a slow news day. . But according to one irate council insider, this failure was caused by skewed priorities by the mayor.Water works

Water works
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Submitted on 2020/12/12 at 1:09 pmFirst, a pipe blows on Charters Towers Rd, now the main line from treatment plant. To all the anti-Hill people on here that have been warning Townsville for 2 terms now, rest assured your noises are going to be louder soon then the deafening roar of those Jenny-lovers trying to protect her.

Our overtime has been slashed, which means we can’t inspect anywhere near as much as we used to. Nowadays its all done remotely by computers.

Our infrastructure no matter what these so called council spokespersons say is “FUCKED” We’ve been trying to do our jobs across council now with no money. 5yrs ago a view to put in a second pipeline also committed a second treatment plant to process drinking water. Our lines cant handle a second pipe as it stands. But don’t worry, everyone, after the higher paid advisers read this, they will be spending money trying to find us who speaks out rather then using it on fixing the aged water system. When a system like we have now isn’t looked after it doesn’t take decades to deteriorate, the proof is in the panic to text everyone 6 times in the space of 4hrs not to use any water.

  • Ducks Nuts

December 12, 2020 at 7:14 pm  (Edit)

Watching TCCs media and comms handling of the water main rupture is like watching a slow moving train wreck. It’s very clear that the maintenance area is not talking to the comms area. The information they are releasing misinformed and does not meet the update deadlines they have set themselves. It has created panic buying in the community and disrupted businesses already struggling. And yet, members of the public are congratulating them on their handling of this. Something, that wouldn’t have happened if maintenance had been done in a timely manner. Exactly what happened to all the asset maintenance engineers and water engineers that council used to have?

Water works

December 12, 2020 at 10:15 pm  (Edit)

Yes we should be paranoid. As you may all have seen and read the latest update where we found further problems after testing the completed works today. There’s no hiding behind a spokesperson now. This problem was waiting to happen now we have to fix multiple ones as we (staff) have been alluding to for some time. Ill let your jenny defenders have there say now Magpie i’m in enough shit by now.

indeed, The ‘Pie will be eager to hear such defence.

A Floundering Trump Sends A Violent Message To His Supporters

The world has suddenly stopped laughing at Donald Trump, as his personal pique and emotionally retarded behaviour turns even more deadly.

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This is not an argument about the death penalty per se, but more about the vindictive, sinister and disgusting motivations behind this spate of state-sanctioned killings. The timing makes it clear that this is Donald Trump’s ultimate disgrace, sending a false message to his demented followers that he is a law and order president and he will campaign on it for the next four years (he hopes).

This is doubly repulsive coming from a man who reprehensible, politically driven dereliction of his sworn duty has helped kill almost 300,000 of his own countrymen. He has now sealed his own legacy. Trump’s heinous behaviour, this last wielding of his pen of power, came on the day his defeat was put beyond all doubt, when a Pythonesque attempt by Texas to overturn the election was thrown out by the Supreme Court, 9-zip.

So no stays of executions, but pardons aplenty in coming days. When we’re rid of him, the bad taste will linger but everything from then on will be an anti-climax.

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And Finally …

… a visual metaphor for voting in Townsville … for anybody.


back with us now, eyes stopped watering? That’s it for another week, but do keep an eye on comments every day, some genuinely valuable information is increasingly coming to light as more and more people are becoming tentative whistleblowers. Plenty of laughs, too, so join in.

And we end with the usual request that if you find value in this weekly offering, you can help defray the ever on-going costs of the site with a donation. The relevant button to do so is below. Your assistance will be appreciated as much as it is needed..

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Mike Douglas says:

    On one page of the States newspaper the Courier Mail , Townsvilles 3 % increase in property prices (only surpassed by Noosa ) is featured then we have the Cities worst PR machine Mayor Hill featured supposedly Fat shaming a candidate . Cant wait for the Couriers report on the Council not being able to supply Townsville essential basic water needs for 3 days + . Chasing Rainbows our Mayor whilst “Rome burns ” . Having the Cities name associated with TRRA facebook page when its really only the editors pet hates and personal vendettas( has any of the supposed corruption been proven ?) is a disgrace . Some of the outrageous previous claims “TRRA knows the Townsville , Queensland , Worlds Economies ” if so the editor must be a tech millionaire . Fortunately followers have dwindled to the stage the site comments on their own posts .

  2. Hi Beam says:

    Some knowledgeable wild life warrior has just told the ABC News that 1 BILLION furry things died in the bushfires. How does she know it wasn’t 1 billion and 23 animals? I know! 87.3% of statistics are made up on the spot. This sort of scary crap may worry the non thinkers but how can anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together believe this sort of crap?

  3. Cantankerous but happy says:

    It’s not just our supermarkets full of cheap Chinese goods, the building and construction industry is the same where Australian manufacturing has been decimated, all done by choice, not necessity. This just confirms the reality of a short sighted Australia, take a walk through Bunnings, Chinese junk from one end to the other, we really have sold out our future for a few percent extra margin, but we will pay much more in the long run.

    • Cockie says:

      On the Chinese who operates our water treatment plants? Trility Water through a Build Own Operate agreement with TCC, https://trility.com.au/project/townsville-city-council-water-supply-upgrade-project/

      Who owns Trility Water BEWG being, Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited

      • The Magpie says:

        ah ha! Wonder if that will change when Smirko and Darth Potatohead change the investment laws overriding state and council contracts with ‘undesirable national security risks’.

    • Dave Sth says:

      Thing is cranky I admit I have bought their cheap s@#$ in the past when it suited but problem is now they have cornered the market it isn’t cheap anymore and there aint no real alternative…

      Government these days interferes in everything but have either been completely asleep on this one or willfully blind.

      • The Magpie says:

        Part of the problem lies with the fostered attitude from ‘lifestyle’ marketers and – hateful term – ‘influencers’. Often The ‘Pie wanders the aisles and spot a plate, a saucepan, bedside lamp whatever … all of which he already has … but is tempted to ‘upgrade (= buy unnecessarily). How many sets of wine glasses do you need (‘oh, look, those dahling stemless glasses, just like the Tuscany peasants use, so sweet”)? The truth being that the Tuscany peasants probably lust after wine glasses with stems but have to settle for old olive jars. We really are a boats’n’beer society awash in redundant gimcrackery.

        • cobalos says:

          At least they are still drinking their wine from a glass; not like some beatniks who now quaff their tipple from a can ffs. When I am drinking merlot from my Riedel chalice I like to admire at the deep cherry colours with a hint of blackberry, but not too intense as to usurp the fashionable crimson hue of fuchsia with molasses undertones

  4. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    A very few Initial observations on the Douglas Treatment Plant Disaster before I go back into the trenches:

    It has been a long time coming and the poor condition of those pipes and fittings has been known but ignored by the top floor for some time. People have been pleading to be allowed to investigate and take action as the damp patch spread.

    When the damaged section of pipe was replaced yesterday the pressure test has shown further faults along the line which will now need replacement before the plant can be brought back online. Hopefully a low pressure temporary supply can be pumped from Ross River.

    Just like the RIsing Sun main failure, the PR and Legal wonks will spin council out of this using their combined “we managed this perfectly, no other council could have done it so well, everyone says so” and “our insurance does not cover us for the event therefore we will not pay for our incompetence”.

    Comments here on overtime bans, lack of inspections and maintenance are spot on. The city will continue to fall apart until we replace the broken political appointees with competent professionals.

    Get used to not having showers and seeing your yards die, at the same time we are all being taken to the cleaners.

    • The Magpie says:

      At the time of this post, the only mention in the Townsville Bulletin of a major water crisis in this city, which has made news around the country, was 23 hours old. No updates on the paper’s various sites, including facebook, as the issue has become more and more serious.



      • NQ Gal says:

        There was a small article on page 4 next to a much bigger article headlined Road Crash despair – which in itself doesn’t make sense as roads do not crash – vehicles travelling on the roads do.

        • The Magpie says:

          Ah, right, thanks.

          The opening paragraph:
          “Townsville residents were under strict emergency water conditions yesterday after a pipe broke at Douglas.”

          So one of Australia’s largest regional cities is under ‘strict emergency water conditions’ because of an infrastructure failure and the Townsville Bulletin thinks this merits a very missable snippet on page 4?

          Says it all really.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Ginger Beer Can you comment on the emergency supply pipe from Blacks Weir? Is this operating?
      My understanding is that this should supply ample water for indoor domestic use, including showers. But no external use.
      Have heavy industry (Sun Metals) been asked to restrict usage?
      And three cheers for the boys in the trench. You’re doing a great job.

    • Kevin Parkes says:

      Ross River is polluted with urban runoff and also with PFAS (firefighting foam contaminants)
      It cannot be used town water supply.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        It gets treated before it goes into the water network Kevin. Tin foil hats off now please.

        • Kevin Parkes says:

          Water treatment plants do not remove PFAS and similar chemicals.
          Reverse Osmosis does to some extent but this is not normal water treatment plant inventory.
          Douglas plant I do not believe has this capability.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Kevin do you think it would remove bullshit?

          • OWL says:

            Just curious Kev? What is/was the source of PFAS in the Black Weir? Surely this a banned substance nowadays.

          • Kevin Parkes says:

            The ordnance loading and storage facilities in the Mt Stuart training area. Very effective fire suppression systems that have been serviced, cleaned and replenished over 40 to 50 years. They were informed that it was harmless fertilizer.

  5. Non Aligned Worker says:

    Civil Ginger Beer
    I presume it is the outlet pipe from the treatment plant causing the issues?

  6. Water woes says:

    It wil only be a matter of time before the mount spec pipeline suffers a failure..
    high grass growing around it and rusting .

  7. Russell the other says:

    Jenny has blown it by wanting a seperate state. Anna was going to send the boring machines to Townsville soon after finishing the cross river rail tunnels. They were to drill tunnels through Castle Hill to save motorists a couple of minutes from the Strand to Ingham Road, then the ultimate is the boring of tunnels through the mountains to the Burdekin Dam. This would allow gravity fed water to flow to the new Toonpan treatment works and new distribution pipes to the reservoirs.
    Sorry, my wife just woke me from a nightmare and I thought this would happened it seemed so real.

  8. Dave of Kelso says:

    It seems like a good time to be in Brisbane. Going without a shower is no big deal. (My personal hygiene is suspect at the best of times. ) I feel for those businesses that cannot function and therefore lose money.

    • The Magpie says:

      And, innocent question, Dave, at a guess, who would you say should be held responsible for this imbroglio?

      Surely this should move an administrator closer to Walker Street.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        In my view, it is those who set spending priorities that are responsible.

        The engineers and operators on the ground are powerless as their warnings to the top are ignored, short of becoming a whistle blower, which is usually career destroying and of little use if no one is listening, e.g. the Astonisher.

        All that said, like the floods, a sham inquiry will be held and no one will be held to account.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Leading with your chin again Kelso! So are you saying that you stink, or what? Explicit please :)

  9. AB says:

    Where is Scott Stewart on this ?

  10. No More Dredging says:

    If you’re dying to sink the slipper into Scott McElligott (and why not?) at least work out how to spell his name.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thanks, fixed.

      And just for the record, The ‘Pie knows very little of Mr McElligott And he just may … may … become a fine councillor. It is the cynical selection process that is in question here … and of course, if Mr McElligott wishes to lead with his chin by making a a few vague, basically meaningless comments, he is fair game for a bit of japery.

      Here’s a question: when did you hear a council candidate campaign with things like ‘Bloody hell, I’m gunna fight to get that bloody road fixed, it’s a disgrace’, or ‘Those park toilets are in such bad repair, they are a danger, I’m going to never stop fighting to get them repaired and better lighting installed.’?

      No, it’s always this floaty, gauzy ‘ I’m gunna fight for the people of this division, I am standing because I want to make a difference’, which means ‘I want to get loads of money for doing what Jenny tells to me to do.’

  11. upagumtreeperson says:

    Have there been any recent updates from TCC? My phone says number 4 from yesterday. Citizens are left in limbo. Not good enough. I will still wash dishes and shower. Stuff the council!
    I am cynical when I say that this problem may have been known prior to the Council Election but was hushed up. I hope this is not the case. Pipes can break or burst but there must be systems that can be used to check on leakages. I think my late brother was working on a laser system with the Melbourne Board of Works years ago that would detect leakages under ground from above. Is there such a system and if not, why not? Makes perfect sense to me.

    • The Magpie says:

      No doubt replacement pipes are on their way from Adelaide as we speak.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      I received my first water advice telephone text this afternoon (Sunday) at 1.32pm. No advice number. Our neighbour heard by word of mouth Saturday morning. Communication with the community seems a bit hit and miss.

  12. upagumtreeperson says:

    Can a form of CT scan be used to detect underground pipe problems?

    • Cockie says:

      Upper Tree,
      Yes, there are devices to scan pipelines, they tell wall thickness and are accurate to within 100mm of the location of wall thinning issues. Yabulu used to do regular scans of the oil pipeline in the good old days, but it cost an arm and a leg. Cockie

  13. Elusive Butterfly says:

    Rain pissing down in south-east QLD…so, home insurance rates will go up in North QLD…again!!
    Go figure??

  14. upagumtreeperson says:

    Magpie and readers, I agree with Sue Blom. The status quo should stand as outlined. As a non-labor supporter, I can see that the TCC wants to favour a Labor based candidate to fill the vacancy. Who pays for the By-election? Not TCC surely? State Government? I can see that Anna the banner and Jenny Hill getting close to each other on this to support a Labor candidate, reject the local council election result on Div 10 and bugger the rest to us. I believe in democracy but there are times when I despair at the way the system is abused. Take Chairman Anna when she said that Queensland Hospitals are for Queenslanders. I hate the current system but there is no alternative.

  15. Jenny Wren says:

    Water issue update No. 7 received at 11.55 by email says, in part,
    “Pumping at the Douglas Water Treatment Plant overnight and during today has helped replenish the city’s water reservoirs.

    Townsville residents will be able to resume using water within their homes only from 4pm today. Water use outside of houses will remain restricted.”

  16. Alahazbin says:

    Russel tO,
    I know you said it was a bad dream, but regarding those tunnel borers. The last two were buried in a side tunnel after the job was completed, so who knows what will happen with these ones.

  17. Prince Rollmop says:

    It is very unfortunate for the Prince that pipe problems pop up during his first week at the trough. I would like to be a fly on the wall when the Prince gets to see TCC’s asset management system, the endless budget cuts over the years, and the true state of the infrastructure and estimated future maintenance/replacement costs! All councils have to have an asset financial management plan in place for infrastructure such as roads, water,
    Sewerage etc for 5, 10 years and beyond. Where is TCC’s? It should be a publicly available document shouldn’t it? Maybe some council insiders will slip those documents into the Pie’s Inbox, who knows!!

    • The Magpie says:

      Here’s where a spot of maintenance could start. This from a reader this morning.
      Hello Magpie …
      A huge mess greeted Cotters Market shoppers this morning.

      Stall holders told me that this mess created by a street sweeper that had problems with brake fluid.
      Another picture postcard of our CBD

      • The Magpie says:

        That raises a couple of question, the first of course what the hell was the driver thinking by proceeding over the footpaths when his machine was clearly fouling the pavement?

        And why was he driving a vehicle with a brake fluid problem, which could lead to a very dangerous situation if the vehicle continued to operate?

        • Scientician79 says:

          What a disgraceful mess that is and a perfect summary of this council.

          Fantastic. Great move. Well done Mullet.

          • King Hit says:

            Hi Pie
            Ventured down to the Flinders Street markets this morning and there was dirt and shit all over the footpaths on the Ross Creek side of the street.

            Apparently the mess is the result of a TCC street cleaning machine doing the exact opposite of what its designed for.
            One of the stall holders told me council workers came down to try and clean it up but, guess what, they didn’t have any water to wash the dirt away.
            Your rates at work – again!

        • Charlie Wulguru says:

          Has The Department of the Environment been notified?

    • Kirwan Joe says:

      No need to smuggle them into the nest. They are available on the Council website at



  18. upagumtreeperson says:

    Spot on King Hit. Typical Council stuff up. No water until 4pm, ha, ha. How disgraceful to do this to our prestige city. Disgusting. Please clean it up by Monday.

  19. Another Inside TCC says:

    The mall fiasco today with the spill is what you get when you “CONTRACT” out your basic services. Yes we still have street sweepers but toilet cleaner? Contract, road maintenance, contractors (mt low parkway and Nathan st) water pipe bursting, contractors BMD and others, southern corridors lawn care, contractors, last one was from Melbourne city council, and some casual staff at the dumps from protec, contractors, all on very high cost wages. Its only a matter of time until we become a contractors city council. What services are next to go. Ill let you know now that we purposely go slow because we are told if we get our job done to fast it will go to contractors next time. I dont feel unions are going to be to worried about it because they can strangle a private company harder and go out on strike more often tjen tbey do with a Labor council. Unions will just have us transferred over if we all get the flick they dont give a fuck really.

    • John Doe of Townsville says:

      When I asked at the markets today, I was told the oil in the Mall was a result of hydraulic fluid failure on the TCC CONTRACTORS street sweeper. TCC maintenance staff then called in their own street sweeper which suffered a mechanical failure and could not be used either.

      As a result council staff were left with brooms and shovels to try and assist with cleaning up the situation to enable the markets to go ahead. These maintenance staff tried hard, but there was only so much they could do with brooms and shovels. I understand the contractor will be back tonight to clean the mall.

      I felt sorry for the guys with brooms and shoves trying to clean the mall Hard for people to do a good job without the right equipment.

      • The Magpie says:

        And just imagine the liability over and above the normal insurance safety net if someone … or multiple people … had accidents and injuries because of this.

  20. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville “ mentally healthy city “ if Crime , BO ( body odour ) , contractors pavement machines don’t get you first .

  21. Moment says:

    Will we be soon reading the front page of the Bulletin of their investigative reporting, on the TC Council and what is considered, ‘Townsville’s Water Security’? Please, other readers may also wish to comment further and on 2m extension to Burdekin Dam if you can find it on a website for comment.
    A split in a pipe at the Douglas treatment plant. Result: Townsville NO showers or washing.
    Great headline in the news down south for those wishing to move up this way. Security for industry wishing to set up camp, a real bonus. In the south east, is it ‘woke’ to say ‘dry as a dead dingo’s donger’ and no water.
    Douglas and Rollingstone Treatment Plants are apparently interconnected to all the holding tanks at same water level for even distribution around the City, with Monday a refilling day.
    When is that new fully designed XXX mega litre water tank to increase the holding capacity to be constructed behind West End after the quarry was reopened and the tank space completed a few years ago? Would this XXX mega tank be designed to avoid this recent and unacceptable, ‘Disaster’? Council terminology.
    Where is that pipe to the Burdekin, Haughton or wherever it is to be connected and when is it to be completed? Just in case we get another ‘hole in the pipe’.
    Why is public comment restricted to a 2 m extension of the Burdekin Dam when the dam was designed for 14m? Burdekin Dam and Hells Gate is also on the TEL list of ‘Conversational Projects’, while the going away party was great. Just a note’. Please check the Website as none is offered. Reference a ‘State Development website’ for your comment as ‘The Coordinator-General will now prepare a draft terms of reference for the EIS and the Community will be invited to have their say on what it must address. Closes 5pm 29.1.21. Maybe ie short . P.O. and Good Luck.

  22. Frequent flyer says:

    Wonder whether the Townsville Bullsheet will have a story on the Flinders St mess tomorrow. If they want photos the Magpie might be able to supply some – at a price, of course.
    If they do have a story you can bet any statements will be by a “TCC spokesperson” and not our media tart mayor, who turns up for the opening of an envelope but goes missing when the shit hits the fan.

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, haven’t you noticed? Our mayor is selflessly stepping away from the spotlight and shoving a less than happy looking Deputy Doo Dah Frothy Molochino forward when the news is bad. Wonder why the deputy mayor hasn’t been asked what he thinks about a new state for NQ?

      • The Magpie says:

        NOW TELL US YOU DIDN’T KNOW SOMETHING WAS WRONG THROUGH NEGLECT, JENNY. Look at the post timings … The Prince must be already wondering what hillbilly swamp you’ve dropped him into.

        • The Wulguru Wonder says:

          Monty Python couldn’t write this … they’d believe it too far fetched.
          Things went from one lack of maintenance clusterfuck to another for TCC at the Douglas Water Treatment Plant.

          The Uncivil Engineer was correct in his comment. TCC senior management had been made aware of a potential leak in the main intake pipe for a while now, as evidenced by a growing damp patch in the ground, but did not authorise any investigation. (Probably due to budgetary constraints). The pipe subsequently ruptured.

          Not a problem, just turn on the emergency intake from Black Weir while work is done to repair the main intake pipe.

          Sounds good but when they tried to turn on the pumps for the emergency intake they would not start…..perhaps a lack of maintenance again?

          The emergency intake pumps can supply 70ML a day, which, in conjunction with increasing the supply from the Northern Water Treatment Plant, should be enough to keep the city supplied while repairs are undertaken.

          BUT … Result is that TCC were forced to hire private pumps at a substantial cost, and worst of all the private pumps have a maximum capacity of 20ML a day.

          Hence the “emergency usage” whore’s bath/no showers edicts from TCC.

          I have the feeling that over the next few months we will see more pigeons coming home to roost from the Nous slash and burn staff slaughter.

          At least Prince Ponce is in the hot seat to sort out this disaster of his own making.

          • OWL says:

            No surprises about the River pump WW! The infrastructure has sat there for years without regular exercise and performance runs. The same might be said for the cone valves at the dam.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Spot on! WW. Do you live near Dolan?

      • Cantankerous but happy says:

        What a press conference that would have been with Molachino, the brainless dunce would struggle to articulate the difference between a ruptured water pipe and a gecko, seriously if this moron becomes Mayor of Townsville one day then this place is truly a lost cause.

  23. Critical says:

    Given that we are in a La Nina cycle and after this weekends water supply disaster, the question must be asked WHAT LEVEL OF ASSURANCE AND PHYSICAL EVIDENCE CAN TCC PROVIDE TO THE TOWNSVILLE COMMUNITY THAT THE CITY’S INFRASTRUCTURE AND ASSETS CAN WITHSTAND A CATEGORY 4 OR HIGHER CYCLONE DURING THE 2020/2021 CYCLONE SEASON? It seems to me that the condition of the city’s assets such as water supply infrastructure, sewerage treatment plants and network, maintenance equipment and vehicle fleet are in such a mess that council could not respond quickly and adequately to a Category 4 cyclone and large scale assistance would be called upon from the army to ensure the restoration of essential services and community safety

  24. One legged tap dancer says:

    But Critical, surely we have to cut Jenny Hill some slack over her instructure disaster.
    After all, don’t forget that she invested millions of our rates in must-have things like the Elton John concert, the Jeff Horn fight, and the V8 Supercars?
    Who needs water when you’ve got Ageing Elton, Glassjaw Jeff and the Superpests?
    That TCC Disaster Dashboard is going to get a workout through the cyclone season, and not necessarily due to wind and rain.

    • OWL says:

      Not to mention a few million worth of “artwork” dumped in the ocean for the benefit of an occasional passing dive enthusiast. (With more “art” already signed up for)

  25. Cajun says:

    I was thinking of installing a water tank, not to collect rainwater, but to keep topped up with mains water for the next water disaster. My own private reservoir between the meter and my house inlet pipe. Pity our water pressure is so pathetic it wouldn’t work!

  26. Time to get a pool says:

    All of us bemoaning lack of showers are in the minority. All the pool owners have been doing fairly well in the alternate bathing department. I bet that includes most of the councilors.

  27. KraPMG says:

    Time for the State Government to send in a forensic audit team to examine TCC’s finances, assets, processes and compliance with Local Government legislation. TCC has really been exposed in the past few months has being a complete basket case that has fallen apart at the seams. This situation simply cannot continue any longer. TCC is an embarrassment.

    • Concerned says:

      You are not wrong, tell me any other large business which had gone thru 4 CEO’s in 6 years where no heads had rolled, and not employee heads but elected heads.

  28. Tropic blunder says:

    I understand that the TCC comms team is about to have a shake up (read bollockkng) after this pretty dismal performance in keeping the community informed. However, the hammer really should fall on the exec team who keep refusing requests to inspect/maintain key infrastructure. The severe cutbacks to this area started under Chiodo.

  29. Guy says:

    From my time banging on doors 10 years ago my understanding is that the water supply problem is again another legacy problem from the tyrell council – yes really.

    These things are a legacy problem, they decided to have their cake AND eat it, rates soared to take further loans and water tax was introduced to make the water system more attractive to potential buyers of Townsville’s water system.

    Given the basketcase state of the council’s bank account of the tyrell council realistically the Hill council couldn’t do more without sending rates soaring once more.

    The water system has problems that have built up over decades.

    Then there was this fascination for building another pipeline – an interesting discussion point but not viable. Again – its why I said and still say we should be recycling water, its cheaper, faster to implement and is viable short term and long term. Water is used by industry – lets sell it to industry.

    250 million on a stadium that’s used 12 times a year (?)

    250 million on a pipeline that doesn’t provide water. It will take a billion dollars to make the thing operational.

    The council got hijacked by interest groups that delivered nothing of any real benefit to Townsville – at least the hill council didn’t borrow money to pay for it as the opposition wanted.

    • The Magpie says:

      All that banging on doors obviously paid off in the end … someone heard you and let you out.

    • Critical says:

      Guy prior to amalgamation of the Townsville and Thuringowa Councils in 2008 the water supply for both cities was the responsibility of the Townsville Water Board (I think that was the name of the entity). Upon amalgamation the Townsville Water Board was disbanded and the new Townsville City Council became responsible for the delivery of water to the new city. It would appear the the legacy that you mentioned was from this entity not the Les Tyrell Council which inherited any problems of that entity. If memory serves me right representatives from both councils sat on the Townsville Water Board.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Critical, You are correct in that the New TCC took over all responsibilities of the previous entities. However TCC & COT run on different practices when it came to maintenance of their assets. Eg In the sewage system TCC run two pumps in all sewage pump stations and the pumps were maintained alternately, whereas COT was done on a ‘run to fail policy’
        Thuringowa had no debt. Also NQ Water had $40 mil of federal money to build a new treatment plant at Toonpan, The new TCC debt blew out as a result.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          Didn’t TCC turn down the federal money because it was contingent on changing the way water was priced. And Paul Jacob’s big claim to fame was stopping changes to water prices. Guy must remember because he was involved in that.

  30. KraPMG says:

    TCC use that shit software Technology One to track, manage and forecast asset maintenance. The program is shit, but guess what, the LGAQ under Jabba the Hut have pushed this expensive program into many Councils. I wonder why! It’s complete shit, just look at the the Brisbane hospitals/health department debacles. Technology One was involved.

    Old mate Chiodo inherited an under resourced lemon that had been decimated by the Impaler. Now the Prince gets to wear the TCC stain all over his Executive suit. The Mayor and Councillors are absolutely looking like prize fucktards with all this mess coming to a head. Jenny has lost control of Townsville. Long serving Councillors have been too busy taking their pay packets and then blindly listening to the previous TCC CEO’s who have obviously been polishing the turd and fooling the masses.

    You gotta feel sorry for the frontline TCC staff trying to keep the infrastructure working while their budgets are decimated. Hopefully all the dirty laundry will be spilled for all to see. You’ve taken your eye of the ball Mullet, maybe thinking about the pending court case? Nah, you’ve been swinging your wrecking ball through Townsville for years you arrogant and incompetent fool.

    • Tropic blunder says:

      Old mate Chiodo was the one who decimated the division when he was infrastructure director and the “toe cutter” for Adele. They were the dream team from Darwin.

      • Plannit Townsville says:

        Agreed Tropic blunder. Chiodo, Adele and their mate Greg Constantine of Czar Investments (who recently got the boot) fucked this up. But it was under the direction of the Nous report written by none other than Prins himself. And let’s not forget the Mullet and her little gang of arm raisers. Chickens and Roosts come to mind.

  31. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    Well the water is back on. Kudos to the guys and gals who put in some pretty heroic work to get this stuff up fixed.

    Sadly, with the current maintenance and testing regimen (read NONE) this will keep happening.

    Whether it is a treatment plant or a main somewhere things will keep blowing and our glorious leaders just whistle and walk away.

    As someone said on the weekend Jenny is lucky this is not America or there would be protestors with assault rifles outside her office.

    • The Magpie says:

      Just to be clear, this whole scenario of the pipe failure is at management level, and the folks on – and actually in – the ground, as you say, deserve our kudos. TCC people in the know are starting to slowly deciding to tentatively bring the whistle to their lips, and there will be more to come about this. Err, won’t there?

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      But Jenny says the pipe was tested in 2016 and it was all good then.

      And she also says that the water isn’t on yet. More testing yet to be done with an outcome tomorrow morning. WTF is going on out there?

  32. Tinfoil Newey says:

    Maybe Pete has been tight all along??

    From Skynews;
    A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean. “What they should have added is ‘we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’,” he said. The Great Reset is a proposal set out by the World Economic Forum for a new globalised fiscal system which would allow the world to effectively tackle the so-called climate crisis. Mr Dean said the plan intends to use the “tools of oppression” implemented during the pandemic, such as lockdowns and forced business closures as well as other measures destroying private property rights, to combat the coronavirus to achieve climate outcomes.

    Scotty from Marketing also attended the forum, and the head of the UN has ramped up support for this globalist agenda.
    Interesting times.

    • The Magpie says:

      There are a few weak points … indeed, outright flaws … in the language you use in your comment.

      The entire theory becomes wobbly and shaky when you use the term ‘Sky News’ and collapses in a pile of rubble when you add ‘Sky News host Rowan Dean’.

      Which he isn’t BTW, he is one of the Sky Opinion ‘after 6pm’ team.

  33. Kama says:

    The new ATO building and surrounding businesses were locked down on Thursday due to a suspected gunman in the mall.
    Why was this not reported in any news?
    I searched FB and news sites at the time and there was no mention of it.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, if it was a hoax, much better it wasn’t reported, especially if no one was particularly inconvenienced. The Tax Office being locked down would hardly be an inconvenience to anyone. And if a gunman was in ‘The Mall’, he’d have a hard time hitting anyone.

    • Wyatt Earp says:

      Well if there was a gunman menacing the ATO he wouldn’t be robbing in. The Government would never allow the tool that robs us to be robbed. All that taxpayer money hastily squirelled away in safe data encrypted systems. The ATO does have a few weirdos working for it though.

  34. The Magpie says:

    Another massive blow to those hoping for a new NQ state. The Bulletin’s pet economic poodle ‘economist’ Colin Dwyer thinks it a good idea.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      It is the silly season. No doubt this subject will be raised in the Astonisher’s annual community survey with the cleverly crafted question.

  35. Poodle groomer says:

    Of course he thinks it’s a good idea. He probably has a few re tsk properties in town that he hopes will jump by 20%. And how does this turkey know that the ‘nunbers add up’? What numbers? What analytical data? What robust economic report? Fool woof woof

    • Steve, Belgian Gardens says:

      I recall Colin Dwyer’s so-called “observational study” of the Bruce Highway a while back, which was just a fancy way of saying he went on a road trip and tweeted about it.

  36. Punter says:

    Speaking if the tax office, the tax/medicare/privatised DSS site in Aitkenvale on Ross River Rd is up for lease to new tenants in a few months.

    I wonder if Dutton and his missus already own the new site?

    Maybe I’m drawing a long bow and its just going to be your average LNP donor who owns the new building.

  37. Sewerman Sam says:

    The tools of trade at Council are old and buggered. Maintenance budget for water and sewerage is pathetic. Infrastructure is pathetic. TCC GM’s are pathetic. The Mayor and Councillors are pathetic. The amount of ‘feet on the ground’ is pathetic. Make no mistake – if we get a cyclone or a weather system that causes catastrophic flooding like last year we are completely fucked. There is no fat in the system, in fact there isn’t even any marrow in the bone. What’s happened recently is a warning of what’s to come.

    • The Magpie says:

      never mind, take a break from axiety.
      This just popped up on TCC’s ‘What’s on Townsville’ page.

      I believe the council crews were on one giant water hunt all weekend.

      Worst timing ever!

    • Scientician79 says:

      The really telling figure is in the 2021 budget.

      It’s the Asset Sustainability Ratio, Page 31 of the below link table at the bottom of the page.


      It shows Council is not investing sufficiently in maintaining/replacing existing assets.

      They have a target of greater than 90% and plan to achieve around 70% over the next several years.

      It might not seem like much but effectively spending 20% less than they should on old infrastructure, such as I don’t know major pipelines to treatment plants?

      When these things aren’t properly maintained the emergency repair costs start to quickly add up and drive the ratio down further.

      • Sewerman Sam says:

        Scientician79, you are spot on. I went through the financials in the report again tonight and there are some real anomalies. As you say, a reduction in meeting asset maintenance costs by 20% is huge. We are talking about a reduction that equates to tens of millions of dollars. Yet other financial figures show reasonable increases in revenue in future years. What a load of bollocks, considering the fallout from COVID is yet to be fully gauged plus China is kicking us in the teeth. Is tourism in Townsville suddenly going to boom like nothing we’ve seen in 10 or so years?? Hardly.

        I think that it’s time the real financials were released. You know, the figures that aren’t stretched, manipulated and spun. Not the 100 page glossy load of fluffy shit filled with motherhood statements, fancy pictures and childish commitments that they will break anyway! The inaction of this Council and the current panic indicates TCC are broke and they have been desperately trying to dig their way out of the steaming pile of shit that they are drowning in.

        • The Magpie says:

          They didn’t miss the Asset Maintenance target by 20%, they missed it by 28%+ … As a previous comment reported:

          T.C.C. missed their operating surplus ratio
          T.C.C. missed their Asset sustainability ratio meaning they aren’t replacing old assets /equipment to target
          T.C.C. missed and are 50% higher on their total liabilities vs operating revenue

    • NQ Gal says:

      Sewerman – the Mullet is relying on 3 Brigade to do the heavy lifting in the event of another catastrophe. They did an epic job after last year’s flood.

      • Sewerman Sam says:

        Correct. And she will show up at the last
        Minute wearing a hard hat and a vest and act like Mother Theresa. Let’s be honest NQ Gal, it is never the Mayor or her acolytes who save the day, it’s always the frontline workers and people with skinned hands that are the real heroes, not some glory seeking half arsed politician who couldn’t unstrap herself from a V8 Recaro racing harness.

  38. Frequent flyer says:

    The Flinders St mess that the Townsville Bulletin is pretending hasn’t happened could be there for a long time.
    They tried to clean it up but it appears the brake oil (or whatever it is) has soaked into the tiles, causing what could be permanent stains.
    Could even be a complete replacement job, or will Jenny Hill just leave it there as a tourist attraction?

    • Sewerman Sam says:

      Well she can’t afford to fix the mess can she? However standby for a midnight repair job, out of the public’s eye of course.
      As for Billy Bombay, that tree even looks like our Mayor.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      There is an opening here. Lots of little biodegradable, pasteurized, gender equitable, ethnically acceptable little signs left in the mall ( mall: happy Dear Pie) stating that,” This disfigurement was brought to you by the Townsville City Council!

    • Achilles says:

      No need to replace the pavers, just turn ‘em over.

    • Alahazbin says:

      FF, Hydraulic oil is a barstad to get out of porous material like pavers. Maybe the private contractor who owned the sweeper should contribute to the cost of replacement pavers or hears a thought, wouldn’t insurance cover this?

  39. Guy says:

    It makes me wonder if the best “reset” for Townsville would be the state government just clearing the council debt instead of building any more pipelines/ stadiums / similar.

    With the debt cleared the rates could remain fixed for the next decade ( or more) and be used to finance maintaining what we actually have. If the debt was cleared the massive surplus could be used to pay back the state government without interest.

    Townsville would have books in surplus for years creating a stable environment for once.

    • Another Inside TCC says:

      Great idea if we didn’t have jenny hill as mayor.

    • Westie says:

      Guy, I am glad you never made it on to the Council, because

      (a) you haven’t got a clue, and
      (b) you think you do

      • Guy says:

        Yeah the oppositions big plan was to sell the water system to private interest.

        In one election they were saying they would build a pipeline on the ratepayer dime – great plan, after 250 million already – no water.

        Then there was the 250 (300 million more likely) stadium , will never break even with ANY metric. The stadium was brought to life again by the opposition by the tyrell council.

        With my supposedly addled thoughts I’d already have saved 500 million before breakfast.

        With a change in council we will be looking down the barrel of water system privatisation and no doubt another half a billion scheme to trash finances further.

        • Concerned says:

          Really, the Stadium was Tyrell, you are a dreamer, wake up.

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, not entirely. The Tyrell council fell in behind the idea after being snowed by Lozza Lancini. To The Magpie’s great disappointment, a straight shooter and generally savvy and competent councillor like Vern Veitch fell for the line about ‘concrete cancer’ (as if that was an excuse for this massive and expensive shift). Maybe Les was trying to show he wanted to be mayor for all Townsville, and not be seen to be favouring his own bailiwick by opposing the new stadium. But his council was in no way pivotal in getting this deeply damaging scam plonked down for everyone to witness it’s failure. We al know where our mayor was kneeling on that one.

  40. Dave of Kelso says:

    With the US Electoral College votes in, I expect that things in the White House will be similar to the Fuhrerbunker towards the end of WWII.

  41. The Magpie says:

    The spin in on! Mayor Mullet’s new ‘advisor’ (read ex-Stirling Hinchliffe political spin doctor) Jonty Verwe , who sounds more like a Dutch tulip grower, will be earning his keep on this one, as will CEO The Prince Ralston.

    But the good old Astonisher gives us a clue to how things went wrong long, long ago, with this story today, featuring a headline gets the Spoonerism Of The Year Award.


    It was never built because search high and low as they could, they just couldn’t find ‘Tanpoon’.

    Retired sybarite Prince Peter Of Lindsay, former Laird of Herbert, put them straight.

    Peter Lindsay said “This is critical to ensuring that we have continuity of supply should one of our current water sources become unusable due to algal blooms or other contamination.” Of the funding, $17.5m was allocated for a 130ML/day water-treatment plant at Toonpan, south-east of Ross River Dam.

    • Grumpy says:

      For the last time… THERE IS NO FUCKING WATER CRISIS

    • Custard Ass says:

      Oh yes, a carefully choreographed Council bullshit deflection puff piece put together by The Bullshittin. Plenty of spin with talk about algae, how the pipes are 50 years old and how the Council has a full set of mitigation plans in place that they were already engaged in! Nothing mentioned about budget cuts and trying to hide the truth. Hill the shill. Well, we can see the work of Prince Ralston and the Mayor clearly in the shite article.

    • Critical says:

      Better get your knee pads Mullet
      because your going to get down on your knees again and start spinning your bullshit for grant funding. Like any capital works projects in Townsville, nothing will happen until 100% Federal and State grant funding is given for the project.
      Getting grant funding serves all five useless blood sucking pollies though because all will be able to spook about how they got they got grant funding. I’m certain that TEL will jump on the bandwagon and try to substantiate their existence.

  42. The Magpie says:


  43. Doxie says:

    So the Bail House programme is to be scrapped. Really? Whoever would’ve thought it!!

  44. The Magpie says:

    We all know the Bulletin constantly publishes all sorts of twaddle, to which we all say “fiddle faddle, oh, what flapdoodle and fairyfloss”. And today, they’ve more or less proved that to be the case – literally. There was this story about the multi millionaires leaving us for better climes.

    The run-of-the-mill brown-nosing praise was predictably by Harding’s number 2:

    But a little further on, our man had shape shifted in some Dickensian character.

    One idly wonders if the person responsible for this received their diploma in journalism from JCU.

  45. the realist (high school era) says:

    Oh these Professors are just so clever. They have doctorates and all sorts of things. They can write a thesis and other complex hypotheses which mean jackshit in the world of real people. They receive OAM’s for telling us there is plastic floating around the reef.

  46. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Had to go into town today, talk about dead, free parking for 2 hours in December, but who the fuck knows about it, I didn’t know until I got in there, how those businesses in there survive is beyond me. New laneway built by Martin Locke looks popular though, the parkies were spread out in there and looked most comfy, nice breeze moving through the space, they would be most appreciative.

  47. The Magpie says:


    Christ Almighty, talk about flogging a dead horse.

  48. The Magpie says:

    For the record, Jennifer Lorraine Hill’s charge of driving without due care and attention causing death will be heard for mention in the Townsville Magistrates court this morning.

    Mayor Hill, who does not have to appear this morning, is not expected to enter a plea at this stage, and most likely, the matter will be further shuffled forward to a future date.

    Eventually Hill will have to make a plea, either guilty or not guilty. In the latter instance, the matter will then go to trail in the District Court, and if she elects for a jury trial rather than judge alone, there will likely be a costly move of venue out of Townsville.

    But should she plead guilty to receive consideration for whatever penalty may be imposed, the Local Government Act as it stands will disqualify her from her current position, and she will be further disqualified from holding any political office in the future.

    That is of course, unless the Queensland Labor Government makes a retrospective amendment to the Act allowing her to retain her position until any penalty is served. They have been known to use retrospective legislation when it suits them.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Can someone explain an enlarged bail? I understand what an enlarged prostate is. I assume it’s along the same lines

  49. The Magpie says:

    Is there a reason why no one has suggested an obvious (council) solution to this problem at Jezzine Barracks Park?

    At night, say any time after 8pm, the Jezzine Barracks site is hardly a tourist or any sort of vehicular magnet for anyone except vacuous hooning dullards. Basically bugger all to see. There are only two entrance/exit roads, so why not metal boom gates, a la national parks, locked at 8 or 9 at night, unlocked and raised at say 5.30am?

    • NQ Gal says:

      Agree Mr Pie – Vehicle access gate to Anderson Park is locked every night. Surely it couldn’t cost much more to get the security contractors to lock Jezzine as well?
      Total cop out from TCC.

    • Cockhead says:

      Hey Magpie. That’s too simple and straightforward a solution for these Council heavyweights – now you’ve said it they won’t do it either………Cockheads.

  50. One legged tap dancer says:

    Nothing would surprise me.
    Anna has already protected her Labor mate Jenny over the Ross River Dam debacle, Crime and Corruption Commission scrutiny, and the council by-election fiasco, so changing legislation to let our Disaster Queen stay in her job would seem to be a formality.
    Corruption reins supreme in Queensland.

  51. NQ Gal says:

    I see the army was called in to supply water to the hospital during the burst mains debacle. Once again, 3 Brigade has come to the rescue of this town.

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