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The Magpie

Saturday, December 14th, 2024   |   213 comments

They’re Singing The Walker Street Anthem, Altogether Now: “The Ratepayers Can Kiss My Arse, I’ve Got A Councillor’s Job At Last”.

With the deputy mayoral post already decided – if Nanny McPhee’s directive has been obeyed to present a united front after a secret meeting decision  – the question now is, will the meeting on Tuesday be a throw-back to the Jenny Hill Arm Aerobics Class i.e. a decision made behind closed doors and presented as a fait accompli without explanation or debate?  Or will we be graced with why our new leader was chosen?

The Magpie is an inclusive sort of bird, so why restrict the field to a self-chosen two or maybe three.   The ‘Pie rates ALL councillors suitability for the mayoral chair … and The ‘Pie picks his dud of choice.

A major council misjudgement, a hangover from the Jenny Hill era, must be challenged and debated by the current coven … it MUST be revisited and rescinded or the festering dead hand of Mayor Mullet will have one  last cackle. And cost the ratepayers dearly.

Will our new state government spare a moment for the plight of Magnetic Island, after years of bad decisions that have held it back? A small squabble points to a bigger historical problem, which could be rectified by an active involved council.

Along with a few laughs, and our regular cartoon gallery from Merca.

Just a reminder that The Nest takes no advertising in order to remain independent,  and since  is free, generates non income. But tgere costs to be met continually, and if you appreciate the weekly missive, you can lend a hand by whacking the donate button an the bottom of the blog.  for whatever you reckon its worth.

This Man Thinks We’re All Gullible Yokels

Idiots of the first water in fact.

John Oberhardt Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 10.53.25 am

John ‘Nanny McPhee’ Oberhardt

The Magpie dubbed the government appointed bureaucrat John Oberhardt ‘Nanny McPhee’, because his mission to monitor and admonish councillors behaviour and bad manners operates under the movie heroine’s credo: When you need me but don’t want me, then I must stay, But when you want me but no longer need me,  I have to go.

Well, mate, it seem you might be around for a while … and it will be your own fault.

Now it is unlikely you advocated the unnecessary and greedy deputy mayoral spill, instigated by a delusionary self-entitled Ann-Maree Greaney, and it would be reasonable you probably even tried to discourage it, but didn’t have the power to stop it. But when it became inevitable that the city was again about to sidetracked by another disruptive and totally unnecessary  sideshow,  Mr Obergardt,  it is reliably reported =that you made the blunder of suggesting to the councillors they hold a secret meeting, have their little spats and reach a decision behind closed doors  ‘ so as to placate the the public by presenting a united front at the public special meeting.’

We’re not sure that if even now you have realised what a deeply stupid thisd was. Because nothing BUT NOTHING was guaranteed to enrage the Townsville public more than history repeating itself in this way, a history of  secret behaviour and decision making which was why Jenny Hill was chucked out in the first place.  If you were so lazy to think you could swan in here to quote a few LG regs and give a gentle tut tut here and a take it easy here, there you sir, are the idiot, not us.

And if the egregious and now widely despised Greaney gets the nod, you’re likely to be here longer than you might want, until Crisafulli finds his  balls to honour his promise  and sack outright that bi-polar sociopathic feather bedded affront to public decency and call a mayoral election.

Until then, Mr Oberhardt, not even Nanny McPhee’s magic walking stick could make for a smooth passage to the end of your sentence here.

But Since This Is Where We’re At …

The ‘Pie will take the opportunity to see how deep is our well of deserving leadership.  He will not have to roll hius trousers up very far.


Clr Paul Jacob Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.23.12 pm

…. Why this bloke ever fancied himself for politics is a bit of a mystery, came into it via the Labor Party’s Hill Team. But he displayed a sudden burst of integrity when he defied Hill’s iron hand and called her out on the veiled Adani Airport near-fiasco. Eventually run and won on his own ticket this year,  but then tried to play middle of the road clever dick with Thompson, who helped vote him in as deputy.  For that, he became acting mayor on Thompson’s much delayed demise. It’s true he’s no Beau Brummel and will never get a photo spread in Tailor&Cutter,  and it is highly doubtful he will ever be asked to address the Oxford Union,  but he bumbles his way through the pro forma part of meetings well enough,  and is only a seat warmer until matters develop further.  Never likely to be mayor in his own right.

Verdict: Should have been left in the chair until next April when a new round of bloodletting is due.

Clr Ann-Marie Greaney Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.25.05 pm

A very unpleasant piece of self-interested and self-delusional work.  It was her overweening  instigation that the unnecessary spill was called. The most galling thing that has emerged from Clr Greaney’s self-puffery is the brazen expression of self-entitlement to higher office.  This woman is actually so blinded by her own arrogance that she cites her  10 years a council employee (doing basically fuckall in events), and then the last eight years as an unquestioning  Mayor Mullet  bum kisser as proof of her superior experience to be our putative mayor.  One has to question the intelligence of someone who was a willing participant in the destructive policies that have bedevilled Townsville for a decade, to quote that experience as making her fit to lead the city out of the woeful state in which helped put it.  It’s just a power grab that will make her a heroine on her dinner party circuit, and do fuck all for Townsville. (See later piece on TEL events rort.) Her inability to communicate with poorly represented Magnetic Island residents,  and her prolonged insistence on parking meters on the Strand (before getting the message) shows she has no real connection to how the community is thinking, beyond her cocktail and Women Who Lunch circuit

Verdict:  An undeserving woman, who has ambition simply for ambitions sake. She has no ear for the public sentiment (ask Maggie Island residents) exemplified by her continued insistence on parking meters on the Strand until buried under public outrage. She is a meeting manipulator who cannot be trusted to NOT reintroduce unpopular issues like the Strand meters. 

Clr Suzy Batkovic

Did she put her hand up for the job, after her stellar performance at the last council meeting, during which she had a quick snipe at Greaney? If she did, she would’ve been the Batkovic out of hell for Greaney.  A political newby but that hardly matters at LG level, her blunt talking and refusal to suffer fools and liars gladly might be just what Townsville needs at the moment. She has a national profile, is obviously intelligent enough and while her frank assessments of some issues might be a bit too upfront for some, she could make a refreshing fist of the job. Might need to pull back on the up front posture in favour of a more diplomatic approach when talking to outside parties.

Verdict: The question really is would she/did she nominate? The ‘Pie will guess not, the shifting sands of old loyalties may have worked against her as a compromise candidate. And her domestic and motherhood situation – very young twins who need constant attention – probably won the argument against standing – it is well known that Clr Batkovic has always said she will always put her children ahead of all other considerations. 

Clr Andrew Robinson Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.23.59 pm

Clr Robinson, a man of numbers and statistics, looks sort who tucks his shirt into his underpants, safe and sure behind the scenes, neat, tidy and self-contained to the world. He is no Merry Andrew,  and looks and sounds like his one concession to frivolity might be the occasional Dad joke while wearing of a polka dot bow tie. But for all his dry as dust albeit insightful analysis of spreadsheets and reports,  and his sometimes tortuous attempts at explanation by hypotheticals, he appears to be one of the few councillors who does actually read the reports he is are given.  Occasional glimpses of humanity – music appreciation, boosting young careers – make him a useful member of the chamber. Perhaps need to attune a bit more to the community voice.

Verdict: Frankly, if Jacob has to go,  Andrew Robinson would be the ideal man to steady the ship from the temporary mayoral chair.


Clr Liam Mooney Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.30.52 pm

The Magpie maintains he wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see Mooney Jr turn up in a candy striped jacket, straw boater and a cane. He is the song-and-dance man champion of the arts, and seems to have the luvvie’s vote nailed down.  In this area, he sometimes taxes the Gushometer to the limit,  but he’s got his Dad’s unerring sense of the jugular, as when he called out an obvious Thompson lie with the memorable  shouted ‘Sez you’.  Has a good grasp of issues, speaks sensibly and has no Jenny baggage, if family animosities prevail. (His Radiance and The Mullet are said to heartily loathe each other.)

Verdict:  Too young, and too soon for the name not to create some antagonism in certain areas.  Handy councillor, though, made a strong argument of trying to help constituents in Pimlico.

Clr Kurt Rehbein 

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Clr Rehbein is a bit of a mystery, and seems to have had some attempts to lift his profile with a bit of nonsensical media posturing,  possibly driven by the fact that he was Thompson’s choice for a nice little side gig with the lGAQ. nGod knows what qualified him for that, but it came from TwoNames so who knows.  He seems to want to be seen as a rebel with a cause but looks to be too busy to nail down a solid stance, more jigging about playing political hopscotch. Has made some silly decisions, particularly on the Strand meter issue, wimping out and handing future councils a hospital pass.

Verdict:  Seems to want to be liked too much. Couldn’t be trusted to hold a steady line. Not in the running anyway. (Christ, hope not).

Clr Brodie PhillipsScreenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.24.25 pm

Clr Phillips, very involved, local born and bred, seems a throwback to the type of councillor who actually went for the job because he has always been involved in his community, working and volunteering.  Unexceptional in council, hardly ever hear from him, which in the past eight months might be more a sign of wisdom than disinterest. Seems to be too unobjectional to have much of a future in politics beyond LG.

Verdict: Solid if mostly silent in council, his divisional work will be a key factor in his future. Which could be bright.

Clr Brady Ellis.  Screenshot 2024-12-14 at 8.08.50 pm

This bloke seems to be unaware of who is listening … and who he is occasionally insulting … when he speaks in council.  His injudicious  ‘we can’t be fun dads all the time’ was one of the most patronising insults to suffering ratepayers and opponents of Strand meters. Always looking for the memorable line, sometimes at the expense of coherence or useful contribution.  Nothing quite as excruciating as listening to a disc jockey turn gym jockey trying to sound mature and relevant. Lot of work to do to deserve his pay packet.

Verdict. Need The ‘Pie say it.  But still, he put his hand up and the ‘Pie didn’t, which probably says something


Clr Kristian Price Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.23.42 pm

It may be just The ‘Pie’s misperception, but this bloke who looks like an anti-hero in a movie about evil cartels seems a bit fragile.  His emotional hold came under question when he seems on the verge of tears in refuting some silliness by TwoNames Thompson. He demanded an apology after laying it on a bit thick about his emotional wounds. what, from known liar Thompson? You’re kiddin’, surely. Impossible to see him making much headway in politics, translating a handsome into political capital isn’t all that easy.

Verdict:  Seemed to appreciate Ma Greaney’s comforting pats on the arm after his emotional blub, so we know where his vote will go/has gone.

Clr Vera DirouScreenshot 2024-12-13 at 2.24.14 pm

For The ‘Pie’s money, this gal is the political goods, and seems to be playing a long game. Solid labor background, The ‘Pie is told, but keeps to the program in council, her infrequent (sometimes almost inaudible) contributions are generally sensible and questions polite and pointed.  The ‘Pie must say the most disconcerting thing about Clr Dirou is her stillness, tending to hunch over her screen, sometimes one wonders if she hasn’t quietly departed for the more relaxing climes of the afterlife.

Verdict: Good councillor by all reports. All a bit new for silly ambitions at this stage.

The Brilliance Of Claudia Brumme-Smith

Worth repeating this question The Magpie posed in last week’s Nest.

“We all rightly take a very dim view of TwoNames Thompson claiming credit for things he didn’t do,  so why do we continually tolerate Townsville Enterprise doing exactly the same thing? We look at their latest claims.”

Anyone who thinks the boss of the Dudley Do-Nothings, TEL CEO Claudia Brumme-Smith (Ms BS) is stupid had better think again. When it comes to the grift, she an absolute corker, quite brilliant. Because she has cottoned on to one simple fact that no one can quantify the amount of  influence TEL has had over another organisation’s  decision, or what part of an announcement has been prompted by a TEL’s  involvement. If any or none.   Perfect really, because you cannot quantify or prove influence yourself, it has to come from the other party.

And here’s the kicker … if in fact you played no role in the ultimate beneficial decision (like Copperstring or Defence expansion in Townsville), no one is likely to announce that it was nothing to do with you , media releases are rarely negative, what would be the point.. So you can actually claim what you like and you won’t be challenged.

And Ms BS has been doing exactly that in spades recently. First there was an annual review full of wholly dubious claims of cause across a whole range of happenings (notably absent was the V8 SuperPests), and then there was this in the Weekend’s Astonisher, a whole page of aerated  flummery.

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Not one single pointer or proof of any achievement anywhere. By an organisation largely funded by the ratepayer. Just claims unsupported by any substantive evidence.

Gotta hand it to her, it really is the perfect legal rort, and Ms B-S is luxuriating in the freedom to bullshit to the high heavens after coming out of Mayor Mullet’s (former Vice Chair of TEL) shadow.

Ho hum, you say, give it a rest, ‘Pie, your always on about this mob..

Well the old bird would like to  but for one other development announced last Monday.

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This is the release here, with the truly alarming bit for ratepayers opening the media release.

Townsville Enterprise is set to take on major events for the city in a new partnership with Townsville City Council that will bolster Townsville’s reputation as the major events capital of northern Australia.

The decision comes off the back of Council approving the Townsville Events Strategy 2024-27 late last year.

Acting Mayor Paul Jacob said the partnership would position Townsville as the home of major events and involve Townsville Enterprise setting up a dedicated events advisory panel.

“In years gone by Council and Townsville Enterprise have worked hand-in-hand to secure major events like Pink, Multisport World Championships, Matildas, International Rugby, State of Origin and recently the Killers, for Townsville,” Cr Jacob said.

“This new formalised partnership will see Council hand over the reins when it comes to attracting and managing future major events so Council can focus on delivering services to our community.

Make no mistake, this is shaping up as a double-handling and amateur waste of ratepayers money which is a leftover piece of chicanery from Jenny Hill’s conniving administration. Proof of this is that bit in there that says  The decision comes off the back of Council approving the Townsville Events Strategy 2024-27 late last year. 

Screenshot 2024-12-14 at 9.48.04 pm

This is no strategy, it is 12 pages of absolute buzzword, feel good drivel,  done up is glossy brochure style which does not give a clue to any actual strategy. THIS IS NOT A SERIOUS COUNCIL DOCUMENT, IT IS DISGRACEFUL HUCKSTERISM BY OUR FORMER MAYOR, AIMED AT SELLING A VAGUE IDEA TO THE CITIZENS OF TOWNSVILLE.  AND NOW A DISASTROUS DECISION HAS BEEN PUSHED THROUGH ON THE BASIS OF BEING A REAL STRATEGY.

Read the details and reach your own conclusions. The back in the media release last Monday, therte;’s this gem.

Ms Brumme-Smith said the partnership with Council and the establishment of a events advisory panel would ensure Townsville is put on the national map when it comes to having the ability to entice, bid for, create and deliver major events to the city.

This will have a budget of millions, much of it ponied up by the ratepayer, and you can guess what a schmozzle of useless gab-festing this panel is going to churn out.

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This is disgusting stuff,  an. advisory panel supposedly having a say in million dollar decisions made up of unpaid volunteers working two hours a week. Seriously, you couldn’t make this stuff up, no one would believe you.

And guess who is the first off the rank is to get a gig on the panel. for a position you can bet won’t be unpaid … yup, Ann-Maree Greedy says she will apply!! She would’ve had a hand in the bullshit strategy with the Mullet because of her ‘experience’ in running council events in the past.

This such an amateur hour con, if the public buys it, then they’ll be paying for it, but getting very little if anything in return.

This fucking town, really.

Poorly Worded Question Of The Week 

Ya just can’t beat the Kattertonics for a probing question.

Below is a question on notice (that is, it is a written question) by Robbie Katter on Thursday in the State Parliament.

1218 MR R KATTER ASKED MINISTER FOR HEALTH AND AMBULANCE SERVICES (HON T NICHOLLS)— Will the Minister report how many babies were born alive in Queensland over the last 10 years, following a termination of pregnancy, (reported separately by year)?

 Anyone wanna take a stab?

Maggie On Our Mind

The saga of the Magnetic Island ‘almost a million dollar’ dunny was one of the things folks across the water were ever more pissed off about during the week. And The ‘Pie got mildly worked up about the missed opportunities for the island which could still rectified if council changed it perspective and its priorities.

First up, reader Jenny wanted to know various aspects of the proposed gold plated $900,000 facility,  and the costings involved in the overall project.

  • The Magpie

    And even if all those questions are answered,Jenny, there is no way that the cost will add up to $900k. That amount is openly ridiculous, tenders should be put out again with a warning for rorters and bureaucratic box-ticking pen pushers to stay away.

    And while we’re here, there is another question you didn’t include, Jen … what in this supposedly transparent council universe in
    • one accessible facility
    • two ambulant facilities
    • two standard toilets.

    These arsesoles deliberately write this way to make elements of a modest structure sound important and beyond the reach of those with a clever-dick engineering degree.


  • The Magpie

    Here’s a leaked photo of the public servant media experts meeting to discuss the wording for the Picnic Bay bog holes press release.

    And The Magpie has been leaked a portion of the discussion on the matter. Tarquin (top right in photo) and Jacinta (middle left) were leading the discussion before breaking for a two hour lunch.

    Tarquin:“I think we should include the fact that we have duly considered the use of autoclaved aerated concrete as was demonstrated to us on our three month study tour of Finland, Sweden and Norway, but while initially included in possibilities, was precluded on consideration of the variant temperature between Scandinavia and Yunbenun Island (as Magnetic Island will shortly designated). So the structure has now been conceived to be constructed from oblong rectangles of cement, sand, fly ash, gravel, and/or lava rock if available, but the inclusion of recycled post-consumer glass, shredded plastic granules and similar materials as requested by the Greens may not be possible. Appropriately certified operatives will stack this as directed by the firm of architects on site, after licensed Bobcat drivers and plumbers have completed their site preparation. This will only be done after Parks and Wildlife officers have ascertained the absence of the Tinkling Fluffy-Backed Tit-Babbler (last sighted somewhere close as recently as 1932), and local aboriginal elders have completed their examination of the site for sacred relics and spare change, which they agreed to do for $10,000 fee. The debris will be removed to the mainland for examination for asbestos, contaminants and/or traces of the remains of Juanita Nielsen.
    That should keep the public dorks busy working that out, eh?
    Jacinta: Bit long, isn’t it? Why don’t we just say it will be two toilets in a breeze block dunny.
    Tarquin: You’re new to this aren’t you, Jacinta?

Then there was reasonable complaint from Nelly about the fate of the Picnic Bay Mall, which prompted a Magpie reply questioning among other things, this and past councils’ priorities.

The Magpie

Nelly, your heart is certainly in the right place, but perhaps your head – as in reasoning – isn’t.

You say: ‘I really don’t understand why everyone is fixated on the Picnic Bay Mall.’

And then you go on to detail to list the EXACT reasons why the decrepit Picnic Bay Mall should be a top topic on this blog, on the island and for councillors’ inboxes.

The ‘Pie too remembers the popular, much-loved waterfront mall with magnificent trees just metres from the beach and the busy little tourist hub of shops, the pub and eateries. It was callous but typical council/government decision to move ALL the ferry services along the coast and kill a thriving small centre stone dead – instead of protecting decades-old businesses by making at least three of the daily ferry trips continue via Picnic (do not believe the hokum that the jetty was or is about to fall down of its own volition). Picnic Bay could have remained the boutique village with a golf course and scenic access that it once was.

And it still could be.

Instead of spending speculative tens – nay hundreds – of millions on things like proposed distant airfields, a highly tenuous eco hub-in-the-scrub or four million dollar tin sheds on Castle Hill (which earns absolutely fuck all back … it’s not even rateable and is a disgraceful standing joke against bureaucracy and Jenny Hill), a fraction of that money could have fixed up the PB jetty, repaired neglected infrastructure and attracted new (very rateable) businesses. It could gradually return to what Flinders Mall should be, a thriving buzzy magnet. All without damaging but rather enhancing the other island hubs.

Magnetic Island is nationally more instantly recognisable and certainly more desirable than Townsville as a tourist destination, and Picnic Bay has the added value being able to revive its historic reputation as the favourite weekend getaway from Townsville residents.

This is the sort of thinking that is now needed on an independent council which has been in the thrall of uninspired, self interested politics and the grey grim-faced army of box ticking, uninvolved time serving public servants that enable them. And Picnic Bay and Magnetic Island certainly needs a champion to push its claim to reclaim some glory.

This is another sad story of this city, its council and state government knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing. (And they’re not too hot on knowing the price of everything either. especially public dunnies.)

The first person to suggest they already have a champion in TEL will be banned from the Nest on grounds of mental instability.

Making Americans  Grate Again (not a typo)

Perhaps we had better enjoy the grim humour of those predicting what ,life will be like in a fascist America … because after January, there may only be unacceptable sick jokes to be made.  The crucial the world must now wait on in 2025 is an inevitable choice to be made by the armed forces of the United States. With some many c bherished freedoms and traditions about to be trampled, the long standing and unwavering rule that the generals stay out of it may well come to an bloody end.

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And Finally …

Times are changing everywhere.

Got a new Jack Russell pup today. He’s mainly black and brown with just a small white patch. I’ve called him England.


‘That’s All Folks’ … The ‘Pie thinks it appropriate to quote Looney Tunes sign-off after this week. But thee’s more to come, and you can keep up with sentiment in comments. Have your say, too.  Want to lend a hand with Nest costs? The donate button is below,  sorta needed about now.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. wollo says:

    Very entertaining blog again Pie especially your frormguide in the Deputy Duck race but where are the odds ? I was gonna go down to the Tab tomorrow and have a punt….Regarding Robbie Katter and the abortion issue. About 6 months or so ago he was interviewed by Paul Murray and said that he had found out that babies were being born alive and instead of getting medical care were put in a cardboard box in a storeroom and left to die.This is legal under the current legislation .
    This has been his gripe all along and why Robbie introduced the topic durng the election campaign and made the kid shiver in his boots every time a journo mentioned the word abortion ( about 30 times ) and that is why he had the shits big time when the kid shut down the topic and any debate in the Parliament for the term of his Government last week. He was probably hoping to ammend that part of the legistlation I don’t think he is against abortion persay just that cruel disgusting part of it .

    • The Magpie says:

      So you’ve outed yourself as a burnt brain cooker of the first degree, Wollo. It was always a suspicion but if you disagree, prove The ‘Pie wrong by presenting the sane but apparently uninformed Nest readers with a link where any legislation says it is legal to shove live babies into boxes and put in a storeroom leaving them to die.

      You are a ratbag fuckwit of the first water, and The ‘Pie now you on his nlist of those deserving retrospective abortion.

  2. mike douglas says:

    Good assessment of Councillors Pie because you are observing them on their performance and lack of consultation with their division who they are supposed to represent . Anyone had their Councillor contact them on regarding deputy Mayor / Councils performance . Our Councillor Dirou is gaslighting her division . Not audible in Council meetings . Its well known she was on Aaron Harpers fundraising / media team and she merely reposts Councils events ( after her lack of visibility exposed in the Nest) never actually seen attending . Re foodtrucks Greaney; Townsville voted for change so look at her performance 12 years as a councillor . Cbd , Flinders lane , voting for Lansdowne and not questioning Council blowouts Haughton stage 2 voting to pick up $73 mil then a further $55 mil for ratepayers . Hilton Hotel fiasco , Magnetic island E-petition vote of no confidence . Townsville can’t afford having Foodtrucks Greaney negotiating on the Cities behalf with State and Feds based on her past performances . Nanny Mcphee Oberhardt best way to serve the State /Council is audit what critical projects aren’t being completed and review senior staff employed by Team Hill as its not only the Councillors that are an issue .

  3. Mdog says:

    I remember back in the day, oh so long ago. The family would take the 45 minute ferry ride to the island. Upon disembarking on the old jetty, throngs of people lined the jetty, and along the shop front area, at picnic bay. People everywhere in the water, in the moles, buying up big, all the trinket’s, and the place was full of life, and abuzz with happy kids getting sunburnt, and weary parents, forward, to the slow ride back to the mainland. Now, you have the golf course, horseshoe bay for a coffee, and a few trail walks, that schools use to tire out students on their school camp pilgrimage, from mainland schools. Cannot forget the mislead backpackers, that seem to wonder around aimlessly, until they find a watering hole for a cool beverage. Whatever happened to the magnetic island that was a joyous occasion, even to travers there was an adventure, how our civic leaders turned a diamond into coal.

  4. Mark the Jazz says:

    Good morning Magpie,

    I am no fan of the Katters and their stupid games.

    The Katter question is valid in the context of late term pregnancy terminations where some babies are borne viable. It is a stain on our society that these babies are not registered nor recognised and simply taken away and left to die from lack of nutrition and care.
    This is also a disgusting tactic by the Katter’s to keep the abortion issue alive.
    As a man, son, brother, father and grandfather I will always support a woman’s right to decide what is best for her particular circumstances.


    • The Magpie says:

      (Sigh) A reply such as yours wa inevitable, and The ‘Pie did not want to open a thread on a non-existent abortion debate, there is no issue in this state at this time of other more pressing concerns. Probably won’t be at any time\, it’s settled law.

      Your comment is reasonable and one with which The ‘Pie fully agrees, but it was, as stated, the poor wording of the question that raised a smile. He had hoped you’d laugh. (Sigh).

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      The Katters Babies Born Alive nonsense bill is straight out of Trump 101. This is a nonsense issue often spoken about by Trump. Speak to any healthcare professional who works in women’s health and you’ll quickly learn that babies cannot be born alive as any foetus of a viable age required to be aborted is given a lethal injection to the heart prior to the evacuation occurring.

  5. Tom says:

    Re Ann Maree Greaney. When Mooney and team were preparing for re election , whilst working for the council, she convinced him to allow her to have a large input in the campaign. After the election she sent a bill charging $65 per hour for her time. A large hourly rate then. An insult to all the ALP faithful who volunteered their time

    • The Magpie says:

      Oh, dear, hope that wasn’t the election Mooney lost to Les Tyrell (The Great Amalgamation Election). Thinking back to timings, yes, it would indeed have been that election.

  6. Maggie Moggie says:

    Mr. Magpie,

    Re Magnetic island

    Picnic Bay is a beautiful bay with stunning views, the jetty and iconic Banyan trees is seeing a resurgence, due to private business investment.

    The Picnic Bay Jetty is heritage listed on the Qld register and is maintained and preserved by Qld Govt.

    Several new businesses have opened at the other end of the Mall from the Hotel complex, in a long standing shopping precinct built in 1980’s, have undergone a transformation and now boasts several great food and beverage venues.

    The Mall itself is a disgrace and in desperate need of of an upgrade after years of neglect from council. Four years to get a new toilet block built, shows just how high TCC places not just Picnic Bay but the whole island on its list of priorities.

    The council just continues to take away from the island – 2 pedestrian bridges will be demolished, one at Alma Bay this week and the other in Horseshoe Bay in March, with no plans to rebuild.
    A complete lack of maintence on TCC infrastructure has seen many parts of island fall into disrepair and neglect.

    The blame falls squarley at the feet of TCC and our incompetent councillor.

    God help all of Townsville if she becomes A/ Mayor.

    • The Magpie says:

      Take your point entirely but it’s not just Maggie, same neglect with an extra dollop of arrogance up at Rollingstone.

      Three years ago, a community group asked Council for a toilet for Pace Park, as the only toilet available was in the big Hall at the Community Centre which is locked when not in use, i.e: public holidays, weekends, after work hours, and so on. The group felt it more than just inconvenient but a matter public hygiene to have a great public space which is used regularly, lacking an ablution block.

      The group were given the usual run-around about budgets, et al, but then the council suggested that the group apply for a grant from the state government, and council would support the application. A grant for that sort of capital works isn’t easy, and besides, thdre were no suitable grant pools available that would cover the cost of a uni-sex/disabled structure.

      The TCC reply was basically ‘tough luck’ go piss behind a tree, they were adamant this was the way to go and just dumped it back in the group’s lap.

      However, the group continued their efforts which was a labour-intensive exercise with the group was fully-occupied just putting in place the preliminary requisites.

      Then, the group suddenly realised the absurdity of the situation, that they should not have to go through these bureaucratic hoops so the council could get its work done for it. The group stopped working on the project and wrote to Council advising them that the provision of public toilet blocks was not something for which a very small community association was responsible; it was a Council job. And in a very pointed comment, the letter reminded the council that the group’s decision to put the responsibility where it rightly lay didn’t diminish the need for this external toilet facility.

      That was 3 years ago now. There is still no toilet block on Pace Park.

      Yet the very same council in 2021 conducted a community consultation …

      … and included the following:
      Pace Park (Project To Be Constructed)

      Replacement play equipment with more play options, including swings, a multiplay combination unit, rocker, carousel and new shade sail;
      Renewal of the basketball court with new surfacing and multipurpose sports court;
      Renewal of the drinking fountain;
      New seating areas;
      New bollards and maintenance access gate to prevent vehicle entry
      Modification works to existing irrigation

      And the council even boasted of doing the works to, in their words:

      To improve recreational opportunities for residents and visitors to enjoy
      To encourage an active and healthy lifestyle
      To increase inclusive community facilities within the Rolling Stone and Balgal Beach suburbs.

      So they upgraded Pace Park recreational facilities to attract more usage … but with a fucking public toilet in sight.

      The Walker Street bureaucrats didn’t know then, and they don’t now have a fucking clue what they’re doing.

      Anyone want to guess who the divisional councillor was at the time of all this?

      • Motorist says:

        Did a drive around Anderson Gardens earlier this year. I don’t think there is a public toilet there either. Happy to be corrected.

        • White Mouse says:

          There is a toilet near the back of Jubilee Bowls Club / Mundingburra state school. Is was locked up for a long time – not sure if it is open again.

  7. Jeff, Condon says:

    I agree with most of your assessments on the probable ability of councillors to fill the position of A/Deputy Mayor (almost sounds like a DADFA – Deputy Assistant Director Fuck All).

    Batkovic needs another full term to rid herself of the taint of Team Hill. Her recent advocacies are similar to one swallow does not a summer make.

    I would second the motion of Food Trucks trundling off to TEAP, if she gives up on her lust for power.

    Townsville’s continued run of poorly performing councils may prove the old proverb correct that a community who repeatedly elects fools to represent them may be served appropriately.

  8. Prince Rollmop says:

    So, TEL has undertaken an additional strategic direction. Have they changed their organisational charter to capture this change of direction? Have we missed something? Obviously Council approves of this change, so where and when was this decision made and where has it been documented for transparency? Has this new process been risk assessed? What controls have been put in place by Council to ensure TEL doesn’t just do its own thing without buy-in from Council. Ratepayer money is at stake here and there needs to be a high level of governance. Is this another behind closed doors decision that Council has made without clearly thinking it through? I guess that time will tell but I hope this isn’t another dud deal made by inept councillors.

    • The Magpie says:

      On the face of it, hope in vain Mopsy.

      But here’s the interesting question: has TEL painted itself into a corner?
      They’ve always been shy of, indeed have never offered, KPIs. Now, whatever events they have a hand in bringing here will be their unavoidable KPIs … and failure to bring anything worthwhile will be just as telling indicator of the worth of his rort.

      And the patronising Event Panel crap is pure Jenny Hill, the illusion of a wrong headed inclusiveness. Anyone has always had the right and ability to put forth good ideas, through their councillor, state member or the media.

      This ruinous and unjust partnership has to be revisited.

      • Critical says:

        I wonder how the funding agreement between council and TEL (maybe called something else) says about the level of funding, how that funding can be expended, KPI’s, reporting and so on. It’s probably commercial and in confidence so the ratepayers will never see it.

        • The Magpie says:

          You will note the following in the TEAP ad for panel members: “All panel conversations and outcomes will be commercial in confidence.”

          What? The ‘Pie agrees that the conversations to reach a decision should remain private and in confidence but ‘outcomes’? EWe are not allowed to know of decision

          That is an open invitation to corruption and manipulation.

          The community really needs to oppose this move and there should be an OPEN discussion about a more suitable alternative.

          • Critical says:

            Just realised that on top of the amount that is being paid to TEL, the ratepayer is bein
            g slugged for another amount through the Community Grants Scheme for various festivals eg India Fest, Philippines Festival, various musical festivals etc and I believe that the PBR bull riding event and Cowboys are paid through this scheme.
            So what are all of these events going to cost the city’s ratepayers.

            Another question, what % amount of this funding is going to be siphoned off by TEL for the so called administrative costs.

  9. Ducks Nuts says:

    Magpie, since you appear to be sold on Robinson, please tell us about him. I’ve tried to find information and come up short. I know more about Kristian Price, who despite all his failings is at least transparent.

    • The Magpie says:

      You can read his bio on the TCC website, but The ‘Pie made his judgement not just on his performance and likely behaviour stemming from observation, but also – unfortunately – by comparison with his council colleagues under the current situation. His chuminess with Richardson the Wrecker is a worry, and his apparent view that ratepayers are merely another set of numbers to be juggled are worries, but it’s all temporary anyway.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Ah Magpie, we should also look.at how well these councillors represent their Division. If anyone within Division 8 has seen or heard from Robinson before or since the election id be interested to know. I suspect he’s nothing more than a warm body.

  10. Long suffering ratepayer says:

    Once again, millions are going to be paid to southern promoters to prop up concerts and events that only a fraction of the community can afford to attend. Meanwhile there isn’t enough money to repair or resurface our potholed roads.
    It would be very interesting to find out just how many millions have been wasted on white elephants in Cr Greaney’s division over the past few years. Brace yourselves for a pineapple if she becomes acting mayor.

  11. Percy says:

    Ho fucking ho the Townsville ratepayer is paying Twodicks $250k to do nothing. I hope he enjoys his Xmas shopping, copious amounts of eggnog and expensive presents for family while he gets paid to sleep in every morning. Meanwhile ratepayers struggle to put a roof over their head and cannot even buy cheap presents because Council upped our rates. This situation is absolutley fucked and Twodicks should do the morally right thing and resign immediately.

  12. Circus fan says:

    There’s a headline on the bully website “10/10 for pies…”
    While the article is about a deeragun bakery, that’s the same rating I give you, Magpie, for your service to the community and those of us who want to discuss the performance about our council.
    Thank you.

    • The Magpie says:

      Well, thanks, but the ‘Pie means it when he says he sees his role mainly as a conversation starter on various topics, and then filtering out the crazies (mostly) as readers dice with each other. Any opinion The ‘Pie puts forth is carries no more weight than any other.

  13. Dave Nth says:

    Trip down memory lane with all this talk of Maggie Is. Cans on the ferry over, couple of pots in the Picnic Bay Hotel after walking off the wooden pier while waiting for the bus to Horseshoe Bay.

    Used to spend longer breaks out there. Geoff’s Place and the Tavern saw all sorts of mischief and shenanigans.

    Good time good times…

  14. Sandy Feet says:

    Deadset, how do we encourage good people to run for council again? We can’t continue to have the fringe-dwellers of our city running it!

    • Guy says:

      Its hard – define good.

      Most people walking in to vote don’t know and don’t care ( if they can even bother to vote) . It’s why Socrates had grave doubts regarding “democracy”, his pupil plato thought creating the philosopher kings could be the answer but that didn’t work out so he returned to Athens to educate the next politicians of Athens to try and stop the rot, the world’s first university ” the academy”.

      The whole of purpose of the university system was to create the next generation of athenian politicians, you spread the risk by educating many people rather than one or two men that might go mad, die of disease or be killed in battle. The internet yappers always talk of “leaders” – aye, but where ?

      Australian government at every level is a failure because the voting system has failed. If someone gets the brilliant idea of starting a war or getting involved in a war there’s no way of stopping it. No one can stop doomed projects costing billions of dollars. Stupid ideas and budgets abound.

      Spare a thought for the suckers in Sydney that will need to save for 40 years for a deposit for a mortgage. No one cares. They voted for it.

      • Turkey shoot says:

        Guy, are you supportive of our Westminster system that has been systematically abused, manipulated and fiddled with by successive generations of politicians to the point where the system is a haven for corrupt and dodgy politicians?

    • Turkey shoot says:

      Sandy feet, Politics rarely attracts ‘good people’. Our own Fran O’Callaghan was the exception to the rule. Fran cared about people. That should be the underlying framework of being a politician, caring for other people’s interests, but it rarely is. Most politicians are egotistical bullies. The line of work attracts lazy people who can’t cut it in the real business world and have been used to getting their own way through bribery, mates rates, empty promises, selfishness and general dishonesty. It attracts people like Twonames, Hill, Rudd, and Graham Richardson to name a few. You wouldn’t piss on any of them if they were on fire. All have huge egos and act with sociopathic intent. Thats just a small sample from within a giant pot. Politicians are ranked down the order with used car salesmen and realestate agents. Says enough really.

    • Dave Nth says:

      I see your frustration, the election had me looking at Ryder or Jacob.

      The mayoral ballot was as bad.

      Sad to say Nunovem got the vote.

      Last half decent candidate was Artlett, that mullet & the ALP machine hounded out. Same to Fran. Also Clive Palmers ego.

      Out our way, I can’t think of a decent candidate period since I have lived here, spent a decade in the kids riding and had no problems there making a choice. Question is with the status quo set up to shut competent competition out, why would you have a go?

  15. Al says:

    Guy, I am concerned that you and I have been drinking from the same chalice, but from opposite sides. I reckon we are dumb pharqs.

  16. Mike Douglas says:

    Near Lansdown , 300 MW clean energy generation Majors Creek Solar by Edify when completed 2028 supply energy 120,000 supported by Federal Government investment scheme . Near Lansdown does NOT that mean it’s not in Councils Lansdown Eco Precinct.

  17. Jenny says:

    Magpie, last week you wrote: “The Magpie has learnt councillors will have a private meeting behind closed doors BEFORE the public meeting. At the closed session, candidates will make their pitch, councillors will then debate candidates merits, take a vote and the matter will be decided prior to the special meeting on 17th.”
    Nothing personal but I find this hard to believe, especially the part about taking a vote. If your source for this was a person inside the tent at the time the meeting was proposed, they would know whose idea it was to have a private meeting in the first place. Do you think the meeting was ordered by the state-appointed public servant or did the councillors agree amongst themselves to meet and invite the ‘overseer’ Oberhardt to attend? Given the Mayoral Minute and the conspicuous tensions already demonstrated between several councillors in the past two ordinary meetings it beggars belief that they would timidly hide their differences on instructions from an outside public servant who has no authority.

    • The Magpie says:

      Nothing personal, Jenny, but …

      From the story:

      The Townsville Bulletin sought to contact the local government representatives, with none of them responding to confirm how they would vote or their perspective of a challenge against Acting Mayor Paul Jacob.
      But a source from within the council claimed that these councillors had been warned not to speak publicly about the discussions within the workshop, but would not clarify where that direction had come from.

      Also, The Magpie has since said more than once that it was almost certain Nanny McPhee who gave the directive, or at least agreed to it, quoting a highly trusted source.

      The ‘Pie reckons he has worked out what game your playing, Jenny. Something doesn’t ring true about you, skilled as you are in web search and IA, when you suggest you missed Chris Burns follow-up to The Magpie’s scoop.

      But the old bird will keep his suspicions to himself on this occasion.

  18. Netherfield park says:

    TroyBoy Resign

    I see Thompson is at it again, stirring up shit on his FakeBook Page about tomorrows “Special Meeting’ of Council (in this Case “Special” can also have the meaning of the USA, where people are sometimes described as travelling to school on the Short Bus. Sorry, a little un-PC and un-Woke, but accurate nonetheless). The one thing Thompson seems to conveniently forget (again. You know, those 100 concussions’n’all) is that for once in his miserable life, he actually has ALL THE POWER. More so than Anne-bulance Leahy or The Kid at the moment.

    TroyBoy could put all his “suspension money” where his Mouth is, and actually pull the stunt of the century to spoil all those allegedly “scheming councillors” from their goal. He could kill off tomorrow’s meeting in a single act.

    It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a calendar. And the real reason for tomorrow’s Special Meeting to determine the occupant of the Deputy Mayor’s role is not so much about who will be Acting Mayor by tomorrow, but who may be Permanent Mayor in the months and years ahead. Hear me out, there is logic here. If the position on the Mayor becomes vacant within the first 12 months of the Councils Term, a by-election is automatically called for, to be held within no more than 12 weeks. If, however, the position becomes vacant after that first 12 months, then the Council itself shall elect/appoint the new Mayor. Not the electorate. This isn’t a Coup, it’s just the existing rules and the law at work. Nothing conspiratorial.

    SMiles and Scanlon already indicated that the CCC investigation could continue for 12 months back at the end of September. At that point, or hopefully sooner, they may well produce some work product that “SHOULD/COULD” see the Mayor’s role become vacant. However, given those timelines, it is likely to be well past that first 12 months point. Which means it is the Council, not the electorate, that will possibly determine the next Mayor. Ratepayers may not get a look-in until March 2028. Hence all the jockeying for the reins right now. Because right now it is highly unlikely to go to the electorate. So whoever wins tomorrow stands a good-ish chance of becoming the Permanent Mayor sometime in the course of 2025.

    So why does this make TroyBoy the most powerful person in the scheme of things right now? Because he could, with a few minutes action, render the whole debate tomorrow, and in the near term future, Moot. With a simple action of resigning from the role of Mayor of Townsville City Council with immediate effect, he could open the certainty to a by-election. One where the people of Townsville get to decide the next mayor again. He could re-contest the role, and take his chances with the Townsville citizenry. And, who knows, he might possibly win. God help Townsville if that were to be the case.

    But today, he has all the power to put to bed the mythological stories about Team Jenny Hill. He could actually BE the circuit-breaker that Crisafulli described. He could possibly win this little war that rages in his head.

    The only reason he doesn’t do this is he is still waiting on his payoff. He thinks that by writing to Anne-bulance and The Kid, asking THEM to sack council and appoint an administrator, he might get a payoff for the 3 years of unfulfilled “Service to His Community” that he “might” have rendered. But the thing is, that is a pipe dream. Anne-bulance’s move to accept his offer of paid suspension was, and is, only a band-aid on the problem that is Thompson.

    If he really wants to cement his place in Townsville History, possibly even in a positive light, he could exercise ALL THAT POWER HE HAS TODAY, by resigning. He won’t. But he could. Why would it make history in a positive light? Because he would have given the people of Townsville the ability to choose the Mayor between now and March 2028. Not the current Councillors, not Anne-bulance and The Kid, not anyone but him. Now that is a challenge for the fraudster to rise to. Be Historic TroyBoy!!! Resign!!!

  19. Non Aligned Worker says:

    Tomorrows TCC Special Meeting starts at 9:30am.
    Some of the Agenda items copied and pasted from the TCC Website below.

    • Apologies and Leave of Absence
    • Disclosure of Interests and
    Confidentiality – Statement
    by In-House Counsel
    • Disclosure of Interests

    1 Declaration of the office of Deputy Mayor vacant
    2 Council appoint another Deputy Mayor from its Councilors

  20. Ducks Nuts says:

    Perc, You forgot to mention the $100. gift cards that he likes to give away. It would be all ratepayer money.

  21. Ducks Nuts says:

    Praps an alternative meaning of “motions”.

  22. Tropical Cyclone says:

    I believe it’s risky to allow those who orchestrate a coup to profit from it. However, if everything is legitimate, why close the meeting to the public? There’s no indication that any financially sensitive information is being discussed. If everything is above board, there should be transparency, and people should be able to see what’s happening.

  23. The Magpie says:

    Our new acting Mayor is Ann-Maree Greaney.

    May God have mercy on Townsville’s soul.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Probably not going to be as easy to work with. Not sure who would have been better. Maybe wait for another coup

      • The Magpie says:

        This is squarely in The Kid’s court now … the only answer to sack the criminal Thompson and call a mayoral election.

        But he won’t for the reason explained in a previous Magpie comment. Townsville has every right to feel double-crossed by Brisbane.

    • Trix63 says:

      F**k. I think it is time for the Kid to dissolve the council and appoint an administrator as this is a shit show. #Notmymayor.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      This is the beginning of the end of Food Trucks Greaney’s political career. Voters will remember next time she has to face the electorate, if in fact she bothers to nominate! This is a disgrace and she should be ashamed of her outright self-interest in using the back door to sit in the seat of Mayor. :(

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      Pie, do you have a different photo of Food Trucks? This photo looks like a spruker out side a vaudeville tent in side show ally.
      More appropriate would be a photo that causes small children to spontaneously burst into tears, and put old people off their food.

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      Cr. Greaney on being elected as A/Mayor ‘ We are unified’.
      Well madam no you are not, and, Bravo to Councillor Dirou for telling it like it is, a shameful power grab.

      Cr. Greaney hasn’t been able to attend to duties as Div 3 Councillor, so what are the chances of her get off her fat arse and looking after our city?

      Hopefully it will be the last of her we see on the island, till the next election.
      She will just be SO BUSY…

      I hear TCC will sending over another highly paid bureaucrat to try to keep the rabble on line, good luck with that.

      Cr. Greaney you are have just put the first nail in the coffin of your own political demise.

    • Island Voice says:

      I am not a Happy Chappy.
      It was a little too early to start drinking, but after all it’s nearly Xmas . I needed something to calm my anger, so enjoying a delicious Bowen mango daiquiri.

      After all the gloating and gushing, Greaney will enjoy her 15 minutes in fame, but it will be short lived.
      Best we can hope for is for state government to order a by-election for a position of Mayor for Townsville early in the new year.

      Me fishing line has just gone off- you gotta love West Point. Tight Lines…

    • Guy says:

      The year of the four caesars

    • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

      Jeezus, what a cluster. When a mean girl like that gets rewarded for stamping her feet and pouting it shows just how far we’ve fallen.

      People saying the State Government haven’t grasped that the Brisbane-appointed ‘advisor” has his pawprints all over this and the process it took is basically in line with the rules.

      The fact that this has shitted all over the voters of Townsville is not able to be taken into consideration unfortunately.

      For those who thought the Rotten Mullet was bad, waif for the “Little Fat Foodtruck Who Thought She Should”.

    • Circus fan says:

      Well Ma Greaney must be giddy with how well she orchestrated the council to be run by the incompetent bullies in the executive staff.
      I’ve heard she sabotaged the CEO recruitment with her scoring of the other applicants which basically had a veto effect, orchestrating Joe ‘sleepy’ Mccabe’s permanent appointment.
      She has been working behind the scenes with that fraud director Richardson to get his support.
      Its anyone’s guess how she swindled the new councillors to support her given tremendous amount of public sentiment that went against the former dictator Hill and her sycophantic team.

      This leaves us with how will the Council improve considering Greaney doesn’t know how to make sense of a budget, a financial report or pretty much anything outside of spending a shitload of ratepayer’s money on events and community grants.

      My guess is the council decisions will go back behind closed doors, but the executive staff will lead Greaney around by the nose like a prized bull at a sale yard with Greaney thinking she is the centre of attention. The executive are the ones that will actually run the show. The same fraudulent executives that didn’t feel they needed to declare a conflict of interest when drafting the executive separation policy.

      I hope the Astonisher continues their improved coverage of council performance with lady Macbeth wearing the possum fur and chains.

      • The Magpie says:

        It is clear that the coverage of the council meetings may suffer a severe attack of the editor’s blue editing pen from now on, if today’s absolute twaddle is any guide.

        First the front page …

        … then there was the usual competent and fair coverage from Chris Burns, but then we move to the iditorial … and idiocy it is.

        Gas Carvey has made an astounding retreat to her meagre laurels. She is suggesting to an enraged public that things are sweetness and light from now on … which is like is leaving the lawn half mowed.

        On a high with all the News Ltd (no one else really) backslapping about the far from slam dunk of the ongoing Thompson affair, Carvey doesn’t seem to realise the ultimate irony of Food Trucks’ ascension. It was achieved through all the behind-the-hand, water cooler and private home dinner party chats that Jenny Hill had used and which had her chucked out … and in favour of a fraudster at that.

        And if she sensed calm in the council chamber, Garvey is completely oblivious to the public outrage outside it at the return of Hill tactics in the chamber – secret meetings and barely anyone of our cowed councillors (with the honorable exception of Clr Dirou) dared even speak for a candidate, let alone against it. Although they clearly had behind closed doors. Clr Robinson showed he is a man of straw.

        And if Garvey is dense enough – or, in the ‘Pie’s belief, compromised enough – that Greaney’s elevation has locked in an aerobics class council again, she is a fool. Perhaps she blinded in this belief, because she so heavily supported and tactily approved of it during Mayor Mullet’s last years.

        The belief that this snide coup has unified the council is just political ignorance, because really nothing has changed … councillors will debate and vote as they have been doing across a range of issues, starkly demonstrating that no change was necessary … at least not before next April.

        The only difference now is a different untrustworthy person in the chair.

        • Jenny says:

          Interesting that you have skirted completely around the motives and actions of the one person who could have changed all this – Paul Jacob. He seemed to want to mollify Mayor Thompson when everyone else wanted to terminate him. He clearly antagonised people with his flip flopping such that whatever happened or did not happen in the ‘private’ meeting, Jacob must have mentally resigned before he was dumped. In the Special Meeting on Tuesday the Acting Mayor spoke weakly and meekly against the spill motion and then, in a moment of high farce, voted in favour of it. Talk about a flip flop.

          There is nothing this council can do about the future of the Sus Mayor. That is in the hands of the CCC, the Minister and ultimately the Premier. What this council can do is get on with the business before it. We can judge them on the results.

          • The Magpie says:

            And as usual every accusation is a confession, because you, Jenny, skirt around the basic fact that Jacob was voted in as deputy mayor by a democratic majority which was completely uninfluenced by Thompson. In fact, had TwoNames more vigorously supported him, the less likely that he would’ve got the numbers of Greaney.

            But he did, and those who voted for him well knew that TwoNames would go sooner or later, one way or another, and therefore judged Jacob, not Greaney to be the councillor to best step up to the chair. So there was some serious backstabbing initiated by Greaney, no doubt along with vague promises, to get those votes back. And Jacob proved to be an inept politician, unable to counter the attacks.

            The second point is yes, the council can now get on with the business before it … JUST HAS IT BEEN DOING BEFORE GREANEY THE SPILL. Or has The ‘Pie missed something? Please give us examples of what issues were rammed through controversially, undemocratically or against obvious community sentiment that had blocked efficient processes before this latest change of the helmsman of the Townsville Titanic.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Pie, And I hope the Suzy B has not lost her voice in this new chamber. She has been outstanding these last couple of months.

  24. Long suffering ratepayer says:

    Looking on the positive side of this power grab, Greaney will be wiped from the council completely at the next Local Government election. Those who voted for her will also be on shaky ground. On the negative side, Townsville has, for the next three years, to put up with an acting mayor nobody wants, unless the CCC pulls its finger out and Thompson is sacked before the 12-month deadline. As for Crisafulli and his three silent local MPs, they have effectively put a Labor team back in in control of the council, against the wishes of residents who voted for change at the last election.

    • The Magpie says:

      A curate’s egg of a comment, LSR … good in parts.

      The bit that is way off the mark is about a Labor team being back in control of council. Greaney has always been a JHINO … Jenny Hill In Name Only … her allegiance has always been on the conservative side of politics, even if she hasn’t ever had LNP membership, and she cynically sucked up to Jenny throughout her career.

      So this is a massive win for Crisafulli, making his passage ahead clear. Here’s how it will work.

      No matter what the CCC finally recommends, The Kid will not act on Thompson until early next April, after the deadline for a fresh mayoral election has passed. And act he must, because the politically unthinkable, assuredly disastrous alternative is the return of Troy Thompson. That leaves an LNP sympathiser in place at the head of council, and given the corridor machinations of this political Myra Hindley, she will tighten her grip on the chair, ever avoiding the letting the public have a say in their leadership.

      And that means the continuation of the uncertainty over trust in this council will remain a barrier to private sector investment in the city.

      But this ambitious, power drooling woman will never have the iron grip of dictatorship that Hill had built up over years in the Labor trenches. Her simpering, cynical and totally insincere assurance that “we are now united’ flies in the face of reality, because it is refuted by the very fact that she forced an unnecessary spill against the mumbling, bumbling Jacob, and couldn’t wait until next April.

      Folks, we are now back exactly where we started. Leadership decided by lies, secrecy and self-interest.

      Have a great 2025.

    • Jenny says:

      LSR, Jacob and Dirou are ALP. They were done over 7 – 2. Did you notice that Jacob voted in favour of the spill? He spoke against it then voted for it. He signed himself and Labor out of the leadership picture. Don’t expect Crisafulli to intervene unless the CCC hands him a total grenade. And if Thompson is relieved of his post, Greaney would be well placed to win an election. Who else is there?

      • The Magpie says:

        ‘Who else is there?’ is the question the voters are entitled to know, and vote accordingly. If Robinson stood, he has the sort of record (by comparision if nothing else) to be able to put a case forward. Unfortnately, he is not the campaigning type and would likely be a dud on the stump. And who else might suddenly grow a conscious and be a fresh nomination?

        A lazy ‘but gosh, what can we do’ comment is silly and unhelpful.

        • Jenny says:

          Robinson voted against the spill and then for Greaney. He will never be a contender. And what happened to the Theory of Oberhardt Intervention? Would that be the part where Jacob voted for his own removal? What a mug. Greaney turned out to be the only one with a clue – which goes to show you don’t need much. She’ll have to step down though when Thompson comes back from suspension. 2028 is a long way off.

  25. Mdog says:

    This is just a shitshow now. Proving beyond any doubt, these turds have no real vested interest in this city, just satisfying egos and bank balance.

    • Guy says:

      Which was my original theory, it’s a human psychology thing.

      It’s a perfect storm , on one hand you have voter psychology where no one bothers to find out about anything and blindly walks in to vote, they don’t care – then wonders why things get so bad at the local, state and federal level ( there’s a healthy sub section of those voters that don’t care when things get worse) . Then you have “politics” attracting the most poisonous people – they are very good liars and very good talkers. As long as their bank account goes up everything is fine eg Albo bought a 4 million dollar house and is rebuilding a 70 million dollar house to it.

      Every election is a feedback loop, one bad decision by the voter creates the next worst politician who in turn creates the worst voter. It’s the end stage of “democracy” because democracy only works when the two parties are functional.

  26. Mike Douglas says:

    Cairns and Mackay Councils will be happy with Townsville Councillors spending 15 mins deciding who will run the City . Townsville Council score card . Suspended Mayor , deputy Mayor with Councillors ( except two ) backflipping on their previous vote . New elected deputy Mayor facing no confidence e -petition . Townsville Council / Councillors closing down for Christmas with another month wasted and the City going backwards .

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      Where is the e-petition that I may vote?

    • Kenworth tread says:

      Food trucks Greaney gets the power and payrise that she so desperately wanted. Enjoy it while it lasts Greaney. The interesting bit is how our sociopathic democratic mayor reacts to this announcement. He has an axe to grind with most of the serving Councillors and this will only inspire him to stir up more and more shit. That will at least keep John Oberhardt busy for the next 11 months. All of these councillors are in deep, well over their collective heads. A council in disarray and on the cusp of administration is not worthy of a CV. Enjoy it while lasts, fucktards.

      • Jenny says:

        Ken, you may be in deep with Facebook and the Sus Mayor but councillors needn’t give a toss. They are not on the cusp of administration or dysfunction as revealed by Cr Jacob voting FOR a spill, giving Greaney a free ride into the top spot.

        • Jenny says:

          This is the beginning of the end of Food Trucks Greaney’s political career. Voters will remember next time she has to face the electorate, if in fact she bothers to nominate! This is a disgrace and she should be ashamed of her outright self-interest in using the back door to sit in the seat of Mayor.

          • Maggie Moggie says:


            Your such a FREE THINKER….

            ‘This is the beginning of the end of Food Trucks Greaney’s political career. Voters will remember next time she has to face the electorate, if in fact she bothers to nominate! This is a disgrace and she should be ashamed of her outright self-interest in using the back door to sit in the seat of Mayor.’

            Same comment as ‘I’ll Be Plucked’?

            There is not one thing that is ‘Original about you’.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yep, some our cherubs are outing themselves as multiple posters … as the old truism has it, you have to have a good memory if you’re going to be a good liar.

          • Jenny says:

            NotJenny, Acting Mayor Jacob voted FOR the spill and in doing so, held the back door open for Greaney to walk right in. Where is the shame?

  27. OUTLAW-YER says:

    The former Mayor made false statements about his military service and education.
    How long does it take to investigate that?
    Seriously! Forget the CCC! Nothing will happen!
    Townsville is controlled by the State Government and senior bureaucrats and they got exactly what they wanted!
    Another bunch of boot licking puppet councillors.

  28. Doug K says:

    Could the lightning and thunder tonight be God showing his displeasure at Greaney becoming Deputy Mayor?

  29. Loam Island SHITSHOW says:

    This is a warning to the Townsville City Council. Your long drop dunnies at Loam Island on the Upper Ross River are constantly a literal shit show. They are always near full to the brim and are never cleaned . If you sit in them you will catch something. This is a very popular area and especially on sundays when waterskiing is allowed. This will go for all other council facilities used by the public too , including at boat ramps. The xmas season will bring increased use and risk, especially to children more prone to spreading infections.

    Satellite location https://www.google.com/maps/@-19.3478938,146.7309563,45m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu&g_ep=EgoyMDI0MTIxMS4wIKXMDSoASAFQAw%3D%3D

    If you do not clean, and maintain these dunnies , you are in breach of your own by-laws;
    By-law 4(2)(1)(a ) https://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/6617/LL4-LG-Controlled-Areas,-Facilities-and-Roads-2011.pdf
    By-law 8(6)

    The council has management over the area and structures and it is an undertaking for the purposes of the Qld WHS Act, the definitions are in schedule 5 .
    You will be in breach of the WHS Act s8,20,21 https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2011-018
    and the Regulation s32-37 https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2011-0240

    See also the Environmental protection Act Qld s8 , 11(a ) and (b) , s14 and s15 , s319, s440 , s443A

    And the CCC Act s15(2)(b)(ii ) (A) and (B) https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2001-069
    These are criminal offences.

    I urge everyone reading this to copy it and forward it to the council and councilors because it will become another offence for them not to act https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1994-062#ch.7-pt.1-div.2-sdiv.2

    • The Magpie says:

      Thank you … err … Pat?

      • Pat Coleman says:

        Bit early to to do that Mal. Anyway, I’m personally not having anything to do with councillors. We ain’t talking. So, I gave you a picture a while back. People can also email the CEO. The law is clear. It’s actually above me. I don’t care who does it. It’s just got to be pushed that it’s a continuous duty on their part.

      • Pat Coleman says:

        And while we are at it , to the mungrels who hoon through there, someone has to find a carer for the orphaned animals you create


        • Guy says:

          Its human psychology

          I had to walk into the middle of allambie lane a few years back with my arm stretched out to “stop” a lady deliberately trying to kill someone’s dogs that had broken loose past the gate ( someone deliberately opening the gate i’d wager).

          You find when the peacocks start grazing along river way drive , down on the way to the dam, that someone deliberately drives perhaps 8 feet off the road so they can kill them. Down in that area I have seen a boy deliberately trying to coax his dog across the road to him to try and get dog killed by my car , looking at me to judge the speed of my car and trying to time it just right ( three times now).

          There’s a section of the community that wishes only harm to wildlife. I’ve had one person telling me he wanted to kill all the birds in neighbouring trees. Many people will deliberately hit animals because it gives them a boost ( remember the guy that filmed himself killing emus and another the copper killimg wombats ? ) heinous crimes that are condoned.

          The more traditional approach to wiping out in Australia is the old maxim :

          By bullet
          By bulldozer
          By bait

          • The Magpie says:

            or in your case
            By blarney
            By bullshit
            by boredom.

            Until this comment, Guy, The ‘Pie was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were a just cracker short of a full barrel but with this one, you have betrayed that you really a seriously disturbed man in need of professional help. Your confabulations, cleverly sprinkled through Wikipedia erudition, have moved a bit beyond the barking at clouds bagman. Seriously and sincerely, seek assistance, Guy.

            The ‘Pie will consider your future participation in Nest comments in that light.

    • Mdog says:

      Shitter king, you are obsessed. Nobody will be bothered to look up all of those links. Just take a big dump before venturing out to do some waterskiing, or take a shit in the bush. Simple.

      • The Magpie says:

        If offering links to support an argument on an issue sounds like a good idea, and is far from obsessed.

        The rest of your comment says everything about you and nothing about the other commenter.

        Get a grip.

    • OUTLAW-YER says:

      Only one problem Loam!
      Senior executives in the TCC couldn’t care less. They use rate payers money to defend any compensation claims.
      All three forms of government regularly breach legislation. The public are the only ones that can’t.

  30. Jenny says:

    It’s amazing how quickly Townsville’s water supply can recover from dry season high consumption. Although the Douglas water treatment plant can produce well over 200ML/day it is rarely called upon to work that hard. This past dry season, production reached a high of 161ML in the second week of November but useful showers later that month tapered off domestic consumption (ie. watering parched gardens) so that in the second week of December production at the treatment plant more than halved, down to 73ML/day. And as the wet season begins and consumption drops further, water levels in Ross River dam begin to rise – this morning passing 68%.

  31. Prince Rollmop says:

    Twonames response to the TCC deputy mayor shenanigans was vicious and expected. He has called for the heads of the CEO, Directors, and Councillors. Plus he has thrown in some detail around the legal action he is undertaken and as usual he has called for an administrator to be appointed. This man is a serial pest and a massive thorn in the side of Townsville. He is a trouble stirring clown that will be creating havoc for at least the next year, and probably beyond. Things are only warming up and there is a lot more infighting and dick measuring to come. He is scaring away investors and anybody willing to deal with Council. My Xmas wish is for him to be cut loose.

    • The Magpie says:

      Townsville is at his mercy as long as Crisafulli refuses to sack him outright, and let TwoNames take his chances in court. This not whingeing or just gripoing, it is a fact, and that that threat was and is still hanging over us, it makes the egregious Greaney’s power grab (really a money grab nothing else) of little effect. She and Gas Carvey can bloviate all they like, but if you were a southern investor, would you put your hard-earned into something around here.

      While there remains the slightest possibility that even technically that the bi-polar sociopath can return to the mayor’s office after 12 months will pause any possible investor needing stable council approvals, agreements and honest dealing.

    • Headmistress says:

      He is so butthurt.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      We should focus less on Thompson and more on Crisafulli’s inability to sack him. Why has he not done so? Is he gutless? Perhaps he just doesn’t give a shit about Townsville. Maybe people should ask him instead of reading the drivel from Thompson

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, Rrisafulli could reasonably argue that it is a question of money, because it follows as thge night follows the day that Thompson would look to legal action, as a con man on the con would inevitably do. And if in the unlikely circumstance this thieving bastard had somne sort of payout, that would be only the tip of the legal/financial iceberg which woul likely run well into seven figures … especially if Thompson’s costs are awarded againszt the council or whomsoever he sues. So The Kid could argue he is doing the responsible thing towards the taxpayer … and in so doing, giving Townsville, the city hr loves, a great big fuck you!!

  32. Critical says:

    Looks like the Council and its bureaucrats have got touchy about the lack of mowing and maintenance of the city’s open spaces and parks and have decided to treat us as totally dumb idiots. Just drove down Palmerston Street past Gill Park and here’s a new sign “Too wet to mow” a couple of meters away from a pool of water that generally forms on Gill Park after rain. Let’s see how many ratepayers dollars they waste on these signs and where they get erected across the city as these useless bureaucrats try to redeem themselves.

    • Motorist says:

      Reminds me of the Bruce Highway (cattle track).
      Rather than maintain the road now there are frequent signs, Rough Surface Ahead.
      The government has covered it’s arse with the I Told You So signs.
      Some time back, just south of Townsville some wag modified one of these signs to excellent effect.
      Rough Surface Ahead 1000 klm.

      • Charlie Wulguru says:

        Motorist…I have just driven it two days ago (in a little bit of rain). They only need two ‘Rough Surface Ahead’ signs. One at the Billabong Sanctuary and the other at Northern end of the new Gympie bypass.

    • Trollseeker says:

      If they don’t put the signs up the Customer Service staff just get screamed at because the grass is long and no one is mowing it, if they mow it the grounds get destroyed and staff get screamed at for potholes in the grounds. What can I say but people are stupid and look for an excuse to abuse staff. Meanwhile their own grass is long and they are waiting for the ground to dry out to mow it. The signs are just there to reduce this issue and to inform the stupid to protect the staff

      • The Magpie says:

        Fairish comment, if a bit fervent, but incomplete.

        When grass hasn’t been mowed in sunny weather and is allowed to get a bit out of hand, it is quite galling to see ‘Too Wet To Mow’ signs suddenly appear, as though said site was just about to get a short back and sides. Which is questionable at best. Spending time and money to go around putting up signage to ‘protect the staff’ is a waste and a cheek … what the fuck do you think staff are there for anyway but explain to those interested enough to make a complaint or ask a question? (Abusive calls should be cut off immediately, the staff aren’t Aunt Sallys but they are there for communication, even with the polite but developmentally delayed who are still ratepayers.)

      • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

        Slashing of drainage areas has been on the books for some time but council has adopted a “manyana” approach to public safety even worse than it was in the Hill Hermit Kingdom era. Not a lot of impetus to get things done and safe in the knowledge that there will be no follow up. The rain this week was a taste of what we will see when we get some really prolonged rain rather than a single big dump.

        • The Magpie says:

          Well, maybe, but in The ‘Pie’s time here … a newbie of 35 years, it has always been practice not to do anything but safety measures during the rainy season, or otherwise, they’d be cutting and mowing every couple of weeks.

          • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

            There is a prioritized listing of drainage and road works based on risk which should be done in advance, with more and more done with the time available until the wet season drops. That didn’t happen very well this year. Have a look at some of the places which caused problems in 1019 and they are in just the same poor condition as they were before that flood.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yeah, shit of a year, 1019, The ‘Pie remembers it well.

  33. Sandpiper says:

    Good question Pie on why there was a need for a new acting mayor. I gather you are saying it’s a self interested power grab by Greaney. But she doesn’t strike me as that ambitious. I don’t know why Jacob had to go but I do think she is more capable. Does anyone know why he got the votes earlier to now going down 7-2? Vera ran on his change ticket so could hardly vote against him.

  34. Prince Rollmop says:

    The sociopathic Twonames has posted another dig on Facebook, taking aim at Joe McCool and Prince Ralston, but mainly at McCool and his CEO experience, salary, and background. Twonames is going all out posting daily diatribes and bashing TCC over the head with a hammer. Fucking imbecile. And again he calls for TCC to be put into administration.

    ATT: Crisafulli and Oberhardt. You guys really need to make a move on Thompson and doing something sooner than later. Otherwise you will end up as his next targets.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Hot tip. Stop fucking reading and reporting on his drivel.

      • The Magpie says:

        Awww, spoilsport. Where’s ya fun, chum.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        R u OK Ducky? Mate, pour a coldie and chill brother. It’s Christmas!

        Although Twonames posts are somewhat stomach churning and to quote Ducky, contain ‘drivel’, one does gain some insight of what’s going through our democratically elected Mayor’s feeble mind when you gloss over his insane ramblings. He is certainly a crafty prick and he has the ability to feed Koolaid to a small number of feeble minded idiots, but not the majority of people. He is definitely going down with a fight, but in doing so he reveals his game plan. Hopefully there are some gems in his ramblings that will be used against him by the state government and perhaps the lawyers that will no doubt be brought in by the state or even TCC to counter any litigation that he engages in. Could the saying ‘give him enough rope’ be applicable? Time will tell.

        • Jenny says:

          On the other hand, Prince, you could say that by volunteering to be suspended (on full pay for a year, if you don’t mind), the mayor has handed the government all the rope it needs to tangle itself in a shitfight. If the CCC can’t organise a watertight case to sack the mayor, the government will leave him in place and let him see out his term. The council will continue to do its thing, Ann-Maree and Troy can share the limelight and unless Facebook, the Bulletin or the Magpie’s Nest get in the way no one will be any the wiser.

  35. Achilles says:

    Re your UK Jack Russell pup, same now applies to a Blue Heeler pup in Oz!!!

  36. airline says:

    Airline;; What is the process to appoint a Replacement Councillor for Division 3 now that food trucks has been elected by the current Councillors to Acting Mayor . Do we have a Acting Councillor ? Guy Watch this closely ( 4 times Lucky )

    • The Magpie says:

      As far as The ‘Pie knows, and especially in this instance , there is no replacement … certainly not while Thompson is only suspended.

      • Doxie says:

        I received this from Council after enquiring so I guess it will apply to Ma Greaney as well:

        “Please be assured that while Paul is Acting Mayor, he is also still your divisional councillor and can be contacted for any issues in Division 1 that need to be addressed.”

  37. Jeff, Condon says:

    If Jabob was too spineless to stand by his own principles, it is right that he steps down from D/M. Better still, he has proven by his own weakness that he hasn’t got the guts to stand up for his own constituents. Time he resigned and forced a by-election. He will just weakly vote for whatever Food Trucks wants.

    If the scrawl in the Astonisher was accurately reported, Greaney has already advocated that she intends continuing with the Team Hill fuckups.

    But all’s well in Ma’s life. She’s got the money and the perks and the power she craved and will undoubtedly be voted in as Mayor by the cowered council when Twonames is sacked. We’ve run out of time for the people to elect a new Mayor.

    Only in Queensland.

    • The Magpie says:

      It is noted what she so ungraciously said about Strand parking … there would be no meters installed there in her designated time in the chair,’but who knows after 12 months?”

      That is a clear signal that she is having a mega-jenny hill sulk about being kicked in her ample arse by the community, and means to get square with them whenever the opportunity arises.

  38. I’m’a’faggot says:

    Greaney should stop wearing striped clothing. She looks like she belongs in Auschwitz. And it makes her fat ass look fatter. Also, she always wears the wrong shoes for the outfit she has chosen to wear and her fingernails often look mannish. Just sayin.

  39. Mike Douglas says:

    Wednesday’s editorial Townsville Bulletin ” we know that this Council and the City has taken a huge reputational hit across the Community ” . Over 100 comments on the Bulletins Facebook post on Foodtrucks acting Mayor 99 % were negative on Greaney + Council . 12 mths ago Councillors would have recieved a warming and requirement for social media training for painting Council in a poor light . Bulletin editor didn’t portray confidence in the Council . 2 full pages today 2024 the year the City would like to forget . Fresh start claims by Acting Mayor Greaney she was questioned on what critical projects wernt completed . Response , I’m unsure and need to look into the details .

    • The Magpie says:

      So she has simply admitted that the reasons she gave for the Putsch in Walker Street was lies, she didn’t know of any projects that needed her dead hand to progress.

      Another straight out, dead set, self-seeking liar as mayor.

      Merry Christmas Townsville.

  40. Alahazbin says:

    The ‘iditors’ last paragraph in Wednesday astonisher seems she wants to go back to the Mullets aerobics class. “And every single one of us implores Ms Greaney and our councillors to keep their word of being united, moving forward and getting back to business for the best interest of this great city”
    I certainly hope councillors will use their voice in the chamber.

    • The Magpie says:

      That’s just Cas Garvey trying toi sound all grown up, mature and capable of gravitas. Good luck, darlin’.

      What a prize bit of idiocy from a woman who us supposed to understand English, this is just gibberish parading as some sort of legitimate, virtue-signalling concern for the community. It is, in fact, exactly the opposite.

      Do you have the faintest inkling of what a council is and how it works, m’dear?

      How can an individual, pledged to serving their constituents ‘give their word’ to remain ‘united’ if they disagree, in practicality or on principle, about an issue? United how FFS?

      No, what happens is that there is a debate, everyone is allowed to have a say, and then a vote is taken, and as democracy demands, a majority decision is accepted. What they don’t do, and never have (the money’s too good), is have a foot-stamping hissy fit, rip up the nighty and resign. Does Ms Garvey really think about what she is saying? She s clearly suggesting that public disagreement through reasonable and respectful argument, where some parties will inevitably be disappointed, should not happen, no difference of opinion – i.e. disunity – be displayed?

      What do you want, Cas, secret caucuses to ‘keep the community calm’ as that emerging nitwit Oberhardt advocates? Nothing is more likely to cause outrage and resentment than a return to the process that was Jenny Hill’s ultimate downfall.

      And ‘moving forward’ is a phrase that serious journalists and writers avoid as an absurd literary proposition because there is no other direction in which this planet travels.

      • Toy Thompstain says:

        Oberhardt is a dud. Since the Brisbane nanny has been in Townsville Twonames has continued to stir up even more shit and the councillors have had a mutiny. Some fucking advisor Oberhardt is. What the fuck is he being paid to do exactly? It would seem his role to date is a failure and a complete waste of time. Piss off back to Brisbane, or are you advising Townsville from down there? We have enough impotent councillors up here without needing an idiot from Brisbane.

        • The Magpie says:

          Oberhardt is exactly what the government … any government – would eant bhere now … a grey public servant who neither has to or does have any regard for the public or for Townsville for that matter.

          And any government woulkd see that outlook as the right one.

        • Jenny says:

          TT, Oberhardt has no authority to do anything about the Mayor now that he is voluntarily suspended at the minister’s pleasure and ratepayers’ expense. Neither does anyone else. He is a free agent unless and until the Premier decides otherwise. Mayor Thompson has the keys to the city but can’t get in the door. He doesn’t need to because an apparently curious audience waits patiently in Facebook land mulling over whatever wasted air comes their way from him.

          • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

            I find myself for once partly agreeing with Jenny. Oberhardt has no power beyond observing and advising on proper procedure which while the results are crappy and the motivation disgusting, is occurring. Council exec are being quite precise in their application of meeting procedure and the LG Act.

            Unless Crisafulli wants to trigger a guaranteed court case which will drag on probably longer than the 12 month suspension and just keep costing money he is better off letting the ponderous CCC do its investigation and wait for the outcome before he kicks heads. TwoStains is doing what any other mentally unhinged person does when he howls at the moon on social media and we need to treat him like any other looney by just ignoring him rather than giving his ranting more oxygen.

          • The Magpie says:

            It was clear from the outset, and stated here by seberal readers and The Magpie multiple times, that Oberhardt’s only power is to advise on regs, warning of dangerous areas, and being the one person with the power to make a recommendation to the minister if he believed the council as a functioning body was beyond redemption. Don’t why thisnis coming as a surprise to you or anyone else, NSFM.

            But with the ascension of the egregious Greaney to the chair, Crisafulli has left us swinging in the wind for political convenience and Townsville will remain a no-go area for serious investment. The woman is a ready-made disaster, and given her performance as part of Team Hill and behaviour towards Fran O’Callaghan, is unfit morally, ethically or financially-educated to hold office.

      • Jeff, Condon says:

        True. They may be moving forward, but are they moving in the right direction.

  41. Mad Jack says:

    I think it important that Twonames’ Facebook rants be read, not ignored.
    Two things, never underestimate your foe, and study your foe to be informed of their thinking and their intent.
    Here is an idea. We are all aware of fact checking and the ABC show Media Watch. I am proposing ‘Troy Thompson Watch.’
    Someone with the time and skills, probably including legal skills, and that is not me, set up a web site, Facebook or what is suitable. Reproduce Twonames’ rants in double line spacing. Then the red pen treatment. In the available space, under each falsehood a correction is made in red. Public comments should not be taken. This is not a discussion forum, especially for the My Place Morons.
    Troy Thompson Watch could become the go to site it see the on going delusion and descent of his mental facilities, and to swiftly counter his propaganda on each and every occasion.
    Might even be useful to the State Government.
    Under the heading of taking joy in the discomfort of others, I am sure Troy Thompson Watch would be a major irritant to Twonames, :-)
    What do you think?

    • The Magpie says:

      Great idea. Off you go, set up the page, do the layout and let us know the link. Then suggest you find a legally trained person to do the red ink part.

      You are a truly gifted thinker, looking forward to it.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Tony Blight has time on his hands, maybe he can assist? I was going to recommend Stephen Lame but he is too busy selling houses and riding his pushbike up Castle Hill (without the seat on it)

      • Mad Jack says:

        Sorry ‘Pie, I can deal with things that have levers, knobs, dials and oil pressure. I measure in feet, inches and 1/8s, and play music (some would say poorly) on a wooden instrument, no batteries or usb port.
        Sincerely, I am a bloody fantastic bloke full of great ideas but computers, no; craft something out of wood, yep, if in the mood.

        • The Magpie says:

          OK, start carving a set of cleft sticks so you can run around with messages about Thompson.

          • Mad Jack says:

            40 years in the job have left my knees in poor condition, especially the right knee.
            Is it acceptable if I walk around with my cleft stick?

    • Achilles says:

      Click bait!!!

  42. Ben Rumson says:

    A sad day. The passing of a genius who could turn the mirror back to reflect upon Australia, strengths, and warts, and all.


  43. Jeff, Condon says:

    The issue with Twonames FB rants is that their only consistency is their inconsistency. This delusional rabbit is darting in and out of burrows so rapidly that he can’t remember his last rant in the warren of lies.

    Seriously, don’t be surprised if he’s arrested outside the Walker St, Tower of Babel, dancing naked, claiming Food Trucks is leading him on. Ohhhh.., the horror, the horror.

    • The Magpie says:

      It’s moment like this that we most miss Bentley, who could do a wonderful illustration of a Whack-A-Mole board featuring Thompson, as angry ratepayers try to hammer him.

  44. Pat Coleman says:

    At around 4am the dunny and kitchen sink here in Railway Estate started burping and bubbling and it’s still going. The BOM rain gauge at 4am had it at 93mm. The floor and bath drains didn’t spurt this time though.

    People of Railway Estate are always worried about that.

    Over the last couple of months we have seen the ditch witch trucks plugged into the pipes near the railway line. Input or output?

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Much more rain to come. Finally the wet season has commenced. I hope the Wulguru poonami residents are on standby as the inevitable overflow of raw shit makes its way into select yards.

      • The Magpie says:

        Or find out if the claimed council remediation has worked.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          This rain event could definitely be the litmus test (or is that shitmus test) as to weather the remediation work has been successful. I dare say that backyards full of shit would be on residents mind. Then again, Thompson has turned Townsville into a sea of shit with all of his escapades.

          • The Magpie says:

            That raises another question not so far addressed.

            Who represents the council with the emergency crowd, should a major event happen? This pleasant rainfall isn’t much of a threat of anything yet, but should things get dicey in future, who dons the Disaster management hi-viz uniform?

            Christ, don’t all just love rolling the fucking dice in Townsville.

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, according to TCC:

            “The Townsville Local Disaster Management Group (TLDMG) is a multi-agency group established by Council, which works to protect the community from the effects of disaster events in the local area.

            The TLDMG, chaired by the Mayor of Townsville, meets regularly throughout the year and as required for disaster activations. The group includes the following agencies as Core Members:

            Townsville City Council
            Department of Community, Housing and Digital Economy
            Ergon Energy
            Queensland Ambulance Service
            Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
            Queensland Police Service
            State Emergency Service
            Shelters and Evacuation Centres Working Group
            Townsville Enterprise Ltd
            Townsville Hospital and Health Service
            Other agencies and authorities as required (as Advisors).
            When a disaster occurs, the group is responsible for coordinating efforts and resources at the local level, as it is closest to the community and has a detailed knowledge”.

            No doubt with the Ross River dam now passing the 80% mark and lots of rain expected tonight the decision makers will be donning their hi-viz as we speak.

          • The Magpie says:

            And why the fuck would TEL be involved in the TLDMG? What possibly could those ninnies contribute to a group supposedly devoted to our welfare in dangerous times?

        • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

          You made a joke there Magpie.

          • Tricia says:

            Councillor for Division 8, Andrew Robinson is the chair for Disaster Management. It is my understanding that he got the role when the Mayors positions were divided back in June.

            I speculate that is the reason Andrew Robinson didn’t end up putting his hand up for the deputy role. Did Ann Maree Greaney make a deal? Eg, vote for me as deputy and I won’t take away Disaster Management from you?

            The sudden change of heart would suggest there was some kind of deal made. We will never know.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            I’m sure he’ll be highly effective. Do you think he’ll front up to the media and the people when shit goes bad? Guess we don’t have to wait ling to find out

  45. The Magpie says:

    Reliable source tell The Magpie this morning that a cruise line which has been spending a day in Townsville – and has been for years – has dropped Townsville off its itinerary and adding another night in Cairns .

    This follows recent publicly published complaints from cruise ship passengers who do make it into Townsville CBD find it dead and lifeless, except for being abused by itinerants.

    The cruise ship program is one much ballyhooed as an achievement by Townsville Enterprise, which highlights the ineptitude of the TEL and the council …. getting people here should be the easy part, but when we do, the resulting word of mouth of bad experiences kills us stone dead … if we haven’t already died of embarrassment.

    And yet the council in it’s wisdom has decided to gift this incompetent, amateur outfit massive amounts of ratepayer money to attract and subsidise ‘evemts’ for the city.

    And guess who was first to put her hand up to be on the pointless Events Panel … our shiny new ersatz mayor, Foodtrucks Greaney, who is rarely seen in the CBD and refuses point blank to engage with CBD businesses.

    So The ‘Pie will let you make the odds on what chance we have of the council revisiting this disastrous new policy, which in the long term is even more damaging that parking meters on the Strand.

    • Jenny says:

      Interesting that TEL is now tasked with promoting cruise ships. Back in August when the previous government minister Bart Mellish (who?) was bragging about spending new millions upgrading the cruise ship terminal bus parking facilities, TEL did not rate a single mention. Instead, or more likely, as usual back then, Port of Townsville CEO Ranee Crosby got the gig:

      “The $251 million Channel Upgrade project, which has widened the Port of Townsville shipping channel from 90m to 180m at the inshore end is nearing completion, will allow vessels up to 300m long to access the Port, instead of by-passing Townsville.
      “These ships can carry upwards of 3000 passengers, almost triple the number on any one ship that we’ve usually accommodated to date.
      “To ensure a seamless experience from ship to shore, Quayside Terminal’s bus and taxi rank will be expanded and a dedicated kiss’n’ride drop-off zone will be established.”

      Kiss’n’ride. Now with TEL. Yeah, nah, it’s Townsville.

      • The Magpie says:

        But then again, Jenny, Ms Crosby may well have been directed by the relevant minister to include that cruise ship/bus stop mention for strategic political reasons. When all she wanted to do was give the public proof through multiple KPI’s that she has been doing her job as CEO in admirable style.
        There are those on this blog (not you, Jenny) who like to disparage Ms Crosby for vague – one suspects misogynist – reasons, but The ‘Pie, who has never met or spoken to the woman, makes his judgement on empirical evidence. In other words, she gets things done, reports on performance mileposts and meets het targets.

        TEL CEO Brumme-Smith worked under her at the Port, and is said to have left in a hissy fit when she didn’t get her way. It’s reasonable to think that maybe Ms Crosby demanded proof of work performance and Ms Brumme-Smith was mightily put out by being asked for such proof.

        And she still is in her new grift at TEL.

        This events deal with the council is a bigger scandal than anyone is letting on.

      • Not standing for (the recycled) Mayor says:

        The Reclaim used to be the “kiss and ride” location, unless we are talking about other things here.

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      Mr. Magpie,

      Regarding the new TEL Townsville Events Strategy Blueprint, is there any mention what is going to happen to the current council Events Dept?
      They appear to have a cast of thousands if a recent pic seen on FB of this year’s Xmas Bash at a bowling alley is any indication.

      Just how many staff do TCC employ to organise events, which most of the public are not one bit interested in attending?
      How much is it costing ratepayers?

      Are some of the current staff going to be seconded to TEl to organise (20?) Major Events annually for Townsville?
      Or will there be another round of Employment Opportunity notices placed early in 2025?

      • The Magpie says:

        Or perhaps this is to be part of the revised infrastructure re-jig, with said staff coming under the management and possible be designated employees of TEL? Bit far fetched, but the whole events strategy malarkey id s so typically opaque and amateurish, anything is possible.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Mag at, In the days of Dolan, there was Greaney and the gopher who did all the heavy lifting (the gopher I mean) until they took his truck away to buy a Landcruiser for Dolan and ‘His Radiance’ to go crabbing on weekends.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      Pie, you again highlighted one of the main reasons that Townsville is still going backwards and with the current crop in Walker Street. Add to that the disgraceful annual ‘fee’ payed by rate payers to the Dudley Do Fuck All crew and results like that of major tourism arms will continue thus rendering the city a ghost town.

      Serious question: Do any of the TCC councillors have any business experience before becoming part of the trough feeders brigade ? Same question for the Dudleys. From my recollection, Fran was a successful business person and they bullied her out until the end.

      I’ll never forget Wayne Swan in Canberra. Went to Qld uni to study Public Administration, become the student union leader there (his family from Nambour were extremely strong union people) became a politician and nex minit Rudd hands him the Australian Treasury keys ! Never had an accountant job/business in his life !

      Seems Townsville’s got that disease in spades !

  46. Ma Kelly says:

    On behalf of Steve, Belgian Gardens we wish you a Merry Christmas. Steve is busy cleaning lint from filters and topping up the washing powder dispensers, but he sends his greetings.

  47. Ducks Nuts says:

    Although I am religious and don’t celebrate Christmas, I do wish the Pie and the Nesters a merry Christmas.

  48. Motorist says:

    Whilst looking out from my front veranda memories of the Mayor made disaster of 2019 return. The current BOM forecast is much less severe which is comforting but given the turmoil and inward focus of the current Council I am less confident about the membership of the TCC Disastrous Committee and their ability to understand ‘pre-emptive’ and ‘precautionary’.

    • Jenny says:

      Motorist, the Townsville Local Disaster Management Group (TLDMG) was ‘stood up’ overnight as the Ross River dam raced from 68% on 18/12 towards 90% capacity today and local flooding affected parts of the northern suburbs. Before the usual crowd of dam management experts hit the internet they might like to review the details of the 2019 flood:

      “Water levels in the Ross River Dam rose from 36.95m AHD (65% of full supply volume) at the start of the event to the full supply level of 38.55m AHD by 12:35pm on Wednesday 30 January 2019. Once full supply level had been reached, the dam gates started to open in automatic mode as per the operational rules for the dam.
      The dam gates progressively opened in response the further water level rises until the gates were fully open at 8:32pm on Sunday 3 February. The water level in the dam peaked at 43.03m AHD at 11:50pm on Sunday 3 February, releasing 1,888m3/s of water into the Ross River. Major flooding occurred along the Ross River throughout Saturday, Sunday and Monday, with water levels in the Ross River easing by Tuesday 5 February.
      Throughout the event, the dam gate operation was switched from automatic to manual operation four times following direction from Townsville City Council to reduce the risk to the downstream community.”

      https://www.igem.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/2019-12/IGEM MTRF – BMT hydrology report 12062019.pdf

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, and how is that go for the residents, then?

        ‘And to take your point, it would be interesting to know that when a ‘rain event’ (remember when we so inadequately used to call it ‘rainfall’?) ends, hoiw much more runoff is still to be received by the dam?

        Anyone know?

        • Jenny says:

          How did it go for residents?

          “Overall, people described flood warnings as ‘okay’. Some implied they had found the warnings and particularly the maps difficult to understand and, as a result, misinterpreted the potential level of floodwaters at their house. Others, however, noted that, while text message warnings were vague, it had prompted them to seek further information from the range of sources available and to “take responsibility” for what might happen to them. Suggestions for improvement included providing warnings more regularly and, in regard to the dam release warning, earlier. The suggestion that “if council knew there was a hard limit and the gates would open automatically that should have been conveyed” was repeated a number of times. There was limited criticism of the dam operators, with the majority feeling that “they had done a good job” under difficult circumstances and had the water not been released “it would have been a lot worse”. A dissenting opinion was that, if the dam is to be used for flood control, it should be largely empty before the wet season to maximise the ability of the dam to retain flood waters.”

          Google: “Townsville 2019 flood – insights from the field”

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Ah they’ve stood up. At what point to they lean in? Lean forward? Rise up?

      • Motorist says:

        Thanks for the recap. Do you have a record of the BOM forecasts for the week prior? From memory it was for extreme rain. There were calls for the dam gates to be opened sooner than they were. There was no notice of the BOM forecast taken by the Disastrous Committee. It was all reactive, not proactive. When the gates did open it was too little too late. Brisbane has learnt from previous flooding to conduct precautionary water releases. That lesson not learned by the Disastrous Committee of the day. Has it been learnt by the current DC?

        By any measure, that the dam got to 232% or thereabouts demonstrates gross mismanagement and good luck that the dam wall did not fail.

        And a Merry Christmas, and a well managed wet season.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Jenny, the expert on every topic. Get a life and get a grip you tosser.

  49. Peter Jennings says:

    Survived the night in Hyde Park, water everywhere. Cr. Robinson was very quiet given he’s the disaster management boss, disappointed yet again. Time to explore the damage left. Deputy Greaney is quiet too, lots of fun photos of her, not much serious business happening now, I guess we will see them all mid next month. Happy Christmas.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Yes Peter Jennings , Councillor Dirou and Ellis have been communicating via Facebook to their residents . Ellis communicating access to sandbags . Zilch from Acting Mayor / Councillor Greaney to her division / updates . As acting Mayor doesn’t she have access to Councils media team ? . Questions again on how much pre wet season clearing of drains / watercourses from Council as normal streets and areas that don’t flood were . Disaster management were issuing updates as Councillor Robinson Chair .

  50. Prince Rollmop says:

    With Twonames sitting on the bench, Food Trucks Greaney should be sitting in on any disaster management committees. The Mayor or a/g Mayor role in a disaster is minimal in the big scheme of things. The big decisions are made by the BOM and SunWater. Yes TCC are part of the consultation and emergency procedures, but they don’t make any final call themselves. If there is a big flooding rain event Greaney would love the limelight and enjoy posing on TV in her unblemished hi-vis vest. Hell, maybe she could do an interview in the rain while standing beneath the castle hill bus shelter?

  51. How ‘bout we call ya Bruce, then? says:

    “We all rightly take a very dim view of TwoNames Thompson claiming credit for things he didn’t do, so why do we continually tolerate Townsville Enterprise doing exactly the same thing? We look at their latest claims.”

    Bang on right, Mr Pie.

    They’ve now claimed their advocacy is the reason Albanese finally and belatedly reinstated the Bruce Highway funding (subject to the precarious possibility of re-election!)

    Choked on my weeties!

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