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The Magpie

Saturday, January 30th, 2021   |   188 comments

Aaron Harper Promises To Write An Indignant, Outraged Letter … To Himself.

Two police officers seriously injured, smashed cars and six indigenous children arrested after a car chase … and the member for Thuringowa’s response raises two questions: 1. Aaron, have you recently suffered a blunt-force head trauma? 2. Would you like to? The Magpie reports.

On matters different but just as concerning in their own way, it’s the little things that expose the danger of having a passed-over politician as mayor. Neglect always has a snowball effect, and our crumbling infrastructure signals major pain ahead. But madam is leaving Frothy Molachino to carry than can, especially about that mysterious 2% rate rise, what’s it really for? The answer is not reassuring..

… and a law likely to come back and bite the TCC on their dopey arses … picking and choosing where punitive by-laws apply is tricky (and challengeable) enough, but making victims pay for crimes committed against them? Let’s see how this one flies, eh?

The Astonisher again proves it thinks grammar is something you use to make pumpkin pie , and thagt spelling is something racehorses do between starts …

It ain’t over yet for Les ‘Memory Blank’ Walker by a long shot, with the news this week that his ban from the night-life strip is upped from 10 days to three months. He must’ve done something very naughty.

…and Donald Trump was right about one thing (YIKES you scream! ), but don’t get excited, it’s about the only thing he was right about.

Let’s start there.

Donald Trump Was Right About One Thing (Yes, Seriously)

Remember when Trump was roundly howled down for referring to corona virus as the Chinese virus – and then went the inevitable one-step-too-far and tried to joke about one of the deadliest scourges on the planet, calling it ‘Kung Flu’. All varieties of fancy dress fringe players and virtue signallers started honking like a flight of ducks about racism and xenophobia.

Well, it seems those ducks have crashed landed somewhere quiet, South African trend Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 4.58.06 pmthey now appear to have gone the way of the former President, and are nowhere to be heard. NOT EVEN when everyone in the media is now talking about ‘the South African strain of corona virus’, ‘Brazilian strain’ and – oh, my sainted aunt - ‘the UK strain’. Not a single honk.  Brazilian strain Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 4.59.41 pm

South African trend Screen Shot 2021-01-29 at 4.58.06 pm

We need to be on the look-out for easy double standards. Trump derangement Syndrome works for both sides in different ways.

The Mobster President and his pestilent brood may be gone from government but the flapdoodle from fuckwit followers continues unabated. In among the discombobulation, was this little pearler, quickly rubbished by the invaluable Snopes debunkers.
Greta 2Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 6.13.56 pm Greta 1Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 6.14.08 pm

There doesn’t seem to be any gender doubts about the bloke who is one Jake Angeli. Just species, maybe.

But it is the corona virus that certainly is staying with us, with a team of experts nosing around in Wuhan, looking for the source. Meanwhile, the Chinese have suddenly come up with a very backward way of virus testing … yup, up the wazoo. It brought tears to Bentley’s eyes when he heard about it on ABC radio.

Anal & Pie small

Traces of the pesky virus have been found in the poo of several Queensland cities, including the ‘ville. But some very inventive scientists believe they are ahead of the curve here. They’ve invented an invisible toilet, which allows you to check of you’ve just expelled any virus. It was demonstrated during the week.

Invisible toilet  Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 11.27.42 am

Needless to say, this was just a demonstration with a demur model, so when it comes on the market, you need to remember that a suitable adjustment to clothing will be necessary and you need to practice putting your head between your knees to get the benefit of inspection.

But there are other side effects of the virus that also see us in the … err … shit.

Queensland Premier Jeanette Young Under Fire

Well, they keep rabbiting on about Anna Alphabet, but we all know that Anna delegated all the responsibility to Dr Young to operate the clanging open and shut of out cattle chute border crossings (‘one, two, three … that enough, Bruce, Dr young says someone sneezed in Moree, whack it shut”). It was political cowardice and ill-judgement of the sort that comes back to bite, and Anna’s bum must be a tad tender right now. The NSW troops are having a field day with Palaszczuk’s plea to the Feds to keep Jobkeeper going because she fucked up with what they call (not unreasonably) “virus hysteria and health despotism”.

Perrottet IMG_8747

As a result, Queensland tourism is going broke through her populist policies that never gave a thought to the economy. ‘At least she kept us safe'; is going to pale a bit soon when the depth of her mismanagemenbt is realised … it was always going to be risk v reward.

How Long Will Aaron Harper’s Lack Of Shame Last


Cop injured Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 7.39.39 pm

Surely it will hit home soon after this photo of an injured police officer lying on the roadside after a police vehicle went of control when a stolen car crashed with seven indigenous little grubs on board.

There is an old American saying that when you’re being run out of town, get to the head of the mob and make it look like you’re leading a parade. That is exactly what Harpic tried to do today.

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‘Something must be done?’ You say SOMETHING MUST BE DONE, AARON? A reminder AGAIN, you disgusting money-grubbing oxygen thief.


How about you write yourself a letter, an email, a message in a forked stick, anything, so you can catch up on what’s been happening in your – our – city for years now, and what YOU’RE responsibilities are? Your fellow walking dead who re-elected you may also just be coming out of the catatonic slumber, and be wondering what they have done. Oh, actually,  maybe not,  history is against The ‘Pie there.

How about this, Aaron, since you’ve been so ineffective for more than four years on this issue. Tell parliament what you told the Bulletin, ‘something MUST be done, get them off the streets’and then tell parliament that you will resign and go to the back benches if proper action isn’t taken. That would be the honourable thing to do, so guess that answers that.

When the inevitable vigilant action ends in more tears and mayhem, probably death, you can count yourself largely responsible.

We really do need someone with guts to represent this city, and raise hell about this debilitating cancer that has been allowed to continue for too long.

Your Fellow Dunce, Les ‘Memory Blank’ Walker May Not Get The Choice


Things took an interesting turn during the week for Les Walker. This from comments.

The Magpie  January 25, 2021 at 10:56 am  (Edit)

So Memory Blank Walker gets his clubbing ban upped from 10 days to three months, plus the already imposed $800 fine, so there is no question he was deemed a contributing factor when he won the Glass Jaw award.

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But as Dale Last (a former highly respected copper) said, ”his so called apology (at a media call) was basically an afterthought, and you have to wonder if it was a genuine apology. Walker is taking the people of Townsville for fools.’

Well, Dale, The ‘Pie sort of believes it really was a heart-felt, contrite apology, at least to the Premier, anyway, you can bet on it.

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If this ever comes to court … and that could happen if the other two blokes think it worth their while to challenge the fine and ban … Walker will soil his small clothes. big time It won’t look good, but Labor’s standards are clear all round, so the community can, yet again, just ‘assume the position’.

But if anyone wants to chip in, we could by Les this shirt as a memento … A clue, Les: the answer being ‘Not 56, that’s for sure.’

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Jenny Hill’s Personal ‘Field Of Dreams’ Agenda Has Rooted This City

…well, someone had to say it out loud.

Jenny Hill has always wanted to strut a bigger stage, so she has clumped around on the Townsville mayoralty platform like a kid in mummy’s high heels and smeared lippy, forever seeking the big ticket items to wow her betters in the ALP.  An airstrip for Adani, trips to America for a bogus battery factory touted by some oily characters (which has come to nothing), buckets of bucks for beefcake in the form of legally compromised Jamie Durie to tell us how to turn off a tap, and that little cherry to top it all off, a call for a Qantas boycott (which was totally ignored, … except by Qantas). And while all this swanning and posturing is going on, her council has neglected its day-to-day bread and butter responsibilities, in part because of the neglect of the city’s finances.

As The Tipping Point theory has it, it is when the little regular things are left undone that a mind-set of neglect and disenchantment begin. Two photos (and these are only two of potentially dozens of examples) sent in during the week about what should be easily rostered maintenance matters that have annoyed people. This one came with the comment:

Culgoa Park, Wulguru IMG_1660

Culgoa Park in Wulguru.

TCC mowing crew came and did two strips just inside the fence, then packed up and departed, leaving the remainder of the park knee high in grass. Been left like this for 4 days now. Perhaps they just ran out of petrol for the ride on mower and have to wait for the  2% rate increase to come through before they have the money to buy some more.

The second from another angry ratepayer said:

3 T.C.C. ceos +1 acting in a few years and
Townsville still looks like a dump . University road opposite Lavarack
Barracks this morning used by thousands of cars a day . 


An almost perfect definition of the tipping point in action. This sort of stuff affects the psyche of the whole town, not to mention visitors using one of the main thoroughfares north..

 But Show Me The Money

And you don’t believe this has anything to do with council finances? Then consider this.

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This council is not used to having an opposing voice that can regularly get into the Bulletin, but the paper knows it would be unwise to ignore the federal member. Phillip Thompson has Jenny and Frothy Molachino sweating bullets. But the most interesting part of this story was a rather confused contribution from independent councillor Sue Blom, which indicated that it is a hand to mouth situation to meet the TCC wages bill.

“Division 2 councillor Sue Blom said she voted with the team on this to help secure funding for ageing infrastructure assets. She said it was a difficult position to be in to vote for a rate rise in this current climate because “every family is doing it tough”. Cr Blom said council staff said they needed more revenue to cover costs. “If people are struggling, council is there to help them as much as they can,” she said.

“As an independent, I was wholly sold on a rate rise due to the staff saying they needed extra money.

Umm, yes, OK, Sue. Don’t doubt what you’re saying, but boy, does that beg a few questions.  So it’s over to the Bulletin’s tough questioning, investigative reporters and fearless iditor. (Look this is meant to be a satirical blog,  stop spluttering  out your breakfast eggs au Cointreau.)

But the neglect and delay has been such that – despite the expensive boast of a billion dollar upgrade over 10 years – according to several disgruntled TCC employees, the system is in such disrepair that it going to be a continuous game of whack-a-mole.

Does The J In Jenny Stand For Jenius?

Then bugger me sideways, we get a really dim attempt at populist vote catching with the adoption of a long mulled-over new by-law. It is no surprise, it was signalled in the middle of last year, but a last minute amendment is highly questionable. This new law is a masterclass in how populist politics ALWAYS proves the theory of unintended consequences.

Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 1.49.07 pm TCC clean-up laws Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 10.01.29 pm

The show stopper in this yarn is the following:

Discussions around the local law started with CBD buildings in mind, but has expanded to include residential areas. The local law will apply to the CBD and the residential area bound by Fullham Rd and Mill Drive, which includes Boyes Court.

While on the face of it, many will say good on you, council, the fact remains this is highly discriminatory, and if some property owner wants dig in their heels on a principle, it could be very costly. In theory, it  means someone can have a dilapidated and graffiti covered property across the road from the designated area and nothing is or can be done about it. And the main question is, what pressure was brought to bear for the council to not do the sensible – indeed the obvious –  thing and make it a city-wide regulation. That really is sticking your jaw out for a whack from the corruption watchdog.

There was some mention somewhere that the Fulham Rd/Mill Drive area was a ‘trial area’. Trial of what exactly? Either this law can be applied or cannot.

And then there’s the question of making businesses – the words ‘struggling’ and ‘CBD’ naturally go together – that are the victim of crime fork out hundreds, sometimes thousands, (often repeatedly) to clean up a crime they did not commit.  In an extreme case, a disgruntled former employee or some other vindictive party could almost close a business down with repeated attacks. Geez, a great whacking parking fine hike, approval of a Castletown shops and parking extension and now this … the J maybe stands for the exclamation of some business owners … as in Jesus (etc).

The idea has merit in theory, but the practice is going to interesting … and no doubt selective, which is also discriminatory.

Anyway, word of advice to legal wallah Tony Bligh and his folks at the council … forget trying to do anything about this building on Flinders Street West opposite the spiffing new Honeycombe apartment, retail and cinema complex…

Barry's Flinders St dump0-4

… it belongs to legal foghorn Barry Taylor, whose been trying to unload it for years. Any move against him, Tony, old mate, and he will show you a legal trick or two which will tie up the likes of you in little expensive knots for ages. Besides, he’s a mate of the mayor’s, so you will get your riding orders about this anyway.

And Tony, old chum could you spare a bit of advice for this old bird (no, not that sort of anatomically impossible advice, but thanks anyway). Does this mean council will now scrupulously maintain it’s own property? Like graffiti on bus stops, park equipment, culverts, bridges and signs. Many storm water drains require cleaning. And park maintenance is slacking off again. Is this not goose and gander stuff, mate? Will the TCC issue itself with warnings, and if not acted on, will you be issuing fines to yourself? If it goes to court, will, you yourself be both prosecuting and defending, to save money?

Just askin’.

The Astonisher’s Mischievous Headline Fairy Had A Busy Week

They get so excited when a real story hits,  things somehow go wrong. It’s practically … well, indecent.

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 This is just not English

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Now those grubs are burring stolen cars.

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But the real award winner this week was ….

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But mind you, it’s not just unwary swimmers in rivers that face the dangers of the deep. Unexpected trouble can strike anywhere.


A Magpie Exclusive

The ‘Pie has managed to obtain a photograph of Donald and Melania’s last night at the White House. They invited all their friends to join them for a ‘My Last Four Years’ themed ball. Not many turned up, most were in jail, but D & M had their last waltz in fitting surroundings.

Ballroom Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 11.51.46 am

But we haven’t heard the last of the treasonous former President, one gets the feeling the fun and games are only just beginning … fun from this distance anyway.

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And when the real final time comes, this ….

Donald Trump's tombstone 81370316_10159232209631679_3229469073314152448_n

And A Final Shout Out To Old Mate Peter Newey

As reported during the week:

Peter Newey’s just fainted.

Screen Shot 2021-01-25 at 9.26.28 am Hope you’ve recovered, mate.


That’s it for another momentous week – but aren’t they all … plenty of other things that couldn’t make the cut this time around, but they’ll be spruced up for next week. Your comments are more than welcome, it’s your blog too, you know, with a big thanks to all those who sent in stuff … it can’t all get in, but it is always appreciated.

And if your appreciation runs to a generous thought, The ‘Pie is always needing a hand to meet the blog costs, the bibs and bobs keep adding up, the donate button is below. Have a great week.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Critical says:

    I’m not defending TCC here but my understanding is that mowing and other vegetation management issues on roads such as University Drive, the Ring Road, Bayswater Road from Mather Street north and various other roads deemed as the responsibility of the Dept of Transport is the responsibility of that department. However the Queensland government has determined that mowing frequency etc is only required 4 times per year, other bloggers can correct me on the frequency rate, and this is applied across the whole of Queensland. The Department of Main Roads contracts this work out and from what I know, TCC has much of this contact in Townsville. But then Jenny is probably trying to a bit of a profit on this contract too.
    The Cairns Regional Council has been fighting to have the frequency of mowing increased for years particularly during the wet season and because Cairns is an international destination. Unfortunately the government refuses to budge. Over to the three idiot state members to tell their government to review this crazy rule that doesn’t take climatic factors into consideration.

    • The Magpie says:

      OK, good info, and here’s a good response to the government. On much travelled roads used by locals, visitors and those just passing through, erect signs saying ‘The maintenance and neatness of this road is the responsibility of the DMR. Townsville City Council.

      • Critical says:

        Remember the days when the highway shoulders were regularly mown according to the time of year and grass length and we could always clearly see the guide posts. Not anymore, same Dept of Main Roads vegetation mowing and clearing rules apply. Introduced during the Bligh years I believe as a cost cutting measure to try to balance the Queensland budget.

    • Alacan says:

      Whilst correct with respect ownership and level of service for many years Tcc provided increased intervention funding the balance thru its Parks vote,

      Id be surprised if they have backed this off but who knows these days.

      In 1996 full service standards were developed, documented and rolled out as part of the Mooney driven greening of Townsville. The whole city was mapped with the different intervention standards and schedules based on documented scope and specs. This included DOT roads

      Its a disgrace where the place has landed .

      Would be interesting question that the dumb arse TB could put to TCC .. just what the service standards are .

  2. Downhill Doona Race says:

    With breathtaking speed Townsville has really spiralled into an even bigger clusterfuck in just the past few months with a Mayor charged with dangerous driving, an MP banned from the CBD for bar room brawling, increased rates, infrastructure collapsing, maintenance of infrastructure and assets as well as parks, gardens, footpaths and curbing deteriorating into a complete eyesore, and the ongoing and growing suspicion that if Townsville operated under US law it would have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

    We are overrun by little youth snots holding the city to ransom and stealing and crashing anything with an engine and wheels, only to be caught and then slapped with a ball of wet cotton wool. Breakins, burglaries, robberies and thefts along with physical and sexual assaults are onerously rising by the day. The mitigation strategy you say?? Aaron Harpic writing letters to himself! Wanker. Our elected members are nothing short of fools, freaks and fucktards. You may as well rename the Council chamber; ‘BT Barnums Circus tent of freaks’.

  3. Russell the Other says:

    The goalpost have changed with the rates. The current financial years field was set in July and to be paid in 2 instalments. One half by the end of September and the other half to be sent out early this year (February) to be paid within a couple of months. Somehow this council has decided the goal posts need changing during half time and it will cost us for the privilege.
    I have emailed Mooney “ the younger “ to explain a basic math question to retired veteran how this can be achieved. I await the answer.

    • Critical says:

      Before the second quarter 2020/21 rates notices are sent out, I’m assuming that Mullet will have to submit a fully revised 2020/21 budget and associated documents to a full council meeting for approval before she can increase rates by 2% in this rates notice. This revised budget should make interesting reading. Let’s see how transparent any revised budget is and how much is smoke and mirrors hiding the real TCC financial and asset problems. Developing this revised budget will certainly be a challenge to the new CEO.

  4. Spooka says:

    I first came to Townsville in 1972 and the car thieves, burglars and all-round grubby crims were in the main the same people as today and just as bad. The poor copper’s hands have always been tied behind their backs. The decades-old problem lies squarely with the revolving door of weak, spineless arse kissing politicians and an infuriatingly useless patronizing judicial system. I left Townsville 20 years later in disgust over the problem and the continuing political corruption at all levels in Townsville, in particular the TCC. Somethings never change. Bloody shame, I loved the place.

  5. Mike Douglas says:

    Gotta love it when Phil Thompson calls out T.C.C. in support of his constituents of Herbert and the Mayor gets flustered on being caught out . It’s high insurance costs , no it’s cost of living , we don’t know the full impact of COVID ? . The mid year 77 page financial review update Council released this week opens a can of worms on more worrying financial sustainability at Council .

  6. Cantankerous but happy says:

    In 1985 the average price of a house in Townsville was the same as it was in Brisbane, 35 years later and run predominantly by Labor at both local Govt and state level for most of that 35 years Townsville house prices are half of what they are in Brisbane. People can scream all they want but this town has proved over and over again that being ignorant peasants is a comfortable place for the majority in this town, one only has to consider the fact that mumbling dunce Molachino will in all likelihood be the next Mayor of this town, and the pattern continues.

    • Droopy draws says:

      Sums up Townsville to a tee in every way. This once great place is a basket case. And will be for many years.

      If this message is posted I’m going to look back in 5 years from now to see what has become of the place.

      I’ll be long gone as many friends are doing the same. Twilight years are going to have to be spent elsewhere unfortunately.

  7. crabclaw says:

    I’m assuming everyone is aware they can watch the TCC meetings either live stream at the time or at anytime after the meetings. Sometimes things are a little different in the meeting than what appears in the public statements either on radio or in the paper. And of course there are the carefully choreographed bits. This last meeting saw the Chair of Committees shufflings, the cynic in me wonders if its to strategically sort things before Fran is sworn in.

    Our Mayors justification in the rate rise was that there is money out there, because too many people paid their last rates early (hence a short fall in projected income) to get the discount ( avoid the penalty ) These little comments from her crop up from time to time, are never picked up by the media and shows her disdain for the great unwashed.


  8. Frequent flyer says:

    Yes, you can bet that Bazza Taylor’s eyesore will be exempt from the new TCC law, as will Lozza Lancini’s rat infested building in the CBD, next door to the Perc Tucker Gallery.
    Meanwhile, residents in the suburbs will be fined.
    That’s our council at work – Jenny Hill style.

  9. Strand Ghost says:

    Hi Pie. Jenny has been at it again, bullying people again, has threatened to pull the Council’s $40,000 sponsorship out of the Fight night coming up if they allow a certain fight referee who she doesn’t get along with to work at the Stadium on the fight night, and the promoter will have to fly up another referee for the night, and certain people are not very happy.
    True story

  10. The Magpie says:

    Speaking of that, one of The Nest number cruncher readers point out the following:
    Page 20 of Townsville City Councils mid year budget review 77
    pages issued last week

    – Operating surplus , 0-10% is their target for 20/21 and a measly .04%
    21/22 . After their $6.5 mil loss in 19/20 and Sue Blooms comments that
    “Council departments say the need $” if Council has another loss this year
    none of the Councils own financial sustainability budgets will be achieved .

    On Nett Financial asset budget 60% – Council plans wont achieve this until

    Asset Sustainability budget 90% Council wont achieve until 2028/29

    Financially T.C.C. is a basket case and the ratepayers are funding Jennys
    circus .

    • Plannit Townsville says:

      Page 33 shows the planned borrowings in $ values but there’s no detail on what it will be spent on.

    • Scientician79 says:

      Has been pointed out on here before that Asset Sustainability Ratio is a disaster waiting to happen….oh wait they’ve already started.

      That water pipeline failure raises all sorts of uncomfortable questions for Mullet. I’m also still at a loss as to how she thinks the state government has any responsibility to fund the duplication of that pipe? Isn’t that the responsibility of the council?

      Haven’t got a pic but there is a decent sized pothole at the corner of Wills Street and Stanley St, just a few hundred meters from the Walker Street offices and its been growing in size for weeks. Council staff and even Mullet must be driving past that daily and no action. Goes to show how bad the finances are when you can’t even patch a pothole at the doorstep of the council building.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Sit in the pot hole and have a photo taken and promulgated on social media. It has worked in the past in this town.

        • Tas says:

          Too late. Hasty patch done today.
          Will last until the next heavy rain.

          • The Magpie says:

            Must be reading Nest comments.

          • Scientician79 says:

            Yeah, saw that last night when I drove past, guess putting issues in the comments here is one way for them to get fixed!

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, The ‘Pie is well aware of the dangers of getting ahead of ourselves, but it would seem the right targets are listening. On the other hand, the pothole could’ve been on the maintenance list anyway … or bumped up it … that is a likely route for the mayor to reach the mayoral parking lounge from behind Walker Street. That is if she’s still allowed to be driving. Anybody know if she is?

    • Grumpy says:

      Perhaps someone should take the time to teach Sue to read and understand financial reports. Preferably someone not associated with TCC.

  11. Strand Ghost says:

    Lucky guess Pie!

  12. Les has to be sacked. says:

    How come our super sleuth Townsville Bulletin reporters haven’t reported that can’t keep his fists to himself Les Walker has done it before? How does he get away with the can’t remember excuse when police have footage of his thuggish behaviour? How can he represent us in trying to stop the Townsville crime wave where stolen cars are used as weapons on our streets. Police are getting injured trying to do their job only to see the same kid crims on the streets.Next it will be a family injured/killed by a stolen car which is as dangerous as a loaded gun. Shameful Aaron Harper should resign or be sacked

    • Downhill Doona Race says:

      The paper is reluctant because it is not in their interest to tell the truth and all the full facts. They earn money from TCC for advertising job positions, general advertising and other tidbits. It’s more financially viable to protect TCC rather than put them.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        I do not understand this argument. The Astonisher is the only paper in town. If the TCC is required to advertise they have to use the Astonisher. Hard to justify that they have effectively communicated with the citizenry by advertising in the Urandangi Daly Times. Therefore, in my opinion (to which everyone is entitled) there is no financial reason for the Astonisher to NOT deliver hard hitting detailed factual investigative local journalism.

    • J jones says:

      Because we don’t have proper reporters any more. Just young kids who dont know any better with desperately poor leadership and associated vested interests ensuring they will never be like reporters of golden days of journalism.

  13. Critical says:

    After 25 years of being open, Coles Rising Sun is closing on 2 May 2021. Many staff will no longer have a job. The closing of this Coles is a great loss to the community who could just pop-in and get groceries on their way home instead of having to fight for parking in a large shopping centre. A lot of older people and people with disability are upset as this shop was easily accessible and staff were always very helpful and are now faced with having to go to large shopping centres or incur the extra cost of online shopping. Trade at this shop has been declining for around 4 years when Yamba Meta opened their 40 bed unit complex adjacent to Riverview Terraces on Bowen Rd and many Coles customers went elsewhere because of harassment for cigarettes money etc and comment is that this store has the highest dollar value of shoplifting for all Coles stores. Rightfully or wrongly local community members are making assumptions about the true reasons why this store is closing. Vale Coles Rising Sun.

    • Spook says:

      I think you’ll find that this is due to the success of Coles at Idalia and the new Coles coming to Castletown. I’m surprised they are shutting earlier than just before Castletown is ready but most staff will have been redeployed. I wonder with some of the demographic that like to frequent that area if it may also be a safety thing?

      • Critical says:

        Unfortunately most of the staff are employed on a casual basis so very little opportunity for redeployment to other shops. Because there is a time lag between the closing of this store and the opening of the Castletown Coles, no chance of deployment for permanent staff to this shop. Staff are just hoping that staff at other stores will leave and they can move to these positions but are fearful that this won’t happen because Coles will then have to train new staff to backfill the vacant positions at Coles Rising Sun.
        The demographic that are now in this area apparently have contributed to the decision as very few people shop after dark because of safety concerns and staff safety is also an issue. One woman at Coles commented this morning that she hopes council would remove the bus shelters on Bowen Rd as no one can wait to catch a bus from the bus shelters/stops because this demographic has taken them over and many times they smell like an uncleaned public toilet.
        Droopy Draws, by accessible I meant where else in Townsville can you park within meters of a Coles or Woolworth front door and do your grocery shopping. If you find the car parking tight and narrow, then I question if you should still be holding a drivers licence. Many of the car parking spaces at other major shopping centres are just as tight.

    • Dave of Kelso says:

      Last week my wife had to go the pharmacy at Rising Sun. She was approached by a black fella begging. She just kept on walking.

      It will be interesting to see what happens at the new Rasmussen Woolworths. An air conditioned public space, toilets, and free wifi. Some current staff believe it will be a gathering place for the local little snots.

    • Cantankerous but happy says:

      From a corporate perspective the Coles at Rising sun was always going to go, it’s a disgusting setup, sharing a small car park with a pub and a tyre service centre, no room to expand, unlike Woolworths who have a missive distribution centre in Townsville, Coles does not have one and stock at stores need to cover that deficiency. Your point about the public housing unit development on Bowen Road though is valid, every business and resident has to put up with these people turning the area into a street of wandering beggars. Those poor people at the units near the river had their places flooded and then when they returned to find this place next door must have been horrified, I really feel for them, unless they are Labor voters, then this is the outcome they voted for.

      • Mangrove Jack says:

        CBH, I agree 99% with what you say regards the Coles Rising Sun Store, but there is in fact a Coles DC positioned in Townsville that services the region’s Coles Stores daily.

    • Droopy draws says:

      Accessible?? You have got to be joking!!!
      That carpark is the worse I have ever experienced…. narrow internal roadway and tight parks. Not to mention a pedestrian crossing at the front door that sends customers directly into a sign on the opposite side of the driveway.
      Not surprised at all to see Coles leaving the joint. Developers have become a lot smarter about the user experience when it comes to shopping centres since this cluster fuck was built.
      I pity the poor businesses that will be left holding the baby.

      • NQ Gal says:

        Droopy – you forgot to mention the pot holes and the one way arrows that absolutely no one takes notice of.

        • Droopy draws says:

          True NQ Gal, those potholes mustn’t seem to bother the ‘older people and people with disabilities’ that Critical is up in arms about…

          The place has always been a basket case, Crit.

          If you’re going to throw up that parking within meters of the front door is its advantage, sounds like you’re the one that will be handing your license in before me champ.

        • Critical says:

          Been to K-Mart Aitkenvale since the recent rain, pot holes are just as bad, if not worse, and illegible road arrows which people ignore, even when the arrows and signs are legible. On the upside, at least K-Mart has a place where you can get a tyre realignment and balance prior to leaving.

  14. Frequent flyer says:

    Yes, the TCC is a circus and more than likely bankrupt but don’t hold your breath waiting for the Crime and Corruption Commission to step in and unravel Jenny Hill’s web of secrecy and deception.
    Somehow she’s been able to stave off a CCC investigation despite the dodgy Adani Airstrip deal (and subsequent legal cover-up), which came hot on the heels of an Adani funded junket trip to India, the Battery Factory fiasco (in which millions of taxpayers money was gifted to a private company to conduct a “pre-feasability” study, whatever that is) with no tangible result or benefit to the taxpayers, committing millions of ratepayers money to an Elton John concert to make it look like a success etc etc.
    And now it seems she’s donated $40,000 to the promoters of a fight night.
    If anyone else did even half of this the CCC would be all over them.
    I now wait with interest in the result of her looming date with the court.

  15. Ex TCC says:

    Having worked in Council for many years I can confirm that the Hill led Council is the worst managed Council that this City has seen.

    The lack of an efficient and effective CEO, the replacement of leadership team/s and the labor cronyism has destroyed responsible corporate governance, asset management and financial management. As always the ratepayers will bear the cost and suffer the inefficiencies.

    I know from experience that Jenny Hill couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery (unless there was a labor “mates” deal attached).

    That said, she is the smartest person in the room – just ask her and she’ll tell you.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, let’s face it, she IS smart, because she knows how to get dumb people to vote for her.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Yes Ex, From the first restructure in 1987 , we have union organisers and labor hacks rise through the ranks. What’s that saying about rats swimming towards the sinking ship. Some of those that were there incompetent and apprentice abusers are still there.

  16. Prince Rollmop says:

    Our glorious new CEO has been somewhat shaken over the past week over the negative TCC feedback. The sweaty man has had numerous closed door meetings (and off-site) with a variety of so-called heavyweights. The theme seems to be money money money. A number of Councillors are also becoming increasingly spooked, worried that the money won’t be there to pay for their election campaign promises. Plus the Prince is still very angry that TCC staff are leaking more than the neglected underground water pipes.

    So the mullets chickens are certainly coming home to roost. COVID is the final nail in Mullets Financial coffin, but the root cause of Townsvilles financial woes is consecutive incompetent Hill Councils.

    You took your eye off the ball Jenny, a long time ago. Hope you have fun as the city declines further and the locals start baying for blood.

  17. Guy says:

    I am the ghost of Christmas past.

    The council finances were blown up ten years ago by the tyrell council , reaching 419 million. I only discovered this problem when they created water tax to take MORE revenue to take MORE loans.

    At 419 million the finances became an ongoing problem, not sustainable and certainly couldn’t be paid off. As time went by I realised the only way to stop further loan taking was to try and take control of the finances, I encouraged other members of the water group to stand for council. I even dumped a few thousand flyers around the place trying to persuade someone – anyone to stand for council because anyone would be better to grasp the enormity of the loans taken during 2008 – 2011.

    The only way out of the mess created by the tyrell council is to get state gov to pay it off and start all over again – the money blown on a stadium and BS pipeline could have cleared the decks so EVERYONE could have benefited instead of a handful.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Christ on a bike. Do you ever let it go mate?

      Jenny has had plenty of time to fix any financial mess she may or may not have found herself inheriting. Instead she fucked it good and proper, like a sailor on shore leave.

    • Contributor says:

      Here you go again, Guy, spewing your usual hatred of Les Tyrell and lots of lies about finances under his watch. The truth is that the newly amalgamated Council inherited all the debts accumulated by NQ Water , exposed for all to see. In the years since then the Council has carried this financial albatross, unable to pay the debt down. It was Mooney’s legacy, not Tyrell’s.

      • Guy says:

        Its not hate – its fact

        We need to acknowledge a great mistake was made

        So here we are ten years later – same problem and me saying the same thing.

        • The Magpie says:

          And The ‘Pie is starting to wonder if that is a mistake, too.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          Pie, can we do the online robot test to see if Guy is just an online robot. It feeds out the same shit at regular intervals. I wish it would blow a fuse and shut the fuck up.

    • Critical says:

      An argument that has never been resolved since the amalgamation of the former Townsville City Council the Thuringowa City Council and the Townsville Water Board is how much debt did each of these separate entities bring to the amalgamated entity which became the existing Townsville City Council. It would be interesting to know how much of this historical debt still has not been paid off and why. That way we’d probably be in a better situation to make a more informed judgement on Mullets management of the city and its finances since she became Mayor.

    • Cynical Cricket says:

      I have it on very good authority that the big debt at amalgamation came from Townsville city not Thuringia, due to Townsville water debts. This came from someone who worked very close to Mooney.

      • The Magpie says:

        That’s all pretty well known, but The ‘Pie takes the view that it’s a waste of time arguing with Guy, poor bastard.

        • Guy says:

          Its the same message I gave you all ten years ago.

          Stop taking loans

          Start paying loans back

          It was realised 10 years ago that the loans taken couldn’t be paid back – it was too great. What was worse tye tyrell council wasn’t paying back loans, they were using soaring rate rises to create opportunity to get MORE loans.

          The only way out of this hole created 10 years ago is to get state gov to clear the decks. If we can blow 500 million on a stadium that wasn’t needed and a pipeline that delivers no water we can just clear the debt instead.

          • The Magpie says:

            It would be interesting to watch you try to run a city that insists on being ‘debt free’ – in the sense that a passenger on the angled deck of the Titanic was ‘interested’ – you clearly don’t understand the crucial difference between debt and deficit

          • Count de Money says:

            Winner winner chicken dinner – QTC. Queensland treasury is the winner from Council loans. Treasury rates are great during the boom times as they are cheaper. But if you are a Council with a large locked in loan today, you will be paying more to treasury than if you had loans in the corporate banking sector. Treasury and the LGAQ are sharks. That said, you can’t keep blaming the Tyrell/Mooney legacy of fucktardary.

            Mullet has had plenty of time to make a measure of change, even something small, but she has failed miserably. It will be interesting to see what the Doona and the Prince come up over the next year or so.

          • Scientician79 says:

            If you look at the first TCC Annual Report post amalgamation it shows that Thuringowa Council in fact had no long term borrowings at the time.

            There is a handy table on Page 42 of the below link that shows exactly what Thuringowa, NQ Water and Townsville contributed to the debt of the newly amalgamated council.


            The question isn’t should there be debt, the question is how much is sustainable? And what are you using it to pay for.

            It’s one thing to have a Mortgage and buy a home, it’s entirely another to be paying the bills on the credit card and getting stuck in a never ending cycle of debt.

            I suspect the council under Mullet is more in the latter scenario.

          • The Magpie says:

            Indeed. As The ‘Pie said in another attempt at humouring Guy, there is a massive difference between debt and deficit, and yes, one suspects debt has been accrued to for just that purpose …. borrowing to pay of borrowings. Wouldn’t there be local government regs prohibiting that? Nothing wrong with debt for progress, providing that debt can be properly serviced.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Guy, on one hand you furiously opposed the changes to how council was being asked to rate water because you believed it was a tax.

            On the other hand you want the state government to bail out council debt.

            Exactly where do you think the state government obtains money from? Faeries?

          • The Magpie says:

            Well, it seems to think it does.

          • Jostie says:

            It’s seriously not that hard to google and read annual reports.

            Total Liabilities at 30 June 2009 = $279M incl $189m borrowings
            Total Liabilities at 30 June 2020 = $594M incl $368m borrowings

            Unfortunately the 2019/20 Annual Report does not list the Mayor’s phones calls to Wallet Wizard to solve the budget problem……

          • The Magpie says:

            Wallet Wizard … noice one, Jostie.

          • Contributor says:

            Another fabrication, Guy. The Thuringowa Council was well run and debt free. The same could not be said for Townsville, who laundered their debts through NQ Water. Go and check the figures at the time of amalgamation and stop peddling lies.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        I was under the impression that the only people who worked close to Mooney were those from the ‘top end’ of town including property developers looking to get around existing bylaws !

  18. Frequent flyer says:

    Oh Kelso Dave, you just don’t understand.
    The way to get the Townsville Bulletin editor in your pocket is to sign a advertising contract for big money, guaranteeing a minimum amount of money will be spent. I rang the paper a year or so ago in the lead-up to the council election and asked how much I would have to spend to get the kind of protection and positive publicity Jenny Hill gets and couldn’t get an answer.
    As highlighted by another blogger some time ago, the council was paying big money for tender ads to be published in the front of the paper in full colour rather than putting them in the classifieds section where they normally go – and importantly where people look for them – at a fraction of the price.
    It would be interesting to find out how much ratepayers money has been spent with the Townsville Bulletin and Channel 7, who also go soft on Jenny and her council, in the past 2 years compared to the previous 2 years.
    I think you’d be amazed.

    • The Magpie says:

      And The ‘Pie is amazed that you actually thought it productive and expected a reply to such a sledgehammer question which was really a statement. In fact, The ‘Pie doesn’t believe for a single second that you actually made any such phone call, but if you did, bleating about not being able to get an answer is the least surprising part of it.

    • Dave of Kelso says:


      I think I understand it now. Good journalism from a free press has no place in the Astonisher’s business model and just gets in the way.

      The ethics-free Astonisher wants money and lots of it.

      The Mullet wants her mismanagement and soft corruption ignored and her ego puffed up. The Mullet also has buckets of ratepayer’s money to misuse.

      To keep it short, the Astonisher is to the Mullet (and the TCC) as is the People’s Daily is to the Chinese Communist Party.

      Is that about right?

  19. Mike Douglas says:

    Not a great few months in the One Nation camp . First the party halved their vote in the Queensland election and now Paulines Chief of Staff , James Ashby has lost his legal case against the Australian Government to pay his $4.5 mil legal costs incurred in his case against Peter Slipper .

    • The Magpie says:

      Couldn’t have happened to a nicer snarky little paedophile, who was very active in Townsville some years ago before slithering out of town when some parents started to go after him. … previously reported in full in the early blogs.

  20. Cantankerous but happy says:

    Apparently AAP have started in Townsville and Darwin again as part of a federal Govt grant employing a journalist is each town, we. We need every voice we can get apart from that revolting Townsville Bulletin, any idea of who the journalist is Pie?

    • The Magpie says:

      Nope, but don’t get too chuffed about it, AAP (for whom I hav e worked) are belts and braces when it comes to facts, so the ugly truth about Townsville will be out there even more widespread.

  21. Strand Ghost says:

    Ha Ha
    Just watched the local news on channel 7 there is a new man in the background of Police Video
    Noddy Blank!! Don’t take them long to learn the script.

  22. Sir Rabbittborough says:

    Those 6 investment properties of Jenny Hills on the register of interests, are they mortgaged by Hill?

    The banks have foreclosed properties for less but what are they doing in the side knowing she will lose her council wage ?

    What banks are they? Then, are the banks labor donors?

  23. Guy says:

    Well, my feelings now are that the state gov needs to bail out Townsville now.

    If we started with a clean sheet the rates could stay fixed and the council simply put money into the bank.

    There needs to be some mechanism to stop councils just borrowing money without asking the ratepayers first.

    From an electoral perspective rates doesn’t appear on the radar of most voters unless they are paying rates directly.

    If you are a renter you probably don’t care, rent is low and the landlord cops a hiding from the council – that’s his problem.

    If you are in public housing you aren’t paying rates, so mostly it doesn’t affect you.

    If you are in government housing via the military or any similar branch you arent affected your posting is a few years and you are gone.

    In my first election I met many people concerned with rates though I do remember this occasion…

    Excuse me sir, I’m running for council in the election, isn’t it terrible about the rates going up?

    Silently takes my leaflet, “I’m on benefits, it doesn’t matter who gets in i don’t pay them – opens the lid of the dustbin and chucks the leaflet in.

    I learnt SOOOOOO much from talking to people in my area. That’s not to tar everyone on benefits with the same brush, one gentleman on benefits ( I think he might have had accident in the past ) did help me on election day. 3 – 4 hours of door knocking tells you what the problems are and how to fix them.

    Yes it used to be frustrating , I know what’s gone wrong and how to fix it but that’s all past me now, you just have to accept that no ones listening and no one cares what I think even though its valid. I was thinking that as I passed the coppers on river way drive crash a few days ago looking at the smashed up cars ( it must have happened just before I drove by).

    In the end you figure that trying to do anything in this regard is a waste of time. Anyone who continues to try and make things better after that point of realisation is either a mad man or a saint.

    • Count de Money says:

      Guy, are you serious? Surely nobody can be this stupid! The fucking State Government is busted ass broke as well mate. Nanna Anna and Premier Young have made sure that they have sent the State to the wall over COVID, hence them now begging Scotty from Marketing for a handout. These morons have thrown us headfirst into a world of financial hurt which is yet to be fully felt. Absolutely fuckwits. Good luck collecting tax revenue when no bastard has a job anymore.

      • Guy says:

        What you fail to understand is this : if they have blown 500 – 600 million on the stadium and pipeline they can afford another 500 million on clearing the debt. You’ll notice that i was explaining that the pair of these projects were a waste of time and money, I can remember complaining about the stadium being a waste of money ten years ago.

        I’ll say it again: if they have money for doomed projects they have money to clear debt. The debt will be state debt not townsville’s debt. No one in Brisbane gets sleepless nights because of what goes on up here.

        • No More Dredging says:

          “No one in Brisbane gets sleepless nights because of what goes on up here.”

          I bet they do in the federal Labor Party. Albo’s chances of getting a turnaround in Labor’s national fortunes depend almost entirely on central and north Queensland coal sentiment – something the LNP can’t be bothered about.

        • Dutch Reverend says:

          Guy, the true and correct rectification of this problem is not a gift from Nanna Anna, but for the council to be sacked and administrators appointed.

        • On the case says:

          Guy you just fail to understand, fullstop.

        • Count de Money says:

          Really? Every cent that spent on those two projects came from TCC? Holy shit!! Where do you live Guy – Iceland? Or do you have dementia? $300m of Stadium money came from the State Government and $100m from Federal Government. And from memory at least $100m was allocated to the water pipeline project by State and Fed Government. Either way, there you have at least $500m, possibly more, that was spent on Townsville by State and Fed Government Guy,. Those dollars didn’t come out of Councils depleted coffers. Council did contribute, but not the lions share.

          I think Guy has been believing all that he reads in The Astonisher!

          • Guy says:

            I know state and federal paid for them thank God

            According to the QTC the tyrell council had lined us up for paying for this waste of money – rates were going to go up 5 percent every year.

            The pipeline was paid for by state and federal, again i was worried and concerned when I remember Jane arlett talking about how she was just going to get things done and build the pipeline.

            You are complaining about an extra 2 percent just imagine of you were paying and extra 5 percent every year PLUS another 5 percent to pay for a pipeline with no water.

            Look I’m all for blowing millions perhaps billions on doomed stadiums that never break even, submarines that don’t work or even exist, helicopter and aircraft programmes that don’t work ( f35 i’m looking at you and your air conditioned hangers or you simply fall apart) just don’t destroy me – try and destroy everyone equally so we ALL suffer. We don’t have a system that promotes accountability/ responsibility so now it’s just a ride to the bottom.

          • The Magpie says:

            Guy, very sorry mate but to continue to publish your often unhinged and almost always incorrect rants has gone from being good sport to offer readers the opportunity to exercise their sense of the ridiculous in their responses, but it has now got to the stage that further publication has degenerated into mocking the afflicted. So, with great sadness, The ‘Pie has to inform you that …. oh, what the hell, keep posting Guy, way too much fun to cut off.

  24. Walkers Hill says:

    I had a dream. Hill left Council and was duly appointed as a Senator. She became a champion of the people and pushed for a Royal Commission in Local Council ‘misbehaviours’. Council Rates were reduced by 25%, the Qld Government took over the management of Townsville (just like Norfolk Island), the rubbish tip became Free for all Townsville residents, the Houghton River pipeline was actually finished, we got a zip line down Castle Hill, little pattie got a great job at Santa Fe, and not one road had a pothole. Hill was then appointed Governor General with a huge lifetime pension for her life of sacrifices to the little people. Then, in my dream, I saw Clive doing a nudie run at the MCG in the Ashes against England. They tried to apprehend him but he offered the security guards Mercedes Benz’s and Fiji holidays. Steve Smith hit a double century and won the Makita Sander player of the match award in that very game. God save the Queen I said to myself. I woke up in Anderson Park next to Les.

  25. Frequent flyer says:

    Hey Walkers Hill – love your work.
    By the way, I never expected to get an answer to my call to the Townsville Bulletin.
    I merely wanted to make a point and it came as no surprise that they hung up on me.

  26. Mike Douglas says:

    Pie , you named the new Council Ceo days before the astonisher . Coles Rising Sun closing before the Astonisher . Councils eyesores fixed around town by posting photos and your only one man + a bunch of contributors to the Magpie . Speaking of Prins , if he wants to find millions $ of lost revenue walk on down to T.C.C.,s planning department and have a quick audit of applications vs approvals . For years large developers say they have given up on the Ville due to delays and bureaucracy . With 3 CEOs and one acting in just a few years this has now flowed down to residential developments and owners downscaling / canning their projects leaving certifiers shaking their heads and T.C.C. Millions in lost revenue .

    • No More Dredging says:

      Mike, speaking of development approvals, what is the latest with the Geon Properties private hospital at the old Townsville West State School? According to the 2019 media TCC approved the application, as did the State Assessment and Referral Agency and as far as I can see an appeal by the Mater hospital mob was knocked over long ago. So what has happened?

      • Grumpy says:

        I asked that myself of Mater staff when I was in there the other day. According to the nurse I spoke to, it is not going to happen anytime soon. Financing issues, it appears.

        • The Magpie says:

          Indeed, somewhere a while ago (couldn’t be bothered looking it up), the developers themselves put the project on hold. Seems pressure from vested interests (and that includes the Mater, and you can bet His Radiance Tony Mooney was in that mix, too) ensured the council raised as many expensive time consuming barriers as possible to pause the whole thing. Bit like The Hive project.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Pie, Geon Properties had a falling out with Therese Smith of the Gleeson Trust over the Hub Redevolopement. They might be a bit dodgy.

          • The Magpie says:

            Our mayor was involved in that matter, going back on her initial indications of tenancy.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        NMD , contacts confirm Westend Private Hospital is proceeding , I have no date . NAIF funds approved for Ferry Terminal and Townsville Airport , any start dates ? .

  27. Jostie says:

    Overheard at Walker Street today.

    Prince to the Mullet: “a stolen car is on fire and is burning a hole in Redpath Street”…

    Mayor Mullet: “Naaaw, where are we going to get the money for that…..?”


  28. The Magpie says:

    Oh, FFS, what next!

    When this discombobulated, demoralised and wilfully uncommunicative council ‘assures’ you the water is safe to drink, buy bottled for the time being.

    Not a word of warning of the possibility? That means one of two things …. a chemical cock-up, or a complete misunderstanding of the responsibilities of transparency to forewarn residents of what (they say) is an unsightly but harmless problem.

    • The Magpie says:

      This is the full release.
      Date published: 2 February 2021

      “Council is aware that residents in Douglas and surrounding suburbs are turning on their taps and seeing discoloured water,” Mayor Jenny Hill said today.

      “This is less than ideal, and I apologise for any inconvenience or concern. However, I can assure residents that the water is perfectly safe to drink.

      “Townsville’s drinking water supply is rigorously tested to ensure it meets all health standards, which are passed on to the Department of Health.”

      The cause of the discolouration is temporary and is a result of a reconfiguration of the city’s water network in response to an increase of blue-green algae in the Ross River Dam.

      “Blue-green algal blooms are a common issue and are caused by an excess of nutrients being washed into the dam due to the onset of the wet season,” Cr Hill said.

      • Lord Howard Hertz says:

        “The cause of the discolouration is temporary and is a result of a reconfiguration of the city’s water network in response to an increase of blue-green algae in the Ross River Dam.

        Absolute perfect example of how not to communicate with the public … this means nothing about why the water is discoloured, and I reckon it also means they knew something like this might happen, but adopted a fingers crossed approach. Complete bastards.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          I would like to see, on the TV, the Mullet filling a glass of water from an affected householder’s tap and drinking it.

          • The Magpie says:

            You know what, Dave, The ‘Pie reckons someone in the media department (anyone left in there?) will be getting their arse kicked for not thinking of that. Had the mayor done that – and as an old army gal who has swallowed all sorts of things while in the reserves, she certainly do it – and would’ve knocked us knockers for six in one simple act. Or would one of our cutting-edge media folk, maybe one of the tough questioning investigative Jimmy Olsen’s from the Astonisher – already have arranged this and we’ll see it on telly tonight and on the front page tomorrow.

            Dolan would’ve thought of it, but he’s not a Jenny Whisperer at the moment, it seems.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Reminds me of a dispute that occurred at TCC in the ‘90’s. There was restoration of some above ground sewage pump stations. The fitter and welders got a penalty rate of 25% for working of pumps and equipment in those pump station. The work that was being done in this particular case was the masonry walls being ground before painting. The AMWU wanted the same penalty because of the dust. At one meeting with management they took along a sample of the dust. Jane Chapman was HR Manager at the time. She promptly opened up the container with the ‘culprit dust’ wet a finger and tasted it.
            End of dispute.

          • Critical says:

            I thought she lived in Douglas. Council probably didn’t know about the discoloured water until it came out of her tap and she complained. People in Rosslea and Mundingburra have had this discoloured water since Saturday. Bet Mullet isn’t drinking tap water atm.

      • Bushy Beach Boy says:

        “If its brown drink it down, if its black send it back” Homer Simpson.

    • The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

      Nothing to see (or taste) here. Move along you fucking rabble! The water is fine-ish.

    • Cappuccino in hand says:

      Another shining example of the lack of transparency with this council.

    • Guy says:

      All water coming out of taps will have gone through a coarse separation of dirt and water ( sand filter), then into “flocculation” where basic particles of dirt are electrostatically attached to other electrically charged molecules ( normally an aluminium based product – normally you need to adjust the pH of the water before flocculation so the flocculation product can work effectively). The flocculation removes all the dirt leaving the water clear. Chlorine is added to the water flow, you normally want a minimum level of trace chlorine in the water so that from water processing to tap the water always has a level of disinfectant in it ( i can’t remember what the level is).

      The only fly in the ointment with the processing of water can be tannins ( like the colour you might get from tea, these kinds of molecules and other similar molecules are almost impossible to remove ) , I think there are other things like metallic ions that are hard to remove as well.

      Maybe the water source has changed ??

      • The Magpie says:

        OK, you lot, whose going to be first in with a punning joke involving the word ‘flocculation’? Probably won’t get published but it inevitable.

  29. Swami Maboub Siphpusser says:

    When’s the Qld Police Union election and how much does the job pay?

  30. Non Aligned Worker says:

    Magpie, reading through your post regading youth crime, didn’t we (taxpayers) pay a retired General to report back to Anna with a solution? I must have missed the findings.. or maybe they didn’t work? If he is due a bonus for great KPI’s he will probably be left begging in the street.

  31. Tin foil Pete says:

    Peter Newey just told me that several spaceships landed in the Ross River last week and discharged their excess ballast water and their alien sewerage, hence the reason for the water discolouration.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Tin Foil Pete . TRRA are pushing a “ no restriction on those who refuse a Covid Vaccination “ petition .

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, let’s think about that. If we’re getting into the territory of restricting freedoms because an individual doesn’t want a protective jab, that could be a dangerous precedent. The covid jab – and correct The ‘Pie if he is wrong – is to protect the ‘jabee’ from contracting the virus, is it not? Thus they are protected from an infection from the jab-free folk, yes? Now the problem here is that once a medical precedent like this is set, are we looking at that as a justification for other medical conditions demanding mandatory injections? A pincushion law? Proposing punitive regulations on the covid ‘un-jabbed’ is an entirely different matter from the anti-vaxxers not having their kids immunised against common childhood threats, different because not doing so poses a threat to other children in pre-school, kindergarten and even the early years of primary school. It appears that declining a covid jab poses no such threat to anyone.

        BUT what has this issue got to do with a site that falsely pretends to represent the residents and ratepayers of Townsville?

  32. The Wulguru Wonder says:

    You might remember Skywhale, the hot air balloon monstrosity which taxpayers forked out more than $300,000 for in 2013 to commemorate the centenary of the founding of Canberra.

    Well the National Gallery have just revealed Skywhalepapa, her new companion, which will hit the skies over the national capital this weekend filled full of Canberra hot air.

    Bearing in mind that Skywhalepapa is more than one third bigger than the original Sky Whale, you can bet that her new significant other comes at a significantly higher price tag than her $300,000.

    Just how much higher? According to Nick Mitzevich, director of the NGA, the total project cost for Skywhalepapa is $1.3 million. “For me, it’s an investment in the creativity of Australians, an important part of how we define ourselves and who we are, and how we thoughtfully think about the world around us” Mitzevich says. “It’s amazing to see him take his form,” he says giddily. “He defies logic. Defies realism.”

    I’m sure that the average Aussie taxpayer will agree that a price tag of $1.3 million certainly defies logic and reality.

    Skywhalepapa on the left, original Skywhale on the right.

  33. Pete says:

    Data should settle the arguments around which council (Townsville or Thuringowa) had the better financial situation prior to amalgamation. Then again some believe the earth was created in 7 days, its flat and politicians want the best for their communities.


    • Count de Money says:

      Who cares. The amalgamation is done and dusted. It’s history now. And TCC has had plenty of time and money to get things in order. I was living in Emerald at the time that they amalgamated Rollston, Emerald, Duaringa and Clermont from memory, something like that. Rollston was just a small shire but they had all the money (mines). Post-amalgamation their bucket became empty and Emerald’s bucket became pretty full. Shit happens. People out there also still whinge about the shenanigans of the day. Get over it man.

      Maybe Brisbane, as a large city with large taxpayer base, can afford stadiums and tunnels, but a city like Townsville cannot afford to have the same infrastructure due to financial restraints. Cities have to live within their means, including Townsville. Sadly, successive moronic Councillors, Mayors and CEO’s have not been smart enough to realise that.

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        And some retired NRL captains !

      • No More Dredging says:

        Count, maybe you were still living at WhoopWhoop when the decision was made to build the NQ Stadium. If you were already in Townsville how could you not know that funding for that icon came mainly from Canberra, Brisbane and the Cowboys after the footballers milked the 2015 grand final victory and the subsequent federal election for all it was worth – which turned out to be quite a bit. The land was sort of ‘donated’ by TCC. Sure, ratepayers are picking up the tab now but on the face of it, we ‘Villains got the stadium for free.

        • Dave of Kelso says:

          Icon? Did you say Icon?

          The TT Stadium is a bloody eyesore!

          • No More Dredging says:

            Hang on, Dave, it’s a bloody stadium not a sculpture. For Townsville, with a couple of Cowboys victories, a fight night and a Ute Muster under its belt, it will become a sacred site.

      • On the case says:

        Successive mayors?? There’s only been one voted back in 3 times.

  34. No More Dredging says:

    ‘Pie, I have to pass on this bit of stadium repartee to remind sports fans what they’re missing out on:

    From the Guardian:

    ““Anyway, I’m minding my own business … having fun. All of the sudden, LeBron [James, bigshot US basketballer] says something to my husband, and I see this and I stand up. And I go, ‘Don’t fucking talk to my husband.’ And he looks at me and he goes, ‘Sit the fuck down, bitch.’”

  35. Bendover Benny says:

    I’m sick and tired of being shafted by these ignoramus people who call themselves politicians. In particular, the one you call Mullet, closely followed by the ones you call Harpic, Messagebank and Cupcake.

    The lot of them are nothing but lemons and fakes who feed on the public purse and strut around thinking they are gods gift to our community. Every time I see one I walk to the other side of the street for fear they will start bending me over in person! A-holes!!

  36. Frequent flyer says:

    Jenny Hill has warned Fran Can that she will have to go through a rigorous induction process.
    Wonder if any of her flock of sheep councilors went through such a process, and is the process designed to turn Fran Can into a Fran Can’t, like what happened to Sue Blom?

    • The Magpie says:

      When you’re up against an entrenched entity like Jenny Hill and her puppets, patience and judgement are required for the long game, so don’t be too hard on Blom. And as for FO’C, that is a veiled warning from Hill that one word, one foot, one scoff out of place and she will bring down the wrath of the ultra- politically correct LG Behaviour of Councillors regulation on her head. FO’C is known to cal, a spade a bloody shovel and Hill will be counting on procedural admonishment to cow her. And from what The ‘Pie has heard, good luck with that, Mullet.

  37. The Magpie says:

    Cyclone Yasi was 10 years ago this week, and the local media has been slogging down memory lane with reheated tales of horror and loss . Now ten years on, a lot of thing have changed, buildings and foreshores rebuilt, lessons learnt, changed attitudes.

    And for veteran journo John Andersen, a name change.

    From Yesterday’s Bulletin.

    … and as we know him every week in the same paper.

    There is newspaper lore that says if you can’t get the date right on your paper (something the Bulletin has got wrong three times in the past 10 years) then you cannot expect anyone to believe anything else printed in it.

    Same goes for not knowing how to spell one of the most long serving and highly respected journalists on the Bulletin’s staff.

    • Lord Rupert Corpse says:

      Pie, that is a fucking embarrassment that newspaper article. Idiots. And that our local papers are capable of recently is getting details wrong, dredging up doom porn (Yasi was 10 years ago, fucking get over it as there will be another) or promoting ‘top 10 best looking criminals’. WTF is this ridiculous shit??? Plenty happening locally to report on but because most of it involves our inept Council the media prefer to cover it up and not report it. Retards.

    • The (Barely) Civil Engineer says:

      While YASI was huge for those further north, the really important anniversary for Townsville people is two years post flood event. The paper has been very quiet on that so far. Maybe it’s easier to run a single story across all their NQ/FNQ papers than create local news for each?

  38. Critical says:

    And it’s the second anniversary of Mullet flooding Townsville but no mention in the media headlines about that event.
    Council certainly have the Bullsheet in their pockets so that that’s there’s no story printed that might implicate Jenny in flooding the city.

  39. Spooka says:

    Bit of a late one Pie but been thinking about the crim problem in Townsville since I read your article on Sunday last. In 1975 I left the Army and a mate of mine left with me and joined the Qld Police. He spent 40 years in the force we were talking about your article and he said to me in all that time the same problem has existed in Townsville. He further commented that it was an absolute disgrace that 4 decades on the same problem exists. He is so right, bloody unbelievable. No need to post this, just like to share it with you.

  40. Achilles says:

    What happens after we’re all nicely inoculated against Covid 19 and it’s big brother Covid 20 blows in?

  41. The (barely) Civil Engineer says:

    When I see the Screaming Midget (version 1) Beckett being quoted in the media as some sort of saviour for troubled kids I feel a little sick inside. It’s like leaving your kids in the care of some creepy old guy down the street.

    While on the topic of screaming little men, I wonder if it is in the selection criteria for TCC executives as all the taller gents around Walker St end up culled regardless of competence. Maybe Jenny does not want to look up to anyone?

  42. Ducks Nuts says:

    Well well Mr Pie. I believe the Food Trucks on Castle Hill were predicted right here in 2019.
    It does raise concerns that the lack of quality planning by TCC and the subsequent avoidance by investors is so predictable.

  43. Achilles says:

    What will the Greenies attack next? Now the transition to electric cars is accelerating, the power stations have identified a surge in demand.
    What else did they expect?
    You can’t get something from nothing.

  44. Dave of Kelso says:

    Mafia like code of silence in Catholic pedophile networks.
    To be mapped like terrorism organizations.
    Bet this will not be mentioned at the Sunday sermon.

    • Pope John Paul the 69tb says:

      Map this, map that. Whatever. These filthy vermin have been bumming young boys and girls for centuries. Nothing changes. The world needs to unite against these vile scum, remove the ‘state’ protection from Vatican State, ban them, strip them of their assets and jail each one of their hierarchy.

      • Dave of Kelso says:

        Married and female clergy would be a good start.

        Oh, and to jail the very many who protected the peodifiles by moving them from parish to parish.

        • The Magpie says:

          Eradication of religion would be a better start. Dig down into any human conflict in history, an d religious self-interest in preserving a particular brand of fairytale is always present.

          • Achilles says:

            Absolutely, we should take this mind virus as seriously as we take the Covid virus, both destroy lives and disseminate families, all the while destroying national economies too.

            Start by getting it out of schools where beautiful free and open minds are most vulnerable to this eternal plague and its perverted disseminators.

  45. Russell says:

    I wonder if it’s just me, or are others concerned at the habit of Bulletin journalists lately to refer with increasing frequency to the Police as “Cops”. The usage of this slang term both within articles and in headlines surely does nothing to improve the standing of these hardworking fighters of crime in the eyes of the great unwashed.

    • No More Dredging says:

      Russell, your usage of the slang term ‘great unwashed’ surely does nothing to improve the standing of hardworking, authoritative ‘Nest commenters seeking to raise the standards of our Old Spice/Lynx-coated fellow deplorables? In fact it puts us very close to the ‘filth’ which would be an irony.

  46. Walkers Hill says:

    Mackay Regional Newspaper launched today. By all accounts very well received and supported in sales by Locals. Great to see a locally owned option supporting the North.

  47. Bushy Beach Boy says:

    Mate at work told me there was a Motorcycle fatality in Townsville over night involving stolen vehicle on wrong side of road. Nothing on news.com or ABC but found this on Bullie site. Paywalled of course. Any one know more?


  48. Hi Beam says:

    Part of the secret plan of the 3 Blind mice

    Lifted from ABC News

    Police are searching for the driver of a stolen car that was involved in a fatal crash in north Queensland overnight.

    Police said the stolen sedan and another car were both driving dangerously when they crashed in Thuringowa Central, Townsville, at about 10:00pm on Friday.

    The impact of the crash caused the second car to veer onto the wrong side of the road and hit a motorcyclist.

    The 22-year-old female motorcyclist died at the scene.

    Officers said the stolen car fled the area and was later found an hour later abandoned in Garbutt.

    Two men aged 25 and 41, and a woman 22, who were in the second car suffered minor injuries and were taken to hospital.

    Police are yet to arrest anyone over the crash as investigations continue into the circumstances leading up to the incident.

    Anyone who may have information are being urged to contact police.

    • Bill Moline says:

      G’day you probably won’t publish this but the silent majority will be angry beyond belief that this has come to Townsville. (Magpie Note: Like hell I won’t publish it … you speak for a multitude. More on this in. tonight’s blog.)

      Well it has happened in Townsville. The poxiforous low life grubs have finally murdered an innocent bystander. Good on yer Annastacia Palaszczuk 4 murders in Qld in less than a month. Show a bit of intestinal fortitude and start locking this scum up. Don’t tell me to lock my house, hide my keys, build an impregnable fortress to live in, tell your magistrates they have the right to incarcerate these grubs in durance vile, and I mean durance vile, the hulks spring readily to mind. If they were good enough for petty thieves they are good enough for murderers. Until there is a consequence for the crimes these little darlings commit they will keep offending. Re erect the triangle, shake out the cat, give them 50 of the best and see how long they keep offending. I am an honest citizen. I am honest because I have the fear. Fear of shame, fear of consequences, fear of my life. If I did not have the fear I should have become a pest exterminator years ago, you know the sort of pest I mean, live under flat rocks and only come out at night to annoy the silent majority.

  49. Westie says:

    Trump may have done something right (I can’t think what) but it wasn’t calling the COVID19 disease the China virus.

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) is an agency of the United Nations, and has been given the job by the member states (including the US) of naming pandemics. Donald Trump as a government official was required (for very good reasons) to use the official name of the pandemic disease, which WHO designated as COVID-19.

    Trump’s decision to flout this rule was almost certainly based on a desire to vilify Chinese people to divert attention from his own incompetent performance in controlling the pandemic, which lead to the deaths of almost half a million US citizens so far.

    WHO has not yet named the variants of COVID-19, so government officials can call them what they like (eg UK, South African, Brazilian variants)

  50. Non Aligned Worker says:

    I still cannot see why GPS anketts or braceletts cannot be used. If offenders take them off they go straight into incarceration.
    Society that has been forced into relying on vigianties because that percieved to be the only option
    Not the police fault but the courts lack of action.

  51. Unsurprised says:

    The lawns would be mowed had the new CEO not walked the GM CMO…one of the most effective TCC has had for some time. He ruffled a few feathers and took many to task which ended in his ultimate demise. You can’t get the new crew of Coburn, Ralston and Hill offside without suffering the wrath. Great loss to TCC…. one of many in the last 6 months.

    • The Magpie says:

      The’Pie just has the feeling that The Prince won’t last long … probably of his own volition. Still waiting fo him to buy into nthe local housing market, a market over which he holds LG sway and rating ability.

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