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The Magpie

Tuesday, July 1st, 2014   |   9 comments

Clive Palmer to host ABCTV Quiz Show?



The Magpie has hacked a secret email exchange beween Prime Minister Tony Abbott and a senior executive in the Australian Broadcasting Commission. The snoops were quick to intervene, and The ‘Pie could only make a copy of the ABC’s reply, which, at whatever risk to personal freedom, The Magpie feels duty bound to now publish.

From the desk of Beryl Flange,

Executive Producer,

Light Entertainment,



The Hon Tony Abbott,

Prime Minister

The Lodge’

Canberra. ACT

July 2, 2014,

Dear Mr Abbott,

Thank you for nominating your political colleague Clive Palmer as a suitable quiz master for our new quiz show planned for this spring.

Having reviewed your comments, Mr Palmer does indeed appear to fit the criteria we seek for master of ceremonies for the program.

However, before we take the matter up with Mr Palmer, we feel we should point out that the projected show is actually called Fact Hunt.

In light of this, we think it prudent to hear back from you before we approach the leader of the Palmer United Party about the matter.

Yours Faithfully

B. Flange

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