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The Magpie

Sunday, September 22nd, 2024   |   319 comments

Welcome To Our First Claytons Council Meeting … The Council Meeting You Have When You’re Not Having a Council Meeting.

A group of leading business figures, most of whose businesses will be seriously affected by the planned introduction of parking meters on the Strand,  will meet informally tomorrow afternoon with councillors and TCC executives about the widely opposed move. The very fact of the meeting shows councillors know they are wrong on this socially unacceptable money grab, and they cannot fob them off with buzz word red tape double talk, so what will they do? Indeed what can they do? The Magpie pontificates.

But this little knees-up raises a positive idea, one which was proven possible by last week’s TCC meeting. Given the turmoil and growing distrust about the unsupported guff about transparency and accountability,  The ‘Pie has an obvious suggestion to dispel such negative perceptions, which won’t cost a single cent.

Our accidental mayor was at it again during the week, blithely flying in the face of reality as he real agenda bares its ugly and expensive bum to the world. And while in that territory, The ‘Pid will exclusively reveal a sad fact about Astonisher reporter Chris Burns.

It was like pre-school, a little lesson in fun with ‘naughty numbers’ with the beloved economic Wiggles, Colin, Clayton and Peter. But oh dear, it  turned into pointless squabbling tiff in the  sandpit, the outcome a big fat zero.

But a different and gobsmacking set of numbers totted up during the week will simultaneously disgust, amaze and infuriate you.

And our US Cartoon gallery is dominated by Donald Trump’s new American meow-menu featuring hors-d’oeuvre of hound and fricassee du feline.

Comments are getting more and more entertaining (yes, you will need a sense of humour), grab yourself a name and jin in, they run 24/7. And as always, a helping hand with costs for The Nest would be as much appreciated as it is needed. The appropriate Donate button is at the bottom of this week’s edition.

Coffee And Confrontation, Anyone?

Late tomorrow afternoon (Monday Sept 23), a delegation of business people – probably including a very pissed off Chamber of Commerce – is scheduled to meet with the mayor and councillors, along with TCC executives,  to discuss the growing concerns about the proposed plan for parking meters on The Strand.  nd the council’s obstinacy in continuing with a project that is almost universally rejected by the public and groups representing various interests.  Sure to be front and centre will be the man they call Major, Matt Richardson, the council’s socially indifferent Infrastructure boss. He is the architect of the nightmare meter idea and his accompanying torture chamber regulations that will go with it. At last report, the meeting, organised by prominent businessman Craig Stack,  will be held in the (closed) Tide Cafe  at 5.30pm.

Sure to be there will be this dubious “power couple’ … scheme architect and TCC infrastructure boss, Matt ‘Major’ Richardson and scheme’s  Project Manager, Ann-Maree Greaney. The Strand is in her division.

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There’s not much point in navel gazing about the outcome, but a couple of matters will have The ‘Pie’s attention.

First, will the media – specifically the Bulletin’s council reporter Chris Burns, who has been making the excellent running on the mayoral mess – be allowed to cover it – or in the unlikely circumstances, anyone from TV/radio? And if not, why not? Are we back to more closed door, secret squirrel stuff, which the whole town is fed up with,  especially when these councillors prim and primp all the time about transparency and accountability.  Given how this issue has blown up in their faces,  it seems evident that once elected, these councillors barely communicate with those who elected them.  Otherwise, how could they not know of the outrage? Was it because they only talk to the great unwashed during campaigns, during which they  kept the issue as low key and secret as possible until after the election … and even then, it took The Magpie to fully expose the rort.

Greaney is just one councillor who has ignored the avalanche of emails received, protesting the idea.

If the plan goes ahead, the fallout is going to interesting indeed.

But if it is rescinded, and other ways are found to cover Strand maintenance costs, which Richardson says is the ‘user pays’ reason for the meters in the first place. His, and Greaney’s argument about the need to create much needed churn and turnover in spaces is utter, absolute and complete fucking bullshit … The ‘Pie has made a point of driving along the Strand every day at various times throughout the past two weeks (The Nest is nearby), and there has never been less than 127 spaces always available between the Rockpool and Tobruk pool every single day . And remember, the expensive out-of-town consultants who initially recommended this cash grab did not do a single community survey – business or residential –  on the issue. Not a single word, not a single question. Transparency and accountability my cloaca.

Since The ‘Pie is starting to come to the conclusion that our rorting, con man mayor and certain arrogant councillors deserve each other, so while they are at loggerheads, it is with a certain amount of nasty glee that The Magpie notes should the matter be rescinded,  the councillors will find themselves agreeing with the populist bandwagon jumping mayor, who has always opposed the proposal.

So, you ask, The Magpie now thinks TwoNames Thompson is OK? He may be right on this issue by sniffing the populist wind (without the merest thought to an alternative Strand funding source)  but if you think The ‘Pie has softened on this out and out fraudster, read on.

But Before You Do That …

Instead of tomorrow’s ‘off the reservation’ meeting, why doesn’t this ‘transparent’ council consider a great innovation to keep the public better engaged with the governance of their city – an idea  won’t interfere with their hallway politicking.

The ‘Pie was surprised, and honestly a bit put off, when the Wednesday meeting was given a flute recital by an albeit very talented young woman.  She was introduced by Clr Robinson, who extolled her talent and her future, which is no doubt deservedly bright. (She is Ms Jorja Pilkington, you may be hearing of her again.)

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.After she had delightfully tooted her flute for a longish recital, the good councillor Robinson promised more of the same in the near future from some other aspiring youngsters. One wonders if he has a budding Marcel Marceau, maybe a magician pulling government grants out of a hat, or a stand-up comedian hiding just off stage with one liners ready to shame resident arseclown Brady Ellis.

But is it appropriate activity for council chambers currently engaged in extremely serious matters, one of which has created uproar across Townsville (even Robinson described Ms  Pilkington’s interlude ‘the calm before the storm’ . Oh, yukety yuk, good one, mate.

Before considering the following, The ‘Pie makes it clear that no government at any lev el can govern by referendum on every decision they have to make. But this off-the-wall flute interlude raised a genuinely positive proposition, and one which would not require our representatives to be skulking around to closed cafes to debate public issues.

Could the council not pass a resolution that if an issue is obviously divisive in the community,  or maybe just unusually innovative, and attracts a set minimum number of petitioners to the council’s E-Petition website (let’s say maybe a thousand or two) then the petitioning group can apply to have a spokesperson address the council from the podium where TCC executives, prayful wafflers and flautists currently inhabit. 

This is a serious proposition where protagonists can eyeball each other, but it is not suggested to be a two-way debate, just a time-limited opportunity (say, three minutes) to appeal directly to the councillors. Just imagine if, say,  Chamber of Commerce president Miranda Mears had been able to make her opinion of the parking meters being a slap in the face to business, instead of just saying so in the paper and this blog. Or Bishop Timothy Harris,  businessman Craig Stack or a spokesperson for the health professional, all parties who oppose the meters, could speak directly to the councillors.  It is an excellent way of bringing coherent and politely argued public opinion to the chamber.  And widen councillors sometimes blinkered thinking.

Many of our glittering elected  won’t like the idea of their ivory tower being breeched by commoners (unless they play the flute), but The Magpie suggests you all drop the fucking attitude,  councillors, and listen properly to the people who put your well-paid arses in to the comfy seats you occupy, in order to represent them..

If you don’t, shut your lying gobs about transparency and accountability. And get Clr Robinson to round up a banjo player for your enjoyment.

Thompson”s Aim Is Now Crystal Clear – A Big Payout From The Public Purse

from comments last Wednesday.

The Magpie
17,673 approved
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If there was any lingering doubt, it has been dispelled by today’s council meeting that Troy Thompson is driving a deliberate campaign of disruption of the council while presenting himself as a victim of unfair treatment. But all he has done is create a personal cesspit of despicable behaviour that has no place in the governance of this city.

This booze-bloomed egomaniac broke cover today towards end of a long council meeting, in the most pompous and disrespectful manner possible … without saying a word.

Clr Kristian Price rose to make a statement in which he said he had been defamed by the mayor’s personal Facebook postings on which the mayor implied he was one of three unnamed councillors whom the mayor accused …without offering a shred of proof … had taken bribes from acting CEO Joe McCabe in relation to the vote on a permanent appointment to the role.

Price agreed he had been on a yacht trip which had included the acting CEO Joe McCabe, but there was nothing sinister about it.

“I accepted the yacht trip as part of the Townsville Multisport World Championships, which you (Thompson) were initially invited to participate in. As you could not attend, the invite then followed standard procedures to find a representative, which meant the invite was offered to the deputy mayor, then the divisional councillor and finally other available councillors.”
“So in fact, me on the yacht was to represent council as a direct result of you, and your inability, to attend.”

Price ended by demanding an apology and the offending post, still up at the time of his statement, be removed.

Throughout this sometimes emotional recitation of the situation (Price is no public orator), Thompson had the effrontery to actually grin smugly from time to time, fiddle with his phone, write and generally look amused at the discomfort Clr Price said he had suffered, which included being shirt-fronted in the street by people questioning his integrity.

And in response, Thompson trotted out one of the many versions of cowardly commercial in confidence camouflages available in local government, delivered with all the insincere smarm he could muster.–

“I have been contacted by the OIA and I’ve asked for it to be reopened and reinvestigated with other items, so I can’t comment any further on that but thank you for bringing that to the attention of the meeting,” Mr Thompson said.

All this from a man who wants to be a leader, and once boasted during his lying election campaign “I will bring councillors around to my way of doing things.”

Thank Christ that hasn’t happened.

So Thompson has done a Trump, and refused to accept the umpire’s decision, and do the decent thing.

Colour The Magpie completely unsurprised.

TCC Media Releases – Weird Or Subversively Subtle.

Not surprisingly, The ‘Pie regularly checks in on TCC media releases, which are often just news stories they lift because they somehow relate to the council. But the media goblins had The Magpie stumped at first when they reprinted this one (which appears to have been removed since last Wednesday) then he greatly tickled when he thought about it..

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There cannot be any connection between the issue that has raised throwing arms of some old cranky guts in Atlanta, Georgia, and the operations of the Townsville City Council in Queensland, Australia. But then, is this just the Walker Street website goblins suggesting there is an almost non-violent way which we here in God’s Zone could express our feelings on certain issues.

The Magpie does not see this being received well by the sacred elected, but maybe they’d get the message if we substituted the ping pong balls with cricket balls.

 Funnily Enough, Here’s A Story Those Goblins Didn’t Pass On

Are you listening, David Crisafulli?  Mark Richardson? Ma Greaney?

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The TCC may have to rethink their impersonal ways of raiding your wallet, no matter what the Strand outcome.

But while we’re in number plate territory,  maybe there’s gold back thar in the dark recesses at the back of your shed.

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And while we’re about, we;ve always known that the military has a dark sense of humour, especially for unpleasant tasks, but The ‘Pie thinks the cops have gone over the top a bit with this number plate spotted in the Coles, North Ward car park during the week.  Is this some sort of messaging gone wrong, it sure doesn’t look right.

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Quote of the Week:

And the winner is …. our old mate and the Bulletins pet economic poodle, Colin Dwyer!!

There is an old saying that if you put two economists in a room together, you will end up with three opinions. This came to mind when reading this mind-numbing, and ultimately pointless,  story on the Astonisher’s website.

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The three economists were arguing over these statistics.

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… with Adjunct Prof Colin  Dwyer saying things were dire (jobs down by 2500, unemployment up), and Clayton Cook of TPS Human Capital offered no actual opinion or analysis, but quoted stats that supported Dwyer.

But one of North Queensland’s most consistently sensible economists, Conus Business Consultancy boss Peter Faulkner, directly disagreed with the Dwyer’s assessment “because it was not based on seasonally adjusted  figures, which showed ‘employment was actually up 4500 for the year to July and 700 in the past quarter’.

But Mr Dwyer (sorry, Adjunct Professor) Dwyer was having none of it, he’d done his in-depth research. He told the Astonisher:

“My data was supported by what he saw on the ground in Townsville in July.

“I could see that cafes and restaurants weren’t as busy, and those particular business owners were telling me that they weren’t busy and that they were putting staff off,” he said. It was a cost of living issue … having to pay higher electricity costs … higher insurance, and there were fewer customers coming through the doors.”

Which, Col, old mate, is the equivalent of the man from the weather bureau looking out the window and making a forecast.

Perhaps you’re on a caffeine high?

In The USA, Just Another Week Of The New Normal

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As usual, there’s a great deal of scepticism surrounding this ‘attempted assassination’ hokum. The story is pretty implausible, but hey, welcome to Trump’s America 2024. At least the cartoonists have been well fed.

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Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 11.14.12 amBut The Dark Humour Of The USA Was Suddenly Eclipsed By Israel’s Surprise Tech Tactic 

Intercepting shipments of terrorist bulk orders for walkie talkies, pagers and other devices, loading them with small explosive charges that can be set off by remote signal,  and pressing the button on Lebanon-based terrorists was as unexpected as it was unusual. It certainly was for the Hezbollah mob. The Israeli’s have done this before with individual phones, but every jewish businessman knows wholesale is the way to go. Some innocent people – if there is such a person on either side in the medieval middle east – died in the scattered small explosions. Unforgivably, this included a number of children.  But it seem social media certainly approved of the terrorists getting a bit of their own. Photoshoppers, cartoonists and tweeters had a field day. Including Spooner in the Oz.

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And this one sums the exact effect the IDF was aiming for. Mental health in this region has always been a maybe thing, but this is likely to drive the entire population up the wall.

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And there was this. You know you shouldn’t laugh but you will. The punchline is rubbing salt into the ummm … rectum.

(Hope the link works for you, there has been some dispute about ownership of this little masterpiece.)


That’s it for the week. Keep an eye on comments, we’ll see if we can get any intel on tomorrow parking meter meeting. Meanwhile, comments are alive and kicking … mostly kicking … your welcome to lace up the bovver boots and join in, it is, as always and ever, free. The Donation button to assist with much needed costs for this weekly ad-free site is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. mike douglas says:

    latest newspoll has Miles Government losing 20 seats including 5 ministers and the election . Wheels have fallen off locally with Scott Stewart blaming Phil Thompson ( hasnt been in Government since May 2022 ) for Magnetic island outage when the culprit was two streets away Walker street . Les and Jenny Sun Metals show and Aron meltdowns on social media and theres still 34 days until the election . Acting Ceo Joe McCabe closed door updates Lansdown ( Team Hills election priority ) / North Rail Yards . Does Joe have ex Team Hill Councillors votes + Aaron Harpers campaign manager Dirou for the Ceo job vs transparency of the residents of Townsville .

  2. OED says:

    They should permanently ditch the prayers before the council meetings and replace them with a short musical recital, after all, “music has charms to soothe a savage breast.”

  3. Autocorrect says:

    Mr Pie, just for your information “Major” is Matt* Richardson not Mark.

    Others within council call him “Mao Ze-Richardson” because of his fetching coiffe

  4. David Thoumine says:

    Hi Magpie
    With regards to the parking fines and receiving notification of the infringement and fine in the post some time later, are we to assume that receiving a speed camera fine in the post some time later after the event does not pass the commonsense test either.

  5. Ring of Confidence says:

    Has anyone seen the mailout done by the LNP with Baillie and Crissafulli’s picture on it side by side?

    Clearly the picture of Crissafulli looks like it’s been doctored by moving his already thin lips to an almost impossible position, to reveal a near perfect set of pearly whites he doesn’t have, not perfect anyway.

    And if it isn’t that, for both him and Baillie, there is that old trick of wiping your top deck dry to keep your lip up leaving Baillie squinting that hard you think he doesn’t have confidence in his ring and doesn’t know if the fart he is slowly squeezing out is a dry one .

    As for Stewart and Harper they just put the LUMP in LUMPENPROLETARIAT.

    • The Magpie says:

      Pointlessly uninformative, but thanks anyway.

    • False pretences says:

      So based on your opinion does that mean you were also unhappy with the doctored images that Jenny hill used throughout the last 3 elections? Team hill campaign posters showing short haired brunette with no wrinkles? Big difference from the person wearing the white vest outside during an interview with wind blowing her rats nest everywhere for local disaster approaching? I’m sure magpie or others have plenty of examples to post?

  6. Sean says:

    How much revenue is budgeted to be collected each year from the Strand parking tolls? Deduct Council staff costs, installation, repairs and maintenance, credit card charges, admin charges, and what is the real number. Then add the hourly costs to prepare the paper for the installation, the ongoing arguments, the councillors costs of time and effort, and see if it is worthwhile. Nah. It is rubbish. Terminate the staff who proposed the idea add the net effect of real dollars in the hand is the same.

  7. Jeff, Condon says:

    Can’t help thinking if Mossad’s sabotage of Hezbollah’s pagers and radios was inspired by the Goon Show saga – “Tales of Mens’ Shirts”.

  8. Pat Coleman says:

    So, the parking meters are because of a $6mil shortfall. So, let’s look at CTH and state government funding possibilities to local councils. What if there was more money to grant to councils, and where could have that money come from?

    The defence Dept has wasted hundreds of billions . Every royal commission caused by the failures of the CTH costs hundreds of millions and so does the compo. Failure to address climate change issues already costs billions in fighting worse fires and depletes state and council funds across the country in repairing infrastructure etc. Making the public service tender for their own work costs lots more when you take into account parasitic corporations are out to suck us dry. And much more.

    At the state level, much of the same , the cost of Damettos shoot em dead law inquiry and related wages and time and defending the invalidity in the courts later . The failure to put energy infrastructure underground or harden it in cyclone prone areas costs in repairs and lost productivity. Lost taxes through wages and GST etc. Allowing development on flood plains too. Taking proceeds of crime donations from the gambling and hotels mafia and allowing them tax breaks and to keep their licences costs the police budget chasing organised crime. And much more.

    At the council level , they could cut funding to TEL and the local government association who like Palmer , siphon it off to make political donations. If councils stopped all their bent shit and dickhead shenanigans there wouldn’t be so many injuries that cost money. That’s all well over $6mil.

  9. Burnt Brows says:

    Economists : I stopped listening to anything Colin Dwyer had to say years ago. Strand Parking Meters : utter waste of time, do it properly and put toll gates on all entrances to the Strand.

  10. How do they get away with it says:

    Is this another example of Harper’s twisting the truth: 2 signs on Riverway Drive misleadingly states: Allambie Lane to Dunlop St. Duplicate to 4 lanes. The facts are of the 3.1 km of Riverway Drive
    only 1.6 km is being duplicated and 1.5km is getting only safety upgrades. This is costing Aussie taxpayers 95 MILLION DOLLARS and won’t be completed till 2026. Who is auditing the tender process’s?

  11. Prince Rollmop says:

    A bit off topic but this is a priceless clip of Kerry Packer in his heyday. Everything he said several decades ago remains true today. Our taxpayer money is being pissed against the wall. At a local level our ratepayer money is being pissed against the wall. Rules, regulations and laws are being increased while old laws are never repealed. Red tape is burdensome and government ineptitude is stifling our economy. TCC has mismanaged ratepayer funds for god knows how long, to the point where they desperately implement the Strand parking meters to earn a few extra shekels which won’t put a de t in our ballooning debt.


  12. Super Cecil the seaside. Sailor says:

    Not a bad blog this week. Some sobering facts. A bit of comedy. Some interesting tidbits. Gets my approval.

  13. Miss Happy says:

    Thank you for the blog Mr Pie, are you able to (or interested in) attending the Strand parking event tomorrow?

    I note the council petitions and the last organised rally did not amount to any success for the community. Do you have hopes this will be able to make a difference?

    • The Magpie says:

      You might be wrong about the petitions and rally not having any effect … they could be part of the reason, along with the deluge of emails to councillors opposing the idea for the Monday meeting … which, when you think about it, is extraordinary in itself. Nothing remotely like it has happened before with the council that The ‘Pie knows of.

      • Miss Happy says:

        I am remaining hopeful. Looking forward to hearing if anything comes from the meeting tomorrow.

        • Jess says:

          After the ‘HR’ issue being addressed, there’s a Matt Richardson brainwashing session going on, before the meeting. For all intents and purposes, I’d say they’ve all been given their song sheet…. It would seem team Joe are trying to control the parking narrative. I hope the locals give it too the councillors and mayor.

  14. Elisabeth says:

    Another week and more diatribe from the Magpie. You just can’t help yourself can you, sticking the knife into Troy. Get over it mate. Jenny is gone and Troy is a much better replacement. His term in office will outlive you mate. Sheesh

  15. Guy says:

    My dream is one day the bulldozers and a wrecking ball will be used to level the concrete bunker at walker Street. Presumably a warning should be sent via the TCC customer feedback page.

  16. Oliver says:

    Parking meters are a revenue grab, nothing more. Brady ‘fun dad’ Ellis has proven time and again he needs to leave. As he said, he’s not worried if he loses his job, he’s just an upstart, mouthpiece. The fact many in his electorate do t know him says a lot. Voted for meters. Voted against residents on the fence, voted for trees to go at cluden, voted for the 5.1% increase and removal of 5% of the early payment discount, done nothing. But he did give out zoppers at election time…… please resign

  17. Mopey says:

    Just heard that on the island at the MIRRA meeting they voted for Ann Marie to resign, a vote of no confidence was put up. I’d suggest the same applies from business owners on the strand, Gregory st and the CBD. Cracks are getting bigger!

    • The Magpie says:

      Fat chance that’ll happen.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Sack the lot. New election.

      • Mopey says:

        No point sacking council, it’s the operations that need a clean sweep, full of yes people, and 1700 is far too many, less chairs more boots!

    • Jenny says:

      Mopey, the MIRRA meeting did not vote for Ann Marie to resign. The only vote was for office bearers – it was an AGM. You were not there so you don’t have a clue. Why don’t you attend the Strand meeting and find out something for yourself first hand?

      • Mopey says:

        It was noted on record at MIRRA, that Ann Maree should resign, I’m hearing it’ll be raised again next meeting too, Ann Maree is too scared to come of her own accord, she’ll bring attack dogs, as she has no backbone, she’s a real jellyfish!

        • The Magpie says:

          Well, being invited to be just hectored and lectured by a baying mob is a pointless exercise anyway. And a sensible thing to avoid. Everybody on the island seems to hav e up their minds to sink the slipper, so why would she show up, it won’t be a two way conversation, will it? (Don’t lie, now.)

        • Big Mac says:

          Isn’t MIRRA a bunch of cranks anyway?

    • Jenny says:

      Keep dreaming Moped. The council won’t resign because there is no need for it to do so. The Councillors are kicking goals, getting on with the job, talking to the community and problem solving. Aim your blows elsewhere my strange friend.

      • Mopey says:

        Jenny, I’m not sure what you’re seeing, but all I see is a car park at 103 Walker street full of councillors cars. Training wheels are off and yet this mob is still needing babysitting. I’d love to know what getting on with the job means, as the community has a different view from where we are sitting. Councillors are on the teat, comfortable doing very little. In fact, their office staff do all the legwork, return emails etc, what are they doing?
        Nothing I’d suggest.

      • Tropical cyclone says:

        I don’t know what council you are looking at. They are a joke. The right thing to do is sack the lot and have another election. The sooner the better

        • Mopey says:

          I’m not sure that would give us anything either. In my experience, the council, CEO down call the shots, do the sneaky stuff behind closed doors. I heard a few good CEOs pulled out, that means we lost out again, the place needs an Adele the impaler type clean out!

  18. On Two Wheels says:

    Does anyone have an update on the development on Castle Hill off Stanley St west and Yarrawonga Drive?
    The last time I was in town , there were 3 excavators gnawing away at the hill. The word now is that the developer has gone broke and left a big mess.

  19. Ball bag says:

    Only a few weeks to go now until the LNP take over Queenslands affairs. Have Harpic, Messagebank, and Cupcake lined up new jobs yet? They should because their gravy train is just about to run out of steam. It’s going to be interesting in Townsville with these 3 muppets gone. Jenny was also given the boot and the TSV CEO left so the groundwork has been set for some positive change. And if the current idiot Mayor gets rolled, things will be even better.

    • The Magpie says:

      Previous reports that Messagebank is thinking of trying a Lazarus with the TCC. Now those reports have been bolstered by a Labor insider telling The Magpie that Les is toying with the idea of a tilt at mayor ‘in the near future’. That would suggest that Brisbane hasn’t yet finished with our fraudster mayor just yet.

      • I'm also Scoop says:

        Word is the people of the Hinchinbrook state electorate may also face a by-election depending on when (not if) a mayoral election takes place.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        Choices, choices. Either a barely coherent punch-drunk clown, or a barely coherent idiot conman clown. Hope the ballot has a “none of the above” option.

      • Chris says:

        Caretaker in 7 days, and the mayor has 7 days to respond in any event, like the local elections, it’s too late now, it’ll be after the state election for sure.

    • Jenny says:

      Bb, no state government of any political stripe will do anything about the Townsville mayoralty until the CCC reports. And even if they report before the state election it is extremely unlikely that the incumbent government would do anything about it. If there is a change of government, any report from the CCC would have to be seriously damning (ie. pointing to criminality) before the new government will touch it. I think we will just have to get used to having Mayor Thompson in the chair and 10 divisional councillors manoeuvring around him as best they can for the rest of his term ie. push will not come to shove. The thereby isolated mayor will become a figurehead doing what figureheads do – tea and scones, ribbon cutting, kissing babies, staying out of the way. It could be worse.

  20. Sancus says:

    I hope you are well. I have been reading your posts for some time with interesting takes on some subject matters. I have attached below some verse which I hope amuses you. If you don’t think its worth posting no problem’s. Sorry about the name I chose it might be a little over kill but again just a bit of fun. Keep well.

    On the 10th of April Troy got elected and now has the position of Mayor,
    But 30% of the vote did not turn up it seems quite few didn’t really care,
    And since that election day some untruths from his campaign have been detected,
    Troy stamps his foot and insists he leads this city as he was democratically elected.

    As we unravel the sad truth of this man’s life,
    It turns out to be just a string of failures and strife,
    For the first 2 weeks everything looked fine,
    Then ANZAC Day came around and Troy found he had some hills to climb,
    The Questions abounded what service had he done,
    And as it turned out practically none,
    O sure he did enlist and a cook’s course he did attend,
    But being part of Signals and the SAS that was all pretend.

    Troy gets up and says none of us are perfect and we are all bound to make a few mistakes,
    Besides I have had 100 concussions from all my football games plus a couple of fights with my mates,
    But the trouble with that one is there is no data to verify the claim,
    With only 2 senior seasons at Centrals and those games where really pretty tame,
    Then there were the degrees from 2 universities he forgot he didn’t do,
    And the Fraud, Bankruptcies and DV breaches really put him in the poo.

    He has written to all 10 councillors with 19 points of demand,
    And if they don’t comply in 24 hours there sacking he has planned,
    Then there are the 3 who he says did take a bribe,
    But after a full investigation that also turned out to be a lie,
    Let’s not forget about suing the council that he tried to hide from me and you,
    But an email turned up and proved it to be true.

    Just quietly we need to remember it is less than 6 months since he got in,
    And now he is trying to throw the entire council block into the bin,
    Is this the way to manage one of the state’s greatest cities,
    The fact he is still there is such a great pity,
    I am not sure if in my heart I can continue with this rhyme,
    Something about this surely must be a crime.

  21. Alahazbin says:

    I see Penny ‘ping pong’ has told Australians ??? to leave Lebanon immediately. She forgot to tell them to leave their paging devices behind.

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, I dunno ….

    • Burnt Brows says:

      I wonder if they will start banning pagers on commercial airlines? Seriously.

    • White Mouse says:

      Alah – if any Aussies were carrying pagers, DFAT would have confirmed the injury/death of citizens by now. Seriously though, anyone who has travelled to Lebanon or Israel in the last 11 months needs to have their head read. It is an uneasy truce at the best of times and now is definitely not the best of times.

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      Australians my arse!

      These pricks are Lebanonese with dual Australian citizenship for insurance purposes.

      They have fuckall interest in this country except as a place of refuge that cannot be denied to them when things turn pear shaped in their shithole country, as it regularly does.

      This wrought came to light when Malcolm Fraser was PM and Australian citizenship was relatively easy to get. War in Beirut and, to the surprise of the Australian Government tens of thousands of “Australian citizens” put their hands up for government funded evacuation to London. Not sure of the exact number but between 40,000 and 50,000. As a result the path to Australian citizenship is far more exacting. Regardless the damage has been done and the descendants of Muhammad Bin Shister still have fraudulent Australian citizenship.

      • The Magpie says:

        One takes it that you have a degree in the hunanties from the same university from which Troy Thompson graduated.

        • Rotten Luck Willie says:

          Absolutely not.
          There is a fine line between being charitable and being played for a chump.
          In the 1970s Australian foreign policy, complete with rose coloured glasses, was played for a chump by wealthy Lebanese.

        • Rotten Luck Willie says:

          Bin Shister.
          Got it now.
          Sorry about the failed humor detector.

  22. Gareth says:

    Just saw Chris Burns talking to the mayor at Mello. Wonder what the story on tomorrow’s front page will be? Parking? Dredging? The mayor didn’t seem too concerned, he’s looking very comfortable actually,

  23. Jess says:

    What’s going on at 2pm at TCC chambers?

    A meeting, a HR matter, will the mayor show up?

    Will the CEO be there?

    Just heard it’s a very secretive discussion, meaning councillors have blabbed again…. Hahaha

    • Marco says:

      What was it about? Did anyone ask? Last minute, must’ve been a problem, anyone know?

    • Ball bag says:

      Perhaps Twonames has called a ‘team meeting’ in which he will tell the Councillors that they must be obedient and subservient to him, do as he tells them etc. After all he who has a plastic face likes to be in command.

  24. Stand Parking says:

    Interesting meeting about the Strand Parking. Hosted by Craig Stack at Tide Cafe, the Mayor and all 10 Councillors plus Matt Richardson (acting Director of infrastructure) was in attendance. The meeting was full of some great comments from us owners and we certainly made them aware of our concerns. Whether or not they listened is a different story.

    Matt Richardson spoke on behalf of Council for quite some time, and was for lack of a better term very poor at demonstrating a good reason as to why the meters should go ahead. He even tried to spin some poor story that lack of parking was the reason Red Rooster North Ward closed down. A blatant lie that he was corrected on.

    Councillor Mooney spoke and tried to say parking was a good thing and division Councillor Greaney being her division got quite upset when us owners became quite vocal. A direct message to Greaney as she won’t be any help when our businesses fail as a direct result. She better believe we will be even more upset then. After a parking structure was suggested Councilor Greaney even quoted a song “They paved paradise and put up a parking lot”. She is so disconnected from reality and will hopefully not get reelected for her division again.

    The Mayor was the only one who provided any sort of option and has said he will be putting in another motion to pause the meters.

    Councillor Robinson who didn’t have the decency to learn Craig’s name, started quoting god knows what, and Starbucks. Just pure dribble that had no relevance to Townsville.

    From there councillor Rehbine and Jacob backed the Mayor and confirmed there is hope.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Disband the council and have a new election. It’s great the business owners had their say but it’s the people who will have to pay the meter and we have not had our say. 2 Dixks is just playing the popular game he is only concerned with saving his neck and causing division. (so far he has been successful). The council has become a festering puss-ridden wound and needs to be lanced. Dare is ay it but i wish Jenny was back. “there I said it.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Excellent summary, appreciated.

    • Critical says:

      Correct me if I’m incorrect but was Red Rooster North Ward in Eyre Street where the Bakehouse on Eyre now is and Red Rooster North Ward closed down a number of years ago. If I’m correct then I’m stuffed how this Red Rooster has any bearing on the Strand parking issue.

      A few years ago council paid for many staff gto undertake the IPA3 certificate in community engagement so why can’t these staff, if they haven’t all fled council employment, undertake the community engagement activities and save the ratepayers dollars. The IPA3 certificate is recognised by Queensland government and LGAQ and internationally.

    • Molly9 says:

      A simple way to balance the TCC books, sell off the Lansdowne ‘not going anywhere’ so called eco- industrial precinct. Interesting watching the rapid development of the industrial/transport happening on the Port Road. Obviously organised and run by people who know what they are doing. The Lansdowne mess is in exactly the place as the ‘ new’ pipeline that may, one day, improve this city’s water capacity, ie, going nowhere. Get rid of this debacle of Jenny Hill’s hubris for once and for all.

    • Mike lewis says:

      And you actually believed what came out of that lying sack of shits mouth. If you recall he only jumped on it when he was allowed back into walker street. Im sure he was well aware of what was going on. Only person that ever supported him was his geisha girlfriend.

      • Grumpy says:

        Fuck me, Mike – you now have a legion of dainty little Japanese lasses coming for you with sharpened knives. You insult an ancient tradition.

  25. Alahazbin says:

    Two names latest.

    Whilst Council voted democratically 6 to 5 votes for paid parking, tonight we met the business owners and landlords from the Strand and surrounds and it’s clear this needs to go back for reconsideration.

    At the next Ordinary Council Meeting I plan to move a motion to pause the implementation of parking across the city until proper community consultation and outcomes have been delivered before Council.

    This will ensure the Townsville community has been heard, and consultation is completed with the greater community.

    Thank you to those businesses and landlords for your honesty. To the wider community of Townsville, what do you want to see?

    I propose, pause it for 3 months, and allow the community to tell us what should happen, either through surveys or directly. Then put forward options to full council, this is too important to get wrong.

    • The Magpie says:

      Predictable from TwoNames (in fact, that is exactly what The Magpie predicted when the meeting was first proposed), and there’s always the problem of over-confident overreach when your motivation is just populism, adopting a popular complaintt without offering any solution.

      For starters, widening the issue to all metered parking across the city will bog us down in all sorts of expensive and drawn out shit … you can bet there’ll be a queue of consultants with their hands out. The price rise is no biggy, any sensible person knows, and Thompson would be more believable if he tendered some solutions for debate rather than just saying it needs to be re-examined.

      But there is only one issue here: parking meters on the Strand, the opposiion is universal. Other areas such as Pimlico don’t carry the same widespread community concern.

      SO, MAYOR TWONAMES, IF YOU WANT METERED PARKING RE-EXAMINED, AND OPPOSE IT AS IT IS, SAY WHAT INSTEADYOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE HAPPEN. Real leadership is knocking something down to create something instead.

      Christ on a bike, you are one white knight sitting astride your charger on a hilltop urging the common folk to fight among themselves, then ride down and claim you support the winners all along.

      That’s not leadership, that’s you trying to create a popularity contest. (And good luck with that.)

      This issue has been shown as a massive and divisive blunder by the council, so, Mr Mayor, with all respect, The Magpie makes the serious suggestion first put out in this week’s Nest. Urge groups like the Chamber of Commerce, health professionals, affected business people, a local residents group who will be severely affected by the chnage, and maybe an inter-faith grouping to all choose a spokesperson, each hammer out a workshopped three minute presentation, and invite those four (or more if other join the fray) to address a council meeting in the near future. Why not afford them the privilege so wrongly given to Aaron Harper to use a council meeting for election campaigning on a matter that affected relatively fewer people.

      Let the residents and all those who represent their various interests tell their concerns to the councillors faces.

      That is, after that thought disordered impresario Clr ‘Chuckles’ Robinson has introduced his latest offering of some opening mood music, a banjo player plucking a selection from Deliverance.

      • Huh? says:

        Didn’t they put out a timeline of when the meters are going in? At the end of the year? Isn’t that 3 or so months away? So two names gets to claim those 3 months as a delay he had a hand in and it goes ahead anyway? He ought to sell carbon credits or water licence savings.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Since Thompson is so adamant about honesty these days he should consider going one step further. Since there has been such public outrage about is dishonesty, he should step down as Mayor, let there be public consultation by way of an election and allow the community to tell us what should happen.

        • Mopey says:

          First the operations team needs a clean out, it’s pretty clear which side runs the show, operations, not councillors. A mass clean out, then a new election, or it’ll be more of the same.

    • The Magpie says:

      Have just posted 2 comments on Thompson’s FB page at 8.48pm. Let’s see how long they last.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        I went and took a look and I couldn’t see your comments. It would seem that our ‘democratic’ Mayor doesn’t really believe in the democratic process after all because if he did, he would let your comments stay visible. He is a complete horses ass.

        • Jenny says:

          The Magpie doesn’t post half the comments he gets. Don’t see you complaining about that. At the end of the day our Mayor is actually fighting against the other Councillors who voted for the parking meters, yet you people who hate him so much still take issue with him.

      • Mopey says:

        OMFG he answered your post, but I only see one. Better than a double delete I guess!

      • Jatzcrackers says:

        Still up at 9:20pm and you got a garbled reply from the fuckwit !

        • The Magpie says:

          Apparently, we wouldn’t need parking meters if we hadn’t been lumbered with an $80m shortfall in funding for the pipeline.

          This bloke isn’t a serious person, as I told him … don’t know if the comment staye duplong … another one was deleted at 9.15.

          • Jenny says:

            What is your point on this one Pie? To help the fight against the meters or to continue your vendetta against the mayor. He is on our side on this one. Never look a gift horse in the mouth. We need to help educate, nay, convince the other councillors to vote with the mayor. This is the only way parking meters will not go ahead.

          • The Magpie says:

            “We need to help educate, nay, convince the other councillors to vote with the mayor.” !!??!!

            “Educate, nay convince the councillors” is your solution, you tinpot authoritarian commissar? Echos of Con Man The Barbarians campaign explanation of why he wasn’t running a team, that he would make councillors come around to his way of doing things.

            We need to do NO SUCH THING, the mayor is irrelevant and insincere in this one, what we need is business people, the Chamber, residents, health professionals, and religious groups to convince the councillors to acknowledge they were wrong on the Strand issue, and bow to the will of the people. Not the will of a game playing populist con man mayor.

            And vendetta, “a prolonged and bitter quarrel with someone”? What quarrel, this isn’t a quarrel, it is staunchly standing behind the unanswerable fact that this criminal-minded fraud, bolstered by his secret agenda cohort, is by any measure no fit person to be in charge of this city. Thompson hopes through the destabilising action of enablers like you, Jeering Jenny, we will forget, or give up demanding honesty and truth in our civic leaders.

            That immoral campaign is never going to succeed as like as this bird’s cloaca points to the ground.

            You should live in fear that your identity is never revealed, you will have trouble living with the public ignominy of your indecent, deceptive and antisocial behaviour. Unless of course you are actually Thompson, in which case it is already a done deal.

          • Big Denny says:

            Thompson is a joke. He has brought nothing but disunity to Council and bad publicity. The scary thing is that this fruitcake thinks he has done no wrong! Nobody is going to want to invest in our region while this clown is at the helm.

          • Grumpy says:

            He also seems to think that water supply is not a function of council. Why, then, am I paying for water in my rates?

          • The Magpie says:

            The weirdness of this argument is mystifying to say the least – conflating the pipeline with parking meters is loopiness on a new level … and one suspects were in for more of the same unsuccessful scramble to sound like a leadership innovator. Eagerly awaiting more for this thought disordered political pratfaller to step on more trapdoors.

            Here’s how the F B conversation went down. The separate comment is the one that was deleted (last I looked).

            … and this one bit the dust, don’t know why.

          • Jenny says:

            As soon as someone goes against the Pie he accuses them of being Thompson. Nope sorry not him. Just a supporter like majority of Townsville

          • The Magpie says:

            Ah, at last, no longer any need for you to write pretend comments making out your just regular folks with a popintnof view.

            At least you’ve had the decency to admit you’re a Thompson enabler.

  26. Mike Douglas says:

    $9 bil Queensland Government budget blow out with extra $2 bil Olympics venues the worst blowout since Anna Bligh was Premier . CMFEU ” best practice ” deal on State Government projects $109 mil + set to add $ bils more . Townsville / Cairns / Mackay hospital upgrades extra $1.2 bil + . Kirwan Health upgrade lays dormant awaiting another Tier 1 builder . Big Rocks Weir delayed along with many other commitments from Les , Aaron , Scott . $2 bil committed to Regional Queensland by Treasurer Dick gone in blow outs .

  27. Island Voice says:

    Here’s a thought why doesn’t council get Joni Mitchell over here to perform Yellow Taxi at the next council meeting.
    Shouldn’t cost too much and madam Greaney can be the backup singer.
    No one wants the parking meters just like no Nelly Bay residents want the stinking dredge material dumped next to residential properties.
    And the bullshit of 8 times more expensive to take it over the hill to Picnic Bay and put it at the former green waste site which has no adjoining residential property. Is just that- bullshit and this council is full of it.
    Is it any wonder the residents are restless .

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s an interesting point, although not sure that that was mentioned as an alternative which would cost eight times as much. We all know the price of fuel can be ruinous, but a short hop a few kms on the island to a more appropriate site ain’t gunna even be twice the cost of fuel … and there’s nothing else to cost-add to a an already loaded and ready to go dump truck.

      As The ‘Pie recalls, (haven’t yet checked), the 8x cost involved moving the spoil off the island, the cost of shipping and truck transport and both ends making the multiple seem a reasonable estimate.

      Give on more on your alternative site, is that one behind the (very tricky) 5th hole on the golf course? Why not formally seek a reply on costings for this site? And why kits not considered appropriate if it has been considered.

      • Island Voice says:

        It was Captain Cupcake who said ‘the Nelly Bay site was eight times cheaper for ratepayers than the council’s proposed alternatives’.
        A spokesperson for council said’The Kelly St site was the only feasible location to manage the material on Magnetic Island.
        The old green waste site is adjacent to the old dump at Picnic Bay. Residents have asked council but council has rejected the location with out any real explanation – let alone costings.
        Land owners at the harbour pay much higher rates to council for the maintenance of the harbour.
        Of interest is the EIS states the Hurst St site and all sand must be returned to the beach.
        Council have just chosen the cheapest – without any consideration to residents.

    • David P says:

      IV, not only do residents object to the ‘dredge spoil treatment heavy industry’ being permanently located in Council green zone community space in the middle of Nelly Bay, many can’t understand why the spoil is being brought on shore at all. Over the past 12-18 months we have watched the Townsville Port Expansion Project dredge widening and deepening the Cleveland Bay channel and harbour area with all the spoil produced being dumped inside a multi-million dollar purpose-built reclaim area next to the Port. The contractor supporting the dredge and transporting that spoil in barges is the same contractor lined up to do the work inside Nelly Bay harbour. They know the ropes. They have the equipment. The Nelly Bay harbour is within the Townsville Port limits so the government calls the shots. And in due course the state will need to dredge its own area of responsibility within the Nelly Bay harbour – the ferry and barge swing basin and the approaches to the public boat ramp there. Why is the state planning to dump its polluted spoil on land in Nelly Bay when it has taxpayer-funded, purpose-built and currently functioning offloading facilities at the Townsville Port ready to use for this very operation?

      • The Magpie says:

        No doubt at any greater cost.

        Very good question raised there, and it really does demand an answer.

        what’s the betting Mayor TwoNames suddenly asks the question himself, he’s always good for a late entrance on issues he doen’t even know about.

        • David P says:

          Mayor Thompson has already committed to the Kelly St, Nelly Bay dump site and he clearly stated in answer to a question at the last MIRRA meeting that he expects that any future dredging works inside Nelly Bay harbour – for example the state-owned swing basin and boat ramp approaches – would be able to make use of the Council-built facility as it would be a permanent thing. It is already half-built by the way. Earthen walls about 2m high X 100m square, piles of mulch ready for ‘mixing’, fences being constructed. Totally inappropriate, no consultation, no consideration of any alternatives.

        • David P says:

          Magpie, you speculate about the cost. A couple of years ago when breakwaters for the new reclaim area at the Port were under construction, it was revealed that a “design flaw” (no names, no pack drill) had led to a funding shortfall. An extra $30 million was needed to complete the project. Just like that! No worries.

          There are a number of design flaws in the Nelly Bay harbour canal estate. Gustav Creek flows directly into it bringing whatever sand and silt comes down in the regular floods. A separate creek flows into the internal marina bringing more sand and silt under the pontoons – which is apparently sucker ratepayers’ responsibility. The state spends around $100,000 a year moving sand up or down the Nelly Bay beach fiddling with rapid erosion of the shoreline – caused by changes to the hydrodynamics of the bay. Cyclone Yasi waves damaged the undersized breakwater and washed thousands of tonnes of spoil off the back of the enclosing island into the harbour basin. After 20 years the chickens are coming home to roost.

          Neither ratepayers or the environment of Magnetic Island should be paying for the excesses of federal and state government that permitted the ill-designed harbour development.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thank you messer Mooney and the egregious grinning oaf, Mike Capt Snooze Reynolds. Indeed, while the folly is generally seen more Reynolds as legacy more than anyone else, it was his arch enemy Tony ‘HisRadiance’ Mooney who drove the process within the Labor ranks of the time. (The ‘Pie well remembers his helpless laughter when TV cameras at the plaque unveiling in 2003 caught a perplexed and miffed Reynolds holding out his hand as he was ignored and the minister shook Mooney’s hand. When the handshake ended, Reynolds was completely confused as to whose hand he should shake. Priceless!!.

            Throughout the preceding years of permits and construction processes, which were strongly opposed by island residents, the whole thing was on the honker big time, with accusations of bribery, coercion, the whole lot, even including a judge, rife.


            And Picnic Bay became collateral damage.

            You can bet there are many fancy buzz jumbletalk excuses for not doing the obvious and less expensive option, upgrade the Picnic Bay jetty with a modern structure, and sensibly retain it as the gateway to the island. And cheaper than Nelly Bay probably by a factor of 10 or even 20.

            Arguments about services being cancelled due to weather don’t hold water (see that there!!) and on percentage, were as rare as rocking horse shit.

  28. Prince Rollmop says:

    Magpie, I just checked and your comment is still posted along with Twonames reply (Tuesday 7:50am) It hasn’t been deleted, which is surprising considering our supposedly democratic Mayor only likes displaying comments that favour him.

    The way that he has thrown the Councillors under the bus over the Strand parking issue has been breathtaking. An absolutely spineless jellyback of a human.

    • Mopey says:

      It’s still there too. Spineless or clever, one way or another this bloke shows more ticker then the rest, I don’t know anyone who has ever endured this much scrutiny , front pages in a short time, and he doesn’t seem fazed. I can’t say any of the councillors inspire me, or my mates. I will admin to being a serial watcher, who needs home & away!
      Where’s Alf!

      • The Magpie says:

        Not fazed could mean several things, including unawareness, mental freezing, or just a con man’s stubborn determination to get to the big pay day.

    • Achilles says:

      He claimed he was up at sparrow fart and on the job early? Maybe he had a heavy late night taking pics at an eatery!

      • The Magpie says:

        What is bthere that he could possibly do in the early morning? He isn’t actively engaged in real ”mayorey things at any stage of the day.

        • Jenny says:

          You realise his job is more than events! He would be inundated with emails and also has to complete inductions like all politicians do.

          • The Magpie says:

            What rot.

          • Headmistress says:

            Jenny..except for Thursdays. Thursdays he lurches around town pestering hard grafting local businesses, and workers collecting freebies so he can post about it on facebook to his whopping support base of 4 thousand. Freebie Thursdays. The claim that he is promoting local businesses is pathetic. He only has a fb page with a small number of members (gullible souls)
            The events he attends seem to be best described as “fringe”. Nobody wants him in any official capacity. Wonder how many ADF or JCU events he gets invited to? Given all his blatent lies. (We will see how he manages the next ANZAC day commemoration ceremony.)
            As a citizen, tax/ratepayer, voter and business owner I object to him spending a whole day hanging around cake shops and cafes on my dime. If he turned up at my business on a busy Thursday, I’d tell him where to shove his fudge.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Jenny, No induction process would teach this clown anything. He is conman of the highest order.

    • Jenny says:

      There are multiple comments on his page that do not agree with his post. It appears he removes posts that are inappropriate/rude/harassment in nature. Our very own Pie doesn’t post all the comments he receives.

  29. Mdog says:

    How can these embarrassing councillors dare to even suggest they appoint the mayor, and take it out of the hands of the great unwashed. It’s like giving the kids the keys to the candy store, and appointing the class bully to oversee their greed. How could they even suggest such shit. Once again it proves these councillors have no interest in our cit, just themselves. Appoint an administrator and fuck the lot off, disgusting human behaviour, being mirrored by the directors within council, have a nice days

    • Grumpy says:

      If the Mayor resigns or is booted more than twelve months after elected, then the councillors vote one of themselves to be the Mayor. It’s the law – as well as the carefully laid plans of a certain nasty dwarf.

      • Mdog says:

        That is why I said to fuck them all off the gravy train. Yes, Thompson is on the nose, the same can be said about the rest of them as well. Does that mean, any mayor or councillors that have objections and don’t follow the supposed norms of a one sided council, that have other agendas, should be expelled as well, yep, sounds democratic

      • wollo says:

        Interesting situation in Victoria With the Melbourne and Geelong city councils the Mayor is voted in by the ratepayers like us and all the other councils select their own Mayor amongst them selves and its usually for a 12 or 24 month term. This could be dangerous if you had an aligned team of councillors that would elect one of their own as mayor and therefore stack the council.

        • The Magpie says:

          Exactly. That’s the flaw, wide open to chicanery. On e off accidental arsesoles like Thompson should never be held up as an example for such a sweeping change.

          • Madcow says:

            Whether you like him or not, he’s pushing the right buttons, all while under the immense attention of the Bulletin. He embarrassed the councillors with the latest move on parking, if they go against him or make changes, they’ll look like gooses for sure. Wonder what’s next…

          • The Magpie says:

            Sorry, would usually ditch this piece of flummery, but let’s indulge you this time.

            What are the right buttons he’s been pushing?

            And how has he embarrassed the councillors on this parking move, he has always been against ALL parking meters (naively stupid) although he didn’t say a word when he attended budget meetings that recommended the Strand option. And has failed to come up with suggestions for budget alterations to cover the expense of Strand maintenance. Which is something the council will have to do, because he’s sure got nothing. Except that pipe dream about the pipeline.

            And why naively stupid? Because a ‘ditch all parking meters’ policy, apart from making an unsustainable hole in the accepted council finances, is ignorant of the other roles meters play when in the right places. Like helping create turnover (churn as its called and something not needed by any measure on the Strand) and also as a mechanism to police the unfairness of parking hogs and the unfair inconvenience and even danger of ratepaying families such as those in Pimlico.

            But apart from parking, and issuing libellous FB posts, what other buttons has he pushed which has made a hot. moist mess of you, Maisy?

          • Mdog says:

            Yes, your right should not be used as an example, but does highlight a very disturbing situation,, knowing that these individuals make decisions that impact on communities, and society, for their own egos and greed for power

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes but remember – and its not really a good way to govern – power only stems from public acceptance at the ballot box. which leads to populist stances and decisions.

      • Reader says:

        Oh FFS, can you folk not read?

        There have been all sorts of statements on here about how a mayoral vacancy will be filled, and all have been wrong, which inadvertently or intentionally panders to Thompson’s scaremongering.

        Have another look at sections 161 and 164 of the Local Government Act.

        There MUST be a by-election if Thompson goes anytime in the first three years of this term. No appointing the second place getter (thank Christ…), or another councillor.

        The councillors only get to appoint from among themselves if Thomson goes in the last year -that is, after March 2027. That seems fair enough as it avoids the cost and disruption of a by-election when the scheduled election ain’t that far away.

        Can we please move on from the fear that it is all a plot to get Jenny back? The councillors cannot just appoint her (assuming there is a world in which they would even want to do so), and the population would be even less likely to vote her in now than back in March 2024. In everywhere other than her own mind! Jenny is a bogeyman that ain’t coming back.

        • Grumpy says:

          Mea culpa – should have known better

        • Afterthought says:

          (By email)

          Adding to your point and just for information:
          The Mayor ‘elected at large’ model has been law in Queensland since 1933.
          In that time lots of councils have functioned well with the mayor not having the numbers – the current Ipswich council is a case in point.Ditto Campbell Newmans first term as Lord Mayor, and who went on to make it work.

          This dickhead is incapable of inspiring and leading his councillor. The fault lays with him.

    • Mike lewis says:

      Mdog is a W ⚓️

    • Mike lewis says:

      We all know twonames writes in these post as well as his pretend advisor dipstick lane.

      • Grumpy says:

        I don’t think Thompson is literate enough to write anything, but his squeeze thinks she can.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Mike, Are you inferring that Mdog is two names or just shit stirring? He might be ‘a legend in his own lunch hour’ but certainly not two names.

        • Mdog says:

          Na mate, just an average 50 plus bloke, busted body, from work, but don’t lower myself to name calling and trolling on blogs. I have no issue calling people out face to face though. Most that dribble shit on here, are great at gobbing off at their keyboard, but highly doubt many would engage face to face,. No, I’m not two names, and I march to my own drum, I don’t follow like some on this blog. Love your satire bird, but some of your cringey followers think they are as witty as you. Why can’t people just comment on magpies opinions without lowly childish comments, must say shows the level of intellect. Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one, and there are a few opinionated people on your blog bird.

          • The Magpie says:

            That, sadly ot otherwise, good or bad, is the nature of blogs, Mdog. Well prsented comment, although debateable.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Mdog, Must be a hugely different work environment now that the ‘Ol Boy’ network has finally retired and couple oxygen thieves left also.

  30. Angus says:

    Quick question.
    Where’d the $300,000 for V8’s come from?
    The track quoted to mill and resurface is $2.5M, that’s not insignificant, and it will need to be done.

  31. Prince Rollmop says:

    I wonder why the MSM are hardly reporting on the current court battle taking place in America over who gets to control the Pickled Walnut’s multi billion dollar Fox/Newscorpse empire? Lachlan is the chosen one but the 3 siblings are fighting for equal share. Oh to be one of societies elites whose shit doesn’t stink.

    • The Magpie says:

      It is not the sort of matter which engenders snappy headlines day after day, let alone gripping blow by blow commentary it would more likely be a dry as toast financial/legal festival of buzz words and legal pomposity. But the wild speculation starts when the outcome … any outcome … is reached. It’s either going to be Lachlan equals Rupert Lite with more of the shitty same, or the other kids make moves back to the centre of the political spectrum.

  32. Reverse the crookery says:

    As I understand it , councils can do foreigners. That is tender for another councils work even in another state. If the meters are already paid for, why not put them in another councils area, their Castle Hill, Toorack , Point Piper etc , and fleece the fuck out of them ?

  33. Grumpy says:

    It seems that to get your photo in the newspaper, showing how earnestly you believe that parking meters should not be installed, you must pose with your arms tightly crossed and have a look on you face as if you’re trying not to fart, ‘cause you already shit yourself once.

  34. Pete the phantom puller says:

    Twonames latest Faecesbook post has him tabling his letter of demand (motion) to ditch the parking meters. What a spineless worm, agreeing to the meters in pre-budget meetings, then claiming he didn’t know about it and throwing the councillors under the bus.


    • The Magpie says:

      TwoNames never saw a bandwagon he didn’t want to jump on.

      This seems like a good plan to put us further in the financial shit – stop a council income stream while the mayor and the councillors gas bag on about a much broader fake argument about parking meters overall. And like you said, ‘Pie, not a single suggestion of his own to accommodate dropping the Strand proposal, just shuffle it back to ‘the people’ to get a foregone conclusion (no one wants the meters) and Thompson claims to be the champion and instigator of what is already right now the clear message from the community.

      • The Magpie says:

        This is a disgraceful waste of time and money … and at a time when Thompson is suggesting cutting off a legitimate source of income.

        If the councillors reading this (Hi there, The ‘Pie knows you all do), the smart move for you would be to vote down this load of self-promoting codswallop, and put up a motion of your own, rescinding the Strand meter proposal, leave all other parking meter arrangements elsewhere as mandated, and seek a report on other ways to cover the projected income no doubt already factored into the 24/25 budget.

        Widening this issue to canvas public opinion about a non-issue (parking meters in general) is a destructively stupid and irresponsible tactic of an egomaniac.

        • Tropical Cyclone says:

          I think they are running so scared they won’t listen to your advice.

          • The Magpie says:

            Unfortunately, you could be right, but one thing the councillorts really should consider.

            Troy Thompson not only made ‘mistakes’ but steadfastly refused to acknowledge (own) them until his ego forced him into a foolish interview on national television. Even then, he excuses himself, but doesn’t ask if we, the public excuse him and want him to have our trust. The 10 councillors now face exactly the same dilemma. Will they have the good grace to say we made a mistake, we admit it and will make it good? Councillors aren’t voted in to be infallible, but are expected to show honourable human traits to admit it when they get something wrong.

            It is impossible in light of the universal opposition to see the council going ahead with the Strand meters – ever – and TwoNames wants his ‘temporary pause’ to be seen as a sophisticated political play to give the council breathing space. We the people have provided all the necessary ‘consultation’ the councillors will ever need, and even some sort of wheedling ‘compromise’ is almost certain never to be accepted. Whereas Thompson’s ‘temporary pause’ is actually a self-serving, expensive and cowardly refusal to display leadership with a plan of his own to accomodate the lost revenue. Which he can’t do because he hasn’t got the wit, financial know-how or vision to have one. Or the inclination to, because that is not his agenda.

            As previously said, Troy Thompson is not a serious man, flailing through a jungle of dissent, blinded by his ego and naked greed. His bizarre look back at the pipeline funding as a reason that we’ve got any parking meters confirms he is still trying for credibility by not being Jenny Hill.

            The supreme irony is that the next mayor, whomsoever he/she may be, will get a large chunk of the popular vote simply for not being Troy Thompson.

  35. Tropical Cyclone says:

    To the Council, i quote this, its 371 years old but I can’t put it any better.

    “It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
    Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
    Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil’d this sacred place, and turn’d the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.”
    In the name of God, go!”
    Oliver Cromwell – April 20, 1653

    • The Magpie says:

      Bit OTT but we get your drift.

      • Tropical cyclone says:

        Yes bit OTT

      • Monk says:

        11 year theocratic republic that one. Then the asked Charles 2 to come back and it was back to theocratic monarchy and feudelsm and being a bad as described in Martin Luther’s nailed letter on the door of the church.

        • The Magpie says:

          Martin Luther’s nailed letter is known as the Diet of Worms, and his message should surely be updated appropriately and taped to the Townsville Council chamber door. Too long have been been subjected to a different diet of worms.

          Luther wrote:
          God is wonderful and terrible in His counsels. Let us have a care, lest in our endeavors to arrest discords, we be bound to fight against the holy word of God and bring down upon our heads a frightful deluge of inextricable dangers, present disaster, and everlasting desolations.

    • Grumpy says:

      TC. Cromwell was a murderous c..t who is burning in hell.

  36. Kenny Kennett says:

    I think it’s important that the Council not only commit to community consultation but more importantly share the financial repercussions of making a decision. This blog mentioned at one stage that many parking meters have already been bought and stored somewhere in South Townsville. If so, can we return them and get our money back? What contracts have been signed sealed and delivered? How will budget shortfalls now be made up? I would also ask for all documents that the original decision was made on, be tabled and the council be transparent on how this stupidity was accepted. Did they make this decision based on fact, fiction or peer group pressure? The motion submitted by TwoNames will give us an idea of what the Councilors’ motives really are. Do they vote for the motion for their community benefit or do Clr’s Big Bird, Green Turd and Moon face show their true colours and vote it down as a sign of spite against Herman the two named German? Interesting times ahead. Time to get honest.

    • The Magpie says:

      Kolourful, Kenny, nice little touch of dark racial propfiling there, Ms Brumme-Smith may seek human Rights intervention.

      But seriously, it probably isn’t the time to be distracted by minutiae. Elsewhere in these comments, it has been pointed out that if we can’t redeem our money from the manufacturer(indeed, why should they have the burden of this clusterfuck’s mistake) we could on-sell them to another council. Maybe. If this mob of galahs were stupid enough top press the manufacturer to take them back under some obscure clause, that would be another super costly lawsuit.

      But let’s please remember, the Strand issue is a stand-alone matter, where there is no further expensive, time wasting consultation required, they’ve got all the consultation they need and then some on this matter. Ditch that section from the budget, then argue the merits of Palmer Street and Pimlico on their own merits and own circumstances which have nothing to do with the Strand.

      • Old Tradesman says:

        The council own that eyesore the old Townsville Bowls Club. Knock it down and put 8 hour parking on it. Only one meter required.

    • Jenny says:

      KenK, when you talk about parking meters it sounds as though you mean there will be one on a post at every parking space. I think that went out of fashion years ago. Look at the meters in Flinders St. There’s a central one serving about 10 spaces. With new technology I think meters and number plates can be checked in a drive-by.

      • The Magpie says:

        Glad you mentioned that. Had an unavoidable reason to visit the CBD recently. Went to ‘register’ on the meter … no tickets, was one of the new you beaut machines … but went to pay with EFTPOS card, the only card I have. Wouldn’t accept it for some reason, so went to pay the old fashioned way with money … but the machine didn’t have any slot to accept cash. Risked a fine as I went about my brief business, and then drove off for the last time I will be visiting the CBD unless the Woolies car park has a space. It seems the council is forcing people to use their credit card, and stiff cheddar for people like The ‘Pie who declines to have one.

        I do not remember voting for the council to dictate how I manage my meagre income, and refuse two legitimate payment methods.

        • Monk says:

          Like a worm it has one hole to put the coin in. No change. It doesn’t give you the time to look at what you entered either. Its so you can’t time share a ticket. They double dip that way.

        • Achilles says:

          Pie just get a Debit Card from your bank it has all the features of a credit card, even looks like one but no exorbitant surcharges.

          • The Magpie says:

            That was not my experience, had one linked to Visa, and ended up getting charges for reasons that I couldn’t understand, so cancelled the link. Anyway, why the fuck should I? Doesn’t anyone see a dark path when you are channeled into using certain methods of payment?

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          I had not thought about this before, but is it not a requirement that there is always a fee free option for paying government charges? Perhaps a smarter legal brain could assist.

        • Guy says:

          Its why I’m saying get rid of ALL parking meters – they are a pain in the arse.

    • Guy says:

      You sell the new parkimg meters and physically destroy the second hand ones so they can’t be used again.

  37. Reverse the crookery says:

    The strand parking meter issue has gone national on ABC TV News repeated. The punchline at the end of the story is that two names says he will try to delay it “but no-ones buying it”. The way it was said means the media isn’t buying it either.

    • The Magpie says:

      See The Magpie’s instant reaction in comments shortly after his post on Facebook.
      And Cas Garvey’s similar reaction in today’s editorial.

      A con man to the bitter end.

  38. Guy says:

    I’d like to see ALL parking meters removed from townsville, they are scourge.

    • The Magpie says:

      So you don’t think they have any value as control measures against parking hogs in certain areas? Or that the ratepayers of Pimlico could do with relief from the clogged residential streets caused by the Mater hospital (owned by the Catholic Church, an entity rich enough to build a car park as big as the Sugar Shaker)? And if you feel like that, let us have your wisdom about – as just one example – the $5 charged by TUH to use their car parks.

      • White Mouse says:

        The Mater did build a multi level carpark as part of the approval for the development/ expansion of the Pimlico facility. Problem is, people don’t want to use it if they can get free parking close by.

      • Critical says:

        The Mater Hospital has built a multi-level car park with entry from Diprose Street (the main entry to the Mater Hospital these days). The problem is Townsville people think that everything should be free and don’t want to pay $5 to use it. They prefer to clog neighbourhood streets or use private car parks of doctors rooms along Fulham Road. Council needs to get off its arse and make time limited parking spaces in neighbourhood streets like they have on parts of Fulham Road and then police them and issue fines.

        • The Magpie says:

          Agree, that’s a possibility, although the comment about the great unwashed wanting everything for free is because they are slugged so hard from every direction and figure they are often charged for what they have already paid for (not the Mater case, but generally regarding your comment.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Pie, the Mater charge $5/hr to use their big structure.

        • The Magpie says:

          All the more reason for parking meters in the surrounding residential streets.

          • Grumpy says:

            I am a regular (2x a week) at the Mater for the last couple of months. The new car park is convenient and, to my mind, good value. I rarely have to go beyond level 2 and it is never full. During the construction phase of the new wing, street parking was an absolute nightmare. I used to allow 30 minutes to find a spot, which often was up to a kilometre away. I have noticed that the streets seem a lot less congested since the car park opened. There are staff levels – which they pay for – which adds to the security aspect.

        • Rotten Luck Willie says:

          First 20 minutes free if you are quick. $5 For the first hour then the hourly rate comes down, or something like that. Couple of years ago when things were grim I had cause to purchase a 7 day parking ticket two weeks in a row. Given all that was going on with family member in hospital, the ease of parking, at a reasonable rate for the 7 days at a time was welcome given the distress for my being at the Matar in the first place. The Matar parking station is reasonable. No need for parking meters in that area.

          • The Magpie says:

            That is only true if it a fact that the hospital parking is uner-used, and there is usually plenty of spaces. Which may be the case. Or not.

            Any info?

          • Rotten Luck Willie says:

            There was plenty of parking. Sometimes had to go a few levels up, but the spaces were there. In my experience, never full.

      • Darryl B says:

        I would like to see parking meters installed on top of Castle Mountain. Surely that would be a huge money earner.

        • The Magpie says:

          Running for council next time, Dazza? Be sure to let us know.

        • Motorist says:

          I like your style, but I encourage you to think big.

          The time before last, when visiting Brisbane they had efficient trams and trolley buses. It was a while ago.

          Now they have cameras taking pictures to charge people for driving over a bridge.

          Let’s return to Townsville and the shitfuckery in which it is embroiled.

          Forget about parking meters. They are sooooo yesterday.

          Bring to Townsville the ethical, just, compassionate, TCC entry/exit camera meters.

          Situated around Townsville hot spots, CBD, Aitkenvale BD, the Willows, the crematorium, Stuart dump, endless possibilities.

          As the motorist enters a precinct they are pinged by the e,j,c,TCC camera, and the same on the way out.

          Entry/Exit fee bill sent every month.

          Parking metres thing of the past.

          How could anyone complain about that?

      • wollo says:

        At the Hospital car park the first hour is free after that you pay $5.00 for a day or for ever if you leave your car there while you an inpatient until you are discharged. Not bad really as long as you do what you have to do in the first hour.

        • The Magpie says:

          As a regular at the hospital for a periodic grease and oil change for the throat, I have never been done within the hour, and no many are. But while in principle one would think hospitals of all places should have free parking, given the involuntary reason patients and visitors there, have to admit that $5 is no biggy, considering medicine moves to its own geological clock.

          • wollo says:

            I have been going to the hospital at least twice a week for treatment on diabetic ulcers and a few months ago somebody told me about a parking exemption that is available. Simple to get all you need to do is get a form at the security counter and get your treating Dr. to fill it out and declare that you need ongoing regular treatment. You then get pass to let you out of the carpark at no charge. Its very handy but they don’t advertise that it is available.

      • Guy says:

        That’s the beauty of independent thought magpie – I’m not beholden to what idiocy is in fashion.

        Get rid of all of the parking meters

        We will survive

        • The Magpie says:

          Indeed, agree that you’re not beholden to what idiocy is in fashion … you’ve found your own special type of idiocy and you’re sticking with it. Good for you, Guy.

    • Bob Roberts says:

      On the contrary, ALL street parking should be metered. Why should ratepayers pay for someone else’s car storage?

      • The Magpie says:

        ummm, how are ratepayers paying for a parked car space? And it’s hardly storage. Bit silly, mate.

        • Guy says:

          You can’t have it both ways magpie

          Its widely acknowledged by business owners in the CBD that meters have wrecked their business. The others have had their brains taken over, they will tell you it’s not a problem – as their shop is empty of customers for hours on end and nothing is being sold.

          Retail is all about getting things sold as quickly as possible, shifting as much product as you can – though tell that to bunnings when they shut down tills leaving perhaps TWO running and long queues forming – the bunnings in mackay seem to get peverse pleasure out of this tactic.

          Its a big push explaining things to people especially if it doesn’t affect them directly, it’s why so many things have gone wrong and why things are so bad.

          Get rid of all the parking meters as a start.

          • The Magpie says:

            Loath though he is to encourage you, Guy, please tell The ‘Pie how removing parking meters from the CBD will assist businesses there. The dilemma started with the old dash and feed, or chop and change, as workers ducked out to keep or change their spots. No meters would create even more moribund situation.

            The ‘Pie has always believed – admittedly largely after the fact – that new ventures in the CBD should have expanded mandatory parking like Woolworths (initially free but because of the abuse mentioned above, now time limited) and the Cowboys Club, no idea if that is policed. But this of course would be a major deterrent to developers. The ‘Pie has no answer to this impasse, but getting rid of CBD meters is likely to exacerbate rather than ease the situation. And a light rail loop running through Flinders and Sturt street (where parking spots now are) to a central modern car park (North Rail Yards?) would no doubt be too expensive and basically ban the 15 minute shopper.

            Townsville incomprehensible and disjointed public transport is now even more than a joke since the well used central Stokes Street hub was cleverly ditched by some CBD dream turned nightmare town planning specialists.

            Meters elsewhere are different arguments for different reasons.

        • Bob Roberts says:

          Where does the money come for parking spot maintenance, if there are no meters?

  39. Pop Shmear says:

    The Mayor is a clown, and a conman. Supposedly he represents our region? I call bullshit, he represents himself. The man has absolutely no credibility. Our only hope to remove him is if he voluntarily resigns or the CCC find him guilty of an offence.

    • Gerald says:

      Thompson has been clear, he’s not resigning. CCC will be no intent shown, ECQ fined him. Grace Grace lied, Walker punched on, this is what we have. Doesn’t matter what the Magpie or the paper say or do, it’s part of his argument.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thank you Captain Obvious, this grifter will wait until he’s turfed out then hit up the public purse for some nanny state payout. And your suggestion that the CCC will find no intent shown is your opinion only, not a fact.

        And it does matter what The Magpie and the Bulletin have to say or do, by the very fact that they are reporting facts and informing the public about a con man determined to hide both the truth of his past and his complete inadequacy for the job.

  40. Attaturk says:

    When the media reported that 2 Singaporean armoured vehicles labelled ‘tanks’ had collided injuring ten, this caused me to check out how come so many were involved in a tank accident. It was 2 APCs .

    I came across this list of armoured vehicles used by Singapore. Scroll down and look at the upgraded M113’s we call buckets or tracks.


    They have been modified to be anti aircraft missile launcher platforms used by both army and airforce. Only thing is, it’s a Russian missle platform and somehow software integrated into their computer systems.

    WTF? The Turks got kicked out of the F-35 deal cos they , as a NATO member, bought and integrated Russian missle platforms into their home defence.

    The whole stated deal with ‘interoperability’ is ‘the hive mind’ thing. One big interlinking electronic thing. How the fuck does that work with Russian software . Who the fuck trusts Russian software? Anyone know if these questions have been asked before?

  41. Pat Coleman says:

    Lets look at the supplier company of the Parking meters Duncan Solutions and the timeline. They are saying they are going in- in December https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/about-council/news-and-publications/media-releases/2022/october/new-parking-meters-prepared-to-roll-out-across-townsville then the contract of $2.6 Mil in Dec 21 https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0022/128803/Contracts-more-than-$200K-Register-21-22-Jun.pdf , https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/about-council/news-and-publications/media-releases/2024/june/core-services-underpin-202425-budget

    Now, we go to their website about page https://duncansolutions.com.au/about-us/ The first 2 paragraphs for names

    “Duncan has attracted leading SME investor AnaCacia to join its share register alongside the management team and investors Alpin Group. Trent Loebel (CEO) and the management team are all continuing in their current roles and now have access to a broader investor base and board to support growth plans.
    Parent company Duncan Technologies Pty Ltd (Duncan) owns Aldo Investments (Aldo) which Alpin Group formed in 2015 to acquire Duncan Solutions Australia. Over the last three years, the team has grown both businesses through front line sales, business performance improvements and operational integration”
    I cant find any donations or lobbyists who represent those names yet . However, if its been passed by the QLD Local gov association like a lobbyist , that could account for the $13640 to Qld Labor and $11795 to the LNP this year for anyone in local buy https://disclosures.ecq.qld.gov.au/Map

    But there are 2 intriguing tid bits on the AFR site from 2018 and 2021 here https://www.afr.com/companies/financial-services/anacacia-capital-plugs-into-parking-meter-technology-group-duncan-solutions-20180917-h15gml
    This one throws up another company associated with the group that involves electronic passes for defence security clearances. https://cictechnology.com/our-business/
    And here https://www.afr.com/politics/nsw-entangled-in-battle-of-the-parking-apps-20210609-p57zg3

    NSW Labor granting a contract without tender ? Fuck off ! Wheres the money trail. There has to be one associated with it. It wouldn’t be NSW labor without it.

    There is a takeover move being adjudicated by the ACCC in which Duncan is being taken over by ORIKAN. If you take a look at the timeline on the ACCC page for decision, it roughly coincides with the timeline for the already paid for meters to go in. All digital info is sold . Duncan was mention in this ABC story on the profits from apps in 30/1/24 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-31/what-you-need-to-know-about-parking-apps/103405850

    Do they get a cut after the takeover? Duncan had the market . That’s profits across the country. A donation or to labor is usually ENFORCED with approvals across the country. Same with the LNP.

    ACCC Orikan takeover https://www.accc.gov.au/public-registers/mergers-registers/public-informal-merger-reviews-register/orikan-group-pty-ltd-duncan-technologies-pty-ltd
    https://orikan.com/about/our-story/ On that page I found the following names “Late in 2022, Australian smart cities company, DCA Cities, and New Zealand parking technology company, Global Parking Solutions, came together under a new name and a new identity: Orikan.” I cant find money or lobbyists under those earlier names yet.
    You might not remember, but I predicted the supplier of the pipes for the Burdekin Pipeline based on the NSW register and donations. Albo is Sydney labor.
    Orikan was represented by Lobbyist Cornerstone Group in 2023 on the NSW register https://lobbyists.elections.nsw.gov.au/whoisontheregister That year a $33k Donation was made to fed labor on the https://democracyforsale.net/search-aec/ search From Cornerstone. On the Qld search its to the LNP up till 2017 .

    Given the conduct of Townsville Councilors relating to donor approvals since they have been available , if the fed labor apparatchiks say get it done so Orikan gets the cream of the top , I doubt if party members at least, would go against it.

    In the searching I found “Fast Cities Australia” that supplies electric car chargers . If you type them into https://democracyforsale.net/search-aec/ There is $19 800 to the LNP in 2020 and $11k to fed labor in 2022.

    • Jenny says:

      Really Pat, you need to get a life. You are obsessed mate. R u ok?

      • The Magpie says:

        What a ‘little person’ sneer at a so meoinewho has an ability you could never aspire to. It would be really good if you had just a tenth of his research abilities, which are easily the best The ‘Pie has ever seen. His analysis might appear wonky or extreme on occasions, but even if their off centre, they are based on skilful research.\

        Your comment proves that every accusation is a confession, you have a very, very sad side, Jenny.

        • Alacan says:

          In addition., to use (misuse) the RU Ok in such a snipe and disingenuous context is below contempt .. use of RUok should be used solely for its true intent and meaning Jenny .. you should know better .. but clearly it’s all about you

          By all means challenge, debate , disagree, but put forward comments without that type of vitriol would serve you far better

        • Jenny says:

          Magpie, you are an enabler. You are enabling Pat to post this drivel. His long war and peace comments are quite frankly as boring as watching paint dry.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Pat, great research. Your ability the mine the relevant data is excellent. Thank you for sharing.

  42. Pat Coleman says:

    Hmnn , For Duncan Solutions , The Jeremy Samuel name comes up as a lib candidate twice.

  43. Questionnaire says:

    Has the contract price of the new parking meters been disclosed . The time frame required to recover the initial cost and installation.

    • Gerald says:

      The acting director of infrastructure, Matt Richardson allegedly said $1.2M, they arrive this week. The funds will be recovered within 6 months, based on a 70% expected usage, but it’s not revenue raising!
      Sorry, I’m with the mayor on this one, get rid of them, use them for beach and camper parks, sell the balance. The councillors who vote for this;
      Greaney 0448378111, Batkovic 0434939419, Mooney 0434925510, Phillips 0461442642, Ellis ‘fun dad’’ 0499577788 & Robinson 0461518080. I think the community needs to send a message loud and clear to each of them, before Wednesdays meeting. Price 0461481414 may be a fencesitter too, now he’s Greaneys bestie!

      • The Magpie says:

        Don’t be sorry about being with the mayor on this one, about 99% of the population is. That’s why twoNames jumped on the bandwagon after saying nothing in budget meetings.

  44. Prince Rollmop says:

    It’s amazing how regardless of the economic environment – high labour costs, inflation, high fuel prices, the Woolies and Coles cultures still churn out record profits. It’s true that the dealer always wins. Grubs


  45. Ben Rumson says:

    On the radio this morning while returning to Townsville, we are to get a second police helicopter. I am sure that is what I heard.
    Unbelievable. After years of Puddleduck and Harpic denying youth crime and the community crying out for a Copper Chopper, it has been validated that we need two.
    But wait, an election is upon us. Would I be unreasonably cynical to interpret this announcement at this time as a plea for votes. If so, it is lost on me.

    • The Magpie says:

      But which side said that? If it’s was Labor, bit pointless.

      • Ben Rumson says:

        It was just a matter of fact report that the process to acquire a second dedicated police helicopter for Townsville, to cover gaps in capability caused by, the one we have got being unavailable due maintenance and support to other NQ areas.

        The cynicism, given the history of a police helicopter for Townsville, and the timing of the announcement, is all mine.

        Regardless, it is welcome. Time to dig out the 1970s movie Blue Thunder.

        • The Magpie says:

          The ‘Pie can think iof a few selected areas of Townsville which could inspire one to fondly recall the smell of napalm in the morning in Apocalypse Now.

          • Ben Rumson says:

            No napalm, or even cordite, but I do remember 5 Avn Regt demonstrating a Company Group Lift into what is now called, I think, the Lakes. Then swamp east of Morleys Funerals.

            24 Blackhawk and not sure how many Iroquois gunships landing landing in tactical formation, discharge troops and depart, ready to resupply as per the docterine.

            The sight, and the sound, had Steve Price lost for words, momentarily at least.

            So, lots of Avtur (aviation grade kerosene) fumes in the mid morning.

          • White Mouse says:

            Ben – that would have been the first (and likely last) time all 24 Blackhawks were in the air at the same time. The sea breeze may have been appreciated by those working at 5 Avn, but corrosion soon started to put the helicopters out of action.

          • Ben Rumson says:

            Those bloody great helicopter sheds do more than keep the sun off the aircraft.
            Yes, there was a corrosion issue as Blackhawk were dry assembled, as opposed to Iroquois which were wet assembled.
            The helicopter sheds are dehumidifier sheds using a mix of refrigerant and descendant technology. The corrosion stoped when the humidity got low. Cannot remember the figure.
            As an aside, there was no need for vermin control. Any critter in the helicopter shelter quickly died due low humidity.

            You are right, there was only one other full blown Company lift automobile demo into Lavarack Barracks.

            Tactics and doctrine changed as did the employment of 5 Avn Regt.

  46. The Magpie says:


    It is with deep sadness that I have to inform you that my admired friend Fran O’Callaghan, former councillor and mayoral candidate, has passed away. Fran, who was just 56, died peacefully last week at her home, surrounded by husband Peter, family and friends.

    Fran informed us on her FB last February that she was leaving the mayoral race because she was feeling so unwell, she feared she might not be able to fulfil her role of mayor if elected. She was a fighter and could have gone on, but she took the honourable path and bowed out with good grace in the interests of the city she loved, and for the comfort of her family.

    Her judgement proved to be sadly prescient. Fran passed away on September 17 and was buried in a private family ceremony last Tuesday.

    Fran’s family has asked me to break this sad news, so that the people of Townsville will know of her passing of a person so many admired.

    The family request that their privacy be respected while they try to deal with their devastating loss.

    I personally have lost a friend I admired greatly for her grit and courage in the face of daunting challenges on all fronts. It is a great loss for this city, Fran was a true community champion.

    Vale, Fran O’Callaghan.

    I am proud to have been your friend,


  47. a name says:

    vale Fran

  48. Woodduck says:

    R.I.P Fran and condolences to her family and friends. I always thought she would have made an excellent mayor.

  49. The Magpie says:

    Thank you, David Crisafulli, you have managed to put the much needed rocket up premier Miles arse, the polls must show how damaging has been his inaction on our con man mayor staying office.

    But the government will have to move with uncharacteristic speed, to beat the pre-election caretaker deadline. They only have until next Tuesday if legal bods say they have the power to stand this grifter down (on full pay, if you don’t mind) until the tortoise-like Baldricks of the CCC reach a determination. Which these apparent incompetents say might take a year.

    • Gerald says:

      Sounds like a payout coming for our mayor, but would he take it. And just when it looked like the meters could reach a positive outcome, the premier removes it, accelerating his demise, and assuring the mayor stays put, bring on premier crisafulli.

      • The Magpie says:

        You don’t get it do you? Thompson and the Strand meters are completely separate matters, with the mayor completely irrelevant in any outcome (beyond his one vote). The meter issue has absolutely no bearing on Thompson’s position and possible stand down. And the meter issue will not be given any merit or weight in relation to him and any future action by the CCC or any other authority.

        • wollo says:

          Can somebody help me out here. I was under the impression that the Local Government Minister had the power to sack a Mayor if required so why has Smiles got to seek legal advise. All he has to do is tap her on the shoulder and say just do it.!

          • The Magpie says:

            Oh, Wollo, you’re a lawyers dream.

            The legal advice required is needed to …. now hang on to yoour hat, Wollo … see if it is legally allowable reason to remove a mayor. Thst means the basis for doing so must be legitimate in law. Or otherwise, big bucks are involved, especially when you’ve got a grifter like Thompson slavering for an easy payout.

    • Old Tradesman says:

      And while we are at it, let’s also open up that Jackie Trad file, and the cost to the Queensland taxpayer of all the blatant electioneering ads telling us how great the Labor Government has been. All before next Tuesday.

    • Dynarod says:

      Hopefully the Mayor is enjoying all of this attention. It’s a democratic process, and of course our democratically elected mayor is a big fan of democracy.

    • The grifter says:

      I will laugh my ass off if Twonames is banned from the workplace until his matter has been investigated fully by the CCC. The habitual liar and full time bullshit artist needs to be cut off at the knees. He is a serial pest and a shit stirrer who is trying to hobble his fellow councillors. Troy, you are an embarrassment. Just go…….

  50. Mike Douglas says:

    Vale Fran O’Callaghan the City owes her so much including downfall of Labor Council . Fran saw thru the Hill , Ralston bullshit and sought out feedback from industry groups and key figures . Forced Prins to admit Council only completed 60 % of projects and close to the end of Councils terms updated blowouts on Haughton stage 2 and Lansdown . Condolences to Frans family .

  51. Prince Rollmop says:

    (Thanks, Mopsy, you’ll note his post has been edited to delete irrelevant matter. The Magpie.)

    Troy TwoNames took the Steven Miles bait and he has reacted to Miles announcement by posting the below comment on his Facebook page:


    I am deeply concerned by the report in the Townsville Bulletin this morning, which appears to quote Labor Premier Steven Miles stating his intention to remove me as Townsville’s democratically elected Mayor without cause, seemingly due to personal dislike.

    It seems that the Labor Premier Steven Miles is attempting to create chaos ahead of the upcoming election on October 26, where he faces a potential and devastating defeat.

    The suggestion that Labor Premier Steven Miles intends to remove me from my democratically elected position without legitimate cause is alarming. Such actions undermine our democratic principles and suggest a level of disregard for democracy in Queensland.

    This kind of rhetoric, even as a threat, sets a dangerous precedent. It should serve as a warning to every Mayor and Councillor about the potential actions Labor may take against those they oppose in the future.

    • The Magpie says:

      A few observations of the patient from Dr. Magpie, and a couple ezy-read translations.
      ‘Deeply concerned’ = ‘I shit myself’.
      ‘seemingly due to personal dislike’ = ‘What a shock. I mean, what’s not to love about a valour-stealing, academically lying, fraudulent business incompetent who goes in for the odd bit of biffo on the missus? Really I ask you.”

      So in the judgement of decent people, there is plenty of legitimate reasons to remove you, but in Queensland, they may not be legal … until Crisafulli becomes premier.

      And it’s absolutely ironically delicious to read about the danger of precedents from one of the most dangerous precedents it has been our displeasure to experience. And you yourself are what serves as a warning to other lying, cheating violent two-bit it chiselers who run for public office on a campaign of lies.

  52. Ben10 says:

    Everyone is quick to attack Troy Thompson, did you ask Jenny Hill to resign when she refused to open the dam early in 2019. This decision caused many people to lose their homes and possessions.

    • The Magpie says:

      Seems you haven’t been reading this blog and its comments for very long, Ben. The calls for accountability for Hill’s actions during the monsoon were long and loud, and not just here. And of course, just like her fatal prang, authorities cleared her with a lot of ‘baffle-‘em,-with-bullshit’ double talk which convinced no one but exonerated her.

      If it had not exonerated her, she woulkd certainly have had to resign for such an irresponsible ‘for the greater good’ decision.

  53. Jeff, Condon says:

    Don’t forget, the CCC doesn’t have the power to actually do anything. It is an an investigative body that conducts inquiries and submits reports, making recommendations. The requesting client then has to make a decision what action/inaction it will take.

    All this will take at least six months or more, particularly if Twonames fights his dismissal. I don’t see us voting for a new Mayor, rather, one will be selected from the Council.

    Question: Do we elect a replacement Councillor? Perhaps the Magpie can answer that

    • The Magpie says:

      Good question. But using TwoNames own argument (‘Ahem, I was elected to run the city not a division’) maybe not. But in saner climes, it is always good to have someone with a breaking vote in a deadlock.

  54. Inspector Clouseau says:

    Pie, all the best to your team, the Swannies in today’s AFL Grand Final!!!

    • The Magpie says:

      Claws crossed, cloaca clenched … and try to forget some previous apperances.

      • Grumpy says:

        Victoria just doesn’t get AFL.

        Let the Pride roar.

        • The Magpie says:

          With a few of million flocking to screens to watch, The ‘Pie will be looking for a bevy of goals wedged between the big sticks during the game, and just hopes it doesn’t end in a lamentation.

          For those who think The ‘Pie has just snapped a synapse, , ‘bevy’, ‘game’, ‘wedge’,’flock’ and ‘lamentation’ are all collective nouns for Swans

          Perhaps tomorrow, we can add a Flag of Swans?

          • Achilles says:

            Count not your chickens ere they are hatched, remember that the Poms have an annual “Swan upping” event, could happen this arvo in Oz!

          • The Magpie says:

            Yes, swan upping is to determine the health of cygnets by lifting them high, and some wandering lions will so find out how robustly healthy they are … the Papley branch of the family can be particularly vicious.

            Either way, someone’s going be upped this arvo.

          • Lion says:

            I doubt it, the roar killed the swan

          • Grumpy says:

            Do I hear the sound of avian bones being crunched and the marrow being sucked therefrom? Good kitty!

          • The Magpie says:

            As Kamal so famously whinged, why are people so unkind? The swans were well and truly upped, and the man who really beat them was coach Chris Fagan … he had clearly analysed how the minor premiers play their game, and devised the way to whup ‘em. And whup they did, making the home and away champs look like chumps. This is where most say, oh, it’s only a game, but not the ‘Pie, he says, aww, phukit.

  55. The Magpie says:

    If the air has been smelling a little sweeter of late, it maybe be because Raslton the Wrecker has finally left town.

    The Prince’s Yarrawonga pile is now settled, sold for $1.650M…well short of his original sought after figure of $2M.

    But don’t lose any sleep over his disappointment. He only paid $1.055M for it 3 years ago and after having an extension put on probably
    still pocketed at least a couple of hundred thousand, tax free profit.

  56. Grumpy says:

    I see that Thompson has been madly clearing his social media platforms of any even slightly dissenting voices. More so than usual. Running terrified?

    I was struck off his Christmas card list ages ago for asking how he planned to effect his proposed policies with a hostile council.

    I now quietly lurk as someone he thinks he can trust.

  57. The Magpie says:

    Exit stage left, with grace and aplomb.

    One of the most commanding presences of stage and screen, has left us.

  58. White Mouse says:

    The grandest of the Grande Dames of acting.

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