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The Magpie

Saturday, July 25th, 2015   |   102 comments

Is Mayor Mullet rattled by Jayne Arlett’s expected mayoral challenge? Sure looks like it, if the mayor’s public dummy spit yesterday is an indication..

Also, surely not … George Colbran for a business comeback? But it’s a great opportunity out there for him.

Also, not to bore you with big words, but it’s undoubtedly been the Week of the Aperient Personality. Gosh, ‘ aperient’ – what a handy word, especially for those of you of a genteel nature. Not to overplay the smartypants role, The ‘Pie advises this is the dikshunary definition of his big, grown-ups’ word of the week.

aperient |əˈpi(ə)rēənt| Medicine: adjective

 (chiefly of a drug) used to relieve constipation.


an aperient drug.


In short, put in terms more suited to Mongrel the Barrister, aperient gives us the tom tits. And the noun could be referred to as a dope. And they were bloody everywhere.

‘Greecey’ hamburger, anyone?

All politicians and a goodly part of the entire population of Greece been have all been aperients in recent times – to each other and to the world in general – not heeding Joe Hockey’s dictum that the age of entitlement is over (unless you’re an Aussie politician). As the in-fighting goes on, it’s been announced that Greece may have to sell some of her assets – things like airports, seaports and even whole islands – to make ends meet.

Bentley can see big bids from global corporates coming. Will George Colbran come out of retirement for a crack at the international market?

acropolis copy

One thing is for sure, the Greecers won’t be getting anything for there former Olympic sites. Have a look here at the sad and disgraceful spectacle left in the wake of a financially unsustainable sports fest driven by a self-delusionary national ego. All just a short ten years ago.

Bill Caught By The Shorten Curlys

Bill Short Un is in an interesting position.

‘ Wonder if this will turn back the votes for us?’

The little serial linen lifter – there’s still an unresolved rape accusation against him – is getting a bit of unwelcome shafting of his own in his campaign to turn back the ‘votes’ to the ALP. This weekend, he’s proved to be a major aperient for the bolshie Left faction at Labor’s National Conference debating inter alia, Short Un’s decision to pinch the coalition policy of turning back refugee boats. It’s been a worrying week for the back-flipping stiletto artist, as the brilliant Paul Zanetti nails him in one.

See more of Zanetti at the Pickering Post site.

See more of Zanetti at the Pickering Post site.

Speculation is mounting that the Short Un is set for a long walk on a short political pier. As Mongrel the Barrister put it, ‘Get ready for fragrant Leftie the tasty Tanya Plibersek to get the top job’. The ‘Pie ain’t so sure, the well named Burke, and also Bowen, are certainly in the mix.

If A Tree Falls In Townsville, Why Is There Only Silence?

The ‘Pie was bemused by the story about the row of trees secretly lopped down in Oonoomba.

As always, Les.

As always, Les.

The TCC said the stand of 20-year-old council-planted trees came down at the request of Queensland Rail, because of driver line-of-sight issues, but QR flatly denied ever making such a request. The finger was then pointed at the DMR which controls a nearby road, until the shiny bums in Walker Street finally said they’d done, presumably off their own bat. BUT they didn’t – and haven’t yet to The ‘Pie’s knowledge – said why they took such a high-handed apparently unilateral decision. Which would be nice since there’s no issue that could drive the council to such vandalism. Can’t imagine a single coun cillor voting for such action, they knbow there’d be bloody blue murder to pay.

But there were other interesting aspects to the story, like an honest headline that could be the permanent caption for any pic of Clr Walker. Others have wondered why he is in an open area with no machinery around but wearing an orange and silver high-viz vest.

The ‘Pie has the answer.

Making him high visibility meant that les was unable to sneak up on unsuspecting burghers and subject them to an harangue about this, that or the other … like ‘that bloody Magpie – although I never read him’ … leaving the helpless victim desperately gazing about wild-eyed for ways to run. And now there are no trees from which he can spring out from behind and collar his next victim. So he’s actually the victim of an aperient, although the local denizens are doubtless well chuffed that he’s been outed.

But This Is The Way To Save Trees

Shame Oonoomba didn’t have some Californian green activists, who literally went ‘atree huggin’ when some tall timber was threatened. And such was their desite to commune with nature, they did the only sensible thing … they did their hugging in the nuddy.

'Is that a twig or are you just happy to see me?'

‘Is that a twig or are you just happy to see me?’

This gives a new twist to the Yank saying about ‘getting a woody’. You can read the background here, but if you are only interested in pics, well, there’s more of them, too, you perverts.

Think Global, Act Local …Err, Maybe Not

Oonoomba’s trees could’ve been saved if this action had taken place here – and especially if NQ Senator Larissa Waters led the protest.

Senator Larissa Waters

Just imagine, Colleen Doyle, Jenny Lane, Sue Blom, Vern, Parsnip et al dropped the tweeds for this cause. Hmmm,  perhaps, don’t imagine.

Although it’d be wise if Mayor Mullet abstained … any tree seeing her coming at them with arms spread and in the altogether would probably become like an ‘Ent’ in the Lord of the Rings, uproot itself and lumber off at a gallop.



Speaking Of “Woodies”

The ‘Pie had reason to goggle at the gogglebox a few days ago, when Leyton Hewitt clinched the Davis Cup tie for us. We were all excited, but apparently nowhere near as – ummm ‘excited’ – as Hewitt himself. Or do The ‘Pie’s eyes deceive him?

'Yeah, mate, I'm happy, too.'

Mr Happy indeed. Just as well he fell on his back.

Getting Your ‘Pryorities’ Right

Word in filtering in that Mayor Mullet Jenny Hill has been thrown off balance with the suggestion that she may be facing sports management heroine and successful businesswoman Jayne Arlett at the polls next year. There are unreliable reports she’s been heard to mutter a few colorful words in that regard, but there was certainly one true incident just yesterday.

Alzeimers really isn’t any laughing matter, but it was ironic in the extreme that a small incident of forgetfulness should take place at the opening of the Alzheimer organisagtions new rooms on Kings Road.

Local and southern luminaries, including Mayor Mullet, were in attendance for Coralee ‘The Cockatoo’ O’Rourke to cut the ribbon,

Local indigenous figure Jenny Pryor kicked off proceedings with a ‘welcome to country’ spiel, met with the usual faux reverence such ceremonies are afforded by a totally indifferent audience. Then a master or mistress of ceremonies – The ‘Pie believes it was someone from Brisbane – did the usual ‘thank you’ to the dignitaries for their attendance – including, quote ‘Mayor Jenny Pryor’.

Well, talk about kick the cat!

As reported directly to The ‘Pie by someone very near madam at the time, Mayor Mullet was NOT amused, looking at the floor and shaking her head. Very soon afterwards, even before the ribbon cutting and lamingtons, she upped and off. The informant said it looked very much like a huffy departure.

Now for all his merry jests that have the Hill household in hilarious uproar every week, The ‘Pie will aver that this is not the usual form of madam mayor, who takes a certain gravitas and decorum to the public non-political functions where he has witnessed her in action. Although admittedly, it is a bit hard to taken seriously when you’re in a scarlet robe trimmed with possum fur.

Looks like the city bought it from a George Pell garage sale.

Looks like the city bought it from a George Pell garage sale.

The ‘Pie reckons it is only a medium bow to draw that Jenny is now a worried gal, because if Ms Arlett runs, she will come before the electorate hauling no political baggage, no favours owed and a swag of savvy business nous that may appeal to an electorate weary of party politics in local government.

Little doubt yesterday was an aperient for Mayor Mullet, and unlikely to be the last such dose between now and March.

Vulgar Vuga

Another female around the place is acting like an aperient to the general populace is the peroxided Pauline Hanson clone Kim Vuga. Ms Vuga went on national television to proclaim her silly alarmist and juvenile world view of terrorist threats involving refugees. Of course it is a problematic issue, but not helped by this frightened and offensive twaddle.

If anyone ever gave the lie to the mantra of all racists viz ‘I’m not a racist but …’ yeah, yeah… this be she.

But so what, the weary cries escape your lips. Well, just this. The vulgar Vuga, who describes herself as a freelance journalist (Christ, although the profession hasn’t got enough credibility problems around here) went on The Project (Channel TEN, so at least there weren’t many viewers) and was written up in the Sydney Morning Herald for her thought-disordered gurglings. That article told the world that ‘Ms Vuga lives in Townsville’. And we’d been trying to keep it quite, for God’s sake.

Talk about aperient! Wonder what the Astonisher Iditor will make of this, given he is always good for a homily about ‘tolerant Townsville’ and how dare shock jocks in Melbourne call us rednecks.

But it would appear Ms Vuga possibly is an Astonisher-trained journalist anyway, if her spelling on her signs of outrage is anything to go by. Or perhaps she needs a few kindy lessons on printing before trying to join letters together.

Kim Vuga

Rounding out the week now …

Clever front page from the Curious Snail..


and a couple of favourite memes on the same subject …

… and finally, when thousands got caught literally with their pants down (well, sort of literally), it was one of the great gotchas lof the digital age. The sleazey secret-affairs-for-marrieds site Ashley Madison was hacked and their list of clients … thousands of them … nicked.. Kasper Wowser in Crikey said it all, and so succinctly.

ashley madison

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