Saturday, November 29th, 2014 |
Also, Canberra’s representative in Townsville, Ewen Dumbo Jumbo Jones starts a fad that could go viral – you can join in … And The ‘Pie discovers an obscure word that is ideal for this age of obscurity in language, and that also takes us to Canberra. First, have the coalition and the opposition decided on… View full story »
Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 |
Also, while there’s been a lot lo talk lately about Townsville being used as a movie location, The ‘Pie revea.s we could be in for a full-blown horror epic, tentatively titled The Return of the Ogre of Ogden Street – starring erstwhile GM and News Ltd machete man Michael Wilkins. Yup, News Corpse answer to Peter… View full story »
Saturday, November 15th, 2014 |
The height of hyperbole … The Astonisher tries for the last vestiges of non-existent reader outrage. But on the other hand, the paper makes a pioneering move in the craft of reporting … the formula is simple – say it on the front page and deny it in the Iditorial. And it’s all about the… View full story »
Saturday, November 8th, 2014 |
Also, women with a sense of humour – c’mon, now stop that, youse blokes – really , a pictorial gallery that includes none other than our own mirthful Mullet. Yes, our mayor shows her playful side as a sly kidder. Allied to that, has Macdonald’s hit on a sneaky new way to attract a more… View full story »
Saturday, November 1st, 2014 |
Also, the Nanny State versus the Islamic Idiots’ State; The Astonisher’s Chutzpah Award for Cheek with a story decrying another organisation’s shoddy spelling, grammar and facts; and the latest federal pollie to make clever use of an old pop song to make a contemporary point. Also, that gives us a reason to revisit one of… View full story »