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The Magpie

Sunday, September 15th, 2024   |   351 comments

Stranded: The TownsvIlle Council Finds Itself In An Impossible Position On Strand Parking Meters

Following a week of more fierce opposition, it is impossible to see how the disastrous decision to install parking meters on the Strand can go ahead.  And there’s strong  indications it could be knocked on the head as soon as this week. The ‘Pie updates the hammering this hapless policy has taken.

Mayor TwoNames Thompson adopts a new strategy, the go-to option for flim-flam artists all over the world. And Deputy Doodah, Paul Jacob makes a cheesy and sleazy suggestion which hardly disguises his ambition.

No longer a protected species,  the Dudley Do Nothings Claudia Brumme-Smith – known aptly as  Ms B-S around here –  has been lifting her profile with empty witterings across all manner of subjects, all designed to look like she has, and is, doing something substantial. Which, on the evidence, she hasn’t and isn’t.  But The Magpie has the solution for the redemption of Townsville Enterprise, a sensible  change will will astound some and outrage others. But he’s serious.

And in the US of A, the man who promotes grabbing pussy talks about eating cats. But while that deeply weird Trump quote from the debate got the world’s attention, a far more serious and alarming promise from this madman has gone virtually unnoticed … but its effect could be catastrophic.

The Nest is forever free, but running it isn’t. A helping hand with costs would be a great help, the Donate button is at the bottom of the blog.

A Single Image Sums Up Where We’re At With The Strand Parking Meter Debacle.

Why is it that every time The ‘Pie sees this McDonald’s Smart Meal ad, he thinks of the Townsville City Councillors.

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Just like this nitwit, the TCC councillors and key staff really have painted themselves in over the Strand parking meter fiasco. To the point now where The Magpie cannot imagine how they can possibly go ahead with this lazy, ill-thought out money grab.  The outrage continued during the week, with the Bulletin deciding this will be the next big campaign, for which there can be nothing but praise for representing the community.

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The paper has a two-pronged attack, alternately showing the damaging effect on businesses in and around the CBD with the doubling of the parking fee across a struggling precinct, and the allied matter of the proposed installation of Strand parking meters, with deeply anti-social rules  of use attached.  Then, unprompted and unexpectedly, another influential voice joined the others who have opposed this ‘slap in the face’ to the public.

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Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 12.01.13 pmThere will be those who will thunder on about separation of church and state (as in ‘council’ in this case), and it’s already been snidely floated that Bishop Harris ‘s letter was self-interested, concerned for the adverse affect on the amenity of staff and parents at St Patrick’s College on the Strand. The ‘Pie doesn’t accept that for one minute – on the evidence of  Bishop Tim’s open embrace of all the community since he has arrived.

Whether you agree with religion or not, Bishop Harris does something every day of the week that the Townsville Council has not done once in this matter … he talks to, and listens to, hundreds of parishioners, business and arts leaders, and community groups. And there can be no doubt he has spoken out on their behalf, after hearing the widespread dismay with which this proposed policy has caused.  He will have noted that it isn’t the money, or the cost of the upkeep of the Strand,  it is the actual value of a user friendly community amenity, that has already been paid for with public money, and should continue to be enjoyed by such as  tourists, business visitors, but mainly the local community which effectively owns this invaluable asset.

Look, The Magpie is well aware that everything has to be paid for, no question, and ultimately, it will be one way or the other the residents who have to stump up,  but the thoughtless mantra of ‘on-the-spot user pays’ clearly has socially imposed limits … it sure does in this matter.

So the roll call of opposition to this idea has grown so wide that it is impossible to see how an increasingly isolated council cannot revisit the issue. If they don’t do so and say the project stands, they are giving a lordly finger to the Chamber of Commerce – ‘a slap in the face to the community’ -, leading business figures like Craig Stack, who has detailed the ‘unintended or ignored consequences’ of such a move,  a group of health professionals who believe this is against the professed council aim of a ‘mentally healthy city (oh, fucking spare me!), one of the city’s most respected churchmen and the population generally.

The ‘Pie notes that the city’s claimed ‘top tourist body’ (fucking spare me again!!) Townsville Enterprise has been notably silent on this issue, or has The ‘Pie missed its plaintive criticism of the council on which it so heavily depends.

But there are perhaps signs that the message is slowly getting through, in the same manner of the old racist joke that the only difference between a Kiwi and a computer is that you only have punch information into a computer once. Seems the same may apply to the councillors, who have been inundated wit emails and phone calls opposing the scheme, many of whom are on record saying they fear for the jobs in the Thompson imbroglio. The parking meters pose just as big threat if the people are ignored.


If this is true, it’s gunna be a doozy, you could sell tickets, because we will have a council hell bent on the meters, with a group of influential business people in opposition who will in effect be siding with our con man mayor, who cottoned on early to the image value of opposing a measure he didn’t object to in the council  budget before it was brought down. It is what in some fey journals would be called ‘a delicious dilemma and irony’.

But there is another image that The Magpie wants to share, because he thinks it encapsulates the attitude of the military trained shiny bums shiny bum number crunching bureaucrat, TCC Infrastructure boss and architect of this folly, Matt Richardson.

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That illustration Could Equally Apply To Troy Thompson 

troy thompsonScreen Shot 2024-05-04 at 11.25.42 pm

His malignant, ego-driven presence has made him a hindrance and a waste of time in council processes,  -but to convince his cultist coterie  and himself – that he is ‘the man’  he has adopted a saying oft quoted in the Nest over the years, from the rough and tumble days of America early last century – when you’re being run out of town, get ahead of the mob and make it look like a parade.

With his D day (for Dismissal) looming,  he decided to try to convince his handful of followers that he was driving the narrative, when he posted the following on his exclusive and restricted FB page (so much for transparency):


It is often the case that news articles do not accurately reflect what actually occurred. This is unfortunate, but it does happen.

An example of this is today’s article featuring Cr Brady Ellis from Division 10, written by Chris Burns.

In this article, Cr Brady Ellis “firmly denied” that I was the one who lobbied the “State Government” to appoint a special advisor.

Chris Burns mistakenly wrote that I announced that I advocated to Ms. Scanlon (the Minister). This is incorrect. I do not know where Mr. Burns even came up with that. It appears as though he plucked it from thin air.

The Facts:

– On Friday, 02 August at 2pm, I met with the Deputy Director General of the Department of Local Government and the Executive Director. Both flew here from Brisbane to meet with me and my personal advisor.

– During this meeting, they raised the idea that they could appoint a statutory advisor to assist in dealing with what was described to them as a hostile council.

– Before the conclusion of the meeting, I asked for the Department to provide this statutory advisor to the council.

– On 03 September, I received a letter from the Department informing me that they were providing this advisor.

Whether or not Cr Brady Ellis or any other councillor made representations to the Department or the Minister has not been established. The letter was a surprise to everyone but me, because I had asked for the advisor to be appointed.

If Cr Brady Ellis wishes to provide to me, and the public, the letter or email where he or other councillors asked the Department or the Minister for an advisor to be appointed,

I am waiting… but I will not hold my breath.

The simple fact is, I asked for it, and I got it. Any attempt to say this did not happen is a misrepresentation of what actually occurred.

I demand more transparency in council. The residents deserve it.

Cr Troy Thompson – Mayor of Townsville

This is Thompson at his slippery best, making out it was his idea to get a LG babysitter. However, he gets somewhat confused when he first says it was the government’s idea in the first place, but then says it was at his request.  You can bet he and his mysterious advisor argued strongly against an idea that had, without a single doubt been instigated initially by a TCC request to the minister. But seeing the writing on the wall,  he claims that in the end he asked for what was  the inevitably being thrust upon him. Trouble is, clear evidence shows that you cannot trust a single word this bloke says … and that includes ‘and’ and ‘the’. Thompson is such a proven fabulist, one can reasonably doubt he asked for any such thing, and just left the meeting with his tail between his legs,  and somewhere in his spaghetti-junction of a mind, a dim inkling forming that things were soon going to take a turn for the worst.

But at least he could look like he was leading the parade.

Thompson’s real agenda is a personal adviser (or three), which undoubtedly would be a MyPlace plant – this crowd’s assistance in his election campaign wasn’t done through the milk of human kindness,  more the sour cream of self-interest.  So the pound of flesh time is nigh. It is the group’s openly stated agenda that they want to either infiltrate existing councils or create their own shadow council to (somehow) run things. Frankston in Victoria, and Bundaberg and Maryborough here in Queensland, have already had a taste of this malarkey. Like we don’t have enough real problems, FFS. BTW old mate Peter Newey floated a similar idea a few years back, but even his tin-foilers said, ‘Yeah, nah whatever’.

What The ‘Pie is wondering is if Thompson believes the ‘advisor’ will somehow direct the council to allow him his requested and rejected $175k p.a personal, self-chosen advisor.  The government babysitter could only do that by overruling a legitimate and legal council vote, and thus directly interfere with the management of the city’s budget. That’s something The ‘Pie can’t envisage, but maybe TwoNames can, poor mutt.  Mind you, in Queensland, you never know.

Anyway, the first steps in the tedious bureaucratic Human Rights conciliation dance are due to start next Wednesday afternoon, said to be just a lawyerly exchange of each others position. The ‘Pie understands that the council will not be arguing that they briefly kept him from council chambers because of his epilepsy (the basis of his claim of discrimination) but because of WH&S issues related to his DV history and previous mental health issues.

Several lawyers are rumoured to have ordered new spinnakers for their yachts.

And We Need To Keep An Eye On Paul Jacob

One of ther great assets of smart people is to see themselves the way others see them … and keep quite about it. Seems it’s a lesson the Angry Ant could learn.

In a recent story about the Thompson mess,  Jacob said the following:

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Kerr-ist, pass the Brasso to polish the halo, please.

Here’s A Thought That Will Alarm Some, Enrage Others, And Make Some Ask The Magpie RUOK

The ‘Pie has been bemused by the recent rise and rise of TEL CEO Claudia Brumme-Smith in the media .  The stories of no substances, just clearly aimed at raising her profile,  just so happened to be started around the time there was a wider public awareness that Mayor Mullet was on the nose. Up Ms B-s  popped here and there, wittering on about things that she had nothing to do with, and even less to do with her Dudley Do Nothings aka Townsville Enterprise.  The fact that something is going on behind the skirting boards is evidenced in the strange fact that there was a big burst of gushing in the past week. Stuff like this.

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Reporter Master Bates must’ve been high on his third red cordial of the morning when he wrote the phrase ‘exquisite array of attractions in North Queensland’. 

And then like an orchestral grand finale, there was this.

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Like the song says, something’s goin’ on round here. Because doesn’t it seem passing strange that 33 years is chosen as an anniversary. Why not 32 years last year, or more acceptable, 30 years. 33 is weird. And for some unstated reason.

At first The ‘Pie thought our gal was on the political make for a run at some sort of political office, but then he realised that she at least had the nous to realise that she was about to stop being a protected species if Mayor Mullet was punted.

$750k a year was on the line and councillors might get a bit antsy and actually ask questions about what council got for its dosh. But the problem was the age old one for Ms B-S and the Dudleys … every story was the usual coattail job, tagging on behind some project, idea or initiative which TEL had very little or bugger to do with. A fine example turned up on cue in the weekend Astonisher.Screenshot 2024-09-14 at 9.39.14 am

This is essentially a story with which TEL and Ms B-S had absolutely nothing to do with, it was a federal matter when Chris Bowen announced some deal with Germany for some yet to be realised deal to do with hydrogen. At no stage did we learn what this had to do with TEL (except the catch-all meaningless word ‘advocacy’, and it certainly had very little to do with Townsville so far. Hydrogen is likely to eventually a big boost for the city, but that is a long winding path before that happens.

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At the moment, we have the seemingly tentative Edify Energy-Siemens Energy project in the formative stages, but what that has to do with anything is anyone’s guess. But it seems to the ‘Pie that the name Townsville Enterprise is so named only because Make A Wish Foundation was already taken. But hey, maybe there is sxome political ambition behind that fixed rictus-like smile, since you’ve been hobnobbing around Canberra types.

But don’t worry about your ratepayer stipend, Ms B-S, you’ve still got the Team Hill rump to keep you in clover for a while yet.

Pot Shotting Is All Well And Good But Sensible Suggestions Would Be Better

So what’s The ‘Pie’s solution to the severely mismanaged Townsville Enterprise. There’s a clue in that group photograph.

The Magpie seriously suggests that the best person available to run TEL, and put a sorely needed rocket up a few arses, is one Anthony John ‘His Radiance” Mooney.

Before you accuse the old bird of losing his marbles, think about it. Like him or not, agree with his politics or not,  His Radiance still shines brightly  – well, twinkles at least – in the political firmament,  has the nous and experience to cross party divides,  has a wide array of valuable contacts, has a proven record in negotiating with other people in power (cf his lobbying for The Strand, although there’s a few wrinkles in that story for another time) and genuinely loves Townsville. He’s already made his mega dollars when he called in his accrued favours from his years as mayor, so he would be happy with the relative pittance the TEL CEO gets … probably somewhere north of $200k +++.

Would he consider the gig if it were offered to hIm? Maybe, but he might not jump at it. You see, he might actually have to do some real work, and some creative thinking, two things he hasn’t had to do since he involuntarily left the mayor office 16 years ago.  So it’s a toss up.

Quick Question: How Come?

The federal government has s stripped several ADF officers of their Afghanistan service medals  because they were in charge when, and I quote  ‘alleged war crimes took place’. 

Excuse me?  Alleged, as in ‘it is said but not proven’?  It is rumoured? So now the federal Labor government has adopted as fact the old copper suspicion that ‘he’s good for it’. A disgraceful act and slur until responsibility for misdeeds are proven … and that only after the misdeeds themselves are proven.

The ‘Pie is not on the side of war criminals, he is on the side of one law for all. And fairness.

This virtue signalling low act does not do Defence Minister Richard Marles any credit, and even less to the man who ordered it, Prime Minister Albanese.

What pricks.

Donald And Rupert – A Bromance For Us To Savour 

The Australian newspaper came a bit of a cropper a few days ago, when they published a story downplaying Kamala Harris’s chances in the upcoming Armageddon election. This was published a few days before she wiped the floor with the slowly disintegrating former mobster president. Perhzaps the headline should have been Should’ve been ‘Speaked too soon?’.

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but The ‘Pie stopped his merry warbling when he revisited the adjacent story As if the thought of a Trump reelection wasn’t enough to make one take his covid advice  and drink bleach,  his suggestion of a role for Musk in a future administration is truly terrifying,. The story is from the Wall Street Journal, another of Rupert’s playthings.
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How anyone in their right might could imagine this to be a ‘good idea’ is, as said, terrifying.  A fascist’s fascist, Musk this week used that word to describe the Australian government, because it has the temerity to want him to be responsible for the harmful, often deadly content he allows to published on Twitter (fuck that ‘X’ bullshit). This is the man who has invented his dystopian dichotomy between, wealth, power and responsibility.  This also the man who publicly offers to give Taylor Swift a baby, which resulted inevitably in this sort of response from other media.

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What a fucking creep.

But the biggest talking point and pivotal event of the current presidential campaign was undoubtedly THE debate.  It mesmerised the entire viewing globe, especially when the Liar In Chief went quite off his rocker with the utterly false claim that illegal immigrants were eating the cats, dogs and other household pets of the residents of Springfield, Illinois. Harris decided like the rest of the world, there is no answer to that, and mainly contented herself with an incredulous grin. She was whip smart throughout and the contrast was so stark, we start this week’s gallery with the two ‘toons that expressed exactly The ‘Pie’s feelings. It would baffle anyone.

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Can’t Argue With This.

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The Pope’s jolly around the Pacific and PNG reminded The ‘Pie of this – worth ten thousand words.
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Lots of fun and games coming up locally this week, keep an eye on comments, plenty of citizen journalists keep us ahead of the usual news cycle.

The donate button to lend a much needed hand with blog costs is below. stay tuned.

The Magpie's Nest is now more than five years old, and remains an independent alternative voice for Townsville. The weekly warble is a labour of love and takes a lot of time to put together. So if you like your weekly load of old cobblers, you can help keep it aloft with a donation, or even a regular voluntary subscription. Paypal is at the ready, it's as easy as ... well, easy as pie. Limited advertising space is also available.


  1. mike douglas says:

    Pie , thanks for sharing details on Cairns forging ahead with Council meeting 150 local businesses to detail 2024/25 projects as well as the increase in employment and gdp . Townsville Council ratepayers have to foot a State Government advisor to babysit ours and little or no details on projects including updates . Asked some business mates if they had heard or seen acting Director of Infrastructure Matt Richardson and none have heard or seen him at business functions . How does Richardson know what Infrastructure Townsville needs ? . The Magpie nest comments have spooked a few Councillors . Food trucks Greaney suddenly attending events . Our Councillor Thuringowa / Mt Louisa Dirou madly reposting Council announcements which could be done from home . Only photos at events she is with Aaron Harper . Quick google search Harper + Dirou she has been on his election campaign team .

  2. 1reader says:

    You’re a legend

  3. Circus fan says:

    Great blog again this week Magpie.
    Now with the council hard up for where to get cash and the reverend bishop chiming into city civics – will the council remove the rates-free status of the church and start making the church pay rates?
    As for the increase to all-day parking increases in the city to $10 a day; for a full-time worker who needs to work in the city 48 weeks a year, that’s an increase from $1,440 to $2,400 a year. That is material.
    – So wages go up,
    – that means business expenses go up,
    – that means the costs of goods and/or services go up,
    and that leaves pretty much 2 outcomes.
    1) the customer who is paying more for parking, also has to pay more for goods and services, or
    2) the business goes under or moves, with the same result, another “For Lease” sign fills a shop window in the CBD.

    And the paid parking on the strand, the moronic councillors who have put their feet and head in the cement and set their position on bringing in the paid parking, they have proven to be the most easily-influenced by the council staff like that condescending leech Richardson. They will continue to be targeted under the guise of flattery by the cunning council staff to get their unholy agenda through.

    • The Magpie says:

      Imagine the question of church rates is not with the local government remit it’s a matter for the feds or maybe the state … and no politician would ever come near it. Pretty sure such tax free status applies to all religions. The ‘Pie has always advocated an end to this rort, but it certainly has nothing to do with councils.

      • Up the Wahs says:

        Yes, All religions get the outdated and politically redundant tax-free status from state and feds.
        But general rates remain a council matter. the lot numbers that get rates-free status are decided in the same manner that the council decide on which rates arrears properties to sell…in confidential.

        • The Magpie says:

          Do churches pay council rates in Australia?
          There are some organisations, however, that are either not required to pay rates at all on their property or pay a significantly reduced amount in Council rates. Organisations that fall into this category include the State and Federal Governments, charities, churches, hospitals and schools.18 Feb 2022

          Rates – Law Handbook

          Law Handbook
          https://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au › …

          And it’s worth noting that this also means the church does not contribute to the roads on which their flock drive to their churches, schools or events. This isn’t an argument about religion, this is an argument about fairness. The merits of religion is a private matter, but paying their fair share for community amenities is a public right.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            Religious organisations within many Councils DO pay rates depending on their organisations status. However, they can apply for a rate reduction if they put a half decent story/request in to Council. Thats my experience with some Queensland Councils, excluding Townsville.

  4. Townsville cooker watch says:

    The Mayor’s were at the latest cooker meeting. Telegram post from a ‘Brian’ (can guess which Brian) is annoyed about poor numbers at the meetings and how Ingham is obviously much more cooked.

  5. Prince Rollmop says:

    I agree that TEL and Claudia Bum-smith have been lifting the TEL profile of late. The reason is unknown. One reason could be quite simple, and that would be that we are in an election cycle with both State and Federal pollies looking for votes. So the pollies head north and announce renewable projects and other good news stories locally. TEL is the vehicle to deliver such good news stories, even though they have had no input nor have put any practical legwork in to getting the projects over the line. They are just a mouthpiece that spends their weeks having coffee and cake mornings, pontificating about how good they think they are, and brushing shoulders with politicians and telling them things that they already know. It’s about time that TEL was restructured, adopted a new charter, and had a major reset. They could, and should, be doing a lot more actual work.

    • The Magpie says:

      It could be argued that having inept people in charge of certain sectors … tourism stands out … TEL is actually damaging Townsville’s opportunities.

      • I’ll be plucked says:

        Agreed Pie. Bucky Woolfe in charge of Tourism via TEL is a good example of the blind leading the blind. A most inadequate and pretentious person with NO business tourism experience supposedly our ‘tourism lead’! :(

    • Westy says:

      Ms B-S is connected to whatever party that pays her, currently she’s negotiating with our new soon to be premier for a job. TEL is struggling, they had a last minute meeting on their knees with the CEO of council, begging for more cash. They are not going anywhere so they are advocating for themselves in the media, with a Mooney on the board they were always going to get more cash, the bulletin should ask the CEO how much has actually been paid, I think we will find it’s greater than budgeted!

    • Gingerbread Man says:

      Interesting link to the July council report, re: TEL service level agreement


      Quite possibly, TEL are seeking an exorbitant amount of money hence the unashamedly boasting, which quite obviously Council does not have. The age of entitlement is over.

      MITEZ generate the wealth. TEL promote it. Simple as that.

      • The Magpie says:

        This line in the Industry section caught the eye.
        Potential workshop to investigate alternative construction methods is supported by industry groups and stakeholders including RDA and AiGroup

        A moved towards Chinese prefab construction?

      • Westy says:

        I’d suggest MITEZ, TEL & SPNQ are all duds leaching of the LGAs now. Each run by ex marketing people.

  6. Achilles says:

    Wonderful “Welcome to Country” BS at last nights AFL game, this bloke Brendan Kerin, “a cultural educator” must have the same script writer as Trump.

    Seems that racist comments are only allowed in one direction!


    • The Magpie says:

      Not sure it was overly racist, but we can thank him for one thing: highlighting that this Welcome To Country patronising nonsense is not a welcome to Australia, but to the tribal lands where the ceremony is being held. This further confirms that there was never an single aboriginal nation, just circa 390 warring stone age tribes which constituted an amalgamation of backward inhabitants. That assessment in no way justifies the unforgivable treatment of indigenous Australians by colonialists, in fact, it deepen the shame of their heinous policies and action. Because instead of treating aborigines as savage terrorists resisting a modern world, the ‘invaders’ should have treated with as children to be nurtured and blended into a beneficial new order. Looking at some of these characters having their little fires and embarrassing childish welcomes, there has certainly been plenty of blending.

    • wollo says:

      I watched the game last night..GO the Lions! but I always turn the sound down or get another beer rather than listen to that crap. He probably got 2 or 3 grand for that performance. good money if you can get it but he looked pretty white to me.

  7. I’m also Scoop says:

    @magpie I rarely doubt your analysis but, on T Mooney’s ability to bridge a political divide, I believe it’s worth considering what history when it comes to the former Mayor and at least 1 now-senior LNP figure, especially if the result on October 26 is as predicted by polling.

    • The Magpie says:

      Not 100% sure what your point is … Mooney never liked Peter Lindsay but worked with when they were both in office. Or did you have someone else in mind as the LNP figure.The ‘Pie has never heard of Lindsay blocking anything to the detriment of Townsville. And as for the coming elections, both Mooney and his close friend and ally Dolan Hayes, are respectfully friendly with David Crisafulli. It is a concept called playing grown-ups that sadly, many in cNest comments do not understand.

  8. Westy says:

    Good post Pie.
    To correct a few things:
    Monday 23rd is the parking meeting day of reckoning.
    TEL are against the ropes, they’ve had to beg for more funding to stay afloat, and got it from the CEO.
    Jacob has indicated retirement.
    Suzy has an offer from Basketball Australia to consider, and a move south.
    Price was heard unloading on Thompson at a recent event by the public, his temper and rudeness was noted by important people.
    Julie Coates, the mullets old EA is controlling Thompsons calendar, and moves appointments away from him to others.
    Nurse Bolton the city deals, planning manager is controlling the visitors to the mayors office, or lack there of.
    Thompson will lose a lot of his power in the chamber this week with a change in meeting procedures, started by Ann Maree Greaney, advised by LGAQ and Claton Utz.
    The money spent by lawyers on fighting the mayor is over $200k already, Clayton Utz, King & Co, Internal lawyers, it’s a money pit.
    The mayor is out of Walker street more than in it, people see that, I’m hearing there’s some big news coming over this fortnight, around CCC, advisors, CEO placement etc, it’s going to be a long meeting Wednesday too.
    A reminder this council is setting the precedence on others across Queensland, these rule changes do change democracy and favour the operations over the chamber, there’ll be push back by plenty.

    • The Magpie says:

      Interesting stuff … and re the first point, amended, thanks.

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        Westy, the mention of Clayton Utz pricked my ears. They are very expensive but what’s interesting is that in Queensland they are the go to legal firm for when you want to roll an employee. Often when an organisation is trying to get rid of an executive or top tier person, Clayton Utz is engaged. I would say that there are some interesting things afoot.

        • The Magpie says:

          It’s sometimes hard to stay abreast of all this fucktangle whirlpool, so The ‘Pie may have missed it but where does the LGAQ stand in all this? Do they support Thompson because he was legally elected albeit through an illegal campaign, or do they stand with the council as a body they represent?

          • Southern Comfort says:

            LGAQ are currently funding defending TwoNames as per their agreement with all Member Councils. Alison Smith the LGAQ CEO spoke about the support the LGAQ offers members at the Premier’s press conference following TwoNames failed ACA interview back in May. This was the next day, Friday 31st May, SMiles held a press conference regarding banning Carbon sequestration in the Great Artesisan Basin. This presser turned into the first serious calls against TwoNames from outside TSV and the first time that SMiles demanded TwoNames step aside.

            LGAQ are only funding his Defence, not any of his Offence activities such as the HRC complaint he’s lodged against TCC with Lame help. Unfortunately, the Alison Smith comments from that presser never really got any real media coverage. However, they do provide a good insight into LGAQ services, that ultimately are paid for by ratepayers, who pick up the bill for LGAQ membership. The fact that Ratepayers are, in the end, funding TwoNames defence for lying to Ratepayers about who he really is, and what he has done wrong. To me, the ultimate definition of IRONY.

        • Lab Rat says:

          Clayton Utz also do the legal work for APRAH when charges are made against Health Professionals. I had a meeting with them in Brisbane recently in regards to a complaint I made.

          • The Magpie says:

            You bloody lab rats, always complaining, ‘go here, go there, do this, do that, gotta traipse down endless corridors just to get a bloody bite to eat, fuck me, it’s no life’ blah blah whinge.

            Be thankful you’ve got a roof over your head, you ingrate.

    • Duck Nuts says:

      Westy appears to work in the Mayors office, or is councillor support or perhaps a member of the legal team. This would be the only way you’d know these things.

      • The Magpie says:

        who cares, sounds authoritative enough to print. He certainly isn’t sitting on a his bed in a dark basement with a laptop.

        • Duck Nuts says:

          Or.. Magpie… Westy is one of the Mayor’s mates trying to spread misinformation again.

          • The Magpie says:


            So everything he said is wrong?

          • Duck Nuts says:

            Because no one from those areas of council would be telling you information like that. Westy also suggests that the Mayor is out and about and the public is aware. And that Councillor Price verbally attacked the Mayor at a public event and “important people noticed”. No one important likes or cares about the Mayor, other than he’s gone. The only person who would care about any of this would be the Mayor.

          • Aarav says:

            I was at the event where Councillor Price made a rude verbal remark towards the Mayor and our community was very disgraced that he acted in this way during our religious ceremony. Many of us heard him. No matter his thoughts about someone he should not speak in such a way. Councillor Price left very quickly after eating. We always welcome people to our events and we treat all with respect. He would do well to do the same.

          • The Magpie says:

            What event was that?

          • Duck Nuts says:

            I’d like to be at a community event where I could make a few rude verbal remarks towards the Mayor.

            And quite honestly, I didn’t think Councillor Price had it in him, so he has gone up in my opinion. Thank you for letting us know he actually has a spine.

          • The Magpie says:

            Hmmm, there’s one thing about making remarks about someone who is absent, and a very different thing saying it to their face. The ‘Pie has never met Thompson, never even been in his presence, but would most certainly be happy to personally give him a firsthand character analysis based on his past and advice on his best course for the future.

            Would Clr Price be happy to do likewise? Maybe, maybe not.

          • Aarav says:

            It was at our Ganesh Chaturthi Festival.
            To clarify Councillor Price did not say it to his face, however waited until the Mayor walked away.

          • Duck Nuts says:

            So now I want to know how both yourself Aarav (a supposed Indian mrmber of the community not employed by council) and Westy (who supposes to be employed by council) both know of this incident. Particularly if Thompson was unaware of it. And Westy was not there.

          • Aarav says:

            You don’t have to believe Ducks Nuts, but I know why I saw and heard. Thank you

          • Grumpy says:

            I call bullshit on your story.

          • Duck Nuts says:

            It’s not about not believing Aarav, it’s just that your story has a distinct lack of credibility. Just like Westy.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Ducks Nuts , have you actually had meetings with senior execs at Council or as a benchmark other large Councils in NQ ? . Westys summation on Councils directors / senior managers is close if you actually had . Needham has achieved what many before him couldn’t and pissed off most investors / and property people who have actually completed $mils projects . ” We didn’t do that in W.A. ” is his standard response . The other execs / directors nicknamed ” carpet walkers ” as they walk around with bits of paper in their hand trying to look important . If acting CEO McCabe wants to impress make some tough decisions on Council spending because there has been little change since Team Hill .

          • The Magpie says:

            On nicknames, the ‘Pie is reliably told Richardson is known around the TCC offices as ‘Major’. More mocking of his style than reverence for his service.

          • Ducks Nuts says:

            Mike, I worked at council for many years. I haven’t had meetings or worked with all of the current lot of Directors, I’ve met some socially. If how they behave socially is an indication of how they behave at work,
            a few areas are doomed. I’ve also worked with some previously and they are great. However I think theres been some wankers in these senior roles before, and I think we have some wankers now, and I suspect there’ll be wankers in the future.

            Unfortunately none compare in wanker status to the Mayor and Stephen Lane. These two must have well developed forearms.

            And taking Stephen Lane’s (under a blatantly obvious alias) character assessment of council staff as gospel because he wants to stir shit, is simplistic and naive and walking right into the game he is playing.

          • The Magpie says:

            Who is taking it as gospel? The ‘Pie doesn’t agree with or believe a great deal of what is said in comments, and trusts the main body of readers to have enough nous to make their own judgements. But it essential that we are informed of the the murkier motivations and jumbled thinking of some.

    • The Fly says:

      Thanks for the update Troy.

  9. Headmistress says:

    So Troy Thompson claims as fact that he met with the Deputy Director General and the Executive Director of Dept of LG and brought along his ‘personal advisor’ to ask for an independently appointed statutory advisor? How helpful of him to bring along a good candidate for their consideration.

    • The Magpie says:

      If that was intention, then he hasn’t been paying attention. The babysitter will be from among the ranks of the shiny bums, and when it comes to understanding the arcane intricacies of LG regulations, she/he should hit it off famously with Joe McCabe, a man who possibly knows the ropes even better than they do.

    • Westy says:

      Claims or is right. I suspect the devil is in the detail. His meeting with the Local Government happened, the councillors were unaware as they were tied up at events, they had no idea an advisor was an option.

      The CEO has instructed staff to make sure Thompson is not in an important meeting by himself, that he is excluded where possible from major events or delegations, or another councillor is present. The CEO’s favoured four are Matt Richardson, Paul Needham, Nyree Bolton and Julie Coats. That doesn’t give much confidence amongst staff. We all know Richardson to be a bully, ex military type with too much power, Needham holds up development often, he’s the cities roadblock, he’s a Green Party member from Bunbury WA, Bolton is City Grow team, a wannabe important type with very little experience, and not well liked by staff, some would say the push behind smart precinct, TEL etc and Coats was Jenny’s left hand, and still reports back to her. It’s not Thompson that worries the CEO, it’s what’s going on before he got there, it’s bound that tight he’s trying to just focus on the bottom line, the council executive and management is littered with ticking time bombs.

      Until there is a proper clean out of the operations, it matters not who runs council, or is a councillor, the operations is in control.

      • The Magpie says:

        All very interesting, but free character readings by an anonymous person of unknown involvement does not go near making a case for ‘a proper clean-out of operations’. The backgrounding is interesting and in the public interest about who’s who in the Walker Street zoo, but your analysis lacks any substantive examples of decisions and behaviour to justify such a call.

        Readers of your comment are entitled to believe that a lot of your opinion is informed by some personal agenda.

        There is not shortage of conspiracy theorists in this neck of the woods (some of their barking at clouds don’t see the light day in comments), but one that was worth a thought is that you, Westie, are actually our beloved mayor or one of his cultist enablers, cleverly using this blog to write things you wouldn’t dare say under your own name.

        But that could be wrong, couldn’t it?

        • Westy says:

          Thanks Magpie for the comment.
          Like all the rest, I call it as I’ve been told and see. It’s easy to understand Matt Richardsons part, just ask those in and around town, they’ll tell you about this bloke, big aspirations, with all the calm of a sledgehammer. Parking, water etc, he’s made some poor decisions at the start. Julie Coats worked for Les, than Jenny, the brush is tainted and information from within leaks from this one. Many don’t know Nyree Bolton, but anyone who is on projects knows her, very little in the pouch, plenty of marketing experience though, meets more delegates and assumes she has authority until she doesn’t, quite often oversteps, a big advocate for TEL, SPNQ, NQ Spark, TropicIQ etc . Talk to HIA, QMBA, paul is usually toting green space, less parks more buses, etc, knows very little about Townsville or its people, he’s rubbed many in the building, development space the wrong way, Blinky as Mr Webb calls him!
          Definitely not the mayor, though I’d love his lunch money! We all have our sources, and the council leaks like a sift…

          • Aviator says:

            Anyone who truly knows Julie Coats knows she is steadfast, reliable and thoroughly professional in the face of some pretty awful conditions at TCC at the moment. Any other comment is just muck raking and supposition. Not surprisingly, the hallmarks of the current Mayor.

          • The Magpie says:

            And gives a clue to Westie’s allegiance if not identity. Scattergun smears often catch out undeserving victims, and raise questions about the worth of a smearer’s comment.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Julie Coates is, as others have said, one of the good guys. She is reliable, good at her job, and probably the person least likely to leak information.

        • Aviator says:

          Bang on the money there Magpie.

      • Duck Nuts says:

        Westy clearly hasn’t got a fucking clue who Julie Coates is or her work history. Julie has served the council for many years, long before Jenny was Mayor. How about we leave competent EAs who perform their roles as instructed out of your slanderous ramblings.

        As much as I dislike how council is run, I highly doubt any of Westys other free character assessments are even remotely reliable.

        • Kenny Kennett says:

          Agree about Julie Coats. Been there for years and gets on with her job as she is employed to do so. A lovely lady who has nothing but good intentions, whichever side is in power.

  10. Alahazbin says:

    Pie, your thoughts or theories on Ms BS and her intentions differ to mine. I think she is lining up all her ducks just in the case there will be a forced Council election. (Maybe inside info from the party) All the other Labor luminaries are losing there lustre and who else are labor going to put forward for Mayor? Maybe Kevin rhymes will Dill.

  11. The Magpie says:

    Make of this what you will. but thoughts and prayers.

  12. The Magpie says:

    Have replayed a dozen times, and laugh just as hard each time. Classic use of Ai.

  13. Rate Payer says:

    I have formed my opinion on the acting Director of Infrastructure & Services on the basis of my experience with him. It is as below.


  14. Conspiracy theorist says:

    Could Tony Mooney, fearing a LNP election win and consequently the loss of his gig as hospital board chairman, be contemplating another stint as mayor?

  15. The juiceman says:

    Has anybody else seen Aaron Harper door knocking this week? I saw him. He don’t look too well. Probably the hardest work he has done in several years.

    • Motorist says:

      In my travels around the Western suburbs I have noticed lots of corflutes for Arran Who(?) but very few for Natalie Marr.

      It is my hope that internal polling has informed that Arron Who is fucked and saturation posters are an attempt to reverse the trend.

      Conversely perhaps internal polling has informed Natalie that she is assured of victory and her posters are unnecessary. I hope this is not the case. I would be more comfortable seeing lots of Natalie Marr posters.

      • Alahazbin says:

        Motorist, Yes, more corflutes for Marr would be a good idea. Voters out that way tend to swayed by a photo and lot wouldn’t have a clue who Harper is, or that he is even the sitting member. There is a lot of ignorance when it comes to politics.

        • The Magpie says:

          Amen to that, brother.

        • Motorist says:


          Yes, ignorance and/or disinterest. This leads to the MAGA Morons in the USA, and the My Place Morons in Australia.

          A weakness with democracy is that it needs an educated and engaged electorate, oh, and a free and fearless press.

          • The Magpie says:

            But democracy also means you don’t have to have any of that, preferable though it may be. The cognitive dissonance of democracy is by its basic nature, it permits its own legal destruction. cf Trump in the US.

  16. Burnt Brows says:

    That info from Westy is very interesting indeed. If Suzy does has an offer from Basketball Australia I would be surprised if she didn’t take it – councillor roles come and go every four years, the longer she is away from Basketball the less chance she would be thought of in the future. And going to work everyday into TCC must be like checking into home detention with a parole officer.

    • Boogie Wonderland says:

      Miss Batkovic should take whatever job offer she gets as Basketball is her passions. She seems to be very disconnected since her return from the Paris Olympics.

  17. The Hospital Bored says:

    Tony Mooney would be a an excellent addition to The Dudley Donothings. His appointment to the Hospital Board has been marked by a string of disasters which the board has taken no responsibility for and which they have also not had the intestinal fortitude to take the hapless CEO Kieran Keyes. Mooney does not bother to read board papers, does not contribute meaningful input to debates, and is not a leader in any shape of form.

    His political appointment over the quite active and insightful John Bearne was a huge backward step for health in our region and the board has continued to be stacked with Labor camp followers ever since.

    Please, please TEL, take him off our hands. THHS would be better off without a board rather then the one we currently have.

    • Pobby says:

      Mooney was the recipient of a Labor gift, the board role. Check out other regions health and ports boards around Mackay,, Gladstone and Central Queensland, they are all stacked with Labor loyalists. They will then be gradually stacked with LNP loyalists after next months election. Mooney is enjoying earning his easy retirement money. Get paid to do SFA and it covers the cost of his annual holidays and other pleasures of the retirement life. It’s a fucking joke.

    • Tropical Cyclone says:

      The hospital is beyond saving. You would need to sack, reduce and replace all management and it would still be a sxxtsxxw. The only people who should be managing dept’s in the hospital are people who have owned businesses in the real world. Too many were born in the hospital and never left.

      • The Magpie says:

        Absolute crap.

      • wollo says:

        From my extensive experience with the hospital over the last 15 years all the staff from the doctors , nurses , cleaners , receptionists and wardies do a great job sometimes under extreme pressure. I recently needed surgery on my foot and I waited in the ward for the op. Each day it was cancelled and on the 4th day they wheeled me into the theatre at 11.30 pm. the staff had been going since 7am but still did a fantastic job. so the problem there is the administrators who run the show Not the staff. I reckon that doctors should run hospitals.

        • The Magpie says:

          Sounds a reasonable view.

          In my decade of involvement with the hospital, I have received nothing but the very best treatment, in attitude, competence and friendly professionalism. But that’s a personal view not involving management, and perhaps I’ve been fortunate in not having been affected by some of the alleged failings.

        • Tropical Cyclone says:

          It’s intriguing to consider why being a doctor might make someone a better candidate for managing a hospital. While I can understand how a physician might excel at leading a surgical team, it’s less clear how those skills translate to running an entire hospital. Similarly, it’s not obvious why an excellent nurse would automatically make a great Nurse Unit Manager (NUM). If that were the case, one might argue that a top-notch cleaner should be able to step into a role as a services director.

          In many instances, hospital management seems to be influenced by relationships and tenure rather than solely by competence. Often, those with the longest tenure in lower-middle management positions are among the least effective, while those with the least responsibility but the most influence may be among the most inept.

          Hospitals aren’t typically managed like traditional companies, and much of their success relies on the dedication of staff who are willing to go above and beyond. If the management team had more experience in running businesses, it’s likely that many inefficiencies could have been avoided. In my view, without a significant overhaul, the organization might be beyond repair, but unfortunately, the individuals contributing to the problems often remain in place.

          • The Magpie says:

            While the first two paragraphs are reasonable points, you go right off the rails in the last one, Trops.

            Hospitals cannot be compared or managed by the same tenets as other large corporations for the very reason of their product … highly qualified staff administering to the sick and damaged in our communities. Inefficiencies in other businesses may well save money and streamline operations, but what they would see as efficiencies in their business may well be essential operating procedure in the health sector – things like staffing levels and the requirement for 24/7 personnel available to look after those needing a hospital’s ‘product’ are just two of many examples.

            You can’t apply the Occam’s Razor principle to hospitals. Because in this case, the simplest answer is definitely not the right answer. That’s why medically qualified personnel should be (maybe it is ) mandatory on hospital boards and any other health related body. Cranky spiteful; and given to egotistical infighting, nevertheless doctor s and surgeons should be able to have their say all the time in hospitals.

            And finally, hospitals in Australia are not designed to make money, or at least not make a profit. You can see what happens when that is the rule just by looking at the dystopian health landscape in the USA and the disintegrating British system NHS.

            So let’s not whinge too loudly. Yet.

  18. TEL no lies says:

    In Hebrew, the word “Tel” (תל) means “mound” or “hill”. It refers to an artificial hill or mound, often created by the accumulated remains of human habitation and rebuilding over many centuries at the same geographic location. That sounds like a perfect description of the Dudley do nothings in Townsville, a big steaming pile of 33 years worth of useless people achieving nothing substantial.

  19. How do they get away with it says:

    Why are the 2 main road signs on Riverway Drive allowed to be so ?. These signs are no where near the construction site. It implies that Kelso is getting 4 lanes from Allambie Lane to Dunlop St (3.1 km) for $95 million but this is not true, as only 1.5.km is being duplicated from Allambie Lane to Hammond Way the rest (1.6km) is only getting safety upgrades. It is disgusting that it won’t be completed till late 2026, especially after all Harper’s empty promises in 2023.

  20. Doug K says:

    Today’s TEL is an expensive joke, but it was a genuine powerbroker back when Graham Jackson and Richard Power were running the show.
    How the hell did we end up with Kevin “Rhymes With” Gill and Ms BS?

    • Alahazbin says:

      Doug, it’s simply one word: Labor.

    • Alahazbin says:

      Doug, You should remember. As well as Graham Jackson and Richard Power, there was a Professor at JCU and also Joy Rutledge. They would be disappointed with the current lot at TEL.

      • Jenny says:

        Doug and Alahazbin, a couple of signposts from 2010:

        March 2010 in a TEL submission to the Queensland government about the way things should be done:
        “Queensland Government should amend the State Procurement Policy to provide a definition of ‘Local’ that is consistent with the intent of the document. While the Fair Trade Act and various Free Trade Agreements provide equal opportunity for all contractors and suppliers in Australia and New Zealand to tender for State and Local Government work, Townsville Enterprise believes those contractors and suppliers should provide equivalent benefits to the ‘local’ community, particularly in relation to employment, as would a ‘local’ contractor or supplier.”

        October 2010 ABC news:
        “Mining magnate Clive Palmer has thrown his financial support behind Townsville Enterprise Limited in the state’s north, announcing Queensland Nickel will be the major sponsor of the development body.”

      • Alahazbin says:

        Professor Scott

  21. Prince Rollmop says:

    Westy, you mentioned that TEL went to the CEO seeking more money. Can you elaborate? We are only in the first quarter of the fiscal year, surely they haven’t spent all of their operational funds already?

    • The Magpie says:

      BTW Mopsey, with all the carry-on about other matters, The ‘Pie has overlooked to ask was anything chucked into the Dudley’s begging bowl, while awaiting a new agreement?

      • Kenny Kennett says:

        There is nothing that the Dudley’s do in the office that can’t be done with AI. There is no common sense, future aspirations or strategic planning done in those offices anymore. TEL needs top leadership that the city can be proud of. The downward trend has been happening for twenty years without any significant projects coming out of it. At least the girls can’t complaint about it being a boys’ club. TEL should grow (or hire) some balls.

    • Westy says:

      Cap in hand is the new donation box, it would appear TCC hasn’t paid what they’d promised, remember everything done by TEL is paid by TCC, $650k SLA, $2.4M event budget, how many times has TEL been to Canberra, Brisbane and held functions. The money would be better spent by TCC getting in house contract specialists and actually going to government themselves, cut out the middleman. Crisafulli is no fan of TEL, that’s clear. He doesn’t mind Claudia, but that’s because if he makes Marr a minister, he needs her supported!

      • Prince Rollmop says:

        The TEL spend all of their money (sorry, I mean our ratepayer money) hosting morning tea’s in the office, celebrating every useless event such as birthdays and other special occasions. Claudia Bum-smith is a useless lightweight. Gill the dill is an embarrassment and completely useless as Chair. TEL’s operational budget, events budget, salaries and personal expenses exceeds $3.2m per annum. That’s a lot of ratepayer money being pissed against the wall. No doubt they are planning on celebrating Twonames birthday (whenever the fuck that’s) with tea, cake, and a birthday present. Idiots.

        • The Magpie says:

          But hang, Mopsy, TEL claim they are a member based organisation and therefore have no obligation to meet KPIs, keep the public informed of what their doing, or stop being a general embarrassment.

          So you’ve really got a hide to ask what a private outfit is doing with our public money. Shame on you, you whinger.

          • Prince Rollmop says:

            Yes Pie, my bad. Here I was thinking that transparency, value for ratepayer money, and quality staff would be a prerequisite! Silly me. I’m off to play cards with Elusive Butterflog and Steve, Belgian Gardens.

      • Duck Nuts says:

        So if everything TEL do is funded by TCC, and TCC pay $650k per annum, how come TEL had revenue in 2022 of around $12M and in 2023 of around $4M?. The rest can only come from grants and membership fees.

  22. The Magpie says:

    The ‘Pie calls bullshit again.

    The ‘Pie gets out his famed crystal ball for an early multiple choice prediction.

    Whoever it is who has been arrested will either go down the Jeffrey Epstein path of American justice before the presidential election, OR if he lives past November and Trump wins, he will get a presidential pardon from a merciful new leader of of an enlightened America.

    • The Magpie says:

      This is what it’s really all about – the monetising of false victimhood.

      Trump mounts fundraising push after escaping shooting

      Tom Minear
      In a second fundraising email to supporters, Mr Trump said: “My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life!”

      “I will never slow down. I will never give up. I WILL NEVER SURRENDER,” he said.

      “I thank God every day for having supporters like you on my side. On November 5th, WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

      The incident will likely result in another fundraising boost for the Republican candidate, as the assassination attempt in Pennsylvania did two months ago.

    • ABS says:

      Conspiracy theory? You would fit right in at MyPlace with the rest of the cookers it seems like they need new members.

    • Greasy Knoll says:

      I was watching the tv coverage of this and was struck by something the Trumpster said.

      Apparently it was a last minute decision to play golf, but the authorities said the alleged assassin had been in wait for 12 hours. That is a bloody big coincidence.

      Also, when does someone become a “shooter”, presumably when they take a shot at someone. This person was more a lurker or a loser.

      • The Magpie says:

        As he is currently busy with the TCC meeting, The ‘Pie may need some catching up on this, but so far as he has read, the ‘shooter’ did not fire a shot. The gunfire was from the security (cough) hand guns. Or is that incorrect?

        • Greasy Knoll says:

          Magpie. That’s what I was getting at. The guy they are calling an assassin did not fire a shot, was not in sight of Trump, and had apparently been sitting there well before the Trumpster decided to go play golf. Hard to prove intent and not reasonable to call him a would-be assassin or a “shooter” as the media described him.

          • The Magpie says:

            If Trump is elected and the bloke gets a pardon, we will know this was all fund raising hokum. If Harris is elected, he should have whatever sentence he gets doubled … for missing his chance.

          • Guy says:

            I think it’s a total coincidence that the would be trump assassin just happened to be outside the golf course at exactly the time trump was there – the game of golf wasn’t listed on his schedule and was a spur of the moment. The fact the would be assassin lived in Hawaii and chose to go to Florida and park himself outside right when trump was there is total coincidence, don’t people have the right to go on holiday in America? Oh yes Americans have the right to purchase AK47s and hide in bushes with a go pro to film – he was probably just bird watching and had the gun for self defence.

            I think people are getting way too conspiratorial thinking this innocent man hiding in bushes with an AK47 pointed on to the golf course and being rudely shot at by the secret Service had any thoughts of killing trump – even though he has a long internet history of diatribes against trump. When he wasn’t doing this he was recruiting for mercenaries to fight in ukraine so obviously a good guy in the latest brand new war.

            I think we will have many more people accused of assassination attempts before the election. Democracy must be preserved right?

          • Big Mac says:

            It was a day ending with Y, you don’t have to be a genius to work out that Trump would be golfing.

  23. The Magpie says:

    (Thanks to Mugwump for the heads up.)

    It seems it’s a Monday for calling bullshit on things, ‘Pie.

    Does he really expect us to believe this? That it is not a not pathetic cry for mercy at the polls?

    Or is it a masterful case of turning adversity to advantage by turning a bag containing dog shit and two doctored cans of urine into a grateful gift from constituents?

    • Alahazbin says:

      Remember the Townsville Bullsheet’. Should be printed again, so we can see Harpic’s diatribe.

    • Rotten Luck Willie says:

      How does Harpic know that it is a lovely local resident? Perhaps it is a faceless Labor Party apparatchik trying to maintain Harpic’s morale in adverse times.

      Do the other two blind mice receive similar letterbox gifts?

      • The Magpie says:

        We don’t hear about the other, less idolatry letter box gifts he gets.

        • Rotten Luck Willie says:

          He is lucky that cracker night has been abolished otherwise 6th November each year he would be purchasing a new letterbox. As a child it was a bloody good night. A tupenny bunger could send a Milo tin twice as high as the house.

          • The Magpie says:

            And think what you could do with the old 1960’s favourite of a double bunger in the metal tube of a bicycle pump (so the wick was could be exposed at the bottom end), topped with a marble or two. We used count the bruises on the cows bums.

          • Alahazbin says:

            Or a Tom Thumb with a short wick in a tradesman’s roll your own cigarette. Laughed for days.

      • ABS says:

        Those “faceless Labor party apparatchiks” have to live somewhere, why wouldn’t they live in Thuringowa?

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          ABS, because Thuringowa is a shithole because of its shit MP. True believers live in nicer parts of town where it is easier to get a good soy milk latte.

      • Guy says:

        Don’t accept any gifts from Motorola – its bad news

    • ABS says:

      You’re letting your own personal animus blind you here. Harper has won majority support from the Thuringowa electorate multiple times over nine years so demonstrably has supporters.

      • The Magpie says:

        Would you use the same argument for Thompson and his accidental election, or would you factor in the lack of viable opposition?

        And ‘animus’ for lying, for arrogance, for ineffectiveness, and spinelessness …. yes, how dare I? I am a disgrace.

      • White Mouse says:

        Harpic got under 37% of the vote in the last election – it was KAP preferences that saves his fat arse.

      • Alahazbin says:

        ABS, As I said in a previous post, the voters of Thuringowa are an ignorant lot. Especially when it comes to Harpic.

        • Motorist says:

          Are you trying to provoke a response from that part of town?
          Either 1. they are above that sort of thing,
          2. don’t read the Townsville Magpie, or
          3. have insufficient reading skills to fully digest the Townsville Magpie.

    • Cyril the magnificent says:

      I would’ve dropped him off a paper bag filled with poo.

    • Burnt Brows says:

      I think they have mistaken him for Message Bank with the Berocca’s.

  24. Mad Jack says:

    MAGA need to lift their game.
    Make Assanations Great Again

  25. Prickster says:

    Is Council announcing the new CEO at this week’s council meeting?

    • The Magpie says:

      The ‘Pie hasn’t that one. Doubt it.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Prickster, too soon mate. The process, if it is done done robustly and with quality in mind, should take a couple of months. Of course if you recall some time ago our hero Mayor wanted it done and dusted in 4 weeks. Fool. Maybe 4 weeks if he hired one of his deadshit cooker mates, but you aren’t going to pick up someone decent in 4 weeks. Besides, Council do not need to rush this. Joe McCabe is doing a good job so there is no urgency in my opinion.

  26. Mike lewis says:

    Seems owe elected mayor is very busy with his council work. He runs this city as a leader.sorry did I say leader I ment loser.. he seems to be out more and enjoying his invites to events and weddings ect just ask him. Better still look at his Facebook he tell everyone. What does he actually do. And after reading the comments today I’ve narrowed it down to 3 people. Either troy thompson or his partner or his personal advisor Stephen lane.. Troy Thompson is not leading this city he is destroying it. I can’t wait for him to go.

    • Just Ask says:

      Funny, I thought him attending these events means he’s speaking with the community and working with them to build a better Townsville. What a horrible man he is engaging and with people and also doing his job of attending ceremonies and events that is his invited to. How dare his go to a wedding on his free time…the audacity.

      • The Magpie says:

        ‘Working with them to build a better Townsville’?

        Do ever actually think about what you’re writing?

        • wollo says:

          Christ knows what bullshit promises he is making to people as he attends all the functions races , football weddings etc. with his Mayoral Robes and name badge on so he can get free piss and meals but every proposal that he puts up at a meeting has to be voted on and passed by the council. He hasn’t had too much luck there so far has he ??

      • wollo says:

        What a stupid statement Just ask .Thompson cant do any thing to make Townsville great again on his own because he hasn’t got the council with him. He’s like a colonial in the army with no soldiers. Totally powerless !

        • Just Ask says:

          Yet he has had everyone against him and he is still there. Not so powerless after all.

          • The Magpie says:

            Tell us, if he has everyone against him, WHY is he still there? Does he have no honour, no decency, no integrity, and clings on through arcane regulation and trickery?

            Oh, sorry, he’s already answered that himself, hasn’t he?

          • Mike says:

            He has made it clear he won’t resign, so just another 3.5 years to go. Let’s hope the government advisor sorts the rot, other councils and in particular Cairns has 5 months on us atm.

          • Just Ask says:

            Since you have such an opinion Mr Pie, why don’t you work up the courage to actually meet with the mayor?

          • The Magpie says:

            Why? Meeting him won’t change the facts.

          • Just Ask says:

            I actually took you to be someone who would judge someone off your own interactions, not based on media or other peoples opinions. Guess not

          • The Magpie says:

            You child. If this is the level of baiting from Troy and the gang, you’ll have to do better than that.

            Tell us, do you have an opinion on Albanese, Smiley Miles, Kylie Minogue, The Wiggles, Donald Trump, Margo Robbie, Darren Bergwerf? Have you had your own interactions with them? Otherwise, by your stated measure, you must have had to have an opinion of them. So we can conclude you are an opinion-free zone, except for the last name, for which there is no doubt you have had a cosy personal interaction.

            Lame wanker.

          • Just Ask says:

            Ohhh struck a nerve have I?!! I don’t dedicate my life to Kylie Minogue or The Wiggles and writing about them. Should I dedicate the amount of time you do in talking about the mayor, I would be very keen on meeting them.

            For someone who does not like the mayor you spend soooo much time talking about him.

          • The Magpie says:

            You’re a retarded idiot.

    • Phil says:

      Mike you seem to have had advice he is going, from all accounts if that was the case, he’d be gone, and yet, he’s still there. Now I’m not a fan of the mayor by a long shot but he’s still there, anyone I speak to has said most people would’ve left long ago, and yet, still there.
      No amount of money keeps a person in the job with the scrutiny he has had, the media and the fact no one in the chamber likes him. I personally would like to know what makes him tick, anyone I know would’ve been long gone by now. It cannot be the money, he’d be paying it out on lawyers most weeks just to keep his job. I’d like to see what if anything he can do, the CCC hasn’t done anything, and scanlon won’t so it’s up to the LNP, when they roll over the ALP. One things for sure, there are plenty of candidates circling, and yet not one wanted to take Jenny on, too scared, or their business was reliant on something Jenny had. I initially liked what Thompson had to offer, but now I’m just waiting to see what drops next.

      • The Magpie says:

        You make it sound that pulling every legal trick, bamboozling the easily bamboozled on FB and hanging on to his job by his fingertips is some sort of virtue. Perhaps the ratepayers who are funding this hoopla might feel differently. And his glad handing around town is self-promotion, and does SFA for the city.

        And mate, as the up-dated saying has it, patience is a virtue seldom found in the young … or the stupid.

        Rest assured, he’s going, just have a spliff and wait quietly.

        • Phil says:

          I’m not so sure he’s going Pie. He is as Teflon coated like Uncle Les. Interestingly, I saw Thompson talking with Dolan on Sturt street yesterday, seems to be keeping company with all sorts this mayor of ours.
          This weeks meeting will be a long one, 18 items on the agenda and no doubt this mayor will have another stab in his minute. Is it just me, or has it got repetitive now?
          Anyway, I’m off to the strand for a stroll, max (boxer) is whining and needs to shit on the newly cut grass. Have a good day Pie!

          • The Magpie says:

            Thanks for the good wishes, but The ‘Pie fears his day will be exactly the same as Max’s – dealing with shit all day.

  27. Lame Stephen says:

    Hey Magpie, have you had any threatening letters from the two-bit Thompson lawyer this week? Just curious.

    • The Magpie says:

      No, should I? Need a good laugh.

      • Pobby says:

        Stephen Lame is a hack. Another wannabe politician who failed at every turn. His claim to fame is being Twonames unofficial advisor. Ha ha. How sad, and lame, is that. Must be desperate if he is threatening legal action towards a Townsville blogger. It’s a badge of honour I s’pose. Keep up the good work Magpie.

        • Westy says:

          Lane may be a hack, but persistence or annoyance is his super power. Him & his missus are LNP through and through. Word is LNP is looking to remove Brady ‘the good dad’ Ellis from the party for his very close association with Liam, and team Jenny, and making a clown of himself.

          • The Magpie says:

            Westie, the ‘Pie is thinking about changing your name to ‘Word Is …’, a phrase that invariably means ‘Here’s my wish dressed up as my opinion dressed up as an informed fact.’

          • Polly says:

            Dear Stephen, whoops I mean Westie. Sorry was that a secret. It’s fun watching you talk about yourself. You are such a loser. Even the LNP aren’t stupid enough to touch you. They know you are like necrotising fasciitis.

          • The Magpie says:

            Thank you, Dr Polly, and worth noting that the flesh eating disease necrotising fasciitis is highly contagious and can be passed on from open wounds in the carrier. Don’t shake the mayor’s hand, anyone.

    • Tripod says:

      Mr Lame is probably busy preparing the agenda for the next cooker convention. Way too busy for litigation work.

  28. Tropical Cyclone says:

    Magpie. No one is suggesting hospitals must make money. Do you think a parts and equipment audit (something done by almost every company) should be undertaken? Or what about equipment that is not being used but can’t be transferred to the dept that needs it? Or the white elephants that are purchased on a whim. I am sorry to tell you that there are Hundreds of thousands of dollars to be saved in the TUH with simple business procedures put into place. Cost savings that would enhance the hospital’s performance without being detrimental to the patients and possibly being beneficial to the Hospital staff. The staff surveys tell the truth year after year and only get worse.

  29. Contributor says:

    Our Local Community, Libertarian and fringe groups have had significant success in the weekend local government elections in NSW (after the Libs failed to nominate candidates in time). These groups have also been disrupting council meetings in Victoria. Are they associated with the local group supporting TwoNames??

    • The Magpie says:

      The Libertarians are the old Liberal Democrats which has had half a dozen names changes since being founded in Canberra – where else? – in 2003. They use the same modus operandi as MyPlace, mixing almost workable populist policies (lower taxes, reliable energy, pro the nuclear option), with others that appeal directly to anarchy. And the infiltration of council started by MyPlace,(Frankston, Vic, Bundaberg and Maryborough and maybe Townsville in Queensland) has the fairly obvious agenda which the Australian story’s headline neatly sums up.

      You can read the exaustive and exhausting roll call of their fruit loopery here.

  30. Doug K says:

    Both of Trump’s amateur assassins were Republican supporters.
    Who woulda thought.
    What odds a third failed attempt before the election?

    • The Magpie says:

      Or succeeds. You’re so pessimistic, Doug.

    • Sergeant Gunney Highway says:

      Perhaps they will do to Trump what Putin did to Yevgeny Prigozhin? Personal aircraft can be vulnerable to sabotage or other misdirected deeds committed by nefarious criminals.

      • The Magpie says:

        Perhaps with Putin’s method in mind, someone in the near future may find a window of opportunity for Trump.

        • White Mouse says:

          “Trump Force One” had to make a forced landing some week ago with mechanical issues – this may have been the first attempt?

          His new jet is one that he was already very familiar with – it was previously owned by Jeffrey Epstein who met his own mysterious death.

  31. Robbo says:

    Anyone else find this blog boring as batshit! Sorry Malcolm, you used to be so much better than gutter journalism, whether it’s you or Garvey you both write poorly these days, it’s a shame.

    • The Magpie says:

      Strange how those who find it boring, full of crap and so on, keep reading it.

      • Grumpy says:

        …and contribute inane comments

      • Robbo says:

        I live in hope it may change ….

        • Jatzcrackers says:

          Well here you go Robbo, here’s your opportunity to start your own blog. You’ve obviously got a handle of the drill. Start cultivating and maintaining countless long term relationships with multiple individuals out there in the real business world, maintain a private IT system at pretty well your own financial cost, spend countless hours investigating leads etc, and off you go champion !
          The world is full of keyboard warriors like you, who like to throw hand grenades at those who question the system and highlight the rorts out there in todays real world.
          Best you fuck off and stick to Facebook. At least there you get to be ‘liked’ even if you’re a total fuckwit !

          • Alahazbin says:

            Wherever there is a labor corflute, there is a “Mad Hatter’ corflute next to it. Just educating the ignorant voter.

  32. Alahazbin says:

    Apparently Harper & co can put their corflutes on any state government owned property and don’t need permission. Hence all the ones along Thuringowa drive stuck on Commission homes and bail houses, as for the rest of Thuringowa.

    • Not standing for Mayor says:

      Not to mention the KAP ones appearing on TCC property. Mentioned it at work and was told to just leave them alone.

      • Old Tradesman says:

        What about the Private Cupcake and failed potty mouthed failed councillor Ryder on Woolcock St opposite the showgrounds right next to a No Standing sign.

        • Bellatrone says:

          KAP has 3 duds.
          Pugh has plenty of skeletons.
          Ryder just lost her seat for her attitude and alliance to Team Jenny, remember it was her address on all of team Jenny’s literature.
          Richardson is simply a no contest, nothing valuable to add, Marr had Thuringowa in the bag.

          The man child, Dumbmetto hasn’t any opposition, I think, he’d loose if Sue Blom had run!

  33. Jonty says:

    Aagh another week and another edition of the Magpies Nest. A blog filled with foolishness, folly, and fucking crap.

  34. Prince Rollmop says:

    The battle for control of the pickled walnut’s empire is playing out in Nevada. The walnut wants Lachy in charge of the show,, but the other sibling leeches don’t agree. Murdoch’s, Rhinehart’s, all the kids fighting for control, ultimate power, and the mighty dollar. Good luck to them. Parasites.


  35. Prince Rollmop says:

    Triple chinned desperado Aaron ‘Batman’ Harpic is getting desperate. He has posted 3 anti-LNP posts on his Facebook page just today. Poor Aaron, will he go back to being an Ambo when he is kicked out next month? Absolute tool.

    • Headmistress says:

      Clearing the path for the CCC.What puzzles me is why cant they just get him on the illegal campaign donations? Surely a clear cut case of corruption? Moral indignation is a powerful tool but, on its own not enough. Couldn’t they just use the obvious breach of electoral rules to remove him? Have I missed something and that was all legit?

      • Southern Comfort says:

        THIS!! THIS!! THIS!!

        The entire saga has become so complex trying to decide what he said about his military service, his degrees, his business success before he was sworn in, and since he was sworn in. The facts are not so convoluted, but the penalties for those are. For some of them it’s straight up misconduct and dishonest conduct in office. But they may not lead to an outcome where he is removed from office.

        The Campaign Donations (and the fact that 2 of these were not disclosed to ECQ ie Circumventing the laws) is the straightforward solution to the TwoNames problem. Up to 2 years jail time per donation, and up to 10 years for each case of circumventing the donation laws. If he is charged for these, it’s suspension. If he is convicted, it’s automatic dismissal.

        The rest of the saga and the lies is definitely an opportunity for clearing up the LGA and LGEA to prevent this NightMayor ever being repeated. But the donations are the quickest, simplest solution to the TwoNames problem. And the best part is that they have all been borne out through very public data in the ECQ Disclosures and the TCC Register of Interests.

        Headmistress is absolutely bang on the (dirty) money!!

        • Westy says:

          Donations from 2 retirees at the time and still retired people. Wayne Williams and John Honeycombe, neither is a developer, that bus has left. The fact Wayne put it in his son’s company is the issue, but a statutory dec sorted that out. The declaration was made, 2 x $309 fines is all he got.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Westy, the strong implication that two developers each handed their retired fathers an envelope of cash and told them to donate it to TwoStains should be enough trigger at least a charge against donator, shadow director, and recipient. Whether it sticks is a matter for the courts.

          • The bagman says:

            That’s why people become Councillors, cash under the table deals, hi-5’s, backslaps and reacharounds. And not necessarily in that order.

          • The Magpie says:

            Any proof? Or is that just the vibe?

  36. Mike Douglas says:

    Scott Stewart 40 days out from the election is appalled of peoples backlash on public housing . Lack of Transparency to surrounding home owners . Woke Department housing not acting on complaints bad tenants . Voters of Townsville appalled that Scott , Les , Aaron teetering around the edges on crime spending $mils on Street University etc instead of making recidivist offenders responsible . Standing buy whist Team Hill increased rates 25 % + in 3 years and differential rates adding $40-60 a week to renters . State Government Haughton stage 2 $195 mil blowing out to $405 mil with another $150 mil required . Scott has been aware of Townsvilles housing crisis for years . Go for a walk down Flinders st Scott just 300 metres from your office where Dimmeys stalled project after 3 years . Have you asked why ? . Martin Locke homes saying the current finished public housing could have been finished in 6 mths but took 12 mths Council / State red tape .

  37. Pat Coleman says:

    Been saying it.

    AAMI insurance has dropped a study on 10 years of crash data for the Bruce Highway which has been adopted by other insurers.

    One take from it is %25 are caused by tailgating crimes and attitudes.

    I’ve said it before, it’s how people’s heads are wired. And how you get a grasp on their attitudes is by operationalizing the repeated electoral figures. The majority of people on the roads will have far right attitudes , and once you add the choice of vehicle and bullbar to it , the majority of people on the road couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else. And they fit the description of fascist terrorists or fellow travellers beginning at S80 of the CTH Criminal Code.

    Once you start looking at the electoral figures we know that these types are the right wing base of the LNP and every other far right party. Their attitudes are actually encouraged cos they want their votes.

    The problem lies much deeper than just dangerous driving.

    The report link https://www.suncorpgroup.com.au/uploads/AAMI-Crash-Index-Decade-of-Driving-Report-2024.pdf

  38. Bellatrone says:

    Watching the meeting, it’s interesting Price nominated himself as one of the 3 who the mayor reported, is the guy dopey or what. If it is true and he’s with Joe on a boat, after Joe has applied for CEO, that’s a real problem, the CEO or Kristian should’ve said no, it’s a conflict plain and simple, I’d say Price needs to remove himself from the vote, if he votes for the current CEO, that would be clear misconduct.

    • The Magpie says:

      FFS, can’t you Thompson paid trolls do better than that.

      Tell us what the context of that fabled boat ride was? Just Joe, Price, a chilled bottle Yellowtail bubbly in a silver ice bucket, and a feather mattress and doona on deck to better watch the sundown, and maybe let nature take its course?

      And should Thompson not remove himself from the vote too, since he has defamed him publicly?

      The only thing plain and simple is you, BELLAtrone.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      Seems your legal threshold for a conflict of interests is pretty darn low. So low in fact, that anyone who has been in an Elevator with Joe would have to conflict out. Whilst I’ve had my issues in how I see KP, and a campaign donation from MyPlace is a perfect starter in those, I think he handled himself as well as he could in what is obviously a trying time. I think TwoNames has committed a major act of Defamation, and by continuing to host those defamatory comments on his FB page, administered only by him and the Squeeze, he continues to do so (well established case law on this https://www.brandpartners.com.au/news/liability-of-administrators-of-social-media-pages-for-defamatory-comments-or-posts-made-by-its-members/#:~:text=The%20High%20Court%20decision%20of,and%20therefore%20may%20be%20held ).

      Here is the real rub for Townsville Ratepayers, if Smokin Joe or KP go at TwoNames for defamation, there is an actual possibility they will win easily, and when they have exhausted TwoNames financial resources, they may be able to successfully look at TCC as the bank account to address next (look at what has happened in both the Ben Robert’s Smith and Bruce Lehrmann defamation cases, parties have looked beyond to Channel 7 as the ultimate bankrollers who may end up wearing a lot of those cases). As the Turdship TwoNames has made his FB page the “official” page of the Mayor (whilst recently adding a disclaimer about opinions being his own, that came long after he started his defamatory rants, and does nothing to offer TCC enough of a legal shield). That is his Official TCC Mayor’s page. Like it or not.

      So for all the MyPlace clowns he hosts on his page, with their defamatory ramblings (ignoring his), this seems a jolly “stick it to the man” moment. But in reality could prove very, very expensive. Smokin Joe has a few years work left in him. But if he withdraws, moves on, and finds that having chewed on a TwoName Turd he cannot find future work, he may very well look back atvTwoNames and TCC for a kick-in on retirement. Assume 3yrs at $500k, plus recovering legal costs could easily lead to a $2.5m claim for Joe. KP, whilst not as high, would do well, as would every other soul this Cooker Army has defamed. All paid for by the TCC Ratepayer, at least until TCC has to go for bankruptcy. Then it is the Qld Taxpayer on the hook next. And so on and so on.

      TwoNames is the curse that keeps on giving. And his generosity in this regard has been spread widely.

      • Bella says:

        Defamation is an angle, but it’s only defaming if untrue, there is something called interpretation and doubt, and the facts are clear, an acting CEO going for a role of permanent CEO, cannot in good faith be in a position where he could influence a voter. There’s only 11 votes and Joe has allegedly got 3 conflicts. Added it was referred to the CCC, not just the OIA, there is trouble in the water. Price made a mistake, and came forward, it was never said by Thompson, only implied, by comments on his page.

        I tend to disagree on this one, Price ballsed up, there’ll be no apology either, that would only be an admittance of guilt, for defamation, it’d never happen. If it’s true, and Thompson has retained Mills & Oakley, it’ll get hot in the kitchen. They have defended mayors, deputy mayors and CEOs successfully, and even a few where Joe was on GCCC council, that’s a concern. If I was a betting girl, I’d suggest Thompson is going for a block of gold and early retirement. Price just committed major misconduct under CCC, and the other 2, which I’m told is Greaney & Phillips are nervous too, they pushed Price to speak, but once again Greaney and her young apprentice are behind this, Price is the fall guy, well played. It now opens the door for a molochino push for division 4.

        Defamation may be implied, but it was never given the air price, McCabe thought. If McCabe goes through with the role, he’ll be voted in, but does he want the stains that will come with multiple investigations, he should rethink his position, take another cushy temporary job closer to home. Thompson wins this one 1-0, taking little nibbles, the law firm is clearly running him, he’s very calm now, which was noticed by the executive that kept watching his reaction throughout. Time for the real matters to come forward.

        • The Magpie says:

          (Bella, The Magpie won’t change your name on this comment, it is now clear who you are, if not in person, certainly in game playing aim. The name change before was to protect ‘Bella’ from ‘words in the mouth’ innuendo, but that now is clearly not necessary.)

          So anyway, what’s your take (and Daddy’s) on Price’s explanation of what happened? Pretty extraordinary chain of events for him to end up on a yacht with the CEO – although for The ‘Pie, the real question is why was the CEO on the yacht in the first place … that position doesn’t normally go out in public at inconsequential flag flying for the TCC.

          • Big Mac says:

            This is dopey, as if Bella would comment on this blog.

          • The Magpie says:

            Fully agree, but wot fun, though, wot ho!!

          • Island Voice says:

            Mr. Magpie,
            The photos of afternoon out on the yacht clearing shows Price and McCabe – with Price taking a selfie of the two of them. Also on yacht are a couple of TEL gals no sign of any other councillor being present. So was it a TEL junket?
            The photos are on Price’s FB page and also Thompson’s.
            Nothing to see here – not sure about that!

          • The Magpie says:

            Did you see read Price’s explanation of how he got to be on the yacht? Isn’t the Thompson fabrication that the yachting jaunt was Joe’s bribe – a taste of the high life with a couple of TEL gals (Christ on a bicycle, give us a break!!!) – to get Price’s vote? And why would a senior public servant at the top of the PS pile for more than two decades (absolute minimum $350 per a) risk his reputation and prospects with such a clumsy attempt at greasing a palm? And please tell us so we know, where is it shown that Price was some sort of ‘swinging voter’ on the CEO issue, so pivotal that McCabe was tempted to bribe him? buck up, IV, old son, you’re tempted by the TwoNames Koolaid.

            This is Thompson disruption pure and simple, and his reply to Price shows that he is paying real lawyers to guide his campaign to that pot of ill deserved gold. Plenty to see here if you answer those questions and discover where to look.

        • Not standing for Mayor says:

          Bella, perhaps read the Defamation Act 2005 (QLD) and get a better understanding ( https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/view/pdf/2021-07-01/act-2005-055 ) don’t listen to what Shady Lane or the other cookers advise.

  39. Corflute Carl says:

    Does Mr Harper have Asperger’s or some other abnormality?? On his signs around town he looks retarded in the photos. It’s a serious question. I’m only new to Townsville so I was just curious, I thought maybe it’s some kind of diversity thing that he is Olin office. He definitely doesn’t look normal.

  40. Sizzle says:

    (Edited by The Magpie).
    How embarrassing watching Price shaking in his boots asking for an apology from the mayor. Doesn’t matter if you like the mayor or not, there is no denying he was on a boat with the ceo. At no stage should a councillor be enjoying a cruise with a nominated candidate for the ceo role.

    • The Magpie says:

      Sizzle, you are supposedly new to comments (although that’s doubtful, a familiar writing style) but a reminder that involved family members that have no bearing on issues are a complete no-go area around here. OK?

      • Sizzle says:

        My apologies I have seen family members mentioned previously. As it was a fact I saw no issue but I appreciate the edit

        • The Magpie says:

          Please note the word ‘uninvolved’. Bella Jacob has been mentioned because she wants to be a player in this circus, very ambitious and wishes to have a role that can affect the populace. Ditto Thompson’s no-taste (self-evident) squeeze, whatever her name is, (Michelle?), she clearly plays a role in Thompson’s shenanigans. Also, rumoured or real personal domestic situations – unless involving criminal behaviour – are private matters with no bearing on the public well being.

    • Grumpy says:

      Sizzle, I think you fizzled. Yet another Thompson loser.

  41. The Magpie says:

    If there was any lingering doubt, it has been dispelled by today’s council meeting that Troy Thompson is driving a deliberate campaign of disruption of the council while presenting himself as a victim of unfair treatment. But all he has done is create a personal cesspit of despicable behaviour that has no place in the governance of this city.

    This booze-bloomed egomaniac broke cover today towards end of a long council meeting, in the most pompous and disrespectful manner possible … without saying a word.

    Kristian Price rose to make a statement in which he said he had been defamed by the mayor’s personal Facebook postings on which the mayor implied he was one of three unnamed councillors whom the mayor accused …without offering a shred of proof … had taken bribes from acting CEO Joe McCabe in relation to the vote on a permanent appointment to the role.

    Price agreed he had been on a yacht trip which had included the acting CEO Joe McCabe, but there was nothing sinister about it.

    “I accepted the yacht trip as part of the Townsville Multisport World Championships, which you (Thompson) were initially invited to participate in.”
    “As you could not attend, the invite then followed standard procedures to find a representative, which meant the invite was offered to the deputy mayor, then the divisional councillor and finally other available councillors.”
    “So in fact, me on the yacht was to represent council as a direct result of you, and your inability, to attend.”
    Throughout this sometimes emotional recitation of the situation (Price is no public orator), Thompson had the effrontery to actually grin smugly from time to time, fiddle with his phone, write and generally look amused at the discomfort Clr Price said he had suffered, which included being shirt-fronted in the street by people questioning his integrity.

    In response, Thompson trotted out one of the many versions of cowardly commercial in confidence camouflages available in local government, delivered with all the insincere smarm he could muster.–

    “I have been contacted by the OIA and I’ve asked for it to be reopened and reinvestigated with other items, so I can’t comment any further on that but thank you for bringing that to the attention of the meeting,” Mr Thompson said.

    All this from a man who wants to be a leader, and once boasted during his lying election campaign “I will bring councillors around to my way of doing things.”

    Thank Christ that hasn’t happened.

    • Ducks Nuts says:

      Didn’t watch meeting but this is the second time this week I’ve been impressed with Price. Don’t have to be a great orator to have integrity or a desire to maintain your dignity.

      Neither of which Thompson has.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      As mentioned in another comment, I had a low starting point in my estimation on Price. But he carried himself with more dignity than Turdship TwoNames today, a low bar for sure, but an important one. He may just be able to be the real face of change for this Council. He came in strongly bonded with TwoNames at the start of this council. He’s had a few falters along the way (signed on for the no-con letter, then some wavering online, then back on track for the no-con vote, rinse and repeat a few more times). But now he has firmly picked a side of teamwork and cohesion and principles., not TwoNames and his 7 deadly sins And by gosh, in an “ordinary bloke” way, he delivered today.

    • The Magpie says:

      Silliest and most distasteful non-contribution to the conversation. Not published.

      • Lisa says:

        Oh my gosh I nearly fell off my chair. That is rich coming from you. You Magpie post the most distasteful things. Go down another bottle you old fool

        • The Magpie says:

          The Magpie gdenerally posts the truth, which is often distasteful, but he has never called anyone a paedophile, let alone doing so without a single shred of proof. And with total irrelevance to any issue.

          And geez, who wouldn’t need a drink constantly having to deal with MyPlace Thompson cultist nitwits like you.

          • Oedipus says:

            Those that sling paedophile accusations around are generally covering their own predelictions.

          • Ball bag says:

            Cecil and Lisa the same person? Surely there aren’t two cooler fuckwits that write so similarly? Keep going Magpie, you are driving the Thompson acolytes crazy.

          • The Magpie says:

            If they’re being driven crazy, it’s a short trip.

          • Anti-Flog says:

            this blog is MyPlace to read and enjoy the commentary, not that fake group calling themselves MyPlace

          • The Magpie says:

            Try that in understandable English.

          • Connor says:

            Your thread seems to have increased in popularity, or at least in viewership. Might I suggest you write about the city minus the mayor, he is getting notoriety through media. If this continues I feel we will make a mater of him. All I hear from people now is that given he gets such bad press from the bulletin he must be doing something write. I don’t think the bulletin would be in as good a condition financially had it not been for him. Worse should be the fact Mr Walker pulled out the ex mayor for Sun metals, she was defeated, not by Thompson, but by the people, she needs to go away.

          • The Magpie says:

            One hopes you meant ‘martyr’ and not matter … unless you’re hinting at Thompson having a sex change. The hardly hidden tenor of your commenbt suggests you are close enough to him to know if he has made such lifestyle decisions.

            But as usual, Connor, you’re point is all skew whiff. You don’t ask a news site to NOT write about news, do you? To not inform the public of wrong doing? You do not walk away from the fact that through unfortunate circumstances, we have found ourselves with a domestically violent, valour-stealing, qualification-lying fraud-committing con man mayor trying for a big payout of public money through deliberately constructed legal planning. Legally devised theft, in other words.

            Now really, mate, you wouldn’t want that to go unreported, would you?

            Or would you?

          • Achilles says:

            If you drive with narcotics or an excess of alcohol, you will face punishment, doubly so if you cause injury or death.

            But William Swale was driving without a required (on his licence) medicinal amount of a prescribed drug and killed a number of people, even after 7 automatic advises that you were way under the limit to be behind the wheel, a magistrate just lets you off the hook.

            Surely it should have gone to a higher court and be tried by a judge and/or a jury.


          • The Magpie says:

            If they so choose, the police can appeal the verdict … and being a magistrate, they are likely win another hearing in a higher court.

          • Grumpy says:

            Without having followed the case that closely, I suspect it may well be a case of a weak magistrate being bullied by a senior defence counsel.

          • The Magpie says:

            yeah, certainly sounds like it. Would’ve been more sensible to flick pass along up the line. A glory seeker, maybe.

          • Connor says:

            Personally, I don’t give a rats. The bloke got voted in, if he gets a payout and that means he’s gone, why not, money well spent!

            But the council will not go to by election, they’re usual excuse, it’ll cost too much, they’ll vote Jenny back in, it’s Jenny lite now, and with everything going on, I’d rather keep him till 12 mo the ticks over.

          • The Magpie says:

            So does that mean … a genuine question for you … that you believe Hill will be reinstated by default if TwoNames is pissed off from the mayoral office within the 12 month period? And that is why there are the strong speculation of some and conviction of Thompson that Labor is behind it all. Nothing to do with him being a criminal chiseller?

          • Lisa says:

            You are an evil man who just spreads hate in the world. I do not attend this My Place group that you keep going on about but I can guarantee any one is nicer then you.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s the general consensus amongst the local loons.

          • Lab Rat says:

            How can you guarantee that My Space is less evil than Magpie if you haven’t attended? Surely Magpie is not the worst person in the world. I mean, just off the top of my head, he is better than Trump.

          • The Magpie says:

            You’re treading a very dangerous line, Ratty.

          • Lab Rat says:

            Magpie, life is all about riding a fine line. You should know that old chap. Anyway, Sunday will be a new blog dealing with anti-Thompson supporters.

          • The Magpie says:

            Among other things. The Nest ain’t a one trick pony.

          • Achilles says:

            Well done insensitive ABC TV, they’re advertising an Oz version of the bloody awful UK Grand designs.

            Its a programme of one-off house designs for plutocrats and the arty-farty mob, just what we need here in Oz with our current housing “crisis”.

            Incidentally the elephant in the room regarding this lack of housing combined with prices in general and house/rentals etc situation is the irresponsible Dept of Immigration, working in isolation of other Gov departments shoe-horning in nearly a million immigrants.

            A bit like Fantasia’s Micky Mouse flooding the house while he slept, oblivious to the mess.

          • The Magpie says:

            But there’s a deeper and wider underlying problem with the housing mess. And that is promoting housing as an investment, whether you live in the home or not. Even schemes to help people into a home carries the subtle endorsement of ‘your FIRST home’, suggesting that moving up while making a profit is a good motive, and always being dissatisfied with what you have.

            The myth that negative gearing is necessary to encourage property ‘investment’ and provides more rental accommodationis a self-defeating economic nonsense, onl;y benefitting those already earning enough to use the rort to minimise their tax. It’s made a lot of people rich but has completely buggered the housing market for ordinary average folks, and is driven by pure greed.

            But yes, this situation has been greatly aggravated by wholesale immigration policies.

  42. Mugwump says:

    The good Thompson – Phil – dishes it up to a truly stupid Captain Cupcake.

    • Southern Comfort says:

      Stewart was obviously a bit short on info here, and deserves a kick. But Thompson failed to do it with any “Class” whatsoever, so no points for him either. 0-all on that one.

    • Prince Rollmop says:

      Absolutely love Phil Thompsons response to Private Cupcakes ineptitude. A gold star goes to Phil. The three useles Labor idiots have done SFA for our town. Phil is the only politician getting things done, and he is the opposition Federal member!

      • Jenny says:

        Prince Rollmop, neither the federal or state member appears to have a clue. Monday’s Bulletin had a story about a long running, hidden (ie. denied by Telstra obfuscation) mobile phone and internet outage on Maggie Island that continues to this day. If the current fuckup has anything to do with Federal Phil’s “vital communications project” that has been “fully funded and is currently progressing” then let the Member take responsibility for it. Businesses and locals in Nelly Bay particularly label the “glitch” a disgrace. If Phillip Thompson is involved with it then let him own it.

        • Maggie Moggie says:

          The Connectivity funding that Phillip Thompson is referring to in the letter he wrote to Stewart is:

          Australian Government provided $4.4M through the Regional Connectivity Program Round 3 for a nbn technology switch from Satellite to Fixed Wireless. Total project cost more than $7M.
          Regional Connectivity Program | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
          Project scheduled to be complete by the end of June 2026.
          4 Towers will be built on the island.

          The woes the island have been experiencing months is Telstra and the loss of mobile phone coverage, poor internet and even land line issues.
          Telstra are in the process of doing upgrades across different areas of the island, the current situation has been a major failing of Telstra.

          So for someone who purports to know all things about the island – you know SFA

          • The Magpie says:

            Not just about the island.

          • Jenny says:

            MM, in the Townsville Bulletin report on Monday, Telstra revealed that vandals had caused some problems for a “small number of customers”. Telstra went on to acknowledge in the same article that a “hardware issue” was affecting 4G mobile service in Nelly Bay this week. This is the ‘issue’ I was referring to. One phone call to anyone in Nelly Bay (including you probably?) will demonstrate that the Telstra problem is ongoing.

          • Mundingbird says:


            You are wrong !

            Jenny knows how to be a rusted on Labor Stooge, any of its comments have an undercurrent of an attack on the LNP .

            The Election will sort her/it out.

          • Maggie Moggie says:

            you were right after all the Telstra woes on the island are all Phillip Thompson’s fault.

            News flash for you Jenny: Townsville Bulletin 20/9
            ‘Townsville City Council has confessed it was their team that dug up a Telstra cable on Magnetic Island, cutting internet and kicking off a firestorm of anger’

            Now your blaming TCC wrong doings on Phil Thompson – said it before and I’ll say it again Jenny you are a fuckwit….

      • wollo says:

        Imagine what he will achieve when he is a federal Minister when the coalition get back in !!

        • The Magpie says:

          Personally, The ‘Pie thinks he’s too honest to be a minister.

        • Jenny says:

          Oh really, wollo. Phil knocked down Reef HQ and then went for a long nap, so long that the budget he had to rebuild the joint was left unspent and the tumbleweeds moved in. Millions in the bag waiting for Phil’s hopeless lying PM to give permission for him to spend. I wonder how Phil’s ReefHQ petition is going? You know, the one where he goes cap-in-hand to Albo, COMMUNIST, SOCIALIST, UNIONIST ALBO!, to spend the money he, Phil, left in the LNP do-not-touch-’til-Daddy-says-so locker.

          • The Magpie says:

            Your are slowly but surely edging into intervention territory, Jenny.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Jenny . Albanese Government formed May 2022 . November 2022 it was announced that Reef HQ would be demolished . Phil was not in Government so how could he be involved in the demolition ? .

          • The Magpie says:

            Don’t expect an answer, Mike. Slam dunk.

          • Jenny says:

            Slam dunk? More like own goal:

            Adelaide Advertiser (and Townsville Bulletin if you were still reading it then):
            17 December 2021
            “Abyss Demolition demolished the old IMAX dome theatre, marine park offices and cultural centre as part of an $80m project.”

            Check with Phillip Thompson. I think he was an (honest) Assistant Minister in the Morrison government at the time.

          • White Mouse says:

            Jenny – the IMAX and administration areas of Reef HQ were demolished in 2021. Phil T had secured $80m for this work. In 2022 (yes – your beloved ALP are in power) GBRMPA decided that the aquarium also needed to be demolished, despite there not being any funding allocated to replace it. In one of TCC’s first decisions, they dumped the Concert Hall, to put the money toward the aquarium.

          • Jenny says:

            Micky Mouse, you say “the IMAX and administration areas of Reef HQ were demolished in 2021. Phil T had secured $80m for this work.”

            So you agree that the demolition was PT’s work and had nothing to do with Albo Labor. That’s a start. But you reckon the demo job (“this work”) cost $80m? Nice work if you can get it.

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Jenny, throttle back on the Agiorgitiko and try to concentrate.

            In 2020 GBRMPA requested about $20m for a refurb but the then Federal Government requested a review in case there was a better plan.

            The review in 2021 showed a part of the ReefHQ which included the Offices and the theatre should be rebuilt and $80m was budgeted and provided so work started.

            Once demotion started in 2022 it was discovered that the whole building including the tanks was, to use what I am told is a technical engineering term, ‘fucked’ and the budget blew itself to pieces.

            The current Federal Government has essentially shit the bed and not managed to fund their own statutory agency to repair a federal facility. This has nothing to do with TCC, nothing to do with the CityDeal or anything, this is everything to do with a government which only responds to crisis and has no planning ability. It seems to be in ALP’s DNA that they lose the plot in their ideology and drink the bathwater before eating the baby.


  43. The Magpie says:

    Meanwhile, in Cairns ….

  44. Prince Rollmop says:

    Phil Thompson has been true to his word. The Magnetic Island project is underway and a timeline for completion is the end of this year, pending some delays due to contractor availability and weather incidents over the past few years.

    What Phil is saying is that Private Cupcake sent him a shitogram regarding the issues on Maggie, without knowing what work was being undertaken locally regarding the internet issues. Cupcake should’ve been aware of the progress of this project, being a local issue, but he didn’t know jackshit. Cupcake, Harpic, and Messagebank have failed the Townsville community. We need to show them the door in October 2024.

    Jenny, you really are a fucking dil who is obsessed with Labor’s idiot representation locally.


  45. The Magpie says:

    Trust the Australian to come up with this …. But The ‘Pie laughed anyway.

    But maybe best to remember be careful what you pray for.


  46. Ball bag says:

    Twonames may have been grinning smugly at Cr Price’s discomfort, but it’s only a small victory for Twonames. He has a CCC investigation going on, he has lost the confidence of the Councillors as a collective, he has lost any confidence the CEO has in him, keeping in mind that a Mayor and CEO work closely together in their leadership roles, he has lost the support of many ratepayers, and even the state and federal governments have lost faith in him. So his road won’t be a comfortable one to travel. That will eventually wipe the smugness from his plastic face.

    • Dwight Keeps says:

      Are we addressing that Price now has a CCC investigation against him now? Isn’t that what the Mayor said he was going to do. Bet old Price will be shaking in his boots.

      • The Magpie says:

        Yes, Thompson has admitted Price has been exonerated (because he had been contacted by the OIA with their decision) but has requested that the investigation be reinvestigated with ‘other items’. A clear time wasting device before he has to accept the fact that he defamed at least Price if not the other two unnamed councillors.

        This nasty piece of work is Trump writ small.

        • Andrew says:

          TwoNames is persistent at best. But it would seem new evidence has come to light in the Price case, as that’s the only way it can go forward. CCC may also investigate for misconduct, dismissed or not it’ll get more play than the state election.

          • The Magpie says:

            That’s no logical … TwoNames has requested the investigation be reopened with new items …. has there been a reply to that request, confirming that despite earlier examination, there is new evidence sufficient to open the matter? Just because Thompson says he’s made a request does not mean there is any new evidence. He has already demonstrated that what he considers as evidence is at wide variance with what is likely to be accepted by any investigative body … or anyone for that matter.

  47. Cecil says:

    Oh my goodness. Just tripped over this blog. As the words to the famous tune go………‘There’s something going on around here’!

    I’m in shock at the diatribe and the apparent accusations going back and forth, within!!!

  48. Smoker says:

    Sadly I just tuned in to the women’s T20 AUS vs NZ at Mackay stadium tonight. And there it was – a fucking welcome to country to start the game. FFS, how long do we have to endure this shit for??

    • Headmistress says:

      Of all the occasions to extend an indigenous welcome, a trans Tasman sporting match would be the most appropriate. Ever hear a Kiwi sports crowd complain and whine into the next week about the haka being performed at an international rugby match? Or when the national antem is sung in both English and Maori? Don’t you worry your head about that, it would have been appreciated by the visiting side as nothing more than a gesture of respect and goodwill. You can’t whitewash everything…anymore. Get over it!

      • The Magpie says:

        Back to the old Critical Thinking class for you, Headmistress.

        The haka is a war cry, a challenge, across all Maori culture, traditional performed by men about to go battle. The aggressive stamping, fierce expressions and amusing tongue-poking are meant to instil fear in an opponent while at the same time, lifting their own morale – the ancient form of what nowadays is locker-room lingo for ‘psyching oneself up’. And there is another crucial fact – the haka is accepted across the entire Maori culture and has been accepted, adopted and endorsed by ALL New Zealanders.

        It can in no way be compared to welcome to country, which is a patronising white sop to the simplistic beliefs of indigenous people that they are the ‘owners’ of a small section of land on which an event is taking place. These welcomes vary from place to place, and there is no one welcome acceptable to all 390 tribes – let alone a single aboriginal anthem. And international events are just that, where the opening ceremonies should reflect the global aspect of the moment, which is Australia hosting another nation, not some local myth of restricted area and acceptance.

        Divisive by its very nature, Welcome To Country is more embarrassing to indigenous people than it is to bored and vaguely insulted Australians of all backgrounds.

        • Headmistress says:

          You educating a Maori on Maoritanga? Auie! Mr Magpie. Actually, the haka is considered a sign of respect. Versions of the haka are performed at state events, funerals, graduations, weddings and as most know international football matches. Traditionally a war dance but it is performed to demonstrate strength of spirit and pride…and respect. There are many versions of the haka not just the one you recognise with the tongue ( pukana) Any NZ sportsperson understands and respects a similar customary gesture. My point is the Welcome to Country is often overused but perfectly appropriate before a transTasman sporting match. If the visitors are being welcomed to country and they receive this in the spirit it is offered, why get so apoplectic? Does it hurt so much to observe a small customary ritual before a sports game? That is all it is.

          • The Magpie says:

            Your point about WTC is only valid if you agree that the visitors, whoever they may be, are actually being welcomed as a nation to another nation. What twaddle.

            And if you are a Maori, mind your own business.

  49. Ducks Nuts says:

    As much as you shit me off Magpie. And I you. In light of the recent RUOK day, and the influx of absolute fucking nutters you’ve had this week, I do hope you’re doing OK and you have a decent tipple to soften the pain of idiots.

  50. Afterthought says:

    If Sun Metals is owned by Korea Zinc listed on the South Korean stock exchange how does Les Walker stop a company buying shares in a foreign Country ?

    • The Magpie says:

      More to the point, what has this got to do with a state MP (for a few more weeks anyway)? The Foreign Investment Review Board does not take re-election grandstanding into account.

      • Mike Douglas says:

        Jenny Hill , ex Mayor doing media with message bank and a few Sun Metals staff . Jenny hasn’t learnt from Qantas debacle , ” won’t be pushed around by billionaires” Dimmeys Chemist redevelopment sits idle . $600 mil debt she has left ratepayers calling on the Australian Government to pressure South Korean Government on a shareholder of a foreign company buying more shares . In Jenny + Les World if a shareholder in McDonald’s they didn’t like wanted to buy more shares that for some reason could impact McDonald’s stores locally , they want the Federal Government to get involved . Explains why Lansdown / Haughton stage 2 has $350 mil in blowouts and other costs .

        • Alahazbin says:

          Mike, why would the Bulletin have to advise the readership “Townsville Bulletin reporter Leighton Smith is married to Labor Federal candidate for Herbert Edwina Andrew”
          We always knew he sat under Jenny’s desk when she was mayor.

          • Mike Douglas says:

            Alahazbin , Bully disclosed Leighton Smith marriage to Labors candidate to run for Herbert because Messagebank and ex Mayor Hill pulling a Labor stunt to try and get more votes for Les . Jenny is trying to prove to her party she is relevant and can add value to get more gravy train board seats like Copperstring . It could backfire on jobs based on the success of current shareholder getting a bigger shareholding .

      • Connor says:

        Les Walker needs to keep walking, bringing Jenny Hill along just opened a can of shit, I thought Townsville had moved away from this cancerous mob. Les just signed his own release papers.

      • Prickster says:

        If Sun Metals closes its doors Townsville is fucked.

        • Burnt Brows says:

          It wouldn’t be nice for our economy, but that’s what they said about QNI. When Palmer closed Yabulu the TSV economy certainly took a major hit but life goes on, somehow ……..

          • The Magpie says:

            “Fucked’ is not a very precise term, nor is it a useful analysis.

          • Prickster says:

            Fucked would be;
            – Sun Metals is a major employer, at the refinery, the port and with their trucking company too,
            – Sun Metals refines a lot of the zinc from South 32’s Cannington Mine, and Glencore’s Mount Isa mine – no refinery = no mining jobs, no fifo miners, less planes = higher airline costs
            – Sun metals makes acid used at Incitec’s Phosphate Hill mine – no acid, no phosphate hill mine, no mining jobs = no fifo miners, less planes = higher airline costs.
            – no mine out west no need for the railway, which is already falling apart = more job losses,
            – no mines out west no need for Copper string = no more new jobs,
            – No heavy industry in Townsville no need for the government to support manufacturing jobs.
            – then there is everybody who is directly and indirectly connected to a mining jobs, a transport job, a job at the port, and the list goes on.

            The only reason the city survived after QNI was Sun Metals and Glencore. The copper refinery is marginal at best.

            Townsville is fucked without Sun Metals.

          • The Magpie says:

            Let’s be serious…. no it’s not.

            A serious setback, possibly a temporary exodus of those looking for work, but even if the kick-on effect involves let’s say, 10,000 people directly and indirectly. we’re still a city of 190,000, with our expectations of growth trimmed but nothing else has changed with major projects coming down the track … CopperString should be a boon, tourism could be managed more competently, and life will go on.

            If by ‘fucked’ you its progress is impaired, OK, but that’s not what you mean, you just like alarmist crap. Ever thought of working for the Bulletin?

            Or maybe you do?

          • Old Tradesman says:

            If I can vaguely remember, at the same time as the Yabulu shut down, didn’t Jenny put off lots of council workers. Jenny is now with Powerlink and wants the Hydrogen bullshit to go ahead as Memory loss Messagebank is the champion, funny how “Twiggy” gave it the flick when he found out that it costs $1.50 to produce $1.00 of hydrogen

          • Not standing for Mayor says:

            Magpie, “fucked” is a very precise term – either you are or you are not.

          • The Magpie says:

            Either you are or you aren’t what? ‘Fucked’ seems pretty total. And there are degrees. Like The Cowboys tonight were fucked, but will be back in 2024. But also fucked are a lot of kids in Gaza, most of whom kids who won’t be playing next season.

            Degrees, mate, degrees.

      • Elusive Butterfly says:

        More to the point, Mr. Pie, where’s Ms. “Bullshit Baffles Brains” Brumme-Smith?

        Never known her to not take advantage of a photo opportunity!


    • wollo says:

      Easy to fix that…who ya gonna call ?? Jenny Hill. She’ll sort it out. See todays paper.

  51. Smoker says:

    Lisa, Anti-flog, Cecil, my word what a bunch of fuckheads. Perhaps it’s the full moon that brings out these cookers?

  52. Prince Rollmop says:

    Poor Magpie, some complete nutters have come out in the last few days on your blog. Cookers, kooks, and cockheads!

  53. Achilles says:

    Well done insensitive ABC TV, they’re advertising an Oz version of the bloody awful UK Grand designs.

    Its a programme of one-off house designs for plutocrats and the arty-farty mob, just what we need here in Oz with our current housing “crisis”.

    Incidentally the elephant in the room regarding this lack of housing combined with prices in general and house/rentals etc situation is the irresponsible Dept of Immigration, working in isolation of other Gov departments shoe-horning in nearly a million immigrants.

    A bit like Fantasia’s Micky Mouse flooding the house while he slept, oblivious to the mess.

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