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The Magpie

Saturday, November 30th, 2024   |   331 comments

TCC Executive Bonus Payouts: They Say They Are Changing It …. But Are They Really? Or Are We Being Had Again.

On Wednesday , the council will vote in a new policy  which they say will stop the disgraceful and unexplained ex gratia payments to departing executives. But if the new measures do not not contain one vital proviso, it will just be deceitful window dressing.

On a similar but seperate issue, while we are outraged at the Thompson featherbedding, why are we so morally ambivalent and use different ethical yardsticks when judging similar sins by the Dudley Do-Nothings, aka Townsville Enterprise?

Whatever happened to the political axiom of never creating laws that are unenforceable? After the dismal failure of the Voice To Parliament debacle, spooked and bereft of ideas, a desperate legacy-seeking Albanese commits exactly the same mistakes with his social media age ban. But we’ve avoided a greater legislative mess, with the ill-considered Mis- and Dis-Information Bill  being dumped.

A scary week for The Magpie on several fronts … those under 16 should not be allowed to see the alarming content.

Our American gallery shows how America spent a Thanksgiving when there was precious little to be thankful for.

The Macquarie Dictionary’s Word Of The Years is a word for our times, if ever there was one.

And our quote of the week goes to the hilarious words of a humble pommy soldier, who hadThe ‘Pie ROTFLHCO. (The ‘C’ stands for cloaca.)

If you’d like to help out The Nest with a donation to help meet costs, it would be greatly appreciated. appropriate button to press is at the end of the blog.

Testing The Mettle

On Wednesday morning, the council will wrestle with what, given recent times, seems like a fairly run-of-the-mill agenda, a bit of something for everyone,.

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Anmd while there are variousb group interests at play, it will be item 9 which will be most closely watched. Because it adds up to an integrity test, and we will see just exactly where our councillors stand … as the old pommy saying has ‘Fine words butter no parsnips’.

The ‘Pie says this because re-reading Chris Burns preview,  The Magpie was alarmed that something vital seemed to be missing from the council’s core intentions. Burns summarised: The proposed policy said termination payments should follow contractual terms, and that additional payments should only be requested if put in writing, were supported by external legal advice and if other options to keep within what was contracted were attempted.

A recently created CEO performance review committee would have the authority to approve termination bonuses for Townsville CEO Joe McCabe and his successors, while payments to an executive officer would have to be approved by Mr McCabe as well as the director of business services.The council would seek external legal advice to determine the “appropriate range” for any negotiated settlement and would consider the total value of the contract, the risk of litigation, risks to the council’s reputation and the nature of any claims the executive officer might have in their termination.”

OK as far as it goes.

But now contrast all that with this statement later in the story.

“A council spokesman said employment contracts and deeds of separation were confidential. It would be inappropriate to disclose personal matters,” the spokesman said.”

Now, it is not clear – but make an educated guess on past behaviour – whether the confidentiality surrounding deeds of separation will be dropped, and we will be able to see just how much of our money is going to whom, and , crucially, why.

SO HERE’S THE PIVOTAL QUESTION: if confidentiality remains, what has changed? If there is no transparency with all the council new checks and balances,  we will still just have to take the word of class of people wedded to secrecy and secret deals. And such arrangements are laughable, so easily could they be skirted by clever-arse lawyers and venal pen pushers.

And why should public emplyees enjoy an unmerited ‘privacy’ not generally available in the private sector? Why are public employee executives shielded from providing their ultimate paymasters .. the tax and ratepayers – with such details? All corporations have to reveal to their paymasters – the investors who are shareholders. And shareholders have a vote on the matter, and board decisions are taken into account when appointments are up for review. That is a principle of fairness, because board’s are dealing with other people’s’ money.

And yet, when it comes to public money, we, the putative ‘shareholders’, not only have no say in it, we are not even allowed to know amounts involved.

In Suzy Batkovic’s pithy and pointed complaint,  ”We don’t know who got what and why.” And the baseline of that statement is that more the ‘why’ than the ‘what’ (amount).

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So it is incumbent on Joe McCabe and the highly self-satisfied likes of Mark Richardson to explain not the simple blanket fact of confidentiality, but why these matters remain hidden from public consideration.

It is all given the lie when you consider this confidentiality reeks of an element of guilt and … dare The Magpie say it … shame, for allowing selfish undeservedness to prevail. Many, like Ralston, know full well they could never provide a single KPI that could justify this legalised thievery. In fact, the evidence in his case woukld be in the oithyer direction … he reallky is corporate scum.

So councillors, when you vote in this ‘new’ policy’ on Wednesday, unless you insist in a proviso that not just this set of rules but also the reasons for outcomes must be public information, the NOTHING HAS FUCKING CHANGED. Just another patronising insult.

This in-house sniggering joke of a widespread public service rort will continue, and we are exactly where we have always been … sneered at as irrelevant cash cows.

While We’re in This Neck Of The Accountability Woods 

Question of the week, year, decade: we all rightly take a very dim view of TwoNames Thompson claiming credit for things he didn’t do,  so why do we continually tolerate Townsville Enterprise doing exactly the same thing? 

The claims made by Claudia Brumme-Smith (Ms B-S) are outrageous and insulting. Scroll down in TEL’s ‘achievements of 23/24 to learn by inference that TEL was responsible for Copperstring (how’s that going for you, Ms B-SA, eh?) , the wildly successful Pink concert, (Aaron Harper will be furious!!)  all sorts of defence, healthcare and renewable energy investments claimed as TEL ‘achievements,  and what they had to do with the proposed but yet to be. confirmed polysilicon manufacturing facility at Lansdown. Apparently, our gal is even dumb enough to expect us to believe that she as the ear of defence in Canberra, a city where she has such sway that she … and not Philip thompson and others … ‘secured $100million for the Great Barrier Reef Aquarium’.

FFS, really?!?

Not a skerrick of evidence, a solid fact, not a small KPI shyly peeping out anywhere from all the buzz word confabulations and delusions that suggests this outfit has actually achieved anything to do with its claims.  but the jollies go on.

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L to R Paul Jacob, looking every inch a provincial mayor, Chris McDougall, TEL Dir Regional Development and Investment (good luck, Chris) Ms B-S, and Clr Liam Mooney, who at least had the good grace to leave his straw boater, candy striped jacket, and cane at home.

Footnote: same trip last year, they got nothing. Although Ms Brumme-Smith seems to think otherwise, trumpting this balderdash.

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But this gets really serious when we look at the tourism market. This is TEL’s version of things in that area.

Tourism Growth and International Recognition 

Townsville’s tourism sector is thriving, with over 300 sales meetings held across Australia, the UK, Europe, and Singapore. Interest in the region has never been stronger, with the opening of the new 5-star Ardo hotel and a record number of Townsville operators attending the Australian Tourism Exchange. The region’s events calendar continues to shine, with P!nk’s sell-out concerts at Queensland Country Bank Stadium in March 2024 injecting more than $40 million into the local economy. As the Events Capital of the North, Townsville continues to prove it is a dynamic destination for major events and entertainment. 

Newsflash for TEL’s Tourism executive, Lisa Woolfe – getting people here is one thing, Ms Woolfe, but what then? Nothing to do with you?  Then there’s alternative view, as expressed in a dismayed and dismaying letter in the Bulletin recently.

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This is a straight accusation of failure by TEL to look at the whole of their tourism responsibilities. Now you know why The Magpie’s claws curl up in embarrassment when a cruise ship hoves into view.

TEL shouldn’t be scrapped, it should be restructured, staffed by proven professionals  (Mr McDougall is a ex-Army chopper pilot FFS .. although The ‘Pie will give him the benefit of the doubt for now) and become smaller, tighter and tauter outfit moved closer to council operations and thinking. This arm’s length approach and ‘independent entity’ with membership, once a reasonable structure, is now a sham and yet another on-going raid on the ratepayers purse.

Target Shooting With Albo

It’s a wonder our PM can walk at all.

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In the very beginning, there was the deeply divisive and deeply flawed Voice To Parliament campaign, on which he nailed his colours irretrievably.  That was to be his big swinging dick legacy that resulted in a very expensive referendum which told him him he was just a dick. Since then he has floundered around in LegacyLand, toying with poorly conceived housing plans and subsidy bandaids when no real solutions to cost of living could be found.

Then pregnant with legacy promise, came the misinformation and disinformation bill which would require media companies to toughen their policies on content that is ‘false. misleading and deceptive, and where the provision of that content – is likely to cause or contribute to serious harm’.  Dear reader, put aside the irony of this proposal was coming from those in our society who practice exactly that every day  in their  partisan politics.  Anyway, so poorly framed, this load of old cobblers made a dog’s breakfast look like haute cuisine. It was dumped by the Senate (which was a favour to Albo, unintended or otherwise).

If you’d like an indication of what we have missed, here is an excellent analysis from Mumbrella’s ever reliable Nathan Jolly,  who gets to the nub of the problem from the outset.

The Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill is impossible to police and easy to weaponise. It gives the ACMA an outsized reach over the likes of Facebook and the platform formerly known as Twitter, and tasks all social media platforms operating in Australia with policing the veracity of the entire country’s written output. It also allows the ACMA to effectively censor the free discussion of a wide variety of topics.

It’s important to make a distinction between misinformation and disinformation.

Misinformation is false information that is spread, regardless of intent to mislead. Disinformation is deliberately misleading, biased, or manipulated information. 
And here is a cautionary tale from Britain, much further advanced in the curtailment of whatever free speech is left – this London Telegraph report spells out that the country has now entered ‘1984’ and ‘Brave New World’ territory once thought too far fetched to ever happen.. We wouldn’t have been far behind.

But his nown ill-timed election talk has driven Albo away from learning any lesson from the immediate past, and his taste for the world stage he has brought back from ‘wandering on some foreign strand’ (apologies Sir Walter) now we have the ban on kids 16 and under from social media. Be better intrioducing the compulsory herding of cats. This ‘thing’ was rushed through in the final sittings of Parliament,  and is ticking louder than a movie booby trap. No details at all, just a feel-good-until-you-think-about-it bit of legislation that The Magpie is bold enough to forecast might never see the light of day. It a naive piece of cyber world gaucherie and has about the same prospects of becoming law before the next election as a fart in a fan factory becoming  a bottle of Louis Vuitton Pur Oud perfume ($2800au ta moochly luv).

But Albo probably thinks he has an ace up his sleeve, and is likely to again prevail on Ray Martin to angrily advise those who have questions about the social media age limit that they are ‘dinosaurs and dickheads.

But At Least One Federal Politician Entered Into The Christmas Spirit

Bentley was impressed.

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It’s Been A Scary Week For The Magpie

Unpleasant surprises are nothing new to The ‘Pie,  (after all, he has to red all the comments that come in to the Nest) but it’s been a testing time recently.

It first started out on the 16th fairway at his beloved Rowes Bay Golf Club. He was curious when he spotted a unusual pattern on a dead tree trunk.

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Hmmm, seemed it was worth a. closer inspection.

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Maybe a bit closer…. YIKES.

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A whole beetle Zombie army of exoskeletons, all untouched but totally empty interiors. Questions abound but The ‘Pie decided to leave the answers to Scully and Mulder. But the very same day,  on returning to The Nest, The ‘Pie found he was suddenly landlord to an unexpected flat mate.

Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 5.54.04 pmScreenshot 2024-11-30 at 10.33.16 pmProbably a bit miffed when safely relocated to the garden, but The ‘Pie had a cup of cocoa and a scotch finger to calmly contemplate the terrors of the day and put them behind him. But the very next,  terror returned.

Over time, some nasty things have turned up in The ‘Pie’s letterbox and not all of them bills … or actual postal items, for that matter. But the old bird was totally unprepared for the terrifying sight on Thursday.Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 5.41.48 pm

After reeling back, The ‘Pie gingerly used thumb and forefinger to lift the offending item from the letterbox and examine the other side of the flyer.

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Phew! At first The ‘Pie thought it was the long-awaited threat to get together in court for free and frank exchange of character assessments, but after some quiet contemplation, he realised our Stephen certainly is a person to be relied upon.For cycling tips, Tour de France information, valid but vain shots at political love, legal advice, and local government advocacy and strategy.  And now, in an unsurprising trajectory,  he’s a fucking real estate agent!!

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Sometimes, Staying Still Is Better Than Trying To Dodge A Bullet

When it doesn’t involve drinking beer out of a dead enemy’s prosthetic leg, The ‘Pie has always had a liking for military humour, especially the deadpan variety. But even when facts and quotes are reported accurately, the reader often must supply his own context.

So the old bird warbled his amusement when he read about Prince William’s recent gun-fun visit to the Welsh Guards. A battle-hardened unit of which he is a colonel, FFS.

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Acting on the dictum that sex sells,  the Prince William was made out to be Big Swinging Willy, but others had another view.  It was this bit of typical military ambiguity that had the Magpie chortling.

Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 10.39.54 amUnmistakably ‘did well’ left itself open to interpretation. The Magpie envisions a grizzled old veteran of decades in the mud, sandstorms and freezing winds being asked by a preppy reporter what he thought of the performance of his silk pantied, pedicured and blow-dried colonel and future king. With a straight face and his men suppressing smirks and titters, our jut jawed man stared unflinchingly ahead as he intoned ‘he did well hitting the target’. 

Which, remember,  was a tank.

The platoon commander’s reply  sounded like a British version of Texas sharpshooter joke.

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 American Thanksgiving Loses Its Exclusivity

Was a time when Thanksgiving in the States was a traditional food fight, when families got together with good intentions and most ended with bad blood. But since Trump and his cultists jackbooted onto the scene,  every dinner table in every home every night has become a Thanksgiving-type battleground.  All grist for the cartoonists’ mill.

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It Seems The Poms Cost Of Living Struggles Are Much The Same As Ours.

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And Finally … Australia’s Word Of The Year Is For The Ages…And Especially For Townsville. 

enshittification Screenshot 2024-11-27 at 10.58.28 amNot elegant but certainly eloquent.


Interesting week coming up on a lot of fronts, stay with comments for a variety of views of what’s happening on a variety of fronts … and of course.have your say, too … just grab a name and off you go, its free.

Any help with Nest costs will be particularly appreciated around this time of the year, the donation button is below.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. Anti-Flog says:

    While I appreciate Stephen Lane is undertaking yet another career change in life (well done to him as we all look on eagerly with interest, following his aspirations in the legal profession), I’m of a genuinely held opinion that his role as a real estate agent would be one of ridicule. For example: if I had the shits with a neighbour parking across my driveway, I’d call the crooked tow truck company in town, because it will make life hell for the neighbour. On the other hand, if I had unruly tenants and wanted to make their life hell… well I might have an ideal real estate candidate to get the job done. But then, I don’t want to feel like I’m gambling away the whole house in doing so. This is a genuinely held opinion, as I’m very interested in seeing how far Mr Lane goes with this new ambition he has undertaken. Let us sincerely hope that in a few years (or months?) I will not be asking Mr Lane to hold the pickles on my Big Mac. If that ends up the case, the burgers will be better at Hungry Jacks.

    • Lame Stephen says:

      Regardless of his chosen profession, our bald friend will still be found riding his bicycle (without the seat) around town and up to Castle Mountain. And I’m sure he will remain President of the Troy Thompson Cooker Club, no matter what his line of work is.

      • The Magpie says:

        There may be some readers who think it unfair to make fun of Stephen in his new role, or even on the grounds of base mocking of the afflicted, but The ‘Pie shares your point LS … if he remains embedded in the Thompson camp, shining a light on all his activities (although he’s hardly hiding his new job) is valid. Stephen has chosen several times to try to inject himself into Townsville and state political situations where it is theoretically conceivable he would have some input into our daily lives. Like anyone with such ambitions, open or clandestine, Stephen therefore is a legitimate object for comment, be it laudatory or derisory.

        • Captain Alfredo says:

          Indeed Magpie, Mr Lane has been very local in the community and he has had attempts at local politics. In fact he likes to publicly announce his abilities and solutions to the world’s problems to anyone with a listening ear. He has even been heard speaking negatively about the Magpie. Lane is full of himself and has put his own head above the radar.

          • The Magpie says:

            The very worst thing that could happen for The ‘Pie already tenuous standing in the community would be for Stephen Lane to speak positively about The Magpie.

  2. Michael Jessop says:

    Townsville City Councils policy on terminations is poor. All items affecting the public purse should be transparent and visible. McCabe is now running the circus without Thompsons pushback, and councillors are toeing the line. A lot like budget time, these councillors are accepting the executives recommendations without community consultation.
    Seriously, this has to end, Thompsons out, let’s end the misery and put the lot into administration. Rarely is there a project under budget or in line with budget. McCabe whilst a decent bloke, has never been a full time CEO. David Crisafulli needs to sweep the whole lot away, and start again. He wants Townsville to be better, then it’s time now.

    • Jenny says:

      MJ, it looks like there was no proper policy on terminations (in particular, those before the conclusion of a contractual term). The Report says:

      “The Queensland Audit Office has recommended that Council develop policies to guide staff in relation to the circumstances when it is appropriate to negotiate separation payments over those contained in employment contracts. The attached policy is the first of its kind for Councils in Queensland.”

      First of its kind. Hmmm. Of course the devil is in the detail:

      “Terminations or settlements resulting in resignations before the conclusion of a contractual term which are not supported by evidence of poor performance risk claims by a person being terminated or leaving that the person has been the subject of adverse action or discrimination giving rise to a claim. Before proceeding with the termination of an Executive officer or a settlement leading to the resignation of an Executive, there must be an assessment of the potential risks of litigation. If it is considered that the risk of litigation is low then ordinarily a contract would only be terminated in accordance with contractual terms.”

      Councillors will struggle to find an easily explained path through the legalese. There’s human rights, work health and safety and any number of avenues for lawyers to stick their beaks in. Apparently, that’s why we have laws, and lawyers.

      • The Magpie says:

        But if there are any grounds for litigation, and there is any ambiguity about a dismissal, then the person should not be terminated anyway. grounds for litigation means that it possibly a wrongful decision.

        Given the reputed back-stabbing, back-biting, pole climbing, empire building environment in Walker Street, and even a possible propensity to engineer a ‘constructive dismissal’, the only sure financial outcome once again involves the ratepayer and the pineapple.

        • Jenny says:

          That’s the thing. Did those previous executives ask to get ‘terminated’ before their contracts were up? And then, bold as brass, claim a grievance payment for being terminated early? Sounds like the bloke who murdered his parents asking the judge who was sentencing him for clemency because he was now an orphan.

  3. mike douglas says:

    I dont buy it . Over $1 mil + over entitlements and the Ceo response to persistent requests from Councillors on “who got what and who approved it” . Response ” ill take it on notice ” . If the proposed new policy is confidential then does that mean the true payments to Ceo / Directors / Top senior management is left out of Councils annual report EOFY ? . The Mayor posted payments to suppliers on his facebook and was it $370,000 to LGAQ yearly menbership and over $1 mil the past few months on Lansdown / North Rail Yards . Did the person authorising the extra entitlements check with the LGAQ on procedure ? . I also note Council agenda appointing Council representative on NQ Smart / Nth Rail Yard boards . Is it correct instead of adding it to the managers responsibilities Council wants them to take a board fee for an entity Council is already funding . Council / Councillors are not acting in the best interests of ratepayers . An elected representative / Councillor advocates on behalf of their constituents . How can Councillors make considered and informed decisions when Council Ceo / Directors / Snr Management are not transparent .

    • The Magpie says:

      Paying an already paid council employee to oversee the board of a council company is double dipping at its most greedy and opaque. And there’s little point believing that this sort of thing will be sorted out by the appointment of an administrator. those qualified for the position are part of established PS mechanism of legal rorting, and are unlikely to stop this nice little earner.

      • Michael Jessop says:

        This Nyree Bolton who is mentioned for the board roles was a Jenny Hill crony, now she sits on many areas in board positions or as a council representative. It looks like Jenny still has plenty of pull in this town.

        With regards to TEL, I did see on the ex-mayors page that he is questioning funding for them, Smart Precinct, NRY, NQ Spark etc. then there’s the funding for the Fire $180k, Cowboys $250k, V8 Supercars $1.8M etc. TEL gets $4.8M+ under its new advocacy & promotion deal, chamber of commerce get their rent part paid in north town. I recall seeing on one of the council meetings after the councillors reallocated $100M to ReefHQ, the allocated the other $5M to ACMF and DanceNorth, DanceNorth get $180k already per annum, Mooneys baby is well funded while others miss out.

        Is anyone looking at the board roles, Suzi Wilson is on the board of the TCC funded Smart Precinct NQ, well played bulletin, well played, Ellis is the councillor on this with Nyree Bolton, this name will come up a lot more.

        • The Magpie says:

          Good background. If not yourself, and you are commenting under a false name, you must be close to someone familiar with Walker Street. no matter, always god to have this background, too many people hiding in the shadows (Ha! … says the bloke who runs a blog overflowing with anonymous comments.)

          • Jenny says:

            NQ Spark has somehow found its way into the CityDeal trough. It’s not easy to find out who the directors are/were that have resigned. Nor why the “Queensland Defence Science Alliance” (QDSA) would be at that crowded trough. Some notable local names are/were connected as were/are some notable local/multinational corporations including Qube. QDSA explains the NQ Spark connection thus:

            “Collaboration will be a central theme of NQ SPARK’s operations spanning Defence industries, health, science, and technology. We look forward to working closely with QDSA and the broader Defence industry both here in Queensland and throughout the country,” he said.
            Minister for Defence Industry, Pat Conroy, emphasised the substantial economic impact of the NQ SPARK facility, projecting the creation of up to 800 jobs and an injection of over $200 million into the local economy.
            Conroy stated, “This is a unique integration of industry sectors such as health, emergency services and universities, with flow-on social and economic benefits to the broader community.”

            800 jobs, $200 million. Hmmm. Before TCC appoints someone to join the board of NQ Spark (as recommended by the QAuditOffice as per the TCC Agenda) perhaps councillors could be given a public explanation of ratepayer (therefore CityDeal) connection to that body? Our rates at work.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      McCabe has had his period of notice for the Big Bird question o he should be prepared to stand on his hind legs and give the answer at the next council meeting.

      Anyone want to put $5 each way on :-
      1 legal have advised that is commercial in confidence
      2 I do not have the information at this time (or ever so fuck off).

    • Jenny says:

      Mike Douglas, while we’re at Lansdown (you know, the hub in the scrub), I see that one of the leading lights in Queensland Pacific Metals – the most promising-looking of the Lansdown projects – is rearranging deckchairs:

      6 November 2024
      “Director Resignation and Withdrawal of Resolution
      Queensland Pacific Metals Ltd (ASX:QPM) (“QPM” or “the Company”) wishes to advise that Dr Stephen Grocott has resigned as a Non-Executive Director from the Board. This will allow Dr Grocott to focus solely on securing a pathway forward for the TECH Project [at Lansdown], which he will remain intimately involved with. Dr Grocott’s decision was made despite receiving overwhelmingly strong support from shareholders. QPM’s Chairman Eddie King commented, “I would like to thank Stephen for his immense and tireless efforts over the past few years serving on the QPM Board of Directors. The Board looks forward to his ongoing involvement with the TECH Project where he has already helped QPM achieve so much for this project. As Stephen has noted in the past, nickel is a cyclical commodity and the potential of the TECH Project to provide a low cost and clean nickel supply will remain compelling in the future.”

      • The Magpie says:

        That last line!!!!! Translation: it’s rooted.

      • Dave Nth says:

        These guys ooze of subsidy farmers. Miles just slung then $8m of our money 2 month shy of the election. Be curious to see what concessions council have given them.

        What’s a bet these guys go the way of Magnis in a few years.

  4. Prince Rollmop says:

    TEL is nothing more than a joke. And a ‘woke’ joke at that. For starters, Gill no longer works at the airport so his role at TEL should’ve disappeared when he left the airport. Why is he still board chair? As for Claudia Bumme-Smith she too speaketh with forked tongue. The quintessential bullshit artist who effectively does SFA. As you said Magpie, does the Department of Defence really seek her permission and require her advocacy for them to expand Townsville’s military operations? Has anybody ever heard of a ‘courtesy meeting’? That’s about the limit of TEL’s input into expanding military operations. Defence met with TEL, advise them of what they are going to do and TEL then inform various sectors of the community. TEL has no active role in the decision making process. It’s a scam and a sham that they continue to lay claim to decisions made within the region of which they had no active influence. This bullshit needs to stop.

    Bumme-smith, Gill, and TEL’s structure are old news. They are no longer fit for purpose. Outdated and obsolete. We need a new TEL, streamlined and empowered. The current malaise needs to be scrapped.

    • Jenny says:

      Unfortunately for your thesis, Rollmop, TEL is perfectly placed to sit in the middle of Defence, JCU, AIMS, various multinationals and the Hospital providing PR gumpf for shows like NQ Spark and helping themselves to the credit. That’s why they were created isn’t it?

      “A partnership between Townsville City Council and James Cook University, NQ SPARK has been established through a $32.2m Federal Government grant to develop a six-hectare site in Townsville which will be home to a purpose-built Advanced Environmental Simulation Facility (AESF) combining live, virtual, constructive and augmented reality systems, to create a training, testing and research environment unique in Australia.”

      You just need to consume a bit of that live, virtual, constructive and augmented reality. Good luck.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yup … whatever the fuck that is.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Once again Jenny, you don’t get the gist of my comment. I’m not saying that TEL don’t have a bit part in the advocacy process. What I’m saying is that these shysters make out that they are the responsible entity who pull these deals together, and that, like most of your comments, is complete bullshit.

        • Jenny says:

          Rollmop, that is exactly the deal, and acting mayor Jacob just showed you how it is done. All these funding and action bodies – Defence, TCC, JCU, TUH, AIMS, Airport, stadium etc, hand over the credit to TEL. They write the PR, get it in the paper or on the tv news and people believe that TEL has done all that. That is exactly the way council wants it. They won’t change anything.

  5. Achilles says:

    This a great example of enshittification?

    Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States for the second time is probably the foremost enshittification moment, globally.

    Elon Musk’s ability to purchase a social media platform for $44 billion and within two years reduce its value to around $9 billion.

  6. Same shit different day says:

    The gloss has come off Joe McCabe. The lack of transparency around dodgy CEO deals has cut short the hope that we had put in MCabe. It’s a real shame. The only way to drag TCC into a transparent and accusation free environment is if the Councillors demand an open and transparent environment. In many ways the councillors are our last line of defence. It’s time for them to hold the operations team to account. That is of course only if they actually want to.

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie is not willing to give up on Joe McCool just yet, sometimes questions without notice in any forum cannot be accurately answered off the cuff, so we will hopefully learn on Wednesday if he will keep good his promise to get back (i.e taken on notice) with details of what information councillors were not privy to, as per Batkovic’s question) and more importantly why. And if the new policy will be more transparent to the public.

      • Michael Jessop says:

        McCabe has shown he cannot be trusted, while he helped in removing the mayor, he has shown little in the way of knowledge, offering turning to the advisor or legal team. With no full time experience other than this, I’d be happy for the entire place to be flipped on its head, investigated and put into state controlled administration, then there’s no additional payments, that’ll be a big saving for us residents.
        Council is clearly in over its head, McCabe won’t answer questions either regards to the overpayments, time to move them all on.

      • Hondaman says:

        Magpie, I’d like to share a text to the editor that didn’t make it (dunno why?) “while I may not follow the same political path as Councillor Suzy batkovic, I certainly applauded her actions in taking on the CEO, Joe McCabe who MUST know the truth re the massive severance payments to the three past employees! This needs to be sorted asap, and if someone is telling porkies, well, don’t let the door hit them on the way out” Also kudos to yourself for predicting this latest debacle of Ma Greaney stabbing Jacob in the back! I do wonder how much real Council business has been conducted since the elections- not a lot I reckon. Great value for the money-NOT!

  7. Hee Haw says:

    The agenda item which should also attract attention is item 13.

    A bit of an oxymoron to hold confidential discussion about a “Public Confidential Report” ( an oxymoron in itself) and then to refer to a quarterly project report which is heavily redacted removing all the current $ values.

    Reason given for the confidentiality is that it is about the Local Governments Budget.

    You cannot make this shit up

    • The Magpie says:

      Good point.

      This North Korea Hermit Kingdom attitude really does have to stop … but how that’s going to happen is one for a latter day Solomon.

  8. Jeff, Condon says:

    TEL is a good example of enshitification. It seems that it is now drawing near the end of Phase 3 and about to enter Phase 4 – Termination.

    TCC is going much the same way with the inevitable appointment of an administrator. The only way to avoid Phase 4 would be a sudden epiphany and the adoption of a high level of integrity.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘High level of integrity’?

      Oh, you sweet dreamer, you.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      Why do you think TEL is not worth having?

      • The Magpie says:

        What? You obviously haven’t been paying attention for the past decade or more … or reading The Nest, where the reasons are regularly expounded.

        Or is your question argumentative? If so, you tell us why they should be retained.

      • Michael Jessop says:

        TEL is not worth it, nor MITEZ, or Smart Precinct NQ, the council are pouring good money into bad investments with so called ‘business leaders’ running the show and spending our money!

  9. Roger That says:

    I note the Directors of NQ SPARK have suddenly resigned.
    Big coincidence?

    • The Magpie says:

      Where did you see that, Roger? (See what I’ve done there heh heh heh …. but genuine question.)

      • Roger That says:

        In the report for this wednesday’s council meeting Magpie: Item 11 (NQ Spark Pty Ltd- Board Appointments & Corporate Representative)

        • The Magpie says:

          Thanks, will take a closer squizz.

          • Jenny says:

            Re NQ Spark. Item 11 in the Officer Reports of the TCC agenda says TWO directors resigned, not THE directors resigned. There’s a whole blurb about the Auditors recommending that Council have some more formal representation on the board of NQ Spark – it’s all laid out there.

  10. The Magpie says:

    Hey, anyone out there know how the Killers stadium concert went last night?

    The Bulletin isn’t out of bed yet.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      It was great.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      It was the lead online article at 9am.

      • The Magpie says:

        Thanks got it now.

        Bit of confusion about the numbers, reporter Cameron Bates says 20,000 plus, a stadium bloke said 15,000 tickets sold, and band spokesman says 18,000, but either way, not a bad turn-out for a second tier act.
        Inevitably though there is a question when we read:
        Acting Mayor Paul Jacob said North Queensland music fans “proved why Townsville really is the events capital of the north”.

        “As a council, we’re proud to work with organisations like Townsville Enterprise to bring major events to the city and look forward to what’s to come in 2025.”

        How does the council work without Townsville Enterprise if not by subsidising this event? Which leads on to the question about the hidden payments the council makes to subsidise such events? If it can be demonstrated that more than 10,000 outsiders flooded into town for the show, a worthwhile event for the council to support. And it need to be demonstrated in the current climate, because nobody anywhere atany time trusts a single word any of our civic leaders say.

        • Jeff, Condon says:

          Tickets sold – 15000, attendees – 20000, sounds about right. Don’t forget most of the higher earners around town are given free tickets, I.e, councilors, politicians, dept heads and general managers. Ironic.

  11. She won what? says:

    Sit down before you read this:
    Bully editor Cas Garvey has won a Clarion Award (whatever that is) for breaking the news that Mayor Thompson falsified his military records. Fair dinkum, you couldn’t make this stuff up.

    • The Magpie says:

      If it’s the same system as the Walkleys, you have to nominate yourself for consideration. And one trusts she will have the decency to sent a thank you note to the mutual source we shared on the story.

  12. The Elephant says:

    I didn’t go but a friend who did said the stadium was only half full with whole sections of seats unsold. On Seven News last week a stadium spokesman said they had sold 15,000 seats and only 20% were locals. That means just 3000 Townsville residents (out of 190,000 odd) bought tickets. Wonder what words of wonder Claudia BS and the editor will come up in their glowing reports.

    • The Magpie says:

      More to the point, that means there was an influx of 11,500 visitors to swell local business coffers. And that is good news. Maybe. Funny, you’d think that many people would be noticed at some stage.

      • Critical says:

        Friends from Mackay and Cairns both commented on the number of empty seats at the Stadium last night and were wondering how many Townsville people supported the concert.

        On another note, both groups say that Townsville is looking f***ing disgusting and the entrances look overgrown and littered with garbage and gardens unkempt and bare where plants have died and not been replaced. Perhaps the Councillors could set an example and a new direction for the city by participating in an emu parade and grab a spade and replant missing plants day is in order.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Pie, They anticipate that this will the largest crowd of their tour.

  13. Lab Rat says:

    It seems like Trump is gathering every prime weirdo in America to be part of his inner sanctum. Reminds me of the Bar Scene in Star Wars.

  14. Bumfuckville says:

    That was an interesting letter to the editor. And to be honest, it reflects (unsurprisingly) negatively on TEL. The Dudley-do-nothings are too busy swanning around Canberra and kissing politicians asses rather than advocating and working hard to deliver positive outcomes to our tourism industry. We continually look like a redneck region and rightly so. FFS TEL, stop pissing about putting out glossy brochures and other empty worded statements and do some actual work!! The board of TEL and the CEO are well and truly past their use by date and should go. We need fresh blood with fresh ideas and a fresh approach to our region.

  15. Dave Nth says:

    Bit longish pie but just some thoughts and feedback I’ve had elsewhere.

    On tourism, my forays down south. Don’t like to talk down the city but sometimes honesty is needed.

    Sorry to say a gargantuan amount of work is needed. I hear a lot of talk ranging from has potential to outright trash talk about the place especially when it comes to crime and regular rankings in spoof sites like Shit Towns of Australia that doesn’t help our image. Tip don’t look up the reviews about Magnetic Is either. Lately two-names as well though he has disappeared off the front pages down south fortunately. Most people think Cairns & Airlie Beach for tropical holidays or mostly Sunny/Gold Coasts that most southerners don’t foray north of anyway.

    Big problem for us and even Cairns or Port Douglas is accessibility, from Sydney or Melbourne the Gold Coast is an easy day or day & half drive. To get here from Melbourne well way most would drive 4 days. Air fares, sky high (I’m glad in my work the client pays) even with Nostar then you have to hire a car. We are behind the 8 ball before we begin. That said feedback about Townsville despite its faults is hasn’t been overdeveloped with bling and us locals are pretty laid back and relaxed. Food for thought how bout we forget about top end visitors and concentrate on middle ground. Families and those who can’t afford a fortune but would enjoy holiday at Rowes Bay or on the Strand in more budget accommodation.

    As for highlighting history or areas of attraction, Queensland parks & wildlife do this extremely poorly IMO. I’ve been elsewhere in the state with the same problems. I think Townsville’s positives are it’s WWII history, heritage buildings (If we don’t knock anymore down) and unique granite formations/beaches. Though the historical placards in the CBD are a useful start and have been there a while.

    As for Chinese and even worse, Indians, sorry I’ve had plenty of unwanted interaction in south east Asia with these two demographics and we’re much better off without them or in smaller easily managed numbers anyway.

    Anyway be interested to know what some who are more connected with the industry think.

    • Bodacious ta ta says:

      The truth is, we are and never will be a tourism attractant. Yes, we have Magnetic Island. But if it’s a reef trip you are looking for then the Whitsundays and Cairns is the place to go. We need to concentrate on Townsville become a larger business center, as well as perhaps a place for retirees to come. Other than that, we are just a large dry regional town that in reality does t offer up much appeal. Sorry, it’s the truth.

      • The Magpie says:

        ie has long said that a more realistic approach is to see Cairns and tourism as Tinseltown an d Townsville and industry as Muscletown. Tourism is never going to be our mainstay industry, but a lucrative substrata. If professionals are put in charge.

    • Guy says:

      Townsville could easily gain more tourist numbers by simply opening up places that have been closed to the public by the rangers and horror of horrors OPEN new places to the public.

      You see to explain it to the uninitiated tourists like to explore and see actual places, that’s why they often travel.

      Reopen the road to the back of Shelly Beach across townsville common , it used to be drivable then the council closed it – yippee ! another location CLOSED. Government workers will often CLOSE places of interest and claim it to be a productive activity. OPENING somewhere once closed will be very very hard, there’s the psychological impact on the lesser spotted toad kilometers from the trail to be considered.

      If we keep closing locations in town because 1 person thinks it’s a good idea , we are doomed. If you are being paid by the government it doesn’t matter if townsville fails – because you get paid anyway. See how that works ?

      Open up a trail to Fredericks peak ( the massive granite peaks to the west of town) anywhere else would kill to have such a inspiring location to visit – here in townsville we will waste millions on things no one will use or care about.

      The Fredericks peak national Park ( that’s what I call it) is a national park with no technical public access – yes really. Opening up a simple trail would increase tourism simply because its accessible to tourists. One day people will come here because it’s accessible. My ultimate fantasy is a trail from the end of the dam wall all the way to the peak ( part of the way is private land but crazy thought – enter into negotiations for access). Having a car park for Fredericks peak closer to town will limit break ins whilst you are away .

      Opening up townsville common and Fredericks peak will add somewhere from at the very least 2 days to 5 days extra tourist spend – if only the council wanted millions of extra revenue from tourism. As I said, when the council wants more money it simply invents taxes like parking meters and incenses rates by 10 % , it doesn’t need to innovate, become efficient or even consider anything. Its human psychology without any responsibility or accountability.

      • Jenny says:

        Guy, my recent experience of Cairns is that many, many foreign tourists want to do stuff IN TOWN like drink expensive coffee (like in every other tourist town in the world), try local food, go see some rainforest (whatever that is) and be enlightened about wild animals like deadly snakes, spiders, sharks, crocs, jellyfish etc. Townsville can do nearly all of that (except Wet Tropics rainforest – you have to go to Paluma for that) but we are never going to have the fly-in foreign tourism trade because our airport is not an international hub like Cairns is. Ours is a hub for military, university, mining and public service which means airlines fleecing the well-paid bastards for everything they’ve got. I know, there’s miles of Dry Tropics vegetation crawling with the same exotica that Cairns has but our tourists aren’t the same gullible internationals that Cairns gets. But why try to emulate Cairns anyway? Let our businesses do what they think is best for them.

      • Critical says:

        How about opening the old railway line, or part of, to Greenvale up as an adventure trail. Could start it at the bottom of Harveys Range and take in the tunnels if they’re still safe.

        Might need a bit of hard yakka to clear it in parts but I’m sure that could be community service for some of our entitled untouchables.

        • Guy says:

          The tunnel under the tea house still exists but it’s full of bats. I ventured in there one day with one other person game enough to go in. I could see in the distance the exit , as we went in deeper I thought I coukd see something moving , as we got closer I suddenly realised that the middle of the tunnel seemed to have a large widened chamber that was host to bats. The noise of us walking and talking had roused them and they were now swarming in their thousands, we charged out the tunnel before we got covered in batshit and piss.

        • White Mouse says:

          Unfortunately a lot of the rail line was removed

        • Jeff, Condon says:

          When Dentures was Transport Minister, he ripped up every bit of rail line he could to ensure they could never be used for transport. Rather like a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta.

          • Jenny says:

            Jeff, of course you are entitled to a no-evidence opinion but your suggestion that the government “ripped up every bit of [Greenvale] rail line to ensure they could never be used for transport” is just silly. According to a blog site online (therefore not necessarily reliable but still):

            “The rail from the Greenvale line (about 217km worth) was used to re-lay the
            Mt. Isa line between Stuart and Hughenden (378km). The shortfall was made up
            with rail recovered from the Moura Short line after it was re-laid to take 26
            tonne axle loads (most of this rail was used between Torrens Creek and
            Hughenden). Some Greenvale rail was also used on the double-track between
            Townsville and Stuart.”

  16. Isle of Dykes says:

    Is there any other places for tourists in the area other than Magnetic Island?

    • The Magpie says:

      The Nest accommodated quite a few Scandinavian backpacking lassies back in the day … all said Townsville was a satisfying experience.

      • Achilles says:

        That may explain why I see female Scandinavian backpackers and tourists all over Oz, but rarely in Townsville.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        We’re you away when they were visiting? Asking for a friend.

      • Al says:

        Pie. I don’t want to spill any beans, but I have been in the Burdekin lately, and doing my social obligations at a local boozer. A few good looking European backpackers have asked about an old geezer like me possibly being an old relative. Because you and I look handsome for our age, I know it’s not me. Could you possibly help me out?

    • Guy says:


      I regularly add places of interest to maps. Once it’s on the map suddenly something magical happens , people start visiting. You can revitalise interest in places where people / tourists never go. Type tourist attraction/ scenic spot / place of interest into online maps and see what pops up.

  17. Isle of Dykes says:

    I am sure tourists would love to experience the iconic Picnic Bay Mall and its vast array of shops. It makes Bourke Street look like the Main Street in Quamby!
    We could give out free knee pads to visitors who can make it from one end of the Mall to the other end without tripping over the pavers or tree routes.
    A free Helmet if they can do it at night without a torch and avoid being bitten by a Death Adder

    • Maggie Moggie says:

      In one of her last gasp election speeches, Jenny Hill with her not so little off sider Ma Greaney, told a meeting of around 80 people on the island, that they had ‘BIG’ plans for Picnic Bay. We are going to turn the whole area including a redevelopment of the Mall and the PBSLC building which is coming to ‘It’s end of life” – into Venues for Weddings.

      Those in attendance didn’t not look over excited – there was no mention if the project had been fully costed and budgeted, no plans or artist impression sketches for the audience to view, in fact there was nothing except the two of them gushing and the whole issue fell flat.

      Since the election there has been no mention of their Grand Design, although last week TCC did announce that finally Picnic Bay would get a toilet block built – at a cost of $900K. It was also in last years budget, not too sure what happened to that money? Apparently TCC is still looking for it.

      The Moggs knows that until TCC sort out where the excess water from the Picnic Bay Water Treatment Plant can be distributed, any development of Picnic Bay ain’t going nowhere.
      The golf club doesn’t need any more water and the land next door to the Plant where TCC has a licence to release water, is being opposed by the ‘Greens’ because a legless lizard was sighted in area about 25 years ago.

      It would appear there is a Blockage along the bureaucratic line of BULLSHIT.

      ‘Isle’ perhaps with your intimate knowledge of the island you could get a job with TEL and join the rest of the losers?

      • The Magpie says:

        $900,000 for a toilet block?

        This is a very serious matter. If that figure is correct, it is time we started asking questions about specific ‘small’ projects like this one. Just for starters, consider this: the average cost to build a two-bedroom house in Queensland is between $250,000 and $400,000. So a toilet block on Maggie is going to cost the equivalent of two and a quarter up-market 2-bedroom houses, or the equivalent of four more moderate but adequate dwellings.

        This project figure has to be challenged by council and justified by the relevant TCC departments. Publicly.

        Something is seriously wrong somewhere.

        • Roger That says:

          You are absolutely right Magpie.
          The toilets are being constructed from concrete block.
          Not hard to work out the costs for that type of building.
          Ratepayers getting screwed again.

        • Jenny says:

          Apparently, the job involves a demolition (bound to be complications), disposal of (bound to be) regulated waste and then construction, then removal of temporary buildings, unplumbing and re-plumbing, then a grand opening (there’s a BBQ area nearby), possibly with the Sus Mayor in attendance. There’s a nice location map and artist’s impression in the Magnetic Community News:


          Oh, and a backhander for TEL who possibly organised it all.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’d be right,, TEL only fit to organise a shit and a BBQ.

            But the undeniable, immutable, irrefutable (turns page of Thesaurus) established fact that $900k is a scandalous estimation of costs and should be immemdiately publicly reviewed and itemised.

            Seriously this is exactly what councillors should be doing on our behalf, but they have forgotten what they are there for and have happily agreed to be bullshitted to by self entitled and uncaring fuckwit bureaucrats.

        • White Mouse says:

          Freight adds about 30% to anything built on the island. Having said that $900k for a toilet block compares quite favorably with $3m for the shelter sheds on the hill.

          • Jenny says:

            Just discovered the difference between the Picnic Bay toilet block and the Castle Hill sheds. The Castle Hill sheds were funded by a Phil Thompson initiative 50/50 with TCC whereas the toilet block project is ” . . proudly funded by the Queensland Government’s Works for Queensland program.” Ratepayers are spared embarrassment for the delays and building contractors can add another nought to the quote for a government job. Easy as!

    • Jenny says:

      “Tree routes”? Now everything’s on a journey. Where are they going this time?

  18. Mike Douglas says:

    Council meeting Wednesday . Where’s the budget update ? . Councillors signed off on $24.8 mil loss this financial year before even looking for savings. Did Council finance team brief Councillors on the need to borrow another $100 mil June ? . Backlash from ratepayers on 9 % + rates highest in Qld + petitions against introduction of paid parking Strand / Palmer street Councillors were going to look for savings . CEO McCabe doesn’t look like he will visit Council assets like the mostly unused Northtown + Council depots since the new large Bohle depots . Prior to being suspended the Mayor posted Council invoices / suppliers on his social media . July Lansdown $608,000 , nth rail yards $550,000 , August Haughton $697,000 , tender for Liam Mooney’s Wedgwood display $339,000 . How can a Council so much in debt both charge ratepayers not only wages for entities that already exist + compete with private enterprise , but give them mils $ free rent + extra payments Council executives .

  19. Mdog says:

    Find it surprising, pub’s around the country, are boycotting Australia Day, because of the sorrow, the day brings?? Found at least 2 pubs in Townsville, boycotting, the Allen hotel, and the strand hotel. I find it a bit hypocritical, especially pubs, that can be a solace for a sherbet and a feed, but also , the misery of alcoholism, seen a few at the Allen in my life, the banning of certain people back in the day, and they love the money, that they will greedily take from the unfortunate ones that gamble, and drink to excess!

    • Jenny says:

      The Strand Hotel? Well, I won’t be going there. But where is it?

      • The Magpie says:

        Yeah,good point, only two candidates, Seaview or Watermark.

        But this whole thing is empty virtue signalling towards our blended brethren in the aboriginal industry … Aussies don’t go to pubs on Australia Day with the spirit of say Anzac Day … it’s just another handy day off work to get pissed with the boys and have a punt.

        Doubt this waffle will have any effect at all.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      200 pubs. How many pubs are in Australia and what % of the whole are the 200? Why is this news?

      • The Magpie says:

        No no no, back to front … now you tell us why it is NOt news that 200 pubs Australia wide are banning Australia Day celebrations.

        And The ‘Pie is more and more convinced you have hi-jacked the name of a regular commenter. Way out of character.

  20. Pat Coleman says:

    With the coming policy proposal for CEO and director employment contracts I had a look around . I found that :
    • local government is excluded from the operation of the Public Sector Act by s8(2) (a ), s9 and schedule 1 of that act https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2022-034 ;
    • That the contracts are governed by s194-195 of The Qld Local Government Act which set out they must contain performance standards and conditions set by council https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2009-017 ;
    • The Local Government Regulations164 says that records must be kept of the risks councils are exposed to , whilst this would refer to danger it could also apply financially given the statements about the need for policy changes for contracts , see also s216-238 in relation to contracts https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2012-0236 https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2012-0236#sec.164
    • S173 of the reg is about unauthorized spending that wasn’t in the budget , extra severance payments would fall into that category https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/sl-2012-0236#sec.173
    • That s201 of the LG Act says nothing IN THE SECTION requires the exact renumeration to be stated and the act sets out the numbers of people in the bands of $100k .

    However , if you go to the top of the contents and s4, being the local government principles , you will see that if we are going to have a policy, then IT’S A LEGALLY ENFORCABLE REQUIREMENT the making of that policy be a democratic and transparent process that involves the community . https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-2009-017#sec.4

    The CTH Fair Work Act s333b-333D sets out that pay secrecy is illegal. This overrides state law. https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdoc/au/legis/cth/consol_act/fwa2009114/

    Bargaining/doing deals for public offices is a crime under s118 of The Qld Code , so how people are offered a job is an integrity issue requiring the utmost transparency https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/html/inforce/current/act-1899-009#sch.1-sec.118

    Now, you have to remember that previously, that developer Maidment donated to both sides for the 2016 election. The Hill gang, including the Dep Mayor , didn’t declare that and many other donations. Amendments were made to the returns that didn’t include Maidment. Later in the Nov Meeting they all declared it as an interest but didn’t amend the return and asked the CEO to make the decision that resulted in approvals rejected by planning.

    So, other than looking at who appointed the CEO and the CEOs history, how could you look at possible incentives or inducements to make a decision in favour of a donor ? I would suggest , taking into account politicians jobs after politics , that the CEO pre-nup is a good start , an extra piece of cake or 2 , if you knew it was coming would be a good incentive.

    The contracts and the process must be transparent because of the perceptions that can be created by such situations. And if there are performance standards, the public itself must see them and have a hand in enforcing them.

    • The Magpie says:

      Good info, Pat, thanks.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      John Oberhardt would be well versed in CEO recruitment activities. I wonder if he is satisfied with Joe McCool’s employment process? Not saying that anything untoward took place, just saying that it would be interesting to hear his thoughts, after all Prince Ralston as CEO was a Montreal clusterfuck. Did the part time stinky Prince follow up the correct legislation? In fact John is currently helping LG Services recruit a CEO for the Balonne Shire council. Busy man.

    • Motorist says:

      A lot of research on your part. It deserves a much larger reading audience.
      I encourage you to send it to every TCC councillor and the CEO.

      A fortnight ago I raised this matter with my divisional councillor after reading about it on the ABC site. He was igornant of the whole matter and said not a word in the last TCC meeting.

      Your research together with other community feedback on this matter will deny the councillors the defence of igornance.

      Please consider.

      P.S. I wonder if I will ever hear my councillor make a contribution at a TCC meeting?

      • The Magpie says:

        Motorist, you twit … every councillor will have already read Coleman’s excellently researched comment even before your redundant suggestion. And, old pal, you have no idea of the Nest’s readership, in quantity or quality.

        • Motorist says:

          Sorry Dear ‘Pie,
          I have little faith in how well read my councillor is.

          As I stated when last fortnight ago, having read about the termination overpayment on the ABC, I expressed, in words of one syllable, my outrage to my local councillor. His question to me was when was an audit done on council? He was unaware of the ABC report or of the actions of the executive buried deep in the audit report.

          So, Dear ‘Pie, I humbly accept that the Magpie Blog is equal to the ABC in that, it is not the numbers who are listening, it is who are listening.

          And I suspect my councillor is not listening. Also, his parents could not spell when registering his birth.

          • The Magpie says:

            They read it indeed, The ‘Pie is left in no mistake about that but as to The Nest’s impact, we defer to the great jurist F.E Smith (later Lord Birkenhead) who once made a lengthy and complex address on a matter in court. At the end of it, the judge said, “I have listened to you for and hour and I’m none the wiser’. To which Smith replied:”None the wiser, perhaps, my lord, but certainly better informed.”

            At least the councillors are informed by The Nest.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Fuck me Pat you need to get a life

      • The Magpie says:

        Ducky, if that actually is the regular Ducks Nuts, why oh why when Pat does actually contribute some valuable and valid poinbts through skilled and dedicated research, you go all sneery. perhaps you’re on the wrong blog?

  21. Achilles says:

    Well done Joe Biden! using (read abusing) the privilege of powers held by the US President to pardon your naughty boy.

    You’ve just given credence to the various US institutions that have maneuvered the courts to defer/delay/abort criminal charges against the President elect.

    Gawd help America!

    • The Magpie says:

      But it certainly puts Trump in an interesting position vis-a-vis pardons, especially the ones promised for his murderous louts of Jan 6 … let alone himself, if that is possible. And it gets even trickier when the Mobster inChief tries out his tiny brain on the difference between pardon (crime committed but forgiven) and exoneration (name completely cleared usually due to new evidence).

      • Achilles says:

        I thought about that too, maybe its a sacrificial move by Biden (nothing to lose now) so that it doesn’t give Trump the opportunity to display a magnanimous gesture by giving Hunter a pardon.

        • The Magpie says:

          Yeah, like that was going to happen. Anyway, Donny Boy might need to keep it shut on the matter, given he has already done exactly the same thing doe one his own inbreeds, the creepy ventriloquist plastic faced dommy Kushner.

    • White Mouse says:

      So what? Trump pardoned old man Kushner (Ivanka’s FIL) and is now trying to have him confirmed as the next French ambassador, despite not being able to speak any French. Dieu les aide!

  22. The Magpie says:

    Hmmm, just a moment, let me check the calendar … ah, yes, it’s that time in the annual news cycle here in Oz.

    What about the those patrons – the vast majority – that it doesn’t make sad. And who likde their pubs to stay out of their politics or social views. (A claim of social caring coming from pubs reeks of hypocrisy.)

    This is going to be interesting, perhaps a few flying squads of robust choristers will be formed, to zoom around flash mobbing in the banned bars and burst lustily into Advance Australia Fair followed by Waltzing Matilda.

    • Jenny says:

      26th January 2025 is a Sunday. That will mean Monday 27th is a holiday right? Sunday might be very interesting. Probably a good day for a cyclone.

    • Achilles says:

      With this cultural decay accelerating every year, soon for harmony all pubs and bottle shops will remain closed during Ramadan.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      It’s 200 pubs magpie. Who gives a fuck. How many pubs does Australia have?

      • The Magpie says:

        Your usual deep dive into social issues, Ducky.

        • Ducks Nuts says:

          So do the maths for me magpie and explain to me the significance of 200 pubs? Out of an estimated…7298 pubs

          • The Magpie says:

            If you had an ounce of nous, you would realise given the underlying potentially divisive social issue, even ONE pub banning boofheaded noisy patriotism on Australia Day would be an issue. It’s not a matter of numbers, you numbskull.

            Anyway, a subsequent statement from the parent company made it clear that they had simplky told their managers that the venues themselves would not be permitted to devise any AD events … which doesn’t mean exuberant silkliness of patrons will be disallowed.

          • atSleepy Bob says:

            Dumb Nuts more like it. You really don’t look outside the box do you Numbnuts? It’s not about the number 200 at all. It’s about some fuckwit CEO and board who decided to pull the pin on Australia Day festivities. It could have been just the one pub and the decision would still be unpalatable.

  23. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    A pox on the Australia Day humbugs!

    I have been wearing my Happy Australia Day tee shirt for 2 months now and will continue till 26th January. After that it will get a wash and carefully put away till next year.

    Why is it that the whingeing minority in this issue, and others, get the media oxygen.

    Australia’s intolerance of this sort of bullshit was demonstrated in the so called ‘Voice’ outcome.

    So, happy Australia Day everyone, and get a tee shirt and wear it. Available through the internet, Redbubble, I think.

  24. Bordeaux Bob says:

    Does anyone know what the latest is with the new “Private Hospital” at the old West End School, Ingham Road?

  25. Tropical Cyclone says:

    TCC Meeting
    Big Eye theatre=To part fund: Equipment hire, audio visual and production expenses and performance activities associated with Dawn Ceremony, Walk of Solidarity and Survival Day Festival and venue hire costs for The Strand.

    =$45,000 cash$1,772.80 fee waiver ($1,307.35 venue hire and $465.45 hard costs)

    Interestingly=Partner Contributions: $0
    Not detailed in the application due to time constraints for submission

    Big Eye Theatre has become an incorporated entity during the previous accounting year and awaiting full audited accounts after its initial period of operation and AGM. Provision of this information will be a condition of funding and requirement during acquittal processes.

  26. The Elephant says:

    News of Cas Garvey’s Clarion Award for breaking the story on Mayor Thompson’s real military history (after the election) was published in last weekend’s Sunday Mail, but as far as I can see there has been no mention of it in the Townsville Bulletin.
    Modesty or embarrassment prevention?

    • The Magpie says:

      Cas deserves recognition for being at the helm of the paper when it did sterling work on the Thompson matter (one trusts she mentioned Chris Burns in any simpering ‘I think you really love me’ acceptance speeches). From The Magpie’s viewpoint (which is not as hindered by legal considerations as she was/is) this is not a pissing contest, and we were in concert on the issue itself, a ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ sort of thing. And she has already reflected the community anger at Leahy’s pissweak, spineless and insulting decision on Thompson … it cannot be allowed to stand.

      That said, The Magpie’s self-appointed overwatch on the paper will continue it’s critical vein, because there is much left to be desired in this pitiful rag, truly a cynical advertising outpost in the Murdoch evil empire.

      So Cas, a gentle reminder, as all journos used to have drummed into them, you’re only as good as your last story.

      • Michael Jessop says:

        Whilst I agree there needs to be answers, but I’ll hold out until it has concluded. These investigations never go where we expect them too, and this bloke has had some luck of late, not keen on humble pie. I don’t think it’s award worthy,, at least just yet Pie it’s risky without a formal result, Cas may still be in strife.

        • The Magpie says:

          Well, that’s made one thing clear … you Micheal are not, and will never have a hope of being, a journalist with a sense of community responsibility.

  27. The Magpie says:

    It seems not all projects that hit turbulence are the fault of the council. Like ….

    A trusted source tells The Magpie a major legal dispute between the developer Geon and Centurion the health investment fund, is behind the problems with the stalled private hospital in West End. There are apparently major legal issues that have emerged even at this advanced stage of the venture, and the source believes Centurion wants out of the project so badly it is willing to take a big loss.

    The delays of the project gave the Mater + Townsville breathing space to upgrade their services / offers to specialists .

    Our informant believes the Westend hospital may never open in its current format.

    ‘There go Leighton, get stuck into this one.

    • Jenny says:

      Magpie, Leighton might need to know the exact name of the proponent and the hospital. There’s a lot of detail about Centuria’s Weststate private hospital (dispute) in this doc:

      Quarterly fund update September 2024
      Centuria Healthcare Property Fund

      • The Magpie says:

        Don’t tax the poor boy too much

        • Jenny says:

          TCC has actually weathered a storm already for this hospital:

          Planning – New Appeal No.13 of 2018, Mater Health Services North Queensland 9933 Limited v Townsville City Council and Lautaret Pty Ltd [facilitator working for Centuria], 2 and 4 Wilson Street, West End

          TCC Minutes 22/3/18
          A submitter appeal was filed in the Planning and Environment Court in Cairns on 31 January 2018 against a decision on 20 December 2017 to approve a development application for a Material Change of Use for a Hospital (22 beds), Health Care Services, Food and Drink Outlet and Shop (Pharmacy) and Preliminary Approval for Building Works against the Planning Scheme for Demolition of Dwelling, in respect of land at 2 Wilson Street, 2A Lamington Road and 763 Sturt Street, West End.
          The submitter is seeking an order from the Court that the application for development approval be refused.

          • The Magpie says:

            Ya gotta just lerve those unselfish, community minded objections to certain projects – nothing of coyrse to do with an already ample bottom line.

            But The ‘Pie is hearing that Wirth’s Circus is about to sue the council for loss of income, citing unfair competition.

            ‘Why woulkdn’t hard hit consumers pay to see clowns when there is free public seating in the council chamber. (Although one also hears that Clr Robertson, advised by Matt ‘The Major’ Richardson, is putting a motion to have the public gallery ticketed through Ticketek.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Lighton could do worse than go and ask David Kippen about this as he is or was the boss of the project.

  28. Fact Hunt says:

    So Joe Biden pardoned his son, Hunter, and now the Orange Overlord asks about his January 6th rioters being pardoned.
    What a shit show

  29. Southern Comfort says:

    Oh dear, Lane wasn’t available because he was busy showing a doghouse for sale, and poor TwoNames couldn’t front for his own show and has had one of his “payday” moments dismissed.

    I wonder if he will have costs awarded against him for wasting everyone’s time on his vanity case?


    • Achilles says:

      Maybe TT couldn’t get past the “I’m Not a Robot” access test, therefore was unaware of the “invitation” to attend the hearing he had requested!

    • Toy Thompstain says:

      Ha ha ha. Case dismissed. Twonames will now go on a bigger warpath with Joe McCabe, revenge is served sweet. Twonames loves the easy dollar and this was one of his cash cows that has been shut down. No easy money. That’s ok, one way or the other there will be more lawsuits as people like Twonnames live for easy money litigation. He just can’t help himself as he is a hallmark shonk.

    • Grumpy says:

      Would appear that Lawdog Lane has also missed the ball when it comes to Thompsons legal matters. Perhaps they were both at a Cooker convention or attending an open house auction? Both are fuckwits that Townsville could do without.

  30. Jenny says:

    Magpie, I love a good political serve and yesterday the team at Crikey delivered a beauty on an opposition front bencher:

    “[Paul] Fletcher, after 15 years in politics, remains shapeless, formless, a blank space without feature or characteristic. Marise Payne was the elegant political equivalent of those elementary particles that can travel right through the entire Earth without leaving any trace or interaction. But Fletcher is dark energy, a phenomenon that can’t be observed and can only be inferred from precise calculations of the rates of movements of other objects, as he slowly increases the amount of nothingness in the universe. Left alone long enough in any room, Fletcher will expand the dead space within it until any other living creatures will find themselves so separated by a vacuum that communication becomes impossible.
    Fletcher’s portfolio (I’m paid to follow politics and I still had to look it up) is “Government Services and the Digital Economy”, an indication that Peter Dutton ran out of things to give out while compiling his shadow ministry and cobbled together the portfolio equivalent of painting rocks white and turning them over.”

    One thing Fletcher did for Townsville when he was an actual minister was pour some Morrison government millions into Phil Thompson’s electorate:

    “The investment includes:
    • $12 million for enabling infrastructure to support the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct – Northern Australia’s first environmentally sustainable, advanced manufacturing, processing and technology estate powered by locally generated renewable energy. This is in addition to a $12 million commitment from the Queensland Government and $4 million from the Townsville City Council;
    • $2 million to fully fund a detailed business case for the proposed a concert hall, which will guide further funding investment for the project under the Deal.
    • $2 million for a feasibility study into the supply of re-use water for the growing green hydrogen industry in Townsville.

    “Of the $124 million in Commonwealth funding that remains to be reallocated [from the $195m originally going to Haughton2], it is the mutual intention of the parties that an amount of $100 million will be committed to the Concert Hall, subject to the outcomes of the business case being satisfactory to all parties.”

    Looks like it got a bit messy after those halcyon days.

    • The Magpie says:

      Rundle or Keene? The ‘Pie is jealous of such wonderful wordsmithing.

      But Jenny, a small matter of housekeeping and a gentle smack on your (possibly delightfully wobbly) bot bot.

      Had to edit with italics and bold to make it clear who was saying what and when we came back to you … and The ‘Pie still isn’t sure he got it right. A small pointer when switching voices will help evertybody more fully understand the innate brilliance of your views.

      But Jenny, please do not try to take up the ‘Pie’s offer of a spanking, with this old bird’s luck ‘Jenny’ will turn out to be ‘Jimmy’, and that will trigger best-forgitten memories of a night long ago in a Bangkok bar.

      • Mitch Walker says:

        TCC should have no property ownership in the Lansdown project, we should only be chasing rates, water and rubbish.

        This is a Queensland Government initiated project, it’s a money pit, much like the Haughton pipeline. Council needs to drop the developer model and go back to being a municipal council.

        The state government needs to put in some much needed funding, or we go into further debt.

        • The Magpie says:

          The council …in fact any council … should never be a developer. Passing approvals for you’re own developments … sweet deal. eha?

      • Jenny says:

        It was Keane. Rundle has been sent to purgatory for being a very naughty boy on ABC radio. He won’t be back at Crikey.
        The second quote was from a Fletcher press release 28/9/21

      • Achilles says:

        Having lived and worked for many-many years all across Asia the key observation priority is to look if there’s an “Adams Apple”.

  31. Dread Pirate Roberts says:

    Troy Thompson is clearly a deeply troubled individual. His latest post, in response to the Townsville Bulletin article regarding the dismissal of his action against Townsville City Council, indicates that his inability to be truthful is pathological. How could it be the case that he was not notified by the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission about an action he himself commenced, with TCC as the respondent? He filed the action, included his contact details, failed to show up, and yet somehow the dismissal of his case forms part of a grand conspiracy against him. This man needs serious and urgent help.

    • The Magpie says:

      So do we, the ratepayers.

      • Dead Pirate Roberts says:

        The ratepayers will get help when Thompson gets pineapples and is placed on the unemployment line. The retard.

    • Grumpy says:

      He’s stuffed. If the court sends you something to your given address for service, then you are deemed to have been served. Bloody difficult to have that presumption set aside.

      • The Magpie says:

        Not sure that forum carries the same requirements of a court, Grumps … and that is evident in the reaction. A judge would in all likelihood issue a warrant for contempt.

  32. Correct Me If I’m Wrong says:

    Thompson’s quote in his latest excuse piece says “ l continue attending a psychologist since being removed from office on the 5th of June, in my personal view unlawfully, I still attend sessions weekly.”.

    Firstly, great he’s finally getting some mental health help, but is it for the lying? And secondly, didn’t he take himself off on leave at that date? I recall that was the day he was due the no confidence motion, and he sent an email in saying he was off on Mental Health Leave until the end of the investigation. Nobody removed him, but him. And if he did that unlawfully to himself, he should give himself a good telling off. But that also brings up another topic he should be discussing with the Shrink – Multiple Personality Disorder much?

  33. King of bullshit says:

    So Twonames claims that nobody contacted him about his ‘intimidation/bullying’ hearing. What a load of absolute bollocks. Old mate is playing games. The idiot was probably too busy taking photos of ice creams and those designs in the froth of your latte and lost track of the date. Maybe he was at his psychiatrist (he claims that he attends weekly sessions), or maybe he had one of his many epileptic fits and he forgot to front up! This bloke makes slippery car salesman and dodgy realestate conmen (hi Stephen) look like saints in comparison. What next, will he put out a new book – The Art of the Con, by Twonames Thompson.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      TwoStains has been through the legal system enough times to know how it works. What a clown.

      And while we are on the subject of clowns Foodtruck has come lumbering out of her cave no doubt on Hills orders to take the crown off Jacobs. Jenny has never forgiven him for breaking ranks and asking questions.

  34. Jenny says:

    Magpie, bit slack on my part because I should have more thoroughly read the Agenda for Wednesday’s TCC meeting. My eyes were glazing over when I got to the bit about naming a bridge over Louisa Creek on Ingham Road – out there just beyond the RAAF base towards the Bohle. The bridge is proposed to be named for the late Ewen Jones, LNP member for Herbert, who died before his time last year aged 63. He put his hand up, stuck his neck out and copped what came his way. He might have been a forgettable politician but it won’t hurt to remember him.

    • The Magpie says:

      And for once, an appropriate pl;acde name, Ewen was instrumental in the getting that bridge built over the previous flood prone road.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Pie, And as a point of interest, that project. The Blakey’s Crossing project was completed by TCC under budget by $70,000. Probably the last under budget job they did.

        • Hondaman says:

          Yep! for countless years the task of flood proofing that section of Highway 1 was ignored by uninterested Councils, but Ewen Jones manned up to the task, and every time I drive across this edifice I wish I was looking at a sign bearing his name- he bloody well deserves this!
          R I P Ewen Jones.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Honda man, Before Woolcock St was finished it was a State Government responsibility as it was Highway 1. It then became council responsibility. But yes, great to see Ewen get the deserved recognition.

          • The Magpie says:

            It seems a shame that not one commenter offering well deserved praise for the man could spell his first name … it was Ewen not Ewan and not, God help us, Evan. All corrected out of respect for the man. – hoped the signwriter has better luck.

  35. Pat Coleman says:

    In regards to the council plan this week to have a policy regarding internal investigations in conjunction with the assessor and tribunal, and being able to hire an outside mate to conduct them, I have stated before the reasons why I believe the entire councillor complaints and conduct system can be found invalid . The whole investigative system must be amended to give it back to the CCC. And the CCC must have all it’s research and reporting powers handed back. The ECQ should be funded to scrutinise every donation source and empowered beyond doubt to refer for prosecution and all time limits for electoral offences must be abolished.

  36. Not standing for Mayor says:

    From the Bullsheet online, sinking to a new lower low.

    “A glamorous tattoo artist and her built barber-shop owner fiancé, filmed assaulting a woman outside a Qld pub, have had a fright of their own despite glowing character references including one from a former councillor.”

    From the pictures it’s just a mole with tats and a shaven ape but the journalist must have had a hard on for one of them.

    • The Magpie says:

      ‘Glamorous’ and ‘tattoo artist’ are mutually exclusive terms, only ever heard in the same sentence when the subject is the annual military extravaganza in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  37. Kenny Kennett says:

    So the Bali traffickers get the free ticket home to Australia at the expense of the Aussie taxpayer, and we’ll pay their much better accommodation whilst they’re behind bars. Albo and Tony Bourke pat themselves on the back coz they think they’ve saved innocent Aussies. Tell that to any family that has lost members to overdoses. If these pricks had succeeded in getting their filthy supply into Australia, I’ll guarantee they wouldn’t have stopped there. And more people would’ve died than these scumbags had. And don’t forget it was the AFP that tipped off the Indonesian authorities.

  38. Mike Douglas says:

    Townsville Council . Mayor suspended 12 mths , State Government minder appointed to monitor . Spiralling debt . Lansdown updates behind closed doors . State Government seeking explanation further $80 mil blow out Haughton . Unanswered Questions on rent from Enterprise house + previous Business development centre Condon . Sweetheart deals Team Hill entities paying $1 rent in prime locations . Councillors priorities a coup to make food trucks Greaney acting Mayor . Jacobs claims ex Mayor Hill tentacles directing Team Hill Councillors . Embarrassing for the City . Put Council into administration .

  39. Circus fan says:

    The astonisher is reporting Ma Greaney has the numbers to overthrow the acting mayor.
    As I have said, Greaney has already proved the Peter Principle as a councillor. Take a look at her pigheadedness for the strand parking meters and not being able to read public sentiment until someone held her nose in the mess she made and said “naughty councillor, look what you have done”, did she eventually change her mind.

    When we rewind to march 2024 and the council elections, the city wanted anyone but Hill to be Mayor along with many of her useless geese councillors. Now Greaney is failing again to remember the public sentiment that she is viewed as part of the problem that everyone wanted out of the council.

    For Greaney to try this on at a time when there is government appointed advisor, the mayor being sent on paid leave for a year, the executive proving their dishonesty, the city’s bank coffers are echoing from being so empty, major projects failing and not being transparently reported, it all adds to the weight needed to dismiss the council and appoint an administrator.

    • The Magpie says:

      But you’re own reasonable analysis of the current situation makes it the ideal time for a leap upwards. And Greaney doesn’t have to worry about whatever the electorate thinks, she just has to gather enough votes out of 11.

      • Jenny says:

        Now it’s enough votes out of 10. There’s no law against it.

        • The Magpie says:

          The Magpie’s memory and maths, eh?

          Yep, 10 votes.

          • Jenny says:

            And there are three absent so it will be a vote of seven if the position of A/mayor comes up.

          • The Magpie says:

            Isn’t that vote going to be whether a special meeting is called on 17th to decide the matter? No meeting, no spill?

          • Grumpy says:

            Townsville is like bloody Star Wars. Ma Greaney is the Labor Sith Lord arising from the ashes of team Hill. Having only half of team Hill voted out at the last election was always going to be a potential issue down the road. It would seem that our day of reckoning has arrived and the ghosts of Jenny Hill are about to strike. Call in the administrator now and sack the entire lot of these dipshits.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Grumpy – Sith Lord? or Jabba the Hutt’s sister?

          • Jenny says:

            Magpie, until you mentioned a Special Meeting of Council I was unaware that one had been called. I see that it will be held on Tuesday 17 December at 9.30. No Agenda is up on the site yet. Do you know how this came about and what the single item of business is?

          • The Magpie says:

            Ma Greaney’s attempted leap to immortality … apparently.

          • The Magpie says:

            Please do, Grumpy.

          • Peter heater says:

            Please do what?? What secret mens business are you two up to?

          • on notice says:

            sorry, commercial in confidence

          • Peter heater says:

            Magpie and Grumpy learning tricks from TCC? Ha ha

          • Jeff, Condon says:

            Some would say that the Magpie’s and Grump’s latest dalliance is merely an infatuation. Those of us in the know understand that it is…, the
            the real thing.

            Congratulations to you both.

          • The Magpie says:

            Mate, you’ve drawn the wrong conclusion, just because we’re both loud and proud … but that’s it.

  40. Avid watcher says:

    The shenanigans of TCC is fascinating and fun to watch. The latest offering with food trucks Greaney pushing her own agenda to become acting Mayor is entertaining. Her ego is quite nauseating. But should she be successful in becoming acting mayor, her next move would be to make sure Thompson is repetitively kicked while he is down. Greaney doesn’t want Thompson to return in 12 months time, so it will be fun to watch how she pulls every trick out of her bag to knife him at every opportunity.

    With an exiled mayor, councillors starting to descend into warring tribes, executive turnover, and failing finances, TCC is collapsing into a black hole from which there is no return. The drums are beating louder for an administrator to be appointed. Tick tock tick tock…..

    • The Magpie says:

      Sadly, agree. Tribal is the word, and all the connotations of undeveloped civil governance that that implies. Hill and Labor redux.

      • Lab Rat says:

        It’s called Democracy. The team with the most people rules.

        • The Magpie says:

          Certainly correct, which again leaves the interests of politics way ahead of the interests of ratepayers. There really shouldn’t be ‘teams’ allied to political parties.

  41. The Magpie says:


    Well, that off to a rollicking start.

    Following one of the weirdest prayers we’ve yet been subjected to by some angry ant, acting mayor Jacob launched into a mayoral minute which was what can be best described as a anti-campaign campaign, arguing against the proposed move to have deputy mayor’s position be declared up for grabs. He said the move would further the the appearance of council instability, and took a disguised shot at she who would be queen, Ma Greaney on the parking meters issue. Jacob is no public speaker, stumbling through his plea to keep his job, which debated later in the meeting.

    Still all going on through the crowded agenda.

    • Jatzcrackers says:

      I’ve had past business dealings with Greaney and her then pompous boyfriend now husband, before she became a councillor with TCC. The pair would swan around town acting all righteous and entitled (appears nothing has changed) and now it appears that Ma Greaney is adding ‘steamrolling’ to her portfolio. The daily phone calls between her and Mullet would be entertaining !

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie reckons the best person in the, one who would stop a lot of the waffling bullshit, would be Suzy B. Impressive performance today, start to finish. If uncommitted councillors not wedded to any particular vote

        And what a finish, a direct challenge to the legal opinion of the sweaty David Sewell, who said the name of the person who signed off on Prins Ralston disgraceful parting gift had to remain confidential. Suzy told him she had external legal advice that the person should be publicly identified, and when Sewell disagreed, she promised to get further legal advice to back up her claim. There will be a few people shitting themselves over that … possibly including Jenny Hill … is it possible SHE signed off on th Ralston deal BEFORE the election? She would’ve been happy to do so, so confident was she that she’d be back in office.

        All in all, Suzy B the only councillor who showed any inclination to ask and act in the interest of ratepayers.

        And all the mouth breathers heading for the keyboard, The Magpie has reliable information that the family and political ties with the Ryder mob are not as close as we would be told to believe.

        • Roger That says:

          Agreed Magpie.
          Batkovic would make a far better Mayor than Greaney.
          In my opinion Greaney’s offsider Price is lifeless garden gnome.

          • The Magpie says:

            Yeah, he’s a bit of a strange one, a sensitive petal one suspects.

            But the strangest thing about him is his inoffensiveness is the most offensive thing about him.

            So far, a waste of space.

          • wollo says:

            I agree she should be acting Mayor as she’s the only councillor who carefully studies the costs of things that come up in meetings and is not frightened to keep asking questions until she gets a satisfactory answer.

          • The Magpie says:

            It’s interesting that she was chosen to start the swhole TwoNames demise, reading out the no confidence motion that would – and was – put if he didn’t do the honourable (HA!!) thing and resign. She was clear, concise and was no show pony. She is a growing presence, anda preferable choice to the creeping jesus Greaney.

          • Guy says:

            Why not have a second election for the entire council ? I’m sure the stella performance of the councillors will see the “good” ones get back in. Most people walking in to vote didn’t care or know very much is why we’ve endured 16 years of unsustainable debt and out of control spending and a virtual ocean of water under the bridge.

            The word “idiot” comes from ancient Greece- it means private citizen, semantically someone unconcerned with how his civilisation operates and generally doesn’t give a fig ( until it directly affects him). I met one guy that didn’t think locks on your door work keeping unwanted people out. Socrates was so appalled at how stupid Athens had become he gathered some students to create the right people to try and start a revival after decades of wars and stupidity. Plato formalised the process by creating the academy, ultimately it failed but they had a bloody good go trying.

            We never seem to learn, I just learnt to dream and think listening to the rain.

            I use this place for my soliloquies

        • wollo says:

          That council mumbling lawyer on the Council would have to be the weakest excuse for a lawyer that I have seen. Imagine having him represent you in a murder trial.. the Judge and the jurors would nod off to sleep from boredom as he was putting your case.

        • Ex TCC says:

          I understand your points for Suzi. Unfortunately for her there are a lot of us who had to deal with her under hill and sorry to say she’s no better then food trucks in the Sense that she paraded around depot’s thinking she was all mighty and had little time for us who actually made the council function on the ground. It’s a pitty she now shows some ticker all be it too late. I truely believe she knows more about what has recently transpired in council then she is showing. Many decisions were made through closed door meetings with staff appointments, fleet purchase amongst other things costing us ratepayers money. I do know that all councillors are given information about all this. Her only escape now is if hill actually kept things so secret from council that none of them knew anything? If that’s the case then that is another can of worms but Suzi can’t say she wouldn’t have know about the things she’s now asking about. Top executives are not hired by just one person ( mayor) without approval from entire council. It’s meant to stop corruption. Sigh

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s one view, a very personal one, so we don’t have any context as to where you’re really coming from, so much is based on supposition based on personal perception nd not facts. Except the fact that according to your moniker, you no longer work at the council.

        • Alahazbin says:

          Pie, Back in the days of Kirwan High, Dan Ryder and Troy Thompson were best mates. How times change!

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      is this a functioning council?

  42. Mdog says:

    Said months ago this council is dysfunctional. No one can say this bunch has Townsvilles best interest at heart. All power hungry, with a hint of psychopathic tendencies, with egos out of control. Marvellous how they turn on each other, when they have the chance to show us they can do the job they were voted in for. Fuckin political garbage, and who can piss on the tree high enough. Crisafullofit has to intervene and sought this shit out, if not, we are fucked, with the rough end of the pineapple. They are all obscenely disgusting imo.

    • The Magpie says:

      Have said it elsewhere, but is Suzy Batkovic could become a compromise candidate and be elected to the chair, she would sort of the waffling bullshit of a lot these drongos. The power play is a sideshow, they seem to be getting on with the day-to-day tasks and putting new rules in place on sensitive issues.

      Ewen Jones will be in good spirits, anyway, as he looks down (or up) at the council carry-on. A well deserved tribute naming a bridge for him.

  43. ScoobyDoo Troy Where Are You says:

    Goodness gracious me, Paul Jacob is worse at running meetings than the wonderful Troy

    • The Magpie says:

      Sadly, your right about that, he was all at see, and certainly is no public speaker, as proved by his attempt at job preservation in his mayoral minute.

  44. Bob the Builder says:

    Two things I noticed from watching the council meeting.
    1. The chief legal officer mumbles in circles and in my opinion is shifty.
    2. Price does whatever Greaney does. It’s a wonder they aren’t holding hands. How the fuck did he get voted in?
    3 What is the real reason why the two directors of NQ Spark suddenly resigned.
    5. Can’t understand why the people of Picnic Bay have the privilege of using recreational vehicles on roads.

    • The Magpie says:

      Will someone please buy Sewell a comb … or some hair gel. That errant and independent cowlick covering his left forehead was quite distracting. But it was about as organised as many of his statements.

    • Mundingbird says:


      Please explain number 5 ????????

      • Jenny says:

        A bunch of golfers in Picnic Bay got their shit together and applied to be able to drive their buggy up the street from their homes to the golf club rather than using a car and trailer. Just Picnic. Nowhere else. TCC decided to allow it.

        • The Magpie says:

          Not arguing but somewhat surprised that that was a TCC call. That woulkd be worth checking, and if true, perhaps the insurance and exposure to risk should be re-examined. After all, it’ll be our money if something – like a golf buggy – goes tits up.

        • White Mouse says:

          The owners over at Fairways would be interested in that bit of info. They aren’t allowed to drive their golf carts on public roads.

  45. Prince Rollmop says:

    Team Hill is back (almost). The vote for deputy dog will take place on December 17. Let the games begin.

    • I’ll be plucked says:

      Not quite right Mopsy. It’s a vote to be acting Mayor!!! The turmoil continues. Surely Administration is just around the corner? This whole thing is absurd! :(

      • The Magpie says:

        The ‘Pie could be wrong (it has been known, he took Goliath at 2 to 1 on) but doesn’t it follow via regs that the deputy Doo Dah become the acting Doo Dah.

        • I’ll be plucked says:

          Looks like Food Trucks Greaney and her cohort have found a way around that Pie and it’s on for a spill and vote in 17 December, for the position of Mayor and goodness knows what else! WTF is going in with these Councillors??? :(

        • Inspector Clouseau says:

          Pie, Plucker is correct, the TB are running the story. Surely this is further evidence of TCC disarray and The Premier has enough to dissolve the Council and order fresh elections???


          • The Magpie says:

            The ‘Pie very much doubts that the government will see what was an inevitable sideshow of who is playground boss is grounds to dismiss the entire council. It is not a decision any government would take lightly, and fresh elections would hardly be the outcome, it would be an administrator. But what should happen is properly turf out the imposter and hold a mayoral election, which under the regulations would be a mandatory outcome. That possibility is no doubt giving Ma Greany a colon calypso, she is no shoo-in with the great unwashed.

  46. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    Councillor Suzy Batkovic, my hero. May she prevail.

    • Jenny says:

      She can’t prevail without the numbers. Hence her amendments to one of Council’s funding deals were voted down and the deal went through unchanged. Mind you, Cr Batkovic’s quizzing of council execs over the termination rorts is revealing. It looks like there are limits to how much an elected councillor can be allowed to know.

      • The Magpie says:

        We’ll see what SB’s external legal advice has to say about that.

      • John Wilkes Booth says:

        “It looks like there are limits to how much an elected councillor can be allowed to know.”

        And that, Dear Jennifer, is the problem, and by extension, how much the ratepayer can be allowed to know.

        Regardless, in this current council there is more inquisition than in the ten years of the Mullet dictatorship.

        By the way, does Townsville have an oprah house?

        • The Fixer says:

          That well known political documentary series “Yes Minister” is as valid today in Townsville as it was in Britain in the 80’s.

  47. wollo says:

    I wonder if the 2 directors who resigned got a separation pay-out and if so how much ?? Also the Ratepayers should be told how much the Council employee lady whom they endorsed today is getting on the board of the old railyards .Joe mc. Cool said he won’t accept his stipend to be on the boards of N.Q. Spark and railyards boards. That was very nice of him.

    • The Magpie says:

      And a pointer perhaps for Ms Bolton to do the same, but it’s hard to pass up a tasty and undeserved (rumoured) $40K. Suzy again took it up to them, asking – although she didn’t use the most obvious phrzse – if this wasn’t double dipping, paying someone extra for time whjen she was getting paid for her regular council gig.

      Sewell was again unimpressive, and almost seem to start sweating when he made some fatuous bilge about risks taken by board director – including if things went askew, prison … FF fucking S. Really, David?

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Prince Ralston the part-time CEO used to do his personal business including work on other boards etc while on the TCC clock. It worked for him, so why not Bolton? It’s how they roll.

      • Lawbreaker says:

        The name Sewell should be changed to Sewerage. A two-bit hack masquerading as an important legal expert. He is about as convincing as layer Stephen Lame.

      • Not standing for Mayor says:

        If it’s $40,000 than it is a nice earner for Mr Mooney because the Hospital Board Chair is on about $50,000 so he must be making close to $90 or $100,000 for two days work a month.

      • Non Aligned Worker says:

        Pie, I am not overly familiar with Board payments. I can’t see where the board payments come from. Rail Yard Project does not produce an income, nor does Spark. The payments must come from somewhere. Is it TCC? Can anyone explain this to me?

        • The Magpie says:

          Taking a punt here, but NRY’s company is wholly owned and funded by the council, and therefore any board payments woulkd come from uktimately the ratepayer.

          Not sure about the mysterious NQ Spark, there seem to be so many players involved, appointed to govern the equally mysterious purposes of the company. That is, if when you google it, you are not fluent in meaningless BuzzTalk and BilgeSpeak.

          While this may be a worthy endeavour by higher functioning minds than The ‘Pie (evident in the fact that Tony Mooney is, or was, on the board), this company seems the ideal proposition for a local government council to avoid by a very wide margin.

          And which of these has pulled the plug … be amazed if Mooney is one of the two to bail, after all this sort of bullshit job is how he makes his cushy living nowadays.

          • Non Aligned Worker says:

            Found this on the TCC Website.
            “The leadership renewal comes following the resignation of chairperson Lt Gen (Ret.) John Caligari AO DSC and deputy chairperson Dr Mick Reilly OAM PhD, who both played instrumental roles in establishing NQ SPARK’s strategic foundation.”
            Not sure what they do though.

          • The Magpie says:

            The Magpie has known Reilly as a casual acquaintance for many years now, and he has always been a straight shooter and has always been cheerfully friendly. The ‘Pie even asked him last year if why he didn’t run for mayor. He shuddered and looked at the old bird as though he’d lost my mind. Guess he just wants to remain cheerfully friendly.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Pie, Didn’t both NRY & NQ Spark get an injection of funds from the state government? Maybe these boards just siphon money from that.

  48. John Wilkes Booth says:

    Re Councillor Price;

    I have been watching TCC meetings for months now. He is a NAFI. No Ambition Fuckall Intrest. I do not recall him making one contribution, comment, question or even seconding a motion. He does not even raise his arm to vote. Lazily wagging his hand, elbow on the table. In today’s meeting frequently in chitchat with Food Trucks. His division would be better served by a brick occupying his seat.

    Now Suzy B, there is a lady of class.

  49. Tropical Cyclone says:

    So, the majority of ratepayers are effectively funding a $62,000 package for a minority group, which will be used to celebrate the minority’s resistance to the majority. Interesting, especially considering there’s no funding from the state, federal government, sponsors, or even the minority community itself. There’s also no audit of these funds, and somehow, this is being presented as “due diligence” in how ratepayer money is spent. The only person in the room with any sense at all was Batkovic.

    • The Magpie says:

      She opposed it on very se nsible grounds, but it went gthrough on the equally fair grounds that it was, in Joe McCool’s words ‘an 11th decision’ which was unfair in that there was no time for our blended brethern to find alterave funding. bzasically, waved through this time , but promises of more adequate debating timne for the council.

      A disgraceful waste of money, especially when quite a bit oif it will go on a ‘Sorry Day’ ceremony on Australia Day.

      But Suzy’s argument was it should not be entirely up to the ratepayers to fund events like this, and half the amount this time would be fair.

      The ‘Pie is with the late lamented Fran O’C on this, no ratepayer funded grants for ANYTHING over $5000. Perhaps a bit more latitude for in kind support. Hill lioved giving out lavish amounts, it was her mid-term campaign funding.

      • Tropical Cyclone says:

        did Liam’s position surprise you?

        • The Magpie says:

          On what issue?

          • Tropical Cyclone says:

            The funding and comparing it to the AFL funding.

          • The Magpie says:

            No comparison was correct, not sure who said it – was it Liam? – on the sensible grounds that the AFL event brings outsiders and their dollars into Townsville, assisting business, whereas the theatre thingy is just local people who are already here and basically indulging themselves with their hobby (and in this case, their prejudice and spending some ratepayer money on a Sorrow Day event on Australia Day.

  50. Sir Rabbitborough says:

    Crissafulli has said today he is a firm believer that ‘..if you say something one one side of an election you should follow through with it…’ Well, considering most pollies talk shit during elections…I’m on the edge of my seat with anticipation.

    • Jenny says:

      Be careful Rabbitborough, Crisafulli is held in high esteem by the Magpie and his loyal followers. Mr Crisafulli can do no wrong on these pages.

      • The Magpie says:

        God you talk bilge sometimes, Jennifer. The ‘Pie is issues-based in his commentary, and you seem to have missed his several calls on The Kid to act on this farce, including sacking a minister who should never have been appointed, because she was and probably still is under investigation by the CCC.

  51. The Pretender says:

    David Crisafulli announced very recently…”Townsville deserves better”…as regards the elected Mayor, Troy Thompson.
    So then, he decides to suspend elected Mayor Thompson, on full pay, for 12 months.
    The Townsville ratepayers are out $250,00, but, hey, no great drama.
    What’s a quarter of a mill in the scheme of things?
    “Townsville deserves better”
    So, the deputy Mayor, Paul Jacob steps up as the acting Mayor.
    Fair enough?
    But apparently no… a Jenny Hill clone…sorta…, Ann-Maree Greaney, has decided to further disrupt this unbelievably disorganised council, by challenging Mr. Jacob.
    Thanks Mr. Crisafulli.
    Did you ever think that, by suspending Thompson, you were actually handing the Townsville City Council, back into Labor’s hands?
    Jenny Hill ain’t dead Davey.
    She’s playing you cause you’re too concerned about issues that are way out out your expertise and intelligence…the 2032 Olympics for starters.
    But, “Townsville deserves better”
    Not to mention the nation’s ridicule!

  52. ScoobyDoo Troy Where Are You says:

    This is the bulletin article tonight:
    “Mr Price said he was considering making a police complaint about 12 phone calls and a text message he construed as a threat following his role in pushing for a leadership spill, which he showed to the Bulletin on the condition it did not identify the texter.”

    Wonder who these calls and threat came from?


    • Dread Pirate Roberts says:

      I hear that Paul’s daughter Bella has been working the phones pretty hard in support of the old man. She is the same person that Paul was very keen to see become a councillor advisor to TT.

      • The Magpie says:

        Well, nothing unusual there and no crime, actual or perceived. Bella is openly politically active on behalf of her father, and one should not be surprised. not sure the point of what The ‘Pie takes to be a snide comment.

        • Prince Rollmop says:

          Jacob’s situation is similar to Mooney senior and Mooney junior. Politics is incestual and a parent politician who has lived off the public teat and amassed wealth from their trade, can’t but help pass on those secrets to their offspring. There is a giant trough of taxpayer/ratepayer money to be plundered.
          Oink oink

    • Island Voice says:

      Price is a fuckwit, who loves taking to the TB and Ma Greaney.
      TB will milk him for every stupid comment he makes. As for the threat’s perhaps someone is just reminding him – he ran as an independent not Ma Greaney’s personal assistant.
      Greaney will use him and the other so called independents to get whatever she wants.
      As for Greaney’I have 20 years of experience under my belt’. The only thing I have seen Greaney do is put on 20kgs and loosened her belt.
      ‘I will deliver strong leadership’ yep heard that line before. Greaney would have trouble delivering a pizza!

      Hope she gets Pineappled!

  53. Mike Douglas says:

    Whilst Food trucks Greaney is power playing claiming in a TV interview she has 20 years of local Government experience which is why she should be acting Mayor . As a Councillor she voted on Lansdown , $79 mil blowout Haughton stage 2 picked up by ratepayers . Another $55 mil late last year on Haughton / Lansdown and Council debt now at $570 mil . It appears Jacobs misdemeanors is not wearing a tie when he was in Canberra representing Council and many Council projects arnt happening . Project updates were bought in last year so where has Councillor Greaney been ? . Friends witnessed those cruise ship tourists that made it into the cbd yelled at by itinerants . Food trucks wouldnt know whats happening in her cbd division as rarely seen unless there is a media opportunity . What has food trucks done about Dimmeys cbd ? . If Food trucks is successful and the Crisafulli Government does a CCC enquiry could she be another Councillor suspended or dismissed based on Team Hills past .

  54. Jeff, Condon says:

    I would have thought that if one of the stated motives for latest bit of backstabbing was the backlog of projects, then Foodtrucks and her fellow assassins would be out of the running. For fuck’s sake, Team Hill is responsible for the mess.

  55. Roger That says:

    I commend CLR Batkovic for challenging the validity of Sewell’s decision to conceal the identity of the person who authorised the overpayment to the former CEO,
    It is now obvious the State Government’s advisor to the council was positioned to deal with more than the suspended deceiving Mayor.
    The big decisions in Townsville are influenced by people outside council including the hierarchy in the state public service.
    The way this overpayment issue is being handled is another example of the extraordinary lengths governments will cover up misconduct (when it suits) and manipulate decision making.
    The Chief Legal Officer, the new CEO and especially the government advisor should be removed from office immediately.
    I am also deeply concerned about the possibility of Mrs Greaney becoming the new Mayor. I heard she had twenty years experience in local government. If this experience is within the TCC then I suspect she has become accustomed to the toxic culture I heard exists there. In my opinion she is power hungry selective boot licker.
    Batkovic’s performance lately is encouraging, and maybe she has lost patience with the way the organisation is being run, unlike Puppet Price who thinks it’s a game of ‘Hide & Seek for Two Thousand a Week’

    • Jenny says:

      The trouble is, Roger, the selection of a deputy mayor from the ranks of the ten elected councillors is entirely the prerogative of the councillors. It has nothing to do with ratepayers wishes. The councillors are, after all, choosing one of their number to lead them in the context and circumstances that only they know about. If Greaney has ambitions and has convinced others to back her then why shouldn’t she challenge? This is politics in the raw, just like the mayoral election was nine months ago. And yes, I get it, the winner becomes Acting Mayor and takes the big fat salary. You could be a politician too but you chose not to. Too bad.

      • The Magpie says:

        “… in the context and circumstances that only they know about.”

        ‘Only they know about’? Leave the funnies to The ‘Pie, Jenny. Or have you been on holidays for a few years?

        We all know the circumstances and context (whatever that means).

        • Jenny says:

          Some people reckon Batkovic would be a good “compromise” candidate. But you and I have no idea whether Ms B is interested in being DM, let alone Acting Mayor. None of us knows what each councillor thinks of each of the others on any particular day or subject. It was clear at Wednesday’s meeting that boundaries between councillors are pretty blurry – certainly no indication of political party lines. This is what we want isn’t it? Independent representation?

          • The Magpie says:

            Haven’t a clue what that word salad is meant to mean? That nearly got dumped into your growing ‘Jenny’s Silly Comments’ file.

          • Grumpy says:

            Jenny’s contributions are, to paraphrase Samuel Johnson, are both good and original. Unfortunately, what is good is not original; and what is original is not good. And, yes, Jenny, this is the real me.

    • Alacan says:

      Many year ago she and Dolan Hayes were the PR department

  56. Tropical Cyclone says:

    Greeney’s comments in today’s paper, on page 5, seem to suggest that the council has been dysfunctional. Doesn’t this effectively acknowledge that they are not fulfilling their duties? This could be grounds for the council to be dismissed and a new election called, since they’ve admitted they’re not doing their job.

  57. Peter heater says:

    The Magpie has a full time job reporting on the TCC shenanigans. You retired way too early mate, these fuckwits are keeping you busy with endless material for posting. Perhaps you can do a Cas and nominate yourself for an award?

    • The Magpie says:

      Chris Burns does a pretty good job for us, and The ‘Pie likes the edgy glimpses of short temper with fuckwits in his writing. The ‘Pie does not aspire to join stellar groups like this any time soon.

      And great to see veteran snapper Evan Morgan, copped a Clarion. (that’s him peering over Cas’s right shoulder) While he won the award for a memorable pic of a croc swimming in the middle of town, The ‘Pie suspects it was al;so recognition for Evan’s relentlessly inventive body of work over decades at the Bulletin, although he is now listed as working for the Bulletin, Courier and Telegraph. A quiet and unassuming bloke in amongst all the sound and fury of his professional colleagues, Evan has always remained one of the calmest and nicest people The ‘Pie knows (small field, I know, but anyway ….)

  58. ISAAAAAA says:

    Hey Magpie
    I refer to a pic of the Infrastructure Services boss and the CEO in your blog this week.
    I notice Richardson has his left fist clinched. I hope they are not discussing a possible response to a letter the TCC received a few weeks ago. Ha ha ha ha.
    If so, it may be appropriate for him to do an anger management course.

  59. North Ward Ninja says:

    Perhaps we could all withhold paying our next rates bill until The Premier calls for a Mayoral reelection? He might take action then???…….

    • The Magpie says:

      Umm, yes, there certainly would be action alright, but not how you think. And it wouldn’t be by the state government.

      Not the brightest suggestion.

    • Shintaro says:

      Hey Ninja, me and Tombei The Mist dealt with you and your ilk a long while back. Come down off the roof and stop suggesting dumb things! Withhold rates my arse, what a ridiculous suggestion!

  60. Ben Rumson says:

    I am a little tired of the Punch and Judy show that the TCC has become.
    With this latest power struggle how about the ratepayers getting the full picture, not half-truths and innuendo.

    To Councillor Greaney, what makes you worthy to be Acting Mayor? What are Councillor Jacob’s sins and failures past and present that make him unworthy, and how will you stop, once and for all Twonames Thompson from interfering in Council matters from the side line?

    To Councillor Jacob, what makes you worthy to be Acting Mayor? What are Councillor Greaney’s sins and failures past and present that make her unworthy, and how will you stop, once and for all Twonames Thompson from interfering in Council matters from the side line?

    To all other councillors, call out the lies and truths coming from Councillors Jacob and Greaney, with verified correactions and confirmations. You are our elected reps after all.

    • The Magpie says:

      Ma Greaney has apparently told the Bulletin that she is deserving of the mayoralty ‘because I have had 20 years experience in Townsville affairs’. Is this woman catatonic? FFS, Ann-Marie, look around you at the mess, the secrecy, the corridor deals … and parking meters on the Strand!! 20 years, most of it Walker Street and in the ruling team, does EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of making you a suitable candidate …. it actually makes you the most unsuitable candidate of any of the other bozos.

      And Clr Jacob doesn’t need to prove anything, he’s acting mayor because he was deputy mayor before Thompson was arsesoled.

      Neiother are remotely suited to what this city needs, which is a straight-talking strong willed person who cuts to core of issues without any window dressing. Who neither dresses down like Jacob or up like a cheap dive cocktail waitress.

      Umm, Suzy, could The ‘Pie make a suggestion? Please?

      • Rotten Luck Willie says:

        Yes Suzy, like what the ‘Pie said…..

      • Headmistress says:

        Technically, Jacobs doesnt need to prove himself but under the circumstances council needs a strong, decisive no bs mayor, someone who by comparison, would put Twonames strange few mayoral months to shame. Whoever steps into the temporary role has a great deal to prove. 9 mths in and still without effective leadership. Potentially another 11 mths to go. On the face of it picking at personal and public presentation or even being present at important events seems a little petty but I think it does give an inkling into what is looking like a lacklustre performance by the acting mayor. Yes he absolutely should have dressed appropriately when representing the city and we should expect the leader of our city to be an effective and eloquent public speaker and also actually turn up to important events. Many small and seemingly petty failures add up. He caved too easily on being challenged and then blamed illness and “bullying” on caving. This all struck me as being weak, implulsive and easily manipulated. All very unappealing traits. Is he prone to making regrettable decisions whenever he is unwell or when personal circumstances crop up? The mayoral seat is currently being treated like some type of hot-desk situation.and this is unfair on the citizens. He will be dumped I think and probably this is needed. Its a shame that it is Greaney who is so unpopular and disliked is waiting in the wings and would prefer Suzy B.

        • Jenny says:

          Headmistress, Greaney’s vote in Division 3 dropped from 57% in 2020 to 47% in 2024 so you could say that she has declining public support in the electorate. However, the electorate has no place in this upcoming contest. Unless a third party enters the fray, in order to win a vote for Deputy Mayor Greaney will need to raise support amongst her fellow councillors. Someone who voted for Jacob last time will have to change sides. Who will that be?

          • The Magpie says:

            Ironic ain’t it that we accidentally voted for a mayor we didn’t want, and now we’re about to get another almost as unpopular and untrustworthy schemer whose elevation, if it happens, we not only don’t want but have absolutely no say in.

            The Magpie’s summary, analysis and a clear solution in Sunday’s Nest.

        • We've Been Pineappled - Again! says:

          (Comment via Magpie email.)

          I am wondering why/how Ma Greaney has the right to challenge Jacob in this matter/respect?

          If that is the case, doesn’t it mean that any time one of the Councillors feels a tad put out about something, they can challenge the proponent’s position? This recent comment from reader ‘Not Standing For Mayor’ sorta says what I’m thinking as well:

          Jacobs is Acting Mayor because the same people sitting around that table only six months or so ago voted for him to be Deputy Mayor (who by right acts as Mayor in the absence of the other) for a period of 12 months.

          By what fuggin right is Greaney challenging beyond that she wants more space at the trough?

          And this also crossed my mind – Greaney’s move is primarily so she can protect Jenny and Team Hill – including herself – from their MANY past indiscretions. If she gets the acting Mayor’s position, she can control how much information is released to Townsville ratepayers about the true financial position of the city’s budget, what projects haven’t been completed/commenced and what the true final expenditure on the project will be and so on.

          And a footnote while I’m here: God help us if that impossible creature Matt Richardson gets that permanent senior exec position!!!

          • Jenny says:

            “If she gets the acting Mayor’s position, she can control how much information is released to Townsville ratepayers about the true financial position of the city’s budget, what projects haven’t been completed/commenced and what the true final expenditure on the project will be and so on.”

            I have to take issue with this line of argument. As we saw on Wednesday, if a councillor, pushy or not, wants information from the executive (stuff about severance payments for example) the mayor has no say in what the executive gives out or refuses. A mayor might try to heavy a councillor (eg. Hill v O’Callaghan) via meeting procedure or other process but that requires a chamber with almost total unilateral control. So far, this council appears to be not so inclined and a possible soon-to-be disgruntled ex-DM will only strengthen independence. BTW, if you have an instance of how the official published city budget is ‘untrue’ why not lay out your SPECIFIC claim here so that councillors can make up their own minds. Innuendo, the ‘vibe’ and seemingly baseless suspicions don’t really cut it.

          • The Magpie says:

            Lovely to see the errant Jenny horse has returned to the stable and nosed the door shut behind her.

            Fully correct analysis.

      • Ben Rumson says:

        Mitch Walker,
        Any result of Twonames V TCC and others in the industrial court today. I ask as I would not know where to look.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Ben, Jacobs is Acting Mayor because the same people sitting around that table only six months or so ago voted for him to be Deputy Mayor (who by right acts as Mayor in the absense of the other) for a period of 12 months.

      By what fuggin right is Greaney challenging beyond that she wants more space at the trough.

  61. Critical says:

    Is Ma Greaney standing for the Acting Mayor’s position so that in case Twonames gets sacked and we go to the polls to elect a new Mayor, she can boast that she has experience in the position; and if she gets the acting Mayors position she can control how much information is released to Townville ratepayers about the true financial position of the city’s budget, what projects haven’t been completed /commenced and what the true final expenditure on the project will be and so on.
    I don’t trust this woman at all.
    Go Suzy B. the community supports you and just keep hammering the bureaucracy for the truth.

    • Rocky says:

      Hello “Critical” and others supporting Suzy Batkovic and her direct questioning, my view is if Batkovic can work to keep TCC out of administration there will be a few ex councilors and executives who will be VERY happy.

    • ABS says:

      She’s obviously making her move now hoping to gain incumbency advantage. The hope will be that public distaste for the continued turbulence will be forgotten by the time that an election comes around.

  62. Not standing for Mayor says:

    This is almost enough to make you vomit in your mouth. Anyone who saw any interaction between Ewen Jones and Foodtrucks knows this is crap. From todays media release about Louisa Creek Bridge –

    “Divisional Councillor and friend, Ann-Maree Greaney said she was honoured to be part of Louisa Creek bridge’s renaming of the Townsville icon after his tireless efforts in securing funding across the city, including for the formally flood-plagued section of Ingham Road.”

    • The Magpie says:

      Expect a lot of this campaigning twaddle over the next two weeks. Although we don’t get a vote, aspirants to the scarlet robes trimmed with possum fur will want their general public profile be as polished as possible.

      (FYI,readers, The ‘Pie is thinking of banning the word ‘icon’ from comments …. it is a lazy misuse encouraged by a dumb ill-educated media. It hasn’t beenn used correctly to the ‘Pie’s knowledge anyswhedre around here, including especially the Bulletin, in the past decade.

  63. Mitch Walker says:


    I guess the Bulletin got it wrong….looks like the TCC vs Thompson case has begun.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not necessarily, it’s for a ‘telephone mention’, which coukld mean just formally pissing it off the list. If not, wonder if he’ll hide behind mummy’ skirts again.

  64. Ducks Nuts says:

    Does this mean Richardson has to apply for his job or he’s leaving?

    Please make it the latter


    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure but isn’t in an acting director role at the moment? Maybe it’s just the pro forma process, and thazt yes, he will have to apply for the permanent position, just like Joe McCool did as acting CEO.

      • Ducks Nuts says:

        Oh that would be disappointing. Let’s hope there’s some applicants who have actual qualifications and aren’t just ex-military finger pointers

        • Mitch Walker says:

          Matt Richardson is a workplace bully of the highest level. Many people within council are frightened of him. At the strand parking discussion organised by Craig Stack, he was put in his place, that did not stop him arguing with residents. Not a nice man this one.

    • ISAAAAAA says:

      In my opinion, the pic of Richardson with his fist clinched in this weeks Magpie’s column is an indication of his character. He still thinks he is in the army. He does not like his opinions being challenged or when he makes mistakes.
      However my guess is, his fist is way slower than his temper.

  65. Tropical Cyclone says:

    Brady Ellis on instergram. I sort of nearly, not quite, kind of, met him. My opinion of him personally I think he is a bit of an arse.

    • Mike Douglas says:

      Tropical , the Councillor should have stayed on holidays as his instagram post clearly reflects his immaturity and the fact he has been in the role 8 mths . His “put your big boys post on ” over the introduction of paid parking the Strand / Palmer st / Mater took the Bulletins right to information on the parking consultants review that Councillors ( whether they were aware ) told a lie defending the introduction . There was no consultation as Councillors said there was . For Ellis to try and deflect that Team Hill does not exist yet Councillor Greaney is a member of the Labor party vs the seriousness of Greaneys statements Council hasnt completed critical projects . Queensland Government is awaiting a response to the further $80 mil blow out on the Haughton . Lansdown is in the Councillors division yet no disclosure on costs behind closed door updates when transparency was a key platform on his running for Councillor . Didnt hear the Councillor asking ” who signed off on the executive payments and who got what ” . Disappointing for Divison 10 ratepayers / residents .

      • Jenny says:

        Mike, I don’t want to be pedantic but what exactly do you mean by this:

        “For Ellis to try and deflect that Team Hill does not exist yet Councillor Greaney is a member of the Labor party vs the seriousness of Greaneys statements Council hasnt completed critical projects.”

        There’s known knowns: Greaney is not a member of the Labor Party (according to her declaration on the ECQ site before the 2024 election).
        There’s known unknowns: Can Team Hill exist without Hill in the team?
        The unknown unknowns: Function of the Castle Hill sheds?

        • The Magpie says:

          Last one, very droll, Jenny, very droll. Luv it.

        • Mike Douglas says:

          Thanks Jenny , rescind Labor party membership Food trucks . Entering Council 2016 has Food trucks voted against any Labor team Hill votes . I gather Food trucks was part of the pre Council Team Hill meetings on how the Council meeting would precede . Food trucks said nothing about Labor appointed advisers or interaction with Labor State MP,s / Ministers costing ratepayers hundreds $mils .

      • Bob Roberts says:

        I think the issue of whether team hill still exists or who is or is not labor is a distraction. The members of the former team hill continue to have interests in common, i.e. keeping a lid on activities during the Jenny hill era.

        Paul Jacob was elected on an anti-hill, transparency platform so i prefer him in the role to Greaney.

  66. Mitch Walker says:

    Interesting that Clynton Hawks is commenting again, the bloke is a shark, sees blood in the water. A dummy who swings which ever way suits himself. You are 0/3 down Mr Hawks, move on and accept you’ll never get enough votes. All you will do is toe the line, god help us all! Back on the cupcake champ.

  67. Rotten Luck Willie says:

    This bill is very good news when bad news abounds, especially here in Townsville.
    The bleeding hearts are up in arms. Well, to hell with them. If the bleeding hearts want to do something that is remotely useful, they could go out to little snots, and tell them the rules of their game is about to change.


    • The Magpie says:

      Putting aside your shallow front-bar philosophy, Sad Sack, you will be happy to know we will, bleeding hearts and all others, be doing something …. tacitly agreeing to commit massive amounts of money to an expansion of the prison system. The government will have no alternative, because if they adopt the South American style penal housing, and all the disgusting attendant images and realities that go with that, Crisafulli will risk joining Campbell Newman on the one-term wonder bench.

      So the problem will appear to be the conditions available to take those sentenced … and if they unpalatable enough, magistrates and judges will understandably be reluctant to exercise their greater powers as intended. Adults get suspended sentences, too, you know, so are we facing any real change at all?

  68. Inspector Morse says:

    Would anyone be kind enough to tell me the date, David Sewell ( Chief Legal Officer) commenced employment at the Townsville City Council.

  69. wollo says:

    NEWS FLASH, hot off the wire…The Australian government has just agreed to a Bali Bomber arrangement with the Indonesian Government. In a prisoner exchange deal just signed the Bali Bombers will come back to Australia in exchange for Lidea Thorpe, Chris Bowen, Adam bandt and Penny Wong.

  70. OED says:

    Supporters of Paul Jacob would be Jacobites, and supporters of “Food Trucks” Greaney would be Vanoverians.

  71. Sir Rabbitborough says:

    Dutton on ABC 24 just then ‘…we don’t allow messages of hate to be published in our national newspapers so why would we allow it online ‘ …excuse me?? What’s newsltd then? I remember they promoted the Greenpeace vessel Esperanza when it was in town once. Then, published a map of where environmentalists were staying near Bowen. They publish Brunker and others including Dale Last condoning and inviting violence. They published that 2 Greenies were seen at the ferry terminal like they were escaping prisoners. Just wait for them to restart it when the crooks and Far right KAP try to restart the Port Hinchinbrook debacle.

    • The Magpie says:

      Dutton is Mr Selective Alternative Facts.

      He fully supports the wildly biased Australian which has been totally and completely captured by the Sydney Jewish lobby on its coverage in news and comment of the current Middle East war. On this subject, The Australian has ditched factual news reporting and allows brazen propaganda into its news columns. All Arab races, including Zionists, are pains in the arse when it comes to their egotistical self-entitlement views, and their separate religious fairytales are used to support both their claims and their barbarism. Hamas is unforgivable savages and it’s hostage taking and terror raid is to be questionably condemned in every aspect. But Israel has gone well beyond any reasonable retaliation and accusations of genocide … random killing because of race … are now wholly justified. Almost half the dead are children.

      The Australian doesn’t even try to hide it’s craven surrender of responsible journalism in this issue.

      But colour The Magpie totally unsurprised. Rupert knows where the money is in Australia.

  72. Toy Thompstain says:

    The plastic man is stirring up the troops again on his Facebook page, posing questions regarding the pipeline cost blowout. The cost blowout in itself is worth asking the question, but it’s the way he does it. Just a complete shit stirrer. A true sociopath.

    • The Magpie says:

      Thompson has regrouped and refocused now, because even he has had to realise there is no way his return to the mayoralty will be tolerated by this community. So his new MO is that is ‘if I can’t have it, then they can’t either’, and is concentrating his efforts on targeting past questionable action to hAve the present council dismissed. The problem for him is that he is actually taking the former state government, as well as Hill. He is persona non grata with the LNP, so his only tactic now disrupt and distruct from the sidelines. Sad to tell him, but no one is listening. He may have a valid point about past misjudgements and shady behaviour, but a lecture on morals and ethics by Troy Thompson is like Jenny Hill lecturing on responsible driving.

      • Achilles says:

        The more I read about his final days, sounds more like Hitler in his basement, where he actually said if I am to die then I will take down Germany with me.

        Same sad delusional belief that TT has, that everyone thinks he’s innocent and there’s a vile cohort of conspirators who want his hide.

        Which is partially true we want his hide, butt (deliberate spelling Pie) as we see it disappearing into the sunset.

  73. Dave Nth says:

    Bakovic is not a solution to anything!

    I don’t care how she’s suddenly had a road to Damascus moment.

    She was part of the disastrous Hill regime, she rubber stamped everything Jenny did.

    Eff her and the horse she rode in on. Same Jacob, I despise all political parties but this city has had enough of ALP malfeasance and needs change.

    We’ve just come full circle just with different figureheads.

    PS Ta Pat Coleman, am perusing your musings in depth at present.

    • Charlie Wulguru says:

      Dave Nth….. You’re dead right. The dopes on this are too stupid to remember. She got off the horse and tied it up then looked around and thought ‘this town is full of fuckwits, I could set myself up for life here all I have got to do is get in with the right mob of crooks’.

  74. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie wonders just how much difference this will make to either home ownership of the homeless crisis. It applies only to the previously illegal room rentals in the first year of home ownership. After which it was an owner’s option.

    But The ‘Pie is unaware of any previous rush of private room rental after the initial 12 months.

    So why and how will this suddenly ease any burden that would not have been eased beforehand? This is an unrealistic bit of political ‘feel good’ window dressing that flies in the face of new homeowners natural and reasonable desire for a private start to their lives, as well as the growing selfishness of a society forced more and more into self-interest by mismanaged economies.

    Treasurer, Minister for Energy and Minister for Home Ownership

    Statement from The Honourable David Janetzki

    From today, new home owners will be able to rent a room without penalty, after Crisafulli Government permanently eased restrictions.
    Change will help ease record low vacancy rates and help boost affordability for first buyers.
    Change delivers on a key commitment by the Crisafulli Government in its 100 Day Plan.
    The Crisafulli Government has boosted affordability for first home buyers, moving to permanently allow home buyers to rent out a room from day one without losing grants and concessions.

    The Crisafulli Government issued a Ministerial Directive yesterday permanently allowing home owners to legally to rent out a room without losing concessions and grants.

    The change, effective from today, will also be formally enshrined in legislation introduced to Parliament next week.

    Under the previous Labor government, Queenslanders who received stamp duty concessions and grants were not legally able to sublet their property in the first year of ownership.

    The change delivers on a key commitment from the 100 Day Plan and will deliver on the Crisafulli Government’s ambitious plan to raise the rate of home ownership in Queensland, which currently is the lowest of any state.

    The policy is part of the Crisafulli Government’s Securing our Housing Foundations Plan which also includes abolishing stamp duty on all new builds for first home buyers.

    Queensland Treasurer, Minister for Energy and Minister for Home Ownership, David Janetzki, said boosting affordability and supply was a priority for the Crisafulli Government.

    “The Crisafulli Government is making it easier for young Queenslanders to get into their first home, by permanently removing the restrictions that prevent first buyers from renting out a room in the first year,” Minister Janetzki said.

    “Treasury modelling shows this will permanently unlock restrictions on 20,000 Queenslanders a year.

    “This helps make home ownership more affordable, helping young Queenslanders to get their foot on the property ladder.

    “Over the last decade, it has become harder and harder for young Queenslanders to get into their first home and it now takes a historic high of more than 10 years for an average household to save for a 20 per cent home deposit in Brisbane.

    “Renters have also seen their weekly rents climb due to plummeting supply, rising more than 17 per cent in Brisbane in just the last two years.

    “Our common-sense plan to boost affordability and supply will stem the tide by providing more housing options for Queenslanders.”

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      To be honest, any initiative to get a roof over someone’s head is a good thing. But the reality is that home ownership and rental affordability is at crisis point. High inflation, mostly caused by reckless government spending and the printing of money, and shutting down the globe for 2.5 years has had an impact on society that is immeasurable. As always, the most vulnerable cop a pineapple in the ass while the 1%, which includes sour inept and disconnected political rulers, escape the malaise unscathed. This ridiculous push to cut down on gas and coal and engage in the renewable fantasy is another thing that is forcing people into poverty, people who can’t run an air conditioner or are afraid to wash their clothes or cook a meal as that contributes to higher electricity costs per quarter. The rulers of our society have completely fucked up our way of life… off with their heads.

  75. Achilles says:

    Frankly, this is such Socialist BS, I’m surprised that its even present here. If you are going to have “tenant” renting a room only.

    Where are they going to shower or defecate? Or probably once in, enforce their dubious rights to have their friends access too?

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