The choice was always stark – a wet lettuce leaf or CMO Jeanette Young. The good doctor wasn’t on the ballot, but there can be no doubt she’s been running the state – into the ground. At the time of writing, she is set for another four years as a marionette master.
Townsville Enterprise doesn’t want a penny for your thoughts … they want $90. The ‘Pie looks at the bizarre invitation to members of the Dudley Do Nothings.
Close enough – and cheap enough – is again good enough for poor old Townsville … Why the new airport access road promises chaos in the wet season.
What a cock-up … literally!! A Cowboys clean-out is on the cards … but not just of the playing roster, but backroom medical staff and the board for a grubby cover-up of an airport toilet tryst that got totally out of hand.
And for the first in a while, the Magpie finds a worthy winner of his Janus Two Faced BUMM award.
But first …
Newsflash ELECTION 2020:
Bunnings Townsville Order In Extra Stock Of Padlocks
‘We’re expecting to break state sales records, this could be bigger than the toilet paper wars’, a spokesman said after hearing that Labor looks ready for another four years of … well, of doing whatever it has been doing for the previous four years … what ever that has been. ‘Lower expectations are just the beginning,’ he chortled. And Pet Barn says it can’t keep up with the demand for Rottweiler puppies.
There were winners … Anna Alphabet … and losers Jackie Trad and also that pointless prick Jason Costigan, an idiot of the first water. But none of them can fool Bentley, who always knows the bitter truth.
Indeed … the whole lot of certainly them belong to The Guilty Party. Expect there will be a lot of harrumphing in comments during the week, but soon it will be back to normal … rorting, rooting and snuffling in the trough. Ah Queensland, putrid one day, putrid the next. Elections always force you become wedded to one party or another, providing proof of the adage ‘Marry in haste, repent at your leisure’. And that campaign carrot dangled before you will now be put to different use.
The Janus Two Faced BUMM Award Comes Off The Shelf And Is Won by …
… our virtue-signalling PM Smirko Morrison …
… for his thundering denunciation of Australia Post chief Christine Holgate, who approved the purchase of four $3000 Cartier watches as executive bonuses.
There are two aspects to this public jerking all over the Despatch Box by the PM.
The first is that, as the government has mandated a long time ago, Australia Post was to be run along corporate lines, and corporations regularly give executives performance bonuses for a job well done (unlike the public service, where department heads just tick their own ‘job well done’ box for their annual performance bonuses). No gthe ‘bonuses’ may wsell have been somewhat politically tone deaf, but The Magpie asks this question: if the four Australia Post executives had instead each received a $3000 cash bonus in their pay packets, would we – or the PM – have cared if that came out in Senate estimates? Likely it would’ve been mentioned somewhere on page 18, and shrugged off. But the optics of luxury goods bought with public money and awarded to ‘plutocrats’ didn’t sit well with the punters, so Smirko went into his epic hissy fit.
And the second matter is this … which clinched the win of the Janus Barefaced UnMitigated Mendacity BUMM Chalice . This holier-than-thou outburst came from a Prime Minister who steadfastly resists calls for a independent federal corruption watchdog, voted time and again against a banking royal commission (and we all know how that has ended), who refuses similarly to even berate let alone sack Sports Minister Bridget McKenzie over the sports grants rorts, maintains Minister Alan Tudge stays on even when a federal judge concluded Tudge was guilty of a criminal act, and he is a PM says nothing about Deputy PM Michael McCormack describing the $30million overpayment for Sydney’s second airport land owned by Liberal Party donors as ‘a bargain’. Cathy Wilcox knows one when she sees one.
Keep your trophy polished Smirko, no chance of anyone taking it off you any time soon.
The Magpie Pauses For A Personal Moment
I was saddened to learn that well known businesswoman around town and my friend Michele Hyde died peacefully on Thursday night, finally succumbing to cancer, that scourge of modern times.
20 or so years ago, Michele was confronted with every woman’s nightmare, and underwent a double mastectomy, but she showed her style and grit by bouncing back in remission with elegance and vigour, both professionally and personally. Always remaining a striking head-turner, Michele’s energy and style belied her medical set-back and she went on to become an award winning property professional, dealing mainly in the high end of the Townsville market with Remax. That company recognized her more than once on international lists of top performers and awards from the American parent company.
Michele was my across-the-road neighbour for several years, and we enjoyed a warm friendship, she was always excellent fun and interesting company – and a much better gardener than me.
Cancer reared it’s destructive head again a few years ago, but again, Michele met it head-on, and never buckled or whimpered, continuing to work on for several years until she decided to spend time with her children, preparing for a dignified end. For those to whom all this is sad news that they weren’t aware of, it will be a comfort to know that Michele’s beloved children – they were everything to her – were with her to the peaceful end.
My condolences on the the passing of their mum, and to her many friends in Townsville and elsewhere, all will remember Michele with fondness and admiration.
I know I will.
Except The Bulletin
Perhaps I’m being petty, but Michele’s passing was known to the Townsville Bulletin on Friday, but there is no mention of the passing of this popular community citizen in Saturday’s paper. But her smiling face was certainly well known to Bulletin readers … as a leading agent over the years, Michele was seen in hundreds of full page property ads in the Bulletin, and also featured in several business news stories..
Surely, in a paper so venal and crass as this one, acknowledgment of the passing of someone who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars with the Townsville Bulletin and was known to hundreds of readers deserved some final recognition.
The Townsville Bulletin is happy glamorizing crims, but doesn’t have the decency to make timely mention of a well-known person who contributed rather than diminished our community. Seems once again it’s a matter of priorities.
Maybe They Were Just Too Busy With Bullshit …As Usual
The award for the most insightful deep political analysis of the last month goes to this anonymous Astonisher headline writer.
FYI (Bulletin journalists only) – from the dikshunari
debate | dəˈbāt | nouna formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
But What A Monumental Miss By The Bulletin, A Scoop Stolen From Right Under Their Nose.
Or were they aware of this and ordered by Holt Street to keep it under wraps?
The steamy – and seamy – story was broken in the SMH by the award winning investigative reporter Kate McClymont, who covered all the bases, implicating former footy manager and now board member Peter Parr and the team doctor is some questionable behaviour trying to cover up the scandal. (If you like that sort of thing, it’s a riveting read and fine reporting, but the SMH article is behind a paywall but not here at the SMH sister paper the Brisbane Times, which is open.
But what got The ‘Pie’s amused attention was the sneaky/clever way that the SMH and McClymont made the most of their scoop … the story first hit the media at 5.30AM Saturday morning. That cut out all the competition of nightly television bulletins, and poaching by other papers, and gave SMH and McClymont oodles of radio plugs as shock jocks wallowed in the juicy details.
And the Bulletin slumbered on for another three hours before playing belated catch-up. The Steggles Egg On Face Award is in the post for you folks at the Astonisher.
New TEL Motto: Open Your Wallet And Repeat After Me …’Help Yourself’.
The ‘Pie has often written of the Astonisher’s disconnect with the community, but you’d think a membership-based outfit like Townsville Enterprise might have their finger more accurately on the pulse. especially of their member base. But, according to this recent effort, apparently not.
Now, let’s see if The ‘Pie has got this right. Townsville Enterprise, especially CEO Hot Lips O’Callaghan, has been prettily bleating about how tough times are for their members in this ruinous days of Covid 19, with the added impost of the Brisbane-centric government refusing to allow a covid-free Townsville businesses to open up ahead of the rest of the state. Which is all good and correct, some say. So the brain-storming geniuses at Wishing Well House decide hey should do something to boost morale among their suffering members.
‘A networking event’ cries one, and they all cheer. ‘Members can come along and talk to each other about how much money they’ve lost, and how recovery is going to be such a hard slog. And we’ll charge them 90 bucks a head for a bread roll and a beer.’ Genius, eh?
This crapulous outfit charges member fees of varying eye-watering amounts, for no discernible benefit, and is propped up by funding from both government and various regional councils ($750k from Townsville ratepayers), so this seems a colossal cheek. Especially giving the business to one of the few outfits in town doing very nicely through it all, thank you, courtesy of a casino license and booming food and drink operation.
Surely the hard word or a sob story could’ve explained to The Ville board member that less fortunate members have businesses that need a helping hand in these hard times. So couldn’t The Ville just provide the venue room for nix as a solidarity gesture, and let members buy whatever drinks they want, let them choose whether they want to cry daintily into a glass of cheap bubbles nor get completely plastered? Or has The Ville actually done this, and TEL is pocketing the cash?
Seriously TEL members, like the voters of Townsville, you deserve all you get if you are deluded enough to pay membership to this completely inept, and now, pointless organization. If you’re that starved for social interaction, get together at the Mad Cow on a Friday night … it’ll be way cheaper.
Road Planners Out Of Their Depth?
There are some questions that need to be asked about that new access road to the airport. Like what the hell were they thinking?
The new 100 metres or so of road linking Meehan Street to the main airport access road John Melton Black Drive is engineered in such a way that users have to go to the airport, they cannot turn right and a head to the city. Now that may be an OK idea – maybe – so that Meehan Street doesn’t become a rat run.
But guess what? Have a look at this.
And this …
So a Magpie mate in the know asks why few lazy mill are spent on building a road that is known to be subject to flooding – fairly regularly, on past evidence of the area.
This extension was built to close Halifax Street as an airport entrance – a questionable expense in any event affecting maybe a dozen undesirable properties build well after the airport was established … but no one, TCC, DMR, QAL, government aviation people or whoever … thought it reasonable to find the relatively small amount of cash and ensure that the new road was elevated to a level where it would not flooded, or indeed, maybe washed away. It only needs to happen once and there’s another few millions that could’ve been used to avoid this situation in the first place. Plus months of disrupted traffic.
The Magpie now awaits the inevitable indignant waffle from some pointy head as to why The ‘Pie is so wrong to reach the conclusion that this is sheer bureaucratic stupidity. If the downpour is heavy enough and sections of JMB Drive go under, the airport will be isolated.
There’s an award in all of this for someone, but not the sort you’d want on your mantlepiece.
Next Tuesday, There’s Another Election …
… and arguably looking at the biggder picture, just as if not more important that out state hootenanny.
One gets the feeling that the American voter is a like a mugging victim just regaining consciousness after a four year pummelling. Slowly regaining their feet and muttering ‘Where am I, what happened, how did I get here?’, the dazed voter staggers off down the dark back alley towards a sunny main street. But there is a danger they be trammelled again by Trump’s back street boyz and be sent into another four year coma. One from which they – and we – may never recover.
Clearly, the Biden camp has the jitters, and we are all – the sane ones that is – are being visited by the Ghost of Elections Past.
Finally, Another Reminder On The Passage Of Time – 007 is now 000 …
Sir Sean Connery, the original James Bond, has died this weekend. He was 90.
So ends a momentous week heavy with all sorts of possible repercussions, and another is coming up. The ‘Pie encourages you to express your dismay, delight, disgust or even disinterest about the way of the world by jumping into comments to have your say.
And as repetitious and embarrassing as it always is, The Magpie encourages you to support this weekly missive with a donation to meet the ever present costs, which really are a heavy impost on a person of modest means. Check out the donate button below.
Congratulations Queensland, you have again, committed to further years of being bent over and shafted by a pack of trough swilling sharks. Again empowering a rogue taskforce of puppet MP’s, Government doctors, career apparatchiks, and power-seeking swamp creatures to lord over us.
TEL? how has this useless organization been allowed to exist for so long, to do so little, for so few? Another Quango packed with expensive hot air extractors. Thank Christ I’m in my twilight years, this worlds falling apart fast in general, but, as Monty said, ” Always look on the bright side of life” what else can ya do ay?
But of course, Spooka, us oldies should quietly put aside decades of life experience, stay silent and let the ‘woke’ generation take the reins of the wagon being galloped towards the cliff.
Spot on mate.
Well we have a result. We also have proof positive that the have nots, bludgers, public tit suckers, oxygen thieves and waste of space Neanderthals far outnumber those of us who wish to make our lives and the lives of all in the community better than when we came into this world. It will be interesting to see what is left of the great state of Qld after 9 years and 260 days of this rabble in power. All you labor voters, those referred to above, have only yourselves to blame for what follows in the next 4 years.
Jeez Hi Beam, for the first 2 lines there I thought you were talking about the yanks!
Great blog this week, Pie…apart from your bleating about Dr Jeannette Young. All the scrofulous old misogynists who regularly winge on this blog are now going to have four more years to express their hatred towards women leaders. Congrats to Labor and their successful Townsville candidates, despite all the dollars and bullshit by Palmer and the beatup on youth crime and “death taxes”. Now you can concentrate on the real villains in Townsville. Pie; the ineffective community “leaders” in Council and business groups who have failed to provide any vision or strategy for the future of the city.
So leaders should not be criticised if they’re women? Don’t argue, that is EXACTLY what you said – stupidly. That is a well worn ‘woke’ tactic of publicly making a totally false claim, so the timid will be too cowed by the likes of you to make any comment about policies coming from anyone who is female. being attacked like you be like being savaged by a dead sheep.
And The ‘Pie is looking forward to you running for council on the platform that youth crime is a ‘beat-up’.
But thanks for thinking bit was a great blog, at least you got one thing right heh heh heh.
Your comment shows that you most likely are a typical lefty bearded lesbian man-hater. Therefore who gives a shit about what you think.
may we ask the same of you, shallow end of the Gene Pool?
It was a puddle Pie.
You mean a ‘misandrist’
Ha, Gold mate.
Geeezas, as the Pie said, let the “woke” generation take the reins and gallop not toward but over the fucking cliff. God help our Grandchildren.
The local election results are really very difficult to understand. One wonders exactly how the majority of Townsville voters actually think; just how their thought processes really operate. But, one shouldn’t be surprised because Townsville has historically been a Labor stronghold since forever. However, Les Walker – and those other 2 flap-doodles………..unbelievable stuff???? OMG! So, we’ve now got another 3 years of purgatory. Gird your loins, folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
‘Townsville voters’ and ‘thought processes’ are words one does expect to encounter in the same sentence. (PS Isn’t it four years?)
Yeah, it is 4 years – just a slip of the neurons. Obviously not keeping up with the fingers, or something!! And as for “Townsville voters” and “thought processes”, well, buggared if I know. It’s all absolutely astounding, but there you have it. Your first contributor put it most succinctly. As for me, suitable/appropriate adjectives escape me.
Firstly , thanks Pie for staying up until 1.19 am this morning to get us this blog . Since Covid , Governments that guided their voters thru the virus got re-elected W.A., ACT, NZ, Qld although they lost Trad / Grace Grace ? . Phon collapsed even though Pauline predicted winning 3 seats , KAP no new seats , Billionnaire who spent Millions got zip . With Les going to State does Fran Ocallaghan Nth Qld state alliance get the offer , next Asti Poole ? .
Not sure if the soon to be changed succession legislation extends to councillors.
The LNP were flogged mercilessly and embarrassingly. The Freckle should’ve been lanced earlier this year, but the LNP failed. No doubt her time is now up, but will they replace her with her footstool Tim Mander who will promote much of the same weakness and lack of spine as the Freckle, or will they finally place the Kid on the LNP QLD throne? Time will tell, but FFS 4 more years of (actual) Premier Jeanette Young is the most painful of all punishments.
Interesting reaction here at a key moment of Frecklington’s concession speech.
f you’re quick enough, you can catch The Kid shaking his head with a sigh before looking up at the screen.
Pie, The clean out of the LNP should start with the executive, (the faceless men) after all they were the authors of their campaign. Folo should be first to go.
“I love the smell of Democracy in the morning…Smells like victory.” – with apologies to KILGORE (Robert Duvall) in Apocalypse Now (1979)
Well done Anna P. Accidental no more. Labor legend.
Appropriate that your comment comes from Apocalypse Now.
You’ve forgotten what happens at the end of the movie moron. And Anna may have been the ‘accidental premier’ but now she is the ‘by default premier’. By default because there was really only two choices – a useless Labor party or a useless LNP party. Just because Anna won it doesn’t mean they are competent. It was like choosing between Hannibal Lecter and Ivan Milat. One of them was always going to win the competition, but some fucking choice….
What happened at the end of the movie was that Kurtz got his head macheted off. Kilgore is still organizing surf carnivals.
I am more and more in the disinterested camp theses days, used to care quite a bit about election outcomes, but now couldn’t really give a shit, people get what they deserve in the long run, some fuckwit who voted Labor yesterday will have their house broken into today, I don’t care about them, just sit back and watch them whinge about it, free entertainment.
My sentiments exactly, the number of Job seeker/Job keeper obese people I saw coming into the prepoll booth was of extraordinary proportions, the Townsville hospital will be overwhelmed. But then again the largess that was promised by Labor to sporting organisations around Townsville will see trim and fit citizens at every take away outlet.
Your observations around people being obese may be correct. But it is entirely discriminatory to assume they are on JobKeeper or JobSeeker unless they shared this information with you.
Yes, but the same goes for ANYBODY on the various sorts of dole.
Yes Pie, but there are plenty of porkers who are not on the dole and have very good, well paying jobs. Some have a medical condition related to their obesity, others just stuff their mouths full of anything that passes for food in shops!
Hear hear, cranky. Hear a lot of pissing and moaning about crime in the news. The voters had a chance to send a message but na, especially Thuringowa that is one of the epicentres… Hey but don’t worry as it seems like a national sport as I am seeing similar things in NSW.
One that mind boggles is Message bank, really. He will be a Mike Reynolds MkII…
There is plenty to comment on after yesterday’s election and I am sure over the next few weeks a lot more will happen
A budget now needs to be tabled and presented I think that is scheduled for late November early December
We will then see the real position of the state and I suspect some Queenslanders start to feel buyers remorse
However my initial take is the growth and acceptance of the greens . Two seats and the gross number of voters should not give them the funding they need to become very organised
Get ready to live in a Queensland where decisions and policy are made by greens in inner city Brisbane
Make no difference, Qld is being run by a woman from Inala and a bloke from Woodridge anyway, how could it get more fucked than that.
Lovely piece about Michele ‘Pie – thanks.
If the Freckle had won would she have sacked Jeannette Young as Queensland’s CMO? Doubt it.
Apart from some loopy over-reach decisions, Dr Young’s advice has been what one would expect from a person in herv position … a narrow focus, belts’n’braces extreme consideration of the situation. And she passed that on to Palaszczuk, as she is paid to do. The failure was Palaszczuk’s campaign driven flick passing of ALL responsibility to Young, whereas a more tempered leader would weigh up certain factors and make her own decisions. For instance, did Dr Young ever say ‘No, it would be dangerous to allow covid-free places hundreds of kilometres from any hot spots, places like Townsville, Cairns and Rockhampton, to open locally for a return to normal trading and social life?’ Probably, and the premie ran with it, scaring the pants off everybody, knowing what suckers voters in those areas are.
But hey, as a purely political ploy, it worked, ruinous and undeserved as it was for so many. But you get what you vote for, and given little palatable alternative, the majority have voted for four more years of inept leadership, rorts and lies.
When counting stopped last night Clive Palmer’s Queensland party leader, “Dishface” Dowling had polled just 183 votes.
Considering Palmer spent in excess of $3 million in election advertising, that works out to around $16,400 per vote.
Don’t think we’ll be seeing Grumpy Greg on a ballot paper again.
And because of so few votes, I assume that eliminates the chances of a refund or tax deduction on monies spent. I stand to be corrected.
Here’s hoping you’re right.
$3m to Clive is to ‘us’ like putting $2 in the parking metre.
It will be still possible for Clive to structure his affairs to get a tax deduction for the costs but you may be right , the percentage may be just short of receiving any government funding . A party needs to obtain at least 4 % of first preferences
Parties receive around $2.90 per vote received
That is why this was a good result for the greens . Votes received this election will fund the party for the next 4 years and give them the ability to organise
4% – UAP did not even get 1% primary votes (0.57% at close Saturday night)!
My viewing of the electoral act tells me he will get nothing, including no tax benefit.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer a/hole, particularly after what he did to Townsville workers.
So why do you give a commercial in confidence $36m or what ever the amount really is, to a foreign company like Xstata to reline their furnace when they made a tiny profit of $4B, is this looking after the big end of town?
It is prettt funny though. Ol Fatboy has plenty of money to spare so it’s not going to damage his wallet, but he has an insatiable appetite (not just for Mc Donald’s) but to derail Labor and it hasn’t worked. I guess it’s back to litigation against defemation as his fallback to get even. He will die a bitter, bloated ninny.
Th UAP party received .57% of the vote .
The anti vaxers received .60 % of the vote
while the legalise cannabis qld received .89% of the vote
no government funding for any as yet
Is it fair to assume the pot smoking anti vaxers appeal more to the Queensland electoral than eccentric self proclaimed Billionaires
I doubt this will cause him to change or cease and I am sure Dishhead Dowling will line up again for the Townsville mayoral contest
Once a prop, always a prop – Dishhead Dowling will be parting the buttocks and shoving the head into the scrum at the next federal election.
MAGPIE NOTE: The’Pie initially declined to publish this comment because, although the commenter Alahazbin has a reliable history in Magpie’s Nest comments, no proof could be provided that the quoted Stampede post existed. In the intervening time, it has become clear that for some time, the assertions made in it are and have been an open secret in certain circles. Because the allegations are widely distributed
and have never been refuted,
it is now published.)
Alahzbin wrote:
The following popped up on the NQ Cowboys Stampede page on the 15th October. Probably taken down pretty quick by the administrator.
There was a name to it, but I deleted it.
Your such a great inspirational leader to the cowboys BUT I’m guessing the 2018 JT sex scandal which happened on Friday 31st of August at the Sofital Motel on Broadbeach Goldcoast( this was the team motel for the game against the Titans) then JT did it again on Sunday 2nd Sep which was Fathers Day inside the toilets at the QANTAS Club Lounge with the same married female cowboys employee( Corporate Operations Manager). So im also guessing that in your covering up of this you and the cowboys team Dr must finially be facing the consequences for your continuing covering up of these events for over the last 2yrs. I really hope that Peter Vlandys and the NRL Integrety commission make a very hard example of you and your club for covering up this disgusting sex scandel involving the Great So called Family man JT.
Sorry Pie,
I should have said. For your decision to post.
Ala, if you can supply me with a screen shot of the material you mention, I’ll consider publishing it. You clearly copied it. Otherwise no. but the alleged identification back then would go a long way as to why Parr, the doctor and others shat themselves over the matter.
Sorry, But I’m sure it has been taken down.
Then The ‘;Pie is sure you understand the rules. but thanks.
Not a bad way to enjoy the success in life that football brings you – a half million dollar salary (give or take), endorsements and marketing bonus money, playing your favourite sport and playing ‘feed the clam’ innthe Qantas lounge shitter! I’m jealous…..
Much, much more than half a mill.
And he got a statue at the stadium ……
Would’ve a bigger tourist attraction if they had him in airport action.
The Magpie fully accepts responsibility for the anonymous naming of Jonathon Thurston, and therefore extends to Mr Thurston and/or his legal representatives the opportunity to categorically state that it is incorrect, which will put an instant stop giving any credibility to the social media whispering campaign. The above post and all relevant one relating to this matter will be immediately removed with apologies on receipt of such a statement.
OK so nothing has changed. More political correctness, more crime, more waste of resources, more water restrictions, more corruption, more debt, etc., etc. We have the natural resources and the manpower to correct all of these issues, but not the will. Dick Smith once said we will not fix the country until things get a lot worse, and then we will have to get off our arses. How bad does it have to get? Or is it too late?
At least it looks like the ALP will have a majority
No more blaming minor parties and minority government for lack of action and the results
I would of though. It will also be hard to blame Campbell Newman again in 4 years time
Ap and her crew will have to own the decisions indecision’s and stuff ups over the next four years
My prediction is the CMC will be flat out from about end of 2022 .
Think of the jobs created
Cant believe that not one self funded retired has mentioned the kid
Surely you guys are going to roll out your cheer squad and tell me all the reasons why he would of won it
( with hindsight, I may even have to acknowledge you may be correct )
Well, no, our misnamed friend, suggesting such is not going to move us forward and it is for the LNP only to grow a pair and learn from history. Something that local voters seem loathe to do.
Has anyone noticed how the ‘Realist’ is now a spelling and grammar champion? Two weeks ago he couldn’t spell one word correctly ……..
“Would of” would have. Still improvement to come.
Yes, noted some time back Gym J. A pathetic attempt to lure all of the ‘SFR’ into start think this dill has used his brains for some time. Probably depends on what time of day the raiding of the wine carton commenced and the downhill slide from there for the rest of the day ! Can’t wait for more brilliance from the mindless agitator !
Well the only consolation out of Les winning Mundingburra, other than him being out of town more often, is his replacement to council. Now that is going to be interesting indeed.
Would anyone one know of the parentage of the good Doctor Jeanette Young? I heard many years ago that her parents were from Townsville.
Not sure about Townsville, but her mother currently lives in the northern suburbs of Sydney. My mother, a friend of hers, has known the good doctor since she was a kid.
Apparently she is cousin of Adel Young.
Scott-Young’s I believe.
Dr. Aubrey Bennett…. maybe.
Can’t see how anyone can survive this cowboys saga – clean out time
All over a sheila’s trophy fuck. In an airport kazi, something to tell the grandkids when tucking them min. And The ‘Pie is anecdotally told that the ‘trophy’ don’t come any bigger (in name, not appendage).Ah, NRL, gotta luv ya.
Well it wouldn’t be the first time that particular “trophy” has strayed. No wonder he needs to keep the roads away from his house.
The Election was one of competition between two parties, neither having much talent I’m afraid. I always felt the Council elections were a strong indicator that the voting public would stick with what they already had. Same old, same old …. One good outcome was the public swing away from Trad, she had to go. For all the LNP and ‘kid’ supporters, I’m afraid the bad news is that Trad is actually gone. This will allow Labour to rebuild and if they can keep further toxic MP’s out of their Party I think they may reign for quite some time yet. Yes, of course I said this about LNP and Can-Do, they lost the ‘unloseable’ election so there is some hope.
Cowboys vs Titans in September 2018, was I believe, JT’s farewell game. It’s a shame this breaking scandal had to be that same game.
Given the deplorable situation Queensland finds itself in thanks to Labor mismanagement, I don’t think the LNP back room strategists (not the politician trough snufflers), were terribly interested in taking over and trying to fix Labors mess.
The fat Polish peasant and her acolytes will self destruct over the next 4 years making election 2024 a walk in.
A good one to lose, you reckon? The Kid probably secretly thinks so.
16,000 views and counting
The little bald headed Yoda lookalike Fuhrer Newman has come out grinding his axe and suggesting the Freckle and Mander should step aside! Love it! And he is correct. They are two weak muppets who are the most spineless leader and deputy leader I’ve seen in years.
On a lighter note Anthony Albanese has refused to answer the question; is there a place for Jackie Tradgic in Federal politics? Might be an interesting one to watch.
His Radiance is about to put the finishing touches on a well-crafted plan with appointment of the new TCC CEO.
Over recent weeks several TCC management positions have disappeared as fixed term contracts have been terminated early.
Watch for Prins Ralston to be appointed CEO soon. Unfortunately, the Distracted Donna wearer has failed see the Ralston connection to His Radiance.
On the upside the city looked great under his reign.
Given that Ralston was Nous boss when that company’s TCC clean-out plan was devised and implemented by the connected Adele Young, his alleged appointment would have some ramifications on staff morale.Both ways possibly, but one thing is for dead certain … if your information is correct – and certain sources suggest Ralston is on the list – Dolan Hayes will be make on the scene in one guise or another. He is respected by Ralston, for whom he has worked previously, especially on Mission Australia.
But is it true? The ‘Pie wonders if Ralston’s other supposedly lucrative ventures in the corporate world would make nit worth his while to seek a full-time $400/$600k job that would nix his other interests. Or will we get a FIFO CEO?
Dolan and Prins are very close, and the role is more rewarding than you can imagine.
The staff terminations in the last week or so have been designed to make for the perfect landing ground.
If you are not affected by the changes it is pretty to watch the machiavellian mastery at play. That’s Dolan’s trade mark, the moment you realise it’s too late, but you feel good about it anyway (I think).
Well… which management positions have disappeared? I’m interested as a comparison of wages and contractors expenses has increased over the last couple of years.
And I’ll eat my hat if Prins Ralston is appointed a permanent CEO at TCC. Some Labor affiliated hack that his Radiance and Dolan can entice north, will be appointed, but unlikely him.
Who is ‘his radiance’? Its not only execs, its other staff to, sports games cancelled at riverway because of no staff. Interesting that tcc lawyer is is now in charge of people and culture. There must be so many dirty deeds going on there that they don’t dare expose the position to an outsider, just like the last manager of people and culture was let go for, I wonder what he discovered or wouldn’t do for them.
His Radiance is former Mayor Tony Mooney, and was for more than a decade in the Magpie column and then blog. Now in genteel retirement with the lucrative, do-nothing sinecures he has had or does still enjoy (hospital board chairman, Townsville Port, mining company do-nothing executive).
Who is the lawyer in charge in charge of ‘people and culture? (Guffaw!!)
People and Culture is one of those modern buzz phrases designed to obfuscate the bad/unpopular decisions of management. Unless they really are artisanal yoghurt makers, in which case, carry on.
Making artisanal yoghurt is not a bad/unpopular decision? Surely at least misguided?
Well seems there has been some yoghurt making going on at council, cowboys aint the only lot involved in scandals. One certain council director has gone to great lengths to protect there 4th marriage. Tony aint the only one to have been passed over, the chief legal officer was passed over for the director of business services.
Thanks for the explanation. Tony Bligh, the nasty one, in charge of hr, imagine what he does for staff morale.
Well, suppose they had to do something with him, passed over out twice on becoming head of legal. Keen pistol club member, so he’ll keep any upstarts in line.
When he was City Solicitor, never won a case for TCC in the Land Court. Bloody useless!
Mr Bligh will be excellent in HR. None of that pansy arse mamby pamby shit. Fuck up and you’ll be told. Might pull some of those HR nancies into line while he’s at it.
His wino nose, paunch and dress sense are enough to scare but failing that his pompousness certainly would. There were whispers in a previous edition about the ccc being on their tail.
The beatings will continue until staff morale improves
Wonder if Lozza Lancini told Lewis Ramsay about the impending scandal involving the Cowboys “star”, a female employee, her husband, (Doctor) Peter Parr and the real team doctor before he threw him the Cowboys chairman hospital pass.
If the Cowboys board was aware of allegations that Parr gave the jilted husband prescription drugs and the team doctor issued a false medical certificate to cover up the scandal then they should all be sacked.
But my guess is that it was kept secret even from Lancini’s hand picked board members.
I also wonder whether the current NRL investigation will also lead to revelations about another tryst involving the Cowboys “star” which resulted in one of the club’s most talented players leaving town and transferring to a Sydney club.
Ahhh, don’t you just love karma?
Bring on the plastic man Crisafulli. 41 years old and called the ” Kid “. Lost Mundingburra and ran to a safe seat after saying he was leaving town to give his family more time. He will melt under the blowtorch of leadership. Always had and always will have a weak chin. Can’t wait for his early anointment so I can have 4 years laughing at the numpty.
OK, boomer.
Oh c’mon now ECQ/NMD, don’t be like that. The Kid May be 41 but he is much younger than you and his political experience goes beyond yours which only consists of of licking local politicians anuses and swapping brown paper bags.
What makes you think I am older than 41. I wouldn’t like being called the kid. though. The Nationals in the LNP will absolutely hate him. KAP will thrive if he is leader.
What bollocks you talk, already you’re starting to panic, diddums.
Not so Last drinks, Newman re engaged the Nats and none of us really liked him, David will ruffle a few feathers and some will find him a bit slick but then people will fall in line, what’s left of them anyway. The LNP is a joke on the ground and the whole party needs to be rebuilt, he has four years to do it which is actually a good thing. I still believe the parties should once again stand alone but that probably won’t occur so he will need the Nats to come back to life over the next 4 years, something I think he would be able to do, especially in places like Townsville where the party is a pathetic joke these days and the rank amateurs have to go.
I’m not a kid chrisafulli fan, but good luck to him if he can make a go of it.
The Freckle has been lanced. She has announced that once all the results are in she will be stepping aside as opposition leader. Great news!! “Arise The Kid”.
Congrats to One Nation and Katters handing the ALP 4 years of power, Deb was doing a good job to achieve the same outcome you just made it easier.
To the Mad Katters good luck finding relevance over the next 4 years
Contributor, it seems one of your ‘team girl
Power idols’, Deb Frecklington, is stepping aside. Oh poor you. It must be the fault of all the Queensland misogynists? You must be hurting badly. Or perhaps she was just a useless leader and is totally outclassed by The Kid, who is a male? Karma
Can someone please outline one thing Crisafulli ever did for Townsville??
Blakeys Crossing ring a bell.
Think you’ll find that was Ewen Jones one and only achievement, don’t recall The Kid having much to do with it.
Sorry Pie, Blakeys crossing was delivered in 2014, by LNP government (election promise 2012 state election) on time and $5M under budget.
Indeed, you’re right, The ‘Pie’s memory was faulty … Ewen Jones tried to extract some money from the then Labor Minister Simon Crean but was turned down. But Jones election committment to the project gave it exposure that resulted in the matter being given a bump up the state government list, so some credit to Jones, let’s face it, he did fuck all else, nice amusing blokes don’t make it in politics.
He Left
Yes. He liked soccer.
Lots, like prove if your smart and talented and live in Townsville the best thing to do is pack up and leave, ensuring Townsville becomes the bogan filled shithole it wants to be.
He did what those weak as piss Labor councillors won’t do now. When he was on the Council he kept the bastards accountable. He questioned, he challenged, he put pineapples up the arse of the Bulletin. He was up against a Mooney led packed Council featuring a fucking mongrel dog Jenny Hill acting as number 2. If he wasn’t there, who knows where we’d be today. Then when he got into a majority Council, he tried fucking hard to fix the damage that Mooney’s mob created. It’s very hard to clean up after a Labor Government. Unfortunately when he moved to State politics he fell into an asylum led by his boss Hannibal Lecter. But now he’s back, to his credit, and he’s the best chance the LNP have at making a decent go of it.
Elusive Butterfly.. what have you? I haven’t done much, but I am honest. Are you?
How is it that the identity of the QCLUB Rooter is the worst kept secret in Townsville yet not one media outlet will run it? If true, that person is held out by the Cowboys and a number of government funded entities as being a pillar of the community. Some snowflakes went nuts when historic FB posts by Glenn Doyle were aired but the Rooter gets to keep the endorsements and kudos. Having said that, its not like he purchased Cartier watches. I wonder if he will be opening the new taxpayer funded (via NAIF) High Performance Centre? Sounds like his performance is not in question.
HJ. Didn’t the astonished refer to “the rooter” as “Townsville Royalty”?
They did in one of their more pathetic moment, and the photoshop was an amateur effort.
Just a total waste of a young persons life. He could have made a fortune on onlyfans……..
When the Nine Network makes an investment in a personality it will do everything possible to build the profile or protect the profile .
Nine Network also owns a sports/ talkback radio network and publishing business . I am surprised the story got a run in the SMH to start with
the general consensus seems to be News Corp is bad for Australia but Nine Network is very similar with their behaviour
Not even close the sinister actual evil of News Corpse . But it was such a jolly wheeze to watch their chief mincer on Sky Alan ‘Hello Sailor’ Jones have successive heart attacks as the results rolled in. Almost worth the Labor win, the little cat’s bum mouth contorted into unbelievable shapes of outrage. oofball Gleeson looked like he’d visited his favourite pharmacist before starting work, too.
Christine Holgate has fallen on her sword and quit Australia Post. I think it is quite ludicrous that the Pentecostal Morrison could put pressure on her to quit over a couple of watches that were in effect a reward for a few managers pulling in a large valuable contract, when he (Morrison) has protected his own team of trough swillers, sports totters like McKenzie and endless pork barrelling and travel rorts. Fuck I’m sick of these hypocritical grubs, especially when they are supposedly ‘people of God’ also. Parasites.
Stamp Licker, Did you hear about $300,000K corporate credit card debt?
In fairness to Stamp Licker, Smirko Morrison only took umbrage at the bad optics of luxury goodies being handed out to highly paid execs. He normally wouldn’t wantb to expose himself or his troops to the question of government credit card debt.
Alhazbin’laden, no I didn’t know the amount on her card but as CEO of a business as large as Australia Post I am not surprised at that amount. That’s life at the top. Does that mean I apppreciate the shitty service Australia Post provide? Hell no. And I think they treat their Contract parcel delivery people like absolute shit. But she has created record profits for the company and in my opinion if a couple of my Executives brought in a multi million dollar contract and all it cost me was $30k in fucking watches I would have given all of them 3 watches each!!! Morrison is the issue, a smiling smirking arrogant piece of deceptive shit. Politicians are grubs.
As he ‘Pie said in this week’s blog, if those execs had received a $3000 cash bonus in each of their pay packets, no one would even know let alone worried about it. remember folks, politics is all about public perception.
Bloody council managers and upwards get a bonus.
But not Cartier watches. Get the drift?
Sympathy for the dead car thieves, car owner charged. This is bullshit. Little wonder the long suffering public are losing faith in the governments and the courts.
Twas the night of All Hallows and quiet as a mouse,
When out from the shadows they came to break into your house,
“good burghers of Townsville”,cried Harper and staff,
“Give them your keys to make off with your cars!”
And down at the gun club gathered Katter and Co,
Blasting bats and big snappers and sometimes their toes,
High in Moon Castle sat Palmer aghast,
The voters saw through him and gave him the shaft.
Long in the night drank punters at bars,
One Nation, team Liberal pissed and dancing with tarts,
So ends the the tale without donkey vote Greens,
Beware of the ‘ville on the night of the ‘ween.
As expected , two days after elected Aaron Harper degrades other Political parties and candidates who have the democratic right to run for Government . Aaron claims he denounces bullying but you need to copy his fb posts because after a few hrs they are removed . Do Labor Pollies ever learn . Terri Butler paying students $50 k , T.C.C. Insurers coughing up $50 k for Mayor Hill , Cathy Otoole vs Clive ? . Securing 44 % of the primary vote in Thuringowa means over 50 % of the electorate didn’t rank Aaron their first preference . Mis – representing professionals who have the gall to disagree with Aaron’s party are labelled neo liberals or members of the liberal party . Then there was Aaron saying he was concerned about shaking the hands of people when he went to meetings as he didn’t trust them . Here’s a tip Aaron , people aren’t lining up to shake your hand and using tax payers $ for your staff to delete any negative comments on your social media is exactly the false media you blame the media for .
But Mike you are one of the most vocal
LNP supporters out there. If you were any bluer you’d be a fucking Smurf! Yet you’re having a bitch about being labelled?
Citizen Journalist Wannabe – well clearly nearly 60 % of Queenslanders are “ Freaks and Weirdos “ based on comments from Deputy Premier and Health Minister Steven Miles on any person who doesn’t vote labor . I thought we lived in a democracy so it would be nice if our elected officials paid the voters some respect . Unless we raise the bar in Politics what type of candidates will run . I suppose if your a “ wannabe journalist “ controversy sells .
I understand the much hyped data centre has no private companies as customers and is a very, very expensive white elephant to run and maintain. The elephant is looking rather white
Yeah they don’t have an incident and hazard reporting system either, wasted millions over years trying to get one. How fucking hard is it. Director even hired a friend to get a learning management system up and running but that failed spectacularly. Other councils have them. The head of safety has to doctor documents after the fact.
How can they pass their self insurance audit without systems in place? Word has it that they used a different self insurance auditor this time. Probably because if they got the previous one back, wouldve failed.
One last mini-gallery from Trumpkakistan before the big answer he world is waiting for. Who’d be an American voter?
And another mini-gallery concentrating on what faces voters in the next 36 hours.
… and the one to make vintners rejoice … sales will go through the roof.
Oh FFS kiddies!!! does it never end with you Townsville Bulletin DODOs?
Expect it right at the top of the agenda. Hey Pie, do you want to be a part of Team Jennie?
Ya know Mr Magpie, all of the sudden you sound flustrated at our supposedly incorrect announciations in our articles. Yore random comments would have you seriously misunderestimate our abilities.
Irregardless of you comments I suggest you literally need to chillout and sip on you’re espresso.
Along with the longest sentence ever, ran out of breath. Capital c for council, 1 in 5 to be spelled. These people get paid?
Sorry Beer o’clock, you are half right. Yes, 1 in 5 should be one in five but standard practice is to keep council lower case as it’s not the full name of the organisation.
Correct spelling is undies.
You’re not well, are you? Steroids?
Probably. I’m actually not really a gym junkie. It’s just a clever pseudonym.
So you’re James Pothead?
I assume the fact the lawyer representing Cr Hill is from Gilshenan & Luton in Brisbane. Apparently, just like the SS Commodore, she doesn’t feel there are any lawyers in The Ville that would be suitable (or expensive) enough.
So much for supporting locals…
LN,the fact is if you want any chance of a win,you hire a Silk from Down South to steamroll these local boys,who are at the pub Friday nights comparing notes.We threatened a No Win,No Pay mob here with a letter from a Sydney Silk,we were in the right,and they shit themselves and headed for the hills!
A local Dennis Denuto not good enough?
Mung-dinga-ling…Sydney silks are like Tasmanian wines…overpaid and overrated.
Well I hope all those old birds in the LNP realise their big mistake in wanting a Woman as leader. You now have 4 more years in opposition. Idiots – the lot of you.
MC, you’re fairly certain a male would have won the Election for the LNP? You are delusional.
The full time whistle has blown for Tim Mander as deputy opposition leader. He is stepping aside.
His smartest move to date.
Talking about Kid Crisafulli, will run for Opposition Leader and hopefully be next Premier of Qld.
Dave of Kelso, maybe. But the LNP have an enormous amount of work to do to keep Labour from winning the next three. As bad as Labour is, the LNP need to find relevance and actually resonate with the people.
I agree.
Mary Trump on ABC RN Breakfast show talking about her Uncle Donald. Grim prediction if Uncle Donald is re-elected.
Gee Al…thanks for asking me the question if I’m honest. As honest as a politician, methinks, but, not quite as honest as Mr. Crisafulli. Afterall, he did oversee the construction of a ratepayer funded fence when Deputy Mayor, blocking the public’s access to the Ross River, while, at the same time, increasing the size of his front yard running down to the river. What an honest chap! Ms. Hill was not a happy little vegemite about that fence!!
Because she didn’t think of it first.
E Butterfly. Was he “dishonest” about some fence? And on whose property was the fence erected.? You can be honest, but you can also be a heap of shit in your generalities. Also, if the Townsville Mayor was not happy she would have shat on whoever. Remember, I did ask if you were honest.
AI ”’ Ray Burton was the CEO at the time & Les Tyrell was the Mayor. Yes it was built with approval by the fore mentioned & was built on the easement Between the River & the Bottom Of D C ‘s property (A Court in Douglas) J Hill Was the lone voice Councillor at the time Tried to create merry hell but nothing came of it The Mid week Paper at the time carried a picture of the area & proposed fence but nothing became of it also …..
I would call it ‘dodgy looking’, but he did get investigated and cleared of any mis-doings so we can’t use that instance and say anything bad.
Regards to my post above, here is the info –
This makes it clear that this was fully investigated at several levels and nothing untoward was involved in te construction nof the fence., But one can expect that misdirectiions like this will increase when The Kid takes the reins. Such is politics.
Mander looked like a prancing poodle running behind Deb. Both useless and consistently backed the wrong people. Both of them should resign. Neither of them had any substance.
If you think Middle Age Crisafulli has substance, think again. Good at whining, bad at being in charge. Plastic man.
Unlike yourself.
What is the basis for your comment?
Last drinks/ECQ/NMD, the Kid is going to be a fantastic leader. Tenacious, bright, talented and energetic. Which is actually the opposite to old boilers like yourself and pals like Jenny Hill.
The way you are going you might have to change your name to Last Rites.
It’s good to see the Trumpet get back in.
Those bleeding heart lefties give me the shits.
He is?
Biden : I’m President
Trump : Fake News
Biden : I got more Votes
Trump : I gave him those Votes
Biden : I’m going to be the best President
Trump : I’m a billionaire, and own golf courses
Biden : Let’s get down to business !
Trump : I have immunity to Coronavirus
Melania : Thank the Lord, I can finally file for Divorce
Stormy Daniels : if he gets a divorce I’m no longer interested
Cuz, the Orange Oompa Loompa ain’t back in yet. Just like his sex life, things keep swinging from side to side. In a normal world the results are too early to call. But of course in Trumpselvania and the great nation of the United States of Anarchy it’s a different ball game. Whatever the outcome, I hope they’ve all got their AK-47’s ready and 6 months of food supply stored because the Country is going to erupt into one giant inferno once the winner is declared.
If they are ready in the manner you say, the big winner is Russia … or at least one Russian …Avtomat Kalashnikova. Seems good ol’ Winchesters are out of fashion in in the land of Bars and Gripes, but The Trumpet has shot himself in the foot in one way – by banning Chinese imports (except for MAGA caps), he has denied his followers access to this little baby, the brand new standard issue QBZ-191 Chinese army rifle.
Easy on the use of “United” when discussing that country that contains 50 states … they haven’t been this dis-united since the Civil War. The orange ejits continued vitriolic rhetoric against “blue states” has got to the point where his supporters were plotting to kidnap the governor of one state and emergency PPE equipment was denied to another.
Knowing that there was a good chance he was not going to be re-elected, he has been cultivating the “rigged/fraud/stolen/see you in court” line for months and so it has come to pass.
Interesting that United is an anagram of Untied. Sounds about right.
He still might, but Biden was always expected to do better on the postal votes than on-the-day. That’s why everyone warned about a “red mirage”.
We are all calmly watching.
So apparently some of the draconian security laws thrust upon regional airports to have body scanners and all sorts of ridiculous screening equipment has been reversed by Mr Dutton and scrapped at Longreach and Barcaldine airports, and soon to follow will be Emerald, Gladstone and several more airports. Fucking idiot Government changing their minds and dicking about. Will Townsville airport be affected? I wonder if that will have an effect on people rooting in the Qantas Lounge shitters?
The type of people who used to root in the Qantas lounge probably no longer do so. Some of them probably own their own airlines now?
Very droll. But just for the record, the Qantas airport toilet tryst has been discounted by the NRL investigators – never happened they reckon, trust them to spoil a good story – but the close encounter in the team’s Sofitel Hotel on the Gold Coast apparently did take place. Grubby stuff all round.
Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story?
Didn’t a previous in-air tryst result in the acronym Quickies Available Now in Toilet Ask Staff?
I promised myself a week away from all the flying poop of last weekend and this week, but weakened today to have a look over the scraps.
This one I can’t go past – – so the NRL says the NRL has done nothing wrong, well thank f*ck for that, for a moment I thought there might be a culture of secrecy, coverups and payoff in professional sport. I can rest easy now.
Magpie, surely just because the NRL says there is nothing happening with one of the shining lights of the NRL, you don’t just accept that at face value? Aren’t we all about constipative / investigative journalism here?
What is it that you mistakenly believe The Magpie has accepted at face value? Why was the matter raised here if there was nothing to see and should be accepted at face value? Or is your question simply rhetorical?
This bit: Very droll. But just for the record, the Qantas airport toilet tryst has been discounted by the NRL investigators – never happened they reckon, trust them to spoil a good story.
Letter to the editor the Astonisher yesterday from Fran O’Callaghan expressing her complete shock regarding the proposed repealing of legislation pertaining to a runner up being installed as a Councillor if the elected Councillor resigns in 12 mths which it appears Les Walker will do . Fran states Les Walker had the opportunity under the applicable Queensland Legislation to step aside to run for State and that she fully intends to take up her Councillors position . Upside , Townsville will have 2 non team Hill Councillors if successful .
The ‘Pie is all for Fran – whom he knows nothing of – simply on the basis that we need representation for rural and semi-rural areas under the Townsville Council rule on the council.
Fran O’Callaghan is a foul-mouthed Harridan. Even if she weren’t, a by-election is the fairest way to find a replacement for Les Walker. Dumb rules should be changed and the rule that gives the job to someone who could only garner 1 in 5 votes is a dumb rule. Say what you will about Messagebank, but an impressive 15 in 20 people think he’s the best man for the job. That may say as much about the field of candidates as anything, but the good citizens of Division 10 would have every right to be unhappy. As to your comment on representation Magpie, Fran O’Callaghan would have an enormous conflict of interest and would not even be able to represent her constituents in any Woodstock matters, (the only booth she won from Walker by the way, by a paltry 1.6%). So put your biases aside for a moment and apply the same arguments and scrutiny you would if this wasn’t an “anyone but Hill” situation
How the dickens do you read bias into The Magpie’s comments, in which he is mainly challenging Hinchliffe’s nonsensical reason for doing the right thing … that mayor’s face possible assassination so someone else can get the job. The Magpie simply thought that some rural representation on the council wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Incidentally, care to tell us how you know Ms O’Callaghan so up close and intimately? And have no idea if the succession rule applies to councillors or just mayor, perhaps you can enlighten us with your wise insights. And oh dear, if it’s conflicts of interest that concern you so, Comrade, don’t look too closely at Clr Margie ‘Potty-mouth’ Ryder, who also qualifies for your description ‘foul-mouthed’ as well as holding a position controlling finances and planning direction in hubby’s metal working/trailer making operation. Among other things.
And one last point, if The ‘Pie may …. the present succession rule was brought in by this government very recently, but after Hinchliffe being duchesses by the LGAQ at the annual conference with the assassination/bashing argument (oh, purleeese!), the government will now flip on it. Yes, it should be changed, and never brought in in the first place, but the reason given is just so piss weak.
As always Magpie these comments directed less at you and more at your readers…you are the conduit. I’ve had a couple of minor run-ins with said harridan, but her most profane-laden belligerence has been reserved for reliable friends and acquaintances. Undoubtedly Cr Ryder is known for her potty-mouth but pray-tell where is the conflict? Unless you can demonstrate that Rydweld is somehow benefiting from TCC? And if they indeed did bid (as a local supplier which this site always bangs on about) then Cr Ryder would have no part to play in any decisions. As would O’Callaghan were there to be an issue come to council that could materially impact on her….so representation of Woodstock residents would be severely curtailed. And lets not forget she is currently in dispute with the city council, I believe. I’m glad we agree on the stupidity of this succession rule. I don’t know Hinchcliffe but he has demonstrated on a few occasions his lack of talent for this role
Can’t be too fussed going down this particular side alley in detail, so just going on memory, Clr Ryder is the full time financial controller (and their HR officer, if memory serves) of hubby’s Rydweld (a company itself about which The ‘Pie has heard no adverse comments at all) and presumably being paid a salary, there and a check on FB will see that she is or has been promoting other slightly whiffy for-profit schemes. All while picking up $120k as a councillor. Even if there is no conflict, how can she justify $120k+ of ratepayer money when clearly she – or any other councillor for that matter – couldn’t find 48 hours in a day even if they wanted to. Isn’t it right and fair to expect 100% concentration on the task being on the ‘board’ of a billion dollar ‘corporation’ i.e. council, responsible for ratepayers money?
And as for Fran O’Callaghan, first you seem a touch hypocritical when you blithely brush aside Ryder’s widespread reputation for ‘profane-laden belligerence’ – hardly becoming a local government representative and indeed can be the subject of disciplinary action depending on the circumstances – and the same trait in someone who at this stage, is a private citizen who has expressed herself as she sees fit in during private ‘minor run-ins’ with your mates … O’Callaghan may well have reason for her approach, and maybe you’re mates are local hanky wringing snowflakes. And probably card carrying party members.
Secondly, O’Callaghan stood for council for the very reason that the people of Woodstock – just about all of whom voted for her – had a voice opposing a major disruption to their lives. It’s called democracy, chum, and personal self-interest on behalf of a group in the community is always has been a legitimate reason to stand for office. And yes, being a single, isolated-issue candidate, she didn’t get much of the vote, but that does NOT say that if she did join council, she would not accept her overall responsibility and act in the interests and handle the issues raised by all residents in her division?
You should get a job with Pravda, comrade, such is you’re one eyed-version of the truth.
I retract my previous comment. You are biased. A number of Les Tyrell’s team had “other” jobs throughout their terms. You showed no such concern then. If Margie Ryder wants to spend a few hrs each night on MYOB to manage accounts and deprive herself of sleep than that’s for her. And to “presume” she gets a wage…how about finding out. As for minor run-ins, sadly they were not and I wouldn’t bother to post if they were. And then to make accusations my ‘mates’ are “probably card carrying members” which implies I am too!! What is it about you sad losers that anytime someone puts up an alternative point of view the default position is they MUST occupy a certain side of politics? Pathetic!! As for Woodstock votes, go and have a look at the Woodstock booth. Not averse to a few alternative facts are we. Try O’Callaghan 41.4% of primary and Walker 39.6% of primary. Democracy…..indeed!! Almost as many people in Woodstock oppose her and the single issue she stood on. Get real and a mount a defensible argument to express your disdain for this Hill mob. And I could give a flying fuck if you don’t post this
Of course The ‘Pie is biased, he’s not going to let you have the field to yourself. And he always will be biased against those who PRETEND they aren’t.
If you check back, both the blog and the Bulletin, The Magpie has always opposed councillors receiving unrealistic pay packets AND having other jobs. And it is amusing when you set the ‘nothing to see here’ tone by airbrushing the financial work of a very successful company requiring only ‘a few hours a night on MYOB’. And no, a councillor depriving themselves of sleep for this reason is an insult to the people who elected them … at $120K, don’t they deserve 100% performance?
Note that the ‘card carrying’ comment has hit a nerve, comrade.
And your hypocrisy in suggesting you are a balanced, fair and reasonable commentators with no political point of view is straight out of the Trump playbook – accuse your opposition of exactly your own sin and then rant on about it as fact.
O’Callaghan won the booth, which she would never have done but for the issue. And those opposed weren’t affected by the Lansdowne issue… or they simply thought Les would do a better job (they smoke a lot of weed in Divvy 10).
And you haven’t explained why O’Callaghan couldn’t represent even those who didn’t vote for her. So please tell us … ‘don’t want to leave you crying, while there room on your hobbyhorse for two’. (No apologies to Rolf Harris.)
But The’Pie still agrees a by-election is the correct way to go. Don’t think we heard from you when the succession legislation came through, did we?
And despite the obvious typo in your final sentence, please note, comrade, The ‘Pie does not give a flying fuck what you give a flying fuck about.
SportsBet just paid out and called Biden winner !
Probably because it is better for them (payouts) than a Trumpet victory?
If Fran gets what she deserves she will be the only non Team Hill councilor.
Sue Blom went across to the dark side not long after the election, after she incurred Jenny Hill’s displeasure for revealing the council’s dire financial position on her Facebook page.
Wonder just what Hill offered her to shut up.
The Magpie does not accept that unsupported slur … Blom has been bullied and vilified from day one, and she may have been cowed in to not speaking out so freely, but there is no way she would willingly be part of Jenny’s hi-jinx. The mayor’s spite knows no end.
That comment regarding Suzie Blom is completely and absolutely incorrect……..and unfair!
One legged tap dancer, Sue Blom revealing the “councils’ dire financial position”!! What a load of bollocks. Sue Blom is part of the cabal that put this city so far into debt during her first stint. A 540% increase in debt to be exact. Too make matters worse her and her other incompetents borrowed money at stupid rates that have saddled this city with a debt servicing burden it shouldn’t have had. This cities debt is ~10% lower than it was when Ms Blom was booted. Now she’s back, but a cursory look at her performance in public council meetings demonstrates she has lost none of her flair as a hairdresser. As for your defence of her Magpie, she brings with her plenty of baggage, a wilful disregard for meeting behaviour standards and a level of incompetence that justifies a stern talking to every now and then. Bring on the blue wave of abuse you sad old WASPs
No wave of abuse, dear, there, there, we don’t mock the afflicted around here. Well, not much anyway, diddums.
I think weez bin robbed
I cant stand those lefty bastards now looks like one will be runnin the world
Cowboys now with an Adani company on their jerseys – not impressed
Adani have been on board with the Cowboys for 2 or 3 seasons so it’s nothing new JJ.
Pie, I would like to see your views, thus far, on the USA election. You’re a retired professional journalist with a good view on world wide political developments so now that my bullshit promotion of your skill set is out of the way…..what do you see unfolding over there in the Land of Free ?
And as Australia’s biggest most powerful Allie, not exactly terrific for us.
The United States of America. What a joke. Nothing ‘United’ about them. They are a conglomerate.
The Conglomerated States of America. There, that’s better.
This is so close to what I’ve been shouting
Donald J. Trump
· 15h
12:20 AM · Nov 6, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Meanwhile, as we’ve all being looking at America, over in Russia … this …
We now await Donald Trump’s claim that he ordered the CIA to poison Putin with Parkinsons.
Well I did see a picture of Putin riding a horse where he forgot to put a shirt on. Could be Parkinson’s……..
I see the US Media is stopping reporting on Trump. When did the media become the judge? Surely they are supposed to report…..
When does Trump become the deluded judge of making totally unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged? Who has a right to refuse to give oxygen to this outright provable, self-interested LIE? IT WOULD BE DISSEMINATING FAKE NEWS, SOMETHING THAT APPEARS TO BOTHER A PINHEAD LIKE YOU.This is childish stuff by Trump and by you. The media is not an amorphous mob that swim together like whales, they each made a judgement to cut short the ranting of someone slowly sinking into a mental breakdown, who is encouraging the country to tear itself apart.
Shame on you and all like you.
So you are judging then?
Journalism is full of judgements, all based on common sense, facts (Trump very light on in that area), and experience … otherwise, YOU tell ME how it should work, chum. People need experienced media professionals to know what stands up to empirical examination And reject that which does not. You would love to try to run an agenda where your edict is: print everything and we’ll make up our own minds. Trouble is, pea brain, that’s what we’ve got with social media and vested brown-nosing outfits like Fox News in America and Sky After Dark here.
Go run your Qanon agenda somewhere else, not here.
Yes the media involves judgement, but not bias, well not until the last 20 or so years. Perhaps it was there, but it was not as blatant is it is now.
As all properly trained journalist know, bias in the eye of the beholder, and training tells a good journo to stand firm facts – the bias will, be read into good reporting by anybody …
the media used to report and allow the listener or viewer form a viewpoint all by themselves. Of late, the media appears to be designed to influence which is dangerous, irrespective of the bent of the particular company that is doing the reporting.
Dear me, are you attacking the Murdock media, Fox News et al? They’re comin’ for you, bubba.
Ahhh, selective publishing, clever Donald.
I must admit to a certain level of trolling, got the response that I expected, quite enjoyable
Glad you enjoy pleasuring yourself.
Maybe Vlad has been snorting too much Novichok? If it’s true about his alleged illness then maybe Karma has caught up with him finally? Another pathetic dictator and trasher of human rights for decades. If it’s true then good riddance douchebag.
But wait, Russia have come up with a vaccine for Parkinson’s. It works fine; Putin even gave it to his daughter.
basic stuff.
Pie, people who missed paying their rates by the due date not only didn’t get their ‘discount’, they are now being hammered by dunning letters and text messages from a collection agency. The TCC seems to be in screaming need for money. So much so that they can’t wait another month for their rates payments, even if it now means giving a fair proportion to the debt collectors. So much for compassion in these difficult (very difficult for some) times!
Any chance of a pic of one of these letters?
I’ll see if someone is prepared to share.
Names and address redacted of course.
May also have something to do with the TCC finance department being in chaos and the most poorly run ever.
This is the result of promoting people based on allegiances and not competence.
Plan it, That’s the result of those forced redundancies and the dead wood floating to the top.
Level 6 hairdressers etc come to mind.
That’s how Governments and Politicians work. TCC is no different, its not who you know it is who you blow.
maybe true-