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The Magpie

Saturday, August 1st, 2015   |   46 comments

It’s certainly been the week of the ephemera in the ‘Ville … and not just the wonderful arty stuff along the Strand … the Daily Astonisher had reason to look up the word when a major beat-up came and went like a sun shower.

Also, the scurrying and scrambling behind the political skirting boards is getting more frantic as the council election gravy train rolls on towards us … some familiar names are popping up, brimming with bromides.

The Magpie, a big fan of medical research, has some valuable information for Deputy Mayor Vern Veitch

And the Astonisher, in it’s fine tradition of making social pariah’s into front page personalities, finds a new heroine.

 PLUS an invite to interested Nesters to join The ‘Pie for a drinkette this coming week. Details at the end of the post.

But first …

For The Media, Too ‘Goodes’ To Be True

There’s been plenty said elsewhere and everywhere about the Adam Goodes war dance/booing saga, and it’s not about to end yet.

Adam Goodes

Adam Goodes

Unless you’ve just returned from a holiday on Planet Zog, you will know that Goodes is:

  1. a champion Aussie Rules player;
  2. a double Brownlow Medal winner
  3. a former Australian of the Year
  4. … and the creator of his own version of Dancing With The Stars.

The Swans star did a very non-authentic indigenous-style jig – supposed to be an aboriginal dance – to celebrate kicking a goal, a pantomime which culminated in throwing an imaginary spear at Carlton supporters. Since then, he’s been booed every time he touches the ball – those academics, philosophers and spiritual arbiters which make up the average AFL footy crowd somehow judging he’s been racist. All this to the extent he has been so spooked by it all – and one can hardly blame him, the game is hard enough on its own – he is sitting ouit today’s game considering his future as a player.

But the media has had a field day, and they ain’t gunna let this one go away in a hurry. Everyone wants to get in on the act, and that includes other indigenous players who plan similar celebratory Fred Asatiredom in other codes, as a show of support for Goodes. That includes the NRL great Johnathan ‘JT’ Thurston. But Bentley reckons JT – one of the country’s most affable athletes – will be at his winsome and winning best in the matter.

wardance copy

The great coach Jack Gibson once said when a commentator criticized a failed movement ‘You don’t hold a committee meeting out there’, but all the same, here’s a thought from The ‘Pie.

If Goodes, who has admitted he’d prepared the little jig beforehand, had thought it through a bit more, he should’ve kicked the goal, raced to where his own Swans fans were, pointed to the already booing Carlton supporters and then done his ‘war dance and spear chucking’ TOWARDS THE SWANS FANS. They would’ve gone delirious in celebration, and Goodes would have been seen as being inclusive, confirming to his adoring fans (and they are certainly that) that they were part of his ‘mob’, his ‘tribe’. And it would’ve taken the wind out of those commentators promoting division, particularly the odious Alana Jones . But as Jack said, no boardroom chit chat out in the middle.

A Timely Thought From Down The Centuries

And The ‘Pie’s final word on this maelstrom in a tea cup; there have been calls to have crowds patrolled by the Thought Police, ejecting fans for incorrect ejaculations. Sadly, while we can all disapprove of the gratuitous booing (The ‘Pie certainly does), it is the price of that freedom so bluntly put by Soapy Brandis in the Senate during the ‘free speech’ debate that ‘people have the right to be bigots’.

Samuel Butler

Samuel Butler

Changing that mind-set is impossible, as writer Samuel Butler said back in the 17th century.

He that complies against his will,

Is of his own opinion still,

Which he may adhere to, yet disown,

For reasons to himself best known.

 The Astonisher’s ‘Ephemera’ Moment

‘Ephemera – things that exist or are used or enjoyed for only a short time.’

BLAM!!! The Bully blows off another tootsie by promoting the perceived victimhood mentality of North Queenslanders, If the Goodes matter is going to run and run, the salary cap ‘slur’, as the foam-flecked reports in the paper called it, ran out of puff almost overnight.

This from the Nest’s comments during the week.

The Magpie July 30, 2015 at 9:26 am  (Edit)

Talk about flogging a dead horse!

Here’s a story which should have been printed:


That’s how it could’ve been reported in any other news organisation, and in essence, was in some.

 But not News Corpse. No bloody way. 

Stitch up 

Yesterday, the Astonisher devoted it’s front page, pages 4,5 and 6, a squeaking editorial, a columnist and a cartoon of schoolyard non-humour to the salary cap story. It’s clear the paper is grinding its teeth that the NRL quickly laid matters to rest … so swiftly Iditor Heywood more or less lost the opportunity for days if not weeks of frothing at the mouth and promoting North Queensland’s perceived penchant for victimhood.

The only person to come out of this with any dignity is Lancini himself, who has restricted his public comments to the fact that his books are open and the club transparent. The ‘Pie is not aware there’s been any public speculation by him about the motivations for the mini-probe.

The facts as The ‘Pie sees them are that a Walkley Award winning journo, Kate McClymont (she brought down Eddie Obeid among other sterling public services) did a straight report, the basis of which was the fact that so many NQ players had bought Lancini properties – hard not to in this neck of the woods – that it merited a check by the NRL. Which is what RL HQ did lickety split, and swiftly gave the all clear.

But now the paper which itself ‘all for the north’ pursues a tedious overblown beat-up path which is turning off even the diminishing number of readers who still bother. Pinocchio Heywood doesn’t seem to realise that this overkill is actually further killing what is already a mortally wounded brand, now totally devoid of credibility or authority.

Maybe the chuckleheads who think this chest-beating is a good idea might like to consider this: if this salary cap allegation did in fact emanate from another NRL club using a social media ‘whispering’ campaign to bring on the issue, they would be greatly heartened that a minor hoked-up matter that was about to quietly die in the arse has been put on life support by a knuckle-headed NQ newspaper.

If anything is going to unsettle the Cowboys, it will be the on-going bullshit about this issue in the Townsville Bulletin and it’s pants-wetting speculation on possible motives.

Deeply embarrassing on every level.

But It’s All About Selling Newspaper, Right? Even If It’s Wrong.

Robbed of the lazy option of raiding social media for comments on salary cap sins, the paper was alerted to the presence of one Kim ‘Vulgarina’ Vuga living in the ‘Ville in last week’s Nest, and saw it’s chance to indulge in one of its favourite gambits – making celebrities out of deadbeats.

Playing catch-up with The ‘Pie and television, the Astonisher gave Vulgarina the star treatment.

Vuga fronter

Now one would allow that the front page was acceptable depending on how the story was handled.

On Page 2, instead of a hard probing interview of intelligent and challenging questions (ha ha wheeze snurffle, The ‘Pie does amuse himself sometimes) , the reporter Galoot Galloway gave Vulgarina a soapbox for an agenda that makes Pauline Hanson look like Saint Mary McKillop. And Galoot decided she needed to be boosted in the electoral stakes, because she fancies her chances at the polls. The story ended with a couple of pars of weak-kneed quotes saying Vulgarina didn’t represent Townsville’s views.

She will if the paper keeps this up – which it most surely will.

Spoiler Alert! – As In Be Alert For Electoral Spoilers.

In all likelihood, Mayor Mullet will be scrabbling away even more frantically behind the scenes, after making offers of a spot on her team to various folks who have politely and otherwise immediately declined. But she may well also be secretly encouraging some non-Labor folk to have a gallop of their own volition, in the hope history will repeat itself, carrying her back into office the same way she got there in the first place … a split conservative vote that made her 34% a winner.

Brendan Porter

Brendan Porter

One person she would be grateful to have run against her again is Brendan Porter, who grabbed a good chunk of the non-Labor votes last time as a possible compromise candidate. He’s been penning off letters to the iditor at a steady clip … counted three so far, all full of bromides, and airy fairy bullshit saying nothing – the classic set-up for a run for office. Brendan is a nurse, and married to a nurse, so the Porter purse ain’t exactly of Clive Palmer proportions and job security might be on their minds. Despite the Irish missus giving a resounding ‘never fookin’ again, Brendan’ after last time, some are whispering that the local government gravy train is suddenly looking attractive. Be smarter to have a crack at councillor, old mate, this time you’re no chance for mayor, despite your peace, love and vegetables missives in the paper.

Another name is Mark Molinchino, who was by memory in one of the fancy-dress fringe parties last time, and might be a chance to make the Mullet’s team (in fact, that would be poetic, wasn’t he for the Fishing Party at one stage?)

Then we have perennial media pest Paul Jacob … he’s on Jenny’s team, which we all know is NOT Labor (oh, stoppit!), although Mr Jacob is a paid up party member. His best hope is a local government spot, he’d be no hope at state or federal level, given the Short Un’s recent about face on boat turnbacks. What, you all cry, does THAT mean?

Just this, from a recent Townsville ALP branch meeting.

Turn backs

The acned, androgynous ‘Silly” Billy Colless won’t be able to run himself … he’ll be too busy helping Cathy O’Toole go down gracefully to Ewen Jones. (Christ, some choice we’ve got around here, eh?.)

Other Flotsam and Jetsam

NB The ‘Pie occasionally includes comments from the week, because not even a majority of his reader’s have the time or inclination to keep up with fast moving banter there, so apologies if you’re already familiar with this stuff.

A couple of comments during the week covered another issue worth noting.


Sandgroper July 31, 2015 at 1:52 pm  (Edit)

Judging by caustic comments to the Bulletin’s online stories about the Incredible Shrinking Stadium, Townsvillagers are starting to read the bullshit meter.
 The mere fact that these adverse messages are being posted indicates that the newspaper realises it is pissing against the wind, and might be considering a strategic retreat. If so, let’s chalk it up as a victory to commonsense and the sterling efforts of The Magpie and his discerning readers.


The Blob July 31, 2015 at 7:01 pm  (Edit) It’s certainly a turnaround to see the Astonisher printing comments that don’t suit its agenda. One of the funniest came from a person who said the stadium was rapidly morphing into a bouncy castle that could be deflated and put away between games.

When ‘Shove It’ is Not The Thing To Say.

Medical matters are pretty tricky nowadays, with the web making us armchair experts on certain matters. So here’s a warning to our own deputy doo dah, Vern Veitch.

Vern pill

One for boys, one for the girls, and one for the cricket tragics (i.e. the Australian players)

Have a look here fellas … personally, The ‘Pie doesn’t see what the fuss is about heh heh heh … and warning, some norty words … but you’ll probably be muttering a few yourself. Then again, it might be a real bummer.

And this gotcha for the gals

Screen shot 2015-07-27 at 10.38.41 AM

And a timely sporting comment

The Magpie


It’s an undeniable fact that political correctness and humour are from two different planets, and will never assimilate … but humour will nearly always win the public heart.- a fact that Anglo-Irish betting behemoth Paddy Power knows only too well.

Although they’d never admit it, the betting company (they own Australia’s SportsBet) has pulled off a marketing coup, managing to get acres of print and hours of broadcast time from the mug media FOR FREE by the simple ploy of creating a billboard ad promoting Ashes betting guaranteed to raise a few PC hackles, leak it to the said media mugs, then claim it was just an idea and was never going to be released to the public.

Really, fellas? Then how come there were billboard-laden trucks set to roll, like this one.

A Tampon Invite – There’s A String Or Two Attached

Now the invite to catch up with The ‘Pie for a pre-birthday drink, maybe lunch this Thursday in the ‘Ville. It’s sort of rehearsal before he jets off to Sydney to spend his 70th in the bosom of his family … so as to speak.

Chance to mingle  – hopefully not mangle – fellow adversaries in the comments.

Now about those strings, though …. have to buy your own booze and fodder, but perhaps more restrictive, you have to contact the ‘Pie through the usual channels with your email address (and real moniker preferably) so numbers are know – it may end up as a lunch. I’ll reply with time and place asap. That information of course remains confidential.

Hope to see all you commenters there. But all readers are invited, so hope the Iditor can hold the fort for an afternoon. Coming, Ruthless? Scotch?

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.

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