The disheartening performance last Tuesday was the seasonal gift from all parties, Crisafulli, Greaney, Jacob, Oberhardt and most of all the jellybacked councillors bullied into undemocratic dereliction of their sworn duty.
The mayoral musical chairs in Walker Street descended into deep farce after the grasping Ann-Maree Greaney elbowed and shin-kicked her way to an unmerited mayoral chair as the new deputy. Bad as that was, the lunacy was laid bare in the following days of attempted justification. With a particularly juvenile pidece of prize idiocy from the Bulletin editor.
With Greaney the Grasper now on the top table, there seems little hope of revisiting and averting an issue that is potentially more damaging to this city that parking meters on the Strand … the council handing over millions in ratepayer funds to a totally incompetent TEL is a scandal that we should not tolerate.
Astonisher reporter Leighton ‘Light On’ Smith ends the year with a trademark bit of stenography, but in this case his lack of curiosity is a dangerous silence for a journalist.
An interesting take on the nuclear debate, a point The ‘Pie hadn’t come across before.
Australia’s casual racism is latent but alive and well, with the latest media dog whistle to old prejudices aimed at craven populism. But no one questions the mysterious but revealing paradox of the media frenzy over the return to Australia of the remaining Bali 9 drug smugglers.
And try as they might, American’s editorial cartoonists are having trouble seeing a Merry Christmas, ahead, let alone a Happy New Year.
This is the final Nest for the year, and the ‘Pie will rest his weary keyboard hands for a couple of weeks but will as always be on the alert for silly season announcements authorities might like you to miss. The Magpie will flap back into your inbox on Sunday Jan 12, or if nothing worth ranting about, maybe 19th. BUT COMMENTS WILL CONTINUE TO BE PUBLISHED THROUGHOUT THE HOLIDAY PERIOD. Trust you all have a great Christmas and even if it isn’t shaping up as a Happy New Year, it’ll certainly be interesting. Big thanks to all who have supported the blog throughout 2024, it wouldn’t have happened without you.
And a much missed blast from the past wishes you the best, too. Bentley says farewell to the year that was.
The Return Of Kabuki Theatre To The Walker Street Playhouse
Rehearsed behind the scenes, last Tuesday’s performance had all the elements of traditional Japanese theatre, a closely choreographed, tightly scripted set piece of Townsville tradition. The special meeting to ‘decide’ the deputy mayoralty was about as spontaneous as a moon launch but lacking that thrilling frisson that something might go wrong. It was a done deal, hammered together out of sight and without any pesky public looking on.
Deputy mayor Paul Jacob mumbled and stumbled through a few largely incomprehensible thought farts, and then suddenly wasn’ the deputy doo-dah anymore when the position was declared vacant. Vigorous, lively debate, with strong advocacy and sharp comment followed ….
Sorry, just kidding, John ‘Nanny McPhee’ Oberhardt, that box ticking bald-headed bandicoot had read the riot act to any contemplating exercising their democratic right to public expression, noms called, only Food Truck Greaney humbly offered her services, and was duly elected unopposed. When there was a pro forma call for comment from councillors, only Clr Dirou spoke, deploring the whole circus (not her words, but no doubt what she would’ve liked to have said).was the only one to deplore the unseeingly spectacle. Food Trucks was taking no chances, and closed the meeting with a smarmy smirk.
The feeling of disenfranchisment, promoted by an out-of-touch out-of-towner Oberhardt, was immediately widespread, and social media, the Astonisher and The Nest were inundated with enraged comments. Most were free character readings of the grasping Greaney, the woman who boasted her last ten years as part oif the most destructive council team in living memory not only best equipped her for job, but also entitled her to it. The ‘Pie was quite taken with this comment into the Nest:
“The Little Fat Food Truck Who Thought She Could” .
A grubby little bit of low level politicking for despicable self-interest the only motivator of an unnecessary spill. Just what the community needed after the year from Thompson hell.
But Paul Jacob was all over the shop and didn’t make much sense when he spoke to the media after the event. In a confused, thought-disordered interview, he claimed he was bullied into stepping down.
Greaney has had little – actually nothing – of substance to say after her successful putsch, we’ll get enough guff come 2025, she willundoubtedly spent a few weeks doing a victory lap around her regular cocktail circuit and smorgasbord Ladies Who Lunch functions.(These get togethers start as Ladies Who Lunch but quickly by 2pm invariably become Ladies Who lurch.)
But some commentary from others was dazzling in it’s stupidity. Leading the category was Bulletin iditor Cas Garvey. Clearly unsure if she had this tiger by the tail, she retreated in cliches, nonsensical platitudes that simply did not make sense. And her fascinatingly bizarre take on things had a few scratching their heads. Garvey seemed to be indulging in some rose-coloured glasses pontification.
Really? Having a cut price, bargain basement Lucia Borgia recycled into a Jenny Hill cloned mayoral position is a fresh start?This from a proven bully and back room schemer who without fail voted for for every single one of Jenny Hill’s ruinous flights of fancy, including trying to balance a neglected budget by putting parking meters on the Strand (an issue she has openly said could be back on the agenda in a year or so.)
So much for a malodorous ‘fresh start’.
But one wonders just what Cas Garvey was watching and then hearing from readers by the scvore last Tuesday, when she wrote this.
A sense of fucking calm? Don’t you read you own readers correspondence, Ms Garvey? Of all the descriptors you could’ve used, ‘calm’ is so far from the mark, it’s belly laugh territory. But the guffaws turn to cross-eyed bewilderment when later we read …
The damage you witter on about, Madam, is the lack of a stable, trustworthy popularly elected mayor of ability, vision and integrity. And we are still in the old leaky boat, and will remain sinking until Captain Crisafulli calls time on the criminalk conman in whose thrall he is apparently under. But all writers like a good punchline to underline their wisdom, so we get this final burst from our Pollyanna iditor
Do you actually think about you’re writing, Cas? ‘Keep their word about being united’? What does that actually mean, or more to the point, what do YOU mean by that nonsense? United against what? Disagreeing, politely, using the required nanny state language, with another councillor’s view? And then being united in accepting whatever the democratic outcome is after a vote? Or are you hinting that you would like a return to closed caucus meetings to decide everything like your pal Jenny Hill mandated, for the very reason of showing a united front, with her as the boss.
And just what business has been overlooked, just what business hasn’t been gotten on with?
Seems to The ‘Pie that leadership sideshows have been exactly that, and councillors have been robust in their debates and handling of all the various community issues that have come before them. Which why The ‘Pie is steadfast in his belief that this council is not dysfunctional, although there are who insist some quite unproven (but likely) past misdeeds as reason to dissolve the whole shebang. But a council being able to present a strong face to the outside world can only happen when it is led by a popularly elected mayor.
Something that the untrustworthy and scheming Food Trucks Greaney will never be.
One Bastard Child Policy Left Over From The Hill Era Must Be Rescinded And Rethought
it is this outrageous plan that has financially ruinous possibilities.
The Townsville Events Strategy document on which this shift in responsibility is based is nothing more than a 12 page buzz word glitzy brochure of virtually no substance, a disgraceful amateurish document that was typical of the Hill administration. Mayor Mullet had this shift in mind to consolidate her power over Townsville Enterprise, of which she vive-chairman of the board.
When it was announced that there was to be an ‘independent’ (ha!) events advisory board, Ann-Maree Greaney was first to say she wanted in. She had nclearly planned her path from this inane non-existent strategy from its inception last year.
Now she is acting Mayor, there seems little hope of reversing this decision to give millions more to an incompetent, unproven organisation taht consistently refuses to be accountable with public money. But did this ever go out to tender?
This is a disaster just waiting to happen. It must be challenged.
While We’ve Got Your Attention Ms Garvey …
It seems your love of cliches is shared by your photographers, especially when there some storms around. We had this story on the weekend of welcome rains.
But check the photograph against the perennial warning from authorities about the danger and kids playing in flood waters, in the very same edition of the newspaper. It was about a rescue in Mareeba about … guess what? ‘ a kid in floodwater.
Mareeba Police Station Acting Sergeant Daley Boney said the incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of flood waters.“We strongly advise parents to highlight these dangers to their children, to ensure they aren’t putting themselves in unnecessary risk by playing in stormwater drains, rivers and parklands,” Sergeant Boney said.
Every wet season, indeed anytime there a decent rainfall, your own paper, Ms Garvey, regularly runs warning stories from authorities along these lines. But what do you and your photograophers do … they take photographs that you print of … kids playing floodwaters. And any youngster will do silly things for the chance to become a schoolyard hero by getting his/her happy snap in the media.
It is a fact that your snappers actually encourage these kids and sometimes older people who should know better to pose in the floodwaters (Evan Morgan, my old mate, you are a serial offender in this area). And then you put together a gallery of this irresponsible foolhardiness for a few cheap clicks.
So far, you’ve all been lucky, call a halt to this hypocrisy while you can.
He’s Called Light On Smith For A Reason
Astonisher reporter and leading media-release stenographer Leighton Smith has had a run of bad fortune with a number of stories in recent times, he will no doubt be glad to see the back 2024. But his famous failure to ask even the most obvious questions, join a tentative dot or two or show the least bit of curiosity about his subject may well come back to haunt him in the coming year.
In recent times, he has ballyhooed as fact the ill-fated Hilton Hotel next to the stadium despite warning signs (the council nixed it), has slavishly fell for the utter transparent bullshit of a 20 storey hotel for the Hive project (never even close to reality) , shamelessly promoted the doomed-from-the-outset Magnetic Views development of an impossible rocky outcrop at Pallarenda (an outright con by the same Mark Tonge who slipped him the Hive hotel story – Townsville no longer enjoys the presence of this white-shoe brigade shonk, who has slithered back to the Goldie), and more recently, a phantasmagorically absurd water park super plan for land next the Cluden racecourse. Now if this sounds a bit harsh, well, it is, because Leighton has been Light-On on all these stories, presenting them as fact and done deals. peddling hopeless hope as it were.
But his latest foray into mixing fact with cheering forecasts is more serious, and the subject matter demanded that the Bulletin show greater integrity towards the community.
Some background. The paper is regularly running homemprice stories, and for some inexplicablenbreason, give the imporession that prices spirallg uowards is a good thing.
Which is a silly way to view the housing crisis … in no way is it good news. It’s not even that good for owners except for collateral or down-sizing … if they sell, they then have to buy into a market that would still put them at a financial disadvantage and playing catch-up. But this anxiety about runaay housingb proces and shortages has given rise to a new industry – land lease retirement villages.
To the cynical Magpie, this is a development where you build your house but on land that you lease. In effect, although there are early upsides to this arrangement – ready made facilities, security and presumably no rates because you don’t own the land – these schemes mean you build your own house and then pay rent to live in it.
And Townsville Council has two such development applications in the works at the moment.
So what’s the problem. Well, if Leighton is alert across this area of business and housing, he would be aware that there are emerging pitfalls involved in developments like this. They have been widely publicised and perhaps a more balanced story would’ve taken this into account. Like the ABC has done.
Lifestyle specialises in land lease communities in Victoria, where residents buy the home, usually a manufactured or moveable dwelling, and rent the land, paying site rental fees of up to $250 a week for a couple. It is part of a booming $12 billion land lease industry that houses more than 130,000 Australians, fuelled by a housing affordability crisis and an ageing population.
This investigative report have prompted some governments to examine possible legislation to regulate the industry which targets a vulnerable market of the ageing.
The Magpie is in no way suggesting that either of the two Townsville developers have or intend to engage in what might politely be called sharp practice beyond what is legally permissible.
But you’d think possible pitfalls that can ruin lives in an industry rife with legalised rorts deserve more than Leighton coughing in his rompers by simply rewriting a press release and quoting a self-penned hagiography of the developer.
On The National Scene, A Few Brief Observations
The repatriation of the Bali drug smugglers.
There seems to be the assumption that there is cause for jubilation, some sort of vindication that these base criminals, whose activities two decades ago could have caused untold misery and death, across a foreign country are now back in their homeland – a homeland that morally should remain ashamed of them. The tone of all the reporting and commentary has an unspoken but unmistakeable racist dog whistle running through it. There is the judgement that their sentences – even though it was life instead of death – was too harsh, that Indonesia is a ruthless authoritarian country (it isn’t by some comparisons) and that anyway, those life sentences should have been served here in Australia and not have be in prisons teeming with all a manner of unsavoury Asians.
But OK, fine, the Bali prisoners sentences have been commuted or whatever technical term politicians and do-gooders wish to apply, let them quietly slip back into the country and pick up the pieces of the lives they themselves chucked down the toilet. But political capital was to be gained by Albanese, so he felt he had little choice to make the announcement of this significant diplomatic matter, he was hoping for the extra election campaign boost of images to back up his self-delivered herogram.
The media saw some meat in this one, a mini-repeat of the Schapelle Corby cause celebre, one of the most unseemly and sickening media circuses ever witnessed in Australia. The has always raised a question for the ‘Pie: would the slavering media shit storm over her incarceration and return have ever happened if Corby, instead of being a pretty blue-eyed blonde causcasian, was in fact an overweight, unattractive sweaty woman with part Asian antecedents? You can answer that for yourself.
The Nuclear Debate.
The merits of nuclear power generation will rage on in 2025 and beyond, but the base argument is now one of economics. But Labor, desperate with a looming election that doesn’t look good fo them, suddenly popped up with a typical Labor scare campaign. And typically, shot themselves in the foot yet again when the claims were convincingly refuted by experts. Neatly summed by Johannes Leak in the Australian.
Merry Christmas to the Pie and family thanks for providing a platform to expose our elected officials and improve transparency . Labor gone with Harpic / Message Bank / Cupcake Team Hill although we have Team Hill 2.0 Team Greaney . How quickly the new Councillors have fallen into the fold so much for change / listening to their divisions / transparency . 12 yrs as a Councillor and look at the State of the cbd / Magnetic island . Councillor / acting Mayor wont engage or listen to the community / business ( sound familar ) . The last 72 hrs reaffirms that as even though she has access to Councils media department she couldnt give a toss with no updates on her social media unlike Councillors Dirou / Ellis who to their credit shared the disaster centre updates as well as availability of sandbags . Acting Mayor Greaney lack of financial acumen Flinders Lane / Haughton / Lansdown under her and other Team Hill watch .
A sad litany, Mike, with even more to be played out in 2025 before we get back on an even keel.
Season’s best to you.
To you and all the Nest, merry Christmas and good fortune in the future.
While the saga of musical chairs and pass the parcel ( the parcel being getting any project finished on time and on budget ) for our hapless councillors and advisers.
We can take great comfort in knowing that things will change. The ratepayers are fed up with incompetence and becoming more and more vocal.
Unrest is staring our egocentric acting mayor in her fat face, and the coming year she will get her comeuppance.
One too many Ladies Lunches may just be the her undoing of her ever expanding waistline.
Thank you Malcom Magpie for your continued service to our community.
Wishing you and the nesters Seasons Greetings A Happy and Healthy New Year.
Cheers from the waterfall at Huntingfield Bay.
Garvey is obviously over the moon with the outcome of the mayoral farce.
In the leadup to the election she failed to alert the public to Thompson’s lies, then later gets an award for exposing him. The fact that the Magpie broke the story days before the election obviously didn’t stop her nominating herself for the gong. A word of warning Ms Garvey – don’t even think about nominating for a Walkley Award. If you do you’ll be the one who is exposed, and not just locally. Then there’s the opportunity to win back the hundreds of thousands of dollars ratepayers have been slugged for full page advertisements promoting events run by southern promoters. The ads disappeared along with Jenny Hill, but with Food Trucks Greaney now running the council Labor team, no doubt the old “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” approach will make a comeback. The only light at the end of our very dark tunnel is the chance we will be rid of Greaney completely when she actually has to face an election. Going by the comments on this blog, text the editor, and the paper’s online edition, her days in the mayoral robes are surely numbered. Merry Christmas to all.
CCC will complete its musings, about May 25, citing sufficient evidence to give Twonames the arse, too late for new Mayoral election.
Geaney will have a stranglehold by then and her coven will appoint her Mayor. There will be great gnashing of teeth and rending of robes from the ratepayers but Food Trucks is invulnerable until the next election.
Townsvillians, lairy from their Twonames experience will decide it’s better the devil you know (incompetent and corrupt) and will vote her for a couple more seasons.
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you Pie. 2025 is certainly to be an interesting year when it comes to our local council now run by ‘food trucks’ with assistance from Braun BS, with support from the iditor.
One issue Annandale residents will be watching closely is the outcome of the proposed child care centre on Yolanda Drive/Honeysuckle Drive corner.
63 submissions have been lodged after public submissions closed on December 19. I hope the aerobics class isn’t back in 2025.
If they continue as they have begun, I suppose Team Greaney will hold closed “workshops” before every council meeting to convey the impression of unity on every matter.
Question: Would the collective noun for a group of Food Truck Greaney supporters be a convoy?
No, a cortege.
Thanks for a great read every Sunday Malcom.
Merry Xmas (we still allowed to say that?) and hope you see in many more New Years.
Thanks, and of course you’re allowed to say Merry Xmas here in The Nest … you can say just about anything except something complimentary or flattering to Donald Trump. Because it would be a lie.
Mr Magpie, obviously there are a lot more people who read but don’t comment on this site, which gives a significant number. Given the situation with the position of Mayor, is it possible to include a little survey sometime in the future, on who the preferred Mayor is. Obviously the Astonisher won’t do it in fear of being made look like fools.
Perhaps the list of possibles could include:
Food Trucks
Harry P
Guy (he’ll get at least one vote)
Mooney junior
Other Councillors
If nothing else it’ll give an indication of how popular or unpopular each one is.
Get your idea, Kenny, especially asking a positive (who do we want as mayor?) rather than the current negative (who we don’t want as mayor), but unfortunately, it would be a lot of extra work for no value as an indicator. That’s because some drips flood comments with votes under multiple names, and other interested parties (like Thompson for one) have small armies of dribblers who flood the comments with a variety of inanities. And of course all being anonymous, as it is in online newspaper polls, it is utterly valueless.
But The ‘Pie encourages everyone to make their preference known.
So how about this then Kenny – ask Nesters to nominate a local business person or identity that they would like to see run for mayor, someone not generally in the mix of the usual suspects. (And no, JT’s talents were on the footy field and are in his excellent work with indigenous youth, but a vote for him would be a triumph for the Fallacy of Transferred Authority – a person good at one thing isn’t necessarily good at another.)
But as an example of what is suggested, The ‘Pie always thought Mick Reilly would make a good mayor, but when it was put to him, he rolled his eyes and said something The ‘Pie will not abuse your eyes with. Of course, those best qualified to lead us out of the current quagmire would no doubt decline, they doing very nicely for themselves, thanks very much, and tough luck about the town.
Any suggestions from among our business and community groups? A tip: please keep academics at arm’s length, God knows we’ve got enough problems without that complication.
Maybe Private Cupcake Stewart will run for Mayor, now that he’s been turfed from Parliament? He still fancies himself as a political animal………
Don’t laugh too hard, there are whispers about that Messagebank is thinking of having a run … the question there woukld be twofold – would Labor back him, and if so, would that be a negative with the voters?
If that Fuckhead has anything more to do with this city, I am outta here.
Merry Xmas to you and all the Nesters.
One person comes to mind,DougK. Man wears his heart on his sleeve, and loves Townsville, lot of respect for him.
Ummm … yeah, OK … but The ‘Pie would like to be a fly on the wall when he runs that by the missus.

I was going to suggest Mick Reilly. A person with real University credentials
…and a real Defence background
And a sensible top bloke.
Kenny, hopefully we see TCC placed into administration which will enable a look at all the dealings and maybe some fines or bless them jail time.
Mate go look.up what a administrator actually do. you don’t want parking meters on the strand it will happen that’s how they will get the revenue to put Townsville in the green plus other stuff. They won’t sack the council. Give it 6 months and see if anything changes.
You are right, although they may not bulldoze that issue through, given the government might be sensitive given the outrage the idea caused. Administrators do have some brakes on them that they would never admit.
But yes, on the surface of it, they are not accountable to anyone or anything but the bottom line.
NOT about parking meters, can we just OPEN our eyes and look at the TCC admin, the support for spending mega dollars on projects that WILL NOT stand up to investigation……….jeez …frightening .
And once upon the dark waters of the unconcious did we once sail without form or notion until there was light that gave form, start and turn the glass over and first grain must surely fall.
We will reclaim the future, we learn, we create, we inspire, we explore beyond our mother’s means and father’s foresight, create a legacy and take battle to dark chaos and spite.
Men are more than housing estates and supermarkets so in time in the light of the setting sun a man may point to and touch the far horizon and say “I have been there”.
How could The ‘Pie not publish this.
Magpie, all the shenanigans and back room deals for who sits in the big chair and how and who will pull the strings are important but I feel that this decision to delegate events to TEL is disastrous for so many obvious reasons and so many others which must be considered.
First the obvious ones.
I cannot find how many people are currently employed with TCC Events department but it will be a few.
Will they be made redundant? At what cost? (Cost to ratepayers)
Will they be immediately hired by TEL?
Will the annual cost of these people be added to the annual stipend from TCC to TEL? (Cost to ratepayers)
Now to the less obvious but significantly more alarming.
20 MAJOR events per annum as a KPI each one potentially costing one million dollars or more. This would HAVE to be budgeted by TCC (which it has not been in 24/25 budget)
Do TEL have the authority of a blank cheque to spend ratepayers money or will each one go to a council meeting for a vote? (CIC of course no doubt)
Will the already planned events (if any) for the rest of the year be included in the 20 or will it be 20 for 2025 given that the deal starts in January?
What will happen if the KPI’s are not achieved?
Don’t get me wrong I think major events are a positive thing for Townsville to have, council have failed to bring these to Townsville in any kind of numbers let alone 20 per year, the ROI for these events must have a singular lens applied to it which is to the what benefit will each event bring to the city, not just to aspects of the commercial entities in the city.
From experience these things need to have a very detailed business plan and budget and skilled in leveraging aspects of the event to minimise/mitigate the costs involved. Promoters will enter into negotiation with a single purpose in mind, TEL or TCC must also approach the negotiations with Townsville as its single purpose.
I fear disaster is coming.
A perfect crystallisation of my concerns, mate, and this is one thing that The ‘Pie will revisit as needed in ’25.
Merry Christmas, HH, and like the rest of us, have an interesting New Year.
Hogarth dve yikes, that’s a flood plain now boxed in by the Ring rd.
That said Mt Low Parkway, Nth Shore access rd and Woolcock st is a traffic nightmare at the moment that grows per year. I think they either fix the infrastructure or put the brake on development till it’s done. Average house having 2 cars, that’s 700 more cars onto a road network that already can’t handle the present numbers.
And again, The Magpie calls for serious consideration given to the reintroductionn of modern brail motors, the cross between trains and trams. No new lines needed, ground level station stops(and maybe carparks) all the way up to Ingham. Then reinstate the Ayr run, and a suitable beefed up rolling stock for Charlies Trousers.
Brail motors Pie??? Think you made a spellin mistook!
No, notbeally, all part of the overall plan. The ‘Pie is all for disability assistance, and this could be a great opportunity for the bli … err, differently sighted to become drivers. Rail motors are pretty well assured of going where they’re pointing. Signals could be audio rather than visual, and guide dogs could be trained to bark twice to slow down if someone is on the tracks, or bark three times so speed up if it’s Troy Thompson.
That’s gold Pie! Did you have any assistance from the grape juice whilst compiling!!!?
Remember that Woolcock Street and the highway north of the Woolcock St and Ingham Road intersection is the responsibility of the Queensland Government not TCC. Make representation to the three new National Party MP’s and Mick Demento as part of the Northern Beachs is in his electorate.
Gary ….call me Darby Lewis…..for mayor….
The boss of Ford here locally…..local boy started as a apprentice mechanic and glassie at the sea view hotel. Was president of the TDRU for many years after playing for many.
Top bloke with a good grounding in Townsville
Thanks for your graft in ‘24 Pie, it’s appreciated. All the best to you and your outfit for ‘The Silly Season’. I’m plucked, you’re not!!!
Thanks, Plucker. One of the hardy band.
Pie, great blog this week. I will comment later. But have yourself a safe and enjoyable Xmas break. You deserve the break as all the Twonames escapades have kept you busy and us entertained, sort of.
Some upcoming highlights for 2025;
– Thompson/TCC ongoing escapades
– Trump as POTUS
– AUS federal elections with Albo voted out
– Wars in Israel, Ukraine, Iran
Thanks Mopsy and right back at ya, you are one of the hardy band who have helped make the blog what it is … whatever that is.
Have a great break.
Hello Pie, have yourself a Madly good Christmas and thank you for your work.
Thanks, Alfred, and Mad about you, too.
It’s been a long haul, but we’re all still “stock rolid” behind you mate, take a bow and CU next year’s
Ho! Ho! bloody ho, what a crock of shit,
We’re Santa’s little helpers,
We’ve had enough! we quit,
We do all the bloody work,
While he stars in the show,
So, shove yer Christmas up yer arse,
Hoho bloody HO!!!!
My choice for the next mayor would be Ray Gartrell, if someone can talk him into it.
He’s one of the best councilors we have ever had.
I can also name a few people who I would never vote for:
Hill, Greaney, anyone on the current council, and me.
Apart from other obvious negatives, these days I’d fall asleep in council meetings, but thanks MDog for the mention.
Merry Christmas Pie and thanks for your stellar efforts in keeping the bastards honest (well almost) during a forgettable year locally.
Your scoop on the Troy Thompson masquerade deserves an award. You know, the one Garvey somehow ended up with.
Thanks, Doug, best to you and family. Really had to laugh at the thought of you telling Mrs Doug you going run for mayor. I would’ve written a nice eulogy though.
A very good choice there DK. A very smart, respectful and outright good bloke. But would Guy approve? Ray was a part of Les Tyrell’s team.
Team tyrell created the debt disaster, every successive councils kicked the can along the road. The present council has forecast 46 million borrowings this financial year on top of the 10% rate rise. I’m sceptical of any former / present councillor or anyone from the “business” community. You don’t need business acumen or be able to read a financial report – its very simple, stop spending money on stupid things, stop borrowing money and pay back the debt.
As I’ve said before politicians are very good talkers and very good liars.
And just think you want to be one!!
Doug, you raise an interesting point. Have a further think about it over Christmas but your mention of not voting for yourself as Mayor needs further deep thinking !
Imagine the perks…A part time position, $250k a year and you get to oversee the Council meetings in person.
Pie will square it away for your with Mrs K and there would be stability again in Walker Street !
Another year and another Xmas together Malcolm, I’ve lost count.
I hope for a safe and happy holiday break for you and pleasant company with your loved ones.
Looks like being a fun 2025 with lots to keep you interested and us informed.
Have a good one mate
You too, mate … by my count, Bulletin and blog, it’s a bromance of over 20 years.
Cheers to the next 20.
The big question is; ‘Will Fat Little Food Trucks now she is acting Mayor require a couple of personal advisors’? The Mullet had 3, Troy couldn’t even score 1 after a few tantrums in the sand pit.
There has been deafening silence from Greaney during and after the recent record breaking weather event. Perhaps she would like to come over to the island with a media entourage and beg for govt funding. The Sooning Street Bridge over Gustav Creek in Nelly Bay was badly damaged, it will be costly to repair.
Locals are blaming council for a lack of maintenance, years ago council crews would clean out drains and creek gullies prior to the wet season, to prevent infrastructure damage, but not anymore.
Best Wishes to you Pie, thanks for allowing us to be part of the The Townsville Magpie.
2025 looks like its shaping up to be a Cracker…
Thanks, Moggie, right back at ya.
The Nest is your Nest, Moggie, The ‘Pie is just the firelighter of the weekly barbecue
Dear Magpie,
I join the chorus of sincere “Thanks” for your weekly, carefully crafted, investigative blog.
Thank you for keeping us informed of local issues in a timely manner.
Thank you for allowing us to contribute our comments. It makes interesting and compulsory reading.
Enjoy a well-earned Christmas break.
Sharpen your pen, grease your keyboard, enjoy a tipple with friends and family.
I look forward to an interesting 2025.
We all look forward to 2025 … with great trepidation.
Have a great holiday.
Merry Christmas, Old Mate. And also to fellow members of the flock.
Thanks Grumps, The ‘Pie will raises a Guinness or two to you and yours.
And so the Dome of Silence descends over the Greaney dominated TCC. Not a word about it anywhere in the Astonisher, today.
Twonames is doing pop ups in the community please get down to his pop.up and really share your support and call him out on his lies.
Part of our intention with Our Community Matters is to get out there and and attend regular Markets around the city and Magnetic Island. This is always a great way to speak to people face-to-face and answer some hard hitting questions.
With notice, we are planning to attending the Willows Rotary Markets on:
Sunday 29th December 2024
7:30am – 11:30am
As we progress we will be armed with petitions, suggestion / opinions box, competitions, giveaway items and more.
Pop down and say hello!
Wonder how that went.
Merry Christmas Malcolm. Thanks for the laughs, tears and hair-tearing moments.
Seasons Greetings to you Pie. Relax a bit now mate, drink wine, bugger the golf handicap and that fuckwit TwoNames !
Thanks for your relentless focus on keeping the bastards honest, Townsville should be more grateful for your efforts !
Comment via email.
Appears Councillors are concerned about comments in the nest
#Councillor Dirou – comments that the Councillor was never seen at events and you raised the fact rarely heard in Council, her comments not audible . Dirou has changed just reposting Council announcements now getting photos of herself attending events . She spoke up in Council on the change in deputy Mayor
#After being called lazy in the nest / no confidence e-petition / no flooding updates Councillor Greaney posted road closure Sooning st bridge Magnetic island
Surely its not a coincidence
That would be a road closure caused by the council’s lack of wet season preparedness helped cause damage to the Sooning Street bridge over Gustav Creek, according to Nester Maggie Moggie.
Doubly insulting.
Was on Maggie last week. The blockage at the Sooning Street bridge was caused by NEW logs and branches brought down in the flood on Friday afternoon. The area was clear of debris prior to the rain event. I hear that the bridge is still closed to traffic today.
Here’s a bit a news for you Jenny, the bridge is going to be closed for quite some time and as for new logs what a load of BS.
Heaven forfend that anyone here would doubt you, Jenny, but a polite inquiry: just how did you ascertain that the blockage was NEW logs and branches brought down by the flood? Did they come with use by dates? Did you do a ring count? It seems you may well be more than a casual observer, and may well have a vested interest in that comment.
Has Jenny just outed herself as the TCC inspector of Drains, Culverts, Bridges and Infrastructure and all things that matter.
Or is she/he just the TCC resident know all???
Simple really. I’m interested in how things work. A drive-by earlier in the week to look at tidal inflows (Monday I think, tide about 3.7m) showed the upstream sediment basin and creek bed pretty much clear of trash. Friday arvo, pouring rain, flood water and trash over the main road, at least two recently busted off tree trunks sticking out of the water jammed up against the pipes. I notice the caption on one of the Magnetic Community News photos says “Large amounts of tree debris were washed downstream in the flood waters. Photo M. Wedge”. Seems pretty obvious.
Merry Xmas Magpie.
The article published by Gas Carvery is premature and basically a lie. The recent event in which Food Trucks Greaney has taken on the a/g Mayor position is technically exactly that – a temporary appointment. There is still bullying and manipulation going on in Wanker Street, there is still a state Nanny holding TCC’s hand, and there is still a disruptive shit stirring sociopathic Mayor on the sideline taking daily potshots. There is still the issue of insurmountable debt and project commitments of which TCC cannot fulfil. So Ms Carvery, you are either a wishful thinker or you are as dumb as dog shit for not understanding that Council has NOT undergone a fresh start at all. The deck chairs may have been temporarily shuffled but the sinking ship continues to list.
Merry Christmas, Magpie. Looking forward to a new year under ‘new look, same old skool’ Council management.
At the last gasp on Saturday, at the end of the last ‘Nest edition, Motorist made an observation about the 2019 flooding which deserves examination:
“Do you have a record of the BOM forecasts for the week prior? From memory it was for extreme rain. There were calls for the dam gates to be opened sooner than they were. There was no notice of the BOM forecast taken by the Disastrous Committee. It was all reactive, not proactive. When the gates did open it was too little too late.”
If Motorist had bothered to read the links provided he would have had answers to most of his questions and corrections to some of his idle speculations. One of the most important corrections would be that the management system for water releases from the dam was and is designed to operate automatically – designed by the engineers and experts not by the Townsville mayor. He would also be informed that it is not possible to drain all the water out of the dam in preparation for a flood. All the facts about BOM predictions, tides, flooding of the town added to by creeks below the dam wall and heaps of other material is contained in the review. I can’t understand why people don’t just read the thing before they blurt out rubbish. It’s actually quite informative and it’s free knowledge!
Independent Review of Ross River Flooding, February 2019 MTRF – BMT hydrology report 12062019.pdf
Thanks Jen, have a good Christmas, and do try to keep up the anger management therapy.
That so called Independent Review’ was the biggest ‘whitewash’ of man made disaster I have ever read.
It was a classic … the word ‘independent’ has meant absolutely nothing in Queensland for two decades now. In the same way that the CCC is ‘independent’ of the government. If that were true, there would have been a major political upheaval over several of its ‘investigations’ and especially the Troy Thompson scandal. There can not be another other reason (let’s notnuse the word excuse) for the shameful andn insulting length of time a relatively straight forward inquiry is taking, so it’s across all governments … what other conclusion can there be other than that the CCC is a government instrumentality, directed by the Premier through his bureaucrats.
“Independent Review”
It’s name has all the authenticity as The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea.
I wonder if we could “Snap, Send, Solve” a photo of the entire council and see what happens.
A Merry Christmyth to all the readers. Thanks for the information and laughs in 2024.
May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields.
May 2025 be a better and happier year for us all.
Thanks Mal.
Jenny Hill axed from the Powerlink Board. Thank fuck for that.
Wll spotted EC. The story.
But it’s unlikely Tony Mooney’s dream run has hit the wall, he’ll probably stay on as the TUH board chair. Despite being politicalmrivals, His Radiance and The Kid have mutual respect enough to described as friends.
Interesting to note in the IN column is our old Nest mate, Greg ‘Pizza The Hut’

Hallam. His LGAQ background will come in handy.
That is a gift come true, the incompetent and toxic Jenny Hill getting rolled. Poetic justice. But deservedly so as she is utterly useless and has a legacy of fiscal mismanagement under her widening belt. Hopefully the Kid will do some further housekeeping and sweep out other board Labor affiliates that infest other Queensland government owned entities including numerous port, power and water boards.
No mention of our Ex CEO Prins. Could be a New Years gift.
Go Kid, love your work. I’m sure the Mullet saw the writing on the wall. Their hatred for each other goes back years to scathing attack meetings in the Council chambers. But beware the wounded Mullet.
Bye bye Jenny. You’re an embarrassment. The LNP have made a wonderful decision in removing you from the board. I felt sorry for other board members having to see your purple doona on display at board meetings. You are not only arrogant and conceited, but you have a legacy of financial mismanagement left behind you. The condition that Townsville has been left in is all the evidence one needs to see how useless you are.
How many boards and junkets is Mooney still on?
Tony Mooney has been the Chairman of the Hospital Board since the ALP was elected and has done almost nothing in that time for his $50,000 annual fee. He leaves the work to Michelle Morton who is Deputy Chair. Nicole Hayes who is married to ALP person Dolan Hayes is the other ALP aligned appointment. Both Mooney and Hayes were reappointed earlier this year for the maximum possible 4year term and have contracts out to 2028.
The Crisafulli Government has put a stop to gravy train for Labor / Union appointments on many State Government boards and it’s in the Magpie Nest , Courier Mail front page hours before the Townsville Bulletin . You have to scroll thru digital nearly to the end to see it including the Mullets face amongst 3 other Labor / Union board members . Acting Mayor Greaney doesn’t need advisors she needs PR professionals to try and repair her / councils image . Acting Mayor Greaney/ Councillors need to put big pants on and strip spending in Councils budget and clean the City up . That includes a clean out Councils Senior Management who have been there during about $350 mil project blowouts .
One story that always gets trotted out to candidates/ anyone that will listen is how the answer to councils problems is sacking the bloated management. I remember one night ( back in 2010? ) at a water tax meeting at a house JH turned up ( whilst she was whilst still a councillor against team tyrell i think). We were told about how 50 positions could be removed without any consequences.
I was surprised to hear that same story being told to me by AR whilst outside the pre poll at the PCYC ( someone had told him this) – making savings in council and cutting back at council by getting rid of management must be an old trick to get support from people. The savings never eventuate and MORE management/ HIGHER wages occur instead.
One thing put to me by someone a while back is that it’s the gardening bill of townsville that acts as a drain on finances. There’s lots of grass and maintenance needed on council assets. Maybe reduce by not whipper snipping and just cut what you can with a mower ??? Not doing gardening on weekends could save money. Whatever money does get saved will be pumped into the bank accounts of management so why bother? At least wasted money does an actual thing, money into management is dead money and actually fuels more problems.
No matter who gets voted in the rates and debt continues to explode. I’d all but given up on this situation until being persuaded to stand for council. The fact is no one cares until the damage is being felt personally by large enough numbers of people.
Instead of being drawn into this dead end do ONE thing today like fix something or do something you need get done that’s within your power or you’ll go mad.
There has been a huge infestation of Labor ‘mates’ into government boards over the past 9 years. Power corporations, water corporations, maritime ports, and airports such as Bundaberg, Gladstone, Rockhampton, and the Whitsunday Coast. All stacked with Labor loyalists. Hopefully Crisafulli will dig deep and get rid of these entrenched parasites also.
Yep, he has to get rid of as many of the ‘entrenched parasites’ as possible, sohe can have as many slots as possible for bestowing his own favours and entrench a new set of figures, many, but not all of whom, will be the LNP variety of parasites. It is not an activity not exclusive to Labor, it has always been a feature of Australian politics.
Good to see JH go, though I agree with you generally; there will be a simple swap out of “entrenched parasites” for those of the “other” stripe.
Politics is politics, regardless of which team is in.
Merry Christmas Pie.
So Jenny, Jenny Hill and her Disastrous Committee knew the dam gates were going to automatically open on a high tide and didn’t intervene to prevent more than a billion dollars in flood damage. The good people of Idalia will be hoping the same incompetence doesn’t prevail next time there’s a major flood. By the way, are you being paid a fee for your TCC damage control.
Read the review you nong. The facts speak for themselves.
Think you’ll find the question is whether what you term facts are indeed … facts.
Ahh Jenny … if only we had a mayor that understood the dam was built for flood mitigation, not flood creation
Idalia should never have been built on period. Always was a flood plain and if my memory isn’t too mistaken I believe one Laurence Lancini lobbied hard to have it rezoned as commercial, another mob lobbied to get it rezoned for residential, especially round the old meatworks.
That said the debacle of the dam being held back from releasing water is a scandal. I was on one of the last flights in to the airport at 10pm before it closed the next day and was working out with the taxi driver the best routes to get home. Not the only scandal, where I live wedged between Saunders and Stony ck I have noticed a rise in the flooding from the back ups caused by Burdell’s development and I’d say Mt Low’s burgeoning residences aren’t helping much. I can’t verify but did get told that Stockland were allowed to install stormwater pipes in Burdell that were under the diameter required.
On the last point I wouldn’t be surprised it was allowed but not in a corrupt/malicious way. The intellectual giants that have been running the council have been hoodwinked by how many “Springfield Monorail” types now? Magnis, Wagners overpriced boardwalk are just 2. Need I go on.
I’ll ask what I asked years ago. Do not the gates have a manual override? And we’re not serious questions raised about the integrity of the report? Echoes of the Lockyer Valley disaster.
The automatic dam gates cannot read a BOM forecast that all but guarantees immediate torrential rain requiring pre-emptive, precautionary water release. Seems the Jenny Hill Disastrous Committee could ncomprehend a BOM forecast too.
There needs to be an inquiry into the Independent Inquiry into the Mayor made flood.
There is a precedent;
there was an inquiry into the conduct of the 1996 Blackhawk Tragedy Board of Inquiry as after that inquiry it became evident that some board members were compromised hence some findings potentially unsound.
Yes, there was an manual override and it was used. Operators followed the Emergency Action Plan and released water to stop it from overflowing. Initially manual releases occurred on Feb1 and 2, then it was returned to automated releases on Feb 3. This is all documented in the report.
RRD gates are MANUAL
there’s no “automatic” mode
Ok , let’s think this through, you wouldn’t want “automatic” mode because the gates might open of their own without operator knowledge – what if water level sensors give a false level for example – plus there’s the OHS issue, gates opening could kill an operator if he didn’t have FULL control over the gates.
Grumpy, the only “serious questions” about the integrity of the Report seem to have come from people who haven’t bothered to read it and wouldn’t be able to point to an actual problem. If you had taken a peek at the first couple of paragraphs of the Introduction you would have found:
“Throughout the event, the dam gate operation was switched from automatic to manual operation four times following direction from Townsville City Council to reduce the risk to the downstream community.”
Further along you would have found out why. And what a difference it would have made. But don’t you worry about that.
Once again, you ghastly person, you fail to read to understand the context of what I said. I hope Santa shit down your chimney.
Dam reaches 230 something %, millions of dollars flood damage, and the Independent Report says to the effect, “You all did very well.”
Come on Jenny, you’ve suspended disbelief to believe this work of fiction is true. There is no hope for you. Sorry.
# Independent; meaning; Labor mates looking after Labor mates.
Yes RLW. Two days before the gates are fully opened, Puddleduck realises this is not going to end well, so she hands over control of the dam to TCC and tells Jenny “whatever happens we will protect you”
Hill was a failure as a Mayor, she failed to get a senate seat earlier on in the year, and she has failed at Powerlink. Overall she is a possum fur wearing idiot. Hopefully now she will fade even further into oblivion. Our town is better off without her.
It must be time for her to relocate to the Sunshine Coast to be neighbours with other ex-Townsville legal and business leaders.
Happy festivus to the Magpie and the merry band of nesters. I’ll be relying on the column for all the local news while I’m away next year. It is more up to date and reliable than what would appear in the Bulletin’s online edition.
Where are you going, Minnie? Stuart.
Good afternoon Mr Pie, have a Merry Christmas.
Thanks, old timer.
To the Magpie, all the readers and writers, may the calories of Christmas disappear by the New Year. Merry Christmas.
Fat chance.
Best to you, too, Jeff.
Happy Christmas Pie, to you and yours. Cheers Mate
At you too, Al.
Merry Xmas you beautiful people. May you indulge in eggnog and other fine beverages.
Pie, all including lurkers and contrarians.
Merry Christmas and have a great day.
Lunch is awaiting so outta here.
I hope Santa put a little extra into the Magpies Nest and many of the commentators as the contribution to ridding the City of Team Hill / Messagebank / Cupcake / Harpic is a major achievement . Am I asking too much for the Townsville Bulletin to ask the acting Mayor exactly what the Cities ” fresh start ” she quoted actually means . What will she be doing differently than she has in the last 12 yrs on the cbd that falls into line with those expensive strategies they have failed to achieve . Will she be sharing the response to the State Government on request on further $80 mil blow out Haughton stage 2 and specify what major Council projects havnt been completed along with transparency on Lansdown . Cost of living savings for the Townsville Community . How not to slap in the face international investors Hilton Hotel group / Chemist warehouse in the cbd / fringe . Again , claim that the acting Mayor would be working thru the festive season so perhaps review the mowing tender for extra mows over Christmas / New Year so the City is more presentable .
The Magpie is concerned as always for the well being and peaceful mindset of all Nesters, so with that in mind, he wants to save you the anxious distraction of racing to the keyboard for the curious, or, for the quaint, dashing to the newsagents for your daily fix of Astonisher revelation.
Rest easy, gentle Nesters, The ‘Pie has done the job for you, and can report you’ve missed SFA … a Light-on Smith special about a highly speculative ethanol jet fuel plant for Townsville (backed up by one of the silliest say nothing iditorials) an inconsequential fire somewhere that the paper wants to raise to a cause for widespread alarm and despondency, and a smattering of bought-in items of pure flummery.
But why oh why, you cry, do they bother – on Boxing day when one couldn’t give any more of a toss than any other day of the year – to give us a 148 page issue for which we are still expected to fork out money for.
It’s the usual double dipping swindle, making readers pay for a financial bonanza for the paper already paid for a hundred times over – because no less than 97 pages of the 148 are full page Boxing Day ads for the usual suspects.
Print media has had its day. It’s dead. You must be stupid if you spend your money buying one of our local rags that contain no meat, just bare bones and old news stories interspersed throughout an advertising billboard. The papers contain lightweight lazy stories as printed by lightweights like Light-on Smith. Our local papers are FUCKING CRAP and I’m astonished that anybody buys them still. Their days are numbered.
I wouldn’t have any issue with all these ads “ad” nausium, if the actual newspaper portion was exactly that! a Newspaper, which made it worthwhile to read what is really happening in our region, and genuine expose’s of delinquent polies/businesses, and also real in-depth informative reports on interesting (not sensational) local matters and people.
That aviation fuel speculation for Lansdown is years away. According to Lighton, they intend tapping into Copperstring 2, however, that won’t be commissioned for transmission before 2031.
The last thing I read about that ethanol fuel mob, they said a few months ago they hadn’t even planned how they were going to produce the stuff. Talk about moving slowly.
The only thing successfully completed has been their conning $Ms from Cupcake and boofhead SMiles.
I have quitely been following comments, especially the on going, ever present Jenny. She (I assume) is impervious to correction and ideas not of her (I assume) making. We are her (I assume) play things.
A suggestion if I may to REALLY piss her off. Ignore her totally. Don’t reply. Deprive her of oxygen. At her keyboard she will steadily turn blue, stamping her hairy feet at her new found irrelevance.
Each time we overcome the urge to reply to Jenny it should give us reasonable Nesters a warm inner glow.
And yes Jenny, sometimes I am a horrible person, and love it.
She’s really got you, Ben. She’s winning with you at this stage.
Ben, Jenny is a fuckwit and a shit stirrer. Ignoring it/him/her/elusive butterfly is your best bet. Jenny’s 2025 resolution should be to no longer be a moron, but that is unlikely to happen.
I’ll add my well wishes to the Pie and Nesters.
Couple of points to the ongoing ‘conversations’
2019 floods: from all reports (those present in the LDCC, the ‘independent’ report and the subsequent conversation over the years it would appear that ‘Best efforts’ were made with the information at hand. The BOM did not predict the rain we got, the rainfall gauges in the dam catchment were showing vastly differing totals and rainfall runoff models and calculations were being stressed to their limits. It’s always great to make a call with hindsight – not many would have been in such a position to make those kind of calls though.
Yes, a lot of damage was done, and a lot of hardship created – the question though – could it have been worse? Maybe.
And just for scale – when the BOM forecast 0-70mm for Thursday-9th and we got a decent 250mm across the landscape, no one is asking questions?
Corruption in Council – has been rife for years and years, especially in planning. If you have $$$ around town you can do whatever you like. Yes BM Webb has done many, many good things for the community – does that equate to favouritism beyond legislation? Seems that way. And he is not the only one. Markwell site on Woolcock street has been a complete joke for compliance with both planning and environmental legislation, despite a few residents sending through complaints and queries, nothing improved.
Developers regularly receiving bulk earthworks permits prior to the wet season and then cry foul (‘It just rains too much to contain sediments in Townsville’) when asked to pleas explain the total failure of drainage controls.
Council does not only have an elected representative problem, the culture and attitude at management level is woeful and somehow, council continues to find the least effective managers in the country to replace existing duds.
Unfortunately, bad management end up causing frustration and resignation for those at the coal face and the longer it is endured the less motivation there is to do a decent job…
Oh and for the Houghton pipeline – always was and always will be a white elephant – too expensive to build, and everyone will get a bit of a shock if the thing is ever finished and is required to be used. Pumping and allocation costs will ensure there will be no flow until we are down to 10% in the dam – and water restrictions are guaranteed to continue not ease while the pipe is flowing. The water is too expensive to be pissed out over lawns.
Happy 25.
Interesting insights.
But boy oh boy, is Jenny ever gunna love you, mate. Let the fun begin.
Central Highlands Regional Council had a white elephant at their Shepton quarry. Council spent something like $4m to $5m on a crusher that was the wrong equipment. The pice of shit ended up being written down to worthless. Those responsible for the white elephant got promotions and received accolades. Ratepayers got hit with a rates increase to cover the cost of equipment and the losers. The same quarry operated for over 25 years non-compliantly. Wagners ended up buying it. Funny how Wagners are always hanging around local councils.
Quarry man, Scott ‘snot’ Mason was the CEO at the time the quarry fiasco was taking place. He eventually left Emerald to take up a brief role at TCC. But that fell apart when his ego clashed with Ralston’s ego. He then bought into a company that recruits executives for local government roles. By all accounts Mason was a complete weirdo with his Elvis sideburns and arrogant personality.
Has anyone noticed no Christmas decorations in flinders street mall.
Many of the suburban streets are potholed and deteriorated and need of replacement,
Maybe confirms the rumours the council is insolvent.
The fact of no CBD decorations has not gone unnoticed or unremarked by many, including leading businesswoman Debbie Rains on FB.
And regarding potholes, sure, not all can be fixed immediately following heavy rains, but it seems that on several roads and streets The ‘Pie regularly drives, there are almost no new potholes, most quickly appear where previous ones had been repaired. This has been the observation for some years now, so the question to be asked is there something amiss in the method used to make these repairs? Slip shod or penny pinching? Either is not good enough.
And driving out around Thuringowa today, some roadside and median strip grasses were almost a metre high. Of course we have to make allowances for the recent wet, but these grasses don’t get to a metre in just a couple of weeks … suggesting that the many, many unkempt strips had not been mowed for many weeks. Looks tatty to say the least. Why don’t our councillors get front and centre with the appropriate council executive/manager to rectify the depressing situation – a situation that results in a general feeling of civic feeling of malaise and depression.
Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point should be mandatory reading for all councillors and executive staff. He invented the term ‘tipping point’ to illustrate how neglect of the civic landscape feeds on its elf annd if unattended, the problems become exponential.
Pie, Council services should always be road repairs, water, rubbish services, and basic infrastructure. Included in their list of duties is the maintenance of lawns, parks, and gardens. Busted arse councils always let the basics drop off, usually the first service to go is parks/gardens/lawns/weeding etc. When you drive around Townsville it becomes plain to see that we are in trouble financially as the place looks like a fucking war zone. Can’t mow the lawns but can give a big fat payout to the stinky ex-CEO. Oh, and pay Thompson $250k to sit on Facebook for a year, causing mayhem and havoc. Great use of ratepayer money!
Apra Po nothing! but can anyone explain why the ABC seems obsessed with people sitting on the worst kind of bar stools imaginable.
Actually almost all TV channels, I just saw the cricket mob almost falling off the tiniest stools imaginable.
They should also note brown shoes do NOT go with blue suits, it was amusing that the new “golden boy” of cricket sat between two blokes wearing “brown boots” while the boisterous lad wore thongs.
Parody or paradox?
Apropos your comment, if one is in a bar and on a bar stool, your bum is way down the list of priorities.
Does that apply in gay bars ?
You tell us.
Asking for a friend !
No doubt a really good friend. With benefits, presumably.
Hi, just going back to “Jenny’s” claim that the only serious questions about the integrity of the governments so-called independent 2019 flood report being raised by people who haven’t read it is rubbish. The report was a whitewash. The report assumes there would be no releases until full supply level was reached and so found any earlier releases would have made little or no difference. There are some who claim the dam’s original operating manual was changed during the Mooney regime to maximise its supply as opposed to lowering the risk of riverine flood. Also, Jenny Hill would tell you the performance of BOM’s forecasting was substandard. Further, climate change has increased the potential flow rates over dam walls. This a key reason why the government is having to redevelop the Burdekin Falls Dam. Let’s hope this work can be done before a huge rainfall event causes a Burdekin dam failure with catastrophic consequences for downstream communities. Had a proper independent inquiry been ordered into the 2019 flood some of these questions would have been investigated. “Jenny” might have allowed “her” bias to cloud her judgment.
Some years ago, about 15, maybe 20, there was a cleverly disguised work program at the RRD to hurriedly bolster the dam walls, but it was sold by a professional PR as some ‘routine upgrade work’. The Bulletin and TV bought the slick hokum, bolstered by a insistent council media department – Mooney was rightly concerned that there would be wholesale panic if it was suggested the RRD was under strain. Townsville exploding business growth was also threatened if even the suggestion got out. So the then mayor rolled the dice, betting on successful rectification before uncontrollable inflow from a monsoon-like storm would make the nightmare come true. It put thousands of properties and lives at fatal risk but he was willing to bet the incalculable loss by not issuing any warning.
The ‘Pie has this first hand from the the said PR professional, who is now no longer with us, so the matter can be mentioned. The details were never discussed with The ‘Pie, and there was a clear concern by the spin doctor that he was knew he was not on the right side of his profession with this contract.
I remember this well, I think. It was some months after the Night of Noah, as coined by Steve Price.
As much as could be observed from the road the outer 1/3 of the dam wall was removed and down to a below ground depth such that bloody great yellow pieces of mining machinery disappeared out of sight. The excavation was filled with a black substance, lots of it. Finally, top dressed all sweet, and nothing to see here. And nothing in the paper. I was still having it delivered in those days.
A geologist friend of mine was firm in his analysis. The rain fall on the Night of Noah was concentrated over the Townsville urban area. Had that rain fall been concentrated in the immediate dam catchment area the dam wall would have failed, most likely to the west towards the Bohlie River alighnment.
That a massive rebuild of the Ross Dam wall months after the Night of Noah, and done as quietly as possible suggests to me that the concerns of my geologist mate that the type of dam wall was inappropriate for the geology below may have been correct.
And now let us think of Paradise Dam. A fuckup the Government could not hide or fo0b off.
Ben, On the ‘night of Noah’ the army wanted to bring on body bags as they were concerned the dam would break. Another concern was the big rock on the summit of Mt Cook on Maggie Island, there was a fear of land slip as occurred on Castle Hill and destroyed the Carmichael residence on Stanley St. Then there was millions spent building the ‘the Great Wall of Carmichael’ to prevent further land slips.
Two things I remember of that event.
1. We had no booze in the house and flooding prevented me getting to the pub. It was an uncharacteristically dry night in the Rumson house; and
2. A construction project at the RAAF Base saved a couple of million dollars as the Night of Noah demonstrated the existing drainage was satisfactory and planned drainage enhancement not necessary.
Sandpiper, contrary to your claims about the Review it was asked to carry out “An assessment of the possible flooding impacts on communities downstream of the dam:
○ If the Dam was not in existence
○ If Dam was operated in accordance with standard operating procedures and specifications and the relevant aspects of the Ross River Dam Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
○ As operated during the flood event
○ If dam release had occurred earlier.”
The review went ahead and provided data and various assumptions (which you can check for veracity) to answer these questions. You call it a whitewash but there’s no evidence you have even read the thing.
If, as you claim (without a jot of evidence) that the “original operating manual was changed”, why don’t you present a link to a document, any document, which shows such changes? Surely you are not suggesting that it was all a secret and continues to this day?
Reasonable points Jenny, but the simple question for the inquiry should’ve simply been what happened and why (aspects 2 and 3). … the dam not being in existence is a waste of time and unhelpful in the extreme.
Jenny you’ve neglected to mention BMT’s report, in assessing earlier releases, assumed there would be no releases before full supply level was reached. Releases in SEQ’s water grid occurred recently well before the grid’s 100% supply capacity. The fact that the Townsville council gained approval to change from automatic to manual releases before major flooding, and BMT finding this manual operation likely reduced flooding in some areas, indicates shortcomings in the operating manual for flood. None of this was made clear. Read the report again, and if you can find it, IGEM’s actual review. Earlier releases could have occurred if biases towards preserving water were not in place. What’s more palatable, allowing Idalia to flood or relying on expensive water, if it can even be supplied in the quantity required, from the Burdekin?
Yes, that’s right Pie. There was “piping” in the dam wall where water was making its own tracks through the dam wall. It was redeveloped/ungraded during the Beattie regime at considerable expense including installation of gates. The ramifications of a potential dam failures are always kept secret to not only avoid panic but impacts on property market and legal action in the event of something like the 2019 flood. It’s very difficult to get information on the expected maximum dam flow rates under climate change not because they don’t know but because our dam’s were built and designed to rates far lower than they are today and they don’t want people to know. The huge Burdekin catchment and dam has extraordinary rates, among the highest in the world. I’ll try and check with my sources to give you a figure. If dam’s overtop their walls they potntially wash away with obvious devastating consequences. One of the reasons governments are slow to act is the huge cost to fix them..
Good info that we are and were entitled to know from a public safety point of view. Damaging property markets on a possibility is an if and maybe proposition, but human life is another matter.
And agree with your last line, where climate chnage now puts us everywhere at the mercy of a risk v reward situation.
Mooney wasn’g the only one to roll the dice, but he won. Others haven’t.
And Australian of the Year, self-appointed climate expert Tim Flannery, forecast in 2012, “The dams will never be full again.”
The AOTY is now become a highly politicised woke award, which is why in broad terms across the population, it means nothing unless it’s a sporting figure.
Yeah, melanoma research is totally woke.
Stupid comment.
Observor , no Christmas lights in Townsville cbd has been noticed by many including cbd owners and workers . As its in the new acting Mayors division i googled Townsville Central business district plan 2020 ( copy emailed to the Pie ) . ” The revitalization of the cbd to a more vibrant and cosmopolitan place will be the cornerstone of Townsvilles evolution ” . Emphasis on the CBD as the Citys principal centre and responds to community support of the CBD being the Heart of the City . .The CBD / Magnetic island reflect 12 years as a Councillor for acting Mayor Greaney .
Yesterday took a drive down to the Burdekin to see how the Haughton pipline was progressing. The outline of the pipe can easily be seen on google maps now, only a few above ground bits of pipe laying around and work setup and started for the pump station beside the Burdekin with the under the road boring machine about to get going. BMD are the main contractors it seems but there isnt anything on their website about stage 2 that I can find. And the Infrastructure site not updated since Oct 2023. So not a lot about the money side of the operation but seems all should be done and dusted next yr as per last timeline point.
Ross River dam reports, BOM reports etc all make up the mix of finger pointing after the event.
The late Ian Hamilton, past NQ Water Chairman, consultant engineer for decades in NQ and FNQ and I were at dinner discussing the 2019 devastation immediately after the event.
I asked him what in his engineering view actually caused the flooding and his answer was direct and clear.
Excess water from the dam was always an ongoing issue however in his view the Souther Port Road built by the Rudd Government circa 2009 was designed and built on a levee system ie the road surface is up to several metres above natural ground level.
The Port road runs directly across the flood plains of Townsville thus acted as a dam, backing up flood waters and causing widespread flooding to Idalia and neighbouring suburbs.
Hamilton thought that not enough engineering foresight had been put into including enough large pipes under the levee roadway to allow flood water to escape to sea.
A quick Google Earth check highlights the overall picture. Sorry, I’m very unsavvy with cut/paste so no link !
There’s many a farmer in Queensland who will call the Queensland Department of Main Roads the best dam builders in Queensland. Queensland Department of Main Roads has no sense of water flows etc so they construct raised roads with limited culverts etc to let water follow its natural flows.
On the issue of the independent report into the 2019 flood it must be remembered that this report was undertaken by a Queensland public servant so the independence of the report must be questioned. It was known in Council at the time that Council was given a copy of the draft report for comment. At the this action was seen by many as an attempt by the then ALP government to not put any blame on the government or the ALP TCC council as an election was due within 22 months.
“On the issue of the independent report into the 2019 flood it must be remembered that this report was undertaken by a Queensland public servant so the independence of the report must be questioned.”
Critical, this is just so much twaddle. It is deliberate misinformation. It is a lie and you must know it. The Independent Review was undertaken by BMT Eastern Australia Pty Ltd. The Client was The Office of the Inspector-General Emergency Management. Are you suggesting that BMT is a “public servant”? If so then you are a snivelling idiot. This is just Class A fuckwittery. Pathetic.
No Jenny, you are the peddler of fuckwittery. You spent years doing deals under the table and enriching yourself and councillors and now you lurk around this blog peddling your twisted views and massaging your ego by trying to show off as a know-it-all, a font of all knowledge. Please find something else to do in 2025 and just fuck off. Nobody is interested in your bullshit.
Hahahaha … our Jenny is Jenny Jenny? Yeah, right.
The ‘Pie is flattered.
BB, Very much written the same as Steve of BG. IMO.
OK everybody. Give yourselves a warm inner glow by ignoring Jenny such that she turns blue at her keyboard stamping her hairy feet at her irrelevance.
Quiet in here.
Found myself in Flinders Street over the weekend and was astounded by the condition of the empty buildings in the vicinity of the old Dimmey’s Arcade. Visiting cruise passengers must think they’ve landed in a third world country. Cr Greaney should spend more time actually travelling around her council division and less time in secret meetings. Same goes for all the potholed roads. The money wasted on dead duck projects like Flinders Lane, Castle Hill sheds, and Jenny Hill’s boardwalk from nowhere to nowhere (now known as The World’s Most Expensive Fishing Platform) should have been spent on basic services, not whims or thought farts.
When will the blog kick back into full swing? It’s too quiet around here. Some of us don’t have a life, no family, no nothing, all we have is the Nest. So come on Magpie, get the fire stoked please.
H s,
Easy goes it. It is that time of year after much business. All creatures, great and small, full of colour, or black and white need time to rest, canoodle, and rest again. That there is a pause in the comments suggests that the Magpie is ‘resting again’. Let us give him well deserved time and space for what comes naturally to Magpies at this time of year.
Good luck Pie. My Christmas canoodling would be rated G, family view.
Give him a break HS. Just sit back put some chutney on your sandwich.
One thing to note is that sunwater was fired from running RRD after the flooding……..
I seriously doubt Jenny Hill had anything to do with the flooding event. At such time councillors / mayor would be informed by those whose JOB it is to know about relevant things.
It would have been known IMMEDIATELY by sunwater management that gates would need to be lowered and a significant event was happening.
As usual Guy, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Jenny Hill chaired the Disaster Committee and ran it like she did the council – her way or the highway.
I can still see her wearing that ridiculous “Chairperson” vest making sure everyone knew she was the boss.
For some reason it reminded me of the tv show Dad’s Army.
How dare you denigrate “Dad’s Army”.
Stupid boy.
I briefly worked at RRD as an operator/ maintainer
As i said , given the way RRD was being run its highly unlikely likely Jenny Hill had anything to do with how and when the gates were opened – sunwater management the company running RRD. That’s the most likely truth of the matter. RRD is run three days into the future – in my opinion given the basics its obvious sunwater should have known IMMEDIATELY that an event was about to happen and was happening. In my opinion sunwater did not follow its own protocols.
I’ve always found it curious that sunwater was kicked out of RRD after the weather event……..
As it is RRD is a fascinating place to work, you walk around the bowels of the infrastructure. I had a few wins by cleaning up questionable matters , live cables sticking out of holes, inspection of earthing on basic things, water ingress into places and things that should be dry – its how you make infrastructure of any kind work, fix up storms of problems that are hampering the operation of hundreds of millions of dollars.
My time with sunwater started coming to an end when I refused to turn of the water supply to proserpine ( you need something like a 20 Mega litre flow daily / 24 hour period). When you turn off the water River levels drop and the council can’t pump water. I called proserpine council and at the time they weren’t sure what that dry water level was. My biggest win was pushing a drowning emu out of one of the irrigation channels near Clare.
Knowledge of infrastructure is all secret squirrel stuff, very few people or know how it really works and that’s the way they like it.
To my knowledge townsville council runs RRD and that’s probably a very good idea.
Sorry Guy, while I am a fan of yours, you absolutely have this wrong. She 100000% was involved in the flooding. Jenny Hill and the Disaster Management team that was involved in the 2019 floods should be in jail for the damage, destruction and heartache that they caused. There are people in jail who commited lesser crimes than this. Why an investigation has not been completed on this baffles me. Everyone knows the gates should have been opened sooner. Yet allegedly they couldn’t open the gate sooner as it was malfunctioning due to lack of maintenance. Being that the whole dam wall could collapse at ANY moment this is a huge concern. Yet our money continues to be spent on ridiculous projects. Let’s see how Andrew Robinson handles himself during this cyclone season. Prepare yourself for multiple quotes and report data but no real care or concern for people.
In a serious weather event they should have stuck to the plan even if being threatened with the sack – that’s part of being a responsible adult. Yes you get pushed out and fired but that’s all part of being in that position. Unless there was an educated and appropriate reason they should stuck to the plan already in place. They released too late. The Brisbane floods where people died happened in a similar way – gates released too late ( and council allowing house building in known torrential flood zones).
I am predicting a global flood similar to Noah’s day and all of you sinners will feel the wrath of god, so forget tinkering with the dam or having this discussion as the dam won’t be able to hold back what is coming. So repent now.
“And since there is no hope but salvation in sight, money is pointless, so give to me so I can destroy it for you.”
There have been many false claims made about the 2019 event on this blog, but Guy has taken this to a new level. He claims to have been an operator at RRD and that they “should have stuck to the plan”. Any RRD operator would know that the “plan” is the Emergency Action Plan and that TCC (and Sunwater as the operator) are legally obliged to follow the EAP. The EAP sets gate openings based on water levels and does not take tides or rainfall forecasts into account. The gate openings are coded into the control system and normally the gates are in auto. As noted in the IGEM and BMT reports, the gates operated in auto except for 4 manual interventions – 2 before the peak and 2 after. Variations from the EAP would only be minor and would need to have a high probability of a better outcome with no extra risk, which is what BMT concluded was the case.
The claims by many that the gates should have been “opened earlier” are never given context – when and why? The water still has to go down the river. The maximum inflow into the dam occurred on the Sunday when the system (unexpectedly) parked itself over the catchment. It created a max inflow of 4.9 ML/s. 1 hour at that rate represents 7.5% of the FSL volume of the dam. That inflow caused the lake level to rise quickly to the trigger point for the gates to automatically lift out of the water. The max outflow with the gates lifted was 1.9 ML/s. If it were not for that one day of rain, the headlines would have been about how the dam saved the city from significant flooding.
All of the claims about gate opening decisions by the Mayor and LDMG have no basis – the gates were shown to have been operated as per the approved EAP and would not require TCC or LDMG approval once the EAP is activated. And for those who are about to hit the keyboard to criticise the EAP – it is a compromise between flood mitigation and dam safety and unlike Wivenhoe, RRD does not have a flood storage compartment.
For those talking Wivenhoe and class action – the Court of Appeal overturned the original decision and declared that SEQ Water and the flood engineers had no case to answer for the 2011 floods in Brisbane.
I’m talking to a brick wall
Figures, but there, there Guy , you’re only in trouble if its starts answering back.
Guy, you are correct. You are talking to a brick wall. Nobody gives a shit about your inane and boring ramblings. Bye bye
Thanks AFR, your comment and the previous one responding to me put into context the dam’s ability for flood mitigation … SFA, given once full supply level is reached – at least for the 2019 event – there was less than a day before before the riverine flood level of 350 cubic metres of outflow through the opening gates was reached, and then between the midday Wednesday of Jan 30 (when FSL was reached) and the following day just 170mm was recorded, plus maybe a bit on the Wednesday night. 200mm is not a lot a lot of rain and common during the wet season. I remember in the 1998 event when we had more rain in a shorter period (around 1300mm in 36 hours) old timers were saying the dam saved us from the kind of riverine flood that occurred in 1946. Of course at that time there were no gates on the dam and there were stories of the army sandbagging the dam. It also puts into context one of BMT’s findings that people were unaware of what was about to occur. How could they when nobody in authority wants to explain it? Incidentally the dam’s at 92% today, so given the BMT report it won’t take much more rain before releases of 350 cu/m per second are hit!
As to the dam wall, regular checks ARE being carried out, when holes appear they get filled – if a particular method is found to be faulty they rectify the situation. I haven’t seen much of that activity occurring for a few years
My only concern would be removing trees that are growing in the dam , when the tree dies the rot system rots and creates a void where water at pressure can enter.
I’ve noticed the grass on the wall has got long again – cut it
Guy, you were so convinced when putting your story on the table. You get challenged big time with no reply. You are so full of shit.
What do I know ? I only worked there.
As I’ve said , I write here as a soliloquy – no one is actually listening. I’ve seen the topic come up and gave my thoughts on it. I don’t worry anymore.
If anyone was listening to me back in 2010 we wouldn’t be where we are now. In the holiday period I’ll look in here more often in between fixing things etc. I don’t feel any need to convince anyone, I’m just propped up on a cushion upon the lotus blossom taking it all in.
Just a personal heads up Guy … maybe no one is listening to your soliloquies, but The ‘P{ie has to read every bloody word, as he does with all comments.
So have a heart, and give most of your ramblings to the mirror.
What? Oh, you already do?
Pie, that would be journalist masochism. The willing torture of reading the comments, some giving a thrill, some not.
Reminds me of a place in Woolloongaba that I frequented as a youth. Overhead through the thin walls,
The masochist to the sadist, ” Beat me, beat me.”
The sadist to the masochist, “No.”
‘Take them off, take them off!!!”
“No, oh, no.”
“Oh, come on, luv, take ‘em off … for me.”
“No, I can’t see without them.”
The mayor is a conduit to the rate payers in a disaster situation, they would rarely make any decision that could have any impact on a disaster short of ordering more tea!
There are countless public servants who are tasked with making decisions for elected officials.
… and therefore the mayor has to wear it if it goes tits up. But if they can shovel it back onto whoever actually makes the decision, what’s the point of the mayor being there apart from a bit of big swinging dick (or tit, in this case) campaigning.
and that is the lament of the public servant, if everything works, the it’s the politicians decision, if it all goes tits up, the public servant gets caned.
Come on Jenny, you can’t get out of it that easily. You asked for specifics. BMT contributed to the review, done by the government agency, IGEM, answerable to the police and community safety minister. It was not an independent review. Many questions were left unanswered and submissions were not released. Nothing to see here?
Sandpiper, read the actual document rather than spouting ignorant opinion. The Review was written by BMT which was contracted by the government agency. Why do you make stuff up? Oh, of course, you refuse to familiarise yourself with the facts, any facts.
The Inspector-General Emergency Management will deliver his review, to which this report
contributes, on 17 June 2019. An interim report/findings is required to be presented to IGEM
by 17 April. The final report should be delivered by 8 May 2019.
There it is Jenny, p88 of BMT’s report
BMT’s assumption that there would be no releases before the dam reached full supply level is ridiculous because that’s when the gates began to open progressively anyway. So what BMT really assessed was a faster opening of the gates, not an earlier release as it was asked. The council did get approval to open the gates more fully in manual mode, rather than automatic, 2 days after full supply level was released. We don’t know whether an earlier release of the gates would have made a difference because it wasn’t assessed but it’s likely it would have reduced flooding in some areas. It’s all there Jenny, you just have to read it … and understand what your reading
Sandpiper’s interpretation of the BMT report is not quite correct. Gate releases occur 100mm above full supply level. BMT started the modelled early release at FSL so it was an early release until the lake level reached the trigger level, which they modelled as 21 hours.
Why not model releases starting at 65%? Firstly because release rates below FSL are very small (as there is little driving head) and therefore a much longer time is required to make an impact. Secondly, the original BOM forecast was for the system to move quickly down to Mackay then turn around and come back. Yes it was going to rain, but was it going to rain enough to justify releasing below the drinking water full supply level? Either way, pre releases at the time of an event will never have sufficient time to make much difference.
Let’s not forget the ongoing affect of the Mullet’s disaster decisions. So many more people are wearing the annual costs of ongoing increased insurance costs thanks to her fuckup.
Kenny, maaate, you can blame her for a lot of things but your insurance did not increase because of Jenny. That increased because of the increased risks associated with global warming- i.e. more extreme weather events. And the increased cost of building incurred during and post covid which was caused by shortages in supply.
Strewth Guy, you protest too much.
Answering your own comments is a very worrying sign.
Happy New Year … I think.
7 local news predicting further 30 % increase Townsville resi market due to the ‘strong economic activity and failure to meet demand for new housing. In October, councillors signed off on Townsville housing action plan which was supposed to deliver 70 % lift new homes .
Current approvals rates even up on last year, let alone 70 % .
Guy seems to know a lot about the Disastrous Committee so can he confirm or deny that at least one high ranking member of the committee objected to the timing of the opening of the gates but was overruled, and not long after was transferred to another city. As for the “review”, yeah right. Surely its not too late for a class action which would at least test the Labor review findings in a court of law. Given the scale of the damage caused I would have thought the insurance companies would have shown some interest.
I know nothing of committees only how the basic operation of the dam works and should work.
Its the committees that often make things worse because they are often removed from reality.
Woolworths this year not boycotting Australia Day. Too bloody late, they have shown there true woke colours and I will continue to shop at Coles when I have a choice.
26th January. Happy Australia Day everyone.
A day to reflect on our achievements, scientific, medical, engineering, sporting, educational, performing and visual arts, industrial both primary and secondary, and last and probably most important, our strong institutions and constitution that provide the framework for our successful Australian society.
Magpie , the nest thru your contributors has been dropping updates hours if not days before traditional media so I hope they will continue through 2025. I give Acting Mayor Greaney 3-6 mths to try and steer Council + CEO to take a hardline to the budget and any rates increase below inflation . 3 local MP,s , Mining Minister MP Burdekin and the Premier know Council . If the Councillors can’t get housing moving / budget in the black before details on Lansdown drops the State Government will be forced to act .
Seem TT is going down the list of council divisions trying to rack up some support for himself. Does this mean the wanker is running out of content. But he readers need to look back though his old post seems he keeps forgetting what he actually bullshits about. This Sunday I’m told this wanker and his geisha that pounds her face with 1 inch think of make-up will be there. Please go down and give his some love remember he is a decorated SAS soilder.. he might want to lob a potato grenade at you. Happy new year all.
” … will be there”???
Mick, if you want to stir people to action, it is always best to say WHERE.
Willows markets sorry magpie Sunday 5/01/2025
Yes mate, the democratically elected dimwit has been quite clever in undermining his fellow councillors. Posting a different division each day, including the councillors contact details and name, then listing the fuckups taking place in that particular electorate and then calling on the ratepayers to vote for no-confidence in the council all while Thompson calls for administrators and action to be taken against council. These are the actions of a truly vengeful sociopath with oodles of time on his hands. This reaction by Thompson was predictable and has been enabled by the state government by giving him 12-months to to sit at his computer enacting revenge…… meanwhile, Townsville remains a laughing stock and not a desirable place to conduct business. 9 years of Sergeant Hill followed by Thompson and a temporary Greaney fucking with our region. An abhorrent joke.
And to add insult, he is being paid by ratepayers to do all this.
Agree. The tragedy of the whole thing is that if Twonames had an epiphany and suddenly began talking truthfully, nobody would believe him.
A New Year’s Quiz to start the year.
Queensland’s ‘Making Queensland Safer’ Act has been passed and was assented to on 13 December. It contains a group of sections that make amendments to other legislation and which will commence on proclamation. So not everything in the Act is in effect, unless the proclamations have already been made.
Can’t find anything on the Web about any proclamations. Is there a reader who knows or can explain?
Anyway, the kiddy-crim mustering helicopters have been silent – a good sign.
Happy New Year to all.
A truism worth remembering in the coming months, a universal caution – all new laws anywhere 9 times out 10, introduce a further restriction non a previous freedom.
It was inevitable, just a matter of timing.

Astonisher reporter Chris Burns is off to join the Courier in the near future. It was always going to be the case, but it is a big blow for Townsville Bulletin’s fight for credibility. Burns was one of the few journos of the past few years who showed any inclination towards real journalism.
And when anyone shows promise, they are quickly removed from Townsville or Cairns, snaffled up by Murdoch mastheads down south, in a stepping stone career path.
Can’t blame Burns, he deserves all the success and greater knowledge he will gain in more reliable newsrooms staffed by those from whom he can further learn.
But it leaves us with Cas Garvey and the likes of Lighton Smith et al.
But the shortcomings of the paper can’t be landed entirely in the lap of the editorial staff, who seem to lack experienced hands in tune with community sentiment to mentor and push them. The whole Bulletin attitude towards news is that it is a secondary thing, annoyingly expensive to fit in among the ads. In terms of authority over the news pages, the inexperienced Garvey comes in a distant second behind General Manager Suzanne (Suzy) Wilson, who was bumped up into the position from her previous slot as Advertising Sales Manager, which says everything you need to know. The elevation was completely strategic.
Both are established regulars at lunches and functions around town, where they mingle with people whom in theory in a real world, one day may have to criticise or expose. That is the very reason why, back in the day of serious journalism, editors kept a tight rein on their socialising … and they weren’t under the direct and threatening supervision of management per se, as they are now.
No doubt both these ladies know our deputy and acting mayor Ann-Maree Greaney, and just might find it hard to allow objective but possibly negative stories when they have to eyeball her over the latest free buffet.
Poor fella, my town.
Probably the best move Burns has made in his career. Regional newspapers are dead. They aren’t newspapers anymore, they are Harvey Norman flyers. It’s only a matter of time until there are no more regional papers at all, there will only be masts like the Courier Stale in Queensland.
Trying to enjoy the test match, BUT the self appointed expert on all and everything Justin Langer hogs the comments and drones on and on with the only thing he has in common with the DON…….. the most irritating, repetitious and nauseous voice.
The comment regarding the squeaky voice of the DON was made by the Great Ian Chappell who knew him well and on occasions would impersonate him.
Bradman may have been a brilliant cricket player, but he was also a rude, arrogant, bigoted cu#t of a man. As for Langer, he may have an annoying voice, but he is up there with some of Australia’s great batsmen. You can’t take that away from him.
It doesn’t take long.
Just one voice and solidarity is falling off the rails, with Councillors concerned over the non-performance of acting Mayor Foodtrucks, who said she would work thru Christmas but no one saw her . What ever she promised the Councillors behind closed doors, they are starting to realise they have backed a dud as their inboxes rapidly filled full of residents complaints potholes / overgrown grass. 7 local News reports that the acting Mayor is seeking Federal Funding Haughton / Lansdown, but Phil Thompson increased his margin by 12 % so Albo won’t be throwing $ at the Ville.
Greaney may not be a member of the Labor party but her woke priorities are Labor .
Greaney is woke through and through.
Here on Maggie she goes out of her way to appease the all Greens, with their radical views.
She hasn’t been spotted on the island since the last residents meeting where 3 motions of no confidence were made.
Heard her on ABC radio saying she communicated with the residents by way of a newsletter? Which no one has seen!
Meanwhile the Sooning St bridge remains closed and there is no sign of any repairs or even inspections being carried out.
Greaney is the laziest Councillor we have had. She is a dud.
The departure of Burns will be a major blow to the credibility of the Townsville Bulletin, but the once great newspaper’s days appear to be numbered anyway.
I read the online webpage and even the editorial is sometimes focused on Brisbane, lifted straight out of the Courier Mail. An ever-increasing number of stories are also from outside North Queensland, and advertisements for restaurants and coffee shops appear to be thinly disguised as news stories.
It was rumoured long ago that, as previously predicted in this blog, when the Bully stopped making a worthwhile profit it would become a liftout in the Courier Mail.
The same goes for Cairns, Mackay and Rockhampton.
Sad days indeed.
Accurate analysis, but the Astonisher won’t be going anywhere while Gerry Harvey runs the place.
However, Doug, don’t agree with your ‘sad days’ assessment, these are days of opportunity for Townsville … technology has opened wide the door for The Magpie’s long advocated online news site. Properly financed and professionally staffed with journalists and technicians, armed with all the modern technology available, a new entity could rise from the disgraceful burning rubble of news information in this town. And make money for the owners. Even a rudimentary check of other such sites prove that the model can work if done wholeheartedly.
All it would take is a bit of vision, and a will to produce something positive for Townsville, which has suffered too long under the Murdoch-assisted and encouraged decay of community pride and progress.
The print edition of the Rockhampton Morning Bulletin ceased around 4 years ago and became an online version only. I believe that Newscorp keeps a small office in Rockhampton but most of the paper is articles from the Courier Mail.
The Morning Bulletin was a great paper when I lived there in the 1990’s and in many ways was better than the Townsville Bulletin particularly for regional news but then it did cover a large area of Queensland and the Central West.
Cricket fanatics must be revelling in the ABC radio at the moment. Nine and a half hours, non-stop nothing and then a brief break before another three or four hours of nightime cricket. And all the highlights of the 13 -14 hours of inaction can be shown on TV in 30 seconds.
What really got me was when the commentators finally ran out of reminiscences, they started droning on about English county cricket. I turn on the radio hopefully, now and again, but just get a detailed description of fascinating info about the gait of the bowler being similar to some other cricketer in the 1960s.
I admit there are the occasions of unintended hilarity in long explanations regarding the implications of the shine being off the ball or the pitch being flat (huh?)
It’s not as though we have much alternative radio in Townsville. There’s rock and roll, country and western or the deadly dull dirges on classical radio. Oh for digital radio in the regions.
There’s always 4TTT, where you can listen to shows like ‘Over A Cuppa’ with the recycled Max’ Macho Man’ Tomlinson interviewing recycled people like David The Kipper Kippen, who apparently is keen at having a shot at being our mayor if we ever get another election for the same.
The Kipper shyly trailed his coat on his mayoral ambitions in an interview with his booze-bloomed host in mid/late December, but The ‘pie is unable to find any archival link, so you’ll just have to imagine what delights The Kipper wishes to lavish upon us.
Gawd help us, poor fella my town.
Be still, my pounding heart.
Jeff. Download ABC radio app for whole range of different musical or talk tastes.
Also plenty of free apps and radio world wide. I have a UK 70’s music station and tune in to USA stations for local NFL radio coverage.
Not hard to do if you are bored with cricket.
Very sad, Dazza, very sad.
This, for me, is a little ray of sunshine in an otherwise very gloomy year. The US legal system has been a disappointment. I had hoped Trump would be in jail by now.
Hello Pie,
Armed with a shopping bag full of free character assessments, I made my way to the Willows Markets, there to meet with, Troy Thompson.
The Bulletin was there, our newly minted State member was there, I was there. Twonames Thompson was elsewhere.
I had a good conversation with Natalie Marr who reassured me the matter of TT is being progressed, it has to be 100% correct in all matters and there are some confidential matters in the mix that must remain confidential until the due time. It will take time to get it right the first time, and I can accept that.
In the meanwhile my shopping bag full of free character assessments will keep until next time.
Another waste of our money by the dewy eyed fake “traditional” ceremony, it must be fake coz the indigenous didn’t have any currency!!!
Many years ago when I lived in SA a group of self pointed intellectuals Aborigine ceremonies used the falsehood of “secret women’s business” to harass and denigrate developers on Hindmarsh island who wanted to build a bridge.
Have you noticed how they keep most of the Riff Raff out of Fairfield Shopping Centre? You would have to walk a circular route of 2-3 KMs from the nearest bus stop.
It’s only people who live over the road or have a car who go there. The only major centre that purposely keeps a certain demographic out. Just saying.
On a similar line, as I understand it, when planning to develop the cow paddocks on the southern banks of the Ross River into the suburb of Annandale there was a requirement that social housing be included. Annandale, when first established, had a high end up market presentation. The social housing requirement was complied with without ruining the Annandale image by establishing a social housing precinct with one access only, Gartrell Drive, off Stuart Drive, and no internal road connection to the rest of the suburb. Check out Google Maps, and street view.
Christ, that doesn’t half have built-in assumption about class and culture, does it?
And For Fucks Fucking Sake – do NOT tell us to do anything, PROVIDE A LINK.
Go for a drive or look at Google satellite maps for Dunlop st Kelso. That row of trees was put in so the people in the new houses don’t have to look at the people in the housing commission over the road.
Perhaps those trees are so that us houseo’s don’t have to look at the stuck up prats living across the road?
Seems the season of peace love and tolerance is over fort another year.
I can send links from the web but have no idea to send a link to that part of Google maps appearing on my computer screen. Sorry.
You pin point the middle of the spot on google satellite map. Make the map go as big as it can and pin point it again. That creates the link address you can see in your browser’s address bar. Cut or copy that link. Open another browser and paste that link and hit enter. If it worked it goes to your pin point and you can copy it and paste it anywhere. You can also measure distance between points by right clicking your mouse on that point and choosing measure distance and clicking the next point. It’s as the crow flies unless you do it in steps.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
It is not a built in assumption, it’s reality.
You build a nice home and teach your children right from wrong. Then the government gives you new neighbours.
Mr. and Mrs. Don’t Give A Fuck, their twin boys Centre and Link, and daughter Celestial Starburst.
They quickly populate their front yard with car wrecks and rotting lounge room furniture. The foul language from all of them is peeling the paint from the exposed wall of your house.
How is your quality of life now for you and your family?
This is not fiction. It is reality for many home owners in a number of suburbs in this town.
So everyone who lives in social housing should be viewed through example of the visible grubs? No good and responsible people live in social housing?
There is no denying there are problems like those you speak of, but tarring everyone with the same brush – and institutionalising and labelling it with the approval of ‘ghettos’, only intensifies the situation. No one wants scattered social housing here and there, that is unfair on everybody, but your glorification of ‘one road in and one road out’ is at best distasteful, engendering a feeling of class and social exclusion which which helps make your view a self-fulfilling prophecy.
A unit next to one of our IPs is owned by the department of housing and we never had any trouble from it.
Good for them, they don’t have to put up with the trash prowling the carparks or hanging around the ATM.
Nearest bus stop is 950m but yeah they didn’t make it easy. Having said that, bus routes can change and it won’t stay inaccessible forever.
So, Smith is “stumped” on 9999, I hope that this will be his Sisyphus moment!
So Mr Magoo Albanese has announced a $7b bribe to Queensland to fund some Bruce Highway improvements. Firstly, these are just ‘upgrades’ and do not cover the entire section of Highway. It is estimated that $100b is needed to bring it up to a 5 star rating from Gympie to Cairns.
Now, I almost vomited when I read a post from TEL only a few hours later on LinkedIn in which they conveyed the Albanese announcement and they included this bit which is their wording;
“This funding comes just six weeks after Townsville Enterprise led a delegation to Canberra, advocating for this critical infrastructure upgrade”.
Can you fucking believe this dishonest claim? Ms Bumme-smith and Gill have approved this blatant con of an announcement and they should be sacked immediately. Their visit to Can’tberra 6 weeks ago has nothing to do with the Albanese announcement. Every fucking Council, trucking company, the RACQ, and a host of other advocacy groups have been calling for action for decades. TEL is once again trying to cash in and make it sound like they have achieved something monumental. What a crock of shit. They embellish more than Twonames does! FFS they need their funding pulled and their leaders sacked.
Quite so, Mopsey.
But let’s watch Foodtrucks closely and any mention she makes of the completely spurious claim that the delegation’s Canberra visit had any bearing on the funding announcement. She surely won’t be able to endorse that claim for the simple reason that that delegation was led by guess who …. then acting mayor Paul Jacob.
Yes Paul Jacob Without a tie….
Bringing it up to a five star rating would be stupid and unnecessary for the foreseeable future.
You see, right there, Magoo, right fucking there there we have it … there are the magic words that fuck this state and this community … the ‘foreseeable future’.
You are only interested in seeing ahead what you believe will happen, not trying to shape and inspire the future further than the next intersection or election.
Thank you for proving the point.
The other Mayors yelling out and have thir hands up for a piece of the action in AnAl’s promised funding for Bruce Highway upgrades. No word from Foodtrucks who is still basking in the aura of her coup. Instead, we have have the unelected Claudia BS as our advocate. Spare me days.
This swelcome (if followed through) political move has absolutely ZERO to do with TEL or Brumme-Smith. It g]falls into the same category of her claiming some sort of serious input into defence housing. The TEL scandal is growing, with Greaney front and centre to carry much of the responsibility. Let’s call that blame.
I’ve been barking loudly about the structure, charter, and outgoings of TEL for some time now. To say that TEL is full of piss and wind (and deceit) is an understatement. For the amount of money they receive by way of Council funding, one would expect a lot more in return, including doing their own work and not piggy backing off the backs of others. TCC should gut TEL to bare bones and provide further support to Townsville’s Chamber of Commerce who should be the key driver when it comes to advocating for our region. I had hoped that with a new TCC CEO in Joe McCabe, he would have reviewed everything about TEL and provided a recommendation to the Councillors on how to better manage this supposed asset (more of a cash cow). So far, bull dust and tumbleweeds.
Albo is already in power , he can spend money on the Bruce highway now instead of later. Albo could have spent this on the highway years ago. Get ready for red lights and a 40 km speed limit for the next 1000 km
The funding is for the entire Bruce Highway so the only thing that local government or MPs could possibly influence is the order of projects.
Bruce highway upgrade?
I would be happy if the highway, as is, was maintained properly, which it isn’t. Maintenance is a ‘forever’ task, proper maintenance, that is, not ‘band-aid repairs’ one on top of another.
As has been pointed out, the $7 billion dollar commitment is for some overtaking lanes, lane dividers, basics such as that. The highway has been neglected for 60 years and the end result has been countless deaths and injuries. It’s completely fucked and successive state and federal governments are to blame. Albo is only addressing this now because the penny has finally dropped and it’s become a voting issue. Regardless, Albo is fucked and won’t win the next election so let’s hope that Dutton offers to match Albo’s commitment.
Did you expect them to rebuild the whole thing? Of course it’s going to be a bunch of smaller projects.
Take your point, but if only we could step back and take a more visionary view, heart surgery rather than bandaids, it should be decided RIGHT NOW on a $150billon Brisbane/Cairns 4-lane project over 25 years. With cities bursting at the seams, industries slowly looking to decentralise, and sea and tree changers now an accepted ideal for so many, the overall cost would be paid back in the resulting decentralisation of this huge state, especially for companies making products chiefly for export, since right along the whole coast there is port access aplenty.
For suggest we don’t have the population to justify it, a wholly upgraded Bruce is Australia’s field of dreams scenario … build it and they WILL come, don’t build it and they won’t.
Remember when they spent YEARS upgrading the highway around Bowen only to add NO extra lanes in many parts and put up a brand new sign warning of FLOODING .
More money down the drain and into pockets of unions who decide they’re not getting enough money and want to be back paid.
JWB please desist from talking common sense (it ain’t very common) Pollies don’t give a damn, they’re spending OUR money to make themselves look good.
Its the eternal opportunity of the undeserving to pretend that they are doing this just for us.
Its the old Goon show line, “Open your wallet, and say help yourself”
Do the ratepayers of Townsville pay for booze for the councillors, or anybody else for that matter?
Councils should be buying it for ratepayers, God knows they send enough us to the bottle.
I’ll drink to that.
TCC prefers to pay $580k to a CEO who only worked part-time and spent many a day doing work that wasn’t related to TCC. A dream job!! TCC also pays for TEL to be overstaffed and they too spend many a work hour having tea and cake parties in the lunch room. TCC also likes to pay out CEO’s who leave, giving them ex-gratis payments as rewards. I would much prefer that they spent a last thousand or two on wine rather than piss money down the drain enriching bottom feeders.
TCC CEO payment was signed by David Sewell, Tony Bligh and Troy Thompson, a 2 year payment, opposed to his newly negotiated 4.5 year term. Excessive, there was no policy, TCC legal was involved all the way, and guided Thompson through the process when he wanted the CEO gone on day 3. It was allegedly a premeditated move. The rest of the directors and GMs that left were negotiated by Prins Raulston at his discretion.
The Mayor has posted his latest dig on Facebook, aimed at the diving 8 councillor. That leaves only 2 divisions to go. Each post he has done he has totally skewered the relevant division councillor. What a sociopath is Thompson. Vengeful and spiteful turd. He bangs on about the nasty Jenny Hill, well Troy you are just as pathetic. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions are destructive and childish.
Happy 2025!!
He is now utterly irrelevant. His facebook page is really just comic relief. The last time I read his mad musings he was trying to defend his car-crash ACA-Prince Andrew style interview and it was very heartening to realise this is probably the type of dog-shit response he is offering up to the commission. Our lord and saviour and patron saint of pastries was insisting he IS a graduate and did not lie about his degrees because he completed some in-house courses when he was working for companies. He then went in to gaslight anyone that queried this by telling them they had an interesting and unusual take on what constitutes being a graduate. By his rationale, my annual first aid certificate would allow me to claim that I am in fact a medical graduate. Outrageous and rediculous but he really poses no threat anymore. I am keeping a close eye on Paul Jacobs now as his recent performance makes me wonder if he is going a little “Biden” on us.
Team Hill and Labor “the gift that just keeps giving ” Townsville ratepayers debt . Chair of Councils North Rail yards entity . The project is challenging and will require 10,s millions $ to clear the site of contamination etc and requires a long term view . Other Council projects Division 10 Councillor needs to put on his big boy pants and push for Council to disclose Landsdown costs to date any interest in selling any parcels to recover some costs . At least Councillor Batkovic got independent legal advise to disclose who authorised over $1 mil in extra entitlements to 3 Council execs and who got what . Councillors have a few weeks to take tough decisions on Council budget and communicate the savings and how they see the new rates charges . Emails / calls to local liberal MP,s from business and supporters about Councils issues likely to deliver more questions on Team Greaney 2025 .
Re the rail-yards contamination issue, I recall when the first “environmental” report came in, it was to say the least lacking in detail. It was just a list on “alleged” contaminants very vague on quantities or depth.
It just read like they had been told what to find and report it as such.
Considering the supposed enormous cost to rehabilitate the site, I feel that a worthwhile independent reassessment of the site should take place.
When you consider for most of its life the engines were steam and then diesel-electric, so how did all of those large quantities of highly toxic chemical that were allegedly found end up in the soil and at amazing depths?
Maybe a check of the medical histories of the workers could shed some light, if they have not been diagnosed with some contaminant illness the why should there be so much contaminants?
Surely clearing a foot deep of the surface and then a 2 or 3 foot platform of concrete should keep the nasties way out of harms way ad the site become habit-al again.
You will never ever get a job as a public servant, Heel. Never.
Really? promise?
What is this foot you refer to?
Does anyone know what is happening to that new (not opened) hospital in West End? Where the old State school use to be?
Stalled by an internal funding wrangle, it seems.
Paul Jacob is back doing what he does best. This should be fun. Greaney might end up regretting her power grab.
Paul Jacob has proved he is the Tin Man of Townsville politics, showing he has not not only no heart – as in ticker – but bugger all brain. This is confirmed in a rambling, ‘make it up on the run’ interview with Chris Burns in the Bulletin, where he gabbles in and arbound justification for recent actions – including reluctantly going against his principles and voting for Joe McCabe as CEO ‘because as deputy mayor I could be sitting next to him in council meetings and I hadn’t voted for him’. Gosh, Paul, bit awks, as the youngsters now says.
Whatever the fuck that all actually means. But there were plenty of other quotes to show that we are at least no worse off with the heinous Foodtrucks Greaney, and it seems no matter what happens even with a new mayoral or whole election, Townsville is, as iusual, fucked five way to Sunday.
This link to Burns’ story may open for some readers. .
Here’s more fuel on the fire regarding nuclear power for a country that can’t make a wood screw
Overbudget: Britain’s $57BN Nuclear Nightmare
Guy, if you have a screw loose, I have an ice cream container full of odd ones in my shed. No need to buy new.
The Bruce Highway is an embarrassment and the funding promised will do SFA
Anyone driven along the M1 Pacific Highway in NSW?
Starts at the Qld border and will be dual lanes both in both directions all the way to Victoria.
That’s what you call a highway!
I would rather have that than the Olympics or eight nuclear submarines that will be out of date by the time they are built.
MM succinct, accurate and well! yep both of those, please desist from common sense, especially accurate and correct contributions.
Sir Humphrey, would not approve! Yep we have many in our Civil Service.
Maggie May – From what I recall, it was the Kempsey bus crash that caused the NSW government to commit funding to making the M1 dual lane. It took over 30 years for the project to be completed.
41 people were killed on the Bruce Highway in 2024.
The Kempsey bus crash killed 35 and injured 41.
In the four years to 2024 134 people where killed on the Bruce Highway.
How much does it take?
Emotive use of numbers there, Ben … for instance, for greater comparable impact, you neglect to say how many other people were killed on the Pacific Highway in NSW that year or in the time leading up to it.
And for The ‘Pie, the death toll is a powerful but secondary motivation for a full upgrade … the overarching reason is economic, which has national implications, not just for Queensland. Why it has been so wilfully neglected can only be guessed at.
Grafton bus crash the same year claimed 21 dead. That and Kempsey crash got the ball rolling. Could not find total for 1989 Pacific Highway. The bus crashes dominated the subject.
I recall a workplace (aviation operations) comment from that year being rail is the safest form of transport. The pilots strike was on and there were some pretty dodgy pilots brought in from Eastern Europe to fly regular public transport aircraft and with the bus crashes rail was perhaps the safest.
The things that pop into the mind. Wish I could remember last week.
Maybe don’t have the Olympics and spending the money on the Bruce highway now?
Reinforced concrete base asphalt cap. Elevated 2m from the ground with a drainage ditch . FENCED, create bridges that allow wildlife to travel under the road. The fence sits beyond the drainage ditch. No one wants to look at fences ( tell that to the developers on beck drive that have fenced off the sweeping views to the pinnacles in a fuck you jack – this is Sydney moment, in one of the sterile stagnation estates where’s there no backyards). This is how the mind dies – probably fitting for nation that made their children homeless thanks to immigration. You can take the red pill or the blue pill, it doesn’t matter your future is set.
Agree, $7.2b for the Bruce is loose change in comparison to what is required to fully build a proper highway. Meanwhile the Fed send hundreds of millions to the Ukraine, $400b on submarines, a few hundred million to the pacific islands and of course the state spends billions on tunnels and roads for the southeast and billions on the Olympics. We need a 10 to 20 year long term funding commitment for the upgrade, to the value of over $100b.
And that sort of investment would be like a modern version of opening up the Wild West … an investment which pay itself back in expansionry income for governments and opportunities for employment and relocation.
Here’s an opportunity for “the kid” to show some metal and intelligent leadership as Premier; scrap the BNE Olympics.
Its already cost mega bucks and greased the palms of innumerable “consultants” et al.
Simply offer the “opportunity” to any others at home or abroad; gratis!!
Doubt if there will be any takers, except the usual UN funded 3rd World dictators.
NSW has 10 people per square km, QLD has 2.5 people per square km.
Coincidence, that’s about the same statistic for IQ in both states.
Isn’t the mob involved in the West End hospital the same as the big talkers who were going to build The Hive on the Queens Hotel site?
Don’t think so, but might be some involvement. see what you can find out.
IO, It was Griffin Developments. They were the first lot involved with the Gleeson Trust with The Hive until they had a fallout.
Another ram raid last night, this time at Stocklands, by the juvenile snots. That’s seven this week, some well recorded on CCTV. I know the police have a lot on their plate, but, hey, this needs a concentrated effort on their part. I want to see some ‘adult time’ dished out, and soon.
Natalie Marr I hope you are reading this blog
You cannot dish out adult crime if they have not become before the courts.
Last time I checked Marr was not a copper nor a judge.
However the woke progressive judicial system will set them free.
As for Stockland have they not heard of retractable hydraulic bollards. Retract during the day, up at night at strategic locations.
Why retractable? That is a very expensive alternative to …. bollards. Such protections are not intrusive in the ‘public furniture’ sense, and can be attractively designed in polished metal.
They woukld act as the excellent ‘rock barriers’ around parks, looking like a decorative additional rather than a imposing preventative measure.
Well der retractable so you can enter or leave the premises during business hours.
Ever heard of deliveries?
You’re pretty dense, aren’t you, Johnny? How many ram raiders enter via delivery entrances, where there could be removable barriers. Give it a rtest, matye, you’re trying too hard and making a juvenile dick of yourself.
I agree, bollards are a good preventative measure. The proprietor of one of the businesses rammed last week is trying to get TCC approval to have them installed outside her shop. So there will be the usual environmental impact studies and permission from the crackatinne tribe before it gets up to council. By now, they will be squabbling over whose turn it is next to be Depity (sic) Dawg.
Target Janelle Poole, MP for Mundingburra, and Dale Last, MP for Burdekin they’re both ex-copers and let them answer the questions
JR, That will be the next ‘light bulb’ moment for TCC. or they can place a few more boulders around the place.
Its very simple
You have MANDATORY sentencing.
That’s impossible when you don’t have incarceration capacity.
Question for Astonisher iditor Cas Garvey:
Why, oh why, do you give this irrelevant, fractured mind oxygen for his destructive, vindictive views?
He has absolutely zero influence or credence with the powers in charge of deciding to appoint administrators. And publicising his snide campaign of envy and revenge, you (yes even you and your busted arse newspaper) give him a hundred times greater audience than he would otherwise command.
Cas, by continuing to engage with this severely damaged personality, you risk undoing all the sterling work you have done to expose his defrauding of the Townsville public purse. In the interests of the community, you need to give up this vain chase for further readership, and simply ban such stories about his pointless sulking opinions.
If the Iditor was smart, she would encourage her reporters to not engage with Twonames whatsoever. She could then just send reporters to interview the other councillors and perhaps Joe McCool on a periodic or as needs be basis. That would deny Twonames of almost any public avenue to vent his mad ramblings, other than his Festeringbook page. That would most certainly also piss him off, which is a bonus.
Agree 100% Pie. Best way to put out a fire is starve it of oxygen !
Thompson is a mischief maker. His comments over the past week, really for some months now, about his fellow councillors and his continuously calling for them and TCC’s senior management to be sacked, is derisive and unhelpful. He is a nasty and spiteful piece of work. Hill unleashed much damage on Townsville. It will take considerable time for the current Councillors and new executive to address the current and emerging issues. Calling for an administrator is childish. Perhaps the final result is administration, but there are often other options so let’s give the new council half a chance to look for alternatives.